XPRESS S P R I N G 2 0 1 9 苏伊士新创建赢得珠海高栏港经济区工业污水处理项目 SUEZ NWS wins Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone Industrial Wastewater Treatment Project 伊士新创建签订总投资 1.9 亿元人民币的珠海高栏 港经济区工业污水处理项目,与珠海汇港城市资源 开发有限公司按照 49/51 的比例组成合作公司,于 未来 50 年负责位于珠海高栏港经济区内的石化基地工业园 区工业污水处理项目,投资、建设及运营日处理能力达 2.5 万吨 / 天的污水处理厂,为园区工业企业提供污水处理服务, 也首次为中国工业污水处理领域带来集团的专利技术 Pulsa Green 炭吸附脉冲式澄清池,将保证出水水质执行比市政污 水厂更加严格的排放标准。 SUEZ NWS has signed a RMB 190 million contract for the industrial wastewater treatment project in the Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone, forming a 49/51 joint venture (JV) with Zhuhai Huigang Urban Resources Development Co., Ltd to invest in, build and operate a wastewater treatment plant with a daily capacity of 25,000 tonnes to treat the industrial wastewater generated by industrial companies located within the petrochemical park of the Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone for 50 years. This marks the first time that SUEZ’s patented Pulsa Green Carbon Adsorption Pulse Clarifier has been introduced into China’s industrial wastewater treatment industry. The technology will ensure a much higher output quality than municipal wastewater treatment plants. 处理污水以供园区企业回用 , 进一步推动水资源的循环利用。 To recycle wastewater to meet the needs of enterprises in the park so as to further promote recycling of water resources.

SPRING2019 X!#$$...DensaDeg ¨ technology. On 15 December 2018, SUEZ NWS signed a wastewater treatment plant upgrading and expansion project with Yangzhou Environmental Protection

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  • XPRESSS P R I N G 2 0 1 9


    SUEZ NWS wins Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone Industrial Wastewater Treatment Project

    苏伊士新创建签订总投资 1.9 亿元人民币的珠海高栏


    开发有限公司按照 49/51 的比例组成合作公司,于

    未来 50 年负责位于珠海高栏港经济区内的石化基地工业园

    区工业污水处理项目,投资、建设及运营日处理能力达 2.5

    万吨 /天的污水处理厂,为园区工业企业提供污水处理服务,

    也首次为中国工业污水处理领域带来集团的专利技术 Pulsa

    Green 炭吸附脉冲式澄清池,将保证出水水质执行比市政污


    SUEZ NWS has signed a RMB 190 million contract for the industrial wastewater treatment project in the Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone, forming a 49/51 joint venture (JV) with Zhuhai Huigang Urban Resources Development Co., Ltd to invest in, build and operate a wastewater treatment plant with a daily capacity of 25,000 tonnes to treat the industrial wastewater generated by industrial companies located within the petrochemical park of the Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone for 50 years. This marks the first time that SUEZ’s patented Pulsa Green Carbon Adsorption Pulse Clarifier has been introduced into China’s industrial wastewater treatment industry. The technology will ensure a much higher output quality than municipal wastewater treatment plants.

    处理污水以供园区企业回用 , 进一步推动水资源的循环利用。

    To recycle wastewater to meet the needs of enterprises in the park so as to further promote recycling of water resources.

  • 焦点新闻 / News Focus


    SUEZ NWS wins wastewater treatment and waste resources management contracts in Macau


    项目 , 以提升其污水处理质量。此外,为配合澳门政府推动







    The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area

    SUEZ NWS has won an optimisation, operation and maintenance contract for the wastewater treatment plant on the Macau Peninsula to improve its wastewater treatment quality. In addition, to answer the Macau Government’s call to promote waste reduction at source as well as resources recycling, the Group will provide two years of O&M for a glass crushing facility. Recycled glass sand will be reused on roads in the city to reduce reliance on natural resources.






    It is the world’s 4th largest bay area after New York, San Francisco and Tokyo. As part of the national strategy to develop the Bay Area as announced at China’s 19th National Congress, Zhuhai and Macau will contribute as main cities to transforming the Bay into a world-class shore for residential, employment and travel needs.


    SUEZ NWS has demonstrated its commitment to work with Macau and Zhuhai governments to promote circular economy development and give full support to the implementation of the national strategy in the Greater Bay Area.


  • SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 焦点新闻 / News Focus


    SUEZ NWS wins Suzhou Xiangcheng District WWTP upgrading and expansion project


    SUEZ NWS wins Shanghai Bailonggang WWTP upgrading project

    2018 年 12 月 15 日,苏伊士新创建与扬州市环境


    造扩建项目合同”,为设计规模 12 万立方米 / 日


    DensaDeg® 高效沉淀池、Denifor V® 反硝化滤池





    2018 年 12 月,苏伊士新创建签署了上海白龙港污水处

    理厂提标改造工程项目合约,为项目提供 DensaDeg®


    规模为 100 万立方米 / 日,是目前苏伊士新创建在国内


    In December 2018, SUEZ NWS won the Shanghai Bailonggang Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrading project, in which it will provide equipment supply and technical services for DensaDeg® settling tanks. With a treatment capacity of 1 million m3/day, the plant is now SUEZ NWS’s largest project in China to adopt the DensaDeg® technology.

    On 15 December 2018, SUEZ NWS signed a wastewater treatment plant upgrading and expansion project with Yangzhou Environmental Protection Company Limited to provide core processing equipment as well as technical services, including the DensaDeg® settling tank and the Denifor V® denitrification tank, to the Western Wastewater Treatment Plant in Xiangcheng District, Suzhou. The project aims to improve the quality of water treated by the plant, which has a design capacity of 120,000m3/day and is based on an embedded plant design, whereby the lower part of the plant is built underground.

    The embedded plant, which capitalises on the advantages of the landscape, wet land function and odour control, is a model of best practice.


  • 卫龙获得香港雨水暗渠污泥清理项目合约

    Waylung wins box culvert desilting contract in Hong Kong


    污水处理厂在 2018 年 12 月 14 日举行污泥干化大楼平顶



    目平顶后将进入设备安装调试阶段,预计于 2021 年竣工

    投运,处理能力达 20 万立方米 / 日。

    2018 年 12 月 4 日,苏伊士新创建子公司卫龙废料处理有限


    理项目”合约,将于未来 6 个月利用“不需人员进入的清除


    收集约 15-20 吨污泥。

    焦点新闻 / News Focus


    Topping-Out Ceremony for Hong Kong San Wai Sewage Treatment Works

    On 14 December 2018, a topping-out ceremony for the sludge dewatering building of the San Wai Sewage Treatment Works was held jointly by SUEZ NWS, ATAL and China Harbour. VIPs in attendance included Edwin Tong, Director of Hong Kong Drainage Services Department, Francois Fevrier, CEO of Water, SUEZ Asia, as well as Didier Houlie, Executive Director of Water, SUEZ Asia. Equipment installation and commission will commence after the topping-out ceremony. The plant is expected to commence operation in 2021, with a treatment capacity of 200,000m3/day.

    On 4 December 2018, Waylung Waste Services Limited, a subsidiary of SUEZ NWS, won the contract by the Hong Kong Drainage Services Department to desilt the box culvert at Lai Ying Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon. Waylung will collect 15 to 20 tonnes of bottom silt daily over a period of 6 months, using its patented ‘non-man entry sludge removal method for culverts’.


  • 04SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 集团动向 / Group News

    苏伊士公布 2018 年度业绩SUEZ announces 2018 financial results

    2018 年业绩超出预期 exceeded 2018 targets按固定汇率计算,2018 年收入为

    173.31 亿欧元和息税前利润为 13.35 亿欧元,分别增长 11.9% 和

    11.5%;自由现金流超过 10 亿欧元

    Revenue €17.331bn and EBIT €1.335bn, up

    11.9% and 11.5% respectively, at constant

    exchange rates; free cash flow in excess

    of €1bn


    机增长 6.7%Strong performance by WTS, with

    organic revenue growth up 6.7%

    2018年集团股权净收益为3.35亿欧元,增长 13.4%

    Net income Group share €335million,

    up 13.4%

    将于 2019 年 5 月 14 日的年度股东大会

    上提出 2018 年每股股息 0.65 欧元2018 dividend per share of € 0.65 to be

    proposed at the Annual General Meeting

    on 14 May 2019

    集团在 2018 年的表现强劲,超过了年初订立的收入、息税






    素,苏伊士在 2018 年仍能提升盈利能力。各部门的业绩展


    舒赛德 苏伊士首席执行官

    Jean-Louis Chaussade CEO of SUEZ

    record organic growth in revenue, expected continued operating income growth in 2019

    收入有机增长创历史新高,2019 年营业收入 预期持续增长

    The Group had a strong year in 2018, exceeding the revenue,

    EBIT and free cash flow targets set at the beginning of the

    year. All divisions contributed to this excellent growth trend,

    with WTS and International performing particularly well.

    The first year of WTS integration was altogether promising

    for the future and strengthens our belief that this strategic

    operation was the right choice for the Group. SUEZ's

    profitability also improved in 2018, despite headwinds from

    the sharp drop in the price of certain recycled raw materials

    and the rise in oil prices. The commercial results reported

    by each division demonstrate our ability to maintain

    profitable growth momentum for the Group.


