Solving Probabilistic Combinatorial Games Ling Zhao & Martin Mueller University of Alberta September 7, 2005 Paper link: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~zhao/PCG.pd

Solving Probabilistic Combinatorial Games Ling Zhao & Martin Mueller University of Alberta September 7, 2005 Paper link: zhao/PCG.pdf

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Solving Probabilistic Combinatorial Games

Ling Zhao & Martin MuellerUniversity of AlbertaSeptember 7, 2005

Paper link: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~zhao/PCG.pdf

Motivations Ken Chen’s previous

work to maximize winning chance in Go.

Maximize points Vs. maximize winning probability

How to solve the abstract game efficiently or play the abstract game well?


Results (black plays first): +15 (80%), -7 (20%)

Combinatorial Games

A Terminal node which is expressed as a probability distribution (d={[p1, v1], [p2, v2], …, [pn, vn] }) is a PCG.

If A1, A2, … An, B1, B2, …, Bn are PCGs, then {A1, A2, … An | B1, B2, …, Bn} is a PCG.

A sum of PCGs is a PCG.

Left options

Probabilistic Combinatorial Games

Right options

A move in a sum game consists of a move to an option in exactly one subgame and leaves all other subgames unchanged.

Simple PCG (SPCG) Each PCG has exactly one left option and

one right option. Each option leads immediately to a terminal

node. Each distribution has exactly 2 values with

associate probabilities.

Problems to Address How to solve PCGs efficiently? How to play PCGs well if resources

are limited or fast play is required?

Game Tree Analysis Very regular game tree: a node at

depth k has exactly n-k children, so n!/(n-k)! nodes in total at depth k.

Very large number of transpositions: C(n, k) * C(k, k/2) distinct nodes at

depth k.

Terminal Node Evaluation Terminal node is a

sum of probability distributions.

Winning probability

Monte-Carlo Terminal Evaluation (MCTE)

Use Monte-Carlo methods to randomly collect k samples from 2n data points in the sum of n distributions.

Use the average winning percentage of samples (P’w) to approximate the overall winning probability (Pw).

Theory from statistics: Pw - P’w is a normal distribution, with mean=0 and std dev = <=

Experimental results:

Evaluation of a node is approximated by averaging the values of terminal nodes reached from it through random play. Proposed by Abramson in 1990.

- Using 4x4 tic-tac-toe and 6x6 Othello for experiments.

Applied to Monte-Carlo Go by Bouzy and Helmstetter and several other researchers.

Monte-Carlo Interior Evaluation (MCIE)

SPCG Solver and Player Solver: alpha-beta search,

transposition tables, move ordering (MCIE & MCTE).

Player: alpha-beta search to a certain depth and use Monte-Carlo interior evaluation for frontier nodes.

Experimental Results 100 randomly generated games,

and each game has 14 subgames. Value distribution: probability from

0 to 1, value from –1000 to 1000. AMD 2400MHz CPUs 220 cache entries (terminal nodes

have higher priority) About 8 seconds to solve a game.

Solver Performance Monte-Carlo move ordering: dm – depth

limit for Monte-Carlo move ordering being used, otherwise history heuristic is used.

Monte-Carlo interior evaluation: nt – percentage of all the current node’s descendant terminal nodes sampled.

Monte-Carlo terminal evaluation: nc – number of data points sampled.

Accurate terminal evaluation occupies 90% of the overall running time.

Solver Performance: Results

Monte-Carlo Player

Test against the perfect player. Each game has two rounds: each

side plays first once. Winning probability is the average

of the two rounds. Parameters: search depth and nc.

Monte-Carlo Player: Results

Error in Move Ordering Average probability error: Move: A B Actual win prob: 0.18 < 0.19 Estimate: 0.32 > 0.30 Win prob lost: 0.01 Average probability error is the average of

the winning probability lost in all move pairs of a node.

Worst probability error: the probability lost due to the wrong best move chosen.


Conclusions Efficient exact and heuristic solvers for

SPCG. Successfully incorporate Monte-Carlo

move ordering into alpha-beta search to SPCG.

A heuristic evaluation techniques based on Monte-Carlo with performance close to the prefect player.

Extensive experiments for the two solvers.

Future Work Better algorithms to accurately

evaluate terminal nodes? Progressive pruning. Why does the simple Abramson’s

Expected Outcome model perform so well in move ordering?

New Directions to Apply Monte-Carlo to Computer Go


Monte-Carlo Go:

New Direction:

Future Work: Transformation

PCG solver or player
