SNAPtoolbelt Release May 20, 2016

SNAPtoolbelt - Read the Docs...mode, SnapStick0for SS200s in USB mode, or a device path like /dev/snap1on POSIX systems. address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)

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Page 1: SNAPtoolbelt - Read the Docs...mode, SnapStick0for SS200s in USB mode, or a device path like /dev/snap1on POSIX systems. address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)


May 20, 2016

Page 2: SNAPtoolbelt - Read the Docs...mode, SnapStick0for SS200s in USB mode, or a device path like /dev/snap1on POSIX systems. address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)
Page 3: SNAPtoolbelt - Read the Docs...mode, SnapStick0for SS200s in USB mode, or a device path like /dev/snap1on POSIX systems. address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)


1 Getting Started 3

2 Command Reference 9


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Page 5: SNAPtoolbelt - Read the Docs...mode, SnapStick0for SS200s in USB mode, or a device path like /dev/snap1on POSIX systems. address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)

SNAPtoolbelt, Release

SNAPtoolbelt is a collection of scriptable command line tools for interacting with SNAP nodes and networks.

This manual assumes you have some knowledge of SNAP systems. If you aren’t familiar with SNAP, please consultthe SNAP Primer and associated documentation.

Contents 1

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SNAPtoolbelt, Release

2 Contents

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Getting Started

1.1 Installation

1.1.1 Requirements

Be sure to load these requirements before installing the package:

• Python 2.6 or 2.7

• pip 8.1 or later

• wheel 0.29 or later

• virtualenv 15.0 or later

To ensure that pip, wheel, and virtualenv are installed and up-to-date:

pip install --upgrade pip wheel virtualenv

1.1.2 Setup a Virtual Environment (Recommended)

Using a virtualenv keeps the SNAPtoolbelt’s dependencies from conflicting with your own project dependencies. Thedirections to set up a virtualenv vary based on OS. The vitualenv User Guide has more information.


To create a new virtual environment:

virtualenv ENV

Where ENV is a directory to place the new virtual environment. Then to activate the new virtual environment:


Finally, update pip within the virtual environment, since some versions of virtualenv install very old versions of pip:

(ENV) pip install --upgrade pip


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To create a new virtual environment:

$ virtualenv ENV

Where ENV is a directory to place the new virtual environment. Then to activate the new virtual environment:

$ source ./ENV/bin/activate

Finally, update pip within the virtual environment, since some versions of virtualenv install very old versions of pip:

(ENV) $ pip install --upgrade pip

1.1.3 Install via pip

Within the virtual environment use pip to install SNAPtoolbelt:

(ENV) pip install --extra-index-url https://update.synapse-wireless.com/pypi snapbelt

Try it out:

(ENV) snap version

1.1.4 Optional Steps

There are a few optional steps that you made need when using SNAPtoolbelt.


To make use of autocompletion in a bash shell, a bash-completion script is available using the snap autocompletecommand:

source $(snap autocomplete)

The script will attempt to tab-complete commands, profiles, networks, and nodes you’ve talked to recently. You canalso link the autocomplete script to your ‘/etc/bash_co


To talk to AES-128 encrypted networks, you will also need to install PyCrypto:

• PyCrypto

Within the virtual environment use pip to install PyCrypto:

(ENV) pip install pycrypto

Building SNAPpy Scripts

To build SNAPpy scripts, you will also need to install SNAPbuild and related SNAPcore firmware packages:

(ENV) pip install --extra-index-url https://update.synapse-wireless.com/pypi snapbuild snap-firmware-2.7.1

4 Chapter 1. Getting Started

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SNAPtoolbelt, Release

Note: You will need to install package that matches the version of SNAPcore you are using.

