New Titles January June 2013

SPCK New Titles January-June 2013

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Catalogue of SPCK new titles published between January and June 2013.

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New Titles January – June 2013

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Welcome to the SPCK Seasonal Catalogue, January to June 2013We have many big names to conjure with this season, with new books from John Pritchard, Alister McGrath, Tom Wright and former Archbishop, Rowan Williams. We’re also delighted to present a brand new edition of our bestselling book on confirmation, Faith Confirmed. Other offerings include a diverse range of titles in ministry and spiritual reading, and welcome additions to the SPCK Classics series. And if you’re still at a loss for a Lent book, why not check out our handy round-up on page 28!

To see all our titles and keep up to date with SPCK news and events, please visit our new website at www.spckpublishing.co.uk.

This catalogue provides listings of new and forthcoming titles published up to June 2013. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this catalogue is accurate at the time of going to print, prices and dates may be subject to change without notice.

If you are a journalist and would like a review copy of any of our books, or to interview an author, please contact the publicity department on 020 7592 3900 or email [email protected].


1 Featured titles 12 Old Testament for Everyone 13 New Testament studies 14 Biblical studies 15 Modern Church series 16 Church and ministry 19 Liturgy/Worship resources 20 Spiritual reading 23 Theology 25 Pastoral care 26 SPCK Classics 28 Lent recommendations Back cover Ordering and rights information

You can now buy ebooks direct from our site at www.spckpublishing.co.uk

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Too often, the teaching and support that church life provides seem aimed at deepening our commitment to Christ and our involvement in church activities, rather than enabling us to live out our faith at work and in the world.

John Pritchard seeks to help us close the gap between sacred and secular using practical ideas, stories, humour, quotes, Scripture, questions and prayer.

‘This is a very good book by a very exceptional leader. John Pritchard puts himself into what he writes, and the result is accessible, encouraging and fun, with a steel core that not only makes one think but takes one back to the face of Christ and the realities of Christian discipleship. John is never cheaply comfortable but always reassuringly real.’

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

John PRiTChARd is Bishop of Oxford and Chairman of the Church of England Board of Education. He was formerly Bishop of Jarrow and, before that, Archdeacon of Canterbury. His many books for SPCK include How to Pray, The Intercessions Handbook, The Life and Work of a Priest and God Lost and Found.

April 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06762 6Paperback • 192 pp

Living Faithfully Following Christ in everyday life JOHN PRITCHARD

978 0 281 06352 9 £9.99

978 0 281 05810 5 £8.99

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Related titles


The Christian Belief for Everyone series comprises five guides to the basic ideas of the Christian faith – full of stories and helpful illustrations and written primarily for ordinary churchgoers. The approach Alister McGrath adopts is non-denominational, very similar to the ‘mere Christianity’ advocated by C. S. Lewis.

The first volume, Faith and the Creeds, concentrates on the nature of faith and the history and relevance of the Creeds, in a thrilling reflection on what we really mean when we say ‘I believe’. This is excellent preparation for exploring the leading themes of the Creeds in four subsequent volumes: The Living God; Lord and Saviour – Jesus of Nazareth; Spirit of the Living God; and The Christian Life and Hope.

ALiSTER McGRATh is Professor of Theology, Ministry and Education, Head of the Centre for Theology, Religion and Culture at King’s College, London and a prolific author. His bestselling volume, The Dawkins Delusion, has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide, and his other books for SPCK include Mere Theology and Why God Won’t Go Away.

February 2013£8.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06833 3Paperback • 128 pp

Christian Belief for Everyone series Volume 1: Faith and the CreedsALISTER McGRATH

978 0 281 06209 6 £10.99

978 0 281 06387 1 £7.99

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Related title






A distillation of Tom Wright’s meditations on the wisdom of Jesus and the apostles, drawn from his hugely popular ‘New Testament For Everyone’ series. Including stimulating questions for personal reflection or group discussion, this helpful devotional resource will be welcomed both by those who already own the ‘For Everyones’ and by those who may not yet have read them.

ToM WRiGhT is Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews. He is the author of over fifty books, including the ‘For Everyone’ guides to the New Testament, the highly acclaimed series, ‘Christian Origins and the Question of God’, and the bestselling Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope, Virtue Reborn, Simply Jesus and How God Became King (all SPCK).April 2013

£8.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06937 8Paperback • 128 pp

new Testament Wisdom for EveryoneTOM WRIGHT

978 0 281 06906 4 £8.99

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January 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06423 6Paperback • 144 pp

Faith Confirmed (new edition)Preparing for confirmationPETER JACKSON and CHRIS WRIGHT

• Completely revised and updated edition of our bestselling confirmation guide!

• Over 50,000 sold.

Faith Confirmed covers all the essentials of the Christian faith and Church life, including God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, the Sacraments, Prayer and Living as a Christian.

Each chapter includes Bible study, discussion questions and prayer suggestions.

With a beautiful full-colour design, Faith Confirmed is ideal as a confirmation course or post-confirmation gift.

‘A comprehensive introduction to the Christian faith as lived through the Church. I commend it to all those seeking deep foundations on which to build their faith.’

John Sentamu, Archbishop of York

PETER JACKSON is Vicar of Christ Church, Southgate, London. He was previously Assistant Rector and Director of Education at St Patrick’s Episcopalian Parish, Washington DC, and prior to that he was Chaplain and Head of Religious Studies at Harrow School.

CHRIS WRIGHT has taught extensively both in Britain and abroad. He is the author of a number of books for teenagers and young adults, including Key Christian Beliefs, Life Issues and Jesus for Today.


Chapter 1

GOD ‘Do you believe and trust in God the Father?’

‘I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.’ 1

If you are reading this book you may already believe in God, or you may be unsure about believing but curious about exploring belief. But where did this belief or curiosity about belief come from? Maybe you were brought up to believe in God by your parents, or you have seen God at work in people you respect and look up to. Maybe you or someone close to you has been very ill or has died and this has made you wonder about what life means and whether God plays a part in your life. Maybe you started to believe in or wondered about God as the Creator of the world as you looked around at the order and beauty of the natural world. Maybe you began to believe in God or to be curious about God from reading the Bible. Or maybe you started to feel that

there was an unseen hand guiding your life, that coincidences were signs of God, present through the circumstances and the people you met.

