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Speak Now 4 Workbook_2013_92p

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Speak Now Workbook 4

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fonMtiotro y..OyJorddirclaimrrnyrcslolsibiljrrfo.ihe ateriab'or.DPdin.n. I rd od_]\'.1,.'r. r.'-i !.cend:LMdigeq Aruiur IIr: I:uLr !etu:orElQrire PnnlidiE MtuEse.: E.il c'rnd.rs.!,tso.itrre ldito. Hd3 Yoo

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lllrft.tioE lr: Barb Bas!i34 (cnn.rh Bxtelnan Bun\a, IlLrrtcL ieil Jeftey.Javic.Jotrquin, liacey xni€lrr, Tony rkndazzo, CIi. ]tcc.e. Heidi S.hmid r,


t€*oi.t 5-€ SOC1ALLZIN.G




l€fsoni 21-24 POP l]U TTURE'

fleading rnd Wriliiti ..,i,., - . . .-., ,..:,,,-. r..,: .. - -, -:, . ;r.;35;.37r39i41

Video aomprehpn\;on . . . . . . . . . - . , . . . , 75

25.-r8 lRAVE(,':r. r


: Vocabulary!-esson t

Part 1

Wl ite the \\'oids from the box to complete each phrase.








a rish

a changc

opportunity to

x challerge

Part 2Write the completed exprcssions tiom Part I to complete the col1\.ersatiolls. Use eacil eapressior oJlce.You may ha\e to change the torms ofthe lvords. In class, practice the conversations with a partner

1.A: I hear that Nlxtteo ov€rcamean obstacle last\!eek.

B: Yeah. Hc has been r.antiuit to

2. A:



Oh, thai reminds me. l{eDdy tells me tirat )-ou

Yeah! I was olt r cruise and I ms rcallv sick. I had a hard tnDc enjoying m) \.ncatiorl

Co1lin tclls me Lhar st.re

4. A: I hear you are . What are you going to do difcreni?

B: Urell, Im going to move ovelseas. 1t's onc ofthe lnost cxciting lhings I \,'e ever done-

5.-^.: Hi, Carlos.I hear that yolr go back to college, and you graduated I?.: :r---I had no idea you lrcre studyirg and l,rorking rt the samc timcl Congratulationsl

B: Thar*s. In my company, we

it. It was hard, blrt ir turred out to be the best tlring I've ever done.

6. A:


I hear that you a fery years ago, but itt really payilg offnorr.

looking er1orgh. Instcad ofletting ttlal slop hnn, Nlalleo worked o11 his hcial .*p.essjon!, and the i.:-:people rrho told hin he l.asrit good lookiDg cnolrgh hired hin)!

acllng, but peoplc told hiln hc rLasn t !..-.:

during your !a.aiio:

Thai! lbr su1c. He diddt gcr Lhe t)romotion he w.rs cxpccting. He said it 1l'as onc ofthe

hc'.s ever faced bcca$e hea been lr'orking toward the new position for t'\'o years.

Thalt ght- It was scary ai the time, but it tr.ned out to be $'orth the uncertainlv

L"!r** 'E: Reading & Writing

Part 1

R.ad thc arricle belol!.

Have you ever had a setback turn into abrq trieJl7 Trat\ u hrt happened to FredH. Conrad Conrad is a fhotoqtapher. Onedav, he hdd \evcr,r worl aserqnmEnts.Fr.st, hc had to take a portraitola chef,nLlrnhettaf. And pottrarts requ re a lot olh.rvv equipnrent. Tlien hc had to rrr\,clto Drooklyn to photograph a .lincr. Bothplaces are in Newyork, so he gotaroundby tiking the subway. That,s when hehad somc b.d uck.Thc train he boardeddidn'i go to Brooklyf. l1e got as far as thct p oi l\4anhaftan belore he reaTized hj5misrake.Then he had to !o backto qeton. o.l-t ,,,;r m.i,-'J,g rqa. ot r..,l"dv,photogrrph . equipment. A5 he 5rr n the

l.l.r1L the srrterlrerts T (true) or F (fatse).

1 Co rad is a chet.

2. lou needllror. ell l)ln€nt lo maLe i phobsnphj. portmit thxn 1,ort do for orlrer liinas ol phoLos.

-.. (lorrad had ro trar-el hom lirooktyr lo l{:1rtija1ran.

.l He clra€cl up on the rirong sLibrar


5. He hird to go bi.k to aoother sratron.

- 6. He sar{ a n-Iafl dclileri gdozeDsofflo\\'ers.

- 7. Ihe pi.turc he tooktas published jn lhe I4hsrrlgt , lio-!r.

8. Ile missed rh€ train hc was supposcd to ta1:c.

E<; PAIR woRK I)iscuss rhc quesrbrs.

:. Do stories lihc rhis onc oflcn get i rhe nc1!s? \\ilri or Ntrv nor?: llo voLr think pcople rrnt. Or"t. urun tu.tiH?lt 1.or eler bcen ln thc righl pla.e afthc I ight rinle? Urhal hapfenc.i?

Part z',\-riLe an articlc about x storv).ou kror! r.hen someoflc hail a bia brcak

Part 3E]:.haogc )'our artjcle \\ilh a classuare_ Are rher. an1 !imilaritirrs?

station waiting for the aoffect tralr, now lateand frlrstrated, he saw a wonderful sight.

A.ross the platfonn fronr him, waitingior a train going in the other drrection, sa1a man completely surrounded by b.rloons.Conrad couldnt even see the man, onlydozcns olb, g ttly colored bal oof5.Forlunately, he had ever),thing he needed totake a great photo. so he did.The photo u/asso good dtat it v,,as pub ished jn the ruel1,lbr* r,?er the very next day. Then thc l/,,,er(overed the storyofthe pl.ture. il turnedor L tu bp the besr thtng rhat e\,.r I .rpr-,ct)tdro lr m.0f.ourse fia inq thc LIFl.ision totake t re picture had its cio,",/nside-Conradmlssed his tra irr I



Part 1

Match the words on the left with rheir meanings on rhe ght.

a. to change or be affected by sometling

b. to give iiformation to someone

c- a pe6o \rho sees something happefi

d. to hurt somethiog

e. to do or say somcthing because somelhing else first happened

6r ,witness . f. to not be arvake so you don t know what is happeniDg around 1ou

Fart 2., r .

Write the bold rvords from Part I to complcte the dialogue. You may hare to change the fonns oftheworils' In clas3, piactice the conversation with a partnc.

A: He1 did you hear about thc man who $'as saved by n bear?

B: No. What happencd?

,d: He \ras out in ihe lroods \vhcn .r 'r(,oi1'attacked hnr. Before he cor d

E: Oh, ro! Sd r.hat did he do?(r)

A: Well, he <loesnt really remember anl'thing e1se. lle ust haveo)


I meaD, ihe wolfattacLcd liml

A: An).rray a rvomau rras hiking nex.b].- Shc lo rhe nNns s.re,rDs for Ielptr)

B: So the woman was a

Shet the one who cr.er}1hing to the n€wspaper. She's aLnost as famous as the man

to ever)'thing? That's amazing.

alier what happened.(6)

the rLolf bii Lir:;

B: Because he was

A: Yeah, probably.

B: Poor go)l

Il: You mear she ran over to thc turn, cYCn though thc rvolf rvas ther e?

L: Yeah. She said a big bear camc up ai the same time the wolfwas biting the man. The bear scared the Noii

away and then walked away, as if nothing had happencd .


Lessorn 2: Reading &Writing

Pa rt 'lRcad the article beLol..

Did you evcr hear the story ofKitty Genovese? lt became famoLrs overnight. She was a youngv,.,oman who lived in a big city NewYorkCity. Onc night slte v,/as attacked. Accordingto the story18 peoplc heard her screaming, tlut no one tesponcied and no one tepoftid it to the nolice.

This tcrrible incident lcd psychologGts to nudy the"bystander effect." Bystafders l,,ritness events,butthey are not involved-They stand bywhile something happens. So why don,t people he plPsycholog sts Wdnted to lcarn more about v/hy pcople declde to help or why theyjust watrlt and donothing.They have learned thatthere -re a number offa(tors detcrmining whether we will help or not.

Flrst, is lt an emergency? People are more llkely to react ln a helpfullvay [,hen the situationis life threatenifg. Second, how many people are around? Th€ more people there are, the lessresponslbllity ea(h pe6on has- lfa bystander i5 alone, hc or she is more likely to help than if50mething happens in a crowd.d place. Third, r"rhere doer it happen? peoplc are less likely rohe p in clties and more Iikely to help in sma I to,,vn5 where pcople probably kno!,/ ea.h otiter. Andin.lrarealedfactor:howconnectedorsinilar drerrepFof,ie nvo veLIl lf witnfs5e! feel that ihep:rson in danger is somehow like them, they are mrch more llke y to take action.

a.rrplcte the sentcnces 1{iill wjrds from the articlc.

1. KilLr Geirolesc \Las atta.Lcd in

peoplt hcard tle arLack

I ii ltan.iers ar€ teoPlc \!,ho e!e.ls bul are not in\.ol!ed.

- feopLe ar c morc likery to ltclp r1&en thr situation

-Ir more people rr'ho ititness an iilcid.nt, the lcss ce.h ferson hxs to do somethirig

: :!-, nandcrs arc nore iiLcly to he\, ir tlun n1

ri : 1\itncss is sinrilar to a pcrson jn trouble,lhen he or she is more likel,v to

$ eeta wonX liscuss the qlrcslioN.

\\-iral incidents do 1.ou know about l\.hcrc bystanders did not help?\\'hat do ).ou thiflk are tilc mosr important reasons r,hI pcoplc do not heb?\\ hat most hflueDces you 1o takc xcrion to help suleone else?

Part 2l-iink abolrt an eveDt ir the ncws or in,vour p€rsonal expcrience rificn someonc did or did nol gel::i:ded help. \\irite a descriplion of\r,hat hatp.'r!ed.

Part 3hr..hargc lour dcscriptiotls r\.ith a classmate. \\rhar plrrls oi the story agree rirh the rcsearch? \Vas.r.i,thLrtg surpr;sirg?

on 3: Vocabulary

Part 'lMatch the $'ords on the lelr witL their definitions or the :i:.-:.

1. arrogrnt

2. chelr

3. etiquette

4. ignore

5. interrupt

6. leave

8. sttrre

Fart 2

D. rut,r' .r'rrir g n^,-ll..PlotJi- -

c, lo'-'l. in3.'r. 'ln.orec 'il. l.-::

d. not polite

c. thc rutes xboot \tlat is good and bad behalior

I to look at someone or somcthing for a long thre. r'r1.n :: i:: :-:::: -:

g. believtug 1rcu are bctter than other P€oPle

b. to malte food smaller .is you eat it

Use the bold i,ords fro1n Part I to conlflcte each sentcn.c. You ma] ha1'e lo chrlgc t1!. r.'r:::i . : :r .

1. I lt.Ll. it lrhcn pcoplc me r.hen Ih speaking.

2. i cadt stand li rvhen people preterd ljkc I'n1 rot e\,dr lhere, just

3. It bug5 rr1e wh.r people dirly dishcs in the sink.

4. It gers on tny ne1\.es r,Jren people with their mouihs open

s. It bugs me thai he is air.a,vs so

6. I cadt slard it rlhi]r mI sister just at nle blankl)' rather thell .rrN1r.rj i,: .

7. Hc is so

- . H. allr.al's lhinks he's riglrt anii e,,erl'one else is l'rong- Th:i:.

8. N{ost peo}re dorit har'-e good rnanners anymore. They ail nced to go to

Part 3urhat things bofier |ou? Use the t'old rvords fronr Part 1 to rank them fron 1 Grost anDoying) to S

(least anno).ing).In class, compare,1.our ideas in s allgroups.Synpathize1!ithIourPalrntl\r.tiI-1talk about Uhat bothers thcm.

t. 5.






Part '!

lieed the blog belori:

Pete's Pet Peeves

Servi(e these days

l,'". ,", ut Froronyi.o. ominool"rr ., i r ro , .r o. r. .on ". d . :, ietr,i -d llr'l. ...,p,d\6.wo.l oL,dredll. L6p.Ir.t,4 l,1Jgooo.^., *.,-, *"

rra n employe€s llerc ar€ m/ suqqesr otrr:t. Remembei the customer. lcan,l stand il whcn Iarn in a store or ar.5ldL..

"nd.ha,l.rl o. \e|vet ignore5n!. ,o ILrdD,.onorl .h6p.o..r.\.r. bu b.r,'tlre,pdr-only"t.v.c,.r_.... u,.,.d .oT",..r.),r.cyour conversations with ao workers until your break.

2. Be (ourteous. Another lhing that gets on my nerves i5 poor etiquette. Acustomcr service representative should not bc eatinq, driflklng, o;chewing!um when talkln! to me. He or she should gr€et me respectijly, and thaikme for nry busincss- Some servj.e profersio;als tlrink it L okay io be rLrdc.

3. Know yorrr stuff. Evcn ifyou worl( jn n coffee shop, ycu need to benlornred_ \bu should know \/hai the business seiIs, vihether it is .offueI -r l. .or\.o....bJg., e^i."J.r.\ , erv.r,o.. indo"r" - ". J . l or, .lr^ r a,,Lr.dIao.h^l: r,o.o",. ,n Io 1."i, ar'oo.r wl .rtlel,vo tl .i rdniarlLl.. d.rFt .,"1..w "nE.d-itr.) oncc

and Kenynn coflee. Please do me the coultesy of ansv,/erinq my questions.

". riie Lhc uuubcr .rirhe suglesriorl aftcr each derajl

rlle difhrcrL.e betl{eerr collee bcans

I rh.r i|g gum_-sxl lharlr louthr .ustolner corlcs lirst _

: l.::nibrmcd 7. answer qoes rns

.irversations r,ith co .r.ori(ers 8. poo. etiquette

ts pxa wonx ptscuss rHE euEsrroNs.: \\'Li.h sltggesrion do ).ou think is rhc most irnporrant? \\,h),?I \\'hat .an )ou lell about the wr;rer fro his suggesrions?r. \,-l.tlrnJ olproblerns har.e youhrd jthleoplcin (he scfl.ice j dustn.? Ho(, do \.ou thinL lheI b(. ..r b.- oid..

Part 2\',lit. about onc of)-oLrr ircl pccves 1\,j(h serr.icc pcople. Girr s!ggesrio s.

Part 3E\.haL1gc r.our l\,rlting \\,irh o classmale. Did ).o,, n rire ebo!t the sarne prol)ie-.? Urhar is si,,itar and\ hat is diftare.r?

Lesson 4:Vocabulary

Part 1

UDscramble the words belolv to match the correct rvords in thc box'











utp pu jht1{

angh otu iwht


Part 2\{ritc tI c vords frorn Par t I aDd yorll offil a'trj'€ to comPlere tb e cotrvcrsalions You er-ha1€ io

#;;;;;;;;;i;k,,..a' i,."p"" r. r" a"'s, Pracrice the con'elsarions \f ith a Partue'

1. A:



tr4y triend \irg .Lbort r1le. Ir re\ eL 't(rtrs lo stof'

her? N{avbe vou cor. d talk to her sometime \\_h€n i:s'-:< =:

Hm,I'm not really sure that $'ould l!'ork shct real\' ard likcs to be in .o::':

2. A:




'l hait not x bad idea. Tb;inks.

I dont know hat to d(:'.I told ay frieud abig sccret' bulshe told Neryone'

h must hal'e been really the nerit timc You salY her.

Yeah, it was. And a{ter that I really -. -. ' -.- her lor betlaying me

I cant talk with her about it dght Dow because she isni

I dont knov how yo your si.ter. Shei to contlollmg

Have yor thoughl abou

two ofyou.

Did you ever te1] her? You might wait to ihir* about txlkiug to her about it'

Well, lhen you nfghi l\'an! to corNidel

That's $.orlh thinking abott. Thxnks'

I koow, but I dodt kro\\'whxr to do'

Yoo might wartt to consider telking $'ith her about it

Do you really thinli thai's a good idea? She mighi gel cven \\'orse!

Yourc right. well, another idea is

That might lYork. I'll give it a lry.

3. A:




Part Ii.:;,1 the lettcrs bclo$,.

Dear Smartypants,

I have just about had itwith one ofmyfurellds; let! call her Oueen Bee. I have knovrnBee since !,/e were little giris. When we gott! h ql school, she began to changF Shcbiaame very popula bccause she is Drett\end outgoing. Hovr'evel I am not as succe;sfltlso(ially. feelawkward in large groups ofpeop e Be.ause ofthis, Bee doesn't hang outt. th me as much as she Used to. She spendsnrostofhertimewith the othcr coolkids_ Sheused to be really nice, but now she is unl(indlo the less popular klds, and that sometimesin.ludes me. ld I ke to talk to her about ourfriendshlp, but I don't want to be puthy. l,miiartinq to resent herDis@urdged

Dear Discouraged,

Friendshlps .an change over time. h is

not ufcommon for people to fird new social.ircles when they movc on to high schoolor col ege, or cven whe| they are out in thep'o'-. ()1"'$o J -o. t,i^no.l. f. o la. rlpcople involved must work at it. You say youdon't want to be pushy, but have you trledconfronting Bee? You don't have to be angry orunkind,justtell herhowyoufeel. Herreactio|(an show you a lot aboLtr vr'hat kind of Friendshe is. lf shc taker your concerns seriously andnlakes morc oF an eflort, !hE may be a fricndto keep. Howevct you don't lraveto put upv/lth Beejust becauseyou [/erefricnds ongago. lf shr rea.ts negatively, you might y/ant toconsider finding sonre better friends.


-r.:i er dre ,lueslions.

1i io is Discouraged h!\ing a problc \!iLh?

l. r .,.....il-r.

- Lr L lee fofrrIir?.' ho does Bcc spend rure rflth?

;.rr: has llee charged?

. ,. Lai docs Snlxrtl?ants suggest?

- i\-hrt should Discouragcd do ifBcc reacts negatir.cll?

E Petn wonx D;scuss ttre questions.

:. Do )'ou ihink the \Li-i!er describes a comnloD problem? Urh,v or \\tI not?:. \\-hi.l) girl11'ould you rather be filends nirh? Urh).?: Hal- 1ou er-er had x sinilar probtem wuh a friendi \\,har happ.ned?

Part 2rrt. x 1c11er al)ou1 a problcm you har€ had 1\,ith a fricnJ. Ask jirr s!Bgcstiorls.

Par'.3Er:.hange ]c[ers \{iLh a classnaie. \\rr]le a respollic nn,1 n]ake suge.slions.

Lessons X -4: Video Cloze

\\r:rtch flie Nelr Itoor,?,r.7rc aud fiil in rhe blanlis.

Nlaria: Hi...Kare, right? l'nl N1.rrli.

I(atc: Nice to nleet,-ou in persoll.

X{aria: Comc or in...take a look around.

Katc: \\ror., this place is reallynicet Big, and light...and so neatl

Mar:a: Yeah, Im ldnd ofa neitnik.

Katc: Oh, I knorv r,hat )-ou mean. I'nr rota[y rhe

Krte: Urell, lik€ I said, IiD realty rear, and she

l\.as prctt) messl Ard she rvas noisy i.ou klroi,she ryas ahva)'s $'atchlng T\r and taiking orr

.''cp'oI 'dl-rrin; ,,f ie d o\."..1, lr..

Maria: Oh, nol I can't srand mess,v peoplc. Did \orhear about the tvon1an r.ho sued her roommaic?

Iiatei No.lvlathappencd?

Nlaria: ,{pparenlly, the tomaD had asked trer

roonnnatc to cl€an rp. She never did. The house go:

so mess) llut the r.oman slted her roonlmate.

Katei lihat a nighrnarel

i[arir: Yeih,I _ I'm ]u.h...nry oll roorurate was 11.ond.rtul. The o.t\ thi..

Maria: Really?

Kate: Yeah,I rvher peoplelr) ' 'their sluffall over thc place, or

1)in a differenl ciil- At first I lras

pretty lrpset rbout losing Jny job, but fien I Ir{aria: Okar', so 'lbn,

),'ou kno\{,leaye dirt, dishes irl thc snrk.

Ivlaria: l Lat'.s Breafio h.art So, ha\-e a scat. C.ln I tetyoLL rnllhing to drmh?

l(at* Oh,]lo thanls. I snrl)|ed lor coflee on rhc 1\,a).hcrc..o l,o./ro o -.. o, lr n,^ot g... 6\. rn.]c..

Maria: Oh, for a couple ofweeks or so.lve ralked to

about five pcopte, bur no o.e has seerDed quite righr.

So, nr 1.our proilc you s-.rnl )olire rer\. ro rh..itr, righr?

Kate; \eah, i lost iiy iob tr fel\, .lorlths ago. I could'itI'nd .r otherjol) ,rear lllerr I h,ed, so I

'a.or .ol r' l,i"!e,.\ rt,.ti.,\F f..eo bur iltMned out to be the best ihi]rg that ever happcncd to nrc.

Mnria: WeU thatt grextl Iin stitl looking lor a job. t'rrrot really sure whrr I (.art to do...

Iiate: I'n1 srre ).ou'll ligurc it our.

Maria: Yeah. i hope so. So, did )ou livc lvithroommates before, or,l-our parelts, or...

Itate: l'eah, I live.l r.ith I .ouple ofroommates. I gor

a1,rng grcat $'ith one ofthem- BLlr rhe oiher...11.e]l...

she r,rs basically a nicc person, but 1re 11,cre jmr really


Maria: Oh? ln r4ra! 11,a1.?

I el11,a).s tr,v to bc o rime. A lor oftirnes I arri.. ::!laces cxr\., a.tuallr.

Ilrria: So. it sounds like 1l.e'rc the fedeci irlrii:,:l,ihcn .an )-oL1Drove 111?

ll-ater tha! dal....l

Tolrl: What happened? .

Maria: \,\tll I just got home, and Kates not here,

nnd...well, jLrst take a look at lhis.

To[r: \\brv. Oh, no.

trIaria: Yeahl Krte sald she $.as realll ncart \(hat arl igoiJrg lo dol

Tom: Ur€ll, uh,


alrla,vs late.

iGtc: Oh, I when pcople ar. Ie:.:

rlr.direct approach. lbL, kno*, ju"t1l-,hc. ot,out it rvhen she gets tro,re. 1r)

^Iaria: I dodt kno$r.. Do you

I nlean, shc just moved in.Iil not sure h#)shed-.. it colrld be l,retty

I have been to Spain. . .