Use Outside of Virtualenv

You can use SNAPtoolbelt outside its virtualenv by specifying the full path (or adding it to your own $PATH):

~/.virtualenvs/snapbelt/bin/snap version

You can also symlink from the virtualenv to /usr/local/bin:

ln -s ~/.virtualenvs/snapbelt/bin/snap /usr/local/bin/

1.2 Configuration

SNAPtoolbelt needs to know a few things in order to talk to your SNAP networks:

1. Networks - How your SNAP network is configured

2. Profiles - How to connect to your SNAP network

1.2.1 Networks

A Network describes how a SNAP network is configured. All nodes in the SNAP network need to be configured thesame way. It contains the following parameters:

channel Integer from 0-15 (default is 4)

network_id (default is 0x1c2c)

encryption_type None, Basic, or AES-128 (default is None)

encryption_key String, up to 16 characters (defaults is ‘’)

feature_bits (defaults is 0x0100)

1.2.2 Profiles

A Profile describes the method in which SNAPtoolbelt will connect to a SNAP Network. Each of the supportedconnection methods (serial, TCP, and MQTT) have specific parameters.


A Serial Profile is used when you are talking to a serial node such as a SS200, SN220, or SN171 Protoboard. Itcontains the following parameters:

device Device string can be a COM identifier on Windows such as COM1, USB0 for SN132 paddleboards in USBmode, SnapStick0 for SS200s in USB mode, or a device path like /dev/snap1 on POSIX systems.

address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)

1.2. Configuration 5

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A TCP Profile is used when you’re talking to a SNAP Connect instance that is accepting TCP connections. It containsthe following parameters:

host Hostname or IP address

port Port to connect to (default is 48625)

ssl Should this connection use SSL? (True or False)

username User to authenticate as

password Password to authenticate with

address Licensed address to use (or blank to use the default)


An MQTT Profile is used when you’re talking to a SNAP2MQTT instance via an MQTT gateway. It contains thefollowing parameters:

host Hostname or IP address

port Port to connect to (default is 48625)

ca_certs Path to client SSL certificates

address SNAP2MQTT’s address (default is ‘000080’)

1.2.3 Under the Covers

SNAPtoolbelt stores its configuration in a .snap folder under your user folder:

• %USERPROFILE% on Windows, e.g. “C:\Users\YourName\.snap”

• ~/.snap on Linux/Mac

The configuration (and some other data) is stored in a few files:

profiles.cfg SNAP Profiles, or “how should I talk to your SNAP networks?”

networks.cfg SNAP Networks, or “What networks do you talk to, and how are they configured?”

nodes.cache Node addresses you’ve recently talked to

1.3 Quick Start

If you are using a SNAP Stick such as an SS200 or SN220, SNAPtoolbelt can scan for your node(s):

$ snap config scan

SNAPtoolbelt will automagically add new nodes (including sniffer nodes) to your configuration.

Note: If you get a message about a Read error, you can bypass it by adding the -f/--force flag. Read errorsmay just mean “This node’s actually a SNAP Sniffer, we were looking for non-Sniffer nodes.”, or “It was busy whenwe tried to talk to it.”

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SNAPtoolbelt, Release

To make one of them your default, move it (with -f to overwrite the existing default):

$ snap config move profile SNAPstick0 default -f

1.4 Conventions

SNAPtoolbelt is scriptable in addition to being user controlled. If you ask it for information, it will be provided onSTDOUT. Logs and other ancillary chatter are emitted on STDERR. If the command succeeds, the exit status will bezero, otherwise the exit status will be non-zero.

All input needed comes either from the configuration files, or from the invocation.

Note: There are no prompts for “Are you sure?”. If you tell it to erase a script, it will do so or exit(1) trying.

1.4. Conventions 7

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Command Reference

2.1 snap

SNAPtoolbelt provides access to the fundamental operation on a SNAP network.

Available Commands

2.1.1 snap call

Available Commands

• snap call rpc unicast• snap call rpc multicast• snap call rpc directed_multicast

snap call rpc unicast


Callback Unicast RPC


snap call rpc unicast <target> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

snap call rpc u <target> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

function_name Name of function to call on targets

function_args A space seperated list of arguments to pass to the function


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-c <name>, --callback_name <name> Specify which function will be called on a response from thetargets


Ask the bridge node getInfo(5):

snap call rpc u bridge getInfo 5

Ask the bridge node vmStat(6), expect it to return its result via tellVmStat:

snap call rpc u bridge vmStat 6 --callback_name tellVmStat

snap call rpc multicast


Callback Multicast RPC


snap call rpc multicast <targets> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

snap call rpc m <targets> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

Positional Arguments

targets A comma seperated list of SNAP addresses

function_name Name of function to call on targets

function_args A space seperated list of arguments to pass to the function


-g <group>, --group <group> Override the Network’s default multicast group

-t <ttl>, --ttl <ttl> Override the Network’s default multicast TTL

-c <name>, --callback_name <name> Specify which function will be called on a response from thetargets


