Six Articles of Faith

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Six Articles of Faith. A true Muslim believes in. Angels. Fate. Prophets. Allah. Day of Judgement. Divine Books. Allah. 99 names of Allah: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Islam means surrender/submissionPeople like to associate Islam with peace, because from submission comes peace

1New Age3.5 millionShinto3 millionWicca1-3 millionUnification Church 1-3 millionAladura1 millionRastafari1 millionUnitarian Universalism800,000Hare Krishna250,000 - 1 millionDruze500,000Scientology500,000Christian Science400,000Zoroastrianism200,000New Thought160,000Bn100,000Nation of Islam10,000 - 100,000GnosticismSmall modern revival groupsMayan ReligionSmall modern revival groupsChristianity2.1 billionIslam1.5 billionAtheism/Agnostic/Non-Religious1.1 billionHinduism1 billionChinese Religion400 millionBuddhism350 millionSikhism23 millionTaoism20 millionJudaism14 millionMormonism13.5 millionSpiritualism11 millionFalun Gong 10 millionSeventh-day Adventists10 millionJehovah's Witnesses7 millionJainism6 millionBaha'i 5 millionConfucianism5 millionCao Dai 4-6 millionhttp://www.religionfacts.com/big_religion_chart.htmhttp://www.patheos.com/Library/Lenses/Side-By-Side

Nonreligious is the fastest growing in the USA and Australia2

http://geography.sdsu.edu/Research/Projects/IPC/research/muslim.htmlFastest growing religion by number of conversions per year

3Need both Faith and Deeds testimony as a words can be untrue. Different to Christianity.4Six Articles of FaithA true Muslim believes inAllahAngelsProphetsDivine BooksDay ofJudgementFateAll but Fate are mentioned in Quran and by Muhammad, while the last mentioned in Hadith.

Fate is essentially predestination.5Allah99 names of Allah:The Exceedingly Compassionate, Beneficent, Gracious, The Merciful, The King, The Sovereign, The Holy, The Divine, The Peace, The Guarantor, The Affirming

The term Allah is also used by Arab Christians and Jews

Monotheistic and non-TrinitarianLiving, eternal, omniscient and omnipotent

Created the universe in six days

Names from Quran. A Muslim cannot have one of those 99 names, but can resemble them (e.g. Rahman, meaning mercy and sympathy). Mostly by dropping the Al- prefix.6


The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo on the Sistine Chapel7Angels and JinnJinnCreated from smokeless fireHave free will, good and badCan look like humans or animals (pure black dog/cat/snake)Satan is a fallen Jinn (called Iblis)

AngelsMade of light and have wingsDont have free willUsed for communicating revelations from God, glorifying God, recording peoples actions, taking a persons soul at time of death

Three sapient creations of Allah: angels, jinn and humans

Jinn are typically invisible but all around usJinn have communities that resemble humans: kings, law courts, weddings, mourning rituals

Satan is not an angel, since they cannot disobey Allah8QuranMeans the recitationDelivered by Gabriel to Muhammad in a cave in 610 ADReceived revelations over 23 years

Quran is considered to be the literal message given by Allah

Muhammad was 40 years old

First revelations received at Cave of Hira is 3 km from Mecca on a mountainMuhammad would often go up to the mountain to meditate9

MeccaMedinaQuranMuhammad couldnt read or write, so he had to memorise and recite to his disciplesCompiled 20 years after Muhammads deathConsists of 114 chapters (suras)Cover ethics, history, law and theologyWritten as poetry and prose (some rhyming)This dialect of Arabic became the formal Arabic of the Islamic nations

Emphasis placed on memorizing the Quran roughly size of New Testament (80,000 words)

People who can memorize the entire Quran can use the title Haifz before their name. They are tested by randomly selecting a passage, or to recite verses containing a specific word or phrase.

