2012/13 Free Official Guide to the iiNet NBL Championship www.nzbreakers.co.nz facebook.com/nzbreakers See PAGE 41 to win a SKYCITY BREAKERS EXPERIENCE to sit on the Team Bench at a home game

SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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Your Free and Official Guide to the iiNet NBL Championship

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Free Offi cial Guide to the iiNet NBL Championship

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EXPERIENCE to sit on the

Team Bench at a home game

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Page 3: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


MaNaGiNG editOr: Oliver lee

CONtriBUtiNG WriterS: riCHArD ClArKe / ANDreW DeWHUrST / MArC HiNTON

PHOtOGraPHY: photosport.co.nz


PriNtiNG: WebSTAr, Masterton


PO Box 331-667, Takapuna, Auckland 0740, New Zealand T: 09 486 6966 e: [email protected]

COPYriGHt: reproduction in whole or in part by any means is prohibited.

diSCLaiMer: The opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Although all material is checked for accuracy, no liability is assumed by the publisher for any loss due to use of material in this magazine.

ContentsLookING baCk at Last seasoN 4GReetINGs .......................................... 5pRofILe: WILL hudsoN .................. 9bReakeRs IN the CoMMuNItY . 10pRofILe: dILLoN bouCheR ........ 13pRofILe: CoReY WebsteR ......... 14ChaMpIoNs pRoGRaMMe .......... 16

GaMe NIGht eXpeRIeNCe ......... 18seasoN sCheduLe ........................ 20pRofILe: aLeX pLedGeR .............. 22teaM photo .................................... 24pLaYeR pRofILes ........................... 27CoaChes pRofILes ....................... 31deVeLopMeNt pLaYeRs ............. 32 heRItaGe RouNd ........................... 34 JuNIoR pRoGRaMMes ................. 35

pRe seasoN RepoRt .................... 37hoW to be a bReakeR ................ 38busINess CLass ............................. 40CoMpetItIoN .................................. 41aNbL teaM pReVIeWs ................. 42pRofILe: CJ bRutoN ..................... 46

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The SKYCiTY breakers are about to embark on their 10th season in the Australian National basketball league and like any 10 year old there have been highs and lows, moments you would rather forget and moments that will live long in the memory.

And like any doting caregivers there are many fans that have been along for the journey throughout, sharing anguish and heartache at times when it appeared the club could not sink any lower, delight and joy at the successes, the days and moments when all the hard work seemed worthwhile.

Helping the club ease their way through the highs and lows of their first 10 years is one mantra that you will hear ringing around the organisation:

did We Get Better?

And the SKYCiTY breakers have certainly done that, learning from the tough times, the games when crowds were measured in their hundreds, wins were hard to come by and financial security was the stuff of dreams. It is also a reminder not to get carried away by the good times, resisting the temptation to dwell in the glory of victories already written up in the newspapers and saluted by the fans.

So as the club welcomes fans for a 10th season in the iiNet Nbl Championship, some of whom have indeed been along for the entire journey so far, others who are more recent additions to the now thousands who flock to watch the team each week at vector Arena and the North Shore events Centre, the promise is to once again look to improve on what the club is doing each and every day.

And that means living up to the values that are written loudly and proudly around the club’s Atlas Place Gym. values that talk of honesty, community, family and hard work, all values that have helped build a strong foundation for the club, on and off the court.

Here is a snapshot of the first 10 years of the SKYCiTY breakers:

Year W L position

2003/4 12 21 10th

2004/5 9 23 11th

2005/6 9 23 9th

2006/7 11 22 10th

2007/8 16 14 7th lost quarter final

2008/9 18 12 3rd lost semi final

2009/10 15 13 5th

2010/11 22 6 1st Champions

2011/12 21 7 1st Champions

Looking back at last season

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For a number of years, SKYCITY has been proud to be associated with first-class sport in New Zealand. One of the highlights has been in our role as principal partner of the SKYCITY Breakers. The team enjoyed a very successful 2011–12 season and I am pleased that we can look forward, together, to even more excitement throughout the coming year.

SKYCITY actively supports many local charities and community groups to raise both awareness and much-needed funds. We are deeply proud of our association, not only with the exciting SKYCITY Breakers, but also with many charitable organisations including Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand, Kidz First Children’s Hospital, Variety the Children’s Charity and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.

SKYCITY, and in particular The Nation’s Clubrooms, has built up an enviable reputation as the ultimate sporting venue and the perfect place to get even closer to our sporting heroes. We consider it home-away-from-home to the SKYCITY Breakers, and of course to you, the fans.

Good luck for the coming season, SKYCITY will be there, every step of the way standing tall with the SKYCITY Breakers.

Kind Regards

Nigel Morrison

StaNdiNg tall with the SKYCITY BreaKerS


SKYA3197 Resize Ad SKYCITY Breakers Mag_105(d)x185(w)_1.1.indd 1 19/09/12 3:27 PM

Hudson, he is an incredibly hard worker who will do whatever it takes for the team – exactly what being a breaker is all about. it is good to see Corey Webster make his way back into the team too, he has earned every step of that path back and really deserves this chance.

Perhaps most exciting thing for the club is seeing 17 year old Tai Webster and reuben Te rangi moving from the Academy programme into Development Player spots. The Academy is building the future of the SKYCiTY breakers every day, it is really pleasing to see these young guys come in and look like they belong straight away.

 We can’t wait to get back on court, and back in front of our breaker fans that make game night such a great place to be. We love it and we know you love being there – thanks for joining us for another great SKYCiTY breakers season.

Andrej lemanis Head Coach

i am excited about this season, as i am every season – and i am really excited about the future of the SKYCiTY breakers as a club. You feel like you are part of something greater than just a team or a job – you can feel the energy of everyone wanting to be part of something really special, from the players, to the staff, to the sponsors and especially the fans.

Our pre-season trip through the South island and up to Hamilton really brought this home – sold out venues for the games, 900 kids turning out for a training session in Timaru, and everywhere we went people being so happy that we were there and really excited to have the opportunity to be part of the SKYCiTY breakers. All of the players felt very privileged to be part of something that has developed this level of support across the country. We have worked hard to make our fans “participants” rather than “spectators” and we could certainly feel that during the pre-season.

The team we have put together is also exciting. i think breakers fans will love Will

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synergies and chemistry required to best utilise everyone’s talents. That is the excitement of the pre-season, seeing how that evolves over the first couple of months of the year.

“We have a good mix of youth and experience and there is a clear desire and drive in the group to push for a championship. but as we know at the SKYCiTY breakers that means one day at a time and getter better one day at a time throughout the season.”

up a non contracted role, the Westlake boys High student is committed to Nebraska University in 2013 so cannot jeopardise his amateur status in any way.

lemanis is pleased with the combination that will carry the club’s hopes into the new season.