  • 集团动向 / Group News


    SUEZ excels in extra-financial ratings

    我们都是苏伊士员工 !


    苏伊士连续三年入选非财务评级机构 CDP 的 A 级企业名单,肯定了集团致力对抗气候变暖和减少温室气体排放所制定的企

    业策略以及措施。苏伊士是法国环境服务领域唯一一家获认可有效对抗气候变化的重点企业。苏伊士更获 CDP 提名为“注


    CDP, an extra-financial rating agency, ranked SUEZ in its 2018 A List for the third year in succession, rewarding SUEZ’s strategy and action in the fight against climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. SUEZ is the only French company in the environmental services sector to be recognised as a major player in the fight against climate change. It has also nominated the Group as a CDP Supplier Engagement Leader, commending its commitment to resolve climate-related issues in collaboration with industrial clients and suppliers.

    苏伊士凭借其卓越的经济、环境和社会责任表现,连续 10

    年录入杜琼斯可持续发展指数排名榜。在 2018 年,苏伊士


    For the 10th year running, SUEZ has seen its economic, environmental and social performance being recognised through its inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), and was ranked 3rd in the Multi-Utilities sector in 2018.

    法国杂志 Capital 公布 2018 年法国优秀雇主 500 强。苏伊士



    Capital, a French magazine, has published its ranking of the best 500 employers in France in 2018. SUEZ topped the list for sustainable development and the ability to attract young talents in the water and waste management fields.

    公用事业第 3 位 / 3rd in Multi-Utilities

    2018 年 A 级企业 / 2018 A List

    法国优秀雇主 / best 500 employers in France


  • 06SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08

    2018 年 12 月 20 日,苏伊士董事会一致同意委任舒赛德为苏伊士董事会主席、康宇为苏伊士首席执行官,并于

    2019 年 5 月 14 日苏伊士年度大会后生效。

    On 20 December 2018, SUEZ's Board of Directors unanimously designated Jean-Louis Chaussade as Chairman of SUEZ's Board of Directors and Bertrand Camus as CEO of SUEZ, effective as of 14 May 2019, after the SUEZ Annual General Meeting.


    changes in SUEZ management

    康宇毕业于法国国立路桥学校。他于 1994 年加入集团,先


    2008 年开始负责北美的水务业务,于 2015 年负责法国的水

    务业务。自 2018 年 3 月起,他开始担任苏伊士高级执行副












    Bertrand Camus future CEO of SUEZ

    集团动向 / Group News

    Bertrand Camus is a graduate of the École nationale des

    ponts et chaussées. He joined the Group in 1994, where

    he successively held positions in business development,

    operations and audit in France and abroad before taking

    charge of water resource for North America in 2008 and

    for France in 2015. He has been Senior Executive Vice

    President of SUEZ for Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East

    and India since March 2018. He will aim to accelerate the

    implementation of the ambitious strategy of SUEZ, already a

    leader in the environmental transition, by creating value for

    all stakeholders and pursuing an attractive dividend policy.

    He will also aim to lead the transformation of SUEZ by

    strengthening the Group's positions on the markets of the

    future as well as making the best use of digital technologies.

    Jean-Louis Chaussade was delighted with this choice, "The

    Board of Directors has chosen an executive from within

    the Group to lead SUEZ in next stages of its development.

    Bertrand Camus has an extensive operational experience.

    He is known for his expertise and excellent knowledge of the

    environmental sector. I count on the joint effort of the teams

    and the General Management to support Bertrand as he

    settles into his new position."


  • 集团动向 / Group News

    苏伊士新创建水务工程及集团其他业务的代表共 285 人出席盛会,共同探讨了海外市场拓展、业务协同和整合、中国


    A total 285 members from SUEZ NWS Treatment Infrastructure and other business associations joined the event. They discussed oversea market development, industries synergy and integration, current status and outlook of China’s environmental industry, talent development and more, and joined an outdoor team building activity afterwards.


    SUEZ NWS Treatment Infrastructure Annual Meeting18-19/01/2019 Hebei 河北

    全体大会 plenary meeting


  • 08SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 集团动向 / Group News

    联欢晚宴 annual party

    团队活动 team building activities


  • 集团动向 / Group News


    SUEZ NWS Water Operations Annual Meeting 25/01/2019 Chongqing 重庆

    年度大会 annual meeting

    苏伊士新创建水务运营 150 多位同事聚首一堂,回顾过去一年业绩,订立未来发展策略,并参加轻松愉快的主题派对


    More than 150 colleagues from SUEZ NWS Water Operations joined the meeting to review their performance over the last year and to set future development strategies. They also joined the theme party and the annual dinner, and made exchanges with colleagues from across Greater China.




    Various joint ventures and subsidiaries under Water Operations' existing structure, with their excellent performance and selected investment projects, will continue to support the steady growth of SUEZ NWS in the future.


