Soal Prediksi dan Try Out UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011/2012 Disusun Sesuai Indikator Kisi-Kisi UN 2012 Bahasa Inggris SMA Written by : Team STMIK Jakarta Distributed by : Pak Anang

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Soal Prediksi dan Try Out


Disusun Sesuai Indikator Kisi-Kisi UN 2012

Bahasa Inggris SMA

Written by :

Team STMIK Jakarta

Distributed by :

Pak Anang

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Listening Section In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Part I Questions 1 to 4 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues spoken in English. The dialogue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: Boy : Have you finished doing your homework? Girl : Not yet. Boy : Do it right away. The class will begin soon. You will also hear: Narrator: Where does the conversation take place? Sample answer You will read in your test book:

A. At school B. At home. C. At a store D. At the mall E. At the market

The best answer to the question ‘Where does the conversation take place? is choice (A), ‘At school’. Therefore, you should answer choice (A) 1. A. The schedule of film.

B. The woman’s activities. C. The woman’s profession. D. The woman’s favorite song. E. The woman’s favorite movie genre.

2. A. Pizza. B. Fried egg. C. Fried rice. D. Hamburger. E. French fries.

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3. A. She will submit her task. B. She will visit her friends. C. She will sleep all day long. D. She will do her homework. E. She will shop with her mother.

4. A. I like it.

B. Certainly. C. I don’t believe it. D. That’s a great relief. E. I’m sorry to hear that.

Part II Questions: 5 to 8 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several questions or statements spoken in English followed by five responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test sheet, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question or statement. Now listen to a sample question: You will hear: Woman : Good morning, John. How are you? Sample answer Man :…. You will also hear:

A. I am fine, thank you. B. I am in the living room. C. Let me introduce myself. D. My name is Hendra Gunawan. E. I am living here since last year.

The best answer to the question ‘How are you?’ is choice (A), ‘I’m fine, thank you.’ Therefore, you should choose choice (A) 5. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet. 6. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet. 7. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet. 8. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet. Part III Questions: 9 to 11 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear dialogues and a monologue spoken in English. The dialogues and the monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

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After you hear the dialogue or the monologue and the question about it, look at the pictures and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 9.

1 2 3

4 5

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

10. 1 2 3

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4 5

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

11. 1 2 3

4 5

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

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Part IV Questions 12 to 15 Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear a monologue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard. 12. A. Delaware’s history B. The United States C. The Constitution D. Rhode Island E. Bread Basket 13. A. Fiber B. Nylon C. Corn D. Cotton E. Grains 14. A. The shorter lives of self-propelled beings. B. The longer lives of self-propelled beings. C. The lifespan of self-propelled beings. D. The lifespan of human beings. E. The lifetime of human beings.

15. A. Over congestion of university area. B. Roller skating in the streets. C. The high cost of gasoline. D. Police roadblocks. E. The drivers. This is the end of the listening section Reading Section The following text is for questions 16 and 17.

To: All students of X-4 I'm sorry I can't come to the class because of the school project from the principal. Please continue doing the task I gave you on the last meeting. Submit it to the chairman, put on my table in the teachers’ room. We'll discuss the task on the next meeting. Thank you.

Mr. Angga

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16. The text tells you about … A. Doing a project. B. The principal's task. C. Asking to do the task. D. Giving permission to do the task. E. Taking permission not to come to the class. 17. The word "it" refers to .… A. task B. class C. table D. project E. meeting The following text is for questions 18 and 19. Dear Maudie: Thank you for your email. I am pleased to hear you are enjoying the pictures now. A number of images are on our http://www.PicturesNow.com or affiliate sites. We appreciate your checking with us regarding the permitted usage of our images. We are happy to give permission to use any images under the following license. Wood River Media License Agreement for Personal or Educational Use 18. From the text above we know that ... A. Maudie is asked to use other images. B. Maudie is allowed to use the images. C. Maudie doesn't like to see the images. D. The sender forbids Maudie to use the pictures. E. The sender gives more websites to see other pictures. 19. What is the purpose of the text? A. To give permission of using the images. B. To give license of using the pictures. C. To give information about website. D. To enjoy the picture from website. E. To thank of sending the email.

