TECHNISCHE UNIVERSIT ¨ AT M ¨ UNCHEN Lehrstuhl f¨ ur Integrierte Systeme Software Performance Estimation Methods for System-Level Design of Embedded Systems Zhonglei Wang Vollst¨andiger Abdruck der von der Fakult¨at f¨ ur Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Technischen Universit¨at M¨ unchen zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktor-Ingenieurs genehmigten Dissertation. Vorsitzender: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerhard Rigoll Pr¨ ufer der Dissertation: 1. Univ.-Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Andreas Herkersdorf 2. Univ.-Prof. Dr. sc. Samarjit Chakraborty Die Dissertation wurde am 15.04.2010 bei der Technischen Univer- sit¨ at M¨ unchen eingereicht und durch die Fakult¨at f¨ ur Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik am 18.10.2010 angenommen.

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Lehrstuhl fur Integrierte Systeme

Software Performance EstimationMethods for System-Level Design of

Embedded Systems

Zhonglei Wang

Vollstandiger Abdruck der von der Fakultat fur Elektrotechnik undInformationstechnik der Technischen Universitat Munchen zurErlangung des akademischen Grades eines


genehmigten Dissertation.

Vorsitzender: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerhard Rigoll

Prufer der Dissertation:

1. Univ.-Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Andreas Herkersdorf2. Univ.-Prof. Dr. sc. Samarjit Chakraborty

Die Dissertation wurde am 15.04.2010 bei der Technischen Univer-sitat Munchen eingereicht und durch die Fakultat fur Elektrotechnikund Informationstechnik am 18.10.2010 angenommen.

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Software Performance Estimation Methods for System-LevelDesign of Embedded Systems


Zhonglei Wang

Doctor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Technical University of Munich

Driven by market needs, the complexity of modern embedded systems is ever in-creasing, which poses great challenges to the design process. The design produc-tivity based on the traditional design methods cannot keep pace with the tech-nological advance, resulting in an ever-widening design gap. To close this gap,System-Level Design (SLD) is seen as a promising solution. The main conceptof SLD is to reduce design complexity by modeling systems at a high abstractionlevel, i.e., at system level. A systematic Design Space Exploration (DSE) methodis one of the most critical parts of a system-level design methodology. DSE atsystem level is aimed at making important design decisions in early design phasesunder several design constraints. Performance is one of the most important designconstraints.

Another obvious trend in embedded systems is the increasing importance of soft-ware. It is estimated that more than 98% microprocessor chips manufacturedevery year are used in embedded systems. Most parallel computing platforms usesoftware processors as the main processing elements and are essentially software-centric. Several sources confirm that software is dominating overall design effort ofembedded systems. This makes software performance estimation a critical issue inDSE of embedded systems. Hence, this work is focused on software performanceestimation methods for system-level design of embedded systems.

Much effort has been made in both academia and design automation industry toincrease the performance of cycle-accurate microprocessor simulators, but they arestill too slow for efficient design space exploration of large multiprocessor systems.Moreover, a cycle-accurate simulator takes too much effort to build, and therefore,it is impossible to create one for each candidate architecture. Motivated by thisfact, we focus on modeling processors at a higher level to achieve a much highersimulation speed but without compromising accuracy. A popular technique for fastsoftware simulation is Source Level Simulation (SLS). SLS models are obtained

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by annotating application source code with timing information. We developeda SLS approach called SciSim (Source code instrumentation based Simulation).Compared to other existing SLS approaches, SciSim allows for more accurateperformance simulation by taking important timing effects such as the pipelineeffect, branch prediction effect and cache effect into account. The back-annotationof timing information into source code is based on the mapping between sourcecode and binary code, described by debugging information.

However, SLS has a major limitation that it cannot simulate some compiler-optimized programs with complex control flows accurately, because after optimiz-ing compilation it is hard to find an accurate mapping between source code andbinary code, and even when the mapping is found, due to the difference betweensource level control flows and binary level control flows the back-annotated timinginformation cannot be aggregated correctly during the simulation. Since, in reality,software programs are usually compiled with optimizations, this drawback stronglylimits the usability of SLS. To solve this problem, we developed another approachbased on SciSim, called iSciSim (intermediate Source code instrumentation basedSimulation). The idea behind iSciSim is to get an intermediate representation ofsource code, called intermediate source code (ISC), which has a structure closeto the structure of its binary code and thus allows for accurate back-annotationof the timing information obtained from the binary level. The back-annotatedtiming information can also be aggregated correctly along the ISC-level controlflows.

For multiprocessor systems design, iSciSim can be used to generate TransactionLevel Models (TLMs) in SystemC. In many embedded systems, especially in realtime systems, multiple software tasks may run on a single processor, scheduled bya Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). To take this dynamic scheduling behaviorinto account in system-level simulation, we created an abstract RTOS model inSystemC to schedule the execution of software TLMs generated by iSciSim.

In addition to simulation methods, we also contributed to Worst-Case ExecutionTime (WCET) estimation. We apply the concept of intermediate source codeto facilitate flow analysis for WCET estimation of compiler-optimized software.Finally, a system-level design framework for automotive control systems is pre-sented. The introduced software performance estimation methods are employedin this design framework. In addition to fast software performance simulation andWCET estimation, we also propose model-level simulation for approximate per-formance estimation in an early design phase before application source code canbe generated.


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First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Andreas Herkersdorf.He gave me the chance to get this great research topic and provided me a lot ofadvices, inspiration, and encouragement throughout my Ph.D. study. I am trulygrateful for his help, not only in my research, but also in my life. I also want tothank Prof. Walter Stechele for his guidance and support.

I would like to thank Prof. Samarjit Chakraborty for being the co-examiner of mythesis and for his valuable comments. I also want to thank Prof. Gerhard Rigollfor chairing the examination committee.

I am grateful to the BMW Forschung und Technik GmbH for their support ofmy work in the course of the Car@TUM cooperation program. In particular, Iwould like to thank Dr. Martin Wechs, BMW Forschung und Technik, for theconstructive discussions and valuable inputs throughout our collaboration.

During my three-year work in the BASE.XT project, I was fortunate to work witha group of talented and creative colleagues from different institutes. They include:Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Haberl, Markus Herrmannsdorfer, Stefan Kugele, Chris-tian Kuhnel, Stefano Merenda, Florian Muller, Sabine Rittmann, Christian Schall-hart, Michael Tautschnig, and Doris Wild. They expertise in different aspects inembedded systems design. The discussions with them have always been a greatlearning experience for me. In addition, I would like to thank the professors andBMW colleagues involved in the project.

A large amount of thanks goes to my colleagues and friends at LIS. They include:Abdelmajid Bouajila, Christopher Claus, Michael Feilen, Robert Hartl, MattiasIhmig, Kimon Karras, Andreas Laika, Andreas Lankes, Daniel Llorente, MichaelMeitinger, Felix Miller, Rainer Ohlendorf, Johny Paul, Roman Plyaskin, HolmRauchfuss, Gregor Walla, Stefan Wallentowitz, Thomas Wild, Johannes Zeppen-feld, and Paul Zuber. In particular, I want to thank Roman Plyaskin and HolmRauchfuss for the constructive discussions in LIS-BMW meetings. Their com-ments from various angels helped in improving my work. I also want to thank themembers of the institute administration for maintaining an excellent workplace.They are: Verena Draga, Wolfgang Kohtz, Gabi Sporle, and Doris Zeller.

I also want to take the chance to thank Bernhard Lippmann, Stefan Ruping,Andreas Wenzel and other colleagues at the department of Chipcard and SecurityICs, Infineon AG, for their support during my student job and master’s thesiswork.

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Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank my parents and my wife, towhom this thesis is dedicated. My parents raised me up and tried their best toprovide me the best possible education and a healthy atmosphere at home. Theyare always supportive no matter what choice I make. Without them I would nothave been able to finish this work. I want to thank my lovely wife Yanlan forher love, constant support, encouragement, and understanding during my work.It was the biggest surprise in my life to meet her in Germany. She made my lifemore colorful.


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To my parents, wife and daughter


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I Introduction and Background 1

1 Introduction 31.1 The Scope and Objects of This Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.1.1 Software Performance Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.1.2 Software Performance Simulation in System-Level Design

Space Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.1.3 Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . 101.1.4 A Design Framework for Automotive Systems . . . . . . . . 12

1.2 Summary of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151.3 Outline of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2 Background 192.1 Embedded Systems: Definition and Market Size . . . . . . . . . . . 192.2 Embedded System Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2.1 Application Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.2.2 Technology and Architectural Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.2.3 Increasing Software Development Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.3 Traditional Embedded Systems Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252.4 Design Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262.5 System-Level Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.5.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282.5.2 System-Level Design Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292.5.3 Survey of SLD Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302.5.4 SystemC and Transaction Level Modeling . . . . . . . . . . 33

II Software Performance Estimation Methods 35

3 Execution-Based Software Performance Simulation Strategies 373.1 Instruction Set Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.2 Binary (Assembly) Level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.3 Source Level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413.4 IR Level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


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4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simula-tion 454.1 Basic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1.1 Compilation and Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454.1.2 Control Flow Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.1.3 Introduction to Source Code Instrumentation . . . . . . . . 49

4.2 The SciSim Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.2.1 Source Code Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.2.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534.3.1 Performance Simulation of Unoptimized Software . . . . . . 554.3.2 Performance Simulation of Optimized Software . . . . . . . 56

4.4 Why Does SciSim Not Work for Some Compiler-Optimized Software? 584.5 Summary of SciSim’s Advantages and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . 65

5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software 675.1 Overview of the iSciSim Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685.2 Intermediate Source Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5.3.1 Machine Code Extraction and Mapping List Construction . 725.3.2 Basic Block List Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755.3.3 Static Timing Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775.3.4 Back-Annotation of Timing Information . . . . . . . . . . . 805.3.5 An Example: insertsort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.4 Dynamic Simulation of Global Timing Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . 835.5 Software TLM Generation using iSciSim for Multiprocessor Simu-

lation in SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855.6 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.6.1 Source Code vs. ISC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915.6.2 Benchmarking SW Simulation Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . 915.6.3 Dynamic Cache Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995.6.4 Simulation in SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035.6.5 Case Study of MPSoC Simulation: A Motion-JPEG Decoder 104

6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model 1176.1 Unscheduled Execution of Task Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176.2 The RTOS’s Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

6.2.1 Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206.2.2 Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

6.3 The RTOS Model in SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1246.3.1 Task Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1256.3.2 Scheduler Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1276.3.3 Timing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

6.4 Preemption Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1286.4.1 Static Time-Slicing Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130


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6.4.2 Result Oriented Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1316.4.3 Dynamic Time-Slicing Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

6.5 A More Modular Software Organization of Transaction Level Pro-cessor Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

6.6 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation 1437.1 Flow Analysis and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1447.2 Overview of the Proposed Approach and Tool Architecture . . . . . 1467.3 Flow Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

7.3.1 Constructing Control Flow Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497.3.2 Identifying Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1507.3.3 Reducing Control Flow Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1507.3.4 Bounding Loops and Detecting Infeasible Paths . . . . . . . 151

7.4 Flow Facts Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537.5 Timing Analysis and WCET Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1557.6 Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

7.6.1 Experiment Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567.6.2 Experiment Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

III Software Performance Estimation ina System-Level Design Flow 161

8 The SysCOLA Framework 1638.1 Design Process Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

8.1.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1658.2 The SysCOLA Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

8.2.1 System Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1678.2.2 Virtual Prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

8.3 Case Study: An Automatic Parking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728.3.1 Functionality and Design Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728.3.2 System Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1748.3.3 Virtual Prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1748.3.4 System Realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

8.4 Summary of the Employed Software Performance Estimation Tech-niques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1768.4.1 Model-Level Performance Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1768.4.2 WCET Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778.4.3 Software Performance Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

9 Model-Level Simulation of COLA 1799.1 Overview of COLA and SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1809.2 COLA to SystemC Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181


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9.2.1 Synchronous Dataflow in SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1819.2.2 Translation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829.2.3 Simulation using SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

9.3 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1889.3.1 The COLA Model of the Adaptive Cruise Control System . 1889.3.2 Simulation using SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

IV Summary 193

10 Conclusions and Future Work 19510.1 Software Performance Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

10.1.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19510.1.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

10.2 Worst Case Execution Time Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20010.2.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20010.2.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

10.3 The SysCOLA Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20110.3.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20110.3.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

List of Abbreviations 202

List of Figures 206

Bibliography 211


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Part I

Introduction and Background


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Chapter 1


Embedded systems are ubiquitous in our everyday lives, spanning all aspects ofmodern life. They appear in small portable devices, such as MP3 players and cellphones, and also in large machines, such as cars, aircrafts and medical equipments.

Driven by market needs, the demand for new features in embedded system prod-ucts has been ever increasing. For example, twenty years ago, a mobile phonehas usually only the functionality of making voice calls and sending text mes-sages. Today, a modern mobile phone has hundreds of features, including camera,music and video playback, and GPS navigation etc. The rapid growth in applica-tion complexity places even greater demands on the performance of the underlyingplatform. A single high-performance microprocessor cannot fulfill the performancerequirement any longer. This has leaded to the advent of parallel architectures.The typical parallel architectures used in the embedded systems domain includedistributed embedded systems and Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC). Adistributed system consists of a number of processing nodes distributed over thesystem and connected by some interconnect network. An example of distributedsystems is automotive control systems. In a car like BMW 7-series over 60 pro-cessors are networked to control a large variety of functions. An MPSoC is aprocessing platform that integrates the entire system into a single chip. Chipswith hundreds of processor cores have been fabricated. With the technologicaladvance, it is even possible to integrate thousands of cores in a single chip.

The complexity of today’s embedded systems opens up a large design space. De-signers have to select a suitable design from a vast variety of solution alternativesto satisfy constraints on characteristics such as performance, cost, and power con-sumption. This design complexity makes the design productivity cannot keep pacewith the technological advance. This results in a gap between the advance rateof technology and the growth rate of design productivity, called design gap. Newdesign methodologies are highly required to close the design gap and shorten thetime-to-market.

Most agree that System-Level Design (SLD) methodologies are the most efficientsolution to address the design complexity and thus to improve the design produc-tivity. SLD is aimed to simplify the specification, verification and implementation


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Chapter 1 Introduction

of systems including hardware and software, and to enable more efficient designspace exploration (DSE), by raising the abstraction level at which systems aremodeled. System-level DSE is aimed at making design decisions as many as pos-sible in early design phases. Good design decisions made in early phases make upa strong basis for the following steps. For example, to design an MPSoC, the firstimportant decision to be made at system level is the choice of an appropriate sys-tem architecture that is suited for the target application domain. Then, we shoulddecide the number of processors and hardware accelerators, add some applicationspecific modules, make the decision of hardware/software partitioning and mapthe tasks to the available resources. These decisions are easier to make at a highabstraction level, where a system is modeled without too many implementationdetails.

During DSE, performance is one of the most important design constraints to beconsidered, especially for real-time systems. If performance requirements cannotbe met, this could even lead to system failure. Hence, many design decisionsare made in order to meet the performance requirements. If it is found in theimplementation step that some performance requirements are not satisfied, thiscould lead to very costly redesign. Therefore, accurate performance estimation isvery important in order to reduce the possibility of such design errors.

1.1 The Scope and Objects of This Work

Because software-based implementations are much cheaper and more flexible thanhardware-based implementations, more and more functionality of embedded sys-tems has been moving from hardware to software. This makes the importanceof software and its impact on the overall system performance steadily increas-ing. Hence, this work is focused on software performance estimation methods forsystem-level design of embedded systems.

Software performance estimation methods fall mainly into two categories: statictiming analysis and dynamic simulation. Static timing analysis is carried out inan analytical way based on mathematical models. It is often applied to worst-caseexecution time (WCET) estimation for hard real-time applications. In contrast,dynamic performance simulation really executes software code and is targeted atmodeling run-time behaviors of software and estimating the timing features oftarget processors with respect to typical input data sets. Software performancesimulation is our main focus, but we also researched on flow analysis for WCETestimation of compiler-optimized software.

In addition, we also worked on a system-level design framework SysCOLA for au-tomotive systems [98]. This framework combines a modeling environment basedon a formal modeling language COLA [65] and a SystemC-based virtual prototyp-ing environment. Both COLA and the framework were developed in the scope of a


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1.1 The Scope and Objects of This Work

cooperation project between Technical University of Munich and BMW Forschungund Technik GmbH, called BASE.XT, where 7 Ph.D. students were involved. InSysCOLA, my own contributions include (1) a VHDL code generator, generatingVHDL code from COLA models for hardware implementation [99], (2) a WCETanalysis tool, that estimates the WCET of each task to be used in an automaticmapping algorithm, (3) a SystemC code generator, that generates SystemC codefrom COLA models for performance simulation early at the model level before Ccode can be generated [94], and (4) the SystemC-based virtual prototyping envi-ronment for architectural design and performance validation [93]. In this thesis, Iwill present the SysCOLA framework and show the role software performance es-timation plays in the framework. Here, software performance estimation includessoftware performance simulation, WCET estimation, and model-level simulationof COLA. Software performance simulation and WCET estimation are introducedseparately, while, in the scope of SysCOLA, we introduce only model-level simu-lation.

To summarize, the scope and objects of our work include the following three parts,which are discussed in more detail in the following sub-sections.

• Software performance simulation methods for system-level design space explo-ration.

• Flow analysis for WCET estimation of compiler-optimized embedded software.

• Introduction of the SysCOLA framework and model-level simulation of COLA.

1.1.1 Software Performance Simulation

Today, simulative methods are still the dominant methods for DSE of embeddedsystems. They have the ability to get dynamic performance statistics of a system.Earlier, software is usually simulated using instruction set simulators (ISSs) to getthe influence of software execution on system performance and study the run-timeinteractions between software and other system components. An ISS realizes theinstruction-level operations of a target processor, including typically instructionfetching, decoding, and executing, and allows for cycle-accurate simulation. Tosimulate a multiprocessor system, a popular method is to integrate multiple ISSsinto a SystemC based simulation backbone. Many simulators are built followingthis solution, including the commercial simulators from CoWare [5] and Synop-sys [12] and academic simulation platforms like MPARM [29]. Such simulatorsare able to execute target binary, boot real RTOSs, and provide cycle-accurateperformance data. However, ISSs have the major disadvantage of extremely lowsimulation speed and very high complexity. Consequently, software simulation isoften a bottleneck of the overall simulation performance. This long-running sim-ulation can be afforded only in the final stage of the development cycle, when thedesign space is significantly narrowed down.


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Chapter 1 Introduction

For system-level DSE, an ISS covers too many unnecessary details. Rather, tech-niques that allow for fast simulation with enough accuracy for making high leveldesign decisions are more desirable. Trace-based simulation methods are in thiscategory. Pimentel et al. [78] use a set of coarse grained traces to represent theworkload of each task. Each trace corresponds to a function or a high-level opera-tion, and is associated with a latency, measured using an ISS. The coarse grainedtraces filter out many intra-trace events and may lead to inaccurate simulationof the whole system. Simulations using fine-grained traces, as presented in [102],are more accurate. However, the trace-driven simulations still have the commondrawback that traces are not able to capture a system’s functionality. Further-more, the execution of most tasks is data-dependent, but traces can represent onlythe workload of one execution path of a program.

To get a high-level simulation model that captures both the function and data-dependent workload of a software task, software simulation techniques based onnative execution have been proposed. The common idea behind them is to gener-ate, for each program, a simulation model that runs directly on the host machinebut can produce performance statistics of a target execution. To generate such asimulation model, three issues are to be tackled: functional representation, tim-ing analysis, and coupling of the functional representation and the performancemodel. The existing native execution based techniques are differentiated witheach other by the choice of the functional representation level, which could be thesource level, the intermediate representation (IR) level, or the binary level. To getaccurate timing information, the timing analysis should be performed on binarycode, which will be finally executed on the target processor, using a performancemodel that takes the important timing effects of the target processor into account.Coupling of the functional representation and the performance model is realizedby annotating the functional representation with the obtained timing information.The back-annotated timing information can generate accurate delays at simulationrun-time.

Binary level simulation (BLS) that gets functional representation by translatingtarget binary into a high level programming language or host binary, is proposedin the last decade. A binary level simulator is often called compiled ISS in somepapers. It offers much faster simulation than interpretive ISSs by performing time-consuming instruction fetching and decoding prior to simulation. The simulationspeed is in the hundreds of MIPS range for a single processor.

Recently, source level simulation (SLS) is widely used for system-level design, be-cause of its high simulation speed and low complexity. A source level simulatoruses source code as functional representation. Timing information that representsexecution delays of the software on the target processor is inserted into the sourcecode according to the mapping between the source code and the generated ma-chine code. Many early SLS approaches have the disadvantage of low simulationaccuracy. Some use coarse-grained timing information. Others use fine-grainedtiming information but do not take into account the timing effects of the processor


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microarchitecture. Therefore, these approaches achieve a high simulation speedat the expense of simulation accuracy.

In our work, we developed a SLS approach, called SciSim (Source code instrument-ation based Simulation) [100, 101]. Compared to previously reported SLS ap-proaches, SciSim allows for more accurate performance simulation by employinga hybrid method for timing analysis. That is, timing analysis is performed ontarget binary code, both statically for pipeline effects and dynamically for othertiming effects that cannot be resolved statically. In SciSim, we also use a simpleway to get information on the mapping between source code and binary code.We extract the mapping information from debugging information, which can bedumped automatically during cross-compilation. Thus, the whole approach canbe fully automated without the need of any human interaction.

However, the SLS technique, also including our SciSim approach, still has a majordisadvantage in that it cannot estimate some compiler-optimized code accurately,because after optimizing compilation it is hard to find an accurate mapping be-tween source code and binary code, and even when the mapping can be found,due to the difference between source level control flows and binary level controlflows the timing information back-annotated according to the mapping cannotbe aggregated correctly during the simulation. This is especially true for control-dominated software, the control flows of which will be significantly changed duringoptimizing compilation. Since, in reality, software programs are usually compiledwith optimizations, this drawback strongly limits the usability of SLS.

Therefore, we developed another approach called iSciSim (intermediate Sourcecode instrumentation based Simulation) [95, 97]. iSciSim is based on SciSim butovercomes the main limitation of SciSim. It allows for accurate simulation ofcompiler-optimized software at a simulation speed as fast as native execution. Theidea behind the iSciSim approach is to transform the source code of a programto code at another representation level that is low enough, so that the new codehas a structure close to that of the binary code and thus allows for accurate back-annotation of the timing information obtained from the binary level. This kindof middle-level code is called intermediate source code (ISC), to be differentiatedfrom the original source code. Compared with the existing software simulationtechniques, including ISS, BLS, and SLS, iSciSim achieves the best trade-off forsystem-level design, concerning accuracy, speed and complexity.

SciSim is still useful, in case compiler-optimizations are not required or the soft-ware to be simulated is data-intensive and has relatively simple control flows. Thesimple control flows of such data-intensive software programs will not be changedmuch during optimizing compilation, and therefore, timing information can stillbe accurately back-annotated into the source code. It is our future work to addressthe mapping problems in SciSim to make it able to simulate more programs accu-rately. In comparison to iSciSim, an advantage of SciSim is that annotated source


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code is more readable than annotated ISC and thus allows for easier debuggingduring simulation.

1.1.2 Software Performance Simulation in System-LevelDesign Space Exploration

In Figure 1.1 we show a system-level DSE flow, where DSE is based on simulationusing SystemC transaction level models (TLMs). SystemC is currently the mostimportant System Level Design Language (SLDL). It supports system modeling atdifferent levels of abstraction and allows hardware/software co-simulation withina single framework. TLM is a widely used modeling style for system-level designand is often associated with SystemC. In this modeling style, communication ar-chitectures are modeled as channels, which provide interfaces to functional units.Modeling effort can be reduced, if different communication architectures supporta common set of abstract interfaces. Thus, communication and computation canbe modeled separately. SystemC and TLM are introduced more in Section 2.5.4.

Many SLD approaches or toolsets follow a similar flow to the one shown in Fig-ure 1.1 for DSE, for example, Embedded System Environment (ESE) from UCIrvine [6], the commercial tool CoFluent Studio [4], SystemClick from Infineon [88],and the approaches introduced in [53, 79].

The flow consists of four steps: specification, computation design, communicationdesign and design space exploration. In the specification step, a system’s func-tionality and the platform architecture are captured in an application model anda platform model, respectively, usually in a graphical modeling environment. Theapplication model is usually a hierarchical composition of communicating pro-cesses, which expresses the parallelism of the application. The platform modelspecifies capability and services of the hardware platform. It is expressed as anetlist of processors, memories, and communication architecture. Then, the pro-cesses can be mapped to the processors, either manually or automatically, and thechannels connecting the processes are mapped to the communication architecture.

The design environments or toolsets mentioned above are different from each otherin terms of specification environments. ESE and CoFluent Studio are based ontheir own graphical modeling environments. SystemClick uses a language Click asits modeling foundation and design approaches introduced in [53, 79] use Simulink.

Our work on software performance simulation covers the computation design step.Computation design is actually a process of generating software performance sim-ulation models. The input is application tasks generated from the applicationmodel, and the output is scheduled/timed application TLMs. This is achievedby two steps. The first step is timing annotation. Here, the application code isannotated with timing information given the information on which task is mappedto which processor. In this sense, a timed application TLM is actually a native


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Application Tasks

Timing Annotation


Application TLM



Application TLM

System TLM Generation




Mapping &

Code Generation


Other Models


RTOS Models


ProcessorDescription Files

Application Model Platform Model

Simulation & Exploration

System TLM


2 Computation Design

3 Communication Design

4 Exploration




2 3


Figure 1.1: System Level Design Flow


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Chapter 1 Introduction

execution based simulation model. In the second step, if dynamic scheduling isused, the application TLMs are scheduled using an abstract RTOS model.

The reason why native execution based simulation is used instead of ISSs has beendiscussed in Section 1.1.1. Among native execution based simulation techniques,source level simulation (SLS) is most suitable for system-level software simula-tion. The design frameworks or toolsets mentioned above all use source codeinstrumentation to get timed application TLMs. However, as mentioned already,SLS has a major problem raised by compiler optimizations. Here, our iSciSimcan provide a better support for computation design. The application TLMs gen-erated by iSciSim contain fine-grained, accurate timing annotations, taking thecompiler-optimizations into account.

If multiple tasks are mapped to a single processor, an RTOS is needed to schedulethe task execution dynamically. It is important to capture this scheduling behaviorduring system-level DSE. This can be achieved by combining application TLMsand an abstract RTOS model in SystemC. This is called scheduling refinement.In our work, we studied how to get an efficient combination of fine-grained timingannotated application TLMs and an abstract RTOS model. In the previous worksmentioned above, only ESE has a description of its RTOS model in [104]. Theother works either address only static scheduling like SystemClick or do not providedetails about their RTOS models. Compared to the RTOS model of ESE, our workachieved a more modular organization of timed application TLMs and the RTOSmodel.

The main output of communication design is a communication TLM. As the com-munication TLMs provide a common set of abstract interfaces, the applicationTLMs can easily be connected to them to generate a TLM of the whole system.The design space exploration is based on simulation using the TLM, and the ob-tained design metrics are used to guide design modification or refinement.

1.1.3 Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation

Many embedded systems are hard real-time systems, which are often safety-criticaland must work even in the worst-case scenarios. Although simulative DSE meth-ods are able to capture real workload scenarios and provide accurate performancedata, they have limited ability to cover corner cases. Hence, some analyticalmethods are also needed for hard real-time systems design. An example of ana-lytical methods is the Network Calculus based approach described in [92]. It usesperformance networks for modeling the interplay of processes on the system archi-tecture. Another example is SymTA/S [52], which uses formal scheduling analysistechniques and symbolic simulation for performance analysis. Such analyticalDSE methods are usually based on knowing worst-case execution times (WCETs)of the software tasks. Hence, bounding the WCET of each task is essential in hardreal-time systems design.


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Today, static analysis still dominates the research on WCET estimation. Staticanalysis does not execute the programs, but rather estimates the WCET bounds inan analytical way. It yields safe WCET bounds, if the system is correctly modeled.Typically, the static WCET analysis of a program consists of three phases: (1)flow analysis for loop bounding and infeasible path detection, (2) low-level timinganalysis to determine instruction timing, and (3) finally, WCET calculation tofind an upper bound on the execution time given the results of flow analysis andlow-level timing analysis.

There exists a large amount of previous work addressing different aspects of WCETestimation. We will mention some in Chapter 7. For an extensive overview ofprevious work, the paper [103] is a very good reference.

In [103], the authors also point out some significant problems or novel directionsthat WCET analysis is currently facing. They are listed as follows:

• Increased support for flow analysis

• Verification of abstract processor models

• Integration of timing analysis with compilation

• Integration with scheduling

• Integration with energy awareness

• Design of systems with time-predictable behavior

• Extension to component-based design

Our work mainly studied flow analysis, which, as shown above, faces some prob-lems. The flow analysis problems are mentioned several times in [103]. In thestate-of-the-art WCET estimation methods, flow analysis is performed either onsource code or binary code. It is more convenient to extract flow facts (i.e., con-trol flow information) from the source code level, where the program is developed.However, as timing analysis and WCET calculation are usually performed on bi-nary code that will be executed on the target processor, the source level flowfacts must be transformed down to the binary code level. Due to the presence ofcompiler optimizations, the problem of this transformation is nontrivial. If flowanalysis is performed on binary code, the obtained flow facts can be directly usedfor WCET calculation without the need of any transformation. However, flowanalysis often needs the input of some information that cannot be calculated au-tomatically. Such information is usually given in the form of manual annotations.Manual annotation at the binary code level is a very error-prone task. In addition,there are some previous works that propose to use a special low-level IR for flowanalysis. This forces software developers to use a special compiler and thereforehas limited usability in practice.


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We propose to perform flow analysis on ISC [96]. For flow analysis, ISC has thefollowing advantageous features: (1) It contains enough high-level information fornecessary manual annotations; (2) It has a structure close to that of binary codefor easy flow facts transformation; (3) ISC is generated from standard high-levelIRs of standard compilers, so the approach is not limited to a special compiler.These features make flow analysis on ISC achieve a better trade-off between visi-bility of flow facts and simplicity of their transformation to the binary code level.Furthermore, the approach is easy to realize and no modification of compiler isneeded.

1.1.4 A Design Framework for Automotive Systems

In the BASE.XT project we first developed a new formal modeling language COLA(the COmponent LAnguage) [65] and a modeling environment based on it forautomotive software development. The modeling process consists of three levelsas shown in Figure 1.2:

• Feature architecture: In this first step, the functional requirements are cap-tured in a feature model. The hierarchical nature of COLA allows for de-composition of features into sub-features. The work on feature modeling isdone by Sabine Rittmann and is introduced in detail in her Ph.D. thesis [86].

• Logical architecture: The feature model is converted to a functional modelin logical architecture throughout several steps of model transformation andrearrangement, semi-automatically. The target of this modeling step is todescribe the complete functionality of a system by means of stepwise de-compositions. Here, several tools are integrated to help to remove modelingerrors, e.g., a type inference tool [66] that detects and diagnoses errors atinterconnected component interfaces and a model checker that verifies theconformance of a design to requirements expressed in SALT (Structured As-sertion Language for Temporal Logic) [28]. The formal semantics of COLAenables these tools to perform automatic analysis.

At this modeling level, I contributed a SystemC code generator that gener-ates SystemC code from COLA models. The generated SystemC code allowsfor functional validation and approximate performance estimation early atthe model level before C code can be generated [94].

• Technical architecture: The technical architecture bridges the functional modeland implementation. In the technical architecture, units of the functionalmodel are grouped into clusters. On the other hand, the hardware platformis modeled as an abstract platform (also called a hardware model), whichcaptures the platform capability. Stefan Kugele and Wolfgang Haberl havedeveloped an automatic mapping algorithm, which maps the applicationclusters onto the abstract platform [63, 64]. Here, my work was to integrate


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abstract platform

Figure 1.2: The COLA-based Modeling Environment

my WCET analysis tool to provide a WCET bound of each cluster on eachpossible processing element. The automatic mapping algorithm is based onthe WCETs.

After finding a proper mapping that fulfills the requirements, C code canbe automatically generated [49]. Although the project is focused on soft-ware development, I also researched on hardware implementation of COLAmodels [99]. The generation of both C and VHDL code relies on a set oftemplate-like translation rules.

As shown, the modeling environment covers the whole process starting from func-tional requirements to distributed software code, with successive model refine-ments and supported by a well-integrated toolchain. However, it lacks an envi-ronment for systematic design space exploration. The automatic mapping can beregarded as an analytical way of DSE, but it works well only when the targetplatform is known, the WCET of each cluster is accurately estimated, and themapping problem is correctly formalized. This is often not the case. Our ex-periences tell us that we cannot totally trust analytical methods, because, first,not all the design problems can be accurately expressed by mathematical mod-els, and second, today’s static WCET estimation techniques often produce overlypessimistic estimates and lead to over-design.


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abstract platform

Model-Level Simulation


System Modeling




TimedTask Models








. . .


Model Library

VP Generator


Simulation &Exploration


ProcessorDescription Files

WCET Estimator


Figure 1.3: Extensions Made to the COLA Environment

Therefore, we constructed a virtual prototyping environment based on SystemC.Here, virtual prototyping is defined as a process of generating a simulation modelthat emulates the whole system under design. We focus on system-level designand use SystemC TLMs. In this sense, the virtual prototyping approach actuallycovers computation and communication design shown in Figure 1.1. One differ-ence is that a virtual prototype is divided into a virtual platform that capturesthe dynamic behavior of the system platform under design and software tasks thatrun on the virtual platform, instead of being divided into application TLMs and acommunication TLM. A virtual platform contains RTOS models, communicationmodels, and a virtual platform abstraction layer (VPAL) on the top of them, asshown in Figure 1.3. The VPAL is aimed at wrapping the whole virtual platformand reducing the effort of virtual prototyping. Using this layer, the virtual plat-form can be regarded as a functional entity that provides a set of services, fromthe application’s perspective. The tasks can be simulated on different virtual plat-forms without the need of changing any code. Only adaptation of the VPAL to thenew platform is needed. VPAL also parses configuration information generatedfrom the abstract platform to configure the virtual platform automatically.


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1.2 Summary of Contributions

The extensions I made to the COLA-based modeling environment are shown inFigure 1.3, including a WCET estimator, a model-level simulation environmentand a virtual prototyping environment. Note that model-level simulation andvirtual prototyping are two different approaches, used in different design phases,although both are based on SystemC. SystemC models for model-level simulationare generated from COLA application models by means of one-to-one translation.The syntactic structure and semantics of COLA models are preserved by the gen-erated SystemC models. Model-level simulation is used for functional validationand approximate performance estimation at an early design phase when the appli-cation model is still under development. Whereas, software simulation models forvirtual prototyping are generated by iSciSim after application code is generatedfrom COLA models. Virtual prototyping is used for functional validation of thegenerated code, accurate performance evaluation, and design space exploration ofthe whole system.

1.2 Summary of Contributions

The contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:

• We introduce a hybrid timing analysis method to take into account the im-portant timing effects of processor microarchitecture in high level softwaresimulation models. Hybrid timing analysis means that timing analysis isperformed both statically and dynamically. Some timing effects like pipelineeffects are analyzed at compile-time using an offline performance model andare represented as delay values. Other timing effects like the branch predic-tion effect and the cache effect that cannot be resolved statically are analyzedat simulation run-time using an online performance model.

• We present the SciSim approach, which is a source level simulation approach.SciSim employs the hybrid timing analysis method mentioned above. InSciSim, timing information is back-annotated into application source codeaccording to the mapping between source code and binary code describedby debugging information. Here, timing information includes delay valuesobtained from static analysis and code that is used to trigger dynamic timinganalysis at simulation run-time.

• We present the iSciSim approach, which extends SciSim to solve problemsraised by compiler-optimizations during source code timing annotation. Itextends SciSim by adding a step of transforming original source code to ISC.ISC has accounted for all the machine-independent optimizations and has astructure close to that of binary code, and thus, allows for accurate back-annotation of timing information. The same as SciSim, iSciSim also uses thehybrid timing analysis method.


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• In both SciSim and iSciSim, data cache simulation is a problem, becausetarget data addresses are visible in neither source code nor ISC. We proposea solution to use data addresses in the host memory space for data cachesimulation. It has been validated that the data of a program in the hostmemory and in the target memory has similar spatial and temporal locality,if the host compiler and the cross-compiler are similar.

• We introduce an abstract RTOS model that is modular and supports bet-ter interactions with fine-grained timing annotated task models. To achievebetter modularity for the purpose of module reuse, we implement the RTOSmodel as a SystemC channel. Task models are wrapped in a separate Sys-temC module. Implemented in this way, the synchronization between tasksand the RTOS cannot be realized easily using events. We use a novel methodto solve this synchronization problem.

• We propose to perform WCET analysis on ISC to get a better support forflow analysis. Flow analysis on ISC achieves a better trade-off between visi-bility of flow facts and simplicity of their transformation to the binary codelevel. The whole WCET analysis approach is also easy to realize withoutthe need of compiler modification.

• We introduce a method for model-level simulation of COLA. The model-level simulation enables functional validation and approximate performanceevaluation at a very early design phase to help in making early decisionsregarding software architecture optimization and partitioning. COLA mod-els are essentially abstract and cannot be simulated directly. Due to similarsyntactic structures of SystemC and COLA models, we make use of SystemCas the simulation framework. We developed a SystemC code generator thattranslates COLA models to SystemC automatically, with the syntactic struc-ture and semantics of COLA models preserved.

• We present the virtual prototyping environment in the SysCOLA designframework. Virtual prototyping is aimed at design space exploration andfunctional validation of application code generated from COLA, using Syste-mC-based simulation. The virtual prototyping environment has two advan-tageous features: (1) it integrates iSciSim, which, together with the C codegenerator, can generate fast and accurate software simulation models auto-matically from COLA models; (2) it employs the concept of virtual platformabstraction layer, which abstracts the underlying virtual platform with anAPI and configures the virtual platform automatically according to the con-figuration information generated from the abstract platform.

1.3 Outline of the Dissertation

The organization of this dissertation is given in the following:


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1.3 Outline of the Dissertation

• Chapter 2, Background, gives a detailed introduction to the background ofthis work. In this chapter, we introduce the definition and trends of em-bedded systems, present traditional embedded systems design and designchallenges, describe the basic concepts of system-level design, give a shortsurvey of system-level design frameworks, and introduce SystemC and trans-action level modeling.

• Chapter 3, Execution-Based Software Performance Simulation Strategies,provides an introduction to four software simulation techniques and theirrelated works. The four simulation techniques are instruction set simulation(ISS), binary level simulation (BLS), source level simulation (SLS) and IRlevel simulation (IRLS). We give a discussion about the pros and cons ofeach technique, which serves as a motivation of our performance simulationmethods introduced in Chapter 4 and 5.

• Chapter 4, SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Sim-ulation, introduces some basic information about software compilation, op-timization, and control flow graphs, gives an introduction to the SciSimapproach, presents some experimental results to show the advantages andlimitations of SciSim, explain the causes of the limitations, and finally sum-marizes these advantages and limitations.

• Chapter 5, iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Soft-ware, presents the details of the work flow of iSciSim. The work flow con-sists of ISC generation, ISC instrumentation, and simulation. Two levelsof simulation are introduced: microarchitecture-level simulation of proces-sor’s timing effects and macroarchitecture-level simulation of multiprocessorsystems using software TLMs generated by iSciSim. We show experimentalresults to compare iSciSim with three other simulation techniques includingISS, BLS and SciSim, and demonstrate a case study of designing MPSoCfor a Motion JPEG decoder to show how iSciSim facilitates MPSoC designspace exploration.

• Chapter 6, Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model,introduces the basic functionality of RTOSs and presents our abstract RTOSmodel.

• Chapter 7, Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estima-tion, shows how the usage of ISC facilitates flow analysis for WCET estima-tion of compiler-optimized software and how to simply transform the ISClevel flow facts to the binary level using debugging information. In addition,in this chapter, we also propose an experiment method to demonstrate onlythe effectiveness of flow analysis. This allows us to evaluate a flow analysismethod and a timing analysis method separately.

• Chapter 8, The SysCOLA Framework, presents the COLA-based modelingenvironment and SystemC-based virtual prototyping environment and show


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Chapter 1 Introduction

the roles the software performance estimation tools play in the framework.A case study of designing an automatic parking system is demonstrated.

• Chapter 9, Model-Level Simulation of COLA, proposes model-level simula-tion for functional validation and performance estimation of designs cap-tured in COLA in an early design phase before application source code isgenerated and gives a detailed description of SystemC code generation fromCOLA models.

• Chapter 10, Conclusions and Future Work, summarizes this dissertation andoutlines the directions of the future work.

All these chapters are grouped into four parts. Part I, Introduction and Back-ground, includes Chapter 1 and 2. Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all about soft-ware performance estimation methods and are grouped to Part II, Software Per-formance Estimation Methods. Part III, Software Performance Estimation in aSystem-Level Design Flow, includes Chapter 8 and 9, both on the work done inthe scope of SysCOLA. Part IV, Summary, contains Chapter 10.


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Chapter 2


In this chapter, we first give the definition of embedded systems and show theirmarket size in Section 2.1. Next, we show the trends of increasing complexity inembedded applications and computing platforms in Section 2.2. Following that, wepresent traditional embedded systems design and design challenges in Section 2.3and Section 2.4, respectively. These motivate system-level design methodologies.Then, in Section 2.5, we describe the basic concepts of system-level design (SLD),present SLD flows, give a survey of SLD frameworks, and introduce SystemC andtransaction level modeling.

2.1 Embedded Systems: Definition and Market Size

Embedded systems are computer systems that are embedded as a part of largermachines or devices, usually performing controlling or monitoring functions. Theyare a combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps some addi-tional mechanical parts. Embedded systems are usually microprocessor-based andcontain at least one microprocessor, performing the logic operations. Microproces-sors are far more used in embedded systems than in general purpose computers.It is estimated that more than 98% microprocessor chips manufactured every yearare used in embedded systems [73].

