Sixth Patriarch's Sutra February 8, 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Sixth Patriarch's Sutra February 8, 2013



    The Sixth Patriarchs Sutra7:30pm Pacific timeFebruary 8, 2013 lecture

    as outlined by a Buddhist monkat 1777 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, California 94010, open to public(phone 650-6925912)

    (Listen live or recorded audio explanations at

    Q&A Why there is purity and defilement?

    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform the rewardand transformation bodies

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  • 7/29/2019 Sixth Patriarch's Sutra February 8, 2013



    Verse for opening a sutra

    Na Mwo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha (3x)

    Homage to the Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra (3x)

    The unsurpassed, deep, profound, subtle, wonderful Dharma, In a hundred thousand million eons, is difficult to encounter,

    Now that Ive come to receive and hold it, within my sight and hearing,

    I vow to fathom the Thus Come Ones true and actual meaning.

    Exhortation to uphold the Dharma: 3/690

    Shariputra, the Thus Come One further thinks, If I merely useexpedients, praising for all living beings the power of the Thus ComeOnes knowledge and vision, powers, and fearlessnesses, living beings

    will not be able to be saved in this way. Why is this? All of these livingbeings have not yet escaped birth, old age, sickness, death, grief andmisery. They are being scorched in the burning house of the ThreeRealms. How could they understand the wisdom of the Buddha? (TheWonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra)

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    Question: Originally our Saha world has lapis lazuli for soil. There

    are no mountains, rivers, and so forth, its all level and flat but to

    teach living beings, Shakyamuni Buddha manifests the

    appearances of purity and defilement. Thus there is the pureland and the defiled land of the 5 turbidities. Why did Buddha

    Shakyamuni manifests defilement and purity?


    The Buddha manifests the appearances of purity and

    defilement in the Saha world to teach and transform livingbeings

    When you understand Reality, affliction becomes bodhi.3

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    In the midst of purity and defilement, we would understand the

    nature of impermanence and would want to search for answers.

    The primary problem is people do not want to cultivate because

    they are happily attached to their amusements and play

    and refuse to believe him. They are not frightened or afraidand have not the slightest intention of leaving.

    What is more they dont know what is meant by fire, what

    is meant by house or what is meant by being lost.


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    They merely run from east to west in play, staring at their


    Therefore the Buddha began by exemplifying the need to get

    out of birth, old age, sickness and death.

    The initial teaching of the Middle Way is that of neither clinging

    to purity nor defilement, neither existence nor emptiness to getout of the burning house.


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    But people being people become attached to extinction that is

    being satisfied with just getting out of the burning house, later

    the Buddha revealed the final teaching

    The Buddha said in the Brahma Net Sutra, I have come into

    this Saha world for 8,000 times.

    In the Amitabha Sutra, All those Buddhas equally praise myinconceivable merit and virtue saying these words:

    Shakyamuni Buddha can complete extremely rare and

    difficult deeds in the Saha land, in the evil time of the 5

    turbidities. 6

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    In the midst of the kalpa turbidity, the view turbidity, the

    affliction turbidity, the living beings turbidity and the life

    turbidity, he can attain anuttarasamyaksambodhi

    And eventually the Buddha taught that All beings with

    outflows and all the lands in the ten directions, including

    the Saha world, with its four great seas and with the three

    thousand land masses of Jambudvipa, are fundamentally

    our true mind.


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    The conditions necessary for them all to arise are illusory,

    diseased distortions in visual awareness, in awareness ofsounds and in all other types of awareness.

    When these conditions are present in combination, the

    beings and lands come into being; when these conditionsare not present, the beings and lands ceased to be.


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    When you remain entirely untouched by conditions,

    whether or not they are present in combination, you bring

    to an end all the causes of coming into being and ceasing

    to be.

    At that moment you will awaken to perfect enlightenment,which is your true nature and which neither comes into

    being nor ceases to be.

    It is the pure fundamental mind the fundamental

    everlasting enlightenment. (Shurangama Sutra)


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    How could I stop the madness of accumulated births?

    Sheep, deer and ox provisionally set up;

    Beginning, middle, end, well set forth.

    Who would have thought that within the burning house

    Originally the king of Dharma dwelt? (Sixth Patriarchs Sutra)


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    That non-dual nature is the real nature. Undefiled by either

    good or evil, it is the perfect, full Reward-body of the



    The sixth conscious mind is the mind that makes distinction; it

    is not our original nature.

