MEMORANDUM July 18, 2007 TO: Board Members FROM: Abelardo Saavedra Superintendent of Schools CONTACT: Carla Stevens, (713) 556-6700 SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN SPECIAL EDUCATION: SPRING 2007 Attached is a copy of the Assessment of Student Performance in Special Education report for Spring 2007. Results from the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) are provided for students with disabilities in English and in Spanish. The results presented are the scale scores, passing rates and percent commended for Spring 2007 compared to Spring 2006 data. Results from the State-Developed Alternative Assessment II (SDAA II) are also provided for students with disabilities. The results presented are the percent of students who met ARD expectations and the percent of students at each achievement level for Spring 2007 compared to Spring 2006. Some of this year’s highlights are as follows: The passing rate on the English TAKS for students with disabilities increased for seven grades in reading and math, three grades in science, and all grades in writing and social studies from 2006 to 2007. Students with disabilities who participated on SDAA II experienced improvements on the percent who met their ARD expectations for grades 3 and 5–10 in reading from 2006 to 2007. Students with disabilities who participated on SDAA II experienced improvements on the percent who met their ARD expectations for grades 5–10 in math from 2006 to 2007. Students with disabilities who participated on SDAA II experienced improvements on the percent who met their ARD expectations for grades 4 and 7 in writing from 2006 to 2007. Should you have any further questions, please contact my office or Carla Stevens in Research and Accountability at (713) 556–6700. AS Attachment cc: Superintendent’s Direct Reports Carolyn Guess Faye Jones

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M E M O R A N D U M July 18, 2007 TO: Board Members FROM: Abelardo Saavedra Superintendent of Schools CONTACT: Carla Stevens, (713) 556-6700 SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN SPECIAL EDUCATION:

SPRING 2007 Attached is a copy of the Assessment of Student Performance in Special Education report for Spring 2007. Results from the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) are provided for students with disabilities in English and in Spanish. The results presented are the scale scores, passing rates and percent commended for Spring 2007 compared to Spring 2006 data. Results from the State-Developed Alternative Assessment II (SDAA II) are also provided for students with disabilities. The results presented are the percent of students who met ARD expectations and the percent of students at each achievement level for Spring 2007 compared to Spring 2006. Some of this year’s highlights are as follows: • The passing rate on the English TAKS for students with disabilities increased for seven

grades in reading and math, three grades in science, and all grades in writing and social studies from 2006 to 2007.

• Students with disabilities who participated on SDAA II experienced improvements on the percent who met their ARD expectations for grades 3 and 5–10 in reading from 2006 to 2007.

• Students with disabilities who participated on SDAA II experienced improvements on the percent who met their ARD expectations for grades 5–10 in math from 2006 to 2007.

• Students with disabilities who participated on SDAA II experienced improvements on the percent who met their ARD expectations for grades 4 and 7 in writing from 2006 to 2007.

Should you have any further questions, please contact my office or Carla Stevens in Research and Accountability at (713) 556–6700.

AS Attachment cc: Superintendent’s Direct Reports

Carolyn Guess Faye Jones

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Spring 2007

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Diana Dávila

Kevin H. Hoffman

Dianne Johnson

Lawrence Marshall

Manuel Rodríguez, Jr., PRESIDENT



Arthur M. Gaines, Jr., SECRETARY



Luellen Bledsoe, Mike ThomasRESEARCH MANAGERS

Kathryn ThibodeauxNaim Ullah


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According to the “No Child Left Behind” Act (NCLB), all students including students with disabilities mustbe tested annually using statewide assessments. The performance of students with disabilities must bereported at the state, district, and school levels. Therefore, this report will examine the performance of studentswith disabilities on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) and the State-Developed AlternativeAssessment II (SDAA II) in the Houston Independent School District (HISD). This report will providedemographic information for the students with disabilities served in HISD and their participation rates on stateassessments , before presenting their performance results.

Table 1 provides the demographic characteristics of students with disabilities for 2005–06 and 2006–07 inHISD. The demographic characteristics of these students were retrieved from the Public Education InformationManagement System (PEIMS) for both years. Students with disabilities account for approximately 10% ofHISD’s student population. In 2005–06, there was a total of 20,058 students with disabilities. This numberdecreased to 20,226 in 2006–07. The majority of students with disabilities were male at 66.9% compared to32.9% who were female. Also, in 2006–07, 49.6% of students with disabilities were Hispanic, 40.3% wereAfrican American, and 8.6% were White. Students with disabilities identified as economically disadvantagedaccounted for 79.7% of the population in 2006–07. The majority of students at 52.6% had a learning disabilityfollowed by 15.8% who had speech impairment, and 9.7% who had mental retardation as their primary disability.Less than one percent of students had a primary disability of visual impairment, deaf-blind, developmental delay,traumatic brain injury, and noncategorical early childhood.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of HISD Students with Disabilities for 2006 and 2007

2005–06 2006–07 Gender N % N % Female 6,697 32.6 6,675 32.9 Male 13,811 67.3 13,551 66.9

Ethnicity American Indian 12 0.0 12 0.1 Asian 261 1.3 266 1.3 African American 8,328 40.6 8,162 40.3 Hispanic 10,068 49.1 10,053 49.6 White 1,839 8.9 1,733 8.6

Economically Disadvantaged Yes 17,354 84.6 16,162 79.7 No 3,154 15.4 4,064 20.1

Primary Disability Orthopedic Impairment 326 1.6 282 1.4 Other Health Impairment 1,498 7.3 1,445 7.1 Auditory Impairment 465 2.3 458 2.3 Visual Impairment 143 0.7 148 0.7 Deaf-Blind 1 0.0 2 <1.0 Mental Retardation 1,919 9.4 1,970 9.7 Emotional Disturbance 1,391 6.8 1,259 6.2 Learning Disability 10,905 53.2 10,663 52.6 Speech Impairment 3,144 15.3 3,201 15.8 Autism 656 3.2 697 3.4 Developmental Delay 0 0.0 0 0.0 Traumatic Brain Injury 30 0.1 24 0.1 Noncategorical Early Childhood 30 0.1 77 0.4

Total 20,508 100 20,226 100.0

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Table 2: Ethnic Distribution of HISD Students with Disabilities by Primary Disability for 2005–06

Table 3: Ethnic Distribution of HISD Students with Disabilities by Primary Disability for 2006–07

Tables 2 and 3 provide the ethnic distribution of HISD students with disabilities by primary disability for2005–06 and 2006–07. The majority of African American and Hispanic students with disabilities were identifiedas having a learning disability during both school years. The percent of African American students withdisabilities who were identified with a learning disability increased by 0.4 percent from 54.1% in 2005–06 to 54.5%in 2006–07. The percent of Hispanic students with a learning disability decreased from 57.0% in 2005–06 to55.7% in 2006–07. Hispanic students had the highest percentage of students with a learning disability at 55.7%followed by 54.5% African American, 30.9% White, and 27.1% Asian students in 2006–07. Speech impairmentfollowed learning disability as the most identified primary disability for Hispanic (18.1%), and White (27.0%)students with disabilities. The second most common disability for African American students was mentalretardation at 11.5%. There were no students identified with a developmental delay as their primary disabilityin the past two years.

Am. Indian African Am. Asian Hispanic White

Primary Disability N % N % N % N % N %

Orthopedic Impairment 0 0.0 103 1.2 6 2.3 191 1.9 26 1.4 Other Health Impairment 3 25.0 655 7.9 13 5.0 527 5.2 300 16.3 Auditory Impairment 0 0.0 105 1.3 7 2.7 317 3.1 36 2.0 Visual Impairment 1 8.3 44 0.5 5 1.9 75 0.7 18 1.0 Deaf-Blind 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 Mental Retardation 2 16.7 953 11.4 24 9.2 832 8.3 108 5.9 Emotional Disturbance 0 0.0 865 10.4 10 3.8 355 3.5 161 8.8 Learning Disability 4 33.3 4,509 54.1 66 25.3 5,737 57.0 589 32.0 Speech Impairment 2 16.7 835 10.0 89 34.1 1,743 17.3 475 25.8 Autism 0 0.0 238 2.9 40 15.3 259 2.6 119 6.5 Developmental Delay 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Traumatic Brain Injury 0 0.0 12 0.1 0 0.0 15 0.1 3 0.2 Noncategorical Early Childhood

0 0.0 9 0.1 0 0.0 17 0.2 4 0.2

Total 12 100.0 8,328 100.0 261 100.0 10,068 100.0 1,839 100.0

Am. Indian African Am. Asian Hispanic White

Primary Disability N % N % N % N % N %

Orthopedic Impairment 0 0.0 90 1.1 7 2.6 160 1.6 25 1.4 Other Health Impairment 1 8.3 640 7.8 14 5.3 524 5.2 266 15.3 Auditory Impairment 0 0.0 107 1.3 10 3.8 311 3.1 30 1.7 Visual Impairment 0 0.0 50 0.6 5 1.9 75 0.7 18 1.0 Deaf-Blind 0 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Mental Retardation 3 25.0 941 11.5 30 11.3 882 8.8 114 6.6 Emotional Disturbance 1 8.3 763 9.3 5 1.9 346 3.4 144 8.3 Learning Disability 5 41.7 4,451 54.5 72 27.1 5,599 55.7 536 30.9 Speech Impairment 2 16.7 824 10.1 91 34.2 1,816 18.1 468 27.0 Autism 0 0.0 262 3.2 31 11.7 280 2.8 124 7.2 Developmental Delay 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Traumatic Brain Injury 0 0.0 10 0.1 0 0.0 12 0.1 2 0.1 Noncategorical Early Childhood

0 0.0 22 0.3 1 0.4 48 0.5 6 0.3

Total 12 100.0 8,162 100.0 266 100.0 10,053 100.0 1,733 100.0

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Texas Assessment of Knowledge Skills (TAKS)

The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) was first administered in the spring of 2003. TheTAKS measures the statewide curriculum in reading/ELA and mathematics for grades 3–11; in writing grades4 and 7; in science grades 5, 8, 10, and 11; and in social studies grades 8, 10, and 11. The Spanish TAKS isadministered in grades 3–6 in reading and mathematics, in grade 4 for writing, and in grade 5 for science. Allstudents with disabilities are required to take the TAKS test with two exceptions: 1) students required to takethe TAAS test to meet their graduation requirement; and 2) those who are exempt from it and are tested on analternate instrument as dictated by their Individual Education Plan (IEP), specifically those students receivinginstruction off-grade level.

Administration of the TAKS Examination to HISD StudentsThe TAKS Examination schedule (Table 4) lists the various subtests administered districtwide during the

spring of 2007.

Table 4: TAKS Examination Schedule for the Spring of 2007

Analysis of TAKS Examination Results Results for students with disabilities receiving on-grade-level instruction on the TAKS are provided for each

of the subtests by grade. The grades three and five reading tests had three separate test administrations in 2007due to the state’s Student Success Initiative: February 20; April 18; and, June 27. Grade 5 mathematics alsohad three administrations: April 3, May 15, and June 26. The TAKS reading and math results for grades threeand five reported in this report reflect the first administration.

This inquiry was completed for students with disabilities who were administered the TAKS in the spring of2007. Districtwide results were compared to statewide performance for students with disabilities on both theEnglish and Spanish versions of the TAKS. Also, two years of TAKS data were reported.

In November of 2002, the Texas State Board of Education approved the passing standards for the new TAKStest in grades 3–11. As such, the State Board adopted a two-year transitional phase-in process. The processemployed the use of the standard error of measurement (SEM) to phase in the standards over the two-yearperiod. Specifically, in 2003, the standard was marked at two SEM below the committee standard, to be set atone SEM below the committee standard in 2004, with the panel-recommended passing standard to be met by2005. The eleventh-grade exit exam passing standard is set at the state passing standard when the studentswere in tenth grade. Therefore, the 2005 eleventh-grade passing standard was 1 SEM, and the standard for 2006is at the Panel Recommended level. The grade 8 science test was first given in 2006 , the passing standard

Subject/Subtest Grade Level Date Administered Writing 4, 4 Spanish, 7 February 20, 2007 Reading 9 February 20, 2007 English/Language Arts 10, 11 February 20, 2007 Reading 3, 3 Spanish, 5, 5 Spanish February 20, 2007 Mathematics 5, 5 Spanish April 3, 2007 Mathematics 3&4, 3&4 Spanish, 6–11,

6 Spanish April 17, 2007

Reading 4, 4 Spanish, 6–8, 6 Spanish, 3, 3 Spanish (retest), 5, 5 Spanish (retest)

April 18, 2007

Science 5, 5 Spanish, 10, 11 April 19, 2007 Social Studies 8, 10, 11 April 20, 2007 Mathematics 5, 5 Spanish (retest) May 15, 2007

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Table 5: State and HISD English TAKS Results in Reading (Grades 3–9) and English Language Arts (Grades10–11) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

was at 2 SEM and the standard for 2007 is 1 SEM below the Panel Recommended Standard. According to thedefinitions provided by the Texas Education Agency, the meaning of SEM is as follows: If a single student wereto take the same test repeatedly (with no new learning taking place between testings and no memory of questioneffects), the standard deviation of his/her repeated test scores is denoted as the standard error of measurement.

Results are reported as percent “met standard,” “commended performance,” and “average scale scores.”The scale score determines whether the “met standard (scale score of 2100)” and/or “commended performance(scale score of 2400)” was achieved. A section of tables and figures comparing these three categories of data(met standard, commended performance, and average scale scores) for HISD and the state, is included in thisreport. Information at the district and state level was also categorized by race/ethnicity for Asian Americans,African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites, as well as economically disadvantaged status.


English TAKS Results for HISD and the StateThe state TAKS exam results were compared to HISD districtwide results for students with disabilities

enrolled in grades 3–11. Two years of data were analyzed. The information regarding the HISD and statecomparisons for reading, mathematics, writing, science, social studies, and all tests taken is presented inTables 5–10.

Reading/English Language ArtsState and HISD reading results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of students

meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, and the average scale scoresare presented in Table 5.

• State and HISD students with disabilities in grades 4–8 and 11 experienced an increase in the percentmeeting the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007. Students in grade 9 experienced a decrease in the percentmeeting the TAKS standard for HISD and the state, while the performance of students in grade 10 remainedthe same.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level

District/ State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 378 380 75 78 28 23 2218 2228 3 Texas 13,386 13,569 83 82 32 26 2262 2249 HISD 320 377 68 72 13 20 2167 2180 4 Texas 11,452 12,509 74 75 14 19 2187 2192 HISD 463 377 56 64 8 16 2094 2160 5 Texas 11,302 11,152 70 72 13 15 2168 2180 HISD 476 472 59 67 13 20 2117 2176 6 Texas 11,054 11,395 79 80 18 27 2217 2244 HISD 467 520 48 50 6 7 2079 2093 7 Texas 10,168 11,852 58 64 7 9 2117 2144 HISD 514 505 54 65 10 11 2109 2139 8 Texas 11,998 11,874 63 73 12 17 2147 2183 HISD 760 668 58 53 3 4 2095 2089 9 Texas 16,249 15,986 68 64 5 6 2132 2125 HISD 460 455 44 44 0 2 2087 2099 10 Texas 12,771 12,235 55 55 2 1 2116 2124 HISD 317 253 47 60 2 4 2115 2143 11 Texas 9,284 8,341 64 68 3 4 2153 2161

Note: Third and fifth grade reading results reflect the first administration.

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• On the 2007 TAKS reading and English Language Arts subtests, the state outperformed HISD on thepercent meeting the TAKS standard and average scale scores at all grade levels.

• A gap analysis of the 2007 TAKS reading subtest results between the state and HISD revealed the widestgap was found among students with disabilities in grade 7, in which there was a difference of 14 percentagepoints on the percent meeting the TAKS standard.

• HISD students with disabilities made strides in closing the achievement gap with the state in both percentpassing and average scale scores for grades 3–6, 8 and 11.

• The percent of HISD students with disabilities earning the commended status ranged from 2% in grade 10to 23% in grade 3, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 1% commended in grade10 to 27% commended in grade 6 in 2007.

MathematicsState and HISD mathematics results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of

students with disabilities meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, andthe average scale scores are presented in Table 6.

Table 6: State and HISD English TAKS Results in Mathematics (Grades 3–11) for Students with Disabilities:Spring 2006 and 2007

• HISD students with disabilities in grades 4–6 and 8–11 experienced an increase in the percent meeting theTAKS standard on the mathematics subtest from 2006 to 2007.

• On the 2007 TAKS mathematics subtest, students with disabilities at the state level outperformed HISDstudents at all grade levels.

• A gap analysis of the 2007 TAKS mathematics subtest results between the state and HISD revealed thewidest gap was found among students in grades 6 and 7 in which there was a difference of 18 percentagepoints each on the percent meeting the TAKS standard.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 531 504 61 58 12 17 2132 2155 3 Texas 16,259 15,726 75 72 19 19 2204 2203 HISD 405 505 65 71 17 17 2170 2181 4 Texas 12,203 14,579 78 77 23 22 2220 2216 HISD 630 557 58 63 15 18 2138 2163 5 Texas 13,431 12,981 72 75 23 24 2211 2226 HISD 602 582 34 41 5 6 2023 2060 6 Texas 12,428 12,981 59 59 12 15 2142 2156 HISD 454 584 35 33 2 3 2056 2052 7 Texas 9,235 11,551 48 51 4 5 2099 2110 HISD 531 535 27 34 2 3 2014 2038 8 Texas 10,408 10,411 40 46 3 4 2068 2081 HISD 673 592 15 18 1 2 1934 1956 9 Texas 13,481 13,305 26 28 3 3 1991 2007 HISD 382 421 18 24 1 2 1992 1995 10 Texas 10,191 10,027 28 29 2 2 2032 2026 HISD 297 216 36 48 3 3 2057 2093 11 Texas 7,792 6,676 46 53 3 4 2087 2108

Note: Fifth grade mathematics results reflect the first administration.

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Table 8: State and HISD English TAKS Results in Science (grades 5, 8, and 10–11) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• HISD students with disabilities in grade 4 experienced an increase in the percent meeting the TAKS standardon the writing subtest from 74% to 75% from 2006 to 2007. The percent of HISD students who met the TAKSstandard in grade 7 increased by two percentage points.

• There was a gap of six percentage points between students with disabilities in HISD and the state in grade4, compared to a gap of eight percentage points between students in HISD and the state in grade 7. Thegap between HISD and state passing rates and average scale scores decreased from 2006 to 2007 for grade4 and increased for grade 7.

• The percent of HISD students with disabilities in grade 4 earning the commended status was 10% comparedto their counterparts in the state at 16%. In grade 7, the percent of HISD students with disabilities earningthe commended status was 6% compared to 9% of students in the state who earned the commended status.

ScienceState and HISD science results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of students

with disabilities meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, and averagescale scores are presented in Table 8.

Table 7: State and HISD English TAKS Results in Writing (grades 4 and 7) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• Improvements made by HISD students with disabilities helped close the math achievement gap with thestate in both percent passing and average scale scores for grades 4–6 and 8–11.

• The percent of HISD students with disabilities earning the commended status ranged from 2% in grades9 and 10 to 18% in grade 5, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 2% commendedin grade 10 to 24% commended in grade 5 in 2006.

WritingState and HISD writing results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of students

with disabilities meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, and averagescale scores are presented in Table 7.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 405 389 74 75 11 10 2232 2241 4 Texas 10,866 10,453 83 81 11 16 2277 2281 HISD 526 517 68 70 9 6 2178 2171 7 Texas 9,943 9,636 74 78 12 9 2209 2211

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 591 389 45 62 12 20 2026 2162 5 Texas 11,831 10,584 65 69 17 25 2144 2201 HISD 654 487 27 29 1 4 1887 1939 8 Texas 12,163 10,091 47 48 4 7 1984 2028 HISD 417 417 23 18 1 2 1976 1993 10 Texas 11,234 10,580 33 28 4 3 2028 2028 HISD 335 243 32 44 2 3 2049 2087 11 Texas 8,858 7,400 46 51 2 3 2089 2109

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Table 9: State and HISD English TAKS Results in Social Studies (grades 8 and 10–11) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

Social StudiesState and HISD social studies results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of

students with disabilities meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, andaverage scale scores are presented in Table 9.

• State and HISD students with disabilities in all grades tested experienced an increase in the percent meetingthe TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007.

• A gap analysis of the 2007 TAKS social studies subtest results between the state and HISD revealed thewidest gap was found among students in grade 8, in which there was a difference of 12 percentage points.

• Improvements made by HISD students with disabilities decreased the gap with the state in both percentpassing and average scale scores for all grades tested.

• The percent of students with disabilities earning the commended status in HISD ranged from 10% in grades8 and 10 to 15% in grade 11, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 11% commendedin grade 10 to 16% commended in grades 8 and 11 in 2007.

• The average scale scores increased for all grades tested on the 2007 TAKS social studies subtest.

• HISD students with disabilities in grades 5, 8, and 11 experienced an increase in the percent meeting theTAKS standard from 2006 to 2007. HISD students with disabilities in grade 10 experienced a decrease from23% in 2006 to 18% in 2007 in the percent meeting the TAKS standard.

• A gap analysis of the 2007 TAKS science subtest results between the state and HISD revealed the widestgap was found among students with disabilities in grade 8, in which there was a difference of 19 percentagepoints on the percent meeting the TAKS standard.

• The percent of students with disabilities earning the commended status in HISD ranged from 2% in grade10 to 20% in grade 5, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 3% commended in grades10 and 11 to 25% commended in grade 5 in 2007.

• The average scale scores for students with disabilities in the state and HISD increased from 2006 to 2007for all grade levels on the science subtest except for grade 10 in the state, which remained the same.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007

HISD 633 483 44 59 7 10 2101 2139 8 Texas 12,249 10,222 62 71 12 16 2164 2195 HISD 398 414 50 56 8 10 2106 2135 10 Texas 11,964 11,157 59 63 10 11 2145 2162 HISD 348 236 72 78 9 15 2170 2217 11 Texas 9,983 8,405 79 82 10 16 2202 2227

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All Tests TakenState and HISD all tests taken results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of

students meeting the TAKS passing standard and the percent earning the commended status are presented inTable 10. Data for students in grades 3 and 5 were not available for all tests taken due to multiple administrationsof these tests.

Table 10: State and HISD English TAKS Results in All Tests Taken (grades 4 and 6–11) for Students withDisabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• HISD students with disabilities in all grades with data experienced an increase in the percent meeting theTAKS standard from 2006 to 2007.

• A gap analysis of the 2007 TAKS all tests taken results between the state and HISD revealed the widestgap was found among students with disabilities in grade 6, in which there was a difference of 18 percentagepoints on the percent meeting the TAKS standard.

• State and HISD students with disabilities in grade 6 had the largest percent of students earning thecommended status with 12% and 6%, respectively.

English TAKS Results by SubgroupThe results from the Spring 2006 and 2007 administration of the TAKS examination are reported for students

with disabilities for the state and HISD by grade (3–11), race/ethnicity, and economic status. The informationregarding the state and HISD subgroups for reading, mathematics, writing, science, social studies, and all teststaken is presented in Tables 11–16.

Reading/English Language Arts

State and HISD reading results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of studentswith disabilities meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, and averagescale scores by subgroup are presented in Table 11.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD – – – – – – 3 Texas – – – – – – HISD 490 570 49 58 3 4 4 Texas 13,573 16,340 63 64 4 7 HISD – – – – – – 5 Texas – – – – – – HISD 698 666 32 40 4 6 6 Texas 14,733 15,040 59 58 8 12 HISD 575 743 29 31 1 1 7 Texas 12,072 15,279 40 46 1 2 HISD 809 674 16 23 0 2 8 Texas 16,218 15,133 31 39 1 2 HISD 856 754 19 21 1 1 9 Texas 18,409 18,345 34 34 2 2 HISD 522 548 12 15 0 1 10 Texas 14,932 14,958 20 21 0 0 HISD 404 314 18 31 0 1 11 Texas 11,548 10,063 33 41 1 1

– Not Available

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Table 11: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Reading (Grades 3–9) and English Language Arts (Grades 10–11) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• The percentage of Asian students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKS reading and EnglishLanguage Arts subtest for HISD ranged from 33% in grade 10 to 100% in grade 6, while percentages for Asianstudents in the state ranged from 60% to 87% passing. Asian students in grades 4–6 and 9 experiencedan increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007 and outperformed their statecounterparts in grades 4–6. The highest percentage of HISD Asian students earning the commended statuswas 67% in grade 5. The average scale scores for HISD Asian students increased from 2006 to 2007 forgrades 4, 5 and 9.

• The percentage of HISD African American students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKSreading and English Language Arts subtest ranged from 43% in grades 7 and 10 to 70% in grades 3 and

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 3 HISD Tested N 16 16 140 132 148 154 74 78 274 237 378 380

Met % 94 75 64 70 74 75 93 97 69 70 75 78 Comm. % 50 25 15 11 20 19 64 49 18 13 28 23 Scale 2360 2268 2152 2159 2181 2213 2386 2365 2166 2174 2218 2228

State Met % 88 87 68 71 76 75 91 90 75 74 83 82 Comm. % 42 35 16 14 22 17 43 34 21 15 32 26 Scale 2305 2297 2170 2176 2213 2202 2316 2299 2206 2190 2262 2249

4 HISD Tested N 13 15 104 132 127 168 76 62 205 271 320 377 Met % 92 93 55 66 61 70 95 89 58 66 68 72 Comm. % 38 53 7 14 7 13 26 48 6 14 13 20

Scale 2271 2363 2111 2130 2132 2157 2286 2303 2114 2145 2167 2180 State Met % 80 81 57 62 67 68 83 82 64 66 74 75

Comm. % 19 27 7 10 8 13 19 26 7 12 14 19 Scale 2224 2242 2125 2127 2151 2158 2224 2230 2141 2148 2187 2192

5 HISD Tested N 9 12 133 92 238 203 83 70 355 254 463 377 Met % 67 92 53 61 46 56 88 90 48 56 56 64 Comm. % 11 67 5 12 1 8 33 36 2 7 8 16

Scale 2068 2418 2068 2149 2051 2103 2260 2294 2047 2107 2094 2160 State Met % 80 76 53 58 61 63 80 81 60 62 70 72

Comm. % 22 29 5 8 7 10 18 19 6 9 13 15 Scale 2230 2238 2085 2121 2121 2139 2217 2220 2113 2132 2168 2180

6 HISD Tested N 7 5 164 125 232 271 73 71 378 357 476 472 Met % 86 100 54 70 54 59 82 89 52 62 59 67 Comm. % 14 0 8 19 7 13 42 48 8 15 13 20

Scale 2275 2254 2087 2174 2076 2129 2300 2350 2080 2140 2117 2176 State Met % 83 82 68 73 70 74 87 86 70 74 79 80

Comm. % 19 34 11 19 11 20 25 35 11 19 18 27 Scale 2240 2292 2156 2193 2162 2199 2271 2289 2165 2198 2217 2244

7 HISD Tested N 3 10 164 162 224 273 76 74 357 394 467 520 Met % * 70 40 43 44 47 75 77 43 44 48 50 Comm. % * 10 4 4 4 4 16 27 3 4 6 7

Scale * 2190 2061 2061 2053 2072 2189 2224 2058 2062 2079 2093 State Met % 63 73 42 53 49 56 69 73 48 56 58 64

Comm. % 10 13 3 4 4 5 11 13 4 5 7 9 Scale 2147 2179 2062 2097 2080 2109 2156 2183 2077 2109 2117 2144

8 HISD Tested N 9 7 173 190 263 240 68 68 420 383 514 505 Met % 67 57 44 62 53 62 78 87 50 61 54 65 Comm. % 22 14 5 7 9 6 29 37 9 6 10 11

Scale 2220 2133 2056 2125 2105 2114 2247 2264 2088 2112 2109 2139 State Met % 68 76 53 67 53 67 73 80 55 67 63 73

Comm. % 15 17 6 10 7 11 17 23 8 12 12 17 Scale 2176 2199 2089 2141 2100 2147 2195 2220 2106 2150 2147 2183

Note: Third and fifth grade reading results reflect the first administration. * Less than five students tested.

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6, while percentages for African American students in the state ranged from 46% to 73% passing. AfricanAmerican students in grades 3–8, 10, and 11 experienced an increase in the percent who met the TAKSstandard from 2006 to 2007. The highest percentage of HISD African American students earning thecommended status was 19% in grade 6. The average scale scores for HISD African American studentsincreased from 2006 to 2007 in grades 3–6, 8, 10, and 11.

• The percentage of HISD Hispanic students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKS readingand English Language Arts subtest ranged from 40% in grade 10 to 75% in grade 3, while percentages forHispanic students in the state ranged from 49% to 75%. Hispanic students in HISD experienced an increasein percent passing in grades 3–8 and 11 and outperformed their state counterparts in grades 4 and 11. Thehighest percentage of HISD Hispanic students earning the commended status was 19% in grade 3. Theaverage scale scores for HISD Hispanic students increased from 2006 to 2007 for grades 3–8, 10, and 11.

• The percentage of HISD White students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKS reading andEnglish Language Arts subtest ranged from 58% in grade 10 to 97% in grade 3. The percentages for Whitestudents in the state ranged from 63% in grade 10 to 90% in grade 3. White students in HISD experiencedan increase in percent passing in grades 3, 5–9, and 11 and outperformed their state counterparts in eightout of nine grades tested. The highest percentage of HISD White students earning the commended statuswas 49% in grade 3 and their average scale scores increased from 2006 to 2007 in grades 4–9, and 11.

• The percentage of HISD economically disadvantaged students who met the TAKS standard on the spring2007 TAKS reading and English Language Arts subtest ranged from 44% in grades 7 and 10 to 70% in grade3, while percentages for economically disadvantaged students in the state ranged from 48% to 74%.Economically disadvantaged students in HISD experienced an increase in all grades tested, except grade9 in percent passing. The highest percentage of HISD economically disadvantaged students earning thecommended status was 15% in grade 6. The average scale scores for HISD economically disadvantagedstudents increased from 2006 to 2007 at all grades tested with the exception of grade 9.

Table 11: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Reading (Grades 3–9) and English Language Arts (Grades10–11) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007 (continued)

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 9

HISD Tested N 7 10 283 225 373 359 97 73 599 471 760 668 Met % 57 60 54 48 56 51 76 79 56 51 58 53 Comm. % 0 0 2 4 3 3 10 12 3 3 3 4

Scale 2086 2106 2079 2068 2085 2082 2180 2189 2086 2077 2095 2089 State Met % 73 65 57 55 58 54 79 77 60 57 68 64

Comm. % 8 8 2 3 3 3 8 9 3 4 5 6 Scale 2165 2130 2084 2085 2094 2089 2179 2169 2101 2095 2132 2125

10 HISD Tested N 3 6 193 168 197 214 66 66 313 297 460 455 Met % * 33 38 43 43 40 67 58 42 44 44 44 Comm. % * 0 0 1 1 0 2 8 0 1 0 2

Scale * 2032 2067 2095 2079 2085 2164 2157 2080 2094 2087 2099 State Met % 67 60 44 46 47 49 64 63 47 48 55 55

Comm. % 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Scale 2139 2141 2081 2096 2090 2103 2144 2148 2092 2104 2116 2124

11 HISD Tested N 2 3 124 109 133 107 58 34 210 144 317 253 Met % * * 42 50 42 63 71 82 41 54 47 60 Comm. % * * 1 4 0 0 7 15 0 2 2 4

Scale * * 2100 2123 2099 2127 2186 2250 2096 2120 2115 2143 State Met % 74 80 55 54 54 59 72 77 55 59 64 68

Comm. % 8 8 2 2 1 2 5 6 1 2 3 4 Scale 2204 2199 2118 2116 2118 2128 2183 2195 2120 2131 2153 2161

* Less than five students tested.

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MathematicsState and HISD mathematics results on the TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of

students with disabilities meeting the TAKS passing standard, the percent earning the commended status, andaverage scale scores by subgroup are presented in Table 12.

Table 12: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Mathematics (Grades 3–11) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• The percentage of Asian students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKS mathematicssubtest for HISD ranged from 17% in grade 10 to 93% in grade 4, while percentages for Asian students whomet the TAKS standard in the state ranged from 38% in grade 10 to 91% in grade 4. HISD Asian studentsin grades 4, 8, and 9 experienced an increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007and outperformed their state counterparts in grades 4–6. The highest percentage of HISD Asian studentsearning the commended status was 73% in grade 4. The average scale scores for HISD Asian studentsincreased from 2006 to 2007 in grades 4, 5, and 9.

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 3

HISD Tested N 17 18 188 172 232 220 94 93 400 340 531 504 Met % 88 83 49 44 58 57 90 83 54 51 61 58 Comm. % 47 33 4 9 8 15 29 33 8 12 12 17 Scale 2344 2275 2068 2085 2103 2140 2290 2296 2090 2113 2132 2155

State Met % 86 84 56 56 69 66 84 81 67 64 75 72 Comm. % 32 34 8 8 12 13 25 25 11 11 19 19 Scale 2283 2276 2106 2120 2166 2165 2254 2249 2155 2152 2204 2203

4 HISD Tested N 12 15 137 163 175 255 80 72 282 380 405 505 Met % 92 93 48 58 64 72 95 92 55 67 65 71 Comm. % 67 73 7 7 11 12 39 46 9 12 17 17

Scale 2418 2424 2090 2112 2147 2171 2322 2324 2112 2150 2170 2181 State Met % 88 91 61 62 72 72 85 85 69 70 78 77

Comm. % 42 41 9 11 16 16 30 29 14 14 23 22 Scale 2313 2317 2131 2135 2184 2181 2265 2262 2171 2170 2220 2216

5 HISD Tested N 10 13 192 152 330 311 97 81 504 417 630 557 Met % 100 92 50 52 53 61 88 86 52 58 58 63 Comm. % 30 69 7 10 12 14 42 40 10 12 15 18

Scale 2328 2506 2080 2090 2110 2146 2333 2309 2098 2131 2138 2163 State Met % 84 85 54 58 65 71 82 84 64 68 72 75

Comm. % 39 48 11 12 17 20 31 31 16 17 23 24 Scale 2331 2355 2111 2123 2168 2193 2268 2276 2159 2175 2211 2226

6 HISD Tested N 9 6 204 170 312 334 77 71 492 463 602 582 Met % 89 83 25 34 32 39 62 63 30 38 34 41 Comm. % 22 17 0 2 3 6 22 15 2 5 5 6

Scale 2265 2196 1959 2021 2019 2051 2179 2189 2000 2043 2023 2060 State Met % 75 78 41 41 51 53 71 69 50 52 59 59

Comm. % 22 32 4 7 3 11 19 20 3 10 12 15 Scale 2235 2301 2047 2066 2097 2122 2204 2206 2093 2115 2142 2156

7 HISD Tested N 4 9 158 182 220 324 72 69 350 455 454 584 Met % * 67 25 21 33 33 67 64 30 29 35 33 Comm. % * 22 2 1 1 2 7 12 1 2 2 3

Scale * 2206 2022 2015 2046 2044 2151 2166 2035 2035 2056 2052 State Met % 62 70 29 33 39 43 60 63 37 43 48 51

Comm. % 14 15 1 1 2 3 6 7 2 3 4 5 Scale 2182 2200 2036 2049 2067 2083 2136 2148 2061 2081 2099 2110

8 HISD Tested N 9 8 190 187 268 271 63 69 443 417 531 535 Met % 61 63 16 33 29 27 51 59 26 29 27 34 Comm. % 11 25 0 2 1 2 5 9 1 1 2 3

Scale 2239 2183 1966 2027 2018 2017 2110 2130 2005 2016 2014 2038 State Met % 65 64 50 30 51 40 73 56 53 39 62 46

Comm. % 12 11 4 1 6 3 18 7 6 2 12 4 Scale 2163 2155 2109 2020 2120 2056 2213 2117 2123 2050 2164 2081

Note: Fifth grade mathematics results reflect the first administration. * Less than five students tested.

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Table 12: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Mathematics (Grades 3–11) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007 (continued)

• The percentage of HISD African American students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKSmathematics subtest ranged from 9% in grade 9 to 58% in grade 4, while percentages for African Americanstudents in the state ranged from 15% to 62% passing. African American students in grades 4–6, 8, and11 experienced an increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007 and outperformedtheir state counterparts at grades 8 and 11. The highest percentage of HISD African American studentsearning the commended status was 10% in grade 5. The average scale scores for HISD African Americanstudents increased from 2006 to 2007 in grades 3–6, 8, 9, and 11.

• The percentage of HISD Hispanic students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKSmathematics subtest ranged from 17% in grade 9 to 72% in grade 4, while percentages for Hispanic studentsin the state ranged from 19% to 72%. Hispanic students in HISD experienced an increase in grades 4–6and 9–11 in the percent who met the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007. The highest percentage of Hispanicstudents earning the commended status was 15% in grade 3. The average scale scores for HISD Hispanicstudents increased from 2006 to 2007 in grades 3–6 and 9–11.

• The percentage of HISD White students who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKS mathematicssubtest ranged from 48% in grade 9 to 92% in grade 4, while percentages for White students in the stateranged from 19% to 72%. White students experienced an increase in grades 6 and 8–11 from 2006 to 2007in the percent who met the TAKS standard and outperformed their state counterparts in all grades exceptgrade 6. The highest percentage of HISD White students earning the commended status was 46% in grade4. The average scale scores for HISD White students increased in eight out of the nine grades tested from2006 to 2007.

• The percentage of HISD economically disadvantaged students who met the TAKS standard on the spring2007 TAKS mathematics subtest ranged from 15% in grade 9 to 67% in grade 4, while percentages for

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 9

HISD Tested N 7 10 247 183 334 339 84 60 529 417 673 592 Met % 14 30 9 9 13 17 42 48 12 15 15 18 Comm. % 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 8 0 1 1 2

Scale 1945 2028 1898 1916 1929 1949 2059 2105 1918 1947 1934 1956 State Met % 49 45 12 15 16 19 38 40 37 20 26 28

Comm. % 10 10 0 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 3 3 Scale 2098 2095 1917 1944 1950 1970 2050 2060 1948 1973 1991 2007

10 HISD Tested N 3 6 158 159 164 200 56 55 260 280 382 421 Met % * 17 16 16 13 22 39 51 15 23 18 24 Comm. % * 0 0 1 1 1 2 13 0 1 1 2

Scale * 2002 1977 1960 1979 1990 2068 2115 1985 1986 1992 1995 State Met % 35 38 14 16 20 21 38 39 21 21 28 29

Comm. % 3 6 0 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 Scale 2066 2073 1975 1971 2003 1998 2069 2063 2002 1998 2032 2026

11 HISD Tested N 1 3 114 87 121 90 61 36 194 128 297 216 Met % * * 28 49 33 39 56 67 31 43 36 48 Comm. % * * 0 3 2 1 10 8 1 2 3 3

Scale * * 2018 2085 2052 2074 2136 2154 2037 2083 2057 2093 State Met % 59 61 30 36 35 44 58 64 36 45 46 53

Comm. % 9 6 1 1 1 2 5 6 1 2 3 4 Scale 2142 2134 2030 2054 2051 2078 2124 2142 2052 2080 2087 2108

*Less than five students tested

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WritingThe percentages of Texas and HISD students with disabilities in grades 4 and 7 who passed the minimum

expectations on the TAKS writing subtest and achieved the commended status were summarized. Averagescale scores were also included. The 2006 and 2007 results for students with disabilities by race/ethnicity andsocioeconomic status are presented by grade in Table 13.

Table 13: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Writing (Grades 4 and 7) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• For the spring 2007 TAKS writing subtest, HISD White students in grades 4 and 7 outperformed their statecounterparts. HISD Asian students in grade 4 outperformed their state counterparts.

• Asian, African American, and Hispanic students with disabilities in grade 4 experienced an increase in thepercent passing the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007 and African American and white students withdisabilities in grade 7 experienced an increase in the percent passing. Also, economically disadvantagedstudents with disabilities in grades 4 and 7 experienced an increase in percent passing the TAKS standardfrom 2006 to 2007.

• In terms of the commended status, HISD Asian students in grade 4 had the highest percent commendedcompared to the other subgroups at 36%, while White students with disabilities had the highest percentcommended compared to the other subgroups at 25% in grade 7.

• The average scale scores from 2006 to 2007 increased for Asian, African American, Hispanic, andeconomically disadvantaged students with disabilities in grade 4 and for African American students withdisabilities in grade 7.

ScienceThe percentages of Texas and HISD students with disabilities in grades 5, 8, and 10–11 who passed the

minimum expectations on the TAKS science subtest and achieved the commended status were summarized.Average scale scores were also included. The 2006 and 2007 results for all students by race/ethnicity andsocioeconomic status are presented by grade in Table 14.

economically disadvantaged students in the state ranged from 20% to 70%. Economically disadvantagedstudents in HISD experienced an increase in percent passing in grades 4–6 and 8–11. The highestpercentage of HISD economically disadvantaged students earning the commended status was 12% ingrades 3–5. The average scale scores for HISD economically disadvantaged students increased from 2006to 2007 in all grades except grade 7, were the average scale score remained the same.

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 4

HISD Tested N 13 14 141 156 174 169 76 50 285 292 405 389 Met % 92 93 62 72 72 73 97 88 65 71 74 75 Comm. % 31 36 6 9 10 5 20 24 6 6 11 10 Scale 2360 2453 2172 2210 2197 2218 2401 2355 2170 2204 2232 2241

State Met % 93 88 74 74 80 79 87 84 77 76 83 81 Comm. % 22 23 6 9 7 11 16 22 6 10 11 16 Scale 2361 2349 2211 2221 2238 2246 2318 2320 2223 2232 2277 2281

7 HISD Tested N 6 10 192 170 253 273 75 64 414 404 526 517 Met % 100 80 64 73 64 63 88 92 65 66 68 70 Comm. % 33 10 7 4 6 3 21 25 6 4 9 6

Scale 2300 2260 2157 2166 2153 2141 2305 2301 2150 2152 2178 2171 State Met % 85 87 69 73 68 75 80 82 68 73 58 78

Comm. % 20 17 6 5 8 5 16 12 7 5 7 9 Scale 2278 2271 2160 2172 2174 2182 2248 2244 2170 2179 2117 2211

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Table 14: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Science (Grades 5, 8, and 10–11) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• For the spring 2007 TAKS science subtest, Asian, African American, and White students outperformed theirstate counterparts in grade 5. In grades 8 and 10, HISD White students with disabilities outperformed theirstate counterparts, while in grade 11 African American students with disabilities outperformed their statecounterparts.

• All subgroups with data in grades 5 and 11 experienced an increase in the percent meeting the TAKSstandard from 2006 to 2007.

• Of the HISD subgroups for all grade levels tested, HISD White students in grades 8, 10, and 11 and Asianstudents in grade 5 had a higher percent earning the commended status.

• All of the HISD subgroups with data in grades 5, 10, and 11 experienced an increase in average scale scoresfrom 2006 to 2007.

Social StudiesThe percentages of Texas and HISD students with disabilities in grades 8 and 10–11 who passed the

minimum expectations on the TAKS social studies subtest and also achieved the commended status weresummarized. Average scale scores were also included. The 2006 and 2007 results for all students by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status are presented by grade in Table 15.

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 5

HISD Tested N 9 12 217 96 269 211 95 70 473 269 591 389 Met % 67 92 35 51 40 55 84 90 37 52 45 62 Comm. % 22 58 6 15 7 12 36 47 7 11 12 20 Scale 2185 2384 1944 2101 2004 2111 2262 2358 1973 2095 2026 2162

State Met % 77 78 43 50 54 59 78 81 54 59 65 69 Comm. % 32 35 7 11 11 17 23 35 10 17 17 25 Scale 2228 2261 2026 2083 2088 2141 2212 2276 2082 2134 2144 2201

8 HISD Tested N 9 6 265 189 313 238 67 54 559 381 654 487

Met % 56 33 16 19 27 27 67 70 23 22 27 29 Comm. % 11 17 0 2 0 1 10 22 1 1 1 4 Scale 2100 2023 1823 1896 1890 1918 2094 2175 1869 1902 1887 1939

State Met % 57 53 27 26 34 36 64 64 36 36 47 48 Comm. % 8 10 1 1 1 3 8 11 2 3 4 7 Scale 2043 2061 1883 1922 1922 1970 2063 2105 1927 1971 1984 2028

10 HISD Tested N 3 7 181 165 169 191 63 54 281 274 417 417 Met % * 0 14 13 20 15 54 50 18 16 23 18 Comm. % * 0 1 0 1 2 5 11 1 1 1 2

Scale * 1922 1939 1969 1966 1980 2103 2118 1957 1987 1976 1993 State Met % 39 35 15 14 20 18 47 40 22 19 33 28

Comm. % 3 6 1 0 1 1 6 5 1 1 4 3 Scale 2056 2066 1953 1970 1979 1990 2084 2073 1984 1993 2028 2028

11 HISD Tested N 3 3 136 101 133 102 63 37 226 144 335 243 Met % * * 24 44 25 36 62 65 24 40 32 44 Comm. % * * 0 2 1 1 8 11 0 1 2 3

Scale * * 2023 2076 2030 2063 2147 2178 2027 2070 2049 2087 State Met % 58 55 26 33 31 37 60 65 33 39 46 51

Comm. % 8 4 0 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 Scale 2118 2123 2034 2061 2046 2070 2129 2147 2051 2075 2089 2109

*Less than five students tested.

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Table 15: State and HISD English TAKS Results for Social Studies (Grades 8 and 10–11) by Subgroup for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• For the spring 2007 TAKS social studies subtest, HISD Asian and White students with disabilities in grade8 outperformed their state counterparts. Also, Hispanic students with disabilities in grade 10 and AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, and White students with disabilities in grade 11 outperformed their state counterparts.

• All of the subgroups in grades 8 and 11 experienced an increase in the percent passing the TAKS standardfrom 2006 to 2007 as well as African American, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students in grade10.

• HISD White students with disabilities in grade 11 had the highest percentage of students earning thecommended status. HISD African American students with disabilities in grades 10 and 11 had a higherpercent of students earning the commended status compared to their counterparts in the state. HISD Whitestudents with disabilities in grades 8, 10, and 11 had a higher percent of students earning the commendedstatus compared to their counterparts in the state.

