Sodium Bicarbonate house Brochure En

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Solvay Sodium BicarbonateGuide to the thousand -and-one uses


of Sodium Bicarbonate


In 1863, Ernest Solvay invented the industrial process for sodium carbonate production: the Solvay process. This process also increased the quantities of sodium bicarbonate available throughout the whole world. Today, Solvay operates in 3 sectors - pharmaceuticals, chemicals and plastics - and has 400 facilities in over 50 countries. Solvay is the world leader in the production of Sodium Bicarbonate and has 7 sodium bicarbonate production plants throughout Europe and one in the United States.

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What is Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate ?

ALL ABOUT SOLVAY SODIUM BICARBONATE IN A SINGLE BROCHURE Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate is an all-purpose product that can be used in a wide array of applications, ranging from foodstuffs to animal feeds, detergents, domestic and hygiene products in short, you can use it almost everywhere! This brochure gives you lots of useful tips on how to use Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate and provides you the guidelines concerning the most frequent uses of this product. Being a most simple, efficient and all-purpose product, Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate can be used safely every day. WHICH ARE THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLVAY SODIUM BICARBONATE? Solvay sodium bicarbonate is a white, extremely pure product. It is non-toxic, biodegradable and environmental friendly; it can be found in nature and it also plays an important role in the human body. Its purity is a guarantee for its quality! WHICH ARE THE PROPERTIES THAT MAKE IT SO EFFICIENT? Solvay sodium bicarbonate has a very particular molecular structure. It is thanks to this structure and its numerous properties that Solvay sodium bicarbonate is a human- and environmental friendly product. SOLVAY SODIUM BICARBONATE IS A NATURAL BUFFER Solvay sodium bicarbonate is a so-called buffer, that means a substance that establishes a solutions pH level at around 8,1. This important characteristic allows Solvay sodium bicarbonate to be used in lots of applications: for instance, to diminish acidity in the stomach, thus avoiding acidosis, to prevent pipeline corrosion due to the use of corrosive products, to relieve and soothe insect stings and bites (for instance mosquitoes), but also against acid fat residues. A WATER SOFTENER The temporary hardness of water is determined by the quantity of calcium and magnesium ions that are present in the water. Water hardness can be noted easily when washing your hands with soap (the faster the soap disappears, the harder the water is). When Solvay sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in water, the calcium ions dont separate into lime (calcium carbonate), thus avoiding lime deposits. In this way, soap use can be optimized. 4 (

A RAISING AGENT The raising ability of Solvay sodium bicarbonate is strictly linked to 2 other characteristics: If Solvay sodium bicarbonate is added to an acid (eg. milk, vinegar, lemon juice) it reacts and CO2 (carbon dioxide) is released. CO2 is released also when Solvay sodium bicarbonate is heated up to a temperature of over 70 C. The tiny CO2 bubbles, produced by the temperature, are incorporated into the elastic proteins contained in the flour (the gluten) and cause the pastry to rise: the results are soft cakes and biscuits. Eventually, the CO2 will disappear from the pastry, leaving thousands of little holes. Thanks to this property, Solvay sodium bicarbonate can be used not only for industrial purposes such as the preparation of pastries and effervescent powders, but also at home to prepare lots of recipes. AN EFFICIENT ODOUR ABSORBER Many unpleasant odours are produced by acids or bases. Being a buffer, Solvay sodium bicarbonate reacts not only to prevent the development of such acids or bases, but also helps to remove odours that are present in the air or in confined spaces. Solvay sodium bicarbonate, unlike other products that are on the market, neutralizes acids and bases and thus eliminates odours, rather than masking them. SOLVAY SODIUM BICARBONATE IS SLIGHTLY ABRASIVE AND EASY TO USE Solvay sodium bicarbonate easily dissolves in water. When it gets in contact with water, its crystals dissolve, and stained and dirty surfaces can be cleaned in a delicate way, without being scratched. UNI AND ISO 9001 QUALITY CERTIFICATE By adapting its production and commercial procedures to European quality regulations, Solvay has obtained the ISO 9002 Quality Certificate which underlines the Companys professionalism and consumer-oriented interest. FOOD CHEMICALS CODEX CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE Solvay, by doing continuous and in-depth research on its products, guarantees that Solvay sodium bicarbonate complies with the severest F.C.C. rules and demands (Food Chemical Codex), V edition in the food sector. 5 )

