2 Smart Grid Operational Services Supply Chain Leading Practices Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it

Smart Grid Operational Services Supply Chain Fact Sheet

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Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


Smart Grid Operational ServicesSupply Chain Leading Practices

Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


Supplier Relationship Management for Large Scale Deployment 1

Supply Chain Leading Practices 2

Quality Assurance, The Essential Element 11

Conclusion 12


Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


A number of North American Utilities are endeavoring to undertake smart meter projects as a means to adjust consumer energy consumption habits to match consumption with generation. In certain cases, it is mandated by the regulator or government.

Utilities are increasingly aware of the need to adopt established methodologies to support such large scale deployments. While existing operational processes and procedures are adequate for sustainment, the tidal wave of meter replacements over a short period of time stretches the internal capabilities of utilities beyond their limits.

AMI and Smart Grid initiatives currently under consideration by many utilities depend upon a complex interaction of available and emerging automation, communications, and metering technologies. However, there is growing realization by proponents of this technology that the increased needs for quality and reliability of these investments will be subject to greater risks and place new demands upon their business operations.

While other regions of the world have experience with the deployment and operation of advanced meters, the combination of advanced meters and communications technologies, in-home devices, and load control capabilities (including under-glass, remote disconnect) has only been deployed on a limited scale. In addition to the general lack of mass deployment and specialized project operational experience, North American utilities will face further challenges to both supply chain operations and to product quality management, as manufacturing of individual components, as well as entire assemblies, will increasingly be outsourced to off shore markets.

Addressing these emerging challenges requires utilities to radically re-craft traditional meter quality programs,

outline new protocols for communications components, and seek to partner with third-party providers with whom they may not currently have relationships. Specifically, a revamped quality initiative is required to integrate traditional metering quality validation (e.g., meter testing, certification) with additional capabilities, including vendor assessments, communication systems testing and certification, and manufacturing standards validation. As a complicating factor, there is an absence of a complete portfolio of appropriate standards against which integrated devices will be tested. Finally, any revised or newly implemented quality program will also need to address quality controls uniquely required in an environment of rapid technology innovation, large scale volumes, and accelerated installations of the final AMI or Smart Grid products.

Supplier Relationship Management for Large Scale DeploymentSupplier Relationship Management (SRM) is a comprehensive approach to managing an enterprise’s interactions with the organizations that supply the goods and services it uses. As a procurement professional that implements and optimizes SRMs, Capgemini has developed proven tools and processes to identify improvement opportunities within relevant areas of the supply chain. Such methodologies and procedures can be adjusted for large scale deployment in order to eliminate bottlenecks, creating efficiency and increased accuracy within the supply chain.

Certain processes and procedures such as component specifications and sourcing, cross dock set up and management, in and out bound hardware movement, change meter order management including provisioning, defect and non-conformance management, and responsible meter disposal and recycling, have to be scaled to support the increased volume and mobility demands.

Smart Grid Operational Services,Supply Chain Leading Practices


When implementing a large scale AMI or Smart Grid program, Capgemini typically establishes a Deployment Operations Centre (DOC). This approach creates a centralized team that provides end-to-end support and coordination for AMI and Smart Grid implementation activities. The composition of such a team is critical for a project that has the scale and logistical complexity of an AMI and Smart Grid deployment.

The DOC oversees meter and network deployment processes, tools support, deployment tracking and reporting, and issue identification and resolution. As the nucleus of the whole deployment, the DOC employs a paperless meter change process that provides near-real-time reporting on installation results.

Metrics are published daily through the DOC to provide immediate visibility to actual results against targets through dashboard reports. Weekly and monthly reports are also created to provide an integrated view of deployment status. The reports give the team the ability to identify trends and proactively triage problems and issues.

Dashboard reports are created for a wide range of audience. From vendors to the president of the utility, the dashboard provides relevant information to each reader group. The high visibility of the metrics helps spark healthy competition amongst teams to out-perform their colleagues, spurring the group toward a common goal.