• The average scale scores increased from 2006 to 2007 for all of the subgroups in grades 8–11 with theexception of Asian students in grade 8.

All Tests TakenThe percentages of Texas and HISD students with disabilities in grades 4 and 6–11 who passed the

minimum expectations on all tests taken of the TAKS and also achieved commended status were summarized.Results for grades 3 and 5 were not available due to the multiple administrations given at those grades. Theresults for students with disabilities by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status are presented by grade in Table16.

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 8

HISD Tested N 9 6 253 188 305 236 66 53 536 379 633 483 Met % 78 83 34 55 45 55 79 85 41 56 44 59 Comm. % 22 17 3 5 6 6 27 38 5 4 7 10 Scale 2227 2203 2063 2117 2097 2118 2252 2302 2087 2114 2101 2139

State Met % 76 81 50 59 51 63 73 80 53 63 62 71 Comm. % 19 26 4 6 6 10 18 23 6 9 12 16 Scale 2231 2250 2109 2133 2120 2153 2213 2244 2123 2152 2164 2195

10 HISD Tested N 3 7 167 156 166 197 61 54 263 275 398 414 Met % * 57 41 47 48 59 75 72 45 56 50 56 Comm. % * 0 4 6 4 7 23 30 5 7 8 10

Scale * 2124 2070 2106 2090 2125 2236 2253 2081 2128 2106 2135 State Met % 73 70 44 51 48 56 70 73 49 56 59 63

Comm. % 15 15 4 4 5 6 16 16 5 6 10 11 Scale 2192 2196 2079 2103 2096 2125 2198 2205 2097 2125 2145 2162

11 HISD Tested N 3 3 136 97 145 98 64 38 235 142 348 236 Met % * * 68 73 69 77 84 92 67 72 72 78 Comm. % * * 6 13 7 6 23 42 6 8 9 15

Scale * * 2137 2195 2158 2182 2266 2357 2142 2179 2170 2217 State Met % 86 90 26 69 31 75 60 89 33 75 46 82

Comm. % 13 15 0 8 1 8 3 23 1 9 2 16 Scale 2240 2251 2034 2167 2046 2181 2129 2271 2051 2186 2089 2227

*Less than five students tested.

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Table 16: State and HISD English TAKS Results for All Tests Taken (Grades 4 and 6–11) by Subgroup forStudents with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 3 HISD Tested N – – – – – – – – – – – –

Met % – – – – – – – – – – – – Comm. % – – – – – – – – – – – –

State Met % – – – – – – – – – – – – Comm. % – – – – – – – – – – – –

4 HISD Tested N 13 15 177 200 214 279 85 76 359 438 490 570 Met % 77 93 34 46 44 57 91 84 38 52 49 58 Comm. % 31 27 2 2 1 3 5 12 1 3 3 4

State Met % 75 76 45 48 55 58 72 72 52 55 63 64 Comm. % 10 12 2 3 2 4 6 10 2 4 4 7

5 HISD Tested N – – – – – – – – – – – – Met % – – – – – – – – – – – – Comm. % – – – – – – – – – – – –

State Met % – – – – – – – – – – – – Comm. % – – – – – – – – – – – –

6 HISD Tested N 10 6 239 190 362 389 87 80 577 529 698 666 Met % 80 83 26 36 28 36 61 64 28 36 32 40 Comm. % 10 17 1 3 2 4 18 18 2 4 4 6

State Met % 72 72 44 45 49 52 71 68 50 51 59 58 Comm. % 12 23 3 6 4 8 12 16 4 8 8 12

7 HISD Tested N 6 10 216 241 272 405 81 86 450 583 575 743 Met % 67 40 23 25 25 26 57 63 24 26 29 31 Comm. % 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 6 0 0 1 1

State Met % 50 63 26 33 32 38 51 56 32 39 40 46 Comm. % 3 4 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2

8 HISD Tested N 9 9 322 258 397 331 80 76 689 525 809 674 Met % 44 33 8 20 17 18 43 55 14 18 16 23 Comm. % 11 11 0 1 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 2

State Met % 45 48 18 26 22 31 43 49 24 31 31 39 Comm. % 3 5 1 1 0 1 2 4 1 1 1 2

9 HISD Tested N 8 11 320 255 427 411 100 76 676 524 856 754 Met % 25 27 15 17 18 19 40 47 17 19 19 21 Comm. % 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 3 0 1 1 1

State Met % 46 44 23 26 24 25 46 46 27 28 34 34 Comm. % 3 4 0 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2

10 HISD Tested N 3 8 223 211 223 258 72 70 362 357 522 548 Met % * 0 9 9 9 13 29 37 10 13 12 15 Comm. % * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1

State Met % 24 27 11 14 13 15 29 28 15 16 20 21 Comm. % 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

11 HISD Tested N 3 3 162 137 171 130 68 44 278 186 404 314 Met % * * 10 26 19 27 35 55 14 22 18 31 Comm. % * * 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 1

State Met % 43 42 20 27 23 29 44 52 25 32 33 41 Comm. % 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1

–Not Available *Less than five students tested.

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• The percentage of Asian students with disabilities who met the TAKS standard on the spring 2007 TAKSall tests taken for HISD ranged from 0% in grade 10 to 93% in grade 4, while percentages for Asian studentsin the state ranged from 27% to 76% passing. HISD Asian students outperformed their state counterpartson all tests taken at grades 4 and 6. The highest percentage of HISD Asian students earning the commendedstatus on all tests taken was 27% in grade 4.

• The percentage of HISD African American students with disabilities who met the TAKS standard in 2007ranged from 9% in grade 10 to 46% in grade 4 compared to African American students in the state whosepassing scores ranged from 14% to 48%. African American students in grades 4, 6–9, and 11 experiencedan increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007. The highest percentage of HISDAfrican American students earning the commended status on all tests taken was 3% in grade 6.

• The percentage of HISD Hispanic students with disabilities who met the TAKS standard ranged from 13%to 57% in 2007, while percentages for Hispanic students in the state ranged from 15% to 58% passing.Hispanic students in all grades experienced an increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard from2006 to 2007. The highest percentage of HISD Hispanic students earning the commended status on all teststaken was 4% in grade 6.

• The percentage of White students with disabilities in HISD who met the TAKS standard ranged from 37%to 84% in 2007, while percentages for White students in the state ranged from 28% to 72% passing. Whitestudents experienced an increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard in grades 6–11 from 2006 to2007. The highest percentage of HISD White students earning the commended status on all tests takenwas 18% in grade 6.

• The percentage of economically disadvantaged students with disabilities in HISD who met the TAKSstandard ranged from 13% to 52% in 2007, while percentages for economically disadvantaged students inthe state ranged from 16% to 55% passing. Economically disadvantaged students in all grades experiencedan increase in the percent who met the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007. The highest percentage ofeconomically disadvantaged students earning the commended status on all tests taken was 4% in grade6.

Spanish TAKS Results for HISD and the StateThe 2007 TAKS exam results for students with disabilities who took the Spanish version statewide were

compared to HISD districtwide results for grades 3–6. The information regarding the state and HISD comparisonsfor reading, mathematics, writing, science, and all tests taken is presented in Tables 17–21.

ReadingState and HISD reading results for students with disabilities on the Spanish TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were

examined. The percent of students meeting the TAKS passing standard, percent earning the commendedstatus, and average scale scores are presented in Table 17.

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Table 18: State and HISD Spanish TAKS Results for Mathematics (Grades 3–6) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

Table 17: State and HISD Spanish TAKS Results for Reading (Grades 3–6) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• The percent of HISD students with disabilities in grade 3 increase by eleven percentage points in the percentmeeting the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007 on the Spanish reading subtest and students in grade 4increased by six percentage points. HISD students outperformed their state counterparts in grade 3.

• HISD students with disabilities experienced an increase in the percent of students earning the commendedstatus in grades 3 and 4.

• The average scale scores increased for students in HISD and the state in grades 3 and 4.

MathematicsState and HISD mathematics results for students with disabilities on the Spanish TAKS for 2006 and 2007

were examined. The percent of students meeting the TAKS passing standard, percent earning the commendedstatus, and average scale scores are presented in Table 18.

• State and HISD students with disabilities in grades 3 and 4 experienced an increase in the percent meetingthe TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007 on the Spanish mathematics subtest.

• HISD outperformed the state in grades 3 and 4 on the percentage of students passing the TAKS standard.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 117 129 56 67 3 13 2101 2162 3 Texas 760 776 53 62 6 9 2104 2138 HISD 67 67 48 54 4 6 2054 2109 4 Texas 350 428 57 62 7 10 2100 2129 HISD 5 2 40 * 0 * 2021 * 5 Texas 136 143 51 59 10 14 2083 2141 HISD 0 0 6 Texas 7 7 43 71 0 14 2097 2216

Note: Third and fifth grade reading results reflect the first administration. *Less than five students tested.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 135 138 53 67 10 23 2116 2191 3 Texas 829 777 52 59 8 11 2109 2137 HISD 73 82 63 65 16 20 2169 2172 4 Texas 331 406 55 56 14 16 2129 2126 HISD 2 1 * * * * * * 5 Texas 103 98 44 43 9 5 2061 2042 HISD 0 0 6 Texas 6 4 50 * 0 * 2016 *

Note: Fifth grade mathematics results reflect the first administration. *Less than five students tested.

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• HISD students with disabilities had a higher percent of students earning the commended status than theircounterparts in the state in grades 3 and 4.

• The average scale scores for HISD increased from 2006 to 2007 in grade 3 and 4.

WritingState and HISD writing results for students with disabilities on the Spanish TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were

examined. The percent of students meeting the TAKS passing standard, percent earning the commendedstatus, and average scale scores are presented in Table 19.

Table 19: State and HISD Spanish TAKS Results for Writing (Grade 4) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• State and HISD students with disabilities in grade 4 experienced a decrease in the percent meeting the TAKSstandard from 2006 to 2007 on the Spanish writing subtest. The percent of HISD students who earned thecommended status was higher than the state. The average scale score for HISD increased from 2006 to2007.

ScienceState and HISD science results for students with disabilities on the Spanish TAKS for 2006 and 2007 were

examined. The percent of students meeting the TAKS passing standard, percent earning the commendedstatus, and average scale scores are presented in Table 20.

Table 20: State and HISD Spanish TAKS Results for Science (Grade 5) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• There were less than five HISD students tested on the Spanish TAKS in science; therefore, results cannot be shown.

All Tests TakenState and HISD all tests taken results for students with disabilities on the Spanish TAKS for 2006 and 2007

were examined. Results for grades 3 and 5 were not available. The percent of students meeting the TAKSpassing standard and the percent earning the commended status are presented in Table 21.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 69 72 77 74 10 13 2248 2289 4 Texas 370 456 78 75 13 11 2278 2277

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Average Scale Scores

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 5 2 0 * 0 * 1830 * 5 Texas 90 68 26 21 1 7 1946 1963

*Less than five students tested.

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Table 21: State and HISD Spanish TAKS Results for All Tests Taken (Grades 4 and 6) for Students with Disabilities: Spring 2006 and 2007

• HISD students with disabilities in grade 4 experienced a decrease of one percentage point in the percentmeeting the TAKS standard from 2006 to 2007 on all tests taken in Spanish. HISD students with disabilitieshad a slightly higher percent of students earning the commended status than their counterparts in the statefor grade 4.

Number Tested

Percent Met Standard

Percent Commended

Grade Level


State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD – – – – – – 3 Texas – – – – – – HISD 92 95 46 45 3 4 4 Texas 454 562 46 48 4 3 HISD – – – – – – 5 Texas – – – – – – HISD 0 0 6 Texas 9 7 44 71 0 14

–Not Available

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Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II (SDAA II)

The 75th Texas Legislature enacted a law that required the development and administration of the State-

Developed Alternative Assessment (SDAA). In 1999, the 77th Texas Legislature amended Section 39.023 of

the Texas Education Code to include students enrolled in grades 9 and 10. Therefore, the Texas Education

Agency (TEA) developed the SDAA II to evaluate the academic progress of students who receive special

education services. This test is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum and is

aligned to the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS).

The Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee has three assessment options for special

education students. The options include the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), a Locally-

Developed Alternate Assessment (LDAA), or the SDAA II. The ARD determines which assessment is

appropriate for each student and subject area. For instance, the ARD may decide that the student is eligible to

take the TAKS for reading and writing, but should take the SDAA II for mathematics.

The criteria used by the ARD committee to determine if the SDAA II should be used are: students who

receive special education support and services, are enrolled in grades 3–10, and are receiving instruction in

TEKS. Specifically, students who are enrolled in grades 3–10 and receive instruction in TEKS on grade level

with allowable accommodations, or receive TEKS instruction below grade level are eligible to take the SDAA

II. The SDAA II is not available in Spanish. Therefore, the Released Spanish TAKS may be used as a Locally-

Developed Alternative Assessment (LDAA) for students who need to test in Spanish.

Students enrolled in grades 3–10 who take the SDAA II are assessed in reading and mathematics at their

appropriate instructional level. The instructional level refers to the level at which the student is receiving

instruction in the TEKS curriculum, which may differ from the student’s enrolled grade. Each instructional level

consists of three achievement levels.

The achievement levels correspond to the SDAA II scale score, which provides a numeric value that canbe used to evaluate a student’s annual growth and can determine how high or low a student performs within anachievement level. However, the SDAA II does not have a predetermined passing standard like the TAKS.Rather, the ARD committee sets the expected achievement level for each student. TEA provides the followingdescription of the three achievement levels:• Achievement Level I: A student scoring at this achievement level demonstrates minimal knowledge and

skills related to the TEKS student expectations at the appropriate instructional level for reading and/or

mathematics. Performance at this level indicates that the student is considered to be beginning and has

an understanding of few of the required concepts in the reading and/or mathematics TEKS.

• Achievement Level II: A student scoring at this achievement level demonstrates adequate knowledge and

skills related to the TEKS student expectations at the appropriate instructional level for reading and/or

mathematics. Performance at this level indicates that the student is considered to be developing and has

an understanding of some of the required concepts in the reading and/or mathematics TEKS.

• Achievement Level III: A student scoring at this achievement level demonstrates strong knowledge andskills related to the TEKS student expectations at the appropriate instructional level for reading and/ormathematics. Performance at this level indicates that the student is considered to be proficient and has anunderstanding of most or all of the required concepts in the reading and/or mathematics TEKS.

Also, students enrolled in grades 4, 7, and 10 are assessed in writing at their appropriate instructional level.

The writing component of the SDAA for instructional levels 3–10 consists of two parts. The first part of the writing

test is a set of multiple-choice questions and the second part is the written composition. The composition is

scored on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being the lowest score and 4 being the highest score. If a student’s composition

can not be scored, it receives a 0.

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Table 22: SDAA II Examination Schedule for the Spring of 2007

Analysis of SDAA II Examination ResultsResults for students enrolled in grades 3–10 from the SDAA II for reading/English Language Arts and

mathematics, and writing grades 4, 7, and 10 were examined in this report. This inquiry was completed for allstudents who were administered these tests in the spring of 2007. Districtwide results were compared tostatewide performance for all students on the SDAA II for two years. Information at the district level was alsocategorized by race/ethnicity for Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites. The economi-cally disadvantaged category is also reported. Results for all students with disabilities are presented byinstructional level, while results for the subgroups are presented by enrolled grade.


SDAA II Results for HISD and the StateThe state SDAA II exam results were compared to HISD districtwide results for students enrolled in grades

3–10. The information regarding the state and HISD comparisons for reading, mathematics, and writing ispresented in Tables 23–32.

Reading/English Language ArtsState and HISD reading/English Language Arts results by instructional level on the SDAA II for 2006 and

2007 were examined. The percent of students who met ARD expectations and the percent of students at eachachievement level are presented in Tables 23 and 24.

• Overwhelmingly, students in the state and HISD met their ARD expectations at all instructional levels onthe reading subtest in 2007. The percent of HISD students who met their ARD expectation increased forinstructional levels 3–10 from 2006 to 2007.

• The percent of HISD students who met their ARD expectation ranged from 87% at instructional level 2 to97% at instructional levels 8 and 9, while the percent of students in the state who met their ARD expectationranged from 85% at instructional level 2 to 97% at instructional level K in 2007.

• The majority of HISD students at instructional levels K–2 scored at an achievement level III, while themajority of HISD students at instructional levels 3–9 scored at an achievement level II in 2007. The majorityof students at instructional level 10 scored at an achievement level I.

• HISD had a higher percent of students who scored at an achievement level III than the state for instructionallevels 2–4 in 2007.

Administration of the SDAA II Examination to HISD StudentsThe SDAA II Examination schedule (Table 22) lists the various subtests administered districtwide during

the spring of 2006.

Subject/Subtest Enrolled Grade and Level Date Administered

Writing 4, 7, 10 February 20, 2007 English Language Arts 10 February 22, 2007 Reading 9, 10 February 21, 2007 Mathematics 3–10 April 17, 2007 Reading 3–10 April 18, 2007

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Table 23: State and HISD SDAA II Met ARD Expectations Results for Reading/ELA: Spring 2006 and 2007

Table 24: State and HISD SDAA II Achievement Level Results for Reading/ELA: Spring 2006 and 2007

Number Tested

Percent Met ARD Expectation




State 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 207 380 96 96 K Texas 4,149 3,895 94 97 HISD 833 549 96 94 1 Texas 12,502 8,506 96 95 HISD 1,795 983 87 87 2 Texas 25,940 16,947 84 85 HISD 2,255 1,460 85 89 3 Texas 35,718 28,196 86 90 HISD 1,740 1,384 81 90 4 Texas 33,762 29,530 85 91 HISD 1,235 1,137 80 92 5 Texas 32,180 28,604 85 89 HISD 654 1,065 86 95 6 Texas 25,811 26,402 89 95 HISD 275 812 85 94 7 Texas 18,427 21,597 86 94 HISD 141 703 91 97 8 Texas 12,819 17,499 94 93 HISD 13 197 77 97 9 Texas 6,850 11,324 89 95 HISD 5 218 20 94 10 Texas 4,672 8,461 74 87

Note: Calculations for the percent met ARD expectations based on students with known enrolled grades *Less than five students tested.

Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level Number Tested Level I Level II Level III

Instr. Level

District/ State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007

HISD 207 380 0 3 23 34 77 63 K Texas 4,149 3,895 2 1 26 34 72 64 HISD 833 549 1 4 18 31 81 66 1 Texas 12,502 8,506 2 4 20 30 77 66 HISD 1,795 983 16 25 30 28 54 47 2 Texas 25,940 16,947 19 27 34 32 47 41 HISD 2,255 1,460 14 21 45 52 42 27 3 Texas 35,718 28,196 16 21 49 56 34 23 HISD 1,740 1,384 19 25 49 48 32 27 4 Texas 33,762 29,530 19 24 53 51 28 25 HISD 1,235 1,137 18 30 55 55 27 15 5 Texas 32,180 28,604 18 30 59 56 23 15 HISD 654 1,065 17 22 47 56 35 22 6 Texas 25,811 26,402 16 17 55 55 29 27 HISD 275 812 21 30 49 59 30 11 7 Texas 18,427 21,597 25 22 53 62 21 16 HISD 141 703 9 36 50 61 41 4 8 Texas 12,819 17,499 11 28 55 67 34 5 HISD 13 197 8 18 62 63 31 20 9 Texas 6,850 11,324 17 15 56 56 27 29 HISD 5 218 100 78 0 22 0 1 10 Texas 4,672 8,461 77 75 22 24 1 1

*Less than five students tested.

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MathematicsState and HISD mathematics results by instructional level on the SDAA II for 2006 and 2007 were examined.

The percent of students who met ARD expectations and the percent of students at each achievement level arepresented in Tables 25 and 26.

• Overwhelmingly, students in the state and HISD met their ARD expectation at all instructional levels on themathematics subtest in 2007. The percent of HISD students who met their ARD expectation increased forinstructional levels K and 3–9 from 2006 to 2007.

• The percent of HISD students who met their ARD expectation ranged from 85% at instructional level 6 to97% at instructional level 10, while the percent of students in the state who met their ARD expectation rangedfrom 80% at instructional level 6 to 97% at instructional level 10 in 2007.

• The majority of HISD students at instructional levels K–2 scored at an achievement level III, while themajority of HISD students at instructional levels 3–5, 8, and 10 scored at an achievement level II in 2007.The percent of students scoring at achievement level III decreased at instructional levels K–8 from 2006to 2007.

• HISD had a higher percent of students who scored at an achievement level III than the state for instructionallevels K–2 in 2007.

Table 25: State and HISD SDAA II Met ARD Expectations Results for Mathematics: Spring 2006 and 2007Number Tested

Percent Met ARD Expectation




State 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 143 367 89 96 K Texas 3,072 3,207 91 93 HISD 548 421 96 95 1 Texas 7,918 5,570 96 96 HISD 1,284 737 95 91 2 Texas 18,594 12,147 95 94 HISD 2,075 1,257 79 87 3 Texas 32,412 24,960 87 92 HISD 1,833 1,316 80 86 4 Texas 35,975 29,079 87 90 HISD 1,345 1,136 77 91 5 Texas 34,637 30,074 87 91 HISD 846 1,085 77 85 6 Texas 30,943 29,288 78 80 HISD 275 854 80 91 7 Texas 20,643 24,559 82 90 HISD 150 697 80 93 8 Texas 13,924 19,687 90 94 HISD 23 288 70 94 9 Texas 7,458 12,886 76 87 HISD 3 194 * 97 10 Texas 4,812 8,821 95 97

Note: Calculations for the percent met ARD expectations based on students with known enrolled grades

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Table 26: State and HISD SDAA II Achievement Level Results for Mathematics: Spring 2006 and 2007

Table 27: State and HISD SDAA II Met ARD Expectations Results for Writing: Spring 2006 and 2007

• Overwhelmingly, students in the state and HISD met their ARD expectation at all instructional levels on thewriting subtest in 2007. HISD students at instructional levels 3/4 and 6/7 experienced an increase in thepercent who met ARD expectations from 2006 to 2007.

• The majority of HISD students at all of the instructional levels scored at an achievement level I, with theexception of instructional level K/1, which scored at an achievement level II.

WritingState and HISD writing results by instructional level on the SDAA II for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The

percent of students who met ARD expectations and the percent of students at each achievement level arepresented in Tables 27 and 28.

Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level Number Tested Level I Level II Level III

Instr. Level

District/ State 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007

HISD 143 367 1 16 30 33 69 51 K Texas 3,072 3,207 4 17 38 35 57 48 HISD 548 421 2 4 19 22 79 74 1 Texas 7,918 5,570 3 4 22 24 76 72 HISD 1,284 737 2 6 21 36 77 58 2 Texas 18,594 12,147 3 6 25 37 72 56 HISD 2,075 1,257 6 14 66 65 28 21 3 Texas 32,412 24,960 6 10 64 67 30 23 HISD 1,833 1,316 13 24 64 64 23 13 4 Texas 35,975 29,079 10 18 62 68 27 15 HISD 1,345 1,136 15 22 69 66 16 11 5 Texas 34,637 30,074 11 17 67 70 22 13 HISD 846 1,085 40 62 51 35 9 3 6 Texas 30,943 29,288 34 50 54 43 12 7 HISD 275 854 39 55 56 42 5 3 7 Texas 20,643 24,559 34 36 60 57 6 7 HISD 150 697 29 44 64 51 7 5 8 Texas 13,924 19,687 23 28 63 59 14 12 HISD 23 1,288 70 81 30 15 0 3 9 Texas 7,458 12,886 66 65 32 31 1 4 HISD 3 194 * 37 * 63 * 1 10 Texas 4,812 8,821 19 22 77 75 4 3

Number Tested

Percent Met ARD Expectation




State 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 501 449 90 90 K/1 Texas 8,673 7,083 88 90 HISD 794 480 66 66 2 Texas 13,731 10,000 57 65 HISD 1,126 938 70 80 3/4 Texas 25,492 22,302 65 80 HISD 385 185 74 73 5 Texas 9,645 7,121 62 72 HISD 284 753 72 79 6/7 Texas 13,327 17,228 75 86 HISD 26 33 62 55 8/9 Texas 1,810 1,679 66 72

Note: Calculations for the percent met ARD expectations based on students with known enrolled grades

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SDAA II Results by SubgroupHISD results on the SDAA II by subgroup for students enrolled in grades 3–10 were examined. The percent

of HISD students who met their ARD expectation for the following subgroups: African American, Asian, Hispanic,White, and economically disadvantaged are provided for reading, mathematics, and writing in Tables 29–32.

ReadingHISD reading results on the SDAA II for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of students meeting

the ARD expectation by subgroup by enrolled grade is presented in Table 29.

Table 28: State and HISD SDAA II Achievement Level Results for Writing: Spring 2006 and 2007

Table 29: State and HISD SDAA II Results by Subgroups in Reading: Spring 2006 and 2007

Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level Number Tested Level I Level II Level III

Instr. Level

District/ State

2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 HISD 501 449 14 27 46 41 39 32 K/1 Texas 8,673 7,083 14 22 53 47 33 31 HISD 794 480 70 70 29 27 1 4 2 Texas 13,731 10,000 68 71 31 27 2 2 HISD 1,126 938 62 63 37 36 1 1 3/4 Texas 25,492 22,302 65 62 34 37 1 2 HISD 385 185 64 66 34 34 2 1 5 Texas 9,645 7,121 64 65 35 34 1 1 HISD 284 753 50 60 50 39 1 1 6/7 Texas 13,327 17,228 49 58 49 40 2 2 HISD 26 33 46 85 54 15 0 0 8/9 Texas 1,810 1,679 47 68 49 31 3 2

Enrolled Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 3 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 HISD Tested N 8 12 455 441 479 412 66 49 909 788 1,015 932

Met ARD % 100 100 95 98 95 96 97 98 95 97 95 97 State Met ARD % 95 97 95 97 95 96 96 97 95 96 96 96

4 HISD Tested N 8 9 630 545 665 586 74 62 1,268 1,060 1,382 1,211

Met ARD % 100 100 93 94 94 94 95 98 94 94 94 94 State Met ARD % 93 94 90 94 91 93 93 95 91 94 91 94

5 HISD Tested N 11 12 689 621 772 767 90 76 1,438 1,301 1,572 1,484

Met ARD % 91 92 87 92 91 92 94 86 90 92 89 92 State Met ARD % 91 94 89 92 91 92 93 94 90 92 91 93 6 HISD Tested N 14 17 685 606 743 700 76 59 1,389 1,232 1,523 1,385

Met ARD % 100 82 83 92 87 93 88 92 85 92 85 92 State Met ARD % 92 92 87 92 87 92 90 93 87 92 88 92 7 HISD Tested N 10 8 652 623 591 622 48 57 1,171 1,128 1,307 1,314

Met ARD % 80 75 79 91 83 92 90 91 81 91 81 91 State Met ARD % 87 90 83 90 82 91 88 92 83 91 84 91

8 HISD Tested N 9 9 563 552 472 520 43 42 989 961 1,095 1,134

Met ARD % 67 89 79 92 74 93 84 90 77 92 77 92 State Met ARD % 87 93 85 92 84 91 89 93 85 91 86 92 9 HISD Tested N 5 9 426 426 294 364 33 40 626 664 773 852

Met ARD % 100 78 74 89 73 84 76 88 74 86 74 87 State Met ARD % 86 90 80 88 77 87 84 89 78 87 80 88

10 HISD Tested N 3 3 300 191 147 136 22 25 385 288 481 358

Met ARD % * * 80 82 76 83 86 80 78 81 79 82 State Met ARD % 87 85 80 85 77 83 83 87 79 84 80 85

* Less than five students tested.

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• An examination of the data reveals that an overwhelming majority of all of the state and HISD subgroupsmet their ARD expectation in 2007 for each of the enrolled grades.

• The percent of Asian students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 75% in grade 7 to 100%in grades 3 and 4, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 85% to 97%. Asian HISDstudents outperformed their counterparts in the state at grades 3 and 4 in 2007.

• The percent of African American students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 82% in grade10 to 98% in grade 3, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 85% to 97%. AfricanAmerican students outperformed their counterparts in the state in grades 3, 7, and 9 in 2007.

• The percent of Hispanic students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 83% in grade 10 to96% in grade 3, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 83% to 96% in 2007. Hispanicstudents outperformed their counterparts in the state in grades 4 and 6–8.

• The percent of White students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 80% in grade 10 to 98%in grade 3, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 87% to 97% in 2007. White studentsoutperformed their counterparts in the state at grades 3 and 4.

• The percent of economically disadvantaged students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from81% in grade 10 to 97% in grade 3, while students with disabilities in the state had a range from 84% to 96%.Economically disadvantaged students outperformed their counterparts in the state in grades 3 and 8.

English Language ArtsHISD English Language Arts results on the SDAA II for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of grade

10 students with disabilities meeting the ARD expectation by subgroup is presented in Table 30.

Table 30: State and HISD SDAA II Results by Subgroups in English Language Arts: Spring 2006 and 2007

MathematicsHISD mathematics results on the SDAA II for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of students

meeting the ARD expectation by subgroup by enrolled grade is presented in Table 31.

• An examination of the data reveals that an overwhelming majority of all of the state and HISD subgroupsmet their ARD expectation in 2007 for each of the enrolled grades.

• The percent of Asian students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 78% in grade 9 to 100%in grades 3 and 4, while students in the state had a range from 85% to 99%. Asian HISD studentsoutperformed their counterparts in the state at grades 3 and 4 in 2007.

• An examination of the data reveals that an overwhelming majority of all of the state and HISD subgroupsmet their ARD expectation in 2007 for English Language Arts. All of the HISD subgroups outperformed theircounterparts in the state.

Enrolled Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 10 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 HISD Tested N 0 0 3 123 2 81 0 10 5 131 5 218

Met ARD % * 94 * 95 90 20 94 20 94 State Met ARD % 82 93 79 89 69 85 76 87 73 86 74 87 *Less than five students tested.

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WritingHISD writing results on the SDAA II for 2006 and 2007 were examined. The percent of students meeting

the ARD expectation by subgroup by enrolled grade is presented in Table 32.

• An examination of the data reveals that a majority of all of the state and HISD subgroups met their ARDexpectation on the writing subtest in 2007 for each of the enrolled grades with the exception of White studentsin grade 10.

Table 31: State and HISD SDAA II Results by Subgroups in Mathematics: Spring 2006 and 2007

• The percent of African American students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 77% in grade9 to 98% in grade 3, while students in the state had a range from 80% to 98%. African American studentsoutperformed their counterparts in the state in grade 7 in 2007.

• The percent of Hispanic students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 82% in grade 9 to96% in grade 3, while students in the state had a range from 79% to 98%. Hispanic students outperformedtheir counterparts in the state in grades 7, 8, and 9 in 2007.

• The percent of White students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from 76% in grade 9 to 97%in grade 3, while students in the state had a range from 84% to 98%. White students in the state outperformedHISD white students in all grades in 2007.

• The percent of economically disadvantaged students in HISD who met their ARD expectation ranged from80% in grade 9 to 98% in grade 3, while students in the state had a range from 81% to 98%.

Enrolled Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 3 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 HISD Tested N 8 11 411 396 373 339 49 36 764 680 852 794

Met ARD % 100 100 97 98 99 96 100 97 98 98 98 97 State Met ARD % 97 99 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

4 HISD Tested N 8 9 555 509 561 483 57 56 1,090 934 1,186 1,065

Met ARD % 100 100 94 95 95 93 89 95 94 94 94 94 State Met ARD % 95 94 95 96 95 96 96 97 95 96 95 96

5 HISD Tested N 10 11 634 580 673 654 75 60 1,285 1,144 1,400 1,313

Met ARD % 90 91 86 93 93 93 95 90 90 94 90 93 State Met ARD % 95 94 92 94 94 95 96 96 94 95 94 95

6 HISD Tested N 12 14 643 563 663 624 70 56 1,272 1,115 1,390 1,263

Met ARD % 83 93 84 88 81 89 74 80 83 89 82 88 State Met ARD % 89 93 87 88 86 89 91 89 87 89 88 89

7 HISD Tested N 8 9 630 593 543 571 48 61 1,100 1,062 1,233 1,240

Met ARD % 63 89 75 88 74 91 85 85 75 90 75 89 State Met ARD % 85 92 82 87 81 88 87 90 83 88 83 88

8 HISD Tested N 8 8 538 562 472 491 47 42 960 939 1,077 1,116

Met ARD % 88 88 70 88 71 90 77 86 71 89 71 89 State Met ARD % 86 91 81 88 81 89 87 91 82 89 83 89

9 HISD Tested N 7 9 410 456 360 383 40 46 667 705 820 909

Met ARD % 71 78 68 77 75 82 68 76 71 80 71 79 Met ARD % 81 86 73 80 71 79 77 84 72 81 74 81

10 HISD Tested N 3 3 343 345 185 246 29 51 450 459 567 652

Met ARD % * * 72 83 74 85 83 78 72 82 73 84 State Met ARD % 75 85 77 85 77 85 82 88 78 85 78 86

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• The percent of Asian students in HISD who met their ARD expectation increased from 71% to 100% in grade4 and from 56% to 71% in grade 7 from 2006 to 2007. HISD Asian students outperformed their counterpartsin the state in grade 4.

• The percent of African American students in HISD who met their ARD expectation increased from 78% to81% in grade 4 and from 74% to 79% in grade 7 from 2006 to 2007. African American students in grade10 experienced a decrease from 2006 to 2007 in the percent who met their ARD expectation. HISD AfricanAmerican students performed the same as their counterparts in the state in grade 4.

• The percent of Hispanic students in HISD who met their ARD expectation increased from 76% to 83% ingrade 4 and from 73% to 82% in grade 7 from 2006 to 2007 . Hispanic students outperformed theircounterparts in the state in grades 4 and 7. Hispanic students in grade 10 experienced a decrease from64% to 59% in grade 10.

• The percent of White students in HISD who met their ARD expectation increased from 63% to 80% in grade4 and from 74% to 88% in grade 7 from 2006 to 2007. White students outperformed their counterparts inthe state at grade 7. White students in grade 10 experienced a decrease from 64% to 47% in grade 10.

• The percent of economically disadvantaged students in HISD who met their ARD expectation increasedfrom 77% to 82% in grade 4 and 75% to 80% in grade 7 from 2006 to 2007. Economically disadvantagedstudents experienced a decrease from 63% to 59% in grade 10.

Table 32: State and HISD SDAA II Results by Subgroups in Writing: Spring 2006 and 2007Enrolled Grade Asian Af. Am. Hispanic White Eco. Dis. All 4 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 HISD Tested N 7 7 563 507 617 563 82 74 1,154 1,004 1,277 1,153

Met ARD % 71 100 78 81 76 83 63 80 77 82 76 82 State Met ARD % 73 84 73 81 72 81 75 83 73 82 73 82

7 HISD Tested N 9 7 619 614 582 619 54 65 1,131 1,111 1,266 1,308

Met ARD % 56 71 74 79 73 82 74 88 75 80 73 81 State Met ARD % 76 83 69 80 65 80 73 82 67 81 68 81 10 HISD Tested N 4 4 331 189 202 162 33 19 463 294 573 377

Met ARD % * * 63 62 64 59 64 47 63 59 64 60 State Met ARD % 62 66 58 69 53 69 61 70 55 68 57 68

Reading Math 2006 2007 2006 2007

N % N % N % N % On Grade Level 465 5 3,666 42 542 6 3,524 42 Off Grade Level 8,683 95 5,004 58 7,983 94 4,828 58

Total 9,148 100 8,670 100 8,525 100 8,352 100

Table 33: Number and Percent of HISD Students Taking SDAA II On Grade Level : Spring 2006 and 2007

SDAA II On Grade Level ParticipationThe number and percent of HISD students taking the SDAA II on grade level for reading and mathematics

in 2007 compared to 2006 is presented in Table 33.

• The percent of students with disabilities who took the SDAA II on grade level increased from 5% in 2006to 42% in 2007 for the reading subtest.

• For the math subtest, the percent of students with disabilities who took the SDAA II on grade level increasedfrom 6% in 2006 to 42% in 2007.

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Page 34: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Houston Independent School District

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 78 2155 5823 1722284 72 2181 71 2241 75 5820 17 10 421805 64 2163 63 2162 6216 18 2021606 67 2060 41 4020 6 621767 50 2052 33 2171 70 317 3 6 120938 65 2038 34 1939 29 2139 59 2311 3 4 10 221399 53 1956 18 214 2 12089

10 44 1995 24 1993 18 2135 56 152 2 2 10 1209911 60 2093 48 2087 44 2217 78 314 3 3 15 12143

Total 61 --- 43 --- 72 --- 37 --- 62 3111 8 8 7 11 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2162 67 2191 6713 23 67 134 2109 54 2172 65 2289 746 20 13 45 45 * * * * * ** * * * *6

Total --- 63 --- 66 --- 74 --- *11 22 13 * 58 10

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 75 2132 6128 1222184 68 2170 65 2232 74 1813 17 11 121675 56 2139 58 2026 458 1020946 58 2023 34 3213 5 421157 48 2056 35 2178 68 296 2 9 120798 53 2014 27 1886 27 2101 44 1610 2 1 7 021089 58 1934 15 193 1 12095

10 44 1992 18 1976 22 2106 50 120 1 1 8 0208711 47 2057 36 2049 32 2170 71 182 3 2 10 02115

Total 56 --- 39 --- 71 --- 32 --- 53 219 6 10 1 8 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2101 56 2116 533 104 2054 48 2169 63 2248 774 16 10 46 35 2021 40 * * 1830 00 * 06

Total --- 53 --- 56 --- 77 --- 04 12 10 0 46 3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________31

Page 35: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Houston Independent School District

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 208 96 0 23 77 384 96 3 34 63 K 143 89 1 30 69 368 96 16 33 511 840 96 1 18 81 552 94 4 31 66 1 550 96 2 19 79 425 96 4 22 742 1,803 87 16 30 54 995 87 25 28 47 2 1,291 95 2 21 77 747 91 6 36 583 2,265 85 14 45 42 1,491 89 21 52 27 3 2,087 80 6 66 28 1,281 87 14 65 214 1,742 81 19 49 32 1,399 90 25 48 27 4 1,836 80 13 64 23 1,336 86 24 64 135 1,241 80 18 55 27 1,148 92 30 55 15 5 1,351 77 15 69 16 1,144 91 22 66 116 658 86 17 47 35 1,076 95 22 56 22 6 850 77 40 51 9 1,097 85 62 35 37 276 86 21 49 30 818 94 30 59 11 7 277 80 39 56 5 862 91 55 42 38 143 90 9 50 41 709 97 36 61 4 8 151 79 29 64 7 702 93 44 51 59 13 77 8 62 31 198 97 18 63 20 9 23 70 70 30 0 289 94 81 15 310 5 20 100 0 0 218 94 78 22 1 10 3 * * * * 194 97 37 63 1

Total 9,194 85 15 42 44 8,988 92 25 48 27 Total 8,562 83 13 54 33 8,445 90 31 50 19

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 504 90 14 46 39 450 90 27 41 322 795 66 70 29 1 483 67 70 27 4

3/4 1,130 70 62 37 1 951 80 63 36 15 386 74 64 34 2 190 73 66 34 1

6/7 284 72 50 50 1 764 79 60 39 18/9 26 62 46 54 0 33 55 85 15 0

Total 3,125 73 55 38 7 2,871 78 58 36 6

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 951,015 97932 98852 977944 941,382 941,211 941,186 941,065 761,277 821,1535 891,572 921,484 901,400 931,3136 851,523 921,385 821,390 881,2637 811,307 911,314 751,233 891,240 731,266 811,3088 771,095 921,134 711,077 891,1169 74773 87852 71820 79909

10 79486 87576 73567 84652 64573 60377Total 859,153 928,888 838,525 908,352 733,116 782,838

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________32

Page 36: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 37: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Alternative/Charter School Office

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6 70 2101 63 6010 13 1021707 * 2031 33 * 75 33* 0 0 0*8 38 1992 21 1906 15 2101 43 70 0 0 7 020849 69 1871 0 60 0 02115

10 22 2013 11 1988 0 2070 38 100 0 0 0 0207011 67 * * * * * * 250 * * * 02073

Total 53 --- 25 --- 80 --- 21 --- 48 215 2 3 4 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6 * * * ** * **7 * * * 2037 60 0* * 0 0*8 60 2066 60 1879 25 2111 55 3620 0 0 0 021879 65 1927 18 210 0 02095

10 50 1910 0 1917 17 2011 38 130 0 0 0 0210011 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 56 --- 22 --- 71 --- 24 --- 45 222 2 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________33

Page 38: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Alternative/Charter School Office

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 83 33 0 67 3 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 15 80 40 40 20 8 50 50 38 13 3 11 82 18 64 18 4 * * * *4 21 62 33 29 38 19 58 32 53 16 4 24 54 38 46 17 21 43 43 57 05 21 48 48 52 0 14 79 36 57 7 5 28 68 36 54 11 18 50 33 56 116 11 64 36 36 27 16 69 19 63 19 6 12 42 50 33 17 13 15 92 8 07 8 50 63 13 25 8 63 38 50 13 7 6 33 67 33 0 12 58 58 42 08 1 * * * * 15 40 33 67 0 8 1 * * * * 13 46 54 38 89 0 7 100 43 43 14 9 0 6 67 67 33 010 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 10 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 86 60 43 33 24 92 64 35 54 11 Total 86 60 37 48 15 90 48 50 44 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 19 53 68 32 0 9 33 78 22 05 6 67 83 17 0 3 * * * *

6/7 6 50 100 0 0 11 64 73 27 08/9 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 35 60 74 26 0 25 48 76 24 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 *1 *2 *1 *1 *2 *15 *2 *2 *2 *26 8010 4511 836 33127 8217 5812 7218 449 6715 69138 5024 6422 6727 52239 6015 7919 4015 5618

10 2512 6721 3813 5024 5618 2711Total 5982 6589 6084 4889 6035 4825

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________34

Page 39: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Energized for Excellence Academy-Elementary School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________35

Page 40: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Energized for Excellence Academy-Elementary School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Dianne Johnson

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________36

Page 41: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kandy Stripe Academy Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * ** * **67 * * * * *8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * ** * **6 * * ** *78

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________37

Page 42: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kandy Stripe Academy Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

4 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 06 0 1 * * * * 6 0 1 * * * *

Total 3 * * * * 3 * * * * Total 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

5 0 1 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 *17 *1 *1 *1 *1 *18 *1 *1 *1 *1

Total *3 *3 *2 *1 *1 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________38

Page 43: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Young Scholars Academy for Excellence Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45

Total * --- ** *---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________39

Page 44: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Young Scholars Academy for Excellence Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 1 * * * * 0 3 1 * * * * 1 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 0 0

Total 3 * * * * 1 * * * * Total 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 *1 *1 *1 *1Total *1 *1 *1 *1 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________40

Page 45: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Accelerated Learning & Transition Academy Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 75 1884 0 100 0 0214210 * 1979 0 1979 0 * * 0* 0 0 * 0*11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 53 --- 0 --- 14 --- 40 50 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 67 1938 17 140 0 0211010 57 1929 0 1930 20 2007 43 90 0 0 0 0209311

Total 62 --- 7 --- 20 --- 43 110 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________41

Page 46: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Accelerated Learning & Transition Academy Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________42

Page 47: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Howard Carter Career Center Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

7 8 9 * * * ** * **

10 * ** **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 80 --- 0 --- * --- * 290 0 * * 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

89 * * * ** * **


Total * --- * ** * *---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________43

Page 48: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Howard Carter Career Center Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 6 2 * * * * 1 * * * *7 0 1 * * * * 7 0 1 * * * *8 0 2 * * * * 8 0 2 * * * *9 0 6 100 50 50 0 9 0 4 * * * *10 0 2 * * * * 10 0 2 * * * *

Total 7 57 43 43 14 12 100 42 58 0 Total 9 67 33 56 11 10 100 60 30 10

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


7 *1 *18 *2 *2 *2 *29 605 1006 805 *4

10 *2 *2 *2 *3Total 577 10012 679 10010 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________44

Page 49: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Contemporary Learning Center Middle School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

78 33 2004 17 1839 0 2036 33 00 0 0 0 02041

Total 33 --- 17 --- 0 --- 33 00 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

7 * * * * * ** * * **8

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________45

Page 50: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Contemporary Learning Center Middle School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________46

Page 51: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Dominion Academy Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- 100 --- * --- * --- * 67* 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

678 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________47

Page 52: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Dominion Academy Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

8 0 2 * * * * 8 0 1 * * * *Total 5 80 0 60 40 2 * * * * Total 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6/7 0 1 * * * *Total 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


7 *2 *2 *2 *18 *2 *1 *2 *1

Total 805 *1 *4 *1 *2 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________48

Page 53: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Energized for Excellence Middle School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **78 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

678 * * ** *

Total --- * ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________49

Page 54: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Energized for Excellence Middle School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Dianne Johnson

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________50

Page 55: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Frances Harper Alternative School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

8 10


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


Total ------

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________51

Page 56: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Frances Harper Alternative School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 0 3 * * * * 2 0 1 * * * *3 6 67 83 17 0 7 57 43 43 14 3 5 80 40 60 0 3 * * * *4 8 25 63 25 13 13 62 46 46 8 4 11 18 64 27 9 16 56 50 50 05 14 29 57 43 0 11 82 36 55 9 5 15 47 40 60 0 16 50 31 56 136 6 67 33 33 33 11 73 18 64 18 6 8 38 63 25 13 7 0 86 14 07 7 43 71 14 14 5 80 40 40 20 7 4 * * * * 10 60 60 40 08 1 * * * * 8 50 50 50 0 8 1 * * * * 8 50 50 50 09 0 1 * * * * 9 0 2 * * * *

Total 42 43 60 29 12 59 68 37 51 12 Total 44 36 55 41 5 63 49 46 48 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 13 38 92 8 0 8 38 88 13 05 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

6/7 5 40 100 0 0 7 43 71 29 08/9 0 2 * * * *

Total 21 38 95 5 0 19 37 84 16 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 *2 *4 *2 *37 638 676 508 437 449 5088 3614 7315 5016 53179 569 6913 2010 4314

