SADDLEBACK & IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGES’ STUDENT NEWSPAPER VOLUME 46, ISSUE 14 WEDNESDAY, April 2, 2014 LARIATNEWS.COM @lariatnews /lariatnews /TheLariatNews @lariatnews SARAH SANTOYO NEWS EDITOR On the CAMPAIGN: Follow lariatnews. com for updates on Associated Student Government elections! WEB Lariat www.lariatnews.com You Tube US: FOLLOW At Irvine Valley College, local and college officials were present at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Life Sci- ences Building on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Following the ribbon cutting was a reception and tour of the new building. Among the speakers at the event were IVC President Glenn Roquemore, South Or- ange Country Community Col- lege District Board President T.J. Prendergast, SOCCCD Chancelor Gary Poertner and Irvine City Mayor Dr. Steven Choi. Roquemore was grateful to all the parties involved in the creation of the new Science facility and gave credit to each one in his speech, from the facilities crew at IVC to the construction company, saying that because of them there is a “great deal of quality in the fin- ished work.” The new Life Sciences Building earned the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold Certification with its use of, “daylight harvesting and natural ventilation suitable for the mild, coastal climate” and its use of sustainable and recycled materials in the facil- ity, a press release said. The certificate is “a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practic- es” according to the U.S. Green Building Council website. “We support education any way we can [in Irvine],” Choi, one of the final speakers at the dedication, said. “We embrace the educational opportunities provided to our citizens.” Staff working in the new building are grateful for the new facilities. “It is a big improvement, almost double the lab and prep space as our last building,” Lewis Akers, a lab technician at IVC, said. “For the most part the building is outstand- ing, only little things here and there.” While the speakers at the event supported the creation of the new facility some students at IVC were not in complete support. “The building is nice, I just feel IVC could be spending its money and resources better,” Elvira Peinado, 43-year-old business major, said. “Parking for one.” She also said that she toured the building but while near the glass walls it created a greenhouse effect inside that became rather hot and unenjoy- able to her. The building is a two-sto- ry educational space with two classrooms, seven science labs, one computer lab, a meeting room and an office space for faculty. The labs have been special- ized for the scientific disci- plines practiced in the facility. There is also a one-fourth acre greenhouse next to the facility that is growing local flora and maintained by the IVC Biolo- gy, Ecology, and Environmen- tal Sciences department. The Associated Student Government held a mandato- ry meeting for all candidates vying for elected positions on Friday, March 21 in the Stu- dent Services Center, Room 211C. Those positions include president, vice president and multiple director positions. The meeting marked the be- ginning of their campaigns at Saddleback College. This includes making and posting fliers, staking cam- paign posters in the grass area of the Quad and potentially spreading the word in class with the permission of faculty. “We want it to be lively and let people know ASG is here,” said Erin Long, Inter-Club Council Adviser. “We’ve nev- er had so many people cam- paigning at the same time.” Elections tables will be in the Science and Math and BGS quads for the voting pe- riod from April 8 to April 10 in which only Saddleback stu- dents can vote. They will be open from 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. CANDIDATES* Director of Veteran’s Af- fairs and Resources: - Edwin Lamothe : “Stu- dent Veterans need a repre- sentative that can voice their concerns, and be able to bring solutions to their issues. I am approachable and ready to bring some enthusiasm in our sister and brotherhood.” - Matthew Maclaine: “I would like to help Saddleback College continue its legacy of excellence during the coming year and support the students by representing them effec- tively as Vice President.” Director of Events: - Neekoo Delrooz: “I seek election to broaden my skills with people and event plan- ning. I seek to gain a sense of unity at school and to bring students closer to events and discussions that involve their support.” - Shannon Elsasser: “I am a fun and hard-working per- son with great ideas. I have served as an ASG volunteer and love working in a collab- orative environment.” - Iman H. Moujtahed: “I’m extremely passionate and ex- perienced in event planning. I received ASG Volunteer Member of The Year and have been a Psi Beta & Psychology Club Officer since Fall 2011.” *only listed are the candi- dates with opponents ASG begins campaign season IVC opens new Life Science Building DANNY PESTOLESI IVC EDITOR “Male, white, 5’10”, blue