On Uranus Archetype: Part 1 – Wildness of the Soul HIROKI NIIZATO Every person deals with the world in a skewed way, only we each do so a little differently – many of us learned to be good at hiding our own particular quirks early on (since the alternative meant risking rejection from others.) But underneath, we’re still a little bit weird (or unique.) In astrology, Uranus is the symbol of that quirk. If you ever feel less than excited about your own potential, consider where Uranus is emphasized in your natal chart through house rulership, placement and aspects: chances are that you will find plenty of energy there, just waiting to be released from our self-created constraints. A Few Images for Uranus Archetype In the language of archetypes, Uranus is the Wild Man (Woman), or Mad Scientist, or the Rebel of the psyche: this part of us is ferociously independent, doesn’t care about people’s opinions, let alone rules and regulations. It wants space to be itself, and likes to follow its own path into the woods, into the trails less traveled. Understandably, the Wild Man elicits fear from the more civilized part of our being – God knows what’ll happen if we let it out at work! What would happen if we let the Mad Scientist out in a business conference?* Can the manager let their inner Rebel run the show? There is a good chance that the Uranian energy will not be welcomed in a peaceful and orderly environment, where we’re doing business as usual. So often we just exile this part of ourselves, and choose to be more or less like everyone else (follow the news, talk about investments, economy, politics etc.) Uranus in a Natal Chart Like other outer planets, Uranus must be somehow integrated into the overall expression of the psyche before we can experience its intensity in a healthy manner. Because this part of us always likes to “push the envelope” of what’s possible, there is a fresh energy to be had each time we visit it, if we’re able to release the conformist fear that says “this may be too weird, what will people think of me?” etc. Consider the following: Uranus aspect to the Sun brings the issue regarding conformity to the center stage of our consciousness. There is an acute awareness of our difference from others – often this difference marks the existence of some challenges as well as gifts. Libra is more or less about conforming (and being popular among other conformists.) If your Libra and/or Venus is involved with Uranus, the challenge is to step out of the conformity in a graceful manner. Mars or Aries is more or less about doing one’s own thing – when combined with Uranus, the intensity of ego’s pursuit can be a bit too much for others – it’s like Wild Man with spears – of course others will feel threatened. How/where do you direct such temperamental energy? Uranus in Angular (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) houses suggests active, visible utilization of our unique energy by the personality – making the person unforgettable in some way to others (some examples: 1st house – because of the way I look, act and speak; 4th house – because of my parents; 7th house – because of who I’m in relationship with; 10th – because of what I do for a living.) Uranus in hard aspect to Saturn means at some point, Saturn will need to let Uranus out of jail – meaning that new modes of thinking, talking/behaving must be cultivated in the area represented by these two planets. Noel Tyl calls this aspect “clash between the old and the new.” Uranus in or ruling the 12th house suggests that this archetype either acts up in self-defeating ways (e.g. through rebellion and indifference to others), or you’ve banished it into the far corners of your psyche, thereby losing touch with it completely. No matter where you find it in your horoscope, this archetype will be highly charged, ready to give us energy and direction if we’ll suspend our fear of rejection long enough. If you relate to your natal Uranus placement, please feel free to share your story/experience through emails or comments. In the next part we’ll discuss Uranus transits and ways to be in touch with the Wild Man. *Actually it could turn out to be wonderful. Like Hans Rosling (not to say he’s a mad scientist, but we can feel similar intensity and genius when he talks.) Related posts (automatically generated):eing in touch with the Uranus archetype (the Wild Man/Woman discussed in part 1) means you’re true to what makes you happy, and is able to choose a lifestyle (e.g. vocation, hobby, relationship, spiritual practice) that uniquely fulfills you, no matter how “different” it may make you from others around you. During important Uranus transits, you may realize that you are not being fulfilled – perhaps even bored – within the current life direction you’ve chosen. This means it’s time to question your values and motives – is “playing safe” and “not rocking the boat” suppressing your creative spirit? What’s to stop you from pursuing a new course of action? Significance of Transit or Solar Arc Uranus Often we may choose to suppress the part of ourselves that don’t fit in, simply because it’s often the wise & necessary thing to do in order to keep the career or the marriage going. But there may come a time when the cost of suppression becomes too great, and trying to conform may damage the integrity of your soul. Such turning points come several times in everyone’s life (consider Uranus’ transit or Solar arc to the Angles, or the Uranus’ transit opposition to its natal place that happens when we’re about 42 years old.) During such times, you would definitely want to consider taking extra time and space to be by yourself, questioning your values and reexamine what is meaningful and important. If the Uranus transit involves a relationship (e.g. transit to Ascendant-Descendant axis, Venus and/or the 7th house ruler), this suggests that a time of testing for the relationship has arrived – you may need to have the courage to pursue what feels important to you without necessarily having the approval/involvement of someone close to you. In some cases your partner will be the one that can encourage you to take the plunge into the new direction. Either way, a new element will be

