SLEEP 101 · necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness. ... reducing the time it tareducing the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the length

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Page 1: SLEEP 101 · necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness. ... reducing the time it tareducing the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the length


Page 2: SLEEP 101 · necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness. ... reducing the time it tareducing the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the length


Without sleep, there is low energy and disease. With sleep, there is vitality and health. More than 20 large scale epidemiological studies all report the same clear relationship:

the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life.

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by with, and the amount you need to function optimally. In today’s fast-paced society, six or seven hours of sleep may sound pretty good. In reality, though, it’s a recipe for chronic sleep deprivation.

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. If you would carry on sleeping if your alarm clock was turned off then you are simply not getting enough.

HoweveHowever, it's not just the number of hours you spend asleep that's important - it's also the quality of those hours. This is where you can maximise the hours that you are spending in bed. Even if you can’t get enough sleep due to personal circumstances, you can at least get the best quality possible.


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The definition of hygiene is a set of conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease. When related to sleep, it means a variety of different habits that are necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness.

Getting (or not getting) great sleep every night is often due to two important factors:

1. Your daily habits2. 2. Your sleeping environment.

Optimising both of these is key to successful sleep.

YOUR DAILY HABITSThe things you do during the day and leading up to sleeping at night can impact your sleep just as much as the environment you choose to sleep in.

1. Establish A Regular RoutineGetting into a regular routine of going to bed and rising at the same times everyday is one of the most important practices you can perform for better sleemost important practices you can perform for better sleep. Part of keeping a healthy bedtime routine is to keep it up even on the weekends by avoiding staying up late and sleeping in. Depriving yourself of sleep during the midweek and binge-sleeping on the weekends does more harm to your sleep cycles than good.

2. Avoid Caffeine And Nicotine Close To SleepCaffeine and nicotine are stimulants that can make it difficult to go to sleep or stay asleep until the chemicals wear off. Ideally these should be consumed earlier in the day, especially caffeine. This includes:This includes:l Teal Coffeel Dark chocolatel Energy drinksl Fizzy drinks such as coke

3. Avoid Alcohol Before SleepWhile alcohol (a depressant) can help you fall asleep fasteWhile alcohol (a depressant) can help you fall asleep faster, it contributes to poor quality sleep later. It also blocks REM sleep (the most restorative type of sleep), meaning you wake up feeling groggy and unfocused.

4. Turn Screens OffElectronic devices emit sufficient light to miscue the brain and promote wakefulness. Using them before bed delays your body’s internal clock, suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and makes it more difficult to fall asleep.


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“If you told an athlete you had a treatment that would reduce the chemicals associated with stress, that would naturally increase human growth hormone, that enhances recovery rate, that improves performance, they would all do it. Sleep does all of those things.”

Casey Smith, Head Athletic Trainer, Dallas Mavericks

5. Exposure To DaylightYour circadian rhythm, the internal clock that regulates periods of sleep and wakefulness, is triggered by light and darkness. Getting ample amounts of natural light during the day and less light at night helps keep your circadian rhythm in harmony with the external world.

6. ExerciseWorking out, and especially moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (e.g. walking) is beneficial for reducing the time it tareducing the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the length of sleep.

7. Relaxation TechniquesPractice relaxation techniques before bedtime to help get your body and mind prepared for sleep. Dwelling on problems or bringing arguments to bed can keep you awake and worrying. Activities such as meditating and stretching can help ease the stresses in the body and mind before bed-time. Writing your frustrations out in a journal can also be therapeutic and stress relieving.

8. Don’t Force SleepIf you caIf you can't sleep, go into another room and do something relaxing until you feel tired. Lying awake and frustrated will only further compound the problem.

9. Use Naps With CareIf you have trouble sleeping, avoid naps, especially in the afternoon. Power napping may help you get through the day, but if you find that you can't fall asleep at bedtime, eliminating even short catnaps may help.

10. Change Your PerceptionSStart thinking about sleep as a kind of work, or like going to the gym (with the key difference that it is both free and enjoyable.) Instead of logging how many steps you’ve done on your Fitbit, track and boast about your shuteye count!