Some people, like David’s parents, started to believe in God as a result of a crisis. David had been playing with an air rifle and got into trouble with the police. He became more upset than anyone could guess and out of desperation killed himself. His parents were devastated. They felt their world had come to an end. All their hopes had been destroyed. Their life became one long nightmare as they were confronted with reporters and police interviews. However, in their despair their son’s death became a religious experience for both of his parents – they woke up to what was important in life, turned to God,

Chapter 1


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Chapter 1 GOD

began reading the Bible and going to church and within a year were confirmed in the Church.

How do we know God? God is waiting to enter into a loving relationship with each of us. He reveals himself in a number of ways.

Through the Bible and the Church

The Bible is our main source for understanding how God has acted and how Jesus came into the world to save us.

As we will see in Chapter 8 , the Bible was produced over a very long period. Therefore, it provides us with a unique record of how countless generations experienced God’s presence and actions and bore witness to them.

Christians believe that God inspired the different authors of the books of the Bible to write them so that his revelation of himself should be kept alive for later generations.

The Church has done this by translating and copying the Bible but also by teaching about the Bible and applying it afresh to new circumstances. It is a living book kept alive by the living community of the Church.

That is one of the reasons why we have provided suggestions for Bible study in this book. We cannot hear the Bible as the living Word of God unless we study it and give it time to speak to us.

Through his creation

Have you ever felt a sense of awe and wonder at nature – maybe standing under a waterfall or on top of a mountain, or being caught in a thunderstorm? Many people have felt God’s powerful presence in the world he created. Its beauty and majesty have revealed God’s beauty and majesty to them.

Through experiences in life

What does it mean to say a person has a conscience? Have you ever felt your conscience telling you to do something or to stop doing something? Where does your sense of right and wrong come from?

Christians believe that God speaks to people through their conscience. They can develop their conscience by learning about what the Bible and the Church’s tradition teach.

Sometimes we have experiences which make us stand back and ask ‘Where did that come from?’

God speaks to us through our everyday life – through the people we meet and the

What words come to mind when you look at this window? What qualities of God has the designer captured in glass?

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Jesus: life and ministry ‘Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ?’

‘I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord . . .’ 1

Jesus: life and Jesus: life and 3

Jesus: life and ministry Jesus: life and ministry Jesus: life and Chapter 3


Today more people follow Jesus Christ than anyone else on earth. Jesus’ influence can be seen in the images in this chapter. Throughout the centuries artists and illustrators have depicted Jesus in ways that make sense to them. Today, in Brazil Jesus is depicted as a Brazilian, in Korea as a Korean, and among the Maoris in New Zealand as a Maori. All cultures throughout the centuries have been influenced by Jesus Christ. But who is Jesus?

Who was Jesus? A human being like us

Jesus was a man who walked the dusty streets, was tempted, as all people are, and died as a criminal on a cross. But in his teaching people recognized that he spoke with an authority unlike anyone else. In his miracles they saw a supernatural power at work in him. Jesus was not an ‘ordinary’ man, but he was

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And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (John testified to him and cried out, ‘This was he of whom I said, “He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.”’) From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.

Look through the images of Jesus in this chapter. The image above is by the contemporary African-American artist Laura James. Why do you think artists from different countries have chosen to depict Jesus as though he were a member of their own community?

still fully a human being. He shows the true potential of our human nature when it is perfectly united with God.

The Son of God

During his life Jesus would often go away to a quiet place to be alone with God. These times of quietness were the source of his inner strength. Jesus spoke of the special relationship he had with God, whom he called ‘Father’. According to John’s Gospel, he identified himself with God the Father, telling his disciples that ‘The Father and I are one’ (John 10.30) and that ‘If you knew me, you would know my Father also’ (John 8.19).

As the early disciples thought about the life of Jesus they came to believe that he was more than a human being. He was God’s Son who came and lived as a man on earth. Matthew gave Jesus the name ‘Emmanuel’, which means ‘God is with us’. The early Church came to refer to this belief as the Incarnation . The word means ‘in the flesh’, and refers to the belief that God became a human being in Jesus.

John’s Gospel begins with a poem describing the Incarnation (John 1.1–5, 14–18). In describing Jesus as the Word of God, St John is telling us that he is God’s ultimate self-expression in human terms:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it . . .

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Related title

£8.99978 0 281 06361 1

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January 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06423 6Paperback • 144 pp

Faith Confirmed (new edition)Preparing for confirmationPETER JACKSON and CHRIS WRIGHT

• Completely revised and updated edition of our bestselling confirmation guide!

• Over 50,000 sold.

Faith Confirmed covers all the essentials of the Christian faith and Church life, including God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, the Sacraments, Prayer and Living as a Christian.

Each chapter includes Bible study, discussion questions and prayer suggestions.

With a beautiful full-colour design, Faith Confirmed is ideal as a confirmation course or post-confirmation gift.

‘A comprehensive introduction to the Christian faith as lived through the Church. I commend it to all those seeking deep foundations on which to build their faith.’

John Sentamu, Archbishop of York

PETER JACKSON is Vicar of Christ Church, Southgate, London. He was previously Assistant Rector and Director of Education at St Patrick’s Episcopalian Parish, Washington DC, and prior to that he was Chaplain and Head of Religious Studies at Harrow School.

CHRIS WRIGHT has taught extensively both in Britain and abroad. He is the author of a number of books for teenagers and young adults, including Key Christian Beliefs, Life Issues and Jesus for Today.


Chapter 1

GOD ‘Do you believe and trust in God the Father?’

‘I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.’ 1

If you are reading this book you may already believe in God, or you may be unsure about believing but curious about exploring belief. But where did this belief or curiosity about belief come from? Maybe you were brought up to believe in God by your parents, or you have seen God at work in people you respect and look up to. Maybe you or someone close to you has been very ill or has died and this has made you wonder about what life means and whether God plays a part in your life. Maybe you started to believe in or wondered about God as the Creator of the world as you looked around at the order and beauty of the natural world. Maybe you began to believe in God or to be curious about God from reading the Bible. Or maybe you started to feel that

there was an unseen hand guiding your life, that coincidences were signs of God, present through the circumstances and the people you met.

