Space Defenders An arcade video game built in Python Adrian Daniel Culea School of Computer Science University of Manchester Supervised by Dr. Stephen Pettifer May 2016 1

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Space Defenders ­ An arcade video game built in Python ­  



Adrian Daniel Culea School of Computer Science 

University of Manchester 


Supervised by Dr. Stephen Pettifer 




May 2016 

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The aim of this project is to build a 2D arcade­like game from scratch in Python, the goal                                   

being for the project to be as lightweight open source resource wise as possible. The core of                                 

the game, is PyGame [1], a set of Python modules designed for game development, which                             

was used for tasks such blitting images on the screen or moving the said images. The end                                 

product is a two levels game, the goal of the player being to destroy all the enemy space                                   

ships, picking up buffs or debuffs along the way, encountering intelligent enemies in the                           

latter level of the game.  


The following report will provide an in­depth understanding of the technicality of the project,                           

as well as the reasons this game was built in the first place. The report starts by creating a                                     

context for this work and will continue guiding the reader through the journey of its                             

implementation. The second part of the document will familiarise the reader with the                         

development of the game, as well as the alternatives that could have been used and the                               

approaches undertaken during the development, while the following part of the report will                         

present the evaluation that has been made during and after the implementation. Finally, the                           

report concludes with a reflection of the last few months of work and the outcome of the                                 



To sum it up, the report is to be used as a guide on a journey that will answer the following                                         

questions about Space Defenders: ‘Why and how the project was build?’ and ‘What                         

interesting features the game has and why?’  







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I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards Dr. Steve Pettifer for                               

guiding me throughout the project as well as helping me understand what parts of the project                               

needed to be improved so I can achieve what I planned for. What is more, I would like to                                     

thank my family for encouragement and support during my studies. Last but not least, I                             

would like to express my loving thanks to my girlfriend who was next to me when I was                                   

down and helped get on my feet the best she could.  



















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Chapter 1 Context 1.1 Video Games Industry 


Seen with skepticism and only as a curiosity 40 years ago, the video games industry has                               

grown to become one of the most profitable market nowadays. Booming in the early 2000s,                             

the video game industry became, probably, the leading form of entertainment globally,                       

leaving behind the music or film industries. Statistics show [2] that game lovers have                           

switched their interests towards this type of activities in the last three years, now spend less                               

time watching TV, movies or actually going to the movies. 

Activity  Watching TV  Going to the movies  Watching movies at home 

Less time spent  39%  40%  47% 

Fig. 1 


The last few years trend of people spending more and more time playing games, regardless of                               

the type of system the games are being played on, computer or gaming consoles, such as                               

PlayStation, Xbox or Wii, was reflected in the increase of revenue of this industry. 

Region  2013  2012  2011  2010 

Asia ­ Pacific  £35.12 bn  £31.09 bn  £29.90 bn  £27.35 bn 

Europe  £14.30 bn  £15.05 bn  £15.05 bn  £14.55 bn 

North America  £16.11 bn  £14.63 bn  £14.63 bn  £14.48 bn 

Latin America  £2.76 bn  £3.82 bn  £3.82 bn  £3.35 bn 

Middle East  £1.84 bn  £1.84 bn  £1.40 bn  £0.85 bn 

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Total  £70.13 bn  £66.43 bn  £64.8 bn  £60.53 

Fig. 2 [3] 


1.1.1 Arcade Video Games 


An arcade video game is a game that runs on a coin­operated entertainment machine installed                             

in public spaces, such as pubs, restaurants, bars or amusement parks. Despite the fact these                             

type of machines make the vast majority of gamers think of their childhood, they are,                             

surprisingly, the part of industry that, between 2010 and 2013 generated the most or almost                             

the most revenue in countries like Japan [4]. Once part of a niche gaming industry, the                               

arcade video games have significantly decreased in popularity in the western world, mainly                         

due to their price and space they take in people’s homes. However, there is a trend at the                                   

moment to recreate some of the major arcade video game names, especially for mobile                           


Year  Revenue (adjusted to 2012 inflation) 

2013  £16.03 bn (total market) 

● £5.71 billion (arcade market) 

● £3.35 billion (retail market) 

● £6.97 billion (online market) 

○ £4.49 billion (smartphone) 

2012  £15.75 bn (total market) 

● £6.00 billion (arcade) 

● £3.25 billion (retail) 

● £6.50 billion (online) 

○ £5.35 billion (mobile) 

○ £0.83 billion (PC) 

○ £312 million (console) 

2011  £16.26 bn (total market) 

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● £6.36 billion (arcade) 

● £5.65 billion (retail) 

● £4.27 billion (online) 

○ £3.18 billion (mobile) 

○ £0.83 billion (PC) 

○ £261.35 million (console) 

2010  £14.92 bn (total market) 

● £6.09 billion (arcade) 

● £5.82 billion (retail) 

● £3.01 billion (online) 

○ £1.99 billion (mobile) 

○ £0.82 billion (PC) 

○ £197 million (console) 

