Slap Back Thesis How we Respond to Threats

Slap Back Thesis How we Respond to Threats. Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement White Night Riots after the an White Verdict

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Page 1: Slap Back Thesis How we Respond to Threats. Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement White Night Riots after the an White Verdict

Slap Back Thesis

How we Respond to Threats

Page 2: Slap Back Thesis How we Respond to Threats. Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement White Night Riots after the an White Verdict

Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement

White Night Riots after the an White Verdict

Page 3: Slap Back Thesis How we Respond to Threats. Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement White Night Riots after the an White Verdict

Message to the Grass RootsMalcolm XDetroit, MINovember 10, 1963

There's nothing in our book, the Quran -- you call it "Ko-ran" -- that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That's a good religion. In fact, that's that old-time religion. That's the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That's a good religion. And doesn't nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.This is the way it is with the white man in America. He's a wolf and you're sheep. Any time a shepherd, a pastor, teach [sic] you and me not to run from the white man and, at the same time, teach [sic] us not to fight the white man, he's a traitor to you and me. Don't lay down our life all by itself. No, preserve your life. it's the best thing you got. And if you got to give it up, let it be even-steven.

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 ..and the rage we all felt when the verdict was announced. I was having a late lunch at Church Street Station - that's what the restaurant was called then at the corner of Church and Market. Someone ran by the restaurant banging on the windows, yelling "He got away with murder!" We were so angry - couldn't believe it. I headed for Castro and Market, then marched to City Hall." -Kim Corsaro

"..when White shot Harvey it was if as if he shot us all. When he cut down Moscone-the most pro Gay mayor this Ciity had ever elected-he sent a signal to LGBT allies that they were equally at risk..." -the late Hank Wilson, Activist

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Salidin : Politicsl and military leader of Musliims known for winning the Battle of Hattin in 1187 which allowed Muslims to reclaim Jerusalem until the Third Crusade was implemented to take Jerusalem back from Muslim hands which

was Salidin’s accomplishment

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Jerusalem is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

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The Quran

Surah 2190. Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. 191. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. 192. But if they cease, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 193. And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God. but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

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Syed Qutib 1906-1966

Joins Muslim Brotherhood in 1950s

Muslim Brotherhood: Egyptian political organization with Islamic goals or the merging of religion and politics. Caliphate oriented as well as Sharia Law. Writes Milestones

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An Islamic movement that is trying to incorporate Islam into politics to save humanity by creating an Islamic world. In order to achieve this goal, forces that corrupt Islamic states must be kicked out. Such exterior forces were labeled Jahili and considered foreign. To purge Islam of Jahili forces, a revolutionary Islamic vanguard was needed to fight Jahili forces. In the context of the Cold War, the US and the USSR intervened in Muslim affairs. Therefore, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the Soviet army represented Jahili forces. The US decision to enter Iraq would be another example of an exterior Jahili force.

Jahili=Exterior corruptive forces (pure water vs. dirty water)

Jahiliyya=A non-Muslim state that places man law over Quranic law which replaces Allah


See more images of cup of dirty water

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Task: Interpret excerpts from Milestones and complete the questions

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• Milestones Questions• Interpret the ideas and terms in bold.• How and why will Islam provide a new leadership

for humanity?• Does Jahili translate to imperialism and

colonialism?• What is Qutub’s vision?• Connect Qutub’s ideas to the Quran, Bin Laden’s

fatwa and US actions in the Arab/Muslim world.

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Sayyid Qutb recommended that a revolutionary vanguard should first establish an Islamic state and then, from above impose Islamization on Egyptian society that had deviated to Arab nationalistic ideologies.

Government with policies and laws that are corruptive to a

true practice of Islam.

Revolutionary Vanguard works to

replace the government by force to return to a pure

practice of Islam free of corruption. In other

words, the current government has taken

away something (practicing Islam in its

pure strict interpretation form)

Current Government

New Government

New Leaders

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Groups Claiming to Act in the Name of Islam, Arabs or a mixture of the two

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Fill out the threat level sheet and also record the information about the various groups

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Muslim Brotherhood

Country of Origin: Egypt 1928

Issue/Goal: Establish an Islamic state that uses the Quran as its set of laws.

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Provide the ideological thought that inspired others.

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Country of Origin: Kuwait 1956 (takes over PLO in 1967)

Issue/Goal: Liberation of Palestine by Palestinians. Founded by Yaser Arafat and two members of the Muslim Brotherhood. A political organization to achieve liberation. Also associated with the PLA or the Palestinian Liberation Army.

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Numerous attacks on Israel in late 1960s which prompted Jordan to crack down on the group (see Black September).