Broadcast a request for getInfo(5), expect responses from 123456 and 789abc:

snap call rpc m 123456,789abc getInfo 5

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snap call rpc directed_multicast


Callback Directed Multicast RPC


snap call rpc directed_multicast <targets> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

snap call rpc dm <targets> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

Positional Arguments

targets A comma seperated list of SNAP addresses

function_name Name of function to call on targets

function_args A space seperated list of arguments to pass to the function


-g <group>, --group <group> Override the Network’s default multicast group

-t <ttl>, --ttl <ttl> Override the Network’s default multicast TTL

-d <delay>, --delay <delay> Specify a response delay in milliseconds from the targets, default is 0

-c <name>, --callback_name <name> Specify which function will be called on a response from thetargets


Directed Multicast a request for getInfo(5) to 123456 and 789abc, ask them to delay their responses into100ms windows:

snap call rpc dm 123456,789abc getInfo 5 --delay 100

2.1.2 snap config

Available Commands

2.1. snap 11

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SNAPtoolbelt, Release

• snap config profile• snap config network• snap config new profile• snap config new network• snap config list• snap config delete• snap config copy• snap config move• snap config scan• snap config node_cache show• snap config node_cache clear

snap config profile


Display a profile


snap config profile <name> [key [value]]

Positional Arguments

name Name of profile

key (optional) Name of profile parameter to display/set

value (optional) Parameter value to set


Show the default profile:

snap config profile default

Show the value of the sn220 profile’s device parameter:

snap config profile sn220 device

Set the sn220 profile’s device parameter to /dev/snap1:

snap config profile sn220 device /dev/snap1

snap config network


Display a network

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snap config network <name> [key [value]]

Positional Arguments

name Name of network

key (optional) Name of network parameter to display/set

value (optional) Parameter value to set


Show the default network:

snap config network default

Show the lighting network’s encryption_type parameter:

snap config network lighting encryption_type

Set the solar network’s channel parameter to 7:

snap config network solar channel 7

snap config new profile


Creates a new profile based on the profile type (serial, tcp, or mqtt) specified


snap config new profile (serial|tcp|mqtt) <name> [options]

Positional Arguments

name Name of profile to be created


-f, --force Overwrite an existing profile/network


Create a new serial profile named sn132:

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snap config new profile serial sn132

Create a new mqtt profile named e20:

snap config new profile mqtt e20

snap config new network


Creates a new network


snap config new network <name> [options]

Positional Arguments

name Name of network to be created


-f, --force Overwrite an existing profile/network


Overwrite the lighting network with a new one:

snap config new network lighting -f

snap config list


List the available profiles/networks


snap config list (profile|network)


List all profiles:

snap config list profile

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snap config delete


Delete a profile/network


snap config delete (profile|network) <name>

Positional Arguments

name Profile/Network to be deleted


Remove the sn220 profile:

snap config delete profile sn220

Remove the power network:

snap config delete network power

snap config copy


Copy a profile or network


snap config copy (profile|network) <from> <to> [options]

Positional Arguments

from Profile/Network to be copied

to Name of new profile/network


-f, --force Overwrite an existing profile/network

2.1. snap 15

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Copy the default profile to snapstick:

snap config copy profile default snapstick

Copy the lighting network to default:

snap config copy network lighting default -f

snap config move


Move/rename a profile or network


snap config move (profile|network) <from> <to> [options]

Positional Arguments

from Profile/Network to be moved/renamed

to New name of profile/network


-f, --force Overwrite an existing profile/network


Moves the sn220 profile to the default overriding the current default:

snap config move profile sn220 default -f

Move the solar network to testbed:

snap config move network solar testbed

snap config scan


Scans serial ports for SNAP nodes and creates profiles for any that don’t already exist in your configuration


snap config scan [options]

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-d, --dry-run Just scan without creating profiles

