SPREEUFER BERLIN - AT THE BANKS OF THE RIVER SPREE THE SPACE BETWEEN PEOPLE ABSTRACT The ‚Spreeufer Berlin‘ start-up initiative introduces a concept for an urban develop- ment pilot project that pursues ambitious social, ecological and economic objectives, also in terms of sustainability. To be created is space for studios, neighbor- hood shops, clubs and bars, facilities for low-budget-based concepts, residences for the elderly, retreat for creative people, tem- porary and student housing, work and resi- dence for people with disabilities, education and training, youth work - the site of action for urban DIY. FAILED VISION „MEDIASPREE“: DENSE OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS, LITTLE FREE SPACE URBAN DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT HOT SPOTS FOR ENTERTAINMENT, NIGHTLIFE, GASTRONOMY AND TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN CONTRAST TO LARGE FALLOW SITES Köpenicker U U U S BRIDGE PLANNING AROUND THE RIVER SPREE The project is situated in a central river- side location in the middle of Berlin where an industrial area with port facilities had emerged in the 19th century. During the Cold War this section of the Spree marked the border between East and West, which mar- ginalized the properties along its banks. An urban scheme created after the turn of the millennium by the Berlin Senate promot- ed the area as a major office location. The following intense marketing efforts lead to no results so far. The reason for that must be seen in a land use planning that had envisioned a much too high demand which resulted in land speculation and a strong opposition from the general public which had been excluded from the planning process. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INDEX 2010 Senate Department for Urban Development Köpenicker BRIDGE THE DISTRICT OF FRIEDRICHSHAIN/KREUZBERG HAS THE FEWEST PUBLIC SPACES IN BERLIN. MOST OF THE RIVERSIDE IS CURRENTLY NOT YET PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE, AN UNINTERRUPTED PATH IS PLANNED THOUGH. LOOKING WEST TOWARDS THE CITY CENTER: TO DATE THE RIVER SPREE IS LINED WITH FALLOW LAND AND COMMERCIAL ZONES. CURRENT USE OF THE SITE: MOVING COMPANY, SUPERMARKET AND PARKING LOT, NO RIVERSIDE ACCESS LOCAL INTEGRATION THROUGH PARTICIPATION In 2008 the local population’s desire for having a say manifested itself in the suc- cessful referendum „Spreeufer für Alle“ (Spree banks for everyone), demanding a public strip of land along the riverside of up to 50 m in width, the eschewal of high-rises, and the reconstruction of the former „Brommybrücke“ bridge as a pedestrian-only crossing. These public demands constitute the basis for the proposed concept. VERY LOW LOW AVERAGE HIGH/VERY HIGH Independent Consultancy for Sustainable Building Robert Ostmann, Dipl.-Ing. für Architektur www.TheSpaceBetweenPeople.org - Zürich Seiler & Seiler - Urban Design and City Planning Roman Seiler, Raumplaner FHO (BSc) www.SeilerSeiler.com - Zürich The district of Kreuzberg is a community made up of residents from many nations, a creative scene and neighbourhood cul- ture, larger industrial businesses, as well as smaller service and media companies. The quarters directly adjoining to the north and west are a tourist attraction and entertain- ment districts. The urban space is to be upgraded by 2013 through an urban development programme of the Berlin Senate. A projected pedestrian bridge across the Spree as an extension of Brommystrasse establishes a connection to the tourist attraction East-Side-Gallery on the opposite bank. This contributes to the further revival of Köpenicker Strasse, which is already in progress from the eastern en- tertainment district around Schlesisches Tor. The follow land along the banks of the river Spree and elsewhere has promoted a varied culture of interim use, which contributes to Berlin‘s image as an international centre of culture and creativity. These are replaced in recent years by investments in highly priced residential projects though. As a consequence the inner city districts of Berlin see a growing spatial and social di- vide. Mono-functional use only serves spe- cial interests in most cases and threatens the urban qualities, particularly in a multi- faceted district like Kreuzberg.

Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree€¦ · Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree ... SenStadt I A 14 Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Referat I

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Page 1: Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree€¦ · Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree ... SenStadt I A 14 Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Referat I

Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree

The Space BeTween people


m 00080 600040002000





Amt für Statistik BB, SenIntArbSoz/

Kartografie: 12/2010, SenStadt I A 14Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung

Referat I A , Stadtentwicklungsplanung

sehr niedrig



hoch / sehr hoch

unbewohnte Fläche

Gebiete ohne Zuordnung (13)

Statistische Zusammenfassung von"Status-Index" und "Dynamik-Index"im Verhältnis 3:2

Soziale StadtentwicklungMonitoring


2010Soziale Stadtentwicklung

Grenze BezirkGrenze und Nummer Planungsraum01011401

res urbana GmbH

auf Ebene der Planungsräume (LOR)

Berechnungen SenGesUmV

aBSTracTThe ‚Spreeufer Berlin‘ start-up initiative introduces a concept for an urban develop-ment pilot project that pursues ambitious social, ecological and economic objectives, also in terms of sustainability. To be created is space for studios, neighbor-hood shops, clubs and bars, facilities for low-budget-based concepts, residences for the elderly, retreat for creative people, tem-porary and student housing, work and resi-dence for people with disabilities, education and training, youth work - the site of action for urban DIY.

