To, No.F. 1-1 /2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education) The Candidate < refer list appended> External Scholarship Division, 2"d Floor, Wing 6, West Block-1, R.K.Puram, Delhi -110066 the 21st March, 2012 Subject: Korean Government Scholarship 2012 for Master's! Doctoral Programme m Korean Language & Literature Sir/ Madam, With reference to your application on the subject mentioned above, you are hereby requested to appear for an interview before the Selection Committee on the 26th March, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. in External Scholarship Division, 2"d Floor, Wing 6, West Block-] , R. K. Puram, Delhi - 110066 (in front of Sewa Bhawan Gate No. 2 ; within 1 km from Hotel Hyatt Regency) . 2. To appear in interview please bring the following papers/documents; application duly filled-in, complete in all respects. i) All Original Certificate/Degrees including Experience Certificate fo r verification. ii) Three sets of photocopies of each relevant document in support of age, educational qualification and experience etc; duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. iii) Three-passport size Photographs pasted on the enclosed application form (in triplicate). [Guideline may be downloaded from the web- link: http://www.rcsc.gov. bt/tmpfolder/20 12%20Korean%20Scholarshi p.pdf ] iv) No Objection Certificate from your employer, if employed. v) Bring your Journey Tickets (original ticket of inward-journey and photo-copy of ticket for outward-journey) for TA Claim. 3. Outstation candidates will be paid second class sleeper Mail/Express train fare (and/or lower class bus fare where rail facilities are not available) by the shortest route from their place of duty/ residence/ study in India to Delhi/ New-Delhi and back. TA claim form (enclosed) may please be completed and handed over to concerned before the interview. Keep in view (while arranging return journey ticket) that the interview may continue till evening. 4. It must be clearly understood that the date/time of your interview is fixed and cannot under any circumstances be altered. You are therefore advised to take all precautions to arrive in time. 5. Kindly also bring- - attested English version of degrees/ certificates which are in language other than English. -copies of letters/e-mails exchanged with universities/supervisors in Republic of Korea. -hard copy of your application (if application was sent on-line) with project/ proposal of study/ research to be undertaken in Republic of Korea (at least 500 words). Enclosure: as above Yours faithfully, (Jyoti Prakash Agarwal) Assistant Educational Adviser (Technical) Tete. No. 26172492/ 26172917

SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

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Page 1: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)


No.F. 1-1 /2012-ES.3 Government of India


Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

The Candidate < refer list appended>

External Scholarship Division, 2"d Floor, Wing 6,

West Block-1, R.K.Puram, Delhi -110066 the 21st March, 2012

Subject: Korean Government Scholarship 2012 for Master's! Doctoral Programme m Korean Language & Literature

Sir/ Madam,

With reference to your application on the subject mentioned above, you are hereby requested to appear for an interview before the Selection Committee on the 26th March, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. in External Scholarship Division, 2"d Floor, Wing 6, West Block-] , R. K. Puram, Delhi - 110066 (in front of Sewa Bhawan Gate No. 2 ; within 1 km from Hotel Hyatt Regency) .

2. To appear in interview please bring the following papers/documents; appl ication duly filled-in, complete in all respects.

i) All Original Certificate/Degrees including Experience Certificate for verification. ii) Three sets of photocopies of each relevant document in support of age, educational

qualification and experience etc; duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. iii) Three-passport size Photographs pasted on the enclosed application form (in tripl icate).

[Guideline may be downloaded from the web- link: http:/ /www.rcsc.gov. bt/tmpfolder/20 12%20Korean%20Scholarshi p.pdf ]

iv) No Objection Certificate from your employer, if employed. v) Bring your Journey Tickets (original ticket of inward-journey and photo-copy of ticket

for outward-journey) for TA Claim.

3. Outstation candidates will be paid second class sleeper Mail/Express train fare (and/or lower class bus fare where rail facilities are not available) by the shortest route from their place of duty/ residence/ study in India to Delhi/ New-Delhi and back. TA claim form (enclosed) may please be completed and handed over to concerned before the interview. Keep in view (while arranging return journey ticket) that the interview may continue till evening.

4. It must be clearly understood that the date/time of your interview is fixed and cannot under any circumstances be altered. You are therefore advised to take all precautions to arrive in time.

5. Kindly also bring-- attested English version of degrees/ certificates which are in language other than English. -copies of letters/e-mails exchanged with universities/supervisors in Republic of Korea. -hard copy of your application (if application was sent on-line) with project/ proposal of study/

research to be undertaken in Republic of Korea (at least 500 words).

Enclosure: as above

Yours faithfully,

~ (Jyoti Prakash Agarwal)

Assistant Educational Adviser (Technical) Tete. No. 26172492/ 26172917

Page 2: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Sl. No.











List of Candidates called for Interview of Korean Government Scholarship 2012

Address Date of E-Mail ID Birth

Ms. Sushma Phairembam, H. N.-178C, 3rd Floor,

07-01-1988 [email protected]

Room No 3, Old Gupta colony, New Delhi -110009

Ms. Saiyala Shimrah, 25-08-1985 aya.sh imrah @gmail.com 185, Ground floor, Old Gupta colony, New Delhi -110009

Mr. K S James Brilliantson, 03-01-1987 [email protected] Maika Ganj, Q 18, 1st Floor New Delhi-11 0007

Ms. Grace Anna Alex, * 02-02-1990 [email protected] Flat No. 28, Sector-1, Pkt 2, DDA SFS Flats Dwaraka, New Delhi-110075

Mr. Uday Shankar Prasad, 21-08-1991 [email protected] Room No 122, Narmada Hostal, JNU, New Delhi-11 0067 Mr. Ravi Shankar Choudhary, 20-11-1989 [email protected] Chandrabhaga Hostal, Room No-235, JNU New Campus, New Delhi - 110067 Mr. Samsam Kumar, 15-10-1990 [email protected] F 6, Basheer Hostal, EFL Universty, Hyderabad - 500605

Mr. Meisnam Rajeshwor Meitei, 14-02-1988 [email protected] A-156, 3rd Floor, Nehru Vihar, Delhi - 110054

Mr. D Y Senthil, 25-05-1976 [email protected] 185 A4, JKK Nataraja Nagar, Kumarapalayam- 638183 Nainakkai--Distt (T. N.) Mr. Langkhankhup Ngaihte, * 25-09-1987 [email protected] 103,Jhelum Hostal, JNU, New Delhi-11 0067

Page 3: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)


A:I~AI- ~I~M.ff ~I.3C.I A E

(Check List for Application Documents)

*Do not write in this area.

~~ Jl ~ (Institute of Recommendation)

~e!A:~(Confirmer) : e! (Signature)

I) Name of Applicant: ~(gi""'·_,_ve"'-'n'-!.1/'-'f""ir~s""-t n"""a~me!.!!:.e },__ _________ _.l(.=.!fa:!!nu~·lyJ.../L.:.l~a::!.st~nO!!a;!!m!.!oe::::..)t:..__ _______ _

2) Country :

3) Desired Degree Program : o Master's o Doctoral (*Please tick(-./) in the appropriate box.)

Application Documents Submission(Y/N)

Check List Yes No

1. Personal Data (Attachment #1)

2. Self Introduction (Attachment #2)

3. Study Plan (Attachment #3)

4. LetterofRecommendation (Attachment #4)

5. Pledge (Attachment #5)


7. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution

8. Transcripts & student records from undergraduate institution

9. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution

10. Transcripts & student records from graduate institution

11. Certificate of Korean Language Proficiency (original copy of TOPIK)

12. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS Score (original copy)

13. Published papers, if available

14. Awards, if available

15. Copy of passport

16. Certificate of Citizenship of the Applicant and His/Her Parents : birth certificate, passport, etc. (*only for overseas Korean immigrants)

17. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptees)

Page 4: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Attachment #1

(Only for Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via an Embassy of Korea)

Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP) Application Form for Graduate Study

*Please tick ('>I) a box that applies to you.

1. ~~JI ~ (Institute of Recommendation)

o (Embassy)

2. ~~ ~~ (Type of Recommendation)

o ~ tJ!~~(General) o (Korean Adoptee)

3. XI~ J!l-~ (Degree Course of Application)

o ~AfJlf~ (Master's) o ~AfJlf~ (Doctoral)

4. :2:121" Jll ~(Desired Field of Study)

o ~ § Af :2.1 Jll ~ (Humanities and Social Sciences)

o Xfe:! ~Q{Jll ~ (Natural Sciences and Technology)

o Oll Xjl ~ Jll ~ (Arts and Physical Education)

5. ~~Ole:!* e!~IA:f (TOPIKS~ 01~) ~~ :2:121" AIJI (Preferential Entrance Date- Only for TOPIK LevelS or 6 Holders)

o Sep 1, 2012 o Mar 1, 2013

~ ~ Af~ (Personal Data) Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections onlt b11 typinJ<.

~ ~ 01 ~(Given name) : ~(Family name) : o Male o Single (Full Name) (Photo 3*4)

f-:--::-:----:----:--::-:------:l:--:---:------:--:--L----.,...---..,--,--1 o Female o Married * Name should be spelled the same as in the passport and in English.

~\:::!~~ \::!(yyyy) ~(mm) ~(dd) (Date of Birth)

~Jf (Country)

Ol'3! (Passport)


(Date of Issue)

e! E;f X~ Address:

I .::;:>:>::1

(Citi;~hip) I

(Date of expiry)


(Emergency Address) 1-=--:-:---,----------=--::---------------1 Tel. ( ) E-mail:

~§~'21 ~§@gj(OII~)~lil oH~~Jfj~AI (Information (Name of previously (Country/ City)

concerning applicant's r::a:.:.tt:.::en:.:.d::..:e=d..,;:U:,:;n:;;iv..:.J..)'----+------------+----=-=----L---,-------__J most recent education) £)- -"fl ~ ~

(Academic Degree o Bachelor o Master (Academic Major) recently awarded) ~ ~ ~ -"fl i= §Xi I~

(Title of graduation dissertation, if


Page 5: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Oi <Sf!= 2;1 --.=--, ~Oi~~ TOEFL IELTS Korean Language Level: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 (Language (English Score : Proficiency Score:

Proficiency) Proficiency) (only TOPIK) Published papers, if

available( one or two)

Awards, if available (one or two)

A:l~t.!~ 01~ 01"'f~ <5f 1:1 ~ £!-Jlf~ ~~ --,= --,-,= (Applying University) (Name of Univ.) (Faculty) (Department) (Academic Major)

University 1

University 2


8f2;1 JIZ! ~.lll~ iiH ~;:: Jf ~~~OF ~~£!-~1 --,-,

(Academic (Period) (Name of Univ .) (Country) (Academic Major) (Diploma or Career) Degree)


.ki ::<a School 1•1 year 2nd year 3rd year 41hyear 5th year ~2 ~H~* =-, (Transc Year ~ ~ (GPA) (converted

ripts) Term 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 score)

/100 (only terms

Bache- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I attended) or

Master I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

~~ ~g e!.lJ~~ Jl 2! Jl ~ ~ iSl ~ CfCf()jCJ 0 0 1::::1"1

(Occupation or (Period) (Institution or (Position) (Operation or Duty) Research Career) company)


-~~s*Oil A:I~JI~~ 'AI~ 5 Q!l (Amount) *OiiJIZ!

(Sponsorship) (Sponsor) (US$ I year) (Period)

( I ) -( I ) -

\::!(yyyy) ~(mm) ~(dd)

Applicant's Name : (signature)

* GPA(Grade Pomt Average) must be converted on a max1mum scale of 100 pomts (converted pomts) *See Attachment .#7 *Fill out both the records of Bachelor's & Master's in the case of those applying for Doctoral programs

Page 6: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Attachment #2

J;J Jl ±JH (Self Introduction) *Please tuve or vrint clearlu within 1 vaQe usin<z black ink. (in Korean or in Ens!lish) (*10 points)

o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc o Your education and work experience, etc., in relation to the KGSP program o Your motivations for applying for this program o Reason for study in Korea

Page 7: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Attachment #3 ~gjJll~ (Study Plan)

*Please htpe or print clearll{ within 1 page using black ink. (*10 points)

Goal of study & I o Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study plan Study Plan

Future Plan I o Future plan in Korea or another countn; after study in Korea after Study

Page 8: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Attachment #4

Letter of Recommendation

To the applicant: Please fill in your name and the other required information below. In turn, deliver or email this form to the person who will

write this letter. NOTE : Request your recommender to seal his or her letter of recommendation in an official envelope and sign across the

back flap upon completion. Recommendation letters that are not sealed and signed will not be accepted.


Name of Applicant: .~..~(gi~·v-'-'e'=!n'-'-'-'na,m=eJ.-) __________ -----J.(f"-"anu=·""-ly,_n"""a""m=e).L--------------

Nationality: -------------------------------------­

Desired Degree Program : o Master's o Doctoral

Desired Major :

To the recommender : The person named above has applied for the 'Korean Government Scholarship Program'. We ask for

your assistance, and would appreciate your frank and candid appraisal of the applicant.

*Please htpe or print clearl11 using black ink

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what relationship?

Please assess the applicant's qualities in the evaluation table given below. Rate the applicant compared to other classmates h I . th h I .th h . /h w 0 are were m esame sc oo:yearwi 1m er.

Classification Truly Excellent Very Good Good Below Exceptional Average N/A

Top2% Top 10% Top25% Middle 50% Lower25% Academic Achievement

Future Academic Potential

Integrity Responsibility /Independence

Creativity/ Originality Communication Skills

Interpersonal skills Leadership

2. What do you consider to be the applicant's strengths?

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3. What do you consider to be the applicant's weaknesses?

4. How well do you think the applicant has thought out plans for graduate study?

5. Please comment on the applicant's performance record, potential, or personal qualities which you believe

would be helpful in considering the applicant's application for the proposed degree program.

Recommender's Name ____________________________ Date ____ _

Recommender'sSignature ---------------------------------­

PositionorTitie: --------------------------------------

University (Institution):


(zip-code: Tel: ____________ _ Fax: ---------------

Please return this form sealed in an official envelope and signed across the back to the applicant. We greatly

appreciate your timeliness regarding this letter for your recommendee.

Page 10: SPEED POST  · 2018. 2. 27. · To, No.F. 1-1/2012-ES.3 Government of India SPEED POST Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Attachment #5

"Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Study"

Pledge ( Ai ~ Ai)

As an applicant for the 2012 "Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for

Graduate Study", I pledge to abide by the following rules:

(1) To refrain from violation of university regulations and to fulfill my obligations as a

student to the best of my ability.

(2) To behave in a manner appropriate to Korean culture and society, and not to participate

in any form of political activity (such as organizing a political party, joining a political

party, attending political meetings, publishing political articles and declarations,

organizing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so on).

(3) To accept responsibility for paying any debts incurred in Korea

(4) To agree with NIIED's decision concerning the graduate program and the Korean

language course.

(5) To abide by all terms and regulations set by NIIED.

(6) To permit NIIED to use my personal information for the KGSP.

If I am proved to have violated any of the above or to have made a false statement in my

application documents, I shall accept any resolution or penalty made by NIIED, even when

it may/ might result in suspension, revocation or withdrawal of my scholarship.

I was informed and fully understand that KGSP students are not permitted to transfer

schools for the entire duration of scholarship after confirming their host institution.

(yyyy). (rnm). (dd).

Applicant's Name: (signature)

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Attachment #6

PERSONAL MEDICAL ASSESSMENT Applicants are not required to undergo an authorized medical exam before passing the 2nd Selection with NIIED; however, all successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam after the 2nd Selection (including an HIV and TBPE drug test**) in accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to study and live overseas more than 3 years, he/she may be disqualified. **The TBPE (tetra bromophenol phthalein ethyl ester) drug tests are for evaluating past usage of stimulant drugs.

Gender: I I HEIGHT I em WEIGHT I kg

When and for what reason did you last consult a physician?

(Please explain in the adjacent space.)


<2) Have you ever had an infectious disease that posed a risk to

public health (such as, but not limited to, tuberculosis, HIV and

other STDs)?

@ 1. allergies?

2. high blood pressure? 3. diabetes?

4. any type of Hepatitis?

@ Have you ever suffered from or been treated for depression,

anxiety, or any other mental or mood disorder? (If you have received treatment, please explain and attach an official medical


® Have you ever been addicted to alcohol?

@ Have you ever abused any narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen or

other substance (whether legal or prohibited)?

(J) If necessary, are you prepared to undergo physical tests to verify the answers given in response to questions @ and (J) above?

® Have you been hospitalized in the last two (2) years?

® Have you had any serious injury, ailment or sickness in the last

five (5) years?

@ Do you have any visual or hearing impairments?

@ Do you have any physical disabilities?

@ Do you have any cognitive/mental disabilities?

@ Are you taking any prescribed medication?

@ Are you on a special diet?

@ On average, how many standard servings of alcohol do you consume each week?:

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Attachment #7 GP A Conversion Table

4.0 Scale 4.3 Scale 4.5 Scale 100 Points Scale

3.97-4.0 4.26-4.3 4.46-4.5 100

3.92-3.96 4.22-4.25 4.41-4.45 99

3.88-3.91 4.17-4.21 4.36-4.40 98

3.84-3.87 4.12-4.16 4.31-4.35 97

3.80-3.83 4.08-4.11 4.26-4.30 96

3.75-3.79 4.03-4.07 4.21-4.25 95

3.71-3.74 3.98-4.02 4.16 - 4.20 94

3.67-3.70 3.93-3.97 4.11 - 4.15 93

3.62-3.66 3.89-3.92 4.06-4.10 92

3.58-3.61 3.84-3.88 4.01-4.05 91

3.49-3.57 3.75-3.83 3.91-4.00 90

3.41-3.48 3.65-3.74 3.81 - 3.90 89

3.32-3.40 3.56-3.64 3.71-3.80 88

3.24-3.31 3.46-3.55 3.61-3.70 87

3.15-3.23 3.37-3.45 3.51-3.60 86

3.07-3.14 3.27-3.36 3.41-3.50 85

2.98-3.06 3.18-3.26 3.31-3.40 84

2.90-2.97 3.09-3.17 3.21-3.30 83

2.81-2.89 2.99-3.08 3.11-3.20 82

2.72-2.80 2.90-2.98 3.01-3.10 81

2.64-2.71 2.80-2.89 2.91-3.00 80