SMB98 Gravity Gradients

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  • 8/12/2019 SMB98 Gravity Gradients



    Measurement of the Earths Gravity Gradient with an Atom Interferometer-BasedGravity Gradiometer

    M. J. Snadden, J. M. McGuirk, P. Bouyer,* K. G. Haritos, and M. A. Kasevich

    Physics Department, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520(Received 22 January 1998)

    We report the demonstration of an atom interferometer-based gravity gradiometer. The gradiometer

    uses stimulated two-photon Raman transitions to measure the relative accelerations of two ensembles oflaser cooled atoms. We have used this instrument to measure the gradient of the Earths gravitationalfield. [S0031-9007(98)06679-4]

    PACS numbers: 39.20.+q, 03.75.Dg, 04.80.y, 32.80.Pj

    Measurement of the gradient of gravitational fields hasimportant scientific and technical applications. These ap-plications range from measurement ofG , the gravitationalconstant, and tests of general relativity [1,2] to covertnavigation, underground structure detection, oil-well log-ging, and geodesy [3]. This Letter describes the develop-ment of a gravity gradiometer whose operation is based on

    recently developed atom interference and laser manipu-lation techniques. A crucial aspect of our design is its in-trinsic immunity to spurious accelerations.

    Our method is illustrated in Fig. 1. We use light pulseatom interferometer techniques [46] to measure thesimultaneous acceleration of two laser cooled ensemblesof atoms. The relative acceleration of the atom cloudsis measured by driving Doppler-sensitive stimulated two-photon Raman transitions [7] between atomic ground-state hyperfine levels. Our geometry is chosen so thatthe measurement axis passes through both laser cooledensembles. Since the acceleration measurements aremade simultaneously at both positions, many systematicmeasurement errors, including platform vibration, cancelas a common mode.

    This instrument is fundamentally different from currentstate-of-the-art instruments [8,9]. First, the proof massesused in our work are individual atoms rather than pre-cisely machined macroscopic objects. This reduces sys-tematic effects associated with the material properties ofmacroscopic objects. Second, the calibration for the twoaccelerometers is referenced to the wavelength of a singlepair of frequency-stabilized laser beams, and is identi-cal for both accelerometers. This provides long termaccuracy. Finally, large separations 1 m between

    accelerometers are possible. This allows for developmentof high sensitivity instruments.Our design also differs significantly from that of previ-

    ously proposed atom interference-based instruments [10].The figure-eight geometry of prior proposals essen-tially implements two sequential acceleration measure-ments with a single ensemble of atoms. Consequently,it exhibits poor immunity to platform vibrations. In con-trast, our instrument is based on simultaneous accelerationmeasurements.

    Each acceleration measurement uses a p2 2 p 2p2 pulse sequence of stimulated Raman laser pulses.This method is described in detail in Refs. [4,5]. Herewe briefly summarize the essential ideas. The two-photonRaman pulses drive Rabi oscillations between two atomicground-state hyperfine levels (for our experiment, the CsF 3,mf 0and F 4, mf 0 6S12 ground states)

    via nearly resonant optical levels (the 6P32 states). Thethree pulse sequence results in an atom interferometerif the propagation axes for each of the two Ramanlaser beams counterpropagate. In the limit of short,intense Raman pulses, atoms initially prepared in theF 3 state have probability P 1 2 cos Dfr2of making the transition to the F 4 state followingthe excitation sequence. For atoms accelerating at arate gr, Dfr k1 2 k2 ? grT

    2, where T is thetime between successive pulses, and k1 and k2 are thepropagation vectors for the Raman beams of frequencyv1 and v2. By measuring the ground-state populationsfollowing the sequence we are able to determine Dfrand thus the projection ofg along the Raman propagationaxes (at position r). In this simplified treatment wehave neglected the change in gr experienced by each

    FIG. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the experiment. (b) Im-plementation of the optical system.

    0031-90079881(5)971(4)$15.00 1998 The American Physical Society 971

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    ensemble over the course of the interferometer pulsesequence [11].