10 339 6319 138 4522 3312 2711Total 4342 6857 3644 4963 3821 3719

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________52

Page 57: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pro-Vision School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

35 6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 33 --- 25 --- * --- * --- * 300 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *5 * * ** **6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 50 --- 17 --- * --- * --- * 200 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________53

Page 58: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pro-Vision School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 5 100 20 60 20 1 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 04 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 5 100 20 40 40 5 0 20 80 05 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *6 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 6 0 4 * * * *7 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 7 1 * * * * 1 * * * *8 0 1 * * * * 8 0 1 * * * *

Total 13 92 31 31 38 13 31 38 46 15 Total 12 100 17 42 42 13 8 62 38 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6/7 1 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


5 *1 *2 *2 *26 1005 176 *3 087 *3 *4 *3 *1 *1 *38 *4 *1 *4 *1

Total 9213 3113 10012 812 *1 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________54

Page 59: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

W. A. L. L. I. P. Middle School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **78 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- 20 --- * --- * 20* 0 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

678 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________55

Page 60: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

W. A. L. L. I. P. Middle School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

8 0 2 * * * * 8 0 1 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 2 * * * * Total 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


8 *2 *1Total *1 *2 *2 *1 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________56

Page 61: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Contemporary Learning Center High School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11

Total 33 --- 14 --- * --- * 00 0 * * 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 56 1949 22 220 0 020801011

Total 56 --- 22 220 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________57

Page 62: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Contemporary Learning Center High School Region: Alternative/Charter OfficeTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________58

Page 63: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 64: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Central Region

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 83 2171 6328 1722714 78 2212 79 2283 82 6622 22 16 622065 72 2205 65 2246 7724 26 3022126 70 2071 41 3816 9 721807 61 2081 40 2199 76 3811 3 5 121398 64 2043 36 2013 45 2187 61 3215 2 7 23 321469 57 2011 23 278 3 32114

10 55 2023 28 2027 23 2163 56 272 3 5 11 1212111 67 2120 58 2130 53 2274 80 466 5 5 29 22159

Total 67 --- 50 --- 79 --- 51 --- 63 4015 12 14 20 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2197 70 2174 5917 22 70 174 2163 64 2142 67 2414 1000 13 25 53 656

Total --- 68 --- 62 --- 10012 19 25 63 13

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 79 2203 7135 1922574 76 2204 74 2258 80 5918 17 12 322055 59 2186 65 2092 5211 21 1820916 59 2020 38 3710 3 121067 47 2061 40 2178 72 336 2 7 120798 51 2017 29 1929 35 2113 49 1914 0 0 8 021299 61 1936 18 254 1 12112

10 47 1986 17 2009 26 2145 57 120 0 1 12 0209611 58 2092 48 2083 48 2191 74 253 8 3 14 12141

Total 60 --- 46 --- 76 --- 42 --- 59 3111 9 9 7 11 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2105 60 2090 415 114 2092 50 * * * *0 * * 43 05 * * *6

Total --- 56 --- 42 --- *4 10 * 43 0

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________59

Page 65: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Central Region

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 23 100 0 9 91 85 92 9 42 48 K 14 100 0 36 64 82 93 23 38 391 122 96 0 16 84 57 98 2 25 74 1 82 96 1 15 84 39 97 0 18 822 361 90 17 23 59 93 94 28 29 43 2 247 96 0 20 80 72 93 7 43 503 414 89 14 43 43 274 93 28 53 19 3 352 85 6 67 27 212 95 23 60 174 291 81 19 46 35 284 97 26 53 21 4 285 79 15 68 18 244 93 21 66 145 220 85 15 64 22 271 97 35 54 11 5 240 79 17 73 10 245 97 23 69 96 123 89 16 47 37 205 99 24 56 20 6 162 85 40 53 7 195 97 67 33 17 52 85 25 48 27 160 97 29 58 14 7 62 77 45 53 2 176 97 57 36 68 38 95 11 50 39 131 100 23 69 8 8 46 87 33 61 7 139 100 39 55 69 1 * * * * 100 98 16 61 23 9 5 80 100 0 0 94 97 80 18 210 0 84 95 65 33 1 10 0 80 99 30 69 1

Total 1,645 88 15 40 45 1,744 97 27 52 21 Total 1,495 85 15 55 31 1,578 96 36 51 14

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 56 95 18 45 38 69 94 35 43 222 159 69 67 31 1 86 85 69 30 1

3/4 215 69 58 40 2 221 93 57 41 25 55 60 62 35 4 31 87 65 35 0

6/7 64 77 38 61 2 132 94 45 52 4Total 551 72 54 40 6 539 92 53 42 5

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 97228 99189 99167 1001334 96272 98279 95228 97236 77237 942655 89286 95285 91239 972456 90205 99248 90195 982227 80209 96220 80209 96223 73202 942238 83178 98202 73171 982099 75172 94162 68171 89151

10 8586 90136 79105 90144 59110 7050Total 881,636 971,721 851,485 961,563 72549 92538

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________60

Page 66: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joyce Benbrook Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- 86 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 63 --- 50 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________61

Page 67: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joyce Benbrook Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *1 5 80 0 20 80 3 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3 6 100 0 33 67 2 * * * * 3 7 71 0 71 29 1 * * * *4 0 7 100 29 57 14 4 1 * * * * 5 100 0 80 205 0 3 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 16 94 0 31 69 19 100 21 42 37 Total 13 85 0 46 54 14 100 0 64 36

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 5 100 60 40 02 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 0 4 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 11 100 73 27 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 1005 *4 *44 *2 10011 1007 *1 100115 888 *3 758 *2

Total 9416 10019 8312 10013 *1 10011

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________62

Page 68: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward Blackshear Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 6

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * ** **6 * * ** *

Total * --- 17 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________63

Page 69: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward Blackshear Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *3 9 100 22 56 22 7 100 57 43 0 3 5 80 0 80 20 6 100 33 67 04 4 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0 4 4 * * * * 5 100 20 80 05 0 8 100 50 50 0 5 3 * * * * 9 100 33 56 11

Total 25 88 20 48 32 21 100 48 48 5 Total 23 83 26 43 30 21 100 29 62 10

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 1 * * * * 6 100 83 17 0Total 4 * * * * 6 100 83 17 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1005 1005 10054 867 1006 805 1006 *4 10065 8010 10010 679 10010

Total 8825 10021 8222 10021 *4 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________64

Page 70: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Browning Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2252 100 * * 67* 17 * 17*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 83 --- 82 --- * --- * 6733 9 * * 17---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 88 --- 60 --- * --- * *13 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________65

Page 71: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Browning Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 6 100 0 0 100 5 100 0 0 100 1 1 * * * * 4 * * * *2 20 100 20 15 65 20 100 5 5 90 2 23 100 0 4 96 15 100 0 0 1003 11 100 0 9 91 10 100 10 40 50 3 9 100 0 22 78 15 87 0 60 404 0 4 * * * * 4 0 2 * * * *

Total 37 100 11 11 78 43 100 5 19 77 Total 33 100 0 9 91 38 95 0 29 71

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 9 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 7 86 14 71 14

3/4 0 6 100 100 0 0Total 11 100 9 9 82 15 93 47 40 13

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10010 10012 1007 100104 10011 10017 10011 9314 10011 93155 10014 10014 10013 9314

Total 10035 10043 10031 9538 10011 9315

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________66

Page 72: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

David Crockett Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 57 --- * --- * ** 14 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * --- * ** 13 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5 * * *

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________67

Page 73: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

David Crockett Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 7 86 0 43 57 1 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 02 11 55 73 0 27 3 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *4 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 6 100 50 50 0 5 0 5 100 0 100 0

Total 21 71 43 24 33 13 85 62 31 8 Total 16 94 13 44 44 9 100 11 89 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 6 50 100 0 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *1 *3 *14 888 *4 1006 *2 506 *35 297 758 867 1006

Total 7121 8513 9416 1009 506 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________68

Page 74: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. N. Dodson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2217 60 * ** 60 **

Total 60 --- 70 --- * --- * *0 30 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 63 --- 57 --- * --- * *13 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________69

Page 75: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. N. Dodson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 12 75 33 25 42 K 1 * * * * 12 75 50 8 421 12 100 0 17 83 7 100 0 0 100 1 14 93 0 7 93 6 100 0 0 1002 18 100 11 11 78 2 * * * * 2 14 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *3 7 71 29 0 71 2 * * * * 3 9 89 0 44 56 1 * * * *4 1 * * * * 10 100 0 80 20 4 2 * * * * 10 100 0 80 205 0 18 94 33 56 11 5 0 15 100 27 67 7

Total 39 92 13 10 77 51 92 22 45 33 Total 40 95 0 18 83 46 93 22 48 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 40 20 40 12 100 17 42 423/4 0 7 100 86 14 0

Total 18 89 56 33 11 19 100 42 32 26

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1009 1006 10010 10054 9418 9520 8817 9519 8918 100195 8312 8825 10013 9122

Total 9239 9251 9540 9346 8918 10019

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________70

Page 76: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mylie Durham Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2126 50 2152 83 33* 13 0 11*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 40 --- 60 --- 83 --- * 330 13 0 * 11---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * 80* * * 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 50 --- 85 --- * --- * 8017 15 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________71

Page 77: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mylie Durham Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 02 10 100 10 10 80 1 * * * * 2 6 100 0 33 67 03 9 78 0 56 44 9 100 22 67 11 3 9 89 11 56 33 7 100 14 71 144 1 * * * * 6 83 17 33 50 4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 9 100 22 56 22 5 0 10 100 10 80 10

Total 20 90 5 35 60 26 96 19 54 27 Total 17 94 6 47 47 20 100 20 70 10

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 4 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 4 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 8 88 50 50 0 5 80 20 80 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1009 *4 10074 1009 867 867 *3 888 8055 717 10010 1006 10010

Total 9020 9626 9417 10020 888 805

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________72

Page 78: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Eugene Field Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 1883 20 * 0*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 22 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2028 50* 17*4 * * * * ** * *5 * 2032 43 * ** 0 **

Total 60 --- 47 --- * --- * *20 7 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________73

Page 79: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Eugene Field Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 5 100 0 0 100 K 1 * * * * 5 100 0 40 602 17 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 2 7 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *3 5 100 0 20 80 5 40 0 80 20 3 7 100 0 14 86 2 * * * *4 0 4 * * * * 4 0 5 80 0 100 05 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 29 100 0 10 90 18 83 11 39 50 Total 17 100 0 12 88 16 94 0 69 31

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *3/4 3 * * * * 5 80 20 80 0

Total 6 67 33 67 0 7 86 43 57 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 *4 1005 *24 1008 836 1005 867 676 8675 10013 717 1007 1006

Total 10029 8217 10017 9315 676 867

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________74

Page 80: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Marcellus Foster Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * *5 * * *

Total --- 17 * 0 *

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * ** *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 67 --- * ** 17 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________75

Page 81: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Marcellus Foster Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 6 100 0 33 67 1 * * * * 1 5 100 0 20 80 03 16 94 25 13 63 13 100 54 38 8 3 15 93 7 87 7 10 100 30 70 04 0 13 100 15 62 23 4 0 10 100 20 60 205 0 21 100 57 29 14 5 0 15 100 33 67 0

Total 47 98 11 30 60 50 100 42 40 18 Total 39 97 3 41 56 37 100 27 62 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 13 100 69 31 0 5 60 80 20 0

3/4 0 10 100 40 60 0Total 15 100 60 40 0 16 81 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10018 10014 10014 10094 9519 10015 10015 10010 10015 80155 10010 10021 9010 10016

Total 9847 10050 9739 10035 10015 8015

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________76

Page 82: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Garden Oaks Elementary Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- 50 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *56

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * 60* * * 0*5 * * * * ** * **6 * * ** *

Total * --- 55 --- * --- * 71* 9 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________77

Page 83: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Garden Oaks Elementary Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 9 78 11 56 33 4 * * * * 3 6 100 0 50 50 3 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *5 3 * * * * 5 100 20 60 20 5 0 4 * * * *6 0 1 * * * * 6 0 1 * * * *

Total 17 88 6 29 65 14 100 14 64 21 Total 10 100 0 30 70 10 100 0 90 10

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 4 * * * * 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *4 *2 *24 1005 *3 *4 *2 *4 *25 676 1006 *4 10056 *2 *1 *1

Total 8817 10014 10010 10010 *4 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________78

Page 84: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (ES) Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- 40 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 29 --- 50 --- * --- * *0 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________79

Page 85: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (ES) Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 02 10 90 20 10 70 3 * * * * 2 7 100 0 14 86 2 * * * *3 6 100 17 50 33 3 * * * * 3 8 75 0 100 0 4 * * * *4 0 2 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 20 95 15 20 65 12 100 17 50 33 Total 19 89 0 47 53 10 100 10 70 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 5 100 60 20 20 6 83 50 33 17

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *1 *4 *14 867 1005 805 1005 1005 8365 1006 1005 9010 *4

Total 9519 10011 8919 10010 1005 836

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________80

Page 86: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Victor Hartsfield Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 60 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45

Total * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________81

Page 87: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Victor Hartsfield Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 10 80 20 40 40 9 100 22 56 22 3 11 91 0 91 9 7 100 0 71 294 0 5 100 20 60 20 4 1 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 7 100 86 14 0 5 0 7 100 14 86 0

Total 24 92 21 29 50 21 100 43 43 14 Total 22 95 0 68 32 18 100 17 72 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 4 * * * *Total 9 100 44 44 11 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 1009 *1 10074 1009 1005 1009 *4 1009 *45 8312 1007 9212 1007

Total 9123 10021 9522 10018 1009 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________82

Page 88: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Harvard Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 71 --- * --- * *17 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 83 --- * --- * ** 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________83

Page 89: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Harvard Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 5 100 0 20 80 2 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 8 88 13 25 63 1 * * * * 3 6 67 0 50 50 1 * * * *4 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 5 100 20 80 0 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 18 94 6 22 72 11 100 9 73 18 Total 15 87 0 20 80 9 100 11 44 44

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 *3 *1 *24 1009 *2 1007 *2 8675 888 1006 676 1005

Total 9418 10011 8614 1009 867

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________84

Page 90: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Helms Community Learning Center Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 43 --- 80 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 2208 80 2037 50 2464 1000 0 40 50 05

Total --- 71 --- 57 --- 1000 0 40 50 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2159 60 * ** 40 **

Total 60 --- 67 --- * --- * *20 22 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * 2101 40* 04 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- 50* 0 * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________85

Page 91: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Helms Community Learning Center Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 83 17 17 67 0 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 2 * * * *4 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 10 80 10 20 70 10 100 30 60 10 Total 6 83 0 17 83 7 100 14 71 14

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *4 *1 *24 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *25 605 *4 *3 *3

Total 8010 10010 836 1007 *2 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________86

Page 92: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. Will Jones Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 5


Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45 * * * ** *

Total --- * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________87

Page 93: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. Will Jones Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 2 * * * * K 2 * * * * 2 * * * *1 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 0 04 1 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0 4 1 * * * * 5 100 20 40 405 0 2 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 12 100 17 25 58 13 100 23 54 23 Total 11 100 0 0 100 11 91 9 55 36

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 6 100 33 67 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *3 1006 *24 *3 1006 *3 836 *1 10065 *3 *4 *2 *3

Total 10012 10013 10011 9111 *1 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________88

Page 94: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lucian Lockhart Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 71 --- 86 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 83 2362 8633 5722424 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 91 --- 86 --- * --- * *36 36 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________89

Page 95: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lucian Lockhart Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 03 7 100 0 71 29 3 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 5 100 0 60 404 1 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20 4 0 4 * * * *

Total 10 100 0 50 50 10 100 0 50 50 Total 7 100 0 14 86 10 100 0 50 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 3 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *1 *1 *14 *3 1006 *3 1005 *3 10055 1005 *3 *3 *4

Total 10010 10010 1007 10010 *3 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________90

Page 96: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Love Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 100 2364 100 2314 80 860 57 20 022215 * * * * ** * **

Total 89 --- 73 --- 80 --- * 8622 40 20 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2138 630 1321984 * * * 1912 43 50* * 0 0*5 0 2134 80 1915 140 0 01605

Total 44 --- 76 --- 43 --- 14 500 6 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________91

Page 97: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Love Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *3 6 100 0 50 50 5 100 20 80 0 3 7 86 0 57 43 3 * * * *4 1 * * * * 6 100 33 50 17 4 2 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 7 100 43 43 14 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 21 95 5 29 67 22 100 27 55 18 Total 16 94 6 38 56 14 100 29 64 7

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 6 100 83 17 0

Total 8 100 63 25 13 8 100 75 25 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 1005 *4 *34 1008 1008 1006 1006 1008 10085 836 1009 836 1005

Total 9521 10022 9416 10014 1008 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________92

Page 98: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Douglas MacArthur Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * **

Total 40 --- 38 --- * *0 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 33 1987 17 * *0 0 *2005

Total 43 --- 30 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________93

Page 99: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Douglas MacArthur Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 3 * * * * K 1 * * * * 2 * * * *1 2 * * * * 6 100 0 17 83 1 1 * * * * 5 100 0 40 602 8 88 63 25 13 2 * * * * 2 6 100 0 33 67 3 * * * *3 6 100 17 0 83 8 88 25 75 0 3 9 100 0 44 56 6 100 33 50 174 1 * * * * 8 88 50 25 25 4 0 8 88 25 75 05 0 4 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 19 95 32 16 53 31 94 32 35 32 Total 17 100 0 35 65 28 93 25 57 18

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 5 100 80 20 0Total 8 100 13 75 13 8 100 75 25 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 1008 *3 10074 9111 9010 1009 899 1008 10085 1005 9213 1005 9212

Total 9519 9431 10017 9328 1008 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________94

Page 100: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry MacGregor Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 33 --- * --- * ** 33 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________95

Page 101: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry MacGregor Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 6 100 17 33 50 0 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 04 1 * * * * 5 100 40 40 20 4 1 * * * * 5 100 20 60 205 0 1 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 12 92 25 42 33 9 100 44 44 11 Total 8 88 13 38 50 8 100 13 63 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 0 1 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *2 *44 *2 1006 *1 1006 *1 *45 *4 *1 *3 *2

Total 9212 1009 888 1008 *1 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________96

Page 102: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Memorial Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * *5 * * ** **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 80 --- ** 20 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________97

Page 103: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Memorial Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 71 43 14 43 2 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *3 3 * * * * 6 100 17 50 33 3 5 100 0 80 20 4 * * * *4 0 3 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 11 82 27 9 64 15 100 27 53 20 Total 10 90 0 70 30 12 92 0 67 33

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1006 *3 *34 *1 1005 *3 *4 *4 10055 805 *4 *4 805

Total 8010 10015 9010 9212 *4 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________98

Page 104: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Oak Forest Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 75 2198 60 25 3022894 100 2273 86 2435 100 8617 14 33 022645 75 2399 100 2371 8650 63 432373

Total 82 --- 80 --- 100 --- 86 8632 36 33 43 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 80 2132 8020 022554 83 2363 100 2345 100 8350 40 33 1722845 43 2256 80 2169 5029 20 172164

Total 67 --- 85 --- 100 --- 50 8333 20 33 17 17---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________99

Page 105: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Oak Forest Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 6 100 0 0 100 0 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 6 100 0 33 67 04 0 2 * * * * 4 0 2 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 13 100 0 8 92 10 100 10 30 60 Total 8 100 0 25 75 7 100 0 71 29

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 4 * * * * 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *3 *1 *14 1006 *2 1005 *1 *4 *25 1005 1005 *2 1005

Total 10013 10010 1008 1007 *4 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________100

Page 106: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lora Peck Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 71 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 67 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________101

Page 107: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lora Peck Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 6 100 33 33 33 2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *4 0 2 * * * * 4 0 2 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 12 83 8 33 58 13 100 38 31 31 Total 10 100 0 40 60 9 100 11 56 33

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *3/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 5 100 60 40 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 1005 *2 *34 *4 1005 *4 *4 *4 10055 836 *3 *4 *2

Total 8312 10013 10010 1009 *4 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________102

Page 108: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edgar Poe Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 80 2217 71 60 023574 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 91 --- 77 --- * --- * *55 23 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2202 80* 0*4 80 2246 80 2318 100 6020 20 0 022695 86 2361 100 2100 4014 20 302181

Total 81 --- 87 --- 100 --- 40 6031 13 0 30 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________103

Page 109: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edgar Poe Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 0 K 0 1 * * * *1 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 7 57 14 71 14 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 7 86 29 29 43 14 93 21 50 29 3 7 100 14 86 0 9 78 0 100 04 3 * * * * 7 71 29 57 14 4 2 * * * * 10 90 20 50 305 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 5 8 100 0 88 13 5 100 60 20 20

Total 21 81 19 57 24 27 85 26 48 26 Total 21 95 5 81 14 27 85 22 59 19

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0Total 5 40 80 20 0 11 91 45 45 9

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 577 1008 1006 10064 805 9111 *4 8513 405 91115 1009 577 10011 758

Total 8121 8526 9521 8527 405 9111

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________104

Page 110: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

The Rice School/La Escuela Rice Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 71 2238 71 14 1422084 71 2178 89 2241 71 670 11 0 021755 86 2404 88 2256 8329 38 332292

Total 76 --- 83 --- 71 --- 83 6714 21 0 33 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 80 2288 9020 3022434 80 2391 100 2366 80 800 60 40 022025 83 2297 88 2193 830 50 02158

Total 81 --- 91 --- 80 --- 83 8010 43 40 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________105

Page 111: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

The Rice School/La Escuela Rice Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 0 1 * * * * 3 0 1 * * * *4 7 100 0 43 57 7 100 14 43 43 4 5 100 20 0 80 4 * * * *5 0 6 100 0 83 17 5 0 5 100 0 60 40

Total 9 100 0 33 67 14 100 7 64 29 Total 7 100 14 0 86 10 100 0 80 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 7 100 29 71 0Total 3 * * * * 7 100 29 71 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *1 *2 *14 *3 1007 *3 *4 *3 10075 *4 1006 *2 1005

Total 1009 10014 1007 10010 *3 1007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________106

Page 112: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

River Oaks Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2275 70 57 4024574 100 2308 100 * * 10036 40 * 1822925 100 2444 100 2467 10038 57 672361

Total 100 --- 89 --- * --- 100 10042 44 * 67 18---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2251 8967 2224274 100 2344 100 2700 100 10030 44 60 2023185 100 2388 100 2303 10020 67 332263

Total 100 --- 96 --- 100 --- 100 10038 42 60 33 20---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________107

Page 113: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

River Oaks Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 2 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20 3 3 * * * * 2 * * * *4 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *5 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 11 100 0 9 91 8 100 0 75 25 Total 8 88 13 38 50 7 100 0 71 29

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 7 100 0 100 0Total 6 67 17 67 17 7 100 0 100 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 1005 *3 *24 *3 *1 *4 *2 676 10075 *2 *2 *1 *3

Total 10011 1008 888 1007 676 1007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________108

Page 114: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Oran Roberts Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2138 60 0 021994 100 2377 89 2395 100 9043 56 44 1023235 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 78 --- 100 --- * 9031 44 44 * 10---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2408 9178 5524584 * 2279 100 2373 100 100* 20 20 0*5 88 2417 88 2359 8825 63 502241

Total 95 --- 92 --- 100 --- 88 10048 50 20 50 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________109

Page 115: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Oran Roberts Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *4 0 6 100 17 17 67 4 0 4 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 9 100 0 22 78 12 100 17 50 33 Total 7 100 0 43 57 9 100 22 44 33

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 0 1 * * * *3/4 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *1 *3 *14 *3 1007 *4 1005 *4 *45 *4 *3

Total 1009 10012 1007 1009 *4 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________110

Page 116: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Sinclair Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2169 86 2233 100 71* 14 0 0*5 * 2107 57 * ** 14 **

Total 90 --- 78 --- 100 --- * 7120 17 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 40 2142 5720 021404 50 2046 43 2294 86 380 0 14 021035 * * * * ** * **

Total 50 --- 44 --- 86 --- * 386 0 14 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________111

Page 117: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Sinclair Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 5 100 0 60 40 5 100 40 60 0 3 5 100 0 60 40 3 * * * *4 4 * * * * 6 100 33 50 17 4 4 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 6 100 50 33 17 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 17 100 12 18 71 20 100 35 50 15 Total 14 100 0 50 50 13 100 38 46 15

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 6 100 67 33 0

Total 5 80 60 40 0 7 100 71 29 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1005 *3 *34 1005 1009 *4 1007 805 10075 1007 1006 1007 *3

Total 10017 10020 10014 10013 805 1007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________112

Page 118: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Katherine Smith Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * 60* * 0*5 * 2040 43 * ** 0 **

Total 75 --- 45 --- * --- * 600 0 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * 2020 25 2138 67 33* 0 0 0*5 * 1938 13 * ** 0 **

Total 38 --- 21 --- 67 --- * 330 0 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________113

Page 119: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Katherine Smith Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 23 96 0 30 70 8 100 50 50 0 3 11 82 0 45 55 7 100 29 71 04 4 * * * * 14 100 14 64 21 4 6 83 0 83 17 16 100 13 75 135 0 20 100 25 65 10 5 0 17 100 47 53 0

Total 61 90 5 23 72 42 100 26 62 12 Total 47 94 0 32 68 40 100 30 65 5

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 5 80 80 20 0 4 * * * *3/4 7 71 14 71 14 9 100 67 33 0

Total 18 83 28 50 22 13 100 69 31 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10019 1008 10017 10074 8621 10014 9416 10016 8318 100135 8621 10019 8614 100176 *1

Total 9061 10042 9447 10040 8318 10013

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________114

Page 120: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lulu Stevens Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2074 50 * * 43* 17 * 0*5 * * * * **

Total * --- 60 --- * 43* 20 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2199 60* 40*45 0 * * 1806 00 * 01896

Total 29 --- 67 --- 00 22 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________115

Page 121: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lulu Stevens Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 4 * * * * K 2 * * * * 4 * * * *2 8 100 0 38 63 3 * * * * 2 12 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *3 11 91 18 45 36 5 100 80 20 0 3 8 100 25 63 13 3 * * * *4 2 * * * * 11 100 27 73 0 4 6 100 0 67 33 8 100 0 100 05 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 30 97 7 27 67 24 100 38 46 17 Total 30 100 7 30 63 18 100 0 89 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 3 * * * * 6 83 50 50 0Total 7 71 57 43 0 13 77 69 23 8

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10010 1005 1009 *34 1009 10014 1009 10011 717 77135 9111 *4 10012 *4

Total 9730 10023 10030 10018 717 7713

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________116

Page 122: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Stevenson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5

Total * --- * ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- 75 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________117

Page 123: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Stevenson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *3 10 90 10 50 40 3 * * * * 3 8 100 0 38 63 2 * * * *4 3 * * * * 9 100 22 56 22 4 2 * * * * 8 100 0 75 255 0 4 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 21 95 5 38 57 17 100 18 71 12 Total 14 100 0 36 64 15 100 0 73 27

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 8 88 38 63 0

Total 5 100 80 20 0 11 73 45 55 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 888 *3 *14 *4 10012 *4 1009 1005 73115 1009 1005 1006 1005

Total 9521 10017 10013 10015 1005 7311

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________118

Page 124: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ruby Thompson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 33 2087 33 2138 670 17 172045

Total 36 --- 18 --- * --- 67 *9 9 * 17 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * 2163 60 33* * 0 0*5 * 2140 67 1918 25* 17 13*

Total 67 --- 45 --- 60 --- 25 330 9 0 13 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________119

Page 125: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ruby Thompson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 6 100 0 100 0 K 0 5 100 80 20 01 6 100 0 17 83 5 100 0 60 40 1 6 100 0 17 83 4 * * * *2 17 88 29 41 29 3 * * * * 2 14 93 0 43 57 3 * * * *3 16 100 13 56 31 8 100 50 38 13 3 17 100 6 82 12 10 100 10 70 204 4 * * * * 7 100 57 43 0 4 3 * * * * 7 100 57 43 05 2 * * * * 11 100 36 64 0 5 1 * * * * 11 100 18 73 9

Total 45 96 18 44 38 40 100 33 60 8 Total 41 98 2 61 37 40 100 28 50 23

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 6 100 67 17 172 10 100 80 20 0 8 88 100 0 0

Total 14 100 64 29 7 14 93 86 7 7

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10010 10012 10011 100134 9417 10015 10016 10014 10014 93145 9418 10013 9314 10013

Total 9645 10040 9841 10040 10014 9314

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________120

Page 126: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Travis Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 0 100 80 7524274 * * * * * 80* * * 0*5 * 2108 38 * ** 13 **

Total 90 --- 75 --- * --- * 8050 35 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 83 2229 10050 023034 83 2223 88 2202 63 6717 13 13 022335 2246 67 * *33 *

Total 83 --- 86 --- 63 --- * 6733 14 13 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________121

Page 127: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Travis Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 100 0 0 100 1 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 03 6 100 0 17 83 2 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 04 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *5 1 * * * * 6 100 17 83 0 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 16 100 0 31 69 13 100 8 77 15 Total 5 100 0 40 60 4 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 4 * * * *Total 5 20 80 20 0 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *2 *14 1006 *4 *3 *2 205 *45 1006 1007 *1 *2

Total 10016 10013 1005 *4 205 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________122

Page 128: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

George Turner Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * **

Total 0 --- 25 --- * *0 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * ** *

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________123

Page 129: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

George Turner Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 5 60 40 40 20 9 100 11 78 11 3 5 80 0 80 20 7 100 0 0 1004 0 5 100 0 60 40 4 0 4 * * * *5 1 * * * * 11 91 55 27 18 5 1 * * * * 10 90 10 90 0

Total 14 86 14 36 50 25 96 28 52 20 Total 11 91 0 55 45 21 95 5 57 38

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 6 100 0 100 0Total 7 43 57 43 0 6 100 0 100 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 1006 *1 10054 1007 1006 1006 1005 437 10065 *4 9212 *4 9111

Total 8614 9624 9111 9521 437 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________124

Page 130: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mark Twain Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2229 100 * 25*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 83 2338 100 * *17 14 *2220

Total 92 --- 100 --- * --- * *38 32 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 100 2331 100 2311 100 10060 43 0 023505 * 2221 60 * ** 20 **

Total 82 --- 87 --- 100 --- * 10036 33 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________125

Page 131: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mark Twain Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 02 8 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 03 3 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40 3 2 * * * * 4 * * * *4 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 13 100 0 8 92 16 100 0 44 56 Total 8 88 0 50 50 8 100 0 38 63

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 4 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1005 *3 *14 1005 *4 *2 *3 *4 *35 *4 1007 *3 *4

Total 10013 10016 888 1008 *4 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________126

Page 132: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jonathan Wainwright Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 57 --- 78 --- * --- * *14 22 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * 2033 38* * 13*

Total 86 --- 100 --- 3829 71 13---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________127

Page 133: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jonathan Wainwright Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 0 02 6 83 17 17 67 4 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 14 100 14 64 21 2 * * * * 3 6 67 17 67 17 2 * * * *4 2 * * * * 5 100 40 20 40 4 12 83 0 83 17 8 100 0 75 255 0 7 100 43 57 0 5 6 83 17 83 0 7 100 0 100 0

Total 24 96 13 46 42 21 95 29 33 38 Total 26 81 8 73 19 20 100 0 75 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 7 100 0 43 572 8 0 63 38 0 2 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 10 0 60 40 0 12 100 33 33 33

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 867 *3 805 *34 10010 1009 8513 1009 09 100125 1007 1008 758 1008

Total 9624 9520 8126 10020 09 10012

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________128

Page 134: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

West University Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2295 80 56 3024324 100 2385 100 2438 100 10050 63 14 1323185 100 2337 100 2278 10044 45 232321

Total 100 --- 93 --- 100 --- 100 10050 45 14 23 13---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2431 10077 4624404 92 2322 92 2416 100 8325 33 25 1722655 100 2341 86 2333 10033 29 502324

Total 97 --- 94 --- 100 --- 100 8348 38 25 50 17---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________129

Page 135: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

West University Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *2 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20 3 2 * * * * 3 * * * *4 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *5 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 9 100 0 22 78 14 86 14 57 29 Total 4 * * * * 11 100 0 73 27

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *3/4 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 3 * * * * 5 100 60 20 20

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 1006 *2 10054 *3 *4 *1 *4 *3 10055 *3 *4 *1 *2

Total 1009 8614 *4 10011 *3 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________130

Page 136: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Wharton Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * ** * *56 * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * ** * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________131

Page 137: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Wharton Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 6 100 0 33 67 1 * * * *4 2 * * * * 0 4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *6 0 2 * * * * 6 0 2 * * * *

Total 10 100 10 30 60 6 100 0 83 17 Total 9 100 0 33 67 5 80 20 80 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


5 1005 *1 1005 *16 *3 1005 *2 *4

Total 10010 1006 1009 805 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________132

Page 138: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Tina Whidby Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- 50 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * 1785 0* * 0*

Total * --- 80 --- * --- 0 ** 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________133

Page 139: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Tina Whidby Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 7 100 14 29 57 9 100 22 44 33 3 11 100 0 82 18 4 * * * *4 8 88 0 50 50 7 100 29 29 43 4 2 * * * * 6 100 0 67 335 2 * * * * 8 100 38 38 25 5 2 * * * * 6 100 17 67 17

Total 22 95 9 36 55 24 100 29 38 33 Total 16 94 6 69 25 16 100 6 69 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0Total 4 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1009 1006 *44 10010 1006 1007 1006 *4 10055 867 1008 *3 1006

Total 9522 10023 9416 10016 *4 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________134

Page 140: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Woodrow Wilson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- 25 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *456

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *456 * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 ** 17 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *456

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________135

Page 141: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Woodrow Wilson Elementary School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 5 80 20 20 60 0 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 6 100 0 83 17 2 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 04 2 * * * * 5 100 40 40 20 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 14 86 7 57 36 11 100 18 55 27 Total 9 100 0 67 33 5 100 40 40 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 4 * * * *3/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 5 100 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 805 *3 *2 *14 *2 1005 *1 *2 *2 10055 *3 *3 *3 *2

Total 8614 10011 1009 1005 *2 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________136

Page 142: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Frank Black Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 67 --- 40 --- * --- * --- * 570 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 60 1882 5 50 0 020677 22 2001 17 2118 58 106 0 0 020078 25 2014 14 1841 13 2032 33 40 0 0 4 02026

Total 35 --- 12 --- 58 --- 13 --- 33 62 0 0 0 4 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________137

Page 143: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Frank Black Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 9 100 0 56 44 K 0 8 100 13 63 251 0 0 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *3 19 84 21 42 37 11 91 18 73 9 3 7 100 14 71 14 11 82 27 45 274 15 87 27 60 13 8 100 13 63 25 4 14 86 21 57 21 4 * * * *5 7 100 14 57 29 4 * * * * 5 15 87 13 80 7 4 * * * *6 3 * * * * 28 100 25 64 11 6 5 100 20 80 0 28 100 54 43 47 0 22 100 27 55 18 7 0 28 100 68 32 08 0 19 100 21 68 11 8 0 18 100 22 56 22

Total 46 89 20 50 30 104 99 20 61 19 Total 44 91 16 70 14 105 97 40 47 13

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 8 100 63 38 0 22 100 73 27 06/7 0 11 100 36 55 9

Total 11 100 64 36 0 34 100 62 35 3

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9224 9842 10020 93427 899 10033 789 10033 10011 100348 8513 10029 8715 10029

Total 8946 99104 9144 97104 10011 10034

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________138

Page 144: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ruby Clifton Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 63 2134 50 3819 11 521847 47 2070 38 2230 89 4216 0 11 021248 63 2016 33 1999 50 2140 67 306 0 8 17 02130

Total 57 --- 40 --- 89 --- 50 --- 67 3814 3 11 8 17 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 60 2041 35 3620 0 021487 59 2012 37 2143 67 326 0 0 021118 41 1975 23 1912 28 2102 41 1618 0 0 12 02099

Total 53 --- 31 --- 67 --- 28 --- 41 2814 0 0 0 12 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________139

Page 145: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ruby Clifton Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *2 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 5 80 0 40 60 1 * * * *3 14 93 14 71 14 1 * * * * 3 6 83 0 100 0 04 20 100 15 45 40 2 * * * * 4 15 87 0 93 7 1 * * * *6 5 100 0 20 80 28 100 29 50 21 6 2 * * * * 25 100 68 32 07 0 23 100 22 61 17 7 0 19 100 63 37 08 0 9 100 33 67 0 8 0 7 100 43 57 0

Total 69 94 12 52 36 68 100 24 59 18 Total 50 92 4 82 14 57 100 58 40 2

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 12 92 50 42 8 7 86 57 29 145 0 1 * * * *

6/7 0 18 100 33 67 0Total 15 93 53 40 7 29 90 48 48 3

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9431 10029 9623 100267 9521 10027 8715 10021 9315 90298 9417 10012 9212 10010

Total 9469 10068 9250 10057 9315 9029

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________140

Page 146: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ezekiel Cullen Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 60 1978 20 250 0 020247 60 2041 20 2149 57 500 0 0 020948 43 * * 1919 29 2169 71 130 * 0 0 02104

Total 53 --- 17 --- 57 --- 29 --- 71 310 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 40 1919 14 270 0 020357 40 * * 2117 67 170 * 0 020218 50 1967 29 1890 14 2091 63 180 0 0 0 02087

Total 43 --- 20 --- 67 --- 14 --- 63 210 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________141

Page 147: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ezekiel Cullen Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 5 100 0 0 100 K 0 5 100 0 40 601 5 100 0 40 60 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *2 16 69 31 31 38 9 78 22 67 11 2 13 85 0 54 46 8 88 0 75 253 29 66 21 59 21 10 90 20 60 20 3 29 59 10 83 7 8 88 25 75 04 37 68 30 57 14 16 100 25 50 25 4 40 68 25 65 10 15 80 33 60 75 24 54 25 67 8 1 * * * * 5 24 63 29 67 4 5 100 20 80 06 19 95 5 47 47 44 100 20 55 25 6 25 92 40 56 4 37 100 65 35 07 5 80 0 100 0 26 100 31 54 15 7 11 73 55 45 0 23 96 74 26 08 14 100 0 64 36 37 100 30 65 5 8 10 90 30 70 0 43 100 40 53 7

Total 149 73 19 56 24 150 98 24 55 21 Total 155 73 25 65 10 146 96 45 47 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 7 86 43 57 02 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 31 39 81 19 0 8 63 88 13 05 6 50 33 67 0 3 * * * *

6/7 10 90 20 80 0 20 95 40 60 0Total 52 54 62 35 4 41 85 59 41 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7841 10055 8541 100467 6653 9542 7457 9343 5452 85418 7854 9850 6356 9556

Total 73149 98147 73155 96145 5452 8541

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________142

Page 148: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Gregory-Lincoln Education Center Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * 0* * * 0*8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 67 --- 29 --- * --- * --- * 3322 0 * * * 8---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 1702 0 0* 0 0*7 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 44 --- 29 --- * --- * --- * 170 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________143

Page 149: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Gregory-Lincoln Education Center Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 12 83 17 25 58 4 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 2 * * * *4 4 * * * * 15 87 27 53 20 4 7 86 14 71 14 12 67 33 67 05 8 100 0 100 0 3 * * * * 5 11 55 27 64 9 7 86 0 86 146 6 100 0 50 50 3 * * * * 6 6 67 33 50 17 4 * * * *7 1 * * * * 4 * * * * 7 1 * * * * 4 * * * *8 0 3 * * * * 8 0 3 * * * *

Total 33 88 9 55 36 32 94 31 53 16 Total 33 70 21 61 18 32 84 38 59 3

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 0 3 * * * *3/4 10 100 80 20 0 3 * * * *5 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

6/7 2 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 16 100 69 31 0 12 92 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 888 1008 1007 10077 9417 8614 6916 7516 10016 92128 758 1008 449 899

Total 8833 9330 6932 8432 10016 9212

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________144

Page 150: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Alexander Hamilton Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 59 2068 39 299 10 621497 57 2112 44 2188 68 297 4 10 021098 58 2021 36 2023 45 2188 55 3317 0 9 18 02135

Total 58 --- 40 --- 68 --- 45 --- 55 3010 5 10 9 18 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 56 2097 58 4413 4 021377 62 2093 54 2199 80 507 0 7 020788 53 2034 24 2006 50 2125 57 1711 0 0 0 02139

Total 58 --- 46 --- 80 --- 50 --- 57 3910 1 7 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________145

Page 151: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Alexander Hamilton Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 12 83 17 42 42 3 * * * * 3 17 47 6 71 24 1 * * * *4 22 82 9 55 36 5 100 40 60 0 4 25 84 4 76 20 4 * * * *5 7 71 14 71 14 7 86 86 14 0 5 10 70 20 80 0 8 100 38 63 06 4 * * * * 15 100 0 93 7 6 3 * * * * 18 100 83 17 07 0 11 100 36 55 9 7 0 16 100 63 31 68 0 9 100 11 67 22 8 0 14 100 57 43 0

Total 52 81 15 52 33 50 98 30 62 8 Total 56 70 7 77 16 61 100 62 36 2

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 15 87 53 47 0 2 * * * *5 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

6/7 0 7 100 100 0 0Total 21 76 62 38 0 13 100 85 15 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 10013 10017 6819 100217 7524 10014 7524 10019 7621 100138 7315 9519 5812 10021

Total 8152 9850 6955 10061 7621 10013

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________146

Page 152: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Hogg Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 83 2035 41 398 0 021657 55 2024 27 2168 73 219 0 0 021018 60 1992 21 1921 14 2092 38 100 0 0 8 02074

Total 63 --- 29 --- 73 --- 14 --- 38 225 0 0 0 8 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 52 1980 32 294 0 020677 27 2019 23 2125 63 153 0 3 020428 62 2009 25 1955 53 2144 50 1724 0 0 13 02167

Total 45 --- 27 --- 63 --- 53 --- 50 219 0 3 0 13 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________147

Page 153: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Hogg Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 7 100 29 57 14 2 2 * * * * 7 100 29 14 573 12 83 17 50 33 17 65 47 29 24 3 8 75 13 88 0 12 100 25 58 174 32 75 31 38 31 6 83 50 50 0 4 29 76 14 76 10 5 80 60 40 05 16 100 6 50 44 1 * * * * 5 13 77 31 62 8 1 * * * *6 3 * * * * 28 100 29 46 25 6 5 80 60 40 0 20 100 55 45 07 1 * * * * 23 87 26 70 4 7 1 * * * * 19 95 84 16 08 5 80 20 40 40 14 100 36 64 0 8 5 80 20 80 0 13 100 46 46 8

Total 70 83 23 44 33 98 90 33 54 13 Total 63 78 21 70 10 79 97 53 38 9

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 14 57 64 36 0 7 43 86 14 06/7 2 * * * * 22 100 68 32 0

Total 18 56 61 39 0 31 87 74 26 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9329 9541 8025 100307 6517 8432 7919 9328 5618 87318 8723 8824 7818 10021

Total 8469 9097 7962 9779 5618 8731

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________148

Page 154: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sidney Lanier Charter Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2219 63 6757 38 3323937 100 2227 78 2362 100 8030 22 14 2022918 100 2258 83 * * * * 8857 33 * * 382352

Total 100 --- 74 --- 100 --- * --- * 7846 30 14 * * 30---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2218 71 7543 29 2523317 71 2309 100 2451 100 7114 33 43 1421948 83 2204 80 2116 80 2250 80 8333 0 0 20 02287

Total 85 --- 83 --- 100 --- 80 --- 80 7630 22 43 0 20 14---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________149

Page 155: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sidney Lanier Charter Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 1 * * * * 3 * * * *4 2 * * * * 7 100 14 57 29 4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *5 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 5 8 100 0 88 13 4 * * * *6 8 100 13 50 38 8 100 0 75 25 6 13 100 38 62 0 10 100 50 50 07 7 100 0 43 57 7 100 14 43 43 7 1 * * * * 13 100 8 62 318 3 * * * * 8 100 0 75 25 8 3 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0

Total 29 100 3 41 55 37 100 5 59 35 Total 32 100 16 63 22 38 100 24 55 21

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 3 * * * * 8 100 50 38 135 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

6/7 5 100 0 80 20 6 100 0 67 33Total 10 90 40 50 10 17 100 24 59 18

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 10011 10011 10011 100107 10010 10015 10012 10016 899 100178 1008 10011 1009 10012

Total 10029 10037 10032 10038 899 10017

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________150

Page 156: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

The Rice School (La Escuela Rice) Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2175 75 7520 13 023197 92 2144 78 2254 100 7717 0 0 022608 90 2242 78 2184 88 2406 100 7050 0 13 63 02309

Total 93 --- 77 --- 100 --- 88 --- 100 7430 4 0 13 63 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2251 100 10029 0 022917 89 2234 88 2330 100 7811 0 44 022478 86 2184 75 2132 100 2397 100 6329 0 0 33 02310

Total 91 --- 87 --- 100 --- 100 --- 100 8022 0 44 0 33 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________151

Page 157: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

The Rice School (La Escuela Rice) Region: CentralTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 0 0 3 0 1 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 0 05 9 89 11 89 0 3 * * * * 5 5 100 0 60 40 2 * * * *6 9 100 0 11 89 7 100 0 29 71 6 12 100 0 83 17 4 * * * *7 3 * * * * 6 100 0 100 0 7 5 100 0 100 0 9 100 11 89 08 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 8 0 5 100 0 100 0

Total 23 96 4 43 52 21 100 0 71 29 Total 22 100 0 82 18 21 100 10 90 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *5 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

6/7 1 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20Total 7 71 43 43 14 10 100 0 90 10

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 899 1008 1008 10057 1007 1007 1008 10010 717 100108 1007 1005 1006 1006

Total 9623 10021 10022 10021 717 10010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________152

Page 158: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Ryan Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 63 2005 30 3613 20 1821327 44 2015 13 2214 89 90 0 0 021118 40 1917 20 1828 13 2008 13 1320 0 0 0 02034

Total 50 --- 22 --- 89 --- 13 --- 13 209 9 0 0 0 7---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 57 1950 14 250 0 019557 * * * 2164 60 20* * 0 0*8 17 1805 0 1788 0 2022 33 00 0 0 0 01967

Total 35 --- 6 --- 60 --- 0 --- 33 150 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________153

Page 159: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Ryan Middle School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 7 43 14 86 0 3 * * * * 2 5 100 0 40 60 3 * * * *3 16 75 13 63 25 12 100 33 50 17 3 15 80 20 67 13 10 100 30 60 104 35 89 17 43 40 10 100 50 50 0 4 37 84 14 76 11 11 91 45 55 05 38 89 13 74 13 9 100 22 78 0 5 37 84 16 70 14 10 100 50 50 06 11 91 18 55 27 20 100 40 55 5 6 17 94 65 29 6 20 100 85 15 07 2 * * * * 27 100 41 59 0 7 4 * * * * 28 100 64 32 48 0 27 100 22 70 7 8 0 28 100 46 54 0

Total 111 85 14 60 25 110 100 34 61 5 Total 116 85 23 64 13 112 99 55 41 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 67 83 17 0 2 * * * *3/4 32 84 38 63 0 9 100 89 11 06/7 4 * * * * 25 100 44 56 0

Total 53 75 49 51 0 36 100 58 42 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8927 10030 9733 100307 8451 10036 8449 9737 7553 100368 8233 10044 7634 10045

Total 85111 100110 85116 99112 7553 10036

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________154

Page 160: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Michael DeBakey High School For Health Professions Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 1011 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **1011

Total * --- * ** * *---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________155

Page 161: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Michael DeBakey High School For Health Professions Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________156

Page 162: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 86 --- 71 --- 60 --- 83 4314 0 20 17 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 80 2174 80 2203 60 2308 100 400 20 20 40 02190

Total 92 --- 50 --- 44 --- 100 330 8 11 22 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________157

Page 163: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Region: CentralTrustee: Diana Dávila

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________158

Page 164: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 100 --- 75 --- 83 --- 100 7513 25 17 67 13---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 100 --- 86 --- 100 --- 100 8633 57 17 50 29---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________159

Page 165: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________160

Page 166: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Houston Academy for International StudiesNew School for 2006–2007.

Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **Total * --- * ** * *---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________161

Page 167: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Houston Academy for International Studies Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________162

Page 168: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mirabeau Lamar High School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 95 2115 53 6016 7 5222910 90 2122 53 2108 31 2239 77 420 6 8 23 0219911 79 2202 88 2192 80 2353 100 7314 13 0 40 02203

Total 89 --- 60 --- 52 --- 87 569 8 4 30 2---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 73 1983 27 328 0 0215510 56 2019 28 2043 35 2171 64 220 0 0 9 0211211 88 2143 53 2129 69 2303 100 530 7 0 27 02202

Total 70 --- 34 --- 49 --- 78 334 2 0 16 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________163

Page 169: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mirabeau Lamar High School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 4 * * * * 5 80 0 60 40 K 4 * * * * 6 83 33 33 331 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 2 * * * * 6 67 50 33 17 3 2 * * * * 5 80 20 80 04 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 5 0 40 60 05 7 100 0 86 14 9 89 0 67 33 5 8 88 0 88 13 8 38 25 75 06 15 87 27 67 7 9 89 11 56 33 6 19 89 37 58 5 11 73 73 27 07 13 85 31 54 15 9 89 11 44 44 7 12 92 33 67 0 11 73 18 55 278 8 100 38 38 25 1 * * * * 8 16 100 31 63 6 3 * * * *9 0 6 100 0 67 33 9 1 * * * * 11 91 36 64 010 0 14 79 29 64 7 10 0 9 100 11 78 11

Total 58 91 22 59 19 67 84 18 54 28 Total 67 91 30 63 7 72 72 31 58 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 6 100 67 33 0 4 * * * *2 0 2 * * * *

3/4 4 * * * * 3 * * * *5 2 * * * * 4 * * * *

6/7 12 100 67 33 0 11 64 36 64 0Total 25 92 72 28 0 24 63 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8635 9327 8540 633010 10023 7739 10027 7942 9225 6324

Total 9158 8366 9167 7272 9225 6324

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________164

Page 170: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Reagan High School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 37 1986 16 134 2 2204110 30 1987 12 1978 19 2107 50 160 0 0 0 0207111 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 35 --- 16 --- 20 --- 55 142 1 0 0 1---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 51 1901 10 192 0 0206810 25 1933 0 00 0 0204611 50 2017 33 * * 2170 78 380 0 * 0 02140

Total 46 --- 10 --- * --- 78 191 0 * 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________165

Page 171: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Reagan High School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

4 11 64 18 45 36 1 * * * * 4 6 50 0 67 33 1 * * * *5 9 56 33 44 22 6 100 50 50 0 5 10 30 20 80 0 4 * * * *6 8 75 13 50 38 3 * * * * 6 8 75 38 63 0 4 * * * *9 1 * * * * 23 100 35 52 13 9 1 * * * * 24 100 96 4 010 0 5 100 60 40 0 10 0 8 100 25 75 0

Total 45 76 18 49 33 38 100 39 50 11 Total 37 54 32 62 5 41 100 76 24 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

5 3 * * * * 4 * * * *6/7 5 80 20 80 0 1 * * * *

Total 15 67 53 47 0 5 60 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 6229 10029 4624 1003010 10016 1009 6913 10011 6715 605

Total 7645 10038 5437 10041 6715 605

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________166

Page 172: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

George Scarborough High School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 64 1961 13 207 0 0215510 70 1969 22 * * * * 380 0 * * 0214811 * 1989 20 * * * * 17* 0 * * 0*

Total 69 --- 17 --- 20 --- 80 264 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 81 1938 16 295 0 0215310 67 1977 17 2038 22 2257 89 00 0 0 22 0213811 50 2008 29 2020 33 2196 63 180 0 0 25 02142

Total 71 --- 18 --- 28 --- 76 192 0 0 24 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________167

Page 173: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

George Scarborough High School Region: CentralTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 0 1 * * * * 2 0 1 * * * *4 3 * * * * 6 83 50 50 0 4 4 * * * * 5 80 20 80 05 10 80 10 70 20 5 100 20 60 20 5 14 79 7 93 0 2 * * * *6 10 90 30 50 20 2 * * * * 6 13 69 46 54 0 5 100 80 20 09 0 13 92 15 62 23 9 0 9 89 89 11 010 0 12 92 58 42 0 10 0 11 91 18 82 0

Total 28 82 25 57 18 41 93 32 54 15 Total 39 69 33 67 0 35 91 43 54 3

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 12 42 58 42 0 5 100 40 60 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8228 9123 6828 891910 9418 7311 9416 4212 1005

Total 8228 9341 6939 9135 4212 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________168

Page 174: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Stephen Waltrip High School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 50 2003 17 224 4 4211010 62 1989 17 1995 12 2138 50 250 0 0 5 0211011 43 2159 67 2099 50 2261 67 380 0 17 33 02082

Total 54 --- 23 --- 22 --- 54 252 2 4 12 2---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 62 1931 19 250 0 0212410 36 2003 29 2029 22 2109 40 170 0 11 20 0209311 60 2060 53 2047 39 2133 63 85 0 0 0 02135

Total 57 --- 30 --- 33 --- 56 181 0 4 6 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________169

Page 175: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Stephen Waltrip High School Region: CentralTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 5 40 80 20 0 K 0 5 60 80 20 02 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 5 80 40 40 20 4 * * * * 3 5 80 20 80 0 1 * * * *4 6 33 67 33 0 4 * * * * 4 8 63 38 63 0 5 100 20 80 05 6 83 33 67 0 7 86 29 57 14 5 9 78 33 44 22 7 100 43 29 296 10 50 50 30 20 7 86 71 29 0 6 11 45 55 27 18 6 50 83 17 07 5 60 80 20 0 1 * * * * 7 8 75 75 25 0 6 83 33 33 339 0 4 * * * * 9 0 8 100 63 25 1310 0 2 * * * * 10 0 8 100 63 38 0

Total 35 57 51 40 9 35 77 57 37 6 Total 46 63 43 48 9 47 87 55 34 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 4 * * * * 3 * * * *5 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

6/7 7 14 71 29 0 4 * * * *Total 20 20 80 20 0 10 60 70 20 10

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 6319 7924 6526 912310 4715 7311 5819 8324 2020 6010

Total 5634 7735 6245 8747 2020 6010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________170

Page 176: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jack Yates High School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 60 1924 11 317 0 0209610 20 1936 21 1950 7 2088 36 1010 0 0 7 0204811 47 2090 44 2076 44 2177 56 350 11 0 22 02087

Total 45 --- 25 --- * --- 22 --- 43 245 3 * 0 13 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 37 1879 8 150 0 0205010 29 1956 9 1928 13 2056 29 70 0 0 5 0204911 19 2025 20 2008 30 2052 50 00 0 0 0 02032

Total 30 --- 11 --- 18 --- 35 90 0 0 3 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________171

Page 177: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jack Yates High School Region: CentralTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 10 80 30 40 30 21 100 57 43 0 3 7 71 14 86 0 23 100 91 9 07 7 71 29 29 43 1 * * * * 7 6 83 33 50 17 09 0 54 98 11 63 26 9 3 * * * * 42 98 83 14 210 0 51 100 76 24 0 10 0 44 100 32 68 0

Total 93 80 22 42 37 127 99 45 43 12 Total 88 72 33 58 9 109 99 64 35 1

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 14 64 79 14 7 5 100 100 0 05 12 58 58 33 8 1 * * * *

Total 38 61 55 39 5 6 100 100 0 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 7760 9859 6653 984910 8432 10059 8035 10051 6138 1006

Total 7992 99118 7288 99100 6138 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________172

Page 178: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 179: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

East Region

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 69 2094 4526 1422204 60 2121 62 2172 63 4212 8 8 121155 47 2114 52 2090 461 11 1320536 54 2030 32 2815 6 421337 36 2007 25 2102 53 212 1 3 020398 54 1987 21 1917 25 2110 62 106 3 2 3 120829 59 1963 24 294 1 12104

10 40 1974 20 1945 11 2102 58 100 0 0 0 0209111 49 2077 35 2047 29 2162 71 240 0 0 5 02097

Total 52 --- 35 --- 57 --- 29 --- 63 247 5 4 2 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2086 50 2093 533 6 50 34 2085 54 2178 61 2278 708 27 13 41 35 * * * * * ** * * * *6

Total --- 52 --- 57 --- 70 --- *5 18 13 * 46 4

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 70 2066 5222 821634 53 2111 56 2131 63 295 12 5 220975 53 2104 53 2026 450 14 720516 54 1978 20 206 1 120507 48 2014 27 2100 48 192 0 2 120478 49 2020 27 1839 18 2049 30 127 1 0 1 020739 53 1909 6 122 0 02066

10 42 1973 10 1914 8 2034 30 50 0 0 2 0207611 44 2051 29 2021 20 2149 64 150 4 0 7 02088

Total 51 --- 30 --- 55 --- 21 --- 38 154 5 3 2 3 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2071 58 2089 560 84 2070 52 2142 62 2281 774 12 15 42 05 * * * * * ** * *6

Total --- 56 --- 58 --- 77 --- *2 9 15 * 42 0

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________173

Page 180: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

East Region

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 23 100 0 13 87 46 93 7 24 70 K 13 62 0 54 46 46 91 11 43 461 116 94 1 24 75 66 97 5 29 67 1 67 94 4 28 67 53 94 11 21 682 195 84 14 39 47 102 79 36 22 42 2 125 92 3 26 70 72 89 7 43 503 260 82 14 47 38 146 86 35 53 12 3 232 73 5 71 24 128 84 21 58 214 207 77 22 55 23 132 88 42 44 14 4 221 80 14 64 22 116 87 32 61 75 134 88 20 49 31 140 91 45 44 11 5 180 79 14 67 19 129 91 24 65 116 73 90 25 42 33 156 93 31 56 13 6 111 87 41 52 7 126 90 67 29 57 27 93 22 56 22 128 95 34 55 12 7 38 89 42 58 0 128 92 54 45 28 12 92 0 58 42 115 96 46 52 2 8 12 75 25 75 0 122 89 57 41 29 1 * * * * 27 100 15 78 7 9 0 39 100 74 15 1010 0 32 97 75 22 3 10 0 23 100 22 78 0

Total 1,048 85 15 44 40 1,090 91 35 45 19 Total 999 82 14 58 29 982 90 37 47 16

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 71 90 32 39 28 49 92 39 53 82 86 65 72 27 1 58 62 74 26 0

3/4 115 77 74 25 1 115 81 76 23 15 58 79 67 29 3 11 64 64 36 0

6/7 35 94 60 40 0 111 77 62 37 18/9 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 368 79 63 30 7 348 78 65 33 2

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 94104 93108 9972 94834 90133 93131 88106 93111 77124 721335 93161 90156 92126 941456 82201 91171 83168 891317 83183 94162 68166 89138 76170 891538 73146 93148 67147 881449 8185 85132 85137 85139

10 8534 8878 8775 9289 8674 6162Total 851,047 911,086 82997 90980 79368 78348

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________174

Page 181: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Bellfort Academy Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 80 --- 50 --- * --- * *40 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

4 * * * 1712 33 17* * 0 0*5 * 1928 17* 0*

Total * --- 14 --- 33 17* 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________175

Page 182: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Bellfort Academy Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *3 13 77 8 46 46 1 * * * * 3 8 100 0 75 25 1 * * * *4 1 * * * * 6 83 67 17 17 4 0 5 100 40 60 05 0 7 100 29 57 14 5 0 6 100 0 83 17

Total 18 78 6 50 44 18 89 44 44 11 Total 11 100 0 55 45 16 94 25 69 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 5 0 100 0 0

3/4 3 * * * * 5 40 100 0 0Total 7 43 29 43 29 11 27 91 9 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 758 8010 1007 899 437 27115 8010 1008 *4 1007

Total 7818 8918 10011 9416 437 2711

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________176

Page 183: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Melinda Bonner Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 100 * * * * 800 * * 022115 * * * * ** * **

Total 89 --- 67 --- * --- * 800 22 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 60 --- * --- *0 * * 60 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2329 10050 6023404 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 89 --- 75 --- * --- * *33 50 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________177

Page 184: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Melinda Bonner Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 5 80 0 40 60 1 * * * * 2 7 100 0 29 71 1 * * * *3 2 * * * * 5 100 80 20 0 3 5 100 0 40 60 3 * * * *4 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 5 100 40 60 05 0 7 100 86 14 0 5 0 8 100 13 88 0

Total 18 94 17 44 39 17 100 71 29 0 Total 19 100 0 37 63 17 100 35 65 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 0 8 50 75 25 0

Total 4 * * * * 10 60 60 30 10

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *4 1005 *34 *3 1005 *3 1006 *4 60105 10011 1008 10011 1008

Total 9418 10017 10019 10017 *4 6010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________178

Page 185: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Andrew Briscoe Elementary Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *6 * * * ** * **

Total * --- 20 --- * ** 20 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- 60 --- ** 0 * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * * ** * **6 * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179

Page 186: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Andrew Briscoe Elementary Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 2 * * * *4 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *5 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *6 0 2 * * * * 6 0 2 * * * *

Total 13 100 0 46 54 12 100 25 67 8 Total 10 100 0 60 40 8 100 25 25 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *4 *2 *34 *2 *3 *1 *1 *1 *25 *3 *3 *3 *26 *4 *2 *4 *2

Total 10013 10012 10010 1008 *1 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________180

Page 187: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

David Burnet Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2047 40 * * 40* 0 * 0*5 * 2039 43 * ** 14 **6 * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 41 --- * --- * 3810 6 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5 * * * * * ** * * * *6

Total --- * --- 40 --- * --- ** 20 * * 33 17

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2026 43* 0*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **6

Total 33 --- 36 --- * *0 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- 60 --- 67 --- *0 17 * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________181

Page 188: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

David Burnet Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 1 * * * * K 3 * * * * 2 * * * *1 8 100 0 13 88 5 80 0 60 40 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 13 92 8 31 62 9 100 22 33 44 2 5 80 0 40 60 7 100 0 43 573 3 * * * * 7 100 29 43 29 3 9 78 0 78 22 3 * * * *4 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 2 * * * *5 0 6 100 33 50 17 5 0 4 * * * *6 0 1 * * * * 6 0 1 * * * *

Total 29 97 3 28 69 31 97 19 45 35 Total 18 78 0 56 44 21 100 10 43 48

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 0 4 * * * *

Total 9 78 67 33 0 6 100 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1009 1009 *4 10084 9010 1007 805 *4 789 10065 1006 9212 805 10086 *4 *3 *4 *1

Total 9729 9731 7818 10021 789 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________182

Page 189: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Rufus Cage Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 67 * * 2145 670 * 172096

Total 75 --- 50 --- 67 *0 13 17 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 50 2166 71 * *0 29 *2098

Total 50 --- 67 --- * --- * *0 33 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 0 --- 20 --- *0 0 * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________183

Page 190: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Rufus Cage Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 0 03 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 2 * * * *4 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 0 2 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 6 100 0 33 67 7 100 14 29 57 Total 5 100 0 20 80 6 83 33 50 17

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 0 1 * * * *3/4 0 2 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 *1 *14 *1 *3 *2 *1 *2 *35 *4 *3 *3 *4

Total 1006 1007 1005 836 *2 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________184

Page 191: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edna Carrillo Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 33 2154 60 2075 400 0 02038

Total 56 --- 67 --- * --- 40 *22 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * 2384 60* * 40 60 05 * * * ** * * *

Total --- 25 --- 50 --- 60 --- *0 17 40 * 30 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 100 --- 71 --- *14 0 * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________185

Page 192: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edna Carrillo Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 03 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 1 * * * * 2 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 0 4 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 7 100 0 29 71 9 100 0 89 11 Total 5 80 0 40 60 9 100 0 56 44

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *1 *14 *4 *1 *2 *1 *2 *15 *3 1006 *2 1007

Total 1007 1009 805 1009 *2 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________186

Page 193: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Manuel Crespo Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 80 2146 60 2063 600 20 02123

Total 86 --- 50 --- * --- 60 *0 10 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 1970 20 2101 800 0 20 04 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 38 --- 89 --- *13 22 * 44 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2142 50 * ** 17 **

Total 71 --- 60 --- * --- * *0 10 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 50 --- 50 --- *0 17 * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________187

Page 194: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Manuel Crespo Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 83 33 33 33 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 6 100 17 33 50 6 0 50 50 0 3 8 100 0 88 13 3 * * * *4 0 4 * * * * 4 0 4 * * * *5 0 5 100 80 20 0 5 0 7 71 43 57 0

Total 14 93 21 36 43 16 56 63 38 0 Total 12 92 0 67 33 15 60 40 60 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 4 * * * *Total 6 33 83 17 0 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 06 *1 *34 836 *4 867 *4 336 *45 1006 836 *4 758

Total 9314 5616 9212 6015 336 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________188

Page 195: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jaime Davíla Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * --- * ** 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2070 33 * ** 0 **

Total 63 --- 45 --- * --- * *13 9 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________189

Page 196: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jaime Davíla Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 2 * * * * K 2 * * * * 2 * * * *1 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 3 * * * *4 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *5 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 14 86 21 43 36 11 91 36 55 9 Total 8 75 13 63 25 10 100 0 70 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 6 50 67 17 17 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 *4 10054 867 *1 *4 *1 506 *25 1006 1006 *4 *4

Total 8614 9111 758 10010 506 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________190

Page 197: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lorenzo De Zavala Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 60 2030 11 * *20 11 *2138

Total 75 --- 18 --- * --- * *25 9 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 86 --- 83 --- * --- * *57 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *456

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________191

Page 198: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lorenzo De Zavala Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 5 100 0 60 40 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3 5 100 0 60 40 3 * * * * 3 5 100 0 80 20 2 * * * *4 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 3 * * * *5 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 0

Total 16 100 6 44 50 13 100 31 38 31 Total 14 100 0 57 43 10 100 10 40 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 8 100 50 25 25 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *3 *4 *34 1007 *3 *4 *4 1008 *35 1006 1007 1005 *3

Total 10016 10013 10013 10010 1008 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________192

Page 199: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2236 60 * 40*4 * 2154 83 * * 50* 0 * 0*5 * * * * ** * **6

Total 63 --- 69 --- * --- * 5025 15 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *456

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2102 40 1897 29* 0 0*6 * * ** *

Total 50 --- 45 --- * --- 29 *0 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *456

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________193

Page 200: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 5 80 40 60 0 6 100 67 17 17 3 7 71 14 71 14 4 * * * *4 5 100 40 60 0 8 100 75 13 13 4 5 80 60 40 0 4 * * * *5 6 100 50 33 17 7 100 29 71 0 5 5 100 20 80 0 7 100 29 71 0

Total 26 88 27 50 23 21 100 57 33 10 Total 24 83 25 58 17 15 100 40 60 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 9 78 67 33 0Total 6 50 17 67 17 9 78 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 805 1006 *4 *44 *4 1008 805 *4 506 7895 10010 1007 1009 1007

Total 8826 10021 8324 10015 506 789

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________194

Page 201: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mario Gallegos Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- 80 --- * ** 20 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total 40 --- 38 --- * --- * *20 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________195

Page 202: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mario Gallegos Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 01 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 0 1 * * * * 3 0 04 0 0 4 0 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 6 100 0 17 83 7 100 0 14 86 Total 2 * * * * 5 100 0 40 60

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 0 2 * * * *

Total 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *1 *1 *14 *2 *3 *3 *35 *1 *2 *1 *1

Total 1006 1006 *2 1005 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________196

Page 203: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Harris Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2149 80 * * 33* 0 * 0*5 * * * * **

Total 25 --- 60 --- * 330 10 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 70 --- * --- * *0 20 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________197

Page 204: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Harris Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 7 100 0 57 43 5 100 0 80 20 1 4 * * * * 1 * * * *2 6 100 17 0 83 3 * * * * 2 6 83 17 0 83 3 * * * *3 4 * * * * 8 88 13 75 13 3 4 * * * * 11 100 0 18 824 0 1 * * * * 4 0 05 0 2 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 19 100 11 32 58 20 95 25 50 25 Total 14 93 7 14 79 18 100 11 33 56

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 6 83 33 67 0 5 100 20 80 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *3 *4 *34 1006 1006 805 *4 836 10055 1007 9010 1005 10011

Total 10019 9519 9314 10018 836 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________198

Page 205: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Roland Harris Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **45 * * *

Total * --- * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2109 50 * ** 17 **

Total 60 --- 40 --- * --- * *0 10 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________199

Page 206: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Roland Harris Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 5 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 2 * * * *3 7 100 0 29 71 8 100 50 50 0 3 6 67 0 83 17 6 100 17 83 04 0 6 100 50 50 0 4 1 * * * * 7 100 14 86 05 0 7 100 29 71 0 5 0 7 100 29 71 0

Total 19 100 0 11 89 27 100 37 44 19 Total 14 86 0 36 64 24 100 17 67 17

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 9 89 56 44 0 5 80 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 10014 *3 10074 1007 1006 1006 1007 899 8055 1008 1007 605 10010

Total 10019 10027 8614 10024 899 805

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________200

Page 207: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Henderson, Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * 2160 78* * 22*

Total 100 --- 75 --- * --- 78 *0 0 * 22 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 1973 50 * ** 0 **

Total 86 --- 60 --- * --- * *0 10 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________201

Page 208: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Henderson, Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 5 100 0 0 100 1 3 * * * * 5 100 0 0 1002 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 6 100 0 50 50 2 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 2 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 05 0 3 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 12 100 0 33 67 14 100 7 36 57 Total 8 100 0 0 100 10 100 0 30 70

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 6 67 50 33 17 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *4 *2 *34 1006 *4 1005 *2 676 *45 *3 1006 *1 1005

Total 10012 10014 1008 10010 676 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________202

Page 209: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Dora Lantrip Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 20 2108 33 2114 800 17 02052

Total 14 --- 36 --- * --- 80 *0 9 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________203

Page 210: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Dora Lantrip Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 100 0 33 67 5 100 0 0 100 2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 8 88 0 38 63 6 100 0 0 100 Total 4 * * * * 5 100 0 0 100

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *2 *1 *24 *2 *2 *1 *1 *15 *3 *2 *2 *2

Total 888 1006 *4 1005 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________204

Page 211: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Judd Lewis Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *Total --- * *

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **Total * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________205

Page 212: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Judd Lewis Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *1 8 100 0 38 63 1 * * * * 1 5 100 0 80 20 02 0 1 * * * * 2 0 1 * * * *

Total 8 100 0 38 63 6 100 0 17 83 Total 5 100 0 80 20 5 100 0 20 80

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 1006 1005 1005Total 1008 1006 1005 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________206

Page 213: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Oates Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2457 100 * ** 80 **6 * * * ** * **

Total 83 --- 100 --- * --- * 10033 43 * * 33---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6

Total 100 --- 71 --- * --- * *0 29 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *456

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________207

Page 214: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Oates Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 03 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 04 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 05 1 * * * * 6 100 17 50 33 5 2 * * * * 3 * * * *6 0 1 * * * * 6 0 0

Total 14 100 0 21 79 14 100 21 43 36 Total 9 100 0 33 67 5 100 0 60 40

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *2 *1 *14 *3 *4 *2 *1 *3 *45 1006 1006 *4 *26 *2 *2 *2 *1

Total 10014 10014 1009 1005 *3 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________208

Page 215: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Park Place Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 33 2010 44 1978 44 110 0 0 019225 14 2011 38 1929 290 0 01900

Total 28 --- 38 --- 44 --- 29 110 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * 2080 60 0* * 0 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 33 --- 20 --- 60 --- * 00 0 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________209

Page 216: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Park Place Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 12 100 25 58 17 2 * * * * 2 10 100 0 30 70 2 * * * *3 13 100 8 54 38 2 * * * * 3 8 100 13 50 38 2 * * * *

Total 28 100 14 50 36 8 75 25 38 38 Total 20 100 5 45 50 6 100 0 67 33

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *3 *4 *15 10011 605 1008 1005

Total 10028 758 10020 1006 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________210

Page 217: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Patterson Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 29 2203 83 2260 500 0 332032

Total 50 --- 62 --- * --- 50 *8 8 * 33 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 40 2138 5040 1721454 67 2301 100 2214 67 430 29 0 021135 * 2121 60 * ** 0 **

Total 40 --- 72 --- 67 --- * 4313 17 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________211

Page 218: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Patterson Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 03 6 100 0 67 33 7 100 14 71 14 3 4 * * * * 6 83 17 83 04 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 2 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 15 100 0 40 60 12 100 17 50 33 Total 11 100 0 18 82 11 91 9 82 9

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 0 3 * * * *3/4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 5 20 60 40 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 *2 *2 *24 *4 1005 *3 *3 *4 2055 1006 1005 1006 836

Total 10015 10012 10011 9111 *4 205

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________212

Page 219: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pleasantville Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * ** *

Total * --- 50 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________213

Page 220: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pleasantville Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 2 * * * * K 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 2 * * * * 10 100 40 50 10 3 2 * * * * 9 100 33 67 04 2 * * * * 5 100 60 40 0 4 0 6 100 50 50 05 0 7 100 71 29 0 5 0 7 100 86 14 0

Total 17 88 12 24 65 24 100 50 38 13 Total 14 86 0 36 64 24 100 50 42 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 0 60 40 3 * * * *2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 7 100 14 57 29 5 100 40 60 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 10010 1005 10094 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 10055 605 1008 *3 1008

Total 8817 10024 8614 10024 1007 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________214

Page 221: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Port Houston Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 56


Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **456 * * ** *

Total * --- * ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________215

Page 222: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Port Houston Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 04 0 2 * * * * 4 0 3 * * * *

Total 5 100 0 20 80 4 * * * * Total 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *3/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 *4 *4 *3Total 1005 *4 *3 *4 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________216

Page 223: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Judson Robinson Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total 60 --- 50 --- * *20 25 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * ** *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * *5

Total --- * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________217

Page 224: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Judson Robinson Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 5 100 0 0 100 4 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 4 * * * *2 8 63 25 38 38 7 57 71 14 14 2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *3 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 7 100 0 86 14 5 100 20 80 04 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 5 80 40 40 20 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 18 83 11 33 56 20 80 50 25 25 Total 17 100 0 47 53 18 100 17 56 28

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 6 100 17 33 50 6 83 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1005 *4 10054 888 676 1006 1006 1006 8365 836 789 1006 1007

Total 8318 8020 10016 10018 1006 836

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________218

Page 225: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pearl Rucker Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 17 1928 0 0 019914 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 46 --- 20 --- * --- * *8 7 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 45 --- 40 --- * --- * *9 10 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________219

Page 226: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pearl Rucker Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 01 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 7 57 43 0 57 8 100 25 13 63 Total 5 60 0 60 40 4 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *3 *1 *14 *1 *4 *1 *2 *2 *45 *4 *1 *3 *1

Total 577 1008 605 *4 *2 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________220

Page 227: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Rusk Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 6 * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *456

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6 * * ** *

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * * ** * *6

Total --- * --- * --- ** * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________221

Page 228: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Rusk Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 5 60 40 20 40 2 4 * * * * 5 60 0 80 203 5 80 20 80 0 4 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 4 * * * *4 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *6 0 2 * * * * 6 0 2 * * * *

Total 15 67 20 47 33 13 77 62 23 15 Total 13 85 0 69 31 13 85 15 77 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 6 83 100 0 0Total 2 * * * * 6 83 100 0 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 805 *1 *4 *14 *4 676 *4 836 *2 8365 *4 *4 *4 *46 *2 *2 *1 *2

Total 6715 7713 8513 8513 *2 836

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________222

Page 229: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

George Sanchez Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total 80 --- 100 --- * *60 60 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * ** * *5 67 2080 43 1900 250 0 02103

Total 67 --- 33 --- * --- 25 *0 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________223

Page 230: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

George Sanchez Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 02 8 88 13 75 13 0 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 5 60 0 40 60 4 * * * * 3 6 100 0 67 33 4 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 18 83 6 56 39 7 86 14 71 14 Total 14 93 0 43 57 6 83 0 100 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 0 2 * * * *

Total 6 67 33 67 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *2 *1 *24 1006 *2 805 *2 676 *35 679 *3 1008 *2

Total 8318 867 9314 836 676 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________224

Page 231: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Southmayd Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 80 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- 60 --- ** 20 * 67 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 100 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________225

Page 232: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Southmayd Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *3 6 100 0 17 83 4 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 3 * * * *4 1 * * * * 7 86 29 57 14 4 5 100 0 20 80 6 83 0 100 05 0 7 86 71 14 14 5 0 7 86 29 43 29

Total 14 93 0 36 64 22 91 41 32 27 Total 14 100 0 14 86 20 90 10 60 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *2 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 0 3 * * * *Total 4 * * * * 9 100 67 22 11

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1005 1005 *44 *4 899 *4 888 *4 10095 836 888 1005 888

Total 9314 9122 10014 9020 *4 1009

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________226

Page 233: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Felix Tijerina Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * 0* * * 0*5 * * * * ** * **6 * * * ** * **

Total 22 --- 40 --- * --- * 290 0 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * *56

Total --- * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6 * * * ** * **

Total 57 --- 33 --- * --- * 400 11 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________227

Page 234: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Felix Tijerina Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 1 * * * * 3 * * * *1 10 90 0 20 80 7 86 29 57 14 1 7 71 29 0 71 6 83 50 33 172 9 67 11 56 33 13 69 23 54 23 2 7 100 14 0 86 10 100 0 20 803 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 3 7 100 0 29 71 7 86 14 71 144 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 25 84 8 32 60 28 71 25 54 21 Total 23 83 13 17 70 28 86 21 39 39

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 11 45 82 18 0

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 7 100 86 14 0 13 46 85 15 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 805 *3 *44 717 8211 679 9212 1007 46135 888 449 888 6796 *4 *3 *3 *3

Total 8425 7128 8323 8628 1007 4613

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________228

Page 235: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Whittier Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * 60* * * 0*5 40 2019 40 1962 200 0 01999

Total 70 --- 64 --- * --- 20 600 0 * 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2286 100 1978 33* 40 0*

Total 63 --- 73 --- * --- 33 *0 18 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________229

Page 236: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Whittier Elementary School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 0 2 * * * *2 7 100 0 57 43 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 04 1 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 13 100 0 46 54 11 100 55 27 18 Total 9 100 11 56 33 10 90 20 40 40

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 4 * * * *2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 7 57 43 43 14

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *1 *3 *14 *2 1007 *1 836 *2 5775 1007 *3 1005 *3

Total 10013 10011 1009 9010 *2 577

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________230

Page 237: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Deady Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 62 1994 19 2223 0 021847 67 2021 29 2120 53 290 0 0 021128 30 1957 15 1913 20 2086 50 010 0 0 0 02019

Total 54 --- 22 --- 53 --- 20 --- 50 1911 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 78 2077 36 3822 7 622107 14 1972 0 2082 50 00 0 0 019368 71 2021 50 1833 19 1995 30 1814 0 0 0 02168

Total 57 --- 28 --- 50 --- 19 --- 30 2013 3 0 0 0 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________231

Page 238: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Deady Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 16 75 0 56 44 5 100 60 40 0 2 6 83 0 67 33 2 * * * *3 37 76 11 57 32 3 * * * * 3 37 68 5 78 16 5 100 40 40 204 25 72 16 48 36 13 100 77 15 8 4 25 88 4 64 32 10 100 80 20 05 12 92 0 42 58 5 100 80 20 0 5 18 61 11 72 17 1 * * * *6 6 100 0 67 33 17 100 18 76 6 6 5 80 80 20 0 9 100 89 11 07 2 * * * * 21 100 43 38 19 7 1 * * * * 21 100 62 38 08 0 18 100 39 56 6 8 0 16 100 38 63 0

Total 102 77 8 54 38 84 100 46 44 10 Total 94 74 10 68 22 67 100 57 40 3

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 6 67 67 33 0 2 * * * *

3/4 22 73 59 41 0 21 100 81 19 05 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

6/7 0 5 100 60 40 0Total 31 74 58 39 3 32 100 81 19 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7642 10021 8637 100147 8335 10037 7330 10031 7431 100328 7225 10025 5927 10022

Total 77102 10083 7494 10067 7431 10032

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________232

Page 239: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Edison Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 38 1946 12 100 0 020207 42 2041 50 2079 67 430 0 8 020198 69 2044 38 1956 38 2177 77 200 8 0 8 02123

Total 50 --- 33 --- 67 --- 38 --- 77 260 2 8 0 8 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 57 1974 25 300 0 018257 86 1966 33 2155 44 180 0 0 020438 70 2112 40 2009 43 2267 100 3310 10 0 14 02185

Total 71 --- 33 --- 44 --- 43 --- 100 274 4 0 0 14 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________233

Page 240: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Edison Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 9 44 11 56 33 3 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *3 15 80 13 47 40 3 * * * * 3 10 60 0 60 40 4 * * * *4 15 87 0 80 20 4 * * * * 4 15 80 27 53 20 6 83 0 100 05 7 86 14 71 14 1 * * * * 5 10 80 10 70 20 1 * * * *6 8 100 0 63 38 18 100 39 44 17 6 7 100 14 57 29 13 100 77 15 87 3 * * * * 19 100 42 58 0 7 2 * * * * 16 100 44 56 08 0 15 100 60 40 0 8 1 * * * * 15 93 67 33 0

Total 57 81 7 65 28 63 95 49 46 5 Total 49 76 16 61 22 56 93 54 45 2

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 57 100 0 0 1 * * * *3/4 8 88 75 25 0 4 * * * *6/7 2 * * * * 22 100 73 27 0

Total 24 67 79 21 0 27 93 78 22 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8513 9521 8010 94167 8127 10023 7322 10020 6724 93278 7516 8919 7516 8419

Total 8157 9563 7649 9355 6724 9327

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________234

Page 241: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Holland Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 2068 55 55* 9 9*7 * 2004 0 * * 0* 0 * 0*8 80 2015 33 1906 33 2167 83 2020 0 0 0 02187

Total 50 --- 31 --- * --- 33 --- 83 2725 3 * 0 0 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 50 1948 27 1813 0 020697 * 1944 0 * * 0* 0 * 0*8 40 2007 29 1815 9 2024 18 513 0 0 0 02104

Total 40 --- 24 --- * --- 9 --- 18 712 0 * 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________235

Page 242: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Holland Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 1 * * * * K 4 * * * * 3 * * * *1 3 * * * * 8 100 0 0 100 1 2 * * * * 5 80 20 0 802 14 86 21 14 64 9 89 11 0 89 2 6 83 0 33 67 6 83 0 33 673 26 81 4 54 42 7 86 14 57 29 3 22 27 5 91 5 10 60 10 60 304 33 70 21 48 30 2 * * * * 4 33 67 12 52 36 3 * * * *6 5 100 0 0 100 26 100 12 77 12 6 3 * * * * 19 100 47 47 57 2 * * * * 26 100 15 69 15 7 1 * * * * 19 100 53 42 58 0 32 100 34 66 0 8 0 28 100 57 39 4

Total 107 80 11 42 47 111 97 19 59 23 Total 96 60 7 60 32 93 90 42 42 16

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 6 67 83 0 17 2 * * * *3/4 19 100 89 11 0 3 * * * *6/7 5 80 60 40 0 21 95 67 33 0

Total 49 94 71 24 4 26 92 65 35 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8526 9736 7722 93297 8449 9731 5044 8324 9449 92268 7232 9844 6330 9340

Total 80107 97111 6096 9093 9449 9226

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________236

Page 243: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Jackson Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 45 1954 18 70 0 021027 11 1985 11 2113 50 90 11 13 020098 53 1960 5 1898 8 2145 69 107 5 8 8 52066

Total 40 --- 10 --- 50 --- 8 --- 69 93 5 13 8 8 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 17 1929 14 110 0 019357 50 2074 45 2113 45 358 0 5 520878 64 1981 22 1932 45 2173 73 250 0 0 0 02124

Total 48 --- 30 --- 45 --- 45 --- 73 273 0 5 0 0 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________237

Page 244: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Jackson Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 3 * * * * 0 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 8 63 25 63 13 2 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 12 67 42 33 25 2 * * * * 3 12 58 25 75 0 2 * * * *5 15 93 7 47 47 1 * * * * 5 16 56 13 75 13 06 3 * * * * 15 100 67 33 0 6 14 86 43 43 14 17 100 76 24 07 1 * * * * 15 100 53 27 20 7 0 15 100 60 33 78 0 20 100 60 40 0 8 0 16 94 75 19 6

Total 72 74 22 44 33 58 100 53 38 9 Total 74 64 20 68 12 55 98 65 29 5

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 7 71 71 29 0 1 * * * *5 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

6/7 1 * * * * 15 100 80 20 0Total 19 68 63 37 0 18 94 83 17 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8318 10018 6517 100197 8127 10018 6727 10018 6819 94188 5927 10022 6030 9418

Total 7472 10058 6474 9855 6819 9418

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________238

Page 245: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Daniel Ortiz Jr. Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 25 2020 32 180 0 020497 21 1977 14 2082 53 40 0 0 019808 89 2031 30 1954 33 2067 56 011 0 0 0 02180

Total 42 --- 24 --- 53 --- 33 --- 56 93 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 62 1951 9 150 0 021077 56 2070 50 2090 63 200 0 0 020638 25 1986 10 1783 3 1998 17 00 0 0 0 01895

Total 45 --- 19 --- 63 --- 3 --- 17 90 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________239

Page 246: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Daniel Ortiz Jr. Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 100 33 33 33 2 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 22 68 9 64 27 3 * * * * 3 11 73 27 64 9 1 * * * *4 23 74 26 65 9 13 69 23 31 46 4 27 81 7 93 0 9 56 78 22 05 20 90 20 55 25 2 * * * * 5 16 94 19 69 13 4 * * * *6 5 100 0 0 100 33 73 30 58 12 6 7 57 14 86 0 17 71 41 47 127 0 25 80 36 60 4 7 4 * * * * 20 65 70 30 08 0 15 73 40 60 0 8 0 17 71 53 47 0

Total 77 81 18 56 26 93 72 35 53 12 Total 69 83 13 83 4 69 65 57 39 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 10 80 80 20 0 10 90 70 30 06/7 0 22 59 55 45 0

Total 17 71 82 18 0 32 69 59 41 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8341 6936 9431 62217 7218 7933 6916 6926 7117 69328 8318 6523 7722 6422

Total 8177 7292 8369 6569 7117 6932

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________240

Page 247: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Project Chrysalis Charter Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 83 --- 50 --- * --- * --- * 5017 13 * * * 13---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 * * * ** * **8 * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * 20* * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________241

Page 248: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Project Chrysalis Charter Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

5 0 1 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 06 0 1 * * * * 6 0 0

Total 2 * * * * 2 * * * * Total 1 * * * * 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 *1 *17 *1 *1

Total *2 *2 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________242

Page 249: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

W. I. Stevenson Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 67 2067 40 3611 20 921197 36 2006 29 2111 53 247 0 0 020638 27 1941 13 1888 25 2039 41 120 0 0 0 02011

Total 39 --- 28 --- 53 --- 25 --- 41 225 6 0 0 0 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 40 1955 11 100 0 020587 33 * * 2092 50 100 * 0 020738 56 2006 15 1874 35 2062 29 2011 0 0 0 02086

Total 45 --- 12 --- 50 --- 35 --- 29 155 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________243

Page 250: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

W. I. Stevenson Middle School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 0 2 * * * *2 5 100 40 60 0 6 67 67 17 17 2 5 100 0 40 60 3 * * * *3 19 63 42 21 37 10 90 20 80 0 3 10 40 0 60 40 8 63 38 50 134 30 93 20 63 17 5 80 40 60 0 4 28 89 18 71 11 2 * * * *5 15 80 40 53 7 3 * * * * 5 18 83 11 83 6 2 * * * *6 14 93 21 57 21 16 100 50 44 6 6 16 94 38 63 0 16 88 75 19 67 2 * * * * 8 100 25 75 0 7 1 * * * * 13 92 62 38 08 3 * * * * 7 100 57 43 0 8 1 * * * * 16 81 50 44 6

Total 89 84 28 52 20 60 93 38 50 12 Total 79 84 16 70 14 65 86 49 45 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 5 20 80 20 0 1 * * * *

3/4 14 79 86 14 0 14 86 71 29 06/7 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 30 67 77 23 0 18 89 72 28 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8035 9226 8731 87237 9327 8919 8826 8419 6730 89188 8127 10015 7322 8622

Total 8489 9360 8479 8664 6730 8918

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________244

Page 251: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Stephen Austin High School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 70 2038 41 460 6 0214410 27 1984 10 1931 0 2062 43 60 0 0 0 0207211 55 2165 63 2113 67 2233 70 500 0 0 20 02127

Total 52 --- 37 --- 29 --- 54 340 3 0 8 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 47 1920 7 210 0 0204110 36 2006 25 1959 18 2085 40 110 0 0 13 0206811 64 2123 50 2081 36 2218 92 330 17 0 8 02144

Total 48 --- 22 --- 27 --- 63 210 4 0 11 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________245

Page 252: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Stephen Austin High School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 01 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 0 1 * * * * 2 0 2 * * * *3 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 2 * * * *4 3 * * * * 7 43 43 57 0 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 8 75 38 50 13 8 100 38 50 13 5 16 69 19 50 31 13 85 23 62 156 9 67 56 33 11 7 100 29 71 0 6 14 79 36 64 0 11 45 82 18 07 14 93 36 50 14 5 100 20 60 20 7 15 73 53 47 0 12 100 50 50 08 7 86 0 43 57 3 * * * * 8 3 * * * * 8 100 38 63 09 1 * * * * 8 100 25 63 13 9 0 10 100 80 10 1010 0 10 100 80 20 0 10 0 4 * * * *

Total 48 77 33 46 21 54 89 44 44 11 Total 55 69 31 55 15 65 86 48 43 9

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

6/7 8 88 50 50 0 1 * * * *8/9 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 13 69 62 38 0 7 71 57 29 14

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 7633 8739 6540 824410 8614 9315 8015 9521 6913 717

Total 7947 8954 6955 8665 6913 717

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________246

Page 253: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Cesar Chávez High School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 67 1916 7 117 0 0212410 40 1956 13 1955 7 2114 50 00 0 0 0 0210711 37 2075 31 2052 29 2115 56 130 0 0 0 02046

Total 53 --- 15 --- 19 --- 53 94 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 50 1856 0 46 0 0208910 37 1972 13 1893 10 2016 27 70 0 0 0 0206111 36 1977 10 1977 0 2086 40 50 0 0 0 02054

Total 40 --- 8 --- 7 --- 32 51 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________247

Page 254: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Cesar Chávez High School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 9 100 0 22 78 K 0 8 100 0 63 381 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 0 1 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *3 0 3 * * * * 3 0 3 * * * *4 0 6 67 33 67 0 4 11 100 27 64 9 5 60 20 60 205 0 19 63 37 53 11 5 17 94 18 71 12 6 67 17 83 06 1 * * * * 13 85 23 38 38 6 19 100 42 47 11 8 100 88 13 07 0 4 * * * * 7 9 100 67 33 0 9 78 22 78 08 0 4 * * * * 8 0 6 50 83 17 09 0 0 9 0 4 * * * *10 0 1 * * * * 10 0 2 * * * *

Total 1 * * * * 61 77 28 44 28 Total 58 98 34 53 12 54 81 37 54 9

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 5 100 80 20 02 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 11 91 82 18 0 6 33 33 67 0

6/7 9 100 44 56 0 18 22 39 56 6Total 34 88 76 24 0 30 40 47 50 3

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 *1 8147 9840 813710 6414 10018 8116 8834 4030

Total *1 7761 9858 8154 8834 4030

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________248

Page 255: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Eastwood Academy for Academic Achievement Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * ** * * **

Total 83 --- * --- * --- * 6717 * * * 17---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * ** **10 * * * * * ** * * **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 50 --- * --- 40 --- 80 170 * 0 20 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________249

Page 256: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Eastwood Academy for Academic Achievement Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

7 0 1 * * * * 7 3 * * * * 09 0 0 9 0 3 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 1 * * * * Total 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6/7 0 1 * * * *Total 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 *1 *2 *110 *1 *1 *2 *2 *1 *1

Total *2 *1 *4 *3 *1 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________250