Fig. 3 


1.1.2 Gaming In Python 


Throughout the video game industry history, Python, as a sole programming choice, proved                         

not to be such popular. For a game to become mainstream, the underlying code needs to be                                 

easy to distribute (and/or embed) and have acceptable performance, and Python is not the top                             

of the list in either of these categories. However, in today’s game development industry,                           

Python is highly used in writing game logic or server scripting while being integrated with                             

other programming languages such as C# for games built with Unity [5] (which dominates                           

the indie game development market) or C++ (which dominates the AAA game development                         

market). [6] 


Despite lacking the resources to build and model the required graphics a modern game should                             

have on its own, there are big names in the video game industry written purely in Python                                 

(Stackless Python in fact ­ a variant of Python), and, one of these names is EvE Online.[7] 


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1.2 Aim 


The aim of the project is to overcome the downsides that Python has (mentioned above) and                               

create a game from scratch by only using Python (seasoned with PyGame on the side). There                               

are many platforms similar to PyGame, such as Pyglet[8] or Pyganim[9] and the choice of                             

using PyGame came from a personal analysis, which will be presented further in the report,                             

of the advantages and disadvantages of the three.  


1.2.1 Why This Project? 


Since the 1970s [10], people started to take interest in using their computers as an                             

entertainment environment, thus, the multi billion game industry [3] was starting to take                         

shape. Having presented earlier the sum of money this industry produces, I decided to have a                               

go and create a game of my own.  


As a kid, I was always fascinated by the idea of becoming a game developer, but, as years                                   

went by, I have realised this is not exactly what programming and computer science, as a                               

practice, are about and I dropped the idea. However, the third year project offered me the                               

possibility to try and achieve one of my childhood’s dreams and I couldn’t resist the                             



1.2.2 What The Project Is About? 


The game, called Space Defender, is a 2D arcade­like space shooter built with Python and                             

elements of PyGame. The main idea of the game is for the player to destroy all the enemy                                   

spaceships before advancing to the last level of the game where intelligent bad guys will do                               

their absolute best to defeat the good guy. Along the way, after each enemy is eliminated,                               

there is a chance a power­up will be generated which may or may not be useful to the player.                                     

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All power­ups are generated based on the player’s style of playing as well as the history of                                 

previous power­ups. The player spaceship is controlled either via mouse or keyboard and the                           

enemy spaceships have a predefined movement in the first level of the game, while being                             

controlled by an AI module in the latter level. The player starts with three lives and has to                                   

dodge enemy bullets in order to survive the continuous attack coming from the opponent                           



1.3 Why Python? 


Despite the fact that I did not put Python in a very bright light when is used for game                                     

development earlier in the report, I decided that this project is a good opportunity for                             

experimenting, as well as personal learning. Before starting writing code for the game, my                           

Python knowledge was limited, but, in the end, the research I have put in paid off. Also, I was                                     

aware from day one that doing graphics in Python will be difficult, even with platforms like                               

PyGame, which are still crude and limited, but I took my chances. 



















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Chapter 2 Development & Approaches 2.1 Overall Architecture 

Fig. 4 


The above figure shows the overall architecture of the game. As it can be seen from the                                 

diagram, there are four major units that form Space Defenders: Audio, Graphics, Assets and                           

Game State components. Having followed a loose coupling and high cohesion approach in                         

building the underlying structure of the system, components can easily be changed without                         

affecting the others, making the application more flexible and easier to maintain.  





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The following component is more or less self explanatory, assets of the game being in one of                                 

the two categories: audio or graphical assets. Regardless the category, all the assets that have                             

been used in this project are open source. Examples of graphical assets are the image used for                                 

the player spaceship or the background image of the game, while an example of audio asset is                                 

the sound that is played when the player spaceships shoots or when an enemy is destroyed.  


Game State 


Probably the most critical feature of the game, the game state is considered to be a variable                                 

between 0 and 50, 0 signaling the game just started, while 50 representing the death of the                                 

player spaceship. The said variable is what drives the algorithm that decides whether or not                             

and what power­up to throw to the player (more on power­ups later in the report) when an                                 

enemy spaceship is destroyed. The state of the game is strongly related to how many lives left                                 

a player has (from a maximum of three) and what the current score of the player is. An                                   

algorithm will take the two as inputs and will constantly compute, at every CPU clock tick,                               

the variable that represents the state of the game. One can argue this constantly calculated                             

variable represents the heart/core of the game engine. 




The task of the audio module is to select and play sounds when certain events happen, such as                                   

a power­up being picked up or the player spaceship has been hit by an enemy bullet. Before                                 

the game starts, sounds are loaded into a mixer (a module used for loading Sound objects and                                 

controlling playback), which acts as driver for the Audio module.  

With a custom buffer and a careful choice of audio channels, the game is able continuously                               

play a background sound throughout the entire gameplay without interfering with sounds that                         

are played periodically.  



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Various techniques to display graphics have been used throughout the video game history and                           

these techniques have evolved due to hardware improvements as well as the gamers’                         



Earliest games had text­based graphics [11], where players could read or view text rooms,                           

items, players or even actions performed in the game’s world. Requiring less to none                           

graphical processing, systems that could run these games did not require a video display at                             

all. The next ‘big hit’ in the video game industry was the vector graphics [12], which used                                 

geometrical primitives such as points and lines, instead of bitmap graphics. 