-f, --force Add nodes that have read errors


Scan for all nodes:

snap config scan -f

snap config node_cache show


Lists the entries currently in the Node Cache (nodes which will be available when auto-completing node addresses)


snap config node_cache show


Show the Node Cache:

snap config node_cache show

snap config node_cache clear


Removes the specified entries from the Node Cache


snap config node_cache clear (all|<target>)


Clear the entire cache:

snap config node_cache clear all

Remove 112233 from the cache:

snap config node_cache clear 112233

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2.1.3 snap send

Available Commands

• snap send rpc unicast• snap send rpc multicast• snap send rpc directed_multicast• snap send data unicast• snap send data multicast

snap send rpc unicast


Send Unicast RPC


snap send rpc unicast <target> <function_name> [<function_args>...]

snap send rpc u <target> <function_name> [<function_args>...]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

function_name Name of function to call on targets

function_args A space seperated list of arguments to pass to the function


Send ping() to the bridge node:

snap send rpc u bridge ping

snap send rpc multicast


Send Multicast RPC


snap send rpc multicast <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

snap send rpc m <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

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Positional Arguments

function_name Name of function to call on targets

function_args A space seperated list of arguments to pass to the function


-g <group>, --group <group> Override the Network’s default multicast group

-t <ttl>, --ttl <ttl> Override the Network’s default multicast TTL


Broadcast hunt():

snap send rpc m hunt

snap send rpc directed_multicast


Send Directed Multicast RPC


snap send rpc directed_multicast <targets> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

snap send rpc dm <targets> <function_name> [<function_args>...] [options]

Positional Arguments

targets A comma seperated list of SNAP addresses

function_name Name of function to call on targets

function_args A space seperated list of arguments to pass to the function


-g <group>, --group <group> Override the Network’s default multicast group

-t <ttl>, --ttl <ttl> Override the Network’s default multicast TTL

-d <delay>, --delay <delay> Specify a response delay in milliseconds from the targets, default is 0

2.1. snap 19

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Send nodes 001122, 334455, and 667788 the RPC getData(17, ’blue’, 22):

snap send rpc dm 001122,334455,667788 getData 17 'blue' 22

snap send data unicast


Send Unicast Data


snap send data unicast <target> <payload> [options]

snap send data u <target> <payload> [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

payload The data to send to remote nodes


--base64 Payload is base64 encoded


Send 012345 the payload This was a triumph.:

snap send data u 012345 "This was a triumph."

snap send data multicast


Send Multicast Data


snap send data multicast <payload> [options]

snap send data m <payload> [options]

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Positional Arguments

payload The data to send to remote nodes


-g <group>, --group <group> Override the Network’s default multicast group

-t <ttl>, --ttl <ttl> Override the Network’s default multicast TTL

--base64 Payload is base64 encoded


Broadcast I’m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS to group 7 with a ttl of 3:

snap send data m "I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS" -g 7 -t 3

2.1.4 snap flash

Note: On the E20 (and other gateways) when issuing the flash commands you may need to use sudo ‘whichsnap‘ to provide sudo the full path to where SNAPtoolbelt is installed:

sudo `which snap` flash erase_script SM220

Available Commands

• snap flash erase_script• snap flash default_nv• snap flash firmware• snap flash sniffer

snap flash erase_script


Erase any script on the connected module


snap flash erase_script <module_type>

Positional Arguments

module_type The type of SNAP module that is connected via the serial port

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Erase any script on the connected SS200 module:

snap flash erase_script SS200

snap flash default_nv


Restore the NV Params to the factory defaults on the connected module


snap flash default_nv <module_type>

Positional Arguments

module_type The type of SNAP module that is connected via the serial port


Factory default the NV Params on the connected SS200 module:

snap flash default_nv SS200

snap flash firmware


Load the specified firmware Load the specified firmware on the connected module via the bootloader


snap flash firmware <module_type> <core_version> [options]

Positional Arguments

module_type The type of SNAP module that is connected via the serial port

core_version The version of SNAPcore to load


-f <sfi-file>, --file <sfi-file> If firmware support package is not installed, an SFI file path can be pro-vided