Embedded systems are ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Their market size ishuge. According to a report “Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports” fromNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published in 2006 [19],the worldwide embedded systems market was estimated at $31.0 billion, whilethe general-purpose computing market was around $46.5 billion. However, theembedded systems market grows faster and would soon be larger than the general-purpose computing market. According to another more recent report, “EmbeddedSystems: Technologies and Markets” available at Electronics.ca Publications [7],the embedded systems market was estimated at $92.0 billion in 2008 and wasexpected to grow at an average annual growth rate of 4.1%. By 2013, this marketwill reach $112.5 billion.


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Chapter 2 Background

Figure 2.1: Increasing Application Complexity due to Upgrade of Standards and Pro-tocols (source: [37])

2.2 Embedded System Trends

2.2.1 Application Trends

Over the past several decades, the demand for new features in embedded sys-tem products has been ever increasing, driven by market needs. Let’s take mobilephones as an example. Twenty years ago, a mobile phone has usually only the func-tionality of making voice calls and sending text messages. Today, a modern mobilephone offers the user much more capabilities. It has hundreds of features, includ-ing camera, video recording, music (MP3) and video (MP4) playback, alarms,calendar, GPS navigation, email and Internet, e-book reader, Bluetooth and WiFiconnectivity etc. Many mobile phones run complete operating system softwareproviding a standardized interface and platform for application developers. An-other example is modern cars. The features in high class cars are also increasingexponentially. Many new cars are featured night vision systems, autonomouscruise control systems, and automatic parking systems etc. It is estimated thatmore than 80 percent of all automotive innovations now stem from electronics.

Besides, upgrade of standards and protocols also increases application complexityand computational requirements in some application domains like the multimediadomain and the communication domain. Figure 2.1 from [37] shows such trends.


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2.2 Embedded System Trends

For example, the change of video coding standard from MPEG-1 to MPEG-2 hasresulted in around 10 times increase in computational requirement.

2.2.2 Technology and Architectural Trends

The rapid growth in application complexity places even greater demands on theperformance of the underlying platform. In the last decades, parallel architecturesand parallel applications have been accepted as the most appropriate solution todeal with the acute demands for greater performance. On a parallel architecture,the whole work is partitioned into several tasks and allocated to multiple pro-cessing elements, which are interconnected and cooperate to realize the system’sfunctionality.

The architectural advance is primarily driven by the improvement of semiconduc-tor technology. The steady reduction in the basic VLSI feature size makes muchmore transistors can fit in the same chip area. This improvement has been fol-lowing Moore’s Law for more than half a century. Moore’s Law states that thenumber of transistors on a chip doubles roughly every two years. Figure 2.2 il-lustrates Moore’s Law through the transistor count of Intel processors over time.The same trend applies to embedded processors and other chips.

In the following, we introduce two typical parallel architectures that are widelyused in the embedded systems domain.

Distributed Embedded Systems

In a distributed embedded system, tasks are executed on a number of processingnodes distributed over the system and connected by some interconnect networksuch as fieldbuses. The number of processing nodes ranges typically from a fewup to several hundred. An example of distributed system is the network of controlsystems in a car. With reducing cost and increasing performance of microproces-sors, many functions that were originally implemented as mechanical systems in acar are now realized in electronic systems. As the very first embedded system inthe automotive industry, the Volkswagen 1600 used a microprocessor in its fuel in-jection system [18], in 1968. Today, in a car like BMW 7-series over 60 processorsare contained, in charge of a large variety of functions.

Compared with the traditional centralized solution, the distributed solution suitsbetter for systems with distributed sensors/actuators. Distributed systems havealso the advantage of good scalability by using off-the-shelf hardware and softwarebuilding blocks. In addition, as the processing nodes are loosely coupled, a systemcan be clearly separated into clusters, being developed by different teams.


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Chapter 2 Background

Figure 2.2: Moore’s Law

Figure 2.3: SoC Consumer Portable Design Complexity Trends (source: ITRS 2008)


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2.2 Embedded System Trends

Figure 2.4: TI OMAP 1710 Architecture (source: http://www.ti.com/ )

Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC)

An MPSoC is a processing platform that integrates the entire system includingmultiple processing elements, a memory hierarchy and I/O components, linkedto each other by an on-chip interconnect, into a single chip. With the size oftransistors continuously scaling down, it is possible to integrate more and moreprocessor cores into a single chip. So, an MPSoC can be regarded as a single-chipimplementation of a distributed system. Chips with hundreds of cores have beenfabricated (e.g., Ambric Am2045 with 336 cores and Rapport Kilocore KC256with 257 cores), and chips with thousands of cores are on the horizon.

Compared to multi-chip systems, MPSoC designs have the advantages of smallersize, higher performance and lower power consumption. They are very widely usedin portable devices like cell phones and digital cameras, especially for multimediaand network applications. For example, the OMAP1710 architecture, which isused in the cell phones of Nokia’s N- and E-series, is an MPSoC. As shown inFigure 2.4, it contains a microprocessor ARM9, a DSP, hardware accelerators forvideo and graphics processing, buses, a memory hierarchy and many I/O compo-nents. Figure 2.3 shows the number of processing elements (PEs) predicted overthe next 15 years in consumer portable devices by the International Technology


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Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 2008 [21]. We can see a great increase in thenumber of both processors and data processing elements (DPEs) over the next 15years. By 2022, a portable device like a cell phone or a digital camera may con-tain up to 50 processors and 407 DPEs. The processing performance of portabledevices increases almost in proportion to the number of processing elements.












System Validation


Verification & Synthesis


Cost ($M)











Feature Dimension (Transistor Count)

Figure 2.5: Increase of IC Design Cost (source: IBS 2009)

2.2.3 Increasing Software Development Cost

Another remarkable trend is the dramatic increase of software development cost,when software-based implementations are becoming more popular. The reasonwhy more and more functionality has been moving to software is because software-based implementations are cheap and flexible, and in contrast, hardware-basedimplementations are expensive and time-consuming. Software-based implementa-tions have low cost, because microprocessors have increasing computational powerand shrank in size and cost. They are flexible, because microprocessors as wellas other programmable devices can be used for different applications by simplychanging the programs. In contrast, hardware-based implementations, usually asApplication Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), have very expensive and time-consuming manufacturing cycles and always require very high volumes to justifythe initial expenditure. This limitation makes hardware-based implementationsuneconomical and inflexible for many embedded products. In the recent years thenumber of hardware-based designs has slowly started to decrease. The importantparallel architectures such as distributed systems and MPSoCs use processors orprocessor cores as the main processing elements and are software-centric in nature.


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2.3 Traditional Embedded Systems Design

Although software is relatively cheap to develop compared to hardware, it is dom-inating overall design effort while the portion of software dramatically increasingin complex systems. Several sources confirm that software development costs arerapidly outpacing hardware development costs. One source is from InternationalBusiness Strategies (IBS) [22], which has studied the distribution of IC designcosts at various technologies. In Figure 2.5 from IBS 2009, we can see that theIC design cost has been increasing dramatically with the advance of technologies.Since the 90 nm technology, software development cost accounts for around halfof the total cost.

Another source comes from the annual “Design” report of ITRS 2007 [20], whichhas looked at the software versus hardware development costs for a typical high-end SoC. Its cost chart shows that in the year 2000 $21 million were spent onhardware engineering and tools and $2 million on software development. In 2007,thanks to the improvement of very large hardware block reuse, hardware costsdecreased to $15M, but software costs increased to $24M. It is predicted that for2009 hardware costs are $16M and software costs $30M, and for 2012, hardwarecosts are $26M and software costs reach $79M.

2.3 Traditional Embedded Systems Design

Traditional embedded systems design views hardware design and software designas two separate tasks. Because hardware and software are designed separatelyand there lacks efficient communication between hardware designers and softwaredesigners due to their different education backgrounds and experiences, this resultsin a gap between hardware design and software design. This gap is called systemgap in [45]. The development of hardware synthesis tools in 1980s and 1990s hassignificantly improved the efficiency of hardware design, but has not narrowed thesystem gap.

In a traditional design flow, hardware design starts earlier than software design.Register Transfer Level (RTL) is the typical entry point for design. Given an initialand usually incomplete specification, hardware designers translate the specificationinto an RTL description, which specifies the logical operations of an integratedcircuit. VHDL and Verilog are common hardware description languages for RTLdesigns.

Software design starts typically after hardware design is finished or a prototype ofthe hardware under design is available. The traditional way of embedded softwaredevelopment is basically the same as that of PC software development, using toolslike compilers, assemblers, and debuggers etc. The entry point of software designis manual programming using low-level languages such as C or even assembly lan-guages. This simple flow may suit for software design for uniprocessor. However,currently, it is also used for software design for parallel platforms with an ad-hoc


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Chapter 2 Background

adaptation. This ad-hoc adaptation adds an additional partitioning step, wherethe system’s functionality is subdivided into several pieces and they are assignedto individual processing elements (PEs) before manual coding for each PE. Thissolution for programming parallel architectures has been proven to be not efficientenough.

To conclude, the traditional design flow has several problems for designing mixedhardware/software embedded systems:

• It lacks a methodology to guide design space exploration. In the traditionaldesign, it is highly based on the designers’ experiences to decide what toimplement in software components running on processors and what to im-plement in hardware components. As the system’s complexity scales up, thiskind of manual partitioning is not able to get an efficient design.

• A design can be tested only when it is implemented or prototyped. Designmistakes or errors found in this very late design phase may cause redesignand considerable changes in the whole system. This kind of redesign is verycostly and will significantly delay the time-to-market.

• Manual implementation at low abstraction levels is very error-prone andneeds large effort.

A survey conducted by Embedded Market Forecasters [60], a market research com-pany, shows the ineffectiveness of traditional design methodologies: Over 70% ofdesigns missed pre-design performance expectations by at least 30%; Over 30% ofdesigns missed pre-design functionality expectations by at least 50%; About 54%of designs missed schedule, with an average delay of nearly 4 months; Nearly 13%of designs were canceled. These statistics involve a large portion of single-processorsystems design. The failure rate could be even worse, if only multiprocessor sys-tems were considered. According to another survey by Collett International [85]on SoC redesign statistics, almost 40% of designs require a respin.

2.4 Design Challenges

As discussed previously, advances in hardware capability enable new applicationfunctionality, and meanwhile, the growing application complexity places evengreater demands on the architecture. This cycle forms a driving force of thetremendous ongoing design and manufacturing effort in embedded systems. Inaddition to technical issues, the time-to-market is also a key factor to be consid-ered. To some extent, the time-to-market decides the success of a product. Forexample, the digital camera PV-DC252 of Panasonic was 7 months later to marketthan Micro-MV DCR IP7 of Sony, its retail price was 41% less [50]. As a result,although the designs increase dramatically in complexity and require more effort,


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2.4 Design Challenges

Figure 2.6: Productivity Gaps of Hardware and Software (source: ITRS 2007)

there is nevertheless an increasing demand on the time-to-market to yield com-petitive products. It is hard to achieve both increase in application complexityand reduction in design time using the traditional design methods.

Therefore, it is the key design challenge to achieve high design productivity undera given time-to-market requirement. Since the IC design productivity is highlylimited by the technology, the design challenge is actually to make design pro-ductivity keep pace with technological advance (i.e., Moore’s Law). However, theinefficiency of the traditional design methodology results in a gap between thetechnology advance rate and the productivity growth rate, known as design pro-ductivity gap or design gap. This gap is still widening over time. Figure 2.6 fromITRS 2007 [20] shows the design gaps of both hardware and software. It gives thefollowing information:

• The hardware design gap is widening: the capability of technology is cur-rently doubling every 36 months, following Moore’s Law, whereas the in-crease of hardware design productivity is below Moore’s Law.

• The hardware including software design gap is widening even faster: demandof software required for hardware is doubling every 10 months, whereas theincrease of hardware (including software) design productivity is far behind.

• Design productivity for hardware-dependent software is only doubling every5 years.

To summarize, the design gap is caused by the conflicting demand of increaseddesign complexity and shortened time-to-market. New design methodologies are


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Chapter 2 Background

needed to dramatically close the design gap and to increase the design productivity.One promising design methodology is system level design, which is introduced inthe following section.

2.5 System-Level Design

Most agree that rising the abstraction level, at which systems are expressed, is themost efficient solution to address the design complexity and thus to improve thedesign productivity. The system-level design (SLD) methodology follows this con-cept. The ITRS claimed that SLD would increase design productivity by 200,000gates per designer-year and improve productivity by 60% over an “Intelligent Test-bench” approach [39]. In this section, we will first discuss about the definition andprimary concept of SLD in Section 2.5.1. Then, an introduction to SLD flows anda survey of SLD frameworks are given in Section 2.5.2 and Section 2.5.3, respec-tively. As the most important System-Level Design Language (SLDL), SystemCis introduced in Section 2.5.4.

2.5.1 Definitions

In general, “system-level design” is not an exactly defined term. A few definitionsfrom different sources are listed in the following:

• According to International Technology Roadmap for Semiconduc-tors (ITRS):

system level is defined as “an abstraction level above the register transferlevel (RTL)”. At the system-level, silicon resources are defined in terms of ab-stract functions and blocks; design targets include software (embedded codein high level and assembly language, configuration data, etc.) and hard-ware (cores, hardwired circuits, buses, reconfigurable cells). “Hardware”(HW) corresponds to implemented circuit elements, and “software” (SW)corresponds to logical abstractions (instructions) of functions performed byhardware. Behavior and architecture are independent degrees of design free-dom, with software and hardware being two components of architecture.The aggregate of behaviors defines the system function, while the aggregateof architecture blocks defines a system platform. Platform mapping fromsystem functionality onto system architecture is at the heart of system-leveldesign, and becomes more difficult with increased system complexity andheterogeneity (whether architectural or functional).

• From Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/ ) ESL is defined as:

an emerging electronic design methodology that focuses on the higher ab-straction level concerns first and foremost.


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2.5 System-Level Design

The basic premise is to model the behavior of the entire system using a high-level language such as C, C++, or MATLAB. Newer languages are emergingthat enable the creation of a model at a higher level of abstraction includinggeneral purpose system design languages like SysML as well as those thatare specific to embedded system design like SMDL and SSDL supportedby emerging system design automation products like Teraptor. Rapid andcorrect-by-construction implementation of the system can be automated us-ing EDA tools such as High Level Synthesis and embedded software tools,although much of it is performed manually today. ESL can also be accom-plished through the use of SystemC as an abstract modeling language.

• The book “ESL Design and Verification” [23] defines ESL as:

the utilization of appropriate abstractions in order to increase comprehensionabout a system, and to enhance the probability of a successful implemen-tation of functionality in a cost-effective manner, while meeting necessaryconstraints.

In the above definitions two similar terms exist: System-Level Design (SLD) andElectronic System-Level (ESL) Design. These two terms mean the same thingand can be used interchangeably. In the book “ESL Design and Verification” [23],it is stated that ESL is a successor to the term SLD and will replace it in thenear future. However, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of writing thisdissertation the term SLD is still widely being used in both academia and industry.Hence, we also use the term SLD through this dissertation.

The three definitions reach a common ground that SLD addresses many designissues at higher abstraction levels and abstracts away implementation details.Whereas, the definition from ITRS lays emphasis on a design flow including hard-ware/software co-design and platform mapping from system functionality ontosystem architecture, while the definition from Wikipedia states more the utiliza-tion of design languages and EDA tools.

To summarize, SLD is aimed to simplify the specification, verification and im-plementation of systems including hardware and software, and to enable moreefficient design space exploration, by raising the abstraction level at which sys-tems are modeled and with sufficient support from EDA tools across design flowsand abstraction levels.

2.5.2 System-Level Design Flows

According to Daniel D. Gajski [45], a design flow is defined as “a sequence of de-sign steps that are necessary to take the product specification to manufacturing”.He suggests a four-step SLD flow: specification, exploration, refinement, and im-plementation. Whereas, according to the “ESL Design and Verification” book, acomplete SLD flow should contain six steps: (1) specification and modeling, (2)


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pre-partitioning analysis, (3) partitioning, (4) post-partitioning analysis and de-bug, (5) post-partitioning verification, and (6) HW/SW implementation. Thesetwo flows are principally the same, only from different views. The explorationand refinement steps in the former flow may contain the work of pre-partitioninganalysis, partitioning, and post-partitioning analysis. Platform-based design [87]advocated by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli is a similar approach, but lays em-phasis more on system components reuse.

In Figure 2.7, we generalize typical system-level design flows using a diagram thatextends the famous Y-Chart diagram. Starting from a specification of the targetsystem, an initial design is modeled, with the application tasks and the systemplatform developed in separate. Then, the application task models are mappedto the available platform resources to get a system level model, which makes upthe input for the design space exploration step. Depending on the explorationresults, the architecture is iteratively modified until the design requirements aremet. Then, the design is iteratively refined to do more accurate exploration andmake lower-level decisions. The result of this exploration loop is an implementa-tion model including executable software tasks and a specification of the platformarchitecture that is used in the subsequent implementation phase.








Mapping &


Mapping &


Performance Evalution &

Design Space Exploration

Performance Evalution &

Design Space Exploration



Figure 2.7: System-Level Design Flow

2.5.3 Survey of SLD Frameworks

This section provides an overview of some important work in developing system-level design frameworks. There are too many design frameworks that cover oneor more aspects of system-level design, developed either by research activities or


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2.5 System-Level Design

commercial companies. Here, we can only pick some to introduce. For an extensiveoverview, some survey papers like [39] can be referred to.

CoFluent Studio

CoFluent Studio [4] is a commercial SLD toolset for architecture exploration andperformance analysis, developed by the company CoFluent Design. Its essentialconcept is function-architecture separation. It covers the specification and explo-ration steps in a typical SLD flow but does not provide a link from explorationmodels to implementation models. In CoFluent Studio, a system is described bygraphical models. The graphical blocks of an application model specify only thecausal order of tasks but do not provide a mechanism for implementation. Thetasks must be programmed manually in C and associated to the graphical blocks.From the graphical models, SystemC models can be generated automatically. TheSystemC models are at a high abstraction level, where tasks are wrapped in threadsand communication is realized by simple message passing between threads.

CoWare Virtual Platform

CoWare virtual platform [5] is another SystemC based commercial tool for designspace exploration and embedded software development, from the company CoW-are. In contrast to CoFluent Studio, CoWare virtual platform is aimed at simula-tion at a low abstraction level, providing an environment for software development.The simulation models describe the microarchitecture of hardware platforms andcan provide accurate performance data for design space exploration. However, itdoes not support early specification and modeling issues.

Embedded System Environment (ESE)

Embedded System Environment (ESE) [6] is a toolset for modeling, synthesisand validation of multiprocessor embedded systems. It is developed by Univer-sity of California, Irvine. ESE consists of a front-end and a back-end for perfor-mance evaluation and automatic synthesis, respectively. The front-end is similarto CoFluent Studio, where the system platform is captured by graphical blocksand the application is written in C/C++ code. For performance estimation, Sys-temC transaction level models (TLMs) can be automatically generated from theplatform model and the application code. The back-end provides automatic syn-thesis from TLM to RTL. Then, the RTL code can be synthesized using standardsynthesis tools. Therefore, ESE covers a complete SLD flow.


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Ptolemy [15] is a framework from University of California, Berkeley. It is aimed atmodeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time embedded systems. Itfocuses on interactions between current components and assembly of them, usingheterogeneous mixtures of models of computation (MOC). Hierarchical composi-tion is used to handle heterogeneity. The current version of Ptolemy supports nineMOCs including continuous-time modeling (CT), finite state machines (FSM), andsynchronous dataflow (SDF) etc. Other nine MOCs are still experimental. C codecan be automatically generated from models constructed within Ptolemy. Ptolemydoes not focus on function-architecture separation and mapping, which is usuallythe heart of a system-level design flow.


POLIS [24] is a framework for hardware-software codesign of embedded systems,from UC Berkeley. In POLIS, an embedded system is specified in Esterel, a syn-chronous programming language. The specification is then translated into CFSMs(Codesign Finite State Machines), which are similar to classical FSMs but are glob-ally asynchronous and locally synchronous. Each element of a network of CFSMsdescribes a component of the system to be modeled, unbiased towards a hardwareor a software implementation. The toolchain of POLIS enables formal verifica-tion, co-simulation, hardware-software partitioning, hardware-software synthesisand interface implementation. Because of the model of computation, POLIS iswell suited for designing control-dominated systems.


Metropolis [25] is a system-level design framework based on the principles ofplatform-based design [87] and orthogonalization of concerns [57], also from UCBerkeley. It is aimed at representing heterogeneous systems at different abstrac-tion levels, expressing design problems formally and solving them using automatedtools. The current version of Metropolis is based on the Metropolis Metamodellanguage that can be used to describe function, architecture, and a mapping be-tween the two. It supports a wide range of models of computation.


The Compaan/Laura [91] approach is developed by Leiden University. The inputof the design flow is MATLAB specifications, which are then converted to KahnProcess Networks (KPNs) using the tool Compaan. The generated KPNs aresubsequently synthesized as hardware and software using the tool Laura and then


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2.5 System-Level Design

implemented on a specific architecture platform. The studied platform consistingof an FPGA and a general purpose processor. The software implementation makesuse of the YAPI [38] library.

We will introduce our own SLD framework SysCOLA in Chapter 8. SysCOLAcovers the whole SLD flow as discussed in Section 2.5.2. In Chapter 8, we will alsogive a short comparison between SysCOLA and other design frameworks.

2.5.4 SystemC and Transaction Level Modeling

SystemC is defined and promoted by OSCI (Open SystemC Initiative) [13]. It isconsidered as the most important system-level design language (SLDL). A lot ofSLD frameworks are based on SystemC, including many commercial tools suchas CoWare Virtual Platform [5], CoFluent Studio [4], AutoESL [2], and toolsfrom Synopsys [12] and Cadence [3]. SystemC has been approved by the IEEEStandards Association as IEEE 1666-2005 [55].

Essentially, SystemC is a C++ class library featuring methods for building andcomposing SystemC elements. In order to model concurrent system behavior,SystemC extends C++ with concepts used by hardware modeling languages, likeVHDL and Verilog.



parallel processes




scheduled processes

scheduled processes

approximate timing


cycle accurate








Figure 2.8: Computation Refinement (from [62])



structural com.


timing approx.





p-2-p com.


cycle accurate




Figure 2.9: Communication Refinement (from [62])


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Chapter 2 Background

SystemC is often associated with Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM) [33, 40],which is a widely used modeling style for system-level design. In this model-ing style, communication architectures are modeled as channels, which provideinterfaces to functional units. Modeling effort can be reduced, if different commu-nication architectures support a common set of abstract interfaces. Thus, com-munication and computation can be modeled separately.

SystemC supports modeling systems at different levels of abstraction, from systemlevel to register-transfer level, and allows to co-simulate software and hardwarecomponents within a single framework. The OSCI Transaction Level WorkingGroup has defined seven levels of abstraction supported by SystemC [40]: al-gorithmic (ALG), communicating processes (CP), communicating processes withtime (CP+T), programmer’s view (PV), programmer’s view with time (PV+T),cycle accurate (CA) and register transfer level (RTL). A system can be modeled ata high level of abstraction, for example ALG, and refined stepwise to a lower levelof abstraction, which might be RTL, where simulation is more accurate but simu-lation time increases. Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9 from [62] illustrate the respectiverefinements of computation and communication modeled in SystemC.


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Part II

Software Performance EstimationMethods


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Chapter 3

Execution-Based SoftwarePerformance Simulation Strategies

A software simulation model should be able to capture both functional and tem-poral behaviors of embedded software programs. The functional behavior of aprogram is usually described by a high level programming language, mostly in theC language in embedded applications, and realized by running the cross-compiledbinary code on the target processor. The temporal behavior is expressed by theprocessor’s computation delays caused by executing the program. It is dependenton the cross-compiler, the instruction set architecture (ISA), and the timing ef-fects of the processor microarchitecture. Correspondingly, a software simulationmodel also consists of two primary components: a functional model and a per-formance model. The functional model emulates the functionality of programs.The performance model represents the microarchitecture of a specific processor,models the run-time interactions between instructions and the processor compo-nents, and provides the corresponding performance statistics. The performancemodel and the functional model can be decoupled, for example in a trace-drivensimulator. However, the performance model is more often built on the functionalmodel. Such simulators are called execution-based simulators. Their simulationaccuracy depends on both the correctness of functional modeling and the accuracyof performance modeling. The simulation techniques introduced in this chapter,including instruction set simulation (ISS) and native execution based techniques,are all execution based. Native execution based techniques are further categorizedinto binary (assembly) level simulation (BLS), source level simulation (SLS) andIR level simulation (IRLS), in terms of functional representation levels.

3.1 Instruction Set Simulators

Software is usually simulated by instruction set simulators (ISSs) to get the in-fluence of software execution on system performance and study the runtime in-teractions between software and other system components. An ISS is a piece ofsoftware that realizes the ISA of a target processor on the host machine. Most


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Chapter 3 Execution-Based Software Performance Simulation Strategies

available ISSs are interpretive ISSs. Lying between the program being simulatedand the host machine, an interpretive ISS imitates the target processor to fetch,decode and execute target instructions one by one, at run-time, similar to a Javainterpreter. Figure 3.1 shows the typical processing loop of interpretive ISSs andthe corresponding pseudo code. An interpretive ISS has the ability to behave closeto real hardware and provides cycle-accurate estimates of software execution, butit has the main disadvantage of low simulation speed due to the online interpretingof target instructions. The simulation speed of an interpretive ISS is typically inthe range from a few hundred kiloinstructions per second (KIPS) to a few millioninstructions per second (MIPS) on today’s PCs. Further, the complexity of suchan ISS often leads to long development time. PPC750Sim [76] is an example ofinterpretive ISSs and is available online.


Fetch Decode Execute

Next PC

(a) ISS Workflow


instruction = fetch(PC);

opcode = decode(instruction);


case ADDI: execute_addi(); break;

case: ...



(b) Pseudo Code

Figure 3.1: ISS Workflow and Pseudo Code

The simulation of a multiprocessor system needs multiple such interpretive ISSsrunning simultaneously. As the bus system and hardware accelerators are oftenmodeled in a system level design language like SystemC [55], designers have tohandle complex timing synchronization between the processor simulators and theSystemC simulation kernel, as discussed in [44]. Such a complex and long-runningsimulation is unaffordable in the high-level design space exploration phase.

Today, there are also some fast cycle-accurate ISSs commercially available, forexample, the simulators from the company VaST [16]. The VaST simulators usesophisticated binary translation techniques to convert target code directly intohost code at run-time and can reach speeds from tens of MIPS up to a few hundredsof MIPS for a single processor. However, they are too time-consuming to develop.


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3.2 Binary (Assembly) Level Simulation

According to a presentation given by VaST, it takes 2-6 months for them to developa new processor model. It is also inconvenient for system designers that theprocessor models cannot be modified or customized.

3.2 Binary (Assembly) Level Simulation

In a binary level simulation approach, the target binary of a program is translatedto either host instructions or a high level language such as C or C++, with thesame functionality as the original program. A typical BLS approach is shownin Figure 3.2(a). Compared with the ISS workflow in Figure 3.1(a), the BLSapproach performs the time-consuming instruction fetching and decoding prior tosimulation, i.e., at compile time, by means of code translation. The advantage ofthe compile-time fetching and decoding is that they are performed only once foreach instruction. In contrast, at the run-time of an ISS, the instruction fetchingand decoding are often repeated many times for most instructions, either whenthey are in a loop or when the task containing the instructions is activated manytimes in an application. In the BLS workflow, the translation is performed by aso-called simulation compiler. Therefore, a binary level simulator is often calledcompiled ISS in many other papers. Nevertheless, the term ISS only indicatesinterpretive ISSs in this dissertation. Mills et al. [75] were the first to proposethis technique. Figure 3.2 also presents an example of translating a basic block ofPowerPC instructions (Figure 3.2(c)), generated from the source code shown inFigure 3.2(b), to the binary level representation in C (Figure 3.2(d)).

For simulation, the C/C++ code generated by the simulation compiler is compiledby a host C/C++ compiler. The generated host executable is then executed tosimulate the target execution. To estimate the temporal behavior of the targetprocessor, timing information needs to be inserted into the functional represen-tation. Since both the functional representation and the timing information areobtained from the binary level, their coupling is straightforward. Thus, the sim-ulation accuracy depends solely on timing analysis. In [26], Bammi et al. usedinaccurate statistical instruction timings to instrument binary level code, and thus,they got inaccurate estimation results. Nevertheless, if timing information thatcaptures the important timing effects is used, BLS is able to achieve a simulationaccuracy close to that of ISSs. The experiments done by Zivojnovic et al. [105]have confirmed this.

BLS offers simulation at a speed up to a few hundred MIPS on today’s PCs.There is a slowdown of more than one order of magnitude compared with nativeexecution, because the C/C++ code used to describe target instructions is muchlonger than the original source code. In the example in Figure 3.2, 13 lines ofC code are used to describe the instructions generated from 4 lines of C code.Note that MEM READ BYTE and MEM WRITE BYTE in Figure 3.2(d) are bothfunction calls that access a memory model that maps the target address space to


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Chapter 3 Execution-Based Software Performance Simulation Strategies

Binary LevelRepresent.(in C/C++)




HostBinary Execute

Simulation RuntimeCompile Time

(a) BLS Workflow





(b) Source Code

0x1800098 lbz r0,0(r8)

0x180009c addi r8,r8,1

0x18000a0 lbz r9,0(r11)

0x18000a4 addi r11,r11,1

0x18000a8 mullw r0,r0,r9

0x18000ac stbx r0,r10,r7

0x18000b0 addi r10,r10,1

0x18000b4 bdnz+ 1800098

(c) Target Binary







MEM_WRITE_BYTE(r[10]+r[7], r[0]);



CTR=CTR - 1;

if(CTR != 0)




(d) Binary Level Representation in C

Figure 3.2: Binary Level Simulation Workflow and An Example

the memory of the host machine. Such accesses to the memory model are verytime-consuming and are the main cause of the slowdown.

Compared with the ISS technique, BLS also has some disadvantages. The gain ofspeedup is achieved at the expense of flexibility. BLS assumes that the code doesnot change during run-time. Therefore, a hybrid interpretive/compiled schemeis needed to simulate self-modifying programs, such as the just-in-time cache-compiled simulation (JIT-CCS) technique reported in [32]. Further, unlike directbranches, the branch targets of which are statically known, the branch targets ofindirect branches can be resolved only at run-time, so control flows of indirectbranches are hard to be constructed statically in a BLS approach. Zivojnovic etal. [105] and Lazarescu et al. [68] treat every instruction as a possible target of anindirect branch and thus set a label before the translated code of each instruction.This solution makes the translated code less compiler-friendly and reduces thesimulation performance. Nakada et al. [77] propose to give control to an ISS whenan indirect jump is met. Neither solution is simple and efficient enough.


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3.3 Source Level Simulation

3.3 Source Level Simulation

Concerning only the functional modeling correctness, a software program can besimulated very simply by executing it directly on the host machine. However,such a native execution cannot provide any information of software performanceon the target processor. The idea behind source level simulation is to annotatetiming information into the source code for a native execution that can generateperformance information of the target processor. The timing information is usuallyobtained by means of analysis at the binary level. The back-annotation of thetiming information into the source code is regarded as the process of coupling thefunctional representation with the performance model. It relies on the mappinginformation that describes the correspondence between the source code and thebinary code. More details about important issues in a SLS workflow are presentedin the introduction to our SciSim approach in Chapter 4 and also in our paper [100].

The major difference among previous works on SLS is the way of timing analysis.Bammi et al. [26] calculate statistical instruction timings for each target processorusing a set of benchmarks and store them in a so-called processor basis file forperformance estimation of other programs. Because the delay caused by a singleinstruction is very context-related, the way to decide it statistically without takingconcrete execution contexts into account is very inaccurate. A maximal error of80.5% is reported in their paper [26]. Giusto et al. [46] improve the accuracy bygenerating one processor basis file for each processor in each application domain,based on the idea that the timing of each instruction in programs from the sameapplication domain should be more constant. Still, large estimation errors arereported in their paper, although improvements are seen compared with Bammi’ssolution.

More accurate timing information can be obtained by means of static analysis [35]or measurement using cycle-accurate simulators [74], because the concrete con-text of each instruction is taken into account during the analysis or simulation.Usually, this kind of analysis and measurement is done for each basic block ofa program. In the scope of a basic block, it lacks the execution context of thestarting instructions, and global timing effects, such as the cache effect and thebranch prediction effect, cannot be resolved. To solve this problem, in [100] wepropose a way to perform dynamic analysis of the cache effect and the branch pre-diction effect at simulation run-time. The same solution is also proposed in [90].In [100], we also introduce a method to do static analysis of superscalar pipelinesto improve simulation accuracy when the target processor is a high performanceprocessor with superscalar architecture.

Although these recent works on SLS have made improvements in performancemodeling, there is still a big problem unsolved: the back-annotation of timing in-formation into source code relies on the mapping between binary code and sourcecode, and optimizing compilation makes it hard to find the mapping. Even when


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Chapter 3 Execution-Based Software Performance Simulation Strategies

the mapping is found, the timing information back-annotated according to themapping cannot be correctly aggregated along the source level control flows, dueto the difference between source level control flows and binary level control flows.This problem will lead to a low accuracy in simulating compiler-optimized soft-ware. The previous works have not addressed this problem and estimated onlyunoptimized code. However, in reality, programs are usually compiled with a highoptimization level. Therefore, this problem strongly limits the usability of the SLStechnique.

3.4 IR Level Simulation

An IR level representation has accounted for processor-independent optimizationsand allows for simulation as fast as SLS. Yet, the previous works on IR levelsimulation (IRLS) have not found an efficient way to describe the mapping betweenIR and binary code. Without the mapping information, timing information mustbe estimated also at the IR level for accurate back-annotation.

Kempf et al. propose an IRLS approach in [56]. In Figure 3.3 we take an exam-ple from [56] to explain this approach. Figure 3.3(a) shows an example of threeaddress code intermediate representation (3AC IR), where all C operators andthe majority of memory accesses are visible. In order to get timing information,each IR operation is associated with a timing value according to the processor’sdescription. For example, in Figure 3.3(b) the operations “+” and “∗” are associ-ated with “cost of ADD” and “cost of MUL”, respectively, which are read from theprocessor’s description file by calling GetOPCost(). Coupling of the IR code andthe timing information is straightforward by inserting after each IR operation itsassociated timing value. However, these timing values have not taken into accountthe timing effects of the compiler back-end and the target processor, and thus, arevery inaccurate.

a = 1;

a = a * 4;

tmp = (Start Address of x) + a;

b = LOAD(tmp)

(a) 3AC IR

a = 1;

cycle += GetOPCost(ADD);

a = a * 4;

cycle += GetOPCost(MUL);

tmp = (Start Address of x) + a;

cycle += GetOPCost(ADD);

b = LOAD(tmp);//memory simulation

(b) Timed IR

Figure 3.3: An Example of IR Level Simulation

Cheung et al. [34] also associate each IR operation with a latency. Then, to takethe processor-dependent optimizations into account, they use a SystemC back-end


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3.4 IR Level Simulation

that emulates the back-end of the cross-compiler and optimizes both IR operationsand their associated latencies. The output of the SystemC back-end is a simula-tion model in SystemC, annotated with timing information that has accounted forall the compiler optimizations. A similar approach is proposed by Lee et al. [69].They modify the back-end of the host compiler to add a so-called counter fieldfor each IR operation to record its cycle count. This field is combined with theIR operation and will be deleted, moved or duplicated when the IR operation isdeleted, moved or duplicated during compiler optimizations. Thus, after compila-tion, the annotated timing information is also “optimized”. The output simulationmodel is a host binary program. However, the both approaches still cannot takethe timing effects of the target processor into account. Furthermore, they needeither modify a compiler or write a new compiler back-end. This work requiresa good knowledge of the compiler architecture and needs a large implementationeffort. Furthermore, neither the modified host compiler back-end nor the SystemCback-end behave exactly the same as the back-end of the target cross-compiler.This is also a cause of estimation error.

The iSciSim approach [95] proposed in this dissertation also generates simulationmodels at the IR level. Unlike the previous IRLS approaches discussed above,which use a “top-down” approach to trace the effect of compiler optimizationson instruction timing, we use a “bottom-up” approach to annotate timing infor-mation, which is obtained from the binary level and already takes the effects ofcompiler optimizations and processor microarchitecture into account, back intothe IR level code. To get the mapping between IR and binary code, we makeIR compilable by formalizing it in the C language. We call this IR-level C codeintermediate source code (ISC). Then, the debugging information describing themapping can be generated during the compilation of the ISC. With the map-ping information, the ISC can be annotated with the accurate timing information.Hence, our approach allows for very accurate simulation. The whole approach isalso very easy to realize and does not need compiler modification.


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Chapter 3 Execution-Based Software Performance Simulation Strategies


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Chapter 4

SciSim: A Source Level Approachfor Software Performance Simulation

As discussed previously, for software performance simulation, cycle-accurate in-struction set simulators (ISSs) are too slow and also too time-consuming to de-velop. Furthermore, trace-driven simulators are not able to capture the controlflows of software execution. Only native-execution based simulation techniques aresuitable for generating high level simulation models that capture both the functionand timing of software tasks. Among several native-execution based simulationtechniques, source level simulation (SLS) has gained great popularity, because ofits high simulation performance and low complexity. A source level simulationmodel uses source code as functional representation. Timing information thatrepresents execution delays of the software on the target processor is inserted intothe source code according to the mapping between the source code and the gener-ated machine code. That is, a source level simulation model combines the low-leveltiming information and a high-level functional model.

This chapter provides some basic information about software compilation, opti-mization, and control flow graphs, gives an introduction to source code instrumen-tation, and presents a new SLS approach, SciSim. Then, we present some exper-imental results to show the advantages and limitations of the SciSim approach.The major limitation of SciSim is that it cannot simulate some compiler-optimizedsoftware accurately. So, we discuss about the reasons for this using some examples.Finally, the advantages and limitations are summarized.

4.1 Basic Information

4.1.1 Compilation and Optimization

The programmability of a microprocessor is thanks to the presence of an ab-straction layer, called instruction set architecture (ISA). The ISA abstracts theunderlying processor microarchitecture and provides a common instruction set to


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation


. . .

1800088: b 18000d8


180008c: lwz r10,8(r31)

1800090: lwz r0,8(r31)

1800094: lis r9,385

1800098: addi r9,r9,736

180009c: lbzx r0,r9,r0

18000a0: clrlwi r11,r0,24

18000a4: lwz r0,8(r31)

18000a8: lis r9,385

18000ac: addi r9,r9,748

18000b0: lbzx r0,r9,r0

18000b4: clrlwi r0,r0,24

18000b8: mullw r0,r11,r0

18000bc: clrlwi r11,r0,24

18000c0: addi r0,r31,8

18000c4: add r9,r0,r10

18000c8: stb r11,4(r9)

18000cc: lwz r9,8(r31)

18000d0: addi r0,r9,1

18000d4: stw r0,8(r31)


18000d8: lwz r0,8(r31)

18000dc: cmpwi cr7,r0,9

18000e0: ble+ cr7,180008c

. . .


8: while(i<10){

9: c[i] = a[i] * b[i];

10: i++;

11: }



0x1800098 lbz r0,0(r8)

0x180009c addi r8,r8,1

0x18000a0 lbz r9,0(r11)

0x18000a4 addi r11,r11,1

0x18000a8 mullw r0,r0,r9

0x18000ac stbx r0,r10,r7

0x18000b0 addi r10,r10,1

0x18000b4 bdnz+ 1800098



(powerpc-gcc, -O2)

(a) Source code

(b) Optimized binary code (c) Unoptimized binary code


(powerpc-gcc, -O0)

Figure 4.1: Embedded Software Cross-Compilation

different programs. An instruction set is a list of all the instructions implementedby the microarchitecture of a processor. A typical instruction set includes fourcategories of instructions: arithmetic instructions, logic instructions, data instruc-tions, control flow instructions. Processors with different microarchitectures canshare an instruction set. In the embedded systems domain, ARM, PowerPC, MIPSand SPARC etc. are widespread ISAs.

Today, embedded software is developed basically the same as PC software devel-opment, using tools like compilers, assemblers, and debuggers etc. It is usuallyprogrammed in a high-level programming language, mostly in the C language.One difference is that, for PC software development we both develop and executesoftware programs on PC, while for embedded software development the programsdeveloped on PC have to be ported onto a target embedded system. Thus, theprograms have to be compiled to executables that contain only instructions ofthe target processor. This process of generating executables of other processorsby running compilers on a PC is called cross-compilation. The compilers usedare called cross-compilers. The cross-compilers used in our work are obtained byporting GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) compilers to target processors. GCCcompilers can be found online and downloaded for free and support the ISAs in


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4.1 Basic Information

common use, such as PowerPC, ARM, SPARC and MIPS etc. Figure 4.1 showsan example of cross-compiling a program for a PowerPC processor. Each Pow-erPC instruction is shown as a single line of assembly at a given program address:[address: assembly]. The cross-compiler, powerpc-gcc, is a GCC compiler portedto the PowerPC processor.

During the compilation, optimizations can be performed to minimize or maximizesome attributes of the executable of a program, according to a given optimizationlevel. For example, we can set the compiler to minimize the time taken to execute aprogram. We can also minimize the program size to save memory. During compileroptimizations, complex statements in a program are first transformed to singlestatements, which are then optimized by operations, such as dead code elimination,code motion and instruction scheduling etc. to minimize execution time or codesize. The optimizations can be categorized into target machine independent anddependent optimizations. Machine independent optimizations operate on abstractprogramming concepts such as loops and structures, while machine dependentoptimizations exploit features of the target processor. Most widely used compilershave two decoupled parts, namely the front-end and the back-end, for performingtarget machine independent and dependent manipulations, respectively.