Fast forwarding to current day graphics, in which the 3D first or third person perspective                             

dominates the industry, I have chosen a 2D top down perspective [Fig. 5] for Space                             

Defenders. Also referred to as bird’s eye view, the top down perspective is described as a                               

camera point of view that shows the player (and the rest of the scene) from above [13].                                 

Reason behind this choice is strongly related to the detail this approach offers in displaying                             

and manipulating entities, as well as aiding the mask based collision algorithm (more on this                             

later in the report). Currently, there seems to be a trend of remaking classic games and                               

fortunately, as we live in the HD remastering era, we have already witnessed Age of Empires                               

HD [14] and with Blizzard being rumoured to release HD remakes of Warcraft III and Diablo                               

II [15], I decided to follow the same principle so my game has a classical feeling to it. 


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Fig. 5 The game itself has a number of graphical items, such as the player spaceship, the enemy                               

space ships, bullets or power­ups, that interact with each other maximising the gameplay                         

experience. All these entities are loaded as PNGs and converted to PyGame Sprite objects for                             

easier manipulation.  


2.2 Technical Achievements 


Power­Up Module 


In the video games world, power­ups are objects that aid the entity that picks them up. In                                 

order for the player to benefit from the effects of a power­up, it has to come in direct contact                                     

with the power­up.  


Power­ups history goes back to the mid 1980s when games such as Pac Man, Sabre Wulf or                                 

Super Mario [16] revolutionized the gaming industry, introducing features that aided the                       

player to defeat the game. Regardless their type, offensive, defensive or even evasive,                         

power­ups become a crucial part of the gameplay, despite the genre of the game. Having                             

mentioned the importance of power­ups in the gaming world, it seemed imperative for my                           

game to implement such functionalities. 


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Space Defenders, however, implements power­ups with a slight variation: a number of these,                         

instead of aiding the player, make its job even harder. The reason behind this is to make the                                   

gameplay smoother by assisting or hindering the player depending on his playing style. The                           

spawning of the powerups is strongly linked to destroying enemy spaceships. Every time the                           

player successfully kills an enemy, there is a chance, depending on the current state of the                               

game, that a power­up will be generated.   


How are power­ups generated 


At every CPU clock tick, a score that represents the game state is calculated, taking into                               

account the player’s score (maximum of 21) and number of lives (maximum of 3) of the                               

player, as well as what types of power­ups the game threw to the player. This score is                                 

between 0 and 50 and an example of this can be seen in the table below. 


Game State*  No. of Lives  Player Score  Power­Ups Trend** 

Between 40 and 50  3  17  Positive 

Between 10 and 20  2  16  Negative 

Between 25 and 35  2  5  Positive 

Between 0 and 5  1  3  Negative 

Fig. 6 

*The higher the game state the higher the chances for a power­up that will not aid the player                                   

in beating the game  

**A positive Power­Up Trend represents a sequence of power­ups that aid the player, while a                             

negative trend is a power­ups sequence that hinders it.  






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After the game state has been set, an algorithm will be fed this, as well as the power­ups                                   

trend, and will generate a power­up for the player, as it can be seen in the diagram below. 














*** Power­Ups explained, from left to right: lose a life, gain a life, lose the ability to shoot, 

invisibility, invincibility 


When the game is first loaded, each power­up is assigned an integer number between 1 and 5,                                 

depending on how often the player may receive a certain power­up, 1 beingrarely while 5 is                                 

regularly. For clarity, let’s assume the numbers from 1 to 5 are in an array that dictates what                                   

power­up is thrown to the player. As the game progresses and since the game state score is                                 

computed at every CPU clock tick, the player’s needs for certain power­ups changes,                         

therefore, the array mentioned above changes as well and all power­ups are assigned new                           



Let’s assume the following scenario: the player has 3 lives left and a score of 15. A scenario                                   

like this one will most probably end with the player beating the game, therefore, naturally, the                               

game engine will try to stop this for happening. For this to be possible, power­ups such as                                 

lose a life or lose the ability to shoot will become more probable than, for example, gain a                                   

life and the power­ups rarity array would look like this:  



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Fig. 7 

Looking at the diagram above, we can see that certain power­ups are to be generated more                               

often than the others, but, before a power­up is thrown into the game, one more step needs to                                   

be taken, a probability distribution algorithm[16] that will finally decide what power­up the                         

player receives. On a really high level, a probability distribution is a function that links every                               

outcome of an experiment with their probability of occurrence. Usually, using such                       

algorithm, the probabilities of the outcomes would depict a Gaussian curve [17]. If I followed                             

a step by step implementation of such algorithm, power­ups that are assigned the integers 2                             

and 3 would have been the most common ones. However, for the purposes of these report, I                                 

have altered the classical approach and tried to implement a variation of this algorithm. 


