// Tap Into the Crowd Resource List // By Mandy Jenkins & Robert Hernandez UPDATED: Feb. 18, 2014 // Content Search Tools Enter search terms to see the last 500 tweets, filter/ drill down into related terms, hashtags and links. http:// twxplorer.knightlab.com/ Search older tweets and photos. http://topsy.com/advanced- search Real-time keyword search, displayed in a visual format. http:// twazzup.com Searches Twitter, Facebook and Google+, order by popularity. http://social-searcher.com/social-buzz/ See all of a user’s tweets on one page. http://AllMyTweets.net Real-time keyword search across many social networks, plus ability to save searches to Excel. http://Socialmention.com Search Instagram photos and videos by keyword. http://web.stagram.com/search/ Search public status updates. http://openstatussearch.com // Twitter People Searches Search for Twitter users by biography, keyword and their connections to others. http://twiangulate.com Search for Twitter users by location and industry/keyword. http://twellow.com

Social Media for Investigations Tools

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Page 1: Social Media for Investigations Tools

// Tap Into the Crowd Resource List //By Mandy Jenkins & Robert Hernandez

UPDATED: Feb. 18, 2014

// Content Search Tools

Enter search terms to see the last 500 tweets, filter/drill down into related terms, hashtags and links. http://twxplorer.knightlab.com/

Search older tweets and photos. http://topsy.com/advanced-search

Real-time keyword search, displayed in a visual format. http://twazzup.com

Searches Twitter, Facebook and Google+, order by popularity. http://social-searcher.com/social-buzz/

See all of a user’s tweets on one page. http://AllMyTweets.net

Real-time keyword search across many social networks, plus ability to save searches to Excel. http://Socialmention.com

Search Instagram photos and videos by keyword. http://web.stagram.com/search/

Search public status updates. http://openstatussearch.com

// Twitter People Searches

Search for Twitter users by biography, keyword and their connections to others. http://twiangulate.com

Search for Twitter users by location and industry/keyword. http://twellow.com

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Search for social media accounts and contact for other journalists. http://muckrack.com

// Source Search Tools

Top search box on facebook.com, dig in upon results to search by education, employer, location and more.

Search for people, filter by location, profession, etc.: http://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/p?adv=true&trk=advsrch

Search and follow companies: http://www.linkedin.com/company/home?trk=hb_tab_compy

Ask questions and find related experts http://quora.com

Insights on all public Twitter accounts http://foller.me/

Search for connections across LinkedIn, Facebook and Gmail http://gohachi.com/

Discover social networks of those who email you in Gmail https://rapportive.com/

// Location Searches

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Mobile app that shows public tweets, Foursquare check-ins and Facebook check-ins on a map. http://ban.jo/ (Using the browser: http://ban.jo/p/1cuvAPm)

Premium geolocation search tool. Can search down to the building, seeing located tweets and images. $ http://geofeedia.com/

Real time geographic media search, coming soon... http://www.mappeo.net/

Though the mobile app version is used by those who play this check-in game, you can search for venues and “mayors” (those who have been to a location the most times) on the website with an account login. http://foursquare.com/

// Crowdsourcing Tools

Create public forms, surveys and other shareable documents http://docs.google.com/

Create an automatic map from a Google spreadsheet and form http://mapalist.com/

Create a mobile-friendly reader-assisted map https://crowdmap.com/

Simple blog interface allows for user submissions http://tumblr.com/

// Curation Tools

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Save links of any sort to access from anywhere, anytime. Install the Diigo plugin on your browser to take full advantage of its ease. https://www.diigo.com/

Compile tweets, YouTube videos, links, social photos, text and more into stories you can embed on your website. Be sure to install the Storify plugin for Chrome or Firefox to make it easier to add items. http://storify.com/

Arrange text, images, videos, tweets and more into an embeddable timeline out of Google Spreadsheets. http://timeline.knightlab.com/

Create always-updating, embeddable section fronts around topics or events using social accounts, social searches and other feeds. https://www.rebelmouse.com/Build visually compelling collections of related media for an embeddable and original alternative to a boring story package. http://newhive.com/

// Photo Verification Tools

This tool lets you view the available Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) data on any image via an uploaded file from your desktop or a URL from the web. This may include the camera/scanner used, date taken and settings. http://regex.info/exif.cgi

This online tool allows you to see where else a particular image is in use across the web. This is handy for seeing if your image is being used without permission, as well as finding hoax photos used previously. http://tineye.com/

See how/if an image has been Photoshopped. If part of an image’s scan stands out or looks lighter than the rest, the image may have been edited. Be sure to use the highest quality image you can find. http://fotoforensics.com/