GCC compilers provide a range of general optimization levels. An optimizationlevel is chosen with the command line option -OLEVEL, where LEVEL is a num-ber from 0 to 3. Compilation with a higher optimization level can achieve morereduction in execution time or size of an executable, but will increase in cost in-cluding compilation time and memory requirement. For example, with the option-O2, the compiler will take longer to compile programs and require more memorythan with -O1. For most cases it is satisfactory to use -O0 for debugging and -O2for development and deployment. With -O0, the compiler does not perform anyoptimization and converts the source code directly to the corresponding instruc-tions without any rearrangement, while with -O2, most common optimizations areturned on and the compiler provides the maximum optimization without increas-ing the executable size. For a detailed description of GCC compilers’ optimizationlevels, please refer to the book “An Introduction to GCC” [47].

Figure 4.1(b) and Figure 4.1(c) show (disassembled) binary codes generated fromthe C code in Figure 4.1(a) with optimization levels -O2 and -O0, respectively.Without any optimizations, the four lines of source code are converted to 23PowerPC instructions. The number of instructions is reduced to 8, when theoptimization level -O2 is used.

4.1.2 Control Flow Graph

A control flow graph (CFG) is basically a graphical representation of a program.It is essential to many compiler optimizations and static analysis tools. We definesome basic terms to facilitate the later discussion regarding CFG.


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation


. . .

1800088: b 18000d8


180008c: lwz r10,8(r31)

1800090: lwz r0,8(r31)

1800094: lis r9,385

. . .

18000d4: stw r0,8(r31)


18000d8: lwz r0,8(r31)

18000dc: cmpwi cr7,r0,9

18000e0: ble+ cr7,180008c

// bb4

. . .

while( i<10 )

c[i] = a[i] * b[i];


. . .

. . .

(a) Source Level Control Flow Graph (b) Binary Level Control Flow Graph

Figure 4.2: Control Flow Graphs

• Basic block: a basic block corresponds to a node in the CFG. It consists ofa sequence of instructions that has only one entry point and one exit point.In the rest of the thesis, we use sometimes block instead of basic block.

• Entry block: an entry block is a special basic block, through which all controlflow enters the graph.

• Exit block: an exit block is a special basic block, through which all controlflow leaves the graph.

• Edge: an edge connects two basic blocks and represents a jump in a controlflow. It is directed.

In the different phases of compilation, a program is represented differently assource code, intermediate representation (IR), or binary code. Each level of repre-sentation can have a CFG. Hence, a program has a source level CFG, an IR-levelCFG, and a binary level CFG.

Both the source level CFG and the binary level CFG of the example in Figure 4.1are shown in Figure 4.2. In the source level CFG, the while loop is splitted intotwo source level basic blocks. The loop test “while(i < 10)” is a basic block. Theloop body is another basic block. The control flows in a source level CFG areexpressed by semantics of high level programming constructs. In the example, thecontrol flow begins with a jump from the code before the while loop to the basicblock containing the loop test. According to the loop test result, the control flow


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4.1 Basic Information

jumps either to the block containing the loop body or to the block after the whileloop. In contrast, at the binary level, control flows are expressed explicitly bycontrol flow instructions. In Figure 4.2(b), the instructions b and ble+ realize anunconditional jump and a conditional jump, respectively.

4.1.3 Introduction to Source Code Instrumentation

In the context of computer programming, instrumentation means to add somecode in application code to monitor specific components in a system, in order todiagnose errors, measure performance, or write trace information. So, source codeinstrumentation means to add some code to application source code. Recently, thistechnique is becoming popular for system-level software performance simulation.In this context, source code instrumentation is a process of generating softwaresimulation models by annotating application source code with some code thatexpresses timing information. Instrumentation is done before simulation, i.e., atcompile-time. The code that expresses timing information is called annotationcode in the following discussion.


cycles += 5; // delay of bb1

cycles += 2; // delay of bb3

8: while(i<10){

cycles + = 2; // delay of bb3

9: c[i]=a[i]*b[i];

cycles += 12; // delay of bb2

10: i++;

11: }



8: while(i<10){

9: c[i] = a[i] * b[i];

10: i++;

11: }


(a) Source code

(b) Instrumented source code

Figure 4.3: An Example of Source Code Instrumentation

Figure 4.3 presents an example of source code instrumentation. Figure 4.3(b)shows the same functional code as in Figure 4.3(a) with delay annotations. Theannotated delay values are added to a counter variable cycles and will be ag-gregated along the control flows during the simulation. For example, when theinstrumented source code is executed once, the delay values annotated outsidethe loop will be aggregated once and the delay values annotated inside the loopwill be aggregated as often as the number of the loop iterations, 10 times in theexample. The instrumentation follows specific rules. For example, the delay valueof bb3 must be annotated both before and after the while statement. We willdiscuss about such instrumentation rules in the introduction to our own sourcecode instrumentation approach in the next section.


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

4.2 The SciSim Approach

To implement a SLS approach, there are two important issues: (1) the way ofgetting the delay values, and (2) the way of inserting the delay values into sourcecode. To get accurate delay values, we need an accurate low-level performancemodel, with which the timing effects of the target processor can be taken intoaccount. Inserting the obtained delay values back into source code relies on themapping between binary code and source code. We developed a new SLS ap-proach, called SciSim. Compared to other existing SLS approaches, SciSim allowsfor more accurate performance simulation by employing a hybrid method for tim-ing analysis. That is, timing analysis is done on the target binary code, bothstatically for pipeline effects and dynamically for other timing effects that cannotbe resolved statically. We also use a simple way to get information on the mappingbetween source code and binary code, namely, extract the mapping informationfrom debugging information, which can be dumped automatically during cross-compilation. Thus, the whole approach can be fully automated without the needof any human interaction.

However, the existing SLS approaches, also including the proposed SciSim ap-proach, have a major disadvantage in that they cannot estimate some compiler-optimized programs accurately, because the back-annotation of timing informationinto source code relies on the mapping between binary code and source code, andin many cases, optimizing compilation makes it hard to find the mapping. Some-times, even when the mapping is found, the timing information back-annotatedaccording to the mapping cannot be correctly aggregated along the source levelcontrol flows, due to the difference between source level control flows and bi-nary level control flows. This problem is especially serious for control-dominatedprograms. We will describe this problem in more detail with some examples inSection 4.4.

In this section, we show SciSim only for performance simulation of unoptimizedsoftware. The iSciSim approach introduced in Chapter 5 extends SciSim and solvesthe problem raised by compiler optimizations. It reuses the whole instrumentationapproach of SciSim. In this chapter, we only introduce the basic idea and conceptof SciSim and do not go into the details of the instrumentation approach, whichare however presented in Chapter 5 in the introduction of the iSciSim approach.

The work flow of SciSim consists of two steps, namely source code instrumentationand simulation, which are presented in the following two subsections.

4.2.1 Source Code Instrumentation

The source code instrumentation tool is responsible for specifying what code is tobe annotated into the source code and where the code is to be annotated. The


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4.2 The SciSim Approach


1: cycles += 5;

2: iCache(0x1800080, 0x1800088);

3: cycles += 2;

4: iCache(0x18000d8, 0x1800010);

5: while(i<10){

6: cycles + = 2;

7: iCache(0x18000d8, 0x1800010);

8: c[i]=a[i]*b[i];

9: cycles += 12;

10: iCache(0x180008c, 0x18000d4);

11: i++;

12: }


Instruction Cache


void iCache(UInt32 first_addr,

UInt32 last_addr) {


Figure 4.4: Instrumentation for Instruction Cache Simulation

two issues are discussed in the following. The details about the working steps ofthe instrumentation tool are introduced in Section 5.3.

What code is to be annotated?

There are two categories of annotation code according to the concept of our hy-brid timing analysis method: statically obtained delay values and code for trig-gering dynamic timing analysis. In the instrumentation step, some timing effectsare represented by delay values obtained by static analysis. These delay valuescan advance the simulation time directly while the simulator runs. Thus, time-consuming, iterative analysis of these timing effects can be avoided at simulationrun-time. To take into account other timing effects that cannot be resolved stati-cally but have a large impact on software performance, annotation code also con-tains code that can send run-time data to the corresponding performance modelto trigger the dynamic analysis of these timing effects. Correspondingly, the per-formance model is divided into two parts: an offline performance model and anonline performance model, for static timing analysis and dynamic timing analysis,respectively.

Figure 4.4 shows an example of instrumented source code, which, when runs, cantake the instruction cache effect into account. The annotation code for each basicblock contains a delay value, which is obtained by pipeline analysis, and a func-tion call icache(UInt32 first addr, UInt32 last addr), which will trigger dynamicinstruction cache simulation at simulation run-time. During the simulation, thefunction call passes the addresses of the first instruction and the last instructionof the basic block to an instruction cache simulator, which then decides how manycache misses are caused by this basic block according to the present state of thecache. To simulate other timing effects, other code has to be annotated into the


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

<annotation code of statement1>


<annotation code of statement2>

<statement2>. . .

<annotation code of statement1>


<annotation code of statement2>

<statement2>. . .


<statement2>. . .


<statement2>. . .

<annotation code of test>


<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of body>



<annotation code of test>


<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of body>










<annotation code of body>


<annotation code of test>

} while(<test>);


<annotation code of body>


<annotation code of test>

} while(<test>);



} while(<test>);



} while(<test>);


<annotation code of prologue>

<annotation code of body>


<annotation code of epilogue>




<annotation code of prologue>

<annotation code of body>


<annotation code of epilogue>











<annotation code of init>

<annotation code of test>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>){

<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of update>

<annotation code of body>



<annotation code of init>

<annotation code of test>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>){

<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of update>

<annotation code of body>



for(<init>; <test>; <update>){



for(<init>; <test>; <update>){



(a) Basic Statements (b) While-Loop (c) DO-While-Loop

(e) Function(d) For-Loop

Figure 4.5: Part of Instrumentation Rules

source code. More details about dynamic timing simulation are presented in Sec-tion 5.4, while static timing analysis for accurate delay values is introduced inSection 5.3.3.

Where is the code to be annotated?

To automate the instrumentation approach, an easy way of describing the mappingbetween source code and binary code is important. We generate the mappinginformation from debugging information, which can be dumped automaticallyfrom the object file of a program.

Using the mapping information and according to a set of instrumentation rules,the annotation code is placed into the correct position in the source code. Partof instrumentation rules used in SciSim is shown in Figure 4.5. Basically, theannotation code of each basic block is inserted before the corresponding source


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4.3 Experimental Results

line, as illustrated in Figure 4.5(a). For some complex C statements, such as loopconstructs, annotation code must be placed specially. Hence, a special instrumen-tation rule must be defined for each of such complex constructs. In all the loopconstructs, for loop is most complex. A for statement typically contains threeparts: “< init >” that initializes the loop count, “< test >” that tests the loopcondition, and “< update >” that updates the loop count. The instrumentationrule of the for loop is shown in Figure 4.5(d). The annotation code generated from“< init >” is placed before the for statement, while the annotation code gener-ated from “< update >” is placed after the for statement, i.e., in the loop body.The annotation code generated from “< test >” is annotated both before andafter the for statement. With this placement the annotation code of “< test >”will be executed as often as “< test >”. The annotation code generated from theloop body is placed according to the code constructs of the loop body.

Another example of special instrumentation rules is the one defined for placingannotation code of a function’s prologue and epilogue. As shown in Figure 4.5(e),the annotation code of the function prologue is inserted after the first left curlybracket “{”, i.e., in the first line of the function body. The annotation code ofthe function epilogue must be inserted before each return statement. If thereis no return statement in a function, the annotation code is inserted before thefunction’s last right curly bracket “}”.

4.2.2 Simulation

For performance profiling of a single software task, the instrumented source codeis compiled together with the online performance model. We just need to clickto run the generated host executable. All the annotated timing information willthen be aggregated to generate performance statistics of the target execution ofthe task. To simulate a multiprocessor system, a system level design language thatsupports modeling of the system’s concurrent behavior is required. Among systemlevel design languages (SLDL), SystemC is the most frequently used one in bothacademia and industry and has become a standard for system level design spaceexploration [55]. Therefore, for system level simulation, instrumented softwaretasks are generated as Transaction Level Models (TLMs) in SystemC. The softwareTLMs are then combined with TLMs of the other system components to get a TLMof the whole system.

Simulation is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5 and 6.

4.3 Experimental Results

The experiments have been carried out to show the advantages and limitations ofSciSim, using a set of benchmarks. The benchmarks consisted of 6 programs with


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

different workloads. They were fibcall, insertsort, bsearch, crc, blowfish, and AES.PowerPC 603e, a superscalar design of the PowerPC architecture, was chosen asthe target processor.

In the first experiment, we show the high speed and accuracy of SciSim for per-formance simulation of the programs that were compiled without optimizations.Since the cross-compiler was obtained by porting a GCC compiler, the optimiza-tion level -O0 was set to compile the programs in the first experiment. In thesecond experiment, we show the limitation of SciSim that it cannot estimate somecompiler-optimized software accurately. Hence, all the programs were compiledwith the optimization level -O2.

We evaluated the SciSim approach quantitatively, in terms of simulation accuracyand speed. Simulation accuracy was measured by both instruction count accu-racy and cycle count accuracy. Instruction count accuracy depends solely on themapping between functional representation and binary code, while cycle countaccuracy is dependent on both the mapping and the timing analysis.

To get a reference, we developed a regular interpretive ISS to simulate this pro-cessor. The estimates obtained by the ISS have taken the most important tim-ing effects into account using a simplified performance model, which contains apipeline model, a data cache simulator, and an instruction cache simulator. Asthere are still some approximations made in the performance model, the estimatesfrom the ISS are not exactly the same as but close to the real execution times.We assume that the estimates from the ISS were accurate enough and could beused as a reference to evaluate the simulation accuracies of the other tools. Theestimation error (EE) of SciSim and the mean absolute error (MAE) of simulatingN programs are given by:

EE = (EstimateSciSim − EstimateISS)EstimateISS

× 100%


MAE = 1N

∑Ni=1 |EEi|

The simulation speeds of ISS and SciSim are calculated by

simulation speed = Cinstruction

(Tsimulation × 1000000)

where Cinstruction is the total number of instructions executed when running theprogram on the target processor, estimated by simulation, and Tsimulation is thesimulation duration. In the experiment, the simulation duration was measured ona 3GHz Intel CPU based PC with 4 GB memory, running Linux.

The results of the two experiments are shown in the following two subsections:


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4.3 Experimental Results

4.3.1 Performance Simulation of Unoptimized Software

The results of this experiment are shown in Table 4.1. SciSim is able to countinstructions as accurate as the ISS for the unoptimized programs, as shown in thetable. Except AES, the instruction counts of the other five programs estimated bySciSim are exactly the same as those estimated by the ISS. A trivial difference isfound in the numbers of instructions of AES counted by SciSim and the ISS. Thisis because that SciSim had inaccurate instrumentation for the switch statementscontained in AES.

The cycle counts estimated by SciSim has an MAE of 2.02%. The reason for thisslight error is because more approximations were made in the performance modelof SciSim. In the estimates from SciSim, timing effects such as the cache effectand the branch prediction effect were not taken into account.

Table 4.1: Performance Simulation of Unoptimized Software

ISS SciSim Error

instructions 16311 16311 0.00%fibcall

cycles 16295 16130 -1.01%

instructions 2330 2330 0.00%insertsort

cycles 2338 2310 -1.20%

instructions 152028 152028 0.00%bsearch

cycles 154023 152021 -1.30%

instructions 54068 54068 0.00%crccycles 49142 47882 -2.56%

instructions 913167 913167 0.00%blowfish

cycles 973074 945121 -2.87%

instructions 7345439828 7346851268 0.02%AES

cycles 6645440614 6568823424 -1.15%

Table 4.2 shows both the native execution speed and the simulation speeds, mea-sured in MIPS (million instructions per second). The simulation speed of the ISSis very low, in the range from 0.93 MIPS to 27.78 MIPS. It is found that theISS has very different simulation performance in simulating programs of differentsizes. It is because that the ISS has to do some initialization every time beforesimulation can start. The time for initialization accounts for a large portion of thesimulation time of a small program and thus reduces the simulation performance.In contrast, it is ignorable in simulating a large program.

SciSim achieved very high performance of around 13500 MIPS on average, even2.5 times as fast as the native execution (around 5400 MIPS on average). Thereason for this is because a simulation model generated by SciSim contains timinginformation of unoptimized target binary and itself is then compiled by the host


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

compiler with compiler optimizations. To explain this more clearly, we show theformulas used to calculate the native execution speed and the simulation speed ofSciSim. The native execution speed is calculated by:

native execution speed = CHost Instruction

(TNative Execution × 1000000),

while the simulation speed of SciSim is given by

simulation speed =CTarget Instruction

(TSimulation × 1000000).

Because the target binary is unoptimized and the host binary of the simulationmodel is highly optimized, CTarget Instruction is much larger than CHost Instruction.On the other hand, because the back-annotated annotation code does not bringtoo much overhead, TSimulation usually has a comparable value to TNative Execution.Therefore, the simulation speed of SciSim is much higher than the native execu-tion speed for the simulation of unoptimized software. Compared with ISS, thesimulation performance of SciSim is 1386 times higher.

Table 4.2: Simulation Speeds of Simulating Unoptimized Software (in MIPS)

Native Execution ISS SciSim

fibcall 4634.04 2.1 14218.78

insertsort 4357.73 0.93 12057.40

bsearch 7881.79 7.34 10569.28

crc 4762.62 5.22 14008.82

blowfish 5291.19 13.04 13638.29

AES 5474.97 27.78 16506.75

4.3.2 Performance Simulation of Optimized Software

Because embedded programs are usually compiled with compiler optimizationsin practice, the efficiency of simulating compiler-optimized programs is more im-portant for a simulation technique. We measured the execution times of the 6programs compiled with and without optimizations, using the ISS. The results areshown in Table 4.3. We can see, with the optimization level -O2, the softwareperformance increases around four times on average.

In this sub-section we show the simulation accuracy and performance of SciSim forsimulating compiler-optimized software. The results are shown in Table 4.4. It isfound that SciSim is still able to count instructions accurately for data-intensive


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4.3 Experimental Results

Table 4.3: Software Execution Time Estimated by the ISS: With Optimizations vs.Without Optimizations

-O0 -O2 Difference

instructions 16311 4384 272.1%fibcall

cycles 16295 3307 392.7%

instructions 2330 630 269.8%insertsort

cycles 2338 516 353.1%

instructions 152028 59010 157.6%bsearch

cycles 154023 46057 234.4%

instructions 54068 17201 214.3%crccycles 49142 10288 377.7%

instructions 913167 262434 248.0%blowfish

cycles 973074 178610 444.8%

instructions 7345439828 3624426960 102.7%AES

cycles 6645440614 2292275341 189.9%

Table 4.4: Performance Simulation of Optimized Software

ISS SciSim Error

instructions 4384 12973 195.92%fibcall

cycles 3307 12996 292.98%

instructions 630 975 54.76%insertsort

cycles 516 672 30.23%

instructions 59010 75013 27.12%bsearch

cycles 46057 51008 10.75%

instructions 17201 19385 12.70%crccycles 10288 15430 49.98%

instructions 262434 265735 1.26%blowfish

cycles 178610 187184 4.80%

instructions 3624426960 3624685359 0.01%AES

cycles 2292275341 2336484895 1.93%


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

applications, like blowfish and AES, where the control flows are relatively sim-ple. The average instruction count error in simulating the two programs is 0.63%.However, for the other programs, large errors are seen, because the control flows ofthese programs were changed by compiler optimizations and SciSim could not finda correct mapping between the binary code and the source code. The MAEs are48.6% and 65.1% in instruction counting and cycle counting, respectively. There-fore, SciSim has a very limited ability to simulate compiler-optimized software.

The average simulation speed of SciSim was 4669.0 MIPS, close to the nativeexecution speed, which was 5198.2 MIPS on average.

while( i<10 )

c[i] = a[i] * b[i];


. . .

. . .

(a) Source Level Control Flow Graph (b) Binary Level Control Flow Graph


0x1800098 lbz r0,0(r8)

0x180009c addi r8,r8,1

0x18000a0 lbz r9,0(r11)

0x18000a4 addi r11,r11,1

0x18000a8 mullw r0,r0,r9

0x18000ac stbx r0,r10,r7

0x18000b0 addi r10,r10,1

0x18000b4 bdnz+ 1800098

. . .

. . .

Figure 4.6: Source Level CFG and Binary Level CFG Constructed from Compiler-Optimized Binary Code

4.4 Why Does SciSim Not Work for SomeCompiler-Optimized Software?

As already presented, when we compare a source level CFG and the correspond-ing binary level CFG constructed from unoptimized binary code, source level basicblocks can always find their counterparts at the binary level and an instrumenta-tion rule can be made for each complex statement for accurate back-annotation oftiming information. An example has been illustrated in Figure 4.2. However, whencompiler optimizations are enabled during the compilation, complex statementsin a program are transformed to simple statements, which are then optimized bythe compiler to minimize execution time or code size. The same statement is


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4.4 Why Does SciSim Not Work for Some Compiler-Optimized Software?

manipulated differently in different contexts. Such manipulations invalidate theinstrumentation rules defined for those complex statements.

As shown in Figure 4.6, compiled with optimizations, the while loop generatesonly one basic block of binary code. No mapping can be established betweenthe source level basic blocks in Figure 4.6(a) and the binary level basic blocks inFigure 4.6(b).

9: while( i<10 )

10: c[i] = a[i] * b[i];

11: i++;

. . .

. . .

(b) Mapping Established between Source Code and Binary Code


0x1800098 lbz r0,0(r8)

0x180009c addi r8,r8,1

0x18000a0 lbz r9,0(r11)

0x18000a4 addi r11,r11,1

0x18000a8 mullw r0,r0,r9

0x18000ac stbx r0,r10,r7

0x18000b0 addi r10,r10,1


0x18000b4 bdnz+ 1800098

. . .

. . .

(a) Mapping Information

9 → 0x18000b4—0x18000b4

10 → 0x1800098—0x1800098

10 → 0x18000a0—0x18000a0

10 → 0x18000a8—0x18000ac

11 → 0x180009c—0x180009c

11 → 0x18000a4—0x18000a4

11 → 0x18000b0—0x18000b0

Figure 4.7: Mapping between Source Code and Binary Code in the Sub-block Granu-larity

For this shown example, the mapping problem can be solved by establishing themapping between source lines and sub-blocks of binary code instead of basic blocks.Here, a sub-block is either a basic block or a part of a basic block. Such a mappingcan be established with the help of debugging information. Figure 4.7(a) showsthe mapping information extracted from DWARF’s line table, a kind of debug-ging information, which describes the correspondence between source lines and


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

the generated machine code. Each entry of mapping information is expressed as“source line number → the first address of the sub-block – the last address of thesub-block”. For example, the entry “10 → 0x18000a8–0x18000ac” denotes thatthe instructions stored in the memory block “0x18000a8–0x18000ac” are gener-ated from source line 10. It is possible that the last address of the sub-block isthe same as its first address. This means that the sub-block contains only oneinstruction.

We can find that, after optimizing compilation, the instructions generated by line10 and line 11 are arranged in an alternate order. As line 10 and 11 are in the samesource level basic block and the instructions generated from them are also in thesame binary level basic block, these instructions are merged into a single sub-blocksb1. In the same way, the sub-block sb2 is mapped to the while statement at line9. The mapping in the granularity of sub-blocks is depicted in Figure 4.7(b).

Nevertheless, in some cases, due to optimizing compilation the DWARF’s linetable might provide incorrect mapping information. The program fibcall is an ex-ample. According to the mapping information in Figure 4.8(a), four sub-blocks ofbinary code are generated from the while statement at source line 7. Figure 4.8(b)shows the relevant part of code and depicts the discussed mapping. There aretwo errors in the mapping: (1) the basic block from 0x1800084 to 0x1800090 isactually not generated from line 7 but the code before line 7 and (2) the instruc-tion at 0x180009c should be generated from line 8 or line 10. Because SciSimrelies on the debugging information, during the instrumentation of fibcall it estab-lishes a wrong mapping, and according to the mapping, it annotates the executiontime of the instructions in 0x1800084–0x1800090 into the while loop in the sourceprogram. During the simulation, the annotated execution time will then be aggre-gated as the loop iterates. However, this basic block will be executed only once inthe real execution. That’s one reason why the simulation of fibcall using SciSimhad an instruction count error of 195.9% as shown in the experimental results inSection 4.3.2. Another reason will be discussed later.

The fibcall example shows that due to optimizing compilation the DWARF’s linetables might fail to provide accurate mapping between source code and binarycode and the inaccurate mapping information will lead to a large error in sourcelevel simulation. To solve this problem, a more sophisticated approach is neededto trace the code generation during the optimizing compilation. For example, themethods introduced in [42, 58] for transforming source level flow information downto binary level for worst case execution time estimation can be adapted for codetracing. Nevertheless, such methods require to extend or modify the compiler andwill increase the complexity of tool development.

Nevertheless, even if we can solve the mapping problem, there still exist otherproblems. One serious problem is that, due to the difference between source levelcontrol flows and binary level control flows caused by compiler optimizations, the


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4.4 Why Does SciSim Not Work for Some Compiler-Optimized Software?

0x1800074 cmpwi cr7,r3,1

0x1800078 mr r9,r3

0x180007c li r3,1

0x1800080 blelr cr7

7: while( i<=n )

8: temp = Fnew;

9: Fnew = Fnew + Fold;

10: Fold = temp;

11: i++;

13: ans = Fnew. . .

. . .

(b) Mapping Established between Source Code and Binary Code

0x1800094 add r3,r0,r9

0x1800098 mr r9,r0

0x180009c mr r0,r3

0x18000a0 bdnz+ 1800094

0x1800084 addi r9,r9,-1

0x1800088 li r0,1

0x180008c mtctr r9

0x1800090 li r9,0

. . .

(a) Mapping Information

3 → 0x1800078—0x1800078

7 → 0x1800074—0x1800074

7 → 0x180007c—0x1800090

7 → 0x180009c—0x18000a0

9 → 0x1800094—0x1800094

11 → 0x1800098—0x1800098

Figure 4.8: Mapping between Source Code and Binary Code of fibcall

timing information cannot be back-annotated straightforwardly according to map-ping. For instance, in the fibcall example shown in Figure 4.8, it is found that theinstructions at 0x1800074, 0x180007c–0x1800080, and 0x18000a0 are really gen-erated from source line 7. Along the binary level control flows, the instructions at0x1800074 and 0x180007c–0x1800080 are executed only once, while the instruc-tion at 0x18000a0 is executed the same number of times as the loop iterations.However, if we simply annotate the timing information of these instructions aftersource line 7. All the timing information will be aggregated as the loop iterates.Therefore, this straightforward back-annotation will cause a large error in sourcelevel simulation. As SciSim supports only straightforward back-annotation, that’sanother reason why the simulation of fibcall using SciSim had such a large error.

Another example is insertsort. Part of mapping of insertsort is depicted in Fig-ure 4.9, which has been proven to be correct. insertsort contains two nested whileloops. The instruction at 0x1800108 is generated from the C statement at line


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

15. Line 15 is in the inner loop, so the timing information of the instruction at0x1800108 is back-annotated into the inner loop. However, in fact, the instructionis put outside the inner loop in the binary level CFG. The while statement at line11 generates four sub-blocks of binary code. One is put inside the inner loop, whilethe other three are put even outside the outer loop. If we simply annotate thetiming information of all the four sub-blocks after the while statement at line 11,it will lead to a large error. As shown in the experiment results in Section 4.3.2,the simulation of insertsort using SciSim had an instruction count error of 54.8%.

. . . // 0x1800074 – 0x18000cc

0x18000d0 addi r9,r11,-1

0x18000d4 stw r0,48(r1)

0x18000d8 addi r7,r1,8

0x18000dc rlwinm r10,r11,2,0,29

0x18000e0 rlwinm r8,r9,2,0,29

0x18000e4 lwzx r11,r10,r7

0x18000e8 li r6,2

0x18000ec lwzx r0,r8,r7

0x18000f0 cmpw cr7,r11,r0

0x18000f4 blt- cr7,18001289: while(i <= 10){

13: temp = a[j];

14: a[j] = a[j-1];

15: a[j-1] = temp;

16: j--;

17: }

18: i++;19:}

. . . // line 1 - 8

0x180010c addi r9,r11,-1

0x1800110 rlwinm r10,r11,2,0,29

0x1800114 rlwinm r8,r9,2,0,29

0x1800118 lwzx r11,r10,r7

0x180011c lwzx r0,r8,r7

0x1800120 cmpw cr7,r11,r0

0x1800124 bge- cr7,18000f8

0x18000f8 addi r6,r6,1

0x18000fc cmpwi cr7,r6,10

0x1800100 mr r9,r6

0x1800104 bgt- cr7,1800138

. . .

10: j = i;

11: while (a[j] < a[j-1])

12: {

. . .

0x1800108 mr r11,r9

... // 0x1800128 – 0x1800134

Figure 4.9: Mapping between Source Code and Binary Code of insertsort

The two examples show that a same statement might be manipulated differentlyin different contexts during the compilation. For example, the while statementgenerates only one instruction in the example in Figure 4.7, whereas the whilestatement in fibcall generates many sub-blocks of instructions. We cannot simplymake instrumentation rules for compiler-optimized code as we do for unoptimizedcode (Figure 4.5). Therefore, we need a method to decide the correct position in


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4.4 Why Does SciSim Not Work for Some Compiler-Optimized Software?

a[0]=0; a[1]=11; a[2]=10; a[3]=9; a[4]=8; a[5]=7;

a[6]=6; a[7]=5; a[8]=4; a[9]=3; a[10]=2;

. . . // 0x1800074 – 0x18000e4

0x18000e8 li r6,2

0x18000ec lwzx r0,r8,r7

0x18000f0 cmpw cr7,r11,r0

0x18000f4 blt- cr7,1800128

0x18000f8 addi r6,r6,1

0x18000fc cmpwi cr7,r6,10

0x1800100 mr r9,r6

0x1800104 bgt- cr7,1800138

0x1800108 mr r11,r9

0x180010c addi r9,r11,-1

0x1800110 rlwinm r10,r11,2,0,29

0x1800114 rlwinm r8,r9,2,0,29

0x1800118 lwzx r11,r10,r7

0x180011c lwzx r0,r8,r7

0x1800120 cmpw cr7,r11,r0

0x1800124 bge- cr7,18000f8

. . . // 0x1800128 – 0x1800134

. . .

. . . // line 1 – 8

Delay(0x1800074 – 0x18000f4);

9: while(i <= 10){

Delay(0x18000f8 – 0x1800104);


10: j = i;

11: while (a[j] < a[j-1])

12: {

Delay(0x180010c – 0x1800124);

Delay(0x1800128 – 0x1800134;

13: temp = a[j];

14: a[j] = a[j-1];

15: a[j-1] = temp;

16: j--;

17: }

18: i++;

19: }

. . .












(a) Input Data

(b) Instrumented Source Code

and Execution Count

(c) Binary Code and

Execution Count

Figure 4.10: Instrumented Source Code and Binary Code of insertsort


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

the source code, where the timing information of each sub-block should be back-annotated. For example, for insertsort the tool should annotate the timing infor-mation of the instructions at 0x18000d0, 0x18000dc–0x18000e4, and 0x18000ec–0x18000f4 outside the nested loops, insert the timing information of the instruc-tions at 0x180010c–0x1800124 into the inner loop, and put the timing informationof the instruction at 0x1800108 inside the outer loop and outside the inner loop.According to our experiences, it is very hard to get an efficient solution to realizethat automatically.

Now, we assume that all the mentioned problems have been solved. Then, forinsertsort, timing annotations shown in Figure 4.10(b) are supposed to be thebest annotations that can be achieved. Nevertheless, some annotated timing in-formation still cannot be aggregated accurately. In Figure 4.10, we also show theexecution count of each block of source code and binary code at its right handside, given a set of input data shown in Figure 4.10(a). As shown, when theinstrumented source code is executed, the timing information of the instructionblock 0x180010c–0x1800124 is aggregated 45 times, but the instruction block isexecuted 53 times in the real execution. The timing information of instruction at0x1800108 is aggregated 9 times, whereas the instruction is actually executed 8times.

Besides the mapping problems, there are also some timing problems. To facilitateinstrumentation, a basic block might be divided into sub-blocks, so static timinganalysis is performed in the scope of a sub-block. Many sub-blocks consist ofonly less than three instructions. In the scope of such a small sequence of code thepipeline effect cannot be accurately addressed, resulting in an inaccurate estimate.Another problem is that, during the simulation, the timing information of sub-blocks might be aggregated in a different order from the execution order of binarycode. Assume there are two sub-blocks of binary code. Block A is executed beforeblock B. However, in the instrumented source code, the annotation code of blockB might be executed before that of block A. If both blocks have an access to ashared resource, the reversed access order might result in simulation errors.

If all the timing effects are accurately modeled, the cycle count error should beclose to the instruction count error. However, we find that in the simulationof fibcall, the cycle count error was much larger than instruction count error,while in the simulation of insertsort the cycle count error was much smaller thaninstruction count error. That’s mainly because the static timing analysis in thescope of sub-blocks resulted in a large positive error in fibcall and a large negativeerror in insertsort.

Now, we conclude the above discussion. In order to get a sophisticated sourcelevel simulation approach there are three problems to be solved:

• The problem of finding accurate mapping between source code and optimizedbinary code. It is possible to solve this problem, for example, by realizing thecode tracing function in the compiler. However, this will take large effort.


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4.5 Summary of SciSim’s Advantages and Limitations

• The problem of correct back-annotation of timing information. The toolshould find the correct position in the source code, where the timing infor-mation should be inserted, so that the annotated timing information can becorrectly aggregated along the source level control flows.

• The problem of getting accurate timing information. We should find a wayto perform accurate timing analysis, even when the binary code is splittedinto very small pieces of code.

These problems exist not only in SciSim but also in other SLS approaches pub-lished in previous work.

4.5 Summary of SciSim’s Advantages andLimitations

The advantages of SciSim are summarized as follows:

• Like other source level simulation approaches, SciSim allows for ultrafastsoftware performance simulation.

• The generated simulation models are as readable as their original sourcecode. It is easy to check the contribution of each segment of source code tothe execution time of the whole program.

• SciSim uses a hybrid method for accurate performance modeling. Accord-ing to the experiments, SciSim allows for an average accuracy of 98% inestimating 6 benchmark programs compiled without optimizations.

• In SciSim, the whole instrumentation approach is fully automated withoutthe need of any human interaction. Currently, the instrumentation tool sup-ports several processors of widely used instruction set architectures (ISAs)including PowerPC, ARM and SPARC. The tool was designed modularly tominimize users’ effort to extend it. To retarget the tool to a new processorof a new ISA, we just need to add a performance model of this processorand a decoder of the ISA and do a slight adaptation in other parts of thetool. This work takes only 2–3 days according to our experiences.

However, SciSim has also many limitations summarized in the following. Some ofthese limitations also commonly exist in other SLS approaches.

• The defined instrumentation rules highly rely on the syntax of the pro-gramming language. Currently, only C syntax is supported. To instrumentprograms in another programming language, a new set of instrumentationrules must be defined.


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Chapter 4 SciSim: A Source Level Approach for Software Performance Simulation

<annotation code of init>

<annotation code of test>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>)

<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of body>

<body (a single statement)>

<annotation code of init>

<annotation code of test>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>)

<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of body>

<body (a single statement)>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>)

<body (a single statement)>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>)

<body (a single statement)>

<annotation code of init>

<annotation code for test>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>){ <body> }

<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of body>

<annotation code of init>

<annotation code for test>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>){ <body> }

<annotation code of test>

<annotation code of body>

for(<init>; <test>; <update>){ <body> }for(<init>; <test>; <update>){ <body> }

(b) Curly Brackets are Omitted(a) Multiple Statements in a Single Line

Figure 4.11: Examples of Unsupported Coding Styles

• SciSim also has high requirements on the coding style of C programs tobe simulated. Two examples of unsupported coding styles are shown inFigure 4.11. As shown, if multiple commands of a complex construct iswritten on the same source line or if the curly brackets of a construct areomitted in the case of a single-statement body, the source code cannot beinstrumented correctly. The wrong instrumentation in the first exampleimpacts the simulation accuracy, while the wrongly placed annotation codein the second example even changes the functional behavior of the originalcode: after instrumentation the original loop body is actually out of theloop construct. To overcome this limitation, a tool that converts originalprograms to programs in a supported coding style is needed.

• The largest limitation of SciSim is the problem raised by compiler opti-mizations. As already discussed in the last section, there are mainly threeproblems to be solved. These problems are common to the current SLS tech-nique. In practice, programs are usually compiled with optimizations. Forexample, using GCC compilers, programs are usually compiled with the op-timization level -O2. Therefore, this drawback strongly limits the usabilityof SciSim as well as other source level simulation approaches.


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Chapter 5

iSciSim for Performance Simulationof Compiler-Optimized Software

As discussed in the last chapter, the problem raised by compiler optimizationsmight lead to very inaccurate source code instrumentation and makes the SLStechnique hard to simulate some compiler-optimized software accurately. Moti-vated by this fact, we developed a new approach iSciSim that converts source codeto a lower level representation, called intermediate source code (ISC), and anno-tates timing information from the binary level back to ISC. ISC has been subjectto all the machine independent optimizations and thus has a structure close tothe structure of the binary code. Hence, timing information can be accuratelyback-annotated to ISC.

This chapter is organized as follows: First, we give an overview of the iSciSimapproach in Section 5.1. The whole approach contains three working steps, inter-mediate source code generation, intermediate source code instrumentation, andsimulation. Intermediate source code generation and instrumentation are intro-duced in Section 5.2 and 5.3, respectively. There are two levels of simulation:(1) simulation of the interactions between software code and a processor’s com-ponents to analyze some timing effects of the processor, and (2) simulation ofthe interactions among processors, hardware components and shared resourcesto get performance statistics of a multiprocessor system. They are regarded asmicroarchitecture-level and macroarchitecture-level simulations, respectively. Dy-namic simulation of a processor’s timing effects is presented in Section 5.4. Then,Section 5.5 describes software TLM generation using iSciSim for multiprocessorsimulation in SystemC. After that, in Section 5.6, experimental results are pre-sented to compare all the discussed native execution based simulation techniquesand show the benefits of iSciSim, and a case study of designing an MPSoC for aMotion JPEG decoder is demonstrated to show how iSciSim is used to facilitatedesign space exploration of multiprocessor systems.


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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

ISC Generation








IR to ISCconversionIR to ISC

conversionIRsource code

target binary

timing info.

instrumented ISC



off-lineperf. model

on-lineperf. model


host executable




mapping info.






Figure 5.1: The iSciSim Approach

5.1 Overview of the iSciSim Approach

The workflow of iSciSim is illustrated in Figure 5.1. The whole approach consistsof three steps: ISC generation, ISC instrumentation, and simulation. Accordingto our current implementation, ISC is written in the C programming languageand generated by slight modification of standard IRs of standard compilers. So,ISC can be regarded as IR-level C code. Because the IR is the one after all themachine-independent optimizations, the generated ISC has a structure alreadyvery close to the structure of binary code. Therefore, there is an accurate map-ping between the ISC and the binary code, which makes up the basis for accurateinstrumentation. More details about the ISC generation are presented in Sec-tion 5.2. As shown in Figure 5.1, in the instrumentation step, we use the samehybrid timing analysis method as in SciSim: some timing effects are analyzed atcompile-time using an offline performance model and represented as timing values;other timing effects that cannot be resolved statically are simulated dynamically


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5.2 Intermediate Source Code Generation

using an online performance model. The back-annotation of timing informationis based on the mapping information extracted from debugging information. Thedetails about the instrumentation step are introduced in Section 5.3. For simu-lation of a single software task, the instrumented ISC is compiled together withthe online performance model to generate a host executable. We just need toclick the executable to get a simulation of the task. To simulate a multiprocessorsystem, where multiple processors and hardware components run in parallel, theinstrumented ISC of each software task is generated as a Transaction Level Model(TLM) in SystemC. The software TLMs are then connected with the TLMs ofother system components to get a simulator of the whole system. The ways ofdynamic simulation of a processor’s timing effects and software TLM generationfor multiprocessor simulation are described in Section 5.4 and 5.5, respectively.

5.2 Intermediate Source Code Generation

Basically, ISC can be in any form but must conform to the following definitions:

1. ISC is written in a high-level programming language and is compilable. Thisfeature enables the generation of debugging information, from which a map-ping between ISC and binary code can be extracted.

2. ISC retains exactly the same semantics as its original source code. Whencompiled with a C compiler, it shows exactly the same functionality as theoriginal source program.

3. ISC has a structure close to that of the binary code generated from it, sothat timing information can be back-annotated into it accurately.

There is more than one way to get code in accord with the definitions of ISC. In amodel-driven development process, ISC can be generated from functional modelsusing a code generator. It is even possible to let the programmer to write code withsimple expressions and unstructured control statements, although it is impractical.A practical solution is to get a tool that converts complex constructs in a sourceprogram, written in a normal programming style, into simple statements. We makeuse of the compiler front-end to serve as such a tool. This sub-section describesour ISC generation process and the overall structure of the generated ISC.

Most widely used compilers have two decoupled parts, namely the front-end andthe back-end, for performing target machine independent and dependent manip-ulations, respectively. In a normal compilation process, a source program is firsttranslated to an IR by the compiler front-end, which then operates on the IR formachine-independent optimizations. The optimized IR is then forwarded to thecompiler back-end for machine-dependent optimizations and object code gener-ation. To get ISC, we let the compiler dump the optimized IR and then use a


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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

program to translate it back to C code. This C code retains both the IR struc-ture and many high-level information of the original source code, such as variablenames and high-level operators, and thus, fully conforms to the definitions of ISC.

We get cross-compilers by porting GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) compilersto the target processors. GCC compilers can be found online and downloadedfor free and support lots of processors in common use, such as processors of theARM architecture and processors of the PowerPC architecture. Although we useGCC compilers to present our work, this ISC generation approach is generallyapplicable to other compilers that operate on IR in most widely used formats suchas 3AC (3-Address Code) and SSA (Static Single Assignment). In the optimizerframework of the latest GCC compilers, the processor independent optimizationsare performed on IR in GIMPLE form and then GIMPLE code is lowered to RTLcode for processor-dependent optimizations. The GIMPLE representation is verysimilar to 3AC and SSA.