How it works 


The reason for implementing a variation of the above mentioned algorithm was to avoid the                             

Gaussian curve representation of the probabilities and try to force the power­ups that are                           

assigned a higher number to be thrown out in the game. The approach I have came up with                                   

generates and subtracts a random number between 1 and 5 from the sum of all numbers in the                                   

rarity array, which is 15. After each subtraction, a new random number is generated and the                               

process restarts, until the result is a number between 1 and 5, in which case the associated                                 

power­up is given to the player. The motive behind this is simple: the result of such                               

subtractions is more likely to be a high number, such as 5 or 4, within the rarity array,                                   

rather than a lower number, such as 1 or 2, therefore, a power­up that would directly                               

influence the gameplay will be awarded to the player. 







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Collision detection represents the problem of signaling the overlapping between two or more                         

objects, the topic being mainly associated with video games as well as physical simulations.                           

Therefore, since collision between entities is one of the factors that make any game seem as                               

close to a real world scenario as possible, Space Defenders’ collision detection algorithm                         

aims to achieve this. 


In order to understand the collision detection algorithm used in Space Defenders, we need to                             

understand what are the two approaches that can be undertaken when checking for collisions:                           

discrete and continuous  


A posteriori (discrete) versus a priori (continuous) [19] 


With an a posteriori approach a system advances by a time step (one or a few CPU clock                                   

ticks in my case), then check if there are in fact any collisions. With every simulation (time)                                 

step, the algorithm is being fed a list of entities able to collide with the positions of these                                   

entities being considered fixed at every step so the algorithm can check if a collision has                               

happened. The algorithm then returns a list of intersecting objects. We call this type of                             

approach a posteriori (discrete) because the collision is signaled only after its occurrence. 

With an a priori (continuous) approach, the collision algorithm has to be able to predict the                               

trajectory of the entities in order for the collision to be signaled before it happens. This type                                 

of algorithms are mainly being used along with artificial intelligence algorithms to help non                           

playing characters (NPCs) to dodge certain events. 


Clearly, each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. In an a posteriori                         

approach, the algorithm does not have to be aware of any other factors (physics, entities that                               

do not follow a pattern, frictions etc) apart from the present objects in a scene. On the other                                   

hand, since a discrete collision algorithm requires a time step, “fixing” this time step wrong                              

can cause issues. Let’s consider an example from Space Defenders: a bullet (the width and                             

height of which are really small) can pass through a spaceship without the system advancing                             

by a step with no collision being signaled. In an a priori approach, the algorithm tends to be                                   


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more reliable, however, the problem of determining if two bodies will collide considering                         

their trajectories (influenced by external factors) still remains unsolved.  


My work covers a number of possible sources of collision, such as player bullet vs enemy                               

ship, enemy bullet vs player ship, player ship vs power­ups and so on. I have chosen a                                 

discrete approach for my project and I have set the time step at one CPU clock tick. Also, I                                     

have chosen a Mask Based collision detection approach for this.  


Mask Based Collision Detection Algorithm  


A mask of an image is a bitwise matrix representation of the said image [20], where                               

transparent pixels are represented as 0s and non transparent pixels as 1s. Let’s consider the                             

following example image: 

For demonstration purposes, let’s imagine the black ‘frame’ of the light blue square is in fact                               

the background of the image and is transparent. Also, let’s assume that the size of the image                                 

is 4 pixels x 4 pixels and the “frame” is exactly 1 pixel wide. The bitwise mask of the image                                       

above looks like this: 

0  0  0  0 

0  1  1  0 

0  1  1  0 

0  0  0  0 


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Despite mentioning above that all my graphical assets were converted to Sprite objects for                           

easier manipulation, PyGame still loads them as PNGs before thiscasting occurs, therefore, I                           

can create masks for every graphical object. The main idea behind a Mask Based Collision                             

Algorithm is straightforward: if, at any time, at least two 1s from different masks overlap,                             

a collision occurred. Such algorithm follows an a posteriori approach, since the collision is                           

signaled only after it happened.   


Why a Mask Based Collision Algorithm? 


Without masks        With masks 


Fig. 8 

The diagram above depicts the difference between using mask based and non mask based                           

collision detection algorithms. An alternative approach to the mask based collision algorithm,                       

an approach I have implemented before switching to masks, is to have all the Sprite objects                               

inside rectangles. Collision would then be signaled if two of these rectangles would intersect,                           

as it can be seen on the left hand side of the diagram above. Despite this is a possible                                     

approach to tackle collisions, it is not quite accurate, especially if the shape of the objects                               

within the rectangles are irregular.  


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Using a mask based approach, the algorithm would signal the same scenario as before as no                               

collision. This would be the case because even though the bitwise matrixes of the two PNGs                               

would intersect, no 1s would overlap.  


Enemy AI 


In the gaming world, artificial intelligence (AI) is used to simulate human­like intelligence in                           

non playing character. The reason behind this is for the NPCs to behave accordingly within                             

the environment constraints. From the early 1970s, when a number of games that featured                           

enemies were released, including Pong, and later Space Invaders, people realised gaming                       

needs to move forward from the competition between two players, thus, the idea of AI                             

opponents was starting to become more and more popular. [21] 


From simple AI move patterns, game developers introduced, in the early 1990s, the idea of                             

using a finite state machine (FSM) that simulates the behaviour of an NPC [22]. I have                               

chosen to implement a similar AI architecture in my game as well. 