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Once you have pip installed the snap-firmware-2.7.1 package you will be able to load SNAPcore version 2.7.1on the connected SM220UF1 module:

snap flash firmware SM220UF1 2.7.1

If you have not installed the snap-firmware package, you can still load firmware by specifying an SFI file:

snap flash firmware SS200 2.6.2 -f ./sfifiles/RF200_AES128_SnapV2.6.2.sfi

snap flash sniffer


Load the sniffer firmware on the connected module via the bootloader


snap flash sniffer <module_type> [options]

Positional Arguments

module_type The type of SNAP module that is connected via the serial port


-f <sfi-file>, --file <sfi-file> If firmware support package is not installed, an SFI file path can be pro-vided


Load sniffer firmware on the connected RF220SU module:

snap flash sniffer RF220SU

Load sniffer firmware on the connected SS200 module by specifying an SFI file:

snap flash sniffer SS200 -f ./sfifiles/ATmega128RFA1_SnifferV1.3.0.sfi

2.1.5 snap mesh

Available Commands

• snap mesh ping• snap mesh dm_ping• snap mesh intercept• snap mesh listen• snap mesh find

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snap mesh ping


Send a multicast query to the network and await unicast replies


snap mesh ping [options]


-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds> Number of seconds to wait for replies, default is 20


Ping the mesh, but only wait ~5 seconds for replies:

snap mesh ping -t 5

snap mesh dm_ping


Send a multicast query to the network and await directed multicast replies


snap mesh dm_ping [options]


-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds> Number of seconds to wait for replies, default is 20


Ping the mesh, but only wait ~5 seconds for replies:

snap mesh dm_ping -t 5

snap mesh intercept


Use this command to listen for an intercepted node’s output. This requires first using the snap node intercept startcommand. If you do not specify the -t option, the intercept will run until you use CTRL-C to abort it.

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snap mesh intercept [options]


-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds> Number of seconds to intercept messages, default is forever


Listen for intercepted output:

snap mesh intercept

Listen for intercepted output for 10 seconds, then quit:

snap mesh intercept -t 10

See Also

• snap node intercept start

snap mesh listen


If you don’t have a real sniffer node available, you can always listen for messages that happen to come your way(multicasts, for instance). If you do not specify the -t option, the intercept will run until you use CTRL-C to abort it.


snap mesh listen [options]


-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds> Number of seconds to intercept messages, default is forever


Listen for messages:

snap mesh listen

Listen for messages for one minute, then exit:

snap mesh listen -t 60

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snap mesh find


Finds the target node by sweeping through channels, and optionally moves the node to a new network

Note: Cannot find nodes with different encryption settings from the Network/bridge


snap mesh find <target> [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node


-m <network>, --move <network> Moves the node to the specified network


Move the bridge node to the lighting network:

snap mesh find bridge -m lighting

Find node 123456:

snap mesh find 123456

2.1.6 snap node

Available Commands

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SNAPtoolbelt, Release

• snap node info• snap node traceroute• snap node build• snap node deploy• snap node script• snap node firmware info• snap node firmware load• snap node energy• snap node reboot• snap node stats• snap node nvparam• snap node intercept• snap node module_type• snap node vmstat• snap node move

snap node info


Get information about the <target> node. By default it queries:

• Address

• Current Channel (i.e. “Where is this node now?”)

• Current Network ID

• NVParam Channel (i.e. “Where will this node go if it’s rebooted?”)

• NVParam Network ID

• Feature Bits


snap node <target> info [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge


-v Additionally queries: Device Name/Type, Script Name/CRC, Space Available,Platform, Firmware Version

-vv Additionally queries: Radio, UART, and Multicast NV Params

-vvv Additionally queries: Mesh NV Params

2.1. snap 27

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Ask the bridge node for its basic information:

snap node bridge info

Ask node 123456 for more details:

snap node 123456 info -v

Ask node 00aabb for all of its information:

snap node 00aabb info -vvv

snap node traceroute


Performs a traceroute to the target node. Returns the round trip time and link quality information for each hop alongthe way. See the SNAP Manual for more details on the traceroute process.