Figure 5.2 shows an example of translating a C program to an ISC program. Thisexample is used to illustrate the whole proposed approach through this chapter.The IR shown in Figure 5.2(b) is already the one after all the passes of processor-independent optimizations. It is found that during the IR generation high-levelC statements in the original source code have been broken down into 3-addressform, using temporary variables to hold intermediate values. The while loopin the original source code is unstructured with an if-else statement realizinga conditional branch. Each jump is realized with a goto statement with the targetlabel. Other high-level control constructs such as for loops and nested if-elsestatements are unstructured in the same manner. Although the original C code islowered to a structure close to that of the binary code, most high-level informationfrom the source code level has been retained. All the variable names are notchanged.

The IR in GIMPLE form is very similar to C code. Only some naming rules do notconform to those of C. For example, the name of the temporal variable ivtmp.34contains a point, which is not allowed according to the variable naming rule of C.Neither is the expression of labels. As the difference between IR syntax and Csyntax is very small, only a slight modification is needed to generate ISC from IR.In the illustrated example, the IR is translated to the ISC (Figure 5.2(c)) aftermodification of labels, variable names, and the representation of arrays.

Generally, the statements in ISC generated by the proposed process can be cate-gorized into five types:

• Assignments: each assignment is in three-address form. This means that eachassignment has no more than one operator and no more than two variablesrepresenting operands.

• Unconditional branches: an unconditional branch is a goto statement with atarget label.


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5.2 Intermediate Source Code Generation

while( i<10 ){

c[i] = a[i] * b[i];



while( i<10 ){

c[i] = a[i] * b[i];



ivtmp.34 = &a[0];

ivtmp.35 = &b[0];


MEM[base:&c[0], index:i] =

MEM[base:ivtmp.34] * MEM[base:ivtmp.35];

i = i + 1;

ivtmp.34 = ivtmp.34+1B;

ivtmp.35 = ivtmp.35+1B;

if(i!=10) goto <L0>;else goto <L2>;


ivtmp.34 = &a[0];

ivtmp.35 = &b[0];


MEM[base:&c[0], index:i] =

MEM[base:ivtmp.34] * MEM[base:ivtmp.35];

i = i + 1;

ivtmp.34 = ivtmp.34+1B;

ivtmp.35 = ivtmp.35+1B;

if(i!=10) goto <L0>;else goto <L2>;


(a) Source Code

(b) IR





ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

ivtmp_35 = &b[0];


c[i] = (*ivtmp_34) * (*ivtmp_35);

i = i + 1;

ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;

ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;


ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

ivtmp_35 = &b[0];


c[i] = (*ivtmp_34) * (*ivtmp_35);

i = i + 1;

ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;

ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;


(c) ISC

Figure 5.2: An Example of ISC Generation


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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

• Conditional branches: a conditional branch is normally realized by an if-elsestatement, which has the general form of:if (<Condition Test>) goto <Target Label 1> ;

else goto <Target Label 2>;

One exception is the conditional branch with multiple targets. This kind ofconditional branch is realized by a switch construct. Each case statement ofthe switch construct contains a goto statement and a target label.

• Labels: labels represent the branch targets. They indicate the beginning ofa sequence of data flow and can be used to identify control flow nodes at theISC level.

• Returns: a return statement is added implicitly for each function, even whenthere is no return statement in its original source code.

As ISC is also compilable, we can easily verify the generation process by executingboth the original source code and the generated ISC with a set of input dataand comparing the output data. In our experiment presented in Section 5.6, wecompared the temporal behaviors between source code and ISC using a cycle-accurate instruction set simulator. For the selected benchmarks, the differencebetween the execution times of source code and ISC was within 1.92%. Thisproves that the execution time of a program can be estimated accurately by thetiming analysis on the binary code generated from its ISC.

5.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation

The ISC generated in the last step is forwarded to the tool for instrumentation.Figure 5.3 shows the architecture of the instrumentation tool and its workflow. Theimportant working steps of the tool are introduced in the following sub-sections,along with the running example shown in Figure 5.4.

5.3.1 Machine Code Extraction and Mapping List Construction

For the purpose of accurate instrumentation, an efficient way to describe the map-ping between ISC and binary code is very important. Most compilers do not pro-vide any information to describe the mapping between IR and binary code. Oursolution is very simple. We compile an ISC program again to generate debugginginformation to express this mapping.

The object files generated by our cross-compiler are in ELF (executable and link-able format) format, which is a standard binary format for Unix and Unix-likesystems. An object file in ELF format is organized in several sections. We useusually only the .text section and the .line section.


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5.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation



. . .



. . .









mapping list

mapping list

basic block list

basic block list

mapping list


mapping list


basic block list


basic block list










Instrumentation Tool

anno. code


anno. code


basic block


basic block



perf. model

<annotation code of statement1>


<annotation code of statement1>


. . .

<annotation code of statement1>


<annotation code of statement1>


. . .


annotation code


annotation code

annotation code

mapping info.

source line no.

debugging info.


code section:

. . .

debugging inform


. . .

code section:

. . .

debugging inform


. . .

steps for instrumentation

steps for preparation



















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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

(b) binary code(a) ISC

(d) timing information

(c) mapping information

bb2:0x1800098 - 0x18000b4

→ <annotation code of bb2>

bb2:0x1800098 - 0x18000b4

→ <annotation code of bb2>

15 → 0x1800098 - 0x180009815 → 0x18000a0 - 0x18000a015 → 0x18000a8 - 0x18000ac16 → 0x18000b0 - 0x18000b017 → 0x180009c - 0x180009c18 → 0x18000a4 - 0x18000a419 → 0x18000b4 - 0x18000b4

15 → 0x1800098 - 0x180009815 → 0x18000a0 - 0x18000a015 → 0x18000a8 - 0x18000ac16 → 0x18000b0 - 0x18000b017 → 0x180009c - 0x180009c18 → 0x18000a4 - 0x18000a419 → 0x18000b4 - 0x18000b4

debugging information

off-lineperf. model

(e) instrumented ISC







12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];14 L0:15 c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);16 i = i + 1;17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;19 if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;20 L2:

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];14 L0:15 c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);16 i = i + 1;17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;19 if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;20 L2:

//bb20x1800098 lbz r0,0(r8)0x180009c addi r8,r8,10x18000a0 lbz r9,0(r11)0x18000a4 addi r11,r11,10x18000a8 mullw r0,r0,r90x18000ac stbx r0,r10,r70x18000b0 addi r10,r10,10x18000b4 bdnz+ 1800098

//bb20x1800098 lbz r0,0(r8)0x180009c addi r8,r8,10x18000a0 lbz r9,0(r11)0x18000a4 addi r11,r11,10x18000a8 mullw r0,r0,r90x18000ac stbx r0,r10,r70x18000b0 addi r10,r10,10x18000b4 bdnz+ 1800098

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];

14 L0:

15 c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);

16 i = i + 1;

17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;

18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

<annotation code of bb2>

19 if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;

20 L2:

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];

14 L0:

15 c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);

16 i = i + 1;

17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;

18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

<annotation code of bb2>

19 if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;

20 L2:

Figure 5.4: Instrumentation Example

The .text section contains the generated target machine code of a program. Fig-ure 5.4(b) shows the code section generated from the ISC shown in Figure 5.4(a)for a PowerPC processor. The ELF/DWARF loader, which is a part of the in-strumentation tool, extracts the executable instructions from the code section andstores them in a memory module for later processing. The memory module con-structs the memory space of the target processor and maps the target memoryaddresses to the host memory. The .line section holds the DWARF’s line ta-ble, which describes the correspondence between the source lines and the machinecode. DWARF [41] is one of common debugging data formats and is associatedwith ELF. There is an existing GNU tool called readelf that can extract theDWARF’s line table from the object file. The instrumentation tool then extractsthe mapping information from the DWARF’s line table.

Each entry of mapping information contains a source line number, the first andthe last instruction addresses of the instruction block generated by this sourceline. Figure 5.4(c) shows the mapping information of the running example. Forexample, the entry “15→0x18000a8 - 0x18000ac” denotes that the instructionsstored in the memory block “0x18000a8 - 0x18000ac” are generated from sourceline 15. If there is only one instruction generated, the first instruction address and


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5.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation

fNode *next

char filename[100]

mNode *mList_ptr

bbNode *bbList_ptr


fNode *next

char filename[100]

mNode *mList_ptr

bbNode *bbList_ptr




mNode *next

int source_line_no

int first_address

int last_address


mNode *next

int source_line_no

int first_address

int last_address


bbNode *next

char id[5]

int first_address

int last_address

char *anno_code


bbNode *next

char id[5]

int first_address

int last_address

char *anno_code

bbNode NULL


Figure 5.5: Data Structure of Mapping Information and Timing Information

the last instruction address of this instruction block are the same. One source linemight correspond to more than one instruction block. As shown in Figure 5.4(c),the machine code generated from source line 15 are separated into three instructionblocks. This is the result of code motion made by the compiler back-end.

To facilitate later use, the mapping information of each program file is stored ina linked list data structure, called mapping list (mList for short). As shown in Fig-ure 5.5, each node of a mList, called mNode, contains four members: source line no,first address and last address record the source line number, the first and the lastinstruction addresses of the instruction block, respectively; next points to the nextmNode in the list. The list is sorted in the ascending order of source line numbers.

5.3.2 Basic Block List Construction

A basic block is a sequence of instructions that has only one entry point andone exit point. This means that besides the first and the last instructions thissequence of instructions contains neither a branch nor a branch target. Becausethe basic blocks form the nodes of a program’s control flow graph and the sequenceof instructions of a basic block is known at compile-time, we use basic blocks asbasic units for timing information generation. The obtained timing informationof each program file is also stored in a linked list data structure, called basic blocklist (bbList for short), as shown in Figure 5.5. Each node of a bbList, calledbbNode, corresponds to a basic block and contains five members: id, first address,and last address hold the id of the basic block, the addresses of its first and last


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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

instructions, respectively; anno code points to the annotation code that expressesthe timing information of the basic block; next points to the next bbNode. Thelist is sorted in the ascending order of instruction addresses.

Algorithm 1 Basic Block List Construction

1: current address = first address of program2: while current address 6= last address of program do3: instruction = getInstruction(current address)4: instructionDecoding(instruction)5: if instruction is a branch then6: insertBBList(bbList, current address)7: target address = getTargetAddress(instruction)8: if target address 6= first address of program then9: insertBBList(bbList, target address− 4)

10: end if11: end if12: current address = current address+ 413: end while14: current bbNode = first node of bbList15: current id = 016: current bbNode→ first address = first address of program17: while current bbNode 6= NULL do18: if current id 6= 0 then19: current bbNode → first address = previous bbNode →

last address+ 420: end if21: current bbNode→ id = current id22: generateAnnotationCode(current bbNode)23: current id = current id+ 124: current bbNode = current bbNode→ next25: end while

We use the following algorithm to set up such a basic block list for each program:first, the binary code is scanned to find exit points of basic blocks. Instruc-tions that may end a basic block include primarily conditional branches, uncon-ditional branches, and the instruction before the target instruction of a branch.When an exit point is found in the scanning, a new node is created and insertedinto the list. After the basic block list is created, each node contains only thevalue of last address. Next, the list is traversed to assign an id and the value offirst address to each node. In the traversal, an id is assigned to each node ac-cording to the position of the node in the list. As the first instruction of eachbasic block, except the first basic block, is actually the instruction after the lastinstruction of its previous basic block, the value of first address can be calculatedby “previous_bbNode->last_address + 4”. The value of first address of thefirst basic block is assigned with the start address of the program. Meanwhile, the


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5.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation

annotation code of each basic block is generated. During the annotation code gen-eration, static timing analysis is performed. The whole algorithm of basic blocklist construction is described in Algorithm 1.

In the running example, only one basic block of machine code is generated fromthe shown ISC. It is the second basic block of the whole program. Therefore, itgets an id of “bb2 ”. Figure 5.4(d) shows the timing information generated fromthis basic block. The timing information entry “bb2 : 0x1800098− 0x18000b4→<annotation code of bb2 >” denotes that the instructions of the basic block bb2 arestored in the memory block “0x1800098− 0x18000b4” and the timing informationof this basic block is expressed by the annotation code “< annotation code of bb2 >”.

cycle_counter += 8;

instruction_counter += 8;

(a) Annotation Code 1

cycle_counter += 8;

iCache(0x1800098, 0x18000b4);

(b) Annotation Code 2

Figure 5.6: Annotation Code of the Running Example

As discussed, the annotation code of each basic block might contain not onlytiming values obtained by static timing analysis but also the code that is used totrigger dynamic timing analysis, depending on which timing effects are to be takeninto account. Figure 5.6 shows two examples of annotation code generated forbb2. In the annotation code shown in Figure 5.6(a), the delay of the basic block (8cycles), estimated by analyzing the timing effects of a superscalar pipeline, is addedto the cycle counter cycle counter. In the simulation, the cycle counter aggregatessuch timing values to get the timing of the whole program. In addition to timingvalues, we can also extract other useful information from the binary level for otherstatistics of interest. For example, the number of instructions is also counted inFigure 5.6(a). Static analysis of pipeline effects is introduced later in Section 5.3.3.During pipeline analysis, we assume optimistically all memory accesses hit cacheand each memory access consumes one CPU cycle. The penalties of cache missescan be compensated at simulation run-time by means of dynamic cache simulation.In Figure 5.6(b), we show the annotation code to trigger dynamic instructioncache simulation. More details about dynamic timing analysis are presented inSection 5.4.

5.3.3 Static Timing Analysis

Basically, each instruction is associated with a latency. Such instruction latenciesare usually specified in the processor manual. However, the execution time of a se-quence of instructions cannot be estimated simply by summing up the instructionlatencies, because low-level timing effects of the processor microarchitecture, suchas superscalarity, caching and branch prediction, all can change the instructiontiming.


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As already mentioned, we use a hybrid approach for timing analysis, namely amixture of static analysis and dynamic analysis. Correspondingly, the perfor-mance model is divided into two parts: an offline performance model and anonline performance model to capture local timing effects and global timing effects,respectively. Pipeline effects are a typical example of local timing effects. Whendispatched into a pipeline, only adjacent instructions affect each other, but remoteinstructions do not affect their respective executions. The sequence of instructionsin a basic block is known at compile-time, so pipeline effects like data hazards,structural hazards and superscalarity can be analyzed statically in the scope ofa basic block. The only approximation is made for the starting instructions ofa basic block, the timing of which depends on the execution context set by theprevious basic block. For example, we can assume that the pipeline is flushedbefore the instructions of each basic block are dispatched onto the pipeline modelfor scheduling. The advantage of static analysis is that the analysis is needed onlyonce for each instruction, while dynamic analysis must be repeated every timewhen the same instruction is executed.

We take the basic block of the running example to explain the static pipelineanalysis. The latencies of all the instructions are shown in Figure 5.7(a). If theinstructions are scheduled onto a simple pipeline model where the instructions areissued one after another, the total execution time of this sequence of instructionsis calculated by summing up their latencies, as shown in Figure 5.7(b). The resultis 11 CPU cycles. For superscalar architectures, this simple, sequential instructionscheduling is no longer feasible. Instead, a model that takes the timing effect ofsuperscalarity into account is required. Figure 5.7(c) shows an example of such asuperscalar pipeline model, which contains four parallel execution units. In eachCPU cycle, up to 2 instructions can be fetched and issued to the execution units.Since the pipeline is modeled at a high abstraction level, the parameters, e.g.,the issue width and the number of execution units, and the penalty of hazards,can be configured easily for a specific processor. Still, with this pipeline model,the most important timing effects, such as timing overlapping between parallelexecution instructions, structural hazards, and data dependencies among adjacentinstructions, can be identified. For example, in Figure 5.7(c), the first instructionlbz and the second instruction addi are issued to two execution units in the sameclock cycle, while the instruction stbx is issued after mullw because it must waituntil mullw finishes writing the result to the destination register. The analysisresults in an estimate of 8 CPU cycles. We presented more details about staticpipeline analysis in [100].

Global timing effects are highly context-related and different execution paths setdifferent context scenarios for an instruction. They cannot be analyzed staticallywithout complex control flow analysis. Because the control flow depends on con-crete input data during simulation, these global timing effects should be analyzeddynamically for an accurate estimation. The cache effect and the branch predic-tion effect are typical global timing effects.


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5.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation




latency (cycle)













(a) InstructionLatencies

(b) InstructionSchedulingfora Simple Pipeline

(c) InstructionSchedulingfora SuperscalarPipeline









































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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

In most cases, reasonable approximations can be made for the global timing effectsto avoid dynamic timing analysis. For example, we can assume optimisticallythat all memory accesses hit the cache. If an execution of a program has a highenough cache hit rate, this approximation will cause only a small error, which isacceptable in system level design. Otherwise, dynamic cache simulation is needed.More details about dynamic simulation of global timing effects are presented laterin Section 5.4.

5.3.4 Back-Annotation of Timing Information

The previous steps of work can be regarded as preparation of the informationneeded for instrumentation. Before instrumentation starts, all the informationhas been stored in a well-organized data structure shown in Figure 5.5. Eachprogram file of an application corresponds to a node in a so-called file list. Eachnode, called fNode, contains two pointers to the mapping list and the basic blocklist of the corresponding file and also a pointer that points to the next fNode inthe list.

In this step, the instrumentation tool makes use of the mapping information to in-sert the annotation code of each basic block into ISC. We use a simple algorithm torealize the instrumentation. It works as follows: the tool traverses both the map-ping list and the basic block list and marks the mNode if this mNode correspondsto an instruction block that is the last segment of a basic block. After that, the ISCis read line by line and printed out into an output file until a line that is recordedin a marked mNode is reached. Then, the annotation code of the correspondingbasic block is printed out in the output file before this ISC line is printed. Afterthe instrumentation is over, the output file contains both the original ISC andthe timing annotations. For the running example, the mNode that corresponds tothe last segment of bb2 is “19→0x18000b4 - 0x18000b4”. Hence, the ISC is readand printed line by line until line 19 is reached. “< annotation code of bb2 >” isprinted before line 19 is printed. Figure 5.4(e) shows the instrumented ISC.

This simple instrumentation algorithm may cause estimation error, if there is noexact one-to-one mapping between ISC-level basic blocks and binary-level basicblocks. Nevertheless, this error is very small in most cases. According to ourexperiment results presented in Section 5.6, this error was only 0.53% on averagefor the selected six programs. This error can also be eliminated by flow anal-ysis that is able to find an exact mapping between ISC-level control flows andbinary-level control flows. This is gained at the expense of the complexity of theinstrumentation tool and the time spent in instrumentation.


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5.3 Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation

. . . // 0x1800074 – 0x18000d824: L1:

25: a[j] = D_1301;

26: a[j_27] = D_1302;

34: L3:

35: i = i + 1;

36: if (i <= 10) goto L9;

else goto L5;

37: L9:

38: j_27 = i;

39: goto L2;

. . . // line 1 – 22

23: goto L7;

. . .

0x18000dc addi r0,r7,-1

0x18000e0 rlwinm r10,r7,2,0,29

0x18000e4 rlwinm r8,r0,2,0,29

0x18000e8 lwzx r11,r10,r6

0x18000ec lwzx r9,r8,r6

0x18000f0 mr r7,r0

0x18000f4 cmpw cr7,r11,r9

0x18000f8 blt- cr7,1800114

0x1800114 stwx r9,r10,r6

0x1800118 stwx r11,r8,r6

0x180011c b 18000dc

27: L2:

28: j = j_27;

29: L7:

30: D_1302 = a[j];

31: j_27 = j - 1;

32: D_1301 = a[j_27];

33: if (D_1302 < D_1301)

goto L1; else goto L3;

40: L5. . .

0x18000fc addi r5,r5,1

0x1800100 cmpwi cr7,r5,10

0x1800104 mr r7,r5

0x1800108 ble+ cr7,18000dc

20 → basic block 1

26 → basic block 5

33 → basic block 2

36 → basic block 3

43 → basic block 4

(b) Mapping Established between ISC and Binary Code

(a) Mapping Information






Figure 5.8: Mapping between ISC and Binary Code of insertsort


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Chapter 5 iSciSim for Performance Simulation of Compiler-Optimized Software

a[0]=0; a[1]=11; a[2]=10; a[3]=9; a[4]=8; a[5]=7;

a[6]=6; a[7]=5; a[8]=4; a[9]=3; a[10]=2;

(a) Input Data


. . . // 0x1800074 – 0x18000c8

0x18000cc stw r9,44(r1)

0x18000d0 li r5,2

0x18000d4 stw r0,48(r1)

0x18000d8 addi r6,r1,8


0x18000dc addi r0,r7,-1

0x18000e0 rlwinm r10,r7,2,0,29

0x18000e4 rlwinm r8,r0,2,0,29

0x18000e8 lwzx r11,r10,r6

0x18000ec lwzx r9,r8,r6

0x18000f0 mr r7,r0

0x18000f4 cmpw cr7,r11,r9

0x18000f8 blt- cr7,1800114


0x18000fc addi r5,r5,1

0x1800100 cmpwi cr7,r5,10

0x1800104 mr r7,r5

0x1800108 ble+ cr7,18000dc


0x180010c addi r1,r1,64

0x1800110 blr


0x1800114 stwx r9,r10,r6

0x1800118 stwx r11,r8,r6

0x180011c b 18000dc

. . . // line 1 – 22

cycles += 13; // Delay(bb1)

goto L7;


a[j] = D_1301;

cycles += 3; // Delay(bb5)

a[j_27] = D_1302;


j = j_27;


D_1302 = a[j];

j_27 = j - 1;

D_1301 = a[j_27];

cycles += 6; // Delay(bb2)

if (D_1302 < D_1301) goto L1;

else goto L3;


i = i + 1;

cycles += 4; // Delay(bb3)

if (i <= 10) goto L9; else goto L5;


j_27 = i;

goto L2;


cycles += 1; // Delay(bb4)

. . .











(b) Instrumented ISC and Execution Count (c) Binary Code and Execution Count



Figure 5.9: Instrumented ISC and Binary Code of insertsort


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5.4 Dynamic Simulation of Global Timing Effects

5.3.5 An Example: insertsort

In Chapter 4, we use the program insertsort to show the mapping problems ofSciSim. Now, we use the same example to show how these problems are solvedusing ISC. Figure 5.8(b) shows the ISC of insertsort and the binary code generatedfrom the ISC. Figure 5.8(a) gives the mapping between the ISC level basic blocksand the binary level basic blocks, established by parsing the mapping list andthe basic block list and using the simple algorithm described in Section 5.3.4.The mapping is also depicted in Figure 5.8(b). We have manually proved itscorrectness.

According to the mapping, the timing information of each binary level basic blockcan be back-annotated straightforwardly. For example, basic block 2 is mappedto ISC line 33, so the execution time of basic block 2, which is 6 cycles obtainedby static timing analysis, is simply inserted before line 33. In the same way,the execution time of basic block 3 is inserted before line 36. Finally, we getthe instrumented ISC of insertsort as shown in Figure 5.9(b). We measured theexecution count of each ISC level basic block and binary level basic block, given aset of input data as shown in Figure 5.9(a). The execution count is shown at theright hand side of each basic block. It is found that all the timing information isaggregated the same number of times as the execution count of the correspondingbinary level basic blocks. For example, basic block 2 is executed 54 times in thereal execution. Its timing information annotated in the ISC is also aggregated 54times.

This example proves that: (1) we can establish an accurate mapping betweenISC level basic blocks and binary level basic blocks, (2) we can straightforwardlyback-annotate the timing information obtained from binary level basic blocks intoISC according to the mapping, and (3) the back-annotated timing information canbe correctly aggregated along the ISC level control flows during the simulation.These are validated with more programs in our experiment. The experimentalresults are shown in Section 5.6.

5.4 Dynamic Simulation of Global Timing Effects

To couple ISC with the online performance model, code that triggers dynamictiming analysis is annotated into the ISC. During simulation, the annotated codepasses run-time data to the performance model for timing analysis. As an example,we show in Figure 5.10 how to simulate instruction cache behaviors. At runtime,the addresses of the first instruction and the last instruction of the basic block aresent to an instruction cache simulator by calling icache(UInt32 first addr, UInt32last addr). The cache simulator then decides how many cache hits and how manycache misses are caused by this basic block according to the present state of thecache. As shown in Figure 5.10, the function iCache models the instruction cache’s


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behavior. DecodeAddress extracts the tag part and the index of cache set froman instruction address. Search is the function, which, when called, compares theextracted tag with the tag of each cache entry in the specified set, and returnsthe way number if one match is found, i.e., in the case of cache hit. Otherwise, anegative value is returned by Search and then ReplaceLine is called. ReplaceLine isdefined as a function pointer, switching between different functions that implementthe widely used replacement strategies, such as LRU (least recently used), PLRU(Pseudo-LRU), and LFU (least frequently used). Finally, the bits representingthe access history of each cache entry are updated by calling UpdateAge which isalso a function pointer pointing to the function that performs the correspondingupdate.

. . .

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];

14 L0:

15 c[i] = (*ivtmp_34) * (*ivtmp_35);

16 i = i + 1;

17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34 + 1;

18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35 + 1;


19 if(i != 10) goto L0; else goto L2;

20 L2:

. . .

. . .

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];

14 L0:

15 c[i] = (*ivtmp_34) * (*ivtmp_35);

16 i = i + 1;

17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34 + 1;

18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35 + 1;


19 if(i != 10) goto L0; else goto L2;

20 L2:

. . .

iCache(0x1800098, 0x18000b4);

#define nWays …

#define nSets …

#define linesize …

UInt32 addr = AlignAddress(first_addr);

for(; addr<=last_addr; addr+=linesize)


UInt32 tag, index, way;

DecodeAddress(addr, &tag, &index);

way = Search(index, tag);

if(way>0) hit();





UpdateAge(way, index);


#define nWays …

#define nSets …

#define linesize …

UInt32 addr = AlignAddress(first_addr);

for(; addr<=last_addr; addr+=linesize)


UInt32 tag, index, way;

DecodeAddress(addr, &tag, &index);

way = Search(index, tag);

if(way>0) hit();





UpdateAge(way, index);


void iCache(UInt32 first_addr, Uint32 last_addr){

ReplaceLine(index, tag, &way); LRU(index, tag)LRU(index, tag)

PLRU(index, tag)PLRU(index, tag)

LFU(index, tag)LFU(index, tag)

(linesize/4) words/way



Figure 5.10: Instruction Cache Simulation

Data cache simulation is more complex, because target data addresses are notvisible in ISC. A simple solution proposed in [69] is to use a statistical data cachemodel, which generates cache misses randomly, without the need of data addresses.An alternative is to annotate code, describing register operations, to generatetarget data addresses at runtime, as proposed in [100]. Here, we propose anothermethod, which is more accurate than the former solution and allows for muchfaster simulation than the latter one. We use data addresses in the host memoryspace for data cache simulation. It has been validated that the data of a programin the host memory and in the target memory have similar spatial and temporallocalities, if similar compilers are used for host compilation and cross-compilation.As shown in Figure 5.11, dcache read( write)(UInt32 addr, int data size) sendshost data address and data size for data cache simulation.

In [100], dynamic simulation of the branch prediction effect is also presented.These methods of dynamic timing analysis proposed for SLS are also applicablefor iSciSim. Using dynamic timing analysis, simulation accuracy is gained at theexpense of simulation speed. Users should handle this trade-off and decide whichtiming effects are worth dynamic analysis.


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5.5 Software TLM Generation using iSciSim for Multiprocessor Simulation in SystemC

. . .

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];

14 L0:

15 c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);

16 i = i + 1;

17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34 + 1;

18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35 + 1;

cycles+=8;icache(0x1800098, 0x18000b4);

19 if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;20 L2:

. . .

. . .

12 ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

13 ivtmp_35 = &b[0];

14 L0:

15 c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);

16 i = i + 1;

17 ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34 + 1;

18 ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35 + 1;

cycles+=8;icache(0x1800098, 0x18000b4);

19 if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;20 L2:

. . .

dcache_read(ivtmp_34, 4);

dcache_read(ivtmp_35, 4);

dcache_write(&(c[i]), 4);

data cache


data cache


Figure 5.11: Data Cache Simulation

5.5 Software TLM Generation using iSciSim forMultiprocessor Simulation in SystemC

So far, we have introduced the approach of generating high-level software simula-tion models and the way of simulating timing effects of uniprocessor microarchi-tecture. Whereas, our target is to use the generated software simulation modelsfor simulation of complex multiprocessor systems, in order to accelerate the sim-ulation speed and shorten the time needed for design space exploration.

System busSystem bus






(a) (b)








t1 t2 t3 t3 t4


δ3 δ5

Figure 5.12: An Example of MPSoC: (a) Architecture, (b) Part of Timing Behavior

During the design space exploration of a multiprocessor system, it is importantto model the system’s temporal behaviors and the dynamic interactions amongsystem components. Figure 5.12(a) shows a simplified view of an MPSoC (Mul-tiprocessor System-on-Chip), which consists of two processor cores, a DSP, anASIC, a shared memory and a system bus. Figure 5.12(b) illustrates part of the


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temporal behavior of the MPSoC. It involves two memory accesses from CPU1:one is hit in the cache, while the other is missed, resulting in different delays.Simulation is aimed to capture such temporal behaviors to generate performancestatistics such as utilization of the system components, cache miss rate, and thenumber of bus contentions. These statistics are then used for design improvement.

In a multiprocessor simulation, the software simulation models generated by iS-ciSim can not only represent the functional behavior but also capture the workloadof the system. They can estimate accurately the delays caused by software ex-ecution such as δ2 in Figure 5.12(b), in order to study the influence of softwareexecution on the system performance. To explore the memory hierarchy, they sendthe address and size of data, with which the cache simulator can decide whethera hit or a miss occurs. Knowing the accurate access times, we can model theresource contentions caused by simultaneous accesses to the same resource. Forexample, a bus contention will occur, if CPU2 also requires a bus transfer at t2.This will lead to a longer delay on the bus.

To model such complex systems, where multiple processors and hardware compo-nents run in parallel, SystemC [55] provides a desirable simulation framework. Tobe integrated into a SystemC simulator, the instrumented ISC of each softwaretask is also written in SystemC. Such a simulation model is actually a transactionlevel model (TLM) of the task. We call it a taskTLM for short in the followingdiscussion. There is actually no large difference between the instrumented ISC inC and the taskTLM in SystemC. The latter has more code for declaring itself asa SystemC thread. In addition, in order to advance SystemC simulation time, theannotated timing information is expressed by SystemC wait() statements in thetaskTLM. The taskTLM generation approach is illustrated in Figure 5.13, alongwith the running example. As shown, in the taskTLM “cycles += 8” is replacedby “wait(8*T, SC NS)”, where T is the duration of a CPU cycle with nanosecondas the unit (SC NS). This wait() statement advances the SystemC simulation timefor the execution time of the basic back, i.e., 8 cycles. This means that for eachbasic block of binary code there is a wait() statement explicitly annotated.

When a taskTLM is executed, after the native execution of a part of source code,there is a wait() statement to advance the SystemC simulation time for the cor-responding basic block of binary code. Hence, the execution of a taskTLM canbe divided into many segments, each consisting of the execution of a segment ofsource code and a wait() statement. The number of execution segments is equalto that of wait() calls.

Here, we want to discuss about two different terms of time: simulation time andnative execution time. Simulation time is the time recorded in the SystemC sim-ulation kernel to present the time consumed by executing an application on thetarget platform. Native execution time is the physical time spent in executing thesimulation models on the simulation host. The relation between simulation timeand native execution time is illustrated in Figure 5.14 using a simple example.


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5.5 Software TLM Generation using iSciSim for Multiprocessor Simulation in SystemC










Target Binary

Timing Info.









Mapping Info.













Description Files

Software Tasks

in C/C++


in SystemC

1 2

ISC Generation






Source Code




ivtmp_34 = &a[0];

ivtmp_35 = &b[0];



p_34, 4);


p_35, 4);

dcache_write(&(c[i]), 4);


i = i + 1;

ivtmp_34 = ivtmp_34+1;

ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

wait(8*T, SC_NS);

if(i!=10) gotoL0;else gotoL2;













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void Func(){

… // code segment 1 executes for t’1

wait(t1); // executes for t’2

… // code segment 2 executes for t’3

wait(t2); // executes for t’4


Native execution time

Simulation time

t1 t2





t1 t2

Native execution

Execution segment 1

Execution segment 2

(a) An Example of taskTLM

(b) Simulation Time vs. Native Execution Time

(c) Representation of Execution Segments

Figure 5.14: Segmented Execution of taskTLM

Figure 5.14(a) is an example of taskTLM consisting of two segments. Figure 5.14(b)shows the relation between simulation time and native execution time. The sourcecode in the first segment consumes t’1 to execute on the host machine, whereasit does not advance any simulation time. It is estimated that the execution ofthis code segment takes t1 on the target processor. Therefore, wait(t1) is calledto advance the simulation time for t1. We know, a wait() statement also takes asignificant amount of native execution time. As shown in Figure 5.14(b), wait(t1)advances simulation time = t1 and takes native execution time = t’2, resultingin a segment of ramp. The second execution segment is also represented in the


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5.5 Software TLM Generation using iSciSim for Multiprocessor Simulation in SystemC

same manner. For convenience, we use two rectangles to represent an executionsegment: a short gray rectangle representing the native execution of source codeand a white rectangle representing the simulation time advancement, as shown inFigure 5.14(c). The length of the white rectangle corresponds to the amount ofsimulation time being advanced.

. . .


cycles += 1;



cycles = 0;


}. . .


HWTask 1...

Task n

Cache Simulator



Figure 5.15: Multiprocessor Simulation

Compared with simulation in C, simulation in SystemC has the major disadvan-tage of low performance. The wait() statements annotated in the source code cancause very time-consuming context switches between the software threads and theSystemC simulation kernel. Our experiment in Section 5.6.4 shows that the wait()statements cause software simulation slowdown of a factor of 280. To avoid this,our solution is to keep aggregating timing information using variables. A wait()statement is generated to advance the simulation time, only when the softwaretask has to interact with external devices. For example, as illustrated in Fig-ure 5.15, a wait() statement is generated, when there is an access to an externalmemory in the case of a cache miss. In this way, the number of wait() statementsis reduced significantly.

Figure 5.16 illustrates this optimization. After optimization, the execution seg-ments between two IO or memory accesses are merged to one and the numberof wait() statements is reduced from 22 to 3. According to our experiment inSection 5.6.4, the software simulation with the optimized taskTLMs has only aslowdown factor of 5 compared with simulation in C.

For simulation of the whole system including other system components, such asRTOS, peripherals and bus, additional code must be annotated during instrumen-tation to trigger interactions between software tasks and these system components.Figure 5.15 gives a highly simplified view of a multiprocessor system and showsan example of modeling accesses to the shared memory. Of course, to simulatesuch a system, many other complex issues have to be tackled. Here, we focus onlyon software simulation.


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IO or memory access

IO or memory access

8 segments 6 segments 8 segments

1 segment 1 segment 1 segment

(a) Segmental Execution

(b) Optimized Segmental Execution

Figure 5.16: wait() Statements Reduction

5.6 Experimental Results

The experiments have been carried out mainly to compare the discussed softwaresimulation strategies, to show the benefits of iSciSim, and to demonstrate howiSciSim facilitates MPSoC design. The simulation strategies discussed in thisdissertation include instruction set simulation (ISS), binary level simulation (BLS),source level simulation (SLS) and intermediate representation level simulation(IRLS).

The experiment setup was the same as in the last chapter. The same 6 benchmarkprograms were used. All the programs were cross-compiled using a GCC compilerwith the optimization level -O2. The simulation performance was measured on a3 GH Intel CPU based PC with 4 GB memory, running Linux. PowerPC 603ewas chosen as the target processor. The estimates from an interpretive ISS wereused as a reference.

In order to get a representative of the BLS technique, we also implemented aBLS approach introduced in [77], which can represent the state-of-the-art. SciSimwas used as the representative of the SLS technique. iSciSim can be regardedas an IRLS approach. We evaluated the four approaches quantitatively, in termsof simulation accuracy and speed. Simulation accuracy was measured by bothinstruction count accuracy and cycle count accuracy. In addition, we comparedthe execution times of source code and ISC, studied how cache simulation affects


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5.6 Experimental Results

Table 5.1: Source Code vs. ISC

ISS(Source Code) ISS(ISC)

Estimates Estimates Difference

instructions 4384 4384 0.00%fibcall

cycles 3307 3307 0.00%

instructions 630 631 0.16%insertsort

cycles 516 508 -1.55%

instructions 59010 59010 0.00%bsearch

cycles 46057 46057 0.00%

instructions 17201 17457 1.49%crccycles 10288 10289 0.01%

instructions 262434 260913 -0.58%blowfish

cycles 178610 179141 0.30%

instructions 3624426960 3544426960 -2.21%AES

cycles 2292275341 2248279321 -1.92%

the estimation accuracy and simulation performance of iSciSim, and also did sim-ulation in SystemC. Finally, we did a case study of designing an MPSoC for aM-JPEG decoder.

5.6.1 Source Code vs. ISC

As timing analysis is performed on binary code generated from ISC, a justifiedconcern is whether this binary code is the same as the one generated from theoriginal source code. In the first experiment we have compared the executiontimes of ISC and source code, using the ISS. We tested all the six benchmarks.The estimates and the difference between execution times of source code and ISCare shown in Table 5.1. The difference is also illustrated in Figure 5.17. Asshown, the ISC programs of fibcall and bsearch take exactly the same number ofCPU cycles to execute as their source programs. In the simulation of the otherfour programs, a maximal error of -1.92% is found. The mean absolute error is0.63%. This means that the ISC generation may change the temporal behavior ofa program, but this change is small enough to be ignored.

5.6.2 Benchmarking SW Simulation Strategies

All the estimates of the six programs using the four simulation approaches areshown in Table 5.2. The estimates obtained by the ISS have taken the most im-portant timing effects into account using a simplified performance model, which


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fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

instruction count error

cycle count error

Figure 5.17: Difference between Execution Times of Source Code and ISC

consists of a pipeline model, a data cache simulator, and an instruction cache sim-ulator. As there are still some approximations made in the performance model,the estimates from the ISS are not exactly the same as but close to the real ex-ecution times. Assume the estimates from the ISS are accurate enough and canbe used as a reference to evaluate the simulation accuracies of the other tools.The estimation error (EE) of a simulation and the mean absolute error (MAE) ofsimulating N programs are given by:

EE = (EstimateOtherTool − EstimateISS)EstimateISS

× 100%


MAE = 1N

∑Ni=1 |EEi|

The other tools follow the hybrid timing analysis approach. Namely, they analyzepipeline effects statically at compile-time and simulate the global timing effectsdynamically during the simulation. Since all the selected programs are of smallsize and the target processor has large caches (a 16 KB data cache and a 16KB instruction cache), the execution of these programs on the target processorhas a very small cache miss rate. In this case, the cache effects are not worthdynamic analysis. Therefore, in the estimates from BLS, SLS, and iSciSim, wehave taken only the pipeline effects into account and ignored the cache effects byassuming optimistically that all memory accesses hit cache. The pipeline effectswere analyzed using the same pipeline model as the ISS’s.

As the mapping between binary level functional representation and binary codeis straightforward, BLS should allow for instruction counting with an accuracyof 100%. This was proved by the experiment. As shown in Table 5.2, BLS has


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5.6 Experimental Results

an accuracy of 100% in counting the number of executed instructions of all thesix programs. In the estimates of CPU cycles, BLS has an error introduced bythe approximation made in the performance model in comparison to the ISS. TheMAE of cycle counting is 0.83%. The same error exists in the timing analyses inSLS and iSciSim.

SLS is able to count instructions and cycles accurately for data-intensive appli-cations, like blowfish and AES, where control flows are relatively simple. For theother programs, large errors are seen, because the control flows of these programswere changed by compiler optimizations and the mapping between binary levelcontrol flows and source level control flows was destroyed. The MAEs are 48.6%and 65.1% in instruction counting and cycle counting, respectively.

As expected, iSciSim allows for very accurate simulation with MAE of 0.99% ininstruction counting and MAE of 1.04% in cycle counting. The simulation errorsare also shown in Figure 5.18. The largest error is found in the simulation ofAES, which is -2.21% and -1.74% in instruction counting and cycle counting,respectively. The sources of the estimation error in iSciSim are threefold: errorcaused during the ISC generation, error because of the approximations made in thetiming analysis, and error introduced by the back-annotation of timing informationusing the simple algorithm. The three sources of error in the estimates of the sixprograms are illustrated in Figure 5.19. It has already been discussed above that,for the selected programs, there are MAEs of 0.63% and 0.83% caused by the ISCgeneration and the simplification of timing analysis, respectively. The mappingerror introduced by back-annotation can be measured by comparing the executiontimes of ISC estimated by BLS and iSciSim. For the given programs, the MAEcaused by the back-annotation is only 0.53%.









fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

instruction count error

cycle count error

Figure 5.18: The Simulation Error of iSciSim


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5.6 Experimental Results












fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

ISC Generation

Timing Analysis








0.20%0% 0%





0.27% 0.30%





Figure 5.19: Estimation Errors Introduced by iSciSim Working Steps


































instruction count error

cycle count error

Figure 5.20: The Influence of Input Data on Simulation Accuracy of iSciSim

In addition, we also studied how input data affects the simulation accuracy. First,we changed the input data size of insertsort, fibcall, bsearch, and AES. The orig-inal insertsort sorts an array of length 10. We changed the array length to 50and got insertsort large. Similarly, bsearch calls the function binary search(int x)1000 times, while bsearch large calls the function 18000 times. In contrast, inputdata of fibcall was reduced. fibcall calls the function fib(int n) seven times, eachwith a different value of n, while fibcall small calls it only once. In the previousexperiment, we simulated AES with the key length of 128 bits. Here, we also sim-ulated it with the key length of 192 bits and 256 bits. The estimates of all theseprograms are shown in Table 5.3. We can see that although the input data waschanged, the simulation accuracy of iSciSim is still very high for most programs.The absolute cycle count error is kept within 1.4%, except for fibcall small andinsertsort large.