“The coaching staff is pleased with the group we have put together. it is a new season and we have to establish who we are and how this group fits together and the

here come the skYCItY breakers!

SKYCITY Breakers head coach Andrej Lemanis has assembled a strong and settled roster for the upcoming iiNet NBL Championship.

The only changes to the fulltime players come in the form of American centre Will Hudson (see profile page 9) and the return of shooting guard Corey Webster from a one year suspension.

The ranks of development players see some changes with breakers academy graduates Morgan Natanahira, reuben Te rangi alongside the returning Josh bloxham. Tai Webster will take

skYCItY breakers 2012/13 Roster

Cedric Jackson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Point Guard

Corey Webster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guard

Daryl Corletto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guard

CJ bruton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guard

Tom Abercrombie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Swingman

leon Henry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forward

Mika vukona - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forward

Dillon boucher - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forward

Will Hudson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forward/Centre

Alex Pledger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Centre

development Players

Josh bloxham- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Point Guard

reuben Te rangi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shooting guard/Small forward

Morgan Natanahira - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Power forward

Non Contracted development Player

Tai Webster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Point Guard

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FAN TUNNEL EXPERIENCEImagine high-fiving CJ Bruton as he runs out to the sound of 8000 passionate SKYCITY Breakers fans...

Experience the pre-game anticipation and line up COURTSIDE to welcome the SKYCITY Breakers to the arena before tipoff.

30 Bronze tickets to that night’s game!

Limited to ONE GROUP per game. Based on availability.



for more information on SKYCITY Breakers group packages and fan experiences, visit nzbreakers.co.nz

or contact [email protected]

FAN EXPERIENCES Whether you’re a group of 20 or 100 and are looking for a special night out, SKYCITY Breakers exclusive game night experiences at Vector Arena are just for you! This is just a snapshot of one experience...

Page 9: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


Game Day

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Where is home Will?

i’m from Madison Wisconsin, i have it tattooed on my arm for all to see. My team mates at the time were all getting them in a team bonding thing, they didn’t think i would get one but i came back to campus with this on my arm.

“i enjoyed 4 years at Oakland University, Michigan. Then Joey Wright hooked me up at the Gold Coast, this is just my second year playing professional ball.”

tell us about family, are they all into basketball?

“We have no real basketball heritage, more like ‘unorganised basketball’ with everyone goofing around on the court. I am the first in my family to play at College and professionally, so i take great pride in that.

What do you make of your new home on the North shore of auckland?

“i haven’t been out too much yet, i’m trying to get my rest in a different time zone. But when i come over to practice each day i get to see the skyline of Auckland City, it is beautiful and not many people get to say that every day.

And your first impressions of the skYCItY breakers?

“The team is a classy professional team, we have guys who want to work hard and know what it takes to be a champion, i am just here to learn from them every day and help in areas where they need it. Already in practice guys are going hard and that is the point, to simulate in practice what will happen on game days, to get better every day.

What about Will hudson away from basketball?

“i am a huge golfer. i brought a few clubs with me from home; i have a putting green set up in my apartment. Close by where i live there is a golf range in Takapuna so don’t be surprised if you see me up there a little. every time i get back home it’s me, my brother, my dad and my uncle out on a course. i’d like to say golf is my second sport.”

Will hudson

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For the SKYCiTY breakers, the on-court action is only part of the job. every week the players and staff are involved in a range of different activities and events as part of the Club’s commitment back to the community.

breakers players can expect to be involved in visits to Starship hospital, sharing their experiences with school assemblies and prize-givings, helping Sustainable Coastlines with beach clean-ups, shooting hoops with Special Olympics athletes and a host other events in the local community.

it is to the Club to really be a part of our community and give back to all the people who support us. Most of the guys do a lot more in their own time, extra to what we ask of them.”

The Club also uses home games to help support some very worthwhile causes, with Canteen and Surf lifesaving being long term partners who benefit from increased exposure around game promotions and the opportunity to fundraise at home games.

every home game also sees a family of a child at Starship Hospital given a night out with the breakers, sitting in a courtside box and getting to spend some time with the team after the game.

This season the Nbl is again hosting a Community round, where all Nbl clubs will be supporting groups who make a difference in their community. The SKYCiTY breakers will be hosting the Community round game on November 16th at vector Arena versus the Townsville Crocs in support of Civil Defence and all the great work they do across New Zealand.

“The players know that every week they will have at least one community activity in addition to their practices and video sessions...”

Commitment to the community

Community Partnerships Manager Hayden Allen receives an inbox full of requests every week to help support community initiatives, and with the breakers commitment to being an active part of the community he is usually able to help out.

“The players know that every week they will have at least one community activity in addition to their practices and video sessions, but they all know how important

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Kids are our most precious taonga but they are easily hurt. They grow up trying to copy us, so being around drinking sessions is something they can do without. Whänau taihoa, especially around the kids.

Tamariki sayTaihoa!

ALC0234 Breakers 255x185_English.indd 1 7/09/12 10:29 AM

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will be his last season in the SKYCitY Breakers singlet. He has decided to go out on his terms.

“i made the decision last season that i wasn’t ready to stop. the body felt good, the desire to play was as strong as ever, and i wanted to keep playing with this bunch of guys and see what else we can achieve.”

“i still have that desire, and wanted to make a decision that would let me put everything i had into this season and finish with no doubts, not leave any questions unanswered. it also gives me a chance to say ‘thank You’ to the fans and sponsors that have supported me throughout my career!”

“i don’t want to make a big deal out of this, but i did want to let my team mates, coaches, sponsors and the fans know so that i can enjoy this season with them and leave everything on the court.”

Boucher was a member of the original Breakers roster, but left the Club amongst the fall out and changes after the second season. after spending a season in Perth with the Wildcats, Boucher linked with CJ Bruton and the Brisbane Bullets for 2 seasons (including winning a Championship in 2007).

the Bruton relationship would ultimately play a large part in Boucher’s return to the Breakers. With the Bullets folding after the 2007-8 season, Boucher and Bruton found themselves without jobs. Bruton was on the Breakers radar, and when he visited auckland on a recruiting visit he suggested that if he came to the Breakers he would like to have Boucher by his side.

the Club listened, and the result has seen two more championship rings for Bruton and Boucher and two NBL trophies in the Breakers trophy case.

