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SLOVAKIA. Geographical situation Country place - in Europe east part. In north - boundary with Poland , in east - with Ukraine , in south - with Hungary , in west - with Czech Republic and Austria. Territory : 49 034 km2 Population : 5 379 455 Country State : Parliament Republi c - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Territory: 49 034 km2 Population: 5 379 455 Country State: Parliament Republic Official language: SlovakianReligion: Catholics (60%), Protestants (8%)

Geographical situation

Country place - in Europe east part. In north - boundary with Poland, in east - with Ukraine, in south - with Hungary, in west - with Czech Republic and Austria.

Capital: Bratislava (452 288)Largest cities : Kosic, Nitre, Presov, Bansk Bistric, Lucenec


HistoryFrom 5 c BC. In present Slovakia the Slavs tribes lived. In 833 Moravian prince took Nitre and established Large Moravia empire.In 863 Slovakia turns to Baptism faith. In 1018 Slovakia gets incorporated in Hungary and stays there for 900 years, though Slovakia east region belongs to Poland from 1412 to 1772.

After 2. World war Slovakia and Czech unite, and Czechoslovakia was formed. In Czechoslovakia the communism was the only political regime.

In 1989 Slovakians get free from communism.

In 1993 independence from Slovakia Republic is proclaimed.

Today Slovakia is one of the EU countries.

Country capital is Bratislava. It is famous for castle-stronghold.

Gerlachovskij Stit Gerlachovsky Stit

is the highest Tatra top with unusual landscape, rock labyrinths, deep grottos, stalactite caves, underground rivers and different kind of routs for mountain tourists.

Lomnics spice is the second higher Tatra top (2632 m over the sea level). Take off for mountains with funicular, to the mountain point shoulder.

Strebskoje pleso is the place of High Tatra waterfalls, ice lakes with translucent water and trout.

Belansk underground caves – many kilometres long passage labyrinths, ornamented by stalactites and stalagmites.

Dobisinsk ice cave - temperature in the hottest summer is -400C.

Spis castle complex that was one from biggest castle complexes in middle Europe in middle ages.


Slovakia is rich with national parks – High Tatra national park, Low Tatra national park, Mala Fatra national park, Pienini national park.

National park “Slovenskij raj” – Hornad river, wonderful canyon, beautiful nature, waterfalls.

Football Hockey

Results in 2005 games:

Slovakia 0-0 Russia

Slovakia 1-0 Estonia

Impressive awards

2000 - silver medal

2002 - gold medal

2003 - bronze medal

Slovakians have favoured the sport.

Folk art  

Folk architecture example - wooden churches and brightly painted houses can be found all over the country.Folk art works are woodcarving, weaving and glass painting that extent until today, especially in the country areas.


Music is an important element of Slovakian culture. Slovakians have rich folk music, many famous European classical music composers used Slovakian folk music motives in their own work (for example, Bela Bartok).

Slovakia anthem

• Slovakia national anthem:

• Nad Tatrou sa blyska

• hromy divo biju.

• Zastavme ich bratia,

• slovaci ožiju.

• To Slovensko naše

• posial’ tvrdo spalo.

• Ale bleskr hromu

• vzbudzuju h k tomu,

• vby sa prebralo