Supply Chain Leading PracticesCapgemini advises companies in a cross section of industries facing supply chain management challenges. Processes and leading practices are then developed to meet specific deployment. The following is a list of Capgemini’s operational services supply chain leading practices for AMI and Smart Grid deployment. These methodologies have a proven track record of success, and are highly repeatable and adaptable, allowing continuous improvement of each deployment:

Technology selection and management��

Vendor and order management ��

Integrated supply chain and logistics ��

Hardware traceability��

Bar coding for in and out bound ��hardware movement

Defect and non-conformance tracking��

Root cause analysis and corrective ��action

Meter and meter base standards��

Health & Safety��

Program Handbook��

Quality Assurance and Quality Control��

Technology Selection and ManagementUtility adoption of emergent technologies to realize Smart Grid and AMI opportunities requires new paradigms for successful technology management. Fortunately, leading practices already exist in other business sectors. The high tech sector, for example, uses proven business models for hardware development and venture capital to manage the supply chain risks and to manage investments in product development with growth companies. Over the next decade, utility success will be dependent on effectively integrating these types of practices.

The lengthy timeline associated with the development and deployment of AMI metering technology presents unique challenges for utility supply chain management. Unlike “traditional” utility products, AMI and Smart Grid hardware has characteristics more closely resembling those of computers and consumer electronics, such as:

Rapidly evolving technologies that ��render previous generations suddenly obsolete

Emerging features and functions that ��build upon lessons learned from similar applications

The need to conform to changing ��customer requirements and preferences related to design and usability

Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


Obsolescence created by a changing ��application standard as a result of an evolving utility market place

Embedded communications ��technology made obsolete by continuing advances in related, but external, telecommunications markets

A rapidly changing market in which ��vendors are constantly emerging, evolving, and converging

The rapidly evolving nature of this industry demands unique capabilities within a utility’s supply chain practice that differ from today’s procurement norms. Specifically, a product set evolving as quickly as AMI or Smart Grid requires the buyer to consider the opportunity cost of delayed purchasing, while balancing this against the value of buying early.

Assuming that a vendor has demonstrated that its technology is sound and meets the utility’s business requirements, the challenge is developing an appropriate due diligence effort to assess the vendor’s projected delivery capabilities, often in a situation where it has no track record or demonstrated capability. Therefore, this process is fundamentally an assessment of the supplier’s processes and associated results, measured against the utility’s technical, life expectancy, and deployment schedule requirements. This information is used to establish an informed prediction of “what will be” as opposed to the more traditional due diligence approach, which focuses more on “what is.” The advantage of this approach is early identification and mitigation of risks to the utility’s program.

Capgemini’s Procurement Process Model is a proven method for managing all aspects of the supplier relationship, including technology vendors and their capabilities. Our clients are first advised to focus on a clear vision for their purchasing strategy. The exercise is used to determine issues such as which suppliers should become preferred business partners, and which are only scored based on simple price and/or quantity measured. Once the strategy is formulated, Capgemini then works with the organization, applying the Capgemini

Process Procurement Model and designing processes required for their specific strategy.

Vendor and Order ManagementThe supply of devices like meters plays a significant role in the deployment process. Devices are expected to be delivered at the intended location, when needed, without issues. Issues in the process lead to timelines missed, lost productivity, additional costs, and customer service problems.

When demand exceeds supply: Because of the rapidly increasing rollout of AMI and Smart Grid deployments across the globe, demand from various utilities can exceed market manufacturing capacity, which compounds the effect on the supply chain. This already results in longer lead times for products and vendor responses. Indeed, we are already finding shortages of devices in some markets.

In India, for instance, the Lahore Electric Supply Company and the Ludhiana Punjab State Electricity Board are both unable to meet its growing demand for electric meters. In Australia, one of the asset owners in Victoria has been informed by its supplier that AMI meters are subject to significant delays, causing setbacks in the program rollout.


Outsourcing delays: In the past, utilities have taken for granted that trusted and well established suppliers would provide needed equipment, materials, and services in a timely and high-quality fashion. Today, global suppliers are facing unprecedented demand not only from North America, but also from Europe, China, Australia, and India. A number of manufacturers and service companies are, or soon will be, facing capacity constraints due to the demand bubble. Given the choice between heavy capital outlays to increase capacity, several are turning to outsourcing as a means to relieve the constraint.

Start-ups may take longer: The lucrative AMI and Smart Grid market has also fostered numerous start-up companies. Much of these firms’ primary expertise is in either telecommunications or electronics, with minimal experience in metering or grid management. Placing a large order with a start-up is an “investment” in that company, and provides a cash infusion that enables the process of scaling up design, manufacturing, quality assurance and delivery systems, some of which may not be fully developed at the time the order is placed. Most of these start-ups incorporate outsourcing as a key component of their strategy.