FSM Based AI Algorithm 


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A finite state machine, or FSM for short, is an abstract model of a system made of a number                                     

(finite) of states. At any given time, the system can find itself in one and only one state, thus,                                     

for the system to perform various actions, the machine has to transition to another state. [23]                               

FSMs are primarily used to organise the execution flow of a system, therefore being                           

appropriate to implement AI in video games. Any FSM can be defined as a graph: the nodes                                 

are states and the edges are transitions. Thus, the brain of an enemy can be modeled as a                                   

FSM with states representing actions the NPC can perform, such as Move, Fire, Dodge or                             

being Dead. All transitions are labeled with events that, if happened, the system changes from                             

one state to another.  


My game follows this approach and the enemy space ships perform actions based on certain                             

events:  player’s actions or position at any given point in time. 


Enemy AI ­ Moving 


Following an a posteriori approach to handle collisions, it would have been impossible for                           

the enemy space ships to avoid collision with the player’s bullets. Therefore, to implement an  

algorithm that would signal the NPCs when to dodge, I am using an a priori approach.  

Fig. 9 


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At every CPU clock tick, the NPCs analyse the environment for player’s bullets and the                             

enemy space ships will dodge bullets if one of the following two scenarios: the distance                             

between the player’s bullet and an enemy spaceship is less or equal to d or, considering the                                 

trajectory of the both player’s bullet and the enemy spaceship, they will intersect in the near                               

future. In either of the two scenarios, the enemy spaceship, taking into account its position,                             

will dodge the bullet by moving either up or down without leaving the screen.  


Enemy AI ­ Shooting 


Space Defenders has two types of enemies: enemies that shoot straight regardless the position                           

of the player and enemies that sense the position of the player spaceship and shoot in its                                 

direction. This subchapter will cover the latter. 


PyGame treats movement as continuously blitting on the screen the same object at different                           

coordinates at every CPU clock tick, thus, the bullets make no exception. For PyGame to                             

re­draw PNGs at every clock tick, it needs to know each new pair of coordinates and,                               

compared to bullets being shot straight, shooting diagonally requires advanced mathematical                     


Fig. 10 

As mentioned before, PyGame needs a set of pair of coordinates to know where to draw the                                 

bullet that has been shot diagonally. In order for the enemy bullet to go exactly where the                                 


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player is, it has to follow an imaginary line that connects both the player and the enemy                                 

spaceships, therefore, a set of points that reside on this line has to be generated.  


In order to retrieve such set, we first need to create this line. It is a well known fact that two                                         

points in space create a line and since we have two such points, point A(x1, y1) and B(x2,                                   

y2), where x1, x2, y1, y2 are coordinates, as seen in the diagram above, these points being the                                   

rightmost point of the player spaceship and the leftmost point of the enemy spaceship,                           

respectively. Once we have established we have two points in space, the equation of line d is: 


 y − y1y2 − y1 =

x −x1x2 − x1  

The equation of lined reads as follows: a new point P(x, y), wherex andy verify the equation                                       

above, reside on line d. Having known that the bullet is shot by the enemy spaceship, we                                 

already know that point B(x2, y2) resides on line d and the question remains on how to                                 

generate a large enough set of points that reside d so the bullet would give the feeling of                                   

moving smoothly. To achieve that, I am incrementing x2 by 1 pixel, which, let’s assume,                             

results in x3, at every CPU clock tick and using the following equation to find the                               

corresponding y3: 3  1y =   x2 − x1

(y2 − y1) ∙ (x3 − x1) + y  

 I keep generating these (xn, yn) pairs until either the bullet leaves the screen or hits the player                                   

spaceship. Having computed a set of points that reside on line d, the bullet goes diagonally,                               

but still needs to be tilted by an angle T, so shooting into the player’s direction would look                                   

more naturally. In order to do this, we need to find the radians value of the angle T. 


Keeping in mind the diagram above, we need to find the following: the distance between the                               

player and the NPC, which is the length d as well as the length of d’.  


  y2  y1d′ =   −    


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   d =  √ (x2  x1)   (y2  y1)−    2 +   −   2  


With d and d’ calculated, we can compute the sin of T, which can further be used to find the                                       

value of T in degrees (let’s call this value valT). With this value, we can calculate the number                                   

of radians of T (let’s call this value radT), which can be used to tilt the bullet into the                                     

direction of the player.  


in(T )   s =  dd′  

alT   rcsin(sin(T ))  v = a  It is well known that 180 degrees is 2π radians. So, if we know valT, we can easily calculate 

radT as follows. radadT  r =   360

2π ∙valT    Doing these graphical transformations, shooting diagonally looks like the right hand side of 

the diagram below.  


Fig. 11 




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2.3 Alternative Approaches 


The following chapter will cover alternative programming tools that could have been used to                           

build Space Defender, instead of Python. The two choices I have looked into before deciding                             

on using Python were Javascript and HTML5 so, I will try to briefly display the advantages                               

and disadvantages these would have had in relation to Python. 