    Steve Clark, CEO of SUEZ Asia


  • 10SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 集团动向 / Group News

    主题派对及联欢晚宴 theme party & annual dinner


  • 苏伊士新创建固废资源管理会议

    SUEZ NWS Recycling & Recovery Convention26/02/2019 Shanghai 上海

    来自中国内地、香港、澳门、台湾及泰国的 100 多位固废资



    Over 100 R&R colleagues from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Thailand joined the event to gain a better understanding of the Group’s businesses, support by various functional departments and R&R‘s future development strategies.

    集团动向 / Group News11

  • 1212创新 / Innovations

    2018 年苏伊士新创建创新奖活动已圆满结束。有别于往年的


    司,共收到 131 个项目。活动评选出 12 个大奖项目,其中 5

    个来自固废资源管理,2 个来自水务工程,其余 5 个来自水


    SUEZ NWS Innovation Trophies 2018 was a complete success. Last year saw the inaugural edition of the Innovation Trophies campaign across three business associations and their JVs. Out of a total of 131 entries, 12 grand prize projects were selected, of which 5 were from Recycling & Recovery, 2 from Treatment Infrastructure and the remaining 5 from Water Operations.


    BAs' involvement3 人次参与participants601 大奖项目grand prizes12

    固废资源管理大奖项目 Recycling & Recovery Grand Prize Projects

    • 上海化工升达——回转窑冷却系统

    • 上海化工升达——蓝光灯助力叉车安全

    • 南通升达——废料配伍工具

    • 总部项目组——可编程逻辑控制器编程实现数据记录应用

    • 填埋业务及总部项目组——ANAMMOX 技术试验用于复修


    • SCIP SITA—RK cooling project

    • SCIP SITA—LED blue light alert for forklift safety

    • Nantong SITA—Waste mixing tool

    • Head Office Project Team—Implement PLC programming

    for data logging application

    • Landfill + Head Office Project Team—ANAMMOX

    technology pilot for restored landfill leachate treatment

    12SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 12SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08

  • 创新 / Innovations

    水务工程大奖项目 Treatment Infrastructure Grand Prize Projects

    水务运营大奖项目 Water Operations Grand Prize Projects

    • 方案部——臭氧尾气回收与纯氧曝气组合技术

    • 工程部——通过 excel 导入 pre-planning 的方式自动生成


    • 重庆中法环保研发中心及重庆中法水务投资公司


    • 重庆中法供水及总部绩效部——CHEMboard 在智慧水厂


    • 澳门自来水——混凝剂智慧型投加系统在澳门自来水厂的


    • 新昌中法及总部绩效部——净水厂低浊度原水的创新处理


    • 江苏中法——智能消防栓信息系统设计与应用

    • Proposal Department—First application of Ozone off

    gas reuse & pure oxygen aeration

    • Engineering Department—Automatic generation of

    electrical and automatic control drawings by Excel import via pre-planning

    • Chongqing R&D Centre & Investment Company

    —Yuelai Water Plant Phase III Smart Site Construction

    • Chongqing Sino French & PE—Application of

    CHEMboard in the construction of smart water plant

    • Macao Water—PACI smart dosing system in

    development and operation of Macao drinking water treatment plant

    • Xinchang Sino French & PE—The innovative technique

    for the treatment of low turbidity raw water at WTPs 'Intercepted flocculation'

    • Jiangsu Sino French—Design and application of smart

    fire hydrant information system


  • SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08

    After winning the Special Climate Prize in Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams organised by the France-China Committee in 2017, SUEZ NWS won yet another prize in 2018 - the France-China Committee R&D Award, for DehydrisTM Ultra, an innovative sludge ultra-dry solution. DehydrisTM Ultra is an environment-friendly sludge treatment solution with less CO2 emission and very low chemical and energy consumption. This ultra-dewatering process can reduce the volume of sludge and produce hygienised biosolid products. It helps raise biogas output from anaerobic digestion and turns sludge into valuable biochar. The solution represents a major breakthrough in China’s sludge treatment and disposal industry. SUEZ NWS has invested significant R&D resources in turning DehydrisTM Ultra into a readily applicable industrial technology. The solution was successfully deployed in an industrial-scale pilot project with Handan Municipal Drainage Company Limited.

    创新 / Innovations

    苏伊士新创建创获颁“2018 年度研发奖” SUEZ NWS wins 2018 R&D Award

    「DehydrisTM Ultra」继 2017 年荣获法中委员会颁发中法团队合作“气候特别奖”


    DehydrisTM Ultra 获颁“2018 年度研发奖”。DehydrisTM Ultra










    achieving reduction, innocuity and reuse in sludge treatment


    improving customer service satisfaction at Macao Water through AI




    Macao Water’s Customer Service Department recently purchased a pepper robot named ‘Aqua Boy’, which helps enhance customer service experience by introducing services provided by the company as well as answering customer enquiries.


