Contact- 9740501604 Space Dynamics (GATE Aerospace) by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT Madras Fellow)

Space Dynamics (GATE Aerospace) by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT

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Page 1: Space Dynamics (GATE Aerospace) by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT

Contact- 9740501604

Space Dynamics

(GATE Aerospace) by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT Madras Fellow)

Page 2: Space Dynamics (GATE Aerospace) by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT

Contact- 9740501604


Topics to study –

Gravitation field Kepler’s law Mechanics of orbital trajectory Orbits

Ref: -

Introduction to flight by Anderson NPTEL- Space Technology https://nptel.ac.in/courses/101/106/101106046/

Page 3: Space Dynamics (GATE Aerospace) by Mr Dinesh Kumar (IIT

Contact- 9740501604

Some constants –

o Universal gravitation constant, G = 6.67× ퟏퟎ ퟏퟏ 푵 풎ퟐ


o 흁 = GM = 3.98× ퟏퟎퟏퟒ 풎ퟑ


o Earth radius, 푹풆 = 6371 km o Gravity acceleration, 품풐 = 9.81 풎


o Mass of the Earth, 푴풆 = 5.98× ퟏퟎퟐퟒ kg

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Contact- 9740501604


1.1 Newton’s law of Gravitation

Force between two objects of masses 푚 and 푚 is inversely proportional to the squire of the distance between two centers.

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Contact- 9740501604

F ∝

→It is also proportional to product of masses 푚 and 푚

F ∝ 푚 푚

F ∝

F = 푮풎ퟏ풎ퟐ 풓ퟐ

G = universal gravitational const.

G = 6.67× 10

If one of the mass is earth mass (M)

F = 푮푴풎풓ퟐ

Where, M = 5.98× 10 kg

Radius of the earth, 푅 = 6371 km ≅ 6400 km

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Contact- 9740501604

휇 = GM = 3.98× 10

1.2 Gravitational potential energy (U)

The potential energy (GPE) is zero when distance between two masses is infinite (∞).

Below the distance of∞, GPE is negative.

U(r) = -

r = separation between particles

푚 푎푛푑푚 = masses of two objects

→If a particle is brought from a position to new position under gravitational force, change in P.E. is given by

푈 - 푈 = - ∫ 퐹푑푟

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Contact- 9740501604

1.3 Gravitational potential (V)

It is the gravitational potential energy per mass.

푉 - 푉 =

1.4 Gravitational potential field (푬)

It is the intensity of gravitational force per unit mass at a point.

E =

The intensity of gravitational force per unit mass at earth surface is known as gravity acceleration (g).

E = = = = g

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Contact- 9740501604

1.5 The variation of g from earth surface

Above earth at an altitude h

F = ( )

∵ g =

F = mg

g =

( )

If h = 0, then g = 푔 = 9.81 m/푠

g =

( ) = 푔 1 + ≅ 푔 (1-2h/R)

Here g decreases with height.

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Contact- 9740501604

Below earth surface

Gravitational potential force, F = ( )

(R-h) (h→ depth)

g = =

( )(1-h/R)

Here g decreases with depth up to zero.

1.6 Effect on gravity due to rotation of earth

Centrifugal force = m휔 푟 sin휃

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Contact- 9740501604

g’ =

F = mg - m휔 푟 sin 휃 =

= g - 휔 푟 sin휃

g’ = g - 휔 푟 sin휃

So g is maximum at poles as centrifugal force is zero and minimum at equator as centrifugal force is maximum.

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Contact- 9740501604

2. Kepler’s law

First law

A satellite or object describes an elliptical path around its centre of attraction.

Its path depends on velocity.

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Contact- 9740501604

Second law

The area swept out by radius vector of object in equal time remains same.

dA = . 푟.푑ℎ

dh = rd휃

dA = . 푟 . d휃

= . 푟 .

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Contact- 9740501604

= . 푟 .휔 = . 푟 . 휃 =

→ Angular momentum is constant under conservative forces.

m푟 휃 = const.

푟 휃 = const. = h = 푟 × 푣

So, = const.

Third law

The square of time period is proportional to cube of semi-major axis.

