Sociology in Art & Design- Sesi 1

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  • 8/12/2019 Sociology in Art & Design- Sesi 1


    Sociologidalam Seni &


  • 8/12/2019 Sociology in Art & Design- Sesi 1


    Sosiologi dalam Seni dan



    Pengenalan Sosiologi

    dalam Seni dan Desain Budaya dan Masyarakat

    Sosialisasi dan Interaksi


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  • 8/12/2019 Sociology in Art & Design- Sesi 1



    Fokus sosiologi terhadap tatanan tersebut, termasuk

    tentang bagaimana tatanan tersebut diciptakan, bagaimanatatanan tersebut berubah, dan bagaimana tatanan tersebut

    mempengaruhi hidup kita, memberi peluang dan pilihan

    hidup bagi kita (Rebach and Bruhn 2001, 5).

    Mengenal Sosiologi berawal dari premis dasarbahwa kehidupan manusia adalah kehidupan sosial(Rebach and Bruhn 2001, 5).

    Kebanyakan manusia secara ajeg terlibat dalaminteraksi bersama sesamanya. Mulai dari keluargatempat manusia dilahirkan, lewat sekolah, kerja,

    dan bermain; pensiun dan bahkan ketika kumpulbersama untuk memperingati arwah, kita hidupdalam rajutan yang saling kait mengkait dalamtatanan sosial

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    Etimologi Sosiologi

    Istilah sociology berasal dari kata Latin word socius(companion) dan kata Yunani logos (study of ).

    Jadi Secara harafiah sosiologi berarti ilmu tentang

    persahabatan (Abercrombie, Hill, and Turner 2000, 333).

    Definisi yang lebih luas dari yang harafiah kurang lebih

    berarti: studi ilmiah tentang perkembangan, struktur,interaksi, dan perilaku kolektif dari relasi-relasi sosial.

    Secara resmi istilah Sosiologi diperkenalkan oleh

    Auguste Comte (17981857), Filsuf Perancis yang

    digelari Bapak Sosiologi.

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    Sumbangan Sosiologi

    1. Membantumemahami

    megapa kitamempersepsidunia dan carakitamempersepsinya :

    Kita dibanjiri oleh informasi dalam berbagaibentuknya tentang:

    bagaimana kita, dan dunia di seputar kita,

    berada bersama dan bagaimana seharusnya

    berada bersama.

    Pesan/informasi tersebut hadir dalamberbagai bentuk:

    osebagai macam-macam tuntunan hidup

    dari orang tua, atau guru;

    oSebagai hukum dan peraturan yang

    ditetapkan agama dan politik.oSebagai macam-macam iklan mulai sepatu

    olahraga sampai bagaimana membantu

    orang kelaparan

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    Jadi , Sos io log i membantu k i ta


    mempelajar i berbagai jenis pesan/

    informasi yang terus menerus k i ta


    sumber-sumber pesan tersebu t,

    bagaimana serta mengapa pesan-

    pesan tersebu t mempengaruh i ki ta,

    jperan k ita dalam memproduks i

    pesan, mengabadikannya dan


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    Sumbangan Sosiologi

    2. Membantumengindentifikasi apasaja yangkita miliki

    bersama, didalam dandi antarakebudayaandanmasyarakat..

    Sosiologi mengetahui bahwa:

    Orang dapat tinggal di tempat berbeda (kota, negara, dunia),

    dapat berbeda cara berpakaian, cara berbicara,

    kepercayaan, kebiasaan, dll. TETAPI: ada yang sama yaitu:

    tipe kekuatan sosial yang membentuk kehidupan mereka.

    meskipun orang berbeda dalam hal:

    Pandangan sosiologi tersebut penting , meskipunmedia massa sering memperlihatkan perbedaan.

    Sosiologi mencari:

    Struktur sosial apa dan proses mana yang

    penting bagi berbagai kelompok..