CHEMICAL FORMULA OF SODIUM BICARBONATE NaHCO3 SYNONYMES Sodium acid carbonate Acid monosodium salt Sodium hydrocarbonate Baking soda Vichy salt CHARACTERISTICS Soluble in water Slightly soluble in alcohol Slightly abrasive Fungistatic Slight alkaline taste Non-flammable PROPERTIES Releases CO2 if heated or if in contact with acids Buffer: stabalizes its ph when added to small quantities of acids or strong bases Eliminates unpleasant odours by neutralizing the acids that are produced by bacteria DAILY USE Ideal to wash fruits and vegetables, and eliminate pesticides and impurities Cleans surfaces without scratching them Absorbs and neutralizes unpleasant odours Very useful in the kitchen Can be used as a leavening agent Refreshes the colours of your rugs and fitted carpets Acts as a relaxant in your bathwater

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Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate is...

VERY EFFICIENT AGAINST UNPLEASANT ODOURS! PLACE AN OPEN BOX: In the refrigerator Near the dustbin beneath the sink In drawers with your underwear and in your shoe cabinet In the garage, cellar and storeroom EXCELLENT IF USED DIRECTLY ON THE SURFACE TO: Refresh your rugs and fitted carpets Deodorize the dustbin Neutralize unpleasant odours in shoes, ash-trays and dustbins Eliminate unpleasant odours from catlitter trays, birdcages or cages for other pets EFFICIENT IF DISSOLVED IN WATER OR MIXED WITH WATER AS A PASTE: To wash fruits and vegetables To clean normal surfaces (walls, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, plastic boxes and so on) that are often in contact with food (washing bowl, chopping-boards) To polish and give shine to your silverware or silver-plated items ALSO RECOMMENDED FOR... YOUR LAUNDRY: Added to the washing liquid: obtains better results Added during the rinse program: eliminates any leftover odours Against the formation of limescale AND PERSONAL HYGIENE AND CARE: If dissolved in warm bathwater: softens the skin If dissolved in a warm footbath: stimulates and invigorates sore and tired feet or legs.

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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

IDEAL TO EASILY WASH AND CLEAN: Fruits and vegetables Saucepans, kitchenware and cutlery Delicate surfaces without scratching them REMOVES IMPURITIES FROM FRUITS AND VEGETABLES To eliminate impurities, wax and other possible residues, do not forget to wash your fruits and vegetables with water and Solvay sodium bicarbonate before eating them. Directions for use: Wash your leaf vegetables (lettuce, endive, spinach, etc.) or soft-skinned fruits (strawberries, cherries, grapes, etc.) in a solution that you very easily obtain by adding 1 tablespoon (25g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to each litre of water, and leave them to soak for at least 10 minutes. Then rinse them well under running tapwater. You will notice that after a few minutes the water will become cloudy which clearly indicates that the product is doing its job! To wash vegetables without leaves (tomatoes, fennel, courgettes...) or fruits with a harder skin (peaches, apricots...), prepare a mixture of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and water (1 part of water and 3 parts of product) and rub it directly onto the fruits and vegetables with a sponge or with your hands. Then rinse under running tap water.

STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO CLEAN POTS AND PANS Solvay sodium bicarbonate is very delicate and at the same time slightly abrasive. These properties make Solvay sodium bicarbonate an essential and efficient product to help you clean your pots and pans, and to turn them bright again. An ecological and extremely economical solution against stains and odours in your kitchen! Directions for use: To easily remove burned food residues from your frying pans and cooking pots, put some Solvay sodium bicarbonate directly on top of the crusts in the bottom of the pan or pot and poor some hot water on it. Leave it to soak for at least 15 minutes, rinse well and wash as usual. In case of difficult to remove burned on food: sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on a damp sponge and scrub gently. Then rinse with clear water and wash as usual. Or fill the pot and dish with water and 2 tablespoons of Solvay sodium bicarbonate (50 g) and boil for about 5 minutes. When cool, you can scrub the residues right off with a sponge. Then wash as usual. DELICATELY CLEANS YOUR SINK WITHOUT SCRATCHING Unlike the powders present in some other cleaning products, Solvay sodium bicar-

