____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aug 2012 Vol 55, Issue 11 Meeting Place First Baptist Church 17765 Daves Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Next Meeting Sort Night Aug. 3, 2012 Doors open 6:00 P.M. Club Membership Dues Sep 1, 2011Aug 31, 2012 Adults - $12.00 Sort Night Meeting August brings us our annual sort night. We do this in preparation for two rhizome sales. One is at Yamagami’s Nursery on Saturday, August 4 th and the other is at Almaden Valley Nursery on Saturday, August 11 th . Sort night will be Friday evening at 6:00 P.M. at our regular meeting place on Daves Avenue in Los Gatos. Please bring any extra rhizomes that you can spare from your garden. We do need the rhizomes, trimmed, cleaned and marked. Please write on the middle leaf on the inside of the rhizome. (A chart and diagram may be found on page 5 of this newsletter.) Please bring a sharpie, a soft rag to wipe the leaf for writing and a pair of scissors in case we need to clean up any rhizomes. We, also have a pot luck dinner that evening. Bring a dish to share for about eight people. Drinks, plates and utensils will be provided. Next Dig at Guadalupe Gardens Wednesday, August 1st, we will be digging up the larger iris clumps at the club's Guadalupe Garden plot for sale at the Rhizome Sales on August 4th and 11th. We will be starting at 9 am and hope to be done by 12 noon. There are about eight iris we need to dig, divide, label and replant. Anyone with AIS Books, please bring them to help with identification and markers will be on hand for labeling. Water will be provided. So grab your garden gloves and lawn chair and join us for a good time! Jane Reiter ‘Foothill Journey’ Mark your calendars now for the Fall Regional! This is always a fun event and a great time to reconnect with members from the other clubs in Region 14. This year the regional is being held in Roseville October 27 th and 28 th . Paul Black will be the guest speaker and be the one to give judges training. You won’t want to miss him! For more information see the July newsletter.

Sort Night Meeting Meeting Place - cbris.org · 3.08.2012 · Sort night will be Friday evening at 6:00 P.M. at our regular meeting place on Daves ... Please bring any extra rhizomes

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Page 1: Sort Night Meeting Meeting Place - cbris.org · 3.08.2012 · Sort night will be Friday evening at 6:00 P.M. at our regular meeting place on Daves ... Please bring any extra rhizomes



Aug 2012

Vol 55, Issue 11

Meeting Place

First Baptist Church

17765 Daves Avenue

Los Gatos, CA 95030

Next Meeting

Sort Night

Aug. 3, 2012

Doors open 6:00 P.M.


Membership Dues

Sep 1, 2011— Aug 31, 2012

Adults - $12.00

Sort Night Meeting

August brings us our annual sort night. We do this in preparation for two rhizome sales. One

is at Yamagami’s Nursery on Saturday, August 4th and the other is at Almaden Valley Nursery

on Saturday, August 11th.

Sort night will be Friday evening at 6:00 P.M. at our regular meeting place on Daves Avenue in

Los Gatos. Please bring any extra rhizomes that you can spare from your garden. We do need

the rhizomes, trimmed, cleaned and marked. Please write on the middle leaf on the inside of the

rhizome. (A chart and diagram may be found on page 5 of this newsletter.) Please bring a

sharpie, a soft rag to wipe the leaf for writing and a pair of scissors

in case we need to clean up any rhizomes.

We, also have a pot luck dinner that evening. Bring a dish to

share for about eight people. Drinks, plates and utensils will be


Next Dig at Guadalupe Gardens Wednesday, August 1st, we will be digging up the larger iris clumps at the club's Guadalupe

Garden plot for sale at the Rhizome Sales on August 4th and 11th. We will be starting at 9 am

and hope to be done by 12 noon. There are about eight iris we need to dig, divide, label and

replant. Anyone with AIS Books, please bring them to help with identification and markers will

be on hand for labeling. Water will be provided.

So grab your garden gloves and lawn chair and join us for a good time!