Jake has heard that siory before.l,,1arta has had a tough time recently_

Present perfect

StatementYou have spoken to heraboutthe problem.Quesiion: Have you spoken to heraboutthe problem?

Have yoLl spoken to hersin(e yesterday?Since shows thatth€ time is stillongoing (not complete).

You have told me this storybefore. (at some time in the past)

Part 1

Compiete the sentences r.i!h ihc lresent perfecr form of the verbs in parentheses_

I Creta isnt happ).. in fxd, shc hasconrptainea to ihc nranager a fe\v times. (comptain)

= 1: l'our fricnd kceps asking nre Ior nrorleyl !:IB: We dodt kno\e. \\re

l. -{: Bcrnard hes a newjob.

!. A: Do you speak Spanish?

i. -{: \lheret lamlc?

4 l don't kno\^, th"t srory. I

Part 2L:se the prompts to lllakc present pedect questions.

BrYes, he sonc big changes rccentll: (rnake)

B: Yes- In fact, I SpaDish lessons. (txke)

telliDg her to stop. (tr],)

him since ).esierda)'. (not/sce)

ir treiore. (hearneve,






rrcu / fialre a decision / about your roomnla|e Have you mraea aecision abauL:tau? roomfiai,e a

Rachei I consider / lenring her frield

,ames / speak / ro the manager

.{lisha / find / a ne$. place ro live

)-ou / coDfront / your ncighbors

lou / trl / telhig Ana about the problem

Adjective clauses

Part 1

Ul.ire ND ifthe adjeciil.e ciarse is no)r-dcfinhg. urrlle ll il thc xdjcclil'c .lausc is defnins. Add.on,nras ifrLe s--nLence contrirs:- non'deiil il adjective .lausc.

1. D The w-ornaD rvho flirted on the sidervall is OK.



lamie rvho bas been silglc for years jltst got married.

3. fhe guy \\,ho is sitting behind me is kickill8 my chxir.



The kids rfho are in the ho)rl row are rnaking a lot ol loisc



Adalr 1\ho has been ouL ollyork for weeks ilLsr got a ne\\'iob.



I'ly best fr ierd lvho lives in Oakland found a diamond r'lng ll1 her bacb'ari!

Part 2Use dre h'ords in parentheses to complete lhe sentenccs ('ith a non defiring adjcctive .lause o. adelining adjective claut. Remeuber to use conmas with non defining clauses.





The gul *ho is alwavp]alr is coDing 1{i$ us. (He is always late.)

Claire rold J\ .ur.n D<..'re: (\1. i. r' .e- ,n.im-.)

wants to hxng out with us tonight. (He never has an)'thing to do.

disrppeared- (She witnessed the accidenl)



get oD my nervcsl (They talk during a rnovie.)

terted her fricnd durhg lhe novie. (She is usuallyr-cr'; pol!r:-

Joe, who is usually very quiet, yelled at his neighbors yesterday.

Dani, who normally loves to hang out with us, canceled atthe last rninute.

iosh,who is so shy, decided he!,/anted lo be on a realityTV show.

The server who ignored us doesn't work here anymore.

The man who fell onto a subway track is going to be fine.

The neighbor who I confronted apologized.

Lesson 5: Vocabulary

2. ttirddy

3. ex-

4. formcr

S. n t"."6. old

7. prospectivc

Part 1

Match the 1'ords on the le1l with their meadngs oo the riglrt.

a. used to talk about soureone rho had a special relaaionship to l.ou bltd4.snl an) more

b. L"ed lor"ll. aboura r,,r"on l-jTlhrL hrrnt b-.on-etrL.)et

c. used to talk abolrt someone you've hoI\.n a Iory time

d- used to talk about someone who rnay havc a rclationship with you in th{:

future, but Yotl :1rcri certain

e. an infonnal vord for friend

I a person yoLr krow but who isnt really a friend

g. ofa tine belore now

Part 2How often do ]ou talk io these ireople? Urrite the (.ords belorv in thc bcsl colllnn for yoLL In c1xss,

compare )rcur ans\yers \yidr a partner.

Part 3Circle tlre corrcct rvorcls to complete the conversation. In class, pra.licc the convcrsation r';rth a paLtLrer.

A: I think $.e ve met bcfore.

B: Um, I doubt it. I jusr moved here. Emma ant l are just (acqudi tances / old frieflds) . we mel last week and(r)

she said this party $ould be a good way to mect nerv peoplc. I'm Nancl-, by the rvay.

Nice to neet you, Nrncy. I'Il1 lliro. I used to li1,e rert doot but I movcd to thc othcr side oftoia'n last rveek.

Nln (u- / former) neighLor huh? Do ),ou knorr mosl of ihe people here, rhen?(2)

Yeah. Lett see. That SLty in lhe pink shirt o\-er there is Emmat (prosrcctil,e / f ture) l)r.ther in l,ul




Otr, So she's getting married?

No, her sistcr's gefiing married ner.t month to Er.lrnis lexercisebuddy / oltl employer) . Emma aDd her sister

T..ss than once a dav

rvere at the gym, and that's how Marv and Shelly met.(4)

Lesson 5: Reading & Writing

Part 1

Read the rrovie revier- belortr

Ih€ Hunger 6dmeJ was a best sellingseries ofbook. and itt been turned into abest selling series of moviesaswell.The firstmoviefollowsthe flrst book very closely.Katniss lives in a society much like the UnitedStates after a terrible warThc society is madeup ofdistricts, each ofwhich is responsiblefora certain industry. Her district is devotedto mining and is very poor.To feed her sisterand mother, Katniss brlngs home animals shekils t(ith her old hufting buddy, Gale. Everyyear,each di5tri.tsends one boyand one girlto the cnpital to particlpnte in a competitionin which rhey fight to thc death. WhenKatniss! slster Primrose is sele.ied, Katnissvolunteers to lnke her place.The selectedboy is an acquaintance of Katniss nanred

Peeta. A former champion (Haymitch) Iromtheir distri(t trains Katniss and Peeta. l(atnissdoesn'twant to getto kno\ / Peeta too wellbecause he is her prospe(tive enemy in thegames.

lh" HLtro.t CaF"s tea .y,tdrt, Lo t.\e of ,v",hen Katniss and Peeta get to the capital.There, a team ofstylists helps packagethem so they will attract sponsors who can5upport them. Once the games begin, themovie is full of iction scquences in whichKatni5s fnces danqcr, and then uses herhuntinq skills afd smirtr to stay alive.What

romance? Atthe end ofthe movle, vlewersare left to wonder \,/ho might be Katni5slfuture love interest-Gale or Peeta?

Match the person io the role

1. Haynitch

2. Gxlc

,1. Primrose

-.-5 Lahriss

A. lbrlner chanrl,ion, lrairer

L mairl chari.ter, fcm:rle competil.'r

C- sisler

D. huntingbuddy

E. fornler acquainlance, male compcutor

@ eltn wonx orscuss rHE euEsnoNs.1. Do yolr thirk you l\olrld like this nlovie? Urh)'or rdry noi?

2. Why do you think this movie is very popul:f?3. lVhat kird of movies do vru like?

Part 2trVrite your or.n revid^r ofa mol.ie, book, or relcl.isio shol\.. Dcscr ibe the chxra.ters ard the events.tr{hel are the rclatioiships l)etl'\,ecn the characlers?

Part 3Exchange papers with a ctassmate. Does the reviel\, make,vou want to see or read it? Why ol why not?

Part 1

\*ite the h,ords from the box ro .on'rplcte the stor)..

(r)asking, but I Lept sayi gno,that1L?snt

a little nap and thcn let's to. It'll be fun to

decided to

My friend called me the other day aod asked me if I was goirgtoamovie.Itold(L)

he. that I $?s kind of t l\.as realIy tircd. I also had t\\o tests the nent da)'. She kcpt

. Thcn shc said. "Come on. Tak.(3)

a movie togetherl l finally said OK and we(1)

before ihe mo1ic. I haddt catcr nntthiDg all day so rve agreed(s)

ihe nc$, pizza plnce next to the movie theater She sdd she was goins to

at 7:00 to pjck e up. I had fun the movie, but I didr't get to studyl\J)

Part 2Re\crite the scntences us;ng the words in Part l. Ir class, cotnpare your arslvers 1fith a Pe nel:









I almost neyer rvant to go to the gyrn. l'm rarely ifl the mood t gaJelle-+vtL.

My favorite place to have I snack is ioe's-

I like to go to restaurants that fve never been to.

f usuallv so to a nrovie on the weekends.

I ncver go to my friend',s hoLlse yrithout callirg first.

Im usually o&austed on Friday.

l' alnost a1$'al s happy lo eal oul.

Part 3Fil in the exTressions from Part 1 to complgtc tlle conversation. You may hare to change thc forrns ofrhe rords Ir .lJs. p-ocrrtF,fi e, or,. <r sa'ion w'rlr a p.r Irer

kamoke ionight? lU,\. friends nll said it\ reali)r fun to sing in

front of ereryone.(r)



l'm noi sure Iin up for that. I'm really . I had to \fiite follr reports this $€ek.\2)

l\reli, do you feel like ? Thcres a new Thai placc Ive been wtrnting to tr)'.(3)

Sure. That sounds tun.

Fart 1

Read the e mails belolr.

eekend pla n s?


Subject: Weekend plans

Hey Grace,

lcan't believe howbusy L have been this summer.l've been working a lot ofhours, and l,ve ako taken acouple of house-silting jobs. Usually by the timetheweekend rolls around,l,m so beatthat l,mjustnotupfor anyihing fun. lt takes too much energy. However,l decided thatthis weekend, l,m going to socialize.Whalare you upto?Would you like to catch a movie orgetsomethingto eat on Saturclay? -Emily

Subject: Re:W^Pl pnd plan5

It3 good to hearfrom you. lwondered lvhat happened to you. ld loveto see you, but l'm not really inthe mood to go out. I found out I did not get into the program I applied for hn really disappointed. I

can apply aqain next sentester, bui right now l'm not feelinq hopeful. Allthat to say that l'm not in avery rocialmood. However,lwould like to see you Do you wrnt tu swinq by on s:iutdiy afternoon? lcould make us sone dinner here or wc could watch a DVD. How does that sound? 6rd.e

Subject Re: Re:Weekend plans

That sounds ni.e.l'm so sorry to he.r your news.l betyou'llget in next semester. And doing somethingfun miqht take your mind off it. WoLr d you like to try the new Chinese restaurant? I could pick up som!takeout on my way ovel -Elr/,

Write T (true) or F (fa1se) next to each sratenlenr.

1. Gmce ltas beerl reallybusy lvith 1vo*.

2. Emily has been house-siting.

3. Imilyhas had a lot ofsocial aciivityrecently.

4. Cmce did notget into a pr-ogram she

applied to.

5. Grace sugg;sted they r.ntch a DVD.

6. -Emily$'anrs Chinese food.

@ cntn wonrli".oss the questions.

l. What reasons do Emily and Grace give for not socializing?

2. Are there iimes r,hen 1rcu dont feel like socializhg? WheD?

3. Wha! are yor in the mood ro do Lhis lveekend?

Part 2\\tite an c-mail to a kiend abo r the rveekend. Suggesr acririties thai you are iD rhe mood for

Part 3Exchange your e-mails ivith a classmatc- Do ).ou lrant to do lhe same things?

Part 1

Ulrscmn]ble the \,'ords bclorr to natch the corrcct words ir the box.






6. itunosdsad


. On the othcr ha11d, you talklo ever)rcnc. You 1o\r ecling new people and talking.

2. Hc has the highest grides in the dass, and he al1\,ays makes sure everyone knows it. He is rcallv

Lisa is . Itls h d to go up ard 1ry lo talk to hcr

, lrui once they got to k]low her, they realize she's leally


li's so hard to Lnow x,hen he is lellirg tl)e trLrth ard r\.hen he is being

lfyou want to bc x movie star, you can't bc . \ou hrve to 1 clicvc in yorrscll

Every time I sec her, shct happy and.hcertul.It makes mc

People who are outgoing arc oftcn with others. They are


2. approachable:




Part 2Use the rl.ords from thc l)ox in traft I to complcte each senteDce- In c1ass, take turns reading thesentences with a partrer

l. llhenel'er yor have a part]., )our friend stands bl.hersell She is rca11y smart, but sllc is shy. She js

,{t first, peopl€ thn* Andrea ls

kind and friendly

Part 3Use the n'ords from Part 1 to write the opposiles. 'Ihere may be rnore than one. In class, compare 1,ourans(.ers $'ith a pafirer


3. humlnc: friend\,:

[esson 7:,Readinq & Writi'ng

Part 1

Read the book excerpt belorY.

First ImPresslons

"You never have a second chance to make a fir9t impression"is an old saying' and resear'h

suggests that it has some tIuth. The first impression we. have of someone or something is

veilipersistent or difficultto change. A recent study indicates that even when we get new

inf;rmation that contladicts ourfirst impression, we are likely to discount it' Wetend to think

the new information is specificto the situation ratherthan proofthat ourfirst impression was

wrong. Forexample, maybe yoll meet someone who is not veryfriendly to you' You think

the pirson is standoffis(.Then you see that same person in a differ€nt situation and she is

bubtly and gtegarious- lnstead ofthinking thatyou had the wrong impression' you might

decide she had i!st heald some very good news.

How long does ittake to make a flrst implession? lt onlytakes a fra'tion of a second to

fotm a first impression- ln one 5tud, participants who were shown a photograph for only

1/10 of a second, formed the same lmpression of the pi'tured person! chara'teristlcs as

did panicipanrs who sawthe photoforan unlimltcd amount oftime' ln anothcrstudy'

ieseaicfrers founU tfrat participants could accurnielyiLldge nine out of ten personaliiy traits ii

. the photo showed a naturatpose-These traits included ho\/ exiioveried' likablc' and secure''

u p"rron *na.lttrrnr outthatwe al€ abJe to take in important informatlon in D veryshoft

amount ofrime.

Complete the seiten.cs with inlorrnatloD from thc text'


2. When we gct idormxtion that ls vcry iliffer'I1i liom our firsl impressions' 1re ilsualh'tlfnk ii is dre i '-::OLLr irst inprcssiorN are oiielr or difficull to.hange.

rather lhan xn incollect ilnPressiorl'

!o forD] a lirst imPression.



In ore study, participants could .judge most personality lraits.

People can judge horv likable, sec[Ie and others are from a photo.

@ cltnwonx li.."ss the quenions.

1. Does anything in the lexl surPrise )'ou? Ifso,lvhat?

2, $riat chamcteristics do you think yor can accltfately judge in someone you first meei?

3. \{4rer has so[reoue turrlcd out ro be quite different from what you origtually thoughl?

Part 2Writc about a li1ne when you had a first nnpressior ofsomcore that turned out to be it'orrect'

\\ihat did lou think at first? How didlou. imPrcssion changel

Part 3

Exchange papers f ith a classmate. Did ,vou \Lrite aboui similar situatious? What is sirnll:r or


Lesson S: Vocabulary

Part 'l

Use dle l,r'ords ir the box to cor4rlete each phrase. You can use the \{,or.ls ore tlan once. If a word isnot nceded, $'dle an )4.







keep \\.ith old frierds

parricipnte social networking

post nressages

share lnrks



A: I jusl dont see 1\,1ry everl-one doesft use Facebook. It's a great wny to

B: Inrs.r.il .:nb, rrr I'u,i-_u I olfor r..lt ,1.c..lor ol l:rnF lJ rrrl '

I Tl,-ri l,o$ I he.r aboLl all .l . i,c't \';deo'(3)

B: I guess itt jusr not reall), my thillq.



tag people

Part 2Hoiv oftcn do 1rcu do these activitjes? Writ€ the con-rpleied phrases from Pnrt 1 in the best column for\iou. In class, compare )rcur answers with a pnrrne.

Part 3Compleie the corl.crsation wifi lhe completed phrascs from Part 1 ,nd your own ideas. In class,

Practice the conversalion with two classn1aLes.


12)to keep in touch ('ith otd frien{ls-

G But ifyou don't llse Faceboolt, horv do 1rcu see alt your fricnds' pictures? And hor., do you

Lcss tlnn once a dav



Part IRead the rotice belol,.

. i Facebook Addiction

ii2. Doyou use Facebook to fo rget about personalproblems?

: i 3. Have you tried unsu((esrfully to decrease the tirne you spend oh Ficebook?

I ! 4. Do you feel anxious ifyou cant use Facebook?

I ' 5. Do you use it so much that it has a negative efFect on work or school?

\Alrite'I (true) or F (false) rer.t to cach staternent.

, lrcebook-ihen"@ E:l .:i billionuser,.llitwe.a(oun-r).ilwoLrldbelhelhirdmo.tpopulou.,ounlryinth. €'l .

world. Why i, it so populdr? Ppople J(e i. to laap up w;rh friend\ dnd \iay in.orned. kl ilheyenjoy.l.d,nglnls Ind rplodd ng phoLo(. I vpry day //ooo[u,arrupddr"Lh"r, HJ

- tldtuse\. A oua ro/ of us"r( pos. rommert. on lh-ir fripnds wd l . and 22go,ommanr L]on phoio\ pvetv ddy. ffi1 :

] I What used to be a wayto check in wirh frjends has become an addiction forsome ffi 'i ai users. British researchers found that a lot of people get very anxious because oftheir H:li: Facebook use.The key factoris being able to find balla nce. lf you .lust donl get why H:. people like I a.ebool ,omuLh /oun-dyni\"a,/eryhedlt.lya.r;rude.ltyourl.,nlyou illniohL bn .. "ddr( dn ,e, lr q,r". ,io F bDlo,!. A loi ol vp ,n(\,!pr, r -y ino;."tr o I I

' proohr. " I

rlt 1. DoyouthinkaboutFa.ebookalot? Fj.

1. Abolrt ler rriilljoD people usc Facebook

2. Most people commeri on other people's posts daill

3. Alnost a rluarler ollrsers conlmenl on pholos every dar

4. Fa.ebook Ltse$ ha\.c ote uxiety thar non-users.

5. One sign ofa Faceboolt problen is ifyou have dilficulty cutting dorvn on your use.

@ eltn wonx U."oss the qucstions.

l. Do you use social networl$ lii.e lxcebook? Holr42. Whai ldnds ofprobtems can people havc l\,her they use social retllork? Are there morc

benefils or problems?

3. lvhy do you fiink people havc more anxieLy whcn they use social nerworks?

Part 2Thirk abort either rhe b€netlts or the prohleN associated u,ilh social Detrvorks. Wriie a pamgraphd.. nLrrr3

'<r ,.

Part 3Share your paragraph with a.lassmxte. U4rat things were similar? Which wcre diffcrcnt?

\\'atch lom and Kare and fi1l in the bl:rnks.

Tom: He1 A1ex. My frierd A.lllra just opened a cafe

and is havn€ a little gettogcther iireIe- IIowaboul joiningme?

Alex HuLl? Oh,Inl

S o. - , ma1-be I know yor froln work. _ . wlur do

I worli for an advertislng firm.

0)I'lljust stay in and read or


Kate: Oh, really? That's so cooll


Tom: Well, Icl alwap lo.l.ed \r.atching coDlmercixts

go out

tonight. I drinksomething.

Tom: Are )-ou sure? 1

rvhy 1ou d

not tonight...I'm pretq\r16)

Tom: Okay. \{e11, , rfyou

change your mind.

and looking at aris.

Iiate: Really? Me tool I used io record al1 my

favorite col]lnlcrcixlsl

Tom: No way...you kno$,, l'm stan-ingr,ani to stay home all alone.

AIer. Come on, )*ou knorv nc... Im kind ofa


Tom: Gi\€ mc a brcak, AIex. You'rc no homcbody

Ilt ,{llln,


You don t(4)

really like her, right?

AIex Oh...well...shet snrart, and creatir,e, and

everythins...but she just sccms ldnd of...ldont krovr... nT ean.

'Iom: Oh, ).cah, I used to thinh rhrt too. Brithen I realizcd that shesjust really

gettiirS a bitc0,

Kate: Su.e, great idee.l rhat kxld

somclimes she can actually be kind ()1'swcet

-{ex: N4aybe I shol dgel to linolv her be er- BLrl


Tom: Uh...r-ell...uh...wc could go for shabu-


kcre: Oh r""U l r.11lr,. ll n, r r. ,llyrl abo r

toolrrgr l ^.r ron. J r r! r.. rJr,.

'rbnt: Oh, lhatt no problem, Im up for ar),rhnrg...

u,hat kind offood do yoLL liltci

ltute: Ure[, this night seem ldnd of boring, bul

r.hat I rexlly Iove riost is IJasla.

Torrl Yourc kiddingl Pasia is just about all I eatl

Katq l^iait a minute. .. now.I kno\\. r4ry ),ou Lo ok

lamiliar Arerit 1ou Eric Martinoi old

roommate? The ol1e 1{.ho eats rothingbut


Tom: Yelh, t am. But how did you knou. that?

Ha1.e wc-

Kate: I{et my brothert best fricnd. Hci

Iots ofDictures oflr5) '

you on lacebook...and he a1w-ays used lo

conplain lhat a11yoo fl.cr cookedwas pasta.

Tom: Wow smalL worldl

Kate: Hey,lct's tcxt him a picturc ofihe t\vo ofus.

ThaCIl surprise hin!

!.{t the coffee shop. . : lKate: Excuse mc, but



Uh, Ih not sure.

\{re11, horv do you knot Anna?

Oh, ivelc \{e grew up00)

together IIo\{. about )rcu?

Kate Anna! my excrcise

run togethe! and soDelimes we play teflnis.

Grammar A

Adjective clauses Il

Usetheunderlincdthrr.estorompletethescDtences'lrhnor-de{iningadjecrivqclausesordefirfng.rdlectr\ e clauses. RenreDbcr to osc .r mis where necessary and the corre.t rclative prollour

1. she seems sh,v: Ana - utoseeoaol:- is actualy 1,ery frien.lly.

2. I recosnized her: The wonan is Jake's \ister

is rn o1d college buddy.

5. he Iooks falnilinr:I'he man is n fornler co wor*er.