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5.6 Experimental Results









test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8



e in C



Simulations of insertsort_large with different input data

Figure 5.21: Simulation of insertsort large Using iSciSim: Execution Times with Re-spect to Test Cases









test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8

cycle count error

Figure 5.22: Simulation of insertsort large Using iSciSim: Errors with Respect to TestCases

The cycle count error of fibcall small is -11.01%, much larger than that of fibcall.This is because that the simulation of both fibcall and fibcall small had threeinstruction cache misses and the cache effects were not taken into account in thesimulation using iSciSim. fibcall small executed only 109 cycles. Ignoring thecache effects had a large influence on its simulation accuracy. The simulation ofinsertsort large using iSciSim has an error of 4.88%, larger than the simulationerror of insertsort. That is mainly because of the error introduced in pipelineanalysis. The cycle count errors of iSciSim are also illustrated in Figure 5.20.


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We further simulated insertsort large with 8 different test cases using both theISS and iSciSim. Figure 5.21 shows the execution times estimated by iSciSimwith respect to the test cases. The columns are sorted in the ascending orderof execution times. The first test case leaded to the best case execution time ofinsertsort large, while the last test case caused the worst case execution time. Thecorresponding cycle count errors are presented in Figure 5.22. It is interesting tosee a smooth curve. Test 1 has a negative error of -23.49%. This is because thatthe execution of insertsort large had 17 instruction cache misses and 7 data cachemisses and the delays caused by these cache misses were not taken into accountin the simulation using iSciSim. As insertsort large executed only 711 cycles inTest 1, the delays caused by cache misses accounted for a large portion of timeand ignoring them resulted in a large negative error. In Test 2, the execution timeof insertsort large increased to 1849 cycles, because the second test case causedmore loop iterations. Nevertheless, the number of cache misses did not change,so the influence of cache effects became smaller. The error is reduced to -1.95%.Then, the error becomes positive and increases slowly to 4.88%. The positive errorwas mainly caused by approximations made in pipeline analysis. The error wasactually very small, but, with the number of loop iterations increased from Test 3to Test 8, the error was more and more accumulated. Nevertheless, for the worstcase, the error is still within 5%, acceptable in system level design.







fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

ISS BLS Native Execution SLS iSciSim

Simulation Speeds(MIPS)


Figure 5.23: The Simulation Speeds and the Native Execution Speed

Figure 5.23 shows the speeds of native execution and simulations, measured inMIPS (million instructions per second), in a log scale. The simulation speeds aswell as the native execution speed are given by

simulation speed = Cinstruction

(Tsimulation × 1000000)


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5.6 Experimental Results

where Cinstruction is the total number of instructions executed when running theprogram on the target processor, estimated by simulation, and Tsimulation is thesimulation duration.

The simulation speed of the ISS is very low, only 11.9 MIPS on average. SLS andiSciSim allow for simulation with average simulation speeds of 4669.0 MIPS and4765.6 MIPS, respectively, almost as fast as the native execution (5198.2 MIPSon average) and much faster than BLS (349.4 MIPS on average).

5.6.3 Dynamic Cache Simulation

In this experiment, we first studied how dynamic cache simulation affects sim-ulation accuracy of iSciSim. As discussed in the last sub-section, cache simula-tion will not increase the simulation accuracy, if the programs are executed onthe target processor with the default data cache and instruction cache configura-tions (both are 4 × 128 × 32 bytes). A cache configuration is expressed withnWays × nSets × linesize, where nWays, nSets and linesize represent the num-ber of ways, the number of sets and the cache line size in byte, respectively. Whenboth data cache and instruction cache configurations are changed to 4 × 64 × 16(4K) bytes, there is an error of 35.2% in the estimate of AES from iSciSim with-out cache simulation, as shown in Figure 5.24. The simulation errors of the otherprograms are still within 10%. In Figure 5.24, we also show how the errors arereduced with only data cache simulation, with only instruction cache simulation,and with both cache simulations. Further, when both cache configurations arechanged to 4 × 64 × 8 (2K) bytes, the simulation errors of AES, insertsort, andblowfish exceed 10%, as shown in Figure 5.25. The error in the estimate of AESis even larger than 80%. The error in the estimate of blowfish was mainly causedby ignoring the penalties of data cache misses, so iSciSim with data cache simu-lation alone reduces the estimation error from 35.8% down to 1.1%. In contrastto blowfish, the errors in the estimates of AES and insertsort were caused mainlyby ignoring the instruction cache effect. Nevertheless, in the estimate of AES, theerror caused by ignoring the data cache effect is also very large.

Further, we studied how cache simulation reduces the simulation performance ofiSciSim. The performance reduction due to data cache simulation depends mainlyon the percentage of load/store instructions in a program and the implementationof the data cache simulator. The performance reduction due to instruction cachesimulation is dependent on the granularity of basic blocks and the implementationof the instruction cache simulator. According to our implementation of both cachesimulators, a cache configuration that causes more cache misses will lead to a lowersimulation speed. A smaller value of nSets will lead to a little shorter time fordata/instruction address decoding.

In the experiment, we chose randomly four cache configurations. The simulationspeeds of iSciSim with data cache simulation and instruction cache simulation are


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without cache simulation

with data cache simulation

with instruction cache simulation

with both simulations

fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES


EstimationErrors (Cache: 4×64×16)

Figure 5.24: Estimation Errors of iSciSim with and without Cache Simulation (CacheConfiguration: 4 × 64 × 16)












without cache simulation

with data cache simulation

with instruction cache simulation

with both simulations

fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES


EstimationErrors (Cache: 4×64×8)

Figure 5.25: Estimation Errors of iSciSim with and without Cache Simulation (CacheConfiguration: 4 × 64 × 8)

shown in Figure 5.26 and Figure 5.27, respectively. When the data cache of thedefault configuration is simulated, the average simulation speed is reduced from4765.6 MIPS down to 1344.5 MIPS. In fibcall, the executed load/store instruc-tions account for only 0.1% of the total instructions, so the dynamic data cachesimulation has only around 5.1% overhead. In contrast to fibcall, insertsort andAES are two programs, where the executed load/store instructions have very highpercentages of the total instructions, which are 33.3% and 31.1%, respectively.Therefore, the simulations of the two programs with data cache simulation have91.8% and 93.9% performance reductions, respectively, in comparison to the sim-ulations without data cache simulation. As the data cache size is reduced, thecache miss rates in the simulations of blowfish and AES increase significantly.As a result, the simulation performances are also reduced. In the simulations


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of the other programs, the different data cache configurations do not have largeimpact on cache miss rates, and therefore, only very slight changes of simulationperformance are observed.












fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

16K (4×128×32)

8K (4×128×16)

4K (4×64×16)

2K (4×64×8)


Simulation Speeds(MIPS)

Figure 5.26: Simulation Performance of iSciSim with Data Cache Simulation










fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

16K (4×128×32)

8K (4×128×16)

4K (4×64×16)

2K (4×64×8)


Simulation Speeds(MIPS)

Figure 5.27: Simulation Performance of iSciSim with Instruction Cache Simulation

When the instruction cache of the default configuration is simulated, the averagesimulation speed of iSciSim is reduced from 4765.6 MIPS down to 695.6 MIPS. Inthe simulations of AES, when the instruction cache configuration is changed from4 × 128 × 32 stepwise to 4 × 64 × 8, obvious simulation performance reductionsare seen, because the reduction of instruction cache size increases the instructioncache miss rate significantly, from the one close to 0.0% to 50.2%. Slight perfor-mance reductions are also observed in the simulations of insertsort. The changeof instruction cache configuration has relatively small impact on simulation per-formance in the simulations of the other programs.


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5.6 Experimental Results

5.6.4 Simulation in SystemC

This experiment is to study the slowdown of simulation speed caused by wait()statements, when software simulation models are wrapped in SystemC for sim-ulation of a whole system. If cache is also simulated, the native execution timeconsists of three parts: (1) the execution time of the application code on the hostmachine, TappCode, (2) the time needed for cache simulation, TcacheSim, and (3) thetime consumed by wait() statements, Twait(). So, the simulation speed is expressedby

simulation speed = Cinstruction

(TappCode + TcacheSim + Twait()) × 1000000

As shown in Figure 5.28, if one wait() statement is annotated for each basic block,the average simulation speed is slowed down to 4.8 MIPS. If a wait() statement isgenerated only before an access to the external memory in the case of a data cachemiss, the simulation runs at an average speed of 254.5 MIPS. Compared with thesimulation in C, which is at 1344.5 MIPS on average, there is a slowdown factorof 5.








fibcall insertsort bsearch crc blowfish AES

Simulation in C with data cache simulation

Simulation in SystemC (wait() per data cache miss)

Simulation in SystemC (wait() per basic block)


Simulation Speeds(MIPS)

Figure 5.28: Simulation in C vs. Simulation in SystemC

The data shown in Table 5.4 helps us to understand the factors that determinethe simulation speeds. Cbb, CdcacheAccess, and CdcacheMiss are the number of basicblocks, the number of data reads/writes, and the number of data cache misses,respectively. TsimInC , TsimInSystemC1, and TsimInSystemC2 are respective times spentin simulation in C, simulation in SystemC with one wait() executed while a cachemiss occurs, and simulation in SystemC with one wait() for each basic block.As simulation in C has no overhead due to wait() statements, TsimInC is equal


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to TappCode + TcacheSim. Therefore, by subtracting TsimInC from TsimInSystemC1and TsimInSystemC2, we get the times consumed by wait() statements Twait()1 andTwait()2. Assuming that each wait() consumes a constant time twait(), we getTwait() = twait() × Nwait(), where Nwait() is the number of wait() statements. Ifone wait() corresponds to each basic block, Nwait() is equal to the number of basicblocks Cbb. So, we get Twait()2 = twait() × Cbb. According to the measured data,a single wait() takes around 7 us to execute on the experiment PC. Comparedwith Twait()2, TappCode + TcacheSim is almost ignorable. If one wait() correspondsto each data cache miss, Nwait() is equal to the number of cache misses plus onewait() that is used to advance the simulation time for the code after the last cachemiss. Thus, Twait()1 = twait()× (CdcacheMiss + 1). Usually, CdcacheMiss + 1 is muchsmaller than Cbb. That is the reason why this strategy can significantly improvethe simulation speed.

5.6.5 Case Study of MPSoC Simulation: A Motion-JPEGDecoder

We also did a case study to show how iSciSim facilitates MPSoC design space ex-ploration. In the case study we designed an MPSoC for a Motion-JPEG (M-JPEG)decoder. We have chosen this application because it is a real-life application. Al-though it is not too complicated but has enough features to illustrate the use ofour simulation method. This experiment was carried out on a laptop equippedwith an Intel Core2 Duo CPU at 2.26 GHz and 2 GB memory. The executionenvironment was Cygwin on Windows XP.





ACCoefficients Decoded Images

Quantization Tables

Huffman Tables

Image Size

Figure 5.29: M-JPEG Decoder Block Diagram

M-JPEG is a multimedia format, where each video frame is compressed as a JPEGimage, and the M-JPEG decoder is a typical multimedia application. The mostbuilding blocks of a M-JPEG decoder are also used in many other image/videoprocessing applications. The block diagram of the M-JPEG decoder used in thiscase study is shown in Figure 5.29. The input is a stream of JPEG images.DEMUX extracts some information data from each image, such as Huffmann ta-bles, quantization tables, image blocks, and image size, and sends them to the


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5.6 Experimental Results

corresponding blocks. VLD, ZZ, IQ, and IDCT perform variable length decoding,Zigzag scanning, inverse quantization, and inverse discrete cosine transformation,respectively. Then, CONV converts the image format from YUV to RGB. LIBUreceives RGB blocks and orders them in lines. At last, the RGB lines are sent fordisplaying.

The video used in the case study has a resolution of 256x144 pixels per frame. Thedesign was aimed at archiving 25 frames per second (fps) decoding rate. We usedthe proposed simulation method to perform system level design space explorationto find the best design from the design alternatives. In principle, the design spacefor such an application could be very large. The target platform could be a high-performance uniprocessor or a multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) that iseither homogeneous or heterogeneous. However, we considered only homogeneousMPSoCs consisting of multiple identical PowerPC cores to simplify the designproblem. Each processor has a 16 KB instruction cache and a 16 KB data cache.This kind of simplification does not hinder the demonstration of the key concepts.The same simulation methodology is surely applicable for exploring a larger designspace.

The described M-JPEG decoder was first implemented in a sequential C program.Then, the C program was transformed to an ISC program. We measured the exe-cution times of both the source program and the ISC program on the experimentPC. For a sequence of 200 frames of size 256x144 pixels, the execution times were1.47 s and 1.54 s, respectively. This proves again that the execution time of anISC program is close to its original source program. Hence, it is fully feasible touse the ISC program for implementation instead of the source program.

Table 5.5: Performance Profiling of the M-JPEG Decoder

Module Execution time in cycles Time percentage

All 5612778816 100%

VLD 590901512 10.5%

IQ+ZZ 578880000 10.3%

IDCT 3177253144 56.6%

CONV 1175923358 21.0%

LIBU 71614200 1.3%

DEMUX and Others 18206602 0.3%

Before parallelizing the sequential program, we profiled the execution time of theapplication on the target processor and got the contribution of each module tothe total execution time, as shown in Table 5.5. The data is also illustrated inFigure 5.30. The execution times were obtained by running the instrumented ISCof the whole program. The execution of the instrumented ISC took only 2.12 s.


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Execution tim

e in cycles

10.5% 10.3%



1.3% 0.3%

Figure 5.30: Performance Profiling of the M-JPEG Decoder







System busSystem bus








Task graph node Hardware block Data flow Mapping

Figure 5.31: Mapping of the M-JPEG Application onto the MPSoC Architecture


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5.6 Experimental Results










Figure 5.32: Point-to-Point Communication Using FIFOs

This fast program performance profiling is also an advantage of our approach,because profiling using iSciSim is much faster and easier than using an ISS.

The performance data shown in Table 5.5 is very useful for parallelizing the ap-plication model and its mapping onto the target platform. As IDCT is the mostcomputationally-intensive block and contributes 56.6% to the total execution time,we should either run IDCT on a high-performance processor core or on more thanone cores in parallel or implement it as a hardware co-processor, to achieve thedesired performance. However, as mentioned, we considered only MPSoC archi-tectures with a set of identical PowerPC cores, so we chose to parallelize IDCTon multiple cores. In contrast, some other blocks that are less computationally-intensive were grouped together. In this way, we can achieve load-balancing be-tween the processor cores. An example of parallelization of the application modeland its mapping onto four processor cores is illustrated in Figure 5.31.

Table 5.6: M-JPEG Decoder Performances of Different Configurations (Point-to-PointCommunication with Untimed FIFOs)

Configuration Frames/Sec Simulation Duration

1: Three Cores @ 100 MHz 6.29 7.7 sec

2: Four Cores @ 100 MHz 12.58 7.4 sec

3: Five Cores @ 100 MHz 16.01 7.2 sec

4: Four Cores @ 200 MHz 25.16 7.5 sec

5: Five Cores @ 200MHz 32.03 7.4 sec

Then, each task was modeled at transaction level in SystemC, annotated withaccurate timing information. Each processor was modeled as a SystemC moduleand each task corresponded to a thread in the processor module that the taskwas mapped to. After getting the computation model we can start to refine thecommunication. At the beginning of the communication refinement, we first usedFIFOs to realize point-to-point communications among the processing elements,as shown in Figure 5.32. Using fast simulation at this high abstraction level,we can get a rapid validation of system’s functionality after the partitioning and


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mapping, and at the same time, get the first idea of the system’s performance.In Table 5.6, we show the performances of five selected design alternatives. Thefirst three designs are architectures consisting of three, four, and five PowerPCcores, respectively, all running at 100 MHz. As shown, even the implementationon five cores achieves only the performance of 16.01 fps, far away from the desiredthroughput. By increasing the frequency of the processor cores from 100 MHzto 200 MHz, the performances of the implementations on four cores and fivecores are increased to 25.16 fps and 32.03 fps, respectively, both higher than therequirement.

As the communication timing has not been taken into account, the performancedata is not accurate enough to make the final choice. However, we know thatthe real performance can only be worse than the estimation, so we can for sureexclude the first three designs and consider only Design 4 and Design 5 that fulfillthe performance requirement in the following design phases.

As shown in Table 5.6, the simulations at this level are very fast. For a sequenceof 200 video frames, each simulation takes only around 7 seconds, as shown inTable 5.6. It takes only less than one minute to evaluate the five design alternativesand exclude three of them. Hence, the simulation at this abstraction level cannarrow the design space significantly in a very short time.

Table 5.7: Communication Workload Profiling

From To Communicated data size (MB)

VIN CPU1 0.91

CPU1 CPU2 42.19

CPU1 CPU3 42.19

CPU2 CPU4 10.55

CPU3 CPU4 10.55

CPU4 VOUT 21.10

In addition, we can analyze the communication workload among the processing el-ements. The obtained workload statistics can help in communication refinement,for example, to make the choice of an appropriate communication architectureand to optimize the communication protocol. Table 5.7 shows the communicationworkload obtained for the mapping shown in Figure 5.31. The most data trans-ferred among the processing elements is in form of large data blocks. If we choosea conventional bus as the communication fabric, it is better to use a wide data busthat supports burst transfer. The burst length should be set as large as possible.

As the task models capture both functional and timing behaviors, during the sim-ulation we can not only get the performance statistics but also see the decoded


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5.6 Experimental Results

Figure 5.33: Execution Environment

video frames to validate the system’s functionality, as shown in Figure 5.33. Af-ter each step of communication refinement, it is necessary to verify whether thesystem’s functionality is still correctly modeled.

Table 5.8: M-JPEG Decoder Performances of Different Configurations (Point-to-PointCommunication with Timed FIFOs)

Configuration Frames/Sec Simulation Duration

1: Three Cores @ 100 MHz 5.98 17.7 sec

2: Four Cores @ 100 MHz 11.96 17.1 sec

3: Five Cores @ 100 MHz 14.91 16.9 sec

4: Four Cores @ 200 MHz 22.77 18.1 sec

5: Five Cores @ 200MHz 26.93 17.5 sec

In the next step, we annotated a delay for each inter-processor transfer of a bufferof data. For example, assume a bus is used and it does not support burst mode.Let the bus width be BUS WIDTH bytes. To transfer a buffer of data with a sizeof n bytes, n/BUS WIDTH bus transactions are needed. Let the time needed bythe processor to set up a bus transaction be T SETUP ns. Assume the transferof each word consumes a constant time T TRANSFER ns on the bus. Then,


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System Bus




Figure 5.34: Communication Using a System Bus

we annotate “wait((n/BUS WIDTH)*(T TRANSFER+T SETUP), SC NS)” fora transfer of n bytes data.

With the simulation using timed FIFOs, we can test the parameters of the com-munication architecture, such as buffer size, bus width, and burst length. In thecase study, a simple bus that is 32 bits wide and does not support burst mode wastested. As discussed above, in this step we need only to evaluate Design 4 andDesign 5. Nevertheless, in order to get a complete comparison of different simu-lation levels, we still simulated all the design alternatives. The simulation resultsare shown in Table 5.8. We can see that when the communication timing is takeninto account, the performances of all the designs are reduced. The performance ofDesign 4 is reduced from 25.16 fps to 22.77 fps and does not fulfill the requirementany more. As the communication was only approximately simulated and bus con-tentions have not been taken into account, the real performances should still beworse than the simulation results. Hence, only Design 5 needs to be considered inthe next refinement step.

As shown in Table 5.8, delay annotations for data transfers bring a large overheadin simulation performance. For a sequence of 200 frames, the simulation durationincreases from 7 seconds to 17.5 seconds on average. This simulation speed is stillvery fast.

At last, the timed FIFOs were replaced by a bus simulation model and a sharedmemory model. The processing elements are connected to the bus using the inter-face provided by the bus model, as shown in Figure 5.34. The bus model simulateseach bus transaction accurately and takes the bus contentions into account. Wefirst set the bus width to 32 bits. To get a complete comparison of the simulationlevels, we simulated all the five designs. The simulation results are shown in Ta-ble 5.9. We can see that the estimated decoding performances are further reduced.


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The estimated performance of Design 5 is reduced from 26.93 fps to 21.67 fps anddoes not fulfill the requirement either.

The simulation using the accurate bus model is very slow. For a sequence of 200frames, each simulation takes around 22 minutes. Fortunately, at this design step,the design space has been narrowed down. We do not need to run too many suchslow simulations.

So far, we still do not get a design that fulfills the requirement, although theperformances of Design 4 and Design 5 are close to the requirement. To furtherimprove the designs, it is useful to get utilizations of system components to findthe performance bottlenecks. Figure 5.35 and Figure 5.36 show the utilizationsof system components of 4-CPU and 5-CPU architectures, respectively. If thedecoder is realized on the architecture with 5 processor running at 200 MHz anda 32-bit bus, the utilizations of CPU 1, CPU 2, CPU 3, CPU 4, and CPU 5 are99%, 70%, 71%, 71%, and 84%, respectively. CPU 1 is fully loaded, with 65%of time busy with execution and 34% of time busy with I/O. The bus utilizationis 44%. As the processors spent a large portion of time being busy with IO,we decided to improve the bus. We first increase the bus width. As shown inTable 5.10, when the bus is widened to 64 bits, the performances of Design 4 andDesign 5 are increased to 22.70 fps and 26.47 fps, respectively. Finally, we got adesign that fulfills the requirement. We can also see that when the bus width isincreased, there are less bus transactions to be simulated and thus the simulationperformance is higher. The two simulations using the 64-bit bus model take 11min 34 sec and 10 min, respectively, much less than the simulations using the32-bit bus model.

Table 5.9: M-JPEG Decoder Performances of Different Configurations (Communica-tion with 32-bit Bus)

Configuration Frames/Sec Simulation Duration

1: Three Cores @ 100 MHz 5.70 18 min 36 sec

2: Four Cores @ 100 MHz 11.33 22 min 19 sec

3: Five Cores @ 100 MHz 13.37 22 min 35 sec

4: Four Cores @ 200 MHz 20.72 22 min 29 sec

5: Five Cores @ 200MHz 21.67 22 min 49 sec

Table 5.10: M-JPEG Decoder Performances of Different Configurations (Communica-tion with 64-bit Bus)

Configuration Frames/Sec Simulation Duration

4: Four Cores @ 200 MHz 22.70 11 min 34 sec

5: Five Cores @ 200 MHz 26.47 9 min 57 sec


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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%









Busy with IO


(b) 4 CPU Cores Running at 200 MHz and 32 bit Data Bus




















0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%









Busy with IO


(c) 4 CPU Cores Running at 200 MHz and 64 bit Data Bus




















0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%









Busy with IO


(a) 4 CPU Cores Running at 100 MHz and 32 bit Data Bus

Figure 5.35: Utilizations of Processing Components of the 4-CPU Architecture


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5.6 Experimental Results
























0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%










Busy with IO


(b) 5 CPU Cores Running at 200 MHz and 32 bit Data Bus
























0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%










Busy with IO


(c) 5 CPU Cores Running at 200 MHz and 64 bit Data Bus























0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%










Busy with IO


(a) 5 CPU Cores Running at 100 MHz and 32 bit Data Bus

Figure 5.36: Utilizations of Processing Components of the 5-CPU Architecture


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5 Cores @

200 MHz

4 Cores @

200 MHz

5 Cores @

100 MHz

4 Cores @

100 MHz

3 Cores @

100 MHz


Timed FIFO

Untimed FIFO




















Figure 5.37: MJPEG-Decoder Performances Obtained by Simulations at DifferentLevels









5 Cores @

200 MHz

4 Cores @

200 MHz

5 Cores @

100 MHz

4 Cores @

100 MHz

3 Cores @

100 MHz

64-bit Bus

32-bit Bus

Timed FIFO

Untimed FIFO

Framesper second













Figure 5.38: Necessary Simulations at Different Levels


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5.6 Experimental Results

Now, we make a short conclusion. This case study demonstrated how iSciSim isused to facilitate MPSoC design. Given a sequential implementation of an applica-tion, iSciSim can be used for performance profiling to get statistics for applicationmodel partitioning. After partitioning and mapping, we use iSciSim to generatesoftware TLMs annotated with accurate timing information. The timed softwareTLMs allow for very fast software performance simulation. With stepwise refine-ment of the communication architecture, the software TLMs can be connected tothe communication model without modification. In the case study, we presentedthree levels of communication model: FIFOs, timed FIFOs and a timing-accuratebus model. We selected five design alternatives to present the process of systemrefinement. We evaluated all the five designs using the three simulation levels.Figure 5.37 gives an overview of the simulation results. With FIFOs realizingpoint-to-point communications among the processors, communication timing can-not be taken into account. We got very optimistic estimates. When each datatransfer is annotated with a delay, we can get more accurate estimates. How-ever, as resource contentions cannot be modeled, the estimates are still optimistic.Simulations at these two abstraction levels are very fast. When a timing-accuratebus model was used, we got very accurate statistics but the simulation speed wasslowed down significantly. Although we simulated all the design alternatives atdifferent levels to get a complete comparison, actually only part of them is neces-sary in the real design. With the fast simulations at the highest abstraction level,we can already narrow the design space and leave only two designs still under con-sideration: architectures consisting of 4 and 5 cores running at 200 MHz. Next,the simulations at a lower level can provide more accurate performance data, withwhich it is found that only 5-core system can fulfill the performance requirement.Then, we need to simulate only the 5-core system with the accurate bus modeland find that the decoder performance is still under the requirement when thecommunication overhead is accurately taken into account. As the decoder perfor-mance is close to the requirement, we improve the communication performance byincreasing the width of the data bus from 32 bits to 64 bits. With two more sim-ulations we can obtain the system that fulfills the requirement: 5 PowerPC coresrunning at 200 MHz connected by a 64-bit bus. All the simulations performedare illustrated in Figure 5.38, with the unnecessary ones shown with transparentcolumns.


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Chapter 6

Multi-Task Simulation in SystemCwith an Abstract RTOS Model

In many embedded systems, especially in real time systems, a complex applicationis splitted into tasks, each responsible for a portion of the work. The tasks areexecuted according to their real-time requirements. The sequence of task executionon a single processor is managed by a real time operating system (RTOS). Differentscheduling policies of the RTOS may result in very different timing behaviors of thesystem. Therefore, it is desired that the scheduling behavior can also be capturedduring system-level design space exploration. Since a particular RTOS may not yetbe decided at early design stages, an abstract RTOS model that provides commonRTOS services, such as scheduling, synchronization and interrupt handling, andcaptures the most important RTOS temporal behaviors, such as context switchingtime and scheduling latency, could be very useful.

In this chapter, we describe the way of modeling an RTOS at the system level withSystemC and present how to use the abstract RTOS model to schedule the timedtask models generated by iSciSim. Section 6.1 shows the necessity of modeling anRTOS at system level. Then, in Section 6.2, the common services and temporalbehaviors of RTOSs are introduced. An implementation of RTOS model andpreemption modeling are described in detail in Section 6.3 and 6.4, respectively.Section 6.5 presents a more modular design of RTOS model. Finally, we showsome experimental results in Section 6.6.

6.1 Unscheduled Execution of Task Models

As already discussed before, a design in a typical system-level design process startswith a specification model. Then, the partitioning and mapping step decides howto implement the computation and communication, captured in the specificationmodel, on a set of processing elements (PEs) connected with a bus or a network.After partitioning, the system is represented as a set of concurrent, communicat-ing tasks, each consisting of a piece of code and realizing a part of the system’sfunctionality.


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

During mapping, more than one task may be allocated onto a single PE. We modela PE with a SystemC module and the transaction level task models (taskTLMs)mapped to the PE are declared as SystemC threads. The relation among thetaskTLMs, the SystemC kernel and the simulation host is shown in Figure 6.1. Asthe taskTLMs are not scheduled, the independent tasks can run fully concurrently.


Simulation Host


T1 T2 Tn

Figure 6.1: Layers of the Simulation Setup

In Figure 6.2, we use an example of a priority based scheduling to motivate schedul-ing simulation with an RTOS model. First, the real execution trace is shown inFigure 6.2(a). The example involves two tasks running on a target processor.Task2 has a higher priority than Task1. Both tasks access a global variable gv.Task1 starts its execution at 0 us. It writes value1 to the global variable at 8 us.At 14 us, Task2 is activated and preempts Task1. It reads value1 from gv andthen executes until blocked at 22 us by waiting for some I/O data. At the sametime, Task1 is resumed. It writes value2 to gv at 26 us. At 38 us, Task2 gets therequired I/O data and is activated again. At the same time, Task1 is preemptedagain. Task2 gets value2 from gv at 46 us. Task1 is kept in the ready state untilTask2 finishes its current cycle at 50 us. Then Task1 resumes and terminates at 58us. In the real execution, each external interrupt will trigger an interrupt serviceroutine (ISR). The ISR will then activate a ready task. For clarity, the executionof ISRs is not considered in the example.

Figure 6.2(b) illustrates the simulation trace of the unscheduled taskTLMs. Asin a taskTLM a wait() statement is generated only before an access to the globalvariable, the taskTLMs of Task1 and Task2 both are divided into three executionsegments. For more information about segmental execution of taskTLM, pleaserefer to Section 5.5. We can see, taskTLM1 and taskTLM2 execute truly inparallel and their simulated delays fully overlap. Both taskTLMs run to the endwithout being interrupted. The total simulated delay is only 38 us. Comparedwith the real delay 58 us, the error is large. Even worse, the order of the globalvariable accesses is also different from the real execution. This might lead to wrongfunctional results. In the example, taskTLM2 gets a wrong value of gv in the firstread. It should get value1 but it gets value2.

The above example shows the importance of modeling scheduling behaviors in thesystem level design space exploration.


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6.1 Unscheduled Execution of Task Models


Priority: 1


Priority: 2


variable (gv)

t = 0 us: activated

t = 8 us: writes gv

t = 14us: preempted

t = 22us: resumed

t = 14us: activated

t = 20us: reads gvt = 22us: blocked

t = 26us: writes gv

t = 38us: preempted t = 38us: resumed

t = 46us: reads gv

t = 50us: ends cycle





t = 50us: resumed

t = 58us: ends cycle

(a) Real Execution


Priority: 1


Priority: 2


variable (gv)

t = 0 us: activated

t = 8 us: writes gv

t = 14us: activated

t = 20us: reads gvt = 18us: writes gv

t = 38us: ends cycle

t = 30us: reads gvt = 34us: ends cycle


value2 value2


(b) Simulation with Unscheduled taskTLMs

Native execution Simulation time advancement

Figure 6.2: An Example of Multi-Task Execution


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

6.2 The RTOS’s Functionality

An RTOS performs basically two primary functions, (1) providing a consistentand convenient interface to the application software and the resources, and (2)scheduling the software tasks and managing the hardware resources. At systemlevel we are not interested in the exact functionality at the implementation level,but rather how its scheduling policies, management schemes, and timing parame-ters etc. affect the system performance. In this context, we introduce some basicinformation on task and scheduler of a typical RTOS in this section.

6.2.1 Task

Typically, there are several tasks competing for the processor at the same time,but the processor can only execute one task at a time. To solve this problem, eachtask is modeled as a state machine. The scheduler organizes the task executionby means of task state transitions. The most basic task state model consists ofthree states, as shown in Figure 6.3:






preempt dispatch

Figure 6.3: 3-State Task Model

• ready: the task in this state is already runnable. However, it must wait forallocation of the processor, because the processor is still occupied by anothertask.

• running: the task in this state is actually using the processor. As the proces-sor can execute one task at any time, there is only one task in the runningstate.

• waiting: the task in this state is unable to run until some external eventhappens

The initial state of a task is waiting. After a task is created, there are fourtransitions possible among the three states. The transition from ready to runningoccurs when the task is selected by the scheduler to execute next. Note that only


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6.2 The RTOS’s Functionality

ready tasks can transit into the running state. There is no direct transition fromwaiting to running. There may be more than one ready task. It’s the duty ofthe scheduler to decide which ready task can get control of the processor next.Typically, the ready task with the highest priority is selected. In contrast, thetransition from running to ready occurs, when the running task is preempted bya higher priority task.

The transition from running to waiting occurs, when the running task terminatesnormally or it is blocked by waiting for an external event (e.g., waiting for an I/Ooperation to complete, a shared resource to be available, or time to expire etc.).In contrast, when the external event for which a task was waiting happens, thetask transits from waiting to ready.

In specific designs, a task may have more states. For example, in the OSEKOS [10], the waiting state introduced above is subdivided into two states, waitingand suspended, as shown in Figure 6.4. An extended task of the OSEK OS transitsfrom running to waiting when being blocked by waiting for an event. It transitsfrom running to suspended when it terminates normally. A task of µC/OS-II [67]has five states. It has the ISR state and the dormant state in addition to the threebasic states.







preempt dispatch waiting



Figure 6.4: 4-State Task Model of the OSEK OS

When a task is created, it is assigned a task context block (TCB). A TCB is a datastructure containing the information needed to manage a task. This informationincludes typically the task id, the task priority, hardware register values, and thetask address space etc. When a running task is preempted, the RTOS first stopsthe execution of the running task and saves its context (the values in hardwareregisters) to its TCB. Then, the RTOS updates the hardware registers with thecontext of the new running task from its TCB. This process is called a contextswitch. A context switch is necessary to make a preempted task can resumeexecution exactly where it is interrupted.


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

6.2.2 Scheduler

As mentioned above, the scheduler is responsible for determining which readytask will run next. This decision is made according to a specific scheduling algo-rithm. There are several scheduling algorithms, including round-robin scheduling,fixed priority based scheduling, and earliest deadline first approach etc. Amongthese algorithms, fixed priority based scheduling is the most widely used one. Ascheduling algorithm can be either non-preemptive or preemptive.

Task2 (High Priority)

Task1 (Low Priority)



t1t0 t2 t3 time







Interrupt activating Task2

Figure 6.5: Non-Preemptive Scheduling

Task2 (High Priority)

Task1 (Low Priority)


running running

t1t0 t2 t3 time



waiting waiting


Interrupt activating Task2

Figure 6.6: Preemptive Scheduling

Using non-preemptive scheduling, a running task can not be interrupted until itterminates, unless it explicitly gives up control of the processor. A simple priority-based, non-preemptive scheduling scenario is illustrated in Figure 6.5. Task1 isfirst running but gets interrupted at t1 by an event, which the higher priority taskTask2 is waiting for. The processor jumps to an ISR (interrupt service routine) tohandle the event. The ISR makes Task2 ready to run. At the completion of the


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6.2 The RTOS’s Functionality

ISR, the processor returns to Task1. Task1 resumes at the instruction following theinterrupted point. It gives up control of the processor when terminating normallyat t3. Then, Task2 gets control of the processor to the event signaled by the ISR.

The main drawback of non-preemptive scheduling is its low responsiveness. Ahigher priority task that has been made ready has still to wait a long time for alower priority task to finish. It also makes the response time of a safety-criticalapplication non-deterministic, because you never really know when the highestpriority task will get control of the processor. Due to this drawback of non-preemptive scheduling, most existing RTOSs use preemptive scheduling.

In contrast to non-preemptive scheduling, when preemptive scheduling is used,the ready task with the highest priority can always get control of the processor.Therefore, with preemptive scheduling, execution of the highest priority task isdeterministic. Figure 6.6 shows an execution scenario of preemptive scheduling.As illustrated, with preemptive scheduling, the high priority task Task2 is madeready to run and then immediately gets control of the processor at the completionof the ISR, while the interrupted low priority task Task1 is suspended and transitsinto the ready state. Task1 resumes, after Task2 terminates.


Select the task

to run next

Notify events to

preempt and

start tasks










- preempt

- dispatch[i]

SC_THREAD: schedule()

SC_THREAD: task1()




- schedule

Figure 6.7: Implementing the RTOS Model and Task Models in a Single Module


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

6.3 The RTOS Model in SystemC

In our first implementation, both tasks and the scheduler are modeled as SystemCthreads in a single module. The synchronization between the tasks and the sched-uler is realized by SystemC events. This implementation is depicted in Figure 6.7.Before a particular RTOS has been decided, we use the most general task statemodel with three basic states. When an RTOS with a specific state model is cho-sen later, the state model used in simulation can be easily extended. As shown,the task state transitions are triggered by events from the scheduler. To managethe execution of the tasks with the three basic states, the scheduler needs only thepreempt event and a dispatch event for each task. All the dispatch events are putin an array. Each task is assigned an unique id, id ∈ Z and 0 ≤ id < N , whereN is the number of tasks allocated to the processor. The scheduler notifies theevent dispatch[i] to dispatch the corresponding task, which has id = i. There isonly one running task, so the scheduler needs only one preempt event to interruptthe running task.

The scheduler performs a scheduling when there is a new task gets ready or therunning task terminates. Hence, the scheduler process is triggered by the scheduleevent notified by a task at its beginning and completion. With the RTOS modelrefined, more events can be added to handle more complex synchronizations.

The following code gives a basic idea of the RTOS module definition.

1. enum TASK_STATE{waiting, ready, running};


3. SC_MODULE(cpu_model){

4. private:

5. int *priorities;

6. TASK_STATE *states;

7. sc_event preempt, schedule, *disptach;

8. ... // other variables


10. public:

11. int task_number;

12. void scheduler(){ ... }

13. void task_init(...){ ... }

14. void task1(){ ... }

15. void task2(){ ... }

16. ... // other functions


18. SC_CTOR(cpu_model){

19. task_number = 2;

20. priorities = new int[task_number];

21. states = new TASK_STATE[task_number];


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6.3 The RTOS Model in SystemC

22. dispatch = new sc_event[task_number];

23. SC_THREAD(task1);

24. SC_THREAD(task2);

25. SC_THREAD(scheduler);

26. ... // other thread declarations

27. }

28. };

In a real RTOS, TCBs are usually implemented as a linked list. In our RTOSmodel, we do not simulate software at the assembler level, so all the registeroperations are abstracted away. Therefore, there is no need to copy hardwareregister values during a context switch. Some other information in a TCB suchas task address space is also not required during the abstract RTOS simulation.Only the information like task id, task state, and priority needs to be recorded. Toincrease simulation performance, we do not construct a TCB list as a real RTOSdoes, but store the necessary information in variables or arrays. As shown in theabove code, we declare two arrays priorities and states to store the priorities andstates of all the tasks (line 5 and 6), respectively. Each task accesses its ownpriority and state using its id as the index.

The events used for task management are declared in line 7. The size of the arrayspriorities, states, and dispatch is equal to the number of tasks. These arrays areinstantiated in the constructor of the module (line 20 through line 22). Thus, weneed only to change the value of task number when the number of tasks changes.All the tasks and the scheduler are declared as SystemC threads (line 23 throughline 25). In the shown code, there are two tasks declared. The task state array isdeclared as an enumerated type TASK STATE, the elements of which are the taskstates (line 1).

6.3.1 Task Model

According to the discussion in Section 6.2, a task realizes a portion of the appli-cation’s work and must have the notion of states to compete the processor withother tasks. Therefore, a task model contains three parts of code: behavioral code,timing annotations, and the code that realizes state transitions and synchroniza-tions. An example of task model is shown in Figure 6.8(a) and gives a basic ideaof task model definition. As already discussed, a task model is implemented as aSC THREAD. At the beginning of the thread, the task is assigned an id (line 2)and calls the function task init(int task id, char* task name, int priority, sc timedeadline) (line 3), which initializes the task’s context (the parameters such as taskname, priority and deadline) and sets the task the waiting state.


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1. void task1(){

2. inttask_id= 0;

3. task_init(task_id, “task1”, 1,

sc_time(1, SC_MS));

4. while(true){

5. ... // wait for activation

6. states[task_id] = ready;

7. schedule.notify();

8. wait(dispatch[task_id]);

9. states[task_id] = running;

10. task1_code(task_id);

11. states[task_id] = waiting;

12. schedule.notify();

13. }


1. void task1_code(int task_id){

2.. . .

3. L0:

4. c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);

5. . . .

6. ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

7. read(task_id, &cycles,

ivtmp_34, 4);

8. cycles += 1;

9. read(task_id, &cycles,

ivtmp_35, 4);

10. cycles + = 4

11. write(task_id,&cycles,&(c[i]),4);

12. cycles += 3;

13. if(i!=10) gotoL0;else gotoL2;

14. . . .


1. void read(inttask_id, int* cycles,

unsigned intaddr, intsize)

2. {

3. sc_timeexe_time;

4. if(DCACHE_READ(addr, size)){

5. exe_time= *cycles * T;

6. *cycles = 0;


8. intWait(task_id, exe_time);

9. #else

10. wait(exe_time);


12. …// interface to bus model

13. }

14. }

15.void write(inttask_id, int* cycles,

unsigned intaddr, intsize){ . . . }

1. void intWait(inttask_id, sc_time


2. sc_timestart, stop;

3. while (exe_time>SC_ZERO_TIME){

4. start = sc_time_stamp();

5. wait(exe_time, preempt);

6. stop = sc_time_stamp();

7. exe_time-= stop -start;

8. if(exe_time!= SC_ZERO_TIME){

9. states[task_id] = ready;

10. wait(dispatch[task_id]);

11. }

12. }


(a) Task Model

(b) Instrumented ISC

(c) Read/Write Wrapper

(d) Interruptible Wait














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6.3 The RTOS Model in SystemC

The task body is an infinite loop. As the task is in the waiting state, it is unableto run until being activated by some external event (line 5). When the event forwhich the task is waiting occurs, the task transits from waiting to ready (line 6).Then, the task notifies the schedule event to trigger a rescheduling (line 7) andwaits for its turn of execution (line 8). Because the task has the id = 0, it transitsinto the running state and gets control of the processor when it receives the eventdispatch[0] from the scheduler (line 9). Then, it calls the function task1 code()to execute the instrumented ISC generated by iSciSim (line 10). When the taskterminates normally, it transits into the waiting state again (line 11) and requeststhe scheduler to determine the task to run next (line 12). Then, the task waitsfor the next activation.

