Dmitry Voloshko 03/11/2012 Smarter Testing With Spock

Smarter Testing With Spock

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by Dmitry Voloshko What we’ll talk about Spock?! State Based Testing Data Driven Testing Interaction Based Testing Spock Extensions More Cool Stuff

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Page 1: Smarter Testing With Spock

Dmitry Voloshko03/11/2012

Smarter Testing With Spock

Page 2: Smarter Testing With Spock

What we’ll talk about


State Based Testing

Data Driven Testing

Interaction Based Testing

Spock Extensions

More Cool Stuff

Page 3: Smarter Testing With Spock


Page 4: Smarter Testing With Spock

Spock is...

A developer testing framework...

for Groovy and Java applications...

based on Groovy...

fully compatible with JUnit...

but going beyond!

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Spock Can...

Reduce the lines of test code

Make tests more readable

Turn tests into specifications

Be extended in powerful ways

Bring back the fun to testing!

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Getting Started

Homepage http://spockframework.org

Source Code https://github.com/spockframework/spock

Spock Web Console http://meet.spockframework.org

Spock Example Project http://downloads.spockframework.orghttps://github.com/spockframework/spock/tree/groovy-1.8/spock-example

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Who’s Using Spock?Gradle GPars

Grails Geb

Grails Plugin Collective

Apache Tapestry

Griffon SpockSpring?

Page 8: Smarter Testing With Spock

Who’s Using Spock? Betfair be2

bemoko BSkyB CTI DigitalDonewtech Solutions

eHarmony Energized Work Gennemtænkt IT

IntelliGrape Software NetflixSmarter Ecommerce STERMEDIA Sp. z o.o.

Software Projects Spot DivingSystemsForge TouK

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State Based Testing

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State Based Testing

Classical Unit TestingArrangeActAssert


Page 11: Smarter Testing With Spock

The Code For TestingAccount.java

public class Account { private BigDecimal balance = new BigDecimal(0);

public Account(BigDecimal initial) { balance = initial; }

public BigDecimal getBalance() { return balance; }

public void withdraw(BigDecimal amount) { if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) { throw new NegativeAmountWithdrawnException(amount); } balance = balance.subtract(amount); }}

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The Code For TestingNegativeAmountWithdrawnException.java

public class NegativeAmountWithdrawnException extends RuntimeException { private final BigDecimal amount;

public NegativeAmountWithdrawnException(BigDecimal amount) { super("cannot withdraw" + amount); this.amount = amount; }

public BigDecimal getAmount() { return amount; }}

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Show me the codepublic class AccountTest { @Test public void withdrawSomeAmount() { // given Account account = new Account(BigDecimal.valueOf(5));

// when account.withdraw(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));

// then assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(3), account.getBalance()); }}

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpec extends Specification {

def "withdraw some amount"() { given: Account account = new Account(BigDecimal.valueOf(5));

when: account.withdraw(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));

then: account.getBalance() == BigDecimal.valueOf(3); }}

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpec2 extends Specification {

def "withdraw some amount"() { given: def account = new Account(5.0)

when: account.withdraw(2.0)

then: account.balance == 3.0 }}

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpec3 extends Specification {

def "withdraw some amount"() { given: "an account with a balance of five euros" def account = new Account(5.0)

when: "two euros are withdrawn" account.withdraw(2.0)

then: "three euros remain in the account" account.balance == 3.0 }}

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpec4 extends Specification { def "can't withdraw a negative amount"() { given: def account = new Account(5.0)

when: account.withdraw(-1.0)

then: NegativeAmountWithdrawnException e = thrown() e.amount == -1.0 } def "withdrawing some amount decreases the balance by exactly that amount"() { def account = new Account(5.0) when: account.withdraw(2.0) then: account.balance == old(account.balance) - 2.0 }}

