SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions

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  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions


    1998 by Sony Corporation

    Opera t ing Inst ruct io ns


    Com p act Hi -FiSt e reo Sy st em




  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    To prevent fire or shock hazard, do notexpose the unit to rain or moisture.

    To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet.Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.

    Do not install the appliance in a confined space,such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet.

    This appliance is classified asa CLASS 1 LASER product.The CLASS 1 LASERPRODUCT MARKING islocated on the rear exterior.

    This stereo system is equipped with the Dolby* B-type noise reduction system.

    * Dolby noise reduction manufactured under licensefrom Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.

    DOLBY and the double-D symbolaandPRO LOGIC are trademarks of the DolbyLaboratories Licensing Corporation.

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions






    Table of Contents

    * For LBT-W900AV/XB800AV only

    **For the European model only

    Gett ing Start ed

    Step 1: Hooking up the system............ 4

    Step 2: Setting up the speakers ............ 7

    Step 3: Setting the time ......................... 9

    Step 4: Presetting radio stations ........ 10

    Saving power in standby mode* ........ 11

    Basic Operations

    Playing a CD ......................................... 13

    Recording a CD .................................... 14

    Listening to the radio ........................... 15

    Recording from the radio .................... 17

    Playing a tape........................................ 18

    Recording from a tape ......................... 20

    The CD Player

    Using the CD display ........................... 21Playing CD tracks repeatedly ............. 22

    Playing CD tracks in random order .. 22

    Programming CD tracks ..................... 23

    Playing CDs without interruption ..... 25

    The Tape Deck

    Recording on a tape manually ........... 26

    Recording CDs by specifying the trackorder ................................................ 27

    DJ Effects

    Looping part of a CD ........................... 29

    Flashing part of a CD ........................... 29

    Sound Adjustment

    Adjusting the sound ............................ 30

    Selecting the audio emphasis ............. 31

    Adjusting the audio emphasis ............ 32

    Making a personal audio

    emphasis file ................................... 34

    Enjoying Dolby Pro Logic Surround

    sound ............................................... 35

    Other Features

    Using the Radio Data System

    (RDS)** ............................................ 36

    Singing along: Karaoke ...................... 38

    Falling asleep to music ........................ 40

    Waking up to music ............................. 41

    Timer-recording radio programs ....... 42

    Optional AV component s

    Connecting audio components .......... 44

    Connecting video components ........... 45

    Connecting outdoor antennas ............ 48

    Additional Information

    Precautions ............................................ 49

    Troubleshooting ................................... 50

    Specifications ........................................ 52

    Index ........................................ Back cover

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Getting Started

    Step 1: Hooking up the system

    Follow steps1through5to hook up your system using the supplied cords and accessories.

    The above illustration is of the LBT-DR7AV.

    Left frontspeaker

    Rig ht frontspeaker

    AM loo p ant enna

    FM ant ennaCent er spea ker

    Rig ht rea r spea ker Lef t rea r spea ker

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    2 Connect the FM/AM antennas.Set up the AM loop antenna, then

    connect it.

    AM loo p ant enna

    Extend th e FM w ireant enna horizonta lly .

    Except for European m odels

    For European m odels

    AM loo p ant enna

    Extend th e FM w ireant enna horizonta lly .

    FM 75




    1 Connect the speakers.1 Connecting the front speakers

    Connect the speaker cords to FRONTSPEAKER jacks.

    2 Connecting the center speaker

    Connect the speaker cords to theSURROUND SPEAKER CENTERjacks.

    3 Connecting the rear speakers

    Connect the speaker cords to theSURROUND SPEAKER REAR jacks.

    Bla ck/Str ipe()

    Red /Solid()

    Bla ck/Str ipe ()

    Red /Solid ()

    Bla ck/Str ipe()

    Red /Solid()









    If PUSH POWER appears in the display whenyou turn on the system, press 1/uto turn off thesystem and check the speaker connections.

    Keep the speaker cords away from the antennas toprevent noise.

    Insert only the stripped portion of the cord.Inserting the vinyl portion will interfere with the

    speaker connection and no sound will come fromthe speaker.

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Inserting two R6 (size AA)

    batt eries into the remote


    With normal use, the batteries should last forabout six months. When the remote no longeroperates the system, replace both batteries withnew ones.

    When you set the time, the demonstration isdeactivated.

    To activate the demonstration again, pressDISPLAY (for LBT-W900AV/XB800AV only) orDEMO (STANDBY) (for other models) while thesystem is off.


    If you do not use the remote for a long period oftime, remove the batteries to avoid possible damagefrom battery leakage.

    When carrying this system

    Do the following to protect the CDmechanism.

    1 Press FUNCTION repeatedly until CDappears in the display.

    2 Hold down LOOP and press 1/uto turnoff the system.

    3 If your system has a VOLTAGESELECTOR on the rear panel, set itto the position of your local power

    line voltage.

    4 Connect the power cord to a walloutlet.The demonstration appears in thedisplay.

    If the supplied adapter on the plug doesnot fit your wall outlet, detach it fromthe plug (only for models equipped withan adapter).

    5 Deactivate the demonstration modeby pressing DISPLAY (for LBT-W900AV/XB800AV only) or DEMO(STANDBY) (for other models)while the system is off.

    To attach the center speaker feet

    Attach the four center speaker feet (supplied)

    to the bottom corners of the center speaker.

    To connect opt ional AV

    componentsSee page 44.




    230 240V


    St e p 1 : Ho o k i n g u p t h e sy st em

    ( con t i n ued )





  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    By connecting the supplied speakers, you canenjoy Dolby Pro Logic Surround sound.

    Dolby Pro Logic Surround is a decodingsystem standardized in TV programs andmovies. Dolby Pro Logic Surround improvesthe sound image by using four separatechannels. These channels manipulate thesound to enhance the action as it happens onthe screen.

    Since the center speaker cannot produceenough bass, the bass sound of the centerchannel is output from the front speakers.

    Posit ioning the centerand rear speakers

    Before you connect them, determine the bestlocation for your speakers.

    1 Place the front speakers at an angle

    of 45 degrees from your listeningposition.

    Step 2: Sett ing upthe speakers

    Frontspea ker (L)

    Frontspea ker (R)







    Cent er spea ker

    Cent er spea ker


    2 Place the center speaker so it isplaced at about the same height asthe front speakers (A). Align thecenter speaker with the frontspeakers or place it a little behindthe front speakers position (B).



    3 Place the rear speakers facing eachother at about 60 to 90 cm aboveyour listening position.

    Cent er spea ker

    Rea r speaker

    60 to 90 cm


  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    St e p 2 : Se t t i n g u p t h e sp e ak e r s

    ( c on t i n ued ) 1 Press PRO LOGIC.The indicator above this button lightsup.

    2 Press T. TONE on the remote.The test tone is heard from the speakers

    in the following order. Adjust thevolume of the test tone.

    nFront (left)nCenter

    RearNFront (right)N

    3 From your listening position, pressCENTER LEVEL +/ and REARLEVEL +/ on the remote to adjustthe volume levels.The volume levels from each speaker

    should be the same.

    4 Press T. TONE when you are doneadjusting.The test tone is turned off.


    If you turn VOLUME (or press VOL +/ on theremote), all the speaker volumes change.


    The test tone feature works only for Dolby Pro LogicSurround sound.

    Adjusting the speakervolume

    To enjoy Dolby Pro Logic Surround sound,

    adjust the volume of each speaker using thetest tone that the system provides.



    1 VOLUME

    VOL + /

    1/u(Pow er)


  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Step 3: Sett ing thetime

    You must set the time before using the timerfunctions. The clock is on a 24-hour system

    for the European and Brazilian models, and a12-hour system for other models.

    The 24-hour system model is used forillustration purposes.

    3,51 2,4

    1 Press t/CLOCK SET.The hour indication flashes.

    2 Press TUNING +/ to set the hour.

    3 Press ENTER/NEXT.The minutes indication flashes.

    4 Press TUNING +/ to set theminutes.

    5 Press ENTER/NEXT.The clock starts.


    If you make a mistake, start over from step 1.


    You cannot set the time in Power Saving mode(see page 11).

    The clock setting is canceled when you disconnectthe power cord or if a power failure occurs.

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    2 Press TUNING MODE repeatedlyuntil AUTO appears in thedisplay.

    3 Press TUNING +/.The frequency indication changes and

    scanning stops when the system tunes ina station. TUNED and STEREO (fora stereo program) appear.

    4 Press TUNER MEMORY.The next available preset number flashesin the display. The stations are storedfrom preset number 1.

    5 Press ENTER/NEXT.The station is stored.

    6 Repeat steps 1 through 5 to storeother stations.

    To tune in a stat ion w ith a w eak


    Press TUNING MODE repeatedly until

    MANUAL appears in step 2, then pressTUNING +/ to tune in a station.

    To store another station on an

    exist ing preset number

    Start over from step 1. After step 4, pressTUNING +/ to select the preset number onwhich you want to store the station.

    You can add a new preset number after thelast preset number.