shirt.” “Multiple victims down, gunshot wounds.” “Officer down. Repeat, Of- ficer down.” With phrases like these coming from police radios, the sounds of bullets being fired and screams of terrified bloody victims, the Student Services Center turned into what looked like a scene reminiscent of Columbine or Virginia Tech. The first Saddle- back College Active Shoot - er Exercise was put on by the Sad- dleback College Po- lice Depart- ment, Or- ange County Sheriff’s Department and Orange Coun- ty Fire Authority on Tuesday, March 25, to simulate their re- sponse to an active shooter on campus. “As a college president, as a citizen, as a human being, I can’t think of a worse night- mare,” said Tod Burnett, Pres- ident of Saddleback. “What’s really scary about that is it’s probably the most likely sce- nario that we might see on our campus… This is one of the things we are trying to do to be much more prepared if and ever such a horrible disaster like this happens.” Due to previous events, the campus and local law enforce- ment saw the need for a plan of action for this circumstance. “Recent events have moti- vated us to do this,” said Jennie McCue, Director of Marketing and Communications. “It’s an opportuni - ty for us to work with our local law en- forcement and Orange County Fire Au- thority, to un- derstand and re- spect people’s responsibilities should such an incident occur on our campus.” It also gave a chance for the multiple Orange County agencies to practice working together. “We have not had the op- portunity to work with Or- ange County Fire or law enforcement, so here’s our opportunity,” said Christopher Wilkinson, Chief of Police at Saddleback. The simulation was de- signed as a learning tool for first responders in these situa- tions and the 54 staff and fac- ulty CERT members. “This is a learning exer- cise. So we want them to make any errors, or whatever you would call it, behind our law enforcement and fire person- nel,” Wilkinson said. “They have evaluators in vests with clipboards. They will be cri- tiquing them and helping them through this.” The scenario was law en- forcement responding to the call of a possible suicide which turned into a school shooting. “Basically the drill is the call of a student that’s talking to themselves. We get that a lot,” Wilkinson said. “There’ll be a couple calls inserted down to my dispatch center at the far end of campus. My officers are staged to come to a possible 5150. When they start getting closer, they will actually ramp up the scenario.” More than 40 volunteers from Saddleback’s cosmetol- ogy, nursing and theatre de- partments took on the roles of the victims with some of them wearing special effect makeup depicting gunshot wounds. “Our cosmetology depart- ment and faculty are actual- ly responsible for helping to make this a real life scenario,” McCue said. Inside the building, one of the SWAT officers acted as the shooter and fired blanks. “The reason why we did that was to cause the law en- forcement to go to a hunter mode to go towards the noise,” Wilkinson said. Volunteers were also alarmed by the multiple “gun- shots” that were fired. “We were in the room where the shooting started,” said Briana Clark, a 23-year- old nursing major. “It was scary being in there and hear- ing the screams. It was really realistic.” Law enforcement personnel were given disabled blue and red guns to use for the exer- cise. Even though volunteers knew it was a drill, the emo- tions and responses to the ac- tion were genuine. “We knew it wasn’t real, but it felt like it. My heart rate was going,” said Ashley Townsend, a 20-year-old EMT student. “It was good practice for if I was ever in a situation like that.” However, some felt that law enforcement could give more tips to volunteers as to how to react in this scenario. “It raised a lot of questions. There was a girl screaming in the hallway ‘Help me! Help me!’ and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Should I go help her or stay in the room?” said Raquel Karstens, a 26-year-old nursing major. “It would have helped if they gave us more direction.” The Saddleback Police Department has a flier specif- ically for instructions and sug- gestions on how to act in an active shooter scenario. It can be found at www.saddleback. edu/police. Overall, the simulation was seen as a success. “The response has been very positive,” McCue said. “I think practice can only help us.” First active shooter exercise at Saddleback The Sheriff’s Department, armed with training guns and rifles, approach the Student Services Center in response to a call that an active shooter was on campus. STEFAN STENROOS | LARIAT The new Life Sciences Building and greenhouse at IVC earned a LEED gold ranking and has been stocked with new equipment and supplies. Irvine Mayor Steven Choi and SOCCCD Chancellor Gary Poertner were among those that spoke at its dedication ceremony. DANNY PESTOLESI | LARIAT SARAH SANTOYO NEWS EDITOR The scenario was law enforcement responding to the call of a possible suicide which turned into a school shooting.

