1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA ABDULAZIZA. AL-SUBAI Designer ANAS ANWAR AL-MUNAJED Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Educational Development Reviewed and Updated

Sixth Grade Elementary - oscbblog · 2015-10-28 · 1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA

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Page 1: Sixth Grade Elementary - oscbblog · 2015-10-28 · 1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA

1428H. - 2007G. Edition

Sixth Grade ElementaryPupil's Book







Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education

Educational Development

Reviewed and Updated

Page 2: Sixth Grade Elementary - oscbblog · 2015-10-28 · 1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA

. . . .

أرشف عىل التأليف واملراجعة بمرشوع اللغة اإلنجليزية يف وزارة الرتبية والتعليم كل من :

الدكتور / عبد الكريم بن صالح احلميــداألستاذ / عبد العزيز بن عبد اهلل العامر

األستاذ / حممد بن محـود الدخيل األستاذ / عيسى بن غــــازي العتيبي

ومن وحدة متابعة املناهج بتعليم البنات :

األستاذة / سـعـاد بنت صالـح احلديثيويأمل املرشوع من مجيع املرشفني واملرشفات واملعلمني واملعلامت وأولياء األمور إبداء مرئياهتم وتزويده بام لدهيم من ملحوظات أو مقرتحات ببعثها

إىل مرشوع اللغة اإلنجليزية بوزارة الرتبية والتعليم عىل العنوان التايل :

هاتف : 4046666 حتويلة 2545 أو فاكس 4081297صندوق بريد رقم : 84987 الرياض 11681

شاكرين للجميع تعاوهنم واهلل املوفق


Page 3: Sixth Grade Elementary - oscbblog · 2015-10-28 · 1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم المقدمة

بتوفيق من الله أواًل ثم بدعم غير محدود من المسؤولين في وزارة التربية والتعليم وعلى رأسهم معالي الوزير ، وفقه الله، أنجز هذا الكتاب بجهود فريق تطوير ومراجعة وطني.

وقد بني على وحدة شخصياته المتمثلة في أسرة علي الصغيرة ، وأسرته الممتدة حتى تتأسس روح من الحممية بين شخصيات الكتاب وتلميذ الصف السادس االبتدائي فيتقبله بقبول حسن ، سيما أنه في مرحلة عمرية مبكرة حرجة

هي مزيج من نهاية مرحلة الطفولة المتأخرة ومشارف مرحلة المراهقة المبكرة.وحرص فريق التطوير والمراجعة أن يكون الكتاب خفيف المحتوى لكل فصل دراسي لعدد من األسباب لعل من

أهمها:)1( حجم الخطة الدراسية المقررة للصف السادس وهي حصتان في األسبوع الواحد.

العملية التطبيقات من المزيد إلجراء الكافي الوقت لكليهما ُيتاح حتى معا، والتلميذ المعلم على التخفيف )2(الشفوية والتحريرية المؤدية، بإذن الله ، لتعلم وتعليم اللغة اإلنجليزية.

وانطلق فريق التطوير والمراجعة، من حيث تحديد المحتوى ، من كتاب جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن للصف األول المتوسط وبني الكتاب على عدد من األسس والنظريات التربوية العامة مثل:

)1( النظرية الحديثة في التعلم Constructivism التي ترى أن المتعلم يبني المعارف والمفاهيم عن طريق التعلم النشط .

)2( نظـرية الذكــاءات المتـعـددة Multiple Intelligence التي ترى تفـعـيل جمـيع أنـواع الذكــاء لدى الطــالب ، الجــسدي والذكــاء Musical Intelligence اإليقــاعي والذكــاء Visual Inetelligence البصري الذكاء منـها والتي

Kinesthetic Intelligence حيث يتعامل الطالب مع أنشطة تفعل هذه الذكاءات في التعلم.

)3( مهارات التفكير حيث أدرجت بعض التمارين التي تهتم بهذا الجانب في تعزيز بعض المهارات اللغوية وتهدف إلنماء مهارات التفكير من خالل تدريس اللغة اإلنجليزية ، وفقا للتوجه الحديث في السياسات التربوية ، ولجعل

الدروس مشوقة.وتضّمن الكتاب كذلك دروسا تؤصل وتعزز الروح الوطنية لدى تلميذ الصف السادس االبتدائي.