The effects of the above issues create significant downstream impacts, resulting in idle time of installers and delays in installations. Additionally, defective meters require a robust return process that is easy to follow so that the meters can be tracked and action taken against root causes, corrective actions and possible lost revenue.

Managing your supply base not only involves managing current suppliers, but also attracting new suppliers and improving supplier performance. One specific Capgemini processes manages multiple vendor contracts using a supplier scorecard. The suppliers are evaluated using metrics including total defects, defect costs, and on-time delivery. By

comparing supplier performance, the utility is able to partner with the supplier who offers the best performance, giving predictable lead times to orders and delivery, and allowing the utility to schedule deployment with efficient use of time and resources by minimizing idle time.

While vendor management is introduced to provide a structured and transparent view to supplier performance, the material ordering process needs to be scaled.

Even though the sustainment processes are adequate and effective for day-to-day utility operations, they are not able to satisfy the demands of an AMI and Smart Grid deployment.

The smart meter project materials ordering process is an example of the supply chain challenges that exist in a large scale project. The sustainment process is typically unable to support the increased volume efficiently and reliably. This results in longer order processing time, surplus materials, and added volatility in planning.

Online ordering systems are implemented for real-time material management. The system provides accurate lead times and visibility into order status, and allows project resources to make informed decisions.

Since many sustainment users are not well versed in electronic order systems, Capgemini creates and executes training programs for these user groups. Giving users step-by-step training on simple procedures allows for accurate and efficient completion of orders. Additionally, the design includes a user-friendly interface.

The results are visible lead times, improved productivity, accurate storage requirements, optimal inventory levels, and enhanced customer service.

Capgemini’s model of Supply Base Management applies three focus areas, Supplier Management, Contract Management and Procurement Intelligence. We have experience with a

Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


range of different Supplier Relationship Management tools available on today’s market, solutions we have seen implemented at various organizations. Such solutions include sourcing tools, eProcurement tools, contract management tools, spend analysis tools, etc. and are applied according to the specific needs of our client. These can greatly impact the procurement practices of organizations that must first assess and then manage both suppliers and vendors in large scale deployment projects.

Integrated Supply Chain and LogisticsAt the center of a successful AMI and Smart Grid deployment is an efficient supply chain. The end-to-end process of ordering, receipt, storage, deployment, disposal and returns has to be able to withstand the tidal wave of deployments that comes with an AMI and Smart Grid initiative.

Through collaborative efforts with utilities and their vendors, training of field staff, and process optimization, Capgemini has created a complete and proven process for a smart meter deployment. Our process addresses the most significant hurdles such as rapid changes in volume and resource mobility.

While all utilities have sustainment processes in orders and changes, these processes are designed for the volumes that come with the day to day operations. A smart meter deployment project requires replacement of all meters over a short period of time. Enhanced processes and rigorous logistical considerations are critical to manage an aggressive scope and timeline.

Smart meter deployments are often geographically disparate. All meters over the service territory need to be changed, and the most logical approach is to replace all meters within one geographic location (using meter reading routes), and then move to the next location. This calls for a repeatable solution that the deployment team can utilize.

Capgemini assists utilities in selecting strategic deployment locations, developing robust logistics processes, managing vendors, setting up cross docks, and managing installations, disposals and defects.

Cross Dock Set-up and ManagementA smart meter installation project requires the deployment of high volumes of meters within a short period of time, requiring thousands of meter change orders per day at various work locations.

Local utility operation centers are designed to handle sustainment levels of change meter orders. The increase in volume is not typically supported by the local operation centers, creating two significant issues, which Capgemini addresses:

Physical space constraints do not allow ��for the increased volume of meters and resources. Capgemini has experience managing temporary cross docks. For example, using integrated logistics providers, trailers used to deliver meters also serve as mobile on-site storage for new and decommissioned meters.

Lack of connectivity does not support ��the increased volume of work and resources. Temporary and remote locations are not equipped with sufficient connectivity. Capgemini manages multiple network connectivity options to create the necessary solutions. For example, using a combination of WWAN, WLAN, and WPAN, a secure, reliable, portable and cost effective connectivity solution is achieved.