Spring 2014, Issue 14, Vol. 46 (April 2)

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@lariatnews /lariatnews /TheLariatNews @lariatnews

sarah santoyonews editor

On the CAMPAIGN: Follow lariatnews.com for updates on Associated Student Government elections! W





At Irvine Valley College, local and college officials were present at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Life Sci-ences Building on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.

Following the ribbon cutting was a reception and tour of the new building.

Among the speakers at the event were IVC President Glenn Roquemore, South Or-ange Country Community Col-lege District Board President T.J. Prendergast, SOCCCD Chancelor Gary Poertner and Irvine City Mayor Dr. Steven Choi.

Roquemore was grateful to all the parties involved in the creation of the new Science facility and gave credit to each one in his speech, from the facilities crew at IVC to the construction company, saying that because of them there is a “great deal of quality in the fin-ished work.”

The new Life Sciences Building earned the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold Certification with its use of, “daylight harvesting and natural ventilation suitable for the mild, coastal climate” and its use of sustainable and recycled materials in the facil-ity, a press release said.

The certificate is “a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practic-es” according to the U.S. Green Building Council website.

“We support education any way we can [in Irvine],” Choi, one of the final speakers at the dedication, said. “We embrace the educational opportunities provided to our citizens.”

Staff working in the new building are grateful for the new facilities.

“It is a big improvement, almost double the lab and prep space as our last building,” Lewis Akers, a lab technician at IVC, said. “For the most part the building is outstand-ing, only little things here and

there.” While the speakers at the

event supported the creation of the new facility some students at IVC were not in complete support.

“The building is nice, I just feel IVC could be spending its money and resources better,” Elvira Peinado, 43-year-old business major, said. “Parking for one.” She also said that she toured the building but while near the glass walls it created a greenhouse effect inside that became rather hot and unenjoy-

able to her. The building is a two-sto-

ry educational space with two classrooms, seven science labs, one computer lab, a meeting room and an office space for faculty.

The labs have been special-ized for the scientific disci-plines practiced in the facility. There is also a one-fourth acre greenhouse next to the facility that is growing local flora and maintained by the IVC Biolo-gy, Ecology, and Environmen-tal Sciences department.

The Associated Student Government held a mandato-ry meeting for all candidates vying for elected positions on Friday, March 21 in the Stu-dent Services Center, Room 211C.

Those positions include president, vice president and multiple director positions. The meeting marked the be-ginning of their campaigns at Saddleback College.

This includes making and posting fliers, staking cam-paign posters in the grass area of the Quad and potentially spreading the word in class with the permission of faculty.

“We want it to be lively and let people know ASG is here,” said Erin Long, Inter-Club Council Adviser. “We’ve nev-er had so many people cam-paigning at the same time.”

Elections tables will be in the Science and Math and BGS quads for the voting pe-riod from April 8 to April 10 in which only Saddleback stu-dents can vote. They will be open from 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 4-7 p.m.

CANDIDATES*Director of Veteran’s Af-

fairs and Resources:- Edwin Lamothe : “Stu-

dent Veterans need a repre-sentative that can voice their concerns, and be able to bring solutions to their issues. I am approachable and ready to bring some enthusiasm in our sister and brotherhood.”

- Matthew Maclaine: “I would like to help Saddleback College continue its legacy of excellence during the coming year and support the students by representing them effec-tively as Vice President.”

Director of Events: - Neekoo Delrooz: “I seek

election to broaden my skills with people and event plan-ning. I seek to gain a sense of unity at school and to bring students closer to events and discussions that involve their support.”

- Shannon Elsasser: “I am a fun and hard-working per-son with great ideas. I have served as an ASG volunteer and love working in a collab-orative environment.”

- Iman H. Moujtahed: “I’m extremely passionate and ex-perienced in event planning. I received ASG Volunteer Member of The Year and have been a Psi Beta & Psychology Club Officer since Fall 2011.”

*only listed are the candi-dates with opponents

ASG begins campaign season

IVC opens new Life Science BuildingDanny pestolesiiVC editor

“Male, white, 5’10”, blue shirt.”

“Multiple victims down, gunshot wounds.”

“Officer down. Repeat, Of-ficer down.”

With phrases like these coming from police radios, the sounds of bullets being fired and screams of terrified bloody victims, the Student Services Center turned into what looked like a scene reminiscent of Columbine or Virginia Tech.

T h e f i r s t Saddle-b a c k College A c t i v e S h o o t -er Exercise was put on by the Sad-d l e b a c k College Po-lice Depart-ment, Or-ange County S h e r i f f ’ s Department and Orange Coun-ty Fire Authority on Tuesday, March 25, to simulate their re-sponse to an active shooter on campus.

“As a college president, as a citizen, as a human being, I can’t think of a worse night-

mare,” said Tod Burnett, Pres-ident of Saddleback. “What’s really scary about that is it’s probably the most likely sce-nario that we might see on our campus… This is one of the things we are trying to do to be much more prepared if and ever such a horrible disaster like this happens.”

Due to previous events, the campus and local law enforce-ment saw the need for a plan of action for this circumstance.

“Recent events have moti-vated us to do this,” said Jennie McCue, Director of Marketing and Communications. “It’s an

opportuni-ty for us to work with our local law en-forcement and Orange

C o u n t y Fire Au-t h o r i t y, to un-derstand and re-

spect people’s responsibilities should such an incident occur on our campus.”