“Coming back to the Breakers was so important for me – playing for your home club in front of family and friends, and helping to create success for the club and for basketball in New Zealand has been hugely rewarding and i know we can keep creating that success.”

during the 2012-13 season fans will have the opportunity to celebrate Boucher’s Breakers career with a number of testimonial events planned, and his retirement from the playing roster doesn’t mean he will be leaving the Club. Boucher has been getting experience working with the Breakers commercial team, and a full time off court role beckons once the business of the 2012-13 Championship is taken care of.

bringing the hustle

dillon Boucher has done a lot in his basketball career – 9 New Zealand NBL championships, top 4 at the World Champs, Silver Medal at the Commonwealth Games, Olympic campaigns with the tall Blacks, and 3 australian NBL championship rings including back to back to titles with the SKYCitY Breakers.

One of the great competitors of New Zealand basketball and New Zealand sport, Boucher is the guy who never gives up, with endless hustle who gives everything he has to help his team win. the guy you love to have on your team – and hate when he is playing against you.

With a record of success that is impossible to argue with, Boucher has decided that this

Boucher looking to add one more title in his final season


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Corey Webster is in a unique position. returning to the SKYCiTY breakers roster following a 1 year suspension for a second positive drugs test that also resulted in his 3 year breakers contract being torn up, Webster has already experienced what life could be like if he could no longer follow his dream of being a professional basketballer.

While telling his family about his suspension and fronting the breakers coaches, players and staff that he had let down was hard, an even harder challenge for Webster was experiencing exactly what life was like without playing hoops.

Webster’s suspension meant he was not able to train or play in any organised competition. He could not even train individually with the breakers coaches. He was limited to working out on his own or with friends, watching from the sidelines as the SKYCiTY breakers charged towards their second championship.

but as much as it hurt to not be part of the team and that success, the hardest challenge for Webster would be learning to live life without

basketball for those 12 months and having to find new ways to earn a living and fill his days.

“Until that point everything for me had been about basketball – since i could walk i was playing, and everything had been about becoming a professional and that being my job. The suspension meant that was gone, and i didn’t have that option. it was a real wake up call for me, to realise that the only thing i had ever wanted to do was gone. You can’t appreciate what that feels like until it is real and you have to deal with it.”

With no guarantees from the breakers of getting his job back after his suspension, Webster made some tough decisions about how he was living his life and what he needed to do to win back people’s trust.

“i knew i had let people down, and that i never wanted to feel like that again. i knew i had to take responsibility for myself, and not be influenced by people who didn’t have the same goals as me and didn’t have the same amount to lose from making bad choices.”

Part of those changes involved taking on whatever work he could


Corey Webster returns to the SKYCITY Breakers with a point to prove to one person – himself.

to help pay the bills – from stacking supermarket shelves through the night to landscaping work for family friends.

“Those jobs gave me plenty of time to think, to understand that if i didn’t have basketball this would be what i was doing every day. it made me really appreciate what i had given up, and how much i wanted that back and how hard i was going to work to get there.”

Webster began that hard work by taking up an opportunity to train with legendary Nbl and Australian boomer coach brian Goorjian in China. A notoriously hard coach who demands high fitness levels and commitment, Goorjian’s positive review of Webster’s time training with him was the final endorsement for the Breakers to offer him another chance in the roster.

“i worked so hard in China to prove that i want this, but that is only the start. i know i still need to prove to the coaches, players and fans that i deserve this chance. i know i am not going to let anyone down – because i am not going to let myself down. i know how important this is to me, to be a breaker and i won’t let it go again.

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At Mother Earth we are proud supporters, fans and sponsors of The SKYCITY Breakers.

Good luck for this season, we’ll be with you every second of the way.

schools to continue to develop basketball programmes.

The School Assist programme works in partnership with the Community Coaching programme, providing Primary and intermediate schools with a class set of basketballs and coaching manuals which include lesson plans to give teachers and volunteer coaches everything they need to deliver basketball programmes in their school.

To further help the learning process, the Coach Assist programme provides free introductory coaching sessions and resources to over 400 junior coaches every year – ensuring that the parents, teachers and friends who volunteer their time to coach

The programme was created in partnership with the basketball Development Trust, under the vision of building better Kiwis through basketball. The Champions programme provides a variety of basketball based programmes for schools and community groups, which also teach the breakers core values and some key messages – making good choices, healthy active living, and setting goals.

As part of the Meadowfresh Champions programme, Community Coaches are in Auckland schools providing up to 40 hours a week of free coaching and basketball sessions. Community Coaching sessions provide a fun way for kids and teachers to get involved in basketball, and also provide resources and support for

Meadowfresh Champions Programme

The Meadowfresh Champions programme has been delivering basketball resources and development programmes into New Zealand schools for more than 6 years, as part of the SKYCITY Breakers commitment to growing basketball and increasing activity levels for young Kiwis.

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getting behind basketball in primary & intermediate schools and helping to grow

strong, healthy champions.

made meadow fresher

made meadow fresher

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The breakers experience sees the SKYCiTY breakers hosting a school at the Atlas Place training base, with up to 120 students attending breakers training, receiving a tour of the Atlas Place facility and having a 1 hour training session with the team.

Through the Meadowfresh Champions programme, the breakers have delivered over

junior teams have everything they need to do the job.

The SKYCiTY breaker players also get heavily involved with the Meadowfresh Champions programme, with the flagship breakerball and breakers experience programmes giving schools the chance to meet the team and experience what being a breaker is all about.

breakerball sees primary and intermediate schools hosted at local recreation centres where their miniball teams have the opportunity to go up against the SKYCiTY breakers on court in an ‘exhibition style’ game. The players take time to talk to all the schools in attendance after the game and share their experiences both on and off the court.

30,000 basketballs into New Zealand schools, and every year deliver over 900 hours of free coaching, 3000 coaching manuals and 10,000 junior skills booklets.

The Meadowfresh Champions programme is not just about basketball – it is about helping kiwi kids be Champions themselves.

