Automated Ranking of Database Query Results Sanjay Agrawal, Surajit Chaudhari, Gautam Das, Aristides Gionis Presented By: Upa Gupta


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Automated Ranking of Database Query Results

Sanjay Agrawal, Surajit Chaudhari, Gautam Das, Aristides Gionis

Presented By: Upa Gupta

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Introduction IDF Similarity QF Similarity Breaking Ties Implementation

ITA Algorithm Conclusion

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Database is Boolean Query Model E.g.. Select * WHERE MFR_Country =

“Germany” AND Type = “Sports” AND Manufacture = “Volkswagon”

Problems in Database Empty Answers

Too selective query leading to Null Result Set Many Answers

General query leading to too many results

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Ranking of Database Query Results using IR techniques. Applying TF-IDF concept to database

that is based on the frequency of the attribute values.

Need to extend the TF-IDF to Numerical Domains

IDF Similarity is discussed in paper Collecting WORKLOAD and using it for

ranking. QF Similarity, leveraging Workload


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Many Answers Problem is solved using Top-K Query Processing

Index-based Threshold Algorithm (ITA) developed exploiting IDF/QF Similarity.

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IDF Similarity

What is TF-IDF Technique? Given a set of documents and a query,

documents are ranked based on TF and IDF of the words of the document.

Adapting IDF concept to Database containing only categorical Attributes t=<t1,……tm> values of Attribute An Number of tuples in the database

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IDF Similarity

For all the values of t: Frequency F(t) is defined as no. of tuples

having Attribute A = t IDF is calculated as:

IDF(t) = log(n/F(t)) For pair of values u and v in Attribute A

domainS(u,v) = IDF (u) if u=v otherwise 0

For tuple T and Query Q for all the Attributes (A1…Ak)

SIM(T,Q) = ),(





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IDF Similarity


Query Q: Select * WHERE MFR_Country = “Germany” AND Type = “Sports” AND MFR = “Volkswagon”



MFR MFR_Country Type

1 SLR Mercedes Germany Sports

2 A6 Audi Germany Executive

3 R8 Audi Germany Sports

4 Gallardo

Lamborghini Italy Sports

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IDF Similarityn = 4F (MFR_Country = Germany) = 3IDF(MFR_Country = Germany) = log(n/F(MFR_Country = Germany))

= log(4/3) = 0.287Similarly,

IDF(MFR_Country=Italy) = 1.38 IDF(MFR = Audi) = 0.69

IDF(MFR = Lamborghini) = 1.38 IDF(MFR = Mercedes) = 1.38IDF(Type = Sports) = 0.287 IDF(Type = Executive) = 1.38

Similarity of 1st tuple with Q = SIM(T,Q) = S(Germany, Germany) + S(Sports, Sports) + S(Mercedes, Volkswagen)= IDF(MFR_Country = Germany) + IDF(Type = Sports) + 0= 0.287+0.287+0 = 0.574

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IDF Similarity Consider a Numeric Attribute in DB e.g. PRICE SIMPLE SOLUTION: Discretize the data between

ranges Consider two Range: (0, 50) and (51, 100)

Values 49 and 52 are considered completely dissimilar. Frequency of a numeric value t of an attribute is

defined as

F(t) =

IDF(t) = log(n/F(t)) h = bandwidth parameterS(t,q) = density at t of a Gaussian Distribution centered q.

S(t,q) =





esum of contributions to t from every ti database.


2/1qIDFe h


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IDF Similarity

Consider following Query: Select * where MFR IN (“Germany”,

“Italy”, ”Japan”) SIM(T,Q) = ),(max


qtS kk


kQq k

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QF Similarity

Problems with IDF: In a realtor database, more homes are

built in recent years such as 2007 and 2008 as compared to 1980 and 1981.Thus recent years have small IDF. Yet newer homes have higher demand.

In a bookstore DB, demand for an author is due to factor other than no. of books he has written

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QF Similarity

WORKLOAD: Past Queries Importance of attribute values is

determined by frequency of their occurrence in workload.

