Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach Kai Zhou, Gaofei Sun, Xinbing Wang Department of Electronic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Zhiyong Feng Key Lab. of Universal Wireless Commun. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

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Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach. Kai Zhou, Gaofei Sun, Xinbing Wang Department of Electronic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Zhiyong Feng Key Lab. of Universal Wireless Commun. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Outline. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access:Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access:A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games ApproachA Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Kai Zhou, Gaofei Sun, Xinbing WangDepartment of Electronic Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Zhiyong FengKey Lab. of Universal Wireless Commun.

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Page 2: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

OutlineOutline Introduction

Motivations Related work Objectives

System Model and Problem Formation Potential Game Approach Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Discussion Based on Numeric Results Conclusion and Future Work

Page 3: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

MotivationsMotivationsHow to allocate spectrum in CRNs efficiently?

system throughput fairness issue … …

Page 4: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

MotivationsMotivations Spatial reuse is a key feature in wireless networks

Interference model … …

Page 5: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Related worksRelated works

Model distributed spectrum competition as Congestion Games Congestion games [3] Convergence speed [8] Price of anarchy [9]

[3]R. Rosenthal, “A class of games possessing pure-strategy nash equilibria,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 65–67, 1973.[8] R. Southwell and J. Huang, “Convergence dynamics of resource homogeneous congestion games,” in Proc. International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets). Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011.[9] L. Law, J. Huang, M. Liu, S. Li et al., “Price of anarchy for cognitive mac games,” in Proc. Global Telecommunications Conference. Hawaii, Dec. 2009.

Congestion !

Page 6: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Related worksRelated works Extend congestion games to consider spatial

reuse Virtual resource [13] Conflict graph [11] [12]

[11]C. Tekin, M. Liu, R. Southwell, J. Huang, and S. H. A. Ahmad, “Atomiccongestion games on graphs and its applications in networking,” IEEETransactions on Networking, In Press.[12] M. Liu and Y. Wu, “Spectum sharing as congestion games,” in Proc. the 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. IAllerton House, Illinois, Sept. 2008.[13] S. Ahmad, C. Tekin, M. Liu, R. Southwell, and J. Huang, “Spectrumsharing as spatial congestion games,” Arxiv preprint arXiv:1011.5384,2010.

directed or undirected

weighted or unweighted

Page 7: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

ObjectivesObjectivesMulti-radios for each SUWeighted interference level





Will SUs’ local selfish updates of channel selection finally converge to an Equilibrium ?

Page 8: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

OutlineOutline Introduction System Model and Problem Formation

System model Problem formation

Potential Game Approach Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Discussion Based on Numeric Results Conclusion and Future Work

Page 9: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

System modelSystem model User set :Resource (channel) set :

Homogeneous Heterogeneous

Payoff functions : User-specific Non-user-specific Non-increasing with n

Utility :

{1,2,..., }U N

{1,2,..., }R R


( )N

ir jr ij


g S I


( ) ( )i

Ni i

r jr ijr j

p g S I

Page 10: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Problem formationProblem formationChannel selection matrix

Each user can access channels simultaneously ( )Interference level matrix

m m R

1 2 3 4

1 0 0.6 0.3 1

2 0.6 0 0 0.7

3 0.3 0 0 0.1

4 1 0.7 0.1 0

User number (N=4)





1 2 3

1 1 1 0

2 1 0 1

3 0 1 1

4 1 1 0

User n



Channel number (R=3,m=2)


Channel selection matrix Interference level matrix


Page 11: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Problem formationProblem formation Strategy profile: Matrix Spatial Congestion Games (MSCG)

Four types of MSCG according to payoff function:non-resource-specific and non-user-specificnon-resource-specific and user-specific resource-specific and non-user-specific resource-specific and user-specific

( , , ( ) , ( ) , , )i U r r R ir ijiU R g S I

1 2( , ,..., )N

Page 12: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Outline Outline Introduction System Model and Problem Formation Potential Game Approach Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Discussion Based on Numeric Results Conclusion and Future Work

Page 13: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Potential game approachPotential game approachPotential function [3]: Basic idea :

for each user : the value of potential function changes

correlating to the change of each user’s payoff


potential function is boundedusers can’t update infinitely to increase


[3] R. Rosenthal, “A class of games possessing pure-strategy nash equilibria,”INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY, vol. 2, no. 1,pp. 65–67, 1973.