Figure 6.8(b) shows an example of instrumented ISC. It is generated by iSciSim,given the source code of the task. The instrumented ISC is integrated into the taskmodel without any change, by means of a function call. In the shown code, thereare no explicit I/O accesses. The only accesses to external modules happen, whenmemory accesses due to load/store instructions are missed in the cache. DuringISC instrumentation, we annotate calls to read/write wrapper functions: read(inttask id, int* cycles, unsigned int addr, int size) and write(int task id, int* cycles,unsigned int addr, int size), instead of direct calls to the cache simulator. Thetwo functions are responsible to advance the SystemC simulation time and realizeinterruptible waits.

Figure 6.8(c) shows the implementation of the read/write wrapper functions. Inthe read function, the values of addr and size are forwarded to the cache simulatorfor data cache simulation by calling DCACHE READ(unsigned int addr, int size)(line 4). When a cache miss occurs, the function returns the true value. In thiscase, the aggregated cycle value is converted to sc time by multiplying the cyclevalue with T, the duration of one CPU cycle (line 5). The cycle counter is clearedfor cycle counting of the next execution segment (line 6). When non-preemptivescheduling is used, this execution segment can run to the end, so we just use astandard SystemC wait statement to advance the simulation time (line 10). In thecase of preemptive scheduling, a function realizing an interruptible wait intWait()is called instead (line 8). The preemption modeling will be discussed in separatein Section 6.4. Details about interruptible wait are also described there. At thecompletion of the execution segment, a memory access through communicationarchitecture is simulated (line 12). The code of write() is similar to read() and isnot shown.

6.3.2 Scheduler Model

The scheduler thread waits initially for the event schedule from the task threads.Once it receives the notification of the event, it starts to select the task to runnext according a specific scheduling policy. If a priority based scheduling policy


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is used, the task with the highest priority will be chosen from the ready tasks. Ifthe selected task has a higher priority than the running task, the event preempt isnotified to interrupt the running task. At the same time, the event dispatch[task id]is sent out to start this selected task. Then, the scheduler thread is blocked bywaiting for the next notification of the event schedule.

6.3.3 Timing Parameters

During the RTOS simulation, it is important to take the RTOS overhead intoaccount. Therefore, the abstract RTOS model should capture the time required bythe RTOS to perform typical services, such as task scheduling, context switching,task synchronization, and interrupt handling. The following timing parametersare considered as most important:

• The scheduling duration: the time required by the RTOS to select fromthe ready queue the task to run next. This overhead depends on both thescheduling algorithm and the number of ready tasks.

• The context switching duration: the time required by the RTOS to save thecontext of the running task and then update the processor registers with thecontext of the new running task from its TCB.

• The interrupt handling duration: the time spent by the RTOS to handle aninterrupt.

The value of these timing parameters depends on the type of RTOS and the pro-cessor running the RTOS. To get these values, we can use the RTOS characteristicsprovided by the vendor. Another option is to measure the RTOS overhead on thetarget processor or on a cycle-accurate processor simulator, as done in [54]. How-ever, this requires both the RTOS and the target processor or a cycle-accurateprocessor simulator available. This is often not the case in an early design phase.In this case, reasonable assumptions can be made according the designer’s expe-rience. For example, we can assign each RTOS operation with a reasonable delay.This loosely-timed RTOS model can give a first idea how the RTOS overhead influ-ences the system performance. When the model is refined, the timing parameterscan be updated with more accurate timing values.

6.4 Preemption Modeling

As most RTOS schedulers support preemptive scheduling, it is very important toget an efficient method for preemption modeling in abstract RTOS simulation.However, the simulation method introduced so far does not support preemptionmodeling. That is, the simulation time advancement of an execution segment


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6.4 Preemption Modeling


Priority: 1


Priority: 2


variable (gv)

t = 0 us: activated

t = 8 us: writes gv

t = 18us: activated

t = 24us: resumed

writes gv

t = 44us: ends cycle

t = 54us: reads gvt = 58us: ends cycle




t = 18us: preempted

t = 44us: resumedreads gv


(at 14 us)

(at 38 us)

(at 22 us)t = 24us: blocked

Figure 6.9: Example of Preemption Modeling

cannot be interrupted. Figure 6.9 shows the simulation trace of simulating theexample in Figure 6.2(a) using the simulation method introduced so far. Theexecution order of the two tasks is scheduled. However, the simulation traceis not exactly the same as the real execution, because the preemptions are notcorrectly handled. As we can see, an interrupt occurs at 14 us, while a wait()is running. This interrupt cannot be handled until the wait() call returns. As aresult, although the activation event of Task2 occurs at 14 us, Task2 can actuallyexecute until Task1 finishes the second execution segment at 18 us. During thefirst execution segment of Task2, at 22 us, the event that blocks Task2 occurs. Thisevent is reacted after Task2 finishes its first execution segment at 24 us. As soonas Task1 is resumed, it writes value2 to gv. The event that unblocks Task2 occursat 38 us, during the third execution segment of Task1. In the same manner, onlyat 44 us, this event can be reacted and Task2 is actually resumed. The second andthird segments of Task2 are then executed one after another without breaking.Task2 gets value2 in the both reads of gv at 44 us and 58 us.

Modeled in this way, both the order of execution segments and the order of globalvariable accesses are different from the real execution shown in Figure 6.2(a). Dueto the wrong order of global variable accesses, Task2 gets a wrong value of gvin the first read. This wrong value can lead to different execution times of thefollowing execution segments, although this effect is not depicted in the figure.Even worse, the functional results will be wrong. As a result, in the simulationthe whole system behaves totally different from the real implementation. Suchsimulation results will mislead the design.

If such interrupts are predictable at the design time, a solution is to split thewait() call of an execution segment, during which an interrupt will occur, into twowait() calls. The first wait() advances the simulation time to the time point when


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

the interrupt occurs. After the interrupt is reacted, the second wait() advancesthe rest simulation time of the execution segment.

However, most interrupts from the environment are not predictable. In this case,several other solutions have been proposed in previous work including time-slicingmethod [80] and result oriented method [89]. In the following subsections, wewill introduce the two solutions. After that, the method we use for preemptionmodeling is introduced.

6.4.1 Static Time-Slicing Method

The time-slicing method (TSM) is proposed in [80]. The idea of TSM is to splitone wait() statement in each execution segment into several wait() statements,each advancing a smaller interval of simulation time. Thus, there are more timepoints to detect interrupts. This idea is depicted in Figure 6.10. We can see, asthe simulation time intervals are shortened, the interrupt can be earlier detectedand reacted, and as a result, the simulation error is smaller. However, as thesimulation time intervals are refined, more wait() statements are needed. Asdiscussed before, a wait() can cause a very time-consuming context switch betweenthe thread and the SystemC simulation kernel and thus introduces a very largesimulation overhead.

wait( 6t )


wait( 2t ) Error

wait( t ) Error




Figure 6.10: Time-Slicing Method for Preemption Modeling

Another large disadvantage of this method is that the possibility of wrong func-tional result still exists. In some cases, even a very small simulation error can leadto wrong functional results. For example, if two tasks communicate with eachother using global variables, a mall timing error may change the access order of aglobal variable and thus lead to functional errors.

Figure 6.11 shows the simulation trace of simulating the example in Figure 6.2(a)using TSM. As shown, if the time interval is reduced to 2 us, all the three interrupts


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6.4 Preemption Modeling


Priority: 1


Priority: 2


variable (gv)

t = 0 us: activated

t = 8 us: writes gvt = 14us: activated

t = 20us: reads gv

t = 26us: writes gv

t = 58us: end cycle




t = 46us: reads gv

t = 50us: ends cycle


(at 14 us)

(at 22 us)

(at 38 us)

t = 14us: preempted

t = 22us: blockedt = 22us: resumed

t = 38us: preempted

t = 50us: resumed

Figure 6.11: Example of Preemption Modeling Using TSM

can be detected and reacted in time without any error. Modeled in this way, thenumber of wait() statements used in the whole execution is increased from 6 to29. This reduces the simulation performance significantly. Furthermore, in thesimulation of a real system, there are much more interrupts and each interrupt canoccur at any random time. It’s very hard to find a time interval value to guaranteethat all the interrupts can be handled in time. The only way to eliminate the erroris to refine the simulation time intervals to the cycle level, i.e., to use one wait() toadvance the simulation time for one CPU cycle. Using so many wait() statements,the software simulation performance will be reduced to an unacceptable level.

To summarize, TSM reduces the simulation error caused by synchronizations at theexpense of simulation performance. As the simulation error cannot be eliminated,it is only suitable for the cases where small synchronization errors will not lead toserious consequences like functional errors.

6.4.2 Result Oriented Method

The result oriented method (ROM) is introduced by Gunar Schirner in [89]. ROMis a general modeling concept that achieves simulation optimization by hiding in-termediate states of the system execution and focusing only on the final simulationoutcome. In [89] this modeling concept is applied for preemption modeling in anabstract RTOS model. This solution is very simple but allows for accurate pre-emption modeling.

The concept of ROM is depicted in Figure 6.12. In the example, there are twotasks. Task1 with a lower priority is activated first. During its execution, an


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

Task2 (High Priority)

Task1 (Low Priority)

t1t0 t2 t3 t4

t2 – t1

running ready


running running

waiting waiting


Interrupt activating Task2

Figure 6.12: Result Oriented Method for Preemption Modeling

interrupt that activates Task2 with a higher priority occurs at t1. Although theinterrupt does not break the execution segment of Task1, it changes the stateof Task1 from running to ready and records the time point when the interruptoccurs. Once the state of Task1 changes, the scheduler is triggered and selectsthe next running task. In the example, Task2 is activated. When Task2 finishesthe execution, the time point t2 is also recorded. After that, the state of Task1changes back to running. Once the current execution segment of Task1 ends, it iscalculated how the execution of the preempted task would have been effected bythe preemption. For the shown example, Task1 should have been delayed for theexecution duration of Task2. With the recorded time points, it is easy to calculatethis duration, which is t2− t1. This time is then compensated to Task1 using anextra wait(). Modeled in this way, all the time stamps including the start timesand stop times of both tasks match the real execution.

Figure 6.13 shows the simulation trace of simulating the example in Figure 6.2(a)using ROM. In the figure, the waits compensated to preempted tasks are referredto as ROM waits.

6.4.3 Dynamic Time-Slicing Method

The method we use is called dynamic time-slicing method (DTSM). The conceptof this method is illustrated in Figure 6.14. As shown, the execution segment ofTask1 breaks, when the interrupt occurs. The rest time is recorded. Meanwhile,the state of Task1 is changed from running to ready. Then, Task2 can start torun. After the execution segment of Task2 ends, Task1 resumes and the rest timeof its execution segment is converted to the SystemC simulation time using anextra wait(). In this way, the system can be simulated exactly the same as thereal execution. From the programmer’s view, the execution segment of Task1 issplitted dynamically into two parts at the point where the interrupt occurs. That’swhy the method is called dynamic time-slicing method.


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6.4 Preemption Modeling

ROM wait


Priority: 1


Priority: 2


variable (gv)

t = 0 us: activated

t = 8 us: writes gv

t = 22us: resumed

t = 14us: activated

t = 20us: reads gvt = 22us: blocked

t = 26us: writes gv

t = 38us: preempted t = 38us: resumed

t = 46us: reads gv

t = 50us: ends cycle





t = 50us: resumed

t = 58us: ends cycle

(at 14 us)

(at 22 us)

(at 38 us)

t = 30us

t = 14us: preempted

t = 18us

t = 46us

Figure 6.13: Example of Preemption Modeling Using ROM

Task2 (High Priority)

Task1 (Low Priority)

t1t0 t2 t3 t4

running ready


running running

waiting waiting


Interrupt activating Task2

Figure 6.14: Dynamic Time-Slicing Method

The implementation of this method is shown in Figure 6.8. Using DTSM, there isno need of modifying task models. We just need to define the macro PREEMPTIVE.Then, the call to the interruptible wait intWait(int task id, sc time exe time) iscompiled instead of the standard wait() call (Figure 6.8(c), line 8).

Figure 6.8(d) shows the implementation of intWait. In line 5, we use a waitstatement wait(exe time, preempt) with both a time and an event as arguments.This statement is provided by SystemC. It suspends a thread by waiting for theevent. As soon as the event is notified, the thread will resume. If the event doesnot occur within the given time, the thread will give up on the wait and resume.In our case, the time is the simulation time of an execution segment and the eventis preempt from the scheduler. In line 4 and 6, the simulation time stamps beforeand after the wait() statement are recorded. Their difference stop - start is theactual simulation time advanced by the wait() statement. By subtracting this


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model


Priority: 1


Priority: 2


variable (gv)

t = 0 us: activated

t = 8 us: writes gv

t = 22us: resumed

t = 14us: activated

t = 20us: reads gvt = 22us: blocked

t = 26us: writes gv

t = 38us: preempted t = 38us: resumed

t = 46us: reads gv

t = 50us: ends cycle





t = 50us: resumed

t = 58us: ends cycle

(at 14 us)

(at 22 us)

(at 38 us)

t = 14us: preempted

Figure 6.15: Example of Preemption Modeling Using Interruptible Waits

actually advanced simulation time from exe time, we get the remaining time, i.e.,exe time -= (stop - start) (line 7). If the remaining time is zero, this means thatthe simulation time has been advanced without being interrupted. Otherwise, itindicates the occurrence of an interrupt. In this case, the task is preempted andits state is changed from running to ready. The code in line 9 and 10 changes thestate of the task and suspends the thread by waiting for the notification of thedispatch[task id] event from the scheduler.

Figure 6.15 shows the simulation trace of simulating the example in Figure 6.2(a)using the proposed method. As shown, the simulation trace is exactly the sameas the real execution.

6.5 A More Modular Software Organization ofTransaction Level Processor Model

So far, we have described the transaction level models of application task, cache,and RTOS, which are primary components of a processor. Hence, we can get atransaction level processor model by combining these models. We call a trans-action level processor model cpuTLM for short in the following discussion. AcpuTLM is functionally identical to the target processor, and meanwhile, can ac-curately estimate the delays caused by software execution on the target processor.Further, to simulate a multiprocessor system, several cpuTLMs simulating thesoftware processors are connected to HW simulation models and memory modelsthrough communication architecture. This is illustrated in Figure 6.16. As shown,a cpuTLM is modeled as a single SystemC module, where application tasks are


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6.5 A More Modular Software Organization of Transaction Level Processor Model

System busSystem bus






T1 T2 Tn



Interface to bus


. . .


Figure 6.16: Transaction Level Processor Model

modeled as SystemC threads and the services of the RTOS and cache are invokedby function calls. Modeled in this way, the advantage is that in a single SystemCmodule the synchronization between different components can be easily realizedby events. The simple synchronization can result in high simulation performance.Nevertheless, this implementation has the disadvantage of less reusability andmodularity of the model components. In a multiprocessor system simulation, acopy of RTOS model and cache model is needed in each cpuTLM. A modificationor refinement of the RTOS model or the cache model will lead to the change ofall the processor models.

To achieve a more modular software organization, we implement both cache andRTOS as SystemC hierarchical channels. The software task threads are wrappedin a separate module taskTLM. The threads use the services provided by RTOSand cache through the interfaces of the RTOS and cache channels. Nevertheless,this software organization has the difficulty of synchronizing the task threads inthe taskTLM module using functions or threads in the RTOS module, becausethe communication between two modules cannot be realized easily using SystemCevents. In other words, the scheduler in the RTOS module is not able to schedulethe threads in the taskTLM module directly.

Our solution to this problem is to divide an original task model into two parts: atask model and a shadow task model, as shown in Figure 6.17. The task modelexecutes the functional code and aggregates the annotated cycle values for eachexecution segment and the shadow task model advances the simulation time giventhe aggregated cycle value of the execution segment. The shadow task modelis located in the RTOS channel and therefore can be easily controlled by thescheduler, while the task model is in the taskTLM module. The task model andthe shadow task model are tightly coupled using FIFOs. There are three FIFOsconnecting each pair of task model and shadow task model, namely, fifo start,fifo cycles, and fifo ack. They are all one-stage FIFOs, accessed by blocking read


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model




STM1( )











Task Models



BUS modeladaptationlayer

Interface to

BUS model




Figure 6.17: A More Modular Software Organization

and write, for the sake of correct synchronization between the task model and theshadow task model.

The proposed strategy is depicted in Figure 6.18 with an example. The exampleis kept simple for the purpose of clarity. Figure 6.18(a) shows the simulationtrace using the way introduced in the last section. In the example, there are twotasks. The first task model (TM1) has a lower priority than the second task model(TM2) and starts first. It is first inserted into the ready queue and requests for ascheduling by sending the schedule event to the scheduler. As at that time there isonly one task in the ready queue, TM1 is immediately activated after receiving thedispatch[0] event from the scheduler. During its execution, an event that activatesTM2 occurs. In the same way, TM2 is inserted in the ready queue and requestsfor a scheduling. As TM2 has a higher priority, it can run next and therefore TM1is preempted. When TM2 finishes its execution, it sends the schedule event totrigger a scheduling again. As TM1 is the only ready task left, it can resume itsexecution. Totally, TM1 contains two execution segments and TM2 has only one.

Figure 6.18(b) shows the simulation trace using the proposed strategy. As shown,each task model in the taskTLM module has a corresponding shadow task model inthe RTOS channel. As all the shadow task models do the same thing and thereforecan reuse the same code. The code is shown in Figure 6.19(c). The task modelsstill play the role in reacting with the environment. In the illustrated example,at the beginning, both task models wait for being activated by an external event,while both shadow task models are also blocked by reading the blocking FIFOfifo start, which is initially empty (Figure 6.19(c), line 6). Then, TM1 can startfirst. It writes START to fifo start. Its shadow task model STM1 gets the dataand is also activated. It then changes the task state from waiting to ready (line7). Next, it reads the cycle value of the current execution segment from fifo cycles


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6.5 A More Modular Software Organization of Transaction Level Processor Model

TM 1 TM 2



STM 1 STM 2TM 1 TM 2








(a) Modeling Using a Single SystemC Module

(b) Modeling RTOS Using a SystemC Channel





schedule START











Figure 6.18: An Example of Multi-Task Simulation Using Abstract RTOS Models


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

sent by TM1. If the cycle value does not exist, STM1 is blocked. Meanwhile, TM1executes the functional code and calculates the cycles that the current executionsegment takes. An execution segment ends when there is an access to an externaldevice. Before modeling the access, the aggregated cycle value must be convertedto the simulation time. Therefore, TM1 sends the cycle value to fifo cycles andthen is blocked by waiting for an acknowledgment from STM1, which indicates thecompletion of the simulation time advancement of the current execution segment.

As soon as STM1 gets the cycle value, it is really ready to run. The cycle valueis first converted to sc time by multiplying with the duration of each CPU cycleT (line 9). The resulting time is assigned to a variable execution time. Then, itis checked whether the task is already running (line 10). If the current executionsegment is the first execution segment of the task, the task state is not runningbut ready and hence we have to notify the schedule event to request a scheduling(line 11). For the first execution segment, STM1 sends the schedule event to thescheduler and waits for its turn to run (line 14). The scheduler then decides whichtask can run next. As currently there is only one task ready, STM1 gets thedispatch[0] immediately and changes its state from ready to running (line 15).The code from line 17 to line 22 advance the simulation time, taking preemptioninto account. execution time is the time to be converted to the simulation time,while the difference between the two time stamps stop and start calculates thereally advanced simulation time. Therefore, at line 20, “execution time -= stop -start” calculates the rest of time to be converted to simulation time. If the rest oftime is zero, this means that the execution time of the current execution segmenthas been completely converted to the simulation time without being interrupted.Otherwise, the task has been preempted and its state is changed to ready (line22). Then, the loop begins the next iteration from line 12. It iterates until thesimulation time of the current execution segment is completely advanced. In theexample, during the first execution segment, STM1 is preempted and suspendedby waiting for being dispatched (line 14). STM2 runs in the same manner. Whenit finishes its execution, STM1 resumes and converts the rest of execution timeto the simulation time. At the completion of the first execution segment, STM1sends an acknowledgment ACK to fifo ack (line 24) and then jumps back to line8, waiting for the cycle value of the next execution segment.

At the TM1 side, when it gets ACK from fifo ack, it starts the next executionsegment. TM1 has only two execution segments. After finishing the last executionsegment, it sends END to fifo cycles. In STM1, as the variable cycles gets END,the loop ends (Figure 6.19(c), line 8). The task state is changed to waiting (line26) and a rescheduling is requested (line 27). STM1 then waits for the next roundof activation (line 6).

As described above, using one-stage FIFOs, the task model and the shadow taskmodel are well synchronized. An execution segment in the task model startsfrom functional code execution and ends with receiving an acknowledgment fromthe shadow task model. An execution segment in the shadow task model starts


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6.5 A More Modular Software Organization of Transaction Level Processor Model

12. void taskTLM::task1_code(int task_id, int *cycles){

13. . . .14. L0:15. c[i]=(*ivtmp_34)*(*ivtmp_35);

16. . . .

17. ivtmp_35 = ivtmp_35+1;

18. read(task_id, cycles, ivtmp_34, 4);

19. *cycles += 1;

20. read(task_id, cycles, ivtmp_35, 4);

21. *cycles + = 4

22. write(task_id, cycles, &(c[i]), 4);

23. *cycles += 3;24. if(i!=10) goto L0;else goto L2;25. . . .26. }

1. void taskTLM::task1(){

2. int task_id = 0, cycles = 0;

3. rtos_port->task_init(task_id, "task1", 1,

sc_time(1, SC_MS));

4. while(true){

5. … // wait for activation

6. fifo_start[task_id].write(START);

7. task1_code(task_id, &cycles);

8. fifo_cycles[task_id].write(END);

9. fifo_ack[task_id].read();

10. }




bool DCACHE_READ (. . .){

. . .


bool DCACHE_WRITE (. . .){

. . .



1. void read(int task_id, int* cycles, UInt32 addr,

int size){

2. if(cache_port->DCACHE_READ(addr, size)){

3. fifo_cycles[task_no].write(*cycles);

4. *cycle = 0;

5. fifo_ack[task_id].read();

6. . . . // interface to bus

7. }


1. void rtos::STM(int task_id) {

2. int cycles = 0;

3. sc_time start, stop, execution_time =



5. while (true) {

6. fifo_start[task_id].read();

7. states[task_id] = ready;

8. while((cycles=fifo_cycles[task_id].read())

!= END){

9. execution_time = cycles * T;

10. if(states[task_id] != running)

11. schedule.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME);

12. while(execution_time>


13. if(states[task_id] != running){

14. wait(dispatch[task_id));

15. states[task_no] = running;

16. }

17. start = sc_time_stamp();

18. wait(execution_time, preempt);

19. stop = sc_time_stamp();

20. execution_time -= stop – start;

21. if(execution_time!=SC_ZERO_TIME)

22. states[task_id] = ready;

23. }

24. fifo_ack[task_id].write(ACK);

25. }

26. states[task_id] = waiting;

27. schedule.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME);

28. }


9. void write(int task_id, int* cycles, UInt32 addr,

int size){

10. . . .


(b) Read/Write Wrapper (c) Shadow Task Model

(a) Task Model

The taskTLM Module The RTOS Channel

The Cache Channel


Figure 6.19: The Code Structure of a cpuTLM


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

from receiving the cycle value from the task model and ends with sending anacknowledgment to the task model.

In Figure 6.19, we show the code structure of a cpuTLM. The illustrated exampleof task model is the same as the one in Figure 6.8. A task model is declaredas a thread in the taskTLM module. At the beginning of the thread, the task isassigned an id (line 2) and calls the interface method task init() implemented in theRTOS channel through the port rtos port, through which taskTLM is connectedto the RTOS channel (line 3). This interface method is responsible to spawn athread for the shadow task model and initializes the task’s context. The code oftask init() is shown as follows:

1. int rtos::task_init(int task_id, char *task_name, int priority,

sc_time deadline){

2. sc_spawn( sc_bind(&rtos::STM,this,task_id) );

3. task_names[task_id] = task_name;

4. priorities[task_id] = priority;

5. states[task_id] = waiting;

6. deadlines[task_id] = deadline;

7. return 0;

8. }

In the above code, the function sc spawn() is called to spawn a SystemC threadfor a shadow task model (line 2). Because the shadow task models of differenttasks do exactly the same thing, the same function STM(int task id) shown inFigure 6.19(c) is attached to all the threads of shadow task models. Given task idas a parameter, the code in STM() can access the correct FIFOs and task pa-rameters, which are stored in arrays indexed by the task id. sc spawn() relies onan additional function sc bind() to attach the function STM(). This is done bypassing the address of STM() as an argument. Another argument this is used toindicate that STM() is a member function. Finally, as the function STM() hasone input parameter task id of type int, we set the actual task id of a task insidethe sc bind() call.

The task body is an infinite loop. At the beginning of the loop, the task waits forbeing activated (Figure 6.19(a), line 5). Once it is activated, it sends START tofifo start to notify the shadow task model (line 6). Then, it runs the instrumentedISC (line 12 through line 26), which is exactly the same as in Figure 6.8(b). Thismeans that for the new RTOS model the instrumented ISC generated by iSciSimdoes not need any modification. During the execution of the instrumented ISC,the functional code is executed and meanwhile the software execution delays areaggregated using the variable cycle. As an example of memory access, at line18, a wrapper function read() is called. In the read() function, the interfacemethod DCACHE READ() implemented in the cache channel is called throughcache port for cache simulation (Figure 6.19(b), line 2). In the case of a cache


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6.6 Experimental Results

miss, the aggregated cycle value is sent to fifo cycles (line 3). Then, the cyclecounter is cleared (line 4) and an access to the memory starts (line 6) after anacknowledgment from the shadow task model is received (line 5). The write()function is implemented in the same way. After the execution of the instrumentedISC, the task model sends END to notify the shadow task model of the terminationof the task (Figure 6.19(a), line 8). After getting an acknowledgment, the taskreally terminates.

6.6 Experimental Results

In the experiment, we evaluated our modeling method with simulating a simpleexample: a single processor running 6 independent, periodic tasks. The tasksare the same as those used in the experiment in Chapter 5. A PowerPC 100MHz processor was selected the target processor. The simulations ran on a laptopequipped with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU at 2.26 GHz and 2 GB memory. Theexecution environment was Cygwin on Windows XP.

Table 6.1: Task Parameters

Period Priority Deadline

fibcall 1 ms 4 1 ms

insertsort 0.1 ms 6 0.1 ms

bsearch 3 ms 5 3 ms

crc 1 ms 3 1 ms

blowfish 5 ms 2 5 ms

AES 50 s 1 50 s

We used iSciSim to generate fast and accurate transaction level task models forall the tasks. It has been validated in Chapter 5 that all these taskTLMs allowfor very accurate performance simulation, comparable to simulation using an ISS.

First, we tested one of the most common static-priority scheduling algorithms: thepriority of each task is pre-defined by the user. In Table 6.1, we define the param-eters of these tasks, including deadline, period, and priority. The deadline is equalto the period. We ran the simulation for a simulated time of 150 seconds. Thehost execution time was 138 seconds. This means that the simulation performancewas around 109 Mcycles/sec. It is a very high simulation speed, which allows forexploring various design alternatives in a short time. Table 6.2 shows the simu-lation results, including the total execution time (Total ET) and the worst-caseresponse time (WCRT) of each task. We can see that except AES all the othertasks finish execution before the deadline. In the period of 150 seconds, AES runs


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Chapter 6 Multi-Task Simulation in SystemC with an Abstract RTOS Model

only once. The worst-case response time is 65.18 seconds, larger than the dead-line 50 seconds. The processor was already fully loaded with a utilization rate of91.9%.

Table 6.2: Simulation Results

Total ET WCRT Deadline


fibcall 4.88 s 4.91 s 484.19 us 145.89 us 1 ms

insertsort 5.99 s 5.99 s 4.34 us 4.34 us 0.1 ms

bsearch 21.48 s 21.50 s 451.33 us 592.88 us 3 ms

crc 15.43 s 15.06 s 592.78 us 139.85 us 1 ms

blowfish 50.29 s 50.29 s 2.63 ms 2.63 ms 5 ms

AES 39.81 s 39.85 s 65.18 s 65.00 s 50 s

We also tested the EDF scheduling algorithm. For the same scenario, we gotsimilar results as FP: AES missed the deadline and the other tasks all couldcomplete before the respective deadlines. From Table 6.2, we find that with EDFfibcall and crc have significantly shorter WCRTs than with FP. This is becausethe two tasks have both relatively short deadlines. In the simulation using EDF,they can get higher priorities than the priorities set in the simulation using FP.In contrast, bsearch gets a longer WCRT using EDF. The simulation results showthat changing the scheduling algorithm can not help in getting a safe design. Thereare two solutions: either to use a processor with higher computing power or toimplement AES in hardware.

So far, we tested the RTOS model only with this simple scenario. It is our futurework to apply it in practical designs.


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Chapter 7

Flow Analysis on IntermediateSource Code for WCET Estimation

Constraining the possible control flows in a program is essential for a tight WCETbound. The results of flow analysis are pieces of control flow information on loopbounds and infeasible paths, which are often called flow facts. It is most conve-nient to extract flow facts from the source level, where the program is developed.However, as timing analysis and WCET calculation are usually performed on thebinary code that will be executed on the target processor, the source level flowfacts must be transformed down to the binary level. Due to optimizing compila-tion, the problem of this transformation is nontrivial.

This chapter introduces an efficient WCET approach that performs flow analysison intermediate source code (ISC). On one hand, ISC is high level enough formanual annotations and automatic flow facts extraction. On the other hand, itis low level enough to keep flow facts transformation easy. The approach hasanother advantage that it is easy to realize and to use and does not require anymodification of standard tools for software development.

The concrete contributions of this dissertation to WCET estimation are threefold:

1. We show how the usage of ISC facilitates the extraction of flow facts. In ISC,complex statements are unstructured to simple statements, which makesanalyses like program slicing, syntax analysis, and abstract interpretationmuch easier.

2. We show how to simply transform the ISC level flow facts to the low levelby using debugging information.

3. We propose an experiment method to demonstrate only the effectiveness offlow analysis. This allows us to evaluate a flow analysis method and a timinganalysis method separately.

This chapter is organized as follows: An overview of the proposed approach aswell as the tool architecture is presented in Section 7.2 after an overview of relatedwork on flow analysis in Section 7.1. The whole work flow consists of four steps:


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Chapter 7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation

ISC generation, flow analysis, flow facts transformation, and timing analysis andWCET calculation. ISC generation has been introduced in Chapter 5. The otherthree steps are described in Section 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5, respectively. Experimentmethodology and results are presented in Section 7.6.

7.1 Flow Analysis and Related Work

In this section, we discuss only about previous work on flow analysis. There arealso many research activities that focus on other aspects of WCET analysis. It isoutside the scope of this dissertation to give an overview of these works. Instead,some survey papers like [103] can be referred to.

According to the representation level of programs, where flow analysis is per-formed, the existing flow analysis approaches can be grouped into three categories,as shown in Figure 7.1. In the first category of approaches (Figure 7.1(a)), bothflow analysis and timing analysis are performed on binary code. The obtained flowfacts can be directly forwarded to timing analysis and WCET calculation withoutthe need of any transformation. The approach described in [72] and the well-knowncommercial tool aiT [1] are in this category. They apply symbolic execution andabstract interpretation [36] for flow analysis, respectively. The approaches in thiscategory have a common limitation that the automatic flow analysis succeeds onlyfor simple control flows that do not depend on input data. Otherwise, additionalflow facts have to be given manually at the binary level, which is a very error-pronetask.

It is much easier to do manual annotations at the source level, where programsare developed. Also, it is advantageous to do automatic flow analysis at this level,as the programmer can easily check the correctness of the obtained flow facts. Tosupport manual annotations in source programs, some previous works propose touse special annotation languages such as MARS-C [84] and wcetC [59]. Usingstate-of-the-art flow analysis techniques, most input data independent flow factscan be extracted automatically without manual annotations. The approach forsource level flow analysis proposed by Healy et al. in [51] is able to bound thenumber of iterations automatically but is limited to three special types of loops.Ermedahl and Gustafsson [43] use abstract execution, which is a type of abstractinterpretation, to discover false paths and loop bounds. In abstract execution,loops are “rolled out” dynamically and each iteration is analyzed individually.However, the high level flow facts obtained using these approaches cannot be useddirectly for low level timing analysis and WCET calculation, because optimizingcompilation can change the control flows of a program significantly. Therefore, amechanism to map the high level flow facts to the binary level is necessary. Asshown in Figure 7.1(b), the flow analysis in this category of approaches consistsof two phases: (1) automatic flow facts extraction and manual annotation at thesource level and (2) flow facts transformation to the binary level.


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7.1 Flow Analysis and Related Work



timing analysis

& calculation

timing analysis

& calculation



flow analysis &

manual annotations

flow analysis &

manual annotations


Standard Compiler

.c &

flow facts

.c &

flow facts

.c.c.o &

flow facts

.o &

flow facts


flow analysis &

manual annotations

flow analysis &

manual annotations

compilation & flow

facts transformation

compilation & flow

facts transformation

timing analysis

& calculation

timing analysis

& calculation

Customized Compiler

WCET Tool Frontend

WCET Tool Backend

(a) Binary Level Flow Analysis

(b) Source Level Flow Analysis

WCET Tool Frontend

(c) IR Level Flow Analysis

.c.c.c to IR

.c to IRCustomized Compiler

IRIRIR to .o

IR to .o



IR &

flow facts

IR &

flow facts

timing analysis

& calculation

timing analysis

& calculation

WCET Tool Backend

flow analysis

flow analysis


















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Chapter 7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation

The problem of flow facts transformation is nontrivial. Puschner presents a low-cost approach in [83] to transform source level flow facts to the binary level, butthis approach is limited to moderately optimized programs. To support WCETanalysis of programs compiled with usual, standard optimizations, one feasiblesolution is to integrate flow facts transformation within program compilation tokeep track of the influence of compiler optimizations on the flow facts. This isachieved using two separate tools in [42]: a modified compiler tracing the com-piler optimizations and, given the traces, a co-transformer performing flow factstransformation. In [58] Kirner and Puschner integrate a similar transformationapproach fully into a GCC compiler. The tool TuBound [81] uses abstract in-terpretation for automatic flow analysis and Kirner’s method [58] for flow factstransformation.

The third category of approaches shown in Figure 7.1(c) performs flow analysison a low-level IR. It achieves a better trade-off between visibility of flow factsand simplicity of their transformation to the binary level. The tool SWEET [48]belongs to this category. It uses a special compiler to transform C programs toa new IR called new intermediate code (NIC), which can be regarded as a high-level assembler code format and is written in a LISP-like syntax. Flow analysis isperformed on the NIC code. As the NIC code has a structure close to the structureof the binary code, the generated flow facts can easily be mapped to the binarylevel. Nevertheless, this approach relies on the special compiler and the special IRformat and thus has limited usability in practice. In addition, NIC code has verylimited readability according to the example shown in [48].

7.2 Overview of the Proposed Approach and ToolArchitecture

From our point of view, a good WCET analysis approach should have the followingproperties:

• To get a tight WCET bound, the representation level of programs for flowanalysis, on one hand, should be high enough to facilitate flow facts extrac-tion, and on the other hand, should be low enough, so that the effort forflow facts transformation is kept low.

• Timing analysis should be performed on the binary code, which is to beexecuted on the target hardware, for accurate timing modeling.

• The WCET analysis approach should be general enough and not limited toa special compiler.

According to the discussion in Section 7.1, none of the existing approaches achieveall the above properties. Motivated by this fact, we developed a new approach that


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7.2 Overview of the Proposed Approach and Tool Architecture

C Program


C Program






ISC in C


ISC in C















Figure 7.2: The Usage of ISC

performs WCET analysis on ISC. According to the descriptions in Chapter 5, ISChas the following features: (1) it is written in a high-level programming language,and thus, is compilable; (2) it has the same functional behavior as the originalsource code; (3) it contains enough high-level information for necessary manualannotations; (4) it has a structure close to that of the binary code for easy flowfacts transformation.

In our current implementation, ISC is written in the C programming language andgenerated by slight modification of standard IRs of standard compilers. The ISCgeneration has been introduced in Chapter 5. Here, we do not repeat it but justillustrate it with another example, the program insertsort from the MalardalenWCET benchmark suite [9], which will be used to illustrate the whole proposedapproach through this chapter. Figure 7.3 shows this example. Figure 7.3(b)contains the generated ISC. As many high-level information of the original sourceprogram has been retained in the ISC, the programmer can easily specify the valueintervals of the input variables, which cannot be computed automatically by thetool.

ISC retains exactly the same semantics and executability of its original source code.When compiled with a C compiler, it shows exactly the same functionality as theoriginal C program. Nevertheless, there might be a slight difference between thetemporal behaviors of the ISC and the original source code. As we perform timinganalysis on the binary code generated by the ISC, this binary code should also be


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Chapter 7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation

a[0] = 0;

i = 2;

while(i <= 10){

j = i;

while (a[j] < a[j-1])


temp = a[j];

a[j] = a[j-1];

a[j-1] = temp;





a[0] = 0;

i = 2;

while(i <= 10){

j = i;

while (a[j] < a[j-1])


temp = a[j];

a[j] = a[j-1];

a[j-1] = temp;





a[0] = 0;

j = 2;

i = 2;

goto L7;


a[j] = D_1301;

a[j_27] = D_1302;


j = j_27;


D_1302 = a[j];

j_27 = j - 1;

D_1301 = a[j_27];

if (D_1302<D_1301) goto L1 ; else goto L3 ;


i = i + 1;

if (i <= 10) goto L9 ; else goto L5 ;


j_27 = i;

goto L2;



a[0] = 0;

j = 2;

i = 2;

goto L7;


a[j] = D_1301;

a[j_27] = D_1302;


j = j_27;


D_1302 = a[j];

j_27 = j - 1;

D_1301 = a[j_27];

if (D_1302<D_1301) goto L1 ; else goto L3 ;


i = i + 1;

if (i <= 10) goto L9 ; else goto L5 ;


j_27 = i;

goto L2;



ISC GenerationISC Generation

(a) Original Source Code

(b) Intermediate Source Code

Figure 7.3: An Example of ISC Generation

finally executed on the target processor, as shown in Figure 7.2. In our experimentspresented in Chapter 5, we have already shown that the binary code generatedfrom an ISC program has similar performance as the one generated from theoriginal source program. This validated that the usage of ISC for execution on thetarget hardware will not reduce the system performance. As shown in Figure 7.2,we also get observed WCET by means of simulation. This observed WCET isused to validate the estimated WCET. This is discussed more in Section 7.6.

The work flow of WCET analysis on ISC is illustrated in Figure 7.4. The wholeapproach consists of five steps: (1) First, flow facts are extracted automaticallyfrom ISC. (2) Next, if necessary, we can give manually additional flow informationthat cannot be computed by the tool. (3) After that, the program is compiledto generate binary code and debugging information. The debugging informationis then used to map the flow facts to the binary level. (4) Timing analysis isperformed on the binary code based on a hardware model. (5) Given the low-levelflow facts and timing information, the WCET is finally calculated. As shown, thewhole approach is performed fully outside the standard compilation approach.

7.3 Flow Analysis

In this section, we present the approach for bounding loop iterations and detectinginfeasible paths. The whole approach consists of four steps: (1) First, a controlflow graph (CFG) is constructed for each program at the ISC level. (2) Next,the unstructured loops are identified and the conditional branches within a loop


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7.3 Flow Analysis


Flow Facts



Flow Facts



Flow FactsFlow Facts








CodeC Program


C Program



Analysis &



Analysis &


Standard Compilation Approach


WCET Analysis





Flow Facts



Flow Facts



Figure 7.4: The Work Flow of Our WCET Analysis Tool

that can affect the number of loop iterations are identified. (3) Then, the CFGis reduced for special analyses, in order to reduce the analysis complexity. (4)Finally, loops are bounded and infeasible paths are identified. These workingsteps are introduced in the following sub-sections.

7.3.1 Constructing Control Flow Graph

A CFG is basically a graphical representation of a program. It is essential tomany compiler optimizations and static analysis tools. Each node of the CFGcorresponds to a basic block, which consists of a sequence of instructions that hasonly one entry point and one exit point. Basic blocks are connected with edges,which represent jumps in the control flow. An edge in the CFG is directed. Aback edge is a special edge that points to an ancestor in a depth-first traversal ofthe CFG.

According to our implementation, a CFG is represented using a linked list. Thelabels contained in an ISC program simplify the work of constructing its CFG list.When a label is encountered while parsing the program, one new node is to beadded into the CFG list. By parsing the ISC statements between two labels wecan get all the needed information about the corresponding basic block. The CFGof the running example is shown in Figure 7.5(a).


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Chapter 7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation















Exit (Loop1)

Exit (Loop2)



(a) ISC-Level CFG (b) Identified Loops

Figure 7.5: Identifying Loops

7.3.2 Identifying Loops

Each loop in a CFG contains at least one back edge. We define this kind of backedges as loop-forming back edges. Finding a back edge is considered as a necessarycondition but not the sufficient condition of identifying a loop. To make sure thata back edge is really a loop-forming back edge, it must be checked whether there isa control flow leads the destination block of the back edge to its source block, i.e.,to find a closed graph. For the running example, two nested loops are identified,as shown in Figure 7.5(b).

Next, the conditional branches that can directly or indirectly affect the numberof loop iterations are identified. Such conditional branches are called iterationbranches. Identifying iteration branches is mandatory for reducing CFG andbounding loop iterations. A branch that can leads the control flow to an exitedge is identified as a direct iteration branch, while a branch that leads to twodifferent paths, affecting the number of iterations differently, is identified as anindirect iteration branch. The blocks containing iteration branches are shown ingray in Figure 7.5(b).