It also gave a chance for the multiple Orange County agencies to practice working together.

“We have not had the op-

portunity to work with Or-ange County Fire or law enforcement, so here’s our opportunity,” said Christopher Wilkinson, Chief of Police at Saddleback.

The simulation was de-signed as a learning tool for first responders in these situa-tions and the 54 staff and fac-ulty CERT members.

“This is a learning exer-cise. So we want them to make any errors, or whatever you would call it, behind our law enforcement and fire person-nel,” Wilkinson said. “They have evaluators in vests with clipboards. They will be cri-tiquing them and helping them through this.”

The scenario was law en-forcement responding to the call of a possible suicide which turned into a school shooting.

“Basically the drill is the call of a student that’s talking

to themselves. We get that a lot,” Wilkinson said. “There’ll be a couple calls inserted down to my dispatch center at the far end of campus. My officers are staged to come to a possible 5150. When they start getting closer, they will actually ramp up the scenario.”

More than 40 volunteers from Saddleback’s cosmetol-ogy, nursing and theatre de-partments took on the roles of the victims with some of them wearing special effect makeup depicting gunshot wounds.

“Our cosmetology depart-ment and faculty are actual-ly responsible for helping to make this a real life scenario,” McCue said.

Inside the building, one of the SWAT officers acted as the shooter and fired blanks.

“The reason why we did that was to cause the law en-forcement to go to a hunter

mode to go towards the noise,” Wilkinson said.

Volunteers were also alarmed by the multiple “gun-shots” that were fired.

“We were in the room where the shooting started,” said Briana Clark, a 23-year-old nursing major. “It was scary being in there and hear-ing the screams. It was really realistic.”

Law enforcement personnel were given disabled blue and red guns to use for the exer-cise.

Even though volunteers knew it was a drill, the emo-tions and responses to the ac-tion were genuine.

“We knew it wasn’t real, but it felt like it. My heart rate was going,” said Ashley Townsend, a 20-year-old EMT student. “It was good practice for if I was ever in a situation like that.”

However, some felt that law enforcement could give more tips to volunteers as to how to react in this scenario.

“It raised a lot of questions. There was a girl screaming in the hallway ‘Help me! Help me!’ and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Should I go help her or stay in the room?” said Raquel Karstens, a 26-year-old nursing major. “It would have helped if they gave us more direction.”

The Saddleback Police Department has a flier specif-ically for instructions and sug-gestions on how to act in an active shooter scenario. It can be found at www.saddleback.edu/police.

Overall, the simulation was seen as a success.

“The response has been very positive,” McCue said. “I think practice can only help us.”

First active shooter exercise at Saddleback

The Sheriff’s Department, armed with training guns and rifles, approach the Student Services Center in response to a call that an active shooter was on campus.


The new Life Sciences Building and greenhouse at IVC earned a LEED gold ranking and has been stocked with new equipment and supplies. Irvine Mayor Steven Choi and SOCCCD Chancellor Gary Poertner were among those that spoke at its dedication ceremony.


sarah santoyonews editor

The scenario was law enforcement

responding to the call of a possible suicide which turned into a school shooting.

Page 2: Spring 2014, Issue 14, Vol. 46 (April 2)

OpinionLariat WEDNESDAY, April 2, 2014




Lariat “Saddleback’s student-run newspaper since 1968”

Web: www.lariatnews.com Address: 28000 marguerite Parkway, mission Viejo ca, 92692

Reporters: mariVel guzman, steVe sohanaki, lam tran

The Lariat is the student news-paper of Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College. The Lariat is an independent, First Amend-ment, student-run public forum.

One copy of the Lariat is free. Additional copies may be pur-chased for $1 at the Lariat news-room, which is located in LRC 116.

Letters to the editor are wel-comed. Please limit letters to 200 words or less and include a name, valid e-mail address and signa-

ture. All letters are subject to edit-ing by the editorial board.

Unsigned editorials represent the views of the Lariat’s ediorial board and do not represent the views of Irvine Valley College or Saddleback College or the South Orange County Community Col-lege District.

Lariatnews.com launched in fall 2007. Visit us on Facebook at “Lariat Saddleback” or follow us on Twitter, @lariatnews.

