CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 1 CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 1 1 CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems Soft Real-Time Systems Leow Wee Kheng CS3249 User Interface Development

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  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 1CS3249

    Soft Real-Time Systems 11CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems

    Soft Real-Time Systems

    Leow Wee KhengCS3249 User Interface Development

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 2CS3249 2Soft Real-Time Systems

    Real-Time Systems

    Real-time systems must react to inputs “quickly”.

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 3CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 3CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 3Soft Real-Time Systems 3CS3249

    aircraft autopilot

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 4CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 4CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 4Soft Real-Time Systems 4CS3249

    GPS navigation system

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 5CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 5CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 5Soft Real-Time Systems 5CS3249

    car engine control unit

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 6CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 6CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 6Soft Real-Time Systems 6CS3249

    If your car breaks take 10 sec to respond...

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 7CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 7CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 7Soft Real-Time Systems 7CS3249

    Real-time systems are

    closer than you think!

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 8CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 8CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 8Soft Real-Time Systems 8CS3249

    video player

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    video surveillance

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    virtual reality

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    interactive system with kinect

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    my fancy computer system

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 13CS3249 13Soft Real-Time Systems

    Types of Real-Time Systems

    Hard real-time systems Timing is critical. Failure to meet deadline can result in disaster. Take CG2271 Real-Time Operating Systems.

    Soft real-time systems Timing is less critical. Failure to meet deadline results in degraded performance.

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    Activation Modes

    Time-triggered Task is activated by timer. Periodic: If activation is at fixed interval. Aperiodic: If activation is not at fixed interval.

    Event-triggered Task is activated by event, e.g., mouse click. Usually aperiodic.

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 15CS3249 15Soft Real-Time Systems

    Processor Load

    For simplicity, let's consider periodic tasks e.g., displaying video frames at regular interval.

    Ti : period or interval task i

    Ci : computation time of task i

    Processor utilisation

    Total processor utilisation



    U i


    ii TCU

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 16CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 16CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 16Soft Real-Time Systems 16CS3249

    Processor Load

    Overload Not enough time to service all demands. Total processor utilisation U > 1.

    Overrun A task misses its deadline. May or may not cause overload.

    Remedy Detect overload or overrun and manage the problem.

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    Decoding time of a sequence from Star Wars.

    Worst case is rare butmuch longer than average.

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    No overload butinefficient use of CPU resources

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    Efficient use of CPU resourceswith transient overload

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 20CS3249 20Soft Real-Time Systems

    Methods for Handling Overload

    Adaptive quality of service Change to low-quality service when load is high.

    Multithreading Run tasks in multiple threads.

    Task skipping Skip (less important) tasks.


  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 21CS3249 21Soft Real-Time Systems

    Adaptive Quality of Service

    Change quality of service when needed. Provide high-quality service when CPU load is low. Switch to low-quality service when CPU load is high.

    during rotation (high CPU load) after rotation (low CPU load)

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 22CS3249 22Soft Real-Time Systems

    Case Study: Video Capture and Processing

    image widget for image widget forcaptured video frame processed frame

    consoleExample 1: Single Thread

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    inputimage widget

    outputimage widget

    Webcam ImageProcessor

    OpenCVvideo capture


    OpenCVimage processing









    frame ratecomputed

    frame ratecomputed

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 24CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 24CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 24Soft Real-Time Systems 24CS3249

    // Webcam.h

    class Webcam: public QObject{ Q_OBJECT

    public: Webcam(int width, int height, ImageProc *p); ~Webcam(); bool setDevice(int device); void setFrameRate(int fps); void start(); void stop();

    signals: void frameCaptured(QImage frame); protected: void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 25CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 25CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 25Soft Real-Time Systems 25CS3249

    private: ImageProc *imageProc; int width, height, frameRate; CvCapture *capture; IplImage *frame; int timerId;};

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 26CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 26CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 26Soft Real-Time Systems 26CS3249

    // Webcam.cpp

    bool Webcam::setDevice(int dev){ if (capture) { cvReleaseCapture(&capture); // reset capture = NULL; } capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(dev); if (!capture) return false; cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width); cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height); return true;}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 27CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 27CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 27Soft Real-Time Systems 27CS3249

    void Webcam::setFrameRate(int fps){ frameRate = fps;}

    void Webcam::start(){ timerId = startTimer(1000 / frameRate);}

    void Webcam::stop(){ killTimer(timerId); timerId = 0;}

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    void Webcam::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event){ if (event->timerId() == timerId) { frame = cvQueryFrame(capture); QImage image = IplImage2QImage(frame); emit frameCaptured(image);

    // Direct function call to imageProc. imageProc->processFrame(frame); } else QObject::timerEvent(event);}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 29CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 29CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 29Soft Real-Time Systems 29CS3249