    Step 4: Presett ingradio stat ions

    You can preset the following number ofstations:

    2 band model: 20 for FM and 10 for AM

    3 band model:

    20 for FM, 10 for AM, and 5 for UKV

    The bands you can select depend on the kindof tuner built into your system. Confirm thebands by pressing TUNER/BANDrepeatedly.

    5 1241/u(Pow er) 3

    1 Press TUNER/BAND repeatedlyuntil the desired band appears in

    the display.Each time you press this button, theband changes as follows:

    2 band model:


    3 band model:


    * When you select this band,STEREO PLUS appears in the


  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Saving pow er instandby mode (ForLBT-W900AV/

    XB800AV only)In standby mode, you can reduce the powerconsumption to a minimum (Power Savingmode) and thus save energy.


    / Press POWER SAVE/DEMO(STANDBY) while the system isturned off.The system switches to the Power Savingmode and the clock display disappears.

    The system is turned on/off by pressing1/u.

    To cancel the Power Saving mode

    Press DISPLAY.

    The clock display reappears.

    1/u(Pow er)

    To erase a preset number

    1 Press and hold TUNER MEMORY until thepreset number flashes in the display.

    2 Press TUNING +/ to select the presetnumber you want to erase. Select ALLERASE to erase all preset numbers.

    3 Press ENTER/NEXT.

    When you erase a preset number, all thefollowing preset numbers shift up and reduceby one.

    To change the AM tuning interval(Except f or the European and t he

    M iddle Eastern models)

    The AM tuning interval is factory-preset to 9 kHz(10 kHz in some areas). To change the AM tuninginterval to 10 kHz (or 9 kHz), press TUNER/BANDrepeatedly until AM appears, then turn off the

    system. While holding down ENTER, turn thesystem back on. When you change the interval, theAM preset stations will be erased. To reset theinterval, repeat the same procedure.


    The preset stations are canceled when youdisconnect the power cord or if a power failureoccurs for more than half a day.


  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    Each time you press POWER SAVE/DEMO(STANDBY) in the Power Saving mode, thedisplay switches between the Power Saving modeand the demo mode.

    The 1/uindicator and timer indicator (when thetimer is set) light up even in the Power Savingmode.

    The timer works in the Power Saving mode.


    You cannot set the time in the Power Savingmode.

    One Touch Play function does not work in thePower Saving mode.

    Sav i n g p ow e r in st a n d b y mo de

    ( con t i n ued )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions





    Playing a CD No rm al Play

    Basic Operat ions

    You can play up to five CDs in a row.

    1 Press PUSH OPEN and place a CDon the disc tray.If the disc is not placed properly, it willnot be recognized.

    2 Press DISC SKIP (or D.SKIP on theremote) to place up to four moreCDs on the tray.

    The disc tray rotates so you can insert

    other CDs.

    3 Close the front cover.

    4 Press one of the DISC 1 - DISC 5buttons.Playback starts.

    If you press P(or CD on theremote), playback starts from the CD inthe playing position.

    AMS =/+

    VOL + /





    With the lab elside up.

    When yo u playa CD single,place it on th einne r circle o fthe t ray .

    Disc numbe r in t he p laying position

    Tra ck nu mb er Elapsed time


    (Pow er)

    p 0/

    )PJog d ia lPLAY MODE 2



  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    Stop playback


    Select a track

    Find a point

    in a track

    Select a CD

    Play only theCD you haveselected

    Play all CDs

    Remove or

    change theCDs

    Adjust thevolume

    * AMS: Automatic Music Sensor


    Pressing Pwhile the system power is offautomatically turns on the system and starts CDplayback if there is a CD on the tray (One TouchPlay).

    One Touch Play is not available in Power Savingmode.

    You can switch from another source and beginplaying a CD just by pressing P, one of theDISC 1 - DISC 5 buttons, or CD on the remote(Automatic Source Selection).

    If there is no CD in the player, NO DISCappears in the display.

    You can change the CD which is in the loadingposition during playback of the CD which is in theplaying position.

    Do this

    Press p.

    Press P(or Pon the remote).Press Pagain to resume

    playback (or CD on theremote).

    During playback or pause, turnthe jog dial clockwise (to goforward) or counterclockwise (togo backward) and release it whenyou reach the desired track.Or press AMS* +(to goforward) or AMS =(to gobackward) on the remote.

    Press and hold )or 0during

    playback, and release at thedesired point.

    Press one of the DISC 1 - DISC 5buttons (or DISC SKIP).

    Press PLAY MODE repeatedlyuntil 1 DISC appears.

    Press PLAY MODE repeatedlyuntil ALL DISCS appears.

    Press PUSH OPEN.

    Turn VOLUME (or pressVOL +/ on the remote).

    Recording a CD CD Synchr o Recor d in g

    This function lets you easily record from aCD to a tape. You can use TYPE I (normal) orTYPE II (CrO2) tapes. The recording level is

    automatically adjusted.


    2,3 56




    With the lab elside up.

    When yo u playa CD single,place it on th einne r circle o fthe t ray .

    With the side you w an t torecord on facing forw ard


    1/u(Pow er)


    1 Press PUSH 6and insert a blanktape into deck B.

    2 Press PUSH OPEN and place a CD.

    Play in g a CD (con t i nu ed )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions





    Listening to theradio Pre set Tun in g

    Before using this function, preset radio

    stations in the tuners memory (see Step4: Presetting radio stations on page 10).

    12 3

    PRESET+ /



    VOL + /

    1/u(Pow er)

    3 Close the front cover.

    4 Press DISC SKIP repeatedly untilthe disc number you want to recordappears in the playing positionindicator.

    5 Press CD SYNC.Deck B stands by for recording, the CDplayer stands by for playback, and theindicator on the button (for the frontside) lights up green.

    6 Press DIRECTION repeatedly untilAappears to record on one side or(or RELAY) to record on bothsides.

    7 Press P.Recording starts.

    To stop recording

    Press pon deck B or on the CD player.


    When you want to record on the reverse side,press after pressing CD SYNC in step 5 so theindicator on the button (for the reverse side)lights up green.

    When you record on both sides, be sure to startfrom the front side. If you start from the reverseside, recording stops at the end of the reverse side.

    When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-level, high-frequency signals, press DOLBY NR

    before step 7 so DOLBY NR B appears in thedisplay.

    To record with the surround effect, press DSP so

    SUR appears in the display.The equalizer settings will not be recorded.


    You cannot listen to other sources while recording.


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    1 Press TUNER/BAND repeatedlyuntil the desired band appears inthe display.

    Each time you press this button, theband changes as follows:

    2 band model:


    3 band model:


    * When you select this band, STEREOPLUS appears in the display.

    2 Press TUNING MODE repeatedlyuntil PRESET appears in thedisplay.MANUALnAUTOnPRESET

    3 Press TUNING +/ (or PRESET +/on the remote) to tune in the desiredpreset station.

    To Do this

    Turn off the radio Press 1/u.Adjust the volume Turn VOLUME (or press

    VOL +/ on the remote).

    To listen to non-preset radio


    Press TUNING MODE repeatedly in step 2until MANUAL appears, then pressTUNING +/ to tune in the desired station.


    Pressing TUNER/BAND while the system poweris off automatically turns on the system and tunesin the last received station (One Touch Play).

    One Touch Play is not available in Power Savingmode.

    You can switch from another source to the radioby pressing TUNER/BAND (Automatic SourceSelection).

    If an FM program is noisy, press STEREO/MONO so MONO appears in the display. Therewill be no stereo effect, but the reception willimprove. Press this button again to restore the

    stereo effect. To improve broadcast reception, move thesupplied antennas.

    FrequencyPreset number

    Li st e n i n g t o t he rad i o (con t i n u ed )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions





    Recording f rom theradio

    You can record a radio program on a tape bytuning in a preset station. You can use TYPE I

    (normal) or TYPE II (CrO2) tapes. Therecording level is automatically adjusted.

    4 576

    12 3DSP

    DOLBY NR p

    With th e side you w an t torecord on facing forw ard

    1/u(Pow er)

    1 Press TUNER/BAND repeatedlyuntil the desired band appears inthe display.

    2 Press TUNING MODE repeatedlyuntil PRESET appears in thedisplay.

    3 Press TUNING +/ to tune in thedesired preset station.

    4 Press PUSH 6and insert a blanktape into deck B.

    5 Press rREC.Deck B stands by for recording, and theindicator on the button (for the front

    side) lights up green.

    6 Press DIRECTION repeatedly untilAappears to record on one side or(or RELAY) to record on bothsides.

    7 Press P.Recording starts.

    To stop recording

    Press pon deck B.

    FrequencyPreset number


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    When you want to record on the reverse side,press after pressing rREC in step 5 so theindicator on the button (for the reverse side)lights up green .

    When you record on both sides, be sure to startfrom the front side. If you start from the reverseside, recording stops at the end of the reverse side.

    To record non-preset stations, select MANUALin step 2, then press TUNING +/ to tune in thedesired station.

    When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-level, high-frequency signals, press DOLBY NR

    before step 7 so DOLBY NR B appears in thedisplay.

    To record with the surround effect, press DSP soSUR appears in the display.

    The equalizer settings will not be recorded. To improve broadcast reception, move the

    supplied antennas.