7.3.3 Reducing Control Flow Graph

In the ISC of a program, there might be many assignments that do not affectthe conditions of conditional branches and thus do not affect the control flows.If these assignments are removed, the CFG will be reduced and the flow analysis


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7.3 Flow Analysis

complexity will be reduced accordingly, but the outcome of the analysis will stillbe the same.

In the running example, none of the assignments can be removed. To show theeffect of CFG reduction, we give another example in Figure 7.6. The CFG inFigure 7.6(a) is constructed for the function icrc() in the benchmark crc [9]. InFigure 7.6(b), the blocks that do not affect the iteration branches are identified,shown in gray. For loop bounding these blocks can be removed. Figure 7.6(c)shows the reduced CFG. In addition, in each remaining block, the assignmentsthat do not affect the iteration branches are removed. Analysis on this reducedCFG will be much easier and faster.














































(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.6: CFG Reduction

7.3.4 Bounding Loops and Detecting Infeasible Paths

Given the reduced CFG, we use three methods to bound loops and detect infeasiblepaths: pattern analysis, code instrumentation, and abstract execution. Pattern


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Chapter 7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation


If( i < LIMIT) goto L1;

else …;


If( i < LIMIT) goto L1;

else …;


i += INCREMENT; ...


i += INCREMENT; ...


If( … ){

cnt_L8_2 ++;

goto L2;

} else …;


If( … ){

cnt_L8_2 ++;

goto L2;

} else …;


cnt_L2 ++; …


cnt_L2 ++; …

(a) Loop Pattern (b) Instrumentation

i += INIT;

i += INIT;L1: …L1: …

Figure 7.7: Loop Bounding Methods

analysis is used for bounding the loops that match some simple patterns. One ofthe simplest patterns is shown in Figure 7.7(a), where i is the loop counter andINIT, INCREMENT, and LIMIT are all constants. The number of iterations canbe calculated simply using the equation:


Many loops like nested loops have more complicated structures and do not matchany such simple patterns. If the number of iterations of such a complicated loopdoes not depend on input data, i.e, is statically known, we can apply the instru-mentation technique to get its bound. Figure 7.7(b) illustrates this technique withan example. When the program is executed, the annotated variables cnt L2 andcnt L8 2 will count how many times L2 is executed and the number of jumps fromL8 to L2, respectively.

The first two methods are not applicable to the loops, the iteration numbersof which depend on input data. To bound such loops, we can use the abstractexecution technique, which is introduced in detail in [43, 48]. Using abstractexecution, the infeasible paths can also be exploited. Our own work on abstractexecution is still ongoing.

We output obtained flow facts in a separate file and the flow facts are expressedin a simple form. A loop bound is expressed by bounding the execution count of ablock containing an iteration branch. For the running example, two loop boundsare obtained: (1) L7 ≤ 54, (2) L3 = 9.


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7.4 Flow Facts Transformation











(a) ISC-Level CFG (b) Binary-Level CFG




Figure 7.8: Mapping between ISC-Level CFG and Binary-Level CFG

7.4 Flow Facts Transformation

The structure of ISC is already highly optimized by the compiler frontend. Ifthe ISC is compiled using the same compiler, the frontend will not change itsstructure any more. However, when the IR is lowered to the binary code, thecompiler backend will further optimize the code structure to adapt to the specialfeatures of the target machine, e.g., by means of code motion and elimination. Asshown in Figure 7.8, the two CFGs from the ISC level and the binary level lookdifferent. This difference makes it impossible to get a straightforward mapping,but fortunately, the two CFGs are still similar enough for flow facts transformation.As shown in Figure 7.9, if we reorganize the CFGs, the similarity is quite obvious.












(a) ISC-Level CFG (b) Binary-Level CFG

Figure 7.9: CFGs after Re-organization

The structure of a CFG is decided mainly by conditional branches. Such condi-tional branches can be regarded as mapping points to map the control flows. Our


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Chapter 7 Flow Analysis on Intermediate Source Code for WCET Estimation

B5, B2…L1: …



0x1800100 - 0x1800108


i = i + 1;

if (i <= 10) goto L9 ; else …


0x18000f4 - 0x18000f8


if (D_1302 < D_1301) goto…


j = j_27;

. . .

Basic BlockCode SegmentISC

Figure 7.10: Mapping Information

method for finding the counterparts of ISC-level conditional branches in the bi-nary code is very simple: we make use line table, a kind of debugging information,which describes the correspondence between the ISC statements and the generatedbinary code. The line table of a program can be generated automatically duringprogram compilation.

To transform loop bounds from the ISC level to the binary level, we just need toget a mapping of iteration branches. In each loop, there is at least one iterationbranch that can find its counterpart in the binary code. That’s the reason whywe express a loop bound by bounding the execution count of a block containingan iteration branch.

In the following, we explain how the first flow fact L7 ≤ 54 of the running exampleis transformed. Figure 7.10 shows all the information used in the description, in-cluding the ISC code, the binary code segments generated by some important ISCstatements, and the basic blocks these code segments belong to. First, we find theiteration branch corresponding to the flow fact: “if(D_1302<D_1301) goto ...”.Next, we get the line number of this iteration branch in the ISC program. Us-ing this line number, the code segment “0x18000f4 - 0x18000f8” generated by theiteration branch is found by looking up the line table. Here, a code segment isusually either a basic block or part of a basic block. Thus, we get a mappingbetween the ISC-level basic block L7 that contains the iteration branch and thebinary level basic block B2 that contains the code segment generated from theiteration branch. Based on this mapping, the loop bound is transformed to a lowlevel loop constraint x2 ≤ 54. In the same way, a mapping between L3 and B3can be established and the second flow fact L3 = 9 is transformed to x3 = 9.

Figure 7.10 also shows that no code is generated by L2 and L9 and the codegenerated by L1 is partly in B2 and partly in B5, indicating that their structure has


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7.5 Timing Analysis and WCET Calculation

been changed by the machine-dependent optimizations. Flow facts transformationbased on the mapping of these blocks instead of the iteration branches will resultin a wrong estimate.

Flow facts on infeasible paths can be transformed to the low level in a similarmanner. The only difference is that an ISC level flow fact on an infeasible pathshould be expressed as a constraint on an edge in the infeasible path, instead of ablock. This edge can find its corresponding edge at the binary level using the linetable. With this mapping the flow fact can be transformed.

7.5 Timing Analysis and WCET Calculation

Our flow analysis approach is fairly general to be adapted to any low level analy-sis. There are three main classes of WCET calculation methods: structure-based,path-based, and techniques using implicit path enumeration (IPET). Our currentimplementation of timing analysis and WCET calculation is based on IPET, whichis first proposed by Li and Malik [71] and is recently the most widely used methodfor WCET calculation.

In IPET, finding a WCET bound of a task is expressed by an integer linearprogramming (ILP) problem: the total execution time of the task is representedas a linear expression

∑i∈B xi ∗ ti, where the time coefficient ti expresses the

execution time bound of the basic block i and the count variable xi corresponds tothe number of times the block is executed. The WCET is calculated by maximizingthe expression, given a set of arithmetic constraints reflecting the structure ofthe task and possible flows. This formula can also be extended to express morecomplex flows and more complex timing effects. For example, Li has made IPETcapable of expressing the timing effects of out-of-order pipeline, branch predictorand instruction cache in his Ph.D. thesis [70].

Figure 7.11(c) shows the ILP problem and the constraints generated by the IPET-based WCET calculation method for the running example. Figure 7.11(b) showsthe execution time bounds of all the five basic blocks. The count variables aremarked in the CFG in Figure 7.11(a), where xn expresses the number of times theblock n is executed and xm n expresses how many times the control is transferredfrom the block m to the block n. There are three classes of constraints shown inFigure 7.11(c): The start and exit constraints state that the task must be startedand exited once. The structural constraints reflect the possible program flow,based on the fact that a basic block is entered the same number of times as it isexited. The loop bounds obtained by flow analysis constrain the number of timesthe loops are executed. With these constraints, the ILP problem can be solvedusing an ILP solver to output a WCET bound.


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t1 = 26; t2 = 8; t3 = 4; t4 = 2; t5 = 3;t1 = 26; t2 = 8; t3 = 4; t4 = 2; t5 = 3;

max: 26*x1+8*x2+4*x3+2*x4+3*x5;

// Start and exit constraints

x1 = 1; x4 = 1;

// Structural constraints

x1 = x1_2;

x2 = x1_2+x3_2+x5_2 = x2_5+x2_3;

x3 = x2_3 = x3_2+x3_4;

x4 = x3_4;

x5 = x2_5 = x5_2;

// Loop bounds

x3 = 9; x2 <= 54;

max: 26*x1+8*x2+4*x3+2*x4+3*x5;

// Start and exit constraints

x1 = 1; x4 = 1;

// Structural constraints

x1 = x1_2;

x2 = x1_2+x3_2+x5_2 = x2_5+x2_3;

x3 = x2_3 = x3_2+x3_4;

x4 = x3_4;

x5 = x2_5 = x5_2;

// Loop bounds

x3 = 9; x2 <= 54;

(a) Low-Level CFG (c) ILP Problem and Constraints

(b) Timing Information

Figure 7.11: WCET Calculation Using IPET

7.6 Experiment

7.6.1 Experiment Methodology

As it is very hard (if not impossible) to find the actual WCET of a program, themost widely used way to evaluate a WCET estimation method is to compare theestimated WCET with the observed WCET measured by simulation. Knowingtesti ≥ tacti ≥ tsimi

and xesti ≥ xacti ≥ xsimifor each basic block i, it yields:

Estimated WCET ≥ Actual WCET ≥ Observed WCET

Assuming that the observed WCET is very close to the actual WCET, the com-parison between the estimated WCET and the observed WCET is able to showthe tightness of WCET estimation. However, if an overestimation is found, it isunable to know whether this overestimation is caused by flow analysis or timinganalysis.

To show only the effectiveness of flow analysis, we introduce another observedWCET: observedWCET ′ =

∑i∈B xsimi

∗ testi . It is a combination of simulatedcontrol flows and estimated timing information. Given a set benchmarks, theworst test cases of which are known, we get: xsimi

= xacti . Therefore, we canevaluate the quality of our flow analysis approach very accurately, by comparingestimatedWCET and observedWCET ′.


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7.6 Experiment

B11800074: … 18000d8: …

B11800074: … 18000d8: …

B318000fc: … 1800108: …

B318000fc: … 1800108: …

B4180010c: … 1800110: …

B4180010c: … 1800110: …

B51800114: stwx r9,r10,r6

1800118: stwx r11,r8,r6

180011c: b 18000dc

B51800114: stwx r9,r10,r6

1800118: stwx r11,r8,r6

180011c: b 18000dc

B218000dc: … 18000f8: …

B218000dc: … 18000f8: …

void B5 (){

WCET += 3;STORE_WORD(R[10]+R[6], R[9]);

STORE_WORD(R[8]+R[6], R[11]);

PC = 0x018000dc;


void B5 (){

WCET += 3;STORE_WORD(R[10]+R[6], R[9]);

STORE_WORD(R[8]+R[6], R[11]);

PC = 0x018000dc;


void B3 (){WCET += 4; … }void B3 (){WCET += 4; … }

void B1 (){ WCET += 26; … }void B1 (){ WCET += 26; … }

void B4 (){ WCET += 2; … }void B4 (){ WCET += 2; … }

void B2 (){ WCET += 8; … }void B2 (){ WCET += 8; … }

(a) Low-Level CFG (b) Translated C Functions

Figure 7.12: Simulation Strategy

To get observedWCET ′, we make use of binary level simulation (BLS). In BLS, thecompiled binary code of a program is translated back to C code, which has exactlythe same functionality as the original program. One basic block corresponds to atranslated C function, which contains both the behavioral code and the executiontime bound of this basic block.

Figure 7.12 shows the five C functions translated from the five basic blocks ofthe running example. The execution time bounds shown in Figure 7.11(b) areannotated. The name of each function indicates the corresponding basic block.The C function corresponding to B5 is shown in detail.

The control flows between the basic blocks are constructed using a switch state-ment in a while loop. Each case of the switch construct corresponds to a basicblock. After executing the C function corresponding to a basic block, the PC valueis updated and the control is transferred to the case branch corresponding to thenext basic block. For the shown example, the code looks as follows:

1: PC = 0x1800074;

2: while((PC>=0x1800074) && (PC<=0x180011c)){

3: switch(PC){

4: case 0x1800074: B1(); break;

5: case 0x18000dc: B2(); break;

6: case 0x18000fc: B3(); break;


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7: case 0x180010c: B4(); break;

8: case 0x1800114: B5(); break;

9: default: sim_end(); break;

10: }


7.6.2 Experiment Results

The experiments were carried out mainly to evaluate our flow analysis approach.A PowerPC processor was chosen as the target processor. 10 programs were ran-domly selected from the Malardalen WCET benchmark suite [9]. All the programswere cross-compiled using a GCC compiler with the optimization level -O2.

All the 10 programs were first converted to the corresponding ISC programs. BothWCET analysis and simulation were performed on the ISC programs. BeforeWCET analysis on ISC, the correctness of the ISC generation was verified byexecuting both the source programs and the ISC programs with a set of inputdata and comparing the output.

Table 7.1 shows both the estimated WCETs and the observed WCETs obtainedby the proposed simulation technique. The estimated WCETs of 9 programs areexactly the same as their observed WCETs. This means that our flow analysismethod has successfully extracted and transformed all the flow facts in 9 programs.The only overestimation is found by the estimate of the program janne complex.In the following, we discuss about the cause of this overestimation. The sourcecode of janne complex is shown as follows:

while(a < 30){

while(b < a){


if(b > 5)

b = b * 3;


b = b + 2;

if(b >= 10 && b <= 12)

a = a + 10;


a = a + 1;


a = a + 2;

b = b - 10;



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7.6 Experiment

Table 7.1: WCET Estimates (in cycles)

Obs.WCET ′ Est.WCET Difference

ns 5230 5230 0%

matmul 129700 129700 0%

janne complex 186 214 15%

crc 17587 17587 0%

insertsort 631 631 0%

edn 66526 66526 0%

cnt 3648 3648 0%

adpcm 330632 330632 0%

compress 4062 4062 0%

cover 2130 2130 0%

In the program, the two variables a and b are supposed to have the same valueinterval [1, 30]. Although this program has a very small code size, but has a fairlycomplex structure. Our flow analysis found the bounds of both the outer loop andthe inner loop, which are 11 and 13, respectively. In the WCET calculation, theboth bounds were used to constrain control flows. This causes the overestimation,because, in reality, there is probably no input data that leads to the maximumiterations of both the outer loop and the inner loop. Table 7.2 shows the threetest cases that might lead to the WCET. None of these test cases cause maximumiterations of both the outer loop and the inner loop. Which one finally results inthe WCET depends on the instruction timing. The simulation results of the threetest cases show that the test case a=1, b=7 leads to the observed WCET.

This example was originally used in [43]. However, in [43] a different result isshown. Our simulation proved the correctness of our analysis.

Table 7.2: Simulation Results of janne complex

a b max. loop out max. loop in Obs.WCET ′

1 19 11 9 162

1 7 9 13 186

1 5 10 11 174


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Part III

Software Performance Estimation ina System-Level Design Flow


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Chapter 8

The SysCOLA Framework

A modeling language with formal semantics is able to capture a system’s function-ality unambiguously, without concerning implementation details. Such a formallanguage is well-suited for a design process that employs formal techniques andsupports hardware/software synthesis. On the other hand, SystemC is a widelyused system level design language with hardware-oriented modeling features. Itprovides a desirable simulation framework for system architecture design and ex-ploration. This chapter introduces a design framework, called SysCOLA, thatmakes use of the unique advantages of both a new formal modeling language,COLA, and SystemC, and allows for parallel development of application softwareand system platform. Here, the term system platform represents the whole plat-form lying under the application software layer, including a software platform anda hardware platform. The software platform contains software layers that provideservices required for realizing the designated functionality. In SysCOLA, functiondesign and architecture exploration are done in the COLA based modeling envi-ronment and the SystemC based virtual prototyping environment, respectively.The concepts of abstract platform and virtual platform abstraction layer facilitatethe orthogonalization of functionality and architecture by means of mapping andintegration in the respective environments. Currently, the framework is targetedat the automotive domain.

The framework was developed in the scope of the BASE.XT project, a cooperationproject between Technical University of Munich and BMW Forschung und TechnikGmbH, where mainly 7 Ph.D. students were involved. My own contributions tothe framework include the software performance estimation tools and the virtualprototyping environment. This chapter introduces the framework as a whole. Toget an overview of who has done which part of work, please refer to Section 1.1.4.

The chapter is organized as follows: first, in Section 8.1, we give an overview ofdesign process. Section 8.2 presents some details of the SysCOLA framework. Acase study of designing an automatic parking system is shown in Section 8.3. Fi-nally, the software performance estimation techniques employed in the frameworkare summarized in Section 8.4.


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Chapter 8 The SysCOLA Framework

Abstract PlatformApplication Model

Allocation &Scheduling

Virtual PlatformApplication Tasks

Integration &Exploration


Real PlatformValidated Tasks




Figure 8.1: Design Process

8.1 Design Process Overview

The proposed design process is divided into three stages, namely system modeling,virtual prototyping, and system realization, as depicted in Figure 8.1. There existdifferent understandings of the term virtual prototyping. In this dissertation, it isdefined as a process of generating an executable model that emulates the wholesystem under design. System modeling and virtual prototyping are carried outin two separate environments of SysCOLA. A newly developed formal language,the component language (COLA) serves as the formal foundation of the modelingenvironment, while the virtual prototyping environment is based on SystemC.Corresponding to the three design stages, three abstraction levels of a systemplatform are defined: the abstract platform at the model level, the virtual platformin SystemC and finally the implemented real platform.

In the modeling environment, the system’s functionality is captured with an ap-plication model. The model is refined and then partitioned into clusters, whichare tasks from an operational point of view. The system platform is modeled asan abstract platform, allowing for automatic mapping of the software clusters andautomatic code generation. However, the abstract platform is specified solely witha set of resource figures and thus cannot provide an insight into the system ar-chitecture for design space exploration. Therefore, it is only used to find suitabletopologies of the system platform and fix some parameters. Rather, the detailed


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8.1 Design Process Overview

exploration is done on a virtual platform, using a simulative approach. Differentfrom the abstract platform, the virtual platform is an executable SystemC modelthat captures the dynamic behavior of the system platform under design and canexecute the generated software tasks. It gives an environment for functional vali-dation and allows early system integration as well as performance evaluation. Forsystem realization, the real platform is implemented, according to design decisionsmade on the virtual platform, and the validated tasks are then executed on thefinished real platform.

Within SysCOLA, the application software and the system platform are developedin parallel, in a tightly coupled loop. Software errors found by testing on the virtualplatform or a change of the virtual platform architecture may lead to a changeat the model level. Then, newly generated code is tested again on the virtualplatform. Such iterations reduce the possibility of errors in the final system andavoid costly redesigns.

8.1.1 Related Work

There exist many high level design frameworks that cover both application mod-eling and system platform design, such as SystemClick [88], CoFluent Studio [4],and Metropolis [25]. These frameworks as well as ours are based on the similarideas but are different from each other in terms of target application domains andconceptual approaches. SystemClick is specially targeted at WLAN design. Un-like COLA, the modeling language Click, used in SystemClick, defines the causalorder of tasks and their resource requirements, but does not deal with specify-ing their implementation. Tasks are implemented by hand. CoFluent Studio andother purely SystemC-based design solutions model the system’s functionality us-ing C/C++ semantics. They rule out formal techniques and hinder automatedsynthesis. Simulink-based solutions like [53] have the same limitation. Amongthese design frameworks, the most similar one to ours is Metropolis, which sup-ports both function and architecture modeling in an integrated environment. Incontrast, we prefer separation of function design and architecture exploration intwo different environments to make use of the unique advantages of a formal lan-guage like COLA and a system level design language like SystemC. The orthogo-nalization of functionality and architecture is achieved by means of mapping andintegration in the respective environments. Also, some key concepts like abstractplatform, logical communication, and virtual platform abstraction layer (VPAL)make our methodology different from Metropolis’s.

The AUTOSAR project [14] also focuses on automotive systems design and hassimilar objectives as ours. However, it is aimed more at defining a standardfor automotive systems design, while we focus on establishing a concrete designframework. When needed, SysCOLA can be adapted to generate AUTOSARcompatible designs.


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Chapter 8 The SysCOLA Framework

8.2 The SysCOLA Framework

SysCOLA employs techniques of graphical modeling, model-level simulation, for-mal verification, automatic mapping and scheduling, and hardware/software codegeneration etc., supported by a well-integrated tool-chain in the modeling envi-ronment. Within this environment a system’s functionality is modeled, verifiedand then realized in hardware or software. We focus more on the software-basedimplementation because of its flexibility and low cost. The main work in the vir-tual prototyping environment is to generate a virtual prototype that emulates thesystem under design. With such a virtual prototype at hand, the functionality ofthe generated tasks is validated and the design space of the system platform isexplored. The concept of VPAL is introduced to facilitate the integration of theapplication software and the virtual platform and reduce design effort.



T1 T2 Tn

Application Tasks



RTOS Com. Driv.

Virtual Prototyping

. . .

Virtual Platform

Basic Software Components


Application Model




ComponentsSystem Modeling

Application Tasks

VPAL Configuration

HW Configuration


Abstract Platform


Figure 8.2: The SysCOLA Framework

Figure 8.2 shows the architecture of the SysCOLA framework. A prototype ofthe framework was implemented based on the Eclipse platform. As shown inFigure 8.2, the application behavior and important information captured in theCOLA model are forwarded to the virtual prototyping environment in the form ofapplication tasks and configuration files. A detailed introduction to both designenvironments is given in the following sub-sections.


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8.2 The SysCOLA Framework

8.2.1 System Modeling

Modeling Language and Semantics

Model-driven development, based on a formally defined language, allows for aclear and unambiguous description of a system’s functionality, without concerningimplementation details. To set up a modeling environment, one critical issue is tofind a suitable model of computation, which can capture the target system’s char-acteristics efficiently. We aim at automotive control systems as our target systems.Data flow, as used e.g. in MATLAB/Simulink, is the state-of-the-art concept formodels in this domain. Unfortunately, the tools like MATLAB/Simulink lack ei-ther formally defined semantics or integrated tool support throughout the entiredevelopment process. Therefore, a new modeling language, COLA, that followsthe paradigm of synchronous data flow was developed as the formal foundationof our modeling environment. COLA offers an easily understandable graphicalsyntax and a formally defined semantics. Being a synchronous formalism, COLAfollows the hypothesis of perfect synchrony [30]. Basically, this asserts that compu-tations and communication take no time. Components in a synchronous dataflowlanguage then operate in parallel, processing input and output signals at discreteinstants of time. This discrete uniform time-base allows for a deterministic de-scription of concurrency by abstracting from concrete implementation details, suchas physical bus communication, or signal jitter. We describe the modeling conceptand basic units of COLA in Chapter 9. For more details about COLA syntax andsemantics, please refer to our technical report [65].

Application Modeling

In COLA, design starts from modeling functional requirements in a feature model.The feature model is converted to a functional model throughout several stepsof model transformation and rearrangement. In a functional model, the dataflows are expressed by networks of COLA units. A unit can be further composedhierarchically, or occurs in terms of blocks that define the basic (arithmetic andlogical) operations. The communication between units is realized by channels.In addition to the hierarchy of networks, COLA provides automata to expresscontrol flows in a functional model. With automata complex networks of unitscan be partitioned into disjoint operating modes, the activation of which dependson the input events.

COLA allows for modeling in a component-based flavor, which facilitates modelreusability. The correctness of modeling and model refinement is checked bymodel-level simulation [94] and formal verification.


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Chapter 8 The SysCOLA Framework

T1 T2 T3


Data Buffer


12 3





C3 SW Clusters


T1 T2 T3




Basic Software Comp.


T1 T2




HW Components





HW Comp.

(a) (b)


Figure 8.3: Logical Communication and Virtual Platform Refinement

Clustering and Logical Communication

Before mapping model entities to computing nodes of the platform, units of thefunctional model are grouped into clusters—the model representation of softwaretasks, each annotated with resource requirements on each possible processing el-ement the task might be mapped to. Among the resource requirements, worst-case execution time (WCET) is the most important one. A clustering is derivedfrom an optimized software architecture w.r.t. reusability, maintainability, designguidelines, documentation and others.

To enable software development independent on the system platform, we intro-duce the notion of logical communication. According to the concept of logicalcommunication, two clusters exchange data by means of a logical address (i.e.,data id) assigned to each channel between them, as shown in Figure 8.3(a). Af-ter mapped to a networked system, this logical communication is retained. Thegenerated software tasks communicate with each other still by logical addresses,without caring whether they are located at the same node or not. The realizationof the logical communication on a concrete platform is introduced later.

Automatic Mapping and Scheduling

An abstract platform is constructed using the hardware modeling capabilities ofCOLA. The purpose of the abstract platform is to specify the topology and ca-


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8.2 The SysCOLA Framework

pabilities of the target platform and thus give a basis for mapping of clusters.We have developed an automatic mapping algorithm, which takes the applicationclusters and the abstract platform as its input and tries to find a valid mappingwith the resource requirements of the tasks and the platform capabilities as thefoundation of its decision. We describe this mapping algorithm in [64].

The execution order of the tasks can be decided either at runtime by a dynamicscheduling algorithm or pre-runtime by a static scheduling algorithm. To guaran-tee that the resulting system behaves the same as modeled, we propose to use staticscheduling. An algorithm for static scheduling of COLA tasks is also introducedin [64].

Code Generation

After finding a proper mapping that fulfills the requirements, C code is gener-ated [49]. COLA also allows for hardware implementation of the modeled function-ality for higher performance [99]. The code generation relies on a set of template-like translation rules. As COLA has a slender syntax, the number of translationrules is small. The translation rules are well documented in [49] and [99]. Asan example, the task generated from the cluster C2 (Figure 8.3) is shown in Fig-ure 8.4. It reads the input data from the logical addresses 1 and 2 and sends theoutput data to the logical address 3. The behavioral code is not shown here.

1. void T2(){

2. Int in_0, in_1; Int out_0;

3. receive_data(&in_0, sizeof(in_0), 1);

4. receive_data(&in_1, sizeof(in_1), 2);

5. ... // behavioral code

6. send_data(&out_0, sizeof(out_0), 3);

7. }

Figure 8.4: An Example of Generated Code

8.2.2 Virtual Prototyping

Virtual Platform Abstraction Layer

The VPAL is aimed at wrapping the whole virtual platform. Using this layer,the virtual platform can be regarded as a functional entity that provides a set ofservices, from the application’s perspective. The software tasks use these servicesby calling a fixed VPAL API. In this way, the tasks can be simulated on differentvirtual platforms without the need of changing any code. Only adaptation of theVPAL to the new platform is needed. To achieve a small and simple VPAL API,


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Chapter 8 The SysCOLA Framework

the VPAL provides four basic functions, as shown in Figure 8.5. The API is easilyextendable. The functions send data() and receive data() are defined for sendingand receiving data, respectively. The first argument is a pointer to a variable thedata is read from or written to. The second argument represents the length of thedata. The logical address is passed to the function as the third argument. Wedefine a task as a stateful task, if the execution of this task depends on its history(state). This state data is read at the beginning of the task’s execution and savedin the end, by calling read state() and save state(), respectively.

send_data(void *buf, ssize_t len, unsigned short int dataid);

receive_data(void *buf, ssize_t len, unsigned short int dataid);

read_state(void *buf, ssize_t len, unsigned short int taskid);

save_state(void *buf, ssize_t len, unsigned short int taskid);

Figure 8.5: VPAL API

It is one of the duties of the VPAL to retain the logical communication betweensoftware tasks on the virtual platform. It can be realized by a shared data buffer,where the tasks exchange data using logical addresses, as shown in Figure 8.3(b).To go one step further, the logical communication between tasks on differentnodes is mapped to the physical communication that is emulated by a networksimulation model, as shown in Figure 8.3(c). To set up exactly the same logicalcommunication as the model level, configuration information generated from themodel is used. Using this configuration information, the VPAL is able to allocatebuffer space during the startup phase, initialize sensor and actuator hardware foroperation, and distinguish between local and remote communications. A segmentof configuration information is shown in Figure 8.6. It is used to configure theVPAL for the task shown in Figure 8.4.

<node id="1">

<task id="2" name="T2">

<data id="1" channel="c_in_0" name="in_0" type="INT" len="4"/>

<data id="2" channel="c_in_1" name="in_1" type="INT" len="4"/>

<data id="3" channel="c_out" name="out_0" type="INT" len="4"/>




Figure 8.6: VPAL Configuration Information

System Platform Design

The system platform design can be regarded as the process of building and refin-ing a virtual platform. It starts with defining the critical platform services in theVPAL, including communication mechanisms, device interaction, and scheduling.


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8.2 The SysCOLA Framework

These services are then refined and realized in the corresponding basic softwarecomponents (BSCs), as shown in Figure 8.3(d). For example, an RTOS is cho-sen and modeled to take charge of scheduling and device drivers are developedto interact with devices. The VPAL lies between the application tasks and thebasic software components and controls the interaction between these softwarecomponents. Meanwhile, the hardware platform is designed to realize these ser-vices in hardware components including processing nodes, sensors and actuators,interconnected by a network. During the design, both functional and performancesimulations are needed. Functional simulation is used to verify each change orrefinement of the virtual platform, while performance simulation provides perfor-mance statistics to explore the system architecture.

To which level a platform component should be refined depends on how manydetails we need to explore. If a new component is to be developed, its modelshould be refined down to implementation. In contrast, if we decide to use anexisting one, it is unnecessary to simulate all the details as accurate as the realone. To achieve low simulation complexity and high simulation speed, we justneed an abstract model that captures the most important features of the existingcomponent and is accurate enough to make important design decisions.

Functional Simulation

In SysCOLA, functional simulation can be performed early during modeling, bymeans of model-level simulation [94]. This model-level simulation tests a func-tional model before mapping and code generation and thus cannot take the un-derlying platform into account. Different from the model-level simulation, thesimulation on a virtual platform allows for testing of both generated code and theservices provided by the target platform.

Thanks to the VPAL, the details of the virtual platform are transparent from theapplication software’s point of view, and thus the software tasks can run on thevirtual platform at an arbitrary abstraction level. Validation of application soft-ware is made possible early in the design cycle, even when there is only the VPALavailable. The refinement of the virtual platform can be verified by comparingfunctional simulation results from the refined virtual platform and an earlier one.For example, the network design can be verified by comparing simulation resultsfrom the setup shown in Figure 8.3(b) and the one shown in Figure 8.3(c).

Performance Simulation

During embedded systems design, performance is one of the most important factorsto be considered. If performance requirements cannot be met, this could lead tosystem failure. It is necessary to handle performance issues from early designphases until system implementation.


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Chapter 8 The SysCOLA Framework

We estimate the WCET of each task, which serves as a basis for automatic map-ping and scheduling. However, these static analyses have limited ability to capturereal workload scenarios and often result in an over-designed system. Therefore,we use performance simulation to validate whether the performance requirementsare really satisfied and show how pessimistic the static analyses are.

At system level, we use iSciSim to generate software performance simulation mod-els for fast architectural exploration. The iSciSim tool has been integrated intothe SysCOLA framework, and thus, C code generated from COLA models is auto-matically forwarded to the iSciSim tool for ISC generation and timing annotation.This means that we just need one button click to generate timed simulation modelsfrom COLA. The temporal behavior of the system platform can also be abstractedwith delay values, to be annotated into the functional simulation model. For ex-ample, a network model is annotated with delays, determined with respect to thebus protocol and the data length. Similarly, as already introduced in Chapter 6,each RTOS overhead due to, e.g. scheduling or context switches, is also associ-ated with a delay. Such delay values can be obtained by means of measurement.The simulation models of these system components are linked with the simulationmodels of software tasks to generate a simulator of the whole system, which wecall a virtual prototype. Depending on the simulation results, system architecturewill then be adjusted and refined iteratively. With the stepwise refinement of thevirtual platform, the granularity of the timing values can also be refined, down tocycle-accurate if necessary.

8.3 Case Study: An Automatic Parking System

The presented approach has been evaluated using a case study. As the frameworkis targeted at the automotive domain, we chose an upcoming feature of premiumcars, namely an automatic parking system, to imitate the concerns and require-ments of automotive design. We chose a model car with a scale of 1:10 as the basisfor system realization.

8.3.1 Functionality and Design Space

The intended functionality includes (i) manual steering via remote control, (ii) au-tomatic discovery and parking into a parking space of sufficient length, and (iii) abil-ity to run alongside a, not necessarily straight, wall while going around all con-vexities.


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8.3 Case Study: An Automatic Parking System









. . .







. . .























. . .


























































(a) Modelingin COLA

(b) Mappingand scheduling

(c) Virtualprototyping

(d) Implementationin a modelcar




















































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Chapter 8 The SysCOLA Framework

In principle, the design space for the designated functionality could be very large.The target platform could be an MPSoC or a networked embedded system. Im-plementations could vary from application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) togeneral purpose micro-controllers. Also, different micro-controllers, communica-tion fabrics and BSCs are free to choose. However, in our case study, the designspace was constrained by the availability of resources and our research interests.We chose Gumstix micro computers [8] as processing nodes. An Ethernet networkwith RTnet protocol [11] was chosen as the communication fabric to study thereal-time capability of the Ethernet. RTnet is based on Xenomai [17], which im-plements an RTOS emulation framework on Linux. These constraints reduce thedesign space but do not hinder the demonstration of the key concepts. The samemethodology is surely applicable for exploring a larger design space.

8.3.2 System Modeling

The discussed functionality was transferred into a COLA model. Eleven dis-tributable clusters are defined, as shown in Figure 8.7(a). The system is separatedinto three operating modes, namely normal, parking, and sdc active, each cor-responding to one defined function. In the normal mode, the user can modifyspeed and direction using the remote control. The parking mode makes themodel car run in parallel to a wall and search for a gap of sufficient size to park.In the sdc active mode, the car just runs parallel to a given wall and adjustsits distance to all convexities found. The mode cluster vehicle mode controlsthe transitions between the three operating modes, which are triggered using theremote control.

After specification of the software model and an abstract platform, the clusterswere distributed onto available computing nodes and a scheduling plan was gen-erated automatically. Figure 8.7(b) shows an exemplified result of mapping andscheduling on a network of three computing nodes. As shown, the schedulingcycle starts from reading input data from sensors and ends with writing outputdata to actuators. The tasks are scheduled in between, with the starting timeexplicitly specified. The tasks that can be executed in parallel are mapped todifferent nodes. Whereas, normal, parking, and sdc active must be delayeduntil the mode decision is made by vehicle mode. As they execute exclusively,they are mapped to the same node. In the same way, mapping and schedulingwere repeated for two-node and four-node systems. At last, software tasks andconfiguration files were generated from the model.

8.3.3 Virtual Prototyping

As the design space was narrowed down by the constraints discussed before, thework in this phase was significantly eased, including: (i) refining VPAL services


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8.3 Case Study: An Automatic Parking System

distance right distance front right steering speed

(a) Testing the parking mode (b) Testing the sdc_active mode-40











1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000












1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000






scaler infra_to_cm


parking speed_control


response time (ms)




rotation scaler infra_to_cm


response time (ms)

(c) Tasks in ECU1 (d) Tasks in ECU2



distance right distance front right



distance right distance front right

Figure 8.8: Simulation Results

down to implementation, (ii) writing device drivers, (iii) deciding the number ofcomputing nodes, (iv) system integration, (v) functional validation and perfor-mance evaluation.

By integrating the generated code into a virtual platform, an executable virtualprototype was generated for functional validation. By the time of functional vali-dation, the virtual platform was at a high level of abstraction, containing the VPALand the functional models of RTOS, devices and network. Figure 8.8(a) and (b)show the exemplified simulation results. The two simulations, each running with1000 test cases, took only 1.92 and 1.98 seconds, respectively, with useful logginginformation generated for error detection. The first simulation tested the systemin the parking mode, while the second one tested the system in the sdc activemode. The distances from the wall to the right side and the front-right side ofthe car were calculated using randomly generated data representing the sensordata. Both the parking and steering algorithms depend on the two distances. Thedistances from the car to the front, back and left obstacles were set constants inthe value range of safe distances. In both figures, we can see the changes of thesteering value with respect to the distance values. In Figure 8.8(a), we can alsosee the parking behavior after around 700 simulation steps.

The parking system must react to the environment fast enough, so we definedthat the scheduling cycle could not extend 200 ms. To decide the number of


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ECUs needed to satisfy this performance requirement, the virtual platform wasrefined for fine-grained timing annotation and performance simulation. To connectall the sensors, at least two ECUs were needed. Figure 8.8(c) and (d) show therespective maximal response times of all the tasks mapped to two ECUs, obtainedby simulation with 10000 test cases. The simulation took less than one minute.According to the simulation results, the scheduling cycle was adjusted, whichresulted in a cycle length of 238 ms. In the same way, the systems with 3 ECUsand 4 ECUs were evaluated and resulted in cycle lengths of 178.5 ms and 145 ms,respectively. The increase of the number of ECUs cannot improve the performanceanymore, because there are five tasks that must run sequentially due to datadependencies. For higher performance and lower cost, these five tasks should beallocated to an ECU with higher computing power, while the other tasks can runon cheaper ECUs. Another solution is to reduce the overhead of the basic softwarecomponents. According to the exploration result, we decided to implement thethree-node system. After all the high-level design decisions were made, the VPALwas refined and implemented as a middleware. All the device drivers were alsoimplemented.

8.3.4 System Realization

For system realization, three Gumstix micro-computers were embedded into themodel car shown in Figure 8.7(d). The infrared and supersonic sensors wereused for distance sensing and connected via serial and I2C buses, respectively. Acellular phone was connected via bluetooth and served as the user interface forremote control. Control of steering, motor, and light system was realized by aninterface board, equipped with a serial interface. Executing the application code,the middleware and the basic software components on the real platform confirmedthe simulation results obtained in the virtual prototyping phase.

8.4 Summary of the Employed SoftwarePerformance Estimation Techniques

Important performance issues along with the process are shown in the right-handside of Figure 8.9. Among them, the software performance estimation techniquesare discussed in the following.

8.4.1 Model-Level Performance Estimation

The performance estimation, early at the model level, is aimed at determiningthe approximate temporal behavior of the system by associating each COLA unit


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8.4 Summary of the Employed Software Performance Estimation Techniques

Abstract Platform

Application Model

Allocation &Scheduling

Virtual PlatformApplication Tasks

Integration &ExplorationVirtual



- Model-Level PerformanceSimulation for SoftwareArchitecture Exploration

- WCET Estimation forMapping and Scheduling

- Software PerformanceSimulation

- HW/SW Co-Simulationfor ArchitecturalExploration


Figure 8.9: The Performance Estimation Techniques Applied in the Design Framework

with a timing value, which is obtained by means of statistical measurements. Itcan help in optimizing software architecture and making initial decisions regardinghardware/software partitioning. It is especially useful when the application modelis still under development and C code cannot be generated.

Because COLA models are inherently abstract and cannot be executed immedi-ately. SystemC is chosen to serve as a back-end simulation framework, because ofits similar syntactic structures to COLA’s. We established an automated transla-tion procedure from COLA models to SystemC. Please note the difference betweenSystemC based model-level simulation and SystemC based virtual prototyping.The latter is used to simulate the whole system, executing application code gener-ated from COLA, while model-level simulation is performed before code generationfor some initial decisions in an early design phase.

8.4.2 WCET Estimation

After getting an initial partitioning of the software architecture, software tasksare generated. Since SysCOLA is targeted at the automotive domain, where mostapplications are real-time applications, knowing the WCET of each task is manda-tory for task allocation and schedulability analysis.

We apply the static analysis technique introduced in Chapter 7 for WCET es-timation. As introduced before, static WCET analysis consists of three phases:flow analysis, timing analysis, and WCET calculation. So far, we focused more onflow analysis. For timing analysis, we established only a very simple model that


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does not take into account the complex timing effects, such as the timing effectsof out-of-order pipeline, cache, and branch predictor. It is our future work to im-prove timing analysis in our WCET tool. WCETs estimated by the current toolcannot guarantee the safety. The mapping and scheduling based on such WCETsis probably inaccurate. In this situation, it is especially important to validate thedesign using simulative methods.

8.4.3 Software Performance Simulation

After software tasks are mapped to the available resources and a suitable schedul-ing is found, accurate HW/SW co-simulation is performed for design space explo-ration and design refinement. A virtual platform in SystemC captures the dynamicbehavior of the system platform under design and can execute the generated soft-ware tasks. For fast software performance simulation, we integrate iSciSim in theframework to generate software simulation models directly from COLA models.

Both WCET estimation and software performance simulation have already beendescribed. Model-level simulation of COLA is presented in the next chapter.


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Chapter 9

Model-Level Simulation of COLA

As introduced in the last chapter, COLA is the formal foundation of the SysCOLAdesign framework. It offers a graphical representation to specify the functional be-havior of the modeled application. To take the resulting models to the designatedhardware platform, automated code generation is supported by our establishedtoolchain.

Still, not only execution on the target hardware is sought after, but also model-levelsimulation plays an important role in the design process. Model-level simulationis aimed at support for early error detection and performance analysis. Followingthe nomenclature described in [82], this allows for behavioral simulation based onthe logical architecture, without knowing the technical architecture a priori. Thisis important as the latter may not yet be available in early process stages. Fur-thermore, once the target platform of the application is known or shall be chosenamong several alternatives, performance analysis based on model-level simulationis also possible. This is realized either by annotating timing information to corre-sponding software models or by combining software models and hardware models.