Some people, like David’s parents, started to believe in God as a result of a crisis. David had been playing with an air rifle and got into trouble with the police. He became more upset than anyone could guess and out of desperation killed himself. His parents were devastated. They felt their world had come to an end. All their hopes had been destroyed. Their life became one long nightmare as they were confronted with reporters and police interviews. However, in their despair their son’s death became a religious experience for both of his parents – they woke up to what was important in life, turned to God,

Chapter 1


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Chapter 1 GOD

began reading the Bible and going to church and within a year were confirmed in the Church.

How do we know God? God is waiting to enter into a loving relationship with each of us. He reveals himself in a number of ways.

Through the Bible and the Church

The Bible is our main source for understanding how God has acted and how Jesus came into the world to save us.

As we will see in Chapter 8 , the Bible was produced over a very long period. Therefore, it provides us with a unique record of how countless generations experienced God’s presence and actions and bore witness to them.

Christians believe that God inspired the different authors of the books of the Bible to write them so that his revelation of himself should be kept alive for later generations.

The Church has done this by translating and copying the Bible but also by teaching about the Bible and applying it afresh to new circumstances. It is a living book kept alive by the living community of the Church.

That is one of the reasons why we have provided suggestions for Bible study in this book. We cannot hear the Bible as the living Word of God unless we study it and give it time to speak to us.

Through his creation

Have you ever felt a sense of awe and wonder at nature – maybe standing under a waterfall or on top of a mountain, or being caught in a thunderstorm? Many people have felt God’s powerful presence in the world he created. Its beauty and majesty have revealed God’s beauty and majesty to them.

Through experiences in life

What does it mean to say a person has a conscience? Have you ever felt your conscience telling you to do something or to stop doing something? Where does your sense of right and wrong come from?

Christians believe that God speaks to people through their conscience. They can develop their conscience by learning about what the Bible and the Church’s tradition teach.

Sometimes we have experiences which make us stand back and ask ‘Where did that come from?’

God speaks to us through our everyday life – through the people we meet and the

What words come to mind when you look at this window? What qualities of God has the designer captured in glass?

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Jesus: life and ministry ‘Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ?’

‘I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord . . .’ 1

Jesus: life and Jesus: life and 3

Jesus: life and ministry Jesus: life and ministry Jesus: life and Chapter 3


Today more people follow Jesus Christ than anyone else on earth. Jesus’ influence can be seen in the images in this chapter. Throughout the centuries artists and illustrators have depicted Jesus in ways that make sense to them. Today, in Brazil Jesus is depicted as a Brazilian, in Korea as a Korean, and among the Maoris in New Zealand as a Maori. All cultures throughout the centuries have been influenced by Jesus Christ. But who is Jesus?

Who was Jesus? A human being like us

Jesus was a man who walked the dusty streets, was tempted, as all people are, and died as a criminal on a cross. But in his teaching people recognized that he spoke with an authority unlike anyone else. In his miracles they saw a supernatural power at work in him. Jesus was not an ‘ordinary’ man, but he was

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And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (John testified to him and cried out, ‘This was he of whom I said, “He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.”’) From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.

Look through the images of Jesus in this chapter. The image above is by the contemporary African-American artist Laura James. Why do you think artists from different countries have chosen to depict Jesus as though he were a member of their own community?

still fully a human being. He shows the true potential of our human nature when it is perfectly united with God.

The Son of God

During his life Jesus would often go away to a quiet place to be alone with God. These times of quietness were the source of his inner strength. Jesus spoke of the special relationship he had with God, whom he called ‘Father’. According to John’s Gospel, he identified himself with God the Father, telling his disciples that ‘The Father and I are one’ (John 10.30) and that ‘If you knew me, you would know my Father also’ (John 8.19).

As the early disciples thought about the life of Jesus they came to believe that he was more than a human being. He was God’s Son who came and lived as a man on earth. Matthew gave Jesus the name ‘Emmanuel’, which means ‘God is with us’. The early Church came to refer to this belief as the Incarnation . The word means ‘in the flesh’, and refers to the belief that God became a human being in Jesus.

John’s Gospel begins with a poem describing the Incarnation (John 1.1–5, 14–18). In describing Jesus as the Word of God, St John is telling us that he is God’s ultimate self-expression in human terms:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it . . .

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Related title

£8.99978 0 281 06361 1

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Related titles


Thomas Merton’s life was to a great extent one of dialogue with people who were distant, both geographically and historically. In these probing and perceptive studies, Rowan Williams looks closely at the key intellectual and spiritual relationships that emerge in Merton’s writings, exploring the impact on him of thinkers as diverse as Hannah Arendt, Karl Barth, William Blake, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Olivier Clément, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Paul Evdokimov, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Vladimir Lossky, John Henry Newman, Boris Pasternak and St John of the Cross.

‘Engagements with Merton don’t come more wonderingly than this. Surprising, illuminating, playful, and wry, Rowan Williams draws the Trappist into speech that helps us all think more deeply.’

Professor Mark McIntosh, Durham University

RoWAn WiLLiAMS is Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge. His most recent books include The Lion’s World: A journey into the heart of Narnia (2012), Dostoyevsky: Language, faith and fiction (2011) and Tokens of Trust: An introduction to Christian belief (2007).

April 2013£10.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07056 5Paperback • 112 pp

A Silent ActionEngagements with Thomas MertonROWAN WILLIAMS

978 0 281 06170 9 £20

978 0 281 06328 4 £9.99

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Related title






In Falling Upward, Richard Rohr talked at length about the False Self and how it gets in the way of spiritual maturity. In this new book, he likens True Self to a diamond, buried deep within us, formed under the intense pressure of our lives, needing to be searched for and uncovered from all the debris of ego that surrounds it. In a sense True Self must, like Jesus, be resurrected, and that process is not resuscitation but transformation.

‘ . . . reading Richard Rohr is like sitting around the tribal fire, listening to the village elder give words to that which we’ve always known to be true, we just didn’t know how.’