Not chronological, but ordered in terms of descending sura length (apart from first sura)

A third of the Quran is eschatological

Only Quran is an Arabic one translations are not 11TajwidTajwid determines how the Quran should be recited:PronunciationPauses and resumptionMelody10 variations

Example Quran recital: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_kmXOOTwe812DesecrationMost traditional schools require ritual ablutionsBurn or bury in cloth old booksCannot recycle the paperDesecration punishable by life imprisonment in some countries and by death in Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan

Utmost respect shown for word of AllahStored in a clean place, nothing placed on top of it, not placed on floor or bathroom, use elegant handwriting, use clear and beautiful voices for reading

Ablutions = washing oneself

In early 2012, US soldiers disposed (burnt) religious material including Quran used by Taliban prisoners to write messages to each otherIn five days of protest and riots, 41 people killed including 4 Americans, 270 people wounded13Relation to BibleBiblical prophets are recognisedAdam, Enoch, Noah, Eber, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, John the Baptist, JesusTanakh and New Testament are non-canonical but useful as a corrupted inspired textMoses mentioned more times than anyone elseJesus mentioned more often than MuhammadMary mentioned more times than the New Testament

Prophets, including Jesus, are all Muslim

References Pentateuch (Tawrat), Psalms (Zabur) and Gospel (Injil)Only Quran is fully trustworthy since there are no original manuscriptsAbraham was to sacrifice Ishmael, as he was the firstborn Isaac wasnt even born

14HadithCollection of sayings and deeds of Muhammad as recorded by his companionsSupplements and clarifies QuranNot in Quran, but second to the Quran in terms of importance

Used for understanding the Quran and for developing legal theory

First was put together around 700AD

There are people that only follow the Quran (Quranist), since the Hadiths can be corrupted15Jesus (Isa)Virgin birthWell-built, average height, broad chest, fair complexion, long slightly curly hair to his shouldersNo TrinityAllah gave the ability to perform miraclesWasnt crucified or resurrectedDidnt die but ascended into heavenBelieve in second coming

Mary was walking around in the desert and God provided a stream of water. Nearby was a palm tree, and a voice beneath her said shake the palm tree for fresh dates and drink the water. That day, she gave birth.

Just a regular human

God transformed another person to appear like Jesus and they were crucified

Ahmadiyya believe Jesus was crucified but survived and later died a natural death in India16MuhammadMuhammad Ibn Abdullah born in 570 AD in Mecca and died in 632 ADGot married at 25 to Khadija who was 40, and then had seven childrenHad 12 wives during his lifeHad 40 converts in the first 3 yearsEarly on the ruling tribe persecuted the Muslims with beating and boycotting their businessSettled in Medina, but became militant towards his later life and retook Mecca

17Resurrection and JudgementBodily resurrectionJudged on good vs. bad deedsCharity, prayer, compassion towards animalsEschatologyMahdi on a white horseFalse messiah, Masih ad-Dajjal (aka Antichrist)Return of Isa (Jesus) to slay Dajjal

Paradise (Jannah) is comparable to the Christian heaven .. Immortal bodies, fancy robes, jewellery, lots of sweet fruit, burp to digest food and perfumed sweat to digest water

There are 8 levels, top level will be the prophets, martyrs and pious people

Mahdi is considered to be the twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, an infallible male descendant of Muhammad and who disappeared18PredestinationYe shall not will except as God willsAllah has full knowledge and control over everythingGood and evilSalvation

Muslims have no assurance of salvation as they cannot know whether their good deeds exceed their sins

Fatalism19Five Pillars of IslamConfessionPrayerFastingCharityPilgrimageA true Muslim will undertakeConfession of Faith (Shahada)aka How Convert to IslamEveryone is a Muslim at birth, so accepting Islam reverts them back to the original conditionThree honest recitations of the shahadah with an Imam and others to witness:There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God

No last minute repentanceBorn into a state of fitra (no original sin)

Flags of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan contain the shahadah

The colour green has been associated with Islam, since the Quran often mentions green garments, cushions, carpets in paradise21Prayer (Salah)Focus mind on God and express gratitude and worshipIn Arabic, with verses from QuranFive times a day

Need to wash hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, head, ears, feet to cleanse yourself before prayingPraying in congregation has more social and spiritual benefits than praying by yourself

Mosques and prayer is always towards Mecca22Fasting (Sawm)RamadanNo drinking, eating, sex, smoking and chewing gum during daylight9 July to 7 August 2013Eid al-Fitr (Lesser Eid)7-8 August 2013Eid al-Adha (Greater Eid)14-15 October 2013

Fasting mainly during Ramadan, although there are other days or voluntary fasting.