Solar Arc Planets

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Page 1: Solar Arc Planets

On Uranus Archetype: Part 1 – Wildness of the Soul


Every person deals with the world in a skewed way, only we each do so a little differently – many of us learned to be good at hiding our own particular quirks early

on (since the alternative meant risking rejection from others.) But underneath, we’re still a little bit weird (or unique.) In astrology, Uranus is the symbol of that


If you ever feel less than excited about your own potential, consider where Uranus is emphasized in your natal chart through house rulership, placement and aspects:

chances are that you will find plenty of energy there, just waiting to be released from our self-created constraints.

A Few Images for Uranus Archetype

In the language of archetypes, Uranus is the Wild Man (Woman), or Mad Scientist, or the Rebel of the psyche: this part of us is ferociously independent, doesn’t

care about people’s opinions, let alone rules and regulations. It wants space to be itself, and likes to follow its own path into the woods, into the trails less traveled.

Understandably, the Wild Man elicits fear from the more civilized part of our being – God knows what’ll happen if we let it out at work! What would happen if we

let the Mad Scientist out in a business conference?* Can the manager let their inner Rebel run the show?

There is a good chance that the Uranian energy will not be welcomed in a peaceful and orderly environment, where we’re doing business as usual. So often we just

exile this part of ourselves, and choose to be more or less like everyone else (follow the news, talk about investments, economy, politics etc.)

Uranus in a Natal Chart

Like other outer planets, Uranus must be somehow integrated into the overall expression of the psyche before we can experience its intensity in a healthy manner.

Because this part of us always likes to “push the envelope” of what’s possible, there is a fresh energy to be had each time we visit it, if we’re able to release the

conformist fear that says “this may be too weird, what will people think of me?” etc.

Consider the following:

• Uranus aspect to the Sun brings the issue regarding conformity to the center stage of our consciousness. There is an acute awareness of our difference from

others – often this difference marks the existence of some challenges as well as gifts.

• Libra is more or less about conforming (and being popular among other conformists.) If your Libra and/or Venus is involved with Uranus, the challenge is

to step out of the conformity in a graceful manner.

• Mars or Aries is more or less about doing one’s own thing – when combined with Uranus, the intensity of ego’s pursuit can be a bit too much for others –

it’s like Wild Man with spears – of course others will feel threatened. How/where do you direct such temperamental energy?

• Uranus in Angular (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) houses suggests active, visible utilization of our unique energy by the personality – making the person

unforgettable in some way to others (some examples: 1st house – because of the way I look, act and speak; 4th house – because of my parents; 7th house – because

of who I’m in relationship with; 10th – because of what I do for a living.)

• Uranus in hard aspect to Saturn means at some point, Saturn will need to let Uranus out of jail – meaning that new modes of thinking, talking/behaving

must be cultivated in the area represented by these two planets. Noel Tyl calls this aspect “clash between the old and the new.”