About the Lariat

Co-Faculty Adviser: amara aguilar

Co-Faculty Adviser: maryanne shults

Instructional Assistant: ali Dorri

Advertising MAnAger: Vita carneVale Phone: (949) 582-4688

E-Mail: [email protected]


LINDSEY GOETSCHArts & Entertainment Editor



KRISTEN WILCOxInteractive Media Manager


ADAM KOLvITESSports Editor


QUINN MAHONYOpinion Editor



Checking out at a local grocery store I notice the cashier has a pink lily tattoo on her forearm. I stare and admire the art. The delicate veins of dark pink running through the petals. The vibrant green which appears to ombre out of the pistil of the flower. She quickly notices and mis-interprets my admiration. In defense mode she explains company policy on tattoos. I smile, lift my sleeve and show her one of mine.

In a bank a few weeks later, my teller has an elabo-rate Chinese scene tattooed in black and white. Under-neath his button-up shirt I can barely see the tail peeking out on his wrist. He strikes up a conversa-tion about tattoos because mine are on full display. His nonchalance struck me weary. Can I trust this per-son with my money?

What’s the difference between the cashier and bank teller? The cashier was professional. The banker was on auto-pi-lot. The question is not if tattoos are professional. The question is are you?

When tattooing first be-came popular in the Unit-ed States in the 1950’s tattoo artists followed the unwritten law of nev-er inking the hands, face or neck. It was known and implied that these ar-eas, due to high visibility, would be problematic in a professional setting.

Today it is no-holds-

barred in the industry and every part of the body is fair game. Take “Liz-ard Man” for in-s t a n c e . He is an e x t r e m e case of body mod-i f i c a t i o n with green scales tat-tooed, cov-ering his entire body. I don’t know where he works but his boss either loves it or he is his own boss.

The stigma of tattoos not be-ing accepted in the workplace is being conquered every day. Popu-larity has lead to mild acceptance in corporate settings. Hollywood has even let tattoos go uncovered in some movies, where prior they would be hidden with make-up.

I obeyed the T-shirt rule when I chose to get tattooed. In fact, with all my clothes on nobody knows about my se-cret art. I digress, I rarely wear clothes that don’t show my tattoos, that is my artistic ex-

pression, UNLESS I am going into a professional setting.

According to CareerBuilder.com “A 2011 study shows that 31 percent of surveyed employ-ers ranked “having a visible tattoo” as the top personal attri-bute that would dissuade them from promoting an employee. So although companies across many fields are increasingly focused on diversity and in-clusion, tattoo flaunting is still probably best reserved for post-work hours.”

As a journalist, sometimes I interview the homeless and sometimes I’m sitting with the President of Saddleback College. In either instance, I want the control of how people are going to judge me. I don’t want to be written off because of my art. Will people really trust me to represent them via journalism if they see a bunch of tattoos? I don’t know, but I won’t chance it.

[email protected]

Think before you ink KRISTEN WILCOxStaff Writer

All who have watched House of Lies know his name by the end of the night. The show’s very first episode ended with Gary Clark Jr.’s seductive “Bright Lights,” tying together the character Don Cheadle il-lustrated.

Personally, I have been a fan of Gary Clark Jr. Even for those of us who have never seen an episode of the show can natu-rally predict how it goes, sim-ply by the reputation “Bright Lights” has obtained and the undertones that come with it.

Lyrically and musically, it is obvious what scene this song could be in. Basecamp’s ef-fortless creation “Smoke Filled Lungs” and Thomas Dybdahl’s “This Love is Here To Stay” not only speak to the native viewer of the show, but also speak vol-ume to those in relationships and struggling through various aspects of life, which is a ma-jority of why we all listen to music - emotional release.

“Heartbreak” by The James Hunter Six gives us that free-dom to release negative tension like situations in the show.

Turning over to a happier leaf, “Midnight Sun” by Isaac Delusion and reminds the lis-tener of laying in cool grass on the warm summer night listen-ing to The Postal Service’s per-formance last year at Coachella - light and full of love.

Musicians from all over the world have a way of creating something out of the norm.

“Illusions of Time” by Kiko King and Creativemaze have that funky beat and somewhat eerie lyric duet that makes me interested in more of their mu-sic. Not a track I would normal-ly choose to listen to, but I am glad to have been introduced.

Then there’s Michael Kiwa-nuka, with his soulful voice cut-ting straight from the soul. “It Always Comes Back Around” has that blues vibe that I have rarely heard from any other British musician. In addition to his song on the soundtrack, the entire album is incredible.

As Rolling Stone stated, “Michael Kiwanuka’s “You’ve Got Nothing Left to Lose” is a study in contrasts.”

Can we talk about N*Grand-jean? Both risqué and sensual, “Shift to Reverse” also has that groovy vibe I want to Salsa

dance all night with an Ital-ian stranger under the Tuscan moon, on a marble bridge, with a glass of wine in hand. I eas-ily picture the relationship be-tween Marty Kaan and Jeannie Van Der Hooven.