Rob Bell, author of Love Wins

FR RiChARd RohR is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province. He founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1986, where he presently serves as Founding Director. He is an internationally known speaker and the author of over twenty books, including Falling Upward (also published by SPCK), which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide.

February 2013£10.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07017 6Paperback • 288 pp

immortal diamondThe search for our true selfRICHARD ROHR

978 0 281 06891 3 £10.99

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The SPCK Bible GuideAn illustrated survey of all the books of the Bible – their contents, themes and teachingsHENRY WANSBROUGH osb

Lavishly illustrated throughout, The SPCK Bible Guide is the ideal entry-point for people of all religious backgrounds looking for a clear, concise and comprehensive presentation of the Bible’s stories and teachings, and how they still speak to people today.

The entire Bible is broken down into easy-to-manage sections, each containing a narrative summary, key quotations and a helpful commentary explaining the basic message of the original authors. Brief summaries of every chapter in the Bible are also provided, each of them colour-coded by theme – such as Forgiveness, History, Miracles, Moral Teaching, Love, Poetry and Prayer. This enables readers to browse through quickly and discover information on a chosen topic from different parts of the Bible.

February 2013£15.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06945 3Paperback • 288 pp


is a Benedictine monk based at Ampleforth Abbey in Yorkshire. He is former Chairman of the Oxford University Theology Faculty, and former Master of St Benet’s Hall, Oxford. He is the editor of The New Jerusalem Bible (1985) and author of more than twenty books, including The Use and Abuse of the Bible: A brief history of biblical interpretation (2010).

Related title

£17.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06851 7

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The SPCK Bible GuideAn illustrated survey of all the books of the Bible – their contents, themes and teachingsHENRY WANSBROUGH osb

Lavishly illustrated throughout, The SPCK Bible Guide is the ideal entry-point for people of all religious backgrounds looking for a clear, concise and comprehensive presentation of the Bible’s stories and teachings, and how they still speak to people today.

The entire Bible is broken down into easy-to-manage sections, each containing a narrative summary, key quotations and a helpful commentary explaining the basic message of the original authors. Brief summaries of every chapter in the Bible are also provided, each of them colour-coded by theme – such as Forgiveness, History, Miracles, Moral Teaching, Love, Poetry and Prayer. This enables readers to browse through quickly and discover information on a chosen topic from different parts of the Bible.

February 2013£15.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06945 3Paperback • 288 pp


is a Benedictine monk based at Ampleforth Abbey in Yorkshire. He is former Chairman of the Oxford University Theology Faculty, and former Master of St Benet’s Hall, Oxford. He is the editor of The New Jerusalem Bible (1985) and author of more than twenty books, including The Use and Abuse of the Bible: A brief history of biblical interpretation (2010).

Related title

£17.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06851 7

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Related titles


Written by an international team of distinguished academics and Bible scholars, The SPCK Bible Atlas features accurate and accessible retellings of the key events of the Bible. This essential guide includes:

• over 150 images and 100 full-colour maps that bring the people, places and events of the Bible to life;

• handy charts showing exactly where each event is located in the Bible;

• extensive discussion of the geography and archaeology of the Bible lands, placing the biblical narrative in its historical and cultural contexts;

• family trees, timelines, charts and tables summarizing essential information.

BARRy J. BEiTzEL is Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois.

February 2013£17.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06851 7Hardback • 352 pp

The SPCK Bible AtlasThe events, people and places of the Bible from Genesis to RevelationEdited by BARRY J. BEITZEL

978 0 281 06945 3 £15.99

978 0 281 05931 7 £14.99

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Related titles






The first instalment of Brian McLaren’s trilogy recounts a lively and intimate conversation between two fictional characters – Pastor Dan Poole and his daughter’s high-school science teacher, Neil Oliver. They reflect together about faith, doubt, reason, mission, leadership and spiritual practice in the emerging postmodern world. A New Kind of Christian offers a tale of hope and spiritual renewal for those who thought they had to give up on faith, God and the Church.

‘A New Kind of Christian is a landmark in twenty-first-century Christianity. This book has and will continue to provoke conversation, debate, even conversion. McLaren charts a new course for the faith. In short, he is a prophet, and this is a prophetic text.’

Tony Jones, author, The New Christians: Dispatches from the emergent frontier

(See page 21 for the remaining books in the series.)

BRiAn d. McLAREn is an author, speaker, pastor and networker among innovative Christian leaders, thinkers and activists. His ground-breaking books include A Generous Orthodoxy, The Secret Message of Jesus, A New Kind of Christianity and Naked Spirituality. For 24 years, he served as the founding pastor of Cedar Ridge Community Church in the Washington-Baltimore area. He has been named by Time magazine as one of America’s 25 most influential Evangelicals.

January 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06990 3Paperback • 320 pp

A new Kind of Christian Book One of the New Kind of Christian TrilogyBRIAN D. McLAREN

978 0 281 06585 1 £9.99

978 0 281 05798 6 £10.99

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January 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06132 7Paperback • 216 pp

April 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06137 2Paperback • 224 pp

Old Testament for Everyone

old Testament Guides For EveryoneJOHN GOLDINGAY

About the series: Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story of the Old Testament. And, through his guidance, we are prompted to apply what we read to our own lives.

Ezra, nehemiah and EstherWhat awaited the people of God who returned from exile? What awaited those who didn’t? The books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther tell how the Jewish people – through faith, courage and persistence – overcame opposition, intimidation and the threat of genocide. Despite the efforts of their enemies, they rebuilt their lives and worshipped as a godly people once more. Today, the inspiring stories of Ezra the priest, Nehemiah the builder and Esther the queen encourage us to seek God and know that, come what may, he is our help and strength.

JobWhy do bad things happen to good people?

Job is a good man, blessed with children and great riches. Then, for no apparent reason, he is abandoned to terrible suffering. His children die, his wealth is stolen and he develops a foul disease. His wife tells him to curse God, and his friends think he’s not the upright man they thought he was. What has patient, innocent Job done to deserve all this? Neither he nor his friends know, so will God answer Job’s searching questions about suffering and injustice?

