Spanish 1001 FALL 2013 Darren Broome, Ph.D. Darren Broome, Ph.D.

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Spanish 1001. FALL 2013 Darren Broome, Ph.D. Day 1. Go over syllabus Pronunciation Vocabulary, lesson 1, fotonovela Register for vistas supersite Vocab quiz 1, martes 29 agosto (: saludos , despedidas , como estas (p.38). Día 2. TOMAR QUIZ DE VOCABULARIO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Atelier de conversation Programme Enseignants, niveau intermdiaire

Spanish 1001FALL 2013Darren Broome, Ph.D.Darren Broome, Ph.D.Day 1Go over syllabusPronunciationVocabulary, lesson 1, fotonovelaRegister for vistas supersiteVocab quiz 1, martes 29 agosto (: saludos, despedidas, como estas (p.38)


Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 3Tomar quizPRESNTESE A OTRO ESTUDIANTE: INCLUYE: NOMBRE, ORIGEN, SALUDO, DESPEDIDA Y PREGUNTE EL ORIGEN DE OTRO ESTUDIANTE Y NOMBRESupersiteFotonovela (p.6)Quin es de Cuba?De donde es Marissa?Dnde est Marissa?Nouns and articles:CON COMPANERO DE CLASE, COMPLETAR INTENTALO, 1, 2, (P.15)Numbers0-30Hay4, 5 (p.19) grupoVocab quiz 3: de dnde es? palabras adicionales, pases(Tuesday, 8/27)Crossword: de donde es, palabras adicionales, paises

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 4Quiz 3Repaso, con compaero de clase (preguntar y contestar)Cuntos estudiantes hay en la clase?Cuntos profesores hay en la clase?Cuntos profesores hay en el department de lenguas?Cuntas bibliotecas hay?Cuntas libreras hay?Intntalo, 2, 3 (p.16-17)Pronombres de sujetoVerbo serCrossword: TimeCrossword: ser and subject pronounsCrossword: sustantivos (vocabulario)Vocab Quiz 4 (Thursday, 29th of August), sustantivos

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 5Vocab Quiz 4Repaso:Intntalo, 2, 3 (p.26)RecapitulacinGrammar quiz 1 (Tuesday, 9/3/2013)I.Oral questions: 5x3=15I.Provide thedefinite articlefor the following words: 5x3= 15.1.______ mujeresII.Provide theindefinite articlefor the following words: 5x3=15.1.________escuelasIII.Provide the correct subject pronounsand the present tense forms of ser: 5x4=20.SUBJECT PRONOUNVERB CONJUGATION OF SER1.Mara___________________IV.Provide the following times in Spanish: 5x4=20 (WRITE OUT NUMBERS IN SPANISH)1.11:35V. Write four sentences including: your name, where you are from, the time of the Spanish class, how many students are in the class. 15 ptsVI. Vocabulary (lesson 1)-word bank

VII. Reading

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 6Tomar prueba (quiz) de leccin1Repetir vocabulario p.40-411, 2, 3, 4 (P.40)Das de la semanaQu da es hoy?Qu da es maana?Qu da es pasado maana?Cuntos das hay en una semana?Cuntos das hay en un mes?Cuntas semanas hay en un ao?Completar 6 (p.42)prueba de vocabulario p.76 la clase y la universidadjueves, 5 de septiembreCrossword: ar verbs


Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 8Preparacion1Tocas la guitarra?2Qu idiomas hablas?3Qu clases tomas?4Dnde trabajas?5Necesitas estudiar hoy?6Cundo limpias la casa?7Prepara usted la tarea antes de ir(before going to) a clase?8Con quin hablas por telfono?9.A qu hora termina la clase?10.Desean ustedes bailar este fin de semana?GustarSpanish Extra FilmQuiz 7: palabras adicionales, los dias de la semana (12 de septiembre)