    Our original nature is beyond good and evil because originally

    there isnt anything at all; if there is good, there is evil.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    One evil thought arising from the self-nature destroys ten

    thousand eons worth of good karma. One good thought

    arising from the self-nature ends evils as numerous as thesand-grains in the Ganges River.

    Comments Our self nature has both our good nature and evil nature.

    The self nature can produce everything both good and evil

    depending upon our thoughts.

    But the original self nature is non dual and without movement.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    To reach the unsurpassed Bodhi directly, see it for

    yourself in every thought and do not lose the original

    thought. That is the Reward-body of the Buddha.


    The original thought comes from the original self nature which

    is non dual and without movement.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    To recap earlier

    1. How unexpected! The self-nature is originallypure in itself.

    2. How unexpected! The self-nature is originallyneither produced

    nor destroyed.

    3. How unexpected! The self-nature is originallycomplete in itself.

    4. How unexpected! The self-nature is originallywithout


    5. How unexpected! The self-nature can produce the ten thousand

    dharmas. 14

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    What are the hundred thousand myriad Transformation

    bodies of the Buddha? If you are free of any thought of the

    ten thousand dharmas, then your nature is basically likeemptiness, but in one thought of calculation,

    transformation occurs.


    Why arent we Buddhas of the past and present but continue to

    remain Buddhas of the future?

    It is because we are full of calculating thoughts; the Buddhas of

    the past were the ones who were the first to forget about the

    self and quickly cease calculating thoughts. 15

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    Evil thoughts are transformed into hell-beings and good

    thoughts into heavenly beings. Viciousness is transformed

    into dragons and snakes, and compassion intoBodhisattvas. Wisdom is transformed into the upper

    realms, and delusion into the lower realms.


    Good and evil comes from the mind; everything is made by the

    mind alone.

    In the true reality of all dharmas, there is equality between

    wisdom and confusion. 16

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    The transformations of the self-nature are extremely

    many, and yet the confused person, unawakened to that

    truth, continually gives rise to evil and walks evil paths.Turn a single thought back to goodness, and wisdom is

    produced. That is the Transformation-body of the Buddha

    within your self- nature.


    A turn of the head is the other shore; affliction becomes bodhi.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    Good Knowing Advisors, the Dharma body of the Buddha

    is basically complete. To see your own nature in every

    thought is the Reward body of the Buddha. When theReward body thinks and calculates, it is the

    Transformation body of the Buddha.


    The Dharma body is basically complete; one with reality.

    The Reward body that sees the self nature does not think of

    good or evil

    The Reward body that moves creates the Transformation

    body, the product of thinking and making distinctions. 18

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    Venerable Master Hjsuan Hua explaining the 3 bodies:

    Why do I say the Shurangama Sutra is the sutra for developing

    wisdom and the Dharma Flower Sutra is the sutra for becoming


    Its because the Dharma Flower Sutra is the Buddhas Dharma

    Body. Its the real body of the Buddha.

    Its the Buddhas Reward Body.

    The Buddhas clear, pure, Dharma Body Vairochana Buddha is

    also the Dharma Flower Sutra.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    The perfect, full Reward Body Nishyanda Buddha is also the

    Dharma Flower Sutra.

    The one hundred thousand millions transformation bodies are

    also the Dharma Flower Sutra.

    Within the Dharma Flower Sutra you will find the three bodies of

    the Buddha, the four wisdoms of the Buddha, the five eyes and

    six spiritual penetrations of the Buddha as well.

    The Dharma Flower Sutra is the king of the Sutras.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    Awaken and cultivate by your own efforts the merit and

    virtue of your self-nature. That is truly taking refuge.


    Once you understand the principle, you put it into practice toturn your Transformation Buddha back into the Reward Body


    Cultivation is about creating merit and having virtue of the Way.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    The skin and flesh of the physical body are like an inn to

    which you cannot return. Simply awaken to the three

    bodies of your self-nature and you will understand the self-nature Buddha.


    Cultivate the self nature is to cultivate the mind; the body is just

    temporary possession.

    The three bodies is about unmovingness, wisdom and



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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    Th e origin of the Great Masters definition of the Three Bodies of the Self


    How should this Sutra be explained for others? By not

    grasping at appearances and being in unmoving thusness.Why?