John GoLdinGAy is the David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament in the School of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary in the USA. As well as being a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, he serves on the editorial board for the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies.

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New Testament studies

The new Testament and the People of GodChristian origins and the Question of God, Volume 1N. T. WRIGHT

This ground-breaking first volume in N. T. Wright’s magisterial series has been completely reset to make Wright’s elegant and engrossing text more readable – both in printed and digital formats.

‘It is difficult to know which feature of it is to be admired the most: the immense erudition . . . the lively examples . . . the integration of so many different approaches and disciplines . . . the easy intelligibility of the writing . . . the lucid ordering of the argument.’

Expository Times

n. T. (ToM) WRiGhT is Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews, and the author of over fifty books, including the ‘For Everyone’ guides to the New Testament.

The historical Character of JesusCanonical insights from outside the GospelsDAVID M. ALLEN

How do the earliest Christian writings, apart from the Gospels, preserve and present historical memories of Jesus? This book focuses on non-Gospel texts – Acts, the letters and Revelation – to see how they reflect early traditions about Jesus, and help us construct a more rounded picture of his life and character.

dAVid M. ALLEn is Tutor in New Testament and Director of Studies at the Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Birmingham. He is the author of Deuteronomy and Exhortation in Hebrews and a contributor to Jesus Among Friends and Enemies.

Behind the GospelsUnderstanding the oral traditionERIC EVE

‘For a hundred years, the million-dollar question has been, What was the nature and state of the tradition between Jesus and the gospels? Eve surveys the major proposals, offers critical and constructive commentary, and makes appropriately nuanced suggestions of his own. On this topic, his work is now the place to start.’

Professor Dale C. Allison, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

ERiC EVE is Research Fellow and Tutor in Theology at Harris Manchester College, Oxford. He is the author of The Jewish Context of Jesus’ Miracles and The Healer from Nazareth: Jesus’ miracles in historical context.

March 2013£35ISBN: 978 0 281 06621 6Paperback • 560 pp

March 2013£16.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06470 0Paperback • 224 pp

May 2013£19.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06255 3Paperback • 224 pp

Page 16: SPCK New Titles January-June 2013


June 2013£17.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06732 9Paperback • 256 pp

June 2013£9.99 ISBN: 978 0 281 06845 6Paperback • 192 pp

Biblical studies

Secret Scriptures RevealedA new introduction to the Christian ApocryphaTONY BURKE

The Christian Apocrypha burst into the public consciousness in 2003, following the publication of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Interest in texts such as The Gospel of Thomas and The Gospel of Judas has remained strong ever since. Although much has been written about the subject, misinformation and hysteria abound. Secret Scriptures Revealed explodes the many myths and misconceptions about the Apocrypha and invites you to learn more about these fascinating texts.

Tony BURKE is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at York University in Toronto. He is the author of De Infantia Iesu Evangelium Thomae Graece, a critical edition of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Brepols, 2010), and is co-editor of New Testament Apocrypha: More non-canonical scriptures (Eerdmans, forthcoming). He also writes the Apocryphicity blog, one of the best-known blogs in the field.

Evangelical Faith and the Challenge of historical CriticismEdited by CHRISTOPHER M. HAYS AND CHRISTOPHER B. ANSBERRY

‘Chris Hays and Chris Ansberry engage in the courageous task of showing how evangelical scholars can soberly address the hot-potato issues in biblical scholarship, even appropriate many critical insights, without selling out on what evangelicals traditionally believe. The contributors systematically address big topics like Pentateuchal criticism, pseudepigraphy and canon, problems with prophecy, the historical Jesus, and exemplify what it means to practice a form of “believing criticism”. . . This is the type of discussion on faith and criticism that evangelical scholarship has needed for years.’

Dr Michael F. Bird, Ridley College, Melbourne

ChRiSToPhER M. hAyS is a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Keble College, Oxford.

ChRiSToPhER B. AnSBERRy is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Illinois.

Page 17: SPCK New Titles January-June 2013

June 2013£8.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06458 8Paperback • 96 pp

June 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06438 0Paperback • 128 pp


Modern Church series

Making Sense of death and immortalityPAUL BADHAM

Many think that belief in life after death flies in the face of what science has discovered. Paul Badham explores the grounds on which the hope of immortality, central for Christian doctrine, can be revitalized today. He suggests that the possibility of a relationship between God and human beings is confirmed by our religious experience, and that resurrection and immortality need each other.

Includes chapters on the evidential value of near-death experiences, concepts of heaven, and arguments against belief in hell.

PRoFESSoR PAUL BAdhAM is Director of the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre, and has been a parish priest and a university lecturer. He is also the author of Is There a Christian Case for Assisted Dying? (SPCK, 2009).

Making Sense of Religious PluralismShaping theology of religions for our timesALAN RACE

This short volume provides essential tools for everyone wishing to relate to people of other faiths.

Topics include: listening for authenticity; respect for differences; willingness to learn from the other; self-criticism; moving beyond absolutism; abandoning relativism; and forging criteria to distinguish between true and false religious belief and practice.

CAnon dR ALAn RACE is involved in training and education programmes nationally; internationally he is a conference speaker on theological and dialogue themes. He is Rector of St Margaret’s, Lee, in south London.

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Church and ministry

Being ChurchThe formation of Christian communityROBIN GREENWOOD

Robin Greenwood is in constant demand as a speaker to groups of clergy and others who are concerned about how to deal creatively with the changes in the Church’s situation. This book will offer inspiration, ideas and strategies based on real experience, detailed reflection and wide reading, pointing to processes that offer support and challenge to church leaders at every level. It will show how to empower the people of God, and draw out confident leadership, centred discipleship, mutual affirmation, a sense of identity and the courage to listen.

RoBin GREEnWood is a parish priest in Whitley Bay, and was previously Provincial Minister for Ministry for the Church in Wales. He has written many successful books on ministry for SPCK.

Brand new Church?The Church and the postmodern conditionGRAEME FANCOURT

Brand New Church? aims to make sense of what ‘postmodern’ actually looks and feels like in real life, and to ask what this means for the Church.