    We measure the relative acceleration of the two en-sembles along the axis defined by the Raman beams bysubtracting the measured phase shifts Dfr1and Dfr2at each of two locationsr1and r2. We extract the gradientby dividing the relative acceleration by the separation ofthe ensembles. Note that this method determines only one

    component of the gravity gradient tensor.In order to see how this scheme is intrinsically immune

    to platform vibration, we examine the origin of the phaseshift Df for each interferometer. In the short, intensepulse limit, Df ft1 2 2ft21 ft3, with ft Rk1 2 k2 ? Dvt 2 v1 2 v2 2 vhfsdt[5]. Here

    Dvtis the mean velocity of the atomic wave packet (un-perturbed by photon recoil effects) relative to the referenceplatform at time t ; the timest1, t2, and t3 are the times ofthe p2, p, and p2pulses, respectively; and vhfsis theground-state hyperfine transition frequency. Vibration ofthe reference platform will lead to extra phase terms forboth the upper and lower interferometers through their in-

    fluence on the relative velocity Dv. However, these termswill be identical for both locations, and will cancel in com-putation of the phase difference.

    The apparatus consisted of two magneto-optical traps[12] separated vertically by jr1 2 r2j 1.09 m. Eachtrap was produced in a separate vacuum chamber. Highquality, antireflection coated, optical viewports (l10 p -pover a 300 diameter substrate) on each chamber allowed thesame pair of Raman laser beams to interact with atoms inboth chambers. The experiment was run in a pulsed mode,at a repetition rate of 2 Hz. Each shot in principle resultedin a gravitational gradient measurement, and consisted ofthree sequences: a state-preparation sequence, an interfer-

    ometer interrogation sequence, and a detection sequence.Each sequence is described in detail below.

    The aim of the state-preparation sequence was to pro-duce an ultracold ensemble of atoms in the Cs F 3,mf 0 hyperfine level. We used the magnetic field in-sensitive mf 0 Zeeman sublevel to minimize spuriousforces associated with magnetic field gradients. Initially,5 3 107 Cs atoms were captured in each trap from abackground Cs vapor pressure of3 3 1029 Torr [13].Following this loading interval, the trapping quadrupolemagnetic fields were switched off and the atoms werecooled to 3 mK in polarization gradient optical mo-lasses [14]. The atoms were then optically pumped intotheF 4 ground state. Next, a300mG magnetic biasfield was pulsed on and a Doppler-sensitive Raman ppulse tuned to be resonant with the F 4, mf 0 !F 3,mf 0transition was applied. The temporal du-ration of this Raman pulse was chosen to transfer a nar-row velocity slice into theF 3,mf 0level [7]. Thisvelocity preselection pulse was used to enhance interfer-ometer contrast. After this pulse, atoms remaining in theF 4manifold were cleared out of the interaction region

    using momentum transfer from a resonant laser beam. Fi-nally, the magnetic bias field was reduced to 20mG.The remaining F 3, mf 0 population served as thesource distribution for the interferometer pulse sequence.We used diode lasers to generate the light needed forthe above steps. These lasers were frequency stabilizedto atomic resonances using saturated absorption lockingtechniques.

    Following the state-preparation sequence, atoms weresubjected to the p2 2 p 2 p2 interference sequence.We used an all-diode laser system similar to that describedin Ref. [15] to drive the Raman transitions, which requiretwo laser beams whose frequency difference is resonantwith the Cs 9.2 GHz ground-state hyperfine transition fre-quency. We generated these beams in the following way.A master laser (SDL 5712 DBR) was both frequency up-shifted and down-shifted with a 4.6 GHz acousto-opticmodulator. The two diffracted beams were subsequentlyamplified using optical injection locking techniques by us-ing each as a seed beam for SDL 5422 laser diodes. Theoutput of each laser then passed through a low frequency

    acousto-optic modulator 40 MHz, with one modula-tor aligned to produce a frequency up-shift and the otherto produce a frequency down-shift. The diffracted beamswere overlapped on a polarizing beam-splitting cube, spa-tially filtered, and then collimated to a 1.7 cm 1e2 di-ameter. The resulting frequency difference was twice thesum of the low frequency and high frequency modulationsources. A low phase noise HP 8770A arbitrary wave-form generator was used as the common source for thelow frequency modulators, and provided fine control overthe phase and frequency of the Raman difference fre-quency. We also used these modulators to switch on andoff the Raman laser beams.