However, COLA models are inherently abstract and cannot be executed immedi-ately. This calls for a translation process to translate COLA models to executablemodels supported by a suitable simulation framework. SystemC is the one thatappears to be the most suitable for our purpose. It closely matches the commonsyntactic elements of many component-based modeling languages, including com-ponents, ports and hierarchical composition. It has been made use of, e.g., in theanalysis of AUTOSAR models in [61]. As an SLDL (system level design language)SystemC has become a standard in system level design [55].

We established an automated translation procedure from COLA models to Sys-temC to enable model-level behavioral simulation. The translation requires notonly a close match of the syntactic structure of SystemC- and COLA models, butalso the preservation of the COLA’s formal semantics in SystemC models. Thisimplies a methodology for modeling the zero execution and communication timeassumption of such a synchronous language.

This chapter is organized as follows: Section 9.1 gives a brief introduction toCOLA and SystemC. Following this, Section 9.2 contains a detailed description


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of the translation procedure from COLA to SystemC and a brief introduction tothe simulation using SystemC. In Section 9.3 a case study from the automotivedomain is considered to validate the proposed approach.

9.1 Overview of COLA and SystemC

The key concept of COLA is that of units. They can be composed hierarchically,or occur in terms of blocks that define the basic (arithmetic and logical) operationsof a system.

Each unit has a set of typed ports describing the interface, which form the signatureof the unit. Ports are categorized into input and output ports. Units can be usedto build more complex components by building a network of units and definingan interface to such a network. Channels are used to connect the sub-units in anetwork.

In addition to the hierarchy of networks, COLA provides a decomposition intoautomata (i. e., finite state machines, similar to Statecharts [31]). If a unit is de-composed into an automaton, each state of the automaton is associated with acorresponding sub-unit, which determines the behavior in that particular state.This definition of an automaton is therefore well-suited to partition complex net-works of units into disjoint operating modes (cf. [27]), whose respective activationdepends on the input signals of the automaton.

A further introduction to individual COLA elements is given in the next section,based on their graphical representations. For more information about COLA’ssyntax and semantics refer to [65].

SystemC supports system modeling at different levels of abstraction, from sys-tem level to register-transfer level. Essentially, it is a C++ class library featuringmethods for building and composition of SystemC elements. In order to modelconcurrent system behavior, SystemC extends C++ with concepts used by hard-ware modeling languages, like VHDL and Verilog, making use of the notion ofdelta-cycles. A delta-cycle lasts for an infinitesimal amount of time, such thatno simulation time advances when processing delta-cycles (zero-delay semantics).Thus the processes triggered by events that occur in the same sequence of delta-cycles are said to run simultaneously. The simulation time can be advanced eitherby triggering processes with events ordered by time or by suspending processesfor an amount of time.

The basic building blocks within a SystemC design are modules. Each modulecontains ports, through which the module communicates with its environment,and at least one process to describe the behavior of the module. A SystemCmodule can consist hierarchically of other modules connected by channels.


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9.2 COLA to SystemC Translation

There are two kinds of processes in SystemC, namely method processes and threadprocesses. Once triggered, a method process cannot be suspended, whereas athread process may be suspended by some special operations, e.g., accessing a full(empty) FIFO with blocking writes (reads). More often, wait() statements areused to suspend thread processes, in order to advance simulation time by waitingfor a defined amount of time or for some events to happen. As wait() statementsin concurrently running modules advance simulation time in parallel, they arewell-suited to describe a system’s temporal behavior.

9.2 COLA to SystemC Translation

There are obvious similarities between COLA units and SystemC modules in termsof their structure. Both contain input ports, output ports and an implementationof the intended functionality. A higher level element may be composed hierarchi-cally of several such elements which are connected by channels. The simulationsemantics of SystemC is also able to retain COLA semantics. In this section, wedescribe how COLA semantics is followed by SystemC and present in detail themapping between COLA and SystemC elements. Following this, a brief introduc-tion to simulation using SystemC is given.

9.2.1 Synchronous Dataflow in SystemC

Being a synchronous formalism, COLA asserts that computation and communica-tion occur instantly in a system, i.e., take no time. The COLA components thenoperate in parallel at discrete instants of time, only constrained by the causalityinduced by data dependencies. This behavior of COLA designs can be efficientlymodeled in SystemC by means of its delta-cycles (i.e., zero-delay) mechanism(cf. Section 9.1). Nevertheless, effort must be spent on mapping COLA chan-nels onto SystemC elements. Since SystemC is a modeling language in a discreteevent-driven paradigm, the primitive channels in SystemC have specific events as-sociated with updating of the channels. In COLA, however, communication hasno notion of events. Channels propagate data from source ports to destinationports without delay. Therefore, data going through paths of possibly differentlengths arrive at the destination ports of a unit at the same time.

As the first attempt, we mapped COLA channels onto SystemC signal channels,each having an event associated with a change in its value. The process sensitiveto this event is triggered whenever one of the channels bound to input ports ofthe module is updated. This results in the module being triggered more thanonce in each computation, if the channels are not updated in the same delta-cycle.Therefore, the COLA semantics cannot be followed exactly. One feasible solutionto this problem is to model COLA channels by one-stage FIFO channels. We call


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Unit SC_Moduleunit:unit:unit:unit:in1:int






Figure 9.1: SystemC Modules Corresponding to the COLA Channel, Delay and Unit

the one-stage FIFO channels FIFOs for short. A FIFO has an event associatedwith the change from being empty to having data written to it, and another withthe change from being full to having data read from it. In order to fulfill thecausality requirement of COLA models, the FIFOs are accessed by blocking readsand writes. A blocking read will cause the calling process to suspend, until data isavailable, if a FIFO is empty. Likewise, a process will also suspend, if it accesses afull FIFO with a blocking write. In this way, the SystemC process that realizes thefunctionality of a COLA unit can perform computation only after all the FIFOsbound to its input ports are full.

9.2.2 Translation Rules

In this sub-section, we take a closer look at individual COLA elements. We givea description of each element and illustrate its mapping to SystemC.

Channels and Delays

Graphically, a COLA channel is simply represented by a line (cf. Figure 9.1)connecting the ports in question. As discussed previously, we map a COLA channelonto a SystemC FIFO, which is represented by a tube with the two ends in darkgray depicting interfaces of the FIFO.

In the current version of COLA the delay is the only element whose behavior isdependent on time. It is used to delay the dataflow for one tick. Intuitively thisis a representation of memory, which is initialized with a given default value. Atthe first evaluation of the delay, the default value is written to the output portand the value present at the input port is used as the new internal state. In allfurther steps, the internal state is written to the output port and again the inputport value is stored as the new internal state. A COLA delay is represented by


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9.2 COLA to SystemC Translation

two vertical lines drawn in parallel. It has exactly one input and one output port,represented by the triangles on the vertical lines. Modeled by a SystemC FIFOthat is initialized with a default value before simulation, the semantics of the delaycan be preserved. We call such a initially filled FIFO a DFIFO. The body of itsgraphical notation is colored in light gray, as shown in Figure 9.1.

The following simple example shows how a DFIFO models a COLA delay (Fig-ure 9.2). The SystemC FIFOs’ names are constructed using a combination of theprefix fifo and the corresponding channel name. Because the data in the DFIFOis already available at the beginning of simulation, the module is triggered oncefifo c1 is filled. At the first computation, the default data in the DFIFO is readby the process of the module. The resulting data is then output to both fifo c2and the DFIFO. The data stored in the DFIFO is then delayed to be used in thenext step of computation.

c1 fifo_c1 fifo_c2UnitSC_




Figure 9.2: Example: Modeling a COLA Delay with a DFIFO

Units and Blocks

Units are the abstract computing elements within COLA. Each unit defines arelation on a set of input and output values. A unit is denoted by a box labeledwith the identifier of the unit (cf. Figure 9.1). Its ports are represented by triangleson the border. When a COLA unit is mapped onto a SystemC module, its inputand output ports correspond exactly to the respective input and output ports ofthe SystemC module and its functionality is described by a thread process. Thegenerated SystemC code that represents the COLA unit depicted in Figure 9.1 isgiven in Figure 9.3.

Blocks are units that cannot be further decomposed. They define basic com-putational behaviors. Examples of blocks include arithmetic operations, logicaloperations, and constants. The graphical notation of a block is distinguishedfrom those of the other units by drawing a black triangle in its upper right cor-ner (cf. Figure 9.4). For each block we do not generate a SystemC module butgenerate one code line in the process of the module that includes the block. Ifseveral blocks are interconnected, the generated code is inlined. Figure 9.4 shows


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// ports

sc_fifo_in<int> in1;

sc_fifo_in<int> in2;

sc_fifo_out<int> out;

... // channels

// the thread process that realizes the functionality

void func_imp(){


// blocking read

int temp_in1 = in1.read();

int temp_in2 = in2.read();


// blocking write





... // body of constructor:

SC_THREAD(func_imp); // declare the process



Figure 9.3: SystemC Module Definition for a COLA Unit

an example of a composite unit that is composed of a set of blocks. The generatedcode describing the blocks’ behavior is:

fifo_c5 = fifo_c1*(-1)/20;

As inlining is applied here, the FIFOs that interconnect the blocks are not speci-fied.

Networks and Automata

A composite COLA unit can be either a network or an automaton. A networkcontains sub-units connected by channels. It is used to describe data flow. Figure9.5 illustrates the mapping of a COLA network, which is composed of three sub-units and a delay, to a SystemC module.

Control flows are modeled using automata in COLA designs. The states of au-tomata are also referred to as operating modes. Each state of an automaton rep-resents an operating mode and is associated with a behavior. For each state asub-unit is given to realize the state-associated behavior and computes the output


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9.2 COLA to SystemC Translation










Figure 9.4: A Network Composed of Blocks

SC_Module1 SC_









in2in3 out2


in2in3 out2


Figure 9.5: Mapping from a COLA Network onto a SystemC Hierarchical Module

of the automaton. There is only one active sub-unit in an automaton, namely thesub-unit which corresponds to the enabled state of the automaton. The passivesub-units freeze, i.e., retain their current state. The transitions between the statesare guarded by predicates.

The mapping of a COLA automaton to a SystemC module follows the semanticsdescribed above. In the SystemC module, computation and communication aredivided into several paths. Each path is associated with a state of the automatonto be modeled. Based on predicates, the flow of data is redirected to the sub-module implementing the enabled state. Figure 9.6 illustrates an example of aCOLA automaton with two states, two input ports and one output port. Theactivation of the path depends on whether the input p is equal to 1 or not. Allthe input data are then forwarded to the active sub-module. The switch structures(in gray) drawn in the SystemC module are only for clarity. The real code of theprocess realizing the behavior of the given automaton is presented in Figure 9.7.

9.2.3 Simulation using SystemC

After an automated mapping as described above has been established, simulatingrealistic scenarios still requires a proper definition of external stimuli (environ-mental/user events). SystemC offers the flexibility to either specify when and


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Chapter 9 Model-Level Simulation of COLA


p == 1

p != 1





out out



in in

p fifo_c23




Figure 9.6: Mapping from a COLA Automaton to a SystemC Hierarchical Module

void automaton_imp(){

int atm_state = 1;


int temp_in = in.read();

int temp_p = p.read();


case 1:

if((temp_p == 1)){

atm_state = 2;

fifo_c21 = temp_in;

fifo_c22 = temp_p;




fifo_c11 = temp_in;

fifo_c12 = temp_p;



case 2:





Figure 9.7: Part of Generated Code for the Given Automaton


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9.2 COLA to SystemC Translation

which data is measured or simulate the interactions between the system and itsenvironment. In this way the functionality of the system can be validated withoutknowing the target platform.

For the time being, the hardware platform related issues have not been takeninto account. The whole system is modeled as concurrently running modulesconnected by FIFOs which implement the point-to-point communication scheme.Both computation and communication are modeled at the untimed level.

Once the target platform is known, approximate performance simulation can beperformed at a high abstraction level. It is achieved by annotating timing informa-tion to software components and replacing the untimed FIFOs with timed FIFOsto take communication time into account. Such a performance simulation canhelp in making early decisions regarding task allocation and hardware/softwarepartitioning. COLA units are annotated with their respective timing informationand stored in a repository, to facilitate reuse. We propose two ways to get theapproximate timing information. The first way is to run C code that correspondsto individual components on processor simulators. The execution times are mea-sured for best, worst and/or average cases with the most widely used processorsas targets. The second way is to annotate timing-related properties which aredefined general enough for all the processors. For example, the number of COLAblocks and sub-units included in a COLA network can be put in relation to theexecution time of the network, since basic operations and function calls will begenerated for COLA blocks and sub-units, respectively, during C code generation.Later, each timing-related property will be associated with a timing value, de-pending on the implementation of the code generator, the compiler and the targetprocessor. Because the tasks mapped onto different processing elements may runconcurrently while all the sub-modules of a task must run sequentially, we definea global variable to aggregate the execution times of the modules contained in thesame task and make use of wait() statements to represent timing of concurrenttasks.


delay3 += 50


delay3 += 100





delay3 += 50

Figure 9.8: Timing Annotation

Consider the example shown in Figure 9.8, where an application with three tasksis illustrated. Suppose that a task is suspended until all its inputs have arrived.


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Chapter 9 Model-Level Simulation of COLA

The module that corresponds to task3 has two sub-modules, annotated with therespective execution times. Because the two sub-modules run one after the other,their execution times are aggregated using a global variable delay3. At the tasklevel, three tasks are annotated with wait() statements. As task1 and task2 runconcurrently, the advance in simulation time is the maximum of delay1 and delay2.Once the two tasks finish, task3 is triggered. Its delay is the sum of the top-levelmodule’s and its sub-modules’ computation times, with the communication timebetween the sub-modules ignored. Therefore, in the example, task3 delays for 200time units.

9.3 Case Study

We now show how the proposed simulation approach can be applied, using a casestudy taken from the automotive domain. The modeled adaptive cruise control(ACC) enables cars to keep their speed at a constant value set by the driver, whilemaintaining a minimum distance to the car running ahead. This example is animitation of the concerns and requirements of automotive design, and does notrepresent a real set of control algorithms for an actual product or prototype.

When implementing such a control system, usually an informal specification innatural language is given. The intended functionality of the ACC is describedas follows. When the ACC is turned on, the speed and distance regulation isactivated. This includes the measurement and comparison of the pace set by theuser and the actual measured car velocity. If the desired user speed differs fromthe actual speed, the value for the motor control is corrected accordingly. Thisregulation is used as long as no object is detected within a safety distance aheadof the car. We chose 35 units for our example. If the distance drops below thisthreshold, the actual speed is continuously decreased by 5 percent. The minimumdistance allowed is set to 15 units. If the actual distance is below 15 units, the carmust perform an emergency stop.

According to this specification, the system was modeled using COLA. The designwas then simulated at model level for both functional validation and performanceevaluation.

9.3.1 The COLA Model of the Adaptive Cruise Control System

The top-level network, i.e., the COLA system representing the ACC model, isshown in Figure 9.9. The main components are the user interface (net ui), whichrealizes the control actions, the display (DEV A DISPLAY), the computation of theactual speed (net rotation), the distance sensing (net radar), the connection to theengine (DEV A MOTOR), and the main control code (net acc on off).


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9.3 Case Study



net_rotation net_acc_on_off






* atm_ultra



atm_ultraatm_ultraatm_ultraatm_ultrain <= 2

in > 2

in:int out:int15




Figure 9.9: ACC Top-Level View and Decomposition of the Component net radar

As an example, we present the decomposition of net radar in Figure 9.9. Thenetwork is implemented by constants and basic arithmetic operations on dataprovided by the ultrasonic sensor (DEV S ULTRA). The interface of the networkconsists of a single output port, whereas all sensor specific data manipulationsare encapsulated within this network. The characteristics of the employed hard-ware require further computation, performed within an automaton (atm ultra).Depending on whether the value resulting from the post-processing of the dataprovided by the ultrasonic sensor is greater than 2 or not, either the constantvalue 15 must be added, or the constant value 0 is returned. This function isimplemented using an automaton with two states. For brevity, in Figure 9.9 thesub-units are drawn inside the respective states. In a similar manner, the othercomponents of the ACC can be decomposed.

9.3.2 Simulation using SystemC

The complete COLA model was mapped onto SystemC for simulation (cf. Fig-ure 9.10). The test data were defined before simulation, except for the test dataof the rotation sensor. As shown in the figure, we add a module rotation gen tosimulate feedback between motor and rotation in order to generate more realistic


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Chapter 9 Model-Level Simulation of COLA

test data. rotation gen delays the motor’s speed and converts it into appropriaterotation data, which will be forwarded to the rotation sensor.



rotation acc_on_off










Figure 9.10: The ACC Modeled Using SystemC









0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

speed (


) &


tance (


simulation steps





Figure 9.11: Simulation of the Modeled ACC

In Figure 9.11 the results of simulating the SystemC model are displayed. Thesimulation is run for 500 steps in this example. The ACC is enabled permanentlyduring the simulation. The diagram features the intermediate data as well asthe output value. The motor speed (s mot) is the only output value shown inthe diagram. Intermediate data include the desired speed (s user), the actualspeed (s act) and the distance (distance) that are generated by ui, rotation andradar, respectively. s user is increased or decreased by 1 in each simulation step,


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9.3 Case Study

controlled by two triggers in ui. In the diagram, s user is increased from 0 to 30during the first 30 steps. distance is defined arbitrarily in the example. It decreaseslinearly during the first 300 steps and increases during the last 200 steps. s act iscalculated interactively using the data fed back from the motor. The delay in theincrease of s mot, visible in the diagram, results from the soft start functionalityof the ACC. s mot is reduced in some steps when distance is lower than 35 andincreases smoothly again after distance exceeds 35 units. As can be seen, thefunctional behavior of the designed system can be monitored well using SystemC.

Further, the performance simulation with a PowerPC processor as target was per-formed. We assumed that the whole application is mapped to this single processor.The observed worst case execution times of the top-level components are given inTable 9.1.

Table 9.1: Timing Simulation Results

application components ET (cycles)

net ui 235net rotation 75net radar 141net acc on off(acc off) 96net acc on off(acc on, distance < 35) 698net acc on off(acc on, 15 < distance ≤ 35) 568net acc on off(acc on, distance ≤ 15) 342


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Chapter 9 Model-Level Simulation of COLA


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Part IV



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Chapter 10

Conclusions and Future Work

This thesis is focused on software performance estimation methods for system-level design (SLD) of embedded systems. We studied both software performancesimulation and WCET estimation for simulative and analytical design space explo-ration methods, respectively. Software performance simulation is the main focus.To say more precisely, about 60% of effort was dedicated to software performancesimulation. We proposed two software performance simulation approaches, calledSciSim and iSciSim. They generate high-level software simulation models by an-notating source code and intermediate source code (ISC) with timing information.For multiprocessor simulation, both can generate software TLMs in SystemC. Weproposed an abstract RTOS model in SystemC to schedule the execution of soft-ware TLMs. In our work on WCET analysis, we have attacked the problem of flowanalysis. We proposed to perform flow analysis on ISC to get an efficient WCETestimation approach. In addition, we presented a system-level design frameworkfor automotive systems, called SysCOLA. We showed how the introduced softwareperformance estimation methods are used in SysCOLA.

So, the work can be divided to three parts: software performance simulation,WCET estimation, and the work done in the scope of SysCOLA. In the followingsections, the three parts of work are summarized and their respective future worksare outlined.

10.1 Software Performance Simulation

10.1.1 Conclusions

For design space exploration of a complex embedded system, simulation is oneof the most efficient ways to capture real workload scenarios and get dynamicperformance statistics. As the importance of software and its impact on the over-all system performance are steadily increasing, an efficient technique for fast andaccurate software performance simulation is especially important. Accurate soft-ware performance simulation can help study the influence of software on the whole


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Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work

system performance and make decisions of hardware/software partitioning, taskmapping and scheduling in early design phases. The simulation must also be fastenough for iterative design space exploration loops. Therefore, it is importantto concern the trade-off between simulation accuracy and simulation performancewhile choosing a simulation tool. Besides simulation accuracy and performance,low complexity is also an important criterion to evaluate a simulation technique.A good simulation technique should be easy to realize and to use.

In this thesis, we focused only on execution-based simulations, which can captureboth functional and temporal behaviors of systems. We introduced four execution-based simulation strategies and provided a discussion about their advantages andlimitations. The four simulation strategies are interpretive instruction set sim-ulation (ISS), binary level simulation (BLS), source level simulation (SLS) andintermediate representation level simulation (IRLS). In the four simulation tech-niques, ISS allows for the most accurate simulation but has the lowest speed andthe highest complexity. BLS offers up to two orders of magnitude faster simula-tion than ISS. This speedup is achieved by the idea of performing time-consuminginstruction fetching and decoding prior to simulation. BLS has moderate com-plexity and simulation speed. Its simulation accuracy is high enough for designspace exploration. Both SLS and IRLS allow for ultrafast simulation based on theidea of using source code or its IR as functional representation. Simulation usingthe IRLS approaches proposed in previous work is not accurate enough. Someapproaches are even compiler-intrusive and are therefore complex to realize. Thatis why the IRLS approaches are not widely used in practical system design.

We first developed a SLS approach, called SciSim. Compared to other existingSLS approaches, SciSim allows for more accurate performance simulation usinga hybrid timing analysis method. SciSim has many advantages. It allows forultrafast and accurate simulation. The simulation models are highly readable.This helps in debugging a complex system by means of simulation. The wholeapproach is very easy to realize. It takes only days to extend the tool to supporta new processor. Nevertheless, disadvantages are also many. SciSim is restrictedin simulation of programs in the C language, written in a required coding style.Maybe, this is not a big problem, because most embedded applications are writtenin C and the coding style problem can also be solved by getting a tool that convertsoriginal programs to programs in a supported coding style. Nevertheless, themapping problems raised by compiler optimizations are more serious. They aresummarized as follows:

1. The problem of finding accurate mapping between source code and optimizedbinary code: For some programs, where complex code structures like nestedloops are used, it is hard to find an accurate mapping between source codeand binary code after optimizing compilation. In many cases, the easy wayof describing the mapping using debugging information no longer works.


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10.1 Software Performance Simulation

2. The problem of correct back-annotation of timing information: Assume thecorrect mapping between source code and binary code is found using a so-phisticated method. If the timing information is annotated straightforwardlybefore or after the corresponding source code statements, it cannot be ag-gregated correctly along the source level control flows during the simulation,because, after optimizing compilation, no constant instrumentation rule canbe found for a complex C statement.

Even if the above problems can be solved, a large error still exists in the simulationof some programs like insertsort, as discussed in Section 4.4. Therefore, instead ofmaking effort to solve these problems in source code instrumentation, we proposeda more efficient approach, called iSciSim, which converts source code to a lower-level representation that has a structure close to the structure of binary code andannotates timing information to this lower-level representation instead of sourcecode. This lower-level code is called intermediate source code (ISC) to be differ-entiated from the original source code. ISC is formalized in the C language and iscompilable. Because of the similar structures between ISC and binary code, themapping between ISC and binary code can be accurately described using debug-ging information. In the current implementation, ISC is obtained by modifyingstandard IRs from standard compilers. In this sense, iSciSim can be regarded asan IRLS approach.

To show the advantages of iSciSim, we presented a quantitative comparison ofall the discussed simulation strategies, in terms of simulation speed and accuracyusing six benchmark programs with different workloads. For this purpose, weimplemented representative approaches of ISS and BLS in the experiment. SciSimwas used to represent the state-of-the-art of the SLS technique. According to theexperiment results, iSciSim allowed for simulation with an average accuracy of98.6% at an average speed of 4765.6 MIPS, close to the native execution (5198.2MIPS on average). It achieved the best trade-off concerning simulation speed andaccuracy in comparison to the other approaches.

In the iSciSim approach, ISC generation, timing analysis, and back-annotationof timing information might cause errors in the final simulation. According tothe experimental results, the error caused by ISC generation is very small. Wecan eliminate this error by using the binary code generated by ISC also for finalexecution on the target processor. The error caused by static timing analysiscould be large, but this error can be compensated with dynamic timing analysis.As dynamic timing analysis will reduce the simulation speed, users have to handlethe trade-off between simulation accuracy and speed. The error caused by back-annotation was also proved to be small. We can eliminate this error by using flowanalysis to get a mapping between ISC level control flows and binary level controlflows, instead of a mapping between ISC level basic blocks and binary level basicblocks.


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Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work

iSciSim is also very easy to realize, without the need of modifying the compiler.The tool is easily retargetable to a new processor by adding the processor’s per-formance model and a new instruction decoder. For someone who is familiar withthe tool, the work of retargeting takes only 2–3 days.

The advantages of iSciSim make it well-suited to be employed in system leveldesign space exploration of complex systems. Nevertheless, iSciSim has also alimitation that it requires source code to be available, and therefore, is not appli-cable for systems design with software in the form of IPs. In this case, a hybridsolution that combines iSciSim for simulating software with available source codeand another technique, either binary level simulation or instruction set simulation,for simulating software IPs would be useful. Furthermore, compared to source levelsimulation models, simulation models generated by iSciSim are less readable.

For multiprocessor simulation, software TLMs in SystemC can be generated byiSciSim. Software TLMs are then combined with TLMs of other system com-ponents to generate a simulator of the whole system. We demonstrated a casestudy of designing MPSoC for a Motion-JPEG decoder to show how iSciSim facil-itates multiprocessor systems design. We also proposed an abstract RTOS modelthat can efficiently schedule the execution of software TLMs to take into accountscheduling effects in system-level design.

10.1.2 Future Work

All the discussed software simulation techniques have both advantages and disad-vantages. Different techniques are useful in different situations.

• ISSs are very accurate and can be used to calibrate high-level simulationmodels.

• Source level simulation models are very fast and are highly readable. Ifsource level simulation models are accurate enough, they should be the firstchoice for system-level design.

• Simulation models generated by iSciSim allow for very fast and accurate sim-ulation. Compared to source level simulation models, they have the majoradvantage in that they can simulate compiler-optimized software accurately.However, compared to SciSim, iSciSim has also some minor disadvantagesthat an extra step of ISC generation is needed and generated simulationmodels are less readable.

• Both SciSim and iSciSim require source code available. In case that thesource code of some programs is not available, binary level simulation mod-els are a good alternative. Binary level simulation models have moderatecomplexity and simulation speed. They are also very accurate.


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10.1 Software Performance Simulation

Compare simulations using

annotated source code and ISS

Compare simulations using

annotated source code and ISS


Generate TLM from

annotated source code

Generate TLM from

annotated source code

Compare simulations using

annotated ISC and ISS

Compare simulations using

annotated ISC and ISS




Generate TLM by binary code


Generate TLM by binary code


YGenerate TLM from

annotated ISC

Generate TLM from

annotated ISC

Source code


Source code




Figure 10.1: Future Work on Software TLM Generation

One of our future works is to get a software TLM generation framework thatcombines the advantages of all these simulation techniques. This can be achievedin a way illustrated in Figure 10.1. Given a program, it is first checked if thesource code is available. If not available, the software TLM is generated by binarycode translation. Otherwise, the SLS model is the first choice. We compare thesimulations using an ISS and the SLS model. If the error is within the giventhreshold, the SLS model is used. Otherwise, the source code is converted toISC. In most cases, the instrumented ISC can fulfill the accuracy requirementand the TLM is generated from the instrumented ISC. If in a very rare casethe instrumented ISC still cannot fulfill the requirement, the BLS model is usedinstead.

Currently, SciSim only allows for accurate simulation of unoptimized programs orprograms that do not contain complex control structures. In future we will alsoaddress the mapping problems of SciSim to make it can simulate more programsaccurately.

In addition, we will continue the work on abstract RTOS modeling. In the thesis,we focused more on simulation of the scheduling behavior of RTOSs. In future,


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Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work

other important services of RTOSs, such as interprocess communication and mem-ory management, will be realized in the abstract RTOS model. We will also studythe way of getting accurate estimation of the RTOS overhead.

Our M-JPEG decoder case study showed that even when the software is simulatedin a very high speed, the slow communication simulation will pull down the overallsimulation performance significantly. It is also our future work to get an appropri-ate abstraction of communication models to speed up communication simulationwithout compromising accuracy.

10.2 Worst Case Execution Time Estimation

10.2.1 Conclusions

Bounding WCETs of software tasks is essential in hard real-time systems design.Today, static analysis still dominates the research on WCET estimation. A typicalstatic WCET analysis approach consists of three steps: flow analysis, timing anal-ysis and WCET calculation. Flow analysis, which constrains the possible controlflows in a program, is essential for a tight WCET bound. In the state-of-the-artWCET analysis approaches, flow analysis faces some problems. If flow analysisis performed on the source level, the obtained source level flow facts must betransformed down to the binary level for WCET calculation. Due to optimizingcompilation, the problem of this transformation is nontrivial. If it is performed onbinary code, it is hard to get programmers’ inputs, which are often mandatory, atthe binary level.

In this thesis we proposed to perform flow analysis on intermediate source codeto facilitate WCET estimation. ISC simplifies flow facts extraction because ofits simple statements and allows for easy flow facts transformation thanks to itsstructure close to that of the binary code. The whole approach does not requiremodification of any standard tools and is not limited to a special compiler. Theeffectiveness of the approach was demonstrated with experiments using standardWCET benchmarks. The experiment was specially designed to show only theeffectiveness of the flow analysis by removing the effect of timing analysis on theWCET estimates.

10.2.2 Future Work

In the thesis we focused more on flow analysis. For timing analysis we just createda very simple model that does not take into account the complex timing effects,such as the timing effects of out-of-order pipeline, cache, and branch predictor. Itis our future work to improve timing analysis in our WCET tool. Some timing


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10.3 The SysCOLA Framework

effects such as the branch prediction effect and the instruction cache effect havebeen frequently studied in previous work, while for the out-of-order pipeline effectand the data cache effect there are few efficient approaches proposed. In future,we will realize the state-of-the-art methods for the well-studied timing effects andresearch on timing analysis of the out-of-order pipeline effect and the data cacheeffect.

10.3 The SysCOLA Framework

10.3.1 Conclusions

In the thesis, we presented the SysCOLA framework, which consists of two designenvironments: a modeling environment and a virtual prototyping environment.The concepts of logical communication, abstract platform and virtual platformabstraction layer (VPAL) were introduced to facilitate parallel development of ap-plication software and system platform. In the modeling environment, a system’sfunctionality is captured in a COLA model, verified and validated using formaltechniques, and finally realized in software by means of automatic code genera-tion. An abstract platform provides an abstract view of the system architectureand serves as the basis for automatic mapping of the software model onto thesystem platform. A system platform is designed in the form of a virtual plat-form in the SystemC based virtual prototyping environment. The VPAL wrapsthe virtual platform and enables early system integration. The generated codeusing the VPAL API can be executed on the virtual platform without caring theimplementation details.

The software estimation techniques employed in SysCOLA include:

• Model-level simulation of COLA: it is aimed at early, approximate performanceevaluation before source code can be generated. The approximate perfor-mance data can be used for software architecture exploration. As COLAmodels are essentially abstract and cannot be executed directly, executableSystemC code is generated for simulation, by means of one-to-one translationfrom COLA models to SystemC.

• WCET estimation: it is aimed at bounding a WCET for each COLA cluster.The WCETs are then used in the automatic mapping and scheduling algo-rithm. The whole process consists of generating C code from each COLAcluster, bounding a WCET of each task, and back-annotation of the WCETsto the corresponding COLA clusters to be used in mapping and scheduling.

• Software performance simulation: it is aimed at generating fast and accuratesoftware simulation models to be used in virtual prototyping. SciSim oriSciSim is used to generate software simulation models.


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Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work

10.3.2 Future Work

The BASE.XT project was successfully completed. There are several projects atBMW that follow up to either continue the work on the framework or apply itto design some practical automotive systems. I am no longer involved in theseprojects and will not directly work on SysCOLA, but I will continue the researchon system-level design frameworks for different application domains. Here, I wouldlike to point out some possible future works on software performance estimationand virtual prototyping in the scope of SysCOLA. The possible future work in-cludes:

• Future work on model-level simulation: on this part of work most effort hasbeen made to get a translation tool that generates SystemC code from COLAmodels. The generated SystemC code is compiled and executed outsidethe graphical modeling environment. It will be much more convenient formodelers, if model-level simulation can be integrated into the graphical en-vironment. Therefore, it is the future work to realize this to get a bettercombination between COLA models and SystemC simulation models and tovisualize the simulation on graphical models.

• Future work on WCET estimation: one work is to improve timing analysis inthe WCET analysis tool, as already discussed in Section 10.2.2. Another pos-sible work is to enable WCET estimation earlier at the model level. We canassociate each COLA block or each basic operation with a pessimistic timingvalue for each possible target processor, and then, perform flow analysis tofind the worst-case data path at the model level. This kind of model-levelWCET estimation can provide the first idea about the system’s worst caseperformance to help in software architecture exploration. Flow analysis atthe model level is easier to get automated. The obtained model-level flowfacts can be transformed down to facilitate WCET estimation of generatedC programs.

• Future work on virtual prototyping: in the current version of virtual prototyp-ing environment, the model library contains only simple RTOS and networkmodels. To enable virtual prototyping of any real design, much effort shouldbe made to create SystemC simulation models of RTOSs and networks usedin practice, such as the OSEK RTOS, CAN bus, and FlexRay.


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List of Abbreviations

3AC 3-Address Code

ACC Adaptive Cruise Control

ALG Algorithmic

API Application Programming Interface

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

bbList Basic Block List

bbNode Basic Block Node

BLS Binary Level Simulation

BSC Basic Software Component

CA Cycle Accurate

CCE Cycle Count Error

CFG Control Flow Graph

CFSM Codesign Finite State Machine

COLA the Component Language

CP Communicating Processes

CP+T Communicating Processes with Time

cpuTLM Transaction Level Processor Model

CT Continuous-Time Modeling

DSE Design Space Exploration

DPE Data Processing Element

DSP Digital Signal Processor

DTSM Dynamic Time-Slicing Method

ECU Electronic Control Unit

EDF Earliest Deadline First

ELF Executable and Linkable Format

ESE Embedded System Environment


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Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work

ESL Electronic System Level

FIFO First In First Out

fNode File Node

FP Fixed Priority

fps Frame per Second

FSM Finite State Machine

GCC GNU Compiler Collection

HW Hardware

IBS International Business Strategies

IC Integrated Circuit

ICE Instruction Count Error

IDCT Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation

ILP Integer Linear Programming

IPET Implicit Path Enumeration Technique

IQ Inverse Quantization

IR Intermediate Representation

IRLS Intermediate Representation Level Simulation

ISA Instruction Set Architecture

ISC Intermediate Source Code

iSciSim Intermediate Source Code Instrumentation Based Simulation

ISR Interrupt Service Routine

ISS Instruction Set Simulator or Instruction Set Simulation

ITRS International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors

KIPS Kiloinstructions per Second

KPN Kahn Process Network

LFU Least Frequently Used

LRU Least Recently Used


MAE Mean Absolute Error

MIPS Million Instructions per Second

mList Mapping List


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10.3 The SysCOLA Framework

mNode Mapping Node

MOC Model of Computation

MPSoC Multiprocessor System-on-Chip

OS Operating System

OSCI Open SystemC Initiative

PE Processing Element

PLRU Pseudo Least Recently Used

PV Programmer’s View

PV+T Programmer’s View with Time

ROM Result Oriented Method

RTL Register Transfer Level or Register Transfer Language

RTOS Real-Time Operating System

SALT Structured Assertion Language for Temporal Logic

SciSim Source Code Instrumentation Based Simulation

SDF Synchronous Dataflow

SLD System-Level Design

SLDL System-Level Design Language

SLS Source Level Simulation

SoC System-on-Chip

SSA Single Static Assignment

STM Shadow Task Model

SW Software

taskTLM Transaction Level Task Model

TCB Task Context Block

TLM Transaction Level Modeling or Transaction Level Model

TM Task Model

TSM Time-Slicing Method

VLD Variable Length Decoding

VLSI Very Large Scale Integration

VPAL Virtual Platform Abstraction Level

WCET Worst Case Execution Time


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Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work

WCRT Worst Case Response Time

ZZ Zigzag Scanning


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List of Figures

1.1 System Level Design Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.2 The COLA-based Modeling Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.3 Extensions Made to the COLA Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.1 Increasing Application Complexity due to Upgrade of Standardsand Protocols (source: [37]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2 Moore’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.3 SoC Consumer Portable Design Complexity Trends (source: ITRS

2008) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.4 TI OMAP 1710 Architecture (source: http://www.ti.com/ ) . . . . . 232.5 Increase of IC Design Cost (source: IBS 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . 242.6 Productivity Gaps of Hardware and Software (source: ITRS 2007) . 272.7 System-Level Design Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302.8 Computation Refinement (from [62]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332.9 Communication Refinement (from [62]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.1 ISS Workflow and Pseudo Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383.2 Binary Level Simulation Workflow and An Example . . . . . . . . . 403.3 An Example of IR Level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.1 Embedded Software Cross-Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.2 Control Flow Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484.3 An Example of Source Code Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.4 Instrumentation for Instruction Cache Simulation . . . . . . . . . . 514.5 Part of Instrumentation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.6 Source Level CFG and Binary Level CFG Constructed from Compiler-

Optimized Binary Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.7 Mapping between Source Code and Binary Code in the Sub-block

Granularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594.8 Mapping between Source Code and Binary Code of fibcall . . . . . 614.9 Mapping between Source Code and Binary Code of insertsort . . . 624.10 Instrumented Source Code and Binary Code of insertsort . . . . . . 634.11 Examples of Unsupported Coding Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.1 The iSciSim Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685.2 An Example of ISC Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.3 The Architecture and Workflow of the Instrumentation Tool . . . . 73


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List of Figures

5.4 Instrumentation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745.5 Data Structure of Mapping Information and Timing Information . . 755.6 Annotation Code of the Running Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775.7 Static Instruction Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.8 Mapping between ISC and Binary Code of insertsort . . . . . . . . 815.9 Instrumented ISC and Binary Code of insertsort . . . . . . . . . . . 825.10 Instruction Cache Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845.11 Data Cache Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855.12 An Example of MPSoC: (a) Architecture, (b) Part of Timing Behavior 855.13 Timed taskTLM Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875.14 Segmented Execution of taskTLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885.15 Multiprocessor Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895.16 wait() Statements Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905.17 Difference between Execution Times of Source Code and ISC . . . . 925.18 The Simulation Error of iSciSim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935.19 Estimation Errors Introduced by iSciSim Working Steps . . . . . . 955.20 The Influence of Input Data on Simulation Accuracy of iSciSim . . 955.21 Simulation of insertsort large Using iSciSim: Execution Times with

Respect to Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975.22 Simulation of insertsort large Using iSciSim: Errors with Respect

to Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975.23 The Simulation Speeds and the Native Execution Speed . . . . . . . 985.24 Estimation Errors of iSciSim with and without Cache Simulation

(Cache Configuration: 4 × 64 × 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005.25 Estimation Errors of iSciSim with and without Cache Simulation

(Cache Configuration: 4 × 64 × 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005.26 Simulation Performance of iSciSim with Data Cache Simulation . . 1015.27 Simulation Performance of iSciSim with Instruction Cache Simulation1015.28 Simulation in C vs. Simulation in SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035.29 M-JPEG Decoder Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045.30 Performance Profiling of the M-JPEG Decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065.31 Mapping of the M-JPEG Application onto the MPSoC Architecture 1065.32 Point-to-Point Communication Using FIFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075.33 Execution Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095.34 Communication Using a System Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105.35 Utilizations of Processing Components of the 4-CPU Architecture . 1125.36 Utilizations of Processing Components of the 5-CPU Architecture . 1135.37 MJPEG-Decoder Performances Obtained by Simulations at Differ-

ent Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145.38 Necessary Simulations at Different Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.1 Layers of the Simulation Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1186.2 An Example of Multi-Task Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1196.3 3-State Task Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206.4 4-State Task Model of the OSEK OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121


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List of Figures

6.5 Non-Preemptive Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1226.6 Preemptive Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1226.7 Implementing the RTOS Model and Task Models in a Single Module1236.8 Task Model and Preemptive Wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1266.9 Example of Preemption Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296.10 Time-Slicing Method for Preemption Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . 1306.11 Example of Preemption Modeling Using TSM . . . . . . . . . . . . 1316.12 Result Oriented Method for Preemption Modeling . . . . . . . . . . 1326.13 Example of Preemption Modeling Using ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . 1336.14 Dynamic Time-Slicing Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1336.15 Example of Preemption Modeling Using Interruptible Waits . . . . 1346.16 Transaction Level Processor Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1356.17 A More Modular Software Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1366.18 An Example of Multi-Task Simulation Using Abstract RTOS Models1376.19 The Code Structure of a cpuTLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.1 Typical Work Flows of WCET Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 1457.2 The Usage of ISC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1477.3 An Example of ISC Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1487.4 The Work Flow of Our WCET Analysis Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497.5 Identifying Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1507.6 CFG Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1517.7 Loop Bounding Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1527.8 Mapping between ISC-Level CFG and Binary-Level CFG . . . . . . 1537.9 CFGs after Re-organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537.10 Mapping Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1547.11 WCET Calculation Using IPET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567.12 Simulation Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

8.1 Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1648.2 The SysCOLA Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1668.3 Logical Communication and Virtual Platform Refinement . . . . . . 1688.4 An Example of Generated Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1698.5 VPAL API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1708.6 VPAL Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1708.7 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1738.8 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1758.9 The Performance Estimation Techniques Applied in the Design

Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

9.1 SystemC Modules Corresponding to the COLA Channel, Delay andUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

9.2 Example: Modeling a COLA Delay with a DFIFO . . . . . . . . . . 1839.3 SystemC Module Definition for a COLA Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849.4 A Network Composed of Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185


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List of Figures

9.5 Mapping from a COLA Network onto a SystemC Hierarchical Module1859.6 Mapping from a COLA Automaton to a SystemC Hierarchical Module1869.7 Part of Generated Code for the Given Automaton . . . . . . . . . . 1869.8 Timing Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1879.9 ACC Top-Level View and Decomposition of the Component net radar 1899.10 The ACC Modeled Using SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1909.11 Simulation of the Modeled ACC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

10.1 Future Work on Software TLM Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199


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