Sleep is like food, water and air, the basic biological need that humans have to have to survive. BUT if you want to go beyond survival then you have to optimise your sleep and realise its value, to enhance not only your health but your performance too.

If you want to be strong, fast, and full of energy, get enough good quality sleep! Do that and the rest will fall into place much more easilthe rest will fall into place much more easily.

Society reinforces that sleep loss equals a badge of courage; you don’t have to sleep so you can get the job done. Yet, all the science says this is complete rubbish. You might think that way, but your performance will suffer. © THE NATURAL EDGE

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Building Your Routine

Building a regular sleep/wake cycle and sticking to it as often as possible, even on the weekends, will pay you back with improved sleep and more energy.

1. Think about your mornings, what you need to get done and what time you need to be out the door or engaged with your day?

2. Select a wake time that gives you enough time to complete your morning routine without rushing. Be realistic about this. Give yourself no less than an hour for the simplest wake-up r outine that includes rising, bathing, having breakfast, and getting oriented for the day.

3. Once your wake time is set, work back 7 to 8 hours to determine the right bedtime for you. Seven hours is the minimum you should be aiming for. And remember, this is your actual bedtime, not the time you start to get ready for bed.

4. To wind down before bed, give yourself at least 30 – 60 minutes before your actual bedtime.

5. Be prepared to make adjustments once you’ve started sleeping and waking on a regular schedule.

6. Allow yourself time to get comfortable. No routine, even the most healthy one, feels perfectly effortless right from the start. It may take you a little time to acclimate to your new sleep-wake schedule.

7. It will get easier. If you stick with it, a routine of regular bed and wake times can eventually feel both natural and welcome.

8. Make Gradual Adjustments: You won’t be able to change your sleep schedule overnight. The most effective tactic is to make small changes slowly. If you’re trying to go to sleep at 10:00pm, rather than midnight, for example, try this: l For the first three or four nights, go to bed at 11:45pm, and then go to bed at 11:30pm for the next few days. l Keep adjusting your sleep schedule like this. l By working in 15-minute increments, your body will have an easier time adjusting.

9. Though it’s certainly tempting to hit the snooze button in the morning to get a few extra winks, resist. The first few days of getting up earlier won’t be easy, but post-snooze sleep isn’t high quality.

10. Be patient with yourself, and don’t worry when days and nights don’t go to plan. Aim for consistency and not perfection.


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Blue Light ExposureThe modern world is full of light, in fact you have to make an effort to seek out darkness. There’s also more blue-wavelength light than ever. This short-wavelength light is plentiful in many energy-efficient light sources and digital devices. Being aware of when and how much light you consume can help you protect your sleep, and ensure you function at your best during the day.

Scientific studies have pinpointed blue light as a form of light that’s especially aggressive in triggering sleeplessness. Blue light suppresses melatonin production for more than twice as long triggering sleeplessness. Blue light suppresses melatonin production for more than twice as long as other light wavelengths, and alters circadian rhythms by twice the degree.

Interference with the body’s 24-hour circadian rhythms can have a significant effect on health, creating problems with the cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune systems, disturbing mood, and compromising cognitive function. When your circadian rhythms are out of whack, you think, feel, and perform below your best.

Blue Light Filtering Software & Appsl l There are a number of apps that work to reduce blue light exposure during evening hours.l Many smartphones and tablets include these blue-light filtering apps as part of their operating systems. Apple’s Night Shift is a built-in iOS app, that can be scheduled to shift to warmer, redder wavelength light in the evenings and back to bright, more highly blue-wavelength light in the morning.l Flux is a free software that adjusts the light of your computer to match the cycle of natural sunlight where you live, and adjust light in the evenings to reduce brightness and blue light.