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The following text is for questions 20 and 21. 20. The text is mainly about the announcement of … A. Extracurricular activities B. School adventure. C. Various contests. D. School activities. E. OSIS projects 21. The students can enroll the contests by ... A. asking to the members of OSIS. B. contacting to Head of OSIS. C. asking to the captain. D. contacting to Diana. E. asking to students. The following text is for questions 22 and 23.

Announcement To celebrate our school's 25th anniversary, we are proudly presenting some contests: Reading poem: at 8 a.m at school hall Speech: at 10 a.m in the language lab Singing: at 1 p.m on the stage All contests will be held on July 20th, 2012 All classes have to send min. 1 student for each contest. Give the list of the names to each captain. For registration, please contact Diana 021456789 For further information you can ask the members of OSIS.


Head of OSIS

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22. The customers can enjoy the products on .… A. Tuesday, October 30 B. Tuesday, October 31 C. Thursday, October 30 D. Tuesday, December 30 E. Thursday, December 31 23. What does the advertisement mainly tell us about? A. Ice cream B. Coat C. Cup D. Check E. Office The following text is for questions 24 to 26. One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side of the river. The crocodile agreed and told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river with the monkey on his top. Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the river and said to the monkey, “My father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. So he will be healthy again.” At the time, the monkey was in dangerous situation and he had to think hard. Then he had a good idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank. “What’s for?” asked the crocodile. “Because I don’t bring my heart,” said the monkey. “I left it under a tree, near some coconuts in the river bank.” The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back. Then he climbed up to the top of a tree. “Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile. “You are foolish,” said the monkey to the crocodile. “Now I am free and I have my heart.” 24. Where was the monkey going to go? A. The tree. B. The river bank. C. The coconut tree. D. The middle of the river. E. The other side of the river. 25. What can we learn from the story? A. Killing someone is a bad thing. B. Helping people is a good thing. C. We have to be kind to someone. D It's good to repay someone’s kindness. E. We have to be smart to save ourselves. 26. The second paragraph mainly tells that ... A. the monkey wanted to save himself. B. the monkey wanted to cross the river. C. the crocodile wanted to kill the monkey. D. the crocodile wanted to help his sick father. E. the crocodile asked the monkey to give his heart.

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The following text is for questions 27 and 28. A survey has found about 13 percent of first-time smokers in the country are junior high school students. It also revealed 89 percent of young female employees were smokers. The survey was conducted in five major cities across the country, including Surakarta in Central Java. Muhammad Syahril Mansyur, the Surakarta Health Agency’s respiratory illness division, said that the finding of the survey showed an alarming growth rate of Indonesian smokers. "This situation is a cause for concern,” he said. “It appears the country’s younger generation is uneducated about the health risks of smoking.” The Indonesian anti-tobacco campaign has reportedly been deemed as ineffective as the government refuses to sign the international convention on tobacco control. It said that cigarette producers contributed to a large amount to state revenue and gave jobs to thousands of workers. 27. The text mainly tells you about … A. the increase of Indonesian smokers. B. the health risks of smoking. C. large amount of cigarettes. D. young female smokers. E. the danger of smoking. 28. Why does the growth of Indonesian smokers have to be concerned? A. It decreases the selling of cigarette. B. It cannot make people work at cigarette factory C. There are increasing younger smokers in Indonesia. D. It cannot make the large amount of cigarettes be distributed E. It is likely that younger generation is uneducated to the risks of smoking. Questions 29 and 30 refer to the following text. My mother got me ready for school. I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand in just the perfect position. I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied would I be allowed to rush out of the front door. I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 meters I would be able to see the tall steeple of the school. The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell rang. 29. When would the writer leave home? A. 7 a.m. B. 8 a.m. C. 9 a.m. D. 10 a.m. E. 11 a.m. 30. The first paragraph is mainly about … A. a highly demanded mother B. cleaning school utilities. C. activities at to school.