• Uranus in or ruling the 12th house suggests that this archetype either acts up in self-defeating ways (e.g. through rebellion and indifference to others), or

you’ve banished it into the far corners of your psyche, thereby losing touch with it completely.

No matter where you find it in your horoscope, this archetype will be highly charged, ready to give us energy and direction if we’ll suspend our fear of rejection long

enough. If you relate to your natal Uranus placement, please feel free to share your story/experience through emails or comments.

In the next part we’ll discuss Uranus transits and ways to be in touch with the Wild Man.

*Actually it could turn out to be wonderful. Like Hans Rosling (not to say he’s a mad scientist, but we can feel similar intensity and genius when he talks.)

Related posts (automatically generated):eing in touch with the Uranus archetype (the Wild Man/Woman discussed in part 1) means you’re true to what makes you

happy, and is able to choose a lifestyle (e.g. vocation, hobby, relationship, spiritual practice) that uniquely fulfills you, no matter how “different” it may make you

from others around you.

During important Uranus transits, you may realize that you are not being fulfilled – perhaps even bored – within the current life direction you’ve chosen. This means

it’s time to question your values and motives – is “playing safe” and “not rocking the boat” suppressing your creative spirit? What’s to stop you from pursuing a new

course of action?

Significance of Transit or Solar Arc Uranus

Often we may choose to suppress the part of ourselves that don’t fit in, simply because it’s often the wise & necessary thing to do in order to keep the career or the

marriage going. But there may come a time when the cost of suppression becomes too great, and trying to conform may damage the integrity of your soul.

Such turning points come several times in everyone’s life (consider Uranus’ transit or Solar arc to the Angles, or the Uranus’ transit opposition to its natal place that

happens when we’re about 42 years old.) During such times, you would definitely want to consider taking extra time and space to be by yourself, questioning your

values and reexamine what is meaningful and important.

If the Uranus transit involves a relationship (e.g. transit to Ascendant-Descendant axis, Venus and/or the 7th house ruler), this suggests that a time of testing for the

relationship has arrived – you may need to have the courage to pursue what feels important to you without necessarily having the approval/involvement of someone

close to you. In some cases your partner will be the one that can encourage you to take the plunge into the new direction. Either way, a new element will be

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introduced into your current relationship.

If the Uranus transit involves a career (Midheaven-IC axis, 6th or 10th house ruler), you may need to consider the possibility of a vocational development that is

more in line with your true interest/passion – is your current job merely a result of conforming to other people’s expectation (i.e. paying bills and supporting a

family)? Could the transit be suggesting that you’re actually in a position to be able to pursue the work you really love?

A few more Uranus transits to serve as examples:

• Uranus transit within Ascendant (1st house) and its ruler helps us to ask the question “who am I and where am I going?” Odds are that by the time the

transit is over, our answer will be different from before.

• Uranus transit to Venus or 2nd house (and its ruler) brings up the question “How valuable am I?” Usually financially and socially. There is going to be an

intensified drive to prove (and confirm to oneself) one’s unique value through relationships, work or hobbies.

• Uranus transit to Mercury or 3rd house (and its ruler) may require that we switch our mental gear and seek out new, stimulating information that energizes

us (traditionally this transit is also associated with “sudden travel plans,” which may have the same effect of stimulating our mind.)


In this way, you’ll have opportunities to update or reprogram the areas of your life touched by the transit/Solar arc of Uranus. Sometimes a person or a group will

come into your life that help you to go into the new direction. For me, last year’s Uranus transit over my Ascendant changed everything through bringing me into

new responsibilities, social contacts, and long term goals – and I had several mentors who played a very important part in making the transition.