Blue-light Blocking Filters & GlassesBlue-light Blocking Filters & Glassesl Both filters for screens and blue-light blocking eyewear are available, to reduce unwanted, poorly timed exposure.l Targeted, specialty light bulbs.l One of the most effective ways to manage light exposure is to use LED light bulbs that provide the specific kind of light that’s best for day and night.l Energy efficient LED light bulbs are now made with our circadian biology in mind, designed to minimize the negative effects of blue wavelength light at night—and take advantage of those stimulating effects during the day.

Screens At Nightl It’s one thing to relax in front of the television for a while during the evening, and quite another to have your head buried in your smartphone right up until lights out.l l The degree and intensity of artificial and blue wave- length light exposure matter.l Give yourself a mobile device cut-off time.l The closer you get to bedtime, the less interactive your media consumption should be. Studies show that social media and other highly interactive forms of media (think: video games and app games) are especially disruptive to sleep.


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Stress ManagementIn today’s society, we thrive on performance, competition and perfection, which unwittingly leads to rising levels of stress. Stress causes damage that is often underestimated, and it’s impact on our sleep can be particularly damaging

Stress touches all social groups and all age categories; no one can truly escape it. However, some people are more deeply affected by its consequences, depending on their personal, psychosocial, professional and health bacpsychosocial, professional and health background.

There are several ways to counter stress but one powerful tool can be meditation which counters the “stress response” with a “relaxation response,” leading to a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen consumption. Meditation also creates a more gradual change in the brain, which is where meditation really works its magic.

Meditation centres you and allows a reprieve from the intensity of the world, it helps the mind to reconfigure itself. As a result, we tend to think of meditation as a spiritual and cerebral practice. But as thought converts to action, meditatioBut as thought converts to action, meditation’s influence on thought subsequently converts into more mindful and effective action. The meditating mind takes care of the meditating body. It eats better, exercises more, and sheds physically deteriorative habits.

So it is no surprise that some of the best athletes and teams in the world use some form of meditation. After winning the 2014 Super Bowl the Seattle Seahawks revealed they had used meditation practices to help stay “in the zone” and perform under high-stakes situations. LeBron James famously took this to the next level by meditating during a timeout in the 2012 NBA playoffs to help him refocus for the task ahead.playoffs to help him refocus for the task ahead.

So as well as the benefits you get with sleep and feeling better on a day to day basis you can improve your physical performance. When we push ourselves to our limits or find ourselves unintentionally pushed by external circumstances, the untrained mind has difficulty.

It wants to give in. It wants to retreat back to a place of comfort, safety, and low risk. But meditation builds a certain mental muscle that teaches us to trust ourselves. This trust allows us to accomplish more than we might consider possible otherwise.


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How To Get Started With MeditationThere are many ways you can go about this but we believe by far the easiest is to start off by using an app on your phone. There are several out there and nearly all of them have a free trial period.

These are the most popular:l Headspace l l Waking Up l Calm

At TNE we recommend the Waking Up app by Sam Harris which we have found to be the easiest to follow. We also like their ethos:

The first 5 meditations are free and each meditation is on average 10 minutes long.

In our experience it is best to meditate in the morning, either first thing or after your workout. Start small and gradually build up the time that you spend meditating. Try and be patient since it can tasince it can take a couple of weeks before you start to really notice the benefits, but stick with it and you will be rewarded.

Something that may be useful to remember is that the sessions do not have to be enjoyable. In fact on occasions they might be a real battle! But just like doing a workout, if you persevere the benefits will come later rather than during the session itself (just like muscles repairing after exercise).


“Waking Up is risk-free. If you don’t find it valuable, we will give you a full refund. No questions asked.

If you would like to use the app but truly cannot afford it, please email us at [email protected] so that we can give you a free account.

While we operate a business, we believe that money should never be the reason why someone can’t gain access to Waking Up.”

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Bonus Exercise: Remove The SourceYou might also like to try this tactic for identifying the underlying causes of stress if you feel yourself under pressure.

Set aside 10 minutes and list all of the reasons which you think are contributing to your stress. Next sort them into 3 categories:

1. Those with a practical solution.1. Those with a practical solution.2. Those that will get better anyway given time.3. Those you can’t do anything about.

