Somatic Activity Of Retrotransposons In Human Hani Ben Shmuel Project advisor: Dr. Erez Levanon

Somatic Activity Of Retrotransposons In Human

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Somatic Activity Of Retrotransposons In Human. Hani Ben Shmuel Project advisor: Dr. Erez Levanon. Scientific Background. Repetitive elements comprise 30–50% of mammalian genomes. Transposable elements. Transposable elements are discrete pieces of DNA that can move within genomes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Somatic Activity Of Retrotransposons In Human

Hani Ben ShmuelProject advisor: Dr. Erez Levanon

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Scientific Background

• Repetitive elements comprise 30–50% of mammalian genomes.

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Transposable elements• Transposable elements are discrete pieces of DNA that can move

within genomes.

• TEs can be separated into two major classes:DNA transposons and retrotransposons.

• DNA Transposons can excise themselves from the genome, move as DNA and insert themselves into new genomic sites.

• Retrotransposons duplicate through RNA intermediates that are reverse transcribed and may integrate back to the genome.

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• Retrotransposons can be subdivided into two groups distinguished by the presence or absence of long terminal repeats (LTRs):

• non-LTR retrotransposons - LINE-1 (L1), Alu and SVAelements.

• LTR retrotransposons - Human LTR elements are endogenous retroviruses (HERVs).

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• L1, Alu and SVA non-LTR retrotransposons, collectively account for approximately one-third of the human genome, and are the only TEs currently active in humans.

• Previous methods for Identifying the Activity of Retrotransposons:

1. Comparison between Human and chimpanzee genomes.2. Genomic comparison between two different people.3. Insertions which cause diseases (Hemophilia).4. Inject element into bacteria and detect its expression.

Non-LTR Retrotransposons

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The retrotransposition cycle

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SVA element• non-LTR retrotransposon.

• ~3,000 copies in the human genome.

• A typical full length SVA element is ~2 kb.

• Made up of a short interspersed element (SINE) region, a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) region and an Alu-like region.

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Effects on the human genome

• Generating insertion mutations and genomic instability.

• Altering gene expression.

• Contributing to genetic innovation.

• Increase genome size.

• Impact on the evolution of primate genomes in terms of both structure and function.

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Impact of retrotransposons on human genome structure:

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Impact of retrotransposons on human gene expression:

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Project GoalExplore Retrotransposons’

somatic activity in the human genome.

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Project Objectives• Building the infrastructure for the project (software, data,

formats, choosing parameters etc).

• Finding the most active element of each retrotransposon.

• Comparing expression level of retrotransposons from brain vs. cell line.

• Identifying recent insertion events of retrotransposons in human.

• Finding evidence for DNA editing in retrotransposons.

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Project Importance

• Retrotransposons’ activity can cause dramatic changes in the human’s genome. Therefore,activity of those elements meaning risk in many somatic mutations.

• Insertion events in protein-coding or regulatory regions can alter genome function and influence genome evolution.

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Next Generation Sequencing

• Revolutionary improvements in cost and speed of data generation.

• Shorter read length are produced.

• Increase data generation. Helicos


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Next Generation Sequencing

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The Project input data

• RNAseq (transcriptome) from 12 people.

• 4 billion sequences (~0.5 terra).

• Sequenced with SOLiD, Illumina, 454 and helicos.

New data just arrived:• 5 billion sequences.• HiSeq2000, Illumina.• Better quality.

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• BowTie - An ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner.

• UCSC - Genome browser website.

• Perl - Scripting language.

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Bowtie• Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner

geared toward quickly aligning large sets of short DNA sequences (reads) to large genomes.

• Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index.The idea: work hard to create a compact version of the reference(‘indexing’) that can be easily scanned by the short reads.

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• The site contains the reference sequence and working draft assemblies for a large collection of genomes.

• Tools for retrieving data associated with repeats.

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Project steps (1)

1. Find the most active element of SVA: Reads alignment to SVA sequences using BowTie. Parameters adjustment . Relevant reads selection. Alignment to the human genome. Filter reads with more than 3,000 alignments. Find maximal number of hits for each

chromosome. Select the position with maximal hits.

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Initial Results (1)

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Initial Results (1)

Alignment to SVA dataset:• 24, 427 reads (total: 58,578,322).• 10, 969,837 alignments.

Alignment to Human Genome:• 24,388 reads (99.95%).• ~ 200 million alignments.• After filtering reads with alignments > 3000 ,

12,619,951 alignments.

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Initial Results (1)

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The most active element (1)

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2. Compare expression level of retrotransposons from brain vs. cell line: Parameters selection. UHR (cell line) reads alignment to SVA sequences. Brain reads alignment to SVA sequences. Filter the results. Statistic calculations & Graphs.

Project steps (2)

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Initial Results (2)• 100bp

• 50bp

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Initial Results (2)

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• Building infrastructure for the project.

• Using next generation sequencing as a research platform to identify the most active element of SVA in the human genome.

• Indication that there is no significant difference between the expression level of retrotransposons from brain and cell line.

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What is next?

• Running the alignments and scripts on the new data.

• Getting results for other retrotransposons.

• Identifying recent insertion events of retrotransposons in human.

• Finding evidence for DNA editing in retrotransposons.

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Thanks to:Dr. Erez Levanon