  • 创新 / Innovations


    real-time pipe network water quality monitoring system launched in Changshu

    常熟市管网水质实时监测系统在 2018 年底正式启用。该系



    氯、PH 值、电导率等,以确保常熟市饮用水安全。

    Changshu’s real-time pipe network water quality monitoring system was put into operation in December 2018. Commissioned by the Changshu Municipal Health Supervision Institute and developed by Jiangsu Sino French Water, the system provides real-time data to evaluate pipe network water quality against indicators like turbidity, chlorine content, Ph value and electric conductivity. This ensures that the city’s drinking water is safe for consumption.

    上海化工中法获发 10 项专利 SCIP Sino French awarded 10 patents

    上海化工中法在 2018 年成功申请了 10 项实用新型产品专利,











    SCIP Sino French has been awarded 10 utility model patents, which aim to optimise wastewater treatment process, improve effluent quality, analyse and monitor production data, etc.. This is a full reflection of the JV’s strong R&D capabilities and how it has successfully translated R&D results into productive forces, optimising wastewater treatment processes and technologies. The patent products are A Device for Total Phosphorus Treatment in Wastewater, Water Sample Collection and Reaction Device to Measure Residual Ozone in Water, A Multi-Purpose Device for Wastewater Treatment Experiments, A Device for Wastewater Toxicity Determination Based on Sludge Respiration Rates, An Artificial Wetland Test Device Capable of Adjusting Residence Time, Automatic Cleaning Device for Online Instrument Probes, Biodegradation Experiment Device for Wastewater, Denitrification Inhibition Test Device for Industrial Wastewater, Wastewater Incinerator with Cleaning Functionality and An Experimental Device for Monitoring and Evaluating the Effect of Chemical Defoaming.


  • 16SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 互访交流 / Visits & Exchanges

    2018 年 11 月 30 日,欧盟秘书长 Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne



    On 30 November 2018, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister of State attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, together with French Foreign Ministry representatives, visited Hong Kong’s O•Park1 which is built and operated by SUEZ NWS, to learn about the city’s food waste-to-energy capabilities and developments.

    2018 年 11 月 20 日,常熟市副市长沈晓东率领政府代表团参


    On 20 November 2018, the Changshu government delegation led by Shen Xiaodong, Deputy Mayor, visited SUEZ waste sorting plants in Bruges, Brussels and the Netherlands.

    2018 年 10 月 29 日,重庆水务资产经营有限公司董事长李祖




    On 29 October 2018, an 8-member delegation led by Li Zuwei, Chairman of Chongqing Water Assets Management Company Limited, and Zheng Rubin, General Manager of Chongqing Water Group, visited the SUEZ headquarters in Paris and met with the Group’s management, including Jean-Louis Chaussade, CEO of SUEZ, and Bertrand Camus, Senior Executive Vice President of SUEZ for Africa, the Middle East and Asia Pacific.

    2018 年 11 月 8 日,苏伊士亚洲水务首席执行官方恒业率领




    On 8 November 2018, Francois Fevrier, CEO of Water, SUEZ Asia, led a delegation to visit Guan Zhimin, Secretary General of Baoding Municipal Government, Feng Shijing, Director of Baoding City Administration Bureau of Comprehensive Law Enforcement, and Feng Haicang, Chairman of Baoding Sino French, to explore new business opportunities to strengthen the partnership.


  • 互访交流 / Visits & Exchanges

    2018 年 11 月 27 日,盘锦市副市长贾红琳与盘锦中法董事



    On 27 November 2 018 , a delegat ion led by J ia Honglin, Deputy Mayor of Panjin, and Geng Xinyi, Chairman of Panj in S ino French Water, v is i ted the SUE Z N W S Hong Kong O f f ice , w her e they discussed ways to strengthen the partnership.

    珠海市副市长以及广东省水利厅、珠海水务环境集团代表在澳门海事及水务局代表陪同下于 2019 年 1 月 28 日到访澳门自


    Deputy Mayor of Zhuhai and delegates from the Water Resources Department of Guangdong Province as well as the Zhuhai Water Environment Group, accompanied by representatives from Macao Marine and Water Bureau, visited Macao Water on 28 January 2019. The delegation inspected the 4th raw water diversion pipe from Zhuhai to Macau as well as the Seac Pai Van Water Treatment Plant construction project.

    2018 年 12 月 13 日,国家水利部南水北调司巡视员朱涛一



    On 13 December 2018, Zhu Tao, Counsel for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project of the Ministry of Water Resources, led a delegation to visit Tianjin Sino French Jieyuan. They toured the flotation plant and were impressed by the quality of the treated water.


  • SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 企业关怀 / CSR




    I n M a c a u , w e d e s i g n e d interesting games to raise staff awareness on sustainable seafood and food waste.




    In Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu,

    Qingdao, Jinling, Xiamen and

    the Philippines, our colleagues

    show their resolutions to reduce

    food waste.




    In Baoding and Chongqing,

    we provided vegetarian food to

    reduce carbon emission and

    organised workshops to share

    tips on food waste reuse.

    团结一致活动 2018Solidarity Together 2018



    SUEZ and 90,000 staff from all over the world rally together to support Solidarity Together event


    SUEZ NWS' joint ventures and head offices in Greater China organised various activities, demonstrating their commitment to reducing food waste.


  • 企业关怀 / CSR

    2018 年 12 月 1 日,60 多名苏伊士新创建义工一起捍卫我们的海洋及自然环境,到香港下白泥清理入侵性的大米草,以减轻


    On 1 December 2018, more than 60 volunteers from SUEZ NWS showed their support in safeguarding our oceans and the natural environment by helping to clean up invasive cordgrass at Ha Pak Nai in Hong Kong, so as to reduce its threat to mangrove species and protect biodiversity.

    苏伊士新创建清理大米草以保护香港红树林 SUEZ NWS clears cordgrass to protect the mangroves in Hong Kong

    2018 年 11 月 16 日,苏伊士新创建水务工程人力资源部获


    与在场的 120 多名学生以手语进行互动沟通;同时就职于水


    On 16 November 2018, the HR Department of SUEZ NWS Treatment Infrastructure was invited to provide career guidance to students from the Special Education College of Beijing Union University, during which the volunteers communicated with over 120 students using sign language. Two disabled staff also shared their experiences of looking for jobs as well as working at SUEZ NWS.



    SUEZ NWS R&R Taiwan teamed up with a local primary school to make Christmas trees out of used plastic bottles.

    苏伊士新创建为聋哑学生提供就业指导 SUEZ NWS provides career guidance to disabled students

    苏伊士新创建固废资源管理台湾回收塑料瓶制作圣诞树 SUEZ NWS R&R Taiwan reuses plastic bottles to make Christmas trees


  • SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 企业关怀 / CSR

    2018 年 12 月 19 日,澳门自来水组织员工及家属参加一年


    On 19 December 2018, Macao Water staff and their family members took part in the annual ‘Walk for a Million’ charity event to raise funds for people in need.

    2018 年 12 月 2 日,重庆长寿中法举办水厂开放日,接待 50



    On 2 December 2018, CCIP Sino French organised a plant open day. 50 media representatives and residents were guided on a tour of the wastewater treatment plant, so as to raise public awareness of water conservation.

    澳门自来水参加慈善筹款活动 Macao Water joins fund-raising event to help the needy

    重庆长寿中法举办开放日活动 CCIP Sino French organises plant open day

    2019 年 1 月 17 日,苏伊士在马尼拉参加 2019 国际水协提

    升用水效益大会期间举行的“每天节约 1 兆升水”挑战研讨


    以实现“每天节约 1 兆升水”的目标。

    On 17 January 2019, SUEZ participated in a ‘1MLD Water Efficiency’ Challenge, held in conjunction with the IWA’s Water Efficiency Conference 2019 in Manila. The aim of the challenge is to bring together experts and leaders in the water industry to discuss innovative solutions that can save the industry 1 megalitre of water per day.

    苏伊士积极参与“每天节约 1 兆升水”挑战活动 SUEZ participates in '1 Megalitre Per Day (MLD) Water Efficiency' challenge

    苏伊士新创建参与香港渠务署在 2019 年 1 月 19 至 20 日举



    SUEZ NWS took part in the Hong Kong DSD Open Day held on 19-20 January 2019. A game booth was set up to help children and their parents understand how much water would be needed to produce different kinds of foods, thereby raising public awareness of water conservation.

    苏伊士新创建参加香港渠务署开放日 SUEZ NWS takes part in Hong Kong Drainage Services Department (DSD) Open Day


  • 2018 年 11 月 19 日,为了解环保市场前景及技术创新方向,




    O n 19 No v emb er 2 018 , S UE Z N W S Tr e atm ent Infrastructure hosted Qu Jiuhui, academician of China Engineering Academy, and He Kebin, Dean of the School of Environment, Tsinghua University. The two experts shared their views with managers on what the future would hold for the environmental protection industry as well as trends for innovative technologies.