After this write out a plan with the actions available to you. This might involve setting yourself realistic expectations and prioritising essential commitments. If you feel overwhelmed, ask people to help with the tasks you have to do and say ‘no’ to things that you cannot take on.

Take control by taking small steps towards the things you can improve.

l l Are you taking on too much?l Are there things you are doing which could be handed over to someone else?l Can you do things in a more leisurely way?

You may need to prioritise things you are trying to achieve and re-organise your life so that you are not trying to do everything at once.

The simple act of having everything out of your head and on paper can be very powerful for gaining clarity on what can be done to reduce levels of stress.


Try to keep things in perspective and don’t be too hard on yourself. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, seeking professional help can support you in managing effectively. Do not be afraid to seek professional help if you feel that you are no longer able to manage things on your own.

Many people feel reluctant to seek help as they feel that it is an admission of failure. This is not the case and it is important to get help as soon as possible so you can begin to feel better.

The first person to approach is your family doctoThe first person to approach is your family doctor. He or she should be able to advise about treatment and may refer you to another local professional.

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2. Your Sleeping Environment

Over the course of their life the average person will sleep for nearly 230,000 hours assuming they get 8 hours of rest each night. These hours amount to approximately ⅓ of your lifetime, so it makes sense to have a bedroom that you look forward to spending time in each night.

There should be a positive association between your bedroom and feelings of rest and regeneration.

A sleep sanctuary is a comfortable environment that promotes restful sleep for better health. A sleep sanctuary is a comfortable environment that promotes restful sleep for better health. The purpose of creating a sleep sanctuary is to remove distractions from your bedroom that interfere with proper sleep, as well as to improve sleep quality with materials that produce a tranquil environment.

A sleep sanctuary involves more than just good sleep hygiene. While it’s important to avoid factors that prevent you from falling asleep at night (such as scrolling through social media and being stimulated by the blue light from your iPhone), a sleep sanctuary should also be a place that allows you to decompress and feel at ease as you enter your slumbeplace that allows you to decompress and feel at ease as you enter your slumber.

Here’s how to transform your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary in ten easy steps. By optimising your sleep environment, not only will you wake up feeling more energised and refreshed, but you’ll begin to notice the physical and mental benefits that naturally come with good sleep.

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1. Associate Your Bedroom With Sleep And Sex OnlyThese are really the only activities that your bedroom should be designed for. Doing any other activities in your bedroom can cause your mind to associate it with other stimulating endeavors. Don't watch TV, listen to the radio, or talk with your partner about important life occurrences or problems in bed. Bringing stimulating content or conversation to bed can keep you awake engaging in it or worrying about it.

2. 2. Keep Electronics Out Of The RoomAll electronic devices including TV's, tablets, laptops, and phones should be kept out of the bedroom as much as possible. For starters, the content may be stimulating and keep you awake as you play "just one more game" or read "just one more post." Furthermore, the blue light emitting from many of these devices interferes with the release of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.

3. Keep Your Room DarkLight is bad for sleep as it can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Light is bad for sleep as it can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Keep your room dark by using heavy window shades, wearing a sleep mask, and avoiding staring at glowing electronics. See below for tips on blacking out your room.

4. Keep Your Room QuietNoise can keep you awake so make sure your room is as free of unnecessary sounds as possible. If you're still having trouble sleeping because of noisy neighbors or others in the house consider using earplugs to block out sound or try using white noise. Fans and sound machines that mamachines that make continuous rhythmic sounds can be both relaxing and aid in drowning out distracting or sudden noises.

5. Keep Your Room CoolAs you go to sleep your body temperature begins to drop as it prepares itself for slumber. Keeping your room a cool temperature (between 60-67°F / 15-19°C) can help aid the process of cooling your body.

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6. Make Your Bed As Comfy As PossibleMost mattresses are good for about 9 years. If your mattress is out of date or uncomfortable, getting a new mattress can go a long way towards great sleep. Having an uncomfortable pillow or bedding can keep you from sleep as well. If you're constantly readjusting your pillow before bedtime, it may be time to get a new one.