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Page 19: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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Page 20: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


skYCItY breakers 2012/13 schedule Round Day Date Home Away Venue Tip Off Local Time

1 fri 5/10/2012 skYCItY breakers perth North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

2 fri 12/10/2012 skYCItY breakers adelaide Vector arena 7:30 pM

3 fri 19/10/2012 skYCItY breakers townsville North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

4 fri 26/10/2012 Melbourne skYCItY breakers hisense arena 7:30 pM

5 fri 2/11/2012 skYCItY breakers sydney North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

6 fri 9/11/2012 townsville skYCItY breakers townsville entertainment Centre 7:30 pM

6 sat 10/11/2012 Cairns skYCItY breakers Cairns Convention Centre 7:30 pM

7 fri 16/11/2012 skYCItY breakers townsville Vector arena 7:30 pM

8 thu 22/11/2012 perth skYCItY breakers perth arena 7:00 pM

9 fri 30/11/2012 skYCItY breakers Melbourne North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

10 Sat 8/12/2012 Sydney SKYCITY Breakers State Sports Centre 7:30 PM

11 thu 13/12/2012 skYCItY breakers Cairns Vector arena 7:30 pM

12 fri 28/12/2012 adelaide skYCItY breakers adelaide arena 7:30 pM

12 Mon 31/12/2012 Cairns skYCItY breakers Cairns Convention Centre 6:30 pM

13 sat 5/01/2013 Wollongong skYCItY breakers Wollongong entertainment Centre 7:30 pM

14 fri 11/01/2013 townsville skYCItY breakers townsville entertainment Centre 7:30 pM

15 thu 17/01/2013 skYCItY breakers Wollongong North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

15 sun 20/01/2013 adelaide skYCItY breakers adelaide arena 1:30 pM

16 thu 24/01/2013 skYCItY breakers sydney North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

16 sat 26/01/2013 Wollongong skYCItY breakers Wollongong entertainment Centre 5:00 pM

17 fri 1/02/2013 skYCItY breakers perth Vector arena 7:30 pM

18 sat 9/02/2013 sydney skYCItY breakers sydney entertainment Centre 7:30 pM

19 fri 15/02/2013 skYCItY breakers Wollongong North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

20 begins 21/02/2013 skYCItY breakers bYe

21 thu 28/02/2013 skYCItY breakers adelaide Vector arena 7:30 pM

22 thu 7/03/2013 skYCItY breakers Cairns North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

22 sun 10/03/2013 Melbourne skYCItY breakers hisense arena 1:00 pM

23 thu 14/03/2013 skYCItY breakers Melbourne North shore events Centre 7:30 pM

24 fri 22/03/2013 perth skYCItY breakers perth arena 7:00 pM

if you can’t get to the games tune into the broadcast on SKY Sport for all home and away games; radio Sport for all home games.

Page 21: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

lowest pricesthat’s our game.






Page 22: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


the lowdown on Chief, alex pledger

A l e x Pledger is the

SKYCiTY breakers and Tall blacks centre, who earned his nickname a few years back when the team visited a Marae and were asked who the ‘leader’ or ‘chief’ was. Pledge was propelled forward by his team and has been ‘Chief’ ever since. let’s find out a little more about Chief, on and off court…

Wingspan: 2.17mShoe size: 15

Favourite meal: i’ll eat pretty much anything! i don’t really have a meal i’d consider a ‘favourite’… I do like a good Indian meal though. but invite me for dinner, i won’t be fussy.

Favourite Movie: The Avengers, i liked all those characters as a kid and it was awesome watching a movie with all of them in it.

Current relationship status: My girlfriend’s name is Julia. She’s awesome.

tweeter or Facebook? i’ve known to throw the occasional tweet out there @alex_pledger

it is a lazy Sunday afternoon and you want to chill with your favourite Cd’s – what will Chief be listening to? Anything by the Chilli Peppers, love them.

the dinner for Five question – alive or dead, who are the five people you would invite to a dinner party and why? Phil Jackson; larry bird; Flea (Chilli Peppers’ bass player); Jimi Hendrix and Greg Giraldo. You can’t really go wrong with one of the best basketball coaches of

all t i m e ,

one of the best players of all time, 2 of my

favourite musicians and the late Greg Giraldo was one of my favourite comedians,

just for a few laughs.

tell us something about alex Pledger that no one will know? Most people think i’m from Hamilton, but i’m actually a South islander, born in blenheim

Greatest moment in the game of basketball: Winning the first championship was pretty special, winning the second was even better

What are your goals in basketball? i have a few more years at the SKYCiTY breakers and when those are over i’d like to think i’d be good enough to look at playing over in europe or maybe the NbA, but for now i’m perfectly happy where i am so please, no ‘Chief is leaving’ stories!

aisle seat or emergency row when travelling on planes? Definitely emergency exit, i’ve given up on the dream of getting a 1st class seat just because i’m tall.

toughest opponent in the iiNet Championship? Matt Knight of Perth is pretty tough, especially when he’s healthy

toughest team mate on the practice court? There’s a few to choose from but have to go with Mika vukona. He is just relentless and he brings it every day. Also many fans might not yet know much about Will Hudson but he is also proving tough to match up with.

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buy merchandise online nzbreakers.co.nz*based on junior price

Page 24: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13




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Back (from left):

#7 Reuben Te Rangi, #33 Leon Henry, #5 Will Hudson, #35 Alex Pledger, #15 Morgan Natanahira, #14 Mika Vukona

Front (from left):

#21 Josh Bloxham, #4 Cedric Jackson, #10 Tom Abercrombie,#24 Dillon Boucher, #23 CJ Bruton, #3 Daryl Corletto, #9 Corey Webster


NEW 1057 TEAM POSTER 275x410_ƒ.indd 1 9/21/12 2:46 PM

Page 25: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13




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Back (from left):

#7 Reuben Te Rangi, #33 Leon Henry, #5 Will Hudson, #35 Alex Pledger, #15 Morgan Natanahira, #14 Mika Vukona

Front (from left):

#21 Josh Bloxham, #4 Cedric Jackson, #10 Tom Abercrombie,#24 Dillon Boucher, #23 CJ Bruton, #3 Daryl Corletto, #9 Corey Webster


NEW 1057 TEAM POSTER 275x410_ƒ.indd 1 9/21/12 2:46 PM

Page 26: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


buy tickets online nzbreakers.co.nz*based on Junior Bronze at NSEC

Page 27: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


#3 – daryl Corletto

Guard – 33 gamesdOB: 24/8/81 Height: 193cm Weight: 88kg

Joined the SKYCiTY breakers in 2011 after appearing 277 times for the Melbourne Tigers. During a career that has spanned 11 seasons including league Championships in 2005/6 and 2007/8 and again with the SKYCiTY breakers in 2011/12, Corletto is a renowned three point shooter who is clinical from the free throw line.

did you know: Corletto is a career 83% free throw shooter and in 2009 was part of the Great Britain men’s training squad.

#4 – Cedric Jackson

Point guard – 33 gamesdOB: 5/3/86Height: 190cm Weight: 92kg

returning to the club after helping the team to its second iiNet Nbl Championship, Jackson is an exciting point guard with a great ability to bring others into the game, as well as score himself when required. Jackson is known for his ability to drive to the hoop aggressively and provide open looks for teammates. The club MvP and Nbl All Star is set to once again thrill fans on the North Shore and at vector Arena this season.

did you know: Cedric led the league with 6.5 assists and 2.27 steals per game last year and in 2010 was called up for 3 different NBA teams, the Cavaliers, Spurs and Wizards.