    Playing a tape

    You can play any type of tape, TYPE I(normal), TYPE II (CrO2), or TYPE IV (metal).The deck automatically detects the tape type.

    You can also use the AMS* functions to locatequickly the desired songs.

    To select either deck A or B, press DECK Aor DECK B on the remote.

    * AMS: Automatic Music Sensor

    1 1



    p p


    DOLBY NR 0/)

    1/u(Pow er)


    DECK A

    DECK B

    VOL + /


    AMS =/+

    Reco r d i n g f r o m t h e r a d i o

    ( c on t i n ued )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions





    To search for the beginning of a

    track (AMS)

    Press )to search forward or 0to searchbackward when playing the front side (orvice-versa when playing the reverse side).When you use the remote, AMS =or +.

    The search direction, + (forward) or

    (backward), and number of songs beingskipped (1 - 9) appear in the display.

    Example: sea rching fo rw a rd 2 son g s


    Pressing or while the system power is offautomatically turns on the system and starts tapeplayback if there is a tape in the deck (One TouchPlay).

    One Touch Play is not available in Power Savingmode.

    You can switch from another source to the tapedeck by pressing or (Automatic SourceSelection).

    You can fast-forward or rewind the tape,regardless of the selected source.

    When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-level, high-frequency signals, press DOLBY NR soDOLBY NR B appears in the display.


    The AMS function may not operate correctly underthe following circumstances:

    When the unrecorded space between songs is lessthan 4 seconds long.

    If completely different information is recorded onthe left and right channels.

    When there are continuous sections of extremelylow level or low frequency sound (like those of a

    baritone sax).

    When the system is placed near a TV. (In this case,we recommend moving the system farther awayfrom the TV or turning off the TV.)

    1 Press PUSH 6and insert a recordedtape in deck A or B.

    2 Press DIRECTION repeatedly toselect Ato play one side, * toplay both sides, or RELAY (Relay

    Play)** to play both decks insuccession.

    3 Press .Press to play the reverse side. Thetape starts playing.

    * The deck stops automatically after playingboth sides five times.

    ** Relay Play always plays according to thefollowing sequence:

    Deck A front side, Deck A reverse side,Deck B front side, Deck B reverse side.

    To Do this

    Stop play Press p.

    Pause (Deck B only) Press P. Press again toresume playback.

    Fast-forward Press )or 0.Rewind Press 0or ).

    Remove the cassette Press PUSH 6.

    Adjust the volume Turn VOLUME (or pressVOL +/ on the remote).

    With the side you w an tto p lay facing forw ard

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Recording f rom atape High -speed Dub b i ng

    You can use TYPE I (normal) or TYPE II

    (CrO2) tapes. The recording level isautomatically adjusted.

    1 Press PUSH 6and insert a recordedtape in deck A and a blank tape indeck B.

    2 Press H SPEED DUB.

    Deck B stands by for recording.

    11 23 4p

    With th e side you w an t toplay/record on f a cing fo rw a rd

    1/u(Pow er)


    3 Press DIRECTION repeatedly untilAappears to record on one side or(or RELAY) to record on bothsides.

    4 Press P.Dubbing starts.When dubbing ends, decks A and Bautomatically stop.

    To stop dubbing

    Press pon deck A or B.


    When you record on both sides, be sure to startfrom the front side. If you start from the reverse

    side, recording stops at the end of the reverse side. You dont have to set DOLBY NR, since the tape in

    deck B is automatically recorded in the same stateas the tape in deck A.


    If you set DIRECTION to , when the tapes youuse have different lengths, the tape in each deckreverses independently. If you select RELAY, thetapes in both decks reverse together.

    You cannot record the surround effect.

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    The CD Player

    Using the CDdisplay

    You can check the remaining time of thecurrent track or that of the CD.

    When a CD TEXT disc is loaded, you cancheck the information stored on the disc, suchas the disc titles or artist names. When thesystem detects CD TEXT discs, CD TEXTappears in the display.


    In the stop mode

    nDisc number (Disc title*)

    Artist information*

    Total number of tracks and total playingtime

    Clock display (for a few seconds)

    Effect (P FILE) name or EFFECT ON/OFF

    * With CD TEXT discs only. When the dischas more than 20 tracks, informationabout the track numbers over 20 does notappear.

    Notes The display may not show all the characters

    depending on the disc.

    This player can only display the disc titles, tracktitles and artist names from CD TEXT discs. Otherinformation cannot be displayed.

    If a title or name has more than 12 characters, thefirst 12 characters will light up after the title orname scrolls by in the display.

    / Press DISPLAY.Each time you press this button duringNormal Play or in stop mode, thedisplay changes as follows:

    During Normal Play

    nElapsed time on the current track

    Remaining time on the current track

    Remaining time on the current CD(1 DISC mode) or --.-- (ALL DISCSmode)

    Track title*

    Clock display (for a few seconds)

    Effect (P FILE) name or EFFECT ON/OFF

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Playing CD t racksrepeatedly Rep eat Pla y

    This function lets you repeat a single CD or

    all CDs in Normal Play, Shuffle Play, andProgram Play.


    / Press REPEAT repeatedly duringplayback until REPEAT appearsin the display.Repeat Play starts. The following tabledescribes the various repeat modes.

    To repeat

    All the tracks onthe current CD

    All the tracks onall CDs

    Only one track

    To cancel Repeat Play

    Press REPEAT repeatedly until REPEAT orREPEAT 1 disappears from the display.

    Playing CD t racksin random order Shu f f le Play

    You can play all the tracks on one or all CDs

    in random order.

    1 Press FUNCTION repeatedly untilCD appears in the display.

    2 Press PLAY MODE repeatedly untilALL DISCS SHUFFLE or 1 DISCSHUFFLE appears in the display.

    ALL DISCS SHUFFLE shuffles thetracks on all the CDs in the player.1 DISC SHUFFLE shuffles the trackson the CD in the playing position.

    3 Press P.All the tracks play in random order.


    2 3DISC 1 - DISC 5 Jo g d ia lPress

    PLAY MODE repeatedlyuntil 1 DISC appears in thedisplay.

    PLAY MODE repeatedlyuntil ALL DISCS appearsin the display.

    REPEAT repeatedly whileplaying the track you want torepeat until REPEAT 1appears in the display.

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    Programming CDtracks Pro g r am Pla y

    You can create a program of up to 32 tracks

    from all the CDs in the order you want themto be played.




    1 45 p3,6


    To cancel Shuf f le Play

    Press PLAY MODE repeatedly until ALLDISCS SHUFFLE, 1 DISC SHUFFLE, orPROGRAM disappears from the display.The tracks continue playing in their originalorder.

    To select the desired CD

    Press one of the DISC 1 - DISC 5 buttonsduring 1 Disc Shuffle Play.


    You can start Shuffle Play during Normal Play bypressing PLAY MODE repeatedly until ALLDISCS SHUFFLE or 1 DISC SHUFFLE appearsin the display.

    To skip a track, turn the jog dial clockwise (orpress AMS +on the remote).



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    1 Place CDs and close the front cover.

    2 Press FUNCTION repeatedly until

    CD appears in the display.

    3 Press PLAY MODE repeatedly untilPROGRAM appears in thedisplay.

    4 Press DISC SKIP (or D.SKIP on theremote) to select a CD.

    5 Turn the jog dial until the desiredtrack appears in the display.

    6 Press PLAY MODE once.The track is programmed. First STEPand the programmed playing orderappear, then the total playing timeappears.

    7 Repeat steps 4 through 6 to programadditional tracks.Skip step 4 to select tracks from the samedisc.

    8 Press P.

    All the tracks play in the order youselected.

    Disc numberTot a l playing timeTra ck nu mb er

    The last prog ramm ed t rack Tot a l playing time

    To cancel Program Play

    Press PLAY MODE repeatedly untilPROGRAM, ALL DISCS SHUFFLE, or1 DISC SHUFFLE disappears from thedisplay.


    Check the program

    Clear the last selectedtrack

    Clear a specific track

    Add a track to theprogram

    Clear the entireprogram


    The program you created remains in the CD

    players memory even after it has been played.Press Pto play the same program again.

    If --.-- appears instead of the total playing timewhile programming, this means:

    you have programmed a track numbered over20, or

    the total playing time has exceeded 100 minutes.

    Prog ramm ing CD t r a ck s

    ( con t i n ued )


    CHECK on the remoterepeatedly. After thelast track, CHECKEND appears.

    CLEAR on the remotein stop mode.

    CHECK on the remoterepeatedly until thenumber of the track tobe cleared lights up,then press CLEAR.

    1 Press DISC SKIP (orD.SKIP on the remote)to select a CD.

    2 Turn the jog dial toselect a track.

    3 Press PLAY MODE.

    ponce in stop mode ortwice while playing.

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    Playing CDswithoutinterruption Non -St o p Pla y

    You can play CDs without pausing betweentracks.



    1 Press FUNCTION repeatedly untilCD appears in the display.

    2 Press NON-STOP so the indicatoron this button lights up.

    3 Press P.

    To cancel Non-Stop Play

    Press NON-STOP so the indicator on thisbutton goes off.