Node Traceroute


snap node <target> traceroute

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge


Traceroute to 00aabb:

snap node 00aabb traceroute

snap node build


Build the script for the TARGET node. Uses SNAPbuild to compile the script to a SPY file for that node’s moduleand core.

By default the output .spy/.map files are placed in the current working directory, use -o to override.

Note: This command requires SNAPbuild to be installed

28 Chapter 2. Command Reference

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snap node <target> build <script> [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

script todo


-I <include> todo

-p <platform> todo

-o <output_path> todo


Build SnapStick.py for the bridge node:

snap node bridge build SnapStick.py

snap node deploy


Deploys the script to the <target> node. Uses SNAPbuild to compile the script to a SPY file for that node’s moduleand core. If <script> is already a SPY file, just upload it without rebuilding.

Note: This command requires SNAPbuild to be installed.


snap node <target> deploy <script> [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

script todo

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-I <include> todo

-p <platform> todo

-o <output_path> todo


Deploy SnapStick.py to the bridge node:

snap node bridge deploy SnapStick.py

snap node script


Queries the script name and CRC. Erases the script on the target node. Loads the <spy_file> over-the-air on the<target> node.


snap node <target> script (info | erase | load <spy_file>)

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

spy_file todo


Ask the bridge for its script information:

snap node bridge script info

Erase the script on node 987654:

snap node 987654 script erase

Load SnapStick.spy on the bridge:

snap node bridge script load SnapStick.spy

snap node firmware info

Query the firmware version on the <target> node

30 Chapter 2. Command Reference

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snap node <target> firmware info

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge


Get firmware info for node 012345:

snap node 012345 firmware info

snap node firmware load


Load the specified firmware on the <target> module.


snap node <target> firmware load <core_version> [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

core_version The version of SNAPcore to load


-f <sfi-file> If firmware support package is not installed, an SFI file path can be provided


Load the 2.7.1 firmware on node 012345:

snap node 012345 firmware load 2.7.1

Load the RF200_AES128_SnapV2.6.2.sfi firmware on node 00aabb:

snap node 00aabb firmware load 2.6.2 -f RF200_AES128_SnapV2.6.2.sfi

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snap node energy


Asks the node to check the RF energy on its channels


snap node <target> energy [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge


-n <number>, --num_queries <number> Perform <number> queries and average the results

-d <delay>, --delay <delay> Wait for <delay> seconds between queries


Ask the bridge node to scan 3 times, waiting 2 seconds between scans:

snap node bridge energy -n 3 -d 2

snap node reboot


Ask the target node to reboot, with an optional <delay>


snap node <target> reboot [<delay>]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

delay todo


Reboot the bridge node:

32 Chapter 2. Command Reference

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snap node bridge reboot

snap node stats


Queries <target> for the value of <stat_name>. You can also use the special names stat, info, and all to queryall stats, all info, and all stats and info combined, respectively. See snap help stats for the list of supported statnames.


snap node <target> stats (stat|info|all|<stat_name>)

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

stat_name todo



snap node nvparam


Either reset the <target> node NVParams to factory default, or query the <target> node for the value of NVParam<nvparam_id> and optioanlly set it <value>. Values are parsed like RPC arguments.

You can reference NVParams by name, see snap help nvparam for details.

Warning: The changes do not take effect until you reboot the node, see snap node reboot


snap node <target> (reset | nvparam <nvparam_id> [<value>]...)

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

nvparam_id todo

value todo

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Ask the bridge node for the value of NVParam 128:

snap node bridge nvparam 128

Ask node 123456 for its mesh routing max hop limit:

snap node 123456 nvparam mesh.routing.max-hop-limit

Set NVParam 110 to foo on node 012345:

snap node 012345 nvparam set 110 'foo'

Set the multicast forwarded groups on the bridge node to 5:

snap node bridge nvparam set mcast.forwarded-groups 5

Reset node 001122 NVParams to factory defaults:

snap node 001122 nvparam reset

See Also

• snap node reboot

snap node intercept


Tell the <target> node to start/stop sending its STDOUT and/or STDERR to us

Note: Use the snap mesh intercept command to listen for the output after telling a node to start.


snap node <target> intercept (start|stop) [options]

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge


--out-only Send only STDOUT.

--err-only Send only STDERR.