#5 - Will hudson

Centre/Forward – 0 gamesdOB: 30/3/89Height: 206cmWeight: 106kg

Will joins the SKYCiTY Breakers fresh from his first season in the iiNet Nbl with the now defunct Gold Coast blaze. Averaging 9.5 points a game, the 23 year old Wisconsin native brings a solid athleticism to his defence and an all round scoring ability. look for Hudson to bang the boards with the best of them in the iiNet Championship this season.

did you know: Hudson holds the record for the most games played (137) and the most offensive rebounds in a season (133).

#9 - Corey Webster

Guard – 41 gamesdOB: 29/11/88 Height: 188cm Weight: 86kg

Corey Webster rejoins the SKYCiTY breakers in 2012-13. Corey’s exciting ability to put the ball in the net is expected to be a big part of his play on court this season. A natural shooter, Webster has faced a huge life and basketball challenge in recent months, serving a one year suspension for a recreational drug doping violation. Webster has dedicated himself to turning his life and his career around and returns fit, focused and determined.

did you know: Corey was NZ schools MVP in 2005 and 2006.

2012/13 skYCItY breakers Player and Coach Profiles

Continued on Page 28

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#10 – Thomas Abercrombie           

Swingman – 104 gamesdOB: 7/5/87 Height: 197cm Weight: 87kg

Tom has the world at his feet but has chosen to stay at home on the North Shore and enjoy another season with the SKYCiTY breakers after tasting championship success in the last two seasons. His aerial ability is recognised wherever he plays as fans hold their breath for one of Tom’s famous alley-oop plays, but his ability to defend anyone is just as important. Named MvP of the 2011 Finals Series averaging 11 points and 6.7 rebounds per game in a low scoring series. An ankle injury limited his court time in the finals series in 2012, but fans will never forget Tom’s magnificent block in the final game against Perth.

did you Know: Abercrombie first represented the Breakers as a schoolboy, joining a pre-season tour to China – also Andrej Lemanis’ first games as Breakers Head Coach.

#14 – Mika Vukona

Forward – 176 games (3rd all time)dOB: 13/5/82 Height: 198cm Weight: 103kg

A huge crowd favourite and always voted one of the toughest opponents for anyone to match up against. Mika is often assigned to much taller opponents, compensating with his athleticism, dexterity and unrivalled commitment. Mika played a major part in the Breakers securing their first Championship banner in the 2010-2011 season when he defied medical logic and took the court in the second semi final game in Perth against the Wildcats.

did you know: Vukona was born in Suva, Fiji and has played for NZ at U16, U18, U20 and is the current Tall Blacks captain.

#23 – CJ bruton Guard – 120 games

dOB: 13/12/75 Height: 188cm Weight: 88kg

One of the all time leading players in the league, CJ returns for his fourth season with the club. He has won championship rings with three different clubs, Sydney Kings, brisbane bullets and of course the SKYCiTY breakers. bruton’s leadership and calmness on and off court is invaluable. CJ loves the big stage and brings all his experience and ambition to another season, this year sporting a new ‘close shaved’ look!

did you know: Career 40.6% 3 pointers. Career – average 3.8 assists per game. In 1997 he was selected by the Vancouver Grizzlies in the NBA Draft, but was not signed by the team.

#24 – dillon boucher

Forward – 188 games (2nd all time)dOB: 27/12/75 Height: 196cm Weight: 98kg

A foundation breaker, Dillon boucher comes back for another tilt at a fourth ANbl title (he has one with the Brisbane Bullets) to go with his 8 NZ titles. If any player is looking to replicate a career and development on and off court in that time, this is the guy they want to talk to. A defensive lynchpin in any side he plays for and a leader on and off court.

did you know: Boucher is New Plymouth born and was named NBL best defensive player in 2010.

2012/13 skYCItY breakers Player and Coach Profiles continued

Continued on Page 30

Page 29: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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Page 30: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

2012/13 skYCItY breakers Player and Coach Profiles continued

#33 – Leon henry

Forward – 26 gamesdOB: 14/10/85 Height: 202cm Weight: 105kg

leon upped his role with the SKYCiTY breakers last season, getting more court time and scoring some timely 3 pointers. leon has more than earned his place on the SKYCiTY breaker’s playing roster in 2012-13. Henry has spent the off season in rehab for the stress reaction injury to his leg that kept him off the floor at a vital stage of last season.

did you know: Henry attended Southern Idaho Junior College in 2005-06 playing 29 games.

#35 – alex pledger

Centre – 76 gamesdOB: 27/3/87 Height: 216cm Weight: 115kg

Over the past two years, ‘Chief’ has become an integral contributor off the bench during the SKYCiTY breakers’ Australian Nbl championship runs and continued that form into the New Zealand league. After winning the 2010 bartercard Nbl rebounding title, he was named MvP the following year and helped Auckland Pirates to this year’s title. Chief is widely tipped to earn his starting five spot with the Breakers this season and up his minutes for Coach lemanis.

did you know: Pledger played NCAA Division I basketball for two seasons with the University of Missouri Kansas City Kangaroos. Chief’s 31 blocks in his sophomore year ranked third in the Mid-Continent Conference.

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Page 31: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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andrej Lemanis – head Coach

entering his eighth year as Head Coach, lemanis is hugely respected at the breakers and throughout the basketball community, and has been a big part of the club’s development in recent years. Andrej was also assistant coach of the Australian boomers at the london 2012 Olympic Games. lemanis is a great student of the game and is constantly evolving his own coaching techniques and is as comfortable working with seasoned veterans as he is the fresh faces, some of whom he has worked with through their teens in the breakers system and into fulltime professional basketball.

dean Vickerman – assistant Coach

This is Dean’s sixth year as Assistant Coach with the SKYCiTY breakers, prior to which he served as an Assistant with the North Melbourne Giants, Melbourne Tigers and the Singapore Slingers. vickerman has successfully held head coaching roles within the bartercard Nbl, winning the title with the Waikato Pistons in 2009 and has recently been appointed NZ Universities Head Coach for the World University Games in 2013.

2012/13 skYCItY breakers Player and Coach Profiles continued

Judd flavell – assistant Coach, academy Coach

Judd begins his seventh season with the breakers this year as Assistant Coach and Head Coach of the basketball Development Academy. Flavell is a huge asset to the organisation and continues to work brilliantly with the young talent in the game, teaching them not only how to cope on the court but also in areas of leadership and responsibility off the court.