Controlling ones desires, focusing on Allah and empathise with those less fortunate who dont always have food and drink readily available

If unintentionally break fast, then can continue for the rest of the day and the fast remains valid.

If intentionally break fast during Ramadan, then:Free a slave, orFast for 60 days, orFeed/clothe 60 people in need

Dates are based on lunar calendar, so its always the same in the Islamic calendar, but is 11 days earlier each year in the Gregorian one

Mehndi is popular around EidRed Road in Kolkata

Edit al-Adha is to honour the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael23Charity (Zakat)Charity given to poorHelps giver by moving them towards more holiness and submission to Allah1/40 or 2.5% of capital assets per year

Can also give more voluntarily.24Pilgrimage (Hajj)Pilgrimage to Mecca if they are ableTakes place in the last month of the Islamic calendar13-18 October 2013Walk counter clockwise around the KaabaRun back and forth between hillsDrink from the Zamzam WellStand in vigil at Mount ArafatThrow stones at the walls of MinaShave headsAnimal sacrificeOnce in their lifetime

Hagar and Ishmael were thirsty and she ran back and forth seven times between the hills searching for waterZamzam Well is where Ishmael kicked the ground as a baby, and water sprung up

Arafat is where Muhammad delivered his last speech

Stoning the Devil

Then Eid al-Adha25

KaabaKaaba means cube in Arabic

Built by Abraham and Ishmael around 2130 BC. An angel brought them a Black Stone (meteorite) and they placed it in the eastern corner. This is the only remnant of the original structure.

Evicted idols and rebuilt in 630 AD by Muhammad. Reconstructed many times since.

Hajj pilgrimage requires pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction

Kaaba is the reason Muslims face Mecca when they pray26Some Terms You MayHave Come Across

301015282120.50.2Two main sectsSunni, Abu Bakr should lead (father of Mohammads favoured wife), 940 million followers,Shia, Ali should lead (cousin and son-in-law), 120 million, Imams are infallible and can receive new revelations

Wahabi is considered the strictest sect, and this orignates from Hanbali (mainly practiced in Saudi Arabi). Osama Bin Laden was brought up as a Wahabi Muslim.28ShariahCoversHygiene, economics, diet, theological obligations, marriage, crime, military, dress code, etc.Legal proceedingsNo lawyers or juryNo binding precedentsPriority on oral testimonyPunishmentsQisas, Diyya, Hudud, TazirQisas equal retaliation, eye for an eyeDiyya financial compensation, Quran prescribes Diyya over QisasBlood money rates in Saudi Arabia:100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman50,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish man25,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish woman6,666 riyals if a man of any other religion3,333 riyals if a woman of any other religionHudud fixed punishments for certain crimesTheft, amputation of hands or feetTheft with homicide, capital punishment by sword/crucifixion or stoningAdultery, 100 lashes, requires four male witnessesFalse adultery accusation, 80 lashesDrinking alcohol, 80 lashesTazir up to discretion of judge

Some countries adopt only a few aspects, others apply entire code. Most havent adopted the hudud penalties.

In Sept 2008, UK sanctioned sharia courts, if both parties wanted.

Forensic evidence and circumstantial evidence is rejected in hudud cases

29Means lawful or permissibleApplies to all food (animal by-products)Meat from herbivorous animal slaughtered in the name of God by a Muslim, Jew or ChristianForbidden: pork, blood, food offered to idols, carrion, alcoholCan eat non-halal if no other option

Animal welfare groups are typically against the method of religious slaughter (cut the throat, carotid artery, windpipe and jugular veins) and draining blood

Using a bolt-gun, which is standard practice by FDA, makes the meat carrion30JihadMeans to strive or struggleCan be used for visible enemy, Satan, or sinful desiresGreater jihad vs. lesser jihadMuhammad ordered100 military expeditionsPhysically took part in27 of these

