Smart Water Management In MCIT ITU Workshop on “ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management” Luxor, Egypt, 14-15 April

Smart Water Management In MCIT ITU Workshop on ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management Luxor, Egypt, 14-15 April

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Page 1: Smart Water Management In MCIT ITU Workshop on ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management Luxor, Egypt, 14-15 April

Smart Water Management In MCIT

ITU Workshop on “ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management”

Luxor, Egypt, 14-15 April

Page 2: Smart Water Management In MCIT ITU Workshop on ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management Luxor, Egypt, 14-15 April

Content1. Introduction

2. Facts

3. Water use in MCIT

4. Ways of water management in MCIT1. Implemented projects

2. New projects

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• Demands are increasing every year for water while resources are becoming more and more limited.

• Since many individuals are unaware (or , sadly , just don’t care) that this issue needs attention, it is up to more informed and proactive individuals and companies to take up the slack.

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• A percentage of 40% increase is expected in water demand over the period of next two decades.

• The increase in water demand is a contribution of various factors including growing population, increased agricultural needs, industrial use of water and water needed for electricity production.

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1. Introduction

• The problem of water waste is severe in countries where people are using the same inefficient methods for irrigation of agricultural land.

• Water needs are increasing every year and the proven fact is that clean water is not available to 1 out of 5 people on the earth.

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With all the oceans, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs on the planet only one percent of that water is fit to drink

An average home is wasting approximately 10,000 gallons ( 38 m3 ) of water per year running it down to the drain waiting for hot water

12 African countries considered to be in a “Water Stress” situation. Every day, 2 million tons of sewage , industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water, the equivalent of the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people

2. Facts

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4% of the population receive water > 8 Hrs/day

33% receive water > 4 Hrs/day

42% receive water for just 3 Hrs/day

21% receive water < 3 Hrs/day(often only 1 hr)

The water supply in some countries is not only intermittent but inequitable


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Toilets used the most water on a daily basis (20.1 gallons per person per day)

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The hydrological cycle

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WATER SCARCITY IN EGYPT • Egypt occupies slightly more than one million


• only 6 % of total land area is suitable for settlement.

• About 60 thousand km2 of the land that covers the Nile Delta and Nile Valley is populated for 67 million people

• The annual population growth rate is 2.1 %• More than 96 % of Egypt’ fresh water

resources is supplied by the river Nile

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(UNCCA- United Nation Common Country Assessment )

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- Increasing water recourses

- Increment awareness towards majority importance off water scarcity problem

- Proper handling of water for irrigation and different usages

- Decreasing water consumption

What are we dreaming for ?

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BathroomskitchensFountainslandscapingHeating & cooling

4.Water use in MCIT

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Raise awareness

Repair leaks

Replace equipment

Record, analyze and compare monthly consumption

landscaping that overuse

Implementing new projects

5. Smart Ways to Manage Water In MCIT

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Water management Meetings with staff to raise awareness


- Changing water-consumption habits

- Understand the risk of domestic water shortages in the future

- Identify how water conservation can reduce the impact of water scarcity

- Mentioning the problems will meet Egypt because of River Nile dams in Africa

- The importance of each one drop of water for the future generations

- How many gallons of water is wasted daily from every one

Raise awareness

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- Turn off water while you are brushing your teeth.

- Use your dishwasher and clothes washer for only full loads.

- Take shorter showers, A four-minute shower uses approximately 20 to 40 gallons of water.

- Rinse your razor in the sink.

- When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing.

- Don’t let the faucet run while you clean vegetables, Just rinse them in a stopper sink or a pan of clean water.

- Buying appliances that are marked with water efficiency labels.

Raise awareness

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Changing employees behaviorexplaining method of water saving at home, street, work, making water saving as an culture of each one.

sending reminder emails to employees every month to Instructs them reduce water consumption.

Don’t flush your miscellaneous waste in the toilet.

RewardsFor new ideas related to water or energy saving.

Developing social responsibilityFor every one working for MCIT .

Raise awareness

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Developing the culture of top priority of leaks fixing among maintenance team

using the high quality components and joints for plumbing, HVAC, and fire fighting systems

Repair leaks

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- Replacing the water faucets with high efficiency one.

- Installing water saver for every water faucet.

- Installing low water Urinals.

- Installing dual flush tank.

- Put plastic bottles or float booster in toilet tank.

- Using polypropylene pipes that have low heat transfer to get hot water faster.

- Stop using the HVAC water cooling systems ( consuming now about 360 m3 / day ) for all MCIT new projects and replacing it with air cooling systems.

Replace & install new equipment

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- Replacing all irrigation sprinklers with high efficiency.

- Installing time programmed irrigation control panel.

- Avoid irrigating during windy periods of the day.

- Avoid irrigating during the sunny times of the day.

landscaping that overuse

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MCIT Applied Water Performance by Installing Metering Systems According to Green Building Recommendation

• Irrigation.

•Domestic water in buildings.

•Cooling towers.

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MCIT Applied New Water Management Systems

• Using irrigation (raw water) for cooling towers to safe about 360 m3/day potable water.

• Cooling towers chemical Management to minimize bleeding to 40% .

• Selecting plants and trees need low water ( Yucca , Jatrova , Opountia , Agave , … )

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Programmed irrigation system

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رى كنترول صورةالرى نظام مع المعادى

Irrigation sprinkler

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Irrigation control valves

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Lagoon water is reused for irrigation inside smart village instead of drain it to save about 40,000 m3

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Amount of water after & before installing the water saver

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MCIT installed water saving parts for all faucets to save about 48%

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- MCIT study recycling the vapor from existing cooling towers by using special covering sheets to condensate the vapor to safe about 250 m3/day.

- Modifying the softeners for chillers planet by recycling the softener and filter drainage to safe about 112 m3/day.

- MCIT decided to renovate the existing water cooling systems with air cooling systems by the ending of its lifetime which save about 360 m3 / day.

- MCIT plan feeding all toilet flash tanks with a raw water instead of purified water in S.V.

New Projects

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- MCIT plan feeding all toilets flash tanks with existing four water wells in Maady Park.

- MCIT plan to implement a sewage water treatment plant in Maady park to use in landscaping irrigation.

- Using a soil moisture monitoring device or climate information to determine when to irrigate.

- Installing rain sensors for irrigation system.

- Installing wind sensors for irrigation system.

New Projects

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Modifying the softeners for chillers planet by recycling the softener and filter drainage to safe about 112 m3/day.

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Using variable speed drive pumps & pressure sensors to control and minimize irrigation water

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References * http://www.benefits-of-recycling.com/importanceofconservationof


* http://www.benefits-of-recycling.com/importanceofconservationofwater/

* http://www.benefits-of-recycling.com/waterconservationdevices/

* http://www.epa.gov/watersense/ http://www.epa.gov/nps/chap3.html http://www.epa.gov/ow/citizen/thingstodo.html http://planetgreen.discovery.com/go-green/green-water/green-water-statistics.html

* Abu-Zeid, M. Water resources assessment for Egypt. Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation. Egypt

* World Water Demand and Supply,1990 to 2025: Scenarios and Issues (David Seckler, Upali Amarasinghe, David Molden, Radhika de Silva, and, Randolph Barker)

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