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 9Ordene (put in order) las oraciones1.hablamos Paco y yo espaol2.Gustan los me libros m a.3.WalMart en trabajar deseo yo4.Paco dibujar gusta le a5.curso termina el la a una6.necesitan el espaol chicas las ms hablar7.me m las clases gusta atomar8.Carlos a Carmen gustan les lenguas entranjeras lasa9.expicar desean profesoras gramtica las10.gusta le usted bailar a11.a Pablo gusta nos m a bailar

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 9Cul es la pregunta lgica para cada respuesta?Estudio fsica porque es muy interesante.Ella es creativa y trabajadora.Necesito una mochila para mis clases.El examen es el veintinuno de octubre.La clase es a las once de la maana.Estudio informtica en la universidad.El bolgrafo rojo es de Susana.Tomamos tres cervezas esta noche.Es el profesor Surez.Pedro Almodvar es de Espaa.Spanish ExtraThere is no vocab quiz next Tuesday(17th September)

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 10 diezPreparacion : Gustar (p.52), 3 (p.53) entrevista (p.62); 1, 3 (p.66)Estar(verb)and location1. Dnde est Gordon State College?2.Dnde est tu libro de texto?3.Dnde est el profesor de espaol (in relation to the class)?4.Dnde ests (in relation to another student)?5.Dnde est Academic Building (in relation to Hightower Library)?6.Dndeest Atlanta (in relation to Miami)?

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 10Two Vocabulary sections (matching and word bank)Select the item that does not belong. a. la tiza b. la plumac. la papeleraII.Fill in the blanks with the present tense form of the verbs.1.Nosotros______________(comprar) dos mochilas.III.Reading sectionIV. Suppy the correct form of gustar as well as the indirect object pronoun: 6x3=181.A mi familia ________________ la playa de San Juan.V. Oral QuestionsAnswer questions with complete sentences.VIIWrite a paragraph with at least five sentences in which you state your name and where you are from, where you go to school, the courses you are taking, whether you work (and, if so, where), and some of your likes and/or dislikes. Use vocabulary and grammar from this lesson.VIII.Questions from Spanish extraIX. Forming questions (refer to day 9 on this link)Grammar Quiz 2: September 9, Thursday

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 11 (once)Quiz 2 Grammar

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 12 (doce)QUIZ de vocabularioP. 78-79Adjetivos-cuatro tipos/classes

O class: loco 4, formasE class: elegante, 2 formasConsonant class: fcil, 2 formasNationality class: alemn, 4 formasend in consonantDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 12 doceIntntalo P.90WORKSHEETS7 (P.81)Devolver las pruebas de gramtica 2Quiz 9 vocabulario (adjetivos), p. 114, 26 de septiembreDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 13 treceQuiz 9 (vocabulario)Quin es?-er ir verbs

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 13 treceSingularPlural1 o1emos (er) imos (ir)2 es2is (er)s(ir)3 e3 ener/ir verbsSame endings..except where?er/ir verb crosswordDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 13 treceCompleta cada frase con la palabra apropiada( Spanish Extra).Ana y Lola son (vecinas/amigas/hermanas).Lola recibe una carta de (su padre/su abuela/su madre.)Pablo es (el vecino/el primo/el hermano) de Lola y Ana.Sam era(was) (un corresponsal/un vecino/un criado) de Lola hace siete aos. Sam llama a (su amiga/su madre/su padre) por telfono.Sam quiere (amigos/criados/padres).Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 13 treceCorrige los errores de Sam (Spanish Extra).Hace siete aos que somos/eramos corresponsales.Hablo bueno/bien el espaol ahora.Soy de/Me llamo Sam.El perro est en el horno/la cesta.Vivo en un museo/una casa.

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 13 treceSpanish Extra

CochesVives, vivoDormitorioQuiere decirVamos a ensearte el pisoNo entiendesSloTengo, tienes

Una camaUna almohadaPor suspuestoPnte cmodoEsto es la teleRopaest fuera de moda que se vaya!Quiz 10, verbos (P.114), Oct 1(Tuesday)

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 14 catorceTomar quiz de vocabulario 101. Los estudiantes (escribir)2.Mara (vivir) en Italia.3.Las chicas (beber) cerveza.4.Yo (comer) tacos5.Ustedes (correr)6.Carlos y Paco (leer) novelas.7.Paco y yo (comprender)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 141.Crees en Dios?2.Comes en Taco Bell?3.Asiste usted a clase por la maana?4.Qu lees?5.Deseas aprender a hablar espaol?6.Vives cerca de Barnesville?7.A qu hora abren la biblioteca?8.Comprende usted todo en espaol?