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the KITCHENbonate crystals are water-soluble and therefore not abrasive. Your sink can be safely cleaned every day without being scratched! Directions for use: To eliminate food residues in the kitchen sink and to restore a shiny look to your porcelain or stainless steel sink, prepare a mixture of some water and Solvay sodium bicarbonate (1 part of water per 3 parts of product), and scour the surface with a sponge. Then rinse very well and rub dry with a soft cloth to avoid streaks. If you want to avoid unpleasant smells in your kitchen, keep a small open box of Solvay sodium bicarbonate under your sink and replace it every 3 months. Suitable to clean DiSheS, cutlery AND CHOPPING BOARDS As Solvay sodium bicarbonate is an allpurpose cleaner, it can also be added to your usual washing-up liquid to clean your dishes most efficiently and to eliminate odours; Solvay sodium bicarbonate binds with the acids and bases of the food residues that are responsible for bad smells. Directions for use: To eliminate food residues and to neutralize stale odours, add 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your washing-up water, or sprinkle the product directly on a damp sponge (1 part of water per 3 parts of product); rub your dishes and chopping boards and rinse well. Anything better than a product that besides being used in the Food sector can also be safely used to clean surfaces that come into daily contact with food? Definitely not! Besides, Solvay sodium bicarbonate is also very delicate for your hands! EFFICIENT ALSO TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSEholD applianceS, cooking-hob anD ALL OTHER SURFACES Directions for use: To get rid of food residues and grease stains on your cooking-hob or to eliminate onion or garlic odour, just sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate directly on a damp sponge, clean the surface and then rinse well. To clean the surface of the oven, the microwave, the barbecue grill and other household appliances, add 2 tablespoons of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to 1 litre of water (50 g per litre) and rub gently with a sponge (it will be easier to clean the oven if it is still warm). If you want to absorb the food odours that you usually smell in the microwave and oven after cooking, place an open box of Solvay sodium bicarbonate (or make some small holes in the packages lid) in the oven or microwave when they are not in use.

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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

CLEANS THE REFRIGERATOR AND THE FREEzER Directions for use: To clean the refrigerator and the freezer and to avoid odours, prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons (50 g) and 1 litre of water and clean inside with a sponge. Afterwards, you just have to rinse and wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Or leave plastic containers to soak for about half an hour in some warm water and Solvay sodium bicarbonate (2 tablespoons or 50 g of Solvay sodium bicarbonate per litre of water). To remove stains, food residues or mold, clean the refrigerator and freezer with a damp sponge or cloth and a mixture of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and water. TO CLEAN GLASS POTS AND PLASTIC CONTAINERS Directions for use: To clean your oil and vinegar set, fill both containers with a small quantity of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and let it stand so that the product absorbs the oil and vinegar residues. Then rinse very well. To wash plastic containers add 1 part of water to 3 parts of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and clean the boxes with a sponge or a cloth; then rinse them as usual. AGAINST NASTY SMELLS: in the refrigerator in the dishwasher in the dustbin

FOR A FRESH REFRIGERATOR AND FREEzER The unpleasant smells that sometimes persist in your refrigerator and freezer are produced by food acids (for instance milk) and bases (for instance fish). Solvay sodium bicarbonate binds with the molecules that are present in your refrigerator and neutralizes them, thus eliminating unpleasant odours. Directions for use: To avoid smells, place an open box of Solvay sodium bicarbonate (250 g) - or any other container with Solvay sodium bicarbonate in it - in your refrigerator or freezer. The bigger the products surface that gets in touch with the air the better! If you experience odours after a while, it means that the product has exhausted its effect and simply needs to be replaced. TO DEODORIzE YOUR DISHWASHER Form time to time you may have left your dishes sitting in the dishwasher for a while, with the result that your dishwasher starts to smell. What can you do now against these nasty smells? Directions for use: To eliminate unpleasant odours, sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate directly on your dishes in the dishwasher and prewash. To enhance the effect and the efficiency of your usual washing detergent, just add 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your dishwasher during the normal wash cycle.

