Social action and community media presentation By Lusi Ndoja

Social action and community media presentation

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Page 1: Social action and community media presentation

Social action and community media presentation

By Lusi Ndoja

Page 2: Social action and community media presentation

Aimed at everyone, no specific audience

Grabs the audiences attention by asking them a question “before you walk away put yourself in my place” (the reader is hooked)

Implying that anyone can be homeless

The reader will have a guilty conscious


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The place where they have located the add is also very effective, as if this was on a billboard most people would walk past and ignore what has been advertised. The fact that they have placed it in a local rubbish waste bin people have no way of avoiding this, it make the audience guilty which i think is a good way of raising awareness.when producing a homeless campaign you have to think of the ethical issues it has by trying not to make it offensive as it a very delicate subject and its real life. The fact that this ad is used in a place where homeless people will have to go and find food to feed themselves is something real and its the reality, its given the audience something true, s some campaigns you see on television is more exaggerated and people can interpret it in many different ways.  


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Strong bold aggressive colours, red ( violence, angry, danger, love)

Black (dark, deep, mysterious )

Children are really effective in campaigns (more


Lots of detailed text

The main information in bold, if reader is hooked they will read further

Research techniques

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Easy and simple

The colours have change from red to green, as the red would put the volunteers by the way it has been presented

The green is the opposite giving it a more relaxing calm affect to the charity

Targeted at young people, they have used the word “together” stating that the young people are not alone

Research techniques

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My ideas for the design will be based on black and white, as I feel it has more meaning and is more effective as it makes you think more about the campaign and makes it more serious.

Fonts will be bold, simple and clear easy for the audience to read.

For the colours I have chosen dark and meaningful colours such as black symbolising secretive and mysterious, the white for purity and the blue for calm and peace and also symbolises metal relaxation

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Primary research/questionnaire

People I asked in my survey where brief with answers and they did feel sympathetic towards the homeless campaign as most answered with “it makes me feel upset”

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Again, in my questionnaire responses, I found that people where very brief with their answers. For example for “what is your general feelings towards homeless people?” most people said they feel sorry for the people and it makes them said.

Most of the people I asked knew about SAH and another charities such as shelter which I have come across, but not enough information is out there.

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Flat plan

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Flat plan

My final design idea will be something like this as in my research balancing out text and imagery is very effective, the different ranges of font sizes works well as your eye is drawn to the bold text keeping the audience hooked with a question and for further information they will be able to read further.