CDPAP: Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program A Program From the Cortland County Community Action Program, Inc.(CAPCO) In Collaboration With The Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) Presentation Created By: Timothy Lennon (SUNY Cortland)

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1. A Program From the Cortland CountyCommunity Action Program, Inc.(CAPCO) InCollaboration With The Local Department ofSocial Services (LDSS)Presentation Created By: Timothy Lennon (SUNY Cortland) 2. Traditional Home Care Not Meeting Your Needs? 3. CDPAP is a self-directed task-based home caremodel for Medicaid eligible consumers who: Need home care servicesand Can manage their own care* OR- have a responsible adult willing toassume the programs responsibilities ontheir behalf. 4. The Basis of the Program:Many disabled individuals have the ability to choose theirown caregivers and direct their own home care services.CDPAPs Solution:Through Medicaid funding, CDPAP works with theLocal Department of Social Services (LDSS) to make itpossible for approved participants to designate their ownpersonal assistant. 5. Assistants can be anyone except a parent,spouse, or a participants designatedrepresentative 6. Lets Recap: How does CDPAP Work? Consumers can hire, train, supervise,or dismiss their personal assistant.Control Consumers schedule when to getpersonal assistance, directing how andwhen their care plan is managed.Independence Consumers are responsible for trainingpersonal assistants and overseeing thecare given.Responsibility 7. A study by the U.S.Department of Health andHuman Services says thatpeople who reach age 65will likely have a 40 percentchance of entering anursing home at somepoint. Many of these casesmight be avoided withCDPAP.People Over 65Not at RiskMay Live inNursingHome 8. Getting a Personal AssistantContact DSS ifinterestedYour DoctorreceivespaperworkDoctor submitspaperwork toDSSHome VisitscheduledCare plandevelopedChoose an aide Train your aideReceive careAide becomesan employee ofCAPCO 9. Photo/Audio Credits:All images and audio retrieved from Microsoft Office Clip Art.CAPCO logo courtesy of CAPCO.Statistics retrieved from medicare.gov