The author has spoken to a wide range of church leaders in the UK and USA about what is happening. His concern is not simply with ‘emerging church’, which is both loved and loathed, but also with a broader understanding of how – in these postmodern times – the Church might engage fruitfully in dialogue and mission for the sake of all God’s people.

ThE REVd dR GRAEME FAnCoURT is the first graduate of Durham University’s Doctor of Theology and Ministry programme, in which he looked at the relationship between the Church and postmodern cultures. He has worked in Baptist and Anglican churches for over ten years, and is now an Anglican priest serving as a curate in the Benefice of Caversham Thameside and Mapledurham, near Reading.

June 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06935 4Paperback • 192 pp

May 2013£14.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06797 8Paperback • 176 pp

Page 19: SPCK New Titles January-June 2013

May 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06814 2Paperback • 128 pp

May 2013£12.99 ISBN: 978 0 281 07051 0Paperback • 144 pp


Church and ministry

An Anglican Understanding of the ChurchPAUL AVIS

A well established short guide to how the Church of England and the worldwide Anglican Communion think of themselves. The history and theology involved are clearly explained in a structured way, making the book a clear introduction to those coming to these issues for the first time, as well as a handy reference book for the specialist. The new edition is updated throughout to take account of Anglican and ecumenical developments, and includes additional questions for reflection and enlarged reading lists.

CAnon dR PAUL AViS was formerly General Secretary of the Church of England’s Council for Christian Unity, and is now Theological Consultant to the Anglican Communion Office. He is also convening editor of the journal Ecclesiology.

Models for youth MinistryLearning from the life of ChristSTEVE GRIFFITHS

In this provocative new book, Steve Griffiths argues that youth ministry has operated with inadequate theological foundations for far too long. Too many youth workers rely on an incarnational model, which leads them to believe that they must spend huge amounts of time with young people in order to ‘earn the right’ to share the gospel with them. Steve Griffiths argues that this is now how Jesus himself operated and he suggests a broader Christology as the basis for youth work. Each chapter includes study questions for individuals or groups.

ThE REVd dR STEVE GRiFFiThS is Rector of the Linton Team Ministry, Cambridge. He has specialized in youth ministry throughout his ministerial career and was Director of the Centre for Youth Ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge from 2005 to 2009. He writes a regular column, ‘Saints and Martyrs’, for Youthwork magazine and is the author of God in the Valley: A journey through grief and Redeem the Time. He has also contributed a number of academic and popular articles on youth work.

new edition

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Church and ministry

Transforming PreachingThe sermon as a channel for God’s wordDAVID HEYWOOD

Transforming Preaching is for anyone approaching the task of preaching for the first time, while also serving as a useful refresher for all who want to enhance and develop their preaching ministry.

David Heywood roots preaching in a clear understanding of the authority of God’s word. He explains how people listen, learn and grow in the Christian life, and provides clear guidelines on how to construct a successful sermon. The book concludes with a stimulating guide to the principles of interactive preaching.

dAVid hEyWood is Director of Pastoral Studies at Ripon College, Cuddesdon. He is the author of Divine Revelation and Human Learning and Reimagining Ministry.

The Lectionary 2014Common Worship and BCPAs authorized by the Church of EnglandThe SPCK Lectionary provides a streamlined and clearly laid out presentation of the Common Worship calendar and lectionary, with BCP readings on the same page. Sundays and major festivals are covered, as well as weekday services. An essential purchase for any church using the Common Worship or Book of Common Prayer services; most churches using a formal lectionary use both.

May 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06341 3Paperback • 192 pp

May 2013£4.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07050 3Paperback • 96 pp

Page 21: SPCK New Titles January-June 2013


Liturgy/Worship resources

The Cross and Creation in Christian Liturgy and ArtCHRISTOPHER IRVINEAlcuin Club selection for 2013

• Contains a four-page colour plate section

This book invites the reader to reflect on how the cross, and pictures of the crucifixion, work when seen in relation to their original setting in a place of worship. Examples are drawn from a range of artistic and liturgical sources which show the cross as a sign of life. These images of the living cross and Christ as the tree of life point to God’s intention to re-make the world, and underline the Christian’s duty to care for creation.

The author’s encyclopaedic knowledge of art, and enthusiasm for the subject, will inspire many readers to seek out the artworks and the churches he describes.

ChRiSToPhER iRVinE is a Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, and has published, with SPCK, The Art of God, and The Use of Symbols in Worship. He has been a parish priest, as well as a university chaplain, and more recently, Principal of the College of the Resurrection at Mirfield.

There is a Season Celebrating the church year with childrenMARGARET PRITCHARD HOUSTON

It’s hard to plan liturgical celebrations that are at the same time accessible to children and true to the heritage of Anglicanism. This practical handbook for churches and schools contains liturgies and follow-on activities for key festivals, including Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost and Harvest. Supplementary material for use at home and in schools is also provided.

MARGARET PRiTChARd hoUSTon is Families Pastor at St George’s Church, Campden Hill, London. She previously worked as a primary school teacher in east London and as an administrator for a theatre company. She grew up surrounded by liturgy, story, song and theatre and still thinks going to church in the middle of the night is really fun.

The Gospels in Art, Music and Literature, year C, LukeDAVID STANCLIFFE

For every Sunday and major feast you can now download the Gospel reading, relevant art work and literature excerpts, references for musical pieces, and a reflection by BiShoP dAVid STAnCLiFFE!

For full details and associated fees, visit www.seedresources.com

June 2013£17.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06908 8Paperback • 224 pp

March 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06911 8Paperback • 128 pp

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February 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06825 8Paperback • 128 pp


March 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06933 0Paperback • 272 pp

Spiritual reading


‘Commitment to social justice without being motivated by compassion is politics without heart. In this book, Trystan Owain Hughes writes brilliantly and with excellent directives on how to live out compassion in a society that, at times, seems indifferent to the hurts of others. This is a book that was waiting to be written.’

Tony Campolo, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Eastern University

‘Gentle, learned and culturally aware, this book offers a rich understanding of Christian faith as an invitation to find ourselves not so much by looking within, but by turning outwards to others and to God.’

