Social Impacts of Social Impacts of Tourism Tourism TOMG200 Tourism Management & Environment

Social Impacts of Tourism TOMG200 Tourism Management & Environment

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Page 1: Social Impacts of Tourism TOMG200 Tourism Management & Environment

Social Impacts of TourismSocial Impacts of Tourism

TOMG200 Tourism Management & Environment

Page 2: Social Impacts of Tourism TOMG200 Tourism Management & Environment

Definition of ‘society’

“the social relationships that exist between people with a common interest”

“the arrangement of social relationships in a group”(Hall & Lew, 2009: 141)

•Tourism is a cultural phenomenon that impacts culture and society, and is shaped by cultures and society

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Potential positive social impacts

• Generation of incomes and jobs; higher living standards

• Increased community pride• Construction of new and

improved facilities• Modernisation of the family via

new gender roles • Broadening social horizons and

reduced prejudice among tourists• Global understanding and

international peace

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Positive impacts

• Keeps local traditions and culture alive

• Empowers marginal societal groups – women, indigenous peoples

• Cross-fertilisation of different cultural backgrounds

• Reduces dependency on illegal commodities (e.g. drugs).

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Potential negative impacts

• Polarisation of social structure and increased income inequalities; benefits not evenly distributed

• Disintegration of the family and traditional value structures

• Tourists fail to respect local norms or behaviour, customs and moral values

• Social pathology, including prostitution, drugs, crime.

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ImplicationsThe tourist resort is not just a geographical location -

It reflects norms and attitudes that become exposed through the type of tourist development that is being permitted.

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Social impacts - norms

The nature of that culture.

Reflects not only norms, but the power and political structures

Host communities

are not homogeneous

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Determinants of tourism impacts

• Numbers of visitors

• Ratio of visitors to host

• Cultural and economic differences between hosts and guests (social distance)

• Presence or absence of seasonality

• Places of contact

• Nature of contact

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The processes of social impact

The Demonstration Effect (Doxey 1972)

• The introduction of new behaviours and different values in a destination community as a result of tourism

• Imitation by locals of behaviours displayed by tourists

• The behaviours are seen as having value for hosts; can result in a shift in social structure

The issues – economic inequality and power.

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The processes of social impactIrritation Index (Doxey 1975)

•The attitudes of local residents toward tourism unfold through a series of stages over time:






REALISM(Hall & Lew, 2009)

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How are social impacts measured?

There is a need to find indices that are measurable.

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Possible indices to measure the social impact of tourism

• Population changes

• Employment changes

• Displacement and relocation effects

• Neighbourhood disruption

• Noise impacts

• Aesthetic Impacts

• Land use patterns

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Possible indices to measure the social impact of tourism

• Accessibility changes

• Leisure/recreation impacts

• Health and safety

• Citizens’ reactions

• Crime statistics

• Stressful community growth

• Community decline

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Encounter indices

• Visitor perception of impact on the environment

• Amount of litter / rubbish in the area

• Visitor satisfaction measures

• Host reports of undesirable visitor behaviour

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Encounter indices

• Host satisfaction

• Visitor reports of undesirable tourist behaviour

• Host reports of undesired social and environmental impacts

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Types of questions being used

• Tourism is good for the local economy …

• Tourism provides many jobs …

• Tourism will help the area by encouraging interest in local Maori culture ….

• Tourism led to more petty crime ….

• Local residents are the people who mainly suffer from living in a tourist area ….

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Types of questions being used

• Tourism means a growth in property prices beyond the reach of younger local people …

• I feel we should severely limit growth to protect the environment ….

• I feel that the tourism/planning authorities should consider plans to restrict the growth of tourism ….

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This week’s reading:

• Chapter 4 of Hall & Lew (2009)

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Other reading resources:

• Faulkner & Tideswell (1997) A Framework for Monitoring Community Impacts of Tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5(1), 3-28.

• Deery, Jago & Fredline (2012) Rethinking Social Impacts of Tourism Research. Tourism Management, 33, 64-73.

• Waitt (2003) Social Impacts of The Sydney Olympics. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 194-215.

• King, Pizam & Milman (1993) Social Impacts of Tourism. Host Perceptions. Annals of Tourism Research, 20, 650-665.

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Case Study: The Social Impact of Case Study: The Social Impact of Tourism in ThailandTourism in Thailand

Watch the film: The Impact of Tourism Thailand G155 .T5I46 2003  


Individual Discussion Question (2): What are the social impacts of tourism in Thailand?