    2018 年 12 月 6 日,苏伊士新创建水务运营在常熟举办管理

    会议,总结 2018 年各个区域的绩效表现、项目运营中遇到



    On 6 December 2018, SUEZ NWS Water Operations held its management meeting in Changshu. The purpose of the meeting was to review the performance, challenges and business development of various regions in 2018. The functional support from the HR Department and the Technical Compliance, Performance & Excellence Department was also assessed.

    2019年 1月 8日,苏伊士新创建在上海举办道德及合规培训,


    表共 31 人参加培训。半天的培训主要讲解了集团内部的道


    On 8 January 2019, SUEZ NWS held an ethics and compliance training workshop in Shanghai. 31 participants, comprising managers from different business units in the Shanghai Office as well as representatives from joint ventures around Shanghai, participated in the training. The half-day workshop covered the Group’s internal rules on ethics and anti-corruption regulations.

    环保行业分享会 Environmental Protection Industry Sharing Session


    Water Operations Management Meeting道德及合规培训

    Ethics and Compliance Training

    员工天地 / Staff Land

    苏伊士新创建组织员工培训 SUEZ NWS organises staff trainings


    2 3


  • 22SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08

    第一届苏伊士亚洲回收研讨会于 2018 年 12 月 19 日在香港




    The first SUEZ Asia Recycling Workshop was held in Hong Kong on 19 December 2018. Staff from mainland China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Taiwan joined the workshop, during which they shared their operational experiences and jointly established a development blueprint for the Group’s recycling business in Asia.

    苏伊士新创建在 2018 年 11 月 26 日于上海举办第二届固废

    资源管理年轻人才交流会,邀请了 19 位来自国内、香港、




    On 26 November 2018, SUEZ NWS Recycling & Recovery held its 2nd Young Talents sharing session. 19 young talents from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan came together to share their work experiences and career plans. The meeting provided an important opportunity for the Group to review and improve current HR policies so as to retain and attract talents.

    苏伊士亚洲创新研讨会在 2018 年 12 月 4 日至 6 日于常熟举



    SUEZ Asia conducted an Innovation Workshop from 4-6 December 2018 in Changshu to facilitate the exchange of innovative ideas among different business units and departments so as to promote sharing of innovative resources as well as to create new synergies.

    2018 年 12 月 21 日,苏伊士新创建北京办公室举办苏伊士亚洲

    诗嫚女性联会午餐会,介绍苏伊士亚洲定立在 2021 年前实现性


    另外邀请了 INPOWER ONE 首席执行官辛迪 • 杰森与与会者一

    同探讨“工作与生活的平衡——我们真的能拥有一切吗 ?”。

    On 21 December 2018, the SUEZ NWS Beijing Office held a SWAN luncheon to introduce SUEZ Asia’s gender diversity targets to be achieved before 2021 and current measures adopted by the Group to support gender diversity. Cindy Jessen, CEO of INPOWER ONE, chaired the discussion titled ‘Work-life balance: Can we really have it all?’.


    Recycling Workshop


    Young Talents Sharing Session

    创新研讨会 Innovation Workshop


    SWAN Luncheon

    员工天地 / Staff Land






  • 建立人力资源共享服务中心


    HR Shared Service Centre (HRSSC)enhancing HR management efficiency and achieving resource sharing

    我们于 2017 年 8 月开始启动人力资源共享服务中心项目,

    以统一对员工信息、薪酬以及假期进行管理。至 2018 年底,


    术及方案中国及亚太地区,共约 1,300 名亚洲员工已可以使

    用该平台。按照计划 2019 年共享服务中心会推行至固废资


    The HRSSC project, a digital tool to manage the Group’s staff information, remuneration and leave, was launched in August 2017. By end of 2018, around 1,300 staff from Corporate, Water Operations, Treatment Infrastructure as well as SUEZ Asia’s Water Technologies and Solutions Mainland China and Asia Pacific are able to log onto the platform. The platform will be further promoted to Recycling & Recovery by end of 2019.

    员工天地 / Staff Land

    苏伊士亚洲人力资源管理革新 SUEZ Asia HR management innovation

    为了更好发挥人力资源管理的作用,助力企业发展,推动 Project One 项目建立团结统一的集团公司,苏伊士亚洲


    To better support corporate development and execution of the Group's Project One initiative to build a single entity with synergy, the SUEZ Asia HR Department has implemented new innovative digital tools and standardised HR policies.


    落实 Project One 项目,提升员工归属感Standardised Remuneration & Welfare Systemimplementing Project One to enhance staff's sense of belonging


    合优化了苏伊士亚洲的薪酬福利制度,新制度于 2019 年 1

    月 1 日起正式生效,内容涉及:统一的 12 个月薪酬;统一




    To attract and retain talents as well as to facilitate internal mobility, we have integrated and optimised the remuneration and welfare system across SUEZ Asia. The new plan, effective as of 1 January 2019, includes a 12-month salary scheme, standardised use of a scorecard bonus system, leave entitlement (annual leave/ sick leave/ maternity leave) across mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, and a single insurance company to provide commercial health insurance and staff physical examination services in mainland China.