Jane Reiter

‘Foothill Journey’

Mark your calendars now for the Fall Regional! This is always a fun event and a great time to

reconnect with members from the other clubs in Region 14. This year the regional is being

held in Roseville October 27th and 28

th. Paul Black will be the guest speaker and be the one to

give judges training. You won’t want to miss him! For more information see the July


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CBRIS-Aug 2012

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Were you there or did you miss it? The annual picnic, of course! As always there was good food, good company and good iris

rhizomes! What more could you ask for? Elaine and Jim Laflin were gracious enough to let the Clara B. Rees Iris Society hold

the annual picnic at their home in Saratoga again. Such a nice gathering place it is! There is an iris garden in the back and big

shade trees for us to sit under. As usual, Chad Schroter was the auctioneer. He can get the bidders going at times. In addition to

auctioning off the newer rhizomes a raffle was held to choose from some of the older irises. We also received a bag that

contained all of the rhizomes that we have won this past year. A few substitutions were made as was necessary if one of the

rhizomes did not put on good increase or if the gophers got it!

The barbecue was fantastic as we had our usual master chef, Carl Boro, hard at work. I do not know how he does this year after

year for the club. It is a process of three or four days by the time he shops, marinates the meat, delivers the barrels, cooks the

meat, and returns for the barrels. The club does appreciate Carl’s hard work and his fine cuisine. Members shared some of their

favorite dishes and this year the picnic fell upon Henry Rojas’ birthday. Another reason to celebrate!

All went well – door prize iris to their new homes, a successful auction and raffle, good food and a birthday! Can’t wait until next


Thank you to Philippa Alvis for being the picnic chair and to all the members that helped make the picnic a success. A fine job

was done by all!

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CBRIS-Aug 2012

Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance, July 1, 2012 $11,618.29


Auction 262.00

Dues 96.00

Meat Sales 200.12

Raffle Tickets 80.00

Total Current Income $ 638.12


Picnic Meat ($267.19)

Picnic Ice (5.98)

Iris Checklist Book (25.00)

Total Expenses -298.17

Ending Balance July 31, 2012 $11,958.24


Divide, divide and divide. Yes, it is that time of year. If

your irises are overcrowded they will not bloom well in

the Spring. The club can use your extra rhizomes for the

two sales that we hold in August.

August is a good time to dig and divide bearded Iris.

Withhold water for two weeks before digging to force

them into dormancy. Water a day before digging if

ground is very hard. Separate Iris into single fans if they

have five leaves. Smaller rhizomes should be left

attached to the “mother” rhizome. Replant as soon as

possible; avoid planting new divisions during a heat

wave. If extremely hot weather comes then some shade

is beneficial – a shingle stuck in the ground next to the

rhizome works. Water two to three times weekly until

three new leaves have grown, then once a week until

winter rains take over.

Chad Schroter


Dues for renewing members are payable on or before the

September general meeting. Dues are $12.00 for adults.

Members you may pay at sort night, the September

meeting or mail a check payable to CBRIS to Carol

Dahout, 738 Oakgrove Drive, San Jose, CA 95129.

Thank you!

─Carol Dahout,

CBRIS Treasurer

Health Update

Club member, John Sahpazais, has recently had

open heart surgery. He is doing well. Cards may

be sent to him at home.

1513 Cherry Ave

San Jose, CA



Iris Pots

Potting of iris party will be Sunday, Aug. 19th. 9:30 to

whenever we finish at Carol Dahout's. - 738 Oakgrove

Drive, San Jose, CA 95129;408-981-6209.