    The pair of collimated Raman beams then copropagatedin free space to the apparatus. Copropagating beamsminimize potential Doppler shifts of the Raman tran-sition frequency due to vibration of the beam steeringoptics. The beams were separated using a pair of po-larizing beam-splitting cubes just before they entered thevacuum chamber as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). The beam offrequency v1was aligned to pass through both ensemblesof atoms, while the other beam of frequency v2was madeto propagate parallel to this beam along an axis chosento miss the atomic clouds. A pair of mirrors mounted

    just below the exit window of the lower chamber wasused to direct the beam of frequency v2 along the axis ofthe downward propagating beam of frequency v1. Theadvantages of this method over the direct retroreflectionmethod used in previous work are that we are able toavoid standing wave excitation of atoms which are nearlyat rest and that we minimize ac Stark shifts and residualspontaneous emission due to nonessential beams.

    The Raman excitation parameters were chosen withthe aim of minimizing unwanted ac Stark shifts andspontaneous emission due to single photon coupling with


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    the optical transitions, while maintaining an effective two-photon Rabi frequency large enough to excite a signifi-cant fraction of the Doppler broadened atomic sources.We typically obtained two-photon Rabi frequencies of20 kHz operating at a detuning of4.6 GHz from theoptical transition. We used a 2.3:1 intensity ratio betweenthe two Raman beams to minimize ac Stark shifts [16].

    Over the three pulse sequence the Doppler shift of the

    Raman resonance induced by the gravitational accelera-tion was 1 MHz, while the two-photon Rabi frequencywas only 20 kHz. In order to maintain the resonancecondition we phase-continuously chirped the Raman fre-quency to compensate for this gravitationally induced de-tuning. We accomplished this by loading the appropriatewaveforms into the arbitrary waveform generator.

    We detected the number of atoms making the transi-tion to the F 4, mf 0 level with resonance fluores-cence. A counterpropagating pair of beams was alignedalong the vertical Raman beam axis and was tuned toexcite the 6S12, F 4 ! 6P32, F 5 cycling transi-tion. These beams were pulsed on just after the Raman

    excitation sequence. TheF 4,mf 0population wasinferred from the scattered light during this detection in-terval. Since the same beams were used for detection atboth locations, noise due to amplitude and frequency fluc-tuation of these beams was common to both signals.

    Characteristic interference data are shown in Fig. 2.We electronically scanned the interference fringes byadding a phase offset to the waveform for the final p2-pulse. A uniform background (due to light scattered frombackground Cs atoms) approximately 10 times larger thanthe peak-to-peak interference signal has been suppressed.The presence of a gravitational gradient is manifested in a45 mrad phase shift between the two traces.

    In order to suppress further possible systematic phaseshifts we also took data with the effective Raman propa-gation vector reversed. The idea is that reversing the di-rection of the effective propagation vector will reverse thesign of the gravitational gradient induced phase shift while

    FIG. 2. Typical interference fringes for T 30 msec be-tween each of the Raman pulses. The upper trace is datacollected from the upper chamber and the lower trace is datacollected from the lower chamber.

    leaving unchanged the sign and magnitude of possible sys-tematic shifts which are independent of the propagationdirections of these beams. Such shifts arise, for example,from time varying magnetic fields (induced by eddy cur-rents associated with the bias field switching used for statepreparation) and ac Stark shifts (due to slight mismatchesin the spatial modes of the two Raman beams).