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    You can record from CDs, tapes, or the radio.For example, you can record just the desired

    songs or begin recording from the middle of atape. The recording level is automaticallyadjusted.

    1 Insert a blank tape into deck B.

    2 Press FUNCTION repeatedly untilthe source you want to record (e.g.,CD) appears in the display.

    3 Press rREC.Deck B stands by for recording, and theindicator on the button (for the frontside) lights up green.

    4 Press DIRECTION repeatedly untilAappears to record on one side or(or RELAY) to record on both


    Recording on atape manually

    The Tape Deck


    1 34 5pDOLBY NR

    5 Press P.Recording starts.

    6 Start playing the source to berecorded.

    To Press

    Stop recording pon deck B

    Pause recording P


    When you want to record on the reverse side,press after pressing rREC in step 3 so theindicator on the button (for the reverse side)

    lights up green. When you want to reduce the hiss noise in low-

    level, high-frequency signals, press DOLBY NRbefore step 5 so DOLBY NR B appears in thedisplay.

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    Recording CDs byspecifying thetrack order Pro gr am Ed i t

    You can record tracks from all the CDs in theorder you want. When programming, makesure the playing times for each side do notexceed the length of one side of the tape.

    1 Place CDs and close the front cover.

    2 Insert a blank tape into deck B.

    3 Press FUNCTION repeatedly untilCD appears in the display.

    4 Press PLAY MODE repeatedly untilPROGRAM appears in thedisplay.

    5 Press DISC SKIP (or D.SKIP on theremote) to select a CD.

    6 Turn the jog dial until the desiredtrack appears in the display.

    7 Press PLAY MODE once.The track is programmed. First STEPand the programmed playing orderappear, then the total playing timeappears.

    312 2 1113

    54,7 61 p




    Disc numberTot a l playing timeTra ck nu mb er



    The last prog ramm ed t rack Tot a l playing time


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    8 Repeat steps 5 through 7 to programadditional tracks to be recorded onside A.

    Skip step 5 to select tracks from the samedisc.

    9 Press Pon the remote to insert apause at the end of side A.P appears in the display and the totalplaying time resets to 0.00 in thedisplay.

    10 Repeat steps 5 through 7 to program

    the tracks to be recorded on side B.Skip step 5 to select tracks from the samedisc.

    11 Press CD SYNC.Deck B stands by for recording, the CDplayer stands by for playback, and theindicator on the button (for the frontside) lights up green.

    12 Press DIRECTION repeatedly untilAappears to record on one side or(or RELAY) to record on bothsides.

    13 Press P.Recording starts.

    To stop recording

    Press pon deck B or on the CD player.

    To check the order

    Press CHECK on the remote repeatedly. Afterthe last track, CHECK END appears.

    To cancel Program Edit

    Press PLAY MODE repeatedly untilPROGRAM, ALL DISCS SHUFFLE, or1 DISC SHUFFLE disappears from thedisplay.

    Select ing the tape lengthautomatically

    Tap e Sel ect Ed i t

    You can check the most suitable tape lengthfor recording a CD. Note that you cannot useTape Select Edit for discs containing more

    than 20 tracks.

    / After inserting a CD, press EDITonce so EDIT flashes.First the required tape length for the CDin the playing position appears, then thetotal playing time for sides A and Bappears.

    NoteYou cannot use this function when Program Playmode has been set. After clearing the entireprogram, follow the above procedure (see Clear theentire program in the table on page 24).

    Reco rd ing CDs by speci f y i n g t he

    t r a ck o rd e r (con t i n ued )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Looping part of aCD Loo p

    Flashing part of aCD Flash

    DJ Effects

    With the Loop function, you can repeat part

    of a CD during playback. This lets you createoriginal recordings.

    / Press and hold LOOP duringplayback at the point you want tostart the Loop function, and releaseto resume normal playback.

    To adjust the loop lengt h

    Turn the jog dial while holding LOOP (orpress FILE SELECT V/vwhile holding LOOP

    on the remote) to select different loop lengths.

    With the Flash function, you can flash the

    CD sound during playback. This lets youcreate original recordings.

    / Press and hold FLASH duringplayback at the point you want tostart the Flash function, and releaseto resume normal playback.

    To adjust the flash length

    Turn the jog dial while holding FLASH (orpress FILE SELECT V/vwhile holding

    FLASH on the remote) to select different flashlengths.

    To use LOOP and FLASH together

    Press and hold both LOOP and FLASH at thesame time.


    The loop and flash length cannot be adjusted in stopmode. Adjust the loop and flash lengths duringplayback.

    LOOP Jo g d ia l FLASH Jog d ia lLOOP

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    Adjust ing thesound

    Sound AdjustmentFor a pow erf ul sound (GROOVE)

    Press GROOVE.

    The volume switches to power mode, thesound effect changes, the super woofer levelchanges to HIGH, and the indicator on theGROOVE button lights up. Press GROOVEagain to return to the previous volume.


    Canceling the Groove mode cancels the equalizercurve and super woofer level.

    For the most suitable bass sound


    Press SYNC BASS.

    The bass frequencies of the music you arelistening to are measured and those areaswith heavy bass tones are effectivelyreinforced. The indicator on the SYNC BASSbutton flashes while measuring. Oncemeasured, the indicator stops flashing andremains lit. Press SYNC BASS again to returnto the previous level.


    The super woofer mode changes to MUSIC in theSYNC BASS (Synchronized Bass) mode.

    If you press MODE in the SYNC BASS mode, this

    mode is canceled and the super woofer modechanges to MOVIE.

    You can change the super woofer level to LOW orHIGH in the SYNC BASS mode. However, if youchange the level to SUPER WOOFER FLAT, theSYNC BASS mode is canceled.

    To listen t hrough the headphones

    Connect the headphones to the PHONES jack.

    No sound will come from the speakers.





    You can create a more powerful sound andlisten with headphones.

    To reinf orce the bass from the

    super w oofer (SUPER WOOFER)


    Each time you press this button, the superwoofer level display changes as follows:


    To select the super woofer modePress MODE while the super woofer is on.

    Each time you press this button, the superwoofer mode display changes as follows:




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    Select ing the audioemphasis

    The audio emphasis menu lets you select thesound characteristics according to the music

    you are listening to.

    And you can also enjoy the audio emphasisusing the Synchronized Equalizer function.When using this function, the systemautomatically switches the equalizeraccording to the genre of the music.

    The Personal File function (see Making apersonal audio emphasis file (Personal File)on page 34) lets you store your own effects.


    / Press V/vto select MENU 1 or

    MENU 2, then press B/bto selectthe desired audio emphasis.

    See the chart Music menu options onthis page. The audio emphasis nameappears in the display.

    When using the remote, press FILESELECT V/vrepeatedly until thedesired audio emphasis name appears.


    To cancel the audio emphasis

    Press EFFECT (or FILE SELECT ON/OFF onthe remote) repeatedly so the indicator on theEFFECT button goes off.

    M usic menu opt ions

    SUR appears if you select an audio

    emphasis with a surround effect.Press To select

    V/v MENU 1 MENU 2




    Using the SynchronizedEqualizer function

    You can set the audio emphasis to changeautomatically according to the beat andtempo of the music.

    / Press SYNC EQ.The indicator on the SYNC EQ buttonflashes while measuring the beat and

    tempo of the source. Once measured, theindicator stops flashing and remains lit.

    SYNC EQ classifies the music source asfollows:

    Beat Density

    Beat Strength




  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Adjusting theaudio emphasis

    You can adjust the audio emphasis using thegraphic equalizer and surround effect.

    Adjusting the graphicequalizer

    You can adjust the sound by raising orlowering the levels of specific frequencyranges.

    2 3,46

    1 Select the desired basic audioemphasis for your sound (seeSelecting the audio emphasis on

    page 31).

    2 Press GEQ CONTROL.The frequency range appears and thelevel value flashes in the display.

    Se lect i n g t he aud i o emph asi s

    ( c on t i n ued )

    To cancel the Synchronized

    Equalizer f unct ion

    Press SYNC EQ again so the indicator goesoff.

    The Synchronized Equalizer function iscanceled also when:

    you cancel the audio emphasis

    you reselect the audio emphasis from themusic menu

    you activate the surround effect

    you adjust the graphic equalizer

    you sing along (KARAOKE)


    The Synchronized Equalizer function does notwork in KARAOKE mode.

    P FILE MEMORY does not work in this mode.

    The name of classification are not related with thegenre of the music source.

    Changing the equalizerdisplay

    You can change the equalizer display

    according to the music you are listening to.

    / Press SPECTRUM ANALYZER.Every time you press the button, thedisplay changes as follows:

    Image patternNormal pattern

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    3 Press B/brepeatedly to select afrequency band.

    4 Press V/vto adjust the level.

    5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 to adjust theother frequency bands.

    6 Press ENTER when finished.


    If you choose another audio emphasis (other thanEFFECT OFF), the adjusted sound effect is lost. Toretain the adjusted sound effect for future use, store

    it in a personal file (see Making a personal audioemphasis file on page 34).

