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Special ALT Characters List

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8/9/2019 Special ALT Characters List

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Special ALT Characters

Special ALT Characters §

†If any characters do not appear correctly,view a graphic image of this table.

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Character ALT

Code* Character ALT

Code* Character ALT

Code* Character ALT

Code* Character ALT


☺ Alt 1 A Alt 65 ü Alt129

┼ Alt197

ˆ Alt0136

☻ Alt 2 B Alt 66 é Alt130

╞ Alt198

‰ Alt0137

♥ Alt 3 C Alt 67 â Alt131

╟ Alt199

Š Alt0138

♦ Alt 4 D Alt 68 ä Alt132

╚ Alt200

‹ Alt0139

♣ Alt 5 E Alt 69 à Alt133

╔ Alt201


♠ Alt 6 F Alt 70 å Alt134

╩ Alt202


• Alt 7 G Alt 71 ç Alt135

╦ Alt203

Ž Alt0142

◘ Alt 8 H Alt 72 ê Alt136

╠ Alt204

‘ Alt0145

○ Alt 9 I Alt 73 ë Alt137

═ Alt205

’ Alt0146

◙ Alt 10 J Alt 74 è Alt138

╬ Alt206

“ Alt0147

♂ Alt 11 K Alt 75 ï Alt139

╧ Alt207

” Alt0148

♀ Alt 12 L Alt 76 î Alt140 ╨ Alt208 – Alt0150

♪ Alt 13 M Alt 77 ì Alt141

╤ Alt209

— Alt0151

♫ Alt 14 N Alt 78 æ Alt145

╥ Alt210

˜ Alt0152

☼ Alt 15 O Alt 79 Æ Alt146

╙ Alt211

™ Alt0153

► Alt 16 P Alt 80 ô Alt


╘ Alt


š Alt

0154◄ Alt 17 Q Alt 81 ö Alt

148 ╒ Alt

213 › Alt


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↕ Alt 18 R Alt 82 ò Alt149

╓ Alt214

œ Alt0156

‼ Alt 19 S Alt 83 û Alt150

╫ Alt215

ž Alt0158

¶ Alt 20 T Alt 84 ù Alt151

╪ Alt216

Ÿ Alt0159

§ Alt 21 U Alt 85 ÿ Alt152

┘ Alt217

¤ Alt0164

▬ Alt 22 V Alt 86 ¢ Alt155

┌ Alt218

¦ Alt0166

↨ Alt 23 W Alt 87 £ Alt156

█ Alt219

¨ Alt0168

↑ Alt 24 X Alt 88 ¥ Alt157

▄ Alt220

© Alt0169

↓ Alt 25 Y Alt 89 ₧ Alt158

▌ Alt221

® Alt0174

→ Alt 26 Z Alt 90 ƒ Alt159

▐ Alt222

¯ Alt0175

← Alt 27 [ Alt 91 á Alt160

▀ Alt223

³ Alt0179

∟ Alt 28 \ Alt 92 í Alt161

α Alt224

´ Alt0180

↔ Alt 29 ] Alt 93 ó Alt162

ß Alt225

¸ Alt0184

▲ Alt 30 ^ Alt 94 ú Alt163 Γ Alt226 U Alt0185

▼ Alt 31 _ Alt 95 ñ Alt164

π Alt227

¾ Alt0190

Alt 32 ` Alt 96 Ñ Alt165

Σ Alt228

À Alt0192

! Alt 33 a Alt 97 ª Alt166

σ Alt229

Á Alt0193

" Alt 34 b Alt 98 º Alt


µ Alt



0194# Alt 35 c Alt 99 ¿ Alt

168 τ Alt

231 Ã Alt


$ Alt 36 d Alt100

⌐ Alt169

Φ Alt232

Ä Alt0196

% Alt 37 e Alt101

¬ Alt170

Θ Alt233

Å Alt0197

& Alt 38 f Alt102

½ Alt171

Ω Alt234

È Alt0200

' Alt 39 g Alt103

¼ Alt172

δ Alt235

É Alt0201

( Alt 40 h Alt104

¡ Alt173

∞ Alt236

Ê Alt0202

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) Alt 41 i Alt105

« Alt174

φ Alt237

Ë Alt0203

* Alt 42 j Alt106

» Alt175

ε Alt238

Ì Alt0204

+ Alt 43 k Alt107

░ Alt176

∩ Alt239

Í Alt0205

, Alt 44 l Alt108

▒ Alt177

≡ Alt240

Î Alt0206

- Alt 45 m Alt109

▓ Alt178

± Alt241

Ï Alt0207

. Alt 46 n Alt110

│ Alt179

≥ Alt242

Ð Alt0208

/ Alt 47 o Alt111

┤ Alt180

≤ Alt243

Ò Alt0210

0 Alt 48 p Alt112

╡ Alt181

⌠ Alt244

Ó Alt0211

1 Alt 49 q Alt113

╢ Alt182

⌡ Alt245

Ô Alt0212

2 Alt 50 r Alt114

╖ Alt183

÷ Alt246

Õ Alt0213

3 Alt 51 s Alt115

╕ Alt184

≈ Alt247

Ö Alt0214

4 Alt 52 t Alt116

╣ Alt185

° Alt248

× Alt0215

5 Alt 53 u Alt117 ║ Alt186 • Alt249 Ø Alt0216

6 Alt 54 v Alt118

╗ Alt187

· Alt250

Ù Alt0217

7 Alt 55 w Alt119

╝ Alt188

√ Alt251

Ú Alt0218

8 Alt 56 x Alt120

╜ Alt189

ⁿ Alt252

Û Alt0219

9 Alt 57 y Alt


╛ Alt


² Alt


Ü Alt

0220: Alt 58 z Alt

122 ┐ Alt

191 ■ Alt

254 Ý Alt


; Alt 59 { Alt123

└ Alt192

€ Alt0128

Þ Alt0222

< Alt 60 | Alt124

┴ Alt193

„ Alt0132

ã Alt0227

= Alt 61 } Alt125

┬ Alt194

… Alt0133

ð Alt0240

> Alt 62 ~ Alt126

├ Alt195

† Alt0134

ý Alt0253

? Alt 63 ⌂ Alt127

─ Alt196

‡ Alt0135

þ Alt0254

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@ Alt 64 Ç Alt128

§To obtain an ALT Character:

1. Make certain that the Num Lock key has been pressed to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard.2. Depress the Alt key.

3.While the Alt key is depressed

, type the proper sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) of the ALT codefrom the table above.4. Release the Alt key, and the character will appear.

†Some browsers do not recognize all of the ALT Characters. Since each of the characters in the table above is virtuunique, seeing multiple cells of the same character most likely indicates that your browser does not recognize the coof some of the characters. Therefore, it does not know what those charactersshould look like, and it inserts its owncharacter each time. If this is the case for you, thenview a graphic image of how the table should look.

*There are some gaps in the numerical sequence of ALT Character codes because either those items do not exist, or they are duplicates of characters listed elsewhere. Many Special ALT Characters,Special HTML Characters, andSpecial

<Font Face="Symbol"> Characters are the same.Some word processing programs and browsers will not recognize all Alt characters.

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