    // ImageProc.h

    class ImageProc: public QObject{ Q_OBJECT public: void setProcessType(int type); void processFrame(IplImage *frame); signals: void frameProcessed(QImage image); private: int procType; IplImage *process(IplImage *frame);};

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 30CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 30CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 30Soft Real-Time Systems 30CS3249

    // ImageProc.cpp

    void ImageProc::setProcessType(int type){ if (type >= 1 && type

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    IplImage *ImageProc::process(IplImage *source){ IplImage *target = cvCreateImage( cvSize(source->width, source->height), source->depth, source->nChannels); switch(procType) { case 1: // do nothing return cvCloneImage(source); case 2: // demo fast algo: fast smoothing cvSmooth(source, target, CV_GAUSSIAN, 5); return target;

    case 3: // demo slow algo: filter with large kernel ... return target; }}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 32CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 32CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 32Soft Real-Time Systems 32CS3249

    // Console.cpp

    Console::Console(Webcam *w, ImageProc *p){ webcam = w; connect(webcam, SIGNAL(frameCaptured(QImage)), this, SLOT(getCameraImage(QImage))); imageProc = p; connect(imageProc, SIGNAL(frameProcessed(QImage)), this, SLOT(getProcessedImage(QImage))); inputPanel = new ImageWidget(WIDTH, HEIGHT); connect(inputPanel, SIGNAL(frameRateComputed(float)), this, SLOT(showInputFps(float))); outputPanel = new ImageWidget(WIDTH, HEIGHT); connect(outputPanel, SIGNAL(frameRateComputed(float)), this, SLOT(showOutputFps(float))); ...}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 33CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 33CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 33Soft Real-Time Systems 33CS3249

    Test Results

    Process Type 1, 2: fast Input frame rate = output frame rate = 25 fps (desired rate). All CPUs run at about 25% load or less.

    Type 1, 2 Type 3

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    Test Results

    Process Type 3: slow Input frame rate = output frame rate = 10 fps < desired rate. Video displays lack behind user actions. Sometimes, 1 CPU is fully loaded. Why input frame rate = output frame rate?

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 35CS3249 35Soft Real-Time Systems

    Case Study: Video Capture and Processing

    Example 2: Multiple Threads

    Console, image widgets Main thread: thread 1.

    Webcam Secondary thread: thread 2.

    Image processor Secondary thread: thread 3.

    Buffer Shared buffer between webcam and image processor. Maintains mutex lock.

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    inputimage widget

    outputimage widget

    Webcam ImageProcessor

    OpenCVvideo capture


    OpenCVimage processing








    frame ratecomputed

    frame ratecomputed

    Bufferadd del loop ortimer



  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 37CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 37CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 37Soft Real-Time Systems 37CS3249

    // Webcam.h

    class Webcam: public QThread{ Q_OBJECT public: Webcam(int width, int height, Buffer *b); ~Webcam(); bool setDevice(int device); void setFrameRate(int fps); void start(); void stop();

    signals: void frameCaptured(QImage frame); protected: void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 38CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 38CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 38Soft Real-Time Systems 38CS3249

    private: Buffer *buffer; int width, height, frameRate; CvCapture *capture; IplImage *frame; volatile int timerId;};

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 39CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 39CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 39Soft Real-Time Systems 39CS3249

    // Webcam.cpp

    void Webcam::start(){ timerId = startTimer(1000 / frameRate); buffer->clear();}

    void Webcam::stop(){ killTimer(timerId); timerId = 0;}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 40CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 40CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 40Soft Real-Time Systems 40CS3249

    void Webcam::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event){ if (event->timerId() == timerId) { frame = cvQueryFrame(capture); QImage image = IplImage2QImage(frame); emit frameCaptured(image);

    // Doesn't call imageProc directly. buffer->addToFront(frame); } else QObject::timerEvent(event);}

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    Image Processing Types

    Type Process Speed Mechanism

    1 copy fast Explicit loop

    2 copy fast Timer event

    3 fastsmoothing fast Explicit loop

    4 fast smoothing fast Timer event

    5 slowfiltering slowExplicit loop

    Don't skip frames

    6 slowfiltering slowExplicit loopSkip frames

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 42CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 42CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 42Soft Real-Time Systems 42CS3249

    // ImageProc.h

    class ImageProc: public QThread{ Q_OBJECT public: ImageProc(Buffer *b); void setProcessType(int type); void start(); void stop(); protected: void run(); void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event); signals: void frameProcessed(QImage image);

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 43CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 43CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 43Soft Real-Time Systems 43CS3249

    private: Buffer *buffer; int frameRate; volatile int procType; volatile bool stopped; volatile int timerId; void processFrame(); IplImage *process(IplImage *frame);};