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#21 – Josh bloxham Guard22 year old bloxham is back in one of the development spots available at the SKYCiTY breakers this year. Josh is out of Nelson where he has impressed in the bartercard Nbl in recent years not only with his game on court, but his maturity on and off it marks him as a leader of the future. bloxham played crucial minutes last year when covering for injury, offering the coaching staff another guard option from the bench.

#15 – Morgan Natanahira Forward

20 year old Natanahira was a member of the breakers extended training squad last season and played one game for the senior team, away against the Gold Coast blaze. Natanahira performed well scoring 4 points and grabbing 3 rebounds despite carrying an injury into the game. He has played the last two seasons for the bay Hawks in the New Zealand National League.

#7 – Reuben te Rangi Forward

Captain of the 2012 Junior Tall blacks, reuben Te rangi was voted New Zealand National basketball league rookie of the Year after an eye catching season with the Harbour Heat. in 2011 Te rangi was a member of the New Zealand 3on3 Youth World Championship winning team in rimini, italy. Just 18 years old this will be his first season as a breakers Development Player.

#4 – tai WebsterA graduate of the local Harbour basketball Association, Tai was a member (with Te Rangi) of the team that won the 2011 3on3 Youth World Championships. More recently he was a surprise selection for the NZ Tall blacks in their Olympic Qualifying campaign but repaid the selectors faith by top scoring in two games. Webster takes up a non contracted development player role as he is committed to joining the University of Nebraska in 2013.

academy Commitments paying Rich Rewards

When Andrej lemanis arrived as breakers Head Coach, one of his first priorities was to establish an Academy programme to help develop the young players that would make up the playing roster in future seasons.

Having been heavily involved in setting up the Townsville Crocs Academy programme, lemanis saw the development programme as being one of the key factors in creating a successful Nbl programme.

Charged with the responsibility of building the Academy programme was former Tall black Judd Flavell, who took on the joint role of Academy Head Coach and breakers Assistant Coach.

The Academy programme launched during the 2006-7 Nbl season, and included in the first intake were future Breakers Corey Webster and bJ Anthony, and future Tall black rob loe.

The Academy programme seeks to provide a year round, high intensity training programme for players identified as having the potential to be future SKYCiTY breakers and Tall blacks. The focus on individual skill development, team play and off court development is designed to prepare young players for the challenges of professional basketball.

The best Academy graduates then compete for places as SKYCiTY

breakers development players, and ultimately full roster positions.

The success of the commitment to the Academy and Development programmes can be seen in the current breakers roster, but also in the wider impact on New Zealand basketball – loe, isaac Fotu and Tai Webster all made the Tall blacks directly from the Academy programme, and in the most recent bartercard Nbl season over 20 players across the league were Academy graduates.

This season the Academy influence can clearly be seen in the SKYCiTY breakers Development squad, with this talented group of players all being products of the Academy programme.

Page 33: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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Page 34: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13



I N C I N E M A S O C T O B E R 1 1

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TAKEN202.indd 1 19/09/12 2:19 PM

October 3 2003, tipoff in Game 1 of the 2003/4 NBL season, and the first ever game for the New Zealand Breakers. A sold out North Shore Events Centre strains at the seams as NBL basketball comes to Auckland for the first time.

The Breakers surged into existence in style, leading the Adelaide 36ers 42-15 at the end of the first quarter. The Breakers were here, and New Zealand’s first team in the Australian Basketball League was going to make some noise.

The reality of life in the NBL sunk in over the remaining 3 quarters, as Adelaide came back into the game and had a chance to win it with the last shot. The jump shot rimmed out, and Aaron Olson came up with the rebound in a pile of bodies 111-110 to the Breakers!

The 2012-13 season marks the 10th year in the NBL for the Breakers club, 10 years that have been as much of a roller coaster ride as that very first game.

On January 17 the NBL Heritage Round provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the Breakers’ 10 NBL seasons. The team will play in the original 2003-4 playing uniform, and the game night will be a celebration of the Breakers journey from that first game to the recent Championship successes.

It will be a chance to bring back some former players, honour some of our biggest fans, and celebrate being Breakers.

Check out nzbreakers.co.nz during the Heritage Round to bid on one of a kind exclusive heritage jerseys.

heritage Round celebrates 10 years of being breakers

Page 35: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


The SKYCITY Breakers training facility has become a real home to basketball on Auckland’s North Shore. Atlas Place is filled with the next generation of Future Breakers – over 500 aspiring basketballers are part of the Breakers junior programmes every week.

As the Junior Breakers coaches take the future stars through their workouts, you might find CJ Bruton or Dillon Boucher courtside as their sons join the class, or Cedric Jackson chatting with some of the young players before he leaves the stadium for the day.

Programmes start with the FUNdamentals Leagues for Year 1 and 2 students and the FUNdevelopment League caters to the Year 3 age group. Players can join either in their school team or by joining one

of the Breakers Club teams playing in the leagues.

The Future Breakers Club programme provides a fun basketball environment for kids up to 12 years old, with the Junior Breakers coaches experts at making sure that the kids learn about being Breakers as well as learning how to play the game.

The Pro Shooting and Skills programmes are tailored to older players who want to develop their own game with the help of expert coaching, and the best players are invited to join the Junior Elite training squads.

More and more kids want to play basketball, and be the next CJ Bruton or Tom Abercrombie. At the Junior Breakers that dream is being built on every day – and CJ and Tom might just pop in to say hi.

For more information about the Junior Breakers programmes visit www.breakersjunior.co.nz

The future of basketball is alive and well at Atlas Place

building future breakers

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pre season review

Game 1 was played in front of a sold out CbS Arena, the breakers taking the win 70-61, with the Hawks levelling the series with a 3 point win in a low scoring game in Dunedin – the edgar centre also selling out.

Claudelands Arena was close to a sell out, the Hawks taking the game and the series in another close one that came down to the wire.

The games gave the teams the chance to work on some things before the start of the regular season, but the real results were off the court. More than 13,000 fans attended the three games, and thousands more got to meet the team during the week.

The SKYCiTY breakers pre-season road trip will be back next year – maybe coming to a town near you!

skYCItY breakers v Wollongong hawks

Christchurch: 70 – 61dunedin: 61 – 64Hamilton: 84 – 88

The games were a first hit out for the team, but just as important was the chance to get out into the local communities.

During the week the breakers visited 8 schools in Christchurch and Dunedin, meeting over 1500 very excited kids.

The breakers made a stop in Timaru en route to Dunedin, holding a fundraising luncheon and clinic at the SbS centre with over 900 children in attendance.