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the KITCHEN To clean and sanitize your dishwasher we advise you to add regularly some Solvay sodium bicarbonate (100 g once a month) to your empty dishwashing machine and to choose the rinse cycle program; this will help you to maintain your dishwasher fresh and clean. Also use every 15 days some Solvay sodium bicarbonate to clean the filter AND THE DUSTBIN Solvay sodium bicarbonate also helps you to get rid of nasty smells in your dustbin. Directions for use: To avoid dustbin odours, before placing a plastic bag in your dustbin, sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate in the bottom of your bin. If you dont use any plastic bags and you want to fight garbage odours, then pour some product directly in the bin together with the garbage. IDEAL TO PREPARE FOOD: tenderizes dry food heightens the colour of your vegetables neutralizes tomato acidity tenderizes your meat eliminates the strong characteristic taste of game meat useful as a leavening agent or to prepare drinks 12 ( TO TENDERIzE DRY VEGETABLES To tenderize your dry vegetables or to accelerate their cooking process, add some Solvay sodium bicarbonate to the water in which you soak them or in the cooking water. Directions for use: Soaking: add 1 tablespoon (25 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate per litre of water. Let the vegetables soak overnight. Rinse them very well before you start cooking them. Cooking: add tablespoon of Solvay sodium bicarbonate per litre of water before cooking your vegetables. NEUTRALIzES TOMATO ACIDITY WHEN PREPARING TOMATO SAUCE Solvay sodium bicarbonate reduces acidity. Directions for use: Instead of using sugar, add some Solvay sodium bicarbonate (5 g) to your tomato sauce when preparing it to reduce acidity. Solvay sodium bicarbonate can also be used for tinned sauces (but usually these are already treated against acidity) and for home prepared sauces for preserving. MEAT TENDERIzING Directions for use: To make tough meat tender, add tablespoon of Solvay sodium bicarbonate per litre of water when the water starts boiling.

and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

ELIMINATES THE STRONG CHARACTERISTIC TASTE OF GAME MEAT Solvay sodium bicarbonate can be useful to clean, to preserve and to prepare game meat, and to eliminate its typical strong taste. Directions for use: To clean game meat and to eliminate its typical strong taste, sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on it so that its strong odour disappears. After having cleaned the meat you can either decide to preserve it in your freezer or to cook it (first rinse it very well and dry properly). To prepare game meat: if you have not treated the meat with Solvay sodium bicarbonate when you cleaned it, then leave it to soak overnight in the refrigerator in some water with some Solvay sodium bicarbonate. Before cooking your meat we advise you to rinse it very well under running water. CAN BE USED IN ADDITION TO YEAST TO MAKE YOUR BISCUITS RISE Solvay sodium bicarbonate is also used as a leavening agent in the preparation of biscuits. When heated or in contact with acids, Solvay sodium bicarbonate releases carbon dioxide (CO2) which causes dough to rise; the result are light and puffy, nice smelling biscuits! ATTENTION : do not replace the yeast you usually use with Solvay sodium bicarbonate.

If you wish to prepare yourself some yeast at home, then you can mix the following ingredients: teaspoon of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and of tartaric acid; or teaspoon of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and 125 g of yogurt; or teaspoon of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice and 100 ml milk. A pinch of Solvay sodium bicarbonate is also useful to : prepare light omelettes ( teaspoon per 3 eggs); prepare soft mashed potatoes (add some Solvay sodium bicarbonate when mashing the potatoes); avoid the crystallization of syrup. CAN BE USED TO PREPARE TASTY DRINKS Directions for use: If you want your tea to be limpid, put some Solvay sodium bicarbonate in the teapot while the teabag is still in the water. To prepare some flavored fizzy drinks and to regulate acidity, add teaspoon of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your glass of orange-, grapefruit- or lemon juice. 13 )


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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

VERY EFFICIENT TO: Refresh your sofa, rugs and fitted carpets Clean surfaces Polish your silverware cleanS your SoFa, FitteD carpet anD RUGS The fact that Solvay sodium bicarbonate absorbs unpleasant odours makes it the ideal product to clean your fitted carpets and rugs! Directions for use: To refresh the fabric of your sofa, your fitted carpets and rugs, treat them with Solvay sodium bicarbonate! Let the product stand for at least 15 min. (24h in case of obstinate stains) and then vacuum. To eliminate stains from fabric sofas, fitted carpets and rugs: clean as indicated on the instructions on the label. Let it dry and apply some Solvay sodium bicarbonate. Let the product stand about 15 min. and then vacuum very well. ATTENTION : always test the product on a hidden area first to be sure the fabric is colorfast. IDEAL FOR ALL KINDS OF SURFACES Solvay sodium bicarbonate degreases and is slightly abrasive, which makes it the ideal product to clean all sorts of surfaces.