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CBRIS-Aug 2012

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Standard Iris Rhizome

Marking Codes

Apricot AP

Black BK

Blue BL

Brown BN

Buff BF

Cream CR

Green GR

Lavender LV

Maroon MR

Orange OG

Orchid OD

Peach PC

Pink PK

Plum PL

Purple PR

Red RD

Rose RS

Rust RT

Tan TN

White WT

Wine WN

Yellow YL


Rebloomer RE Blooms more than once in a

growing season

Bicolor BIC Standards are a different color

than the falls

Bitone BIT Two tones of the same color

Plicata PLIC Stitched or stippled margin

color on white or yellow

Space Age SA Beard appendages called

spoons, horns or flounces


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CBRIS-Aug 2012

August Birthdays

Colton Danner Aug 8

Carolyn Craft Aug 18

Scott Thompson Aug 29

Elizabeth Alameda Aug 31

Happy Birthday!

Dahlias Anyone?

Are you one of the members that is going to Colleen and Jim

Goff’s dahlia farm on Saturday, August 18,, 2012? There are

more than three acres of dahlias, perennials, bushes, daylilies

and hydrangeas. The garden will be open for CBRIS and WBIS

members from 10:30 A.M. until 2:30 P.M. Please bring a bag

lunch. Colleen’s number is 831-763-2480. Her and Jim’s address

is 14581 Tumbleweed Lane, Elkhorn Slough, CA 95076.

Directions to their farm may be found at


Garden Stakes

Jane Reiter has helped club members sign up for ‘Grow Your Rewards’ program. The Rewards Code for the club is

IRIS-CBRIS and it is active and ready for immediate use when placing orders online at www.kincaidgardens.com. This

is a good place to order quality plant markers at a reasonable price.

Kincaid Gardens

11000 County Road 366

Savannah, MO 64485-2312


Thank you

Many thanks to experts, Mikey Lango, Elaine Fischer, and Mary Lou Wyman

for helping me today with my first iris dig. I had a bed that had never been

dug for five years! With expert help, we were able to finish the entire bed by

lunch time! Elaine stayed for the afternoon cutting and labeling with me. It is

now quite clear to me how to label and divide rhizomes and prepare for the

rhizome sale. Thank you Mikey, Elaine, and Mary Lou for sharing your love

of irises and gardening. It was a splendid day in the camaraderie of these

three lovely ladies. Karen Azzi

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CBRIS-Aug 2012

Guadalupe Gardens Wednesday July 18th was the day for the Guadalupe Garden Clean-up. Six CBRIS members gathered to pull

weeds, clean up walkways and plant new iris in our plot. I'm happy to report that we got it done. My thanks to Mary

Collins, Carol Dahout, Philippa and Jack Alvis, Todd Thompson and Mikey Lango and her merry bunch of

munchkins - Cameron, Madison and Luke.

We will be having another work party on August 1st, from 9:00 A.M.to 12 noon. This time we will be digging up the

bigger clumps to divide and mark for the rhizome sales on August 4th and 11th. Please check your schedules. We

would love to have you join us in the garden. Jane Reiter



You want me to fill that bag?

Yes, this is one weed!

Just how many weeds are there?

Checking to see how you’re doing…

Wow, this is birthday fun!

Guadalupe Gardens

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Get your rhizomes dug, Get them in a bag,

Get them to the chairman, please and don't forget the tag.

Bring your shears and lunch, Don't forget a pen,

Grab a bunch of unmarked plants and

Eagerly begin

Rhizome sales, rhizome sales, marking parties, too, If you want to help your club,

I'll tell you what to do Oh....

Rhizome sales, rhizome sales, marking parties, too, If you want to help your club,

This is what you do:

Volunteer your time, for setting up the sale.

Notify your friends, By phone or post or email.

Be a sale host, and share the joy within,

Show the public what fun it is to be an Irisarian!


Rhizome sales, rhizome sales, marking parties, too, If you want to help your club,

This is what you do.... Oh.....

Rhizome sales, rhizome sales, marking parties, too, If you want to help your club,

You know what to do!

Lyrics courtesy of Jeanne Clay Plank

© 2000-2012 - Leonine Iris - All Rights Reserved

Reprinted with Jeanne Plank’s permission

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CBRIS-Aug 2012