6. jt has great p-iz4: Brrno's Cafd

3. he is a great photog.nphe!: Rob

4. his apartlElljtOe$ t[]l ne lbm

7. Aaron doesnt like this: The rhhg

8. he is a very p!igq!c!9Mjt: Alex

9. her brother is m)' ex bofriend: Lisa

10. it is playinglOwntown: The movie

t I . it was a lot of fun: The party

12. he is sittilg next ro Tolio: 'Ihe guy

just uploaded some new photos,

doscd tolight-

is getting tagged ir photos.

doesn't Ii lte F.:rcebook.

is my new neighbor.

didr,t get good reviews.

lasted uotil midnighi.

looks like my old bofriend-

Non dellning "dja-tivF .ldu\.,:

Ana,who I thought looked familiar, was myclassmate in colleqe.Leo, whose appetite is huge, ordpred lwo piz7 t..The movie, which was really funny, was the best part ofthe eveninq.Note: Always use who with people and lvh,ah with things in non-defining adjective clauses.l4lho(p shows pos5psrio.t in non-detining ,ro,ecli\ e Lldu .p(.

Defining adje.rivc clduse5:

The neighborwho always has barbecuel stopped by.

The movie that had the robots wdr (ool.

The woiilan who always wahts to talkabout her kids is overthere.Note:You can use iyho or thdtfor paople in deflning adjective clauses.

Lessoyrs 5-8: Grammar B

Ihad thought that he was standof{ish, but lfound out later that he wasjust shy.

first event second event

I had 5igned up lor fd.abool, bul I dio4'l r.dl y us" iL url:l I o.gdn tldvel .lg

first event Second evenl

5he had believed she was popular, but nobody clicked"like"on her status.

We hadnt realized how much we misjudqed them.

Past perfe(t

Complete lhe seDtences with the correct forms ofthe verbs in parentheses.

t. Iack had a*unea (assumc) Claire was exkoverted, but he eventually chena€L (chaDge) his lnind.

2. I (believe) Zoe r.asinse.ure belore I


(meel) hcr

3. Rita


(kccp up) \\,ith friends on FacebooL until she


(start) using T1,, itter'

a. losh - (n1ee() IGty before she


(start) college.

5. I (think) Tonl was rude, bur hc


(turn oltt) to be very polite.

6. Nintr


(read) Marcu'.s post before she


(clrll) ltinr.

, . Adanr


(1l)tulo iracebook was a rc.rste oI time, bui latcr on, be


(dccide) it was lun.

S. {na


hor pay) rrrch atrention to Facebooh uDlil pcoplc


(start) taggi4 }rer in fholos.

9. \\re


(think) Max Was siandoffish until we


(get) lo kno$'him better.

10.1- (i vi!e) Dexter to the movie before I


(rea1lze) tre rvas ]adas boyfriend'

ll.aJterwe . (buy) ti.kets lor the play, Ma(a


(de!ide) not to com€ wilh us.

12- Michael


(not rcalize) Ilow many fr ierds he ha<l until hc


GiSn up I for Fac€book'

ri.I- (thiDk) Iamie lootced farniliar, at1d Lhcn I


(remember) rvho he tas.

14. \{e


(rvant) to try oul the new pizzn Place until lur


(say) it rvasn t very good.

i5. Da\.id (in1.ite) me to the movie, but by the eird ofthe day, I


(be) too iiredl

16. Rob


(not reatize) how popular his sor4 rl?s untii he (see) Lori- marv dorvntords

it got.



Lessore 9: Vocabulary

Part 1

Mrlclr thc Nords on the leti r[ith their metrtiDes on the righl

1. jllnk fcod

2. nutritions

3. r'egan

4. vegetariaD

5. orgadc

6. locally-sourced

8. processed foods

a. a person 1{.ho doesn't eat mear, cheese, or n)itk froducrs

b. food that is prodnccd and eaten in the s2me xr.ea

c- foods that ha\,-e chemicals and odrer thjngs to mai.e then last I lons timewithollt going bad

d. a person who tries to only eat fbod gro\r,n ncxrby

c. food that is gor:d for you

1- food rlrat is gro*er r\dihort chemicals

g. food that isn't hcalthv

h. a person rvho onl,v cats \-egctables and indirect produ.ts oFa lnals like milk

Fart 2

-rLe rlesc"uordr used to dc'o ibe penplt tood, orborb peoplc and loorl? Urrjte p (peopte), F (food),or

B bo l o -.,. 1.,. .,,, ..il I rr.

jLLuk food .--vcgrn

-vegetaria -

locallv solLr.e.l -



processed foods

Part 3I rl,. bold r.. or .t i. r

'. ro.'r,r'., I. t,r, tl .,_ d.,o, .o

Dear lleader,

When lfirst became a

-, I found it very hard to qo out to eat with friencls.

l1A'lmvlri"no.",r .n^"r.[v"n,hollg1l te,nq d,cl l,rvp.odrrr...l,..wFtpn.r,dnl.l.oi.p,on the menu. Luckily, things have changed. people have become more aware ofthe impact of a

(2)dieton our health.While a lot ofpeople havent chanqed, myfriends are

eating les5 and even less I\4aybe l've been a qood(i) (4)influence on them

One thing that has helped me find more choices on the menu, is the move toward more

(, food, food with no or few chemi.als. Another thing that has helped is thegrowing movement toward food.0fcourse, you can have,neat, chicken, and(a)fi h lh.t d,- r. i<ed naa,b), but hor" onen ,l on 1o,, arc eatlng the fruits and

l7)vegetablei that nearby farrners ire growing. As th.t trcnd has ;ontinued, some restaurants haverealized they can offer local foods and attract netv customcrs that they rnight not otherwise have.Enjoy our special edltion on eatlng ol]t \r/ithout qivinq up your food va Lresl


Editor'in ChiPf

Lessom 9: Reading &V/riting

Part 1

!.:ad the trar.el and foodblog.

Brazil: Moqueca and Other Regional Sp"aq!!*tBrazillans like theirfood.You can ilnd good restaulantsand inleresting dislles

evElywhcre- [,1any re5taurants are buflet style so you can get plenty to eat Brazil

is home to many iruits and vegetables, some of wllich are uniqLle to that area of

rhe !,rorld. Brazilians drink a lot ofnutrilioLls bevelages rnade fronr fluit, so you willprobably be offered somefor breakfast or with meals.They aLso make sweets frofir

frults like quava and pas5ion Iruit. Custard dessefis sLlch as quindinr, made vvith

eggs, sugar, and ground coconut are also populat

Each rcgion has its own speciilties, or variations on a typi.al d:sh- lngredients

can then b-c local y sourced. For example, moqueca, a kind offish ste[i, varies from

one regionto anothel llLlt it plimarilyfound in the noftheast.ln some places,the)/

add shrimp or manioc.

A though 5-10y. of Brazil an5 are vegetarian, ii can be hard lo nvoid rneal in some

restaurants.Thc nationaldl5h, feljoada, ftaillres bla.k bcars, hut it aLso IlaYoredyrith porkorbeeland sausage.When in do!bt, askabout ingredienLs' Orqaniclood

is not yet widely avallable, in p.rl because it cosls more Lhan 'onventionil


As a frequent traveler ancl food writer, I alv/ays enaourage others to try the local

food. A tripto Brnzil jLlst itn't completc without tampling moqLreca, fcijoada, pao

d! queijo ((hecsc rollr, coxinha (chickcn croquetter, and yummy brigadeir'os

(likc a chocolate truffle).

l.lici the lood to thc.ies.rjtliotl.

l 1r'uit

=. :riEadeiro

-r. !:o d€ queijo


C. chcese , olL

D. fish sLcu'

l.lbeana d meat disil

Ea entn wonf Discuss tire questlons.

:. Do )-ou thinli )'ou uould lilie the iood in Brazil? \Vhl or rrb) noi?

lDovoulhinkiljsimportanltotryalotoldifferertliindsoffoodi{Lrcn)'oulrx\-cl?\'\41,1'-orwlt\lnot?l. \\'h.Lt foods are 4?icai irl your countr)i

Part 2-,i ri!e aboul thc lbod of a country yoLl kro$'NL'IL. -^ddress the al iilabiliL)'of food for diffcrerrl l.lnds !rr dlets'

Part 3Shr-re \our dcscriptior with { classmate. Did l'ou \\rilL'about differert roLlnlrics? trVhich countrl

so.ndi bcLter fo, r,egetarians? )ior people riro rlant t0 'ai

orh or8'u1ic?

Part 1

Look at the words and the dcfinitions beIor.. N,Iake a setltencc using cach rvord. I. class, co.rpare ,vourans .ers wilh a pnrtDer

Part 2Use the words ftom Part 1 to wrire rhe opposites. There n ay be more th:rn onc arxwer. tt1 dass,compare ).our answers lvllh a partner

i. begin: 4.



2. throlv around:

3. give up:


at the last minnt. done or decidcdjustbefore somcihinghappens orjust before it'.s

ciutler things [hat are whereihey are not lvaDicd ornecded

decluttcr to put arvay things thni

$,jth el.erything i theright placc

to put thnrgs into .islstem or pdt thc|r n1

to pul offdoingsomething

stick ro it

iid)' up

sonlethirg and .otchapge or


10 put crcrflhhg ln lheright place

Lessorr 1G: Reading & WritingPart 1

l.ri th. arii.le bclori:

Professional 0rganizers plus

li's no surprise thai professionalorganizing is one oftre fdsrest growrng carceR today. A( people\ lives getincreasin!ly busyand complicated, theyoften need help organizing.Some of the things we do:. Help before and after a move- Professional movers .an pack up yoLrr siuff and move it, but ure can help

you decide what to keep, v,/hat to donate, and what to pack. We can also hclp you ufpack afd get seLLrp in your nevr spa(e.

. Declutter pantries, closets, garages, and attics_

. set up and maintain home offices. First, we can help you create n spare that,"!ill servc your needs.Thenwe'l give you nralegies to keep it neat and free of clutter.

- Create a workab e plan. sometirncs, peop{e (an orqanize their phys .al rp.cc bu1 ltave more difficultywilh mainlalning schedules and lmplementing plans. Wc help you stop procrastinating and stick witaL aschedule that you can actually follow.

. Abby is . former librarian. She cxcels at creatlng orqanizntiona systefls for hard-copy and ele.troni(files. [4ember ol tle Nationa Assoc]ation of professional Orgarjzers.

. lonr is a retired attorney. llis expertise is in helping famtlies deal vrith piperv,,orl( after a fami{y ntemberhir died. NAPO menber.

. Rosa has lour grown children, and knows all there is to know about keeping a family organized. Herstrengths lle in tidying !p and throwing out unne.essaryjunk. NApO m.mber

-s.,.r ihc urstior .

1\'hxl is th. narnc ofihc o.cutatiorl ilcsc peotle ha1.e?

ro\ xre thct diiTercl]L !.rm proiessional mo\'crs-l'\-hrl pla.es .io thel d..lLrtrer?

-,.oh can the)-helP people keep then.olli.es reat?'i ,tr do drc) hetp r rrh schcdutes,

1\n,t \\'as ,{)bIs job?

\\'l}.rt did Tom Lised to do?

\\.hxr is Ros.r 80od ar?

S eetn wOnX Di,.,rss the questions

l. \\'h). do you think thls .arc€r is gro\1,ing so quiclJy?I l\'ould you e\..r usc n trofessional organizcr? UtrI or whr, not?:. \thar skills or qu.rliries do ),ou rhnrlr a eood prolessional organizer has?

Part 2i:nagine thaL l.olr are going 1o bccoDc a prolcssionxl org:Ilrizei \\tire a pxracraph xLrour Iour.\p.r ience ard sl.ills rhar r!,ould hehr 1rcu in rhis io1,.

Part 3l:ithange paragraphs *ith a classmatc. \\rha1 quaLties or .rperi.nce do 1ou share? Ho*. are r,ou difGre.t?




Bart 1

ID the puzzle belol,, find the cight words ftom the box aboul online nctivlties-

The words go:\ // J ** t,\










OUTA5tIvl s lvl






I l\,1 EOL lK


Part 2What othcr wolds ca you fiDd in th€ puzzle in Part 1? Write then down.In class, use themirsentences as ),ou conpare aDswers with a pa nel.

Lessom '! i: Reading & Writing

Pert T

:,.:.i tire discLrssion boarrl bclon

English Learners Tips Exchange

How can I use the lnterr,et to improve my English?

Vy'hat a great qLrestionl Tlrere ari actualiy many things you can do. For cxample, many people write blogs

about English Language Lcaminq..lust search for"trlog" and "ELL'or"[5L'or "Etf and you wilL probably find

a nunrber of sile!. -l,idnuel

L agree with folanuel. There are a lot of blogs out there. llowever, I have found tlrat vidco sharing sites cafbe really helpfxl. Some videos are actual lectures on a particular language topl.- For example, you could

search for videos on the simple past and 'm sure you woLlld find a lesson Also, you can sear.h for a video

on a topic that intererts you in Enqlish. -Reilo

ln additlon to findin9 r,ldeos Lhat peoplc have uploaded to video sharing !ltes, you .an often {ind live

strcanrs o{ lecLures. Colleger and univelsitles are a good soulce of Liv€ streams on lnteresting topics. You

L.n also fnd podcasts orr nll kinds ofsubje.ts. Podcasts.an really help you.llnening comprehension. f'rtla

Like Lrsinq phofc appt. Tlicn I can improve rny Eng Lh anywhere.You can firld intere5ting apps by going toitre app store. lzlz

ObvioLr5ly, disc!sslof boirds like thls one or social networking sitcs can be a good plice to practice

informnl Engllsh.Youcanscchowspeake15ofEnglishactuallyu5cthcl-nqLrage.onlyoreproblem I

spenLl way too inuch time on thc computerl -lulirnd

I 1.....i tl-,e sPeaker io th. rc.ofimerdatior.

lriji!n r

: ii.ltra

I Reiko





so.iai nel ,orLll1il sites

\.'ideo shariig sites


phone apps

=j eatn woaN nncuss the qucsiions.

,. D'r \ou agree r.ith the sxggestioN abo\.c? Whl,or wh,Y notiI \\ hich ones h-rYe ).ou tried?

r. I,\lrich do )'ou usc nost oflen duriDg th€ course ofthe da)-.lihat do l'.ru use thcnr f'r?

Part 2' :...sc one ofdre orliue aclililies meniiored in thc lext at'o\'.. \{rite a par.rgrqrh aboul how you use

r: :n.l r' h1:

Part 3Sl-,arelourparagrapht{ithagroupoFclassnales.\\'halslt1,ihriticsdo,1'oufindin)''rr'nlinerrs'?'," hai diflcrences? Did ,vou gct:1l1) new idcas for lcarnin! En.ili$i


PaYt IHo$' often do )'ou tlinh about these things? Rank them froD I (the most oftcn) to 9 (the leasl often).

Ther wrile one eriamplc of cach. I[ class, compare )our anslve$ f ith a Parrner-

energy-eftlcient appliances carnPnt-e?.that Lu!:t9ff]a]!etahev ?'en'tbeln )9L4'

global warmhg

greerirouse !:ases


rc.lu.ing wasted energy


taking public transporiatior

hyl.Lid r"rs

redu.:xlg l.rndhli trrsh

leJu.int ) our ..LrL'on footrrint

2.,{: Isniitimfo ant to rcd\tce \re4,cling / greulhouses gdses)?

B: That lal b.lrue, bnt or $e other hand,

3.A: If everyone (ener.q1. ellxient apPliances / toak Public trallsPottatio ), ther \\'e could reduce our

Part 3Circlc thc col rc.t word to complctc As dixlogrc. Use ).olrr of1l idcas io .omPleie Bt dialoguc. In clasr.

lracticc thc co vcrsario s \fill r partner.

'1, A: Dorit you tjrink rve should use morc (fu,lirid GLrs / rccycling)?

B. rcL ^, L,r.

carbon footprin!.

B: I see what yolr r[ean, but

4. A: If everyonc rcduced Lheir (wdsted e eryy / ttash), rhe landfills rvould iast longer

B: You have a ponlt, but

Lesson'! 2: Reading &Writing

Part I. .:: ih. article bc]o1i.

Reykjavik. I<eland.Thls tlny city only has 115,000 people,

b!t it is doing impressive things regarding:ir. ?nvironnreft. lt already gets ali of its:i.rgy for hcat, hot water, and ele.tricltyi..m reneu,ablc rcsources.There produce fo! r:en house ga se5- Some veh icJes even ru n

cn hydrogen, lrc uding three city buses. 0ncp!anned co mm u nlty, l\4asdat will have a zero

.arbon footprift.

Copenhagen. Denmark-

Copenhaqen is onc ofthe gr€enest.iiicr n Europe. lts citizcns takc publlcif:nsportatlon or ridc bi.ycles to get to andiiJn !,rork-They are also knovr'n for thelrciEan [,.terways and windmills. W]ndmillsproduceabout l0% of Denfrarkt electricity.

Curitiba, Brazil.

Curitiba has in.reased its parks and ur[]an

forest! fifty fold in the last l0yea15 by plantlng

trees and creatlng lakes-They sale encrgy byusing sheep to trim tle gras5 in thc parks. lnI991, they began a program to g.t people torecycle waste and so earn bus tickets and food.s€vcnty percent of warte is now recycled.

Vancouver, Canada.

Vancou!er Leads the world ln hydroclectricenergy. Hydroelectrlc enetgy is the use ofwater to produce electi.ily. Ninety perccnt

olthe clty is porvered v/il r thi5 fonn ofenergy-Tirey also use ne,,! tcchnoLogy tosolve old prob ems. Forcxample, they have

solat povncrcd trash compar:tors thal can

hand e fivc tlmcs as much trash.

has solar pol'ercd trash conlP:.tors.

has a planncd coDrmuniq \\'i1h no carbon fooOrjnL.

pro!.ides blrs tickels and food i ercltrge lor rcc-r'clcci trash.

e.a PAIR WoRK Discuss thc !uestions.

- \\rhi.h gre€r pra.tlccs do ,\,ou thhk are thc lnosi imPoILir t, \\'h,\'?

l. 1,\'hat do t.olr pelsonall} do rhat hehs the er\.irorlrnenli

:. \\'hxr olher.ities do ).ou Lnow aboul lhxt arc doing soneLLirg to infrore thc cnllronrn.nt?

Part 2-,'liie

a paragraph iboLrl a cit.! ).ou k1o1\'ihat is d,ring sonrrthiLrs 10 helP the environlrent trhat is

,r rLillg? How is il helpnlg?

Part 3Er:change paragraphs rvith a cl,rssmate. l\rhat thrns: .r. L'iih tl.rc.'! trling? \{hat arc thc}'dojng dificrently?


.:.r. the Dar11€ to compictc thc descriptior.

Icads the 1\'orld in lt1tlroelecLi i. energ\

has 1findrrills Lh:.t prodltcc .bour. 'Lcn Pcr.ent rriits energr"

r - gels all oljts crcrg.v frolrr leDel.rblc soulces.


Lessons 9-'12: Video Cloze

Watch Rooftra.rre T/orble and fitl in thc bhrks.

I{aria: Cood n]omirg, (nte.

Iiate: Good ,lerrron, )-olr nlear. you stelr

. p.rst Doonl

Nla a: I did? lvow l^rcll I(aq


Like for enaltrpie, we rxe r,vay too

nNch €lc.rriciry $re don'r,eally need

!o ha1.c the llBllls on duri11g the da).


r.orildrt that bc l)ad for om eyes?

l{aria: Oh, no, I don hink so. Not if }.chave enolrgh carldles. I think we har.e

r ,. ,-rl .,-r. .nF, r. . I n,e ,.

ir)really\vorried abort climatc changc, so Idecided to

And I was readnrg aIIti,".Jttog" Uy p"opl"lvho haye changed lheir lifesqlcs. I gucss i

, huh?

Kate Yeah, probabll So... .arbon footprint...lshould ltnow this, but I clorit really


Nlaria: Oh, well, it nrcair... t ituess...rhe imp,rc hiter.eryLhlng 1'ou do has oD clinate .hangc. 1bu



Oh, right. Wetl,

i$t€ad oflighls at niglrr?

oh. , but

Nl.uia: This is paperboard.

(ate: Um-.-I think there was some cerealieri athrt.

M,ric: \^hJl lr.r.yo,Lcc,Lnro .llq nrn'n":

IGte: Oh.Paperboard


Kate: N{e? Oh, \\.el],I've

Ton: So, how are things going r('irh ) cru


n2)I've beel11be1ing pretry stressed our l:teti ..

So nolr.I'nl getting lors of stuli donet I:::ol rrt n"oer ... :.-

lD) ,,'r'... I r..l...ti,ra.o-'::.

', 1.. ').. lPd

..J j, ll ',-t..o...-l ,,...

Marir: Grclt...good for lou.

Ilarer thar da)-...1

llaria: Oh, nothilg's riealll chit.ge.l I\r.:

bad pcrsor, but shc:s iusl so ]nes.


make a huge diferenccl Seet lti tike tLlrnhgor the lighrs.

Iiate: Uh..- righr...

jvlaria: And e reall) could d., a betterjotr oi

makes so nluch noise!

Thal's i really tough situation.

Yeah. Ar}1yay, how are thhgs Nith ro r:Really good, actrally. I met this lronl:! ::Anna'.s cafe opening, and x'e reallr-hii i: .::tl.rkrr r!o rutoger .oo Ln--j....,.

Ilaria: Realy? Thatt greall U/hat's her nanlel

'Iom: Katc.

MJriJ: \ro,'.- Y"e lp ll , . i1 ::name these dn).s, huh?




ii 'ould

paperboard can be recyclecl.


Lessons f-ii 2: Grammar A

l. Leo has bad eating hobiLr. H" "at

roo -uoy(J*@f",t food.


Part ICircle the correct {luarlifiers to cdnpLeti the sentences-

2. Remy has a good diet. He eels :i lot of/too marry vegetables.

3, This frozen pizza do€sn i look good. It has too a lot of/maly artifi.ial iryredients.

4- Rachei is very ftaL She spent too much/a lot o.f time tiEing l1er officq.

5- David is a great writer. H. spends a lat ofltoo many hours llritihg his blog.

6. Your closet is a mess. You have too many/a lot of clothes!

Part 2Complete the sentences wid1 too tittte, a little, too 1e1., or a feu..