    Act ivating t he surroundeffect

    The Surround Menu lets you select the soundcharacteristics according to the sound you arelistening to.

    / Press DSP until the desired DSPmode appears in the display.Each time you press this button, themenu changes as follows:

    OFF:Deactivates the DSP mode.

    SURROUND:Reproduces stereo sourcesin surround sound.

    HALL:Reproduces the acoustics of aconcert hall.

    THEATER:Reproduces the acoustics of amovie theater.

    ENHANCED THEATER: Reproduces theacoustics of a large movie theater.


    If you choose other sound effects, the surroundeffect will be canceled. To retain the effect, store it ina personal file (see Making a personal audioemphasis file on page 34).


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    M aking a personalaudio emphasis f ile Per son al Fi l e

    You can create personal files of audiopatterns (surround effect and graphicequalizer) and store them in the systemsmemory. Later, you can call up an audiopattern when playing a favorite tape, CD, orradio program. You can create up to fiveaudio files. Before operation, first select thebasic audio emphasis you want for yoursound.

    2 4 3

    1 Create the desired sound effect byusing the graphic equalizer and/or

    surround effect (see Adjusting theaudio emphasis on page 32).

    2 Press P FILE MEMORY.A personal file number appears in thedisplay.

    3 Press B/bto select the file number(P FILE) where you want to storethe sound effect.

    4 Press ENTER.The adjusted sound effects are stored

    under the selected file number. Anysettings previously stored at thismemory location are erased andreplaced by the new settings.

    To call up the personal fi le

    Press V/vrepeatedly to display the lastselected personal file, then press B/brepeatedly to select the desired personal file.When using the remote, press FILE SELECTV/vrepeatedly.

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    You can enjoy the Dolby Pro Logic Surroundsound of Dolby Surround-encoded(q) videos and TV programs.Complete the setup and speaker adjustmentsfirst (see Step 2: Setting up the speakers onpage 7).

    1 Press PRO LOGIC so the indicatorabove the PRO LOGIC button lightsup.

    2 Play a program source.

    To turn off the Dolby Pro Logic

    Surround sound

    Press PRO LOGIC so the indicator above thePRO LOGIC button goes off.


    You cannot use the Dolby Pro Logic Surroundsound and Surround Menu functions at the sametime.

    When you record the sound, turn off the DolbyPro Logic Surround sound.

    The audio emphasis setting will be canceled whenyou turn on the Dolby Pro Logic Surround sound.

    Enjoying Dolby ProLogic Surroundsound


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    Other Features





    Using the RadioData System (RDS)(For the European modelonly)

    What is the Radio DataSystem?The Radio Data System (RDS) is a broadcastingservice that allows radio stations to sendadditional information along with the regularprogram signal. This tuner offers convenientRDS features, such as monitoring traffic, news,or information programs and locating a station

    by program type. RDS is available only on FM



    RDS may not work properly if the station you aretuned to is not transmitting the RDS signal properlyor if the signal strength is weak.

    * Not all FM stations provide RDS service, nor dothey all provide the same types of services. If youare not familiar with the RDS system, check withyour local radio stations for details on RDS servicesin your area.

    Receiving RDS broadcasts

    / Select a station from the FM band.When you tune in a station thatprovides RDS services, the stationname appears in the display.

    To check t he RDS informat ion

    Each time you press DISPLAY, the display

    changes as follows:

    n Station name*


    Program type*

    Clock display

    Effect (P FILE) name or EFFECT ON

    (OFF)* If an RDS broadcast is not received, the station

    name and the program type may not appear inthe display.

    Locat ing a stat ion byprogram type (PTY)

    You can locate the desired station by selectinga program type. The system tunes in that typeof program currently being broadcast fromthe RDS stations stored in the tuners preset


    1 Press PTY while listening to theradio.

    2 Press TUNING +/ to select thedesired program type. See the Listof program types (PTY) on thefollowing page.

    3 Press ENTER/NEXT.The system starts searching for thepreset RDS stations (SEARCH and theselected program type appear alternatelyin the display).

    When the tuner receives a program, thepreset station number flashes.


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    4 Press TUNING +/ until the desiredpreset station number flashes in thedisplay.

    5 Press ENTER/NEXT while thepreset station number is flashing.

    To stop the search w hile i t is inprogress

    Press PTY.

    List of program types (PTY)


    No program type or undefined.

    NEWSNews programs.


    Topical programs that expand on currentnews.


    Programs about consumer affairs andmedical advice.


    Sports programs.


    Educational programs, such as how-toprograms and advice.


    Radio plays and serials.


    Programs about national or regionalculture, language, and social concerns.

    SCIENCEPrograms about the natural sciences


    Programs containing celebrity interviews,panel games, and comedy.


    Popular music programs.


    Rock music programs.


    Easy listening (middle of the road music).


    Classical music, such as instrumental,vocal, and choral works.


    Performances of major orchestras, chambermusic, opera, etc.


    Music, such as rhythm and blues andreggae.


    Weather information.


    Stock market reports and trading, etc.

    CHILDRENPrograms for the young.


    Programs about people and the things thataffect them.


    Programs of religious content.


    Programs where members of the public

    express their views by phone or in a publicforum.


    Programs about travel. Not forannouncements that are located by TP/TA.


    Programs on recreational activities such asgardening, fishing, cooking, etc.


    Jazz programs.COUNTRY

    Country music programs.


    Programs featuring the popular music ofthe country or region.


    Programs featuring oldies music.


    Folk music programs.


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    Singingalong: Karaoke

    You can sing along with any stereo CD ortape by turning down the singers voice. Youneed to connect an optional microphone.

    1,53 24

    1 Turn MIC LEVEL to MIN to turndown the microphone level.

    2 Connect an optional microphone tothe MIX MIC.


    Investigative features.


    Test signal for emergency broadcasts.


    Emergency broadcasts.


    NO PTY appears when the program you selectedis not currently being broadcasted.

    Usin g t he Rad i o D a t a Sys tem (RDS)

    ( con t i n ued )

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    M ixing and recordingsounds

    23 4



    3 Press KARAOKE PON/MPXrepeatedly to obtain the desiredkaraoke effect.Each time you press this button, thedisplay changes as follows:


    MPX R

    MPX L

    EFFECT OFF or audio emphasis name

    h appears in the display when thekaraoke mode is activated.


    Reduce the singersvoice on a CD or tape

    Reduce the left channelon a multiplex CD ortape

    Reduce the rightchannel on a multiplexCD or tape

    4 Start playing the music and adjustthe volume.

    5 Turn MIC LEVEL to adjust themicrophone volume.

    When you are done

    Turn MIC LEVEL to MIN and disconnect themicrophone from MIX MIC, then press

    KARAOKE PON/MPX repeatedly until hdisappears from the display.


    With some songs, vocals may not be canceled whenyou select KARAOKE PON.

    1 Prepare the microphone and thekaraoke effect. Then, insert a blank

    tape in deck B.

    2 Press rREC.

    3 Press P.

    4 Press Pto start playing the CD(or on deck A to start playingthe tape).

    Playback starts.Start singing along with the music.

    To stop recording

    Press pon deck B.



    MPX R

    MPX L


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    Falling asleep tomusic Slee p Tim er

    You can set the system to turn off at a presettime, so you can fall asleep listening to music.You can preset the remaining time in 10minute increments.




    If acoustic feedback (howling) occurs, move themicrophone away from the speakers or change thedirection of the microphone.

    If you want to record your voice through the

    microphone only, you can do so by selecting CDas the source but not playing a CD.

    When high level sound signals are input, thesystem automatically adjusts the recording level toprevent distortion of the recorded sound signal(Auto Level Control function).


    If you press EFFECT or select a sound effect, thekaraoke mode is canceled.

    The instrumental sound may be reduced as well asthe singers voice when the source sound was

    recorded monaurally. The singers voice may not be reduced when:

    only a few instruments are playing.

    a duet is being sung.

    the source has strong echoes or chorus.

    the singers voice deviates from the center.

    the voice on the source is singing high sopranoor tenor notes. / Press SLEEP.

    Each time you press this button, theminutes display (the remaining time)changes as follows:


    OFFN10MIN ....... 50MINN60MIN

    When you choose AUTO

    The system turns off when the current CD ortape finishes playback (up to 100 minutes).The system turns off if you manually stopplaying a CD or tape.

    To check the remaining timePress SLEEP once.

    To change the remaining t ime

    Press SLEEP repeatedly to select the desiredtime.

    To cancel the Sleep Timer function

    Press SLEEP repeatedly until SLEEP OFFappears in the display.

    Si n g i n g al o n g : K ar ao k e

    ( con t i n ued )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    Waking up tomusic Dai l y Tim er

    You can wake up to music at a preset timeevery day. Make sure you have set the clock(see Step 3: Setting the time on page 9).

    The 24-hour system model is used forillustration purposes.

    1 Prepare the music source you wantto play. CD: Insert a CD. To start from a

    specific track, create a program (seeProgramming CD tracks on page23).

    Tape: Insert a tape with the side youwant to play facing forward.

    Radio: Tune in the preset station youwant (see Step 4: Presetting radiostations on page 10).