One of the greatest advantage Javascript has over Python is that in runs directly in browser,                               

therefore, an application built completely in Javascript has the capability to run on every                           

machine, without installing any third party application. On the other hand, Python, alongside                         

PyGame, has to be installed before the Space Defender can run. Moreover, another Javascript                           

asset is that the code is executed on the client side, which can lead to better app performance                                   

if the client’s machine is powerful.  


On the contrary, Javascript can prove to be disadvantageous as it can sometimes be                           

interpreted differently by different browsers. Whileserver­sideapplications produce the same                     

results on different machines, pure Javascript applications can be erratic if not properly tested                           

in all major browsers. [24] 


HTML5 Canvas 


HTML5 has a number of advantages over Python, one of them being that runs on the client                                 

machine, similar to Javascript. Moreover, HTML5 has the potential, unlike Python, to                       

perform a thorough pixel by pixel manipulation [25], therefore, it can easily be a valuable                             

tool for image processing. Also, HTML5 is very efficient in manipulating small size images,                           

which is a powerful asset when checking for collisions. On the other hand, with such great                               

ability and responsibility, the freedom of drawing HTML5 offers to has a major                         

disadvantage: the user is in charge of all the drawing, however, libraries have been built to                               

ease this process. 


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Having presented the advantages Javascript and HTML5 posses over Python in regards to                         

image processing, I felt a web application could have been unreliable, therefore, I have                           

decided to use Python and PyGame to build my third year project. Despite having troubles                             

manipulating graphical objects before I actually gained some experience with PyGame and                       

despite sleepless nights trying to fix silly bugs, if I were to start over I would still choose                                   

Python and PyGame to build Space Defender.  


2.4 Approaches 




Agile is a software development technique based mainly on collaboration within a                       

self­organising team [26]. Since the final year project is a piece of software tailored for sole                               

development, one cannot assert a full agile development technique can be used in building                           

this project. However, I have tried my best to follow a number of agile methodologies to                               

support the development of Space Defenders. The techniques that I found useful for my                           

project were the Task Board and User Stories, techniques that helped me not only layout all                               

the tasks I needed to complete, but helped me keep track of my progress as well as set                                   

personal deadlines throughout the project.  


Task Board And User Stories 


Having taken the Agile Software Development course in the first semester, one task I was                             

assigned was to follow at least one agile technique during my third year project. My first                               

thought went to a virtual Task Board and to develop it, I have used an online tool called                                   



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Fig. 12 


An agile Task Board is nothing but a board divided in a number of columns in which tasks                                   

(written on cards) are placed taking into account their progress. As it can be seen in the                                 

snapshot above taken from my actual Task Board, each task can find itself in only one                               

column at the same time, Backlog, In Progress or Done [27]. In order for a task go move                                   

forward (or backwards) in the Task Board, certain events have to happen. For example, a task                               

can move from Backlog to In Progress at the beginning of a new iteration, or it can go from                                     

In Progress to Backlog if the task was not successfully implemented by the end of an                               

interation. While the first three columns represent a standard Task Board, the fourth column                           

is nothing but a Legend that helps me keep track in which sub category of the project each                                   

task is. 


In the first couple of months of the project, I was only using a Task Board to break down my                                       

project into subtasks and keep track of them, but soon I realised that User Stories would be                                 

another agile methodology that could prove useful in achieving my goals. A User Story is a                               

way to capture a description of a software specification/feature from an user perspective.                         

Usually, User Stories are built using the Connextra template: "As a <role>, I want                           

<goal/desire> so that<benefit>" [29]. Therefore, User Stories that I designed for my project,                           

such as: As a player, I want my spaceship to pick up power­ups so that the abilities of the                                     

spaceships are altered, or As a player, I want to always see if I have a power­up picked up                                     

already so that I know how to modify my gameplay based on this, helped me not omit any                                   

critical functionalities. Using User Stories I was able to implement full end­to­end                       

slices/components, thus, following such approach I could make sure no task is left undone. 




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During the course of the implementation of Space Defenders, I have used a time­boxed, fixed                             

schedule Sprints of one week, therefore, I was able to deliver early as well as frequently.                               

Perhaps, if I had not used agile methodologies I would have ended up realising I am behind                                 

schedule and the project would not have been finished on time. What is more, another                             

advantage of using agile methodologies is that the project was broken down into smaller                           

units, therefore, I could focus on the parts that would offer the highest value. Last but not                                 

least, as mentioned before, using a Task Board offered me the ability to track the progress of                                 

the game against my goals as well as set personal development deadlines. 





At the beginning of the project, I have planned my work on a weekly basis, covering all 23                                   

weeks the project was spread on, apart from the last couple of weeks that were left for                                 

end­to­end testing and debugging purposes. To plan my tasks, I have built a Gantt Chart [29]                               

and the reason the units are one week long is to have short agile iterations so I can deliver                                     


Each task was assigned a number of weeks, depending on its priority and difficulty. Despite                             

the initial plan was probably a bit too daring, as the project went along I replanned on a                                   

weekly basis and started to drop tasks that did not carry a high importance factor, such as                                 

enemy spaceships to have their own lives system.  







