Sorin Cerin- Wisdom Collection - The book of revelations

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Aphorisms,maxioms,quotes,quotations about love,life,death,etc.

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Wisdom Collection


translation and adaptation Alina Stan

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Sorin Cerin

Copyright © SORIN CERIN 2009


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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted inany form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SorinCerin.

This book was translated from romanian language . Wisdom Collection have been published for first time by Eminescu Publishing House in romanian language.Wisdom Collection contains six books:The BOOK of WISDOM,The BOOK of PASSION,The BOOK of ILUSSIONS and REALITY,The BOOK of REVELATIONS,The BOOK of the DEAD and The BOOK of IMMORTALITY.

Copyright © SORIN CERIN 2009Toate drepturile de reproducere asupra acestei ediţii aparţin


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Editurii Eminescu:orice reproducere, sub orice formă, atextului, fără acordul scris al editurii este interzisă.www.edituraeminescu.com,E-mail:[email protected] Eminescu Publishing House is a member of World Publishing IndustryCoperta: MARIUS CORBUDescrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a RomânieiCERIN, SORINCulegere de înţelepciune / Sorin Cerin. - Bucureşti :Editura Eminescu, 2009ISBN 978-973-22-1086-4821.135.1-1


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1. Only through love does illusion become a truth.

2. Illusion is the common denominator between lie and the truth uncovered by love.

3. Illusion is the uncanny nature of Destiny.4. Illusion if mortality’s need for absolute and

the need for mortality of immortality.5. Illusion is the boundlessness trapped in

death’s embrace.6. Illusion is the alienation of Destiny.7. Illusion is the absolute of superficial.8. Illusion is the essence of finding oneself in

nothingness.9. Illusion is the memory of the past future.10. Illusion is a staircase with steps of

eternal time. 11. Illusion is the sure mark of incertitude.12. Illusion is the happiness that lives in a

tear.13. Illusion is the longing that hurts

nonsense.14. Illusion is the general rehearsal of

hazard at perfection’s concert.5

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15. Illusion is the Destiny that has forgotten its eternity through its gift.

16. Illusion is the fulfillments romance through unfulfillment.

17. Illusion is death’s success against the death of the life after death in this world.

18. Illusion is the immortality that learns to die and the mortality that learns to live.

19. Illusion is the swan song of the fulfilled hope.

20. Illusion is the cape of suffering that protects you from the cold of death.

21. Illusion is the love that cannot understand the rust of autumn.

22. Illusion is the wind that cannot blow the heart of Destiny.

23. Illusion is the word that does not know the absolute truth.

24. Illusion is the horizon that sleeps when runs away from you.

25. Illusion is the road that becomes without ending when it is lost into the horizon.

26. Illusion is the demon of the verb to make but who does not know what it does.

27. Illusion is the sunrise of the sunset and the sunset of this existence’s sunrise.


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28. Illusion is the sleep whose dreams believe they are reality.

29. Illusion is the aura of knowing a single thing: ignorance.

30. Illusion is the distance closest to your heart: happiness.

31. Illusion is the remains of a thought that wants to be whole.

32. Illusion is the absence of any fulfillment in the heart of Fulfillment.

33. Illusion is the desperate longing for its own madness.

34. Illusion is the chastity of being evil.35. Illusion is the vanity of understanding

life.36. Illusion is the mill that grinds the

absolute to feed with the bread of absurdity.37. Illusion is the fear of death, known

only by life.38. Illusion is the memory of a love that

received a meaning in this life.39. Illusion is the fragment of memory of a

vain desire.40. Illusion is the belief in you before

knowing what an absolute truth is.41. Illusion is the light’s delusion with the

shadows of vanity.7

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42. Illusion is the gift to believe in the world’s morganatic happiness.

43. Illusion is the cloud brought by chance to Oblivion by Destiny to sift melted entities on the cold pavement of death.

44. Illusion cannot be bought, but it can be paid.

45. Illusion is the fiery demon of the fear of death and of the love of life in this vain world.

46. Illusion prays at the church of vanity called sin.

47. Illusion is the tear’s memory that always oozes on the cheek of the eternal time.

48. Illusion is the reply given by Destiny to immortality.

49. Illusion is the limit from where God starts to forget about Himself.

50. The Illusion of Life is the railway on which travels only the train of death beyond the station of birth.

51. Illusion is the spell through which Destiny wants to be a given and not a face of God.


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52. Illusion is the beginning that ends and the ending that begins between life and death.

53. Illusion will embrace only what can be a wind, taken to nowhere by Destiny.

54. Illusion can never understand the eternity of its own moment only in the multitude of endless years of other and other moments foreign to it.

55. Illusion always waits you with the smile on your lips at the brim of every word’s grave.

56. Illusion wants to be the queen of immortality not knowing that it is a mortality ruined just by its own time.

57. Illusion dwells only in the time that scans the horizon lost forever form its own dreaming space.

58. Illusion is a whim of Immortality, bored by its own quality.

59. Illusion becomes accomplished hope only when truth is forgotten.

60. Illusion is the wheel that turns the gaze of every meaning towards where the wind of nonsense blows.

61. Illusion is the favorite actor of our own existence.


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62. Illusion is the romance sang by the life of every one of us, and through which we become conscious.

63. Illusion charms truth with the beauty gilded by the deluding vanity.

64. The illusion of life is the magic that wants to be truth and quotidian reality.

65. Illusion is the countdown of logic and logic is the count of illusion.

66. Illusion cannot exist without its own logic like the truth of illusion cannot exist without any logic. Although the only truth is the absolute truth that does not belong to illusion and thus becoming illogical.