وروعى في محتوى الكتاب مستجدات العصر حيث قّدم تقنية الحاسب في صورتها وأدواتها المبسطة، وعزز طرائق التعلم عن طريق اللعب، ووضع لكل درس في كتاب الطالب عدد من التدريبات في كتاب التمارين.

وعالج مهارات اللغة الرئيسة والفرعية بطرق سهلة وغير مباشرة.وصمم مع كتاب الطالب كتاب للتمارين وآخر للمعلم ومجموعة من الوسائل التعليمية وهي:

)1( الشريط السمعي Cassette )2( والبطاقات Flash cards )3( واللوحات Posters )4( وعرض للمادة العلمية على قرص تفاعلي على الحاسب اآللي وآخر على اإلنترنت.

ويهدف هذا الكتاب إلى أن يتعلم التلميذ حروف اللغة اإلنجليزية ، واألرقام وأن يعّرف بنفسه ووطنه ويلقي التحية ويردها، وأن يستجيب لتعليمات معلمه ، وأن يتعرف على أسماء األشكال واأللوان وما حوله من األماكن وبعض

الصفات وغير ذلك.وأضيفت للكتاب األهداف العامة لتدريس اللغة اإلنجليزية بالمملكة العربية السعودية باللغة اإلنجليزية واألهداف

Page 5: Sixth Grade Elementary - oscbblog · 2015-10-28 · 1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA


The General Objectives of Teaching English Language in Saudi Arabia

Students should be able to:1. Develop their intellectual, personal and professional abilities.2. Acquire basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)

in order to communicate with speakers of English language.3. Acquire the linguistic competence necessarily required in various

life situations.4. Acquire the linguistic competence required in different professions.5. Develop their awareness of the importance of English as a means of

international communication .6. Develop positive attitudes towards learning English.7. Develop the linguistic competence that enables them to be aware of

the cultural, economical and social issues of their society in order to contribute in giving solutions.

8. Develop the linguistic competence that enables them, in the future, to present and explain the Islamic concepts and issues and participate in spreading Islam.

9. Develop the linguistic competence that enables them, in the future, to present the culture and civilization of their nation.

10. Benefit from English-speaking nations, in order to enhance the concepts of international cooperation that develop understanding and respect of cultural differences among nations.

11. Acquire the linguistic bases that enable them to participate in transferring the scientific and technological advances of other nations to their nation.

12. Acquire the linguistic bases that enable them to present and explain Islamic concepts and issues, and participate in the dissemination of them.

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The General Objectives of Teaching English Language

for the Elementary Stage

1. Learn the basics of the English language that would form foundation for its mastery in the future.

2. Use the basic structures of English sentences.

3. Learn the core vocabulary assigned for this stage.

4. Listen and understand simple English language.

5. Express themselves orally using simple English language.

6. Read and understand simple written English language materials.

7. Write simple guided sentences in English language.

8. Appreciate the importance of English language as an international

language of communication, for introducing Islam, the Islamic nation’s

culture and the cultural achievements of Muslims to other nations.

9. Appreciate the importance of English language as an international

language of communication to benefit from the achievements of other

cultures in accordance with Islam.

By the end of the elementary stage and within the assigned structures for this stage pupils should be able to:

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Sixth Grade Elementary: First Term

Lesson 1..........................Numbers (0 - 5), Letters (Aa-Gg) ......................Lesson 2........................ Numbers (6 - 10), Letters (Hh-Nn) .................... Lesson 3........................ Numbers (11 - 19), Letters (Oo-Uu) .................. Lesson 4........................ Numbers (20 - 100), Letters (Vv-Zz) .................Lesson 5........................ What is your name? ..........................................Lesson 6........................ Instructions .......................................................Lesson 7........................ Classroom .........................................................Lesson 8 Revision......... Numbers ..........................................................Lesson 9 Revision ........ Letters ..............................................................Lesson 10...................... Pronouns I – He – She – It - You .....................Lesson 11...................... My Family..........................................................Lesson 12...................... Who is...? .........................................................Lesson 13...................... a – an /s ...........................................................Lesson 14...................... Fruit and Vegetables.........................................Lesson 15...................... My House.........................................................Lesson 16 Revision ...... Say: He – She - You.........................................Lesson 17 Revision ...... Applied: a – an, these , those ...........................Lesson 18...................... Colours................................................................Lesson 19...................... My Country .......................................................Lesson 20...................... Places ...............................................................Lesson 21...................... Shapes .............................................................Lesson 22...................... Adjectives .........................................................Lesson 23...................... Jobs ..................................................................Lesson 24...................... Days of the week ..............................................Lesson 25 Revision ..... Colours , Map , Monogram ...................................Lesson 26 Revision ..... Shapes , Sizes , Professions , Week ...................