    Bagaimana berbagai kelompok terbentuk, dandipengaruhi masyarakat.

    Maka dapat membantu kelompok dalam

    mencari perhatian bersama, memahami

    perspektif kelompok lain, dan mencari jalan

    untuk kebaikan bersama.

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    Sumbangan Sosiologi

    3. Membantumemahamimengapa danbagaimanamasyarakat


    Sosiologi adalah bidang ilmu yangmempertanyakan secara terus meneruskondisi kemanusiaan, memashaminya,menjelaskannya, mengkritknya, danmeningkatkannya. (Restivo 1991, 4).

    Karena itu, kalau kita memiliki perspektifsosiologis, kita dapat: lebih efektif dalam mengambil tindakan ketika

    kita tidak suka terhadap apa yang terjadi.

    Lebih mampu ikut serta dalam membentukmasa depan kita dan orang lain.

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    Kaitan antara Sosiologi dan

    PsikologiDisiplin ilmusosial

    Fokus bidangilmu

    Perhatian yangsama dengan


    PerbedaanFokus dengan


    Psikologi Perspektif



    dengan situasi



    eksternal pada


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    Perbedaan antaraseni murni, craft dan desain

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    Seni murni craft disain

    Ekspresi pribadi

    Inovasi visual


    pengalaman estetika





    Trial & error

    nilai keindahantersendiri

    Problem solving of need

    fungsi dan daya pakai

    proses desain



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    Hasil karya melalui sebuah proses yangmelibatkan berbagai disiplin ilmu danmerupakan hasil kerja koordinatif

    Proses yang melibatkan penelitian ( guna

    mengetahui kebutuhan masyarakatpengguna) Merupakan proses kreatif yang melibatkan

    unsur kemampuan, berpikir lateral danpengalaman

    Merupakan proses pengambilan keputusanyang rasional dan dapat dipertanggung


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    Desainsebagai salah satu unsur dalam memenuhi

    kebutuhan manusia

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    Desain merupakan hasil dari proses penelitian

    tty-metdes 15


    masyarakat informasi


    Non teknis

    Faktor eksternal

    - informasi proyek

    - sistem yg digunakan

    - informasi kegiatan, kebutuhan

    dan kapasitas

    - informasi pemakai

    - informasi lingkungan

    - perilaku, karakter, sifat

    - hirarki, struktur, klasifikasi sosial

    - karakteristik demografi, interaksi

    sosial dan budaya

    - kualitas kenyamanan, efisiensi,

    keamanan, privasi

    - aspek legal: peraturan

    - topografi, iklim dan waktu

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    Desainmerupakan hasil proses kreatif yang melibatkan

    unsur kemampuan, keterampilan, berpikir lateral dan


    tty-metdes 16

    First insight





    Pengenalan masalah


    Mengerti masalah pencarian solusi

    Pengendalian pemikiran

    Pemunculan ide


    pengujian dan


    Persepsi thd




    Aksi dari dalam


    Penilaian yang


    Proses kreatif yang

    berlangsung selama

    mendesain harus disertai

    dengan kemampuan

    desainer dalam mengolahinformasi, memunculkan

    ide dan kemampuan

    berpikir lateral (secara


    memunculkan berbagai

    alternatif pemecahan.

    Untuk itu desainer harus

    memiliki pengalaman.

    Pengalaman diperoleh

    dari lingkungan

    pendidikan, kehidupan

    sosial budaya dan

    hubungan sosial


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    Budaya dan Tipe Budaya

    Kebudayaan: terdiri dari segala ide, kepercayaan,perilaku, dan berbagai barang/produk dalam hidupbersama dan mencirikan cara hidup sebuah

    kelompok. Lebih dari sekadar hal-hal yang diciptakan manusia,

    dan memiliki segala hal yang terdapat dalam interaksiantar manusia: membentuk cara pandang manusia terhadap dunia di

    sekitarnya. Berdampak pada cara manusia berpikir, bertindak,

    menentukan nilai, bagaimana berbicara, organisasi apayang dibentuk, ritual apa yang dijalani, hukum yang dibuat,bagaimana dan apa yang disembah, apa yang dimakan,apa yang dipakai, apa yang dinilai cantik atau jelek, dll.