Directions for use: To clean tiles and washable surfaces, or eliminate pencil traces from surfaces, we suggest you to apply some Solvay sodium bicarbonate (1 part of water and 3 parts of product) on a wet sponge and to rub the surface. Then rinse very well and dry. To clean aluminum window frames: sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on a wet sponge and wipe clean. Then rinse and dry. TO POLISH YOUR SILVERWARE Solvay sodium bicarbonate is slightly abrasive and therefore very suitable for the maintenance of your silverware. Directions for use: To buff up your silverwork: do some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on a damp sponge or on a cotton cloth, and polish gently. Then rinse and dry with a soft cloth. To give extra shine to your silver jewelry, put some aluminum foil in a bowl (or use silver cleaning cloth) with some warm water. Add a few tablespoons of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and some salt (the quantity depends on the dimension of the bowl: we suggest 1 spoon per litre of water). Submerge the object in this mixture for about 1 hour, rinse well and dry. 15 )

the HOUSEThe effectiveness of this method depends on the electrochemical reaction that occurs between the aluminum and the silver salt. Silver salt turns into metal silver and aluminum undergoes a chemical reaction in which salt is formed (the aluminum oxidizes). Another way to clean your silver items well is by mixing some water with some Solvay sodium bicarbonate (1 part of water and 3 of product), apply some of the mixture on a cloth or directly on the surface (you can also use a hard small brush) and rub gently with round movements until the stains due to oxidation have disappeared. Then rinse well and drip dry. ATTENTION : we advise not to use a similar method to clean antique and precious silver objects, since Solvay sodium bicarbonate makes your silver shiny again by eliminating tarnish that may have formed throughout the years, and might add beauty and value to your items. We suggest you in any case to try out this method first on a hidden area. CAN BE USED AS A DEODORIzER IN: Wardrobes ash-trays closed or confined spaces Solvay sodium bicarbonate is a perfect deodorizer for any kind of closed spaces and confined areas, such as wardrobes, storage boxes, tool boxes, shoe cabinetsand so on. Place an open box of Solvay sodium bicarbonate or a bowl with about 150 g ( mug) of sodium bicarbonate in spaces in which you wish to remove unpleasant smells; once the odour absorbing effect has gone, replace the box or bowl with some fresh product (usually after about 3 months). Apart from neutralizing odours, Solvay sodium bicarbonate also absorbs the moisture that forms in certain spaces and avoids mold formation. AGAINST ASH-TRAY ODOURS Directions for use: To refresh your ash-tray and eliminate the odour of cigarettes and cigars, place some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on the bottom of the ash-tray; each time you empty it, replace with some new product.

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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

SOLVAY SODIUM BICARBONATE ALSO TAKES CARE OF YOUR PETS: absorbs cat litter smells refreshes your dogs fur cleans your puppys toys DEODORIzES CAT LITTER TRAYS Directions for use: Against the bad smells of your cat litter box and rodent or bird cage, add a layer of Solvay sodium bicarbonate on the bottom before filling the box and cage with the litter. Sprinkle from time to time some small quantities of Solvay sodium bicarbonate on top of the litter and you will see that your litter will last longer and smell less! To eliminate that typical plastic smell of a new litter box, just clean it with warm water and Solvay sodium bicarbonate (3 tablespoons of product per litre water). IDEAL TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR DOG Since Solvay sodium bicarbonate neutralizes bad smells and unhygienic odours, and does not irritate the skin, it can be used in all safety to keep your dogs fur fresh.