1. And). $anis io b€come a famous writer but he spends -log lilllL time writing his blog.

2. Claire, you hxve a test tomo(owl You should spe nd


time srudying toDighl

3, Bil1is Lappy. Hejustsigned up for la.ebook a dhe already has



4- Dan, youie riot using yolr. smartphoDe eflolgh. You haYe



5. fm tired today. I got sleep last night.

5. Sean doesnt .are :Ibolrt the environment. He does


things to save energJ'-

9-122Grammar B

lf Megan cleaned her room more often, she wouldntlote things'

lf evelryone drove their car lest we could slow global warming'

Jim said:"lfthe world was perfect, everybody would recyclel'

lim wrote:"lfthe world were perFect, everybody would recycle'

!f lwere you,lwould buythe organic one.

lf I were you, I would not tpend so much time online'

Note: 8e bccornes t ere when gi!ing advice, both in speaking and in \ /riting'

l were you, l would not eat thal.

Second conditional I

Part 1

Compleie the seDlences using the second cooditional' Use 1'o ld aDd the verbs in parenth"ses'

1. Iflen hed (have) a mrtduous diet, she -r{ajllzl feel (Ieel) bettei

2. If Andreir

-- (cxercisc) regtrlarly he


(be) ir better shape.

3. If we


(cat) rrore v.getables, \{e '- (save) uoncf'

,r. If Mike

--- (update) his blog rcgularly, more peoPle


Gead) it.

5. IfDave


(spend) less time on the computer, he


(get) rnore work done-

Part 2Read ihe situations anal give advice using the cres and the secood conditional

Daisy 1!'ants to protect the eDvirorment-

1. get a hybrid car FIwereyou.Iwouu agL" hvbdd ear-'



2. take public transporiation:

3. eat more vegetables:

4. a\.oidjunk food:

5- bry orgadc producei

Lessoll 1,3: Vocabulary

Part 'lIrok at the $,olds and the d.ffntidn( helow. Make a sentenca usirg each word.In class, cornpare youraDswers with a patner

Part 2WriteGewords6ornP2.Ltto.nmplelerl,coi-ogue.\o.rrr"1 hrvero,hanqef1e orm.oirhenordsln dass pra<ti.p rlre.onver"Jtion $i.n a p.rt.r,r

A.: What ktud of(1)

would you like to have?

WeIl, mf - -, -r-goalis to geta job arrd v/orli io ahospital.Ift cae ger a good

-- - lr- norv, I can leam a lot about ho\\. hospitals vrork. I hole I cai1 get soine


so I have more and rnore {esponsibiliq, over the ),ears. But m)'(4)

goal is to become a doctor. That will take at least another 15 years, lhough.

,{- Wow! cood lr.,kl

do yor think ).ou will get after you gnduare? I mean, what kindofjob


wQxi) MY SENTENC-E .t}le.iobi thatrydu ha\,€over Jorr lifctimejjobs that lead to betterpositiolsj the. plan foryour $,orking lif.

dr€am job .the pefictjob for you

entr, level job a .iob il the .lo&.estlevel ill a companyj ajob when you arc iuststartirgioufcateer ina frcld

trong-term <lf or for a long periodof tirq€

positioI1 aiob

promotiorl a more imlortant jobthai your previous one

to get rnore moneyfrom other people or

ofor for a shorr periodof time

Lesson tr 3: Reading & Writing



Part IRead the advlce about careers.

A lpi-rdiio . or ttro ooo p opl" "n! , da iob and stayed in rt their !,rhole carecr. lfI all went well, thLV were promoted a fLr./times, increastn!l their sJ aric5 af d t te..irpm"nr ,rnd..Bu.h,r \ r .t i"nt.,"."d: "op , "o Now p"opl ir" ltt^ / lo Lt dr e.

] iob(or .ld."i l"a.r."r.."t.r,r ^.or.r .rre. !ourse oIrlp.J ,o.^,. q li/e.. /Votl. . ..o\\.do).. n Jyn-,,"to",dmo "rh., 01, oI"anjoo.l.

.ou.r"",plori .q/o,.'\tot /ou.trI I d,.P th, leep thcie tip. rn mrnd.

l Assess your skills dEd iirierest:. lr\r,orth your time to find oLrt,.,rhit you rre

matter if the job pays well and offersadvancenrent ifyou don't like it.

set long-terrn goals, Once you haveidentifled a job orjobs you rhtnkyoudlike, you can sei some long term goa s(e.g.,ln five years, lwouLd likc to have myoyr'n wetrsite design businesr.set short-term goals. When youknow your lonq term goal, you can startplanning specilc steps and straicqiesthat will help you get there. For cxanrph,lfyou want to have your o,,rn ,r,,cbsiiadesign busincss, ,,^rhat u/ill heip youachieve that qo.ll? Do you need to iill--classes in y,/ebsiie .lesiain? C-f yor Iind.n eitr_v leveljob !,,o kinglorsoileoneelse if ihe lielC? \(/1at kind oflnyestrrenrwill you .eed and how (an you get lt?



go.d.,, .,. .

Are you illtn.llr; D! ,. llle \ orl l\,. lr Frtple o J otclVJ.u.l )r -,r.- loo,."' "poj ,

wirh cle e\pectations? t doE5n,i

Cir.lc lhe.ore.1\i.ird or phriJe io.or]rfteie tlre serltc:r.r.

l. Ilostfeopl. in to(l.rrls rrorhrirce r,,i1l c/i|;3. .jif.,r r, -rrrt, nr iir. Jrrr.lr!.2. l'irst, ) ou shoLrLl jgro,? ,/ .fdl/r,ri.r r orr sliill:j .rr1o iriercst5.

3. Benrg l)il]]1surl is r jtiU i l)asiiiar


5. r\ccording 1o the article, yoLL should rca11y scr long rernr gorjs ,eIr-c / d/rer short ternl eoats.

ft, e,rtn wonx l;r.,rss the queslions.

L Do you agree with ihe 11,rirer'-s adli.€? 1,Vhy or r!h.v nol?2- Urhat othe. advice cnn \.ou gj\,e aboui finding a dream lob?3. lihat is vour dream job? \\ih\,?

Part 2U'riteaboutr,ourdreainiob.Ulhrtskjllsorrnrcr..,rs(tu].oLrhnLlhitrniLeirxsolJobti]Nou-.U'l1at is }'our 1o|g terrn gor1? l\'hat ar. s.rrre horL teln {,ujs?

rarE "5

Sh'1rc)rcurdescriptionI'itha.lassmarc.Areth"1c.r,1)sIfld lti...?Lijrrougrvcy!urclarsmilte. r r, l,ior. .cr., ,-n: dr . 1o) .



Part 'lUnscraalble the \,{drds belqw to match the .orrect words ir the bor









9. zridoenag r

Part 2Are the words in Part 1 positive, negatil.e, or both (depending or the situation)? Write them in thechart. In class, talk aboutyorr ideas with a partner. Give reasons for yoLrr ans$,ers.

B: Well, I'o very , and because of ihat, my worh isn t sloppy. I'm also l'ery


etma alerrp


esfl aetrrts

ahdr lsrrero


edadi eflirdeoi

Positive Negative Depends on the situatio[

Part 3Use the words fronl lart 1 to eoruplete the conversatior Yau wodt use all of the words. Tn cla".,practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Thank you for cofiiflg in for an lterview. What $/ould )ou bring to our organizatioo?

.B: . I $'ant to have ever).thing exa.dy ihe \^ra). it should

? Can you rlorkrvetl r.rth people?1)

_ so I think of new ways to(s)



Thatt great. And wl1xt is ),our biggest weakness,

be, but l realize that isnt always possibie. (3)

B: Absoluteh.. But I em also a

We1l, sonttimes Im too nruch of a

do things.

.4: Reading &WritingI






Part 'l

Read the two evaluations belors

Check the person or persoN rhe quiiiy describes.



1. profcssioDal

2. scll stater3. deiail oricnted,1. perfcctio st

5- motivated

6. responsibie



@ entn wonx oi".rss the questions.

1. Whi.h person do ),ou think you would rather work with? Wly?2. Which person do yori rhink should be promoted ro office manager? wl1y?3. Whai are the strengths and rveakncsses ofeach cmployee?

Part 2Wrile a paragraph rboui your own strengths and weakncsscs as a worker o. student.

Fart 3ExchaDge pangraphs rvith a classmare. Irr lrhat ways are you similar?

Tina Martinl\,'ls- l\,taftin ;s an excellent office assistant. she is always on time in the morning and never

leaves until her work is finished at the end ofthe day. She is very detail-oriented and wellorganized. Howevet she is something of a perfectionis! and this can sometimes cause herto spend too much time on ea.h lask. Although she is a very hard worker, she does bestwithclear directlons and oc(asional supervision. Her manner is always professional, and she ispolite and fr,endly to both clients and other employees. she is a good team player.

Carl CastilloCarl is a very good office assistant. He understands hisjob welland compleles tasks

without supervision. He is a self-stafier-if he sees a better way of doing something, he doesit right away. Carl is better atthe big picture than with details. Sometimes he forget-s to followprocedures eractly. He i\ respon:rble and professional in his approachto his.job. He is highlymol vd'"d.rdwd'rr.tolar-nnor"dl olirrl,abl.'n". dt d11"feld.hcistal.no.r.1.,.,1til ",oTnJn,,y,ol 9e h}l..h"p"dl'n,oJ,o.t,,"1dhi.po.rr01b.r.e..lel-..goodideas and is not afraid to bring them up with his supervisor or others in the office. ln general,he works well with a group although he is sometimcs too passjonate about his o[,n icleas.

Part 1

Read ltle hir tn Jnd p'rl rl,c l,\ords inio rhe co pc. plr.e in the puz/le.


2. the fla! square part dfa cash registeriyou usa yolr. finger to make choices on it5. the pl,.e r'lrer"'non-y i, kcpr ina.a.lreg."rer7. a ErouD olnuorbers or lerters $Jl slands fo-.omeo _ or .omelhinB


1- to pass iight over animage to get infonnation2. a sale xt a store

3. moley that someoDe takes away froE the price to malrc tlrc tling cheaper

4. a pattern oflines plinted on things tiatyou buy; a computer car read the pattern

6. to put a sale iBio a cash register so a cuttomer can buy something

:Reading & Writing


Part IRead theiNtructions for the seryer in a colfee shop.

Enter your enployee code.

Ente, "extra shotl'

Enter "hot drinkl'

When you come in foryour shift, first enter youremployee lD code on thelouchscreen.Choose the clock in screen, and followthe instructions to clock in for the shift.Ring.up each transaction using the electronia register. you may need to re-enter youremploye..ode Ihpn choo)" rh. jype ot rrdn.a.i ion /p o, ho, d/in(.. rhis wiiL i.f,'" r"r,"

"new.rreen wh"re you crn en.". rhe 5p"r jti- ord at tF_g_ tary"rotlep).

lf you need to get into the cash drawer between transactions, simply press the,,no sale,, button.lf merchandBe does not scan properly, you can enter the price by hittin g ,,reia il,,then "enterpllce'and then the specific price (e.q., J.J0)

You need to,entet special orde15. For erample, iF rhe customer orclers a Iarge decaflaite withsoy mrlk and hazelnut syrup, yoll must (hoose,,large jatte', and,decaf,,anJ"soy,,znd,,flevor5hot-hazelnuit

Discounts on merchandise are taken automatjcally when the item is scannecl.The electroniareader will read the bar cocl€ and ihe amount is iaken offat thc end ofthu o,a"r. Oif,",


discounts (employee, trivia que'tron, personalcuplcan be entered by pieiri";;il;;;*"tkey and lhen , hoo. inq rhe r on eLl lypp ol di-, oLnl.

The first refill on brewed.offee is free with a personal (up or a store mug (not a paper cup).Ask ifcustomer \r'rants a receipt before you press,,Donel

Y_or lat iLr5t ar LlvcJ to wort: lnur stuft rn,t-arusromer imme.tiatcly pta.es an ordq for a largelvltl ar c).rra shot olerpressu. Nuubc. d e following steps ir order. The cusiomer has her own


Enrer 'large cappuccirol,


Clock in

Press 'Doncl'

Press "discornt'and then "personal cupl,

Ask if cuslomer rvants a receipt.

@rnlnwonx li..uss rhe questions.

1. Are these iDstructions easl, ro follow? Why or why not?2. I-Iave you ever had a job like ihis one?3. What l<irld ofprocedures have you had to follo&, ar school or atlvork?

Fart 2W te a set olinstructions !o conplet€ a task at rvork or at school.

Fart 3Exchange instructions wirh a crassmate. Are rheir instrBctions easy ro foirow? Are they in the correcr order?

Lesson 1'6:Vocabulary

Part II{atch ihe \\.ords on ttle lefr with rheir definiiions oa rLle dght.

l. rehearse

2. research

3. prepare

4, i6sum6

5- b€ purctuxl6- dress professionally7- eye contact

8. stay calm

9- say negative thirgs10. thank you note

a. to.talk about your company or co r^,orkers'bad poiltsb. a paper LhJt li.t . ll of) ollr joc c,\pprjen.es






to wear appropriate clothes (for elanrple, to l1ot (.ear jeans aod ti,shirr)practice before somednng

to look directly at the person

to Dor te roo \orricd or e\, iled

a 6hort letter io tell sonleore you apprcciate somedingto find out iofornation, for example, byusing the internet

to get lead). for something

Part 2Us. rhe bold \\ords from Prrr 1 to conrfletc the magazire advice column. Yoll may have ro change thelormc ol 1,.-.t.e..ion,.yorsorit Il.n. dpr.r 4,.

Getting the Perfect Job

Experts te,l us there are some important things we can do to increase our chances.of getting a job. Userh < (l.rklntdno you.dnl ldrl Cood lu.I:

Before the i$terview1 . l\,i!\e sura yor ' i-, doe'" Ld/6an\ r)po orn.\oell-d\ otci,.l.yolirdo.Ln^rl

a e slopp!. you p obab.y non t qet or in ".vr u.

(7)the company so that you can

3. Afterthe company asks you to come in foran interview start (r)with a friend or family member. Think ofail the questions they mighr ask you, gnd.have good answersfor each one-

The day ofthe inteNiew

2. You cant send the same letter to ea.h.ompany-match your experiences to their needs.

6. Afterthe intervieW don't forgetto send a short

the interview


You won't make a good first impression ifyou doo't get there on time.

, - -]-. No jeans, tennis shoes, orTlhirts.3. l\,4aint. in -.'--. ...- as you shake the interviewert hand. Looking down sLlggests you la.k

$e (onfidence to do thejob.

4. Don't about yout previous company or co-wotkers. No one wants to workwithsomeone who c6'riplains allthe time, and the person interviewing you may wonder ifyolr are a team



l,ou" yor[tJnl,The interviewer wants to know you can handle stress on thejob.

. Emphasize how you can meet(e)rhe t orpany s n"ed\. tini\h by saying you look forwaro to h.arlg {rom thcm in the n"dr lulure.

Lesson 16: Reading & Writing

Part 1

Read the lrebsite belo\\'

Common lnterview Questions

(.o]rp1etc the senicnces.

1. \bu should lookprr.1:lwl / lral.ssbnal at four ilrerliew'. \-.r *r'..ri.d 1t.,,.. i.\. ,:r.r \ - r:,

3. Potential cmploycrs lvant to hear abour rour shl/-',/-gorr-(.

4. Ilyou are applv g for a job i]l educarion, you shoukl menrion 1.our peo|te skitts / fnstlio sclt:r.

5. lvhen you trlk aboul a 1\'cakress, explah r/r r1t jt\ Nt ii parLtlnt / lntL ),ou are ]ntot.:|'itLg rtt x.

So you've de.ided on a professional outfit to wear, you've set your alarm clock so you \,,,ill be punctual,and you've researched tlle company, \rvhat have yoL forgotten? To rehearse ansvvers to inlerview questionslAlthough every pos tion is a little diflerent, many irtervie\/ questlons are fairly similar.Tell us about your past experience.

, Potentialemployerswanttohearwhatyouhavedonethatv/illhelpyouinthisposition.Keepyouran erfocused on skills and experien(e that \^/ill contribute to their conlpany. They,re not interested in how well youp ayed soccer in hiqh s.hool_

What personal qualities or strengths witl help you in this job?I\4ost employers value v,/orkers who are responsib e, y/ork hard, and can \,,/ork on a t€am. yoll should

mention str€ngths that u,ill help yoLr in ihis speciilc posttion, c.q., ability to meet clcidlines, rtt.- rtron t;detail, problem soLving. or people skllls.

\aJhat is your Ereaie.t l"raeknes5?

You shouiaj ackno\,\'lcdqe a L!,cakness, bui a !o exp rin ho,.( you nre overcoirlng it. tor example, you nrl!ltisey you ire somctinre5 so loaLtsed of meeting deadlinr5 thai yorLoac:sionally feel-Loo much stre5_ One!.,yoLr ar. dea inq \,,1lth thdt is io makc a lnore Lhorough scheduie so you can Celegate respon\itri it\ or gerthings done wcll ahead of time.

Why did you leave your lastiob?You v/ant to stiy positive in ansv/erlng Ihis question.lt's never hc d against yo! if yolr eftyourlastjob

be.ruse you h.d to ntov. io a ne!.r cliy. ivo!didn'tlilicihrrlastjob,tryLoexpliininap05itivew;y(!.....!!nnied nrore respo rsiltjliq/, I needcd more.hall.nqe).

@ eltn wonr tlir"r,ss rhe qLrcsrions.

t. Do you thl kthis is ltood advice? 1{h), or wh),not?2. \{hat other qlrcstioDs do vou thlnk arc frequently asked?

3. Which qlrcstiorl is l)nrd€st for )ou?

&"arr z'I hn* ofyour drc.rnr job. llrite ar1sl\,ers to er.h olthe qncstio s abol.c ro prepare for r intcr\-lelr lor rl:-r:

Part 3Ask and .rnslrer fie .tucstiors lvith a clissnt.rte. Do 1ou thi

(4r )

nk he or she has good answcrs?

Lessons 13-I,6: Video Cloze

Watch Alexs Pr^enk tion and ffll ir fhe hlanks,

Maria: Hey, Tom. How's it going?

Tom: Oh. Lhir B" rre 8rear... reduy Sredl Co n. o.l in.

Maria- So, pla].ing a game, Alex?

Aler Nq actualy Im


for a- (11

presentation I have to gi\.e at {ork tomo ow. I'mreall,' Dervous a6ouJ it.

Mada: OIl, rvhyi that?

Alex Well, first of all, I can r stand public speaking-

fve never presented to such a large group before. Andto make it worse, l11y boss is going to be there.

Maria: So... n'hati *.rong with tlat?

Alex Oh, havenl I told ),ou about my new boss? Well,

um, off product ha! some really, um, teqific features.

Toi'ir: \{Lii a second, AIex, can I interrupt?

AIe.r: Lh s-re.

Tom; We]I, thatwasnt bad, but do you n ndifIgive).ou some tipsi

Alei Oi1, ptease do.

Tom: So, is takc

yorrr iime. We couldu t.r:ea'ttj. understan,t most of nhatyou were sayil1g.

Maria; Ycah, Alexl You can totatl). do this. Dontrustlyour presentatioD.

... shet a really dlfficult Alexi I see. I , righl?

person. . . shct really controlling and critical.

Marir: Well, at least you ,tar,e a boss.

Ale* Huh? What do you mcan?

Maria: Oh, I stil1 haverlt fou[d ajob.

management job...

motivatiry peopie,


Lvnfla: rcs. Ano rLs ,mljorrant

You were lookili]rl,ith your audierce.

at your computer the whole time.

- I need

Lt]ean, you wart to

Alcr Yeah,

Alen: Really? Thafs too bad-

Maria: Well, i hope to hrve a

(4)to look at the people I'n1 talking to.

Tqm: Right. And try not io say "urn" so rauch. And

one olherlhirg;

nt8et some eriperience. Anywalr enough about rne. Do

you w?.nt some help with.your presentation, Alei(?

Ale* Sure, that rvouLd lre great. . . maybe ] can


jusr b get an so I carl



ii and you car give me somc

TonL Souxds good. Go ahcad-

AIer OL just a minute. 5o, here goes: He1lo,

what you actually xchieveda

iopress peopte, right?

Alex: So, um, you're, um, sd).ing I need, u.lrr, to focus,

um, on our um, sucacsses?

lThree hours tater...l

Ale* \{e've been practicing for three hours...doft

you thirk my presentation is good enough?

Maria: \ rcll to be.honesL...itt not perfe.t, but you

still have time to work on it, rigbt?

Alex: Oh, goodl Can I try again? You re really greal at

motivating people, i\,Iaria-

Maria: No, no, r1o. Iin rot ttul grcat at it. And mal6e

mamgeDerlt isnt lor me aftcr all.

AIex Oka)., guys, yotLre not going to believe dris Ijust got a text frol]l Irly boss. She said she's decided to

giYe the presentation herself!

our, um, new softw?.e. First, um, I wani to

talk about the eiciting features ofthe software-

Next, we'll, um, explore the rvays in irhich our

prcduct is better than tlrc competitior proposing a

\Yorldwide sales and sfiategy. So,

Future teRses

Part 1

Con4rlete the scntences wilh roP. ro and the vcrb in P eitdleses-

Raul hopes id-93-L- (get) an intervic$. al a 1au' fir l1r soon

Sandy aDd JacL (\vor k) rn Lhe nredl.il Iicld aher .olle3t.

(rur) a large inlernarionel company somedal'.

(lind) an entry levcl position aft€r he grlduates.




1. Nick


(start) our orYn bal.ery rfter ri'e firish cooking school'

Fart 2Cir.le the correct form o{ihe l.elb to .ompiete the scnterces'

1. We plan ro prcmotinS(p:Goibyo,r Iater on this lear

2. Henry plarN on gelting/get a busioess degree ol ine'

3. Marhand Larx plan on graduatinS/graduate nerit sPring-

4. I plan to hiriog/hi(e you for the Project nl:nagemert Position'

5. Dr. Green plans to interviewins/inteNielt' six more peoPle this l{'eek'

6. We plar to asking/ash Doug to trair ihe nel{ employee'

7. Claudia plans on studying/study entertainmeDt larv after she graduates'

8. Stuart plans on working/rvork for a social rnedia companl

I hopeto find aiob in the medicalfleld.

Emil), hopes to be(ome a lawyer.

Rickand Julia hope to get married nextyeal.

l\,iike plans to changejobs soon.