Fa i l e d v i S i o n „ M e d i a S p r e e “ : d e n S e o F F i c e d e v e l o p M e n T S , l i T T l e F r e e S pa c e

UrBan developMenT conTexT

h o T S p o T S F o r e n T e r Ta i n M e n T, n i g h T l i F e , g a S T r o n o M y a n d T o U r i S T aT T r a c T i o n S i n c o n T r a S T T o l a r g e F a l l o w S i T e S








planning aroUnd The river SpreeThe project is situated in a central river-side location in the middle of Berlin where an industrial area with port facilities had emerged in the 19th century. During the Cold War this section of the Spree marked the border between East and West, which mar-ginalized the properties along its banks. An urban scheme created after the turn of the millennium by the Berlin Senate promot-

ed the area as a major office location.The following intense marketing efforts lead to no results so far. The reason for that must be seen in a land use planning that had envisioned a much too high demand which resulted in land speculation and a strong opposition from the general public which had been excluded from the planning process.

Social developMenT index 2010Senate Department for Urban Development




T h e d i S T r i c T o F F r i e d r i c h S h a i n / K r e U z B e r g h a S T h e F e w e S T p U B l i c S pa c e S i n B e r l i n . M o S T o F T h e r i v e r S i d e i S c U r r e n T ly n o T y e T p U B l i c ly a c c e S S i B l e , a n U n i n T e r r U p T e d paT h i S p l a n n e d T h o U g h .

l o o K i n g w e S T T o w a r d S T h e c i T y c e n T e r : T o d aT e T h e r i v e r S p r e e i S l i n e d w i T h Fa l l o w l a n d a n d c o M M e r c i a l z o n e S .

c U r r e n T U S e o F T h e S i T e : M o v i n g c o M pa n y, S U p e r M a r K e T a n d pa r K i n g l o T, n o r i v e r S i d e a c c e S S

local inTegraTion ThroUgh parTicipaTionIn 2008 the local population’s desire for having a say manifested itself in the suc-cessful referendum „Spreeufer für Alle“ (Spree banks for everyone), demanding a public strip of land along the riverside of up to 50 m in width, the eschewal of

high-rises, and the reconstruction of the former „Brommybrücke“ bridge as a pedestrian-only crossing.These public demands constitute the basis for the proposed concept.

very low



high/very high

independent consultancy for Sustainable BuildingRobert Ostmann, Dipl.-Ing. für Architekturwww.TheSpaceBetweenPeople.org - Zürich

Seiler & Seiler - Urban design and city planningRoman Seiler, Raumplaner FHO (BSc)www.SeilerSeiler.com - Zürich

The district of Kreuzberg is a community made up of residents from many nations, a creative scene and neighbourhood cul-ture, larger industrial businesses, as well as smaller service and media companies. The quarters directly adjoining to the north and west are a tourist attraction and entertain-ment districts.The urban space is to be upgraded by 2013 through an urban development programme of the Berlin Senate. A projected pedestrian bridge across the Spree as an extension of Brommystrasse establishes a connection to the tourist attraction East-Side-Gallery on the opposite bank. This contributes to the further revival of Köpenicker Strasse, which

is already in progress from the eastern en-tertainment district around Schlesisches Tor. The follow land along the banks of the river Spree and elsewhere has promoted a varied culture of interim use, which contributes to Berlin‘s image as an international centre of culture and creativity. These are replaced in recent years by investments in highly priced residential projects though.As a consequence the inner city districts of Berlin see a growing spatial and social di-vide. Mono-functional use only serves spe-cial interests in most cases and threatens the urban qualities, particularly in a multi-faceted district like Kreuzberg.

Page 2: Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree€¦ · Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree ... SenStadt I A 14 Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Referat I

diverSe USeS inSTead oF Mono- FUncTionaliTy

c o M M o n T e r r a c e

e n l a r g i n g T h e S p r e e r i v e r S i d e w a l K i n T o a p U B l i c o p e n S pa c e a n d c o n n e c T i n g T h e n e i g h B o r h o o d w i T h T h e r i v e r .