    All conditioned dharmas

    Are like dreams, an illusion, a bubble or a shadow,

    Like dew on a lightning flash

    Contemplate them thus. (Vajra Sutra)23

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    I have a verse without marks. If you can recite and

    memorize it, it will wipe away-accumulated eons of

    confusion and offenses as soon as the words are spoken.The verse runs:


    Verse without appearance so dont be attached to them for in

    reality, there isnt wisdom nor delusion.

    The appearance of Reality is without appearance. (Vajra

    Sutra) 24

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    A confused person will foster blessings, but not cultivate

    the Way; And say, To practice for the blessings is practice

    of the Way.


    Blessings come from giving; why dont we then foster


    It is because it is not in the gift but the state of mind when you

    give; ...


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    it has to accord with reality that originally there isnt anything

    at all

    forgetting the self as you give.

    When there is no self, what happens?...


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    While giving and making offerings brings blessings

    without limit,

    It is in the mind that the three evils have their origin.


    Though giving without any conditions brings limitless blessings,

    ultimately it is about forgetting the self so that

    we can put down the three poisons in the mind.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    By seeking blessings you may wish to obliterate offenses;

    But in the future, though you are blessed, offenses still



    Blessings accumulated will not wipe away offenses.

    Offenses arise because of the three poisons; offenses areextinguished because of the mind no longer cling to the three



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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    You ought to simply strike the evil conditions from your


    By true repentance and reform within your own self-nature.


    Note the wiping away of the evil mind of the three poisons.

    True repentance and reform is not just mere bodily action but

    the reversal from evil to good in the mind.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    A sudden awakening: the true repentance and reform of

    the Great Vehicle;

    You must cast out the deviant, and practice the right, to bewithout offense.


    True repentance and reform is the mind without any evil; this is

    the Sudden Awakening to the Great Vehicle

    the teaching of the mind.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    To study the Way, always look within your own self-nature;

    You are then the same in kind and lineage as all Buddhas.


    Never be apart from your own original self nature; your original


    This method is one in which the mind seals the mind, atransmission outside the teaching. One takes ones own nature

    across. And after one has taken across the river (of afflictions),

    one leaves the raft (the Dharma) behind. How can there be

    anything but this? (Venerable Master Hsuan Hua) 31

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    Our Patriarch passed along only this Sudden Teaching;

    Wishing that all might see the nature and be of one



    the First Patriarch Bodhidharma made amends for suchbiased teachings and patched up the flaws. His compassionate

    instructions were apart from speech; his teaching were not

    imparted through words.

    He taught that this mind of ours is none other than the Buddha,

    that the precious pearl hidden within our robe is not something

    obtained from outside 32

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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    One only needs to concentrate ones energy and refine

    ones mind to a single focus, then

    One day suddenly all connects right through and then the

    myriad substances are reached everywhere, whether externalor internal, fine or coarse.

    The great functioning of the entire substance of the enlightened

    mind is nowhere without clarity.


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    One becomes open to the vast and ultimate enlightenment,

    returns to the source and plumbs the origin.

    At this time, one can appreciate the subtlety behind the

    interchange: the World Honored One held up a flower, andMahakasyapa, the Golden-Hued Ascetic, smiled: originally it

    was like this!

    This method is one in which the mind seals the mind, a

    transmission outside of the teachings


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform

    One takes ones own nature across.

    And after one has made ones way across the river, one leaves

    the raft behind. How can there be anything but this? (VenerableMaster Hsuan Hua)


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    Chapter 6 Repentance and reform


    In the future if you wish to find the Dharma body;

    Detach yourself from Dharma marks and inwardly wash the



    To find the Dharma body is to see your self nature

    Separate from external appearances and focus your

    attention to your own mind.


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    Dedication of merit

    May every living beings,

    Our minds as one and radiant with light

    Share the fruits of peace, with hearts of goodness

    luminous and bright. If people hear and see, how hands and hearts can find in

    giving unity

    May their minds awake, to great compassion, wisdom

    and to joy. May kindness find reward; may all who sorrow leave their

    grief and pain;

    May this boundless light break the darkness of theirendless night.

    Because our hearts are one, this world of pain turns intoparadise;

    May all become compassionate and wise (2x)

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    Dedication of merit

    I vow that merit made from this deed will become,

    Adornments for the Pure Land of Bu-ddhas. Repaying the four kinds of kindness above,

    And aiding those in three paths below.

    May all who see and hear of this deed Bring forth the resolve to reborn

    In the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