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Show me the codeclass SharedField extends Specification { @Shared File file def "a file based test"() { when: file = new File("foo.txt") file.createNewFile()

then: file.exists() }

def "by now the object is not null"() { expect: file.exists()

cleanup: file.delete() }}

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Show me the codeclass SetupSpecSpec extends Specification { File file def setup() { file = new File("foo2.txt") }

def "a file based test"() { when: file.createNewFile()

then: file.exists() }

def "by now the object is not null"() { expect: file.exists() cleanup: file.delete() }}

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Show me the codeclass Conditions extends Specification { def "when-then style"() { when: def x = Math.max(5, 9)

then: x == 9 }

def "expect style"() { expect: Math.max(5, 9) == 9 }

def "more complex conditions"() { expect: germanCarBrands.any { it.size() >= 3 } }

private getGermanCarBrands() { ["audi", "bmw", "porsche"] }}

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Recap: State Based TestingBlockssetup: cleanup: expect: given: when: then:where: and:

Fixture Methodssetup() cleanup() setupSpec() cleanupSpec()

Instance and @Shared fields

old() and thrown()

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Data Driven Testing

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Data Driven Testing

Test the same behavior...

with varying data!

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpecDataDriven extends Specification { @Unroll def "withdraw some amount"() { given: def account = new Account(balance)

when: account.withdraw(withdrawn)

then: account.balance == remaining

where: balance | withdrawn | |remaining 5.0 | 2.0 | | 3.0 4.0 | 0.0 | | 4.0 4.0 | 4.0 | | 0.0 }}

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpecDataDriven extends Specification { @Unroll def "withdrawing #withdrawn from account with balance #balance"() { given: def account = new Account(balance)

when: account.withdraw(withdrawn)

then: account.balance == old(account.balance) – withdrawn

where: balance | withdrawn 5.0 | 2.0 4.0 | 0.0 4.0 | 4.0 }}

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Show me the codeclass AccountSpecDatabaseDriven extends Specification { @Shared sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:h2:mem:", "org.h2.Driver")

def setupSpec() { sql.execute("create table accountdata (id int primary key, balance decimal, withdrawn decimal, remaining decimal)" ) sql.execute("insert into accountdata values (1, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0), (2, 4.0, 0.0, 4.0), (3, 4.0, 4.0, 0.0)") }

@Unroll def "withdrawing #withdrawn from account with balance #balance leaves #remaining"() { given: def account = new Account(balance)

when: account.withdraw(withdrawn)

then: account.balance == remaining

where: [balance, withdrawn, remaining] << sql.rows("select balance, withdrawn, remaining from accountdata") }}

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Recap: Data Driven Testing

where: block

Data tables

External data sources


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Interaction Based Testing

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Interaction Based Testing

Design and test how your objectscommunicate

Mocking frameworks to the rescue

Spock comes with its own mocking framework

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The Code For TestingPublisherSubscriber.groovy

interface Subscriber { void receive(String message)}

class Publisher { List<Subscriber> subscribers = []

void publish(String message) { for (subscriber in subscribers) { try { subscriber.receive(message) } catch (ignored) {} } }}

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The Code For TestingPublisherSubscriber.groovy

interface Subscriber2 { void receive(String message) boolean isActive()}

class Publisher2 { List<Subscriber2> subscribers = []

void publish(String message) { for (subscriber in subscribers) { try { if (subscriber.active) { subscriber.receive(message) } } catch (ignored) {} } }}