    2 Turn VOLUME to adjust the


    3 4,5,6,7,8DAILY



    3 Press t/CLOCK SET.SET appears and DAILY flashes inthe display.

    4 Press TUNING +/ to selectDAILY, then press ENTER/

    NEXT.ON appears and the hour indicationflashes in the display.

    5 Set the time to start playback.Press TUNING +/ to set the hour, thenpress ENTER/NEXT.

    The minutes indication flashes.

    Press TUNING +/ to set the minutes,

    then press ENTER/NEXT.The hour indication flashes again.

    6 Set the time to stop playbackfollowing the above procedure.

    7 Press TUNING +/ until the desiredmusic source appears.

    The indication changes as follows:


    CD PLAYn


    8 Press ENTER/NEXT.The start time, the stop time, and themusic source appear in turn before theoriginal display returns.

    9 Turn off the system.


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    Timer-recordingradio programs

    To timer-record, you must preset the radiostation (see Step 4: Presetting radio stations

    on page 10) and set the clock (see Step 3:Setting the time on page 9) beforehand.

    3,4,57 6REC 2

    1 Tune in the preset radio station (seeListening to the radio on page 15).

    2 Press t/CLOCK SET.SET appears and DAILY flashes inthe display.

    3 Press TUNING +/ to select REC,then press ENTER/NEXT.ON appears and the hour indicationflashes in the display.

    To check the setting

    1 Press DAILY.

    2 TIMER OFF appears in the display.

    3 Press DAILY again.

    To cancel the timer operation

    1 Press DAILY.

    2 TIMER OFF appears in the display.


    The system turns on 15 seconds before the presettime.

    You cannot set the timer if the timer on and off

    times are the same. When you set the Sleep Timer, the Daily Timerwill not turn on the system until the Sleep Timerturns it off.

    You cannot set the Daily Timer and Timer-recording to be activated at the same time.

    Wak ing up t o mu si c ( con t i n ued )

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    4 Set the time to start recording.Press TUNING +/ to set the hour, thenpress ENTER/NEXT.

    The minutes indication flashes.

    Press TUNING +/ to set the minutes,then press ENTER/NEXT.

    The hour indication flashes again.

    5 Set the time to stop recordingfollowing the above procedure.

    The start time, the stop time, therecording source, and the preset stationappear in turn before the original displayreturns.

    6 Insert a blank tape in deck B.

    7 Turn off the system.When recording starts, the volume levelis set to the minimum.

    To check the setting

    1 Press REC.

    2 TIMER OFF appears in the display.

    3 Press REC again.

    To change the setting, start over from step 1on the previous page.

    To cancel t he t imer operation

    1 Press REC.2 TIMER OFF appears in the display.


    The system turns on 15 seconds before the presettime.

    If the system is on at the preset time, the Timerrecording will not be made.

    You cannot set the timer if the timer on and offtimes are the same.

    When you set the Sleep Timer, the Timer-recording will not start until the Sleep Timer turns

    off the system. You cannot set the Daily Timer and Timer-

    recording to be activated at the same time.

    Recording starts from the front side.

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    Connecting an M D deckfor digital recording

    You can record a CD to an MD digitally byconnecting your MD deck using an opticalcable. Refer to the instructions included withyour MD deck for details.

    To t he d igita l input o f t he MD de ck

    To t he a udio out putsof the MD deck

    To t he a udio inputs ofthe MD de ck

    Connect ing audiocomponents

    Connecting a turntable

    Be sure to match the color of the plugs andthe connectors. To listen to the sound fromthe connected turntable, press FUNCTIONrepeatedly until PHONO appears. Refer tothe instructions included with your turntablefor details.

    To th e aud io output of the t urntab le

    Optional AV components

    Connecting an M D deckfor analog recording

    Be sure to match the color of the plugs and

    the connectors. To listen to the sound of theconnected MD deck, press FUNCTIONrepeatedly until MD appears. Refer to theinstructions included with your MD deck fordetails.


    Using the turntable at high volume may causedistortion or howling. This is often caused by the

    bass sound from the speakers. The bass sound maybe picked up by the needle of the turntable, andproduce the distortion or howling. To avoid this, dothe following:

    1 Keep some distance between the speakers and theturntable.

    2 Stop using the surround effect.

    3 Install the speakers or the turntable on a firm andstable surface.

    4 Press SUPER WOOFER repeatedly until theindicator on this button goes off.

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    Connect ing a subw oofer(LBT-DR8AV/W900AVonly)

    You can connect an optional subwoofer.Refer to the instructions included with yoursubwoofer for details.

    Connecting videocomponents

    You can connect a VCR, camcorder, or videogame to the VIDEO 1 jack on the rear panel

    and/or the VIDEO2 INPUT jack on the frontpanel.

    You can also connect a DVD player to theDVD INPUT jacks on the rear panel (LBT-DR8AV/W900AV only).

    Connecting a TV

    To see the picture from the connectedcomponents, connect the input jack of your

    TV to the VIDEO OUT jack with the videoconnecting cable (not supplied).

    To th e inpu t ja ck of th e TV


    When using a TV

    Turn on the TV and select the video input towatch the pictures from this system.

    To th e input of the subw oo fer

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    Connecting a camcorderor video game

    Be sure to match the color of the plugs andthe connectors. To listen to the sound fromthe connected camcorder or video game,press FUNCTION repeatedly untilVIDEO 2 appears.

    Refer to the instructions included with eachcomponent for details.

    To th e vide ooutput of thecomponent

    Conn ect i n g v i d eo com pon en t s

    ( c on t i n ued )

    By pressing

    TV 1/u


    TV VOL

    TV CH


    Depending on the TV, you may not be able tocontrol your TV or to use some buttons above.

    You can

    Turn on or off the TV

    Select the input source for the TV

    Adjust the volume of the TV

    Change the channel of the TV

    To t he a udio ou tputof the VCR

    To t he video o utputof the VCR

    You can control Sony TVs using the buttonsbelow.

    TV 1/u

    TV CH

    TV VOL


    Connecting a VCR

    Be sure to match the color of the plugs andthe connectors. To listen to the sound fromthe connected VCR, press FUNCTIONrepeatedly until VIDEO 1 appears.

    Refer to the instructions included with your

    VCR for details.

    To th e a udiooutput of thecomponent

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    To t he video out put o fth e DVD player

    To the front outputof the DVD player

    Connect ing a DVD player(LBT-DR8AV/W900AVonly)

    When your DVD player has 5.1

    channel analog output s

    Be sure to match the color of the plugs andthe connectors. To listen to the sound fromthe connected DVD player, press DVD 5.1CHso the indicator above the button lights up.

    When you listen to a stereo sound track fromthe DVD player, press DVD 5.1CH repeatedlyso the indicator above the button goes off.

    To th e rea rou tput o f theDVD pla yer

    To th e cent erou tput o f theDVD pla yer

    DVD 5.1CH

    When your DVD player has stereo

    analog outputs

    Be sure to match the color of the plugs andthe connectors. Connect the LINE OUT(audio) output jack of your DVD player to theFRONT jacks of DVD INPUT with the audioconnecting cable. To listen to the sound from

    the connected DVD player, press DVD 5.1CHrepeatedly so the indicator above the buttongoes off. At this moment, the DVD (for 2channel) function is selected.


    Each time you press DVD 5.1CH, the functionchanges as follows:

    DVD 5.1CH DVD (2 channel)

    (indicator on) (indicator off)

    You cannot enjoy the 5.1 channel surround soundif you connect a DVD player which does not havethe 5.1 channel analog outputs.

    To the w oo ferou tput o f theDVD pla yer

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Insula ted w ire (not supplied)

    AM antenna

    Connect a 6 to 15 meter (20 to 50 feet)insulated wire to the AM antenna terminal.Leave the supplied AM loop antennaconnected.

    Except for European m odels


    If you connect an outdoor antenna, connect aground wire to the yterminal with the screwclamp. To prevent a gas explosion, do notconnect the ground wire to a gas pipe.

    For European m odels

    Insula ted w ire (not supplied)


    FM 75



    Connectingoutdoor antennas

    75-ohm coaxial cable(not supplied)

    Except for European m odels

    For European m odels

    IEC sta nd a rd socket(not supplied)


    FM 75



    Connect an outdoor antenna to improve thereception. Refer to the instructions of each


    FM antenna

    Connect an optional FM outdoor antenna.You can also use the TV antenna instead.

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    On operating voltageBefore operating the system, check that theoperating voltage of your system is identical with

    the voltage of your local power supply.

    On safety The unit is not disconnected from the AC power

    source (mains) as long as it is connected to thewall outlet, even if the unit itself has been turnedoff.

    Unplug the system from the wall outlet (mains) ifit is not to be used for an extended period of time.To disconnect the cord (mains lead), pull it out bythe plug. Never pull the cord itself.

    Should any solid object or liquid fall into the

    component, unplug the stereo system and havethe component checked by qualified personnel

    before operating it any further.

    The AC power cord must be changed only at aqualified service shop.

    On placement Place the stereo system in a location with adequate

    ventilation to prevent heat build-up in the stereosystem.

    Do not place the system in an inclined position.