Knowing how music sets the tone for anything being watched, whether it be a music video or live performance, the vibe, instruments, and lyrics are all crucial elements to be accounted for when it comes to selecting music for a hit televi-sion series.

When putting together what we hear with what we see, our perspective changes, sending different emotions through our mind and body. When this hap-pens as deeply as it has with many viewers of House of Lies, a successful show is created, new music is found, and the au-dience is left wanting more.

As a non-viewer of the show, the soundtrack has given me a reason to watch. Music speaks volume to me and these songs have given me no choice other than to watch the show from the beginning.

Capitol Records releases ‘House of Lies’ soundtrack

[email protected]

LINDSEY GOETSCHartS and entertainment editor

Saddleback College is familiar with the additional paper and staples cluttering the SM/BSG bridge for events each week. The fliers seem to be of little use and are a detriment of the

appearance and an inefficient way of finding out about what’s go-ing on around Saddleback.

The problem is that anyone can post fliers without approval. Yet, its been argued that this is the easiest approach to display messages, especially since the designated areas are the places that get the most foot traffic on campus.

Offering tutoring services? Hosting an event? Just shoot some staples and information into the bulletin board near the bookstore, or perhaps the bridge on the other side of the library. Or as we at the Lariat like to call it, the wrong side of the library.

Since the new bridge connecting to the library was built in 2012, the SM/BGS has become the bastard child. And an ugly one at that.

“Its definitely a problem. I clean up all the fliers and trash at the end of the month, pretty gross with all the staples and gum,” DJ Tate, 22-year-old child development major said. “They could change out the wood every month or so.”

The solution would be to regulate flier posting by the Associat-ed Student Government. It would result in less trash and physical damage. We should also restrict stapling fliers on the bridge all together, and replace it with a bulletin board between the SM and LRC building. It may cost money for Saddleback, but its a long-term solution as opposed to constantly replacing distressed wood.

After that, it’s just a matter of getting students to actually check the bulletin board. However, Chandler Boyer, undeclared major, provided a suggestion that could help to get the ball rolling.

“I know other college’s have certain things on the board and if you go to the event and mention that then they’ll give you a dis-count of some sort,” Boyer said. “That way they’ll know people are actually looking at it.”

Developing student involvement while saving students cash sounds like a win-win to us. The cherry on top, of course, is less litter and clutter on campus.



Participants over the age of 50 were far more likely to find tattoos distracting than those in the 35-49 age range.

A study released in 2010 by the Pew Research Center notes that 70 percent of those between 18 and 29 years-of-age who have tattoos, decided to conceal their body ink under clothing.

A 2011 study shows that 31 percent of surveyed em-ployers ranked “having a visible tattoo” as the top personal attribute that would dissuade them from pro-moting an employee.

Statistics provided by Captivate.com

Statistics provided by Pew Research Center

Statistics provided by careerbuilder.com

Capitol Records releases ‘House of Lies’ soundtrack including hand-picked songs from seasons 1-3.


Page 3: Spring 2014, Issue 14, Vol. 46 (April 2)

Their hit music video “Good Morning” includes several scenes shot in Orange County and locals you might be famil-iar with. Echo Echo has their own sound, kind of an alterna-tive indie rock, but genres are mostly opinionated. Either you want to dance and jam out, or slow dance with lighters in the air. They are a real band, mak-ing real music, with real love for what they do.

Echo Echo is Andrew Wes-ley, Bruce Yolken, Darren Carr, Jameson Burt and Steve Car-son. From Santa Ana, Calif., the band has played at venues like The Observatory in Costa Mesa and Hotel Cafe in Hollywood.

“There is no formula for creating art,” said lead vocalist Steve Carson. “You may have found a way that is currently working for you, but at any giv-en time that way could change and you’ll find yourself writ-ing your next lyric or humming your next melody in the most random place.”

Currently, the quintet is working on their next “offer-

ing”, as Carson calls it, sched-uled to be released this year.

“I call it ‘our home’. We’ve been there for over 10 years and it’s been an invaluable compo-nent of the band,” Carson said, of the band’s private studio in Santa Ana. “It’s allowed us to write, produce, record and re-hearse all in one place… be-sides countless nights of just killing time enjoying each oth-ers company.”

In the past, they have made records at studios including the Compound Studio in Signal Hill, Henson Recording Studios in Hollywood, Action Go Now Studios in Hollywood, and Sound City in Van Nuys. A few of their favorite venues have not lasted, like The Gypsy Lounge in Lake Forest and now the De-troit Bar. It’s a struggle for more than musicians to watch popular venues shut down.

“This leaves bands, fans, and music scenes looking for new refuge and a place to call home,” Carson said.

