SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

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Page 1: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

SOCIAL NETWORKINGBy Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

Page 2: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

Defining a Social Network

Boyd’s definition Online communities

of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others

Provide a variety of ways for users to interact

Page 3: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

Why are Social Networks important?

Greater time online is spent communicating

40 million Americans with broadband connections contribute regularly to Social Networking sites

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Page 5: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee
Page 6: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

History of

Origins go back to 1999 when Tom Anderson and Chris Dewolfe launched a file sharing service

By July 2004 there were 2 million members and by December 2004 MySpace members doubled to 4 million and surpassed Friendster

In April 2005, the state of New York filed a lawsuit against Intermix alleging that MySpace was the source of Spyware and Adware that had been installed on millions of home computers

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History of

In July 2005, News Corporation bought Intermix Media for $580 million

In December 2005 MySpace began its succession of “widget-blocking” and blocked YouTube

In July 2006, MySpace surpassed Yahoo Mail as the most accessed domain on the internet with 90 million users

In August 2006, MySpace and Google entered an exclusive search agreement worth $900 million over a period of 3 years

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History of MySpace

In December 2006, MySpace launched its mobile campaign so that it could be accessed via users’ cell phones

In February 2007, MySpace blocked Imeem – a popular music site

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History of

In May 2007, MySpace purchased Photobucket for $250 million – this signified that MySpace “came to the conclusion” it could not hold back/ignore ALL competitors

MySpace has proved to be one of the most lucrative internet sites to date In 3 short years it went from a corporation

project to a huge social network with upwards of 180 million users by its third year!

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MySpace vs. Facebook

As of April 2008 Facebook had 100.7 million users while MySpace had 109.3 million users

Although Facebook is rapidly gaining users, MySpace is way ahead of the game in terms of music MySpace launched

MySpace Music mid-2008 with the support of 4 major music labels

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MySpace vs. Facebook

On the other hand, Facebook is much more popular internationally – as of 2008, Facebook received more international views than MySpace

Currently, Facebook receives 1,191,373,339 visits each months while MySpace receives 810,153,536 monthly visits


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MySpace vs. Facebook: Users The majority of kids of Facebook tend to come from

families who emphasize the importance of education and going to college – started as a collegiate only website

The majority of kids on MySpace are kids that don’t fit into the dominant high school paradigm, kids who are really into music/are in a band, and ethnic minorities

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Page 14: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

General Growth More than 200 million active users More than 100 million users log on at least

once a day User Engagement

Average user has 120 friends More than 3.5 billion minutes spent on

Facebook each day (worldwide) More than 20 million users update statuses

at least once a day

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Applications No. 1 photo sharing application in the world More than 850 million photos uploaded monthly More than 8 million videos uploaded monthly More than 1 billion pieces of content shared

weekly Mobile

30 million users access Facebook through mobile devices

50% more active than non-mobile users

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Facebook: International Growth

Top 10 countries in order of active users: US, Canada, UK, Australia, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, South Africa, France, China

More than 40 translations

70% of users are outside US

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Facebook: A Business Network Facebook opens doors

to ‘geezers’ in 2006 Two-thirds of users are

outside of college Fastest growing

demographic: 276% growth for 35-54 year olds in 6 months

194% growth rate for 55+

25-34 year old users doubling every 6 months

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Page 21: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

Facebook: New Google?

Facebook is ‘sexy’ College grads Google’s top 10 performers

switch in 2 months 2-4 leaving each month Not just about the money 6 reasons Facebook may be

the next Google: People love Facebook Corporations love Facebook Google employees love

Facebook Advertising more targeted

than Google My dad uses Facebook Facebook killed e-mail and


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Old fashioned people watching Start and end their day with Facebook Friends 24 hours a day Educational benefits Race, ethnicity, and education barriers

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Facebook and Advertising

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One Friend Facebook Hasn’t Made Yet: Privacy Rights

Generational Divide Boyd: “Privacy Paradox” Challenging the 4th Amendement

Ex: The “Star Wars Kid” Ex: South Park

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Where is our information going?

Facebook’s social contract The Beacon nightmare

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Where is our information going? The rise of the

“Fan Sumer” Third party


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Page 28: SOCIAL NETWORKING By Nikki Thurmond, Annia Parra, Emily Wells, Sarah McGhee

How to Protect Your Online Privacy

1. If you do not want people to find out about something, don’t post it online.

2. Use a “throw-away” e-mail address

3. Be smart about what you post. Don’t give clues to others about your location or any other sensitive information

4. Be picky about who you add as a friend

5. Use the options provided by the social networking site about what details you want to make public to everyone and what you only want friends to see

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Privacy Issues Get Even Creepier: Facebook Stalking

Levels of Facebook Stalking Most people engage in innocent “stalking” There are some people who know way too

much about people they don’t even know

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The Future of Facebook Privacy: Parents

Parents are encouraged to be involved and monitor their child’s social networking sites

More and more parents getting a Facebook of their own

Is the presence of a parent on Facebook enough to curb inappropriate sharing of personal information?

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http://delicious.com/smiggy http://delicious.com/ewells2188 http://delicious.com/annia.parra http://delicious.com/nthurmond