Graham Tomlin, Dean, St Mellitus College, London

ThE REVd dR TRySTAn oWAin hUGhES is Anglican Chaplain at Cardiff University. He is a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought and BBC Radio 4’s Prayer for the Day, and the author of the widely acclaimed Finding Hope and Meaning in Suffering (SPCK, 2010).

He lectures in theology at Cardiff University and has spoken at retreats, quiet days and conferences worldwide.

The God of intimacy and ActionReconnecting ancient spiritual practices, evangelism, and justice TONY CAMPOLO and MARY ALBERT DARLING

The God of Intimacy and Action is filled with contemporary examples of people who are experiencing the kind of mystical spirituality that empowers and inspires them to become true followers of Christ.

‘I know both Tony and Mary personally and can testify to the genuineness of their search for spiritual wholeness. It is a search that always holds in creative tension a profound intimacy with God through Christ with a vigorous engagement in the social realities of our day.’

Richard J. Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline

Acclaimed preacher and writer Tony CAMPoLo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, Pennsylvania, a noted author of many books, and a national media commentator on religion, society, and politics.

MARy ALBERT dARLinG, associate professor of communication at Spring Arbor University, Michigan and a frequent speaker at conferences and retreats, is co-author with Tony Campolo of Connecting like Jesus, also published by SPCK.

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February 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06995 8Paperback • 336 pp

March 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06997 2Paperback • 336 pp


Spiritual reading

The Story We Find ourselves inBook Two of the new Kind of Christian TrilogyBRIAN D. McLAREN

In The Story We Find Ourselves In, Dan and Nero (and some new characters as well) take on difficult, faith-busting themes, from evolution and evangelism to death and the meaning of life – and reveal that the answers to the greatest spiritual questions often come from the most unlikely sources.

‘McLaren’s narrative is bonfire faith: a warm, spacious history of God where wonder and logic dance freely together. Superb.’

Sally Morganthaler, founder, Sacramentis.com

‘Offers an excellent opportunity for Christians to rethink why they believe what they believe.’

Publishers Weekly

The Last Word and the Word After ThatBook Three of the new Kind of Christian TrilogyBRIAN D. McLAREN

‘With the passion of a Reformation broadside, Brian McLaren’s The Last Word and the Word After That goes for popular Christianity’s theological jugular: hell and damnation. Pained by a corrupted gospel that promotes exclusion, oppression, and violence, McLaren’s fictional Pastor Dan deconstructs dangerous understandings of eternal life and points toward the joy-filled possibility of Christian community shaped by a radical biblical vision of God’s love and justice.’

Diana Butler Bass, author of Strength for the Journey

‘Brian McLaren has written a remarkable book on hell and the grace of God. And it is one hell of a book!’

Professor Walter Brueggemann

BRiAn d. McLAREn is a speaker, author, activist and networker exploring the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary life.

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Spiritual reading

Falling UpwardA companion journalRICHARD ROHR

This Companion is designed to help those who have read Falling Upward engage more deeply with its message. Using a blend of quotes, questions for reflection, stories, and suggestions for spiritual practices, the Companion provides a wise guide for deepening the spiritual journey – at any time of life.

‘I thank God for Richard Rohr’s sage-like presence in our culture: I honestly don’t know where I’d be without it.’

Brian Draper, author of Less is More

FR RiChARd RohR is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province. He serves as Founding Director at the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The healing WordGospel medicine for the soulBARBARA BROWN TAYLOR

This searingly beautiful sequence of meditations explores the power of God’s word to heal the soul and mend a broken world.

‘This is the kind of skilful writing that can move you to laughter or tears, and produce that lump in the throat or the catch of the breath that’s a sign of really good and powerful preaching.’

Susan Durber, Principal of Westminster College, Cambridge

Recently voted one of the world’s top ten contemporary spiritual sages, BARBARA BRoWn TAyLoR is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Piedmont College, Georgia. Her previous books include Home By Another Way (SPCK).

The heart of L’ArcheA spirituality for every dayJEAN VANIER

In this revised edition of The Heart of L’Arche, Jean Vanier looks back on almost 50 years of the organization he founded in 1964 and shows how a life shared with people who have intellectual disabilities calls us to recognize our own fragility and need for each other.

JEAn VAniER is a Canadian philosopher and humanitarian. He continues to live in the first L’Arche community in Trosly-Breuil, France and is the author of many books, including Seeing Beyond Depression (SPCK).

March 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07057 2Paperback • 208 pp

January 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07035 0Paperback • 192 pp

January 2013£8.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06991 0Paperback • 96 pp

Page 25: SPCK New Titles January-June 2013

January 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07019 0Paperback • 160 pp

April 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06688 9Paperback • 176 pp



Lost ChurchWhy we must find it againALAN BILLINGS

When we try to understand the relationship of the British people to Christianity, we tend to say that people believe – or do not; attend – or do not. Alan Billings’ argument is that the majority do not really fit either of these categories. Instead, they ‘belong’, in the sense that they feel some affinity with Christianity and do not find churches alien places to be. Lost Church calls lay Christians and clergy to recover an understanding of the Church that will not alienate those who ‘belong’ but enable ministry to them to continue.

ThE REVd CAnon dR ALAn BiLLinGS is an Anglican priest and a former Director of the Centre for Ethics and Religion at Lancaster University. He contributes regularly to BBC Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’, and is a board member of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales and the Big Lottery Fund, England Committee. He has written several books for SPCK, including Making God Possible (2010).

Children in the BibleA fresh approachANNE RICHARDS

A major new study of what the Bible says about children, with contemporary application to ideas about children and childhood today. Mission theologian Anne Richards re-examines some of the well-known stories (such as the calling of Samuel, the healing of Jairus’ daughter) as well as the more obscure and asks what they tell us about how we should view and treat children today. Interweaving analysis of the biblical material with stories about contemporary children and childhood, this book also touches on issues of consumerism, fertility and neglect.

dR AnnE RiChARdS is National Adviser for Mission Theology for the Church of England. She is a prolific writer and speaker on a range of topics. She is co-editor of Through the Eyes of a Child: New insights in theology from a child’s perspective (Church House Publishing, 2009) and author of Sense Making Faith, which was the featured Lent course on BBC Radio 4 and BBC local radio in 2009.

