Operating System- CS604 Assignment # 1_SOLUTION Spring 2010 Marks: 20 Due Date Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 30 th April 2010. Objective The objective of this assignment is to familiarize with the Linux environment and help you in understanding and using some user commands. Instructions Avoid Plagiarism. No marks will be given in case of cheating or copying from the internet or from other students. Submit the assignment through your account on VULMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date. If you have any problem related to assignment, feel free to discuss it by email at [email protected] Question # 1: Practice the following commands in the given sequence and write the result against each given command. You can assume that in the beginning you are present in the home directory. 1. $ mkdir ~/Desktop/OS 2. $ cp ~/Desktop/myprogram.c ~/Desktop/CS604 (before running this command you have to create a file yourself with the name my program.c on your desktop) 3. cd Desktop 4. $ rmdir OS

Spring 2010_CS604_1_solution

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Operating System- CS604

Assignment # 1_SOLUTIONSpring 2010

Marks: 20

Due Date

Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 30th April 2010.


The objective of this assignment is to familiarize with the Linux environment and help you in understanding and using some user commands.


Avoid Plagiarism. No marks will be given in case of cheating or copying from the internet or from other students.

Submit the assignment through your account on VULMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date.

If you have any problem related to assignment, feel free to discuss it by email at [email protected]

Question # 1:

Practice the following commands in the given sequence and write the result against each given command. You can assume that in the beginning you are present in the home directory.

1. $ mkdir ~/Desktop/OS2. $ cp ~/Desktop/myprogram.c ~/Desktop/CS604 (before running this

command you have to create a file yourself with the name my program.c on your desktop)

3. cd Desktop4. $ rmdir OS5. $ rm –r OS

$ mkdir ~/Desktop/CS604Creates a directory with the name CS604 on desktop. $ cp ~/Desktop/program.c ~/Desktop/CS604 (before running this command you

have to create a file yourself with the name program.c on your desktop)The file ‘program.c’ gets copied from desktop into the folder of CS604

Page 2: Spring 2010_CS604_1_solution

cd DesktopThe current directory of the shell changes to ‘Desktop’. $ rmdir CS604Gives an error: “failed to remove ‘CS604’; Directory not empty”This showed that rmdir is used only to remove/ delete empty folders/ directories. $rm –r CS604

This command will delete the CS604 directory from the desktop.

Question # 2:

Write commands for each of the following functionality.

1. Write command to show all files and directories

$ ls 

2. Change your current directory from home to Desktop.

cd Desktop

3. Write a command display the path of the current directory. $ pwd

4. Create a directory with the name OS on your desktop.

mkdir OS

5. Write a command to change to parent directory.$ cd ~Parent