21 ST AUGUST 2013 Slaves of the Most Merciful CLASS 3

Slaves of the Most Merciful Class3 21st Aug 2013 v0 deeds will be change to good deeds.. Allah deals with the people according to their faith. Allah will treat believers and disbelievers

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Slaves of the Most Merciful

C L A S S 3

S l a v e s o f t h e M o s t M e r c i f u l - C l a s s 3 2


In the Quran the word Ibaad Ur Rahman is mentioned twice. Once in Surah Al Furqan and the other is Surah Az-Zukhrub Ayah 19 where Allah calls the Angels Ibaad Ur Rahman

And they have made the angels, who are servants of the Most Merciful, females. Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned.

The Ibaad Ur Rahman are always fearing Allah. The description came in Surah Furqan where Allah gives us the criterion to see the light between the right and wrong.

“ Ibaad Ur Rahman contd…” Outer Characterist ics of “Ibaad Ur Rahman” contd. . The description of Ibaad Ur Rahman starts with affirmation ( telling us what the Ibaad Ur Rahman are doing ) and then there is negation. Allah negates certain attributes from them i.e. Sifaat Manfiya (Negated attributes) which are the major sins. This part of the description talks about the major sins that the Ibaad Ur Rahman will never do.

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The Ibaad Ur Rahman do not commit the major sins but if they commit they get double punishment and if they repent they get double reward meaning with repentance the evil deeds will be change to good deeds.. Allah deals with the people according to their faith. Allah will treat believers and disbelievers differently. Allah will bring the means to the believers, as He wants them to be in Paradise. As for the disbelievers Allah will leave them after guidance, as they are not appreciating His guidance. With the believers the more Allah will nurture them more by showing them their sins. As for the disbelievers they don’t see their faults. They only see the society faults and so they will never be guided. The Ibaad Ur Rahman do not the commit the 3 major sins. Shirk i.e. associate partners with Allah, kill others or commit Adultery.

6 t h o u t s i d e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c – D o n ’ t a s s o c i a t e w i t h A l l a h Today shirk has many deceiving forms. Shirk does not only mean to prostrate to an idol. Today we have many advanced forms of Shirk i.e. when we attribute power to someone other than Allah. The Ibaad Ur Rahman don’t adorn and attach to anyone but Allah. we need to attach to Allah at all times in our life. The Ibaad Ur Rahman only attach to Allah.

Translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not. Shirk is the first attribute that Allah negates from Ibaad ur Rahman. They will not be deceived and they will not invoke anyone but Allah.

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E x a m p l e o f t h e l a d y w i t h E p i l e p s y . There is a hadith narrated by ‘Ata bin Abi Rabah:

Ibn ‘Abbas once said to me, “Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?”

I said, “Yes.”

He said, “This black lady came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, ‘I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please invoke Allah for me.’ The Prophet said (to her), ‘If you wish, be patient and you will have Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke Allah to cure you.’ She said, ‘I will remain patient,’ and added, ‘but I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.’ So he invoked Allah for her.” - Bukhari :: Book 7 :: Volume 70 :: Hadith 555

7 t h o u t s i d e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c – D o n ’ t K i l l The Ibaad Ur Rahman do not kill a soul that Allah forbade from killing. There are three groups of people which Allah forbade to kill i.e. it is haram to kill.

1. Al-Muslim – One cannot kill a Muslim, as it is a major sin to kill a Muslim.

2. Kafireen – There are two types of disbelievers that one cannot kill.

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a. Disbelievers who are Allies i.e. the Kafireen in countries with whom one’s country has a peace treaty

b. Disbeliever that came to one’s country for a contract/work. If someone comes to one’s country then one cannot kill them

The Ibaad Ur Rahman will ONLY execute killings with authority / with the truth. They will not kill for personal gain. They don’t make their own laws but follow the law of the country. Killing is a major sin if a person is a believer and he commits this major sin he will be in hellfire till he is purified (not forever). Before he is thrown in the hell fire and in the Qamtara he will give all his good deeds to the person he killed. The first thing that will be judged between the people is about the blood/killing. When one kills he violates three rights:

1. Allah’s right 2. Person’s right 3. Family’s right

If the killer repents with Allah he satisfies Allah’s right but still he has the family rights and the person’s right. In order to satisfy the family rights he needs to admit and surrender himself. As for the dead person’s right it can only be solved on the Day of Judgment. There is a Hadith of Prophet that "Allah laughs about two men who kill each other but both enter paradise" (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim). One who is killed is in Paradise and the killer repents so much he is also in Paradise.