The twins plan to applyto university nextfall.

Andrea iilaris on starting a business after college.

We plan on finishing the projectthis week.

LessoaS;13:{.6: Grammar B

Fresent perfect vs. Past tense

Part 'I

Circle the correct form of tlre r.erb to coraplete the senlences.

l- KarI rvrnred,(r. wanrcd)o be a lawyer "ir. e sl . ra" tir,e.

2, Eric decided/has decided to apply {or rhe research assisrant job yesrerday

3. Claire rrorked/has worked at a testaurnnt afrer sltc finished coltege.

r- David and Kelly studied/have studied Chhese srrce they verc in high sch.ool.

j- I learned/l'ave !edrrrcd how ro coirl,ler- r s,,,'arr.r. r;or.'e.rerd.r).

6- Sandra was/has been a good team player silce her firsr day at ihe conlpany.

lilr.,'," *. **"*" lyith rhe presert perfecr or past rense iolnl of the 'erL

in parentheses.

1. Pa.ul .taftea (start) his owfl business last year.

2- I stayed up late la5t nighil I


(work) really hard on tiar reportl

3- A: Do you travel n]uch? B: Yes, I do.Ior examplc, I (visit) Brazil nraiy rimes.

4. Michele


(shorv) the rrew employee how to use thc cash register this orning.

5. A: Do )rou have experience with public spcaking? B: Yes, I


(gi1.e) many presentations.

6. Ana


(complete) maDy dificult projects since starting work

Jeff has worked hard since he started. (He's stillworking).lefl worked hard whpn he sldrt"d. (H. do"\n't worr, hard now.)

Melan has been al rha Lomp"ny for thrpp year\. (5h"', ,lill al I hF compdny.)

Megan was at the companyfofthree years. (5he3 somewhere else now.)

I have talked to 20 austom€rs about that laptop. (The time isn,tspecifi._)

Italked to 20 customers this morning- ("This morning"is a specific time.)Italked to 20 <ustomers (last night). (The speaker is thinking ofa speciflc time_)

17: Vocabulary

Part 1

Think about the people you knorv. \Vhich fears do yor think are the n,osr connnon? Rank them Iiom1 (most commoD) to 7 (Ieast common). Thcn compare your answeis with a patncr Gi1-e reasons for


fear ofheighrs


fear ofpoblic speaking


fear offlying


fear ofthc dark

fear of spiders


Part 2Use the fears from Partpartner.

1.A: \{4nt are you afraid of?

B: I am tcrrified ofspeaking h fronr oforher pcople. I gucss i have a

I lo cornplcle Ihe, on\er-Jlions. ln clx.. pr., t, e tl.e, o .er./tion. hrt\ i

2.A: What's your greatest fear?

B: I have I dodt like to go irl elcvators because Inr nervous about ire=5 =small and closed spaces

Do you have a

Yes, olhaiq. ones. 'Ihel nrake me neryous dl ofthose legsl

Do yor have a

No,I love going on ai.planes, bLii I am kind ofuncomforrabte in places r. hout a tot oflight.You mear you have a ? I rcver'!l'ould havc guessed ihat.

A lot ofpeoplc have a .I guess theythink they are scary.

Well, thcy dont havc legs, rnd some of them are poisonous.

Does beLng on tJll buildnlgs scrre ).orr?

3. A:




5. A:


6. A:

B: No, I do]l t have a at all. In fact, I loye ro go up ar]d look out orcr the.ii-;

Lessocl 17: Reading & Writing




















Part 1

.-.e:d the booli crcerpt belol

'- rnplele thc senten.es rvith a r'\ord or phrase Irom thc rcxdnlg

1 d LJi e,.,tlL.P.opl'can get tcrribte lrom a f:[.arur bodies rclease _ 11ien 1\,c x,1. rLrai.i.

Lllr hearts beat _ r run asit),or ii-qhi rLe dairlrer

is an irratio]1 l fear ois.urethhg thar ls a.roalh. not danq.rous

.\ lcar ofgojrg oLr o .r pUblj. pla.e is cnlled

Llne 1{al to UeaL tt person wiih such a tiir is to rxfos€ him or her

Q cntn wonx lis.nss lhe questions.

i- Do l.ou Lrow an)'ore 1(,ith a phobi.l? l{hat is it? HoN does ji rflecr him or her?l. \\'hat ki.d offears do you har.e?

i Hori-do 1ou dcal nfth your fcars?

Part 2ilrite.about x fcar that )ou have or soneone 1.ou h1.r\ his. \\'hat js it? Iiol! (toes it alfect you (orri..,thcr pcrson)? \[hat can l-ou do about it?

Fart 3Shxre )'our ideds 11.i!h a group olclassmaLes. l)oes irrr.n. d.r.ribe silnilar fc.rr s?

,,46 )

Fear or Phobial\,4any people trave fears oFspecifi. ob.jects or situations. such fears have helped people survive. A

spider blte could be poGono!5, forexample, or ifyou fallfrom a signlfi.ant height, you coulclrecei,,,cterriblc injuries or even die_ Hunlans arr lvired so that something Jangcrous reLases adrenaLin. This inturn cau\es oLrr heart5 to bear faster and prepaTes us to either fight or take f ight. So a ccrtain atnoLrnt ofre. r mare5 \c se and protects Lrs

Buthofliis a reaeonab]e fear different from a phobia?A phobla js a strong and irrirtiona tearofanobject or a situation that poses littlc actua dafgeLForexample,apersonv;thaphobiaolsnakesmightbecome terrified looking ata photo of a snake or even seeing a rope on the lLoor A person who has aphobia about public spaces (agoraphobia) may go lnto a paiic at ihe thought of eaving the house.

Ptrhaps ten percentofpeople experlencc plrobias. probia5 can be severely disablinq,nnd should bctre-ted. ProFes5lonaG lreat phobias in alouple of d ilercnr !,,r\,5 One methoj i. to e,pirt the personvery gradually to the thing that causes them fcar. For ex.mple, if someone has a fear of public ;peaking,a therapist might help rhe person control his or her reactions by firsl speaking to one supporltve petlon,Ihen to a coLrplcofpeople and so on.


Part 1

Unscramble the rvords below to Batch the co ect lvords in the box.

1. aielsdend

2. seiridnnduatmNg

6. .dpo

3. aitera-xoln eDhqiseucl 8.




4. aikl rhguhot

sr rlokawdo uresPesr

Phrt 2!i11 in the causes ofstress using the words lrom Part 1 in person ,{s dialogre and fi]l in your own

advice in person Bt .lialogrc- In chss, practjce the conversations \^rith a Partner.

1.A: t have too rnenv . I dorit knorv hol, I ctr gct cverythlng done.

has ah'ays rrcrkect rvc1lfor me.

2. A:



4. A:




I had a


rvith my ftiend, and now slre rvont talk ro

I'm sorry io hcrr th.rt. Iu rny expe erce,

I im - ,, . II) l,.ss kecfs giving nrc more wort. I have roo much to do.

Thati too bad. I've found that

I'ru under too rnuch at $.ork I.an't sleep at night because ofit.

Th.rt\ Irorrible. I rhvays feel bener . It night work for you, ioo-

I am rcally

Many people say brt I hal,cn't fould that to rea11y work. \\hy doft .1'o!.:

Lesson'E E: Reading & Writing

















Part 1

,.:..J rhe blog dis.ussion l)e1o1\,.

Stress Relief Forum

ii.Im experlencing a lotofstressfrom both workand school- l'm undcra lotofpressure and havetoor:eny deadlines. I feel overworked and run do!.r'n. Please helpl /rmd

i -gree vr'ith VGI that meditation can be very helpful, but b€ing more actlve car also help. When I Ieeliiiessed and oveMorked, I make sure to cxercisc. I a \,1,ays fccl be[er and more relaxed after a hard

ii.iindValeria hnve glven some good 5u!l!lestlons, but both ofdtem foc!s onyourren(Liofl tostrcss:iu couLd alro try to addrels the sources of stacss. ln nry expcrrcnce, talking to your rupervisor abouti rLrr !,,,orkloird (an really help. He or shc ntlght find someone to hclp yot] or figure out a ,,",,ay [o get'-irlrgs done in less timE. For,,/z/d

PAIR WORK Dis.Lrss lhe questions.

-. \\]lose ide.rs do l-otl agree ]l.ith the inost?

I l\'haL ar€ othcr \La]'s ro deat r.ith srress?

: lloti'much strcss do you ha\.e? \Vhat do yolr do al.out it?

..ri.. a fost and susgcst l!'a)'s to d.al1\,i11 sLr.sr. rldd .ri l.rit one nc(-idea

Part 3.l,e.e Your ideas with a classmrle. Are yorr idc:s

i illnk one oF the mo5t important things you ran do is to slow dov,,n and breathe. l,4edltalion can really::lpas tallowsioutoclcaryourmifd.Whenyoubreatheslo,,vlyandmindflr y, it helps your body gctrid ofslress producjng hormones su(h a9 cortisol. -li/el

i,e found it! rcally helpful to make a list of everything I have to do. Then I declde vr'hi.h ofthose thingsa.tu. ly have to do, and which are things that I could give up or 9et someone else to do. Jd.k

,,. ..t,^ ,l.o lt o


\.nr.lin1es )'.\r ne.d to iak. sorr.tlir!l oul ol)oul'lusv schedLLle.

L Frer.isc is a sood x,d\.to deal l\'ith strcss

-. Oiher peoplc might bc ablc to belp )ou \1,idr

: IL's b€ttcr to d! lcss ard do it \\'c11.

a B..atlipg slo\\'ly ca he\r (,irh srress.

sr:iil.::. Lrii r nu l.arn anl.thing ncl\'?



Fart 1

I,latch thc rvords on the l€ft w-ith rheir meanilgs on the right.

L. create a. ro make things (like ideas, sot-tware, and buil{iings) bjgger or .learer over txne. rlir,over '. lo o. rr ur.rJ) ,r. I rrg."r.,,rlt1

3. devclop c. 10 mrl.e somerhing, espe.ially art, for the first time

4. establish d. to n1alc lI story or rnaclinc for rlle firsr tiDe

5. explore e. to chaDge something so rnuch rhat it,s likc something ner!,

6- rcvolutionize f to )nake sonelhing stable or more acceptcd

7. ini,cnt g_ io find somcthjng for the first rime

Fart 2Circle the core.t ll,ord to complcr. .ach sentcnce.

l. Ilichcldngelo (.redt!I / rleyetaled /, ented) the pajrrtillg, /7re tl7Jr / dgi7re,| behreen 1536 xn.i iajt.2. l he first Dicrowirl.e over ri,as (,yt.,rd,/ rtr )alLttjaniT,u! / j 1,.ntetl) n\ :8!,45.

3. The cornplltcr and rhe InrerflcL (.r"ri..l/ rcyatutioni.ed / ,:xllorct)thc r1,ay 1\,e .onnn*nicire lrirh |..,r :.1. There ar€ still stdrs ald planets thaL ne har.c ltai (.l..t:Lierl / tliscoyerttl / rcwltnioni.etl).

s. l€forethc Londor Oly,pics, they (de,eloped /i ye ted /establisL )rheVelodromeforthcc'ch-,g:.:::6. The firsr O\mpics l'ere (discarer.tl / estdblished / clet elopetl) nt776LC.7. I{Lrmars har.e or11. (disco,,,ered / etplorLi / cst"llijr.d) live pcrcent ofrire l.ortcis ocens.

Fayt 3Complcte the serteDces lviLh the hold lvords tronr p,rr I

l. If I could ar+hhg, Ia tu1d a cu.e for cancer

2. III could go snlwhere, IA soDe.aves in Chira that ha\,.e rerer bccu visitcd befor..3. If I could a piece ofart,I v,ouid mal.c a statue.

the $.ay scientjsts look for ihc ruins fron

I think it would bc difficulr to a companv that can compcre in the srnart phone mJj].i::

4. If I could make a nery lascr, I could

ancicnt culrures.

6. 1iT 1\erc a scienrr\i.lil try ro a tine travcl machine

If I c"uld something,Iil 1nake a more efflcient machine for catching the po\ler oi

Lesson '! 9: Reading & \lr/riting

Part l: ::i tl\e opinion piecc beto(r

Ourcurrent system ofeducation is failing.ALIliough test scores shon, students nrem.5terlng a body of kl]owledgc, they do noirevaa our main deficienay studert! often1a.k the capa.ilyfor trLly originalthoughL.li.jor scientific and cultural achi.vementsoo flot come frotn memorizing facts; theycome from being ab e to think creative y. Weshould be encouraging our young people toclcate insplrlng works ofart, to invent robotsor tpac.ships or n lletter way of producifgenergy. Our students should be able tod sco'rcr ner,v medicines or anima species orpLanets. They should be excitcd t.r explorehldden jungles, canyons on the ocean floor,or the outer reaches ofspnce.They nccdto lre able to deve op new so]!tions to 1r1d

problems as vrell as f nd answers to brandne\1/ problenls-

The best Way to encourage crcative abilitiesls to provide models of ho,,! othcr peop e havebeen sLrccessful crentively. 0ur schoo s needto enao!rage students to research the wayin v/hich Louis Pasteu r discovered peni.illin,or hov/ scienti5ts map genes, orvr/hat makesthe iPod nrore attractive than mp3 players.

llwe v,,ant to be a aountry ol innovation, \\,eneed to raise innovators, inspir ng them toidentiiy nccds, ana yze possib lities, qencratencvJ ideas, and develop those ideas to achtcvcgoiG. ll! not enough to teach about existtNgmath and salencc nnd iterature, we need totea.h sludents ho\! to lhink beyond thote tothe rcxt bi! thinq.

:-l:.:.li iL. p!ints rl1. \Lrirer nnlie-r.

I siuaents oiren don'l thni, nr origiirl (,x).s.

l. T.st s.orcs !l!dr sho\! everl'th]11g.

l. It )oLr s,-udr.enoug| 1.r.ts, \-ou 1\'i1l be aLrlr to .r.at€ r1e\\'id.as

-t .1. Par I of l)eing cr.xtj\.e is problem solvirg.

]15. SiLLdents should rcscarch the.reatile pro.ess as 1r,ell as the out.omes.

. 6. To crealc sorDcthing ireli! ,\'ou dolil reed 1() ll1roll about the p:Lst.

:-: PAIR woRK Dis.oss th€ guestions.

I Do t,ou aglee \,rilh ihe writcr? U/l)y or wll)- irLrr?

:. lloes ),our cducatiol s),stem foclrs rror€ orl krollledge or dis.ovel ?

:. Hon.1l.olLld ).ou .hangc the education srsrerr?

Part 2i\ii1e paHgraphs (o eripress )-oLLr opinion aboLLr ihc .L':[..1iior1 srst.m ]'ou L1()\,r l)esr. \\ihrt d(,es itjr lrella lf)olr c.nrld changc sonelhing, whet \rnuln ir h. r.tul1rL\!

Part 3Erchange paragraphs with a classmate


Les5on 20: Vocabulary

Part 1

Are these things positir.c or Degative, or cen ihey be both (dcpending on the sitnation)? U.rite P(positive), N (negati\.e), or B (botb) for each. ln class, comparc )'our ideas \\drh a partncr.

Jctl\,? sucr.rl lr lc



fit in


get n11.olved

gi1.e (soDeone) a hard Iilne



pick on


take (somethiDg) seriously

Part 2Use the words fton1 Part 1 aldyour ol'n ideas to complele the corversatioir- YoLr may huve to changcthc forms ofthe rrcrds. In class, practice thc con\.ersatior 1\'ith trvo otlrer students.

A: Our ten year class reullion. Itt hrrd to beliel.c its been ten ]€arsl

B: i l.norrl

C: Do yolr c\.er thir* abott our school dar,s?

A: O Ce nr a r.hile. Horv aboui 1() ?

C: 1tah, sonlcUrrles I lrish lilA; Really? \!'h) ?

1\'iih morc sLL eDl groups.(r)

C: We1l, i didrit have a very .Istayed home drd studicd b.v rn-self ri

(2) {3)

ts: ]lut look at,vou no\\,I 1bL1 are a srccesslul lil,ry.cr. Look at the stud.lrts \j*ro were inThiy:hr.ls lorle,lLkc tlrcl , lilie th.). r,/.re part oi the 'rri' group

somc oflhe talhins rbort how they fcltirlcomlor table a lot ofthe txle.

C: Rcally?

B: Yeah- I gness ever)'one has regrets. I l..now 11,e ar€ fricnds noh', but do r-ou rerneinber rvhcn rle were littlei I




rcasn t very nice to you- I rcgrei

No u,:yl

Yerh I \vrs hidnrg nry jealouslr so I

nnJrt siuderlts like )!d- (G)

yoo. Iin reallv sorryr

ir class. You }ere the class cloryrl lr=n'on:


t,1But ryhy were )ou jexlous? You ah'ays

thoLrgh! you didn t care abour school.

But I did. Shce I had bad grndes, i toldjokes so no one ryould knon

Part IRead the letter belov.

Mark rhe statemeuts T (tue) or F (false).


1. Patdcia wrote tliis letter while sllelms in her teens.


l. \r,-.. rnar l. d rnc no <lrild. <r


3, She belonged to a clique ir high sdrool


4. She is $ti[ frien& with rhose peoBle.

5. Slre wor(ed h"rd ir s l.nol.

- o. (\e B-l\. he oarents a hard ir-c "s n (epn.r8er

PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.

1. Wgre you like Patricia ir1 high schoot?

2- Do you agree with her advice? Wlry or why not?

3- Wllat advice wordd ).ou give yorlrsellat a )rcunger €e?

Part ?Wrile a letter to yourself at a younger age. If you could do it over, {.hat rould you do diftbrenrty?

Part 3Exchaoge lette.s with a classmate. Are tlere ary similarities in yolrr regrets/advice?

Dedr lepn Me.

l'm probablythe last person you wanl to hearfrom your firtLlre, older sell Spoileralert Igetmarried and work an officejob. I am not a best-selling novelist, although I am a writer I have somethingsto tellyo! though thar you reallyshould hear.lflcoold do it al{overagain,ld followthisadvice.

. Dontworryabout being popular Belonging to a high schoolclique does not helpyou in any way.In fact, it makes you care aboul the wrgng things. ln a few yeals, you willhave lost touch with allofthem.Work hard at being a good friend and you willhava srrong friendsh ips.

- Go ahead and have an aative sociallife, butwork hard in schooltoo.lf lcould chanqe my attitudetoward school back then, Iwould do it in a minute. i goofed off too much_ After high school,l endedup working ln a restaurant for a fewyears before lwent to college. ltwds hard, very hard, and I

think I'd be Furtheralong in mycareerifl had taken school more seriously.. Be nicer to yoLrrparents. One day, yoLl will h ave child ren and theywillgive yoll a hard time.you will

wish you had been kinderand more understaoding.. Marry a good guy. Don't wofiy about how popular he it or how good looking, Find tomeonE who

willtreat you welland helpyoq followyour dreams.

L,essons 1 7-20: Video Cloze

Watch Marin\ Big beak and 6t1 in the blanks.

Tonl: Hi, Maria.

A1e:r: He1-, Maia.

Nlaria: Hi, $+.s.

Tom: l^'aDt to join rls?

l\lrria: Y".h r ri.llrd ,l .5., ,o.. \ rt go d

Ale* Oh. rot btrd. Ofcourse iin

Tom: Really? I nel-er kuelv rhatl So wh,r doni you

do iL?

Iviariar U,t11, actirg is hard to get inro, ).ou l.i]ow:.

A.rd T Jo i. ,r\. n,i h e\p. r:c ,c.. wilIa bcen in sone plays in high school,

I m terrilled of llissing deadlines.

trIada: Your boss still getting on your n€ryes?

AIe* Ycah, and I _coming u!.

'tbm: Nfa,vbc you should lry some relalation


Alex: Relalation t€chni!acs?

Tulll: kJl,,l

Tom: Really?

, anrfxr?


Torn: Oh...so do vou


Maria: \Ve11, not crf,ctl)',I grcss...t\rt I

doboriug, youa

1r0).o.ed r n nr .rl. ...i i i.., ",.

r\lor: BrL il'.s rever too late, rigllt?


llllria: Uh...ltilure? And Im

l)ur 1 school rcaiiy

...I studied all thc time.


benr8 b.o:i:

Excuse me, Iir

€lal.er T do .or.,e,l . p orF . ,Ir3. \\F , dr rr 'l(ight norv. Ready? Okay, breatlrc jn... breathe

out... brcdhe in. -. breaihe out...fe€l beucr?

Alcx: Nbr', I dol 'l hdt rea1lf works! l hanksl So,

how a.e thirgs 11-irh ),ou,I{aria? llolr'.s rlrc

joLr search goirg?

ilI"ria: Oh, i dodt Lnoly. I h.r-c .r lieling i\n neler

going to ger ajob. t had three inrerviews lasr

week, and I haverit hcard bach from any ofthe companies.

Tom: But seriLrusly, I tlinhyouil 6c greatl \\h',1or ,1'"u t 1 a,ll ...l,llo. o.-at r Iocal the.rter?

Alex: I coL d nc\.cr do that-..lin

irnlvlaria: I guess I coukl...but I lroulddt gei |.r..ruen: But iL would be a start, right?

N{xria: Yeah...blrt 1A stiLl nccd a dayjob.

Alct Uh huh. But at least if)'our davjob rL.rr

you thiri.? 141

Llaria: Well, it seems like lm eirher orerqualified or

rmdcrqualified for all ofthejobs.I mean,I

either ha\,'c too much experience or not erough.

'l1,nr: Oh. ,l "r'. n , b ..'. 5^,. __


Oh, thatt okay.

But weie actually Iilming a comn.r.i:ihere in a little nhile. l{e need to ask t-u :.lca.,'e rhe cafe...[r1ess youa hke to be ::'::-in the commercixl, of coursc-


Yeah...lhe producer said Lhel're 1ooli: :sone peoplc to just sit here and.lrink a.jtall(. YouA even ger paid fbr itl


I{aria: lfl coul{t do rrr}thing? \\Ieli, thsls kr1d ofe1nbarrassing, brt..-li]





I ve rhvrvs ,lrernr.d oi rh. I

Grammar A


Seconrl <ondi{lonal ll

Part 1

Complet€ thc senteEces with the lqlIeet forms of the verbs m parenilcscs-

I. ffEmoa wersr't (norbe) afraidpf.flying,she wouia tuavel (tavel) more

2. IIlald - rcp.etrinrorernpubri,.',c -.rot

bet nr-rror>.