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D. a discipline student. E. going to school. The following text is for questions 31 and 32. An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat. The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The elephant's trunk also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can move very quickly. The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal. 31. The text is mainly about … A. elephant's food. B. elephant's feature. C. elephant's habitat. D. elephant's breeding. E. elephant's activities. 32. Why is an elephant a useful servant for people? A. It has intelligence and great strength. B. It can move very quickly. C. It can squirt the water. D. It looks very clumsy. E. It is heavy. The following text is for questions 33 and 34. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or "Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park" (literally translated) is a culture-based recreational area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. It has an area of about 250 acres. The park is a synopsis of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the collections of architecture, clothing, dances and traditions are all depicted impeccably. Apart from that, there is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it, cable cars, museums, a theater called the Theatre of My Homeland (Theater Tanah Airku) and other recreational facilities which make TMII one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city.

33. What is the text about?

A. The description of TMII B. The location of TMII C. The history of TMII D. The benefit of TMII E. Tourist destination

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34. How are the aspects of daily life of Indonesia's provinces exposed? A. They are put at a theatre. B. They are shown by cable cars C. They are placed at separate pavilions. D. They are represented in the forms of dances. E. They are positioned in the middle of the park.

The following text is for questions 35 to 37. In summer the amount of daylight that we get is more than we get in winter. This is not because as some people think we are closer to the sun but because of the tilt of the Earth. The Earth is actually closer to the sun in winter than it is in the summer but you would be forgiven for thinking that this can not be true after looking out of your window on a cold and frosty morning. It seems strange that as the earth gets closer to the Sun during its orbit then in the amount of daylight that we get decreases. But that is the case. It is the tilt of the Earth that determine the amount of daylight that we get and so the length of time that for us the sun is above the horizon. 35. The text mainly talks about ... A. the effect of the tilt of the Earth on daylight. B. the distance between the Earth and sun. C. the amount of daylight in winter. D. summer and winter. E. orbit of the Earth. 36. Why do we get more daylight in summer? A. Because of the length of time B. Because of the tilt of the Earth. C. Because of the orbit of the Earth. D. Because of the earth’s being closer to the sun. E. Because of the horizon’s being below the sun. 37. The purpose of the text is ... A. to explain the reason of the different amount of daylight B. to prove that the Earth is close to the sun. C. to tell that winter is cooler than summer. D. to show the process of daylight. E. to describe summer. Questions 38 to 40 refer to the following text. Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health? Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period. Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.

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It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues. So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving. 38. When did fast food begin to be familiar? A. 1930's. B. 1940's. C. 1950's. D. 1960's. E. 1970's. 39. The text is about ... A. the advantages of fast food. B. fast food as the best choice. C. the effect of fast food. D. unhealthy fast food. E. kind of food. 40. Paragraph 4 mainly tells that... A. fast food consists of chemical additives which are not good for health. B. fast food is made with highly-processes ingredients. C. fast food is a normal eating venture. D. people like eating fast food. E. fast food has a good effect. The following text is for questions 41 to 43. Going to college or getting a job right after graduating high school is the common choices of teens will likely face. Some likely choose to continue studying at college or university but the others try to find job. Here are the reasons. Why is it so important for students to continue on to post-secondary education; university or college? The reason is that post-secondary education will allow them to get the skills and tools that they will need to help them prepare for a good career. It has been said that the more education they have the more careers will be open for them to choose from. Employers today will tend to be more open to a person with the more education. However some of them choose to get job right after high school. They believe that education is critical but college is not. In fact, there are numerous careers, such as in healthcare, technology, operations, transportation, and the building trades that do not require a four-year degree from college or university. Furthermore, as they advance in these careers, there is also nothing stopping them from pursing a college degree at a later age. So, what are you doing after graduating high school? Think carefully! 41. Some students decide studying at college to get ... A. a good degree. B. high education. C. many new friends. D. lots of experience. E. skills and beneficial tools

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42. The text above is about ... A. getting a job. B. going to college. C. getting high education. D. choices after high school. E. preparing for a good career. 43. From paragraph 3, we can conclude that some people think that ... A. without going to college, they can get a career. B. looking for a job after high school is the priority. C. it is better getting a job first than going to college. D. going to college is unimportant thing. E. higher education is important. This text is for questions 44 to 46. The title is yummy baby and the Author's nick name Yummy Mummy. It is clear enough to be said that this blog is composed by a mother to her baby. After reading her post I find that the mother and father got the second marriage anniversary. Now they have a very chubby baby. I should say congratulations on their completely fixed nice family.

