Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore [email protected] http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~matwml

Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

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Page 1: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture

University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA

September 23, 2010

Wayne Lawton

Department of Mathematics

National University of [email protected]


Page 2: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Frames and Riesz Sets



.: HZkfS k

Consider a complex Hilbert space

;,|||||,||||| 22

222 Hggfgg kZk


Zj jj babaZH

.)(,|||||||||||| 222


22 Zccfcc

Zk kk

Definition S is a frame ; Riesz set if




dxxhxfhfRLH )()(,),(2

1 give Parseval frames =http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POVM ;give orthonormal sets.

Page 3: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Relation to Kadison-Singer[KS59, Lem 5] A pure state on a max. s. adj. abelian subalgebra

iff uniquely extends to))(( 2 ZB Ais pavable. No for

[CA05] Feichtinger’s Conjecture Every frame (with norms of its elements bounded below) is a finite union of Riesz sets.

[KS59] R. Kadison and I. Singer, Extensions of pure states, AJM, 81(1959), 547-564.

[CA05] P. G. Casazza, O. Christiansen, A. Lindner and R. Vershynin, Frames and the Feichtinger conjecture, PAMS, (4)133(2005), 1025-1033.

B))(( 2 ZBB ).(ZAopen for]),1,0([LA

[CA06a, Thm 4.2] Yes answer to KSP equiv. to FC.

[CA06a] P. G. Casazza and J. Tremain, The Kadison-Singer problem in mathematics and engineering, PNAS, (7) 103 (2006), 2032-2039.

[CA06b] Multitude of equivalences.

[CA06b] P. G. Casazza, M. Fickus, J. Tremain, and E. Weber, The Kadison-Singer problem in mathematics and engineering, Contemp. Mat., 414, AMS, Providence, RI, 2006, pp. 299-355.

Page 4: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

F.C. for Frames of Translates

)(},:)()({ 2 RLfZkkxfxfS k


xx xxf



sin)1,0[ 0.4sinc,,sinc,

give OSxsinc,)1,0[ f

give frames

but only

ZjFFFFZ j 3,321 However

}:)({ )3,0[ jFkkx are OS

}:)k-(x0.4sinc{ jFk are RS

Page 5: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Fourier Tricks for the Upper Frame Bound222 |)(ˆ)(ˆ||)()(||,|

Zk Ry

kZk Rx





222 |)(ˆ)(ˆ||)(ˆ)(ˆ|

Zk u


ZjZk Ry

iky duejufjugdyexfyg

dujufjugu Zj





h juhjuhu )(ˆ)(ˆ)(

||||||||||||||||)( min





g gduu

duuu fg



where the Grammian

Page 6: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Fourier Tricks for the Riesz Boundsduuucdyyfycfc fuRyZk kk )(|)(ˆ||)(ˆ||)(ˆ||||| 2




kkZk k eueecc 2)(,ˆ therefore


kf is a Riesz set if and only if

for almost all ]1,0[u

1sinc,)1,0[ fxf 2

210)3,0[ || eeef f

]1,8.0[]2.0,0[]2.0,2.0[0.4sinc fxf

Page 7: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Translations by Arithmetic Sequencesduuudfc n

funZjk kk )(|)(ˆ||||| 2



where )()(;1

1 n

nfnnfnkjk uucd



nZjkfk : is a Riesz set if and only if

for almost all ]1,0[u

H. Halpern, V. Kaftal, and G. Weiss,The relative Dixmier property in discrete crossed products, J. Funct. Anal. 69 (1986), 121-140. Matrix pavings and Laurent operators, J. Operator Theory 16#2(1986), 355-374.

HKW86 If kff is Riemann integrable then

satisfies Feichtinger’s conjecture with each RS of the form nZjkfk : and approx. orthogonal.

[CA01] P. G. Casazza, O. Christiansen, and N. Kalton, Frames of translates, Collect. Math., 52(2001), 35-54.

CCK01 Fails if Bf with B a Cantor set.

Page 8: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Feichtinger’s Conjecture for Exponentials

).(,|||||)(| 22 FPffdttfBt

is a Riesz Pair if

such that

),(,),( FBZFTBorelB 0




j j B satisfies FCE if

FCE : Every B satisfies FCE or equivalently

every Cantor set B satisfies FCE.

FCE FC for frames of translates.

Page 9: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Quadratic Optimization)(,)(ˆ)(ˆ)(ˆ|)(|


2 FPfkfjkjfdttfFkj



).(,|||||)(| 22 FPffdttfBt

the maximum 0 that satisfies

)][(specmin FF RBR where

FR is the restriction ).()(: 22 FZRF and

])(ˆ[),]([ jkkjB B ))((][ 2 ZBB


is the Toeplitz matrix

has a bounded inverse.