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 141.La blusa es _________ (caro)2.Las sillas son _________ (cmodo)3.Quines son los muchachos ___________ (delgado)?4.Ella prepara una comida ____________ (delicioso).5.El hombre es _________ (fuerte)6.La familia est _________ (triste)7.Las lecciones son _______ (fcil)8.Ella es muy ________ (feliz).9.Enrique es ________ (italiano)10.Los cigarillos son ________ (francs)11.Mara es ________ (alemn)12.Ellas son ________ (trabajador)* like adjs of nationality13.Las canciones son __________ (japons).

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 14Completar 4 y 5 (p.99)Adjetivos posesivos1.De quin es la mochila?2.De quin son los libros?3.De quin es el lpiz?4.De quin es el libro? (Look at professor's book and also at another student's)Tener y venirCrosswords: possessive adjectives, tener vs venirNo vocab quiz: Oct. 3

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 15 quinceComposition 1: Tuesday, October 8Tener idiomsDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 15Determine which tener idiom to use for each situation?Paco desear comer en Taco Bell. Paco tiene hambre.Yo estoy en Alaska. EllosCarmen cree que la capital de Florida es Miami. CarmenMi amigo acaba de ganar (just won) la lotera. Mi amigo(l)..

Son las 3 de la maana. JulioEstamos en Miami. NosotrosEllos desean tomar agua. EllosHay ratas en la casa. TLa capital de Espaa es Madrid. YoSon las once menos cinco usted est en la cafetera y la clase comienza a las once. UstedDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 15Completar 1, 2, 3, 5 (p.102-103)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 15Elige el verbo correcto para cada hueco.

1. me el correo, Luis.2. te!3. te cmodo!4. le algo de espaol a Sam!5. No os!6. me pronto!

Pon Da PreocupisEnsa Relja Escrbe

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 15Vocabulario (Spanish Extra)ValeHorno DuermeEstupendoFuertesSobre todoPedalearVenga!

El verde te queda mejor.Una duchaQue se vaya Ha usado mi bicileta.BromaNo me importa.PensamosPuedo hablar contigo?30Darren Broome, Ph.D. Da diecisis 16Review for grammar quiz 3 (October 10)Completar 1, 2, 3, 4 (p.104-105)Composition 1Oral Interview #1: October 17 (3 questions and one situational question-selected by instructor)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 16Grammar Quiz 3 sample questionsAsistes comprendo tienes vienes comemos tengo viene (fill in blanks with these words) Cuando ______ tu familia? vieneFill in blanks with appropriate possessive adjective: l es ____ (my) primo miReading sectionGive the correct verb form: Yo _____ (creer) que mis padres deben comer menos. CreoSelect tener or venir based on the context: Yo ______ en autobus. VengoAdjetives: La blusa es ______ (caro) cara Write a paragraph with at least five sentences in which you describe one of your friends. What is he or she like physically? What is his or her personality like? What does he or she do in a typical day? What does he or she do for fun (dont translate for fun)? Try to use vocabulary you learned in lesson 3.Spanish Extra questionsDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 16Oral questionsCmo te llamas? Me llamo.Cuntos aos tiene tu madre? TieneaosCuntas clases tienes? TengoclasesA qu hora empieza tu clase de espaol? Empieza a lasQu te gusta leer? Me gusta leer libros, novelas..De dnde es Rafael Nadal? Es de Espaa.Dnde est Barcelona? Est en Espaa.