Capgemini is able to help the utility set up mobile cross docks at each location on demand. Installers now have a predictable staging environment where they can go through a process of meter exchange, work order upload and download, and “tailgate” briefing sessions. This helps create a predictable work completion rate, allowing the DOC to manage the success of the deployment.


Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


Hardware Traceability Regulation often requires the utility to have visibility into the location of every device at any given time. While paper based solutions are adequate in handling the sustainment volumes, the deployment of a multitude of devices in an AMI and Smart Grid project requires a process that is efficient and robust.

By bar-coding devices, not only is the utility able to track devices on a unit-by-unit basis, but it can also provide obvious benefits of inventory control, defect tracking and responsible device disposal. The typical sustainment process (which is often paper based) is error prone due to illegible handwriting, incompleteness, etc. and not always timely in the updating of records. A bar-coding based solution integrated into the deployment process helps to eliminate this issue.

Devices are shipped from the vendor in consecutively numbered lots. Each lot of devices is assigned to an installer for every day of installation. The challenge has been that individual devices are not pre-assigned to installation addresses. By allocating a lot of consecutively numbered devices, installers are able to complete the pick up process more efficiently.

Each new device has a removable identification sticker attached. During each installation, the installer removes the sticker from the new device and places it on the removed device. This allows the back office to match the new and decommissioned devices to the final installed location.

As a result of the accurate correlation process, the replaced device can now be scanned for disposal. Compared to the previous paper based process, the new process is more efficient and less error prone, allowing for thousands of device disposals per day and an effective asset depreciation recovery.

Defect and Non-Conformance TrackingDefect and non-conformance tracking is critical to the success of an AMI and Smart Grid project. The sustainment defect and non-conformance tracking system is sufficient for utility day to day operations but an industrialized solution is needed to handle the increased volume of AMI and Smart Grid projects.

By utilizing a program-specific tagging and ticketing process, Capgemini is able to develop a solution that provides a standardized naming convention for defect trending, creates visible inventory controls and categorizes issues that commonly appear. This results in the utility’s ability to communicate issues to the device vendor for root cause analysis, thus eliminating future reoccurrences of any problems.

Capgemini utilizes bar-coding methodologies for tracking purposes. A defective device would first be scanned and the data uploaded to the system. A report is generated daily for verification and exception resolution. The devices are sorted by defect reason then scanned and shipped to the vendor. The devices are then repaired, shipped and placed in the warehouse as usable inventory.

Root Cause Analysis and Corrective ActionWith large numbers of devices being deployed on an AMI and Smart Grid project, quality of devices is important to the on time and on budget completion of the project. Not only do defective devices cause delays during installation, but the tracking of defective devices adds unnecessary time and cost to the execution of the project. Some defects can create health and safety issues during deployment.

In order to minimize defects from the vendors, Capgemini introduced the 8-Disciplines approach. We use this approach to discover the root cause of issues and then work with the manufacturer to eliminate future recurrences.


The 8-Disciplines approach is widely employed in the automotive industry. It is a problem management tool popularly used to respond to customer returns or issues. Its effectiveness stems from the fact that it incorporates all of the important aspects of problem management. Users will describe the problem, contain the problem, identify the root cause, formulate and verify corrective actions, correct the problem and confirm the effects, and prevent the problem.

Adapting the 8-Discipline approach to AMI and Smart Grid implementation allows for an industrialized method for issue recognition and elimination. It starts by creating an 8D team drawn from functions across the organization to incorporate the 8-Disciplines approach, collaborate with the manufacturer, and identify corrective actions or process improvements in order to minimize defect recurrences. By minimizing preventable issues with devices for a large scale project, time and resource requirements are decreased, allowing the utility to focus on its core objective, the rapid deployment of devices.

Meter and Meter Base StandardsMeters and meter base standards are set according to industry standards. While the AMI project team has a high level of control over the quality of meters, the quality of the meter bases is typically beyond control of the AMI and Smart Grid project teams.

During large deployment, a number of meter bases are often found to be problematic, and could cause safety issues for installers and/or customers. Additionally, since meter bases are often considered end user property, the utility has to determine the bearer of the repair costs.

Capgemini can assist in drafting new installation procedures and work instructions to mitigate safety risks to installers when broken meter bases are discovered, while minimizing service disruptions to the end users. Clear guidelines are also set to define the circumstances under which the utility would bear the cost of repairs versus the end user, with a robust claims management process.