Directions for use: To clean your dogs fur and to keep it soft and shiny, add some Solvay sodium bicarbonate (3 tablespoons per litre water) to his bathwater. Otherwise sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate directly on its fur, rub and then brush very well to eliminate the product entirely. To clean your dogs blanket, add 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to the detergent and water in case of hand wash, or in the washing machine during the wash cycle. Solvay sodium bicarbonate is also very efficient if added during the rinse cycle. cleanS your pupS toyS Directions for use: To sanitize your pets plastic toys let them stand in some warm water (1 litre) and 50 g of Solvay sodium bicarbonate (2 tablespoons); then rub well and rinse under tap water. To refresh their fabric toys: sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on them, let the product stand for some hours and then brush very well.

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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

IDEAL TO ADD TO YOUR LAUNDRY: increases the efficiency of your liquid detergent eliminates persistent odours prevents lime formation Since Solvay sodium bicarbonate increases the water pH, if added to your laundry, it also increases the efficiency of your usual detergent. It has in fact been proved that a high pH value removes stains better. If you add some Solvay sodium bicarbonate during the rinse cycle, unpleasant odours will be neutralized and absorbed, and no lime residues will stick on the laundry. Since Solvay sodium bicarbonate is an extremely efficient fabric softener, it can be used to wash delicate fabrics such as underwear, baby clothes or baby linen, where the problem of odours and stains deserves particular attention. ENHANCES THE EFFICIENCY OF YOU LIQUID DETERGENT Directions for use: To optimize the effect of your usual liquid detergent, add 1 tablespoon (25 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your washing machine during wash and prewash cycle.

NEUTRALIzES AND ELIMINATES STUBBORN STAINS AND ODOURS Directions for use: To eliminate bad odours from clothes and underwear, add 1 tablespoon (25 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to the rinse cycle. Ideal to wash sportswear or baby clothes or linen. To get rid of laundry-basket smells: sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on top of your clothes. Then launder as usual, but without first eliminating the product. ATTENTION : do not use the product on wool or silks. AGAINST LIME FORMATION Directions for use: Against lime formation and to avoid that lime residues stick to your clothes or damage the walls of your washing machine we suggest, besides adding regularly some product to your laundry, to use once per month about 150 g ( mug) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate, and to add it to your empty washing machine and run and empty cycle.

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the BATHROOMIDEAL TO: Eliminate lime formation in the bathroom Keep the shower and bathtub clean Wipe the floor Keep drains clean and prevent bad odours ELIMINATES LIME FORMATION Directions for use: To remove lime encrustations from taps and keep surfaces clean, make a paste of warm water and Solvay sodium bicarbonate (3 parts of product and 1 part of water) and clean with a cloth or a brush to eliminate difficult stains (the additional use of lemon or vinegar also helps you to enhance cleaning results!). TO KEEP YOUR SHOWER TRAY CLEAN Solvay sodium bicarbonate, being slightly alkaline, is ideal to prevent mold formation. Directions for use: To clean your shower screen, doors, tray and walls: apply some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on a wet sponge and rub the surfaces. Rinse very well and dry. Solvay sodium bicarbonate also removes mold from the shower tray that is often caused by the shower mat: sprinkle some product on the stains, let it stand for a while and rub well with a sponge; then rinse the tray very well and dry. To clean and deodorize the plastic shower curtains apply some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on a sponge and clean the curtains. Then rinse. Or put them in the washing machine, add 3 tablespoons (75 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to the detergent and choose the delicate program (wool program for instance). TO CLEAN YOUR BATHTUB Directions for use: To clean your bathtub (suitable also for acrylic bathtubs) use Solvay sodium bicarbonate. Rub the walls and bottom well with a damp sponge and some product and rinse. Then dry with a cloth. AGAINST UNPLEASANT DRAIN ODOURS Directions for use: Against smelly drains pour mug (150 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate down the drain followed by some hot water.