    In analyzing these data, we were faced with the chal-

    lenge of extracting the relative phase between two signalswith correlated amplitude and phase noise, in the pres-ence of uncorrelated amplitude noise. Before discussingour approach, we will first detail the noise contributions.The dominant source of correlated phase noise was thevibration of the retroreflecting mirror assembly [shown inFig. 1(b)]. This assembly was rigidly attached to a pneu-matically isolated optical table (Newport Research Serieswith XLA isolators). For the T 30 msec interrogationtime data shown in Fig. 2, we estimate the phase noiseto be 400 mrad rms. Sources of correlated amplitudenoise included fluctuations in the intensity and frequencyof the detection light, as well as the initial number of

    trapped atoms (the same laser was used for both traps),and were at the 1% rms level (percentage is referenced tothe peak-to-peak interference signal level). Uncorrelatednoise sources included shot noise due to photons scatteredfrom background Cs atoms during the detection pulse (5%rms) and shot noise due to the number of atoms contribut-ing to the interference signal (6% rms).

    We tested several algorithms using simulated data sets.We found that the efficacy of a particular algorithm wasstrongly dependent on correlated and uncorrelated noiselevels. For the noise levels of Fig. 2, the most effectivemethod of determining the relative phase was the subtrac-tion of the phase values extracted from nonlinear curve

    fits of sinusoids to each data set. In this case, the noisecorrelation is manifested in a reduced variance for thephase difference as compared with the individual phasevariances for the upper and lower data sets. We observeda factor of 2 reduction in the relative phase variance overthe estimated variance for completely uncorrelated sig-nals, in good agreement with our simulations. These re-sults were limited by uncorrelated amplitude noise, whichwe believe can be reduced in future work.

    To test the system we have investigated the Earthsgravitational gradient by measuring the phase differ-ence between the two chambers as a function of thetime between the interferometer pulses T, as illustratedin Fig. 3. Each data point corresponds to an averageof 4 3 104 shots. We used the beam reversal tech-nique described above to suppress a systematic offset of10 mrad. A least-squares fit to the expected quadraticdependence of the measured phase difference on T yieldsa value for the gravity gradient of 3370 6 175E 1 E 10

    29 sec22. The measured gradient value is consistentwith the expected value of 3080 E (estimated assuming aninverse square law scaling for g).


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    FIG. 3. Measurement of the gravitational gradient of theEarth. The solid line is a least-squares fit to the data.

    Significant sources of systematic error include timevarying magnetic fields, ac Stark shifts, and platform rota-tions. We estimate contributions arising from magneticfields and ac Stark shifts to be below the 10 E level.There are two contributions due to rotations: a Coriolisterm and a centrifugal term. The centrifugal term, pro-

    portional to V2

    , is at the 1 E level for V Ve (theEarths rotation rate). The Coriolis contribution is pro-portional to Dv 3 V, where Dv is the difference of themean initial velocities of atoms in the upper and lowerchambers, respectively. We estimatejDvjto be no worsethan 1 mmsec, putting an upper limit of 100 E on thiscontribution for V Ve.

    In future work we will explore performance for longerinterrogation times and higher momentum transfer atomicbeam splitters. For example, working with 200 msecinterrogation times, a signal-to-noise ratio of 1000:1 anda 6hk beam splitter should produce a device with a1 EHz12 sensitivity. In comparison, the state of the

    art for mobile gravity gradient sensors achieves sensitivi-ties of30EHz12 on noisy platforms [8]. Prototypemobile superconducting sensors have demonstrated sensi-tivities of1 EHz12, but suffer from 1f noise at lowfrequencies [17]. For some applications, larger physicalseparations between the accelerometers are possible. Inthese cases sensitivity scales inversely with accelerometerseparation.

    Our method can be generalized to measurement ofhigher order curvature of the gravitational field. Forexample, a p2 2 p 2 p 2 p2 sequence could beused to measure the second order curvature of thegravitational field. This would allow massive, distant

    objects to be distinguished from lighter, local objects.

    In conclusion, we have developed an atominterferometer-based gravity gradiometer. With thisdevice we have measured the gradient of the Earthsgravitational field, and demonstrated its immunity tospurious vibrations. The performance of future devices islikely to exceed that of the present state of the art.

    This work was supported by the ONR. We thank MattThompson for his technical assistance.

    *Present address: Groupe dOptique Atomique, InstitutdOptique Thorique et Appliqu, BP 147, 91403 Orsay,France.

    Present address: Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 3500Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304.

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