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    Tipe Budaya

    Kebudayaan material: meliputi segala hal yang dapatterlihat yang dibuat oleh manusia dari hasil interaksi di antaramereka: contohnya; pakaian, buku, karya seni, bangunan,

    komputer, sofware, penemuan-penemuan, makanan,kendaraan, alat-alat, dll.

    Kebudayaan non-material: terdiri dari segala hal yang takterlihat yang diciptakan manusia dari hasil interaksi di antaramereka. Antara lain: ide, bahasa, nilai, kepercayaan,perilaku, dan institusi/lembaga sosial.

    Kebudayaan material, seperti teknologi, dapat lebih cepatberubah daripada kebudayaan non-material. Jika hal ituterjadi, akan terdapat cultural lag, dimana terdapat gap yaituberbagai aspek perubahaan kebudayaan yang berbedadalam berbagai tingkat(Ogburn 1964; Volti 2001).

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    Tipe Budaya

    Kebudayaan Tinggi: High culture terdiri dari hal-hal yang padaumumnya diasosiasikan dengan eli sosial. Contoh KebudayaanTinggi antara lain: adalah opera, dansa (cotillions or debutanteballs), musik klasik dan kesusasteraan, pencicipan anggur, dan

    seni (fine arts). These activities may not beavailable to everyone,for several reasons. They may be too expensive, or they maybelocated in exclusive locations that are largely inaccessible withoutspecial membershipor hefty financial resources. Additionally,special preparation or knowledgemay be important inunderstanding or fully appreciating these activities.Unlike high

    culture, Kebudayaan Rendah: popular culture consists of activities that

    are widespread in a culture, with mass accessibility and appeal,and pursued by large numbers of people across all social classes.Examples of popular culture includefast-food restaurants, rockconcerts, television situation comedies, and best-sellingnovels

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    A society consists ofpeople who interact and share a commonculture.

    Society is indispensable to the individual because it possesses ata given moment an accumulation of values, of plans and materialswhich the child could never accumulate alone . . . But the individualis also indispensable to society because by his activity and

    ingenuity he creates all the material values, the whole fund ofcivilization (Thomas and Thomas 1928, 23334).

    Some definitions of society (particularly older ones) specify thatinteraction occurs within some shared boundary. Increasingglobalization and the rapid expansion of communication,information, and transportation technologies all make culture

    sharing and convergence possible across the globe. Dropping this geographic aspect of the definition of society allows a

    more accurate and complex understanding of all that a society is.For example, Palestinian society defies any strictly definedterritorial boundaries (Abercrombie, Hill, and Turner 2000, 330).

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    Society includes our social institutions,the major social organizations

    formed to meet our human needs

    social structure, the way a society is

    organized around the regulated ways

    people interrelat.e and organize social life

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    statuses are established social positions

    Achieved statuses are thosepositionsacquired through personal effort.

    Being a law-school student, architect, parent, squaredancer, or shoplifter are all achieved statuses.Individuals had to do something to become each ofthese things.

    Ascribed statuses arepositions involuntarilyacquired through birth.

    Being a female, a Caucasian, a toddler, a son, abrother, or a princess are all ascribed statuses.

    Status Set &



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    A role is a behavior expected of someone in a particular status.

    role set, all of the roles that go with a single status.

    Role conflict The roles for different statuses the person holds mayconflict with each

    other. Our doctor, who is also a mother, may find it difficult todevote the long work hours required of her job and concurrentlyfulfill the expectations of being a parent. Long work hours maymake attending her childs school plays or teacher conferencesdifficult.