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PERSONAL CAREPERFECT FOR: A RELAXING BATH Solvay sodium bicarbonate, if added to your bath, has a relaxing and softening effect on your skin. Directions for use: Add 1/2 mug (150 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your warm bath water (37-40C). A RELAXING FOOT BATH If added to your warm foot bath, Solvay sodium bicarbonate has a calming, yet reviving effect on your legs and feet. Solvay sodium bicarbonate, made into a paste and applied on your skin, softens and eliminates callouses. Dissolved in your warm bath water it softens your skin and helps to remove dead skin easily and in a gentle way. Directions for use: Add 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your warm foot bath water. ORAL HYGIENE AND MOUTH CARE Food residues that stick between your teeth ferment and produce acids that affect your tooth enamel, which is the main cause of dental plaque (causing caries). Solvay sodium bicarbonate, being a buffer, neutralizes these acids and therefore protects your teeth against dental decay and caries. Besides, if used properly, Solvay sodium bicarbonate refreshes your breath and avoids those nasty smells that are caused by acids (onion, garlic) and bases (fish). Solvay sodium bicarbonate also has a mild abrasive action on your teeth and is therefore also very useful if used from time to time to whiten teeth when stained by cigarettes and coffee. Directions for use: mouthwash: dissolve 1 teaspoon (5 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate in 1 mug of water and rinse your mouth. Whitening agent: to help your teeth regain their whiteness, sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate on your wet toothbrush and brush your teeth. TO CLEAN YOUR TOOTHBRUSH AND YOUR DENTURES Directions for use: To clean your dentures, submerge them for about 30 min. in a mug containing water and the tablet you regularly use to clean your them; add 1 tablespoon (25 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and rinse very well under running tap water. To clean your toothbrush, let it stand overnight in a mug with warm water and a tablespoon (25 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate.

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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

FOR A PERFECT MANICURE Since Solvay sodium bicarbonate softens the skin you can use it also to treat your nails and hands. Directions for use: for soft hands: dissolve 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate in 1 litre of lukewarm water and let your hands soak for about 10 min. Then proceed with your manicure. VERY EFFICIENT TO TREAT YOUR FEET AND SHOES Directions for use: To refresh your shoes: sprinkle a layer of Solvay sodium bicarbonate in your shoes (avoid in case of leather shoes: it might harden your soles!) and let them stand the whole night; next day empty your shoes. Solvay sodium bicarbonate neutralizes shoe odours by absorbing perspiration. Besides refreshing your shoes and feet, it also avoids mold formation. IDEAL FOR A GENTLE SCRUB Mix some Solvay sodium bicarbonate with water into a paste and massage over the face. All impurities and dead skin will be gently eliminated.

Directions for use: Wash your face and clean it well with some facial cleansing milk and facial tonic lotion. make a paste of 1 part of water and 3 parts of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and gently massage with round movements. Then rinse well with water. FOR SOFT AND SHINY HAIR Directions for use: Add once a month 1 teaspoon (5 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate to your shampoo: this will leave your hair manageable, smooth and soft; it will also help you to remove hair gel and lacquer. massage, rinse thoroughly and apply your hair conditioner immediately after. IDEAL TO CLEAN COMBS AND BRUSHES Directions for use: To clean combs and brushes, let them sit for a while in a bowl or jar with warm water and some spoons of Solvay sodium bicarbonate. Rinse thoroughly.

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and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

IN THE GARDEN TO: clean the barbecue clean your garden furniture remove weeds treat your flowers and plants VERY EFFICIENT TO CLEAN YOUR BARBECUE Solvay sodium bicarbonate is slightly abrasive and is therefore extremely efficient to remove easily burnt-on food residues from your barbecue without scratching your grill and plates. Directions for use: To eliminate food residues and smells and remove stains and grease from plates and grills, prepare a paste of 1 part of water and 3 parts of Solvay sodium bicarbonate, and clean the surfaces with a sponge or a hard brush in case of difficult to remove stains. Rinse well and dry. CLEANS YOUR GARDEN FURNITURE Directions for use: To remove stains from your plastic garden furniture (chairs, table) use some warm water and Solvay sodium bicarbonate (2 tablespoons (50 g) per litre water). Rub very well and then rinse. To refresh your garden furniture and eliminate mold smells, sprinkle some Solvay sodium bicarbonate directly on your chair cushions or place an open box of Solvay sodium bicarbonate in the storeroom.