3. IIsam


(orBrniTp) l.i\orfce.hp -

{recl) lF"\ "Lre$ec.

4- Ifwe


(srgo up) trp for mor€ cLssec we (have) less free linie.

5, IfI


(go) to acting school, I (hecome) a famsus ?ictor.

6. If Sarah


(become) a scientist, she


(discova) cures for dlseases.

Part 2Use die cue3 tb ask questi6ns abolrt hypotheticaL situations.

l. Heatlier / {Iy aol.nhete l.!|irTerel itlleatharcodAAvaLvNheea\er'euoulaihefly. ?

Eric /tuy an)'thing / what:




you / meet anyone f:!rnoirg'/ r,,:tro:

Iill and Rob / try an),thinB'/ ]{hat:

Melisai / be anyo e / who; ?

we / do an,-thine / what

7-20: Grammar B

Dan wishes he had taken a publi. speaking class.

I wish I had dropped that math class.

l\,,lichelle wishes she had apologized to her co worker

Richard u,ishes he hadn't signed up for so many classes.

The twins wish theyhadn't given their parents a hard time.

We wish we hadn't goofed off so much in school.

Expressing regret

Part 1

Eripress regret about actions thar did NoT occnr by.o plethg lhc scnteD.es with the .ot rc.t fur Dr ol

ri,isi and the verbs in parcnthesis.

t. Olivia - ralehel sLe ha4b.een (be) active in sPorts h school.

2. Sruno




(Lrte) high school urorc serioudy"

3. I




(lister) to 11l)' pareDti advice'

.i. Emily and AndrcN




(buy) iPhoncs'

s. Alex tre


(go) to nore school perties'

6. trlia




(talk) 1{) her boss xbout the problem'

7. Wc




(keep) tu touch rvith our high school frierds'

Part 2Use the cues to express regret about the actiors that did occur in the Past'

i. they lvent to thc same sclrool Mason ancl So phla wish xhevlzddLqote Tgl\9-ga|negdaL'

2. he picked on other kids: Bret

3. I lost ypass?ort I

a he missed the deadline: Willinm

5. we took the easy classes ir high school: we

6. she yelled at her boss: Emma

Lesson 2l:: Vocabulary

Part 1

What kinds ofmovies do you like? Rarik them from I (favorire) to l0 (least fnvoritc). Then compareyouransters w'rlr " parrner Crvc r.ason-'or lour l]."er"









_ movi'18

r depressing






B: OK I sce what you mean. Well, then how about a moyie that's

Bond rno\ i( rl .r , \ c 1,..n \/r ring ro "er.

B: I didrt think it r.as that bad. In fact, I fiought it was

after allrhose 1.ears.

3. 3- Hey. rvelcome back. Hot^r was the movie?

Part 2Use the kinds ofmovies frodr Part 1 to complete the co €rsatioDs.rYiih a partner.

Ir class, practice thc conversations

'1. A: I don't redtly lfant to go to thrt movic. It lo,:kl kind of . I ean, itlt about a guylnho

ioses his job and ihen his trome. Wher I go to a moyie, I rant to lcave in a happier nood, not 1ea1'e sad.

? Theret a new ]anes

2. A. Wowl ThaL sure rvas disappoirting. It started our and the story nel.er picked up.

lhe way the father found his son

B: Itwas .I coulddt stop laughing- Yo[vc got to see it. li\ about Lhis woDran $.11o rvins

$20 million, i.rd alIthe crazy thirys rhatbappen to her nfter that.

4. A: \ou lool upse,. Wl'J.! IiP mJi,Pr:

B: I went to that movie I $as telling you about. lt started out fine, blrt then the iokes about loor leotlestart€d, By the Iniddle of fie novie, l I{'as so upset I had to have. It

"'as just so

A: l'm sorry to hear that- Well, I can .ross that one off m). list.

5. A This movie is

B: Shhl itlq : rc:l

amazir1g. t have no idea r,hat's going to happen next.

, and we don t wnnt to lniss anithing.


Part 'lItead the discussion boud bclorv.

' Movie MattersWhich re(ent release did you like the best?llovedthenew-Spidermin.ltwasactionnncke.landthechnra.ters\i,,eredevelopedwell.Theclrmax was a nai -brter. The..tors were perlect in their roles. I really believeclrhai perer parl(er hadtt .Urlt '^'ol .\p l-. lho op. ,lale, r"r"dn.-ir g.-/.

llik.dtra,erolpo,eof.haTron,r.so,r"p"opl-.rink tcrorv.tLrtfir dr.a, r.16v.ro/rrg.lhe ove story between tJck and Ro5e is beautiful, and the enC]ing is a renl tear-jerke; And talkaboLrt spe.iai effects. lthink the scenes ofthe ship capsizinq are tlerrifyincl_ Boblrra

I thought the latest j\4en in Bla.k movie vvas hilarious_ The a.tiIg was terrillc.lheres also a lot c,faction. I enioy both science fiation and comed, and so le,,,r movics do that well. Thcre aren,i verynliny sclcn.e fiction movies that nre also funny_ C),rtri.l

lror,".r,ro.p"., n,o,t rtr..o'o.: '..o,..,r , d o.t . i6ott,n/Tro\.!afyday.Unfortunnielrlh;ven,tseenanyrcall)lunrrrnnLt.,, ..u ,i orqt,,,tnr",:, iurrrnnlovi,: was fnntasli.. Not only docs it brinq the originel siory ro a satlsiiing en-din-o, but lt :lsogivesa hintof whatcould happen inafuturelilm. 6reEr

Ciheck the pclson(s)

2. likes iirnny rrovies


L$; rntn wonx ni..rss thc quesrions.

l. \fhose tlsre in movies is rDost like )-olrrs!2. \rhat nlovies have ).on secn rec.nLty? \Vhar rvas the plor?

Part 2\\'rilc r d. (rtplrur

^i a rnovre I ou h.rrt \(en rcccntl\,. lvhat wrr itt \\rho .were rhe chxracters?\v,rad.. \<./ i..'r..rr, t;_",

Fart 3E\change descriptions lvilh a.tassnlrte. Ha1.e \,ou seen rhe nro\-ie? It so, ilo ),oLL rgree l\,ith rhedescription? Ifnot, u,ould vo tike to see ir aft;r reading thc rtescrtptioD?

4. has seer the Tta c

-5. enjoys scieLrcc frctro n

Lesson 22: Vocabulary

Paft flt'k kind of music do you like? What kind do your parents lil(e? Wrire M (o1lly you like it), p (ontyF.Ir pareff$ like it), or B (both you aDd your parerts like it) for cach kiqd ofmusic. In class, compare,rEr aoswers r, [h a pi rrner.

good beat






Part 2GrEIe the cor.ect $,ord to complete person As and person ! s dialogue. Then use your own ialeas so Cczo ioitr the dis.ussion. lD class, practice the co8versations 'wiih two .las$rater.

l,A: Oh,I lor.e this song. Dodi change the lhxnnel.Its so (po.h.1l, i.s, tll.edt / catthy tune).

B: Y€ah, I totally agrce- It has a great (r.ail .Janceable / melancholy).

J- * I J'ust dowdoadcd this Dew soog. Liste11. \{re \.e got to take it to the parq, Friday nighl. It's so

(mellon / dan.e\ble / ramdnli.). It will get e\eryone excitcd-

B: Awesome. No orre Lih,es (melancholy / upbeat / danceabb) sotgs dur.hg rhe schoolt Fiday evening p&ries_

This song is much beiter thar the one lrcu dowrloaded yesterday.

G Oh, are you gLLys Lrlkingebour

Z a: Har,e you heard rhat rew song bI Miley? lls teally kood beat / rafiiafitic / poetic lyrics) .



Yeah. lrsgot re"il1 tnp,low po.,.ly-,s/ m,laa,hal),t.

Hq', did I hear }ou mention

G Hey, are yo! talLing about

.at6r7l)? \4c rJnt tlrem .o r'eIrernoer the rur".

{ A: Wlntt the name of this song? It's (lz liide m cllot, / danceabte / good &ear), but it ruould 6e periect inthevideo l{e need to make for dass. We don't want anlthing thait so exciting that people doft pay aitertion to

tha vide..

B: Yeatl, maybe. But do you thir* 1^,c need a song tha! Las a iune thatt alitrfe (Lss upbedt / nore poetic /


G Oh, hi. Are )iru talLing about


E-essom 22: Reading &Writing

Part 1

Rc.d the article beiolq

We (an learn a lot about people by looking

at their ltuff. Take muslc as an example. lfyouexamine someoncl CD aollection or playlist,

you rnight be able to make some guesses

about the kind ofperson heorsheis.

People who are hlg h ln openness lendto be creative, imaginative, and curiollsaboLrt the world around them.They are

likely to have very eclectic music tastes

everythin!l frorn r,r'orld music to jazz to5ho,rv tlrnes. On the other hancl, people

who are very practlcal, conscientious, and

attantive to Iules may i5tcn to m!5ic more

lor it5 te.hnl.al proficiency than an)'thlngclse.-lh.y y/culci h..,,e i moie convcniional

trIxlch the p ersonilit,l' n-f. to the moslc

1. hiqh e.cig1'

.1. erlr'ovcrt

3. irhovcrt

Extroverts are olten thrilJ seekers.They love

co or, fast nrovernent, and sensuaLlty in allarts.

Thejr music might have provo.ative lyrics, and

It probab y has i danceable beat.lltrovcrtsare at the other end ofthe spe.trum. They

tend lo think form it mole importantthanaction, and ptefer cont€mplative musicauch

as Bach fugue5, or the music of Debussy and

Chopin.Thcir tastes aIe much more mellow

than thai of cxtrovelts.

Some peopla use mLlsia to chinge or

ma'L.h their nroo.i. Pcop e l\i ro aIe h]gh

cnergy m;y be d ii!,n t0 nrLrtla that is

turlrulcni or lnspir-tional. TlreiI music hiis

n very erncr.ion;l coinpcnent. Othels lrlay

o,-'iono, i ./ t. .rl. n r.

vr'ho;rethebcnlnthelrfield (e.g.,the

Bcatles, or the NewYork Philharmonic).

choosc melaraho y or ronlantja muila far , ,

aertaln ilmes, and rap or heavy meial a5 an .]. .-o " or t\"'r o \ .n -, or . Jgl. 'io1. l.






rLrrbnlc1lt or inipirrL jrir.rl

.ori.illplarifc ard r).l1o1r

tc.hnical),Y Sood

danceable and fist

{93 eetawonx Discuss rhe qr.stions

1. lvhat su4rrises you abort the descriPtiors abo\-e?

2. Which categorj,do )ou th k].oL1fit irt?

3. lrhat kiDd of musi. do )'ou like b.st?

Part 2ulriie a Pamgrsfh desc.ibing vour ttrst€s tu nrusic. \\,l)trt is vour Pers''naliil' like? Ilol\' does ] our

tastc lll rrlisic refle.t tour i).rsonrlil,\'_i

Part 3

Erchangc Paragmphs 11.ith a cl:rssmatc. lJo\r are rour musi. ldsics similxr or diflerent?



Part IR€ad the hintu alrd put the words lnto ihe .Orlect place ill. the p$zZle.


1. abart style$ f.oot the past

4. from the past but still lo?ular6. nq longer in {ashior

18., currentll. popular1 1. no longer'curreAt

l2.looksgotidE. to ctiange to itay ctteni

with trend!

14, iollowing.urreBt trerds


2: cuderLtly pnpul?r but may ciange soon

3. aot old, about the ?resent time

5, qc,t popular

7. a pers6n who otiei people lollow9. having the most cr1lrcal dtl,les

10. folloving current fashion

14. Populatr nol{

Part 1

Read the blot bclow.

Mod Maddie's

How to be a trendsetter


lvrite ihe number oftllc tip next 1() the €nample.

You know who I mean-the person wllo can look cool wearing almost anything.She seems to know what will be hip before anyone else, and she can make her oldskirt froni high schoollook like the latestfashion- Well you can be a tlendsettertoo ifyou followthese simple rules.

1. Repurpose. Shop for alothes thatcan do more than onething. Buy atailoled shirtthat could go under a jacket or over a spaghettr strap dress-You could wrap thatpatterned scarfaround your head,loop it around your neck, ortie it over one hip.

2. Think layers o(casionally, Sometimes you want a 5leek silhouette and may optfor a fitted black dress, but don't count out the layered look. A short sweater overthat dress can renlly change the look, or add a close fitting tee undenreath. Being

fashionable means being {lexible.

trryhat! old can be new agaln. Whatwas out 20 ye.rs ago may verywell be innextfall. Hanq on to your well-mnde (lothes, orshop in vintage clothing stores.

Don'i follow iads-set trends. What's the difference? A fad is a short'telJn eveniwhereas a trend has the potentialto affect fashion'fo r s om e time to come. Leg

warmers were a hit in the 1980s.They were knilted sJeeves for legslA fad, or are

they cominq back in style?

1. Your mother had a bealltiful tailored jacket that still lool.s greal.

2. Yoo can rvear a slotchv sweater over a klil dless.

3. Polycsicr j uDlpsuits were popular in the 1970s.

4. Use a singlc eardng ro hold scarfends together.

5. A rvarm shawl can becomc a skirt-

@ ealn wonx ni..r,ss the qlrestions.

Do you agree with dle vritcrt suggcstions for being a trendsetter?

What are sone exarnples offads that did not becorne reai trcnds?

What do you thn ( makcs a trendsetter?

Part 2Writc other tips for trerdsetlerc, pcrhaps in a tield olhcr than laslion.

Part 3Share yorlf ideas with a classmale. Which ofthe tiPs do you agrce on?



Lesson 24: Vocabulary

k1Iheahle the words below to naich rhe correcr \dords in the box_






h.* ts€tut 5.





yalmpedat tdsebp


Part 2l#iie rhe words from the box ir Part 1 to corlplete rhe dialogue betweer two people working at a86iP mrgazine. In class, practice rhe conversation with a larrner


eral$ pu zapt.rpaiz

.A: flave you heard(1)

on that movie star who has iust started his own TV show?

- (r-, tu the middle of a prcss conferencc he answered his cell phone.

B: No wa)! Is rhdt fo. re.l?

-l- l'eab- ltis wife rvas calling, and insread of1\.airiDg or calling her back he talked ro her righr ihere, id fi-ort df

B: You've gor to be kiddingt Thatt pietry rude

A: Alot ofpeople are saying thar, but some peotle are saynrg he did a good thing bccause the

haye bcen following his 1\.ife e\.et where. They say tle was just maldng sorc she $.as Ol(-

B: l'ye , why are tlcy following her? Tiey are rsuauy lookiBg for a , but you kilow the{4)

sa)tug: Theret Do s oke v/ithour fue.'Vfell, did you krow rhat shc i{as with ihe novie star's ptevious r(.ife last u eek?(5)

You can't be seriousl Why would an ex wife alld a.urrent wife gct togerher?

fhati; *:hat everyone wanis to know. Everyone's asking is his cur.ent wife goiry to Gl

Nith the movie star? TheI tlink ma).be shet getring advice from the ex_

Or mayte she wants to b" --- lr- his kids more oiten, and shc'.s trying to $rcrkout a wq. forthal to happer .

A: No one knor.s. But we can be sure the juicy (a) r{ill continue. Well never tun out of thingsto \lTile abouL

B: Absolute\!


E-essorn 24: Reading & Writing

Part 1

Read the gossip cohmn belolr'

Okay, klds, fasr'en your seatbelts. You'rcin for a thril ing rlde. Here! Lhe very latesttastytidbits aboutfic celebs you admireand envy..

Bobby Festu! Brando,last seasont winncrof Dancinq with Famous Klds, \,,ras spoltedat Club Oo-la-la with Gabby Garbo, therunner up. As you may rccali, Bobby and6.bbvapp". pdLo ,o "a..l,o(.r-, d rl-prdueled for the championship.They lookedpretty cozy last ni!ht thouqh. Hmm. WhatIl.knene could y,,e give thent? DoBo?BoG.l G-blest?

And of anoihar noie, thc Dapnrazzlelapped photos oia \,ery fanlous.oupie (or

\ so they thou!ht). At the premie-e ol Alcx

Cruiset latest fr m, photographers thoughtth€y spled Sinr lenkins snuggling up to hisex, l\,1ar!ha Perry. l,4istakelThe hundreds ofpictlrres they took were of another.ouple,l"4ichael and Heather Baxter. Of.ourse, Nlikeand Heirther are equaLly attra.tive, and at 83and 8l are in very good shape, bui really?Let! get those eyes checked, peop e.

Llsten up:this couid be a reallyjui.yscandnl. The mosl famous star of Dr,.lydrnpirei, Lu lleid, has checked into a

h05pital. AppJrently, LLr has t.heduled so necosmeil. 5Lrrljery. \,!h. c's Lhe scan.lir yoLl-5k? Tre !1.r ii f.moL s for ti king neqatl\relye[]oLrt cajmeiiL surgeryi

Complete the se terces 11,ith

1. BoLl)'a,rd c,rirb)'nr.r LIr


i.6rnirlon f.onr tlre tc\t.

4. Unlike Sam j.ilkit1s .,nd ]!,lrnl)a lrerr); thc coupl. is

s. 'l'he movie stxr. l.Li Iteid, \La ts

e PAIR IVORK Dis.Lt.' he trestiorr"

1- In r.ha! Nars is thls colLir l sxrilar to the rei{s riou see online or ir nragazines?

2. Horv lruch do ,vou think rou can trusi su.h stories?

3. Horv do you rlccide lfhfornration is reliatle?

Yatt 2Choosc o e ofthrsc tl!'o per-spcctiyes, a serious joLunalist or a gossip .olu nist. \\rdte a storliiLoui tarrous feopie ftom tluL |oint ofrrielr: fhirll. al)olrt whai I.r LtrLJge yolLr rvriler *,ould use inhis or hcr relort.

Pea'E 5

Irchangc your slor\.r.ith r clnss.rxte. Fror11 1llicb terste.!ive did,!our .lassn1atc 1\,rile? Ho\r do, I '.,

Lessons 2!l -24:Video Cloze

'Watch The New Ale* a;11fi]I tu the blanl<s

Aler Uh, Tom?

Tom: Yeiht

Ale* 1firy dont I just go online and look rp thc ploi?

That rray I'[ remember it befter

Tom: Oh, srue, Okala

Maria: So..- where are these clients lrolil?

Alcx: Oh, Brazil.

Maria: Brazil? I've Ileard Brazilians are prctty



AIex Are you saying...yeah, I knotv, I'm not cxactly a

Totu: 1 rell, it mighi not be a bad idca io get a few

1tew cl,rthes...

Aler: \brric p obrbll rigl,r. tsl, I o^n

1r)- You know how l.e have

those clients lisitlng at worl( nej(L rveek?

Tom: LrL .h uh.

Maria- Yerb.

Aler Well, myboss and I nere supposed to take them

cut to di,uer on wFdne5dd) "i"hr B-r .l,i.rnoJning,

she rvalk into my office and

after all So row I have ro take them out to(linner rlrpc1l

Maria: So..,

Aler So, what am I sopposed ro ralk about aI night? IEe"n, \'\'e shouldn t just discuis work the \\,holc tine, right?

ToE: Righl, of couse noL BLrt couldu t you

i yo(i] mo*, ',,o,,., -ou;",...

AleL Oh, cofte on. I dont know much abour any oF

that popular culture stlflTom: WeI iust ralk abour music tha! e1,erlofle krrows,

like Morning Peopie.

Ala= \\&o?


Yotl ha !.en t heard of Morring(fleopte?

Aler Wel1, no.,. lin more inro classical music.

'rom: Right. Well, I rhink youa like ^4orning


Their music js realI

.I lnelrn, whJ t\ considered

trendy rigl1l now? I realty have no idea.


Want to lislen to some?

Alec Yeah, sure..- t|a1'be a liLtle later.

Mada: So... shouldnt

oa some polular new

AIex- Yeah, I guess.

Tom: Kate is really into fashion. In hct, last weck slie

helped me pi.k olrt some Dew dothes. \\lant to see dlem!

AIe* Su(e, why not? Whati considered trendy rBhr nolr?

Maria: Hln.-.well, the current trcnd is to keep thilqssimple. Notlling over the tof,

Mffilr: Wowl Looldng pretty. (i5l

Tom! Kate has good taste. So, spcaking ofl,,rrlr.Kate,

are we ever going to meet her?

Aler: Ye-hl WF "rill \rvc to meel lrer. \^e al,o h.,\c Io

meet youl roommate, Maria.

Tom: lt. iust tlrit 5h.1 oeer .er.l), bu.) rt {orl Irrcly.

I'11 introdrce you to her sonetine sooIr-

Maria: Ycah...soon. Thatt ifwe'1e sti1l roommates,

A-le* Alright.,.I gotta go. Looks Iike I oeed to do

some sLoppingl

IAt the office...l

AIex- I heard you were looking for rne?

Kate: Yes. Hey, Atex. Nicc outfit.

Ale* Oh, you like it? Thanlrs!

and iheir


Maria: Well, Toln and I saw Iesferlal,! Gore last

1ttrk It was grear..

Tom: Yeahl

ntoloses his me ory.

hds walking around the ciry btalty diitused. Andthen




27.242 Grammar A

Present tense for narration

Change the iense in Sophies nuratioi ofa ovie Plotto the presen! tense Cross out the Lrnderlined

past tlnse verbs and n rite the present lense forms on the ljnes'

..\{l\en the movie s+elied starts we salv - the maill character as a ]it{e'-- | 2

girl. She livcd


lvith ber fxther i. the countri', and they were very

poor The barclyhatl . enor.rgh food to car, and l:Lek clolhes 1('ere

old aud raggerl. \{hile she \'nns


looLng for food in lhe \\'oods' the girL



an abarrloned dog' He rvas -- very friendly' and the girl took

him home. Tlre Sirl naned thc dog ZiPPy' She realized

that Zippv was ,- very smart anal she taught - hirn to do fanlastic lri'ks'

Ore da1., a movie conpalry came a - to the area-'lhcyrvere ---

looking for

locations in ihe coun!ryside to filnl a movie The movie dire ctor sa\v



doing tricks for the little girl. The director used ZipPy in the mof ic Zip



a big mof ie star after that, and $e little girl 3nd her father lrere



19 '--_" _''-

hungry again!"