The tour also included coaching clinics run by the SKYCiTY breakers coaching staff and appearances at local shopping malls, with hundreds of autographs signed and photos taken.

The SKYCITY Breakers took their show on the road for the pre-season, visiting Christchurch, Dunedin and Hamilton for three games against the Wollongong Hawks.

Page 38: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

lights go out, join in the call of ‘Here Come The breakerrrrrrrrrrrrs!’ and then welcome the players as they are introduced into the spotlight! Finally join the players in the slow clapping, building to a crescendo as the players come together in a huddle centre court.

free throws

When a SKYCiTY breaker is on the free throw line, put both hands straight up in the air. As the ball heads to the basket and drops for another breakers point, bring your hands down with the ball to signal the basket.

When an opposing player is on the line however, fans in that end zone get your arms up and wave from side to side – work together on this now as you ‘wave off’ the basket!!

how to be a skYCItY breaker

This means make a difference, help the boys push through the tough moments, make sure they stay focused in the big games and concentrate even with a healthy lead. being a SKYCiTY breakers fan means taking part in the game, making plenty of noise and contributing to each and every play.

Here are some ways you can do that during the upcoming season:

team entry

You have to be at the North Shore events Centre and vector Arena early. If tip-off is 7.30, be in your seat at least half an hour early to experience one of the great moments in sport – the entry of the SKYCiTY breakers to the stadium. We want you to clap your hands and stamp your feet as the

The SKYCITY Breakers have a motto for fans, it goes like this: Be the best 6th man!



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Page 39: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13



design a banner

Tell us who your favourite player is and hold it up high and proud during key moments in the game. The brighter, bolder and funnier the better!

Wear the Gear!

Get the latest and greatest SKYCiTY merchandise for all home games (and away ones too!). Wear the singlets, shirts, caps and sweatshirts with pride and be in to win great prizes.

but most of all, when you come along to a SKYCiTY breakers game, make plenty of noise, have fun and get involved. This club is all about family and as a fan, you are very much a part of it, get your season membership today at www.nzbreakers.co.nz

defence! defence! defence!

The most common catch cry at any basketball game but SKYCiTY breakers fans are the loudest and don’t discriminate from the opening plays to the final seconds.

listen for the drum line with 3 quick beats of the bass drum and let us hear you shouting ‘DeFeNCe’

Can You feel It!

A tradition at the SKYCiTY breakers as we welcome the boys back into the second half. everyone stand up, clap your hands to be the beat and sing along, let the opposition feel the pressure and our boys feel your support! Don’t sit down until the music stops!!

Page 40: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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C E L E B R AT E 2 0 1 2 W I T H Y O U R O W N C U S T O M M A D E M I L K P H O T O B O O K

MILK Books, the company behind Believe, the recently released book that celebrates The Breakers legacy and recent NBL Championship victory,

is now open for business, meaning anyone can create their own custom made book with our easy-to-use website that allows you to:

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business class at the skYCItY breakers

Corporate Hospitality options have always been a popular option at SKYCiTY breakers games, but demand for corporate seats for the 2012-13 season has been massive with most corporate options already close to sold out.

With such high demand the SKYCiTY breakers will introduce a new hospitality option at vector Arena home games. breakers Business Class will offer guests exclusive pre-game and half time hospitality in the business Class lounge and reserved premium seating in the lower bowl to enjoy the game.

The business Class lounge includes an exclusive bar, and will be hosted by former Tall black and breaker Mike Fitchett.

business Class provides corporate game night experience at a very reasonable budget – guests can walk from their CbD offices to enjoy top class sports entertainment in a premium environment.

business Class membership is $600.00 plus GST per person for the 5 game vector Arena season, including pre game and half time catering and drinks service included. Packages are available for groups of 5 and 10 guests, and bookings can be made on a game by game basis.

To find out more about Business Class at vector Arena games, email [email protected]

Catch a hot ticket with many corporate options available

Page 41: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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The Sandtrap CaféOpen to everyone 7 days a week from 8.30am. Licensed. Enjoy great coffee and quality food made on the premises. Watch golfers play down the 18th fairway.

Conference, Wedding and Special Occasion VenueThe Pohutukawa Lounge with panoramic views over the golf course.WORLD CLASS GOLF AND SO MUCH MORE!

so close to the action, you may even get a chance to get amongst the team huddle!– 2 seats on the team bench for a nominated skYCItY breakers home game*– Meet your SKYCITY Breakers players after the game– 1 night’s accommodation in a double or twin-share premium Room at the skYCItY auckland

Hotel (valued at $225 excluding GST) and room service breakfast for up to two persons the following morning to the value of $29 including GST per person

– Domestic return flights included**

to eNteR:– purchase a ticket to any 2012-13 skYCItY breakers home Game oR a skYCItY breakers singlet

online at nzbreakers.co.nz by october 12th 2012– Enter the promocode HUDDLE when booking online

* the allocated game will be subject to availability of the team bench seats, and will be at the discretion of the skYCItY breakers.

** Economy return flights will be included if required (i.e. if the winner resides outside Auckland).

*** You must be 18yrs old or over to enter this competition.

By entering this competition you agree to all terms and conditions, please visit nzbreakers.co.nz/sundaycompetition

be in to Win the uLtIMate skYCItY bReakeRs faN eXpeRIeNCe

Page 42: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


How the rest stack up

perth Wildcats

Personnel: The best teams are usually the most settled ones – putting the Wildcats right up there with the breakers. The Cats have lost the imposing luke Nevill, but are otherwise intact from the squad that pushed the Kiwis to the brink in the Finals. That means the fabulous backcourt of MvP Kevin lisch, defensive dynamo Damian Martin and the barrel-chested brad robbins stays intact, while big-time performers Jesse Wagstaff, Shawn Redhage, Cameron Tovey and Matt Knight will ensure the feral felines remain one of the toughest nuts to crack in this league. A move to the 14,000-seat Perth Arena should also see their renowned home advantage off the charts in 2012-13.

Lowdown: Any examination of the breakers’ title threats has to start with the gnarly – and often snarly – men from the Wild West. The breakers-Cats rivalry has morphed into the pre-eminent tete-a-tete in this league and over the last few seasons these two clubs have fought out some memorable battles, none finer than last season’s Grand Final series which was pulsating, punishing and impossibly tense. Perth will almost certainly be there again at playoff time to extend a remarkable run of 26 straight post-season appearances.

X-factor: Lisch. The classy southpaw marksman needs to fire for the Cats to go all the way.