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Numbers and Letters

Lesson 1

1Aa - Gg Greetings

Hi.I am Ali.

apple book cat dog


Listen and Say:

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Numbers and Letters

Hh - Nn

Lesson 2

Hi.I am Hind.


horse ice-cream juice key


Listen and Say:

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Numbers and Letters

Oo - Uu

Lesson 3


Good morning.I am Fatimah.

orange pen queen rabbit


Listen and Say:

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Numbers and Letters

Vv - Zz

Lesson 4


I am Ahmad Good - bye.

vegetables window x-ray

yellow zebra

Listen and Say:

Page 16: Sixth Grade Elementary - oscbblog · 2015-10-28 · 1428H. - 2007G. Edition Sixth Grade Elementary Pupil's Book DR. AHMAD S. AL MOFARREH DR. RASHID H. AL ABDULKAREEM MOHAMMAD I. AL-MUHANNA

What is your name?

My name is...

I am fine, thank you.

How old are you? I am .......................

How are you?

My name is Hind.My name is Ali.

What is your name?

Lesson 5


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stand up - sit down - open - close - write - read - go - stop



Open! Close!Stand up! Sit down!

Go! Stop!Write! Read!

Lesson 6

Simon says:Stand up,

Sit down,

Open your book ,

Close your book ,



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Classroomclassroom - chair - desk - board - book - pen - pencil - bag - door

Classroom 7

Lesson 7

This is my classroom.


What is this? This is the door.This is a ............................What is this?

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0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7- 8 - 9 - 10


Good , thank you!

11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20

21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30

31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40

41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50

51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60

61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 - 67 - 68 - 69 - 70

71 - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 - 76 - 77 - 78 - 79 - 80

81 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 85 - 86 - 87 - 88 - 89 - 90

91 - 92 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 100

Lesson 8


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Aa - Bb - Cc - Dd


Well done!

Ee - Ff - Gg - Hh

Ii - Jj - Kk - Ll - Mm

Nn - Oo - Pp - Qq

Rr - Ss - Tt - Uu

Vv - Ww - Xx

Yy - Zz

Lesson 9


Lesson 16 Lesson 17Revision Lesson 20RevisionLesson PB

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I- he - she - it - you

Pronouns 10

He is Ahmad.

It is a book.

I am Ali.

She is Fatimah. I am Hind.

You are ........................................

Lesson 10


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My Family

family - father - mother - sister - brother

mother father


sister brother

This is my father.

This is my mother.

This is my sister.

This is my brother.

This is my family.Ali

Lesson 11

11My Family

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this - that - these - those - here - there

Lesson 12

Who is this? Who is that?


This is my father.

That is my mother.

Fatimah is there.Ahmad is here.

Listen and Say:

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a - an - these - those

a - an - s - ice-cream - egg

What is this? What is that?

Lesson 13


(a book) This is a book.

(a pen) That is a pen.

(an ice-cream) This is an ice-cream.

(an egg) That is an egg.

1 book 3 books

1 pen 2 pens

(2 pens) These are pens.

(4 books) Those are books.

an (a - e - i - o - u)

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Fruit and Vegetablesbanana - orange - apple - potato - tomato - lemon

Fruit and Vegetables

an apple

2 tomatoes

3 lemons

This is an orange.

This is a banana.

These are potatoes.

These are oranges.

Lesson 14


What is this?

What are these?

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My Housebedroom - living-room - bathroom - kitchen - house

My House

Lesson 15



Hello!This is my house.


Ali is in the bedroom. Hind is in the kitchen.

She is in the living-room.He is in the bathroom.

Where is ...........................? (He/She) is in the ..................................................

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She You


mother father

sister brother


This is my mother.

That is my father.

This is my sister.

That is my brother.

I It

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a book an ice-cream a pen an egg

What are these?

These are bananas.

What are those?

oranges potatoes lemons apples


Those are tomatoes.