1978 Coastal Road Massacre

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PLO Palestinian Liberation Movement

Country of Origin: Egypt

Issue/Goal: 1964, Arab states such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, were interested in channeling Palestinian nationalism in such a way that Palestinian refugees on their soil would not destabilize their regimes but would instead create their own nation where Israel is located. Get their agenda? Do the Palestinians have a home? Go back to the Balfour Declaration and the Hussein McMahon Letters.

Acts used to Achieve Goal: “Multiple suicide bombings”

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Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Country of Origin: Gaza

Issue/Goal: Destruction of Israel-Notice the land. Acts used to Achieve Goal: 1989 Tel Aviv–Jerusalem bus 405 attack (16 Dead)

1989 Tel Aviv–Jerusalem bus 405 attack

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Black September

Country of Origin: Jordan

Issue/Goal: In 1970’s Jordan’s government was experiencing a potential overthrow by Palestinians led by the PLO. When the Jordanian government won, many Palestinians believed to be working against the government were kicked out of Jordan

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Munich Olympics in September 1972 and Dawson’s Field Hijacking

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HamasCountry of Origin: West Bank and Gaza Strip 1987

Issue/Goal: Begins with the First Intifada Uprising as a Palestinian version of the Muslim Brotherhood due to numerous social and educational programs funded by the Muslim Brotherhood. Some goals include an Islamic state in Palestine replacing the Jews.

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Intifada Uprisings and numerous attacks such as the 2001 Sbarro Bombing killing 15

Note: During the six-year intifada, Israel was blamed for killing 1,100 Palestinians and 120,000 arrests

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Hezbollah (Shia Muslims)

Country of Origin: Lebanon 1980s

Issue/Goal: Kick Israel out of South Lebanon after a civil war between the Christian led government, Shia Muslim and Sunni Muslims fought for power after numerous Palestinians started to arrive to Lebanon after 1970 expulsion from numerous countries. Heavily influenced by Iran after Khomeini’s Revolution in 1979.

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Too many to list but…

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In 1982 the US and the UN send forces there to deal with the civil war

To target PLO members Israel also invaded Lebanon

Hezbollah emerges to achieve Shia dominance and kick out Israel

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At a Glance

1983 Marine Beirut Barracks 241 US dead 1982 Lebanon Hostage Crisis (96 Hostages) 1982 Lebanon Hostage Crisis TWA Flight 8471996 Khobar Tower Bombing 19 US dead

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Shia vs. Sunni

Differences beliefs regarding who should lead Islam after the Prophet Muhammad’s death

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MAK Afghan Services Bureau

Country of Origin: Afghanistan

Issue/Goal: Drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan after Russia attacked Afghanistan. Created by Abdullah Azzam (Muslim Brotherhood) and Osama bin Laden.

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Defend Afghanistan against Russia

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Azzam Defense of Muslim LandsJihad in AfghanistanWhoever can, from among the Arabs, fight jihad in Palestine, then he must start there. And, if he is not capable, then he must set out for Afghanistan. For the rest of the Muslims, I believe they should start their jihad in Afghanistan. It is our opinion that we should begin with Afghanistan before Palestine, not because Afghanistan is more important than Palestine, not at all, Palestine is the foremost Islamic problem. It is the heart of the Islamic world, and it is a blessed land but, there are some reasons which make Afghanistan the starting point.1) The battles in Afghanistan are still raging and have reached a level of intensity, the like of which have not been witnessed in the mountain ranges of Hindu Kush, nor in recent Islamic history .2) The Islamic flag being raised in Afghanistan is clear: and the aim is clear, "to make Allah's words uppermost". The second article in the constitution of Itihad Islamy consisting of Afghani Mujahideen is: "The goal of this unification is to bring forth an Islamic state in Afghanistan."

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Al Qaeda The Base

Country of Origin: Afghanistan

Issue/Goal: Take the victory in Afghanistan globally to resolve Palestinian question, fight the Zionist Crusader Alliance purge outside forces from holy lands, create an Islamic Caliphate and army

Acts used to Achieve Goal: USS Cole and 911

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Al Qaeda in Iraq 2004 (the origins of ISIS)

Country of Origin: Iraq

Issue/Goal: Remove the US from Iraq and establish a caliphate

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Bomb attacks against US forces until June 2006 when its leadership was killed

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Country of Origin: Iraq after leadership killed remaining members joined other Sunni groups in Iraq Issue/Goal: Create an Islamic State in the Levant

Acts used to Achieve Goal: Beheadings and

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What do you make about

1. These groups and defending religion?2. Looking out for self?3. Slap thesis, defense and other yearly themes4. Motivation5. Application of the definition of terrorism6. Connection to Qutib, the Quran and Salidin