OO Design: S.O.L.I.D principles Technical team DNB 2015 Page 1 Confidential Presenters: Quang Nguyen, Lan Nguyen

SOLID principles-Present

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Page 1: SOLID principles-Present

OO Design: S.O.L.I.D principles

Technical teamDNB 2015

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Presenters: Quang Nguyen, Lan Nguyen

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OutlineSOLID principles introductionPurpose of use.Definition, explanation, examples and benefits of

+ Single responsibility principle (SRP) + Open – close Principle (OCP) + Linkov's substitution principle (LSP) + Interface segregation principle (ISP) + Dependency inversion principle (DIP)


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Design Matter: Doing Better with Less

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S.O.L.I.D is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design(OOD) principles by Robert C. Martin, popularly known as Uncle Bob.

S – Single Responsibility principleO – Open-closed principleL – Liskov’s substitution principleI – Interface segregation principleD – Dependency Inversion principle

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What are the issues that developers always face to in software development lifecycle?


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Requirements change

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Your requirements will always change (and grow) over time

Your system need to evolve to handle the changes.We should build a software which is smartly designed

enough to change..

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What is “Smartly-designed Software” ?

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Handle the changes with minimal re-factor and effort.ExtendableReusableFlexible

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Customer and Developer satisfaction

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Customers are satisfied because the software:+ Work well + Keeps working - always.+ Can be changed, upgraded easily+ Reuse to build other software.+ Extendable, Flexible.

Help the developers:+ Handle the changes easily.+ Code better in any programming languages.

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When combined together, these principles will help your software: Become well and smartly-designed Easily handle the changes Make both customer and developer satisfied with their work.Save money and time.

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Single Responsibility principle (SRP)

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SRP - Definition

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“An object should have one and only one reason to change”

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SRP - Explanation

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Responsibility is a family of functions that serves one particular purpose.If you have a class having more than one reason to change=> you should split the class into multiple classes base on their responsibilities.

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SRP - Example

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SRP – Why splitting is important ?

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- If classes have more than one responsibility ?- Each responsibility is an axis of change.

+ Codes become complicated+ One change effects another

- Big classes:+ Difficult to change+ Harder to read

+ Bugs

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SRP – Benefit

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Increase the reusability of source codeMake your classes smaller, lesser complicated.Restrict effects to other modules when we change

source codes.Easier to read and write => less to write bugs.Higher cohesion, lower coupling.

Smaller classes and smaller methods will give you more flexibility

More classes != more complicated

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Open – Close Principle (OCP)

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OCP - Definition

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“An object should be opened for extension and closed for modification”

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OCP - Explanation

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- You should extend a class without modifying it. - if you read and understand all source code to find

what they are supposed to do and update. so hard cost time, effort bugs

- But it’s easy to extend the source code to meet the new requirements.

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OCP - Example

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OCP – Benefit

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- Restrict effects to others because when you change code.- Not need to read all old source codes that already worked well.- Extend the existing libraries.

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- Template Method Design Pattern- Strategy Design Pattern.


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Liskov's Substitution (LSP) - Definition

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“Objects should be replaceable with their base classes without altering the correctness of the program”

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LSP - Explanation

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+ Should always use a base class or interface instead of the subclasses. + This works correctly with any subclasses of X.

Extends without replacing any base class's functions

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LSP - Example

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LSP – Benefit

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- This is an extension of OCP Wrong LSP => wrong OCP Inherit all OCP's benefits.- Preventing bugs caused by subclasses.

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Interface segregation Principle (ISP)

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ISP - Definition

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“A client should not implement an interface, if it doesn't use that”

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ISP - Explanation

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Clients should not be forced to implement interfaces they don't use

=> Split a fat interface which has many methods into many small interfaces.

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ISP - Example

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ISP – Benefit

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- Smaller interface => more reusable - Extendable - Flexible - Allows people to use only the parts of objects that they need. - High cohesion, low coupling - Comply SRP.

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Dependence Inversion Principle (DIP)

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DIP - Definition

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“High level model should not depend on low level module, both should depend on abstractions

Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions”

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DIP - Explanation

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- Low level module: implement basic and primary operations- High level module: encapsulate complex logic- The high level classes should not directly use and heavily depend on low level classes.=> we should create abstraction layer between high level classes and low level classes

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DIP - Example

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Demo - Explanation

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DIP - Explanation

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- Abstractions should not depend upon details- Details should depend on abstractions

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- Spring frameworks' component

- Using Dependency Injection pattern

- Automatic class instantiation (from external files or annotation)

- Entirely remove the low-level component dependencies and achieve true DIP.

IoC Container & Dependency Injection

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DIP – Benefit

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- Reusable- Flexible- More readable.- Higher cohesion - lower coupling- Remove dependencies between low and high level

modules.- Violate DIP => Violate OCP or LSP.- More classes != More complicated

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Should we always apply DIP anywhere?Question

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With S.O.L.I.D principles, our software: Easily handle the changes Become well and smartly-designed Make both customer and developer satisfied with their work.Save money and time.

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Object oriented design (OOD) = OOP + Design principles.The source code applied OOD will be:+ Object oriented+ Re-usable+ Flexible: can be changed with minimal efforts.+ Extendable: can be extended without changing existing


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