    Do not place the system in locations where it is;

    Extremely hot or cold Dusty or dirty

    Very humid

    Subject to vibrations

    Subject to direct sunlight

    On operat ion If the stereo system is brought directly from a cold

    to a warm location, or is placed in a very damproom, moisture may condense on the lens insidethe CD player. Should this occur, the system willnot operate properly. Remove the CD and leave

    the system turned on for about an hour until themoisture evaporates.

    When you move the system, take out any discs.

    If you have any questions or problems concerningyour stereo system, please consult your nearestSony dealer.

    Notes on CDs Before playing, clean the CD with a cleaning cloth.

    Wipe the CD from the center out.

    Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner,commercially available cleaners, or anti-staticspray intended for vinyl LPs.

    Do not expose the CD to direct sunlight or heatsources such as hot air ducts, nor leave it in a carparked in direct sunlight.

    Additional InformationCleaning the cabinetUse a soft cloth slightly moistened with milddetergent solution.

    To save a t ape permanentlyTo prevent a tape from being accidentally recordedover, break off the cassette tab from side A or B asillustrated.

    Detector slot s

    Ta b o f side B Ta b o f side A

    Side A

    Break of f thecasset te ta b o fside A

    Detector slots


    If you later want to reuse the tape for recording,cover the broken tab with adhesive tape. However,

    be careful not to cover the detector slots which allowthe tape player to automatically detect the type oftape.

    Ta pe typ e: CrO2/Meta l No rma l

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    If you run into any problem using this stereosystem, use the following checklist.

    First, check that the power cord is connectedfirmly and the speakers are connectedcorrectly and firmly.

    Should any problem persist, consult yournearest Sony dealer.


    The display starts flashing as soon as youplug in the power cord even though youhavent turned on the system

    (demonstration mode).Press DISPLAY (for LBT-W900AV/

    XB800AV) or DEMO (STANDBY) (forother models) while the system is off.

    If the system is in the Power Savingmode, press POWER SAVE/DEMO(STANDBY) (for LBT-W900AV/XB800AV).

    The demonstration appears automaticallythe first time you plug in the power cord,or if there is a power outage lasting

    longer than half a day.

    The clock setting/radio presetting iscanceled.

    The power cord is disconnected or apower failure occurs for more than half aday.

    Redo the following procedures:

    Step 3: Setting the time on page 9.

    Step 4: Presetting radio stations onpage 10.

    To set the timer function again, also redoWaking up to music on page 41 andTimer-recording radio programs onpage 42.

    There is no sound.

    Turn VOLUME clockwise.

    The headphones are connected.

    Insert only the stripped portion of thespeaker cord into the SPEAKER jack.Inserting the vinyl portion of the speakercord will interfere with the speakerconnection.

    The volume level is automatically set tothe minimum during the Timer-recording.

    Before placing a casset te in the

    tape deckTake up any slack in the tape. Otherwise the tapemay get entangled inside the tape deck and becomedamaged.

    When using a tape longer than 90

    minutesThe tape is very elastic. Do not frequently changethe tape operations such as play, stop, and fast-forwarding, etc. The tape may get entangled in thetape deck.

    Cleaning the tape headsClean the tape heads after every 10 hours of use.When the tape heads become dirty

    the sound is distorted

    there is a decrease in sound level

    the sound drops out

    the tape does not erase completely

    the tape does not record

    Make sure to clean the tape heads before you startan important recording or after playing an old tape.Use a separately sold dry-type or wet-type cleaningcassette. For details, refer to the instructions of thecleaning cassette.

    Demagnetizing the tape headsDemagnetize the tape heads and the metal parts thathave contact with the tape every 20 to 30 hours ofuse with a separately sold demagnetizing cassette.For details, refer to the instructions of thedemagnetizing cassette.

    Precau t i on s (con t i nu ed )

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    There is no sound from the speakersexcept the center speaker.

    The source being played back ismonaural. Press PRO LOGIC to turn offthe Pro Logic mode.

    There is no sound from the center speaker.

    Set the CENTER LEVEL to theappropriate level.

    There is no sound from the rear speakers.

    Set the REAR LEVEL to the appropriatelevel.

    The software being played back haslimited sound effects. Check the volumewith the test tone.

    CD PlayerThe CD tray does not rotate.

    A CD is not placed properly.

    A CD will not play.

    The CD is not lying flat in the disc tray.

    The CD is dirty.

    The CD is inserted label side down.

    Moisture condensation has built up.Remove the CD and leave the system

    turned on for about an hour until themoisture evaporates.

    Play does not start from the first track.

    The player is in Program or Shuffle Playmode. Press PLAY MODE repeatedlyuntil PROGRAM, ALL DISCSSHUFFLE, or 1 DISC SHUFFLEdisappears from the display.

    Tape DeckThe tape does not record.

    No tape is in the cassette holder.

    The tab has been removed from thecassette (see page 49).

    The tape has reeled to the end.

    The tape does not record nor play, or thereis a decrease in sound level.

    The heads are dirty. Clean them (see page

    50).The record/playback heads aremagnetized. Demagnetize them (see page50).

    There is no microphone sound.

    Turn VOLUME or MIC LEVEL to adjustthe microphone volume.

    Make sure the microphone is connectedto the MIX MIC jack correctly.

    There is severe hum or noise.

    A TV or VCR is placed too close to thestereo system. Move the stereo systemaway from the TV or VCR.

    0:00 (for European and Brazilian models)or 12:00AM (for other models) flashes inthe display.

    A power interruption occurred. Reset theclock and timer settings.

    The timer does not function.

    Set the clock correctly.

    DAILY and REC do not appear when youpress t/CLOCK SET.

    Set the timer correctly.

    Set the clock.

    The remote does not function.

    There is an obstacle between the remoteand the system.

    The remote is not pointing in thedirection of the systems sensor.

    The batteries have run down. Replace the

    batteries.There is acoustic feedback.

    Decrease the volume level.

    Move the microphone away from thespeakers or change the direction of themicrophone.

    The color irregularity on a TV screenpersists.

    Turn off the TV set once, then turn it onafter 15 to 30 minutes. If the color

    irregularity still persists, place thespeakers farther away from the TV set.


    There is no sound and POWER OFFappears in the display.

    Press 1/uto turn off the system andcheck the speaker connections and

    placement.Sound comes from only one channel or theleft and right volumes are unbalanced.

    Check the speaker connections andplacement. continued

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions




    Amplifier section

    LBT-W900AVFront Speaker:

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)100 + 100 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Total harmonics distortionLess than 0.07%(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 50 W)

    Center Speaker:Continuous RMS power output (Reference)

    45 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Rear Speaker:

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)40 + 40 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    LBT-XB800AVFront Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    90 + 90 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)120 + 120 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%

    THD)Music power output (Reference)

    200 + 200 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Center Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    30 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)40 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Music power output (Reference)60 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Rear Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    15 + 15 watts(16 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)20 + 20 watts(16 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Music power output (Reference)

    30 + 30 watts(16 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    The tape does not erase completely.

    The record/playback heads aremagnetized. Demagnetize them (see page50).

    There is excessive wow or flutter, or thesound drops out.

    The capstans or pinch rollers are dirty.Clean them (see page 50).

    Noise increases or the high frequencies aremissing.

    The record/playback heads aremagnetized. Demagnetize them (see page50).


    Severe hum or noise (TUNED orSTEREO flashes in the display).

    Adjust the antenna.

    The signal strength is too weak. Connectan external antenna.

    A stereo FM program cannot be received instereo.

    Press STEREO/MONO so STEREOappears in the display.

    If other problems not described

    above occur, reset t he system asfollows:

    1 Unplug the power cord.

    2 Plug the power cord back in.

    3 Press t/CLOCK SET, ENTER, and

    1/uat the same time.The system is reset to the factory settings. Allthe settings you made, such as the presetstations, clock, and timer are cleared. Youshould set them again.