The main .haracter walk in iustaftershe accepts the proposal'

The movie starts out with a big fightscene-

The bookfinishes with the couple going on vacation to Paris'

Later on,the main characterfinds the thiel

Lessosrs 2'5-24: Grammar B

l'legative questions for giving opinicns

Negative qi

The speakl

: rn'tyou thinkthe movie staned out kind ofslow?j _.-'!ldn't you buy some ne!,.,.lothes?

'',. rldn't it be nice to see a really great nrovie tonight?

in't ita nice day?

: Shouldn't l\,e stop buying gossip maqazines] B:Ycs, vr'e should-Wouldn't it be great if long skirts \4,ere still trendy?

Didn't Brad and Antonia break up?

Aren't thc Anderson tvlins interestinq?


B: No, it wouldn'tl

B: Yes, they did.

B:No, they aren't.

Pa rt 1

::..::::: tllr slatemcnts to ncgrrile rluestions.

-::::rilo\'iei{ashilariorrs Wesn'tihemoviehilarious ?

r i. nLrld be i.e to llavc sorre Dusi. lor lhe f.r ril . .


: srroukl doilrload

:,1and E\..1 got nlirj,,isiir blogs are IuD.

Part 2::..]er. thc ansrlers to thc ncgari\'e que(ionr.

l:ri L Adclcs nerr song ltrrtasti.? Yes, ii i6 ---n ' ril, .-..\,. j. io. J n . \

''. , ,rrl ro, . -or j..\o.

\:nulddt rtc )erd a rcvlcrr bcfore t'c choose a moriti \ls,

. or nirk ll. ,," i r,\l "l,r(. -\r, I t..r^, t- ,..\

Part Iyllf .:* :, t\ro wordi ro comptcre e.rch phmse that you use to ratk abour traveting by ptane. Ifaword is r'ol necded. wri,. Jn \.




















You: Aclually, are there any scars al.ritable tu the

Aid;ne Employee: I m sorry, rlcre arent.


Airline Employee Yes,

Fart 2Use the completed phrases fron1 parr 1 b compietc thc conversatjon. you woir,r use orte })hrase. Irclass, pGcticc the conversrtioo .ith a p.rrrer.

.{irline Employee: Good evening_

You: Ia hke to check in. Heret my rcservation number and passport.

Airline Xmployee Thank you. Do you prefer a so you can look out as you tahe off?(t)

(2)? It has more lcg room.

Yo* LlL, then Ia prefer an(,)

Airline Employec OK. No prcbtem. Ard r.ou1d you like to(1)

. ICI fit ir 1he (6)

Your No, thank you. I jusr liave this one small

it should. OK. Heret your\7)

. Yo1iI flight is d"-parting from27, but not uniil 10:45-

You: Well, then, can you teil me which(e)

has restauraDts? IA like to get something to ear.

Airline Emptoyeq There are restaurants in every area ofthe airport. The lincs for passporr controt caa ger lon-q,fiorgh, so you might want to go through the

You: Security is just down this hail, isn r it?


Airline Employec That's ri8ht. l"Iave a good tr+.You: Thanla.



. first.

tf you're like me and find yourselffllng all over the world. you know some of the tricksto making those long flights more conrfo(able and produ.tive. For those ofyou lesserperienced in tiavel, lm willing to shate what I have learned.

' Seat choice is. important. lf you are taking a long flight and/or f{ying overnighr,you want to avoid the middle seat at all costs. lfyou think you'll be able to sleep,choose a wiodow seat. once yciute settled, you can lean against the wall and getsome restand no one willdisturb yoLl_ However, some people havetrouble sleepinqor may feela little .{a ustrophobic in the window seat_Then the aisle seat is a better(hoice.You can get up and walk around which will help wlth you. .irculatio n.

. The choi(e of row €an also make a differen<e. ln the emergency exit row youneed to be prepared to aid in an evacuation. Sorne rows,5uch as thosejust beforerhe bath roorns. don't recline. And some (bulkhead seating)don't have a place to pLrtyoul ( arr y on bdq. o.1 tl." lloor'l l-!t n-eins cvcr\,1ninq will go ir tt" overhead bin.

. when you board can affett yoiir carry-on options. passengersioarding earlyhave a gleater chance offinding spaae in the overhead binrThose who board iate maycheck their bags at the gate.They probably won,t have to pay a baggage fee, but theymay not have their stuff with them on the flight.

Comple.ethe. rprnFr,\\irl)\\oid ur I.l .sl.or r,l.r.\1.!. The $-orsl seat to have is thc

l. Ir).ou \,rant ro sleep. the is probably besr for you.

l. The seats sonetimes dorit recline.

+. People in the enrergercy olit row may have ro

r. Its good to board early ifyou \vrnr to

llart 1

3.ad rhe \\'ebsite info(matior belo :

Making the Best of Air Travel

6. lftheret no space lor pur carry-on bags, you $,iti have to

PAIR WORK Discuss the qBestions.

i, U,hich tip do you think is mosr import:rnt?2. \\4rat otller tips $,ou]d yolr give airtine passengers?

3, l{'hat is your f"\,rcrite way ro travel?

Part 2'l\ rile three nelv tips for airline passcngers, or three tips for another kind of tm1,el_

Part 3Share your tips with a classmate. Did you have any tips in cornmon?


E-esson 26: Vocabulary

Part 'lNlatch the words on the left wilh lheir meanings on the right.

1. carlceled

2. dlmaged

3. down

4. expired

5. misplaced

6. missed

7. stoler



to be hurt; to no longer be ir perfect .ondiiion

ro be uiable to find somethtug

hen there arc still seats, rooms, €tc fiee to use

to arril€ too late for somethirg

to decide to stop sorncthing frorn happenirg (for exe ple, a tame, a flighr, etc.)

sonething thal has becn takeD from yolr withollt your permission

J ol^r ;er u.oLror.pb.rr'"Jo-r.l,, pa..cJ

r^ ro. 1,.r.o lir b. rlhP.J er lr: l



Fart 2\Vriie the bold words from }rr.l 1 to complctc the e-ma,l- You 1\'il1 use one woid t\fice.

\1. lll .

This trip has been great-except lor ycst€rday!'Ihe stbt'ay $'orkers de.idcd to strike, so I had

io take a taxi. That's rvhat everyone else de.ided to do, rco, so it took three hours instead of one,

and by the tnne I got to the airpor! I had - - li- - n1y Plane. TheI prit me on rlre 'ert

flight, lthich i(,:rs fine, trlLt lhen an hour lnter arl airljlrc e rPlol..ee .ame 1l) e and said, "l hate to

lcll lou tlis, but ,!onr flight has bee (r) b..al$c ihe pilot canl gct otrt n) thc

airporll" I woltld llal'-c c rlailcd 1-or1 during the file lo g hours I sPen! in lhc xirPort' blrt the l\ri Ij

(3) Iust mI luclt, right?

An]n\,ay, I finaly got to IstaDbul last nighl, only to discover that one ofmy suitcases tas

and rhe other was . Orce I got ever)'thing nrcrked out(4) (s)

with the airline, I 1{€nt to the car rcntal agenq'. Write 1Ye lverc doing the papeirvork, I realizcd m1'

interiational drivert license had so I couldn't rent a car Al1 ny plans for(6)

enjoying thc countrl'sidc ii1\.oh.ed a crr, so I had to change ever,vlhirgl I gol on the Intcrnet and


find one lYith a

all my reselmtions. Then I lried to find a hot€l in the cit) Ilwas hard to

, hur I f]nrlly,lid.(3)

The good ne\vs is that it's a nelv dnyl tr'Iy lost luggage arriled 20 inutes ago, ard th;s hotel is

really nice. It',s ir a greai location and the pcopte here are kind- ,'\nother good thjng is that I haverii

had an).ihirlg , even though ever,vone lrarred nle ihat t.a\,'eling ovcrseas can(e)



be drngerous. HopefLrlly this is the lurning pointl

Talk ro )ou ]\,her I gct back,


Lesson 26: Reading &Writing





Pa rt l, I .::: irri.le belorlr


.a'/eLinq can be both fun and rewardlng-i -: !!;rd against these common problems: :: ao.rld turn a drcarn trip into a

1. Stolen wallet, with ID and passport.:irsr cell your credit card company and

, r.'!ank to repo( stolen cards. You may: i: need to cal the police and fi e a report.: i .onta.t the passport offi.e immedidiely;:i:iimes t rey can get you a ne\\r passport.:r r 24 hours. The ben,,\ray Lo prepire

':_i ost passport or other impol1antr,-J .nts is to photo.opythem. Keep onc

.r :'riih yoLr and give another copy to_ ..ie you trLr5t- lfyou thinkyou have just

__ .i :r.ed something, tike a deep bteath:- r ook for it. Sometimes it can lle as muah,.:-: io cancel aards or arrange lor a nevv lD:-

".i ro jusi spend a f.tv rninutes lookifg.2. [iissed or delayed fiights

: r ;!oid mis5lng fliqhts, lnake sure to

leave as carly as possible, For internationaLfi!hts, you should try to getthcrc threehours before the scheduled dcparture.lfyouthink you wili bc late, call the alrline to letthem knolv so they don't give your seat tosomeoneonstand-by.Thatwill buyyou a

liltletime.lfyou do mlssyourflight, gct inline to talk to the airline repre5entative at theairport right av/ay, or.!ll the alrline, and/oruse your smart phonc to rebook yoLrrsell lfyour f ight is del.yed or cance ed, you shouldiry the rarne strategies.

3. lnappropriate dress or behaviorAirlines have dress codes. l,4ake sLrre

you know \,/hat they are. Some airlines !.r'i I

not allo\,", yotr to travel ifyou are barefoot.Some refuse to board passengers vr'ithoffensive lang0age on their clothing. Otherpassengers heve been kickcd otfflighB fornraking jokes ln bad taste, espe.ia y iftheyin\rolve anyt r:nq violint.

,1. Cail the crecilt card co f.rll . -5. Llse yoLrr s rrt phonc to rcb.,oli )'oLLr lllgl1t.

6. I)orit rnake bad jokes.


: : :.-.: ,rumber oJ the probl.',n aft.r rh. dct.lil

, .':.1 rlrc airlinc ctress codcs.

rl . i.r, r. r 1n\o(, -r. tre ,

PAIR V,/ORK Discuss the questions.

''. rri.l, probl. r do rou tLjrli is tlre lnosl con)rno ?

, :i:r e 1 olr el.er hnd or1€ oi lhese proLlcms? \^'har dtd ).o! do?

I r:t oJrcr cournon trar.el problens aud possible sollrtions ca. l,ou thinli of?

Part 2:: : .:i,out a dillerent killd of tralel problem. GiIe sohrtLolr

Part 3: r:.rourideas ith a classl1late. Clan,you tiinkoi...ir1 Lrth:r solutioos to the proirlcm heor she


l-esson Vocabulary

Part 1

U'dte lhe lrords or phrases frorn the bon to conrpLete the mngazinc ar ticle


The World Is Waiting

lfyou arethinking abouttrave ing, you have a otoFdecitionstomeke,bLrtoneofthernostimportanti5:do

youlv rtlo .., o'"l,.r,o.r,a.r ,'o'dorou I lro(r)

don't spend too mLrch money? The annr/er to this question wil determinealotofyourotherchoices,so

le.! lool .. !\L at our l" id. . ,a\ '' lgo. r' d

The LuxuryVa.ation

0ncc you've decided to go on your dream vacntion, you have to anrv,er another question. \\hi.h do ycu

want, an inlimate - or - \"rith a sv-,,imminq poolwhere loLr c.a]I l;l? E r )er \,.ar, Lt rJLe! sef5e to make re5crvalion!.You can alel better Lleals, and r,irl(l

\,,on'tlrirvcrorr'orr)-)outwratlar thF) rr!,e rocms. Hor,,cvrr, Fyouarethlnkin!l:rboLriialiinqaiour,rr..l

rcaders sLqEest [raitin!] lo nake a rerer\,aiion. Dy .. youcant;lkr,lihotherguesi!

and then choose the best half day or flrll aoy ,---,--.-- l"r .(7)

Cost lsn't Everything




ne$r friencls? You .an meet lots of leilow trrvel!rs li you stay .t a .5onre raiiirl':(sl

membershlp .erd, so and -i thcird beFore you aI i\,e.

Some people may nol like sharing i room wilh ttrinqers, 50 a j is - greirt a iErn-:

It would probably be a good ldea to Lrse the lnternet to find out which oie'is best for you- When you ar.

searching, think about location. Do you want to be near lots of ? Or wolrld you pr:'=

to be alone and ? Find the perfect place for you, and then let the advent!res []:cli_.

Part 2\\iite the corrcctl1,ord or plrase tiorr ParLco versations vith a par'tncr-

I to coml)lcte thc dialogues. h class, practice thc

1. r\: Do,vor ihiok rIe should on tlis \,il.ition?

ts:tr. I b.o. br g. o.i rr o

on oor crcrlit cld.\\ie can'L reallr'afford to lLale lo,:] rnar:r

2. A: what do ,!ou leel like doing todxl? Do ) ou r{ant ro - - - b,v thc pool or lake .

sco\-cr unusual})lxccs thrt ost (rurists doDt


B: Wlr. dodt 1\'c

of Lhe .it1?

rnd di go lo?

Lesson 27: Reading & Writing

Part 1

: :, :-.: e,nlait be1or,.

Subject: South American Adventure
























-:, Henry,

I m so I ad you're going to be abie to come \,vith me. I know youte on yoltrcJ:in,'ss trip no$/, but 've bcen researching opflons ancl I think we need io book. -i ilghls, hotels;and speciai trips soon. Of course, we .an keep some of ourri:ii.ns open as \"Je'll be traveljnq for six weeks, but some tourjst attractions and:!ld:d tours book months in advance. For instance, if we want to trek into l\,1.chuai.chu in Peru near the summer solstice, we need lo arrange that ahead of tinte.i-- you want to take a quided tour of Anqel Fails in Venezuela? We cou .l r.ke a' rl . ir.. 'o g"r rl-"ro , sr ooo -O ro o^ r".tt. .ool tl o tl n " are pld, " r\.lr siry on an island in the j!ngle with indigenous farnilies. Or we coul.l go 10 thc-:ni;nal in Brazil and see the incrcdible vr'ild ife, includinq jaquars_

t5,nl r'r,o o0"",.. i.v/e ro odo.t."\.ro o'J igl ..v.\^,n..o e"..r'Io\.Lo1.(or4.a..d..o., f. (.ro"..li- t, o",,"1" I ,rtu,g. orl. rt \1,e cou d stickto a budgetmost ofthe time.Thcre are plenty ofhostels in. n or',"p...". .;n9.r,,"..o, r/o, dtjoov.i. ror l\

:d na.L" 5ot ua(e , r rr rl u", "n d\o d o.ot rto.rn\.d\ ^otrtc.Lermo. .. \\h. yo., ,: ,l

S mcn

:-::.:r i|e qlrestiors.

.'. hrre ::re ther gonrit on thcjr rrip?I i.I, l.rng is thcir trry?r i ,-nat duee .oLrntries does Simon mcrtLion?: \\ h.re is Henry no11,i

:. Do \'ou ihinL Simon likes ourdoor activitics or nuseums more? I.Ior-do rrcd knor,?

PAIR wORK Dis.uss the qucsliors.

I 1\nai at(racri.rns does Simon mcntion? 1,\ilat do l,ou Lnolr, aboufthese placcs?

- '.\har plxce or placcs !1,ould vou lil(c ro Yisil nent?

Part 2.. :i-. an e m.il 1o soneonc ).ou would like to rr'alel 1!ith ro a phce r.ou rc.LIII ]l.ant ro go. Tcll hinl: r n:f aboui (he place and about hoic r.ou r\.ould like to tralel.

Part 3::r.e l our c rrail r\ith a .lJ,ssmate. would r.ou like to go on th. rrjp hc or she describes? \\rly or (,lD,not?


VocabularyLbsson 28:


Part 1

UDscramble the rvords and phrases below to rratch the correct l\.ords in the box_





Part 2l&ite thc words from Part l



l_ ariorpiptanpc

to complete the blog post. You r.ont Ltse tr,ro $.ords.


Are ),ou ihi irkhg ab orL f.isiting Jatal ? I'r,e just come Lraclr, aud I really learned a lot "b

out rh€ir cutt,.r:..

Todal'l'11 w te about cating. Corne back rornorow lbr advice aborr visiring people'.s homes.

I,! ilj to use chopsticks, a d with a lirde pracrice, you'll eDjoy using rhem as rrE.: -I did. But ofhorvwor use thenrl Trls to give another p.rii:,





(3)food by passirg it froin yolu chopsricks Lo dreirs. I heard Lhjs is olle



visitors have madc.

lr hpan thcy even cxt roodlcs rndtasla \\,.jrh chopstlcl.s. I l.arned that iti(s)

mrkc noises 1thcrr yoll cat roodles. I cant realli: .les.ribe the nojse, bur--!e the nojse, but evcryoue does it. I think ii u:::i

practice, because I \!as ne1.cr able to do it.

Part 3Inagnlc a foreigncr is going to visit your couniq.. Uhat shoul<l hc or she kno$.? Circle the correctl-ord and then use your olrr ideas to cofltplete the adl,ice abollt rhe topic ln parentheses. In class,compale your ideas ryith a partner ExpIaiD lLhy it's OK or a problern.





6. is seen as a (rtraxpas / i, cnslfir.) in my countryl (relared to time)

In my courtry, itt (,l..eptable / inapprcptide) to , so fcel free to do it. (eatios)

It's irnporian! to (. r/rrruLry / be attare ofl Gafetr)

It's (incat$ider\te / foux paa) to (gift givjrl:l)

lt's (inappnpridte to / be flr,nre ofl ralk abour (topics ofdiscussjon)

lL's (dcceptable / nLsensirild ro asL nborlr so you shoulilnt do it. (mccting lor tbe1ir st tin1e)

In mlr country, it'.s (crsronary / inconsiderate) to , so you should tr,r to do it. h,isilins

!s1son 2E: Reading &Writing



















Part 1

: .:::-:.nr.te b€tol1.

Ll:nv Bhutanesc customs are-ir:n.€d by re igion (Buddhism afd::r em). lfyou go to Bhutan yoLt nray;-. n'i.n! dogs rufflng free in the:: ::i! DDgs are treated very wcll by thctri.Jianese becausc in their religion doqsr-: :iie highest life form besides pcople,:.: have the best chnn(e of being reborn.!n:n_ l,lany religious sttes ard objects:'a iraated n/ith revercnae. For example,:arpiE insaribe stones with maftras orr:.i:r r:lig otis siyings.Theseare ca led. :ir srones. Sometimes lhe m;nistones.'. riled by the slde of the roird. Do noti : ri mani stones and a{ways pirst \r',/ith- : -r riohr slde nearcst to them. yorl

-:'. also see prayer rvheels_ you should

always turn prayer wheels in a clocklvisedirection.Turning them the othcrway is

cof siderlrd disresprcilLrl.

The royal[amily it very irnportant.Never say anything di5respe.ti!l irboutthem. Bowing is a traditional greeting.People bo\,r' dif{erently depcnding on thestatus and authorityofthe other person_Visitors can sho!\, respecl by noddingor bo,,,ring slighLly- The peopte ,,l,eir

traditional dress. li you go to a temple,you should dress conservatively ln pant5or long ski.ts, and shirts with sleeves_

\bu should point v/ith an opef handpalm up, rather than with a finger. N.verpoint t/ith your feet, and don't cross yourlegs whcn sitting.

r:. .hi sr.:remcrrts t (true) or F (tdse).

i. Llh!ian js., reij.qious countr),.

DLl!s ar.. considered di(lr. T|e marLi stones sholri.l be passcd in a .ertiiin w.lr.

i P.otle l)or\. as a form olgrecting.

:. I he Bhutanese people dress conservati\€ly ard f.isitors should too, eryecinll), h tcmples.

, . Co r .j,-r lo.. .o . foi..r ! .r. .r..

PAIR WORK Dis.uss the questions.'

. ru do yorl l,noN abolrl Bhutan? t{ould l.ou like t.r go rhcrci- ' i:l oLh€r.ountries ha\.e cirstoms snniltrr 1.] Bhutanls?: :. r, similar to ).our courrry and l$ cusroms is Bhular?

Pa rt 2: r ... descriftiol ofsome ofthc custonrs in ]our honrc countrr.. \\'hrr should a visiror kno!1,?

Part 3::': l our idcas 1\'ith a grolip. yrhich customs are the nlosr rLnlis al?

: Video Cloze

W!jj!c\, Alex Woos the Clienfr and ftll in the blanks.

'fom: $4rirtt up, AIex?

A1,:x: lluh? Oh, I 111 just doing some resorc]]

A1e* Oh,lvas I supposed to-...um,

no, not yet...Efl... so shouldl

, or. do

, right? So Ircally wanl to i;press them. I'm reading this

l4you think it would ,,

a 1ittLe.., ?(e)

Kate: Oh, l think it.nakes sense to splurge, dorit

you? These are impo(ant clienls,


Alex Sure,lhat's a good idea, Uh,

flr)Kate HolY about Luigi's?

Alerr: Okay, Good idea. l'11 cail them right nol'.

'e, /.\. lL .l h.;r ..)cs, d lll.e.r re.enairoo

lor th ree.people for tonighl. ..7:3 0 ifpossible. . .the llame is Alex. - . ggeat, thani< volr-

Eater that it1y, . .l

l(ats weie so glad to be able

So, to Set


onhow to woo dicnts.





Oh? lMtat does it say?


\{e11, it says

have a firmhandlliake,

Uh, ihat was a' little

tqq !Irn.Sooy.

$q how else do you woo clier:rts?

WeU. louie -uppo'ed ro cop) lhF'- ges ure....

llke il thef lold their atms, yor.r fold lottr anns.

'Ioft: Oh, I see.

handshake. ff/il have a weak

' haven t you?

Alex YoLl noticedl

Tom: Uh..,yeai.

IAt tfie office...]

IGter Uh, Alq\?

Ale* Yes?

Kate: Have you made

_ toqight?