MINERAL HERBICIDE FOR WEED REMOVAL Solvay sodium bicarbonate can be very useful in the garden: if applied on stone footpaths, the sodium component will control weed growth. VERY EFFICIENT AGAINST PARASITES Directions for use: To treat plants against parasites, mix 1 teaspoon (5 g) of Solvay sodium bicarbonate and 3 tablespoons of olive oil into a paste. Add 2 teaspoons of this mixture to a spray bottle containing some water (0,3 l) and spray onto the foliage avoiding the flower. Repeat after 20 days. IN THE SWIMMING POOL: Water treatment: regulates the ph in swimming pools keeps your bath towels fresh and absorbs smells OPTIMIzES THE PH LEVEL Solvay sodium bicarbonate can be used to keep your swimming pool water clear. Regular use of Solvay sodium bicarbonate helps you to stabilize the pH and acidity levels. To keep your water clear and reduce eye irritation, regularly check its pH and use disinfectants. As to dosage information, do not hesitate to ask your swimming pool reseller for advice. 25 )

AROUND THE HOUSEABSORBS CHLORINE ODOUR Directions for use: To refresh your bath towels and eliminate chlorine odour, add 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium Bicarbonate to your hand wash detergent or to your washing machine during the wash cycle. Solvay sodium Bicarbonate is efficient also if added to your rinse water. FOR YOUR CAR: eliminates stains refreshes the interior CLEANS YOUR CAR OUTSIDE Solvay sodium Bicarbonate is slightly abrasive and therefore eliminates difficult stains such as mud, resin, oil, grease and wax much more easily; windows, lights and rims can be cleaned without scratching the coach-work. Directions for use: To remove difficult stains, use a sponge and a paste of water and Solvay sodium Bicarbonate (1 part of water and 3 parts of sodium bicarbonate). Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth. AND INSIDE Directions for use: To refresh the seats and carpets of your car, sprinkle some Solvay sodium Bicarbonate on them and let stand for about 15 min. (or more in case of stubborn stains; for even better results, use a brush to help the grains get into the fibers). Then vacuum very well. To eliminate stains from fabric seats, follow first the recommendations of the manufacturer. Then apply a layer of Solvay sodium Bicarbonate on top of the stain. Let stand about 15 min. and then vacuum thoroughly. ATTENTION : we advise you to always try out the product on a hidden area. To remove cigar and cigarette smells, sprinkle some Solvay sodium Bicarbonate in the ash tray and add fresh product each time you empty your ash tray. Or clean the ash tray with a damp sponge and some Solvay sodium Bicarbonate. Then rinse well and dry. CAMPING: to refresh your tent and sleepingbag to clean your camping equipment and accessories ABSORBS SMELLS TENT AND SLEEPING-BAG

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Directions for use: To prevent mold formation and smells, sprinkle some Solvay sodium Bicarbonate in the tent and sleeping-bag before putting both away in the cellar or in the storeroom.

and Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate

You can do the same to neutralize unpleasant smells if you take the tent and the sleeping-bag again out of the storeroom: sprinkle some Solvay sodium Bicarbonate during a whole day in the tent and sleeping-bag and then shake out well before using them again. IDEAL TO CLEAN YOUR PLASTIC PICNIC BOXES

Against smells in your plastic picnic boxes and ice bucket, let them soak in warm water with 2 tablespoons (50 g) of Solvay sodium Bicarbonate per litre of water. To remove stains, food residues or mold, prepare a paste of water and Solvay sodium Bicarbonate (3 parts of sodium bicarbonate and 1 part of water), apply on the stains and rub.


The company esco manufactures and sells Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate, produced in Dombasle, under the brandname Crbos. Crbos Sodium Bicarbonate, a simple, safe and efficient product, is sold in large-scale distribution centers.blanc, naturel, essentiel


Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate is sold under the brandname Bicar Net. Bicar Net, with its new micro-grain formula, is sold in large-scale distribution centers.


Solvay Sodium Bicarbonate is available in various packagings and is sold in large-scale distribution centers.27 )

United Kingdom SOLVAY CHEMICALS BARONET ROAD WARRINGTON CHESHIRE WA4 6HA tel. : +44 1925 651277 Fax. : +44 1925 643606

Benelux SOLVAY CHEMICALS INTERNATIONAL rue du prince albert, 33 1050 bruxelles tl. : +32-2 509 67 55 Fax : +32-2 509 62 92

Cration Concepto Studio - Reims