..),( PRFB iff

))((][ 2 FBRBR FF

Page 10: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics


W. Lawton, Minimal sequences and the Kadison-Singer problem, http://arxiv.org/find/grp_math/1/au:+Lawton_W/0/1/0/all/0/1, November 30, 2009.

Bulletin Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) 33 (2), (2010) 169-176.

(L,Lemma 1.1) ),( FB

}:{ Fkek

is a Riesz pair

is a Riesz basis for ),(2 BL

}\:{ FZkek is a frame for ),\]1,0([2 BL

hBh \]1,0[)ˆ(supp can be ‘robustly

reconstructed from samples . }\:)({ FZkkh

Page 11: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Lower and Upper Beurling

Properties of Integer Sets

|),(|minlim)( 1 kaaFFDRakk

and Separation

|),(|maxlim)( 1 kaaFFDRakk

Lower and Upper Asymptotic

|),(|mininflim)( 21 kkFFd


|),(|minsuplim)( 21 kkFFd


||min)( 2121



Page 12: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Characterizing Riesz Pairs

[MV74] Corollary 2 ..),())(/1,( PRFBBFaa

[MV74] H. L. Montgomery and R. C. Vaughan, Hilbert's inequality, J. London Math. Soc., (2) 8 (1974), 73-82.

[BT87,SS09] Res. Inv. Thm. ..),(and 0)( PRFBFdF

[BT87] J. Bourgain and L. Tzafriri, Invertibility of "large" submatrices with applications to the geometry of Banach spaces and harmonic analysis, Israel J. Mathematics, (2) 57 (1987),137-224.

[BT91] Theorem 4.1

|||)(ˆ|),1,0( 2 kkZk


B satisfies FCE (e.g by removing open intervals with exp. decr. lengths)

[LT91] J. Bourgain and L. Tzafriri, On a problem of Kadison and Singer, J. reine angew. Math., {\bf 420}(1991),1-43.

[SS09] D. A. Spielman and N. Srivastava, An elementary proof of the restricted invertibility theorem, arXiv:0911.1114v1 [math.FA] 5 Nov 2009.

[LA09] Corollary 1.1 )(meas)(..),( BFDPRFB

[BT91] M. Ledoux and M. Talagrand, Probability in Banach Spaces, 15.4 Invertibility of Submatrices, pp. 434-437. Springer, Heidelberg, 1991.

Page 13: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Syndetic Sets and FCE

is syndetic if

W. Lawton, Minimal sequences and the Kadison-Singer problem, http://arxiv.org/find/grp_math/1/au:+Lawton_W/0/1/0/all/0/1, November 30, 2009.

Bulletin Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) 33 (2), (2010) 169-176.

Theorem (L,Paulsen) ]1,0[B

),( FB

Verne Paulsen, Syndetic sets, paving, and the Feichtinger conjecture, http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.4510 January 25, 2010.

V. I. Pausen, A dynamical systems approach to the Kadison-Singer problem, Journal of Functional Analysis 255 (2008), 120-132.

satisfies FCE

if and only if there exists a syndetic

ZF 0L .1,...,2,1,0 ZLF

ZF such that is a Riesz pair.

Page 14: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Research Problem 1.The Cantor set

]),(),(),[(\],[ 7223







21 B

)()(limweak 21





11 nn xxxxn


constructed like Cantor’s ternary set but whose lengths of deleted open intervals are halved, so

where 2),32(, 121


1 nyy nnn


121 )2cos()(ˆ

j jB ykk and

|||)(ˆ|),1,0( 2 kkZk

B Riesz pair ),( FB

with syndetic .ZF COMPUTE IT !

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Page 18: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics


Zk j


k wcwwcwL )()(

CZRTf /:



iktkecteLtf 2

1 )()(







CCf }0{\:

Page 19: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Spectral Envelopes

)()( FSTM

)(, FPZFcompact and convex. Extreme points are

set of trigonometric

polynomials f whose frequencies are in F.


kcdttff 21


22 |||)(|||||

.1||||),(:||closureweak 2 fFPff

(Banach-Alaoglu) The set if probability measures

)()( TCTM with the weak*-topology is.t

spectral envelope of F

Page 20: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Symbolic DynamicsThere is a bijection between integer subsets and points in the

ZFFZ }1,0{

has the product topology and the shift homeomorphism

Bebutov (symbolic) dynamical system

M. V. Bebutov, On dynamical systems in the space of continuous functions, Bull. Mos. Gos. Univ. Mat. 2 (1940).

.,),1())(( Zkbkbkb Orbit closures are closed shift invariant subsets


}.:{closure)( ZkbbO k A point b is recurrent if for every open bU there exists a nonzero Zk with .Ubk

Page 21: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Research Problem 2.