Predicted finish: runnerup.

adelaide 36ers

Personnel: Gold Coast’s demise was very much Adelaide’s gain, with the 36ers swooping on boomers combo guard Adam Gibson – the sort of guy you build a club around – as well as hard-nosed forward Anthony Petrie and young shooting guard Jason Cadee via the Blaze fire sale. Given they’d already picked up one of the most skilful big men in the league, the towering luke Schenscher, from Townsville, to go with talented returnees such as Stevie Weigh, Mitch Creek and last year’s Most improved

Stuff.co.nz hoops expert MARC HINTON runs the rule over the Australian clubs who will be desperate to prevent a title threepeat by the SKYCITY Breakers

Player Daniel Johnson, this shapes as the season the 36ers turn things round. Throw in import CJ Massingale, a SeAbl standout, and this looks as talented a group as there is in this league.

Lowdown: The big movers of the off-season, the once-proud Adelaide club should list the now defunct blaze as one of their chief sponsors, given the massive roster boost picked up courtesy of the Queenslanders’ shock withdrawal. but with the big names comes big expectations, Marty Clarke’s 36ers now elevated into title contention after a disappointing last few seasons. As CJ bruton notes, with the players this club now has, they better be in the playoffs. The challenge for Clarke will be melding a disparate group into a cohesive unit, and finding a way to get the most out of his two big men, Schenscher and Johnson, who both like the ball in their hands.

X-factor: Gibson. The Olympian can float between the two guard spots but needs to provide leadership as well as scoring for a group that may take time to find its feet.

Predicted finish: Beaten semifinalist.

Cairns Taipans

Personnel: Some notable changes to their roster should see Aaron Fearne’s team cast off their offensive stodginess in 2012-13. Cameron ‘Trigger’ Tragardh’s arrival from Melbourne provides serious offensive thrust to the frontline, though he won’t be the defensive presence ian Crosswhite (gone to Sydney) was. There are high hopes import forward Shane edwards can provide some much-needed athleticism, while the heady Jamar Wilson is back to run the show. Two college graduates Clint Steindl (St Marys) and Cameron Gliddon (Concordia) are expected to provide points off the bench, while Alex Loughton is as good as any shooting big man in this league.

Lowdown: it will be interesting to see how Fearne transitions his team from a defensive minded, grind-it-out unit, to something a bit more free-flowing. He may need to get more defence out of Tragardh than his previous coaches have managed. And loughton must marry his talent with output for this team to challenge. but with a cauldron of a home venue and the ability to put points on the board, the Taipans will sense a semifinal spot is theirs for the taking.

X-factor: Wilson. The quality point guard has some firepower around him, but in his second year may be more willing to take games over when the time calls for it.

Predicted finish: Beaten semifinalist.Continued on Page 44

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Page 44: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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townsville Crocodiles

Personnel: Two new imports – in Jason Forte and Curtis Withers – and the return from injury of veteran big man Russell Hinder will give the Crocs a significantly new look this season. The departure of centre luke Schenscher should also change their game markedly. but with Peter Crawford, Todd Blanchfield, Jacob Holmes and the Cedar brothers all back, this will again be a team capable of lighting it up from deep.

Lowdown: lived and died by the three-point line last season, but still gave the breakers all they could handle in a competitive semifinals series. Will need their imports to be productive and much more out of big ben Allen, who was a major disappointment last season. but this is a team capable of pushing for a semifinal spot.

X-factor: He may not be popular with breakers fans, but Crawford is a class act who is better than his crass late foul on Tom Abercrombie in last season’s semi. Will need to be at his sharpshooting best again.

Predicted finish: Fifth.

Wollongong hawks

Personnel: A mostly settled squad should see the Hawks retain a degree of continuity for their first season in the post-Mat Campbell era. back are ex-breaker Oscar Forman, veteran Glen Saville, centre larry Davidson, point guard rhys Martin and competent backup men like Tyson Demos, Dave Gruber, Tim Coenraad and Dan Jackson. Coach Gordie Mcleod has gone with an all-import back court, adding the offensive-minded Adris Deleon from the blaze and combo guard lance Hurdle out of the D-league via the University of Miami. They’ve also signed Aussie college recruit Auryn MacMillan.

Lowdown: Should be a competitive group, and some good results in the pre-season even without their imports showed the Hawks start a fair way down the track. May just lack the firepower to crack the top four.

X-factor: Deleon and Hurdle are both capable scorers, but look no further than Forman for the man who must soar for the Hawks with his long-range game.

Predicted finish: Sixth.

How the rest stack up continued

Page 45: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

Melbourne tigers

Personnel: big changes at the under-achieving former powerhouse club. Cameron Tragardh has departed, as has Daniel Dillon and sharpshooting import ron Dorsey. They have picked up former breaker Kevin braswell and the 6’10 Seth Scott to fill their import quota, have added veteran forward Adam ballinger from Adelaide and also picked up the versatile Chris Goulding from the blaze. Nate Tomlinson also comes in as backup point guard after finishing his collegiate career at Colorado.

Lowdown: Can former Tigers legend Chris Anstey find the harmony and chemistry he’ll need in his debut as a head coach at this level? if he can’t it could be another long, tough season in a city that expects more from its hoops teams.

X-factor: braswell can create with the best, but his shooting is hot and cold and his defence is limited, to say the least. The Tigers will need to see the best of him to have any chance to be competitive.

Predicted finish: Seventh.

sydney kings

Personnel: Gone is All-Nbl centre Julian Khazzouh and also departed is rookie of the year Anatoly bose as former club legend Shane Heal settles in for his first full season as head coach. The Sydneysiders look light on game-breaking quality, but have lured back veteran big man ian Crosswhite and picked up the streaky James Harvey from the defunct blaze. There are also two new imports in point guard Corin Henry and forward Darnell lazare, while ben Madgen, Aaron bruce, luke Martin and Graeme Dann provide the continuity.

Lowdown: Look short on height, firepower, experience and athleticism. That means they’re going to have to play hard, smart and as a team. Heal may have to work his coaching magic. 

X-factor: lazare brings a strong reputation as a former college team-mate of NbA stars Glen Davis and brandon bass, and may need to live up to that pedigree.

Predicted finish: eighth.

Page 46: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13


booM!For the last word, we just had to give it to CJ Bruton. He is

Mr 4th Quarter, the guy who lives for the big moments and the player you want to have with the ball in his hands

when the game is on the line.

CJ won his 5th NBL Championship ring with the SKYCitY Breakers 2011-12 victory, and underlined just how valuable he is when it really matters by taking out the Larry

Sengstock Medal as Grand Finals MVP.

No moment in the Grand Finals series was bigger than when CJ hit another back to back 3 pointer to

take the game out of the Wildcats reach.

Page 47: SkyCity NZ Breakers 2012/13

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