8 t h o u t s i d e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c – D o n ’ t c o m m i t a d u l t e r y Adultery is a major sin that Allah negates from the Ibaad Ur Rahman. This sin does not happen instantly but there are steps that lead to this sin. It starts from the sickness of the heart i.e. love of the desires. If a person does not control the sickness of the heart it increases more and more. When Allah forbade Zina Allah said not to come close to Zina. Hadith of the Prophet SAW It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The zina of the eye is looking, the zina of the tongue is speaking; the soul longs and wishes, and the private part confirms that or denies it.”

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According to a version narrated by Muslim: “The zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the ears is listening, the zina of the tongue is speaking, the zina of the hands is touching, and the zina of the foot is walking. The heart longs and wishes, and the private part confirms that or denies it.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6243) and Muslim (2657). Shaitaan beautify the haram. Ibaad Ur Rahman do not assign purity to themselves because when one ascribes purity to himself he will fall in that sin. Therefore we should never criticize other people. When we see some one committing a we need to do the following:

1. In our heart we need to negate/deny the sin (not the person) – we need to NOT accept the sin. We need to criticize the sin and not the person. This way when we advise the person we will advise him in the best manner.

2. At the same time we need to have full mercy on the person. May Allah guide him and show him the way. This means we don’t push them away but we need to deal with them with love and mercy.

Outcome for committing the sins If the Ibaad Ur Rahman commit any of the three major sins (Shirk, Killing or Adultery) they will receive punishment in abundance. This is because they are a role model for others in the society.

ا Some scholars say this is special valley in hellfire. The Ayah has the explanation – أأَثَاًم۬۟

for ا It is like a mountain of sins. The punishment will be doubled on the Day of أأَثَاًم۬۟Judgment in hell fire. This is because the person having knowledge is aware that the Major sins are haram, Other evidence of we have are the wives of the Prophet SAW. They need to seek Allah’s protection from sins. If they commit sins the punishment is double and if they do good then the reward is double as well. Knowing this makes the Ibaad Ur Rahman more humble as they will feel weak will seek mercy of Allah to prevent them from falling into sin.

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Not only his punishment will be double but he will be abide in hell fire ُمهھَانًا which

means humiliated and disgraced. The Ibaad Ur Rahman are so special to Allah and He want them to be always humble to Him. A person will only commit the three major sins mentioned above when he feels too mush trust on himself and he sees himself higher. That is why when he commits the sins Allah wants to humiliate him.

• Double punishment – as he is a role model • He is humiliated – as he feel higher


1. If they commit the sin without repentance they will a. Double punishment b. Humiliated

2. If they commit the sin but they did the following to return to Allah: a. seek forgiveness/ repentance b. Aamaana/ belief c. Do righteous Good deeds

This is the way of return to Allah

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Allah’s promise Allah replaces the Evil Deeds with Good Deeds because Allah is Ghafoor and Raheem.

The first thing is repentance for major and minor sins as well. There are conditions for repentance. Conditions of Repentance It is an act of the heart. The three conditions of repentance are:

1. Regret on commiting the sin 2. Stop committing the sin immediately 3. Determination to come back to religion 4. Return the people’s right. 5. Not to talk about the sin in front of others i.e. don’t expose oneselves. Allah hides

our sins. The Prophet SAW said all my Ummah is forgiven except those who expose themselves.

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6. The time for repentance is valid while one is alive. We need to repent while we are alive. The opportunity for repentance closes when the soul reaches the throat and secondly when the sun will rise from the west (i.e. on the Day of Judgment). Therefore we have time till our death or Day of Judgment

7. We need to sincere in our repentance to Allah.