34 Chapter 2. Command Reference

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Ask node 001122 to start sending us both STDOUT and STDERR:

``snap node 001122 intercept start``

Ask node 001122 to stop sending us output:

snap node 001122 intercept stop

See Also

• snap mesh intercept

snap node module_type


Query Module Type


snap node <target> <module_type>

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

module_type todo



snap node vmstat


Queries the specified <vmstat> on the <target> node and breaks down the output.


snap node <target> vmstat <vmstat> [<argument>]...

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Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

vmstat todo

argument todo


Ask the bridge for its vmStat(6):

snap node bridge vmstat 6

Ask node 001122 for its vmStat(5, 2):

snap node 001122 vmstat 5 2

snap node move


Moves the <target> node to the specified <network>. You must be able to reach the node on the current network. If the<target> node is the bridge, this command also updates the “last used” network for the current profile to the <target>network.


snap node <target> move <network>

Positional Arguments

target SNAP address of target node or bridge

network todo


Move the bridge to the ‘lighting’ network:

snap node bridge move lighting

Move node 001122 to the ‘power’ network:

snap node 001122 move power

2.1.7 snap build

SNAPtoolbelt can also call out directly to SNAPbuild, if it has been installed. Calls to snap build will beconverted to snapbuild calls, all arguments will be passed as given.

See the SNAPbuild manual for more details on its options.

36 Chapter 2. Command Reference

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snap build -m RF200PF1 -c 2.5.6 myScript.py

2.1.8 snap update

SNAPtoolbelt has the ability to update itself.

snap update check

List packages that may be out of date (equivalent of pip list --outdated)

snap update install

Updates SNAPtoolbelt (equivalent of pip install --upgrade)


snap update checksnapbelt (0.8.6) - Latest: 0.8.6.post1 [wheel]snapbuild (1.0.0.post36) - Latest: 1.1.0 [wheel]


• Multicast Group, TTL, and DMCast Delay are all given default values in the Network configuration, but maybe overridden per-command here.

• All target addresses must be in 6-character form: 0deCAF, 012345.

• The special address “bridge” can be used to specify your connection’s bridge node, even if the exact address isnot known. (One way to discover your bridge node’s address is to use snap node info.)

• Arguments in quotes ("test", ’abc’) are parsed as strings.

• "" and ’’ are both parsed as empty strings.

• All numbers are parsed as integers: (0x10 == 16, 100 == 100)

• Booleans (True, False) are parsed as booleans

• None is parsed as None (Pythonic None, not the string ’None’)

• Strings beginning with x that look like hex data will be unhexlify’d: xabcdef == ’\xab\xcd\xef’

2.2 Global Options

SNAPtoolbelt commands are nested. Global options must come after the initial snap, but before the first subcom-mand. These options can be used with all commands.

snap [global-options] subcommand ...

2.2. Global Options 37

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2.2.1 Log Level

-l (debug|info|warn|error|critical), --log_level (debug|info|warn|error|critical)

Specify the level at which SNAPtoolbelt should log.

Note: SNAPtoolbelt always logs to STDERR. If you need to log to a file, you will need to redirect STDERR usingyour shell of choice.

2.2.2 Output Formats

-o (dkvp|json|json-pretty), --output_format (dkvp|json|json-pretty)

By default, the output is provided in Delimited Key-Value Pair format. MLR can be used to convert DKVP into CSVor other formats.For example, the output of a node info query in DKVP:


JSON output is also possible:

{"address": "001c2c1a7603fa1b", "current_channel": 4, "current_netid": "0x1c2c", "nv_channel": 4, "nv_net_id": "0x1c2c", "nv_feature_bits": "0x001f"}

2.2.3 Profile

-p <profile>, --profile <profile>

Specify which profile you want to use, default is the default.

2.2.4 Network

-n <network>, --network <network>

Specify which network you want to use, default is the default.

2.2.5 Timeout

-t <timeout>, --timeout <timeout>

Specify the timeout for the command in seconds.

Note: 30 seconds is the default, though some commands override this if it’s too low. For instance, firmware uploadsgenerally take longer than 30 seconds, so the timeout is bumped up for that command.

38 Chapter 2. Command Reference