Official Newsletter of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship Last Quarter 2011 INSIDE: p2 God’s Plan by Bro Mel B Libre/p3 Teachers in Sandals Timeline/p4 Vatican Notes BRO DENIS AND BRO ANDREW CERTIFIED STUDENT TEACHERS During the culminating activity of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship, Bros Denis Tutaka and Andrew Quirke will be given formal recognition as the first Certified Student Teachers (CST) of the ministry that aims to develop the public speaking skills of Christian volunteers. To be a CST, one has to deliver the five basic speech projects consisting of: Speech Project No 1 “I Am”; Speech Project No 2 “I Believe”; Speech Project No 3 “I am Catholic”; Speech Project No 4 “My Favourite Bible Quote” and Speech Project No 5 “My Favourite Saint”. During the Teaching Night: Recognition Affair, the two gentlemen will deliver one of their speech projects. The activity will be held on Friday 11 November 2011 starting at 6pm in MacLaurin Chapel, University of Auckland, Auckland City. Other speakers during the Teaching Night are: Bro Jason Sharma (SP2); and Bro Darrow Benito (SP3). Bro Jeff Asher will deliver funny anecdotes in Smilines, while Sis Melissa Kleyburg will challenge the audience in BQQ (Bible Quotient Quiz). Bro Mel B Libre, founder of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship, will evaluate the speakers. Fr Sam Pulanco, Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplain, will give an overview of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship, which has become one of the regular programmes of the chaplaincy. Family, friends and supporters of the speakers are expected to attend the formal event that not only recognises the new CSTs, but also hopes to interest non-members to join in the activities in 2012.


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Official Newsletter of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship

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Official Newsletter of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship Last Quarter 2011

INSIDE: p2 God’s Plan by Bro Mel B Libre/p3 Teachers in Sandals Timeline/p4 Vatican Notes



During the culminating activity of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship, Bros

Denis Tutaka and Andrew Quirke will be given formal recognition as the

first Certified Student Teachers (CST) of the ministry that aims to develop

the public speaking skills of Christian volunteers.

To be a CST, one has to deliver the five basic speech projects consisting of: Speech Project No 1 “I

Am”; Speech Project No 2 “I Believe”; Speech Project No 3 “I am Catholic”; Speech Project No 4

“My Favourite Bible Quote” and Speech Project No 5 “My Favourite Saint”. During the Teaching

Night: Recognition Affair, the two gentlemen will deliver one of their speech projects.

The activity will be held on Friday 11 November 2011 starting at 6pm in MacLaurin Chapel,

University of Auckland, Auckland City.

Other speakers during the Teaching Night are: Bro Jason Sharma (SP2); and Bro Darrow Benito

(SP3). Bro Jeff Asher will deliver funny anecdotes in Smilines, while Sis Melissa Kleyburg will

challenge the audience in BQQ (Bible Quotient Quiz). Bro Mel B Libre, founder of Teachers in

Sandals Fellowship, will evaluate the speakers.

Fr Sam Pulanco, Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplain, will give an overview of Teachers in Sandals

Fellowship, which has become one of the regular programmes of the chaplaincy.

Family, friends and supporters of the speakers are expected to attend the formal event that not only

recognises the new CSTs, but also hopes to interest non-members to join in the activities in 2012.

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Teachers in Sandals Fellowship: God’s Plan

By Bro Mel B Libre

God plans out everything. All we need is to align

ourselves with Him, and He will direct us to what is

best of us, what is best for humanity, what is best

for His glory. „Teachers in Sandals Fellowship‟ is God‟s plan. He paved the

way for its formation; and led people to meet so His plan to

hammer out the mechanism towards its operation. When we

conducted Teaching Night among members of TawagAwit, the

only religious person who became its resource person was

Deacon Sam Pulanco.

I could not believe when three years after his sharing, I would meet him along Waterloo

Quadrant where he held office at Newman Hall, a block away from my work place in the

Auckland High Court. He was now the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplain, and at that time

was conceptualising programmes to make his office more relevant and interesting to students.

I told him about Teaching Night and from thereon we easily came to agreement that it could

very well fall into his plans – thus was born Teachers in Sandals Fellowship.

Like any endeavour, the initial activities had difficulty in attendance, but God sends out His

Holy Angels to tell people of His plans. A core group simply gelled upon the guidance and

support of Fr Sam – and nine months from that fateful meeting, we are conducting our

Recognition Affair.

There are still many things to be done to achieve

the ministry‟s mission “to carry on the command

of Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel to all peoples

of the world.” There are still many people required

to help in fulfilling the goal; but what is important

is that we have planted the seed on good ground.

Surely, it shall bear fruits in God‟s own time.

This early we have seen the ministry‟s first fruits –

Bros Denis and Andrew. Let us shower them with

our love and our faith, for they have opened the

door for others to enter and follow. God bless

them, God bless us all.

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Teachers in Sandals

Fellowship Timeline

2006-2007 Teaching Nights conducted periodically by TawagAwit led by Bro Mel B

Libre in St Mary‟s Northcote and St Thomas More Glenfield. One of the

resource persons was Deacon Sam Pulanco assigned in St Mary‟s


04 March 2011 Fr Sam Pulanco, newly appointed Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplain,

meet Bro Mel B Libre in Newman Hall. Both agree on the latter‟s offer to

conduct a programme to develop the public speaking skills of students

under in a ministry known as Teachers in Sandals Fellowship

18 March 2011 Orientation Meeting at the

Newman Hall, Waterloo

Quadrant, Auckland, New


08 April 2011 First Teaching Night

attended by 5 participants,

with two speakers, namely

Bro Darrow Benito and

Bro Andrew Quirke. Bro

Shawn Yap acted as

Programme Minister and

Bro Denis Tutaka was

quiz master. Bro Mel B

Libre was the evaluator.