De dnde eres? Soy de De qu tienes miedo? Tengo miedo de las cucarachas, araas.Dnde vives? Vivo en una casa, apartamento, residencia.Con quin vives? Vivo con mi familia.Vienes a clase todos los das? No, vengo a clase dos das a la semana.Cmo se llama tu madre? Se llamaIn 3-5 sentences, describe familia (or) da tpico (situational)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da diecisiete 17Errors from composition 1Rewrite due: October 17, at beginning of classPractice for oral interviewTake grammar quiz 3Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da17Correction Code for rewriteVTVerb Tense (verb agreement) The verbal ending does not match the sentence subject; you did not conjugate the verb; you conjugated a verb that needs to be an infinitive; or you are missing a verb.OOmit Take out.REVReview the word or expression The word or expression you used is being used incorrectly. Check your textbook or a dictionary. Make sure word category is correct: noun, verb, adjective, etc. If more than one word has been underlined, please re-write.PSPhonetic symbol An accent mark is missing, it has been misplaced, or you just didnt have to write it at all.SpSpelling AdjArticle-adjective-noun agreement Also, the adjective might should be before the noun versus after the noun.IIndent the paragraph. NegProblem with negationInceIncorrect expression Likely occurring because of a literal expression from English, or could be Spanglish. Check textbook/dictionary for correct word or expression.ConContraction The sentence needs a contraction or you have an incorrect contraction.UWUnknown word You are not allowed to make up new words or expressions in French.? What? I cant understand what you are trying to say. The structure, as you used it, is questionable. ArtArticle You are using the incorrect article (definite/indefinite, masculine/feminine), or you dont need one. ProPronoun You are using the wrong pronoun form. You might be using a reflexive verb and forgot to include the reflexive pronoun. PrePreposition You are missing a preposition or do not need one.

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da dieciocho 18Oral interviewVocab Quiz 11 10/22 (Tuesday) pasatiempos (p.150)

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da diecinueve 19Vocabulary quiz 11Leer vocabulario 116-117En grupo, leer fotonovela 120-121Word stress in Spanish (p. 123)"ir" and "near future"

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 19Traducir:We are going to sunbathe tomorrow.They are going to open the library at 8:00 am on Sunday.I am going to attend class.She is going to run to the park.

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 19Qu vas a hacer maana?Vas a asistir a clase maana?Ustedes van a tomar un examencito pasado maana?Vas a estudiar espaol el prximo semestre?Quiz 12: verbos, p.159, 10/24/2013

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 20 veinteQuiz de vocabulario 12Stem-changing verbsWhat is the stem of these verbs?pensar, hablamos, tienes, comemos, tenemos, vamosHow many stem-changing verbs have we seen in this course? Explain.Conjugate the following verbs and explain how they are stem-changing verbs (encontrar, perder, repetir)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 20What are the three stem-changes we need to remember?Stem-changing exerciseCrossword: o-ueCrossword: e-ieDice gameRoll the diceDice gameQuiz 13 deportes, adjetivos, lugares p.150 10/29/2013Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da veintiuno 21Quiz 13Warm-upDnde almuerzas?Puedes tocar un instrumento musical? Cul?Cuntas horas duermes cada noche?A qu hora empieza la clase de espaol?Pierdes tus llaves a menudo?Qu piensas hacer despus de terminar la universidad?Cunto cuesta el libro de espaol?Quieres comer en Taco Bell hoy?Vas a salir este fin de semana?Vuelves a casa ms tarde?Qu deportes juegas?

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 21Intntalo p.130Ex.1 p.131E-i stem-changing verbsE-i crosswordRoll the dice: e-iIntntalo p.133Ex. 1 p. 134Spanish filmsFilm critique due: November 14 (beginning of class)Grammar quiz 4: November 5Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da veintids 22Roll the dice: e-iGO verbsForm questions and respond:

1. A qu hora/venir/t/ a clase?

2.Cundo/hacer/t/ la tarea?

3.Trae/usted/plumas/ a la escuela?

4.Con quin/salir/usted/los viernes?

5.Quin/poner/ la mesa en la casa?

6.Or/usted/la msica/por la noche?

