Snapdragons - Group Members Gabrielle Wiltshire, Laura Edwards, Joanna Trim, Sarah Sue Calbio

Snapdragons - Group Memberssarahsuec.weebly.com/uploads/5/1/8/0/51801459/...Principles of Desuggestopedia An affective-humanistic approach Respect for the student’s feelings The

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Snapdragons - Group Members

Gabrielle Wiltshire, Laura Edwards, Joanna Trim, Sarah Sue Calbio

Lesson using Desuggestopedia: Inflectional endings “-ing”April 19, 2016

Table of Contents

● Principles of desuggestopedia

● Audience

● Materials

● Lesson Preparation

● Classroom Charts

● Lesson Plan

● Instructional Resources

● Summary and Conclusion

● Homework

● Reflection of Lesson

Principles of Desuggestopedia

● An affective-humanistic approach ● Respect for the student’s feelings● The human brain can process large amounts of material if given the right

conditions for learning, including a state of relaxation and giving over of control to the teacher.

● The teacher is a trusted authority in whom students are confident.● Careful thought is given to creating a brightly colored physical environment

that offers supporting material relative to current concepts being taught.● CLICK HERE FOR MORE ABOUT THE METHOD.


● 4th grade

● 7-8 years

● Advanced curriculum

● 10 students

● 95 minutes


● Speakers

● Markers

● Tablets

● Worksheets

● Multimedia projector

Lesson Preparation: Baroque Music

Click on video for hyperlink

Lesson Preparation: The Classroom Environment

The classroom is vibrant, welcoming and engaging, and the room is colorful and spacious with a combination of ergonomic furniture. There are two tents with lava lights that serve as private space for individual work/quiet time for thinking, reading, creating or reflecting. Upon entering the room, there are numerous pictures of characters from the “Emperor Ing story, as well as the feature words associated with the story. Additionally, as the students enter the room there is light Baroque music that plays in the background. The teacher, Lady Thea, dresses in character and greets each student as they enter the classroom, which has now become The Corner of Wonders. All writing materials and tools are accessible to the students, who are free to work on the floor using mats or on circular tables. Students are free to move around and interact with all materials in the environment. There is no teacher’s desk or station as he/she sits with the students around the table and on the floor.

Classroom charts

Lesson Preparation: Classroom wall charts

Lesson Preparation: Classroom wall charts

What a bore!

He was boring.

Emperor Ing

I need to fly!

I must get to flying!

Lesson Preparation: Classroom wall charts

The old lady stitched a hem.

She was hemming.

I must cut this tree! Said the woodcutter.

So he set off to cutting. Welcome to the

dance! Let’s get to dancing!

30 mins 30 mins 15 mins

Other Materials: Live puppet show


Desuggestopedia Lesson Plan

Title: “It’s Happening Now!”

Topic: Inflectional Endings - “ing”

Previous Knowledge:

a) Students know all or most letter soundsb) Students know that a group of letters added at the end of a word and changes its meaning is called an inflectional ending

Objective: Students will

a) listen to the story “ Emperor Ing” for words ending in the ing soundb) Use a script to create the “Emperor Ing” story using Puppet Pals

Introduction (30mins.)

Teacher Activities

● The teacher will greet each students and introduce herself as Lady Thea. (teacher dresses for the part).“Hello, I am Lady Thea.Welcome to the Corner of Wonders. I am the oldest storyteller here.”

● The teacher: When you enter the corner of wonders, your name changes, so you will have to think of new names for yourself.

● The teacher: Now, tell me your names● The Teacher: Repeats the name of each student - genuflects as she welcomes each to her “Corner of

Wonders”. Now that we are ready, I shall begin this old story. (The teacher cues the music which plays softly in the background)

● Teacher begins reading “Emperor Ing” to the beat of the music● The teacher will stress on the enunciation of words that end with “ ing”.

Introduction Cont’d

Student Activities:

● Students will greet the teacher with a handshake/hi fives/ fist bumps● Students will change their names and tell Lady Thea their new names● Students will listen to the story of Emperor Ing

Sample Narrative: “Emperor Ing” by: Gabrielle Wiltshire

Emperor Ing lived in a beautiful castle high in the mountains. Ing lived a pretty dull life, because there was not much he did but eat, sleep, or stare out of his window all day! There was never anybody around, because everyone had all gone away. You might say Ing was not just dull, but a bore.

“Emperor Ing” by: Gabrielle Wiltshire

.But one day, as Emperor Ing peered out his window, a blue bird flew by.

“Blue Bird,” Emperor Ing called. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

Startled, the bluebird asked, “Who are you?”

The blue bird landed on the ledge of the window.

I am Emperor Ing,” The emperor stated with pride.

“Oh, Emperor Ing!” The bird exclaimed.

“You’ve heard of me?” Ing inquired excitedly.

“Yes Sir! Yes!”

“Well, well… What have you heard? Ing impatiently asked.