During 2010 Uranus will be in late degrees of Pisces, except when it starts to go into 00-01 degree of Aries between May-July. If you have pertinent examples or a

story regarding a key Uranus transit in your life, please feel free to share through emails or comments.Neptune and Pluto: Collective Unconscious + Desire for


In Escape from freedom, social psychologist Erich Fromm suggests that the reason Hitler was so successful in gaining power over people was that he has expressed

what the masses felt at the time: “the craving for power over men and the longing for submission to an overwhelmingly strong outside power.” Astrologically, this

domination/submission instinct is represented by Pluto (which is often associated with sadomasochism.)

Neptune rules mass consciousness (or collective subconscious): for example, it rules television and arts, which are both transmitters of the collective desires and

values of that time. Noel Tyl ascribes the element of “charisma” (a power to attract and influence others) to the combination of Neptune and Mars in the natal chart.

Interestingly, Hitler has Neptune conjunct Pluto in his natal chart*: this suggests that the issue of dominance and submission was coming up in the collective

unconscious at the time of his birth – and Hitler became the chosen representative of the era as he became the focus for this collective energy, to express and act out

the darkest possible spectrum of human desire for dominance and submission.

There are other famous leaders born with the same conjunction: Mao Zedong of China, Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, and Dwight D. Eisenhower of United States – each

of them expressing their political power quite differently.

Other expressions of the Neptune-Pluto combination, in natal chart and in transit/solar arc:

Pluto-Neptune conjunction can be seen in a number of well known spiritual leaders that you might have heard of: Paramhansa Yogananda, Swami Sivananda, Sri

Meher Baba, Jeddu Krishnamurti. The transit or Solar Arc involving the conjunction, square or opposition of Neptune and Pluto is known to correspond with a time

when paranormal or spiritual dimensions of life is emphasized in the individual’s life.

In science, Niels Bohr, a Nobel Prize winning physicist who was involved in the creation of atomic bomb (symbolized by Pluto,) has Neptune conjunct Pluto. There

are two other Nobel Prize winners with the same conjunction: Walher Bothe (radiation of neutrons) and Louis de Broglie (wave theory.) So we could think of the

combination of Pluto and Neptune (in natal chart and transit) to include the openness to explore a deeper, more subtle dimensions of life.

Whether it’s science, spirituality or politics, the combination of Neptune and Pluto in a natal chart will reflect humankind’s collective subconscious desire to gain

power. Most people will not come in position to wield much power over others, but those that do will be challenged to use it wisely, for there will be a lot of power

to do both good and harm, affecting possibly millions of people.

*This is an extremely rare historical conjunction, occurring just under every 500 years. The next conjunction will be in 2384…perhaps a plenty of time for mankind

to forget its lessons learned during the 20th century – should we inscribe a warning for a second Hitler on a stonewall somewhere? (Just kidding…or maybe not.)

Related posts (automatically generated):Transit or Solar Arc Neptune opposing the Ascendant could, among other things, signal a time of temporary defeat and a

shift of self-image, or that of sharing your creative vision with the public.

Let’s take a look at both scenarios using real life examples:

Neptune Opposition Ascendant – First Scenario:

Defeat to the Ego, Shift of Identity

Ascendant represents your ego or self-image.  In our first scenario, transit Neptune opposing the Ascendant can temporarily wipe out the ego through defeat.

 Afterwards, you may emerge with a renewed and refined self-image.

• Al Gore lost year 2000 presidential election when transiting Neptune exactly opposed his Ascendant. This ended his ambition to become a president – he

never ran again. Instead, he focused his efforts on innovative business ventures and environmental activism. Neptune crossing the Descendant coincided with

a major change of his identity.

• Lee Iacocca’s last year as a president of Ford Motor (leading to his being fired in mid 1978) was a very humiliating and draining time, made so by Henry

Ford II’s insidious attempts to sabotage him (an example: Ford promoted a man who worked under Iacocca and placed him above Iacocca – a public humiliation.) In

mid 1977 Iacocca had Solar Arc Neptune opposing the Ascendant. After trying to hold his ground for a year, he finally got fired in June 1978 (transiting Pluto was

forming an opposition to his Ascendant). This led to his entrance into Chrysler, a beginning of another victory to vindicate himself.

• Martin Luther King Jr. was involved in the Albany movement during 1961-1962. The movement was unsuccessful, and he was arrested and jailed.

Transiting Neptune was opposing his Ascendant. This experience taught King a great lesson (to aim at a specific reform rather than a total overhaul of the system),

that changed his strategy for the later movements. Again, Neptune crossing the Ascendant-Descendant axis coincided with a necessary course correction.


Neptune Opposition Ascendant – Second Scenario:

Projecting Creativity, Vision and Inspiration to the Public

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Neptune opposing the Ascendant means it is crossing the Descendant into the 7th house, which represents the public.  In the second scenario of this transit, Neptune

can suggest creativity and vision shared with the public.

• Johnny Depp captured the public’s imagination when the first Pirates of Caribbean movie came out in June 2003 and became a huge hit. Transiting

Neptune was conjunct his 7th house cusp during 2003-2004.  Depp’s creative portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow earned him superstar status, certainly transforming

his image (the Ascendant).

• When her Solar Arc Neptune opposed Ascendant, Drew Barrymore became one of the most famous child stars of the time through her role as Gertie in

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.  Neptune co-rules her 10th house (career), and the solar arc to Ascendant was pretty much exact at the time the movie came out.

• In 2001, public support for George W. Bush dramatically increased following his speech and declaration of War on Terror after the September 11 attacks.

He had transiting Neptune conjunct his 7th cusp (the public) during 2001-2002, representing shared vision of anger and grief expressed to the public.

• Martin Luther King Jr. gave the famous “I Have a Dream” speech in August 1963, sharing his vision of racial equality with burning passion. Transiting

Neptune was crossing his 7th house cusp for the final time.

Conclusion: How to Get the Most out of Neptune Opposition Ascendant

In general, Neptune transits seem to favor people in the creative profession.  Regardless of your profession, transit or solar arc Neptune opposition Ascendant is a

time to shift ego’s energy in a more creative or inspired direction.  Whatever defeat you may suffer has the effect of connecting you with the larger world, thereby

expanding your self-image to include the joys and pains of others.

If you’re going through this transit right now, you may want to ask yourself “What feelings and inspiration am I longing to share with the world?  How can I express

more of my creativity, compassion or unconditional acceptance of others?”


Are you going through transit Neptune opposition Ascendant right now, or have you done so in the past?  If so what was your experience?     Feel free to share in the

comment section!Solar Arc in Astrology: Guidelines for Interpretation


Here are some general guidelines for interpreting the meaning of planets progressed through the Solar Arc method. Since each “arc” will last for approximately 9

months (6 months applying, 3 months separating), we can add the faster moving planets and points to the interpretation.

ASC or MC arcs tend to manifest as visible events in terms of the planet that they are aspecting. MC arc may suggest a vocationally significant development. For

example, solar arc of MC making a hard aspect to Pluto (which is written as MC=Pluto) may suggest an empowerment in terms of career, or a status change within

the family such as relocation, etc.

Sun suggests “illumination” of self in terms of the planet aspected by it. Solar Arc Sun=Venus may be a time where love relationship is especially highlighted, or

when an artistic project receives rewarding recognition, etc.

Moon suggests the shift in emotional needs in terms of the aspected planets. Moon=Pluto may be a time when passion and zeal enters the heart; Moon=Jupiter may

be when international interest opens up.

Mercury arc potentially suggests development of an idea, communication, or travels.

Venus arc may suggest development of love, relationship, arts, or pleasant dealing with the public.

Jupiter often suggests rewards, opportunity, and education.

Saturn suggests change of gears, ambition moving forward, or some inevitable hardship that leads to maturity.

Uranus suggests status change that may lead to greater individuation, freedom, or innovative change. Individuation may necessitate a separation from old


Neptune suggests inspiration or confusion. It tends to be beneficial for people in aesthetic professions such as artists, entertainers and fashion designers. In general,

Neptune transit or Arc to the Angle suggests a time of “ego wipeout.”

Pluto suggests change that may lead to empowerment, rebirth, and necessary endings or death.

Nodal Axis may suggest important meetings, or connection with the public through work.

It’s helpful to remember that not all of the solar arcs manifest as an observable change. In the next post we’ll discuss some practical considerations that modify our

expectation with regards to transits and solar arcs.

Related posts (automatically generated):Predictive Techniques: Solar Arc vs Secondary Progression


Solar Arc vs Secondary Progression: Which Systems to Use?

Secondary progression (i.e. “a day for a year” method of directing a natal chart) has been around for a long time, but it was by no means the only method of

progressing a horoscope. Throughout the history of astrology, astrologers have invented different methods of projecting a natal chart into the future.

Right now, Solar Arc and Secondary Progression are the most popular methods used by professional astrologers.  Noel Tyl popularized the Solar Arc method

(although he still uses Secondary Progressed Moon). There are many fine astrologers using Secondary Progression as their tool of choice, so both methods are here

to stay.


Difference between Secondary Progressed and Solar Arc Planets

One of the key differences between the two methods is that in Solar Arc you get to advance the slower moving planets (Saturn through Pluto) that hardly move in

the Secondary Progression method, so this tends to add more interpretive possibilities when forecasting.

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Noel Tyl, who has written extensively about both progression methods, stated that in our modern era, important life changes (e.g. divorce, job change, relocation,

etc) occur much more frequently than in previous times – thus we need a method that more accurately reflects the rapid pace of modern life.

In Secondary Progression, outer planets are pretty much unusable due to how slowly they move.  In Solar Arc, you’ll see natal outer planets located in cadent (3rd,

6th, 9th or 12th) houses crossing an angle within the first 10-30 years of life, frequently representing major restructuring of family unit, home environment, or the



How to Calculate Solar Arc Planets’ Movement

Solar Arc planets “move” at the speed of Secondary Progressed Sun, which is approximately one degree per year.  If you obtain the current location of SP

(secondary progressed) Sun, and calculate the arc (angular distance) between the SP Sun and the natal Sun, you have the “Solar Arc” you need to progress your natal

chart to its current Solar Arc position (your astrology software will make this calculation for you automatically.)

Even a fast-moving planet like Venus will have a longer time frame (say 6 months applying, and 3 months separating) to be in orb using a Solar Arc method: this

means Solar Arc of Venus aspecting the natal Sun (written Venus=Sun) would last for about 9 months, strongly suggesting the success of a relationship or an artistic


In transit, Venus moves so fast that it can’t have much of an impact except for a couple days of pleasantness. Similar things can be said of Jupiter, whose transit is

fleeting but under the Solar Arc, suggests a 9 months period in which reward or opportunity is likely to be presented.


Testing Solar Arc in Your Own Horoscope

Solar Arc is relatively easy to test in your own horoscope: add 1 degree per year to the natal planets to see how they move and form an aspect with the natal planet.

The orb needs to be exact (less than one degree) in order for the Arc to be in effect, and we count conjunction, square and opposition only.

If natal ASC (Ascendant) is at 12 Leo, and natal Saturn is at 22 Leo, this means Solar Arc ASC will conjoin natal Saturn at age 10 (we write ASC=Sat to denote this

period), then we ask if there had been a status change within the family around that age: some Saturnian event such as death in the family, sickness, move, or change

in father’s position, etc.


Conclusion: Secondary Progression vs Solar Arc?

Solar Arc is a modern derivative of Secondary Progression that allows the astrologers to utilize Saturn and outer planets more fully in their predictive work.  Many

modern astrologers including myself use Solar Arc (which gives central importance to the Secondary Progressed Sun’s movement) in combination with Secondary

Progressed Moon (which is a very important timer of life progress.)