Page 257: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ebbert Furr High School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 57 * * 500 * 0209510 100 1964 50 1910 60 2119 67 440 0 0 0 0216211 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 75 --- 55 --- 43 --- 67 480 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 53 1919 7 83 0 0206810 44 1945 0 1913 0 2000 27 00 0 0 0 0207711 42 2098 38 2062 44 2215 89 230 0 0 22 02022

Total 48 --- 9 --- 16 --- 50 92 0 0 8 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________251

Page 258: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ebbert Furr High School Region: EastTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 6 100 0 0 100 1 0 6 100 0 0 1002 0 1 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 4 * * * * 5 40 0 80 20 3 8 75 0 100 0 5 60 20 60 204 4 * * * * 6 83 33 0 67 4 10 80 20 60 20 10 60 10 50 405 5 80 20 80 0 8 88 25 38 38 5 9 67 22 78 0 14 93 0 79 216 6 83 33 33 33 2 * * * * 6 6 67 67 17 17 2 * * * *7 0 1 * * * * 7 0 09 0 6 100 0 83 17 9 0 3 * * * *10 0 14 100 57 36 7 10 0 14 100 21 79 0

Total 21 90 24 57 19 49 88 27 39 35 Total 39 77 23 69 8 56 84 14 59 27

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *2 0 2 * * * *

3/4 5 80 40 60 0 6 83 50 50 0Total 8 88 38 63 0 10 80 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 9021 8824 8622 852610 8622 6517 8825 888 8010

Total 9021 8849 7739 8456 888 8010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________252

Page 259: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Milby High School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 38 1925 18 240 0 0202910 29 1979 19 1944 5 2103 65 00 0 0 0 0207011 55 2034 22 2012 8 2175 92 80 0 0 0 02123

Total 38 --- 19 --- 6 --- 75 120 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 62 1939 11 90 0 0207410 56 1981 0 1937 6 2060 36 00 0 0 0 0211211 46 1973 0 1971 9 2105 50 70 0 0 0 02113

Total 56 --- 5 --- 7 --- 43 60 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________253

Page 260: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Milby High School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *3 5 60 80 20 0 6 83 33 67 0 3 4 * * * * 1 * * * *4 9 56 44 44 11 7 86 29 71 0 4 9 89 11 67 22 5 80 80 20 05 20 95 35 40 25 4 * * * * 5 22 100 23 68 9 11 91 36 64 06 12 100 58 25 17 2 * * * * 6 17 94 53 41 6 9 100 44 56 07 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 7 2 * * * * 3 * * * *8 0 1 * * * * 8 2 * * * * 09 0 13 100 15 85 0 9 0 18 100 94 6 010 0 7 100 100 0 0 10 0 3 * * * *

Total 48 85 48 33 19 48 94 29 63 8 Total 56 95 32 59 9 55 96 56 40 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 4 * * * *3/4 5 100 100 0 0 4 * * * *6/7 8 100 100 0 0 5 80 80 20 08/9 0 1 * * * *

Total 18 100 94 6 0 14 86 71 29 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8629 8622 9433 933010 8419 10026 9623 10025 10018 8614

Total 8548 9448 9556 9655 10018 8614

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________254

Page 261: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

REACH Charter High School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

11 * ** **Total * ** *---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

11 * ** **Total * --- ** *---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________255

Page 262: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

REACH Charter High School Region: EastTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

9 0 0 9 0 1 * * * *Total 0 0 Total 0 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


Total *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________256

Page 263: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 264: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

North Region

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 71 2165 5611 1721764 58 2168 68 2208 73 5512 14 3 321315 62 2162 70 2142 653 18 1121096 61 2062 46 4512 1 121377 41 2053 33 2179 78 270 0 5 020298 67 2047 38 1959 36 2171 74 266 3 1 8 021299 50 1934 13 151 1 12071

10 29 1967 17 1988 15 2121 56 60 0 1 9 0207111 69 2086 46 2066 40 2178 70 233 2 2 10 02168

Total 55 --- 41 --- 75 --- 37 --- 67 275 6 3 9 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2169 79 2179 718 17 79 84 2106 63 2175 50 2323 8213 20 9 46 856

Total --- 75 --- 65 --- 829 18 9 68 8

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 67 2118 5611 921464 64 2133 61 2209 64 444 10 9 121245 43 2124 57 1976 395 12 720716 53 2008 32 308 4 520817 35 2019 25 2173 71 191 1 7 120358 49 1976 17 1866 23 2081 45 96 1 1 4 020639 57 1908 8 132 0 02100

10 52 1996 20 1963 22 2102 51 150 1 0 3 0210011 39 2035 29 2007 14 2130 64 120 0 0 4 02090

Total 51 --- 31 --- 68 --- 26 --- 52 194 4 8 2 4 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2105 45 2145 635 54 2118 53 2220 63 2293 876 26 13 41 55 * * * * * ** * *6

Total --- 49 --- 62 --- 87 --- *5 15 13 * 41 5

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________257

Page 265: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

North Region

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 56 98 0 11 89 84 99 0 24 76 K 42 88 0 19 81 86 98 9 24 661 224 96 2 15 83 172 94 4 35 61 1 142 96 1 15 84 130 97 1 27 722 469 87 18 26 56 275 89 25 30 45 2 353 97 2 16 82 221 91 5 37 583 625 86 12 47 41 402 91 20 50 30 3 608 76 6 66 28 370 90 9 68 224 472 80 19 49 32 374 91 21 49 30 4 512 79 12 64 24 380 89 21 63 165 360 76 17 57 27 328 92 28 56 16 5 372 71 14 69 17 325 93 21 67 126 178 82 15 57 29 295 97 16 59 25 6 219 76 40 53 7 310 92 61 35 47 76 83 16 50 34 245 96 32 58 11 7 65 82 26 68 6 239 97 56 40 48 41 90 5 61 34 207 99 35 63 2 8 48 79 27 67 6 204 96 39 56 59 4 * * * * 39 92 18 69 13 9 12 58 50 50 0 59 95 83 12 510 2 * * * * 49 92 94 6 0 10 1 * * * * 46 100 52 48 0

Total 2,507 84 14 42 44 2,470 93 23 49 28 Total 2,374 81 12 53 35 2,370 93 29 51 21

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 160 92 10 46 44 126 89 20 40 402 208 68 74 26 0 116 75 67 28 5

3/4 334 81 57 42 1 262 83 67 33 05 104 81 52 48 0 58 78 62 38 0

6/7 83 69 48 52 0 238 69 69 31 08/9 3 * * * * 9 67 89 11 0

Total 892 78 51 41 8 809 78 60 33 7

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 95260 98261 99239 992464 93396 97336 95356 97295 76360 863095 90408 93415 89380 953836 87407 93366 79380 893337 82344 93355 75325 93339 89356 723508 74316 92294 73306 902879 67206 89261 63210 87266

10 71160 90160 57167 92177 63175 73123Total 842,497 932,448 812,363 932,326 78891 78782

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________258

Page 266: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charlotte Allen Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________259

Page 267: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charlotte Allen Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 5 80 0 60 40 1 0 3 * * * *2 5 80 40 40 20 0 2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *3 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 6 100 0 100 0 1 * * * *4 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 8 88 25 63 13 11 91 27 45 27 Total 9 100 0 78 22 12 100 8 67 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 7 86 29 43 29 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 10054 836 1006 867 *25 *2 1007 *3 1006

Total 888 9111 1009 10011 867 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________260

Page 268: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Atherton Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * **6

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________261

Page 269: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Atherton Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 10 100 10 10 80 7 100 0 0 100 2 10 100 0 10 90 6 100 0 67 333 4 * * * * 0 3 2 * * * * 2 * * * *4 2 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20 4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 18 100 11 33 56 13 100 0 38 62 Total 18 94 11 28 61 13 100 0 77 23

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *1 *3 *14 *4 1006 *4 1006 *2 *35 1006 *3 1006 *36 1005 *3 805 *3

Total 10018 10013 9418 10013 *2 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________262

Page 270: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

C. E. Barrick Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 50 --- 50 --- * --- * *17 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * 80 20

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 60 * * 2262 830 * 332097

Total 67 --- 38 --- * --- 83 *11 13 * 33 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 60 --- * --- *0 * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________263

Page 271: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

C. E. Barrick Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 43 57 43 0 8 88 25 25 50 2 11 91 9 27 64 2 * * * *3 5 80 20 60 20 8 63 25 50 25 3 9 100 0 78 22 9 89 11 67 224 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 5 100 0 60 40 7 100 0 100 0

Total 24 79 21 38 42 19 79 26 37 37 Total 28 96 4 50 46 18 94 11 78 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 3 * * * *2 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 4 * * * * 9 78 33 44 22

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 7311 *4 10010 *34 805 9010 1008 1006 *4 7585 867 605 899 1007

Total 7823 7919 9627 10016 *4 758

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________264

Page 272: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Berry Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **45 * * * * ** * **

Total 40 --- * --- *0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45 0 2032 40 1837 00 0 01935

Total 0 --- 40 --- 00 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________265

Page 273: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Berry Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 3 6 100 0 83 17 4 * * * *4 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 7 100 0 100 0 1 * * * *5 1 * * * * 5 100 60 40 0 5 1 * * * * 6 100 50 50 0

Total 19 100 26 42 32 11 100 55 36 9 Total 20 100 0 75 25 11 100 27 64 9

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *4 *3 *44 1008 *2 10010 *1 100105 1007 1005 1007 1006

Total 10018 10011 10020 10011 10010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________266

Page 274: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Bowie Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 67 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________267

Page 275: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Bowie Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 4 * * * * K 2 * * * * 4 * * * *1 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 13 69 31 31 38 5 80 20 40 40 2 8 88 0 13 88 7 86 14 14 713 6 100 0 83 17 6 50 0 67 33 3 6 0 17 83 0 3 * * * *4 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *5 0 2 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 25 84 16 44 40 20 80 10 40 50 Total 20 65 5 30 65 19 89 5 32 63

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *2 7 0 100 0 0 2 * * * *

Total 10 10 80 10 10 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 836 *4 836 8674 9212 *3 569 *3 1010 *45 717 7311 605 899

Total 8425 8318 6520 8919 1010 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________268

Page 276: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Blanche Bruce Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- 43 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **6 * * ** *

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________269

Page 277: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Blanche Bruce Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 12 58 8 83 8 13 100 31 62 8 3 15 53 7 60 33 12 100 17 83 04 6 100 17 50 33 11 100 45 36 18 4 12 92 0 75 25 9 100 56 33 115 5 80 0 100 0 8 100 63 38 0 5 1 * * * * 7 100 57 43 0

Total 40 75 5 60 35 32 100 44 47 9 Total 37 78 3 59 38 28 100 39 57 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 29 57 43 0 6 100 100 0 03/4 0 3 * * * *

Total 7 29 57 43 0 9 100 89 11 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 789 1008 1006 10094 758 10012 758 10010 297 10095 7516 10011 7617 1009

Total 7540 10031 7837 10028 297 1009

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________270

Page 278: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Luther Burbank Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2131 80 * ** 0 **

Total 57 --- 56 --- * --- * *14 11 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 20 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________271

Page 279: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Luther Burbank Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 5 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * K 4 * * * * 3 * * * *1 5 100 0 20 80 6 100 0 50 50 1 4 * * * * 4 * * * *2 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 3 * * * *3 7 100 14 57 29 1 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 04 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 6 100 0 67 33 5 2 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40

Total 19 95 5 32 63 20 100 10 40 50 Total 17 100 0 41 59 17 94 6 53 41

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 5 100 40 60 02 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 6 100 67 17 17 7 86 57 43 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1005 1005 *44 1005 1008 *3 836 1006 8675 899 1007 1009 1006

Total 9519 10020 10017 9416 1006 867

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________272

Page 280: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Burrus Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * ** * **5 * * * * * *

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45

Total * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________273

Page 281: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Burrus Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 5 100 0 0 100 4 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 7 100 0 14 86 4 * * * *3 5 100 20 60 20 5 80 20 0 80 3 5 100 0 0 100 4 * * * *

Total 13 100 8 31 62 12 92 8 0 92 Total 13 100 0 8 92 11 91 9 9 82

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 6 83 83 0 17 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *3 *2 *34 1007 *3 1007 *3 836 *45 *4 836 *4 805

Total 10013 9212 10013 9111 836 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________274

Page 282: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Felix Cook Jr. Elementary SchoolNew School for 2006–2007.

Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 * * * * * *

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________275

Page 283: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Felix Cook Jr. Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 0 7 100 0 0 100 1 0 4 * * * *2 0 17 82 24 12 65 2 0 18 100 0 33 673 0 22 86 5 41 55 3 0 19 89 5 63 324 0 6 100 17 0 83 4 0 10 100 0 20 805 0 1 * * * * 5 0 4 * * * *

Total 0 55 89 11 22 67 Total 0 57 96 2 39 60

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 3 * * * *2 0 13 77 62 31 8

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 0 18 72 67 28 6

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10012 100134 9020 9418 72185 8622 9626

Total 9154 9657 7218

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________276

Page 284: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ethel Coop Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * --- * ** 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * ** * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 80 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________277

Page 285: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ethel Coop Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 4 * * * * K 1 * * * * 4 * * * *1 11 100 0 36 64 4 * * * * 1 8 100 0 38 63 4 * * * *2 11 91 36 9 55 13 100 38 31 31 2 10 100 0 30 70 8 100 0 63 383 20 95 15 55 30 16 94 19 38 44 3 19 95 16 47 37 13 92 15 69 154 10 90 40 50 10 6 100 33 33 33 4 9 89 22 67 11 12 100 8 83 85 0 1 * * * * 5 4 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 53 94 21 40 40 44 95 23 45 32 Total 51 96 12 45 43 43 95 12 70 19

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 5 100 20 80 02 8 63 100 0 0 8 100 88 13 0

3/4 5 100 80 20 0 2 * * * *Total 16 75 81 19 0 15 100 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10016 1007 10015 10084 9418 9416 10020 9416 7516 100155 8919 9520 8816 9519

Total 9453 9543 9651 9543 7516 10015

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________278

Page 286: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joseph Crawford Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * * ** * **5

Total * --- * ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total * ---*---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________279

Page 287: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joseph Crawford Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 4 * * * * 1 * * * * K 2 * * * * 01 8 100 0 0 100 4 * * * * 1 8 100 0 13 88 3 * * * *2 5 100 0 20 80 7 100 14 14 71 2 7 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *3 0 1 * * * * 3 0 5 100 0 80 204 0 5 100 0 60 40 4 0 9 100 0 67 335 0 2 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 17 100 0 12 88 20 100 10 30 60 Total 17 100 0 6 94 22 100 0 59 41

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 7 100 0 43 572 0 3 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 10 100 0 60 40

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10010 *4 10010 10054 1006 10011 1006 10012 *4 100105 *1 1005 *1 1005

Total 10017 10020 10017 10022 *4 10010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________280

Page 288: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Helen De Chaumes Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * * * *

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45 * 2138 60 * ** 0 **

Total * --- 60 --- ** 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________281

Page 289: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Helen De Chaumes Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 5 100 0 0 100 K 0 5 100 0 0 1001 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 3 * * * * 5 100 0 0 100 3 3 * * * * 4 * * * *4 1 * * * * 7 100 0 43 57 4 0 6 100 0 83 175 0 6 100 0 83 17 5 0 6 67 17 50 33

Total 15 100 0 20 80 25 100 0 32 68 Total 11 100 0 55 45 23 91 4 39 57

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 5 100 20 60 203/4 3 * * * * 7 100 57 43 0

Total 3 * * * * 12 100 42 50 8

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1005 1006 *44 1005 10012 *2 10011 *3 100125 1005 1008 *3 758

Total 10015 10025 10011 9123 *3 10012

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________282

Page 290: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Matthew Dogan Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 5 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * **6 * * ** *

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________283

Page 291: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Matthew Dogan Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 3 * * * * K 1 * * * * 3 * * * *1 10 90 10 30 60 3 * * * * 1 7 100 0 29 71 3 * * * *2 12 92 33 17 50 3 * * * * 2 14 93 7 14 79 3 * * * *3 12 100 0 50 50 4 * * * * 3 12 100 0 75 25 2 * * * *4 8 100 0 25 75 2 * * * * 4 8 100 0 38 63 2 * * * *5 0 7 100 43 57 0 5 0 7 100 29 71 0

Total 43 95 12 30 58 22 100 32 41 27 Total 42 98 2 38 60 20 100 15 50 35

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 5 40 0 60 403/4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 11 64 73 18 9 8 25 38 38 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 888 *4 1008 *34 9111 1007 10012 1007 6411 2585 10011 1009 10010 1009

Total 9542 10020 9841 10019 6411 258

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________284

Page 292: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Durkee Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 80 2321 100 2227 800 40 402107

Total 60 --- 82 --- * --- 80 *10 27 * 40 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- 20 --- ** 20 * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 83 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________285

Page 293: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Durkee Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 9 100 0 33 67 1 3 * * * * 3 * * * *2 8 88 25 25 50 2 * * * * 2 6 100 0 0 100 5 80 20 20 603 7 86 0 57 43 1 * * * * 3 10 80 20 50 30 2 * * * *4 7 100 14 71 14 2 * * * * 4 8 75 0 88 13 1 * * * *5 2 * * * * 10 100 60 40 0 5 1 * * * * 10 100 30 70 0

Total 29 90 10 55 34 24 100 25 42 33 Total 29 83 7 48 45 21 95 24 48 29

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 9 56 0 56 44 3 * * * *2 0 1 * * * *

Total 10 60 0 60 40 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1008 805 10064 899 1005 1009 *4 6010 *45 9416 10011 7315 10011

Total 9029 10024 8329 9521 6010 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________286

Page 294: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Eliot Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 50 --- 50 --- * --- * *0 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 83 --- 57 --- * --- * *33 29 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________287

Page 295: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Eliot Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 0 K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 6 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 11 100 0 27 73 1 * * * * 2 10 100 0 20 80 1 * * * *3 10 100 20 60 20 3 * * * * 3 11 100 0 82 18 3 * * * *4 1 * * * * 9 89 33 67 0 4 6 100 17 67 17 8 100 13 88 05 1 * * * * 9 89 56 33 11 5 1 * * * * 10 100 10 90 0

Total 30 100 10 37 53 25 88 40 44 16 Total 31 100 3 52 45 26 88 12 81 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 0 10 60 90 10 0

Total 6 17 50 33 17 11 64 91 9 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10011 *3 10010 *44 1007 8211 1007 899 176 64115 10012 9111 10014 9111

Total 10030 8825 10031 8824 176 6411

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________288

Page 296: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Macario Garcia Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 63 --- * --- * *17 25 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * 1844 10* * 0*

Total 50 --- 25 --- * --- 10 *0 13 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________289

Page 297: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Macario Garcia Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 2 * * * * 14 100 57 43 0 3 5 100 0 80 20 12 100 25 75 04 0 4 * * * * 4 0 3 * * * *5 0 5 100 60 40 0 5 0 5 100 60 40 0

Total 20 90 0 40 60 23 100 57 43 0 Total 19 100 5 37 58 20 100 35 65 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 5 0 60 40 0Total 8 100 0 13 88 5 0 60 40 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 10014 1005 100124 1006 *4 1006 *3 1008 055 717 1005 1007 1005

Total 8919 10023 10018 10020 1008 05

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________290

Page 298: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Nathaniel Henderson Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *6 * * * ** * **

Total 63 --- 60 --- * 8013 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6 * * ** *

Total 67 --- 75 --- * --- * *0 13 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________291

Page 299: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Nathaniel Henderson Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 6 100 0 0 100 5 100 20 0 80 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 12 100 0 8 92 9 100 22 33 44 2 13 100 0 8 92 10 100 0 20 803 8 75 13 50 38 8 100 0 88 13 3 6 83 0 100 0 8 63 0 100 04 0 8 100 0 38 63 4 1 * * * * 9 100 0 67 335 1 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40 5 2 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 29 90 7 17 76 35 100 9 46 46 Total 25 96 0 36 64 32 91 0 59 41

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 8 100 13 63 25 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 11 100 36 45 18 5 100 0 60 40

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 10011 *4 10094 10012 1005 10010 1005 10011 10055 1006 10010 1005 70106 577 1007 836 1006

Total 9029 10033 9625 9030 10011 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________292

Page 300: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Herrera Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2251 100 0 1421844 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 75 --- 92 --- * --- * *13 15 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2247 75 * ** 38 **

Total 83 --- 83 --- * --- * *0 25 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________293

Page 301: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Herrera Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 21 100 5 19 76 3 * * * * 2 15 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *3 9 100 0 22 78 12 100 42 50 8 3 8 100 0 63 38 9 100 0 89 114 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 05 0 9 78 22 56 22 5 0 7 100 14 57 29

Total 34 100 3 24 74 25 92 28 60 12 Total 25 100 0 24 76 19 100 5 63 32

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 10 60 60 40 0 1 * * * *Total 15 73 47 47 7 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 1009 *2 10064 10015 *1 10012 *1 7315 *15 10016 8715 10011 10012

Total 10033 9225 10025 10019 7315 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________294

Page 302: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Highland Heights Elementary Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * * *

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total 20 --- * --- * *0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________295

Page 303: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Highland Heights Elementary Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 0 K 0 1 * * * *1 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 5 60 40 20 40 9 89 22 33 44 2 6 100 0 0 100 7 86 14 14 713 6 17 17 67 17 2 * * * * 3 6 0 0 100 0 3 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 14 50 21 43 36 16 88 13 38 50 Total 14 57 0 43 57 14 93 7 43 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 5 80 60 40 03/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 6 83 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *3 *4 *34 *2 1008 *2 1007 *2 8365 508 605 388 *4

Total 5014 8816 5714 9314 *2 836

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________296

Page 304: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Hohl Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5 * * * * * ** * *

Total --- * --- * --- * --- ** * * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________297

Page 305: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Hohl Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 01 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3 11 100 0 27 73 2 * * * * 3 11 82 0 91 9 2 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 2 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 18 100 0 17 83 9 100 22 56 22 Total 16 88 0 75 25 10 100 20 50 30

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *4 *2 *44 1005 *1 *3 *1 *35 10011 *4 8211 1005

Total 10018 1009 8816 10010 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________298

Page 306: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Houston Gardens Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *6

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * 1496 10* 06

Total * --- 0 --- * --- 10 ** 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________299

Page 307: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Houston Gardens Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 9 100 0 11 89 9 100 0 22 78 1 5 100 0 0 100 7 100 0 0 1002 14 100 14 21 64 7 100 0 29 71 2 14 100 0 14 86 10 100 0 0 1003 8 100 25 50 25 9 100 0 56 44 3 7 71 0 100 0 9 100 0 78 224 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 6 100 0 83 17 5 100 20 80 05 0 1 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 35 100 11 29 60 32 100 3 38 59 Total 32 94 0 44 56 36 100 3 33 64

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 0 80 20 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 9 100 22 67 11 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 1009 1007 100114 10012 1009 9213 10010 1009 *45 10015 10014 9111 100146 *1

Total 10034 10032 9431 10036 1009 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________300

Page 308: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

R. L. Isaacs Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6

Total 80 --- 78 --- * --- * *0 22 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **6 * * ** *

Total * --- 63 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________301

Page 309: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

R. L. Isaacs Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 6 100 33 33 33 2 2 * * * * 4 * * * *3 9 100 0 44 56 12 100 8 67 25 3 5 100 0 20 80 11 100 0 82 184 1 * * * * 8 100 0 75 25 4 3 * * * * 5 100 0 100 05 0 9 100 11 78 11 5 0 9 100 11 67 226 0 3 * * * * 6 0 3 * * * *

Total 18 100 6 28 67 41 100 10 63 27 Total 12 100 0 17 83 36 100 6 69 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 6 100 33 67 0 1 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 7 100 71 29 0Total 10 80 30 50 20 9 100 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 10013 *1 100114 10010 10010 1006 1008 8010 10095 1005 10013 *3 100126 *1 1005 1005

Total 10018 10041 10010 10036 8010 1009

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________302

Page 310: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Peter Janowski Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 5


Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45 * * * ** *

Total --- * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________303

Page 311: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Peter Janowski Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 8 88 13 63 25 6 100 67 33 0 3 7 100 0 71 29 7 100 0 71 294 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 7 100 14 71 145 0 4 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 17 82 29 47 24 20 95 40 45 15 Total 15 93 7 40 53 20 100 5 75 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 7 100 86 14 0

Total 4 * * * * 9 89 78 22 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 1006 *3 10054 *4 1008 *3 1009 *4 8995 679 836 888 1006

Total 8217 9520 9314 10020 *4 899

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________304

Page 312: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2159 60 2152 60 17* 20 0 0*5 * 2252 63 * ** 38 **

Total 33 --- 60 --- 60 --- * 1711 27 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 1991 20* 0*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 20 --- 13 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________305

Page 313: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 6 100 0 0 100 4 * * * * 1 5 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *2 11 100 0 9 91 3 * * * * 2 5 100 0 0 100 6 100 0 17 833 3 * * * * 14 100 0 43 57 3 4 * * * * 5 100 0 100 04 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 22 100 0 9 91 23 100 4 39 57 Total 17 100 0 6 94 18 100 11 44 44

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 9 100 0 56 44 4 * * * *2 0 2 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 10 100 10 50 40 8 100 50 25 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 *3 1005 *34 10010 1009 1008 1007 10010 10085 *4 10011 *3 1008

Total 10022 10023 10016 10018 10010 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________306

Page 314: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kashmere Gardens Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 6 * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * 1794 0* * 0*6

Total * --- 50 --- * --- 0 ** 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________307

Page 315: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kashmere Gardens Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 1 * * * * K 3 * * * * 2 * * * *1 8 100 0 0 100 6 83 0 67 33 1 5 100 0 20 80 3 * * * *2 1 * * * * 11 100 0 64 36 2 3 * * * * 5 100 0 40 603 6 100 0 50 50 5 100 0 60 40 3 8 63 13 63 25 12 100 17 67 174 3 * * * * 5 100 0 40 60 4 0 4 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 1 * * * *6 0 1 * * * * 6 0 1 * * * *

Total 21 100 0 19 81 30 97 0 57 43 Total 20 75 5 40 55 28 100 7 54 39

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 60 20 20 6 100 0 17 832 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 6 100 50 33 17 8 100 0 25 75

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1005 *4 *44 1006 1009 836 1008 1006 10085 1008 9212 638 100126 *2 *4 *2 *4

Total 10021 9730 7520 10028 1006 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________308

Page 316: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Kennedy Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 83 --- * --- * ** 50 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________309

Page 317: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Kennedy Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 1 * * * * 2 * * * *4 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 10 100 10 50 40 10 100 30 60 10 Total 6 100 0 50 50 7 100 0 57 43

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *34 *4 *1 *1 *1 *35 1006 1005 1005 *3

Total 10010 10010 1006 1007 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________310

Page 318: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Ketelsen Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2085 57 * * 43* 0 * 0*5 * 2175 67 * ** 17 **

Total 57 --- 64 --- * --- * 430 14 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * *45

Total --- * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * 33* * * 0*5 * 2086 40 * ** 20 **

Total 25 --- 54 --- * --- * 330 8 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________311

Page 319: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Ketelsen Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 5 100 0 40 60 5 80 20 80 0 3 3 * * * * 7 100 0 100 04 3 * * * * 6 100 50 50 0 4 6 100 17 50 33 3 * * * *5 3 * * * * 9 100 11 78 11 5 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 14 93 7 43 50 20 95 25 70 5 Total 12 100 8 67 25 14 93 14 86 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 5 80 40 60 0 5 100 80 20 0Total 7 57 57 43 0 5 100 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *4 *2 10074 1007 1006 1005 *2 577 10055 805 9010 1005 805

Total 9314 9520 10012 9314 577 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________312

Page 320: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Adele Looscan Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * ** *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________313

Page 321: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Adele Looscan Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 7 86 0 29 71 3 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 3 * * * *3 16 88 0 50 50 5 80 40 40 20 3 16 94 0 25 75 4 * * * *4 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 5 100 20 80 0 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 28 86 0 43 57 19 89 21 37 42 Total 24 96 0 17 83 16 81 13 63 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 4 * * * *Total 12 17 33 50 17 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *2 *3 *24 9212 *4 10010 *4 1712 *45 7914 8513 9111 9010

Total 8628 8919 9624 8116 1712 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________314

Page 322: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

E. A. Lyons Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 83 * * 17 *22214 5 * * *

Total 83 --- * 17 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________315

Page 323: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

E. A. Lyons Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 0 K 1 * * * * 3 * * * *1 4 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40 1 4 * * * * 02 10 100 10 10 80 3 * * * * 2 9 100 0 22 78 4 * * * *3 5 80 20 40 40 8 100 13 50 38 3 9 100 0 56 44 8 100 0 88 134 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40

Total 23 96 13 22 65 19 100 5 53 42 Total 25 96 0 40 60 20 100 0 55 45

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 0 100 0 4 * * * *2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 7 100 14 71 14 8 100 63 0 38

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1009 *2 9010 *34 1007 1008 1008 1008 1007 10085 867 1009 1007 1009

Total 9623 10019 9625 10020 1007 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________316

Page 324: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Clemente Martinez Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total 71 --- 43 --- * *14 29 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________317

Page 325: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Clemente Martinez Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 4 * * * * 0 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 8 88 25 25 50 6 100 67 0 33 2 6 100 17 17 67 5 100 0 60 403 14 71 29 50 21 5 80 20 80 0 3 10 90 0 70 30 4 * * * *4 1 * * * * 9 100 0 56 44 4 6 100 17 83 0 10 100 0 60 405 0 1 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 27 74 30 41 30 24 96 21 38 42 Total 24 96 8 63 29 24 100 0 63 38

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 6 100 83 17 0

Total 6 67 100 0 0 8 100 75 13 13

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 1005 1007 *34 758 1008 1006 1009 676 10085 5812 9111 9111 10011

Total 7427 9624 9624 10023 676 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________318

Page 326: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Raul Martinez Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2038 20 * 0*4 * 2218 100 * * 83* 0 * 0*5 * * *

Total 80 --- 58 --- * 8320 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2139 67* 0*4 * * * * ** * *5 * 2355 86 * ** 43 **

Total 80 --- 75 --- * --- * *20 19 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________319

Page 327: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Raul Martinez Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 14 86 7 43 50 14 100 21 50 29 3 8 88 0 63 38 12 100 17 50 334 2 * * * * 9 100 44 44 11 4 4 * * * * 7 100 14 86 05 0 20 85 40 50 10 5 0 18 100 22 78 0

Total 42 93 5 26 69 43 93 35 49 16 Total 26 96 0 19 81 37 100 19 70 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 1 * * * * 8 100 63 38 0Total 14 93 50 29 21 8 100 63 38 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 9212 10014 1006 100124 9519 1009 9212 1007 9314 10085 9111 8419 1008 10018

Total 9342 9342 9626 10037 9314 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________320

Page 328: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. C. McDade Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2176 80 * ** 0 **6

Total 50 --- 75 --- * --- * *13 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * 2131 33 33* * 0 0*5 * * * * ** * **6

Total * --- * --- 33 --- * 33* * 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________321

Page 329: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. C. McDade Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 4 * * * * 12 100 0 17 83 K 4 * * * * 10 100 0 20 801 16 94 0 13 88 5 80 0 20 80 1 14 100 0 0 100 7 100 0 0 1002 14 100 0 14 86 20 100 15 20 65 2 14 100 0 0 100 15 100 0 13 873 15 100 0 20 80 3 * * * * 3 19 89 0 21 79 8 100 0 63 384 7 100 0 29 71 6 100 17 33 50 4 6 100 0 67 33 5 100 0 100 05 0 5 100 0 100 0 5 0 5 100 0 60 40

Total 56 98 0 18 82 51 96 8 33 59 Total 57 96 0 16 84 50 100 0 34 66

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 10 100 10 10 80 17 100 0 18 822 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 14 93 14 21 64 21 100 5 29 67

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10020 10017 10021 100174 9417 10020 10017 10021 9314 100215 10019 8614 8919 10012

Total 9856 9651 9657 10050 9314 10021

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________322

Page 330: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joe Moreno Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 70 --- * --- * *17 30 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 63 --- 78 --- * --- * *0 11 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________323

Page 331: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joe Moreno Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 04 3 * * * * 5 60 40 40 20 4 2 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 8 88 25 25 50 9 67 33 44 22 Total 7 86 0 71 29 5 80 20 80 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 0 1 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 5 100 60 40 0

Total 1 * * * * 6 100 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 *2 676 *1 *3 *1 10065 *4 *3 *4 *2

Total 888 679 867 805 *1 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________324

Page 332: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Northline Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 5 * * *

Total * --- 67 * 17---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * 80 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * ** *5 * 2103 40 * ** 40 **

Total 57 --- 57 --- * *0 29 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * 2104 40 * ** 0 * 40 05

Total --- * --- 50 --- ** 0 * 40 0

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________325

Page 333: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Northline Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 7 100 0 43 57 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 8 100 38 13 50 2 * * * * 3 9 100 0 67 33 2 * * * *4 0 6 100 33 50 17 4 4 * * * * 6 100 33 50 175 0 11 100 45 36 18 5 0 7 100 43 43 14

Total 16 100 19 25 56 22 100 36 45 18 Total 14 100 7 57 36 18 100 28 61 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 100 50 50 0 1 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 6 100 83 17 0

Total 8 100 63 38 0 7 100 86 14 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 *3 *1 *34 1008 1008 1007 1008 1008 10075 1007 10011 1006 1007

Total 10016 10022 10014 10018 1008 1007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________326

Page 334: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Osborne Elementary Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45 * * ** **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________327

Page 335: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Osborne Elementary Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 6 83 50 50 0 2 2 * * * * 7 100 14 43 433 10 100 0 20 80 11 82 64 36 0 3 9 100 0 56 44 7 100 0 100 04 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 12 100 0 25 755 0 6 100 0 50 50 5 0 0

Total 18 89 0 33 67 27 89 37 44 19 Total 16 100 0 56 44 26 100 4 50 46

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 8 50 50 38 13 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 9010 *1 10094 758 *4 1007 1005 508 *35 1008 8312 1008 10012

Total 8918 8826 10016 10026 508 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________328

Page 336: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Leeona Pugh Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * **

Total 80 --- 80 --- * *20 40 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * ** **

Total 67 --- 8017 20---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________329

Page 337: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Leeona Pugh Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 86 29 0 71 3 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 7 100 14 14 71 2 * * * * 3 14 93 0 36 64 2 * * * *4 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 05 0 1 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 15 93 20 7 73 7 86 14 29 57 Total 17 94 0 35 65 7 71 0 57 43

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 5 100 0 100 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 1005 *4 1006 *3 1005 *25 1006 *3 888 *4

Total 9315 867 9417 717 1005 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________330

Page 338: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * ** * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 80 --- 89 --- * *20 56 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 71 --- * --- * ** 14 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________331

Page 339: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 3 * * * * K 1 * * * * 3 * * * *1 4 * * * * 6 100 0 33 67 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 10 70 10 30 60 10 90 30 60 10 2 5 80 0 40 60 12 83 8 42 503 1 * * * * 8 100 0 50 50 3 5 100 0 100 0 2 * * * *4 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 5 100 20 60 205 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 23 87 4 17 78 31 97 13 42 45 Total 19 95 0 58 42 26 92 8 46 46

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 80 40 40 20 6 100 0 50 502 5 80 60 40 0 2 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 4 * * * *Total 11 82 45 45 9 12 100 8 67 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1009 *4 10074 9010 10010 888 1009 8211 100125 758 9212 1007 8010

Total 8723 9731 9519 9226 8211 10012

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________332

Page 340: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Betsy Ross Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 80 --- 100 --- * --- * *40 20 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 80 --- ** 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________333

Page 341: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Betsy Ross Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 6 100 0 0 100 7 100 0 0 100 1 4 * * * * 7 100 0 0 1002 7 100 0 0 100 5 100 0 0 100 2 10 100 0 0 100 4 * * * *3 8 100 0 13 88 8 100 0 13 88 3 8 88 0 50 50 12 100 0 0 1004 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 0

Total 23 100 0 4 96 22 100 0 5 95 Total 24 96 0 17 83 23 100 0 0 100

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 7 100 0 43 57 8 100 0 50 50

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 1005 1008 10054 1007 1008 1007 1007 1007 10085 10010 1009 899 10010

Total 10023 10022 9624 10022 1007 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________334

Page 342: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walter Scarborough Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2136 67 * * 50* 0 * 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 43 --- 54 --- * --- * 500 0 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2093 40* 0*4 * * ** *5 20 * * 1936 200 * 01983

Total 25 --- 70 --- 20 *0 0 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________335

Page 343: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walter Scarborough Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 2 * * * * 2 * * * *1 7 100 0 43 57 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 14 93 7 71 21 3 * * * *4 2 * * * * 13 100 31 54 15 4 2 * * * * 8 100 38 63 05 0 12 100 67 33 0 5 0 10 100 50 40 10

Total 35 83 14 46 40 31 97 45 42 13 Total 31 90 6 42 52 24 88 33 63 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 10 90 70 30 0Total 13 92 46 38 15 10 90 70 30 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 *2 1005 *24 7315 10013 9212 *4 9213 90105 8513 10014 8614 8312

Total 8335 9729 9031 8318 9213 9010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________336

Page 344: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Emmett Scott Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * ** * **5 * * * * ** * **6 * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * 60* 0 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *456

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * ** *5 * * *6 * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * 60* * * 40---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________337

Page 345: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Emmett Scott Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 8 100 0 25 75 14 86 14 21 64 2 7 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *3 12 75 0 75 25 6 100 33 33 33 3 8 38 0 88 13 7 100 0 86 144 4 * * * * 7 100 14 43 43 4 6 67 0 50 50 10 90 0 100 05 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 6 100 0 50 50 4 * * * *6 0 0 6 0 3 * * * *

Total 30 87 3 43 53 31 94 19 32 48 Total 29 76 0 45 55 28 96 4 75 21

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 7 71 57 43 03/4 0 5 100 40 60 0

Total 3 * * * * 12 83 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *4 1006 *34 888 9111 836 1009 *3 83125 717 1009 437 10096 9111 1007 8010 867

Total 8730 9431 7629 9628 *3 8312

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________338

Page 346: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mary Scroggins Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 100 --- * --- * ** 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total 100 --- 63 --- * *20 25 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________339

Page 347: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mary Scroggins Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *3 5 100 0 40 60 4 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 3 * * * *4 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 14 100 0 43 57 12 100 0 42 58 Total 11 100 0 27 73 10 90 0 50 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 *4 *3 *24 *4 *3 *3 *3 *3 *35 1005 1005 1005 1005

Total 10014 10012 10011 9010 *3 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________340

Page 348: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sidney Sherman Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 43 --- 63 --- * --- * *0 25 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * * 2170 83 50* * 0 0*5 * * * 2025 33* * 0*

Total 43 --- 57 --- 83 --- 33 500 14 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________341

Page 349: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sidney Sherman Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 0 02 6 83 33 17 50 2 * * * * 2 9 100 0 11 89 1 * * * *3 8 100 0 63 38 8 100 25 63 13 3 5 80 0 60 40 5 100 0 60 404 11 100 18 55 27 4 * * * * 4 12 100 8 58 33 6 100 0 67 335 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 29 97 14 45 41 16 100 25 56 19 Total 29 97 3 38 59 14 100 0 57 43

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 5 0 60 40 0 6 83 83 17 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 888 *4 1008 *34 1007 1007 867 1006 05 8365 10014 1005 10014 *4

Total 9729 10016 9729 10013 05 836

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________342

Page 350: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward Smith Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 57 --- 43 --- * --- * *0 14 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________343

Page 351: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward Smith Elementary School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 8 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * K 4 * * * * 4 * * * *1 2 * * * * 12 100 0 17 83 1 3 * * * * 7 100 0 14 862 5 60 40 0 60 8 100 13 25 63 2 2 * * * * 4 * * * *3 3 * * * * 6 100 17 67 17 3 9 100 0 67 33 6 100 50 33 174 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 0 6 83 83 17 05 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 22 91 18 23 59 33 94 15 27 58 Total 20 100 0 40 60 28 93 43 18 39

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 0 7 14 100 0 0

Total 6 100 33 67 0 9 22 89 0 11

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1009 1005 10084 1007 8010 1006 899 1006 2295 8010 10013 1009 90106 *1 *1

Total 9122 9433 10020 9328 1006 229

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________344

Page 352: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mabel Wesley Elementary (Acres Homes) Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **45 * * * * ** * **

Total 80 --- 67 --- *0 17 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________345

Page 353: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mabel Wesley Elementary (Acres Homes) Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 5 100 0 20 80 K 0 5 100 0 20 801 6 100 0 33 67 4 * * * * 1 5 80 20 20 60 4 * * * *2 13 100 8 31 62 3 * * * * 2 9 100 0 11 89 5 100 0 0 1003 6 83 0 67 33 3 * * * * 3 9 89 0 56 44 04 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 28 89 14 36 50 17 100 0 24 76 Total 27 89 7 37 56 16 100 0 19 81

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 12 83 50 42 8 7 100 71 29 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 10010 1005 10094 8312 1005 8211 1005 8312 10075 9010 *2 9111 *2

Total 8928 10017 8927 10016 8312 1007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________346

Page 354: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Luther Burbank Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 2191 69 69* 8 8*7 67 2129 80 2250 83 500 0 33 021678 100 2094 50 2013 43 2164 71 3829 0 0 0 02265

Total 88 --- 67 --- 83 --- 43 --- 71 5512 4 33 0 0 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 71 2080 55 4214 0 021977 60 2095 58 2258 100 330 0 13 020928 64 2041 25 2035 40 2158 70 177 6 10 0 02140

Total 65 --- 44 --- 100 --- 40 --- 70 296 3 13 10 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________347

Page 355: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Luther Burbank Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 7 100 14 86 0 1 0 7 100 0 71 292 5 60 20 20 60 5 80 40 40 20 2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *3 17 88 6 41 53 1 * * * * 3 10 90 0 60 40 3 * * * *6 15 100 7 80 13 46 100 22 63 15 6 18 100 17 83 0 38 97 74 24 37 7 86 14 14 71 41 100 29 66 5 7 7 100 0 86 14 40 98 50 43 88 4 * * * * 26 100 19 77 4 8 6 83 17 83 0 27 100 26 59 15

Total 105 87 11 52 36 126 99 24 67 10 Total 98 95 10 66 23 118 98 47 42 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 3 * * * *2 2 * * * * 6 83 83 0 17

3/4 18 89 44 56 0 15 87 47 53 05 8 100 13 88 0 13 77 31 69 0

6/7 0 5 100 20 80 0Total 28 89 36 64 0 42 86 43 52 5

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9144 9853 9540 98437 9224 10044 9623 9843 8927 86428 7836 10029 9435 10030

Total 87104 99126 9598 98116 8927 8642

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________348

Page 356: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lamar Fleming Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 2041 40 40* 0 0*7 25 2088 45 2212 73 230 0 0 020408 86 2112 63 2031 57 2286 86 5029 13 0 43 02233

Total 61 --- 50 --- 73 --- 57 --- 86 3617 4 0 0 43 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 40 1998 33 1720 0 020837 * 2066 40 * * 40* 0 * 0*8 67 1970 17 1660 25 1944 50 817 0 0 0 01901

Total 62 --- 26 --- * --- 25 --- 50 1715 0 * 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________349

Page 357: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lamar Fleming Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *2 7 86 14 29 57 1 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 03 31 97 13 42 45 10 100 20 50 30 3 22 68 0 68 32 10 90 20 60 204 28 86 7 54 39 31 100 13 39 48 4 31 84 0 71 29 26 100 23 50 275 24 75 4 54 42 21 100 10 43 48 5 16 88 6 69 25 22 100 5 73 236 16 81 0 69 31 11 100 9 18 73 6 11 91 27 64 9 10 100 10 90 07 2 * * * * 5 100 0 40 60 7 7 100 43 43 14 6 100 17 50 338 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 8 6 83 0 83 17 2 * * * *

Total 113 87 8 50 42 82 100 11 39 50 Total 98 82 7 66 27 77 99 18 61 21

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 5 100 20 80 0 2 * * * *3/4 26 88 46 54 0 30 100 53 47 05 5 80 60 40 0 2 * * * *

6/7 1 * * * * 3 * * * *Total 37 89 46 54 0 37 100 59 41 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 10024 10015 8323 92127 8137 10039 8629 10038 8937 100378 8552 10027 7846 10026

Total 87113 10082 8298 9977 8937 10037

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________350

Page 358: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Richard Fonville Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 56 2045 50 4119 0 021647 40 2045 31 2144 75 190 0 0 020448 44 2071 33 2038 50 2217 100 2011 0 0 0 02100

Total 48 --- 38 --- 75 --- 50 --- 100 2810 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 47 1971 24 210 0 020507 33 1998 13 2185 77 170 0 0 020188 27 2012 25 1907 25 2121 57 114 0 0 0 02027

Total 34 --- 21 --- 77 --- 25 --- 57 162 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________351

Page 359: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Richard Fonville Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 04 27 81 22 48 30 0 4 23 70 22 74 4 1 * * * *5 18 83 22 61 17 1 * * * * 5 25 84 20 60 20 06 12 100 0 83 17 37 100 24 70 5 6 17 76 41 53 6 40 98 80 20 07 2 * * * * 36 97 42 53 6 7 2 * * * * 38 97 58 42 08 0 35 100 49 51 0 8 1 * * * * 35 91 51 43 6

Total 76 82 21 55 24 110 98 38 57 5 Total 79 71 24 66 10 114 96 64 34 2

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6/7 2 * * * * 34 91 74 26 0Total 32 66 72 28 0 34 91 74 26 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9327 10037 6727 98407 7427 9737 6828 9739 6632 91348 7722 9736 7823 9135

Total 8276 98110 7179 96114 6632 9134

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________352

Page 360: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Patrick Henry Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 44 1977 22 266 0 020607 15 2006 18 2104 55 90 0 0 019348 56 2032 29 1962 37 2151 63 160 0 5 5 02096

Total 37 --- 23 --- 55 --- 37 --- 63 172 0 0 5 5 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 64 2023 33 299 7 621267 35 2018 24 2208 79 166 0 16 520578 62 1979 17 1921 33 2162 62 135 0 0 10 02104

Total 53 --- 24 --- 79 --- 33 --- 62 186 2 16 0 10 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________353

Page 361: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Patrick Henry Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 3 * * * * K 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 12 92 50 33 17 4 * * * * 2 8 100 0 50 50 3 * * * *3 39 87 10 41 49 15 100 13 73 13 3 29 48 10 76 14 11 100 9 91 04 28 64 4 75 21 1 * * * * 4 38 58 0 68 32 1 * * * *5 31 77 16 52 32 1 * * * * 5 32 19 13 75 13 1 * * * *6 5 0 40 60 0 27 100 15 70 15 6 10 40 10 90 0 30 100 67 27 77 8 63 0 75 25 34 100 24 62 15 7 4 * * * * 36 100 69 31 08 4 * * * * 23 100 35 65 0 8 2 * * * * 23 100 48 52 0

Total 132 75 14 55 32 108 100 23 66 11 Total 126 49 8 71 21 108 100 56 43 2

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 19 95 63 37 0 5 80 80 20 05 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

6/7 8 100 13 88 0 42 100 79 21 0Total 37 97 54 43 3 49 96 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7865 10040 6060 100377 7638 10041 3534 10044 9737 96498 6629 10025 4330 10022

Total 75132 100106 50125 100103 9737 9649

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________354

Page 362: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Francis Key Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 63 2034 50 4513 0 021267 * * * * * ** * * **8 70 2073 50 1816 22 2086 67 180 0 0 0 02067

Total 59 --- 48 --- * --- 22 --- 67 315 0 * 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * 0* * 0*7 0 1854 0 2209 60 140 0 0 019758 44 1891 11 1887 27 2079 45 170 0 0 0 02065

Total 22 --- 6 --- 60 --- 27 --- 45 130 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________355

Page 363: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Francis Key Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 20 80 45 25 30 13 62 38 46 15 2 15 87 0 40 60 8 75 0 63 383 41 71 20 41 39 28 93 7 25 68 3 37 49 19 73 8 31 81 10 35 554 54 80 9 43 48 47 87 21 60 19 4 52 71 10 67 23 41 80 27 61 125 36 81 11 58 31 22 95 0 68 32 5 40 75 15 63 23 30 87 27 60 136 9 89 11 33 56 22 95 9 27 64 6 14 93 21 79 0 27 93 48 33 197 1 * * * * 14 93 7 86 7 7 2 * * * * 15 100 47 53 08 1 * * * * 18 100 22 72 6 8 1 * * * * 17 100 12 82 6

Total 164 78 16 43 41 167 90 14 52 34 Total 163 71 13 66 21 171 87 26 53 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 11 91 91 9 0 6 67 83 17 0

3/4 47 94 30 68 2 25 92 56 44 05 5 80 20 80 0 5 100 60 40 0

6/7 4 * * * * 16 100 44 56 0Total 68 91 37 62 1 54 93 54 44 2

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8945 9155 7344 89577 7766 9253 7265 8745 9168 93548 7053 8856 6754 8456

Total 78164 90164 71163 87158 9168 9354

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________356

Page 364: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Marshall Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 68 2058 37 4311 0 021487 65 2034 32 2169 80 380 0 0 020908 68 2031 35 1972 40 2192 76 310 8 0 12 02116

Total 67 --- 34 --- 80 --- 40 --- 76 373 3 0 0 12 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 47 1930 19 250 0 019817 20 2026 21 2083 38 60 7 6 019908 50 1952 14 1830 12 2044 30 313 0 0 3 02073

Total 40 --- 18 --- 38 --- 12 --- 30 104 2 6 0 3 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________357

Page 365: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Marshall Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 18 72 33 56 11 8 75 50 50 0 3 14 57 29 71 0 7 86 29 71 04 23 52 43 48 9 22 45 18 68 14 4 22 50 45 50 5 15 40 20 80 05 27 67 30 56 15 14 57 29 71 0 5 27 74 15 78 7 11 55 45 55 06 36 81 14 72 14 24 92 17 67 17 6 46 65 52 48 0 31 77 71 29 07 21 90 29 52 19 30 80 23 60 17 7 16 88 31 63 6 25 92 60 36 48 12 92 0 50 50 7 100 43 57 0 8 14 71 29 64 7 10 100 20 80 0

Total 137 74 26 58 17 105 73 25 64 11 Total 139 67 37 60 4 99 76 49 49 1

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 18 78 83 17 0 11 27 73 27 05 9 67 56 44 0 4 * * * *

6/7 21 86 43 57 0 24 71 58 42 0Total 48 79 60 40 0 40 55 63 38 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8055 7438 7555 75367 7540 7641 6141 7837 7948 55408 6641 6825 6343 7225

Total 74136 73105 67139 7699 7948 5540

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________358

Page 366: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John McReynolds Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 2081 64 58* 0 0*7 43 2084 44 2206 100 330 0 17 020758 * 2019 29 * * * * 29* 0 * * 0*

Total 42 --- 48 --- 100 --- * --- * 430 0 17 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 2012 31 31* 0 0*7 33 2010 11 2119 67 200 0 0 020468 43 1909 0 1848 17 2017 17 00 0 0 8 02028

Total 53 --- 17 --- 67 --- 17 --- 17 170 0 0 0 8 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________359

Page 367: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John McReynolds Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Diana Dávila

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 30 73 10 37 53 2 * * * * 3 17 71 18 65 18 2 * * * *4 21 71 29 48 24 1 * * * * 4 24 83 13 63 25 1 * * * *5 28 61 14 57 29 2 * * * * 5 24 67 21 71 8 1 * * * *6 5 100 0 40 60 31 97 10 55 35 6 6 100 33 67 0 23 91 57 39 47 5 100 0 40 60 29 97 45 48 7 7 3 * * * * 28 100 61 36 48 6 100 0 100 0 32 100 41 56 3 8 8 100 13 88 0 27 100 44 56 0

Total 99 74 14 48 37 97 97 31 55 14 Total 82 79 18 68 13 82 95 52 45 2

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 18 100 78 22 0 2 * * * *5 8 100 50 50 0 1 * * * *

6/7 3 * * * * 28 96 71 29 0Total 30 100 63 37 0 31 94 74 26 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8636 9731 8927 87237 7634 9434 8126 9731 10030 94318 5529 10032 6929 10028

Total 7499 9797 7982 9582 10030 9431

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________360

Page 368: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward Smith Education Center Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 * * * * * * * *8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- 17 --- * --- * --- * 14* 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

67 33 2076 60 2232 100 330 0 17 020148 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 40 --- 38 --- 100 --- * --- * 200 0 17 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________361

Page 369: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward Smith Education Center Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 5 100 0 20 80 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 02 5 100 40 40 20 9 67 44 22 33 2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3 16 94 6 38 56 23 83 13 48 39 3 18 89 11 61 28 17 82 6 76 184 21 95 0 67 33 30 90 17 43 40 4 22 95 18 55 27 31 87 29 61 105 17 100 24 76 0 4 * * * * 5 16 100 19 69 13 06 10 100 10 50 40 4 * * * * 6 15 100 40 53 7 9 67 78 22 07 1 * * * * 11 91 27 73 0 7 0 11 91 64 36 08 0 16 100 44 50 6 8 0 18 100 39 61 0

Total 75 97 11 55 35 100 87 25 46 29 Total 76 96 20 59 21 91 88 34 56 10

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 17 94 35 65 0 1 * * * *6/7 2 * * * * 33 0 73 27 0

Total 29 97 31 66 3 34 0 71 29 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9624 8637 9623 81317 10030 8936 9732 8833 9729 0348 9521 8527 9521 9626

Total 9775 87100 9676 8891 9729 034

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________362

Page 370: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mckinley Williams Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * * *7 63 2093 14 2280 100 330 0 13 020338 60 2016 33 1899 13 2095 63 100 0 0 0 02116

Total 61 --- 24 --- 100 --- 13 --- 63 200 0 13 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 43 1924 25 4029 0 2021077 * 1962 0 2151 67 14* 0 0 0*8 50 1951 8 1721 29 2049 50 80 0 0 17 02100

Total 47 --- 12 --- 67 --- 29 --- 50 2012 0 0 0 17 7---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________363

Page 371: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mckinley Williams Middle School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 5 80 0 60 40 1 2 * * * * 6 100 0 33 672 15 47 60 33 7 5 40 80 0 20 2 6 100 0 33 67 4 * * * *3 22 91 9 59 32 7 43 29 57 14 3 24 71 8 67 25 6 0 17 83 04 30 90 23 17 60 2 * * * * 4 32 84 13 56 31 4 * * * *6 8 100 0 63 38 27 100 15 81 4 6 10 90 40 50 10 22 95 73 27 07 4 * * * * 25 100 48 44 8 7 3 * * * * 24 96 58 33 88 0 30 100 30 70 0 8 0 31 87 39 55 6

Total 118 86 19 41 40 101 91 32 61 7 Total 107 88 15 55 30 97 81 47 44 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 8 88 100 0 0 5 0 100 0 06/7 1 * * * * 24 4 67 33 0

Total 48 94 50 44 6 29 3 72 28 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8637 9433 9435 74277 9048 9030 8947 9029 9448 3298 8233 8937 7625 7939

Total 86118 91100 88107 8195 9448 329

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________364

Page 372: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jefferson Davis High School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 47 1905 11 82 0 0205010 13 1934 0 1936 0 2051 41 00 0 0 0 0202811 75 2083 43 2066 42 2145 58 230 0 0 5 02170

Total 47 --- 14 --- 23 --- 50 101 0 0 3 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 50 1909 10 160 0 0207210 44 2025 32 1967 21 2070 48 160 0 0 0 0209511 33 2031 29 1976 12 2075 48 120 0 0 0 02058

Total 45 --- 21 --- 17 --- 48 150 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________365

Page 373: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jefferson Davis High School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 0 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 5 100 20 60 20 2 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 2 * * * *4 17 76 35 53 12 7 86 43 57 0 4 17 82 24 76 0 5 80 40 60 05 22 91 27 36 36 4 * * * * 5 19 79 0 89 11 6 83 17 83 06 8 88 13 50 38 6 83 17 50 33 6 17 100 24 53 24 9 89 44 56 07 7 100 0 14 86 3 * * * * 7 3 * * * * 2 * * * *10 0 23 100 96 4 0 10 0 23 100 65 35 0

Total 59 88 24 42 34 50 94 60 28 12 Total 62 89 16 73 11 53 94 43 43 13

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 5 100 100 0 03/4 11 91 73 27 0 10 80 80 20 05 6 83 33 67 0 6 83 83 17 0

6/7 10 50 80 20 0 9 78 89 11 08/9 0 2 * * * *

Total 28 75 68 32 0 32 84 88 13 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 7934 8824 8438 882610 10025 10026 9623 10027 7528 1006

Total 8859 9450 8961 9453 7528 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________366

Page 374: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Samuel Houston High School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 46 1926 10 150 0 0206110 29 1952 20 1992 13 2135 57 80 0 3 10 0206711 71 2126 50 2124 50 2220 89 430 10 10 0 02156

Total 44 --- 18 --- 23 --- 64 160 1 5 8 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 55 1903 4 104 0 0211810 53 2010 17 1995 29 2157 59 180 3 0 7 0209011 23 2051 35 2019 10 2184 80 80 0 0 10 02067

Total 48 --- 13 --- 21 --- 67 122 1 0 8 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________367

Page 375: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Samuel Houston High School Region: NorthTrustee: Natasha M. Kamrani

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 9 89 0 78 22 K 0 5 100 60 40 01 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 5 100 0 60 402 1 * * * * 8 100 38 50 13 2 0 5 100 0 60 403 6 33 33 50 17 0 3 2 * * * * 1 * * * *4 13 62 54 38 8 6 100 17 67 17 4 10 80 20 70 10 3 * * * *5 13 69 31 38 31 30 100 37 50 13 5 17 76 29 53 18 32 97 28 59 136 16 63 56 25 19 16 94 25 44 31 6 17 53 71 18 12 20 95 70 30 07 4 * * * * 9 89 44 56 0 7 5 60 60 20 20 6 100 67 33 08 9 78 11 56 33 10 100 40 60 0 8 6 33 50 33 17 5 100 60 40 09 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 9 9 67 56 44 0 19 95 68 16 1610 1 * * * * 4 * * * * 10 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 67 58 39 40 21 97 94 34 51 15 Total 68 65 46 43 12 102 97 48 41 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 4 * * * *2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *5 2 * * * * 9 44 78 22 0

6/7 11 18 82 18 0 3 * * * *8/9 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 23 17 78 22 0 21 24 81 19 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 5547 9367 6543 996910 6319 9730 6425 9330 1723 2421

Total 5866 9497 6568 9799 1723 2421

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________368

Page 376: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Barbara Jordan High School for Careers Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 79 1961 19 240 0 0216610 27 1986 21 2005 21 2105 54 70 0 0 8 0208911 85 2074 31 2079 40 2219 87 138 0 0 13 02213

Total 62 --- 23 --- 31 --- 71 152 0 0 11 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 80 1958 22 3310 0 0221410 69 2022 25 1982 23 2161 62 150 0 0 8 0215211 83 2137 57 2124 50 2224 100 430 0 0 0 02190

Total 76 --- 32 --- 32 --- 74 283 0 0 5 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________369

Page 377: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Barbara Jordan High School for Careers Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 13 69 15 77 8 1 0 8 75 0 63 382 0 10 60 30 50 20 2 0 8 88 0 75 253 6 33 0 83 17 11 100 9 73 18 3 6 33 17 67 17 12 58 25 75 04 18 22 6 72 22 7 86 14 57 29 4 14 14 0 86 14 10 70 0 90 105 18 28 11 61 28 16 75 19 50 31 5 24 4 21 75 4 22 77 5 77 186 12 50 17 33 50 17 94 0 59 41 6 8 25 38 38 25 16 88 31 63 67 1 * * * * 4 * * * * 7 3 * * * * 3 * * * *9 0 1 * * * * 9 2 * * * * 2 * * * *10 0 1 * * * * 10 0 0

Total 55 33 9 60 31 80 83 14 61 25 Total 57 12 19 70 11 81 75 14 73 14

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 8 50 13 88 02 0 4 * * * *

3/4 18 0 83 17 0 15 73 60 40 05 8 0 50 50 0 5 80 40 60 0

6/7 2 * * * * 5 60 60 40 08/9 0 1 * * * *

Total 29 3 66 34 0 38 63 53 47 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 3727 7943 1128 734410 2928 8637 1429 7837 329 6338

Total 3355 8380 1257 7581 329 6338

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________370

Page 378: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kashmere High School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 50 1951 20 250 0 0205710 50 1967 0 2039 60 2222 80 00 0 0 20 0212711 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 47 --- 16 --- 50 --- 67 130 0 0 17 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 50 1874 7 60 0 0198810 * 1940 17 1889 0 1960 17 0* 0 0 0 0*11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 48 --- 12 --- 10 --- 40 70 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________371

Page 379: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kashmere High School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 4 * * * *2 3 * * * * 6 67 33 50 17 2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *3 15 73 20 53 27 6 83 33 67 0 3 10 30 20 80 0 8 75 25 75 04 13 54 38 54 8 15 100 27 33 40 4 15 73 20 67 13 15 93 20 73 75 15 73 33 60 7 13 85 31 62 8 5 17 76 12 88 0 13 92 15 85 06 12 92 17 50 33 9 89 11 56 33 6 16 81 63 31 6 9 89 33 67 07 10 90 20 60 20 1 * * * * 7 6 83 33 67 0 2 * * * *9 1 * * * * 8 100 13 63 25 9 0 6 100 67 33 010 1 * * * * 7 86 100 0 0 10 0 6 100 33 67 0

Total 73 75 27 51 22 70 90 33 44 23 Total 69 72 30 62 7 66 92 24 71 5

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 10 80 70 30 0 9 100 67 33 05 9 78 67 33 0 4 * * * *

6/7 12 75 33 67 0 4 * * * *Total 36 75 56 44 0 21 90 71 29 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 6840 9843 7037 923810 8533 7625 7532 9328 7536 9021

Total 7573 9068 7269 9266 7536 9021

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________372

Page 380: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Booker Washington High School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 47 1954 9 160 9 0209010 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 33 * * * * * * 00 * * * 02066

Total 41 --- 11 --- 13 --- 57 100 5 0 29 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 58 1919 10 150 0 0206710 50 1964 0 1945 18 2072 45 80 0 0 0 0207911 50 1963 0 2014 7 2098 57 00 0 0 0 02113

Total 53 --- 4 --- 12 --- 52 80 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________373

Page 381: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Booker Washington High School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 5 100 0 0 1001 0 2 * * * * 1 0 2 * * * *3 11 91 36 36 27 1 * * * * 3 15 87 7 87 7 1 * * * *9 0 23 100 13 78 9 9 0 25 100 100 0 010 0 14 79 93 7 0 10 0 16 100 44 56 0

Total 33 91 18 48 33 44 93 36 48 16 Total 40 73 13 75 13 49 100 65 20 14

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *Total 23 100 61 39 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 9213 10028 7617 1003110 9519 8116 7023 10018 10023 *2

Total 9432 9344 7340 10049 10023 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________374

Page 382: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Phillis Wheatley High School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 47 2019 21 220 7 6209010 42 2068 45 2008 18 2144 64 130 0 0 9 0209311 67 2103 78 2031 38 2177 67 3111 0 0 17 02204

Total 50 --- 44 --- 29 --- 65 213 3 0 13 2---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 88 1930 8 80 0 0221910 70 1892 13 1839 17 * * 180 0 0 * 0213911 * 2027 17 1981 17 2146 50 13* 0 0 17 0*

Total 68 --- 12 --- 17 --- 50 130 0 0 10 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________375

Page 383: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Phillis Wheatley High School Region: NorthTrustee: Kevin H. Hoffman

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 5 100 0 0 100 K 1 * * * * 7 100 0 29 711 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 4 * * * *2 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 3 * * * *3 18 72 33 33 33 11 73 18 82 0 3 22 41 9 77 14 4 * * * *4 20 75 15 75 10 18 72 28 33 39 4 20 65 15 65 20 19 63 42 53 55 26 73 15 58 27 17 94 12 82 6 5 19 53 5 84 11 20 90 10 90 06 10 80 20 40 40 14 100 14 50 36 6 12 58 42 42 17 19 89 47 47 57 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 7 4 * * * * 3 * * * *8 0 8 75 25 75 0 8 1 * * * * 9 78 44 44 119 0 3 * * * * 9 0 7 86 71 29 0

Total 81 74 19 54 27 82 85 17 59 24 Total 81 52 14 72 15 95 82 33 55 13

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 6 100 50 50 03/4 20 100 70 30 0 10 90 80 20 05 10 100 60 40 0 8 100 75 25 0

6/7 6 67 83 17 0 8 100 63 38 08/9 0 3 * * * *

Total 36 94 69 31 0 35 97 69 31 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8245 8055 6546 745710 6436 9626 3534 9537 9436 9735

Total 7481 8581 5380 8294 9436 9735

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________376

Page 384: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 385: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

South Region

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 69 2089 486 1121344 76 2170 66 2241 86 5722 16 10 421835 53 2133 55 2106 4313 11 2121446 55 2012 26 2613 4 220857 40 1990 15 2142 64 191 1 1 020278 56 2004 20 1852 12 2080 45 147 0 0 0 121069 42 1939 12 170 0 02052

10 47 2002 21 2002 19 2126 49 143 6 4 9 1210011 41 2156 71 2147 64 2243 83 339 13 8 17 32124

Total 52 --- 33 --- 73 --- 26 --- 52 237 6 6 6 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2200 72 2275 7817 44 72 174 2052 25 2187 71 2189 380 14 0 11 056

Total --- 58 --- 76 --- 3812 36 0 52 11

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 69 2061 5325 321744 50 2110 54 2212 78 427 13 7 421035 46 2084 52 1924 291 7 520586 58 1965 22 213 2 021087 32 2021 23 2143 58 205 2 2 020458 52 2012 27 1829 17 2078 31 96 1 0 6 021009 64 1966 18 245 3 32097

10 41 2044 33 2036 30 2175 59 190 0 7 15 0208711 40 2027 36 2047 30 2176 83 150 0 5 13 02104

Total 51 --- 34 --- 65 --- 25 --- 49 205 3 4 3 10 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2069 43 2076 380 84 2017 40 2240 67 2208 6720 33 0 63 05 * * * ** *6

Total --- 40 --- 47 --- 67 --- *5 16 0 * 63 0

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________377

Page 386: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

South Region

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 26 96 0 27 73 18 100 0 0 100 K 23 91 4 26 70 10 100 0 20 801 133 95 1 20 79 96 92 7 26 67 1 99 99 2 12 86 81 95 2 19 792 310 86 15 35 49 184 89 24 24 52 2 209 95 1 23 76 145 92 5 28 673 366 83 18 46 35 246 89 15 52 33 3 354 80 11 64 25 208 85 10 67 234 346 86 20 55 25 224 88 28 46 27 4 348 86 16 66 18 224 84 31 60 95 237 82 22 51 27 159 92 25 61 14 5 249 85 16 69 14 157 88 28 65 76 135 85 21 44 35 197 95 30 53 17 6 167 71 46 46 9 211 81 64 35 17 58 81 26 59 16 137 88 33 60 7 7 53 74 43 51 6 146 85 56 42 18 31 87 13 48 39 152 97 43 52 5 8 26 73 31 62 8 125 94 46 47 79 3 * * * * 11 100 18 64 18 9 2 * * * * 58 95 81 17 210 0 43 98 79 21 0 10 0 27 96 41 59 0

Total 1,645 86 17 45 38 1,467 91 27 46 27 Total 1,530 84 16 53 30 1,392 87 34 47 19

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 75 92 12 55 33 64 88 19 34 472 135 69 71 29 0 89 54 69 25 7

3/4 171 68 65 35 1 108 79 65 34 15 106 77 72 27 1 42 57 81 19 0

6/7 50 62 62 38 0 135 81 67 33 08/9 10 40 60 40 0 12 50 83 17 0

Total 547 72 60 35 5 450 73 62 30 8

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 94155 98138 98139 971224 94227 93177 94204 88168 78222 721685 86309 88243 88286 902166 82267 91241 85245 882217 79221 91232 78204 89205 73209 822258 82182 95202 75171 911909 84154 86114 76147 72141

10 87125 8597 78133 80122 59113 3754Total 861,640 911,444 841,529 871,385 72544 73447

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________378

Page 387: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Louisa Alcott Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 60 * * 20 *21554 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 100 --- * --- * *20 14 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * 2134 50 33* * 0 0*5 18 2207 100 1944 270 14 91931

Total 28 --- 80 --- 50 --- 27 330 13 0 9 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________379

Page 388: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Louisa Alcott Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 5 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 5 100 0 20 80 4 * * * *2 9 100 0 33 67 4 * * * * 2 8 100 0 25 75 3 * * * *3 14 100 7 93 0 8 100 13 75 13 3 14 100 0 86 14 9 100 0 78 224 8 100 0 75 25 9 100 33 56 11 4 16 100 0 75 25 9 100 11 78 115 2 * * * * 0 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 38 100 3 61 37 24 100 25 58 17 Total 43 100 0 63 37 26 100 4 65 31

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 15 93 87 13 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 *3 1007 *44 10016 *3 10017 *4 9315 *35 10015 10018 10019 10018

Total 10038 10024 10043 10026 9315 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________380

Page 389: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Almeda Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * *5 * * * * **

Total * --- 33 ** 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * *45

Total --- * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 56 2117 29 2190 800 14 402075

Total 50 --- 18 --- * --- 80 *0 9 * 40 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________381

Page 390: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Almeda Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 8 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 1 * * * *2 6 100 0 17 83 11 64 36 36 27 2 7 100 0 0 100 9 100 0 11 893 6 67 0 83 17 9 89 11 33 56 3 8 88 0 50 50 8 100 13 50 384 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 24 92 0 38 63 26 81 19 35 46 Total 22 95 0 27 73 22 100 5 36 59

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 7 57 71 14 14 7 86 0 57 43

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 1006 1005 10054 899 8010 805 10010 577 8675 899 679 10012 1007

Total 9224 8025 9522 10022 577 867

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________382

Page 391: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mamie Bastian Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * * * *

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________383

Page 392: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Mamie Bastian Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 13 100 15 46 38 4 * * * * 2 14 100 0 29 71 4 * * * *3 8 88 38 38 25 10 100 0 60 40 3 9 89 0 89 11 6 100 0 100 04 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 3 * * * *5 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 29 97 21 45 34 20 100 5 50 45 Total 29 97 0 59 41 16 100 6 56 38

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 8 50 88 13 0 4 * * * *

Total 11 64 64 36 0 5 40 80 0 20

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 1005 1008 *34 10011 1005 10010 *4 6411 4055 9111 10010 9111 1009

Total 9729 10020 9729 10016 6411 405

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________384

Page 393: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Brookline Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 67 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **

Total * --- 40 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________385

Page 394: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Brookline Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 2 * * * * K 1 * * * * 2 * * * *1 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *2 6 83 17 17 67 7 100 29 43 29 2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3 0 7 100 14 29 57 3 6 83 0 17 83 7 43 0 71 294 5 100 20 40 40 2 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 2 * * * * 5 2 * * * * 0

Total 16 94 13 19 69 22 100 14 41 45 Total 17 94 0 18 82 18 39 0 67 33

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 5 100 20 80 0 4 * * * *

Total 6 100 17 83 0 7 100 43 29 29

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1006 1006 10054 1006 1008 *4 147 1006 10075 805 1008 867 176

Total 9416 10022 9417 3918 1006 1007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________386

Page 395: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Codwell Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 100 --- * --- * ** 20 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 50 --- * --- * *0 13 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________387

Page 396: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Codwell Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 9 33 11 56 33 3 * * * * 2 6 100 0 33 67 03 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 6 17 0 83 17 5 100 0 0 1004 0 1 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *

Total 16 44 6 50 44 9 100 0 0 100 Total 14 64 0 57 43 8 100 0 0 100

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *1 *4 *14 805 *4 *3 1005 *4 *45 297 *2 297 *2

Total 4416 1007 6414 1008 *4 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________388

Page 397: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. P. Cornelius Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 60 2149 63 * *20 0 *2163

Total 78 --- 69 --- * --- * *22 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **

Total 100 --- 73 --- * *43 9 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________389

Page 398: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. P. Cornelius Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 11 91 9 27 64 4 * * * * 2 8 100 0 13 88 3 * * * *3 7 100 0 71 29 11 100 0 9 91 3 9 100 0 67 33 5 100 0 60 404 8 100 0 75 25 5 100 20 0 80 4 7 100 0 14 86 7 100 0 100 0

Total 28 96 4 50 46 20 100 5 5 90 Total 24 100 0 33 67 15 100 0 73 27

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 5 100 80 0 20

3/4 5 60 40 60 0 2 * * * *Total 7 57 43 57 0 8 88 63 13 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *2 1006 *14 1008 1006 1005 1006 506 8885 9314 10012 10013 1008

Total 9628 10020 10024 10015 506 888

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________390

Page 399: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thornton Fairchild Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 5


Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________391

Page 400: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thornton Fairchild Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 12 100 0 0 100 5 100 0 0 100 1 6 100 0 0 100 1 * * * *2 9 100 0 11 89 6 100 0 17 83 2 8 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *3 5 100 0 20 80 5 100 0 60 40 3 10 100 0 10 90 6 100 0 50 504 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 6 100 0 67 335 0 0 5 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 28 100 0 7 93 19 100 0 37 63 Total 28 96 0 11 89 18 100 11 44 44

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 6 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 9 89 33 0 67 6 100 33 17 50

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 *4 1006 *34 10011 1006 9010 1005 899 10065 10012 1009 10012 1008

Total 10028 10019 9628 10016 899 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________392

Page 401: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Frost Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 83 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * ** *5 * 2186 80 * ** 0 **

Total 100 --- 71 --- * *0 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________393

Page 402: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Frost Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 1 * * * * K 2 * * * * 01 7 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 8 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *2 16 75 25 31 44 14 86 36 7 57 2 10 80 10 10 80 12 100 0 0 1003 11 73 27 55 18 8 88 25 75 0 3 7 71 14 71 14 8 88 13 63 254 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 6 67 33 67 0 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 37 81 19 32 49 28 89 25 32 43 Total 33 82 12 30 58 24 96 4 25 71

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 8 88 13 50 38 7 100 0 29 712 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 14 71 36 43 21 8 100 13 25 63

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 1005 *4 *44 7914 899 7914 1008 7114 10085 7516 8513 8715 10012

Total 8137 8928 8233 9624 7114 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________394

Page 403: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Garden Villas Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 1932 17 * 0*4 * * * * * 80* * * 0*5 40 2089 50 1875 00 0 02078

Total 60 --- 44 --- * --- 0 8010 6 * 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2064 40* 0*4 * 2052 36 2207 80 36* 0 0 0*5 * 2007 29 1940 29* 0 0*

Total 22 --- 35 --- 80 --- 29 360 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________395

Page 404: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Garden Villas Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 9 100 0 33 67 7 100 0 14 86 1 4 * * * * 4 * * * *2 21 95 5 43 52 8 88 25 25 50 2 7 86 0 29 71 6 100 0 33 673 6 100 0 17 83 13 92 8 46 46 3 12 92 0 83 17 6 100 17 67 174 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 0 4 * * * *

Total 38 97 3 34 63 30 93 13 30 57 Total 23 91 0 57 43 21 100 14 38 48

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 20 40 40 1 * * * *2 5 100 20 80 0 5 40 60 40 0

3/4 3 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 13 92 31 54 15 7 43 57 43 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 1008 *4 10054 10015 867 1008 1007 9213 4375 9416 9212 8211 1009

Total 9738 9327 9123 10021 9213 437

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________396

Page 405: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Golfcrest Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * ** *5 * * *

Total --- * --- * ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________397

Page 406: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Golfcrest Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 9 100 11 22 67 10 80 10 30 60 2 6 100 0 17 83 5 100 0 20 803 2 * * * * 6 67 33 50 17 3 4 * * * * 8 75 0 63 384 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 4 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 16 94 6 25 69 21 76 24 33 43 Total 14 100 0 36 64 21 71 0 62 38

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 86 57 43 0 1 * * * *3/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 10 70 40 60 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *2 *2 *24 9010 836 10011 836 7010 *25 *2 6913 *1 6913

Total 9416 7621 10014 7121 7010 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________398

Page 407: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lucile Gregg Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total * --- 80 --- * ** 20 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * *

Total * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________399

Page 408: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Lucile Gregg Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 9 100 0 33 67 2 * * * * 1 7 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *2 10 80 10 30 60 7 100 14 0 86 2 9 78 0 22 78 3 * * * *3 9 56 22 33 44 5 100 20 80 0 3 7 100 0 86 14 8 100 13 88 04 0 2 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 29 79 10 31 59 17 100 12 29 59 Total 26 88 0 38 62 15 100 7 53 40

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 11 91 18 55 27 1 * * * *2 0 3 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 12 92 25 50 25 6 100 83 0 17

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *4 *4 *34 899 1007 9010 1007 9212 10065 6414 1006 8312 1005

Total 7929 10017 8826 10015 9212 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________400

Page 409: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Buchanan Grimes Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * ** *

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________401

Page 410: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Buchanan Grimes Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 5 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 7 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *2 8 100 0 38 63 3 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 4 * * * *3 10 90 0 30 70 8 100 13 63 25 3 9 78 0 67 33 5 60 0 80 204 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 5 80 0 60 40 4 * * * *

Total 27 93 0 30 70 17 94 18 35 47 Total 28 89 0 39 61 16 88 6 63 31

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 8 0 75 25 03/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 9 0 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 *4 867 *44 *4 1008 *4 717 *4 095 8817 805 9417 1005

Total 9327 9417 8928 8816 *4 09

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________402

Page 411: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Virgil Grissom Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * * * *5 * * * * **

Total * --- 29 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________403

Page 412: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Virgil Grissom Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 9 100 33 44 22 3 * * * * 2 9 100 0 44 56 5 100 0 0 1003 23 96 13 52 35 13 100 15 69 15 3 18 89 0 78 22 9 100 0 67 334 6 100 0 50 50 1 * * * * 4 8 100 0 38 63 1 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 41 98 15 51 34 22 95 18 59 23 Total 38 95 0 61 39 18 100 0 44 56

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 8 88 75 25 0 4 * * * *

Total 13 85 46 46 8 6 100 17 67 17

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 1006 1006 10064 10013 867 10010 1006 8513 10065 9522 1009 9122 1006

Total 9841 9522 9538 10018 8513 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________404

Page 413: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jean Hines-Caldwell Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 57 --- 36 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * 2127 67 * ** 0 **

Total 40 --- 60 --- *0 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________405

Page 414: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jean Hines-Caldwell Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 6 83 0 17 832 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 10 80 10 50 40 7 57 0 43 57 3 5 80 0 80 20 3 * * * *

Total 17 88 6 47 47 13 77 0 23 77 Total 11 91 0 55 45 10 70 0 30 70

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *4 *1 *44 *2 *3 *3 *2 *2 *35 8312 676 867 *4

Total 8817 7713 9111 7010 *2 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________406

Page 415: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Hobby Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 88 2287 88 13 3821894 * * * ** * **5 * 1947 14 * ** 0 **

Total 73 --- 53 --- * --- * *9 20 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 1947 25 1781 8* 0 0*

Total 17 --- 27 --- * --- 8 *0 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________407

Page 416: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Hobby Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 6 100 0 67 33 1 3 * * * * 6 100 0 50 502 14 79 14 57 29 10 80 30 50 20 2 6 100 0 50 50 11 91 0 45 553 9 89 22 56 22 11 73 27 45 27 3 12 83 25 75 0 8 63 13 63 254 3 * * * * 8 100 13 38 50 4 4 * * * * 6 83 50 50 05 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 35 83 20 54 26 36 86 19 50 31 Total 30 90 17 57 27 32 84 16 50 34

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 60 40 0 4 * * * *2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 4 * * * *Total 10 60 60 40 0 12 67 75 25 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 676 *4 1006 *44 1009 8312 1008 8614 569 73115 7919 8520 8015 7914

Total 8234 8636 9029 8432 569 7311

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________408

Page 417: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Anna Kelso Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * 1909 0* * 0*

Total 57 --- 75 --- * --- 0 *57 25 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * ** * **5 * * * 1904 0* * 0*

Total 71 --- 86 --- * --- 0 *43 29 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________409

Page 418: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Anna Kelso Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 2 * * * * K 2 * * * * 1 * * * *1 6 100 0 17 83 4 * * * * 1 5 100 0 20 80 8 100 0 25 752 15 87 20 67 13 14 79 21 36 43 2 16 94 0 25 75 7 100 0 0 1003 9 67 0 67 33 9 89 11 67 22 3 11 73 0 55 45 11 100 0 55 454 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 5 80 0 80 20

Total 35 86 9 60 31 33 85 12 48 39 Total 37 89 0 35 65 32 97 0 38 63

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 5 80 60 20 202 7 71 43 57 0 5 40 80 20 0

Total 15 87 33 60 7 10 60 70 20 10

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1009 888 1008 10084 8513 9111 10017 899 8715 60105 7713 7914 6712 10015

Total 8635 8533 8937 9732 8715 6010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________410

Page 419: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Law Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total 60 --- 100 --- * *0 20 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 40 2048 43 1884 200 14 02020

Total 60 --- 55 --- * --- 20 *10 9 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________411

Page 420: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Empowerment College Preparatory High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

9 0 0 9 0 1 * * * *10 0 1 * * * * 10 0 2 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 1 * * * * Total 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 *2 *1 *110 *1 *2

Total *2 *1 *1 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________446

Page 421: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Law Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 8 100 0 13 88 4 * * * * 2 6 100 0 17 83 3 * * * *3 7 86 29 57 14 7 100 0 71 29 3 10 100 0 50 50 8 100 0 75 254 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 22 95 9 45 45 16 100 0 44 56 Total 21 90 0 48 52 16 100 0 56 44

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 5 60 80 20 0 2 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 7 71 57 43 0 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *4 *4 *44 1007 *4 805 *4 717 *45 9212 1008 9212 1008

Total 9522 10016 9021 10016 717 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________412

Page 422: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Reagan Mading Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 71 --- 56 --- * --- * *29 33 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * 2276 100 100* * 20 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 78 --- 100 --- * 10014 11 20 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________413

Page 423: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Reagan Mading Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 4 * * * *2 9 89 11 44 44 8 100 13 13 75 2 6 100 0 17 83 10 90 10 30 603 3 * * * * 10 80 10 40 50 3 2 * * * * 5 40 0 80 204 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 18 89 11 28 61 26 88 8 23 69 Total 13 100 0 38 62 25 80 4 40 56

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *2 1 * * * * 7 14 43 57 0

3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 3 * * * * 10 30 30 50 20

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 10010 *3 90104 805 8010 *4 679 *3 30105 867 805 1006 805

Total 8918 8825 10013 7924 *3 3010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________414

Page 424: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. C. Mitchell Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 43 --- * --- * *17 29 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * ** *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5 * * *

Total --- * --- * --- * --- ** * * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________415

Page 425: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

J. C. Mitchell Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 1 * * * * K 3 * * * * 01 7 71 14 14 71 7 100 14 14 71 1 6 100 0 50 50 5 100 0 20 802 8 75 13 75 13 6 83 17 33 50 2 8 100 0 25 75 5 60 0 80 203 5 80 0 60 40 6 33 33 67 0 3 6 100 0 83 17 7 100 14 71 144 1 * * * * 0 4 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 24 79 8 50 42 20 75 20 35 45 Total 24 96 0 50 50 20 90 10 60 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 6 17 100 0 0 5 20 100 0 0

Total 8 38 75 25 0 8 38 63 13 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 638 1005 1008 *44 867 1007 1007 758 388 3885 899 297 899 1007

Total 7924 7419 9624 8919 388 388

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________416

Page 426: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Montgomery Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 80 --- 83 --- * --- * *20 50 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 57 --- * --- * ** 14 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________417

Page 427: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Montgomery Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 2 * * * * K 0 01 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 12 92 17 25 58 8 100 25 13 63 2 6 100 0 17 83 6 100 0 17 833 8 63 25 50 25 5 100 0 20 80 3 7 100 0 43 57 7 100 14 71 144 6 100 0 67 33 3 * * * * 4 9 100 0 44 56 4 * * * *5 1 * * * * 6 100 17 67 17 5 1 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40

Total 28 86 14 46 39 27 100 11 41 48 Total 24 100 0 33 67 24 100 4 50 46

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 7 100 43 29 29

Total 9 100 33 56 11 8 100 38 38 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 805 1009 1006 10094 1009 1008 1007 1005 1009 10085 7914 10010 10011 10010

Total 8628 10027 10024 10024 1009 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________418

Page 428: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Petersen Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 33 --- 22 --- * --- * *11 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 40 --- * --- *0 * * 33 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * 1969 17 * ** 0 **

Total * --- 9 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2108 40 * *0 *45

Total --- 40 --- *0 *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________419

Page 429: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Petersen Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 8 100 0 50 50 3 * * * * 1 8 100 0 0 100 4 * * * *2 12 100 8 50 42 9 67 33 44 22 2 8 100 0 38 63 8 88 0 63 383 12 100 0 58 42 10 90 20 50 30 3 8 100 0 88 13 9 89 22 44 334 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 33 100 3 55 42 24 83 21 50 29 Total 27 100 0 48 52 25 92 8 56 36

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 0 60 40 2 * * * *2 6 67 83 17 0 5 0 80 20 0

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 11 82 45 36 18 9 22 78 22 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1009 805 1009 10064 10012 9010 10010 9111 8211 2295 10011 789 1008 888

Total 10032 8324 10027 9225 8211 229

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________420

Page 430: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Reynolds Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total 80 --- 20 --- * *20 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45

Total * --- ** *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________421

Page 431: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Reynolds Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 8 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 6 100 17 50 33 5 100 20 60 20 2 9 100 0 0 100 9 100 11 22 673 4 * * * * 9 100 11 67 22 3 7 100 0 86 14 8 88 0 100 04 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 0 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 21 100 5 38 57 20 100 15 60 25 Total 21 100 5 38 57 21 95 5 67 29

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 4 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 7 100 14 71 14 8 100 25 50 25

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 *4 1007 *44 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 10085 1008 10010 1008 9010

Total 10021 10020 10021 9521 1007 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________422

Page 432: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joseph Rhoads Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 60 2069 8020 0213545 * * * * ** * **

Total 50 --- 57 --- *17 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________423

Page 433: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Joseph Rhoads Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 1 * * * *2 8 75 13 13 75 5 100 40 20 40 2 3 * * * * 6 100 0 50 503 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 7 86 0 86 14 4 * * * *4 1 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 6 100 17 67 175 0 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 16 81 6 19 75 17 100 29 41 29 Total 17 94 0 41 59 18 94 11 56 33

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 3 * * * *2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1006 1005 10064 *4 *4 *4 1005 *4 *45 717 1006 888 867

Total 8116 10016 9417 9418 *4 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________424

Page 434: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Juan Seguin Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 50 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2169 71 1982 43* 14 0*

Total 43 --- 50 --- * --- 43 *0 8 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * ** *

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________425

Page 435: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Juan Seguin Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 02 9 100 33 22 44 2 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 5 100 20 80 0 3 * * * * 3 8 100 13 88 0 1 * * * *4 10 100 10 70 20 7 100 57 29 14 4 7 100 14 71 14 4 * * * *5 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 4 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 29 100 17 59 24 16 100 38 31 31 Total 22 100 9 77 14 9 100 11 44 44

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 7 100 57 29 14Total 4 * * * * 7 100 57 29 14

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10011 1005 1008 *24 *4 1008 *4 *4 *3 10065 10014 *3 10010 *3

Total 10029 10016 10022 1009 *3 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________426

Page 436: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Windsor Village Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 60 2018 20 0 2021084 * * * * * 20* * * 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 55 --- 42 --- * --- * 209 17 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 86 --- * --- * *40 14 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________427

Page 437: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Windsor Village Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 5 100 0 0 100 6 100 0 0 100 2 4 * * * * 7 57 0 43 573 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 1 * * * *4 0 0 4 0 1 * * * *

Total 11 91 9 9 82 13 92 0 8 92 Total 9 89 0 11 89 10 50 0 50 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40Total 5 100 0 60 40 5 100 0 60 40

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *4 *1 *24 805 *4 1005 *4 1005 10055 *3 805 *3 *4

Total 9111 9213 899 5010 1005 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________428

Page 438: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Carter Woodson Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 63 --- * --- * *0 25 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 1711 9 0

Total * --- * --- * --- 9 ** * * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________429

Page 439: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Carter Woodson Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 9 100 22 44 33 3 * * * * 3 11 0 27 73 0 2 * * * *4 6 67 50 33 17 5 100 60 40 0 4 8 100 25 63 13 4 * * * *5 0 8 100 38 50 13 5 0 6 100 50 50 0

Total 25 88 24 32 44 16 100 44 44 13 Total 24 54 21 63 17 12 100 42 50 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 4 * * * *Total 8 100 63 38 0 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *3 *2 *24 888 *4 508 *4 1008 *45 8715 1007 5714 1006

Total 8825 10014 5424 10012 1008 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________430

Page 440: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ethel Young Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________431

Page 441: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ethel Young Elementary School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 01 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 5 80 0 20 802 8 88 13 25 63 6 100 0 33 67 2 5 100 0 0 100 5 100 0 40 603 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 6 100 0 83 174 0 1 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 12 75 17 25 58 18 94 0 39 61 Total 10 100 0 20 80 18 94 0 56 44

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 9111 *2 91115 605 1007 *4 1007

Total 7512 9418 10010 9418 506

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________432

Page 442: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Crispus Attucks Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 55 1997 26 2610 0 421097 27 1983 13 2127 52 110 3 0 020358 50 1996 18 1885 18 2087 50 136 0 0 0 02094

Total 42 --- 18 --- 52 --- 18 --- 50 165 1 0 0 0 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 35 1978 17 130 6 020617 50 2078 55 2195 79 330 0 7 020328 65 2028 28 1873 29 2091 35 1615 0 0 9 02176

Total 51 --- 30 --- 79 --- 29 --- 35 196 2 7 0 9 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________433

Page 443: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Crispus Attucks Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 4 * * * * 5 20 80 20 0 1 3 * * * * 6 100 17 33 502 10 80 30 20 50 6 100 67 0 33 2 4 * * * * 5 80 60 40 03 14 57 50 36 14 7 86 57 43 0 3 9 67 56 22 22 4 * * * *4 36 69 39 47 14 17 76 59 41 0 4 36 81 19 78 3 16 94 75 19 65 36 75 22 64 14 17 88 47 53 0 5 40 93 8 83 10 19 89 37 58 56 32 78 22 56 22 39 95 31 59 10 6 37 70 49 49 3 34 71 59 38 37 8 63 25 63 13 14 93 29 64 7 7 10 70 40 60 0 13 77 46 54 08 6 100 0 50 50 7 100 29 43 29 8 1 * * * * 11 82 55 36 9

Total 146 74 28 50 22 112 88 43 49 8 Total 140 81 26 65 9 108 81 55 39 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 4 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 20 75 60 40 0 13 92 77 23 05 6 83 50 50 0 10 50 70 30 0

6/7 4 * * * * 13 85 62 38 0Total 33 79 58 42 0 42 74 74 26 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7466 7942 8865 88407 7637 9041 7333 7439 7933 74428 7341 9625 7642 8228

Total 74144 87108 81140 81107 7933 7442

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________434

Page 444: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Richard Dowling Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 47 1947 10 107 0 020607 44 1984 17 2157 80 236 0 0 020078 47 1967 12 1800 6 2058 34 55 0 0 0 02048

Total 46 --- 13 --- 80 --- 6 --- 34 126 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 67 1996 32 330 4 021097 26 1998 12 2160 43 1011 0 5 020618 43 1969 11 1808 15 2052 22 45 0 0 3 02068

Total 45 --- 19 --- 43 --- 15 --- 22 145 1 5 0 3 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________435

Page 445: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Richard Dowling Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 22 59 36 36 27 3 * * * * 2 13 69 8 54 38 03 63 86 11 37 52 25 92 20 52 28 3 54 72 9 63 28 16 81 19 75 64 50 82 14 44 42 62 90 29 39 32 4 51 71 16 69 16 54 81 48 44 75 23 87 13 52 35 51 96 16 67 18 5 25 72 12 64 24 44 93 32 66 26 3 * * * * 33 94 27 52 21 6 5 100 40 40 20 36 78 75 25 07 1 * * * * 15 100 20 40 40 7 0 12 83 50 50 08 0 7 100 29 71 0 8 0 3 * * * *

Total 167 81 16 41 44 196 93 24 51 25 Total 153 73 13 62 25 165 84 46 50 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 9 33 100 0 0 1 * * * *3/4 32 50 78 22 0 24 83 75 25 05 3 * * * * 16 69 75 25 0

6/7 2 * * * * 20 95 55 45 0Total 46 50 78 22 0 61 82 69 31 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9068 9279 7762 76667 7345 9563 7243 8852 5046 82608 7854 9354 6748 9147

Total 81167 93196 73153 84165 5046 8260

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________436

Page 446: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Hartman Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 27 2077 37 2920 11 519647 60 1984 15 2129 58 250 0 5 019948 67 2030 29 1915 27 2127 64 240 0 0 0 02131

Total 51 --- 27 --- 58 --- 27 --- 64 267 4 5 0 0 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 86 1983 20 259 0 021947 50 2073 27 2187 79 338 9 0 020978 50 2084 44 1947 38 2247 75 280 6 0 38 02126

Total 67 --- 28 --- 79 --- 38 --- 75 286 4 0 0 38 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________437

Page 447: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Hartman Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 8 88 13 38 50 6 67 67 17 17 2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3 34 79 24 32 44 20 85 20 60 20 3 17 76 12 53 35 11 64 9 82 94 56 88 11 61 29 57 82 18 44 39 4 50 96 16 62 22 38 92 18 71 115 13 92 15 23 62 38 95 18 66 16 5 28 82 18 75 7 44 98 14 75 116 7 100 29 14 57 13 100 8 31 62 6 10 90 30 60 10 24 96 29 71 07 0 3 * * * * 7 0 3 * * * *8 0 1 * * * * 8 0 0

Total 118 86 16 44 40 138 88 19 51 30 Total 108 88 17 63 20 122 93 20 72 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 5 60 80 20 03/4 34 79 71 26 3 32 75 41 59 05 4 * * * * 9 78 89 11 0

6/7 0 4 * * * *Total 40 83 73 25 3 50 74 54 46 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8251 8840 8443 94357 9039 8555 9237 9448 8340 74508 8928 9039 8927 9039

Total 86118 87134 88108 93122 8340 7450

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________438

Page 448: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Albert Thomas Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2078 43 5614 14 022447 38 2014 9 2156 75 170 0 0 020808 50 2009 20 1843 8 2079 46 120 0 0 0 02070

Total 62 --- 21 --- 75 --- 8 --- 46 245 3 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 20 1881 18 50 0 019947 9 1966 6 2077 45 120 0 0 019728 40 1960 30 1823 13 2067 31 60 0 0 0 01942

Total 23 --- 16 --- 45 --- 13 --- 31 80 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________439

Page 449: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Albert Thomas Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

4 30 77 23 67 10 1 * * * * 4 25 92 24 68 8 1 * * * *5 35 83 9 69 23 1 * * * * 5 31 81 13 68 19 06 9 67 22 67 11 31 100 42 52 6 6 13 54 62 38 0 32 100 63 34 37 10 70 20 60 20 28 100 46 54 0 7 5 80 60 40 0 25 100 52 44 48 3 * * * * 39 100 46 54 0 8 5 80 0 80 20 32 100 44 50 6

Total 114 74 18 63 18 100 100 45 53 2 Total 99 75 26 64 10 90 100 53 42 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6/7 7 71 57 43 0 29 100 66 34 0Total 43 53 63 37 0 29 100 66 34 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7939 10033 8233 100337 6351 10028 7043 10025 5343 100298 9123 10039 7423 10032

Total 74113 100100 7599 10090 5343 10029

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________440

Page 450: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Carter Woodson Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2088 43 4320 0 022077 40 2033 33 * * 330 0 * 020588 70 2060 27 1933 13 2107 57 2930 0 0 0 72227

Total 70 --- 33 --- * --- 13 --- 57 3320 0 * 0 0 4---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * 1945 17 17* 0 0*7 25 2033 29 2120 58 250 0 0 020468 * 2060 50 1795 6 2060 29 3* 0 0 3 0*

Total 39 --- 32 --- 58 --- 6 --- 29 100 0 0 0 3 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________441

Page 451: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Carter Woodson Middle School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 9 100 33 33 33 1 * * * * 3 8 100 25 63 13 04 39 85 36 46 18 0 4 35 91 20 69 11 1 * * * *6 27 93 11 44 44 47 98 30 60 11 6 27 78 22 56 22 47 94 70 30 07 4 * * * * 44 89 30 68 2 7 5 80 20 60 20 42 93 50 48 28 2 * * * * 46 96 37 52 11 8 2 * * * * 44 91 48 41 11

Total 128 88 21 45 34 138 93 33 59 8 Total 121 86 20 62 18 134 93 57 39 4

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *6/7 0 43 88 63 37 0

Total 47 100 74 26 0 44 89 61 36 2

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8143 9846 9542 94477 9449 8745 8548 9341 10047 89448 8936 9645 7431 9144

Total 88128 93136 86121 92132 10047 8944

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________442

Page 452: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Carnegie Vanguard High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

910 100 2328 100 2355 100 2371 100 10040 40 40 60 20232211 100 2322 100 2331 100 2484 100 10050 33 33 67 172376

Total 100 --- 100 --- 100 --- 100 10045 36 36 64 18---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 100 2312 100 10040 40 40234810 100 2305 100 2392 100 2545 100 1000 0 60 100 0229411 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 100 --- 100 --- 100 --- 100 10018 18 67 100 18---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________443

Page 453: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Carnegie Vanguard High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________444

Page 454: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Empowerment College Preparatory High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 86 --- 40 --- * --- * 430 0 * * 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 100 1985 13 1314 0 02187Total 100 --- 13 1314 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________445

Page 455: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jesse Jones High School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 29 * * 250 * 0200710 25 1914 7 1949 0 2082 40 00 0 0 0 0205011 13 * * 2084 57 2148 57 100 * 0 0 02035

Total 22 --- 21 --- 21 --- 47 90 0 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 65 1919 4 110 0 0202310 12 1959 20 1928 0 2055 44 00 0 0 0 0201511 27 1981 0 1999 0 2134 78 00 0 0 0 02075

Total 44 --- 6 --- 0 --- 61 60 0 0 0 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________447

Page 456: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jesse Jones High School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 9 100 44 44 11 0 3 7 71 71 29 0 6 50 50 50 04 14 86 14 64 21 0 4 14 64 29 64 7 5 0 80 20 05 11 91 27 55 18 0 5 9 78 56 33 11 9 67 22 78 06 9 67 33 44 22 0 6 16 56 56 31 13 6 83 83 17 07 7 86 29 57 14 0 7 4 * * * * 5 80 80 20 08 4 * * * * 0 8 1 * * * * 2 * * * *9 1 * * * * 7 100 29 57 14 9 0 8 100 88 13 010 0 4 * * * * 10 0 2 * * * *

Total 55 84 29 55 16 11 100 27 64 9 Total 51 65 51 39 10 43 70 60 40 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8143 1006 6131 812110 9212 1005 7020 5922 7117

Total 8455 10011 6551 7043 7218

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________448

Page 457: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Madison High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 40 1969 17 140 0 0203110 50 1994 24 1992 14 2132 57 170 10 0 5 0208911 25 * * * * * * 130 * * * 02049

Total 43 --- 21 --- 13 --- 59 150 4 0 5 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 63 1982 27 376 0 3213810 43 2058 40 2054 50 2178 64 270 0 0 9 0208911 33 2094 56 2103 56 2199 82 150 0 0 9 02085

Total 52 --- 37 --- 53 --- 73 303 0 0 9 2---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________449

Page 458: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Madison High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

6 16 100 44 25 31 9 100 44 44 11 6 22 100 50 45 5 07 6 100 33 50 17 1 * * * * 7 9 100 33 56 11 12 100 100 0 08 4 * * * * 31 100 65 35 0 8 4 * * * * 17 100 76 24 09 0 0 9 2 * * * * 41 100 83 15 210 0 37 100 86 14 0 10 0 16 100 56 44 0

Total 78 100 41 37 22 78 100 73 26 1 Total 81 100 42 49 9 86 100 79 20 1

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 10042 10041 10044 1004310 10036 10037 10037 10043 9123

Total 10078 10078 10081 10086 9123

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________450

Page 459: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ross Sterling High School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 28 1847 0 140 0 0203410 30 1952 0 1915 0 2089 36 00 0 0 0 0207711 38 2053 43 2080 43 2151 86 200 14 0 0 02096

Total 31 --- 10 --- 15 --- 52 110 3 0 0 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 58 1933 0 150 0 0209910 54 1974 11 1928 0 2034 13 80 0 0 0 0207911 44 1957 29 1973 13 2106 76 110 0 0 6 02113

Total 51 --- 17 --- 8 --- 56 110 0 0 4 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________451

Page 460: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ross Sterling High School Region: SouthTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 2 * * * * 0 3 4 * * * * 1 * * * *4 16 75 25 56 19 8 63 38 50 13 4 18 89 11 78 11 5 40 60 40 05 19 63 37 42 21 13 85 23 62 15 5 18 83 17 83 0 13 38 62 31 86 17 88 6 47 47 12 75 25 50 25 6 17 41 53 41 6 14 21 86 14 07 10 70 30 60 10 16 69 31 63 6 7 9 44 56 44 0 15 47 53 47 08 9 78 11 44 44 8 88 13 75 13 8 9 67 33 67 0 8 100 0 88 139 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 9 0 7 57 71 29 010 0 1 * * * * 10 0 7 86 14 86 0

Total 75 73 24 48 28 62 76 26 60 15 Total 75 67 32 63 5 70 51 53 44 3

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 4 * * * *5 11 36 64 27 9 5 0 100 0 0

6/7 13 31 69 31 0 13 15 85 15 08/9 8 38 50 50 0 6 33 83 17 0

Total 35 34 63 34 3 28 18 89 11 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 7634 7938 7637 474310 7141 7124 5838 5927 3435 1828

Total 7375 7662 6775 5170 3435 1828

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________452

Page 461: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Evan Worthing High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 60 1946 7 170 0 0212410 42 2006 14 1992 23 2107 46 00 0 8 8 0208711 * 2138 80 * * * * 60* 0 * * 0*

Total 52 --- 21 --- 38 --- 56 160 0 6 6 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 35 1845 0 00 0 0201310 40 2076 33 2022 17 * * 140 0 0 * 0208911 43 2087 63 2092 50 2235 100 250 0 0 25 02104

Total 38 --- 26 --- 36 --- 100 90 0 0 17 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________453

Page 462: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Evan Worthing High School Region: SouthTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 0 K 3 * * * * 1 * * * *1 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *4 7 100 14 71 14 7 71 43 29 29 4 5 40 60 40 0 8 63 50 50 05 16 63 38 38 25 9 44 44 44 11 5 17 76 18 65 18 4 * * * *6 13 85 15 46 38 13 85 31 46 23 6 19 63 47 42 11 18 67 61 39 07 12 92 33 58 8 16 63 38 63 0 7 11 73 45 55 0 19 74 58 42 08 3 * * * * 13 92 38 62 0 8 4 * * * * 8 75 38 63 09 0 0 9 0 1 * * * *

Total 69 83 23 51 26 61 72 36 54 10 Total 72 71 33 51 15 61 70 51 46 3

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 8 63 88 13 0 4 * * * *5 13 54 85 15 0 2 * * * *

6/7 12 58 67 33 0 13 54 100 0 08/9 2 * * * * 6 67 83 17 0

Total 38 58 74 26 0 26 58 88 12 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 7333 7229 5934 613310 9236 7330 8238 8228 5838 5826

Total 8369 7359 7172 7061 5838 5826

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________454

Page 463: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 464: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Community Services Alternative School Region: SP/EDTrustee: All

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45 67 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **9 * ** **

10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * * * * * * *

Total 60 --- 50 --- * --- * --- * 250 0 * * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * ** *56 * * * ** * **78 * * * * * * * ** * * * **9 * * * ** * **

10 40 * * * * * * 170 * * * 0207011 * * * * * * ** * * *

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________455

Page 465: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Community Services Alternative School Region: SP/EDTrustee: All

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3 5 60 20 40 40 2 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 1 * * * *4 5 60 40 60 0 1 * * * * 4 8 63 25 50 25 1 * * * *5 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 5 7 86 14 57 29 3 * * * *6 8 88 25 38 38 1 * * * * 6 6 100 33 67 0 2 * * * *7 0 6 83 33 67 0 7 0 6 67 83 17 08 3 * * * * 9 100 44 56 0 8 2 * * * * 8 100 50 50 09 0 6 100 50 33 17 9 1 * * * * 15 93 87 13 010 0 3 * * * * 10 0 6 67 83 17 0

Total 28 82 21 43 36 31 90 45 48 6 Total 30 83 27 57 17 43 84 74 26 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3/4 5 0 80 20 0 1 * * * *6/7 2 * * * * 7 100 86 14 0

Total 9 11 67 33 0 10 80 90 10 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 *1 *1 *14 *1 *1 *1 *2 *25 *2 *3 *36 *1 *27 *2 836 *2 *4 *4 8888 *3 1009 *4 10089 8312 1007 8312 9314

10 805 *4 836 717 *3Total 8126 9029 8228 8540 119 8010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________456

Page 466: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School




Page 467: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

West Region

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 85 2188 6532 2222744 79 2196 71 2258 72 5926 20 11 522125 76 2167 65 2170 6528 18 2222206 77 2092 49 5130 9 922427 57 2086 42 2190 73 3612 6 10 221378 75 2071 43 1955 29 2147 57 2715 5 7 12 321799 56 1950 20 237 2 12094

10 46 1998 28 1995 23 2152 61 132 2 1 15 1210511 63 2078 44 2087 43 2244 86 303 2 3 18 12158

Total 68 --- 47 --- 73 --- 39 --- 64 3417 10 9 14 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2188 72 2264 7722 34 72 224 2144 57 2179 76 2274 807 12 13 63 556

Total --- 67 --- 77 --- 8017 27 13 69 16

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 81 2129 6334 1122654 73 2198 67 2276 78 5417 23 17 321995 69 2159 60 2077 5616 18 1821566 63 2085 46 4224 9 821667 63 2106 48 2234 75 419 5 17 221298 60 2037 34 1949 38 2159 58 2414 3 5 13 121429 55 1949 20 214 2 22093

10 38 1992 19 1995 29 2123 57 102 1 2 11 0207511 49 2066 35 2078 43 2196 74 214 4 2 11 02134

Total 61 --- 44 --- 76 --- 43 --- 62 3113 9 17 8 12 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2140 66 2163 596 164 1945 36 2157 67 2191 720 11 6 50 856

Total --- 57 --- 62 --- 724 15 6 50 8

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________457

Page 468: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

West Region

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 80 91 0 36 64 151 98 0 42 58 K 51 92 2 33 65 144 97 18 34 481 244 96 2 17 82 161 93 1 32 67 1 159 94 3 25 72 122 94 7 20 742 459 87 13 31 56 337 85 21 30 49 2 353 93 2 24 75 235 90 6 36 593 580 85 11 42 47 413 85 15 53 32 3 527 83 3 64 33 358 81 13 66 204 400 80 14 46 41 365 88 18 47 35 4 438 79 10 59 30 350 80 21 66 135 266 79 15 53 32 234 87 20 57 23 5 275 77 13 68 20 267 87 18 66 166 130 91 13 42 45 206 91 17 51 32 6 173 73 35 50 15 240 70 55 40 57 55 96 15 40 45 134 95 20 69 11 7 53 87 36 53 11 155 85 47 52 18 17 82 12 29 59 80 99 29 70 1 8 16 75 31 56 13 91 90 42 54 49 4 * * * * 8 100 0 38 63 9 3 * * * * 18 72 100 0 010 0 5 60 100 0 0 10 0 10 90 20 80 0

Total 2,235 86 11 39 50 2,094 89 16 48 36 Total 2,048 83 10 51 39 1,990 84 24 52 24

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 140 87 10 46 44 142 88 29 40 312 206 60 68 30 2 132 59 71 25 4

3/4 271 57 62 37 0 235 67 57 42 15 57 61 68 28 4 45 76 58 40 2

6/7 44 70 43 55 2 130 85 48 50 28/9 5 80 20 80 0 6 33 100 0 0

Total 723 65 53 38 10 690 73 53 39 8

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 95266 95235 97232 972094 95352 90285 96291 94253 75330 762755 91404 92383 91364 903196 85433 90347 80396 823427 81331 87327 73309 83322 56310 763368 76246 88257 70251 822559 67129 78157 69128 62180

10 7864 8080 8568 6589 5980 5377Total 862,225 892,071 832,039 841,969 65720 74688

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________458

Page 469: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Anderson Charter Elementary Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2130 60 * * 60* 0 * 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 83 --- 50 --- * --- * 6017 0 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * ** * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 60 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________459

Page 470: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Anderson Charter Elementary Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 7 100 0 29 71 1 * * * * 1 6 100 0 83 17 02 11 82 55 9 36 9 67 44 22 33 2 10 80 0 40 60 6 100 0 0 1003 5 100 0 80 20 6 67 50 50 0 3 6 100 0 67 33 8 100 0 63 384 7 86 43 43 14 6 100 0 50 50 4 7 86 29 43 29 6 100 0 100 05 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 34 91 26 32 41 23 78 35 35 30 Total 31 90 6 52 42 21 100 0 57 43

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 4 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 7 100 86 14 0 6 50 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 9010 836 10010 10054 10010 506 10011 1005 1007 5065 8614 9111 7010 10011

Total 9134 7823 9031 10021 1007 506

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________460

Page 471: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jewel Askew Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 83 2374 100 50 3323194 83 2197 83 2270 67 6733 17 17 02189

Total 83 --- 92 --- 67 6742 25 17 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2143 6340 023614 * * * * * ** * * **

Total 88 --- 64 --- * *38 9 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________461

Page 472: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jewel Askew Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 0 K 1 * * * * 2 * * * *1 6 100 0 17 83 5 100 0 20 80 1 4 * * * * 02 11 91 9 45 45 0 2 10 100 0 20 80 1 * * * *3 7 86 0 43 57 10 100 40 50 10 3 9 100 0 67 33 13 100 15 85 04 2 * * * * 14 100 43 14 43 4 1 * * * * 14 100 14 79 7

Total 27 93 4 41 56 29 100 34 28 38 Total 25 100 0 36 64 30 100 13 73 13

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 9 89 0 44 56 3 * * * *3/4 0 14 100 50 50 0

Total 13 62 31 31 38 17 94 53 41 6

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10014 10012 10012 100134 8513 10017 10013 10017 6213 9417

Total 9327 10029 10025 10030 6213 9417

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________462

Page 473: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kate Bell Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * 60* * * 0*5 * 1917 67 * ** 17 **

Total 80 --- 64 --- * --- * 6010 14 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2063 40* 0*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2108 60 * ** 20 **

Total 75 --- 58 --- * --- * *13 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________463

Page 474: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kate Bell Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 5 80 0 60 40 4 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 3 * * * *2 11 100 9 36 55 9 78 22 44 33 2 13 85 0 46 54 8 88 0 25 753 12 83 17 25 58 10 90 0 70 30 3 10 90 0 60 40 8 88 13 63 254 0 5 100 0 60 40 4 2 * * * * 8 88 13 63 25

Total 29 86 10 38 52 29 90 7 59 34 Total 28 89 0 46 54 28 89 7 43 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *2 5 80 80 20 0 11 64 64 36 0

3/4 3 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 11 91 55 36 9 14 57 57 43 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 758 *4 10010 *44 10012 8312 9111 9111 9111 57145 758 9213 717 8513

Total 8629 9029 8928 8928 9111 5714

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________464

Page 475: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Roy Benavídez Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 * * * * *5 * * *

Total --- 0 * 0 *

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * ** *5

Total * --- * ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________465

Page 476: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Roy Benavídez Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 5 100 0 0 100 1 * * * * 1 0 02 4 * * * * 5 60 40 0 60 2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3 1 * * * * 5 80 0 20 80 3 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 10 100 0 10 90 11 73 18 9 73 Total 5 100 0 40 60 5 80 0 20 80

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


4 *4 *4 *1 *3 *45 *3 836 *3 *4

Total 10010 7010 1005 *4 *3 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________466

Page 477: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Bonham Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 50 2072 29 0 1421014 * 2077 40 * * 33* 0 * 0*5 * 1949 33 * ** 0 **

Total 67 --- 33 --- * --- * 330 6 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 1901 20* 0*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 0 * * * *0 * *1780

Total 23 --- 20 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________467

Page 478: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

James Bonham Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 6 100 0 17 83 8 88 0 63 38 K 5 100 0 20 80 8 88 50 13 381 18 100 0 17 83 6 100 0 17 83 1 6 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *2 6 100 17 33 50 8 75 13 25 63 2 12 100 0 17 83 3 * * * *3 18 100 11 22 67 7 86 14 57 29 3 13 100 0 62 38 7 57 14 86 04 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 8 100 25 63 13 6 67 17 67 175 0 5 100 20 80 0 5 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 50 100 6 22 72 36 89 8 50 42 Total 45 100 4 38 58 30 80 20 50 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 10 100 20 40 40 5 80 20 60 202 7 86 71 14 14 5 60 100 0 0

3/4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 18 94 44 28 28 12 75 50 42 8

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10014 9010 1008 10074 10017 9315 10016 9213 9417 75125 10019 8211 10021 5010

Total 10050 8936 10045 8030 9417 7512

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________468

Page 479: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Braeburn Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- 20 --- ** 0 * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________469

Page 480: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Braeburn Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *1 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 5 100 0 20 80 2 5 100 0 20 80 4 * * * *3 12 83 17 50 33 4 * * * * 3 12 83 0 92 8 4 * * * *

Total 21 86 14 48 38 14 93 7 29 64 Total 21 90 0 67 33 13 92 8 31 62

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 0 20 80 2 * * * *2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 9 78 11 44 44 5 60 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 *3 *1 *34 899 *3 899 *2 789 6055 8211 1007 9111 1007

Total 8621 9213 9021 10012 789 605

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________470

Page 481: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Briargrove Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2336 100 43 3324074 * 2251 86 * * 86* 14 * 0*5 80 2278 100 2279 8040 40 402293

Total 94 --- 95 --- * --- 80 8644 29 * 40 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 80 2172 9120 922024 100 2245 100 2412 100 10020 20 40 022225 * 2103 40 2111 60* 0 0*

Total 79 --- 81 --- 100 --- 60 10016 10 40 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________471

Page 482: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Briargrove Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 1 * * * * 0 1 0 1 * * * *2 10 100 0 20 80 6 83 17 0 83 2 8 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *3 3 * * * * 9 100 0 33 67 3 6 100 0 50 50 6 100 0 50 505 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 5 0 2 * * * *

Total 17 100 0 12 88 17 94 6 24 71 Total 15 93 0 27 73 12 100 0 42 58

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 0 5 100 0 60 40

Total 5 40 60 20 20 6 100 0 50 50

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 805 1006 *44 *4 1007 *4 *3 405 10065 1006 1005 805 1005

Total 10017 9417 9315 10012 405 1006

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________472

Page 483: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Briarmeadow Charter Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * ** * **5 * * *

Total * --- 83 ** 17 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 80 --- * --- * ** 20 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________473

Page 484: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Briarmeadow Charter Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *3 5 60 0 60 40 4 * * * * 3 4 * * * * 6 67 50 33 174 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 13 69 8 38 54 14 79 0 36 64 Total 12 67 0 33 67 13 69 23 54 23

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 5 0 100 0 0 6 67 50 50 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *4 *4 *34 605 1005 *4 836 05 6765 *4 405 *4 *4

Total 6913 7914 6712 6913 05 676

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________474

Page 485: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Barbara Bush Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2348 100 * ** 33 **

Total 80 --- 93 --- * --- * *30 36 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2229 83* 33*4 80 2316 100 2385 100 830 33 33 022065 100 2298 100 2292 8350 44 502378

Total 93 --- 95 --- 100 --- 83 8327 38 33 50 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________475

Page 486: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Barbara Bush Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 5 100 0 0 100 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 0 2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3 10 90 10 20 70 4 * * * * 3 5 100 0 60 40 2 * * * *4 5 100 0 60 40 1 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 2 * * * *5 1 * * * * 6 100 17 67 17 5 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 24 96 4 25 71 13 100 8 62 31 Total 16 100 6 31 63 9 100 0 67 33

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 6 83 17 83 0 2 * * * *

Total 6 83 17 83 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 *4 1006 *44 1007 *3 *3 *3 836 *35 899 1006 1007 *2

Total 9624 10013 10016 1009 836 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________476

Page 487: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Al Condit Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2089 40 * ** 0 **

Total 78 --- 67 --- * --- * *33 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 100 2456 100 2289 10067 60 332367

Total 100 --- 100 --- 10071 43 33---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________477

Page 488: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Al Condit Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *2 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *3 5 80 0 60 40 3 * * * * 3 5 100 0 20 80 04 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *5 0 0 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 13 92 0 23 77 10 90 0 50 50 Total 12 100 0 25 75 8 100 13 38 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *2 6 17 83 17 0 1 * * * *

Total 6 17 83 17 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 *3 *4 *34 1005 *2 *4 *3 176 *25 *3 805 *4 *2

Total 9213 9010 10012 1008 176 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________478

Page 489: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

L. T. Cunningham Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * 2122 60 * * 60* 0 * 0*5 * 2052 33 1988 20* 0 0*

Total 50 --- 40 --- * --- 20 600 0 * 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 80 --- 50 --- *0 0 * 67 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * 2043 40 * * 17* 0 * 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 25 --- 30 --- * --- * 1713 0 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________479

Page 490: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

L. T. Cunningham Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 4 * * * * K 2 * * * * 3 * * * *1 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 04 0 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 0

Total 12 100 0 42 58 9 100 0 33 67 Total 8 100 0 25 75 5 100 0 20 80

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 2 * * * * 5 60 20 80 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *2 *2 *14 1005 *3 *3 *2 *2 6055 *4 *4 *3 *2

Total 10012 1009 1008 1005 *2 605

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________480

Page 491: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Horace Elrod Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- 71 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * ** * *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 30 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * 2075 40 * ** 0 * 20 05

Total --- * --- 40 --- ** 0 * 20 0

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________481

Page 492: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Horace Elrod Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 12 75 33 50 17 8 63 38 38 25 2 8 63 0 75 25 3 * * * *3 13 92 0 77 23 9 78 33 33 33 3 9 89 0 100 0 11 82 18 73 94 4 * * * * 8 75 13 63 25 4 2 * * * * 6 100 0 67 33

Total 30 87 13 67 20 26 73 27 42 31 Total 19 79 0 89 11 21 86 14 62 24

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 6 50 83 17 0 5 100 80 20 0

3/4 6 100 33 67 0 3 * * * *Total 14 64 50 50 0 11 82 55 45 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 789 *2 676 *24 9213 7311 1007 9010 6414 82115 867 6712 676 789

Total 8629 7225 7919 8621 6414 8211

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________482

Page 493: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ralph Emerson Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **

Total 60 --- * --- * --- * *20 * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 2161 60 * *0 * 60 045

Total --- 60 --- *0 * 60 0

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- * --- ** * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________483

Page 494: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ralph Emerson Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 1 * * * * K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 2 * * * * 0 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 2 * * * *4 0 5 100 40 60 0 4 0 6 100 0 100 05 0 1 * * * * 5 0 1 * * * *

Total 7 86 0 43 57 10 100 20 60 20 Total 6 100 0 33 67 12 100 0 75 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 2 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 0 3 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *2 *1 *24 *1 1005 *1 1005 *2 *45 *4 *3 *4 1005

Total 867 10010 1006 10012 *2 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________484

Page 495: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Cecile Foerster Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2016 17 * ** 0 **

Total * --- 18 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 1981 33 1796 10* 0 0*

Total 100 --- 22 --- * --- 10 *20 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________485

Page 496: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Cecile Foerster Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 4 * * * * 5 100 0 20 80 K 0 5 100 20 60 201 9 100 0 11 89 8 100 0 38 63 1 4 * * * * 8 100 38 25 382 3 * * * * 12 83 33 33 33 2 13 92 8 46 46 9 89 0 67 333 15 93 7 73 20 10 70 30 50 20 3 9 78 0 89 11 10 80 60 40 04 0 6 83 0 67 33 4 0 4 * * * *

Total 31 97 3 45 52 41 85 17 41 41 Total 26 88 4 58 38 36 86 31 47 22

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 3 * * * * 8 100 100 0 0Total 12 75 50 33 17 8 100 100 0 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10011 8614 10011 100144 10014 789 9111 888 7512 10085 836 8918 *4 7114

Total 9731 8541 8826 8636 7512 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________486

Page 497: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walter Fondren Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **45 * * * 2048 40* * 0*6

Total * --- 17 --- 40* 17 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *6

Total * --- 0 --- * ** 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________487

Page 498: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walter Fondren Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 01 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 2 * * * * 0 2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *3 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 0 04 5 100 0 100 0 3 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *5 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 15 87 0 67 33 8 100 13 25 63 Total 8 100 0 63 38 5 100 20 80 0

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 5 80 20 80 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *2 *2 *24 1005 *2 *2 805 *25 *3 *4 *4 *1

Total 8715 1008 1008 1005 805 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________488

Page 499: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Maud Gordon Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * ** * **5 * * *

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

345 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________489

Page 500: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Maud Gordon Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 6 100 0 0 100 5 100 0 20 80 1 3 * * * * 4 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 5 80 0 20 80 3 * * * *3 4 * * * * 0 3 6 83 17 83 0 1 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 13 100 8 31 62 12 83 17 33 50 Total 15 87 7 47 47 11 91 9 45 45

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *3/4 0 1 * * * *

Total 6 67 33 67 0 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *24 1006 *3 888 *3 676 *45 1007 717 867 836

Total 10013 8312 8715 9111 676 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________490

Page 501: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jenard Gross Elementary Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 44 --- 44 --- * --- * *11 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 38 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________491

Page 502: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jenard Gross Elementary Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 6 100 0 0 100 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 0 3 * * * * 1 5 80 0 40 60 3 * * * *2 8 50 25 63 13 9 89 11 33 56 2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *3 5 60 60 20 20 6 100 33 50 17 3 6 83 0 100 0 7 86 0 100 04 2 * * * * 5 100 60 40 0 4 4 * * * * 5 100 20 60 205 0 2 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 21 67 24 38 38 26 96 23 42 35 Total 18 78 6 72 22 22 91 14 59 27

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 7 57 57 29 14 7 86 100 0 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 1006 *3 10054 717 1009 836 1006 577 8675 449 899 679 789

Total 6721 9624 7818 9020 577 867

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________492

Page 503: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Gary Herod Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2238 78 20 1123524 82 2351 85 2243 71 6936 46 0 022725 86 2224 86 2224 5614 29 332272

Total 87 --- 83 --- 71 --- 56 6926 31 0 33 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 86 2246 9157 1823584 100 2389 100 2333 78 8338 57 22 823525 100 2211 80 2235 10011 20 132252

Total 96 --- 89 --- 78 --- 100 8333 29 22 13 8---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________493

Page 504: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Gary Herod Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 3 * * * * 6 100 0 33 67 1 0 2 * * * *2 14 86 7 21 71 7 100 0 29 71 2 4 * * * * 2 * * * *3 5 100 0 60 40 11 91 0 27 73 3 14 100 0 57 43 6 67 17 83 04 2 * * * * 5 100 0 100 0 4 1 * * * * 6 100 33 50 175 0 2 * * * * 5 0 7 100 14 86 0

Total 24 92 4 29 67 31 97 0 45 55 Total 20 100 0 45 55 23 91 17 65 17

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 10 60 50 40 10 9 56 44 44 11

3/4 0 3 * * * *Total 11 64 45 36 18 13 54 46 46 8

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 10011 *4 10064 8513 1008 10014 1007 6411 54135 *3 9212 *2 8010

Total 9224 9731 10020 9123 6411 5413

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________494

Page 505: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Paul Horn Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2478 100 * 60*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 100 --- * --- * *30 45 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 100 2290 100 2259 10020 20 112262

Total 100 --- 100 --- * --- 100 *11 33 * 11 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________495

Page 506: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Paul Horn Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 6 100 0 17 83 1 * * * * 2 6 100 0 33 67 03 6 100 0 33 67 7 100 0 86 14 3 6 100 0 100 0 5 100 20 80 04 6 83 0 33 67 3 * * * * 4 8 100 0 38 63 4 * * * *5 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 5 0 5 100 0 80 20

Total 22 95 0 36 64 15 100 13 67 20 Total 21 100 0 52 48 14 100 14 79 7

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 5 80 20 80 0 3 * * * *

Total 9 89 22 67 11 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 *4 1005 *34 1008 *4 1007 *4 899 *45 899 1007 1009 1007

Total 9522 10015 10021 10014 899 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________496

Page 507: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jennie Kolter Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 100 2454 100 2388 100 10083 67 20 024175 * 2350 100 2385 100* 20 40*

Total 100 --- 100 --- 100 --- 100 10069 43 20 40 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2284 100* 20*4 83 2290 100 2552 100 8333 20 50 1722445 * * * * ** * **

Total 91 --- 100 --- 100 --- * 8345 25 50 * 17---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________497

Page 508: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jennie Kolter Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *3 8 100 0 13 88 3 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 3 * * * *4 7 100 0 14 86 2 * * * * 4 11 100 0 9 91 3 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 17 100 0 12 88 10 100 0 40 60 Total 16 100 0 6 94 10 100 0 50 50

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 8 100 38 63 0 2 * * * *Total 8 100 38 63 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *3 *2 *24 1007 *1 1007 *1 1008 *25 1006 1006 1007 1006

Total 10017 10010 10016 1009 1008 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________498

Page 509: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Longfellow Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 1943 13 * 0*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 71 --- 29 --- * --- * *14 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2015 40* 0*4 * 2102 40 * * 40* 0 * 0*5 * * * * ** * **

Total 78 --- 50 --- * --- * 4033 8 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________499

Page 510: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Longfellow Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 2 * * * * K 0 2 * * * *2 2 * * * * 5 100 0 40 60 2 0 3 * * * *3 6 83 0 50 50 7 100 0 57 43 3 5 40 0 80 20 5 100 0 40 604 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 1 * * * *5 0 1 * * * * 5 0 0

Total 13 92 0 38 62 17 100 0 53 47 Total 9 67 0 78 22 11 82 0 55 45

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 10010 6764 *3 *3 *2 *3 *3 *15 888 *4 717 *2

Total 9213 10017 679 8211 *3 *1

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________500

Page 511: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edgar Lovett Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 83 2199 67 17 1721774 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2153 60 * ** 20 **

Total 77 --- 73 --- * --- * *23 33 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2325 100* 33*4 * 2173 71 2293 83 43* 29 17 0*5 88 2298 100 2166 7513 29 132204

Total 88 --- 90 --- 83 --- 75 4331 30 17 13 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________501

Page 512: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edgar Lovett Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 02 5 100 0 40 60 2 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *3 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 3 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 9 100 0 56 44 4 * * * * Total 7 100 0 14 86 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *2 *1 *1 *24 *4 *1 *1 *25 *3 *2 1005 *2

Total 1009 *4 1007 *4 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________502

Page 513: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ila McNamara Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * 1982 40 * * 20* 0 * 0*5 * * * 1746 0* * 0*

Total * --- 30 --- * --- 0 20* 0 * 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * 2015 29 0* * 0 0*5 * * * 1815 14* * 0*

Total 25 --- 18 --- 29 --- 14 00 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________503

Page 514: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Ila McNamara Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 14 86 0 36 64 2 * * * * 1 7 57 14 43 43 1 * * * *2 18 83 17 50 33 21 86 33 33 33 2 16 88 13 13 75 15 87 13 47 403 9 89 11 67 22 7 86 43 43 14 3 16 81 6 63 31 10 90 20 80 04 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 0 1 * * * *

Total 42 86 10 50 40 31 87 32 35 32 Total 39 79 10 38 51 27 89 15 59 26

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 4 * * * *2 6 33 67 33 0 6 67 100 0 0

Total 7 43 57 43 0 10 80 80 20 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 8015 10010 7617 10094 9212 7512 1009 638 437 80105 8614 899 6913 1007

Total 8541 8731 7939 8824 437 8010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________504

Page 515: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Alan Milne Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 29 --- * --- * ** 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * 2057 50 2187 80 50* 0 0 0*5 * 2027 25 1898 27* 0 0*

Total 43 --- 31 --- 80 --- 27 500 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________505

Page 516: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Alan Milne Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 4 * * * * K 1 * * * * 4 * * * *1 5 100 0 20 80 2 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 11 82 9 36 55 2 * * * * 2 6 100 0 0 100 2 * * * *3 15 93 0 20 80 3 * * * * 3 13 85 0 54 46 2 * * * *4 1 * * * * 6 100 50 50 0 4 2 * * * * 6 100 17 67 175 0 9 89 44 44 11 5 0 7 100 29 71 0

Total 33 91 3 24 73 26 88 35 50 15 Total 24 92 0 42 58 23 91 26 48 26

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 4 * * * *2 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 8 50 63 25 13 9 89 67 33 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 805 1006 *34 10010 9111 1007 9111 508 8995 8015 9010 8211 899

Total 9133 8826 9224 9123 508 899

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________506

Page 517: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pat Neff Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2052 40 * ** 0 **

Total 43 --- 47 --- * --- * *29 13 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2074 33 * ** 0 **

Total 67 --- 33 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________507

Page 518: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pat Neff Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 7 100 0 14 86 5 100 0 20 80 1 4 * * * * 4 * * * *2 16 88 13 25 63 12 100 8 8 83 2 12 100 0 0 100 7 100 0 0 1003 14 100 0 29 71 5 80 20 60 20 3 13 100 8 62 31 5 100 0 20 804 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 2 * * * *5 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 5 4 * * * * 0

Total 41 93 5 27 68 26 96 12 23 65 Total 37 100 5 35 59 19 100 0 21 79

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 7 100 0 43 57 2 * * * *2 5 100 40 60 0 1 * * * *

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 12 100 17 50 33 5 80 20 80 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 867 1006 1007 10064 10013 1005 1009 1005 10012 8055 9021 9315 10021 1008

Total 9341 9626 10037 10019 10012 805

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________508

Page 519: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Cynthia Parker Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 95 2257 78 53 2823774 100 2157 71 2344 67 710 0 33 021865 * * * * ** * **

Total 96 --- 76 --- 67 --- * 7137 17 33 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2162 7850 023314 86 2357 100 2365 100 8629 43 43 022555 80 2282 86 2272 10020 43 402203

Total 89 --- 87 --- 100 --- 100 8633 26 43 40 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________509

Page 520: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Cynthia Parker Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *3 5 100 0 60 40 4 * * * * 3 7 100 0 43 57 2 * * * *4 3 * * * * 4 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 3 * * * *5 0 4 * * * * 5 0 3 * * * *

Total 20 95 0 50 50 13 100 15 62 23 Total 13 100 0 31 69 9 100 11 78 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 4 * * * * 1 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 6 83 67 33 0 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *4 *3 *1 *24 836 *4 *4 *2 836 *35 10010 1005 1008 *4

Total 9520 10013 10013 1009 836 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________510

Page 521: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Pilgrim Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2146 60 * ** 20 **6 100 * * 10017 * 172265

Total 90 --- 56 --- * --- * 10010 22 * * 14---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * ** * * *56

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * ** *5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 100 --- * ** 17 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________511

Page 522: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Thomas Pilgrim Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 4 * * * * 1 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 02 30 100 0 0 100 1 * * * * 2 13 100 0 0 100 1 * * * *3 17 88 0 35 65 8 100 0 88 13 3 28 96 0 43 57 6 50 0 100 04 0 4 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 6 100 17 83 05 0 16 100 6 69 25 5 0 14 100 7 86 76 0 1 * * * * 6 0 7 100 29 29 43

Total 51 96 0 12 88 32 100 6 66 28 Total 46 98 0 28 72 35 91 11 74 14

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 11 100 0 27 73 2 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 21 81 24 38 38 6 83 33 67 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 *4 1005 *34 10022 1006 10018 1007 8121 8365 9122 10018 9521 100166 *4 789

Total 9651 10032 9844 9135 8121 836

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________512

Page 523: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Piney Point Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 67 --- 67 --- * --- * *17 17 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * ** **

Total 83 --- 80 --- * *17 0 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________513

Page 524: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Piney Point Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 4 * * * * K 2 * * * * 4 * * * *1 7 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 3 * * * *2 15 93 13 20 67 7 100 0 29 71 2 13 100 0 8 92 3 * * * *3 12 100 17 33 50 15 100 13 67 20 3 17 94 6 65 29 13 100 8 69 234 3 * * * * 5 100 0 40 60 4 6 100 0 0 100 9 100 22 44 335 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 5 2 * * * * 5 100 0 80 20

Total 40 98 10 23 68 36 100 8 44 47 Total 43 98 2 33 65 37 100 8 49 43

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 9 89 44 56 0

Total 7 71 29 71 0 13 77 54 46 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 9212 1008 10016 10084 1007 10013 1008 10013 717 77135 10018 10014 9519 10014

Total 9737 10035 9843 10035 717 7713

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________514

Page 525: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Samuel Red Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 80 2202 71 2337 80 5740 29 40 2922545 * * * * ** * **

Total 86 --- 78 --- 80 --- * 5743 22 40 * 29---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2253 6720 3322974 * * * * ** * *5 * * *

Total 100 --- 44 --- * *20 22 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________515

Page 526: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Samuel Red Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 0 K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 6 83 0 17 83 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 9 67 33 33 33 7 86 0 29 71 2 8 88 0 50 50 5 100 0 0 1003 2 * * * * 6 100 0 33 67 3 3 * * * * 5 80 40 0 604 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 3 * * * *

Total 20 80 15 30 55 17 94 0 29 71 Total 15 93 7 40 53 15 93 13 13 73

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 7 86 86 14 0

Total 5 60 60 20 20 8 75 75 25 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 888 *3 1007 *34 506 1008 *4 836 605 7585 1006 836 *4 1006

Total 8020 9417 9315 9315 605 758

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________516

Page 527: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sylvan Rodriguez Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * **

Total * --- 33 --- * ** 17 * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- 100 --- ** 50 * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * * ** * **

Total 60 --- 20 --- *0 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________517

Page 528: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sylvan Rodriguez Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 6 67 17 33 50 7 100 0 14 86 2 3 * * * * 03 6 83 17 50 33 2 * * * * 3 5 80 0 40 60 7 57 29 43 294 0 4 * * * * 4 3 * * * * 1 * * * *5 1 * * * * 0 5 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 13 77 23 38 38 14 86 21 36 43 Total 12 75 8 67 25 10 70 20 50 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 *1 *3 *34 *2 676 *1 *3 *2 *25 888 1007 758 *4

Total 7713 8614 7512 7010 *2 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________518

Page 529: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

T. H. Rogers School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 4 100 2538 100 2629 100 100100 100 50 5025475 100 2480 100 2461 10080 90 732427

Total 100 --- 100 --- 100 --- 100 10088 94 50 73 50---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2545 100100 8325184 100 2435 100 2498 100 10044 70 20 1023505 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 100 --- 100 --- * 10065 79 20 * 10---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________519

Page 530: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

T. H. Rogers School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 11 100 0 45 55 13 100 0 54 46 K 8 88 0 50 50 11 91 9 27 641 9 100 0 22 78 4 * * * * 1 9 100 0 0 100 5 100 20 20 602 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 21 100 5 33 62 20 95 5 55 40 Total 21 95 0 29 71 20 95 10 30 60

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 8 100 13 50 38Total 4 * * * * 8 100 13 50 38

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1006 1008 1006 10084 *4 1007 *4 888 *4 10085 10011 805 9111 *4

Total 10021 9520 9521 9520 *4 1008

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________520

Page 531: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sands Point Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 5 * * *

Total * --- * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **45 * * * ** *

Total * --- * --- ** * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________521

Page 532: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sands Point Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 4 * * * * K 0 4 * * * *1 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 4 * * * * 8 100 38 13 50 2 5 100 0 0 100 8 100 0 38 633 4 * * * * 4 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 10 100 10 50 40 19 95 21 42 37 Total 9 100 0 11 89 18 100 0 61 39

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 3 * * * * 7 71 86 14 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *3 1006 *4 10064 *4 1008 *3 1008 *3 7175 *3 805 *2 *4

Total 10010 9519 1009 10018 *3 717

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________522

Page 533: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

School at Post Oak Elementary Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 45 * **

Total * ---*---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________523

Page 534: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

School at Post Oak Elementary Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 5 100 0 100 0 K 0 5 100 80 20 01 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 1 * * * *3 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 5 100 0 20 80 10 100 0 50 50 Total 5 100 0 40 60 10 90 40 40 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3/4 0 2 * * * *Total 0 2 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 *1 1006 *1 10064 *2 *2 *25 *4 *2 *4 *2

Total 1005 10010 1005 9010 *2

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________524

Page 535: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Shadowbriar Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 100 2176 80 2159 60 7117 0 0 022115 72 2241 77 2346 8544 23 4622676

Total 79 --- 79 --- 60 --- 85 7138 17 0 46 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2242 6740 1723304 50 2167 57 2233 86 5013 14 14 020665 75 2177 61 2224 7325 22 2722586

Total 72 --- 61 --- 86 --- 73 5024 19 14 27 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * *56

Total --- * * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________525

Page 536: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Shadowbriar Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 5 100 0 60 40 K 1 * * * * 5 100 0 40 601 3 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 3 * * * * 2 * * * *2 12 100 17 25 58 6 50 50 17 33 2 8 100 13 0 88 6 100 0 33 673 17 94 12 47 41 13 100 15 46 38 3 15 100 7 60 33 11 100 9 91 04 17 100 0 53 47 5 100 20 40 40 4 15 100 0 67 33 5 100 0 100 05 1 * * * * 23 100 35 61 4 5 2 * * * * 21 100 19 67 14

Total 51 98 8 43 49 54 94 26 50 24 Total 44 100 5 50 45 50 98 12 68 20

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 2 * * * *2 8 75 38 50 13 4 * * * *

3/4 9 89 78 22 0 5 100 20 80 0Total 19 84 53 37 11 11 73 55 36 9

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 1006 1008 8364 10013 8211 10013 10012 8419 73115 9729 9737 10023 10032

Total 9851 9454 10044 9850 8419 7311

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________526

Page 537: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Shearn Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * *

Total * --- * --- * ** * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total * --- 56 --- * --- * ** 11 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________527

Page 538: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Charles Shearn Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Arthur M. Gaines Jr.