Lesson 16 Lesson 17Revision Lesson 28RevisionLesson PB

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Coloursblack - white - red - blue - yellow - green


Lesson 18


black white

red blue

yellow green

a red apple 4 yellow bananas

What colour is this apple? What colour are these bananas?

It is ................................... They are ...............................

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My Country

My Country

This is Saudi Arabia. It is my Country.

Where are you from?

I am from ..............................Where is he from?

He is from ....................What city is it? It is Riyadh.

This is Riyadh. This is Makkah. This is Madinah.


Lesson 19

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Where is he?

mosque - hospital - supermarket - school - street - airport

Places 20

Lesson 20

supermarket mosque



What is this?This is a hospital.




He is in the ...............................

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line - square - circle - triangle

Shapes 21

Lesson 21

What shape is it?

It is a line.It is Yellow.

It is a square.It is .........................

It is a circle.It ................................

It is a triangle......................................





What colour is it?

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hot - cold - big - small - short - tall - bad - good


Lesson 22


It is hot.

It is cold.

It is big.

It is small.

Ali is tall.Fatimah is short

It is bad.

It is good.




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doctor - nurse - driver - engineer - teacher - schoolboy - schoolgirl


What is he? What is she?

He is a teacher.

He is a schoolboy. she is a schoolgirl.

she is a nurse.He is a doctor.

He is a driver. He is an engineer.

Lesson 23



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Days of the WeekSaturday - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday

- Thursday - Friday


5 12 19 266 13 20 277 14 21 288 15 22 2919 16 23 302

10 17 24 31311 18 254







What day is it?What is today?

................Today is.......

1- Sat. = saturday2- Sun. = sundayIt is.......................3- Mon. = Monday4- Tue. = Tuesday

6- Wed. = Wednesday7- Thu. = Thursday8- Fri. = Friday


Lesson 24

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Lesson 25


This is a .............................. ballon.



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia







mosque hospital supermarket

school street airport

Lesson 17Lesson 36Revision

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Lesson 26 Revision


line square circle triangle





hot cold big small good bad short tall

doctor nurse driver engineer teacher schoolboy schoolgirl

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday

Lesson 16 RevisionLesson 37

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Lesson 17

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. . . .

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Sixth Grade Elementary: Second Term

Lesson 1 Revision ........Listen and repeat................................................Lesson 2........................Ordinal Numbers.................................................Lesson 3........................Pronouns: They , We , You(plural) .......................Lesson 4........................Yes/No Questions (Affirmative) ..........................Lesson 5........................Yes/No Questions (Negative) .............................Lesson 6........................My Computer .....................................................Lesson 7........................My Family ..........................................................Lesson 8 Revision.........Ordinal/Pronouns ...............................................Lesson 9 Revision ........Yes/No Questions , My Computer .......................Lesson 10......................Possessive Adjectives ......................................Lesson 11......................My head .............................................................Lesson 12......................Prepositions .......................................................Lesson 13......................Countries ............................................................Lesson 14......................Nationalities........................................................Lesson 15......................Cheap and Expensive.........................................Lesson 16 Revision ......Let’s play.............................................................Lesson 17 Revision ......Countries , Nationalities, How much ...................Lesson 18......................Food....................................................................Lesson 19......................Drinks .................................................................Lesson 20......................Questions and answers (Can) ...........................Lesson 21......................Animals ..............................................................Lesson 22......................Prepositions-Position: In front of, Behind ...........Lesson 23......................Meals .................................................................Lesson 24......................What time is it? ..................................................Lesson 25 Revision ......Food , Drinks .......................................................Lesson 26 Revision ......Animals, Time .....................................................


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. . . .

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Lesson 1

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Listen and repeat:

11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20

21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30

31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40

41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50

51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60

61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 - 67 - 68 - 69 - 70

71 - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 - 76 - 77 - 78 - 79 - 80

81 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 85 - 86 - 87 - 88 - 89 - 90

91 - 92 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 100

Aa - Bb - Cc - Dd- Ee - Ff

Gg - Hh - Ii - Jj - Kk - Ll - Mm

Nn - Oo - Pp - Qq - Rr - Ss - Tt

Uu - Vv - Ww - Xx - Yy - Zz

Listen and repeat:

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Lesson 2

Ordinal Numbers

The red car is the first.

tenth eighth sixth fourth second

ninth seventh fifth third first

Ordinal Numbers

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Lesson 3

they - we - you


1. They are schoolboys.

2. They are red cars.

3. We are sisters.

4. You are brothers.

5. They are schoolgirls.

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Lesson 4

Yes/No Questions


1. Is he a teacher?

Yes , he is.