Theorem If

is recurrent thenTheorem If

Proof Follows from the Riemann-Lebesque lemma.

)( FG O is convex.

then ).()( FSGS

F )(FSFurthermore, if F is nonempty then F is infinite and the set

)(FSe of extreme points consists of limits of squared moduli of

polynomials whose coefficients converge uniformly to zero.

What is )(FS and how is it related to the dynamical and

ergodic properties of the shift dynamical system

?)( FO

Page 22: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Sample Result for RP 2.

Theorem. Let be a shift invariantergodic measure on ),( FOX and

),(2 XLH

).0()(, bbfHf Then the positive

ffkpRZp k ,)(,: definite function

is the Fourier transform of ).(FS

Example If CZF }1,0{:is wide sense stationary then

).(|])),1[((#|lim 2





Page 23: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Spectral Envelopes

]),([ NMSg}:{],[ NkMZkNMF integer interval



01)(,0,]),([ dttggMNNMPg

Corollary )()(]),0([ TMZSS Proof First observe that for

every 1N the

Fejer kernel ]),0([|)1(| 2





hence )(0 TMK weakN

so for )(TM.

weakNN Kg

satisfies TtttNNtKN ),2/sin(/)2/)1sin(()1()( 1

Also ]),,([ NNPgN


0NSgdttgg NNN


Page 24: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Spectral Envelopes

Corollary ]),([ NMS is convex.

Lemma ]),([ NMSg e


Choquet Every








2 |)(2||)()||1(| 21


)||1/(||2,1||,|| 22 re is

]),([ NMSgrepresented by a measure on the extreme points.



.)(roots Tg

Page 25: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Syndetic Sets and Minimal Sequences

b is a minimal sequence if

is a minimal closed shift-invariant set.

[GH55] W. H. Gottschalk and G. A. Hedlund, Topological Dynamics, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I., 1955.

[G46] W. H. Gottschalk, Almost periodic points with respect to transformation semigroups, Annals of Mathematics, 47 (1946), 762-766.

nFFZ 1


[G46] b is a minimal sequence iff for every open bU the set }:{ UbZk k is syndetic.

[F81] Theorem 1.23 If then some



contains minimal sequence piecewise syndetic.0b

[F81] H. Furstenberg, Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1981.

Page 26: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Thue-Morse Minimal Sequence 010110011010011010010110 = b 101 bbb

The Thue–Morse sequence was first studied by Eugene Prouhet in 1851, who applied it to number theory. However, Prouhet did not mention the sequence explicitly; this was left to Axel Thue in 1906, who used it to found the study of combinatorics on words. The sequence was only brought to worldwide attention with the work of Marston Morse in 1921, when he applied it to differential geometry. The sequence has been discovered independently many times, not always by professional research mathematicians; for example, Max Euwe, a chess grandmaster and mathematics teacher, discovered it in 1929 in an application to chess: by using its cube-free property (see above), he showed how to circumvent a rule aimed at preventing infinitely protracted games by declaring repetition of moves a draw.


isconstructed for 0n1. through substitutions 001,110

2. through concatenations 00|1 0|1|10 0|1|10|1001

3. 2mod ofexpansion 2 base in the s1' of # nbn 4. solution of Tower of Hanoi puzzle http://www.jstor.org/pss/2974693

,F ,...}7,4,2,1,2,3,5,8{..., F

Page 27: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Thue-Morse Spectral Measure


121 )(limweak)(








041 )2(sin2limweak





S. Kakutani, Strictly ergodic symbolic dynamical systems. In Proc. 6th Berkeley Symp. On Math. Stat. and Prob., eds. Le Cam L. M., Neyman J. and Scott E. El., UC Press, 1972, pp. 319-326.

can be represented using a Riesz product

[KA72] 2nd term is purely singular continuous with dense support.

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Thue-Morse Spectral Measure

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1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16 19 21 22 25 26 28 31 32 35 37 38 41 42 44 47 49 50 52 55 56 59 61 62

Morse F=

Page 31: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Bohr Minimal Sets and Sequences

Let and define

and let

QR \ ZZ :

,,|)(| 21 Zkkk

),0( 41 and define the Bohr set

}.|)(|:{ kkZkB

Theorem B is a minimal sequence and

and )ˆ(supp)( BBBS Zk

kkk ))(,()(ˆ

is positive definite on .2Z

Page 32: Spectral Envelopes, Riesz Pairs, and Feichtinger’s Conjecture University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA September 23, 2010 Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics

Research Problem 3.

Group Theory Z discrete group D, T extreme pos. def. functions on D that = 1 at identity, or T compact group G and Z matrix entries of irred. representations of G.