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Chapter 3 Evaluation  

Quality And Correction Of The Project 


In Computer Science, the correctness of a piece of code comes from its behaviour against a                               

well defined specification. This type of correctness refers to the relationship between input                         

and output (each input produces a planned and desired output). [30] 


On a really high level, the correctness of Space Defenders comes from how the game behaves                               

when certain events happen. Having designed how I want the game to look and act                             

beforehand, to guarantee Space Defenders behaves accordingly, all algorithms were first                     

developed on paper and then implemented as code. What is more, if a piece of code was                                 

proved to be correct, it was reused if possible rather than implementing a similar one. To                               

further assure the correctness of the code, I have followed a Design by Contract approach,                             

concepts taught in a first semester module Verified Development.  


Design by Contract (DbC) 


Design by Contract is a software correctness technique that uses pre and postconditions to log                             

state changes produced by functions/methods or any other pieces of code. [31] 


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To define preconditions and postconditions, let’s assume the following scenario: There is a                         

system that monitors the state of a car. The car can find itself in one of the following states ­                                       

engine off, engine on, car braking or car accelerating. Each state is dependant on a number of                                 

variables such as: isKeyPresent, gasPedalDown, breakPedalDown, carAccelerate etc. If we                   

define a method that checks if the car is accelerating, it would look something like this: 


The precondition of the above method, the boolean value of isKeyPresent, gasPedalDown                       

and brakePedalDown, has to be true in order for the accelerate method to be executed.                             

Therefore, if, at any given point the three variables have the boolean values required, the                             

method can execute. After its execution, the postcondition is what will hold true, regardless                           

of any other pieces of code. To sum it up, preconditions are constraints that must hold true so                                   

a method can execute, while the postconditions are the entities that will hold true after the                               

method executes.  


Even though I have not directly implemented such functionalities in my Python code, when                           

possible, I designed methods on paper that accept pre and postconditions before                       

implementing the logic into code. An example of such method would be powerUpAction,                         

which applies the effect of a power­up to the player and an implementation would like this: 


Such implementation assures the power­up has been picked up by the player before applying                           

its effect, as well as the player will not pick two power­ups simultaneously and the player is                                 

under the effect of the power­up for a limited period of time (stopClock variable). 


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Following a Design by Contract approach has a number of benefits, two of the most                             

important being: a systematic approach in building bug freecode anddealing with abnormal                           

cases. [32] 




Apart from correctness, for a piece of software to truly behaves the way it should, testing is                                 

required as well. Since testing is designed to provide an objective view of the quality of                               

software, I strongly believe the job of testing should be out of the hands of the developers.                                 

Representing the third year project, I believe that the best way to test Space Defenders was a                                 

variation of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) [33]. Despite UAT being the last phase of                           

testing before a release, I consider no developer wants to see their code fail under Unit or                                 

Integration Testing, UAT is the solely way of actually testing such project. In order to                             

achieve this, I needed users to play the game and log the bugs they find so I asked my                                     

girlfriend to play this role. As the game progressed she would play and try break it so I would                                     

be aware of existing bugs that needed immediate fixing. Also, after every release of the                             

game, she would make sure the new feature don’t affect the old ones, taking the exact steps                                 

she did to break it before. Having another person, another developer, test my code for bugs                               

made me aware of many issues with the game, some of which, perhaps, would have still be                                 

there as we speak.  


Apart from UAT, I did other types of testing on my own, one of them being Integration                                 

Testing [34]. Following an iterative integration approach, after each component was                     

implemented separately, it would be tested against other interacting components to make sure                         

there are no new defects. Progressively throughout the project, if new components caused                         

others to break, they would have been reviewed and tested again until there were no failures.  


If during the course of the project I did Integration and User Acceptance Testing, I have                               

allocated a couple of weeks before the deadline purely for end­to­end testing. Having finished                           

the game and noted down every bug I encountered in the past few months, I tried to recreate                                   

the same scenarios that led me to those bugs to check if any system is still failing. Without                                   


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much surprise I managed to find failures that I could fix within the time frame allocated for                                 

the project.  


Chapter 4 Reflection and conclusion  

Game Dev vs Software Dev 


I have worked for more than a year and a half for major corporations and the third year                                   

project offered me the opportunity to try code something else, and for me this something else                               

was a game. Therefore, since I now have experience in both fields, I believe I can analyze                                 

and compare the two branches of coding: game development and company software                       



Let us start with company software development, since this is the field I have the greatest                               

experience in. When a company requires a piece of code to fulfill a certain task, usually, it is                                   

either because the company wants to meet a business requirement or redo their current                           

software, thus, regardless the case, a business need has to be filled. Fundamentally, leaving                           

the complexity of company softwares aside, if a team of developers has to build an inventory                               

system, they can define what types of items they have to handle. If they want to build a                                   

production scheduling system, they have to take into consideration this and that. They can do                             

all that. Company software is equivalent to making someone’s job easier and faster.                         

However, when it comes to gaming, the business need is fun. No one is able to write a                                   

technical spec of fun. Therefore, this is what I think makes games different and harder to                               

implement than company/regular software. No developer can assert that a game is now                         

complete because these were the client’s requests since the client is an entire world of                             

gamers. With that in mind, a game does not need 3D graphics, awesome physics, multiplayer                             

or fancy features to be fun. Remember, Tetris is a fun game and its game engine and physics                                   

are nothing but rotate or move the blocks left or right. 