2. Is she a nurse?

Yes , she is.

3. Is it a book?

Yes , it is.

4. Are they nurses?

Yes , they are.

5. Are they bananas?

Yes , they are.

6. Are you a .....................................? Yes , I am.

7. Are you ................................. s ? Yes , we are.

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Yes/No Questions


Lesson 5

1. Is he a doctor?

No , he is not.

He is a schoolboy.

2. Is she a nurse?

No , .........................................

She is a teacher.

3. Is it a book?

No , ................................................

It ..........................................................

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Lesson 6

My Computercomputer - monitor - keyboard - mouse - printer - CD

This is my computer


This is the monitor.

This is the keyboard.

This is the mouse.

This is the printer.

This is a CD.




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Lesson 7

My Family

grandfather - grandmother - uncle - aunt

This is my grandfather.His name is Fahad.He is 60 years old.

This is my grandmother.Her name is Sara.She is 55 years old.

This is my aunt.This is my uncle.


grandmother grandfather

mother father uncle

(Saud 41)aunt

(Huda 34)

Ali brother sister

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Lesson 8



The ............................

first - second - third - fourth - fifth

sixth - seventh - eighth - ninth - tenth

We are schoolboys.

They are schoolgirls.

You are schoolboys.

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Lesson 9



Say:Is he a schoolboy?

Yes , he is.

Is it a pen?

No , it is not.





What is this? This is the ...................................

Read: This is my ...................................

grandmothergrandfather uncle aunt






Lesson 16 Lesson 17Revision Lesson 9RevisionLesson 8

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Lesson 10

my - his - her - your

This is my pen.

That is his car.

That is my sister.

That is her book.

Is this your book?

This is my name. This is her name. This is his name.

Possessive Adjectives

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Lesson 11

My head

head - face - mouth - nose - ear - eye - hair


eye hair


nose mouth

What is this? Point to your...........................

This is my .................................

My head

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Lesson 12


in - on - under - between - next to

Where is ..........................................?

My father is in the car. The bag is on the desk.

Ahmad is between Ali and Hind. The pen is under the desk.

Where is Ali? Where is the ball?

It is under the chair.

It is on the chair. He is next to the chair.


between next to


PrepositionsWhere is ..................................?

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Lesson 13

CountriesJordan - Iraq - Kuwait - Bahrain - Qatar - Emirates - Oman - Yemen


1- What country is it?

It is Saudi Arabia.

Where is Ali from?

He is from Saudi Arabia.










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Lesson 14

NationalitiesKuwaiti - Bahraini - Qatari - Omani - Emirian


This is Ali .He is from Saudi Arabia.

He is Saudi.

This is Mona.She is from Qatar.

She is Qatari.She is not from Kuwait.

This is Salah.He is from Oman.

He is Omani.He is not from Bahrain.











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Lesson 15

Cheap and Expensive

cheap - expensive - Riyals

How much is it? It is ..............................

How much is the pen?

It is 1 riyal.It is cheap.

How much is the book?

It is 99 riyals.It is expensive.

How much is the bag?

It is ..............................Is it cheap?

No , it is not.

SR 1

SR 99

SR 120

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Where is the book?

It is next to the pencil.

Where is your nose?

This is my nose.

Let's play:

Let's play: Point to book!

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What country is it?


Saudi Arabia








Where are you from? I am from .............................................

How much is it?

It is ............... riyal.

It is cheap.

It is ............... riyals.

It is expensive.

It is ............... riyals.

It is expensive.

It is ............... riyals.

It is cheap.





Lesson 16 Lesson 17Revision Lesson 17RevisionLesson 16

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Lesson 18

bread - meat - soup - rice - cheese

It is bread.It's bread.

It is meat.It's meat.

It is soup.It's soup.

It is rice.It's rice.

It is cheese.It's cheese.

What is it?

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Lesson 19


tea - juice - coffee - milk - water

This is tea.It's hot tea.

This is juice.It's cold juice.

This is coffee.It's Saudi coffee.

This is milk.It's milk.

This is water.It's water.


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Lesson 20

Can I come in , please?

Yes , you can.

Thank you.

Can I go out, please?