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Show me the codeclass PublisherSubscriberSpec extends Specification { def pub = new Publisher() def sub1 = Mock(Subscriber) def sub2 = Mock(Subscriber)

def setup() { pub.subscribers << sub2 << sub1 }

def "delivers messages to all subscribers"() { when: pub.publish("msg")

then: 1 * sub1.receive("msg") 1 * sub2.receive("msg") }}

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Show me the codeclass PublisherSubscriberSpec2 extends Specification { def pub = new Publisher() def sub1 = Mock(Subscriber)

def setup() { pub.subscribers << sub1 }

def "delivers messages in the order they are published"() { when: pub.publish("msg1") pub.publish("msg2")

then: 1 * sub1.receive("msg1")

then: 1 * sub1.receive("msg2") }}

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Show me the codeclass PublisherSubscriber2Spec extends Specification { def pub = new Publisher2() def sub1 = Mock(Subscriber2) def sub2 = Mock(Subscriber2)

def setup() { pub.subscribers << sub1 << sub2 }

def "delivers messages to all active subscribers"() { sub1.active >> true sub2.active >> false

when: pub.publish("msg")

then: 1 * sub1.receive("msg") 0 * sub2.receive(_) }}

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Recap: Interaction Based Testing

Creatingdef sub = Mock(Subscriber)Subscriber sub = Mock()

Mocking1 * sub.receive("msg")(1..3) * sub.receive(_)(1.._) * sub.receive(_ as String)1 * sub.receive(!null)1 * sub.receive({it.contains("m")})1 * _./rec.*/("msg")

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Recap: Interaction Based Testing

Stubbing// now returns status codeString receive(String msg) { ... }

sub.receive(_) >> "ok"sub.receive(_) >>> ["ok", "ok", "fail"]sub.receive(_) >>> { msg -> msg.size() > 3 ? "ok" : "fail" }

Mocking and Stubbing3 * sub.receive(_) >>> ["ok", "ok", "fail"]

Impressing your friends(_.._) * _._(*_) >> _

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Spock Extensions

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Spock Extensions



Annotation-driven extensions

Global extensions

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Built-in Extensions


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Show me the codeclass JUnitRules extends Specification { @Rule TemporaryFolder tempFolder @Shared File file

def "a file based test"() { when: file = tempFolder.newFile("foo.txt")

then: file.exists() }

def "by now the file has been deleted"() { expect: !file.exists() }}

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Show me the code@Stepwiseclass StepwiseSpec extends Specification { def "step 1"() { expect: true }

def "step 2"() { expect: true }

def "step 3"() { expect: true }}

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External Extensions








spock-extensions http://github.com/robfletcher/spock-extensions

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Grails Extensions



grails install plugin spock 0.6

grails test-app

grails test-app unit:TestSpec

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Grails Extensions@TestFor(MouthService) @Mock([Patient, PatientMouth, PatientTooth])class MouthServiceSpec extends Specification { def "Get patient tooth by index"() { setup: "Create domain mocks" def patient = new Patient(dateOfBirth: new Date('05/03/1984')).save(false) def patientTooth = new PatientTooth(index: 10, toothCode: "10").save(false) def patientMouth = new PatientMouth(patient: patient, patientTeeth: [patientTooth]).save(false)

when: patientTooth = service.getPatientToothByIndex(patientMouth, index)

then: patientTooth.toothCode == tooth patientMouth.patientTeeth.contains(patientTooth)

where: index | tooth 10 | "10" 20 | null }}

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Spring Extension

class InjectionExamples extends Specification { @Autowired Service1 byType

@Resource Service1 byName

@Autowired ApplicationContext context}

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Other Cool Stuff

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Configuring Spock~/.spock/SpockConfig.groovy, or on class path, or with -Dspock.configuration

runner {filterStackTrace falseinclude Fastexclude SlowoptimizeRunOrder true


@Fastclass MyFastSpec extends Specification {

def "I’m fast as hell!"() { expect: true }

@Slow def “Sorry, can’t keep up..."() {expect: false }


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Eclipse, IDEA

Ant, Maven, Gradle

Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity

Spock runs everywhere JUnit and Groovy run!

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Spock Under The HoodYou write...a = 1; b = 2; c = 4expect: sum(a, b) == c

Spock generates...def rec = new ValueRecorder()verifier.expect(

rec.record(rec.record(sum(rec.record(a),rec.record(b)) == rec.record(c)))

You see...sum (a, b) == c| | | | |3 1 2 | 4 false