1 2( ) : N Z

'( ')i i

( ') ( ) ( ') ( ),i ip p i U

( )

Page 14: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Potential game approachPotential game approachFinite improvement property (FIP)

Improvement steps Improvement steps are finitePure Nash Equilibrium (PNE)

( ') ( ) 0,i ip p i U

( *) ( ), , , *i ip p i U




Page 15: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

OutlineOutlineIntroduction System Model and Problem FormationPotential Game ApproachMatrix Spatial Congestion Games Discussion Based on Numeric ResultsConclusion and Future Work

Page 16: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

MSCG –I/IVMSCG –I/IVMSCG with non-user-specific & non-

resource specific payoff functions payoff function : utility :

potential function :



( )N

jr ijj

g S I


( ) ( )i


jr ijr j

p g S I


( ) ( )i

ir jr iji U r R j

g S S I

( ') ( ) ( ') ( ),i ip p i U

Page 17: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

MSCG – I/IVMSCG – I/IV Theorem 1:For matrix spatial congestion games with non-

resource-specific and non-user-specific payoff functions, every asynchronous improvement step path is finite and converges to a pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE). Furthermore, any change of the strategy profile can not result in a grater value of potential function , which indicating that this PNE is also a local optimum in potential function.• FIP PNE• Local optimum in potential function

Page 18: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

MSCG – II/IVMSCG – II/IVMSCG with user-specific & non-

resource specific payoff functions payoff function : utility :

potential function :

, where


( ) ( )ij iji j U

n I

( ) ,ij i j ir jrr R

n r r r S S


( ) ( )i

Ni i

jr ijr j

p g S I


( )N

ijr ij


g S I

Page 19: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach


with increasing and non-increasing with

when increases,

decreases accordingly

Theorem 2: For matrix spatial congestion games with non-resource-specific and user-specific payoff functions, every asynchronous improvement path is finite and converges to a pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE).

1 1

( ) ( )N N

ir jr iji r R j



( ) ( )N

i iir jr ij

r R j

p g S S I

( )ip ( )ig x x

( )ip ( )

Page 20: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

MSCG – III,IV/IVMSCG – III,IV/IV Proposition 1: For MSCG with resource-

specific and non-user-specific payoff functions, FIP does not hold. PNE ?

Proposition 2: For MSCG with resource-specific and user-specific payoff functions, FIP does not hold. Moreover, a PNE dose not necessarily exist.

Page 21: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

OutlineOutlineIntroduction System Model and Problem FormationPotential Game ApproachMatrix Spatial Congestion Games Discussion Based on Numeric Results

user number channel utilization proportion updating mechanism

Conclusion and Future Work

Page 22: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

User numberUser number using updating steps indicating convergence

speed users update in a predefined order

User numberUser number


ge im




t ste



l imp



t ste


Page 23: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Channel utilization proportion Channel utilization proportion

Channel utilization proportion: more radios better ?


ge im




t ste


Channel utilization proportion

Page 24: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Updating mechanismMechanism 1: updating in a predefined

orderMechanism 2: maximum improvement first


[8] R. Southwell and J. Huang, “Convergence dynamics of resource homogeneous congestion games,” in Proc.

International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets). Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011.




t ste


User number

Page 25: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

OutlineOutlineIntroduction System Model and Problem FormationPotential Game ApproachMatrix Spatial Congestion Games Discussion Based on Numeric ResultsConclusion and Future Work

ConclusionFuture work

Page 26: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

ConclusionConclusionMSCG model

Multi-radioSpatial reuse with weighted interference


Four types of MSCGGeneral payoff functionsFIPPNEConvergence speed analysis

Page 27: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

Future workFuture workMore work on later two types of MSCG

achieve PNE?• Network topology• Charging scheme

Performance of PNE POA analysisFairness issueDistributed algorithm to achieve global


Convergence speed

Page 28: Spatial Reuse in Spectrum Access: A Matrix Spatial Congestion Games Approach

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