Over the years, Echo Echo’s energy, inspiration and drive most commonly has come from the need and desire to ex-press feelings and experiences

through music.“A catharsis,” Carson said.

“The desire to connect with people and share my feelings and passion has always been at the forefront.”

Carson has a mesmerizing voice similar to Caleb Follow-ill from Kings of Leon, but a unique tone and rasp that sets him apart from any other singer. Wesley smashes the keyboard and percussion, multitasking background vocals with lead guitarist Burt. Yolken rips the bass to shreds and Carr bangs out the drums, creating a dist. Aside from performing a kick-ass show and producing ex-traordinary music, these guys are quite possible the most humbling, down to earth to re-side here in Orange County.

“Over the past few years we’ve come to realize that it’s important for people to love you what you do or hate it.” Carson said. “The people in middle don’t matter. Indifference is not sexy.”

Echo Echo will be headlining Rockin’ A Cure for CF5 benefit on Saturday, May 17 at 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. at the Garden Grove Festival Amphitheater. Rock-in’ for a Cure is raising funds to help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis and have several per-formers, vendors and sponsors, who will also be a part of the event. Tickets are $15 General Admission and $20 VIP.

A & E / LifeLariat WEDNESDAY, April 2, 2014



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In response to recent tweet by

came to mind when hearing the word “Gaucho”. While signing up for online classes through Saddleback, Britney J.

Parks of Oklahoma tweeted, “The f--- is a Gaucho? (Online orienta-tion for Saddleback College in CA) #suchconfuse.”

We decided to take a poll and found out most of you know a Gaucho is a native cowboy of the South American region. But for most of

ball, a surprise, the Brazil soccer team, a genie, drop the bass, and Gaucho pants. UCSB are the Gauchos as well.

In April 2010 the Saddleback College Associated Student Govern-ment pitched a resolution to modify the mascot. ASG proposed the following solutions: Create an art contest where students can compete

to create a new image for the Gaucho, use a private company to ade-quately and accurately develop the current depiction of the Gaucho, eliminate cartoon image of Gaucho and keep ‘G’ as a logo.

We are now almost at the halfway mark in 2014, and the Gaucho has

“I believe the process is still ongoing and that the Athletics depart-ment was looking at it,” said Audra DiPadova, Director of Student Life.

“I don’t get it. What do South American cowboys have to do with Saddlebackians?” questioned Roy Bauer, creator of Dissent the blog, written and distributed at IVC. “If you’re gonna go with cowboys, why not go with vaqueros?”

There has been much discussion through blogs about the image our mascot is portraying. Gustavo Arellano is offended by our mascot. Not because of what it is, but because of the illustration’s lack of attention to detail. He says the image chosen to represent the Gaucho looks more like a stereotypical bandito than a South American cow-boy.

“Look, Saddleback: if you’re going to use Latino stereotypes, at least

use the right ones,” Arellano, blogger for OC Weekly said. “They can’t even get the sombrero right-the one Saddleback College’s ma-cot wears is a Mexican sombrero, while the type common to Argen-

So what exactly is a Gaucho? People from the Río de la Plata zone (Argentina and Uruguay). They were all horsemen who took care of horses and can be related to the traditional American cowboy. UCSB got their nickname in 1936 when inspired by Douglas Fairbanks’s

population led a vote, the mascot was changed from the Roadrunners to the Gauchos.

Gaucho could be:

WTF is a Gaucho?



Gaucho ball


Speedy Gonzalez

Drop the bass

Gaucho pants



MEET THE BAND: The members of Echo Echo are Bruce Yolken (bass), Darren Carr (drums), Jameson Burt (guitar), Steve Car-son (vocals), Andrew Wesley (keyboards).

Scan the QR Code with your smartphone to visit Echo Echo’s Social Media.

So... WTF is a Gaucho?Visit lariatnews.com to read the full story.

Page 4: Spring 2014, Issue 14, Vol. 46 (April 2)

SportsLariat WEDNESDAY, April 2, 2014




The Saddleback Gauchos rallied late to take first place alone in the Orange Empire Confer-ence and extend their winning streak to six games in their victory over the Fullerton Hornets, 5-4, at Doug Fritz field on Tuesday night.

Saddleback struck first with a two out ral-ly in the bottom of the first inning sparked by three consecutive singles by sophomore Mitch-ell Holland, sophomore Louie Payetta and an RBI single by freshman Casey Worden to give Saddleback the 1-0 lead. In the top of the third inning the Hornets tied it up on an RBI single by freshman Oliver Jackson, but Saddleback im-mediately answered with a rally of their own in the bottom half to take the lead back, 2-1, follow-ing a throwing error into the Gaucho dugout by the Hornets right fielder that allowed freshman Dylan Diaz to score safely.

