SMACS Slow Monitor And Control System Developed system for CDF-TOF proposed for Atlas-MDT/RPC

SMACS Slow Monitor And Control System Developed system for CDF-TOF proposed for Atlas-MDT/RPC

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SMACSSlow Monitor And Control System

Developed system for CDF-TOFproposed for Atlas-MDT/RPC

Main requests for a control and monitor system for HV power supply

Full operatively before detector installation. Scalability. Auto configurable or easy configurable. Built-in simulator of real hardware. Suitable to control different power supply systems. Representation of the status of whole system in

compact and easy to understand format. Remote monitor independent from OS (server-client). Possibility to define different alarm levels.

CDF approach (proposed for Atlas-MDT)




Status (Local DB)


User Interface

iFix (Scada) Can be replaced by


Magnet sensor





Status (General DB)

Other subsyste


Remote (client)Local (server)It works as anOPC server

System configuration (step 1)

The user start to configure the system choosing from a library the crates he needs.

Different power supplies can be selected.

System configuration (step 2)

The front panel of selected crates are shown. From there, the user can operate as on real devices.

System configuration (step 3)

The user builds his HV system choosing from the library the modules he needs and places them in the back side of crates.This operation automatically configures the system.

User interface (channel)

The full system is shown in compact format by a tree view.

Selecting a component (crate, board, channel) a different tab strip appears showing its main features.

Status of channels is shown by colored led. The color is propagate to the board and crate led. This allows to quickly discover bad behavior also if the tree is unexpanded.

User interface (System)

From the system tab the user can have a fast view of whole set up.

Operations to switch on/off or to reset tripped channels can be done.

Bad channels are shown in a list window.

User interface (System histos)

Histos for the main parameters are collected.

Selecting bins of the histos the param value of corresponding channels can be shown on Excel grid.

User interface (channel history)

The history for VMon and IMon values are collected for each channels.

User interface (alarm handling)

Different alarm level can be set :

•Write on logger file

•Notify to remote client

•Send a e-mail to expert on call

•Send a SMS to expert on call

Remote client representation

Remote representation of CDF Time of Flight detector (simulation data 2*216 PM)

Representation of geometrical and physical detector can be customized on the client side.

Data exchanged over the network can be used to show the status and behaviour of any part of detector.