Spreeufer Berlin - At the BAnkS of the river Spree

The Space BeTween people independent consultancy for Sustainable BuildingRobert Ostmann, Dipl.-Ing. für Architekturwww.TheSpaceBetweenPeople.org - Zürich

Seiler & Seiler - Urban design and city planningRoman Seiler, Raumplaner FHO (BSc)www.SeilerSeiler.com - Zürich

Mixed USehoUSing

SMall BUSineSS/STUdioS

Social/cUlTUral inSTiTUTion




Step 2: 17‘740 m2 floor area

Step 1: 8‘630 m2 floor area

developMenT STepS and inTeriM USe

econoMic and ecological conSTrUcTionInexpensive construction means the user is provided with a basic finish, having the option of deciding on further additions individually as required. The typology proposed here features a com-bination of conventional and timber con-struction. The lower floors are made from site concrete and thus offer deep, flexible ground plans. All the storeys above are entirely assem-bled from prefabricated, highly insulated wood elements.The timber construction saves energy and emissions in production (so-called grey energy) whilst ensuring short construction periods, good recyclability, and a healthy room climate. A ‘passive house’ standard is aspired to, the rainwater is used, the roofs are planted with greenery, and as little of the area is sealed as possible. The energy requirements are to be met by renewable energy.

new wayS oF cohaBiTaTionThe residential concept caters to the dis-trict of Kreuzberg and ranges from flats for singles with common rooms through to large, multi-generation residential communities. Once several smaller flats share large, com-munal living rooms and kitchens - while pro-viding the option of renting extra rooms in addition to one’s own private apartment in a flexible manner - the space required overall will be reduced, along with the costs.

cooperaTive hoUSingIf the rents are to be kept down in the long term, a cooperative building association virtually suggests itself for such a project. In this case all the residents are co-owners and hence not interested in rent increases. The real estate is not dedicated to making profit, but purely and simply to the pur-pose of living and working in. As association members the tenants enjoy an irrevocable and permanent right of residence, or can also purchase individual flats if the associa-

tion is property-oriented.

FlexiBiliTy oF USeSHaving a cooperative building association own the building instead of many individual owners has the advantage that changes of use can be implemented without complica-tions. If their requirements change, users can move within the building and individual units can be merged without difficulty.

Step 3: 10‘760 m2 floor area

The development concept is aimed at im-plementing diversity and locally appropriate uses by involving the public in the planning processes. This combination of inner-city life and labour, includes novel residen-tial concepts for various lifestyles, space for culture and social facilities, as well as experimentation, craft and artists‘ studios. This way the social equilibrium and mixed use will stabilize the quarter in the long term. Besides the expansive open space along the bank of the Spree, a high density building development along the Köpenicker Strasse and Brommystrasse is planned. The new pedestrian bridge opens out in a car-free public square that connects to the gastronomic and commercial facilities of the neighbouring properties to the west. This square will be framed by an ensemble of buildings offering spaces for cultural and social amenities.

The large public space shall differ from other uninspired empty lawn areas, as it rather constitutes as a testing ground for participatory projects. The cultural interim use that has evolved on derelict land and niches in Berlin, will be given a long-term perspective here. The desired outcome of public participation in the planning process is the integration of the new development with the neighborhood.

inTeriM USe

dayTiMe acTiviTy

24 /7 acTiviTy

Floor area in M 2

h o U S i n g

local BUSineSS/STUdioS

c U lT U r /S o c i a l

1 6 ‘ 6 8 0

1 2 ‘ 3 9 0

8 ‘ 0 5 0

B U i l d a r e aF r e e S pa c e

6 6 %

3 4 %

USe oF Space

Key projecT FigUreS

Site area 18‘040 m2Floor area 37‘130 m2Floor-area ratio 2,1Free Space 11‘840 m2land price 5,4 M€Building costs 45 M€

A sustainable urban space with a broad and publ icly accessible r iver bank, that preserves urban diversity as an impor tant locational factor for the Kreuzberg distr ict .

Financingland owner

TrUSTcorporaTe Social


MeMBerS oFcooperaTiveloanS


hoUSingSoc. inSTiTUTion

SMall BUSineSS


S e l l S l a n d T o

l e a S e S l a n d T o

h o U S i n g c o o p e r aT i v e

c o n S T r U c T S a n d M a i n Ta i n S

¥ € $ ¥ € $¥ € $ ¥ € $

BUilding andSUrroUnding

In the ground floors and first floors of the buildings, spaces are included for local busi-nesses and shops, studios, nightclubs and bars, which would coalesce with the neigh-bourhood to create a new quarter. Along Köpenicker Strasse, a floor area of

c o M M o n r o o F g a r d e n

p r i v aT e T e r r a c e

g r e e n r o o Fp U B l i c T e r r a c e

ca. 17,000 m² is available from the second storey up for apartments. These are not grouped around an inner courtyard in the customary manner, and therefore all fea-ture views of the Spree, as well as a sun-drenched southern facade.

pUBlic Space aS e xperiMenT Space

The start-up initiative „Spreeufer Berlin“ is addressed at private individuals interested in co-designing Kreuzberg as association members, as well as companies wishing to involve themselves as part of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme. The ambition is to implement a cross-sub-sidisation for low-income earners and low-budget institutions.Further grants may be available for financ-ing the construction costs via state support programmes for cooperatives and ecological construction.

reSponSiBle inveSTMenT