This game was not without controversy. In the top of the fourth inning the Hornets formed a two out rally started by a walk, a hit batsman and a ground ball that took a hard hop causing a fielding error by Saddleback sophomore short-stop Casey Bennett to load the bases before what should have been the inning ending out on a low-hanging line drive to sophomore right field-er Brandon Cody who made a fantastic play on the ball. Unfortunately for the Gauchos, the rul-ing on the field was that Cody had trapped the ball and it was still live, allowing the bases to clear and the Hornets to take a 4-2 lead.

Sophomore Louie Payetta charges up the Sad-dleback dugout after his triple in the Gaucho vic-

tory against the Fullerton Hornets, 5-4, at Doug Fritz field Tuesday night.

For the final three innings the Saddleback dugout pulled together to climb back into the game with a run in both the seventh on a soph-omore Slate Miller RBI ground out and in the eighth after a Payetta triple and an RBI single by freshman Hunter Cullen to tie it up behind a solid relief appearance by sophomore Coleman Huntley (4-1).

“I’m excited for our team ,our guys they work hard and they don’t quit,” head coach Sommer McCartney said. “They’ve been that way all sea-son, they’re pretty gritty and I reminded them in the sixth and seventh inning to keep that grit and we found a way.”

Tied, 4-4, in the bottom of the ninth the Gau-cho’s bench exploded with energy. Freshman Brett Barker pinch hit to lead the inning off with a sharply hit single to center field that was fol-lowed by Dylan Diaz’s sacrifice bunt that led to a throwing error by the Hornet reliever allowing Barker to advance to second and Diaz to reach safely. Freshman Luke Jarvis came in to pinch run for Barker and was able to advance to third on a botched pick off attempt before Slate Miller was walked to load the bases for Mitchell Hol-land with no outs. Holland came to the plate looking determined to bring Jarvis in and on a 1-0 count he took a past ball inside that allowed Jarvis to score the game winner, 5-4.

“It was a big win tonight against a really good team,” third baseman Louie Payetta, 19, social sciences major said following the victory. “The guys played extremely well tonight and it was huge for us, we’ve got to keep the same approach of staying humble and working hard looking for-ward.”

Saddleback (16-7, 8-3) continues their play-off push next against Golden West (11-15, 2-9) at Doug Fritz Field on Thursday with first pitch at 2 p.m.


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The Saddleback Gaucho bats came up short with runners in scoring position in their loss to the Golden West Rustlers, 2-1, at Doug Fritz field Thursday.

The Gauchos fell behind early after lead off hitter for Golden West Michael Farris reached on what should have been a routine play to second and eventually scored on a two out single by An-drew Yazdanbakhsh making it 1-0. The second inning was led off by a walk to Daniel Maguire who also scored with two outs on a single by Mi-chael Farris to right center adding to the Rustler lead, 2-0.

Sophomore starter Anthony Shew pitched a complete game allowing only two earned runs in the Saddleback loss to Golden West, 2-1, on Thursday at Doug Fritz field.

Sophomore starter Anthony Shew threw a complete game facing 35 batters and only al-lowed two earned runs with two strikeouts and a walk. Unfortunately for Shew that although

the Gaucho bats were active with nine hits, they were only able to bring home sophomore Bran-don Cody on a sacrifice fly to center by sopho-more Louie Payetta in the bottom of the seventh for the lone Saddleback score, 2-1. The Gauchos left 11 runners left on base with seven in scoring position validating why head coach McCartney stresses the importance of timely hitting.

“We had a lot of opportunities to score, we had a lot of base runners with nine hits, but we just couldn’t get them across,” outfielder Brett Barker, 20, kinesiology major said after the loss. “We just need to stay positive and keep the same approach staying within ourselves for tomor-row.”

Saddleback (16-8, 8-4) remains in first place in the OEC standing, but is now in a three way tie with Orange Coast (20-6, 8-4) and Santa Ana (17-8, 8-4). The Gauchos will travel to Gold-en West (12-15, 3-9) to close the season series against the Rustlers on Friday with first pitch at 2 p.m.

MAtthew CorkillPhoto editor

[email protected]


Sophomore third baseman Louie Payetta squares off against the Golden West Rus-tlers in their loss, 2-1, Thursday at Doug Fritz field.

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Saddleback streak snapped

Gauchos take over first in OEC with walk-off MAtthew CorkillPhoto editor

PHOTO BY MATT CORKILL | LARIATSaddleback teammates celebrate after a walk-off win.