Each broken meter base is logged with the location, time of discovery, and reasons (often including pictures.) It has been discovered that four common reasons for broken meter bases are:

Meters are manufactured substandard ��to the industry specification

Components are manufactured below ��standards such that the meter would crack and warp under normal use

Meter installations required ��unacceptable force to install during deployment, resulting in damage to the meter base and/or meter

Poor construction practices during ��installation of the meter base combined with weather can often cause damage to the meter base (i.e. ground heave without adequate slack on underground services)

Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


Capgemini’s project teams continue to encounter meter bases with damage during installations. However, safety risks and service disruption have been mitigated with updated installation and work procedures, so damage under the four common categories can now be effectively managed and quickly resolved due to leading practice experience and training.

Health and Safety Health and safety of workers and/or customers is paramount to the operations of a utility. Not only is it required by law to create a reasonably safe working environment for all workers, but injuries also have negative impacts on the overall morale of the project while creating installation delays.

One of the key success factors of the AMI project is to have zero injuries and minimal property damage. The utility is already armed with a robust set of safety procedures and standards and staff has been extensively trained to manage daily operations safely. Unfortunately, discrepancies often exist between the safety standards of the utility and those of its contractors. Additionally, contractors may not always be equipped with the necessary training and certification.

Capgemini reviews safety standards of the utility and qualifies potential contractors to identify the most common gaps. As a result, commonly missing qualifications for the contractors such as standard First Aid with CPR Level A training, electrical awareness training, and defensive driving training become part of the project standards. All contractors are required to pass tests and obtain certification under the utility training program to demonstrate competence in basic safety knowledge. In-field safety procedures are also monitored, reported on, enforced and communicated to all staff.

While basic training is available to all project staff, there are other safety considerations for specific staff in the AMI and Smart Grid projects. In fact, safety standards often continue to evolve during the duration of most AMI and Smart Grid projects. One example is the Arc Flash safety standard that has become increasingly necessary during installation.

Arc Flash is a localized and intense concentration of light and heat energy. It is most often the result of reduced insulation and isolation distance between energized components. A worker can inadvertently cause Arc Flash by leaving a tool behind or dropping one into a breaker, or failing to de-energize equipment.

The flash is immediate and can cause severe injury. Every year, burn centers treat more than 2,000 cases of extended injuries among workers caused by Arc Flash, according to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) research. Electric arcs can produce temperatures up to 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Milliseconds after the flash, an intense blast of superheated air can throw an adult many feet through the air and cause permanent and possibly fatal scalding of the lungs if breathed. Arc Flash can cause third degree burns and melt any man made fibers to skin, including clothing worn underneath fire-retardant gear. Protection from Arc Flash requires clothing with a specific calorie rating.

Due to the obvious dangers of Arc Flash, safety training is created and communicated to all field staff. As a result of closely monitoring the safety needs of project staff using a rigorous work process inspection (WPI) process and identifying and closing the safety gaps, the AMI and Smart Grid projects can operate with zero injuries to workers and customers.


Program Handbook A program with the scale of an AMI and Smart Grid project, where millions of devices need to be changed over a relatively short period of time, requires a high level of communication between all collaborating parties of the project. The program handbook is one of the key tools employed to help communicate a consistent set of operating procedures to field staff.

To avoid conflicting procedures on the project, a centralized and approved program handbook is created and distributed to all program staff. The purpose of the handbook is to allow field staff to have quick reference to important field operational procedures in remote areas where connectivity is limited or non-existent. For ease of use, aside from content and information selection, ergonomic considerations are also factored greatly into the design and printing of the document.

By combining and verifying various documents available within the utility, Capgemini helps create a highly mobile handbook that provides concise operational procedures to staff and helps minimize miscommunication, lost time spent seeking vital information and inefficiencies in operations. Updates to the document are typically uploaded to the utility intranet so that staff can easily revise their handbooks.

Members of the field staff have a single point of reference for clarification of the daily activities. From roles and responsibilities to decision trees, and from meter ordering processes to overhead clearance guidelines, staff can carry out their daily activities with confidence under a safe, clear working environment.