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June 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06965 1Paperback • 208 pp


May 2013£10.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07028 2Paperback • 96 pp


introducing Eastern orthodox TheologyANDREW LOUTH

With an estimated 250 million adherents, the Orthodox Church is the second largest Christian communion in the world. This absorbing account of the essential elements of Eastern Orthodox thought deals with being and praying, the Holy Trinity, apophatic theology, angels and humankind, sin and death, Christology, deification, icons and sacraments, time and the liturgy, the last things and eternal life.

In the course of his survey, Andrew Louth, a leading international authority, explores and explains the enduring influence of some of the world’s greatest mystical theologians.

AndREW LoUTh is Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies at Durham University. His previous publications include (with J. M. Hussey) The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire (2010), Greek East and Latin West, AD 681–1071 (2007), Maximus the Confessor (2007), The Wilderness of God (2003) and Denys the Areopagite (2002).

Challenges of Black Pentecostal Leadership in the 21st CenturyEdited by PHYLLIS THOMPSON

‘This engaging series of essays from distinguished theologians raises challenging and controversial questions for the whole Christian community. It should be read widely.’

Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York

‘The New Testament Church of God and its Oliver Lyseight Lectures have played a vital part in inspiring, encouraging and challenging the Pentecostal tradition over the years. . . The wisdom provided by the lectures and the important lessons learned from the past will help shape the future of the Church in this country.’

Steve Clifford, General Director, Evangelical Alliance

ThE REVd PhyLLiS ThoMPSon is the Education Director for the New Testament Church of God and has been instrumental in its leadership training and development programme.

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January 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06961 3Paperback • 160 pp

March 2013£12.99ISBN: 978 0 281 06843 2Paperback • 160 pp


Pastoral care

healing the Family TreeDR KENNETH McALL

• With a new foreword by Russ Parker, Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation.

Dr McAll tells how through his medical and religious experiences he has discovered a remarkable new method of healing. Believing that many supposedly ‘incurable’ patients are the victims of ancestral control, he seeks to liberate them from domination. By drawing up a family tree he is able to identify the ancestor who is causing his patient harm. He then cuts the bond between the ancestor and the patient by celebrating, with a clergyman, a service of Holy Communion in which he delivers the tormented ancestor to God.

dR KEnnETh McALL (1910–2001) was born in China and graduated in medicine from Edinburgh University. He returned to China as a missionary-surgeon and was interned by the Japanese, with his wife and child, for four years during the Second World War. His experiences in China led to interest in the powers of ‘possession’, and he subsequently devoted his life to the curing of psychiatric illness through divine guidance.

inside GriefEdited by STEPHEN OLIVER

A deep and serious resource for all involved personally or professionally with bereavement, the book also offers a practical list of resources and further reading.

‘If we are to find words of faith to speak in the presence of loss, they have to emerge from whatever we can do to inhabit the territory alongside those who are grieving, to move as far inside as we can; and for Christians that is entirely consistent with their central belief in a God who heals only by inhabiting the world of death and grief.’

Rowan Williams, formerly Archbishop of Canterbury

STEPhEn oLiVER was Bishop of Stepney from 2003 to 2010, and was previously a Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral. Prior to that, he was Chief Producer of BBC Religious Broadcasting.


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March 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07030 5Paperback • 224 pp


May 2013£9.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07073 2Paperback • 176 pp

SPCK Classics

Four Gospels, one Jesus?A symbolic readingRICHARD A. BURRIDGE

‘This book should be on the shelves of anyone who is serious about understanding the gospels properly. Well written, engaging and informative, it has, rightly, become one of the classic texts in its field. You really cannot begin gospel study without it.’

Paula Gooder, Canon Theologian of Birmingham and Guildford Cathedrals

‘Richard Burridge has made erudite scholarship so wonderfully accessible. Four Gospels, One Jesus? is indispensable for anyone who wants a reliable guide to New Testament studies with a disarming light touch.’

Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town

First published in 1994, and revised in 2005, this classic edition includes updated suggestions for further reading at the end of the book.

RiChARd A. BURRidGE is Dean of King’s College London, where he is also Professor of Biblical Interpretation. He is the author of What are the Gospels? A Companion with Graeco-Roman Biography (second edn, 2004), which is widely regarded as a breakthrough in Gospel criticism. His other books include John (People’s Bible Commentary, 1998) and the critically acclaimed Imitating Jesus: An inclusive approach to New Testament ethics (2007).

Touching the RockAn experience of blindness JOHN HULL

‘John Hull’s account of his “experience of blindness” is . . . to my mind, a masterpiece.’

Oliver Sacks, neurologist and bestselling author

‘John Hull goes a long way toward taking us with him through his descent into total blindness . . . He lets us see with no trace of self-pity or self-praise how blindness has become for him a genuine acquisition, an unforeseeably rich gift that has made of him what so few of us are: excellent watchers and hearers of the world . . . triumphant in the teeth of ruin.’

Reynolds Price, American novelist

John hULL is Emeritus Professor of Religious Education at the University of Birmingham, and Honorary Professor of Practical Theology in The Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Birmingham. He is the author of a number of books and many articles in the fields of religious education, practical theology, and disability.

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January 2013£8.99ISBN: 978 0 281 07023 7Paperback • 128 pp


SPCK Classics

healing dreamsTheir power and purpose in your spiritual lifeRUSS PARKER

First published 25 years ago, Russ Parker’s Healing Dreams has now sold over 20,000 copies. The author’s extensive experience as a Christian dream counsellor is reassuringly evident in this engaging and often moving text. Russ draws on a wide variety of examples – his own and other people’s – to reveal how dreams can lead us closer to God, to a deeper awareness of his will in our day-to-day lives, and to greater self-understanding.

‘A latter-day Joseph with an intriguing message and a very readable style.’

Church Times

ThE REVd dR RUSS PARKER is Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation and exercises a wide-ranging ministry in the UK and internationally. He has published several books with SPCK, including Free to Fail, Forgiveness is Healing and Healing Wounded History.

Bestsellers in the series

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