This blog is written in the third person point of view. The third person is the baby itself. It shows that the mother has big effort to take care and do everything for her baby. It is a very motherly tasted blog. I like the way she writes on her blog. She writes about her daily care on her baby. He makes record on her baby development. All these materials of taking care about her baby are the main resource in writing contents for her blog. It is a very useful blog especially for any mother and babysitter. Of course, any father will get advantage to read this blog.

44. Whom is the blog written for? A. The writer’s baby. B. The writer’s father C.. The writer’s mother. D. The writer’s parents. E. The writer’s babysitter. 45. The text mainly tells us about ... A. the baby development. B. mother’s activities at home. C. an attractive motherly blog. D. daily care of the writer’s baby. E. a present of marriage anniversary. 46. The owner of the blog wrote the blog by … A. recording the baby’s development B. using the third person point of view. C. taking the picture of the baby. D. using the artistic font style. E. writing an interesting title.

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47. Study the following sentences related to making an omelet. 1. Beat the eggs and milk together and when mixed thoroughly, add to the frying pan. 2. When cooked remove from the pan and serve with a garnish of parsley. 3. Break the eggs into a bowl and add the milk. 4. Take the pan and put in the oil. Heat the oil until it is hot. 5. Fry until the omelete in brown on one side and then turn it over in the pan.

Which of the followings is the good arrangement to be a good text? A. 4-3-1-5-2 B. 4-3-1-2-5 C. 4-1-3-2-5 D. 3-4-2-1-5 E. 3-4-1-5-2

The following text is questions. 48 to 50 Complete the text with the correct words When I was a boy, I liked swimming very much. Each year my two brothers and I ... (48) … the holiday with our uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was only twenty yards from the water. The water was warm; the sun shone ... (49) …, and most of days there were no waves. In the middle of the day a wind always began to ... (50) … , but it was not strong and did not make the sea rough. 48. A. spent B. made C. gave D. went E. saw 49. A. beautifully B. brightly C. clearly D. darkly E. nicely 50. A. come B. shine C. blow D. flow E. fly

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KUNCI JAWABAN 1. E 11. A 21. D 31. B 41. E

2. C 12. A 22. A 32. A 42. D

3. D 13. B 23. A 33. A 43. A

4. C 14. C 24. E 34. C 44. A

5. E 15. B 25. E 35. A 45. C

6. B 16. C 26. C 36. B 46. B

7. D 17. A 27. A 37. A 47. A

8. A 18. B 28. E 38. B 48. A

9. A 19. A 29. B 39. D 49. B

10. C 20. C 30. A 40. A 50. C Jika adik-adik butuh ’bocoran’ naskah soal Ujian Nasional tahun 2012, maka adik-adik bisa download di http://pak-anang.blogspot.com/2011/12/bocoran-soal-ujian-nasional-matematika.html dan untuk ’bocoran’ naskah soal Ujian Nasional tahun 2012 untuk mata pelajaran Fisika, adik-adik bisa download di http://pak-anang.blogspot.com/2011/12/bocoran-soal-ujian-nasional-fisika-2012.html. Semua soal tersebut disusun sesuai kisi-kisi SKL UN tahun 2012 yang dikeluarkan secara resmi oleh BSNP tanggal 15 Desember 2011 yang lalu. Kisi-kisi SKL UN SMA tahun 2012 untuk versi lengkap semua mata pelajaran bisa adik-adik lihat di http://pak-anang.blogspot.com/2011/12/kisi-kisi-skl-un-2012_19.html. Untuk cara cepat SMART SOLUTION dan TRIK SUPERKILAT Ujian Nasional 2012 bisa adik-adik download di http://pak-anang.blogspot.com. Terimakasih, Pak Anang.