No I'm sorry. You cannot.

Can I go there , please?

Can he come here , please?

Can I open the door , please?

Can I close the door , please?

Can I go out, please?

Can I come in , please?

Ask and answer:

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Lesson 21


cow - camel - goat - sheep - cat - dog


It is a cow.It's a ........................ .

It is a camel.It's a ........................ .

It is a goat.It's a ........................ .

It is a sheep.It's a ........................ .

It is a cat.It's a ........................ .

It is a dog.It's a ........................ .

What is it? It is a ..........................

It's a .............................

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Lesson 22

in front of - behind - near - next to - between

Ali is in front of the car.Fatimah is in front of the tree.

Hind is behind the tree.Ahmed is behind the tree.

The father is next to the car.The mother is near the car.The ball is between the tree and the boy.

Where is .....?


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Lesson 23


morning - afternoon - night - breakfast - lunch - dinner

1- in the morning

2- in the afternoon

3- at night




eggs milk bread

rice meat soup

tea cheese bread

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Lesson 24

What time is it?time - o'clock - evening - morning

It's 7:00 o'clock in the morning.


It's 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

It's 5:00 o'clock in the evening.

It's 9:00 o'clock at night.

What time is the breakfast?

It is 6:15 in the morning.

Is your lunch at 2:30 in the afternoon?Yes , it is. No , it is not.

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Lesson 25

Listen then ask:

bread meat soup rice cheese

What is this? It's soup.

Read then answer:

tea juice coffee milk water

Is this milk ? No , it is not. It's juice.

Ask and answer:

Can I read the lesson , please?

Yes , please.No , thank you.

Lesson 16 Lesson 17Lesson 25RevisionLesson 24

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Is it a sheep?Yes , it is.

Is it a goat?No , it is not.


cow camel goat sheep cat dog

(Dinner - Breakfast) is in the morning.Read and circle:

(Breakfast - Lunch) is in the afternoon.

(Lunch - Dinner) is at night.

Fatimah is (between - in) Ali and Hind.

The ball is (under - on) the chair.

What time is it?It is .............................. .

Lesson 26Lesson 16 RevisionLesson 26

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Circleضع دائرة حول





Countاحسب ، عدد


Findجد ، حاول العثور عىل

Listenأنصت ، استمع


Markضع عالمة عىل ، عّلم

Matchّوفق بني ، اربط



Point toأرش إىل








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لالستفادة العــام آخر يف اخلاصة مكتبتنا يف الكتاب هبذا نحتفظ مل إذا فلنجعل مكتبة مدرستنا حتتفظ به...

هلذا الكتاب قيمة مهّمة وفائدة كبرية فلنحافظ عليه ولنجعل نظافته تشهد عىل حسن سلوكنا معه...

فهرسة مكتبة امللك فهد الوطنية أثناء النرش وزارة الرتبية و التعليم

اللغة االنجليزية للصف السادس االبتدائي كتاب الطالب / الطالبةوزارة الرتبية و التعليم - الرياض 1425هـ .

76 ص - 21 * 26 سم .ردمك: 9960-09-922-9

-1 اللغة االنجليزية - كتب دراسية -2 التعليم االبتدائي - السعودية - كتب دراسية أ- العنوان

ديوي 652 ،372 1425/4305

وزارة الرتبية والتعليم ، 1425هـ ح

موقع الوزارةwww.moe.gov.sa

موقع اإلدارة العامة للمناهجwww.moe.gov.sa/curriculum/index.htm

الربيد اإللكرتوين لإلدارة العامة للمناهج[email protected]

حقوق الطبع والنرش حمفوظةلوزارة الرتبية والتعليمباململكة العربية السعودية

رقم اإليداع : 4305/1425ردمك : -99609-922-09

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طبعة 1428هـ ــ 1429هـ 2007م ــ 2008م

ردمك : 9 - 922 - 09 - 9960رقم اإليداع : 4305 / 1425

للصف السادس االبتدائي كتاب الطالبة

راجعـه وطـــورهد. أحــمـد بــن ســعــد آل مـفــــرح د. راشــد بن حسني العبد الكريـم

أ. حمـمـد بــن إبـراهـيــم املـهــنـــــا أ. عـبـدالعــزيـز بـن عـلـي الصـبـيالتصميم الفنـي

أنـــس بن أنــور املنــجـــد