30 May 2011 In the fourth Teaching Night attended by 9 participants, Sis Mel Kleyburg

became the first female member to deliver a speech in the ministry.

11 October 2011 Bro Denis Tutaka delivered Speech Project 5 “My Favourite Saint”,

becoming the first member to complete the five basic speech

projects and to qualify as Certified Student Teacher.

11 November 2011 Recognition Affair is held to recognise Bro Denis Tutaka as the first

CST and Bro Andrew Quirke who delivered Speech Project 5.

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Dedicated volunteers spreading God’s

Word through teachings and through



To carry on the command of Jesus

Christ to spread the Gospel to all

peoples of the world

Scriptural Guides:

“And thou shalt speak

unto him, and put

words in his mouth:

and I will be with

thy mouth, and

with his mouth,

and will teach

you what ye

shall do.”

(Exodus 4:15)

“Whom we preach,

warning every man,

and teaching every

man in all wisdom;

that we may present

every man perfect in

Christ Jesus”

(Colossians 1:28) NOW OPEN TO STUDENTS

November 2011 General Intention: That the Eastern Catholic Churches and their venerable

traditions may be known and esteemed as a spiritual treasure for the whole Church. Missionary

Intention: That the African continent may find strength in Christ to pursue justice and reconciliation

as set forth by the second Synod of African Bishops... Pope Benedict XVI prayed that a summit of the

leaders of countries with the world's largest

economies would find ways to overcome the

current economic crisis and promote real

development. At the end of his weekly general

audience Nov. 2, the pope issued a special appeal to the

leaders of the G-20 nations scheduled to meet Nov. 3-4 in

Cannes, France. "I hope the meeting will help overcome

the difficulties, which -- on a global level -- block the

promotion of an authentically human and integral

development," the pope said. The agenda for the Cannes

meeting aimed at finding ways to coordinate economic

policies to reduce global imbalances between rich and

poor; strengthening the regulation of financial markets; and promoting development in the world's

poorer countries despite the global crisis. The president of the Vatican bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi,

said he hoped leaders attending the G-20 would engage in an "intense spiritual" reflection and

"meditate" on the pope's appeal to promote the authentic development of the human person in today's

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economies. "In my opinion, the pope is afraid these big meetings like the G-20 can lead to the

approval of exclusively economic exit strategies" without taking into account the spiritual and human

needs of the nations they lead, he said in an interview with the Italian news agency ANSA Nov. 2…

A holistic education of children and young people must include religious education in

accordance with the wishes of the children's parents, Pope Benedict XVI told Brazil's

new ambassador to the Vatican. The teaching of religion in public schools, "far from signifying

that the state assumes or imposes a specific religious creed, indicates a recognition of religion as a

necessary value for the holistic formation of the person," the pope said Oct. 31. Welcoming Almir

Franco de Sa Barbuda as Brazil's new ambassador, the pope said that when the Holy See and Brazil

signed an agreement in 2008 on allowing religious education in public schools, the motivation was

not to give Catholicism a special privilege, but to respond to the rights of parents to choose how their

children should be educated and to give Brazil a new generation of citizens formed with a sense of

morality and ethics.... Christians need to

offer migrants special care, ranging from

prayer and concrete aid to promoting

policies that uphold immigrants' rights

and dignity, Pope Benedict XVI said.

Modern migration represents "an unprecedented

mingling of individuals and peoples, with new

problems not only from the human standpoint

but also from ethical, religious and spiritual

ones," he said. The influx of people from all

corners of the world offers new opportunities to

evangelize and to provide material and spiritual

care to those in need, he said. The pope made the

comments in a message on the theme of

"Migrations and New Evangelization" for the

World Day for Migrants and Refugees 2012.... Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed three saints

and said their lives demonstrated that true faith is charity in action. "These three new

saints allowed themselves to be transformed by divine charity," the pope said at a canonization Mass

in St. Peter's Square Oct. 23. "In different situations and with different gifts, they loved the Lord with

all their heart and they loved their neighbor as themselves, in such a way as to become models for all

believers," he said. All three founded religious orders in the 19th century, working in missionary areas

and on behalf of society's disadvantaged in Europe. The canonizations took place on World Mission

Sunday, and the pope said their witness showed that love is at the center of the missionary task. The

new saints were: St. Guido Maria Conforti, an Italian

who founded the Xaverian Foreign Missionary

Society, dedicated to the sole purpose of evangelizing

non-Christians. He sent missionaries to China in 1899

and personally traveled to China in 1928 to visit the

order's communities; St. Louis Guanella, the Italian

founder the Servants of Charity, the Daughters of St.

Mary of Providence, and the Confraternity of St.

Joseph, whose members pledge to pray for the sick

and dying, and St. Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro (photo

at left), a Spanish cordmaker in Salamanca who

gathered working women for spiritual encounters in

her house-shop. The group became the Servants of St.

Joseph, a congregation dedicated to providing a

religious and technical education to poor women and

protecting them in the workplace. (All items taken

from Catholic News Service)

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