Lujsn: Cerrainly WcLt,lirst ofa11,Id like


on it.(r,

your company and

the seivices you offer- Yes, and ld like io

give you some more details abort the proiect

q;r' plurirs. ard tait rbort how ue mighr

started, wb, donr )ou tell

your goals for your visit?

us a little abolt


tessons,2S-ZB: Grammar A

Tag questions

Paft 1

C.omplete the tag questions andl answers with the correct forms of the verbs.

l- Etlan bought a business class ti.ket. #An? he ? Yes, he did _.

Z Youie rot checking your luggage, ?Nq_3, We shouldpdnt orlr boarding pass€s now,




.!L Dinner is served on this flighr, : yes, _5- We havi:n't arrived 1are, _? No, -6- Aady and Ciaire aren't coming,




Part 2Complete d1e statenlenis with tag questions that express anger or disbelici

l- The fliglt is aniving lare, isit ?

2. Sara forgot to make a leservatimi, ?

3- They cancaled our.flighr, ?

4- Matt lost his credit card, ?.

5. Ana ard ]osh would ra&er.stay l1ome,


6- ,ohn arrived ai the meeting [ate, ?

Lessons 25-28: Grammar B

Shsuldn't have

E art 'l '

CompleE the sentenccs idth the corecl foms ofthe verbs in Darentheses









Natalie sholldn'i, hate broualt! (bring) her laptop on rhe rrip.

(.hoose) such a .io,vded reso,rl

(isnore) NIia yesterdar

($,ait) so long to 8eL their frssports renewcd.

tucob ard sophie (miss) Lhe big tolnist atlr]crions

(conplan, abont thc guided tour.

(spend) so much money on tiis trhlOlivi. (r^,'orry) about getlinq hone late.

Fart ?Use the.res to rlrxke staremcnts ofrcgrcl.

If'c/forget/our r)rbrella: We shoutAn: aue foraoLLelL9ur unbte|a

-Arla / a vc / at the pafiy lare: _.I/ stay/h abudgethotel:

Alen / go / 1() Ila1t.rii:

Wc / ask/ ary personal questions:

Katy / spcak / loudly at the restaumnr:

Frll / \!err / .Jsu.rl Jothe\ roJi):

JohD / ask / about Lis:rs saiaryl

lshouldn't have left so late.

Jill shouldnl have eaten such a big lunch_

Michael shouldn't have forgotten his camera.We shouldn't hav€ pa(ked so much stuffl

lnsson 29:Vocabulary






Part fLle the nords fmm the box to complete the sporis headlines from a new5paper

sends players home for tlad sportsmanshiP

2- Tied ar but ahead tu the third qua.ter

at the buzer rvjns the game

{. Spair beats Gennany in ofsoccer senrifinal

but nol enough' results in 4 3 loss

6. LeBron l.as nrjur.d in fouLth

;- Se\.eral new records in grmc with in of 156-71

8 unlil Lhe h\t inning. tlle Cubs trt to \rctory



i. Final


after arguing $,ith refs

B: Spcaking of horne runs, I got an A+ on m] essall

2. A: wlrat a gamel In th€ first quarte( iheir th,o besi playen were

B: I agreel I'vc ncver seen nnlthing Iikc it!

J.A Hi, Dave. Sorry I issed your phone call. Itt

Part 2Use th€ \,{ords about sporting cyents from Part I to complete the corversatio$. You may have tochange thc forms ofsorne vords. You 1\,ont use all of the \\,ords. In .lass, practice th€ conversationsrvith a partner

1.A: Did you sec the garne? I mear, hitlin:t a home run in ihe botton ofthe ninth, r,ith bases loaded, to break

the . funazing!

fiir bad language, bul intle last tl,cy 20 baskets and made them all.

norv so I havc a f€w mindes to

talk before the ganle srarts again. Are you wat hing dle game? Amazing, right? I can't bclievc that

. His calls are allrvrong. Maybe he ueeds glassesl

B: Yeah. So anp,ray, I rvas lLoDdering lfl could borrow youl notes from yesterdayi class.

&Writing29: Reading

Part 1

Read the rveb articlc belorv.

Big Sports BlowoutsHorse Racing: ln 1973, in the Belmont Stakes race, the horse Se.retariat beat the rest ofthefield by l1 lengths-oneofthemostamazingfinishesinamajorraceinmoderntimes.Golf:TigerWood. won.,le 2000 U 5 Oo"1by 5(-ro,e..L\rally..r-io,goltroJnoT"nii<won lry on y onc or two sttol e5.

Rugby: ln the 2003 World Cup of Rugby, The Australian Wallables defeared Namibia by ascore of 142-0.

Soc<er: ln 2002 in l\,,ladagascar, the team Stade Olympique de l,Emyrne had already lost thedivision title in the previous game after a referee awarded a penalty kick to the opposition.Its .oach, Zaka Be, decided to staqe a protest for its last match, aqainst Adema.The coachasked the team to score as much as possible rqarnst itse f Theiira sco e v\,a5 149 0. wtthOt/n p'q ,e ,. or'rq dli ,'," !o.lr .q"in .. 'r .. ..

Crickei:5ri Lanka beat l(enya in 2007 by 20j to 27 (j 74 more runsl. Usually cricket matchesare much closer ln fact, the next biggest blowout if .ri.ket had ,12 fe,,!,er r;ns.Ho€key:Ho.keyis fot the most popularsport in South Koren orThailafd, so the resuit oFdgame in 1998 rnust have surprised everyone.south Korea beatThailand 92 to zero.

Match the sport to the name oi the rvinl]er

2. cricket

l. g.ll'








horse racing


Stade Oh'rnpique dc 1'lInlrnc

Sri Lariia


Tiger WoL,ds


@ enln woax u...rss the questions.

l. lvilich blol\rout do ),ou thiDk is the most impressile?2. What other blolrouts do you knorv about?3. What is one ofthe bcsi competitions you ha1.e ever l\.atched?

Part 2iVrite a paragraph about onc ollhe besr ganes or other comPcrjUons you har.e \\,atched orpaficipated in.

Payt 3Exchange paragmphs r.irh x classmarc. What made the gemcs so eood?




Lesson B0lVocabulary

Part 1

llatch the words or1 tlic Ieft to their mearliDgs on the right_

Z br€ak into

3- eirninal,[ force

5. itryestigate

6 suspicious

7. Yictim

8- wittress



to makg somi:oog d9 spmethiiE that rhey do Dijt $.an! ro do;

ro do sorocfiiJrs lry usjng r lotof llr en8rt,

to tak€ a person away to ask theD questions abou! a crime

a person rvho sees something happen and car tell oiherpeoplc about it larer

c. a persoD lvho does somerhing thar is against the law

f. feeiirg that someone has done soDething wrong

g. a pcrson that is llurt or killed by someonc or somerhing

h. to go into a place so you carl steAl something

Part 2Ihethebold\"orn"t.onr p.1 to,o,,rpl.pi,p.or\.r..r;on.\olnr:1 ..re16. ,rg.rh, fornrr.trervords.You$onlL"eaUnfrlreso,d..t ct",. I.-. r.cp thc. onv.r .ario r "ith: par.n.r

Did you see that srory abour rhe(r) who were caught because of coogle?

Hold on- Did 1.ou sayGooglc?

l-eah. Do you krov their Street Vie1r, map :Uplication?


\veLl, xpp ently a bo).luld rtre policq rhat two men robbci him and lool. hir(r)beiongings. lhey Lrsed bul they didrit have anytling darger.orrs on thern.(3)

Did the police calc.h th€m?






Well, the police\4)


What do you metrD? tr3rdt he a

So did the police

. (6)\treU he was both, bccause he saw everlrhiry, and his

tl1e inciden! but there \^ras* an), evidcnce the boy was really a

? I nean, he saw the men and it happened to hinl]

things *'ere taken.

the guys?

Yeah. The boy saw an imagc of him atld the rrvo men on cooglei Street View .lte poiice got the pictures frorrr


Google and found rhe two meul

Lesson 30: Reading & Writing

Part 1

Reall the tifs belol\r

At today's press aonfcrence, MayorFiona Boyle and Pollcc fommissionerMiguel Hernandez revea ed their nelv planto bring crime dowf ln lhe (itythis yrar.Crlme has risen ovcr the last three yearswith homicides increasing fronr t0'1 to 160last year, and car br.ak ifs tripl ng. Vi.tlms'r:qhts organizations report an ircrease of1009/0 in the number ofvictims seekingassistanae.

According to boih Bo!le:nd Hernandcz,lhc city v,-ill no^,fo o,,'/ th,."B ok.n\rvill do\'\,s'sLrategy irdcptEd by Nrw \brkCity ln the 19E05 aid I9!05. Police in N:!v,\brli beqan to arrest cr:nrlf. 5 for evrNmiior crlmes slrrh .s f.ilir!l io p;y forihe sub\,vay and spray-pa ntlng gr.ffiiionsubway walls. Under ihe "Broken lvindou,s"

thcory kccpin!,1a city clean .nd wellordered aan aut dov,.n on more \,lolcnt.rirne.ln Ne\,,/ York Clty, ratcs of bolh violentand unarmed crimes fcll dranratically afterthe adoptlon ofthis ttrirtegy afd stayed lo\,',

for the next decades.

Accordlng to the []layor. "!Vhat hnppenedin New York v/i5 thai c eanlng up thephysica environment discournged otherkindr of.rimel'

lf addition, th. pol!.e departmcnt,,r' I

r:crult afd traif a thousnnd rer/ offl.ersaL're r,. y, olli.ers cii on y nvestlg-t,"selious criries.lhe cxpa taled numb--r5\^ria Low tlrem to nvest qate les5er.rimes -swel - "\"rele confklefi ihnt trese.hrngeswill force crimlna s to follow the ld,,r,s ormove;'sald Hernand.z.

Co[1p].tc Lhe renten..s

l lioDa Do\.lc is the rir,rtr)r, fc/i...rr[llisjn.]lrrl. Cr-irre has bccr I'ir1li,r.t / , jjiirs.rlcr 1l)e ll]5l tlrr.c l.d.rrs.

3- ]'lere lrerc l/r,-.. lrlllr.r / 1rfu ti,rc-( ls lnan-\ ri.titns asLins ior heh.

,1. The strate$.that l)rought .rirDe do$'I) nr NY followed the "Nroket Subr:.,y / \\,ntdoh,-j" theor):

s. NY police arlested I:,cople for comittnlg Dlinor crines srch as drrrd r.)bber/ / gnffnl

*-- PAIR WORK f)ls.riss th..tr.srr,, .

1. Do I'oLr thjfk this theory 1,-orhs? l\rh,v or lr.h,v not?

2. Horv does a betLer plrtical eDuronment rfie.L peoplc i other r\,als?

l. \!hat kind olcrnrle do )or r1'orrl the mosi abouL?

Part 21\lrite about x crim. thrt allected toLr or soneore lnLr knorr pcrsonall).. l,\'hxt rjas the crire? Uihathnpirencd? \'\irs thc c, Lrrinal arLesie.l?

Fart 3Shlre ),our lyritnlg lrith x .lassmare. Dis.uss lurLh.r idc-iis for keep { .rxlle ntes lorv.



(also calied ad)


buliqg habits




infor ation thrttries to make peoplebuy something or dosomething

an ad or an InternetpaJle

the rame of a produ.trhat one company

the way that feopleusually shop

a person who buys oruses somcthing

the pou,er to changelvhat someone believes

son8 that ofter hasrepetition; a jinglcoftcn rrfers lo thccatchy phrase il1 an


pop-up ad

to inl'luencc someoneso that they do or tlink

an ad that opens rl,henyor open an InternetPage

slogan a short phrase ihai is

loot at tflel.ords and rhe definitions below. Make a sentencc $ing each word. In class, compare yourGs-a-ers rrith a partDer

Part 1

Read the blog post below.

Advertising Strategies that Work

@ rarn uronx Dis.us, rhc quc\jj!ns.


















Slogan. One ofthe most important things you can do is to create a slogan that isbo h aLLenrion qr.bbinq dnd rren o-dbl- Sf. nd.1o timo ono roney r p"f,oll to !e.yourslogan rrqhtiswel wo rhtheefFort_Research. On" wdy to 9"t .l p .loo.. rjg-r;< ro rp."dl, h yo tr m-Jtel. Wlat dreppopl.;nLero"rAd in, Wl-.1 oroole-n wil,ror produrr.olve.Whoe(d.t,Vo.,)or


austomers? After you {aunch youradvertising campaiqn, continue to doieseaich onyour product, the markeL and the buying habits ofthe public.Urgehcy. Wl-er"vet possible. add a .e ..e ol urg .nr y. you \^ont you, Lu.to-nlt, toleel lhlt_lhpy np.o to qet t, : . lrodLrL d5 soon J\ oo. .:bte. \ or 11_y woot,o oh .. alimited time opportun ty.

lnformation. Give your customers as much information as you can about yourplod uct or serv ice- flstomers are more likely to trust an aclihat looks more like anarticle than like a snazzy advertisement. I\,,lake your copy interesting and relrvant. Sayexactly what you mean in clear languaqe_

Push arid Pull. )o t, ..no ,i! ) ,r o" ro,a r .. ..r.p ,, you LoJ .u" ,(- oo h tl .

rel"ile" il-o.h. (o1,um"r-. o,o/tde ln, "1t \F1 io re o,l r. ro o. p..y.nd pL l-your product. For example, you can offer attractive display boards. ihen,,pull,,thecusiorner in through coupons and mail,in rebate offers.

1\1r ite thc category ftorn the rc\r (€.g., r7.,:d ) ncjrt to the enarnple.

1. FotI pel.ent ol co1 umers agcd 18 49 drink bottlc{l ryatcr_

2. Bright i d Clenn corrains no harsh chcmicals.

3. lun Do It.

4. Buy ore, get one free.

5. 0% financing until Sept- 30.

1. lvhat slogans do )'ou rhink are €specially good?2- How do compauies convcy a serrse of urgencyi3. l,!'hat kind ofadverrising do you rtink is especialb effccrive?

Part 2\v'] rLe J p.rr rgr-u.h ]l our a l,rudu.r rh rr vo,r thi* his becn very successrur,v rdyertiscd. Discllssurc stuJle8r€5 ttre c.mp.n) uscd.

Part 3Exdrangc p"ragrxphs r.irh a parrner. Do you agree $rith )-our partner-,s choice? Why or 1vh) not?

Lesson 32: Vocabulary

Part 1

b tle puzzle below. fiDd the eiglrt words in the box below about issues.

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Part 2\\4rat otlEr words can Ion find iE the puzzlc in Part 1? Writ€ tLem down- In class, use tLenl in.€ntences as )rou compare answe $,ith a partne(-

Th. $o.ds go:

Part 1

Read the posts below.

City Priorities

The city council met last night and passed a new birdqet that p rioritizes .rime reductionar dimo,ov"mellptojp.t5in-,..i.v." ler drea. /hil .ldgree hat tnerL)(al't.r.oJ,ob.nur h 5ol, r and mo.e d_',,r.t:vF , .1inl, rtre bLdoet to LJ "s too h"a,/. / or- tl "r ".Lor ot , ,.

city.other neighborhoods also suFferfrom crime, and they are also experiencing other majorttlesses that desetve rtentton. For examp e, in the sor.rtheast neighborhoods, riads really needrepa,r. lhare dro 50 md rv po.hol". I d -onp .t.per . a.e. oTpier"lv.lo,pd.TJrr br oget 1""d.to address the concerns of all neighborhoods and all citizens. nor j;lt the city cenrerl]oseph

l,qreF.Asls"eiL,tre.i.\L.nt"rreeo,r.tenianou.\odoolh".ared.oloJrrorru-.t\,,'l-enorl4we.rsc rionol.r^.'rl r. "t.iLl. .Lr ool .1dnol^,roJqhdi,old"bp,oul., d..niio ldios"v.r o,/e.. rowd'nq in so1 "i-drL-rpr..orpp.,.hth.pr6.Ii. dLt- c,t .rnpl ridl,ondi o.8u on!.od. I tot. ,j .d .,1^r!,,nr .6.dr.t -.ltoword".,.ir "t ,.increased. -S.i/lyd

It 5( c rn5 to me thdt thc cu ent buclget f..Lr.es too mu.h on addressing problems that elist.nd not enough on prcventing lutuLe !roh ems. belleve we need to i;.rease not only fLrndirglor schools but increase the nu nbcr ofschools. Students do better in smallcr classes. We needtofo.us our efFofis on creating an informed and responsible next generation. Why don,t wc-]Ll'a\".h"budo"Llorp,irlsa1d..r"a.onl.roqr.1l.,l w^l?'ourgpeopl",\ lb"-ro-rrl y'o\rdvou,ol.rorbn.l-y.ro ,r ,,.n - . rhny d..it.tte". th,pn

1\/i jie I (loseph), s (Sxfiyr), or 'f (Thlcn) Dext ro elr.h optujor1.

l. inckasc the nurnber ofschools

2. -_ i creasc affordable housing



repair parking tots and sidervalks






provide more money to parks and rccrcatior PrograN6.


reducc o.".ercro .ding in housing complexcs

@u nnln wonx li..uss the quesrions.

1. Whose argumenr do you think is the rnost persuasi\.e?2. \{1ich problen do yor think is rhe mosr serioN in your ncighborhood?

Fart ?\\'ritc a paragraph cxpressing your opirlion on 1rh.rt )ol1l city should spend nroney o .

Fart 3Share your ideas \rirh a group. Whose opinions irc simllar?


riqrd ata Neus ard iitt in rhe btanks.

Br:o4ze Toda). tlte government approved major

}':ria: Unbelievabte. Education shoutd alvrays be

Fioritized- Mone), we invesr in educaring young kids

AIa Hold on

cnts. Oiicials annouoced plans a Cortlard home last nighton early childhood cducation.

Brandyze In orher rel,s, a robber

and slolc some valuable jewclry. A womal whowas walking by thc house witnessed the crime andcalled the police. The poticc .lvere airle to carch

. The owtcr of the

lewcr,)1 biIjonjll)e LLrcas Urbanski, rewnrdcd thewith a check for ore million

r.!1, irill be cosr-effective in tie longterm. the thiet aDd him at the

lr(aria: Oh,

qen&ng money on cducariJ! young kidsaoN B'ilI save us money iD the future-

if childrcn get a

good education, Lhe/ll bc less likely to coi ritrvhen they get older So,

Ale* Wet1,(31

TonL Wait! Quiet, guys - they,re ralking abouittre gamel

-{.le\: Urhar gan]e?

Tom: S\h rl \--l rl'n.in.l eL,, r . n e,r;o ,..


r{ex: Oh, really? Thars great.00)

Maia: Oh, herc ir is againt My f.Norite commerciallHave you guys seer this?

Alex Just a second. Did 1rcu really say you have afavorite commercial?

trIaria: Oh, ),eah, its so funny. ,{ buDch ofpeoplcate irl ar elevator, and ttis guy 1{,alks tu eating somepotaro chips, and rhen thcy all shrt singing the potaro

...sec, looLl look ai thailir).{Jer: Helr To[r, do n e have an), potato chips?

I'm starving.

Tom: Hold oo, Aiex...rhis srory lool$ intercsrirg...

dollars. He said thar the je$.etry had grert lalue !o hin1

- jl had beloryed ro his grandrnorher - ancl he wanterlto thank ihe woman for savnrg ir_

AIex: A nillion dotlars lir rcporting a crjn1e?l

Brardyze Ar1LI now.we lla\.c a livc intcrview with rhcwitness. Hc1lo? Are you there?

Kate: Ycs hello!AIerTo /: Itt Katel

Brrodvze So, n'lur are yolr poin{ to do d,ilh alllhai n)oney?

Kate: Well, tLe firsr rtlinS Iin goiru to do ls quirtnl job.

Aler: Yesl

Brand,vze: that's everyonet dream, right?

Kate: Then I m glring to get my olvD apalrment... Ihave a great room[rale, bui I'\.e ah,ays really.wanted

mI owr place-

Maria: All rightl

Brandyze: Oh, your poor roomiate_..

Kate: Oh, and lin going to go on a shoppiry spree

and really splurgc.-.I'11 probxbly ger my bq.{riend thenerl. TV het been wanting.

Brandt?e What a luckyguyl

Tom: Way 10 go, Katel



Part llLoo.s€ the colrelt artlcles to corupiete the. sen Lences.





Lard het€)the famous b.rsketbatl llay.r oney{re airplare.

A,/The phyer I like th€ best is Kobe llryaDt,

A: Did you see a/the Lakers g? e last night3

I read an/t1re article ab9u1 soap yasteda.y, Anllhe orticle said that some soaps can make.your skin dry-

A mai stole a/the mobile phone,.but a/the mobile phone had GPS, so the police knew where it wasl

Part 2Complete the coEvErSatior with tlle corre(t artide alan c'i the.

Xlhall. Theri's 1 big problem ir myneighborhdod-

Emily: Whatit , Fqblera?

Edran: streets are fi lofpotiqtesl

Emily: Is there sollition?

Eihan: lYell, ; -

solutibrl ir moDe, right?

lmlly; Yes, but $fiere car w.get


&1oney lo flx thi$?

B' No. I went to x/the movie insten!1.

Passive voiee with meda!s

TJe should reduce trafflc. > Traffic should lre reduceC.llfre lhould ban texting in cars_ ) Textinq in car5 should trs !.ran:.ic<i.

kr my odnion, the moneyshorld b€ used to imDrove our schools

Herej a suggestiont Mobile phones couid be turned offat town hall meetinos

Part iC6iul'lrt( rhespr r<n.e.,.:lt,,r.,.q,..r,lep . ve\oil. 'Irzft'rc cotld bereducea (redu.e) iu sornc ueighbo(hoo,:1s.

l- The dorvnrown side$.alks corld (inprove).l- People should (a.rest) it they d,rnt obcy rrattic srSnrts.

{ -E d\€djring shortd (brn) fronl the Inrer,.r.5 Ca.neras coutd (hstall) in public piaces.

f l{ore pohce should (hire) as soon as possiblel

Fart 2'ase tire ftes to q.rite senrences with .nodals jrr ihe pnss;ve voi.e. The undcrlined noun should be nr& s:biect position-

!- bar mobile phoncs lsbo,rld: Mobite phones shoutd be bartned .'I ,lanse the laws/could:

i- shorr rhe game on TV/should:

{ ir potholes/should:

:. tfr}provezubLqtransportation/could:

6- raj5e !aEs/coE1d:


-. pendmoney on education/should: