THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22 1908 5 New York WASHINGTON Paris Until Further Notice Store Will Open at 830 A M and Close at 530 PM Valentines and Valentine Favors Main Floor G Street CLEARANCE Sale of Rugs comprising the best grades of leading manufacturers in carpet and smaller sizes and in suitable for any part of the house Included are Wiltpns Ar lingtons Brussels Clovers and Ingrains Prices average 54 less than usual 27x54inch Wilton Rugs 375 each Were 450 36x63inch Wilton Rugs 5 each Were 7 and 8 36x63inch Arlington Rugs 650 each Were 800 9x12ft Clover Rugs 500 each Were 750 9xl2ft Allwool Ingrain Rugs 750 each Were 10 9xl2ft Brussels Rugs 1750 each Were 2150 9x12ft Wilton Rugs 3500 each Were 4250 9x12ft Wilton Rugs 5000 Were 55 and 60 Also a large lot of Oriental Rugs in small sizes 3 to 4 feet wide by 4 to 7 feet long including Shirvans Karabaughs Daghestans and Moussouls Rich colorings and designs and very attractive patterns 1000 each Were 1150 to 1350 1250 each Were 1500 to 1750 1500 each Were 1750 ty 2250 2000 each Were 2250 and 2500 2500 each 2250 and 3000 Pgrtlt ftoor G st k 0 keep our workrooms busy we are making especially f esti mates on all classes of toorder work X Window Shades Made to Order Upholstering Furniture Repairing Furniture Refinishing Furniture Polishing and Waxing Floors c This is also a time to have Rattan or Reed Furniture painted or enameled and new cushions made for same Fourth floor G st Chinaware Glassware F J Woodward Lothrop Special Sale of Rugs A Allwool f ToOrder Work llousefurnishines and Choice Candies th 4 Were 1 4i ¬ < Decorated China Pitcher Special Imported China Pitchers in decorations for table use 65c each Values 75c and 100 Decorated Pudding Set Special Imported Decorated 3p eee Pud- ding Sets for baking and serving at the special price 185 a set Decorated Teacup and Saucer Special Thin China Teacups and Saucers- in assorted sizes shapes and deco rations 25c each Value 35c Japanese China Bread and Butter Plates- A lot of Allover Decorated Blue Japanese China Bread and Plates loc each dozen ipq Cut Glass Candlesticks n A lot of assorted 6inch Cut Glass Candlesticks in the old pat- tern 100 each Value 125 Adjustable Bedside Tables For service of food in the sick room Equally dt irable for study- or reading table Oak finish 500 each Butter tJi as- sorted r S colonial t r Fittbiloor ¬ ¬ > > Invalids Trays With Folding Feet These convenient Trays may be used either on chair at bedside Jap of patient They may also be used for serving tea White enamel and oak finishes 350 each j Invalids Bed Rests Folding and adjustable By elim inating strain on the back they en able patient to sit up in bed without becoming tired 150 each Sanitary Chambers Bed and Douche Pans China Bed Pans each from JplUU China Douche Pans each M ocr from Enameled Ware Bad Pans fri njr M5h from Bnameted Wars Chambers each from Miller Oil Heaters smokeless odorless 350 400 and 500 eachCocoa Door Mats soc to 175 eachWool Border Door Mats 150 to each Rubber Door Mats 125 to 175 each Special Lessons in Hygienic Cooking Southern Cotton Oil Coos expert will give a of special lessons in our Pure Food Store fifth floor using Snowdrift and Wesson Oil 10 a m to ip m and to 5 p m January 22 to February 8 Deli- cious cakes and pastries served Choice Candies- In a generous assortment of Choco- lates and Fancy Table Candies yi colors especially desirable for teas and similar func tions 25c to 8oc pound t c and THE I o r- on ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ WOODWARD LOTHROP j CHARM Brilliant Function of South- ern Relief Society SOCIETY OUT IN NUMBERS 3IrN ItooMevvIt IMowcr from White HoiiMc CoiiMcrvntorlcM Onll room nt Wllliird Splendidly Decorated and Illumined Cotillion nrliijfs Entertainment to Close The Annual Charity Ball of the Southern Relief Society took place last evening at the New wniard with about eight hun dred In attendance Since the organization of this society which is under the management of rep reaentxtive aontbern families the balls have been among the most brilliant of the winter entertainments attracting a large and fashionable attendance La t nights assemblage of distinguished olll- eial and resident society testifies to the interest this charity holds the iwbHc The KuccivIiiK Ladle Miss Nannie Randolph Beth for n num- ber of years president of the society be- cause of the deep mourning of the family was not able to head the receiving line as has been her custom The guests were welcomed by Mrs Archibald Young who Waa assisted by Mrs Oscar Turner Mrs Joseph C S Blackburn Mrs Rollins Miss Iletael Mrs QweroUo former president of the society and Mr and Mrs COw ington The introductions were made by Capt Fltxhugh Lee U S jL former Senator Charles J Faulkner of West Virginia and former Secretary of the Navy III- lary A Herbert The ball rooms were decorated with festoons of Southern Smylax and boughs of spruce and pine and lighted by pink shaded electric lights The United States Marine Bud and the Thirteenth Cavalry Band played alternately a programm of popular music Supper was served in the Red Dining Room from 11 to 1 oclock A cotillion led by Mr Frank B Martin brought the ball to a close HOXCM Are Innovation Boxes decorated with velvet Hanging and supplied with chairs were a new and ac- ceptable feature of the entertainment for the older members of the society Each box held groups of MgaMed dowagers who were visited by and other onlookers The owcers of Southern H ttef Society an PrnUact Xnato Muinlali Mrtft Yin i wM nti Mi AftaH Atop Mn AnU- hakt Yooag Ma How M Retail mud MffJ al- RTW0 te- iNeranttBi Meretaiy Mr K X 1tr- Camsp0ultaK wawttrj Mn U K QaMfe- TiMNrar Mn firm C Tmlhw- Chainaaa rettrf caavatttte Mn S Ow iaftoa- duOnsu of eiecntffe kaQ luaaaftUta Mn- toaUfe M BOON To Mrs Rosalie HoHyday Bocock is most of the credit due for the success of the balL Mrs Roosevelt sent her a box of flower from the White House another testimonial to her interest efforts for the success of tile Mil WM a basket of sweet peas lnfrumNMQji The patronesses were Mn Btaatwatl Jtckwa Maa Mary Caatfc LM Kb AaOy Mason Mn Dratld MeUas Jin WUhmrn Motta Ota Mn fmnm Mm WwmnJ- I White Mil Jtawmad Mn Beta 8tepmt Mn Dwrejr Mn Heater Mn Hairth a Mn HBBMB Mn XUdM Mr Ownwa Mn Latiawr Mn Prastor Mn OeD lln John Sharp Wi- lUun Mn lm r of Florida Mn marten Mn Boriooa Mn Ucorae E Cook Mn BUckbnra Mn JUleS K Joook Mn Marion Butler Mn TlM M Nelaon Page Irs H tH O an TMker Mn Loax Mrt Fnutda Mn Itahtk- Wahh Mn Magi TlmvMB Mn Chaiard Mn Itoardman Mn R McUu Mn Dra- pw Mn C r Gkwer Mn William Cotconw Ka it Mn Arthur Lev Mn Richard Panic WU HMM Mn John Boyd Mn Wllliwa R Car Urie Mn A C DowBia Mn f B Mary K McKee Mn OwdUMtamh MnI- Mmeaji MeKtat Mn Jaaain Mn OMar Tuner Mn He aahi Mfcon Mn ArehibaM Grins Mn- KMn Mn AnriRtedd l r Mn hoer Me- yowaa Mn Albert C JIm Mn Jiihdta The CnminittceN Composing the ball committee were Mn HoMlte Hony Uy Kpewk ebainMm- Mn Cawpben Piyor Mn Joba T UiuM Mn John T CaUKgbu Mn WOttm R Dow Mn P I wta ManbaQ Mn lIMe T Xaon Mn K Onjr IVndirton Mn M L Wbcatley Mn C If Fwd Mn J W Wren ad Mn Ownje C Cov boon Mta Laura R Cartiate ctainua todks- eamaattme Mr Funk K Martin cfeainua floor eomaittee lien H 1 FteoA rite c jiinMn floor eomoittee- YOUX IUDIK81 COMMITTBB Mia Law K CartHk cbabmaii the Miam Dow Miw Phyllis ijxfcr till Lillian Stow Min Alice ShepaM Miss Anna Portncr Mw LMimer Miai Julia Fulten WUianu Mia Itayd Min Natalie Maffrwkr Mk Margin Youoj Mi IVrflr MaMO MiaM Marjorie and Frances Smith Miat Keith Frazier the Heth Miat Tilhnan the Micwa Mix l cyto Min Helen Wilson Mi ManarrtU W Mis Elisabeth OouM the Mkm Miw Alice Hockey Miss Anna Fatuitkitn Mias LaniM Campbell Mfe Wrenn Mi Sduwrannn Flcrenee Hewitt Miai I nnm Yoongbload Mimi Ixiviw M White Miss Kendall of New York Miai Godoy and Mn Carbo BNTRKTATNMKNT COMMITTEE Mai J McDowell Caniagton pnaUost Coaled nile Vetenni AMoctotkm Joatiee Seth Sbepard KJeanoad Paanon Hobaon fmtaer Secretary Hilary A Herbert M j Holmes Grand George K Elliott Col Robert K Lee Uen William lUiata Cox H St Gears Tuner Judge Charles It Howry len ink C Annatraug Rear Artmtral R U- JlaUydar U S N Judte Silas lure Senator Cinder A Colbenon Capt John 31 Hfcfcey Sen- ator Asbnry G I atimer Judge L Cham ben Senator Joseph F Johnston Tnonuui Nelsoe IN Seaator Robert L Tkykr Gen JUreos J Wright Senator Jaaae B JlcCiwrr Gen U Loaaax Senator John W Daniel Dr John U lloyd U S N CbarkR J Kanlkner John T Cal AMlnaai A Clark Col AreaibaU Grade John Sharp MIllMMiu Col L S lirown George W Gordon Wai t W Hunter and Ti onws P Ryan FLOOR COJIlIlTTEa Frank B Martin Chairman lion H D Flood Chairman lion D Wyatt Alter Cha V Arth Mr Aautt Mahlon Ashford Claude N Bennett J Monroe Britt Taylor Barke Clitfonl K Bcrryaan W Blaekfaurn jr WiUian H Ikxnck WU Item W Bride LIed Henry V INUer U s N Sterling Silver LOVING CUPS- of desired size and cost Urns tankards vases punch bowls and other presentation pieces tion implies no obligation to purchase GALT BRO Established Over a Century Silversmiths Stationers 1107 Penna Ave E make a specialty ot service for theater parties banquets balls c vehicles charges Robinsons Stables 817 19th Street N W Phone Main 1005 Xc i for M Nub John c 1IeGt r- eIn lUck Min William Jane every tt Jew llers l BALL DRKS Scuds I dancers GeOl sad and yew All Mba Arm Mane With I Jan lAnds 7 bobs Yin 1T ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > < ¬ HUlL John G W M Oerad Geoime T Cox Dr U Wytfcw Cook M M Creaafctw Chea- ter jr lark Dr Julian CabeO Dr R B cr miebael Greta S Coriagton It u t T Nolan Grand Capt Sherwood A Cheney Hon K iMrenimrt Dr Vlrgiaitts Dabaey JaRM II Donnan lurkS H Doing George 8 Derrick Jane M Drjwtele Bdwin f Dottoa- Dwwld 8 J Keller J I Edward F IloBKll Fravd high J Fegan HOB John Ufll- Jr Hon John Waaiey Uabtea Theodore Gift 14ent n finer U X I4e t Thomas C Hart U K N Johns Ha- sood U H A HOB Fraak U Hitchcock Mai eoha Henry lion J Tboawi MeSh l ow n liar riaoa Albert Hill Harry K Miey Daraf K- Headrick Arthur Herbert E I Hunter C Itishy C Hunt Lttwraaoe llnfv iMnrrts- Ifey Dr Virgil It JackAoa Ralph E care Jc e C F Johnson Dr M M King Robert J Kennedy Thrum Kkrby K Hon William B Lanai lion tonlaa I e lion F R Lasstt T Arthur I e Cotton II Le Hagh 8 Lagare Williaai W Ixawaoad Her- bert C l wi Capt Jaiasa A Loaan Jr U 8- A Dr Loots C Lear lion Adolph Meyer Stuart McNaman Iayjnaatrr Samuel Motlowaa 1 H- Miusaps L Ihwtfc Martin Harry O VU lard Martin I at Dr C P Magrader But ilohun Robvrt A Maorer Daniel P Me- Gowan Angus McDonald Mirny Mlddlcton Cyms- V Mints J W MeKericher James L jr Dr H Logan II Obear HHUard T owes lion A r rnjn J E Fennybackcr If- IhlWps Walter IVtor Hairy F Payne W 8 Peachy Unit Andre M Proctor U 8 X Bn sign A C Pickena I 8 N L M QnboUo Joseph Y John Rttchie Dr Thomas L- rtaH Henry FaJrfax Kobertaon Dr hiatus Jean sosa Hon A O Stanley Dr M Sprig James If Swift y CAt O O Suples Wallace Stnater Dr A K Stands Dr 1C A fttllhaatsn Joseph J Sehtefly lion Qeorg W Tajrto K Tfoabrsaia K West dandr K AVetxert Dr W W HlBdraoB Dr W B Wright Mmer C Wood Wiggins Dr Kiebard Washing- ton Dr Waftar A Wen Email Waggasua Dr Qatar Wflktoson Otto Wood and Tbonus- Corhta WajUngto- nIlnndMoniuly Gowned Women A number of handsomely gowned worn en were present among them Mrs Joseph C S Blackburn Mack velvet and point lace tad aji xcMfttag- ly beautiful antique gold chain Mrs Wheeler black taos Mrs Rollins la white pompadour silk Mrs Qulrollo pink cbWfon Miss Hetaei black Telwt and point lace Mrs J W Wrcan a Mack Mourn gowa over black satin Mrs Joseph Thropp gray ehMEon over silk with silver spangles Mrs John DaJell white broeaMied satin and tact Miss Kendall of New York tints canary satto Mrs Bocock black sequttt gomm trimmed with gold lace Mrs C H Fred white satin and lace Miss Hill of Texas piak satta Miss Resale Turner pale blue mops do chine and white lace Miss Watt rUe groan tulle over th same shade of satin and trimmed with white lace Mrs John Horrlgan white taco over white satin trimmed with pearl orna Mrs Walter B Richards block crepe de chine and white lace Miss lib Sbeoard pale blue saLts and white lace 4 Miss Norton black satin and lace em- pire gown and American Beauty roses Mrs Pearce Horn pink crop de chine and valencleauMS lace diamonds and em- eralds Mrs A T Downing gaynet velvet and rose point Mrs L Owen pink satin striped cbttton over silk and lace Mrs Nevia Campbell black lace and jet Mas Milton CJuapJwn of PhilatWpiito lace robe over satia trimmed wiLt pearls Miss Hubard pink silk Miss Addis Hubard watte lace awn over white satin Miss Kearney white Liberty crepe and lam Mrs I T Mann canary satia eaftroM erect in lOW and triauaed with oeM lace Mrs Clarence L Bus of Kentncky white cloth and pompadour satin Miss Hewett pale blue crepe de chine and white lace Mrs Ennalls Waggaman pink IJberty silk embroidered in gold Miss Ptckett Heth canary satin Empire gown trimmed with gold Miss Virginia Heth white lace gown over pink taffeta and silver trtmoslng Miss Wrenn pink silk sad pearls Miss Elterson pink silk Miss Alice Boyd white caMCea Mrs Mulare black lace Miss Schuermann green caMCaa and pink silk Miss Talbott black lane over lack and red ornaments Mrs Rust Smith gray crepe ie chine trimmed with point lace Miss Lou Harrison black laos Miss Buck white crepe de chine Miss Hastings goldcolored satin Mrs Lewis Marshall black Jetted gown over satin white paradise hair ornament Mrs Gresson Thornton bronse sequin gown made priacease over the same shade satin Mrs Horace Chandtee buck satin Miss Katherine Powell white hand painted chiffon Mrs Marion Butler white lace gown and pearl ornaments Miss Nettle Lewis pink chiffon and black velvet Miss Marie Lewis black lace over piak trimmed with Jet Mrs Clara Kyle Crank of New York bAck brocaded satin and point lace Mrs Burnett violet silk and point lace Miss Casey white lace over white satin Miss Lillian Arthur pale blue embroid- ered erepe Mrs A T Van Kiosk pate blue chif- fon and green velvet trimmings Miss Phillips white Liberty sstJn and lace Sirs John L Maury of black satin and white lace Mug Emily Reed white lace Miss Isabel Smith white lace and white crepe de chine Mrs Isabel P Smith blacK lace Mrs Seth Shepard white brocaded satin lace and pearls Mrs A C Pryor black crepe de chine Mrs John F Maury pale pink Liberty satin and lace princess gown Miss Mullet white lace pattern robe over nile green taffeta Miss Marjorie Smith apricot satin and gold lace and a bird of paradise hair ornament Mias Frances Smith cherry chins doth over white silk and gOld Mercury wing hair ornament Mrs Tunstall black point V esprit and diamonds Wade Atkinson pink hand painted chiffon and pearls Miss Fry white pattern lace gown Mra Silas Hare black lace over white satin and touches of pink panne velvet Mrs Alfred Dartt pale Irfue and white silk and lace Mrs P T OConnor gray Liberty satin embroidered in sliver Mrs Burleson black chiffon and lace Mrs John W Wrenn black sequin gown Miss Helen pale blue chiffon and SUet lace pearl ornaments Mrs Mackall white lace princess gown and pearl ornaments Miss Waters white French voile and diamonds Tlie Ifivolntltm of Pence The Evolution of Peace was the sub- ject of an Interesting lecture by Edwin D Mead of Boston Mass at University Hall Fifteenth and II streets northwest last night under the auspices of the College of the Political Sciences of the George Washington University and the Lake Mohonk Conference Internation- al Arbitration Mr Mend gave a detailed account of the work done at The Hague He vigor ously contented for universal ponce and declared that such an adjustment could be n ade without the assistance of war Only ten cents delivered at your dally Issues of The Washington Herald Phone Main 3300 pen Cook o J 8 apt Mere waD ants Owen win men lace- R Lei Mrs Chand lee On doorthe h IC W Jam hood C- ub Joe M- ao hugh liar Gain Vernon nest hit p chiffon ra ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IN THE SOCIAL WORLD President and Mrs Roosevelt Guests of Cortelyons AT THIRD CABINET DINNER ecretary and Mrs Hoot ICntcrtnln Huron mid rJuroiiesN Mayor des Ilnnoltcfl Nup Ibis nt Sliorclmm Hotel Itiinoliuoii Ifiuchru Givuii Iiy Mr AulieNbn The Secretary of the Treasury seed Mrs Cortelyou gave the third of the series of Cabinet dinners last night entertain- ing In honor of the President and Mrs Roosevelt Mrs Cortelyou welcomed the guests in a handsome toilette of white satin The table around the company gathered was decorated with Linerty roses white carnations and dusters of violets car- rying out a color acaente of red white and blue Invited to meet the President and Mrs Roosevelt were Representative and Mrs Fowler Judge and hIre Clements Judge and Mrs Booth Assistant Secretary Reynolds Assistant Secretary Edwards Mr and Mrs Charles Earl Gen and Mrs George B Williams Mr and Mrs John B Hemphill Mr and Mrs Charles F Pray Mr and Mrs Thomas Presser of New York Miss Carow sis- ter of Mrs Roosevelt Mies Mary Wil- liams Miss Gertrude Browa Miss Hinds Mr Henry P Blair and Mr H O Weaver The Secretary of State and Mrs Hoot entertained at dinner last night compl- imentary to the Italian Ambassador and the Baroness Mayor des Planches Mr and Mrs Edeon Bradley of New York were among the guests The Vice President and Mrs Fairbanks were the guests complimentary to Senator Du Posit entertained a company at dinner last night Baron Rosen the Russian Ambassador was the chief guest at the home of tin Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs Bacon last night Gen and Mrs Klltou entertained at din- ner last night at their home in the Marine Barracks for Senator and Mrs Briggs The other guests were Senator Oallinger Representative and Mrs Toss Representative and Mrs Weeks Mr and Mn George lam Maj and Mrs Charles McCawley Capt Hooker U gJ M C and Mrs Hooker and Gee Allen U S A of the Signal Corps Commandant of the Kavy aad Louise gave a dinner last niglit to their quarters there cotnpBateatary to the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Met call Mrs Randolph Clarke war hostess at a bridge party yesterday afternoon at her home in Connecticut avenue The Mhaies Shaw daughters of tile former Secretary of the Treasury were entertained at luncheon yesterday by Mr Charles Howe The party was chaperoned by Mrs Moore whose daugh- ter Miss Irene Moore the Misses Shaw are visiting Besides the Misses Shaw and Miss Moore there were present Miss of England the Mimes Pilson Wigmore U S A Mn Penman Mr Frank Hyatt and Mr George Oak Totten Miss Kfoanore Terry daughter of Rear Admiral Terry was hostess at a lunch- eon at the Alibi Club yesterday tIN party being chaperoned by Mrs Richard Harlow and Mrs P Lee Pumps Miss Catherine WheaUey of this city and Mr Richard Pretlow Worrall a broker of New York were married yes- terday at noon at the Shorehan Hotel TIle ceremonr was performed In the pri- vate parlors of the hotel by the Rev Ulysses G B Pierce of all Souls Church- A breakfast followed the ceremony at which were present Miss Alice Qibbs Jonas Miss Marion Brandt Miss Helen G Sydenhauer Miss Catherine Bulkley Mis Anna G Wheatley Mr John Bar rett Mr Jackson Elliott Mr Robert Bulkley Mr Barry Bulkley and Mr Maucklln Kevin of this city Countess X V Faverny of Paris Miss Marie Val leau and Miss Elizabeth Meam of New York Mrs W H Raaley will be at home tills afternoon Mrs J Kakht Oadefoy wttt he at home tomorrow afternoon and wfil have with her Miss Bradford of Beiair Md who is her guest Mrs Victor H Wallace wilt be at home for the teat time this season on Satur- day January 25 from 3 until I oclock at the Mariborough Mrs William W White lid Q street win be at home Wednesday She will have with her Mrs Oscar Woodward of Mount Clair N J Mrs Gaines wife of Representative Jo- seph Holt Gaines of West Virginia ow- ing to Illness will not observe any days at home this season nor will she be able to make any calls during the winter Representative and Mrs M E Oim sted are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son Mrs Mortimer H Acheson of the Cumberland entertained at a luncheon and euchre at her apartment yesterday afternoon A combination of Richmond roses and white axaleas formed the dec- orations for the wellappointed tables amid which whom YUC- K DobbIns I S C rrnl lVlieii hey I apt cy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Following the Iwtehoea eleven small tables of wrt made p PrIzes of cut glass and gold were played for Among those present were Miss Flora King Mrs Charles Pepper Mrs Don Mrs Fred Parka Mrs Vande grift Mrs P V De Craw Irr Carter Keene Mrs George Gardner Mrs John Shoemaker Mrs George Hoover Mrs S B Jones Mrs Irwin Miss George Mrs Roy Kenny Mrs Oscar Ktcketts Mrs Edward Eynon Mrs Will Mahoney Mrs George Warrtngton Mrs America Vip pone Mrs William Shatter Mrs Charles Demonet Mrs Lee Mrs O P Varnell Mrs Vernon Mrs Lee Simmons Miss Nina CaUlwell Mrs Charles Bates Mrs DobMns Miss Jor gesson Mrs Gordan Hill Mrs Henry Sohon Mrs Johan Kondrup Mrs Tuley and Miss Tuley Mrs Samer Mrs Henry C Bruning Mrs Chesterfield Mrs Mal- colm Varnell Mrs Bow Mrs Treanor and Mrs Edward Benton Mrs Stuart Patterson of New York is visiting her parents eel and Mrs Archibald Hopkins Miss Kate My r whose house Is leased to Representative McKMar lion arrived at Florence The third grand ball of the Bureau Bowling Club place evening at Masonic Temple Daneta will begin at 8 M oclock The music will be fur- nished by a section of the Greater Wash- ington Band under tile direction of Mr John B BoveHo Miss Mary Hearley of US Fairmont avenue Pittaburg Pa is the guest of her friend Miss Mary C Hood of Mutr kirk Md She will receive friends at Hood Inn jCnlrtcirtc Md The first of two hops by the Forty seventh Company of the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Hunt will be given to morrow evening The music will be by orchestra A special train over the Mount Vernon line will leave Twelfth street and the Avenue at 730 in the evening and Alexandria at 8 oclock COMMISSION NAMED Will Tent and Examine Weight anti Fiiieiiexx of COlliN In 311iitH The commission appointed annually to teat and examine the weight and fineness of coins reserved at the several mints during the previous calendar year was named by the President yesterday for the year 1M7 The members of the commission are Senator Henry M Teller of Colorado Representative William B McKInley of Illinois George E Roberts of Chicago Representative William A Ashbrook of Ohio Charles J Russet Burlington Vt Leverett Mean Williams College Mass C C Harrison University of Pennsyl- vania Charles B Rogers Utica N Y J W Campbell Fort Dodge Iowa L S Kerfpot Seattle Gardiner Williams Washington D C John L McNeil Durango Colo E W Harde Chicago Thomas Burns San Francisco Dumont Clarke New York Pearl Wight New Orleans and Frank Simian Columbus Ohio ARMY AND NAVY Army Orders Caatnet Bargeon HERBERT W YKMAXS tree Phlttn iiie to Sin Francisco CBJ Ht KERT WIGMORK Cotes of End earn to Bataan rust nina IaflkVta CbL JOHX C MfHLKXKKKG iiristint ns aas tar pcnml found nxapacaatcd is retired It PATWCK MOLOHAJf CaaatMir D First ftattajfaa erf Kaciowrs plaesd oa rained Hat Prffate KKUBJtX H KICK Troop a fytscata Caralry fan Ocnml Hospital WasMesjioa Bet racto to rt Etbaa Allen Go WILLIAM R SIPPLE CgaBpiaj I Orreata Intantrr Fat D A KnssaD Bsehatfed tin Priiate Fint Class FKAXK TAYLOR Ifaapnal Corps Leafnnrorth duefaaigBd fraaa the Gay Pritata nED O HUTCHINSON Ktftc ota paay Coast ArdDerjr Corp who deserted Oeto ter H cMT caUstod ia TibsaOaa rf the tttarta- artM of war Decaadwr 14 BMT aid aptw lauded Dtissahir 9 UW at Fort IVfceas- waSe senrfaa a a private FVtoeath Cosapaay Coat Artilkry Corpa wider aaaw CMABLES C HARRIS dttcfcarped without boaor the ansi tv raaajaiidinf odkcr Fort Baraaeas by Mason of desertion and fmndnlent mnstmrnt Pail Qoartonaaatef Serge WILLIAM UK AM- sTTKOT row at Am Fraurisco to Fort Many Firoaaa ROBBRT D SPAXDAU Ccaat Artflkrjr Corps tier Fort Warren to Fort MeKialey Private SAM SCHWARTZ H tbM iDfaatrjr diadiaiied without koaor fMM army by oosBaaandtec oMcar Madison Bar act on aacoant of iatprimrjawni sister aea tsdoe of a rirU court Private PInt Class ABEL O AXDBKSOK lloa- latal IiI froai Mcramnt ststJaa OMshssaa ta Port Laaveawortk- Bcensk FNAXK BKU4ONT Gnat Artfflnr Corp rccnat depot Fort Stoosa traaaf iml to Joa- Bttal Corp aa private to Geaaaal MospiUl C Hospital Carps CoaauaoVr W II WEBB redna oetufctti MI- yud League Island hone Coaansnder J L PUBCELL to BUT yard Ltatw Isbad- Lfcut Quasi in A A PRATT to ami lag sUtioa 8an FtMckK- OUrat A P FAIRFIELD addttteaal date as cap taM Naval Academy rin team for am Unit L JOHNSON addntoaal daqr as esp taJa navy rite tram for MK- Kariw P V McNAIK to fraJrie SUTJJOO H B FlITS to navy recruiting station IndiampoUa Pined Assfaunt Surgeon R JC aetadied Xaval Academy to Cobnaoia Havana Pined Aariatant J U IDKN detached Cape CrmvCaaOda aarvor expednion Man raniila eoataraa or r datiea- Assartaat Svrssjon L H WHKELSR dftadwri- Nemttinf Indtanapons to Washiacfam for proaaatina then wait order Aaastaat SoraMsi A H ALLEN detached marine detafBaarnt at lAjaa to Caps CraaCasilda sat m txpedjtiom Maaaaoula Assistant Oorgtoas I M SCHMIDT ant K G MVCKBKWB MId AtsJataat Sargeon L C WIIITIBIDI appointed Ovaaer I WILBUR to m l liiihaaai Slut Fraadfeo Mar Adadnd F Coartia ifOnat dfed at Wash bows Jaaaary MOVEMENTS OF VBSSBLSTa ffltawriaa nay nuns o Teaals tame bars nptrtod to tile Dn Jag of Navigation ArmedJanuary H Viualobes at California at San Francisco Sailed Jannary J Yorktown and Justin from Mite Island for Macdalena Itay Janoanr 38 Des Motors from Boston for Nevr York Only ten cents a week delivered at your daily issues of The Washington Herald Phone Main 3300 If Stubble eld will tQe Pad tt L Fort C haD foe with 0 1n Orders Ira T Sartre UOIl Acting i doorthe s eo hrs tern this 5oi firm amy Tea the Waabot Esna day ry 3 Con cram I slide ilL Shatigi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ At These Extra Special Prices For One Week Only The success of this offer has been so great that weve decided to continue these sptfial prices for another week Ladies Dresses Fancy or Plain cleaned Ladies Waists these special prices or Plain cleaned j to Herald readers Ladies Skirts 7 presenting this cou Plain cleaned coupon must Gentlemen Suits 125 Gentlemens Fancy Vests ONLY WEEK JAN 20th to 25th Gentlemen Suits SOC Sponged and Pressed GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Phone 5028and Our Wagon Will Call THE FRENCH DRY CLEANING CO JULIUS ARNSTEIN Proprietor 718 13th Street N W Genuine French Dry Cleaning 2 00 01 0 fi 0 75c Fancy c Fancy or 0 pan 1 presented to get discount GOOD leaned UsMain II A Cleaned be 35c I j j DULIN MARTIN CO Nickel Copper and Silver All the New Designs 275 to 30 AT this season the Chaf- ing Dish be prop- erly classed among the indispensable articles the household equipment- If purchased here a good dish need cost but little Our stock offers the broadest pos sible variety of Chafing Dishes in nickel copper and silver The most elegant as well as the inexpensive dishes in all the newest designs Prices range from 275 to 30 v Special ValueI- n Nickel Dishes fitted with Improved Perfection lamp or food pan ebony handle H very exceptional value Jwj UU at t Also a complete stock rf Newest Chafing Dish Acc s Dulin Martin Co Pettsry Pweslalt Cilia Sla afar c 1215 F St and 121418 G St 813 14th St N W Ladies Tailor and Importer Advance Showing of Spring Fashions in Ladies Suitings Lipshutz style is very much in evidence that indefinable something that makes his work distinctive Broadcloth of the Snort quality fauUteavly tailored and finished at an VeRge aav lag of 30 To your measure from Fancy Worsteds in nIt of th new spring weaves at special IK- tweenseaiton prices A substan- tial saving on rtt every one From TRAOC HARK GQODS Your Needsi- n the line of STORM CLOTHING and FOOT- WEAR can be most satisfac torily supplied at the Rubber Store Stocks are invariably com- plete in all in- variably THE LOWEST for the best Policemen mull carriers c in particular arc iavitecl to examine these goods We meaties Others Jackets S2 p R M rBMf- Rebkif Czpei S3N kin sue Rrtier Cuts S358 HP gvbta Rita Cojfj 153 J 250 We employ the best skill in t the craft and maintain the best section paper are correct J- v quality The work is best NEW STORE I- t F and 12th Sts tc- xacdy suited to your require- ments will be the task of but a moment here Finest French and English Brushes with medium and stiff bristles 25c to 50c s Thompson Pharmacy Frank C Henry Prop 703 ISti Repaired Cleaned Bought Exchanged M N HSKIM1AN CO 13th and 6 Sts N W mmm The Largest Morning Circulation CHAFING DISHESI- n I J I I I fl50 Up 45 U p- u The RUBBER StoreRU- BBER linesprices I helm M Lindsay Co EstabIllkd 807 Pa Ave Tefholl- J Yurs Maim 137- 8f ENGRAVING i equipped plant in this t- Our and- o t- oi Selecting a I Tooth Brush I u RUGS e ZY wit IL 0 sories hIPsllUTz I Mae p One v kin I s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + +++ +++ + + + + + + + + +

Special Sale Rugs - Chronicling America

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Until Further Notice Store Will Open at 830 A M and Close

at 530 PM

Valentines and Valentine Favors Main Floor G Street

CLEARANCE Sale of Rugs comprising the best grades ofleading manufacturers in carpet and smaller sizes and insuitable for any part of the house Included are Wiltpns Ar

lingtons Brussels Clovers and Ingrains Prices average 54less than usual

27x54inch Wilton Rugs 375 each Were 45036x63inch Wilton Rugs 5 each Were 7 and 836x63inch Arlington Rugs 650 each Were 8009x12ft Clover Rugs 500 each Were 7509xl2ft Allwool Ingrain Rugs 750 each Were 109xl2ft Brussels Rugs 1750 each Were 21509x12ft Wilton Rugs 3500 each Were 42509x12ft Wilton Rugs 5000 Were 55 and 60

Also a large lot of Oriental Rugs in small sizes 3 to 4 feet wideby 4 to 7 feet long including Shirvans Karabaughs Daghestans andMoussouls Rich colorings and designs and very attractive patterns

1000 each Were 1150 to 13501250 each Were 1500 to 17501500 each Were 1750 ty 22502000 each Were 2250 and 25002500 each 2250 and 3000

Pgrtlt ftoor G st

k 0 keep our workrooms busy we are making especially f estimates on all classes of toorder work


Window Shades Made to OrderUpholstering Furniture

Repairing FurnitureRefinishing Furniture

Polishing and Waxing Floors c

This is also a time to have Rattan or Reed Furniture paintedor enameled and new cushions made for same

Fourth floor G st

Chinaware Glassware



Woodward Lothrop

Special Sale of RugsA



ToOrder Work

llousefurnishinesand Choice Candies








Decorated China

Pitcher Special

Imported China Pitchers in

decorations for table use

65c each Values 75c and 100

Decorated Pudding

Set Special

Imported Decorated 3p eee Pud-

ding Sets for baking and serving

at the special price

185 a set

Decorated Teacup

and Saucer Special

Thin China Teacups and Saucers-

in assorted sizes shapes and deco


25c each Value 35c

Japanese China

Bread and Butter Plates-

A lot of Allover Decorated Blue

Japanese China Bread and


loc each dozen ipq

Cut Glass


A lot of assorted 6inch Cut Glass

Candlesticks in the old pat-


100 each Value 125


Bedside Tables

For service of food in the sick

room Equally dt irable for study-

or reading table Oak finish

500 each








tr Fittbiloor





Invalids Trays

With Folding Feet

These convenient Trays may beused either on chair at bedside

Jap of patient They may alsobe used for serving tea Whiteenamel and oak finishes

350 each

j Invalids

Bed Rests

Folding and adjustable By eliminating strain on the back they enable patient to sit up in bed withoutbecoming tired

150 each

Sanitary Chambers

Bed and Douche PansChina Bed Pans each

from JplUUChina Douche Pans each M ocrfromEnameled Ware Bad Pans fri njrM5h fromBnameted Wars Chambers eachfrom

Miller Oil Heaters smokelessodorless 350 400 and 500eachCocoa

Door Mats soc to 175eachWool

Border Door Mats 150to each

Rubber Door Mats 125 to 175each

Special Lessons inHygienic Cooking

Southern Cotton Oil Coosexpert will give a

of special lessons inour Pure Food Store fifth floorusing Snowdrift and Wesson Oil10 a m to i p m and to 5 p mJanuary 22 to February 8 Deli-cious cakes and pastries served

Choice Candies-

In a generous assortment of Choco-lates and Fancy Table Candies yicolors especially desirable for

teas and similar functions

25c to 8oc pound






o r-










Brilliant Function of South-

ern Relief Society


3IrN ItooMevvIt IMowcr fromWhite HoiiMc CoiiMcrvntorlcM Onllroom nt Wllliird SplendidlyDecorated and Illumined Cotillionnrliijfs Entertainment to Close

The Annual Charity Ball of the SouthernRelief Society took place last evening atthe New wniard with about eight hundred In attendance

Since the organization of this societywhich is under the management of repreaentxtive aontbern families the ballshave been among the most brilliant ofthe winter entertainments attracting alarge and fashionable attendance La tnights assemblage of distinguished olll-

eial and resident society testifies to theinterest this charity holds the iwbHc

The KuccivIiiK LadleMiss Nannie Randolph Beth for n num-

ber of years president of the society be-

cause of the deep mourning of the familywas not able to head the receiving lineas has been her custom The guests werewelcomed by Mrs Archibald Young whoWaa assisted by Mrs Oscar Turner MrsJoseph C S Blackburn Mrs Rollins MissIletael Mrs QweroUo former presidentof the society and Mr and Mrs COwington

The introductions were made by CaptFltxhugh Lee U S jL former SenatorCharles J Faulkner of West Virginiaand former Secretary of the Navy III-lary A Herbert

The ball rooms were decorated withfestoons of Southern Smylax and boughsof spruce and pine and lighted by pinkshaded electric lights The United StatesMarine Bud and the Thirteenth CavalryBand played alternately a programm ofpopular music

Supper was served in the Red DiningRoom from 11 to 1 oclock A cotillion ledby Mr Frank B Martin brought the ballto a close

HOXCM Are InnovationBoxes decorated with velvet Hanging and

supplied with chairs were a new and ac-ceptable feature of the entertainment forthe older members of the society Eachbox held groups of MgaMed dowagerswho were visited by and otheronlookers

The owcers of Southern H ttef Societyan

PrnUact Xnato Muinlali MrtftYin i wM nti Mi AftaH Atop Mn AnU-

hakt Yooag Ma How M Retail mud MffJ al-RTW0 te-

iNeranttBi Meretaiy Mr K X 1tr-

Camsp0ultaK wawttrj Mn U K QaMfe-TiMNrar Mn firm C Tmlhw-Chainaaa rettrf caavatttte Mn S Ow

iaftoa-duOnsu of eiecntffe kaQ luaaaftUta Mn-

toaUfe M BOON

To Mrs Rosalie HoHyday Bocock ismost of the credit due for the success ofthe balL Mrs Roosevelt sent her a boxof flower from the White Houseanother testimonial to her interestefforts for the success of tile Mil WM abasket of sweet peas

lnfrumNMQjiThe patronesses wereMn Btaatwatl Jtckwa Maa Mary Caatfc LM

Kb AaOy Mason Mn Dratld MeUas JinWUhmrn Motta Ota Mn fmnm Mm WwmnJ-I White Mil Jtawmad Mn Beta 8tepmtMn Dwrejr Mn Heater Mn Hairth a MnHBBMB Mn XUdM Mr Ownwa Mn LatiawrMn Prastor Mn OeD lln John Sharp Wi-lUun Mn lm r of Florida Mn marten MnBoriooa Mn Ucorae E Cook Mn BUckbnraMn JUleS K Joook Mn Marion Butler MnTlM M Nelaon Page Irs H tH O an TMkerMn Loax Mrt Fnutda Mn Itahtk-Wahh Mn Magi TlmvMB Mn ChaiardMn Itoardman Mn R McUu Mn Dra-pw Mn C r Gkwer Mn William CotconwKa it Mn Arthur Lev Mn Richard Panic WUHMM Mn John Boyd Mn Wllliwa R CarUrie Mn A C DowBia Mn f B

Mary K McKee Mn OwdUMtamh MnI-Mmeaji MeKtat Mn Jaaain Mn OMar TunerMn He aahi Mfcon Mn ArehibaM Grins Mn-KMn Mn AnriRtedd l r Mn hoer Me-yowaa Mn Albert C JIm Mn Jiihdta

The CnminittceNComposing the ball committee wereMn HoMlte Hony Uy Kpewk ebainMm-Mn Cawpben Piyor Mn Joba T UiuM Mn

John T CaUKgbu Mn WOttm R Dow MnP I wta ManbaQ Mn lIMe T Xaon Mn KOnjr IVndirton Mn M L Wbcatley Mn C IfFwd Mn J W Wren ad Mn Ownje C Covboon

Mta Laura R Cartiate ctainua todks-eamaattme

Mr Funk K Martin cfeainua floor eomaitteelien H 1 FteoA rite c jiinMn floor eomoittee-

YOUX IUDIK81 COMMITTBBMia Law K CartHk cbabmaii the Miam

Dow Miw Phyllis ijxfcr till Lillian StowMin Alice ShepaM Miss Anna Portncr MwLMimer Miai Julia Fulten WUianu MiaItayd Min Natalie Maffrwkr Mk MarginYouoj Mi IVrflr MaMO MiaM Marjorie andFrances Smith Miat Keith Frazier theHeth Miat Tilhnan the Micwa Mixl cyto Min Helen Wilson Mi ManarrtU W

Mis Elisabeth OouM the MkmMiw Alice Hockey Miss Anna Fatuitkitn MiasLaniM Campbell Mfe Wrenn Mi Sduwrannn

Flcrenee Hewitt Miai I nnm YoongbloadMimi Ixiviw M White Miss Kendall of New YorkMiai Godoy and Mn Carbo

BNTRKTATNMKNT COMMITTEEMai J McDowell Caniagton pnaUost Coaled

nile Vetenni AMoctotkm Joatiee Seth SbepardKJeanoad Paanon Hobaon fmtaer Secretary HilaryA Herbert M j Holmes Grand George KElliott Col Robert K Lee Uen William lUiataCox H St Gears Tuner Judge Charles It Howrylen ink C Annatraug Rear Artmtral R U-

JlaUydar U S N Judte Silas lure SenatorCinder A Colbenon Capt John 31 Hfcfcey Sen-ator Asbnry G I atimer Judge L Chamben Senator Joseph F Johnston Tnonuui NelsoeIN Seaator Robert L Tkykr Gen JUreos JWright Senator Jaaae B JlcCiwrr GenU Loaaax Senator John W Daniel Dr John Ulloyd U S N CbarkR J Kanlkner John T Cal

AMlnaai A Clark Col AreaibaU GradeJohn Sharp MIllMMiu Col L S lirown George WGordon Wai t W Hunter and Ti onws PRyan

FLOOR COJIlIlTTEaFrank B Martin Chairman

lion H D Flood Chairmanlion D Wyatt Alter Cha V Arth Mr

Aautt Mahlon Ashford Claude N Bennett JMonroe Britt Taylor Barke Clitfonl K Bcrryaan

W Blaekfaurn jr WiUian H Ikxnck WUItem W Bride LIed Henry V INUer U s N

Sterling Silver

LOVING CUPS-of desired size and

cost Urns tankards vasespunch bowls and otherpresentation piecestion implies no obligation topurchase

GALT BROEstablished Over a Century

Silversmiths Stationers

1107 Penna Ave

E make a specialty otservice for theater parties banquetsballs c vehicles


Robinsons Stables817 19th Street N W

Phone Main 1005














ttJew llers












Mane With I


lAnds 7














HUlL John G W M Oerad Geoime TCox Dr U Wytfcw Cook M M Creaafctw Chea-ter jr lark Dr Julian CabeO Dr R B crmiebael Greta S Coriagton It u tT Nolan Grand Capt Sherwood A CheneyHon K iMrenimrt Dr Vlrgiaitts DabaeyJaRM II Donnan lurkS H Doing George 8Derrick Jane M Drjwtele Bdwin f Dottoa-Dwwld 8 J Keller J I EdwardF IloBKll Fravd high J Fegan HOB John Ufll-Jr Hon John Waaiey Uabtea Theodore Gift14ent n finer U X I4e tThomas C Hart U K N Johns Ha-sood U H A HOB Fraak U Hitchcock Maieoha Henry lion J Tboawi MeSh l ow n liarriaoa Albert Hill Harry K Miey Daraf K-

Headrick Arthur Herbert E I Hunter CItishy C Hunt Lttwraaoe llnfv iMnrrts-

Ifey Dr Virgil It JackAoa Ralph E careJc e C F Johnson Dr M M KingRobert J Kennedy Thrum Kkrby K

Hon William B Lanai lion tonlaaI e lion F R Lasstt T Arthur I e Cotton IILe Hagh 8 Lagare Williaai W Ixawaoad Her-bert C l wi Capt Jaiasa A Loaan Jr U 8-

A Dr Loots C Lear lion Adolph Meyer StuartMcNaman Iayjnaatrr Samuel Motlowaa 1 H-

Miusaps L Ihwtfc Martin Harry O VU

lard Martin I at Dr C P MagraderBut ilohun Robvrt A Maorer Daniel P Me-Gowan Angus McDonald Mirny Mlddlcton Cyms-V Mints J W MeKericher James Ljr Dr H Logan II Obear HHUardT owes lion A r rnjn J E Fennybackcr If-IhlWps Walter IVtor Hairy F Payne W 8Peachy Unit Andre M Proctor U 8 X Bnsign A C Pickena I 8 N L M QnboUoJoseph Y John Rttchie Dr Thomas L-

rtaH Henry FaJrfax Kobertaon Dr hiatus Jeansosa Hon A O Stanley Dr M SprigJames If Swift y CAt O O Suples WallaceStnater Dr A K Stands Dr 1C A fttllhaatsnJoseph J Sehtefly lion Qeorg W TajrtoK Tfoabrsaia K West dandr K AVetxertDr W W HlBdraoB Dr W B Wright MmerC Wood Wiggins Dr Kiebard Washing-ton Dr Waftar A Wen Email WaggasuaDr Qatar Wflktoson Otto Wood and Tbonus-Corhta WajUngto-

nIlnndMoniuly Gowned WomenA number of handsomely gowned worn

en were present among themMrs Joseph C S Blackburn Mack

velvet and point lace tad aji xcMfttag-ly beautiful antique gold chain

Mrs Wheeler black taosMrs Rollins la white pompadour silkMrs Qulrollo pink cbWfonMiss Hetaei black Telwt and point

laceMrs J W Wrcan a Mack Mourn gowa

over black satinMrs Joseph Thropp gray ehMEon over

silk with silver spanglesMrs John DaJell white broeaMied satin

and tactMiss Kendall of New York tints canary

sattoMrs Bocock black sequttt gomm

trimmed with gold laceMrs C H Fred white satin and laceMiss Hill of Texas piak sattaMiss Resale Turner pale blue mops do

chine and white laceMiss Watt rUe groan tulle over th

same shade of satin and trimmed withwhite lace

Mrs John Horrlgan white taco overwhite satin trimmed with pearl orna

Mrs Walter B Richards block crepede chine and white lace

Miss lib Sbeoard pale blue saLtsand white lace 4

Miss Norton black satin and lace em-pire gown and American Beauty roses

Mrs Pearce Horn pink crop de chineand valencleauMS lace diamonds and em-eralds

Mrs A T Downing gaynet velvet androse point

Mrs L Owen pink satin stripedcbttton over silk and lace

Mrs Nevia Campbell black lace andjet

Mas Milton CJuapJwn of PhilatWpiitolace robe over satia trimmed wiLt

pearlsMiss Hubard pink silkMiss Addis Hubard watte lace awn

over white satinMiss Kearney white Liberty crepe and

lamMrs I T Mann canary satia eaftroM

erect in lOW and triauaed with oeMlace

Mrs Clarence L Bus of Kentnckywhite cloth and pompadour satin

Miss Hewett pale blue crepe de chineand white lace

Mrs Ennalls Waggaman pink IJbertysilk embroidered in gold

Miss Ptckett Heth canary satin Empiregown trimmed with gold

Miss Virginia Heth white lace gownover pink taffeta and silver trtmoslng

Miss Wrenn pink silk sad pearlsMiss Elterson pink silkMiss Alice Boyd white caMCeaMrs Mulare black laceMiss Schuermann green caMCaa and

pink silkMiss Talbott black lane over lack and

red ornamentsMrs Rust Smith gray crepe ie chine

trimmed with point laceMiss Lou Harrison black laosMiss Buck white crepe de chineMiss Hastings goldcolored satinMrs Lewis Marshall black Jetted gown

over satin white paradise hair ornamentMrs Gresson Thornton bronse sequin

gown made priacease over the same shadesatin

Mrs Horace Chandtee buck satinMiss Katherine Powell white hand

painted chiffonMrs Marion Butler white lace gown

and pearl ornamentsMiss Nettle Lewis pink chiffon and

black velvetMiss Marie Lewis black lace over piak

trimmed with JetMrs Clara Kyle Crank of New York

bAck brocaded satin and point laceMrs Burnett violet silk and point laceMiss Casey white lace over white

satinMiss Lillian Arthur pale blue embroid-

ered erepeMrs A T Van Kiosk pate blue chif-

fon and green velvet trimmingsMiss Phillips white Liberty sstJn

and laceSirs John L Maury of

black satin and white laceMug Emily Reed white laceMiss Isabel Smith white lace and white

crepe de chineMrs Isabel P Smith blacK laceMrs Seth Shepard white brocaded

satin lace and pearlsMrs A C Pryor black crepe de chineMrs John F Maury pale pink Liberty

satin and lace princess gownMiss Mullet white lace pattern robe

over nile green taffetaMiss Marjorie Smith apricot satin and

gold lace and a bird of paradise hairornament

Mias Frances Smith cherry chins dothover white silk and gOld Mercury winghair ornament

Mrs Tunstall black point V esprit anddiamonds

Wade Atkinson pink handpainted chiffon and pearls

Miss Fry white pattern lace gownMra Silas Hare black lace over white

satin and touches of pink panne velvetMrs Alfred Dartt pale Irfue and white

silk and laceMrs P T OConnor gray Liberty satin

embroidered in sliverMrs Burleson black chiffon and laceMrs John W Wrenn black sequin

gownMiss Helen pale blue chiffon

and SUet lace pearl ornamentsMrs Mackall white lace princess gown

and pearl ornamentsMiss Waters white French voile and


Tlie Ifivolntltm of PenceThe Evolution of Peace was the sub-

ject of an Interesting lecture by EdwinD Mead of Boston Mass at UniversityHall Fifteenth and II streets northwestlast night under the auspices of theCollege of the Political Sciences of theGeorge Washington University and theLake Mohonk Conference Internation-al Arbitration

Mr Mend gave a detailed account ofthe work done at The Hague He vigorously contented for universal ponce anddeclared that such an adjustment couldbe n ade without the assistance of war

Only ten cents delivered atyour dally Issues of TheWashington Herald Phone Main 3300




J 8apt








Chand lee




























President and Mrs RooseveltGuests of Cortelyons


ecretary and Mrs Hoot ICntcrtnlnHuron mid rJuroiiesN Mayor desIlnnoltcfl Nup

Ibis nt Sliorclmm Hotel ItiinoliuoiiIfiuchru Givuii Iiy Mr AulieNbn

The Secretary of the Treasury seed MrsCortelyou gave the third of the seriesof Cabinet dinners last night entertain-ing In honor of the President and MrsRoosevelt

Mrs Cortelyou welcomed the guests ina handsome toilette of white satin Thetable around the company gatheredwas decorated with Linerty roses whitecarnations and dusters of violets car-rying out a color acaente of red whiteand blue

Invited to meet the President and MrsRoosevelt were Representative and MrsFowler Judge and hIre ClementsJudge and Mrs Booth AssistantSecretary Reynolds Assistant SecretaryEdwards Mr and Mrs Charles EarlGen and Mrs George B Williams Mrand Mrs John B Hemphill Mr and MrsCharles F Pray Mr and Mrs ThomasPresser of New York Miss Carow sis-

ter of Mrs Roosevelt Mies Mary Wil-

liams Miss Gertrude Browa Miss HindsMr Henry P Blair and Mr H OWeaver

The Secretary of State and Mrs Hootentertained at dinner last night compl-imentary to the Italian Ambassador andthe Baroness Mayor des Planches Mrand Mrs Edeon Bradley of New Yorkwere among the guests

The Vice President and Mrs Fairbankswere the guests complimentary toSenator Du Posit entertained a companyat dinner last night

Baron Rosen the Russian Ambassadorwas the chief guest at the home of tinAssistant Secretary of State and MrsBacon last night

Gen and Mrs Klltou entertained at din-

ner last night at their home in theMarine Barracks for Senator and MrsBriggs The other guests were SenatorOallinger Representative and Mrs TossRepresentative and Mrs Weeks Mr andMn George lam Maj and MrsCharles McCawley Capt Hooker U gJM C and Mrs Hooker and Gee AllenU S A of the Signal Corps

Commandant of the Kavy aadLouise gave a dinner last niglit to

their quarters there cotnpBateatary tothe Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Metcall

Mrs Randolph Clarke war hostess ata bridge party yesterday afternoon at herhome in Connecticut avenue

The Mhaies Shaw daughters of tileformer Secretary of the Treasury wereentertained at luncheon yesterday byMr Charles Howe The party waschaperoned by Mrs Moore whose daugh-ter Miss Irene Moore the Misses Shaware visiting Besides the Misses Shawand Miss Moore there were present Miss

of England the Mimes PilsonWigmore U S A Mn Penman

Mr Frank Hyatt and Mr George OakTotten

Miss Kfoanore Terry daughter of RearAdmiral Terry was hostess at a lunch-eon at the Alibi Club yesterday tINparty being chaperoned by Mrs RichardHarlow and Mrs P Lee Pumps

Miss Catherine WheaUey of this cityand Mr Richard Pretlow Worrall abroker of New York were married yes-terday at noon at the Shorehan HotelTIle ceremonr was performed In the pri-

vate parlors of the hotel by the RevUlysses G B Pierce of all Souls Church-A breakfast followed the ceremony atwhich were present Miss Alice QibbsJonas Miss Marion Brandt Miss HelenG Sydenhauer Miss Catherine BulkleyMis Anna G Wheatley Mr John Barrett Mr Jackson Elliott Mr RobertBulkley Mr Barry Bulkley and MrMaucklln Kevin of this city CountessX V Faverny of Paris Miss Marie Valleau and Miss Elizabeth Meam of NewYork

Mrs W H Raaley will be at hometills afternoon

Mrs J Kakht Oadefoy wttt he at hometomorrow afternoon and wfil have withher Miss Bradford of Beiair Md whois her guest

Mrs Victor H Wallace wilt be at homefor the teat time this season on Satur-day January 25 from 3 until I oclockat the Mariborough

Mrs William W White lid Q streetwin be at home Wednesday She willhave with her Mrs Oscar Woodward ofMount Clair N J

Mrs Gaines wife of Representative Jo-seph Holt Gaines of West Virginia ow-

ing to Illness will not observe any daysat home this season nor will she be ableto make any calls during the winter

Representative and Mrs M E Oimsted are receiving congratulations uponthe birth of a son

Mrs Mortimer H Acheson of theCumberland entertained at a luncheonand euchre at her apartment yesterdayafternoon A combination of Richmondroses and white axaleas formed the dec-

orations for the wellappointed tables









rrnl lVlieii hey


















Following the Iwtehoea eleven smalltables of wrt made p PrIzesof cut glass and gold were played forAmong those present were Miss FloraKing Mrs Charles Pepper Mrs Don

Mrs Fred Parka Mrs Vandegrift Mrs P V De Craw Irr CarterKeene Mrs George Gardner Mrs JohnShoemaker Mrs George Hoover Mrs SB Jones Mrs Irwin Miss George MrsRoy Kenny Mrs Oscar Ktcketts MrsEdward Eynon Mrs Will Mahoney MrsGeorge Warrtngton Mrs America Vippone Mrs William Shatter Mrs CharlesDemonet Mrs Lee MrsO P Varnell Mrs Vernon Mrs LeeSimmons Miss Nina CaUlwell MrsCharles Bates Mrs DobMns Miss Jorgesson Mrs Gordan Hill Mrs HenrySohon Mrs Johan Kondrup Mrs Tuleyand Miss Tuley Mrs Samer Mrs HenryC Bruning Mrs Chesterfield Mrs Mal-colm Varnell Mrs Bow Mrs Treanorand Mrs Edward Benton

Mrs Stuart Patterson of New Yorkis visiting her parents eel and MrsArchibald Hopkins

Miss Kate My r whose house Is leasedto Representative McKMar lion arrivedat Florence

The third grand ball of the BureauBowling Club place eveningat Masonic Temple Daneta will beginat 8 M oclock The music will be fur-nished by a section of the Greater Wash-ington Band under tile direction of MrJohn B BoveHo

Miss Mary Hearley of US Fairmontavenue Pittaburg Pa is the guest ofher friend Miss Mary C Hood of Mutrkirk Md She will receive friends atHood Inn jCnlrtcirtc Md

The first of two hops by the Fortyseventh Company of the Coast ArtilleryCorps at Fort Hunt will be given tomorrow evening The music will be by

orchestra A special train overthe Mount Vernon line will leave Twelfthstreet and the Avenue at 730 in theevening and Alexandria at 8 oclock


Will Tent and Examine Weight antiFiiieiiexx of COlliN In 311iitH

The commission appointed annually toteat and examine the weight and finenessof coins reserved at the several mintsduring the previous calendar year wasnamed by the President yesterday for theyear 1M7

The members of the commission areSenator Henry M Teller of ColoradoRepresentative William B McKInley ofIllinois George E Roberts of ChicagoRepresentative William A Ashbrook ofOhio Charles J Russet Burlington VtLeverett Mean Williams College MassC C Harrison University of Pennsyl-vania Charles B Rogers Utica N YJ W Campbell Fort Dodge Iowa L SKerfpot Seattle Gardiner WilliamsWashington D C John L McNeilDurango Colo E W Harde ChicagoThomas Burns San Francisco DumontClarke New York Pearl Wight NewOrleans and Frank Simian ColumbusOhio


Army OrdersCaatnet Bargeon HERBERT W YKMAXS tree

Phlttn iiie to Sin FranciscoCBJ Ht KERT WIGMORK Cotes of End

earn to Bataan rust nina IaflkVtaCbL JOHX C MfHLKXKKKG iiristint ns aas

tar pcnml found nxapacaatcd is retiredIt PATWCK MOLOHAJf CaaatMir D Firstftattajfaa erf Kaciowrs plaesd oa rained Hat

Prffate KKUBJtX H KICK Troop a fytscataCaralry fan Ocnml Hospital WasMesjioa Betracto to rt Etbaa Allen

Go WILLIAM R SIPPLE CgaBpiaj I OrreataIntantrr Fat D A KnssaD Bsehatfedtin

Priiate Fint Class FKAXK TAYLOR IfaapnalCorps Leafnnrorth duefaaigBd fraaa theGay

Pritata nED O HUTCHINSON Ktftc otapaay Coast ArdDerjr Corp who deserted Oetoter H cMT caUstod ia TibsaOaa rf the tttarta-artM of war Decaadwr 14 BMT aid aptwlauded Dtissahir 9 UW at Fort IVfceas-waSe senrfaa a a private FVtoeath CosapaayCoat Artilkry Corpa wider aaaw CMABLESC HARRIS dttcfcarped without boaor theansi tv raaajaiidinf odkcr Fort Baraaeas byMason of desertion and fmndnlent mnstmrnt

Pail Qoartonaaatef Serge WILLIAM UK AM-sTTKOT row at Am Fraurisco to Fort Many

Firoaaa ROBBRT D SPAXDAU Ccaat ArtflkrjrCorps tier Fort Warren to Fort MeKialey

Private SAM SCHWARTZ HtbM iDfaatrjr diadiaiied without koaor fMM

army by oosBaaandtec oMcar Madison Baract on aacoant of iatprimrjawni sister aeatsdoe of a rirU court

Private PInt Class ABEL O AXDBKSOK lloa-latal IiI froai Mcramnt ststJaa OMshssaata Port Laaveawortk-

Bcensk FNAXK BKU4ONT Gnat Artfflnr Corprccnat depot Fort Stoosa traaaf iml to Joa-Bttal Corp aa private to Geaaaal MospiUl

C Hospital Carps

CoaauaoVr W II WEBB redna oetufctti MI-yud League Island honeCoaansnder J L PUBCELL to BUT yard LtatwIsbad-Lfcut Quasi in A A PRATT to amilag sUtioa 8an FtMckK-OUrat A P FAIRFIELD addttteaal date as cap

taM Naval Academy rin team for amUnit L JOHNSON addntoaal daqr as esp

taJa navy rite tram for MK-Kariw P V McNAIK to fraJrieSUTJJOO H B FlITS to navy recruiting stationIndiampoUaPined Assfaunt Surgeon R JC aetadied

Xaval Academy to Cobnaoia HavanaPined Aariatant J U IDKN detached

Cape CrmvCaaOda aarvor expednion Manraniila eoataraa or r datiea-

Assartaat Svrssjon L H WHKELSR dftadwri-Nemttinf Indtanapons to Washiacfam

for proaaatina then wait orderAaastaat SoraMsi A H ALLEN detached marine

detafBaarnt at lAjaa to Caps CraaCasilda satm txpedjtiom MaaaaoulaAssistant Oorgtoas I M SCHMIDT ant K G

MVCKBKWB MId AtsJataat Sargeon LC WIIITIBIDI appointed

Ovaaer I WILBUR to m l liiihaaai SlutFraadfeo

Mar Adadnd F Coartia ifOnat dfed at Washbows Jaaaary

MOVEMENTS OF VBSSBLSTa ffltawriaa naynuns o Teaals tame bars nptrtod to tile DnJag of Navigation

ArmedJanuary H Viualobes atCalifornia at San Francisco

Sailed Jannary J Yorktown and Justin fromMite Island for Macdalena Itay Janoanr 38Des Motors from Boston for Nevr York

Only ten cents a week delivered atyour daily issues of TheWashington Herald Phone Main 3300


Stubble eld

will tQe

Pad tt





foe with 01n Orders









eo hrs






Waabot Esna day




cram I










At These Extra Special Prices For One Week OnlyThe success of this offer has been so great that weve decided to continuethese sptfial prices for another week

Ladies DressesFancy or Plain cleaned

Ladies Waiststhese special prices or Plain cleaned

j to Herald readers Ladies Skirts 7presenting this cou Plain cleaned

coupon must Gentlemen Suits 125Gentlemens Fancy Vests

ONLY WEEK JAN 20th to 25th Gentlemen Suits SOCSponged and Pressed

GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVEREDPhone 5028and Our Wagon Will Call


718 13th Street N W

Genuine French Dry Cleaning

2 0001 0 fi0 75cFancy

cFancy or0 pan1 presented to get

discount GOODleaned









Nickel Copper and Silver

All the New Designs275 to 30

ATthis season the Chaf-ing Dish be prop-erly classed among the

indispensable articles thehousehold equipment-

If purchased here a gooddish need cost but little Ourstock offers the broadest possible variety of Chafing Dishesin nickel copper and silverThe most elegant as well asthe inexpensive dishes in allthe newest designs Pricesrange from 275 to 30

vSpecial ValueI-

n Nickel Dishes fittedwith Improved Perfection lamp

or food panebony handle H veryexceptional value Jwj UUat t

Also a complete stock rfNewest Chafing Dish Acc s

Dulin Martin CoPettsry Pweslalt Cilia Sla afar c

1215 F St and 121418 G St

813 14th St N WLadies Tailor and Importer

Advance Showing ofSpring Fashions in

Ladies SuitingsLipshutz style is very much

in evidence that indefinablesomething that makes hiswork distinctive

Broadcloth of the Snort qualityfauUteavly tailored and finishedat an VeRge aavlag of 30 To yourmeasure from

Fancy Worsteds in nIt of thnew spring weaves at special IK-

tweenseaiton prices A substan-tial saving on rttevery oneFrom



Your Needsi-n the line of STORM

CLOTHING and FOOT-WEAR can be most satisfactorily supplied at the RubberStore

Stocks are invariably com-

plete in all in-

variably THE LOWEST forthe best

Policemen mull carriers c inparticular arc iavitecl to examinethese goods We meaties

Others Jackets S2 p R M rBMf-

Rebkif Czpei S3N kin sueRrtier Cuts S358 HP gvbtaRita Cojfj 153 J 250

We employ the best skill in

t the craft and maintain thebestsection

paper are correct J-

v quality Thework is best


t F and 12th Sts tc-

xacdy suited to your require-

ments will be the task of but amoment here Finest French andEnglish Brushes withmedium and stiffbristles 25c to 50c

s Thompson PharmacyFrank C Henry Prop 703 ISti



13th and 6 Sts N W mmm

The Largest Morning Circulation






fl50 Up

45 U p-








M Lindsay CoEstabIllkd 807 Pa Ave Tefholl-J Yurs Maim 137-


equipped plant in thist-

Our and-o


Selecting a I

Tooth Brush




wit IL








v kin











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