The bird seemed to look terrified.

“Speak up bird!” Ing shouted.

Well I have heard that you are quite a bore. The word out there is that you’re boring.” The blue bird whispered the word.


Emperor Ing spent a few moments in deep thought. He did sit around all day AND he did do nothing!

“But what am I to do?” Ing questioned.

Sample Narrative: “Emperor Ing” by: Gabrielle Wiltshire

“Take a walk!” Cried the blue bird as he flitted to the branch of a nearby tree.

“What is ever the hurry?”

“I’m a bit late you know, so I must get to flying.”

By this time the bird was in mid air.

“You sound pretty excited.”

“Yes I am!”

And in a flash the bird was gone.

Emperor Ing decided that he did not wish to be a bore, so he dressed himself in his finest of robes, and made his way down the winding staircase.

The walk downhill was steep, but Emperor Ing was curious to find out what lay beyond his path.

Along the way, Ing spotted a small cottage surrounded by a wooden fence. There was a neat little garden where a few brown doves darted among the bushes merrily. Closeby, the sound of laughter could be heard.

Opening the gate, Ing walked towards the opened door, where an old man sat polishing his shoes, while his wife was hemming a dress. Startled by the shadow standing in their doorway, the man and wife stopped and gasped.

“Emperor Ing” by: Gabrielle Wiltshire

“Who are you?” Said the old man in a very frail voice.

“I am Emperor Ing. Have you heard of me?” The Emperor’s voice boomed, as it rattled the dishes set on the table.

“Why, it seems so long that we heard of an Emperor, who was so dull that he was called boring.” The old man stated. The man’s wife nodded and yawned just at that time.

“ Pray tell, why are you out here?” The old woman asked.

“I am about to discover what lies beyond my path.” Said Ing.

“ Well, you must be hungry,” the old woman stated.

The old woman immediately stood up and got to frying and baking and stirring. It was the most welcoming noise and scents that Ing had ever experienced in such a long time.

“You must eat.” The old man insisted.

When Ing was satisfied, he patted his round belly and said, “Well that was quite filling!”

Packing the rest of the food in a basket for Emperor Ing, the old man and old woman wished him good luck, and soon the Emperor was on his way.

“Emperor Ing”

By this time the sun shone brightly overhead, so the Emperor took off his robe and wiped his brow from all the sweating; and upon seeing a tree stump ahead, the Emperor decided to rest.

What an interesting world. What blazing hot sun... what cooling breeze. The Emperor thought, while smiling at the gentle breeze that flicked his hair and turned the tail of his coat into a kite.

The Leaves of trees were rustling, insects were crawling and two squirrels were playfully scurrying up and down branches.

In the distance the Emperor heard what sounded like an axe chipping away at some bark. Curious as he suddenly was, the Emperor followed the noise.

“You there!” The Emperor called.

The huge man stood strong and tall.

“Why are you cutting that tree!”

“Who are you?” The woodcutter called back.

“I am Emperor Ing. Have you heard of me?”


And the man continued working.

What a rude man! Those were the Emperor’s thoughts.

“Emperor Ing”

Just then a familiar voice called from between the leaves.

“Blue Bird so nice to meet again!”

“I see you took my advice!” The bird happily replied.


“How do you feel?” The bird asked.

“I feel like I am not such a bore any more. I feel like a brand new man!” And he gave a hearty laugh.

“Great news!” And with that the blue bird darted off.

That bird is always in a hurry… always hurrying. Those were the Emperor’s thought.

As the Emperor made his journey through the woods, he thought of a song and set off at once to singing.

Emperor Ing is my name, A bore no more! I’m not boring!

To the world beyond my path I go...

His singing was interrupted by far greater noise! What’s this? A celebration and I’m not invited? Those were the Emperor’s thoughts. For in the middle of the clearing men and women were lined off and children waited eagerly with clasped hands. Some distance away there was a group of fiddlers and some drummers looked ready to play. Slowly, the Emperor approached; and as he approached, the band began to play and the dance that was set turned to dancing!

“Emperor Ing”

The music grew louder, it was almost deafening and the dancers moved at speeds that were almost dizzing. But suddenly the music stopped and all eyes were turned to Ing.

“Who are you?” The head drummer asked.

“Don’t you know who I am?” The Emperor felt that this question was now quite tiring and hung his head.

“That’s Emperor Ing!” A lone voice shouted.A short man with a long beard appeared, as whispers filled the afternoon air.“He’s the Emperor who lost a game of chess and set off to crying.” Another voice added.“He became so sour and was such a bore.” A voice continued.“Yes, he was boring!” Said another

There was a collection of whispering, when suddenly Blue Bird appeared and landed on the Emperor’s arm.

“Blue Bird!” The Emperor happily exclaimed.

Everyone stared as Blue Bird explained.

“So you’ve come to see the world beyond your path. How do we know you have changed?”

Emperor Ing thought that right then and there he should sing!