    Role strain occurs when two or more roles associated with a singlestatus are in conflict. This requires balancing expectations. Forexample, the doctor may find it difficult to give patients all the timeshe would like to during appointments while holding to herappointment schedule and seeing the number of patients she mustsee daily to meet the financial obligations of the clinic.

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    cultural values, norms, symbols, and language

    Values, culturally defined ideas about what isimportant.

    Norms constitute the shared rules or expectations

    specifying appropriate behaviors in various situations. A symbol is something that stands for, represents, or

    signifies something else in a particular culture. It canrepresent, for example, ideas, emotions, values,beliefs, attitudes, or events. A symbol can be

    anything. It can be a gesture, word, object, or even anevent. Sharing symbols can help build a sense ofunity an commitment among people.

    Language is a system of symbols that allowscommunication among members of a culture. These

    symbols can be verbal or written.

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    Teori Sosialisasi

    the looking-glass self - Charles Horton Cooley (18641929), society provides a sort of mirror, or looking-glass, that reflects

    to us who we are. We form our self image on the basis of how wethink others see us.

    This concept consists of three major parts: the imagination of our appearance to the other person;

    the imagination of [the] judgment of that appearance;

    and some sort of self-feeling, such as pride or mortification (Cooley1964, 184).

    We come to think o ourselves in terms of how we imagine others see us.

    Primary groups are those small groups in which all themembers have enduring, intimate face-to-face interaction andcooperation.

    secondary groups, larger groups in which all members do notinteract directly and have relationships that are not permanent

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    Teori Sosialisasi

    The I and Me

    George Herbert Mead (18631931)developed a concept of the self thatwas central to our understanding of the socialization process and thedevelopment of symbolic interactionism.

    To Mead (1934), we are not born with a self. We develop a self throughsocial experience and interaction.

    There are two phases to this self that we form: the I and the Me.

    The I is a spontaneous, impulsive, creative actor.

    The Me is the part of us that conforms, reflecting and acting on the reactions of others.

    We have a mental conversation with ourselves that guides our behaviors that goes like

    this: When I do something, it will reflect on Me, and others will appraise that behavior. I can then

    fashion new actions and reactions in response to my perception of how others have appraisedMe.

    The core of socialization in Meads concept is role taking, or the ability totake the role of others in social interaction, enabling us to see ourselves aswe perceive society sees us.

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    Teori Sosialisasi

    Personality and Social Development

    Sigmund Freud (18561939), profiled below, is both complexand controversial made important contributions to our

    understanding of socialization. early socialization is critically important to personality

    development and to managing natural desires that promote self-interest rather than social interests.

    the importance of internalizing norms and values.

    Freud (1950) moved beyond Cooleys and Meads focus on

    conscious perceptions, identifying the importance of theunconscious mind.

    Freud (1950) saw personality as divided into three parts: theid, the ego, and the superego.

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    Teori Sosialisasi

    ognitive development that examined how children develop the ability to learn, understand, andengage in logical thought.Jean Piaget (18961980),Piaget felt that humans develop through fourstages as they learn to use language, understand reality, discover how and why things work as they do,and then think abstractly. They learn to make causal connections and reason out alternatives. Acorresponding theory of moral development examined how people progress from the self-centeredness of a small child, through learning, to understand othersstandpointsand develop an

    abstract sense of fairness. Social experience is a vital role throughout this development (Piaget 1926,1928, 1930, 1932).

    theory of moral development ( Lawrence Kohlberg). According to Kohlberg (1984), moral developmentalso occurs in stages. Children do what meets their needs to stay out of trouble. As young teens, peopleare socialized into meeting socially accepted norms and values. Some adults are then able to engage inabstract ethical reasoning, considering not only right and wrong but the reasons for these positions.