As in above eg, frequency of queries requesting homes in 2010 are more than of the year 1981

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QF Similarity For categorical data

RQF(q) = raw frequency of occurrence of value q of attribute A in query strings of workload

RQFMax = raw frequency of most frequently occurring value in workload

Query frequency QF(q) = RQF(q)/RQFMax

s(t, q) = QF(q), if q = t otherwise 0 QF resembles TF

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QF Similarity

Consider Workload containing following values of Attribute TYPE:

{Sports, Executive, Luxury, Sports, Sports, Executive}

QF(Executive) = RQF(Executive)/RQFMax = 2/3

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QF Similarity

Similarity between pairs of different categorical attribute values can also be derived from workload eg. To find S(Audi, Mercedes)

Similarity coefficient between t and q in this case is defined by jaccard coefficient scaled by QF factor as shown below.

S(t,q)=J(W(t),W(q))/QF(q) W(t) = Subset of queries in workload W in

which categorical value t occurs in an IN clause

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For QF-IDF SimilarityS(t,q)=QF(q) *IDF(q) when t=q

otherwise 0

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IF SIM(t1, q) = SIM (t2, q) Which Should be ranked Higher?? QF and IDF partitions database into


Q: SELECT * WHERE Type = “Sports” AND MFR_Country = “Germany”



MFR MFR_Country Type

1 SLR Mercedes Germany Sports

2 A6 Audi Germany Executive

3 R8 Audi Germany Sports

4 Gallardo

Lamborghini Italy Sports

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Breaking Ties with QF

Determine weights of missing attribute values that reflect their “global importance” using workload.

Global Imp = tk= missing attribute

Missing Attributes for Q: MFR and Model


ktQF ))(log(

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Breaking Ties with QF Considering Workload with following values

of MFR and ModelMFR{Audi, Audi, Lamborghini, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Audi}Model{R8, A6, Gallardo, SLR, Gallardo, A6}

QF(SLR) = ½ = 0.5 QF(Mercedes) = 1/3 = 0.33

Global Imp = log(0.5) + log(0.33). NEGATIVE VALUES of Global Imp ??

1 SLR Mercedes



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Breaking Ties with IDF

Tuples with large IDF(occuring infequently) of missing attributes are ranked higher Cars which are not popular are ranked


Tuples with small IDF of missing attributes are ranked higher Cars having Moonroof will be ranked less

which is a desirable feature.

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Pre-processing component

Query–processing component

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Pre Processing Component

Compute and store a representation of similarity function(QF-IDF, QF, IDF) in auxiliary database tables

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Query Processing Component Job: Retrieving Top-K results from


ITA Algorithm: Use of Fagin’s Threshold Algorithm and Similarity function

Sorted Access: Along any attribute Ak, TIDs of tuples are retrieved.

Random Access: entire tuple corresponding to a TID is retrieved.

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ITA Algorithm Repeat Initialize Top-K Buffer to empty For each k = 1 to p

TID = Index of the next Tuple is retrieved from the ordered Lists

T = Complete Tuple is retrieved for TID Compute value of Ranking Function If Rank of T is higher than the rank of lowest ranking

tuple in Top-K Buffer, then update Top-K Buffer If Stopping Condition has been reached then Exit

End For Until all index of the tuples have been seen.

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ITA Algorithm

Stopping Condition Hypothetical tuple – current value a1,

…, ap for A1,… Ap, corresponding to index seeks on L1,…, Lp and qp+1,….. qm for remaining columns from the query directly.

Termination – Similarity of hypothetical tuple to the query< tuple in Top-k buffer with least similarity.

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ITA for Numeric columns

Consider a query has condition Ak = qk for a numeric column Ak.

Two index scan is performed on Ak.

First retrieve TID’s > qk in incresing order. Second retrieve TID’s < qk in decreasing


We then pick TID’s from the merged stream.

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Automated Ranking Infrastructure for SQL databases.

Extended TF-IDF based techniques from Information retrieval to numeric and mixed data.

Implementation of Ranking function that exploited Fagin’s TA

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