푇 ∝ 푎


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Contact- 9740501604

3. Mechanics of orbital trajectory

Lagrange equation of motion

Kinetic energy of the body

T = T (푞 , 푞 , 푞 ,푞′ ,푞′ ,푞′ )

Potential energy of the body

∅ = ∅ (푞 , 푞 , 푞 )

푞 , 푞 , 푞 → Coordinates

Lagrange’s function

휷 = T - ∅

- = 0

- = 0

- = 0

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Contact- 9740501604

Orbit equation

Kinetic energy, q = 푚푣

푣 = 푟 + 푟휃

T = 푚(푟 + 푟휃 ) = 푚(푟 + r 휃 )

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Potential energy

∅ = -

→ 훽 = T - ∅ = 푚(푟 + r 휃 ) + ... (1)

For 휃 co-ordinate

- = 0 .... (2)

By equation (1),

= (mr θ)

Angular momentum = mr θ = const.

r θ = = h (angular momentum per mass is constant)

So, = (mr θ) = 0

By equation (1),

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Contact- 9740501604

= 0

For 푟 co-ordinate

- = 0 .... (3)

By equation (1),

= mr

= mr휃 -

From equation (3),

(mr) - mr휃 + = 0

m푟 + - mr휃 = 0

푟 - + = 0

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Contact- 9740501604

푟 - + = 0 ..... (4) (h =푟 휃 = specific angular momentum)

This is differential equation of 2nd order.

Sol for above equation is given by

r = ( )

= . . ( )

= . ( )

(p = )

Here A and C (phase angle) are constant depends on initial condition.

And 퐴. = 푒 = eccentricity

So, r = . ( )

.... (5)

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Contact- 9740501604

The type of orbit is decided by e

(1) If e = 0 → path is circular

(2) If e < 1 → path is elliptical

(3) If e = 1 → path is parabolic

(4) If e > 1 → path is hyperbolic

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Contact- 9740501604

Orbital energy

It is the summation of K.E. and P.E.

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In General

Eccentricity can be written in terms of orbit energy per unit mass

e = ퟏ + ퟐ풉ퟐ


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Escape velocity

Orbit Energy

퐸 = 푣 -

At escape velocity, the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.

퐸 = 푣 - = 0

푉 = = 2푔 푟

Example1. What will be the escape velocity, if R is doubled and mass remains same?


(I) if mass remains same

푉 = 2푔 푅

g = ( )

= ( )

= ( )

= (h = R)

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푉 , = 2. . 2푅 = ,

(II) If density remains same

M = 휌푉

푀 = 휌 × 휋푅

푀 = 휌 × 휋(2푅) = 8푀 (R→ 2푅)

푔 = ( )

= 2푔

푉 , = 2.2푔 . 2푅 = 2푉 ,

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4. Orbits

4.1 For circular orbit

e = 0, for circular orbit

퐸 = -

퐸 = 푣 -

- = 푣 -

For Circular orbit r =

- = 푣 -

v = =

So velocity for circular orbit, 푉 = =

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Escape velocity from circular orbit

∆푉 = -

Time period

T =

T =

T = √

푅 /

푇 = 푅

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4.2 For parabolic orbit

e = 1, for parabolic orbit

e = 1 + = 1

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퐸 = 0

So, 퐸 = 푣 - = 0

v = (escape velocity)

For parabolic trajectory

r =

At 휃 = 0

푟 = (perigee)

푉 = 푉 =

= .

ℎ2 = 2휇

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4.3 For an elliptical orbit

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e< 1, for elliptical orbit

a = semi – major axis

b = semi – minor axis

푟 + 푟 = 2a

푟 = apogee = 푟

푟 = perigee = 푟

푟 - 푟 = 2ae

푟 = a(1+ e)

푟 = a(1- e)

= ( )( )

e =

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e = 1 − from geometry

For Elliptical trajectory

r = .

푟 =

푟 =

→ = 푟 (1+e)

= a(1-e)(1+e)

= a(1-푒 )

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We know

e = 1 +

Then orbit energy

퐸 = - ( )

=− { = a(1-푒 )}

퐸 = 푣 -

푣 = - ( )

= −

v = − 1

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Velocity at perigee r → 푟

, 푉 = ( )( )

= ( )

Velocity at apogee r → 푟

, 푉 = ( )( )

= ( )

= ( )( )

Escape velocity from elliptical orbit

∆푉 = - − 1

Time period

T = = /

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T = √

( ) =

√푎 /

T2 = 푎

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4.4 For hyperbolic orbit

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e > 1, for hyperbolic orbit

P.E. < K.E.

e = 1 +

퐸 = - ( )

For hyperbolic trajectory

r = .

e = 1 + (for hyperbolic orbit)

푟 . = 푟 = = a(e-1)

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a =

Orbital energy = - ( ) =

퐸 = 푣 -


= 12푣 −


v = + 1

Velocity at Perigee

푉 = ( )( )

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Gate 2020

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Gate 2019

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Gate 2018

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Gate 2017

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Gate 2016

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Gate 2015

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Gate 2014

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Gate 2011

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Gate 2010

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Gate 2009

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Gate 2008

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Gate 2007