Emperor Ing is my name, A bore no more! I’m not boring

To the world beyond my path I go Hello here I come Tra lay tra la tra la

“Emperor Ing”

The men, women, children and even Blue Bird covered their ears!

“Please sir!” A voice cried.In surprising good humor, the Emperor stopped.

“Fair people,” he called, “Life is meant for living! Strike the bow fiddlers!”

And with that the Emperor’s feet set off to quick work. He was really moving! The emperor could dance!

By the time the partying was done and the sun had set and the moon began to peep between the clouds, people began leaving for home.

“ Hey Emperor! How about a game of Chess!” Boomed a familiar voice.

It was the woodcutter the Emperor had met before.

“Are you afraid Ing?” The short, bearded man suggested.

Strangely, the Emperor accepted. For two long hours they battled hard. The Emperor lost. Everyone waited. You could hear the pollen on a butterfly’s leg drop! And then…

He laughed. And this laugh turned into laughing and soon everyone was laughing too!

He laughed. And this laugh turned into laughing and soon everyone was laughing too!

“He did not cry!” Someone exclaimed.

Then one clap, turned into clapping.

“You are all invited to my castle!” The Emperor declared.

And sure enough the Emperor had his party. He was never a bore. In fact, you might say, he was exciting!

From then on, everyone remembered Emperor Ing.

Lesson Development: Let’s start the ball rolling!


Teacher Activities:

● The teacher will say to students: “Did you like that story? Why?● Teacher will distribute scripts for Emperor Ing● Teacher will re-read script together with students.● Teacher will say: “Now I would like you to practise reading this script. Feel

free to perform a live skit or use Puppet Pals to re-tell the story. You may use any space in the room to rehearse. (Teacher will circulate)

Lesson Development: Let’s start the ball rolling!

Student Activities:

● Students will view the puppet pal video of the story previously read by teacher.● Students will practice reading scripts with Lady Thea while the music plays softly in

the background.● Students will then randomly place themselves into groups where they will utilize the

circular group tables, the floor or any of the vacant corners in the room to perform live re-enactment of the story themselves; or

● Students may use puppet pal software on the tablets provided on the table at the rear of the room as they digitally re-tell and act out the story.

Instruction Resources:

Folding is our new way of writing Sample student worksheet for individual classroom practice

Conclusion 25mins.

● Students will regroup at their tables and teacher will distribute individual practice worksheet.● Students will spend 10 minutes writing 6 of the new “ing” words they recall.● Teacher will provide the root /base word on the worksheet; students will complete the word.

For e.g. sing+ ing = singing

● Then teacher will distribute folded slips with words from the worksheet to each student and invite them to voluntarily act out their word after showing the class the root word and folding to form the new word. For e.g. the class then repeats the word shown and imitates the action done by student.

Teacher praises each student with hi fives/ fist bumps/ great job!/ that was awesome!/ totally cool! & fantastic! Teacher informs students of homework choices. That’s a wrap guys; see you in the morning!


Reinforcement of the lesson:

Students may choose to read the story or watch the video or do none of the above before sleeping and first thing when they awake in the morning.


It is very common for students to lack motivation to learn a second language. Their biggest fear is making mistakes. Often times students don't recall their previous language lesson, such as memorizing vocabulary. This encourages teachers to become creative. In order to make better use of students mental capacity, the limitations they think they have need to be “desuggested.”

What are the main objectives when using Desuggestopedia?

Teacher's main goal is to accelerate the process of learning a foreign language for everyday communication. Also to “desuggest” the learners psychological barriers.

Reflection Continued

What are the strengths of this method?

● The classroom environment is very learner friendly. The posters should be changed every few weeks to create a sense of novelty in the environment.

● A great deal of attention is given to the students feelings. If students are relaxed and confident they will not need to try hard to learn the language and should come naturally. Errors are also corrected gently, using a soft voice.

● The importance of interaction with the teacher from the beginning. Initially the students usually respond with only a few target language words they...

Reflection Continued

have practiced. After a while students will have more control of the target language and will be able to respond more appropriately.

What are the weaknesses of this method?

● The teacher is the authority in the classroom. In order for the method to be successful students must trust and respect their teacher.

● The absence of standardized testing. Test can threaten the relaxed atmosphere considered essential for accelerated learning.

● Over emphasis on language use instead of the language forms -

Reflection Continued

Vocabulary is emphasized while grammar is dealt with minimally.

Would you use this method in your classroom?

I believe that desuggestopedia has a good proposal to form a good atmosphere in the classroom. However this will only work as long as the students really find the features likable. Enjoyable classrooms, playful techniques and a comfortable atmosphere are all very good, but teachers should not be unconscious of the possible problems. The purpose of language teaching should not be confused with creating an art gallery, a musical session or an acting lesson. However I would use this method in my class as it

Reflection Continued

creates techniques that make students feel comfortable, relaxed and suggestible to the material being learned.


Larsen-Freeman, D., & Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.