67. Illusion differs from life only through death. While the illusion of life differs from death through immortality.

68. Only death appears to us as eternal, not the illusion of life.

69. Illusion travels the mountains of accomplishment in a moment, while the absolute truth may not even go through them at all because they don’t seem to exist.

70. Illusion can make you be fulfilled while the truth may never succeed; this is why this world needs death.


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71. Without the illusion of death we would not be completely fulfilled in life.

72. Illusion deciphers life’s vanity only if you don’t understand death.

73. Would we still know what beauty, fulfillment and the love that chokes you are without the illusion of knowing that death awaits you at the other end of Life?

74. The liberty of the Illusion of Life dwells in the incommensurable longing for the immortal happiness, also never touched.

75. Illusion is the liberty to touch the morganatic happiness.

76. Would we still know happiness if we would not die?

77. Would we still know the boundlessness if we would not hit the rock of time?

78. I will ask the Illusion of Life where the steps of my destiny lead. It will answer me: “towards the eternity of the afterlife”.

79. What can be a bigger vanity in this illusory world than the absolute truth? The absolute truth of knowledge is perceived here as ignorance!

80. The one that does not understand the illusion of his own life does not know why he was born this way.


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81. Illusion is the one that never lets you understand that you actually cannot understand.

82. The product of illusion is the hasty fruit of becoming distant from your own self.

83. Illusion remembers you only when you refuse to think or believe in something and forces you to become frustrated.

84. What do we need illusion for in front of death, or the illusion of death being illusory?

85. Illusion is born and dies together with the Destiny of your soul’s world.

86. The illusion of Life is the death of life that dies with every moment in order to find its nonentity.

87. Illusion is the veil strewed with the recklessness of Destiny to be fulfilled because it believes in fulfillment as an understood thing.

88. Illusion is the soul’s boundlessness to understand its own limitation.

89. Illusion is the handle from this world’s broken jug of fulfillment.

90. Illusion is the snow of knowledge that melts in the heat of this world’s vanity.


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91. Illusion is the heart that cannot understand that it beats only the limitation in the eyes of a great love’s boundlessness.

92. Illusion is the longing that wants to be perfection in absurdity.

93. Illusion is the solecism of knowing the truth in a world of knowledge.

94. Illusion is the sieve that sieves the cockle of the absolute truth from the vanity that accepts love.

95. Illusion is the gate that lets anything pass apart from the absolute truth that can understand love only as an absolute.

96. The illusion of the absolute love is perhaps a bigger pain than the illusion itself because it is the only chance in this world to see the absolute truth.

97. Paradoxically, illusion feeds only with love, longs for the absolute of love, without ever being able to touch it. This is the real sadness of this world.

98. Illusion crosses you over only until the gate of absolute, after which it lets you manage by yourself, waiting for death.

99. Illusion is a necessary evil in every gaze that wants to love, the love of the


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absolute truth which it will reach only through the death of the self.

100. The illusion of love is the eternal beginning of a great love.

101. The cruelest chance that a soul can have: to see how alien this illusion can be from him.

102. Illusion is the chance you have not to know the true face of this world, alienated from you. Who are you, traveler?

103. Illusion remains when truth runs, but alas, this world is a great illusion.

104. Illusion washes itself with the water of dreams to be able to love a love that only belongs to the truth, from here comes this world’s entire suffering.

105. Illusion lazes only at the sun where memory will forget everything in a day.

106. Illusion ends only if it begins, while the absolute truth never begins to be able to end.

107. Illusion adores you only if you understand that the beautiful dawn in the eyes of your great love will never go away.

108. If the illusion of your greatest love stands on truth only in death, becoming an illusion of the illusion of death, then even


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the illusion of your own life stands only on Destiny thus becoming an illusion of Destiny’s illusion.

109. Illusion remains behind you with the pain of searching alone the horizon of happiness. Death waits for you outside yourself, with the happiness of never needing the horizon of pain.

110. Illusion is the chance to believe in the belief of a creed from an ocean of vanity.

111. Illusion is the existence’s absurdity so rarely acknowledged.

112. Illusion is the only that decides in this world about the absurdity’s characteristics of becoming perfection.

113. Illusion adores the mendacious waves of the endless which it can never embrace, while the absolute truth steps on the walls of these waves, ruining them with ignorance.

114. Illusion is the sunrise and sunset aroma of Destiny.

115. Illusion is the always distinct shiver of the desire that Everything never ends.

116. Illusion swims in the troubled waters of a question that the absolute truth doesn’t need, because it already knows the answer.


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117. Illusion endlessly repeats the aria of happiness without ever knowing its true notes.

118. Illusion will eternally search only to have what to find in the answer that leads it to a new search for the self.

119. Only illusion can know the peace because the absolute truth knows nothing but the nothingness.

120. Illusion is lost in the profound eyes of your soul searching for the boundlessness, to find new horizons of love, until it will die leaving the place to eternity in whose moment we will forever lose ourselves and become a star.

121. Illusion is the remorse of our own Destiny that knows it has lost eternity at the God’s fortune roulette.

122. Illusion is the boundlessness contained into a handful of earth.

123. Illusion only compares itself with its reflection in the absolute truth: being or not being true!

124. Illusion, what a great beauty in search of an identity!

125. Illusion always gives birth to moments that it will never understand.


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126. Illusion augments the vanity’s money.127. Illusion adores you together with

death’s vanity.128. Illusion comes back only in self

abandon, and thus becomes a reality.129. We are the lost illusion of a life that

reached the end of Destiny.