Greater jihad is the inner struggle to fulfil their religious dutiesLesser jihad is the physical struggle against enemies of Islam (also jihad of the pen)

Traces back to words and actions of Muhammad and Quran although he escaped to Medina for the first 13 years


Quran permits fighting against oppression and in defence of religious freedom

Islam is promoted as a religion of peace, but sometimes force must be used to maintain peace

In about 130 years after Muhammad started, Islam had taken over the Middle East, North Africa and and the Stans (10 years, 30 years, 90 years)31

Mosque1446 19961656 670 742

Mosque is a place of worship for prayer (led by an imam), information, education, dispute settlement.

In Arabic, its called a Masjid. A Musallah is usually a temporary place.

Friday is usually the busiest dayCan wear short sleave (for men), but not shorts, no shoesNo eating or drinking, no shouting, laughing, running around, photos, mobile phones, littering, etc.32MadrasaIslamic educational institutionMemorise QuranInterpret QuranShariahHadithsJurisprudenceMuslim historyEvening classes

Men and women study separately

http://www.kurabymosque.org.au/madressa.html33HijaabSay to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modestySay to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear; they should not display their beauty except to their husbands, fathers, husbands fathers, sonsHijaabBody should be coveredMales: navel to kneesWomen: complete body except face and handsClothes should be loose and not reveal figureClothes should not be transparentClothes should not be glamorousClothes should not resemble opposite sexClothes should not resemble unbelieversSome scholars say face and hands should also be covered

6. Shouldnt have any identities or symbols of other religions35

Islamic VeilsNiqabBurqaChadorHijabNiqab - Iran banned the niqab in 1936, but reverted, but still most only wear hijabOne cleric said that handsome men should wear the niqab as to not attract other men (on YouTube)Also stories of men wearing niqab and committing 170 crimes

Burqa typically in Afghanistan

Chador mainly in Iran, but not too common

Hijab Banned in France, Tunisia, Turkey and Syria in public schools, universities and government buildings (although Turkey and Tunisia reinstated)

36WomenPolygamyQuran says marry only one Only religious book that provides that instruction but also says Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four, but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, then only oneJustified by:Average lifespan of females is greater (inc. wars)Female population is greater

PolyandryCant easily identify who the parents areMan is more polygamous by natureEasier for a man to perform his duties as husband

WomenFor witnessing financial transactions, either need two men, or one man and two womenWomen inherit half of what a man receivesWitness: supposedly due to the roles difference in roles of men and women in Islam, women are more emotionalOther places in Quran indicate women witness are same as male witnesses

Duty of men to be breadwinners40Islam in ContextsIslam in India

Arab traders used to visit Kerala in 7th century and earlier and the first mosque was built in Kerala (Kodungallur)

In 12th century, invasions into north India with the Delhi Sultans and the n Mughals

Best thing that Mughals did was invent Kulfi42Islam in India3rd largest populationGenerally more children than HindusCastesAshrafs (Arab ancestry) vs Ajlafs (Hindu converts)Partition of IndiaIndia, Pakistan, Bangladesh7.8 million Muslims in Kerala (24.7%) vs 19% Christians

Caste system developed due to close contact with Hindu culture and convertsMarry within caste

Partition in August 1947. Muslim League, a political party, campaigned for a separate Muslim state, while INC wanted a unified India. As there was a minor civil war brewing, the British granted India independence but before that, reluctantly agreed to the formation of separate states.43Christianity and IslamCatechism of the Catholic ChurchThe plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankinds judge on the last day.QuranSalvation for any Christians before MuhammadChristians and Jews referred to as People of the BookGenerally Christians and Jews were given more freedoms than other conquered groupsAlthough the Crusades in 11-13th century widened the divide between Christians and Muslims

Doctrine document that includes the Churchs relationship with Muslims44

Some of these mosques also have a madrasaThe building at Algester (under construction) looks pretty impressive45Arabic PhrasesIn sh AllhIf God willsAllhu akbarGod is greatAs-salamu `alaykumPeace be unto youBismillahIn the name of GodEid MubrakBlessed EidEid SadHappy Eid