    gender-role socialization, How socialization impacts this moral reasoning has been the subject offurther research by psychologist Carol Gilligan (1982; Gilligan, Ward, and Taylor 1989). Consideringgender, she argues that boys and girls use different principles in moral reasoning. These principlesreflect the

    process of learning to take on socially approved roles for males and females. Boys tend to focus onjustice, whereas girls tend to focus on caring and responsibility. Gender-role socialization impacts usthroughout our lives. It influences the way we approach social relationships, leisure activities, even our


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    Proses Sosialisasi

    the family is the first and most importantlocation for socialization (an agent of

    socialization). The family into which we areborn provides us social characteristics suchas social class, race and ethnicity, andreligious background. Our families are ourinitial teachers of behaviors, language,

    cultural knowledge, values, and social skills.They are also central to gender rolesocialization (Fenstermaker Berk 1985). Inothe words, they provide our primary


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    Proses Sosialisasi

    In schools, students are exposed to a variety of differentexperiences. They interact with people of different races,ethnicities, religions, social classes, and value systems, perhaps forthe first time. These secondary-group interactions with schoolmates

    and staff are different than the primary-group interactions they havehad with their families. When children enter school, they enter abureaucracy where they are expected to learn how to be a student(Gracey 2001).

    They will be educated not only in academic skills, but also in ahidden curriculum that encourages conformity to the norms,

    values, and beliefs held by wider society. Students learn to speakwith proper grammar, stand in line, wait their turn, and in someschools, say the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. In addition tofamilies, schools also contribute to gender-role socialization.Formal and informal institutional activities such as recess periodsand games socialize children into culturally approved gender roles(e.g., Best 1983; Block 1983; Thorne and Luria 1986).

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    Proses Sosialisasi

    peer groups, those of similar age, social class, and interests. Peersettings allow children to engage in activities outside of parentalcontrol and other adult supervision. Peers become especiallyimportant in adolescence. They influence students study habits

    (Bogler and Somech 2002), music, and clothing choices, and viewsof self (Eder 1995). Theories that address peer socialization areoften used to explain adolescent deviance (see chapter 6). Friendsare a major source of information about sexuality for adolescents,and they have a greater influence on dating choices than do adults(Wood et al. 2002). Pressure from peers encourages teens toengage insexual intercourse, with boys in particular pressing eachother to talk about sexual prowess and scoring (Sprecher andMcKinney 1993). Parents, however, have influence over many ofthe big areas in adolescents lives, such as their long-term goals(Davies and Kandel 1981).

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    Proses Sosialisasi

    Mass media, impersonal communications that are directedin a one-way flow to a large audience, are also important inthe socialization process. These media are pervasivethroughout society. They include newspapers, magazines,movies, radio, and television. We are exposed to a variety ofbehaviors, ideas, beliefs, and values through the media. Wealso obtain many of our views about society and how thingsare or should be through the mass media. For example,whether or not we have ever met a team of emergency roomphysicians or observed surgery, we develop expectationsabout these people and situations based on media portrayals(e.g., televised medical dramas and documentaries aboutmedical procedures).

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    Proses Sosialisasi

    Anticipatory socialization. They learn and adopt the behavior andattitudes of the group they desire or expect to join. This occurs as theyinteract with their peers and attempt to fit in with their mentors andestablished colleagues. Anticipatory socialization occurs in many settingsacross society. Its not specific to the workplace. It occurs in any group wewish to join or use as a reference group. For example, we anticipate how tofit in with classmates, a potential spouses family, or members of a sportsteam we join (see Chapter 5). Retirement from paid work also continuesthe socialization process. Many workers look forward to being able to leavetheir jobs and move on to another position or leisurely activities. What theyfind may be unexpected, at least to some degree. Social expectations forretirees are not as clearly defined as for other stages in the life course.

    This leaves some retirees in a roleless role. However, loss of the workerrole is less of a problem to retirees than other issues such as health orincome (e.g., Solomon and Szwabo 1994), and most retirees experiencetheir retirement years positively (Atchley 2000; Palmore et al. 1985;Crowley 1985).

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