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 22GO verbs crosswordVerb table worksheetFor homework, complete everything for day 22 and study for quizFor quiz 4 (QUIZ IS STILL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5)Know stem-changes and meanings in English!All verbs on p. 150 (verbos) as well as tener, venir, ser, irQuiz will be multiple choice and fill-in-blank.EXAMPLES, NEXT PAGEDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 22Yo pierdo I orderI loseI repeatLos estudiantes ____(cerrar) la puertaCierranCierraCierroYo ______ (pedir/volver) un taco. pidoDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da veintitrs 23Grammar quiz 4Vocabulario, leccin 5Completar 3, 4 (p.150)Estaciones y meses del ano (p.154)Con compaero de clase: 5, 6, 9, 12 (p.155-157)Quiz, 11-7 (Thursday): adjetivos (p.188)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da veinticuatro 24Quiz 14Warmup: 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 (p.154-156)Verb reviewDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 24Present progressiveThey are watching the movie.They watch the movie. Which on is present progressive?How to form?Estar + present participle (ando, iendo) Change to the present progressiveLos estudiantes estudian en la biblioteca.Nosotros escuchamos la musica.Ustedes leen una novela.Ella escribe un poema romantico.Yo aprendo a hablar espaol. Intntalo (p.167), 1 (p.168)No vocab quiz next Tuesday


Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 25What are the two acronyms for learning ser versus estar?Intntalo, 2 (p.171-172)Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da veintisis 26 Review ser/estar1 (p.172)Direct objects/direct object pronouns in SpanishTry to answer these questions after viewing power point:What are the direct object pronouns in English?What are the direct object pronouns in Spanish?To determine what is the DOP in the sentence, what questions can we ask?What are the rules of placement for DOPS in Spanish?Translate lo, la, la, las to English.


Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 27Composition 2Oral questions For INTERVIEW 2, I will select 4 questions from the previous link, and then I will select one of the photos from the next slide of which you will give a detailed description. For the photo description, you must employ four sentences with four different verbs. Darren Broome, Ph.D.Interview (question 5)-2 photosFoto uno (1)Foto dos (2)

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da veintiocho 28Composition 2 ErrorsReturn Composition 2Composition 2 rewrite due: November 26Oral Questions PracticeCourse evaluationDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da veintinueve 29The final exam will be 50 -75 multiple-choice, short answer, and fill in the blank questions. You will be allowed two hours to take the final although you should not need all of this time. The test is comprehensive focusing a bit more on the latter chapters. Items to review:timeser/estaradjectivestener, venirtener idiomsthe verb "ir"stem-changing verbs (e-i, e-ie, o-ue)verbs irregular in the "yo" formdirect objects and direct object pronounspresent progressivethe verb "gustarprepositions of locationpossessive adjectives: mi(s), tu(s), etc.weather descriptions

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 29Types of questions: simple translations, verb conjugations, adjective agreement, logical choice responses.I would recommend that you review these items in the text, notes, worksheets, crossword puzzles, old quizzes, daily lesson link, and possibly look at the tutorials on the supersite.

Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 29Sample questions:1.Me gusta ______________ tacos en Taco Bell.a. comob. comec. comerd. comes2.Nosotros _____________ (SER) de Madrid. Somos3.Spanish class is at 11 am.a. La clase de espaol son las once.b. La clase de espaol es la once.c. La clase de espaol son la once.d. La clase de espaol es a las once.4.My name is John (Translate).Me llamo JohnDarren Broome, Ph.D.Da 29 6. Yo ______ (preferir) estudiar ruso.Prefiero7.Rewrite the following sentence replacing the direct object with direct object pronoun:Tengo que leer dos novelas.Tengo que leerlas/Las tengo que leer.8.Change the sentence to the present progressive: Leo el peridico.Estoy leyendo el peridico. 9.Answer question logically:Me buscas?S, te busco (or) la/lo busco.Darren Broome, Ph.D.Da 29Review worksheet for lessons 1 and 2Review worksheet for lessons 3 and 4Darren Broome, Ph.D.