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All in all, building a game for my third year project was much more fun and even challenging                                   

than building software for top tier banks. Dealing with many segregated systems such as                           

Collision Detection, Animation, Graphics or Artificial Intelligence helped me understand                   

how to tackle issues and overcome bugs more efficiently, which is a skill that is great to have                                   

when I start my graduate scheme in September.  




The past few months spent working on Space Defenders proved to be more challenging than                             

expected. From tackling graphics in project for the first time to detecting and handling                           

collision, the third year project carried me on a journey that strengthen my knowledge both as                               

a student as well as a future developer. During the course of developing this project, the first                                 

and probably the most critical task that challenged me was my knowledge of Python.                           

Regardless the modules I took in the first and second year of university, Distributed Systems                             

and Distributed Computing, respectively, the level of Python required for this project was                         

way above what I was asked to use Python for in the previous years. Therefore, only after I                                   

intensively taught Python myself I could actually make visible progress on Space Defenders.  

While working on my third year project, I encountered other two big challenges: the                           

mathematical graphical manipulations and developing a sensible power­up module. 


Firstly, let’s consider the power­up module. The overall challenge with this was how and                           

when to generate power­ups and for this I have altered and used various algorithms, from                             

continuously computing the game state to implementing my version of a probability                       

distribution algorithm. Looking back to the past few months, I can argue that the challenge                             

regarding the power­up module was not as much a technical one as it was a logical one on                                   

how to design this module to be as sensible as possible. Thus, designing and building on top                                 

of an average proved to be both a solid technical as well as thinking exercise.  


Secondly, a number of mathematical transformations were required for the enemy spaceships                       

to be able to shoot diagonally. These were covered in detail in Chapter 2, however, the                               


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challenge in achieving these came from the fact that the last time I have used such equations                                 

was when I was in high school, over 4 years ago.  


Further Development 


If Space Defender was not a third year project and if the development was not constrained by                                 

a tight deadline, the player would have benefited from a number of extra features such as                               

local and remote multiplayer, boss fights and a mobile version. Even though Local                         

Multiplayer was part of initial plan, it was not delivered due to the meticulousity other tasks                               

were undertaken.  


To implement a Local Multiplayer functionality, I would have used the Xbox 360 Controllers                           

API so two non NPC spaceships could be controlled by two players in the same time, on the                                   

same screen. Such functionality would also require two different score as well as lives                           

systems and an altered power­up module that would compute the game state based not on one                               

but two different gameplays. While a local multiplayer feature would not require much more                           

than a Python implementation of the Xbox API and a couple of controllers, a remote                             

multiplayer functionality would involve a server to which clients are able to connect in order                             

to send and get data from. Apart from local and remote multiplayer, if Space Defender were                               

to be a real life project, the players would have enjoyed from a variety of level styles as well                                     

as boss fights to pass certain levels. To take the game one step further, it could have even be                                     

deployed on mobile. Despite Python is not the first programming language that comes to                           

mind when one thinks of writing applications for either Android or iOS devices, tools such as                               

Kivy can convert the Python code and create applications from its logic, following a Write                             

Once, Deploy to Many concept. 




If I were to summarize the entire experience of the third year project in a word, it would be:                                     

adventure. Looking back to the past few months, I can truly assert it has been a journey that                                   

started slowly, without much progress due to the lack of technical knowledge required for                           


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this project, but took off while making progress with the research. I began the project with                               

absolutely no idea on how graphics work, how a collision detection system works or even                             

how to display an image on the screen and, by the end of the project, I got to a point where I                                           

could create my own or modify existing game specific algorithms to suit my needs.  


What is more, this was my first attempt to building a game and I believe that achieving to                                   

create a single player space shooter arcade game with a smart power­up module and AI for                               

NPCs is a good start if I decide to go down the game development path.  



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Figures Fig. 1: Table displaying the time people are not allocating anymore to entertainment activities                           

other than gaming compared to 2012 

Fig. 2: Table displaying the revenue of the video games industry between 2010 and 2013.                             

Numbers converted from US dollars ($) to Sterling Pounds (£), using the conversion rate of                             

5th April 2016 

Fig. 3: Video Games Industry sales for the domestic Japan Market. Numbers converted from                           

US dollars ($) to Sterling Pounds (£), using the conversion rate of 5th April 2016 

Fig. 4: Overall architecture diagram of the game. Diagram built using cacoo.com web                         


Fig. 5: Example of top down perspective using a GTA 2 screenshot 

Fig. 6: Table displaying the game state score in relation to player’s gameplay 

Fig. 7: Example of power­ups rarity array 

Fig. 8: Comparison between mask and non­mask based collision algorithms 

Fig. 9: Enemy spaceship behaviour regarding an approaching player bullet 

Fig. 10: Enemy and player’s positions when the enemy shoots diagonally 

Fig. 11: Tilting of the enemy bullet after mathematical transformations 

Fig. 12: Snapshot of the Task Board used throughout the project 


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