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 01 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 9 100 0 0 100 2 1 * * * * 4 * * * *3 10 90 10 40 50 2 * * * * 3 10 90 0 60 40 4 * * * *4 1 * * * * 2 * * * * 4 0 3 * * * *5 0 3 * * * * 5 0 6 100 0 83 17

Total 16 94 13 38 50 19 95 5 11 84 Total 12 92 0 50 50 20 100 0 60 40

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 3 * * * * 1 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *Total 8 63 63 13 25 4 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1005 *4 *3 10054 836 *4 1006 1005 638 *45 1005 10011 *3 1009

Total 9416 9519 9212 10019 638 *4

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________528

Page 539: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sugar Grove Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 60 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

34 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- * --- * --- ** * * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 83 --- 60 --- * --- * *0 20 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * * 2157 80* * 0 40 05

Total --- * --- * --- 80* * 0 40 0

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________529

Page 540: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sugar Grove Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 1 * * * * 1 * * * *1 21 100 0 10 90 3 * * * * 1 15 100 0 13 87 4 * * * *2 19 100 0 21 79 18 100 17 28 56 2 19 100 0 16 84 13 100 0 46 543 6 100 17 67 17 7 100 14 71 14 3 9 100 11 56 33 7 100 29 57 144 0 2 * * * * 4 5 100 0 80 20 4 * * * *5 1 * * * * 5 100 40 60 0 5 0 8 100 0 88 13

Total 47 100 2 23 74 36 97 17 44 39 Total 49 100 2 29 69 37 100 5 62 32

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 10 80 0 70 30 7 86 14 14 712 1 * * * * 4 * * * *

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 11 82 0 73 27 12 83 33 25 42

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 10012 1009 10014 10094 10017 9213 10016 10013 8211 83125 10018 10014 10019 10015

Total 10047 9736 10049 10037 8211 8312

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________530

Page 541: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Sutton Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 60 2207 80 2153 800 20 02073

Total 78 --- 80 --- * --- 80 *11 20 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *4 * * * * * ** * * * *5

Total --- 100 --- 86 --- *40 43 * 100 43

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2225 67 * ** 17 **

Total * --- 67 --- * --- * ** 11 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * 2246 83 2190 80* 33 20 71 295

Total --- * --- 71 --- 80* 29 20 71 29

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________531

Page 542: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

William Sutton Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 4 * * * * K 2 * * * * 2 * * * *1 6 100 0 0 100 6 83 17 17 67 1 5 100 0 0 100 6 100 0 0 1002 11 100 0 36 64 8 100 0 38 63 2 7 100 0 0 100 3 * * * *3 8 100 0 38 63 3 * * * * 3 7 100 0 71 29 4 * * * *4 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 0

Total 29 100 0 28 72 22 95 5 32 64 Total 22 100 0 27 73 15 100 0 33 67

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 5 100 20 0 80 3 * * * *Total 10 80 40 20 40 3 * * * *

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 899 1008 10084 10010 *3 1008 *2 8010 *35 10011 10010 1006 1005

Total 10029 9522 10022 10015 8010 *3

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________532

Page 543: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Eleanor Tinsley Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2197 80 1869 20* 0 0*

Total 56 --- 64 --- * --- 20 *0 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 20 2013 33 1880 140 0 01756

Total 38 --- 40 --- * --- 14 *0 0 * 0 *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *4 * * * ** * * *5

Total --- 40 --- *0 * * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________533

Page 544: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Eleanor Tinsley Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 6 100 0 50 50 K 0 4 * * * *1 6 100 0 0 100 6 100 0 33 67 1 9 100 0 33 67 5 100 0 0 1002 12 100 8 17 75 12 92 17 25 58 2 6 100 0 0 100 11 100 0 36 643 8 100 0 13 88 10 90 10 60 30 3 7 86 0 86 14 12 100 0 83 174 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 4 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 30 100 3 17 80 35 91 9 43 49 Total 23 96 0 39 61 34 97 0 53 47

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 7 86 14 86 02 8 75 75 25 0 5 60 80 20 0

3/4 0 1 * * * *Total 10 80 70 20 10 13 77 46 54 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1009 1008 1008 100104 1009 10012 1006 10011 8010 77135 10011 8015 899 10012

Total 10029 9135 9623 10033 8010 7713

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________534

Page 545: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Valley West Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2301 80 * 60*4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 80 --- * --- * *43 40 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * ** **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * 2095 50 * ** 0 **

Total 80 --- 60 --- * --- * *0 0 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * *45

Total --- * *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________535

Page 546: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Valley West Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 5 100 0 0 100 3 * * * * 1 1 * * * * 1 * * * *2 16 100 0 13 88 14 93 7 21 71 2 15 100 0 13 87 9 89 11 11 783 14 86 0 50 50 13 92 8 38 54 3 14 93 0 43 57 10 100 0 60 404 6 100 0 17 83 4 * * * * 4 4 * * * * 8 100 13 75 135 0 0 5 1 * * * * 1 * * * *

Total 41 95 0 24 76 34 94 6 32 62 Total 35 97 0 26 74 29 97 7 48 45

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 12 100 58 42 0 6 100 33 67 03/4 0 2 * * * *

Total 15 100 47 47 7 8 88 38 63 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1008 10010 1008 10074 10016 899 10014 1008 10015 8885 8817 9315 9212 9213

Total 9541 9434 9734 9628 10015 888

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________536

Page 547: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walnut Bend Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * 2122 50 * 17*4 * 2130 50 * * 17* 17 * 0*5 * * * * **

Total 88 --- 47 --- * 1725 13 * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 40 2137 5720 020964 * * * * * ** * * **5 33 2187 57 * *17 14 *2130

Total 46 --- 63 --- * --- * *15 13 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________537

Page 548: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walnut Bend Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 7 100 0 0 100 8 100 0 38 63 1 2 * * * * 5 100 0 20 802 10 100 0 30 70 13 85 31 38 31 2 9 100 0 0 100 8 100 13 38 503 7 100 14 14 71 9 100 11 56 33 3 8 100 0 75 25 6 100 0 100 04 5 80 20 0 80 3 * * * * 4 5 100 40 60 0 5 60 60 20 20

Total 34 97 6 15 79 33 94 18 42 39 Total 25 100 8 44 48 24 92 17 46 38

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 3 * * * * 2 * * * *Total 7 43 71 29 0 7 57 43 57 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 1007 9010 *4 10074 10010 1008 1008 *4 437 5775 9416 9315 10013 8513

Total 9733 9433 10025 9224 437 577

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________538

Page 549: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward White Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * * **4 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 100 --- * --- * *56 30 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** * * *45

Total --- * --- ** * * *

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 100 2100 4060 023234 * * * * * ** * * **5 * * * * ** * **

Total 100 --- 50 --- * --- * *50 10 * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

3 * * * ** *45

Total --- * --- ** *

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________539

Page 550: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Edward White Elementary School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 2 * * * * K 1 * * * * 2 * * * *1 0 2 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 11 73 18 55 27 3 * * * * 2 9 89 0 44 56 6 83 0 17 833 15 93 0 53 47 12 92 17 75 8 3 11 82 0 82 18 9 67 11 67 224 7 86 0 57 43 9 67 11 44 44 4 9 89 0 89 11 8 50 13 75 135 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 5 100 0 80 20 3 * * * *

Total 39 87 5 51 44 31 81 10 52 39 Total 35 89 0 71 29 29 72 7 52 41

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

2 7 86 43 57 0 4 * * * *3/4 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 12 92 25 67 8 8 38 63 38 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


3 867 679 1007 10074 8513 7010 8010 6411 9212 3885 8919 10012 8918 6411

Total 8739 8131 8935 7229 9212 388

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________540

Page 551: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Briarmeadow Charter Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **78 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

67 * * * * * ** * * **8 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total * --- * --- * --- * --- * ** * * * * *---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________541

Page 552: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Briarmeadow Charter Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________542

Page 553: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walter Water Fondren Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 1968 31 3117 0 023087 44 1979 6 2085 43 120 0 0 020138 57 2044 50 1898 13 2106 56 2914 0 0 0 02137

Total 58 --- 27 --- 43 --- 13 --- 56 218 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 64 2001 28 2014 0 021637 40 2028 29 2155 47 180 0 7 020738 * 1944 25 * * * * 25* 13 * * 0*

Total 52 --- 28 --- 47 --- * --- * 206 3 7 * * 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________543

Page 554: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Walter Water Fondren Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 5 100 0 40 60 4 * * * * K 6 100 0 50 50 3 * * * *1 12 100 8 8 83 5 80 0 60 40 1 11 91 0 18 82 5 80 0 20 802 18 78 17 33 50 15 73 27 13 60 2 14 93 0 29 71 13 69 8 54 383 29 72 7 48 45 17 82 6 59 35 3 22 55 5 86 9 13 77 8 62 314 26 73 23 54 23 28 75 25 39 36 4 23 70 13 65 22 30 60 27 53 205 19 79 16 47 37 9 89 22 44 33 5 21 71 5 71 24 8 63 13 75 136 11 100 9 45 45 9 100 11 44 44 6 9 89 33 44 22 8 50 63 38 07 0 5 80 20 80 0 7 0 6 100 50 50 08 0 1 * * * * 8 0 1 * * * *

Total 120 81 13 43 44 93 81 17 44 39 Total 106 75 8 58 34 87 68 23 52 25

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 5 100 0 80 202 13 46 85 15 0 5 0 100 0 0

3/4 11 9 55 45 0 17 59 47 47 65 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

6/7 0 3 * * * *Total 29 34 66 31 3 32 59 53 41 6

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8164 8533 8158 75287 8431 7739 7229 7138 3429 59328 7625 7919 6319 5221

Total 81120 8091 75106 6887 3429 5932

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________544

Page 555: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Grady Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 82 2039 40 500 0 021577 67 2099 50 2196 80 4533 10 20 921958 54 2055 33 * * * * 3131 0 * * 02149

Total 67 --- 40 --- 80 --- * --- * 4120 3 20 * * 3---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 57 2034 29 3329 0 021607 100 2158 67 2200 80 5020 0 0 022038 63 2084 25 2088 80 2275 60 2713 0 0 40 02178

Total 70 --- 38 --- 80 --- 80 --- 60 3520 0 0 0 40 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________545

Page 556: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Henry Grady Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

1 0 3 * * * * 1 0 2 * * * *2 6 100 0 33 67 2 * * * * 2 1 * * * * 2 * * * *3 17 71 0 65 35 4 * * * * 3 14 79 0 36 64 1 * * * *4 26 88 8 19 73 13 69 23 69 8 4 26 88 0 42 58 7 43 71 29 05 13 100 8 46 46 10 100 0 90 10 5 17 88 6 59 35 19 74 32 58 116 3 * * * * 20 100 5 35 60 6 7 100 0 57 43 15 73 13 87 07 0 7 86 14 71 14 7 0 6 83 33 67 08 0 0 8 0 1 * * * *

Total 65 88 5 38 57 59 90 12 61 27 Total 65 88 2 46 52 53 74 30 62 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 5 100 80 20 02 6 50 50 33 17 3 * * * *

3/4 17 82 47 53 0 9 67 44 56 05 0 4 * * * *

6/7 0 4 * * * *Total 24 75 46 46 8 25 64 60 40 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8526 10016 9327 71177 9224 7524 8723 7520 7524 64258 8715 10019 8015 7516

Total 8865 9059 8865 7453 7524 6425

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________546

Page 557: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Albert Johnston Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 71 2030 43 4813 0 421847 68 2196 62 2246 94 5516 15 19 021678 78 2080 50 2050 53 2186 75 350 0 7 13 02166

Total 72 --- 50 --- 94 --- 53 --- 75 4610 4 19 7 13 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 50 2082 40 3225 7 521857 79 2100 44 2282 90 555 0 30 021528 57 2064 43 2072 56 2219 64 2924 0 11 36 02163

Total 63 --- 42 --- 90 --- 56 --- 64 3818 2 30 11 36 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________547

Page 558: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Albert Johnston Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 0 1 * * * *3 12 67 8 42 50 12 83 25 42 33 3 5 60 0 60 40 6 83 17 50 334 10 60 30 20 50 13 92 8 62 31 4 15 67 13 53 33 15 100 0 80 205 9 67 11 56 33 1 * * * * 5 17 65 29 53 18 10 90 0 90 106 7 100 0 57 43 5 100 0 80 20 6 15 67 33 47 20 8 100 25 75 07 3 * * * * 8 100 13 75 13 7 0 11 100 36 64 08 0 7 100 43 57 0 8 0 10 100 30 60 10

Total 42 71 17 38 45 53 94 15 60 25 Total 52 65 23 52 25 65 97 17 72 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *2 0 3 * * * *

3/4 7 29 71 29 0 5 80 20 80 05 6 17 83 17 0 1 * * * *

6/7 0 6 100 33 50 17Total 13 23 77 23 0 17 94 29 53 18

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7520 9623 6520 100247 6213 10014 6916 9020 2313 94178 789 8816 6316 10021

Total 7142 9453 6552 9765 2313 9417

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________548

Page 559: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kaleidoscope/Caleidoscopio Charter School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score



Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


Total ------

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________549

Page 560: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Kaleidoscope/Caleidoscopio Charter School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

4 7 86 0 29 71 1 * * * * 4 5 100 0 20 80 05 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 2 * * * *6 0 1 * * * * 6 0 3 * * * *

Total 8 88 0 25 75 5 100 0 20 80 Total 8 100 0 13 88 5 100 0 0 100

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


8 *2 1005 *2 1005Total 888 1005 1008 1005 1005

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________550

Page 561: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jane Long Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 46 2125 73 4815 0 020407 64 2058 21 2203 70 199 7 10 021528 60 1939 0 1924 24 2071 31 150 0 0 0 02104

Total 55 --- 36 --- 70 --- 24 --- 31 2810 3 10 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 43 2016 25 267 0 520667 50 * * 2040 50 140 * 0 020258 31 1948 18 1865 16 2084 44 90 0 0 0 02009

Total 39 --- 21 --- 50 --- 16 --- 44 163 0 0 0 0 2---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________551

Page 562: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Jane Long Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 3 * * * * 8 100 0 13 88 K 3 * * * * 7 100 29 43 291 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 13 69 38 54 8 14 50 36 36 29 2 7 86 0 43 57 7 86 0 57 433 38 74 16 47 37 21 57 24 67 10 3 26 54 8 73 19 15 47 7 93 04 21 67 19 57 24 24 79 17 58 25 4 30 70 10 73 17 11 82 0 91 95 9 56 0 78 22 6 50 17 67 17 5 10 60 10 80 10 7 86 14 57 296 1 * * * * 16 81 38 44 19 6 4 * * * * 21 81 71 29 07 1 * * * * 6 100 33 67 0 7 1 * * * * 14 93 71 29 08 0 4 * * * * 8 0 5 100 40 60 0

Total 87 70 17 54 29 102 74 25 51 25 Total 83 67 8 70 22 90 81 34 54 11

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 2 * * * *2 3 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 26 27 73 27 0 22 23 77 23 06/7 0 6 67 67 33 0

Total 33 21 76 24 0 32 34 75 25 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8132 7642 7135 77397 6433 7731 6128 8228 2133 34328 6422 6629 7419 8723

Total 7087 74102 6882 8190 2133 3432

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________552

Page 563: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Pershing Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 77 2107 46 4445 13 1522577 76 2151 63 2298 94 6119 8 22 722048 76 2039 48 1980 45 2196 74 4124 0 5 26 02194

Total 77 --- 52 --- 94 --- 45 --- 74 4930 7 22 5 26 7---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 92 2137 59 6146 22 2123367 68 2119 62 2243 85 504 8 15 021198 92 2071 43 2027 58 2232 83 4117 0 0 17 02248

Total 84 --- 56 --- 85 --- 58 --- 83 5122 11 15 0 17 8---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________553

Page 564: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

John Pershing Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

3 7 86 43 29 29 11 82 0 45 55 3 7 100 0 43 57 6 33 33 33 334 16 88 6 38 56 18 89 11 50 39 4 14 64 21 64 14 23 70 9 87 45 31 87 16 48 35 18 72 11 61 28 5 26 85 15 69 15 13 85 8 77 156 13 85 8 46 46 24 96 13 58 29 6 11 73 55 27 18 26 65 62 35 47 5 100 20 40 40 6 100 0 33 67 7 4 * * * * 5 100 40 60 08 0 8 100 13 88 0 8 0 5 100 20 60 20

Total 77 87 14 43 43 85 88 9 56 34 Total 68 81 21 54 25 78 72 31 60 9

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 10 40 50 50 0 10 90 60 40 05 11 64 45 55 0 11 100 45 55 0

6/7 5 100 20 60 20 7 100 43 57 0Total 29 66 48 48 3 29 97 48 48 3

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9329 9029 8622 78277 8030 8127 7427 7924 6629 97298 8918 9329 8419 6025

Total 8777 8885 8168 7276 6629 9729

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________554

Page 565: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pin Oak Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 93 2099 46 5364 0 723457 91 2125 64 2288 100 6745 9 14 722778 85 2163 60 2246 71 2299 86 5038 13 29 36 62232

Total 89 --- 56 --- 100 --- 71 --- 86 5750 8 14 29 36 7---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 77 2227 71 6738 21 2022347 73 2168 63 2357 87 5033 0 20 022428 86 2142 46 2100 71 2248 72 3921 15 12 22 02244

Total 79 --- 60 --- 87 --- 71 --- 72 5131 12 20 12 22 6---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________555

Page 566: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Pin Oak Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 2 * * * * 2 * * * * K 2 * * * * 2 * * * *1 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 4 * * * * 5 80 20 60 20 2 0 1 * * * *3 9 67 11 33 56 8 63 13 63 25 3 8 50 0 88 13 7 57 14 86 04 6 100 0 33 67 14 100 0 29 71 4 12 58 0 75 25 14 64 29 57 145 8 88 25 13 63 5 100 0 40 60 5 8 88 13 50 38 7 71 0 71 296 5 80 20 40 40 5 80 0 60 40 6 4 * * * * 8 88 38 50 137 1 * * * * 3 * * * * 7 0 4 * * * *8 0 1 * * * * 8 0 0

Total 39 79 13 33 54 46 89 4 46 50 Total 38 63 8 63 29 46 72 22 65 13

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 1 * * * * 7 100 29 0 712 0 1 * * * *

3/4 9 33 56 44 0 9 78 44 56 05 3 * * * * 4 * * * *

Total 14 43 57 43 0 21 86 33 38 29

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9020 8217 6718 67187 7713 9418 6913 6819 4314 86218 506 9111 437 899

Total 7939 8946 6338 7246 4314 8621

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________556

Page 567: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Paul Revere Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 71 2073 50 4414 0 022077 42 2032 27 2125 63 210 0 0 020558 68 2044 38 1870 6 2091 47 30 0 0 0 02114

Total 57 --- 35 --- 63 --- 6 --- 47 162 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 50 1999 44 3913 0 020927 45 2062 41 2149 73 280 0 9 020378 56 2039 36 1851 15 2100 52 176 0 0 0 02149

Total 50 --- 41 --- 73 --- 15 --- 52 275 0 9 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________557

Page 568: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Paul Revere Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 6 100 0 0 100 K 0 6 100 0 0 1002 8 100 25 25 50 4 * * * * 2 4 * * * * 2 * * * *3 29 69 17 48 34 9 67 22 67 11 3 21 62 5 81 14 2 * * * *4 36 75 8 67 25 10 80 60 20 20 4 39 79 15 72 13 16 75 56 44 05 31 74 10 61 29 4 * * * * 5 22 77 9 68 23 3 * * * *6 14 100 0 43 57 14 86 29 57 14 6 30 83 17 70 13 19 42 63 37 07 4 * * * * 31 100 19 77 3 7 5 60 20 80 0 32 81 50 47 38 0 14 100 21 79 0 8 0 15 87 40 60 0

Total 129 79 11 54 35 92 92 23 62 15 Total 126 78 12 68 20 95 74 48 43 8

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 2 * * * * 3 * * * *2 8 13 100 0 0 4 * * * *

3/4 28 57 68 32 0 13 38 85 15 05 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

6/7 2 * * * * 23 100 43 57 0Total 43 56 67 30 2 44 73 59 39 2

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 7956 9623 8754 58247 8245 9042 7840 8143 5643 73448 7528 9327 6332 7528

Total 79129 9292 78126 7495 5643 7344

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________558

Page 569: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

T. H. Rogers Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 100 2631 100 100100 100 10026487 * * * * * ** * * **8 100 2516 100 2455 100 2508 100 10067 83 83 83 672514

10 11

Total 100 --- 100 --- * --- 100 --- 100 10076 88 * 83 83 76---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 * * * ** * **7 100 2499 100 2840 100 10080 80 100 6023848 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 100 --- 100 --- 100 --- * --- * 10075 67 100 * * 58---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________559

Page 570: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

T. H. Rogers Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 10 60 0 70 30 6 100 0 33 67 K 4 * * * * 5 100 0 20 801 14 93 0 7 93 19 89 0 16 84 1 15 87 0 40 60 11 91 0 9 912 14 100 0 36 64 8 75 13 25 63 2 10 100 0 20 80 10 100 0 0 1003 5 60 0 60 40 6 83 0 33 67 3 12 100 0 42 58 12 67 0 67 334 5 80 0 40 60 1 * * * * 4 5 40 0 80 20 1 * * * *5 1 * * * * 0 5 3 * * * * 1 * * * *7 0 1 * * * * 7 0 1 * * * *

Total 49 84 0 39 61 41 88 5 22 73 Total 49 86 0 43 57 41 88 0 29 71

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 13 69 8 31 62 14 100 0 21 79Total 13 69 8 31 62 14 100 0 21 79

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8918 8312 8318 92127 8614 9315 10014 8715 6913 100148 7617 8614 7617 8614

Total 8449 8841 8649 8841 6913 10014

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________560

Page 571: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sharpstown Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 75 1998 27 3919 0 021737 32 2027 28 2122 54 220 0 0 020598 79 1986 20 1784 8 2056 40 80 0 0 0 02123

Total 56 --- 25 --- 54 --- 8 --- 40 205 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 50 1997 22 250 0 019457 38 2006 25 2094 50 230 0 0 020738 25 1902 20 1802 11 2037 29 120 0 0 0 01931

Total 36 --- 22 --- 50 --- 11 --- 29 180 0 0 0 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________561

Page 572: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sharpstown Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 8 100 0 38 63 K 0 11 100 18 45 361 4 * * * * 2 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 10 90 10 20 70 8 100 25 50 25 2 6 67 17 33 50 2 * * * *3 38 92 5 37 58 26 92 8 38 54 3 28 57 4 68 29 27 81 7 48 444 40 75 10 40 50 43 100 7 40 53 4 48 79 4 56 40 35 89 6 71 235 36 72 22 53 25 32 81 16 47 38 5 39 56 21 67 13 37 97 11 65 246 13 85 15 23 62 6 100 33 33 33 6 16 75 38 31 31 7 100 57 29 147 9 100 0 44 56 1 * * * * 7 4 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 150 82 11 40 49 126 94 11 43 46 Total 141 67 14 57 29 122 92 13 57 30

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 5 80 80 0 202 4 * * * * 1 * * * *

3/4 31 68 68 32 0 25 92 36 64 05 5 60 60 40 0 8 75 63 38 0

6/7 0 3 * * * *Total 40 68 68 33 0 42 86 52 45 2

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8657 9253 7551 93547 8347 9539 5742 9538 6840 88418 7845 9628 6847 8628

Total 83149 93121 67140 92120 6840 8841

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________562

Page 573: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Louie Welch Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 78 1982 43 5222 0 422107 36 2061 44 2217 86 300 0 7 020988 82 2059 50 1913 13 2111 53 275 0 0 0 02173

Total 69 --- 45 --- 86 --- 13 --- 53 369 0 7 0 0 1---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 25 2006 35 240 0 019957 60 2034 14 2176 67 400 0 0 021018 50 2051 21 1940 36 2157 60 1110 0 9 0 02111

Total 44 --- 26 --- 67 --- 36 --- 60 243 0 0 9 0 0---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________563

Page 574: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Louie Welch Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 7 86 0 100 0 K 1 * * * * 7 100 29 57 141 7 86 14 57 29 4 * * * * 1 7 100 14 43 43 1 * * * *2 14 71 14 43 43 4 * * * * 2 13 77 8 62 31 9 67 11 56 333 36 72 31 33 36 13 62 46 38 15 3 29 69 7 72 21 9 78 56 33 114 46 83 20 41 39 15 80 20 40 40 4 40 73 5 68 28 9 78 44 44 115 38 92 8 50 42 8 88 50 50 0 5 37 92 5 73 22 10 100 20 60 206 12 100 8 42 50 37 100 24 68 8 6 19 84 26 53 21 40 100 65 35 07 7 100 14 0 86 38 100 21 68 11 7 4 * * * * 38 97 47 53 08 0 27 100 37 59 4 8 0 33 97 55 45 0

Total 161 84 17 41 42 153 93 27 59 14 Total 150 81 9 67 25 156 94 49 46 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 7 57 86 14 0 1 * * * *

3/4 30 67 70 30 0 9 56 78 22 05 4 * * * * 4 * * * *

6/7 1 * * * * 41 98 39 56 5Total 46 72 67 33 0 58 88 53 43 3

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 8768 9355 8463 92537 8451 9158 7748 9357 7246 88588 7942 9540 7938 9845

Total 84161 93153 81149 94155 7246 8858

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________564

Page 575: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

West Briar Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 73 2170 56 5441 16 1523247 63 2104 53 2213 78 4317 3 15 021878 88 2101 44 * * * * 4419 13 * * 62212

Total 72 --- 52 --- 78 --- * --- * 4725 10 15 * * 6---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

6 86 2174 67 6443 17 1623037 63 2100 47 2230 82 396 6 24 021468 68 2054 39 2016 53 2215 81 3321 0 12 19 02173

Total 71 --- 53 --- 82 --- 53 --- 81 4722 8 24 12 19 6---

Spanish TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with Disabilities


Reading / ELAPassing Standard

Mathematics Writing SciencePassing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard




All Tests TakenPassing Standard


Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score


HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________565

Page 576: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

West Briar Middle School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 9 100 0 44 56 K 1 * * * * 9 100 44 22 331 0 3 * * * * 1 0 1 * * * *2 5 60 40 60 0 3 * * * * 2 2 * * * * 2 * * * *3 8 63 25 38 38 4 * * * * 3 2 * * * * 6 100 0 83 174 13 77 15 54 31 12 67 25 50 25 4 12 42 50 42 8 6 83 17 83 05 10 60 30 60 10 5 80 40 40 20 5 12 67 25 75 0 5 80 80 20 06 21 100 5 48 48 23 96 4 43 52 6 19 74 47 53 0 24 75 46 50 47 13 100 8 46 46 11 91 27 64 9 7 12 92 25 50 25 12 75 33 67 08 8 88 0 38 63 8 100 13 88 0 8 8 63 25 63 13 10 90 20 70 10

Total 78 83 14 49 37 78 86 15 55 29 Total 68 66 34 59 7 75 81 36 55 9

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 4 * * * *3/4 9 22 67 33 0 6 17 67 17 176/7 10 80 20 80 0 13 77 46 54 0

Total 21 52 48 52 0 23 61 48 43 9

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


6 9237 9238 7027 83357 8324 8020 7322 7520 5520 61238 6517 8020 5319 8520

Total 8378 8678 6668 8175 5520 6123

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________566

Page 577: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Bellaire High School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 53 1959 13 227 4 0209710 42 2060 48 2024 35 2247 82 214 5 0 27 0211811 69 2072 53 2073 40 2265 93 298 7 7 29 62229

Total 52 --- 35 --- 37 --- 86 236 5 3 28 1---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 68 2079 43 386 7 5215010 45 2061 33 2078 43 2223 79 190 6 0 16 0213911 65 2132 59 2107 60 2203 74 325 12 0 5 02169

Total 61 --- 44 --- 51 --- 76 314 8 0 11 2---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________567

Page 578: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Bellaire High School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 0 1 * * * * 1 0 2 * * * *2 0 2 * * * * 2 0 03 0 5 40 40 40 20 3 0 2 * * * *4 0 3 * * * * 4 0 3 * * * *5 0 6 50 50 33 17 5 0 12 50 42 50 86 0 7 71 14 29 57 6 0 9 22 78 22 07 0 7 86 0 71 29 7 0 10 60 30 70 08 0 1 * * * * 8 0 2 * * * *9 0 4 * * * * 9 0 4 * * * *10 0 2 * * * * 10 0 6 83 0 100 0

Total 0 41 71 22 44 34 Total 0 53 51 43 51 6

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 2 * * * *3/4 7 57 43 57 0 4 * * * *5 2 * * * * 3 * * * *

6/7 9 67 33 67 0 6 50 50 50 08/9 0 1 * * * *

Total 18 61 39 56 6 16 38 75 25 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8222 482910 5819 5424 6118 3816

Total 7141 5153 6118 3816

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________568

Page 579: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Challenge High School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 86 --- 100 --- * --- * 860 14 * * 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 * * * ** * **10 * * * * * * * ** * * * **11 * * * * * * * ** * * * **

Total 100 --- 86 --- * --- * 8617 0 * * 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________569

Page 580: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Challenge High School Region: WestTrustee: Dianne Johnson

No Students Tested in these Subjects on SDAA II at this Campus

No Students Tested in this Subject on SDAA II at this Campus

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________570

Page 581: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Lee High School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 56 1984 25 214 0 0208210 29 1848 0 1950 0 2104 40 00 0 0 0 0202211 50 2047 25 2099 67 2228 88 270 0 0 13 02119

Total 50 --- 20 --- 32 --- 61 172 0 0 6 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 55 1881 6 150 0 0203710 24 1924 0 1984 25 2116 44 06 0 6 19 0203811 50 2051 31 2048 29 2209 71 207 0 0 14 02131

Total 43 --- 11 --- 27 --- 57 124 0 3 17 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________571

Page 582: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Robert Lee High School Region: WestTrustee: Harvin C. Moore

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 1 * * * * K 0 1 * * * *1 0 0 1 0 2 * * * *2 4 * * * * 3 * * * * 2 3 * * * * 1 * * * *3 7 86 29 57 14 6 67 33 67 0 3 7 100 14 43 43 4 * * * *4 12 75 17 75 8 17 76 24 76 0 4 9 78 33 67 0 13 38 54 46 05 13 85 0 92 8 6 83 0 67 33 5 12 100 17 67 17 4 * * * *6 13 92 38 46 15 16 75 25 56 19 6 16 75 63 38 0 10 50 60 40 07 7 86 29 43 29 4 * * * * 7 11 100 64 36 0 10 40 60 40 08 4 * * * * 6 100 50 50 0 8 6 100 33 50 17 5 40 80 20 09 2 * * * * 0 9 2 * * * * 8 100 100 0 010 0 1 * * * * 10 0 2 * * * *

Total 62 85 19 63 18 60 78 23 67 10 Total 66 91 39 50 11 60 58 65 32 3

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 1 * * * *3/4 3 * * * * 4 * * * *5 9 89 78 22 0 3 * * * *

6/7 6 83 67 33 0 4 * * * *8/9 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

Total 23 87 65 35 0 15 67 93 7 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 8245 7849 8643 554910 9417 8211 10020 7311 8723 7114

Total 8562 7860 9164 5860 8723 7114

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________572

Page 583: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sharpstown High School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 50 1886 12 135 0 0206510 31 1963 19 1970 19 2081 41 70 0 0 7 0205711 60 2045 30 2037 9 2183 78 80 0 0 11 02108

Total 45 --- 16 --- 16 --- 50 103 0 0 8 0---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 59 1913 13 183 0 0208310 53 1929 0 1942 13 2084 53 60 0 0 7 0207111 33 2001 17 2015 30 2170 79 100 0 0 5 02105

Total 52 --- 11 --- 22 --- 68 131 0 0 6 0---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________573

Page 584: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Sharpstown High School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 2 * * * * K 1 * * * * 2 * * * *1 7 86 14 29 57 6 83 17 33 50 1 5 80 40 40 20 4 * * * *2 7 29 71 29 0 6 83 17 67 17 2 6 100 0 17 83 7 71 29 29 433 10 90 10 10 80 9 89 11 56 33 3 4 * * * * 5 60 20 60 204 5 20 60 40 0 11 100 0 45 55 4 6 67 17 67 17 9 78 33 33 335 13 69 31 38 31 8 75 25 38 38 5 10 70 20 80 0 8 75 38 38 256 2 * * * * 3 * * * * 6 7 29 43 57 0 8 13 100 0 07 2 * * * * 0 7 4 * * * * 2 * * * *8 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 8 0 09 0 1 * * * * 9 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 48 67 29 35 35 47 89 11 49 40 Total 44 70 23 59 18 47 64 43 34 23

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 4 * * * * 3 * * * *2 3 * * * * 3 * * * *

3/4 6 33 50 50 0 3 * * * *5 2 * * * * 2 * * * *

6/7 3 * * * * 4 * * * *Total 19 26 68 26 5 15 53 40 60 0

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 6828 8324 6727 722910 6319 9213 7516 4715 2218 5315

Total 6647 8637 7043 6444 2218 5315

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________574

Page 585: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Westbury High School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 54 1920 19 277 3 4206910 41 1988 27 1980 19 2118 56 153 3 3 9 0209411 56 2066 47 2078 38 2228 80 290 0 5 15 02128

Total 49 --- 28 --- 26 --- 65 234 3 4 11 2---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 35 1889 11 115 2 2205710 14 2021 26 1957 30 2051 50 30 0 4 4 0202511 23 2094 38 2129 62 2197 92 200 8 8 8 02099

Total 27 --- 19 --- 40 --- 64 103 2 5 5 1---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________575

Page 586: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Westbury High School Region: WestTrustee: Lawrence Marshall

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 1 * * * * 6 100 0 33 67 K 1 * * * * 6 100 0 67 331 0 2 * * * * 1 0 3 * * * *2 6 67 33 50 17 10 80 50 30 20 2 7 100 0 43 57 7 100 14 57 293 11 82 45 27 27 11 91 27 36 36 3 12 83 25 25 50 13 100 8 69 234 15 53 47 27 27 8 100 13 63 25 4 14 57 36 57 7 6 67 50 33 175 14 50 36 50 14 9 44 33 67 0 5 16 63 13 75 13 15 40 27 73 06 11 55 45 27 27 11 55 0 64 36 6 15 53 40 47 13 17 53 41 53 67 0 1 * * * * 7 2 * * * * 08 2 * * * * 0 8 1 * * * * 1 * * * *9 0 2 * * * * 9 0 2 * * * *10 0 2 * * * * 10 0 1 * * * *

Total 60 60 42 33 25 62 77 24 47 29 Total 68 68 28 49 24 71 72 27 61 13

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 5 100 40 40 202 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

3/4 5 40 80 20 0 7 43 100 0 05 3 * * * * 1 * * * *

6/7 4 * * * * 7 43 43 57 0Total 13 62 77 23 0 22 55 64 32 5

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 4637 7138 5343 714510 8622 8723 9225 7225 6213 5522

Total 6159 7762 6868 7271 6213 5522

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________576

Page 587: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Westside High School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

Note: Gray-shaded area reflects state passing standard for that year. 2007 grades 3-11 is Panel Recommended Standard except for grade 8 science which is 1 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard. 2006 grade 8 science is 2 SEM below Panel Recommended Standard.

For grades and subjects with multiple test administrations, the first administration results are used.

* Less than 5 students tested.

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 64 1985 26 2611 2 2213610 65 2017 24 2007 21 2175 71 103 3 3 18 2214711 75 2128 50 2144 62 2300 92 478 0 0 23 02184

Total 66 --- 29 --- 31 --- 77 237 2 2 19 2---

English TAKS Results % Passing, Spring 2006: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

GradePassing Standard

Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests TakenPassing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard

Passing Standard


Passing Standard






Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

Scale Score

9 64 1967 22 233 2 2211410 54 1973 20 1995 25 2123 54 190 0 0 8 0208111 60 2045 26 2062 33 2176 59 135 0 0 14 02139

Total 61 --- 23 --- 29 --- 57 203 1 0 11 1---

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________577

Page 588: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

Westside High School Region: WestTrustee: Greg Meyers

¹ Does not include students with unknown enrolled grade

* Less than 5 students tested.

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K 0 3 * * * * K 0 3 * * * *1 0 3 * * * * 1 0 4 * * * *2 1 * * * * 1 * * * * 2 0 1 * * * *3 0 4 * * * * 3 3 * * * * 3 * * * *4 10 60 40 50 10 7 86 29 57 14 4 9 67 11 78 11 9 78 44 56 05 2 * * * * 4 * * * * 5 3 * * * * 4 * * * *6 4 * * * * 8 100 25 38 38 6 1 * * * * 10 40 50 40 107 3 * * * * 5 60 60 40 0 7 5 80 40 40 20 2 * * * *8 2 * * * * 2 * * * * 8 1 * * * * 3 * * * *9 2 * * * * 1 * * * * 9 0 2 * * * *10 0 0 10 0 1 * * * *

Total 24 63 33 50 17 38 82 24 39 37 Total 22 59 14 73 14 42 69 36 40 24

Texas State-Developed Alternative Assessment II By Instructional Level Results, Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with Disabilities

Instr. Level

% Met ARD Exp. I II III


% Achievement LevelsTested 2006 I II III

% Achievement Levels% Met ARD Exp.

Tested 2007

2006 2007

K/1 0 3 * * * *3/4 2 * * * * 1 * * * *5 2 * * * * 1 * * * *

6/7 3 * * * * 3 * * * *8/9 1 * * * * 2 * * * *

Total 8 50 100 0 0 10 50 60 30 10

SDAA II Results % Met by Enrolled Grade¹ , Spring 2006 and 2007: Students with DisabilitiesReading / ELA

Grade% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


% Met ARD Exp.

Number Tested

2006% Met

ARD Exp.Number Tested


9 6819 7924 6715 612810 405 8614 437 8614 508 5010

Total 6324 8238 5922 6942 508 5010

HISD Research and Accountability____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________578

Page 589: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School


Page 590: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

School Name Region School Name RegionIndex of Schools

Accelerated Learning and Transition Academy Alt/Charter

Alcott Elementary School South

Allen Elementary School North

Almeda Elementary School South

Anderson Elementary School West

Askew Elementary School West

Atherton Elementary School North

Attucks Middle School South

Austin High School East

Barrick Elementary School North

Bastian Elementary School South

Bell Elementary School West

Bellaire High School West

Bellfort Academy East

Benavidez Elementary School West

Benbrook Elementary School Central

Berry Elementary School North

Black Middle School Central

Blackshear Elementary School Central

Bonham Elementary School West

Bonner Elementary School East

Bowie Elementary School North

Braeburn Elementary School West

Briargrove Elementary School West

Briarmeadow Charter School West

Briarmeadow Charter Middle School West

Briscoe Elementary School East

Brookline Elementary School South

Browning Elementary School Central

Bruce Elementary School North

Burbank Middle School North

Burbank Elementary School North

Burnet Elementary School East

Burrus Elementary School North

Bush Elementary School West

Cage Elementary School East

Carnegie Vanguard South

Carrillo Elementary School East

Carter Career Center Alt/Charter

Challenge Early College West

Chavez High School East

Clifton Middle School Central

Codwell Elementary School South

Community Services SP/ED

Condit Elementary School West

Contemporary Learning Center (CLC) (HS) Alt/Charter

Contemporary Learning Center (CLC) (MS) Alt/Charter

Cook Elementary School North

Coop Elementary School North

Cornelius Elementary School South

Crawford Elementary School North

Crespo Elementary School East

Crockett Elementary School Central

Cullen Middle School Central

Cunningham Elementary School West

Davila Elementary School East

Davis High School North

De Chaumes Elementary School North

De Zavala Elementary School East

Deady Middle School East

DeBakey High School for Health Professions Central

Dodson Elementary School Central

Dogan Elementary School North

Dominion Charter School Alt/Charter

Dowling Middle School South

Durham Elementary School Central

Durkee Elementary School North

Eastwood Academy East

Edison Middle School East

Eliot Elementary School North

Elrod Elementary School West

Emerson Elementary School West

Empowerment College Preparatory HS South

Energized for Excellence Academy (ES) Alt/Charter

Energized for Excellence Middle School Charter Alt/Charter

Fairchild Elementary School South

Field Elementary School Central

Fleming Middle School North

Foerster Elementary School West

Fondren Elementary School West

Fondren Middle School West

Fonville Middle School North

Foster Elementary School Central

Franklin Elementary School East

Frost Elementary School South

Furr High School East

Gallegos Elementary School East

Garcia Elementary School North

Garden Oaks Elementary School Central

Garden Villas Elementary School South

Golfcrest Elementary School South

Gordon Elementary School West

Grady Middle School West

Gregg Elementary School South


Page 591: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

School Name Region School Name RegionIndex of Schools

Gregory-Lincoln Education Center Central

Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (MS) Central

Grimes Elementary School South

Grissom Elementary School South

Gross Elementary West

Hamilton Middle School Central

Harper Alternative School Alt/Charter

J. R. Harris Elementary School East

R. P. Harris Elementary School East

Hartman Middle School South

Hartsfield Elementary School Central

Harvard Elementary School Central

Helms Elementary School Central

J. P. Henderson Elementary School East

Nat Q. Henderson Elementary School North

Henry Middle School North

Herod Elementary School West

Herrera Elementary School North

High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Central

High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Central

Highland Heights Elementary School North

Hines-Caldwell Elementary School South

Hobby Elementary School South

Hogg Middle School Central

Hohl Elementary School North

Holland Middle School East

Horn Elementary School West

Sam Houston High School North

Houston Gardens Elementary School North

Houston International High Schoo Central

Isaacs Elementary School North

Jackson Middle School East

Janowski Elementary School North

Jefferson Elementary School North

Johnston Middle School West

Jones High School South

J. Will Jones Elementary School Central

Barbara Jordan High School for Careers North

Kaleidoscope School West

Kandy Stripe Academy Charter School Alt/Charter

Kashmere High School North

Kashmere Gardens Elementary School North

Kelso Elementary School South

Kennedy Elementary School North

Ketelsen Elementary North

Key Middle School North

Kolter Elementary School West

Lamar High School Central

Lanier Middle School Central

Lantrip Elementary School East

Law Elementary School South

Lee High School West

Lewis Elementary School East

Lockhart Elementary School Central

Long Middle School West

Longfellow Elementary School West

Looscan Elementary School North

Love Elementary School Central

Lovett Elementary School West

Lyons Elementary School North

MacArthur Elementary School Central

MacGregor Elementary School Central

Mading Elementary School South

Madison High School South

Marshall Middle School North

C. Martínez Elementary School North

R. Martínez Elementary School North

McDade Elementary School North

McNamara Elementary School West

McReynolds Middle School North

Memorial Elementary School Central

Milby High School East

Milne Elementary School West

Mitchell Elementary School South

Montgomery Elementary School South

Moreno, Joe E. Elementary School North

Neff Elementary School West

Northline Elementary School North

Oak Forest Elementary School Central

Oates Elementary School East

Daniel Ortiz Jr Middle School East

Osborne Elementary School North

Park Place Elementary School East

Parker Elementary School West

Patterson Elementary School East

Peck Elementary School Central

Pershing Middle School West

Petersen Elementary School South

Pilgrim Elementary School West

Pin Oak Middle School West

Piney Point Elementary School West

Pleasantville Elementary School East

Poe Elementary School Central

Port Houston Elementary School East


Page 592: Special Education Report 2007 - Houston Independent School

School Name Region School Name RegionIndex of Schools

Project Chrysalis East

Provision, Inc. Alt/Charter

Pugh Elementary School North

REACH Charter East

Reagan High School Central

Red Elementary School West

Revere Middle School West

Reynolds Elementary School South

Rhoads Elementary School South

Rice School (La Escuela Rice) Central

Rice School MS (La Escuela Rice) Central

River Oaks Elementary School Central

Roberts Elementary School Central

Robinson Elementary East

Rodriguez Elementary West

T. H. Rogers School West

T.H. Rogers (MS) West

Roosevelt Elementary School North

Ross Elementary School North

Rucker Elementary School East

The Rusk School East

Ryan Middle School Central

Sánchez Elementary School East

Sands Point Elementary School West

Scarborough Elementary School North

Scarborough High School Central

The School at Post Oak West

Scott Elementary School North

Scroggins Elementary School North

Seguin Elementary School South

Shadowbriar Elementary School West

Sharpstown Middle School West

Sharpstown High School West

Shearn Elementary School West

Sherman Elementary School North

Sinclair Elementary School Central

Smith, E. O. Education Center North

Smith, E. O. Education Center North

Katherine Smith Elementary School Central

Southmayd Elementary School East

Sterling High School South

Stevens Elementary School Central

Stevenson Elementary School Central

Stevenson Middle School East

Sugar Grove Elementary School West

Sutton Elementary School West

Thomas Middle School South

Thompson Elementary School Central

Tijerina Elementary School East

Tinsley Elementary West

Travis Elementary School Central

Turner Elementary School Central

Twain Elementary School Central

Valley West Elementary School West

Wainwright Elementary School Central

WALIPP Middle School Alt/Charter

Walnut Bend Elementary School West

Waltrip High School Central

Washington High School North

Welch Middle School West

Wesley Elementary School North

West Briar Middle School West

West University Elementary School Central

Westbury High School West

Westside High School West

Wharton Elementary School Central

Wheatley High School North

Whidby Elementary School Central

White Elementary School West

Whittier Elementary School East

Williams Middle School North

Wilson Elementary School Central

Windsor Village Elementary School South

Woodson Elementary School South

Woodson Middle School South

Worthing High School South

Yates High School Central

Ethel Young Elementary School South

Young Scholars Alt/Charter