Quality Assurance and Quality ControlA key component of a well-designed Quality Assurance (QA) program is an in depth assessment of the AMI or Smart Grid vendors of choice. This is a relatively new aspect to supply chain practices within the utility industry. The assessments can be performed on-site at the design or manufacturing operation, in close collaboration with the vendor’s key engineering and management staff. Assessments identify vendor capabilities within key risk elements, as noted below, and also identify areas where improvement is needed for the vendor to ensure that a utility’s program requirements are met or exceeded. Elements of a well designed assessment include but are not limited to:

Risk identification and mitigation ��

Design process predictability ��

Manufacturing process predictability ��

Supply chain predictability ��

Improvement and problem mitigation ��

Configuration management/traceability ��

Concurrent business activities impact ��and predictability

Service and support delivery process ��predictability

Management process predictability ��

Software/firmware development, ��testing and integration with hardware systems.

Within each element, key questions should be explored that drill down into the specific aspects of the vendor’s systems, processes, capabilities, and management approach. The output of this process not only facilitates the successful development of the QA program, but also provides direct and independent validation of the capabilities espoused by the targeted vendors in the utility’s procurement evaluation.

Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it


Periodic follow up assessments are conducted focusing on specific issues identified in the initial reviews, and validating core and emerging priorities established by the utility. As a utility AMI or Smart Grid program evolves, portions of the risk elements will not require additional follow up. In addition, the frequency of assessments will decrease from the initial assessments, particularly as consistent results are obtained and the utility gains confidence in each supplier’s capabilities and quality/risk mitigation levels. In the end, the goal is not for a utility to seek to disqualify a particular supplier from further business consideration, but instead to focus on the factors needed for success. This is in the best interest of both parties for a successful outcome and a long lasting business partnership.

Quality Assurance, the Essential Element Given these new market realities for AMI and Smart Grid products, the focus of utility procurement efforts needs to adapt accordingly. AMI and Smart Grid program leadership must now turn to outlining, developing, and implementing an enhanced Quality Assurance (QA) program and methodology to be applied throughout the effort, from scoping through deployment. Based on typical business case expectations for long term life cycle reliability and low annual failure rates, there is greater significance of taking appropriate precautions to manage the quality issues before product is delivered for installation. Additionally, most utilities should seek to instill proper monitoring and controls throughout the deployments, which include meters, operational technology (OT) communications devices, field installation logistics, and final program delivery.

Capgemini recommends that utilities seek to identify, assess, and mitigate the potential risks associated with candidate AMI and Smart Grid vendors and their solutions, before and during long-term arrangements with them as supply chain partners. This is not just a quality assessment of the supplier’s capabilities or an audit based on established quality standards (e.g., ISO 9001). Instead, utilities should seek a deeper understanding of a supplier’s capabilities at all stages of design, production, and distribution. In particular, utilities should validate whether the vendor’s processes in the early and critical stages of development and ramp-up can support their technical and business objectives.

This new focus on QA seeks to answer a number of key questions, including but not limited to, the following:

What methodology and processes are ��needed to identify and resolve key risks associated with each aspect of the equipment supply chain – e.g., design, component sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, shipment, receipt, distribution, and/or installation?

What key process indicators (both ��corrective and predictive) are required for both internal and external performance measurement and control?

How do these indicators need to ��change over the course of the program, once full-scale deployment is initiated?

How does the utility project team ��need to incorporate changes to other program processes in response to identified supplier risks and mitigating actions?

What detailed inspection, test, and ��certification procedures for test laboratories are needed to support supplier qualification and efficient implementation of the program?


ConclusionSupply chain management that encompasses the management of the relationships within the supply chain and the quality control of the products and services being delivered will continue to confront companies worldwide, particularly those engaged in large implementations that bring together people, processes and technology. Global AMI and Smart Grid supply chain management share these challenges, in particular the following key elements:

Rising prices and uncertain quality ��controls for third party components and supplies

Maintenance of high quality levels ��to meet buyer expectations during production ramp-up

Increasing risk of late or unpredictable ��delivery processes and channels along the entire value chain

Management of conformance to ��workmanship standards for outsourced component manufacturing

Possession of valid test and ��measurement systems that are traceable to established standards, while these standards are still emerging

With the development of a sufficient Quality Assurance program, supported by in-depth vendor assessments, utilities will be better positioned to address the uncertainties of emerging AMI and Smart Grid technologies. Given further advancements and familiarity with the deployment and operations of these systems, these practices should become a standard for future utility supply chain practice.

Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals the way we do it



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Gord ReynoldsPractice LeaderSmart Energy [email protected]+1 416.732.2200