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 44CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 44CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 44Soft Real-Time Systems 44CS3249

    // ImageProc.cpp

    void ImageProc::start(){ if (procType == 2 || procType == 4) // Use timer event. timerId = startTimer(1000 / frameRate); else { stopped = false; // Don't use timer event. QThread::start(); // Will call run(). }}

    void ImageProc::stop(){ stopped = true; killTimer(timerId); timerId = 0;}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 45CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 45CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 45Soft Real-Time Systems 45CS3249

    void ImageProc::run(){ while (!stopped) // Run explicit loop. if (!(buffer->isEmpty())) processFrame();}

    void ImageProc::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event){ if (event->timerId() == timerId) processFrame(); else QObject::timerEvent(event);}

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    void ImageProc::processFrame(){ IplImage *frame = NULL; if (procType != 6) frame = buffer->delAtBack(); // Don't skip frames. else frame = buffer->skipToFront(); // Skip frames.

    if (frame) { IplImage *pframe = process(frame); QImage image = IplImage2QImage(pframe); emit frameProcessed(image); cvReleaseImage(&frame); cvReleaseImage(&pframe); }}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 47CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 47CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 47Soft Real-Time Systems 47CS3249

    // Buffer.h

    class Buffer: public QObject{ Q_OBJECT public: Buffer() {front = back = 0;} // Init to empty buffer. bool isEmpty(); void addToFront(IplImage *frame); IplImage *delAtBack(); IplImage *skipToFront(); void clear();

    signals: void status(int value);

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    protected: enum {size = 100}; IplImage *data[size]; int front; // Points to front of buffer. int back; // Points to back of buffer. QMutex mutex;};

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    // Buffer.cpp

    bool Buffer::isEmpty(){ return (back == front);}

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    void Buffer::addToFront(IplImage *frame){ mutex.lock(); if (front != back - 1 and !(front == size - 1 and back == 0)) // Not full { ++front; // Increment front. if (front == size) front = 0; // Wrap around.

    IplImage *clone = cvCloneImage(frame); data[front] = clone; emit status(0); // Buffer not full. } else emit status(1); // Buffer full. mutex.unlock();}

  • CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 51CS3249 Soft Real-Time Systems 51CS3249Soft Real-Time Systems 51Soft Real-Time Systems 51CS3249

    IplImage *Buffer::delAtBack(){ IplImage *frame = NULL; mutex.lock(); if (back != front) // Not empty. { ++back; // Increment back. if (back == size) back = 0; // Wrap around.

    frame = data[back]; // Get data. emit status(0); // Buffer not empty. } else emit status(-1); // Buffer empty mutex.unlock();

    return frame;}

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    Similarly for IplImage *Buffer::skipToFront()

    void Buffer::clear()

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    Test Results

    For process type 1 – 4: fast Input frame rate = output frame rate = 25 fps (desired rate).

    Type 1, 3 Type 2, 4

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    Test Results

    Process Type 1, 3: Most of the time, 1 CPU is at (almost) full load.

    Process Type 2, 4: All CPUs are at 25% load or less.

    What causes the difference?

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    Test Results

    Process Type 6: slow Output frame rate < 1/2 input frame rate = 25 fps. By skipping frames, image processor is in sync with webcam. Buffer is not full.

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    Multithreading vs. Efficiency

    Multithreading lets multiple threads run concurrently.

    But, multithreading ⇒ efficient processing. Two factors:

    Processing time of tasks: long or short. Dependency between tasks.

    Example: ImageProc depends on Webcam thru' Buffer.

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    Multithreading can't speed up slow tasks.

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    Speeding Up Slow Tasks

    How to speed up a slow task? Use efficient algorithm.

    e.g., O(n log n) is more efficient than O(n2). Reduce overhead in program.

    e.g., pass pointers instead of whole objects. Parallel processing.

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    Parallel processing: Split task into multiple independent sub-tasks. Run sub-tasks concurrently, e.g., in multiple threads.

    1 2

    3 4

    processingtime isreduced toabout 1/4

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    Splitting slow task into independent sub-tasks.

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    Soft real-time system Overload degrades system performance.

    Overload handling methods adaptive quality of service multithreading task skipping

    Explicit loop that does nothing wastes CPU resource.

    Event activation saves CPU resource, if done properly.

    In multithreading, secondary threads communicate with main thread using signals and slots.

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    Further Reading

    Soft real-time systems: [Buttazzo2005].

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    Write the functions Buffer::skipToFront() and Buffer::clear().

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    G. Buttazzo, G. Lipari, L. Abeni, M. Caccamo. Soft Real-Time Systems: Predictability vs. Efficiency, Springer, 2005.