SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note

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  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note




    WHAT ?

    WHY ?

    HOW ?

    1. Definition

    2. Types

    3. Regions

    4. Components

    5. Rules & Regulations

    1. Importance

    2. Correct Design Process

    3. Cost Effectiveness

    1. Methods

    2. Use Rules & Regulations

    3. Calculate Scantling

    4. Select Size

    5. Evaluate Strength

    Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

    WHO ?

    1. Designers / Consultant

    2. Shipbuilders

    3. Classification Society

    4. Ship Owners

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    WHAT ? :BasicDefinition

    Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

    Th e S k in a n d S k e le ton (bon es) of a sh ip th at en a ble th e

    ship to per forms i t s f unc t ion safely throughout it life

    s p a n .

    Ma in ly con sists ofp l a t e s a n d s t i f f en i n g m e m b er s

    Hol low girders tha t made of t h i n p l a t e a r o u n d i t s

    s k i n , strengthened by combination of longitudinal and

    transverse s t i f f e n i n g m e m b e r s that contr ibutes to the

    longitu din al an d local stren gth of th e sh ip.

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    WHY ? :Importance

    Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

    1. For th e i n t e g r i t y of th e s h ip

    2 . Provide p l a t f o rm a n d s p a c e for sh ip t o

    deliver its function

    3 . S t r en g t h , s a f e t y a n d s e a w o r t h i n e s s of th e


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    HOW ? :DesignMethods

    Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

    1 . Firs t Pr in c ip les - Us es Tediou s Calcu la tion of

    loadin g an d Stren gth An a lys is

    2 . Em p i r i ca l Da ta - Previou s Proven Design

    3 . Mix ed o f Bot h - Com bina tion of Em pirical

    Data (for Stru ctu ra l Scan tlin g) a n d Firs t

    Prin ciples (for Stren gth As s ess m en t)

    4 . R u l e of T h u m b - Pu rely from exper ien ce

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    Who ? :Responsibilities

    Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

    1 . Designers - To en su re design m et th e designrequirements and cost effectiveness.

    2 . Bui lders - Con st ru c tin g th e s t ru c tu res

    according to the design specification and details

    with in th e t im e fra m e.

    3 . C l a s s i f i c a t i o n S o c i e t y - Approving Design /

    Plan and Monitoring the quality of the

    con st ru ction p rocess . Th ird Par ty.

    4 . O w n e r - Res pon s ible for th e pa ym en ts

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


    Fe a t u r e s :Th in p la te th a t m ade u p th e outer sk in (envelope) an d in te rna lpar t i t ions of the sh ip h u ll an d su pers t ru c tures . Var iou s th ickness

    depen ding on th e plate locat ion an d load in g. Plates to be s t ren gthened

    (st iffen ed) by th e st iffen in g mem bers . It ca n be flat or cu rved depen ding

    on th e sh ape of the h u ll o r par t i t ions .

    Fu n c t i on s :Provide water t ight hul l and compartments , Support ingIn tern al an d extern al load, con tribu tes to overall (longitud in al) an d local

    s t rength of the s h ips .

    E x a m p l e s :Keel plate, Bottom Plate, Bilge Plate, Side Plate, Sheer Plate,Deck Plate , Bu lkh eads , Floors , Su perst r u ctu res Walls a n d Floors .

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


    Fe a t u r e s :Beam type s t ru ctu res th at m ad e of from different s h ap e of cross sections su ch as Tee, In verted L (an gle), Bu lb, I , Top Ha t, Sem i-

    Circle, etc. Attached either longitudinally, transversely, vertically or

    h orizon ta lly to (st iffen ed) th e sh ip p lat e. Th e sections ar e eith er b u ilt in

    from t h e steel mills or pr efab ricated in th e sh ipyar d b efore welded t o the

    plates .

    Fu n c t i on s :Stren gthening th e sh ip p lates to provide lon gitu dinal an d localstrength. I ts also provide the plates stabil i ty.

    E x a m p l e s :Bottoms Longitudinals, Side longitudinals, DeckLongitu dina ls , Web / Tran sverse Fram es , Deck Beam / Girders ,

    Bu lkh ead s t i ffeners / Girders , Wall St i ffeners / Girders , e tc .

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


    Fe a t u r e s :Solid s t r u ctu res th at a re norm al ly cons tru cted ver t ical ly

    u nd ernea th the deck or heavy load . These s t ru c tures m ay ha ve c ircu lar

    or rectan gular cross s ect ion

    Fu n c t i on s :To su pport h eavy an d concentra ted loadE x a m p l e s :Pillars , Floor Str u ts , Sta n chion s

    BRACKETFe a t u r e s :Trian gular l ike plate with ed ge flan ge, cons tru cted

    u n dernea th a h eavy beam or g irders .

    Fu n c t i on s :To provide extra s u pport a t th e join t where h igher ben dingmom ent could occur du e to long beam.

    E x a m p l e s :Deck Beam Brackets .OTHERS

    Other types of s t ru ctu res th at m ay serve sp ecial ized fu n ct ion.

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Types

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Regions

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008



    After / Stern

    Forward /


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Regions

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Regions

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Regions

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Regions

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Regions

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008


  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008

  • 8/2/2019 SMK 4542 - Ship Structures - Introduction Note


    What - Ship Struc tures Components

    Ship Structures & Strength - Yahya Samian, Department of Marine Technology, FKM, UTM - August 2008