    Trou b l e shoo t i n g ( con t i n ued )

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    LBT-DR8AVFront Speaker:The following measured at AC 120/220/240 V,50 HzDIN power output (Rated)

    130 + 130 watts(6 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)160 + 160 watts

    (6 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)Center Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    30 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)40 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Rear Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    30 + 30 watts

    (8 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)Continuous RMS power output (Reference)40 + 40 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    LBT-DR7AVFront Speaker:The following measured at AC 120/220/240 V,50 HzDIN power output (Rated)

    110 + 110 watts(6 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)140 + 140 watts(6 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Center Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    30 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)40 watts(8 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    Rear Speaker:DIN power output (Rated)

    15 + 15 watts(16 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN)

    Continuous RMS power output (Reference)20 + 20 watts(16 ohms at 1 kHz, 10%THD)

    InputsPHONO IN (phono jacks):sensitivity 3 mV,

    impedance 47 kilohmsMIX MIC (phone jack): sensitivity 1 mV,

    impedance 10 kilohmsVIDEO1 IN (phono jacks): sensitivity 250 mV,

    impedance 47 kilohmsVIDEO2 IN (phono jacks): sensitivity 250 mV,

    impedance 47 kilohmsMD IN (phono jacks): sensitivity 450 mV,

    impedance 47 kilohms

    (LBT-DR8AV/W900AV)DVD IN (phono jacks): sensitivity 450 mV,

    impedance 47 kilohms

    OutputsPHONES (stereo phone jack):

    accepts headphones of 8ohms or more

    VIDEO OUT (phono jack):

    voltage 250 mV,impedance 1 kilohmMD OUT (phono jacks): voltage 250 mV,

    impedance 1 kilohm(LBT-DR8AV/W900AV)WOOFER OUT (phono jack):

    voltage 1 V, impedance1 kilohm

    FRONT SPEAKER:(LBT-W900AV/XB800AV)accepts impedance of 8 to

    16 ohms(LBT-DR8AV/DR7AV) accepts impedance of 6 to

    16 ohms

    CENTER SPEAKER: accepts impedance of 8 to16 ohmsREAR SPEAKER:(LBT-DR8AV/W900AV) accepts impedance of 8 to

    16 ohms(LBT-DR7AV/XB800AV) impedance 16 ohms

    Video section

    InputsVIDEO1 IN (phono jacks): 1 V p-p, 75 ohmsVIDEO2 IN (phono jacks): 1 V p-p, 75 ohms

    OutputVIDEO OUT (phono jack):1 V p-p, 75 ohms

    CD player sect ion

    System Compact disc and digitalaudio system

    Laser Semiconductor laser(= 780 nm)Emissionduration: continuous

    Laser output Max. 44.6 W** This output is the valuemeasured at a distance of

    200 mm from theobjective lens surface onthe Optical Pick-up Blockwith 7 mm aperture.

    Wavelength 780 790 nmFrequency response 2 Hz 20 kHz (0.5 dB)Signal-to-noise ratio More than 90 dBDynamic range More than 90 dBCD DIGITAL OUT(square optical connector jack, rear panel)Wave length: 660 nmOutput level: 18 dBm

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    Speci f i ca t i on s (con t i nu ed )

    Tape player sect ion

    Recording system 4-track 2-channel stereoFrequency response (DOLBY NR OFF)

    40 13,000 Hz ( 3 dB),using a Sony TYPE I

    cassette40 14,000 Hz ( 3 dB),using a Sony TYPE IIcassette

    Wow and flutter 0.15% W. Peak (IEC)0.1% W. RMS (NAB)0.2% W. Peak (DIN)

    Tuner section

    FM stereo, FM/AM superheterodyne tuner

    FM tuner section

    Tuning range(2 band model)North American model: 87.5 108.0 MHz

    (100 kHz step)Other models: 87.5 108.0 MHz

    (50 kHz step)(3 band model)FM: 87.5 108.0 MHz (50 kHz

    step)UKV: 65.0 74.0 MHz (10 kHz

    step) STEREO PLUSAntenna FM wire antennaAntenna terminals 75 ohm unbalancedIntermediate frequency 10.7 MHz

    AM tuner sectionTuning rangeNorth American model: 530 1,710 kHz

    (with the tuning intervalset at 10 kHz)531 1,710 kHz(with the tuning intervalset at 9 kHz)

    European model: 531 1,602 kHz(with the tuning intervalset at 9 kHz)

    Middle Eastern model: 531 1,602 kHz(with the tuning intervalset at 9 kHz)

    Other models: 531 1,602 kHz(with the tuning intervalset at 9 kHz)530 1,710 kHz(with the tuning intervalset at 10 kHz)

    Antenna AM loop antenna,External antennaterminals

    Intermediate frequency 450 kHz


    Front speaker:SS-DR8AV/XB800AV for LBT-DR8AV/XB800AVSpeaker system 4-way, 4-unit, bass-reflex

    type, magneticallyshielded type

    Speaker unitsSuper Woofer: 20 cm dia., cone typeWoofer: 20 cm dia., cone typeLow Tweeter: 6 cm dia., cone typeHigh Tweeter: 6 cm dia., cone typeRated impedance:(SS-DR8AV) 6 ohms(SS-XB800AV) 8 ohmsDimensions (w/h/d) Approx. 290 595 445

    mm (11 1/2 23 1/2 17 5/8in)

    Mass Approx. 16 kg (35 lb 8oz.)net per speaker

    SS-DR7AV/W900AV for LBT-DR7AV/W900AVSpeaker system 3-way, 3-unit, bass-reflex

    type, magneticallyshielded type

    Speaker unitsSuper Woofer: 17 cm dia., cone typeWoofer: 17 cm dia., cone typeTweeter: 6 cm dia., cone typeRated impedance:(SS-DR7AV) 6 ohms(SS-W900AV) 8 ohmsDimensions (w/h/d) Approx. 255 505 315

    mm (10 1/8 20 12 1/2in)

    Mass Approx. 9 kg (20 lb)net per speaker

    Center speaker:SS-CN99Speaker system Full-range, bass-reflex

    type, magneticallyshielded type

    Speaker unitsFull range 10 cm dia., cone typeRated impedance 8 ohmsDimensions (w/h/d) Approx. 360 130 170

    mm (14 1/4 5 1/86 3/4in)

    Mass Approx. 2 kg (4 lb 8 oz.)

    Rear speaker:SS-SR99 for LBT-DR7AV/XB800AVSpeaker system Full-range, bass-reflex

    typeSpeaker unitsFull range 10 cm dia., cone typeRated impedance 16 ohmsDimensions (w/h/d) Approx. 180 130 170

    mm (7 1/8 5 1/86 3/4in)

    Mass Approx. 1.5 kg (3 lb 5 oz.)net per speaker

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    SS-SR99D for LBT-DR8AV/W900AVSpeaker system Full-range, bass-reflex

    typeSpeaker unitsFull range 10 cm dia., cone typeRated impedance 8 ohmsDimensions (w/h/d) Approx. 180 130 170

    mm (7 1/8 5 1/86 3/4in)

    Mass Approx. 1.5 kg (3 lb 5 oz.)


    Power requirementsNorth American model: 120 V AC , 60 HzEuropean model: 230 V AC, 50/60 HzMexican model: 120 V AC , 50/60 HzAustralian model: 230 240 V AC, 50/60 HzOther models: 120 V, 220 V, or 230

    240 V AC, 50/60 HzAdjustable with voltageselector

    Power consumption(LBT-DR8AV) 260 watts(LBT-DR7AV) 205 watts(LBT-W900AV) 190 watts(LBT-XB800AV) 175 watts

    Dimensions (w/h/d) Approx. 356 423 446mm (141/816 3/417 5/8in) incl. projectingparts and controls

    Mass(LBT-DR8AV) Approx. 15.0 kg (33 lb 2

    oz.)(LBT-DR7AV) Approx. 14.5 kg (32 lb)(LBT-W900AV) Approx. 13.5 kg (29 lb 13

    oz.)(LBT-XB800AV) Approx. 14.0 kg (30 lb 14


    Supplied accessories AM loop antenna (1)Remote RM-SR11AV (1)R6 (size AA) batteries (2)FM wire antenna (1)Speaker cords (2)

    Design and specifications are subject to changewithout notice.

  • 7/25/2019 SONY Compact Hi-Fi Stereo System - Operating instructions



    Karaoke 38

    to reduce the vocals(KARAOKE PON) 39

    to sing along with amultiplex CD or tape

    (MPX R/MPX L) 39


    Loop 29



    mixing 39

    Mixing sound 39


    Normal Play 13Non-Stop Play 25


    One Touch Play 14, 16, 19

    P , QPersonal File 34


    a CD 13

    a preset radio station 15

    a tape 18

    tracks in random order

    (Shuffle Play) 22

    tracks in the desiredorder (Program Play) 23

    tracks repeatedly (RepeatPlay) 22

    without interruption 25

    Presetting radio stations 10

    Preset tuning 15

    Program Edit 27

    Program Play 23


    Radio stations

    presetting 10

    tuning in 15

    RDS* 36


    a CD 14a radio program 17

    another tape 20

    CDs by specifying thetrack order 27

    on a tape manually 26

    selecting tape lengthautomatically 28

    timer-recording 42

    Repeat Play 22

    Resetting the system 52


    Saving power 11

    Saving recordings 49

    Setting the time 9

    Shuffle Play 22

    Sleep Timer 40

    Sound adjustment 30

    Speakers 5, 7Surround effect 33

    Surround menu 33

    SYNC BASS 30

    SYNC EQ 31

    T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

    Tape Select Edit 28

    Test tone 8

    Timerfalling asleep to music 40

    timer-recording 42

    waking up to music 41

    Troubleshooting 50

    Tuner 10, 15, 17

    Tuning interval 11

    T bl 44



    the audio emphasis 32the sound 30

    the volume 14, 16, 19

    AMS 14, 18

    Antennas 5, 48

    Audio emphasis 31, 32

    Automatic Source Selection14, 16, 19


    Batteries 6


    CD player 13, 21

    CD Synchro Recording 14

    Clock setting 9

    Connecting. SeeHooking up

    D, E

    Daily timer 41

    Display 21, 32

    Dolby Pro Logic Surround 35

    DSP 33

    Dubbing 20

    DVD 47

    F, G

    Flash 29

    H, I, J

    Hooking up

    optional components 44

    speakers 5