7. Keep Snacks Where They BelongEating in the bedroom tells your brain that itEating in the bedroom tells your brain that it's an area reserved for activity, which is the opposite of what you want for a good night's rest. We want to tell our senses to wind down, not activate them with food! So keep the food where it belongs, in the kitchen or dining room—that includes late-night snacking, Saturday takeout, or lazy Sunday brunching.

8. Use A Sunlight Alarm To Wake UpThis provides two benefits. Firstly it allows you to wake up to light which kick starts the natural biological rhythm of your body. Secondly, a light alarm clock wakes you with a natural, gradually brightening light, helping you feel refreshed, alert and energised all dagradually brightening light, helping you feel refreshed, alert and energised all day.

We sleep in 90-minute cycles, broken down into separate phases. A conventional alarm will jolt you awake no matter what phase you are in. A light alarm wakes you gradually, pulling you gently out of your sleep cycles. See below for recommendations.

9. Use The Power Of ScentOur sense of smell is deeply connected to our memories and emotions. In fact, aromatherapy is based on the idea that certain smells can directly affect our nervous system. Diffusing an essential oil or lighting a candle while you get ready for bed can send a signal to your brain essential oil or lighting a candle while you get ready for bed can send a signal to your brain that it's time to wind down.

In some studies lavender, rose, and sandalwood have been shown to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression—so those are great options. You can also make a homemade lavender spray (with one part water, one part witch hazel, and 20 drops of lavender essential oil) to spritz on your pillow before you lie down.

10. Create Your Own OasisItIt’s important to remove anything in your sanctuary that may cause stress or make it feel like a multi-purpose room – for example, bills, loose papers or textbooks. If you have a desk in your room, it’s a good idea to move it to another area in your home to prevent these items from accumulating in your sleep space. In fact, one of the best steps to start building a sleep sanctuary is to declutter your bedroom.

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Blackout Your RoomLight sends signals to your body that it’s daytime (aka time to stay awake), which can suppress melatonin production. Your goal should be to make your bedroom as dark as possible. The gold standard is pitch black i.e. not being able to see a hand in front of your face.

The easiest way to achieve this is through the use of blackout curtains or a blackout blind.Although this task will involve some time and money, it is an investment in your long term health. And from our perspective one of the most important ones you can mahealth. And from our perspective one of the most important ones you can make.

Option 1 - Blackout CurtainsAs with all of the following recommendations, these are just ideas to get you started. There are many options available so you may need to do a little bit of research to find the best fit for your own home (depending on your window architecture and your budget).

The first option is to purchase a set of blackout curtains which can be used on their own or in conjunction with your existing ones. If you place them in front of the ones you have you can still retain the style of the room.still retain the style of the room.

Here is just one option: Moondream Curtains

Option 2 - Adapt Existing CurtainsThis option requires a little more effort but is very effective. Simply purchase a roll of blackout material such as this: Blackout Lining Material.

Take this and attach it to the back of your existing curtains. Unless you’re a dab hand with a sewing machine I suggest using a seamstress or dry cleaners.

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Option 3 - Travel BlindThis can be a great solution as they are relatively cheap and also portable. However, they do require putting up and taking down each day (realistically this is 30 secs though).

Here are two options:Gro Anywhere Portable Blackout BlindEasynight Portable Travel Blackout Blind

Option 4 - Homemade Blind / CurtainsOption 4 - Homemade Blind / CurtainsIf you have odd shaped windows or just want to make a blind/curtain that perfectly fits your windows this could be an option. For the curtain purchase the same material from Option 2 and then sew some curtain tape along the top and place on a curtain rail.

For the blind, purchase this kit (the rest of the site has some good options too): Easyblinds Easyblackout Kit

The downside with these options is that they don’t look very pretty, but you could place more attractive curtains in front of them.attractive curtains in front of them.

Sunlight Alarm Options

There are several good brands on the market, with lots of options on Amazon. The market leader seems to be Lumie, and their basic model is excellent, however if you travel a lot you may want to look for a more portable option.

FITFORT Sunlight AlarmLumie Bodyclock

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