  • 24SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 职业道德 / Ethics

    苏伊士亚洲道德邮箱 SUEZ Asia ethics email

    Talent' up 数字化人才管理平台实现苏伊士集团全球人才管理统一、协同

    Talent' up Digital Talent Management Platformachieving integrated and synergised global talent management

    为了规范苏伊士亚洲的人才管理,我们于 2018 年 9 月启动

    了苏伊士 Talent' up 数字化人才管理项目,为人力资源管


    保持一致。在此平台上业务经理完成人才管理相关流程 ;



    共享。目前,苏伊士新创建水务工程 260 名员工已经加入

    该平台,计划于 2020 年前推广至苏伊士亚洲全体员工。

    The SUEZ Talent’up project, launched in September 2 0 18 , p r o v i d e s i n t e g r a t e d h u m a n r e s o u r c e s management solutions to ensure each business unit provides adequate human resources to support the implementation of the Group’s strategy. Business managers can complete the talent management procedure v ia the plat form, while the staf f can enhance their personal capabilities through platform learning and internal mobility, and HR managers can manage the staff’s personal data and share it properly within the Group. At present, 260 staff from SUEZ NWS Treatment Infrastructure have joined the platform, which will be promoted to SUEZ Asia staff before 2020.

    维护道德规范、保护员工和集团权益的防线 safeguarding the Group and its staff from ethical infringements











    SUEZ provides its staff with an email address via which they may contact the Ethics Officer if they are not sure what to do or if they have observed any violation of the ethics and compliance rules. This procedure is not an alternative to other existing reporting channels (line management, HR, legal, etc.) but an additional one.

    The primary target of the procedure is any violations relating to accounting, financial audit and the fight against corruption, as well as other serious infringements that may threaten the vital interests of the company or the physical or moral integrity of its staff.

    Anyone who in good faith expresses concerns relating to ethical matters will not be exposed to any sanction as a consequence of their initiative. In all circumstances, the Ethics Officer is obligated to strictly maintain the confidentiality of information.

    [ [email protected] ]


  • 各级管理层继续关注及直接参与各项安全工作,对多个项目


    善建议。2018 年超额完成了管理层安全巡视目标。

    The management continues to support the H&S initiatives

    with great interest and direct involvement. They have

    conducted site visits to ensure that various H&S measures

    are properly implemented and have provided useful

    feedback for improvement. In 2018, SUEZ Asia has

    exceeded the management safety visit target.

    职安健 / H&S

    2018 年苏伊士亚洲健康安全回顾 SUEZ Asia 2018 H&S review健康安全关键数据 Health and Safety KPI

    管理层安全巡视 Management Safety Visit

    2018 年苏伊士亚洲管理层安全巡视SUEZ Asia's Management Safety Visit (MSV) 2018

    安全巡视目标MSV Target 220 亚洲管理层

    每年 4次业务单元管理层

    每年 6 次4 times/year for BU management

    6 times/year for BA management


    MSV Done245




    Site Coverage100%

    事故发生率目标FR Target

    < 3.02实际事故发生率

    FR 2018


    事故严重程度目标SR Target

    < 0.22实际事故严重程度

    SR 2018


    承包商死亡事故subcontractor fatality



  • 26SUEZ NWS XPRESS_Issue 08 职安健 / H&S


    H&S Fair Culture improvement and review



    Focus on human and organisational factors as well as safety culture to promote development of H&S management


    H&S leadership retraining for management


    Annual meeting with main contractors


    Fall from height risks review and improvement


    Establishment of SUEZ Asia H&S basic information database

    2018 年以来主要风险控制工作的系统评估

    Systematic review of major risks control efforts since 2018


    Identification, support and promotion of H&S innovative projects

    2019 重点 / priorities

    • 健康安全公正文化的深入推行

    • 场外车辆碰撞风险的系统评估与改进

    • 危险能量管理(上锁挂牌)的评估与优化

    • 苏伊士亚洲健康安全管理团队专业能力评估及提高

    • 化学品健康风险的识别、评估与改进

    • 中层管理人员健康安全领导力培训目标完成

    2018 完成的改进

    2018 improvements achieved

    • Further promotion of H&S Fair Culture

    • Systematic review and improvement of vehicle

    collision risks

    • LOTO management review and improvement

    • Competency review and improvement of BU Asia

    H&S Team

    • Chemical health risks identification, evaluation

    and improvement

    • Accomplishment of middle management H&S

    leadership training goals


  • 出品人 Publishing Director

    郭仕达 Steve CLARK

    编辑委员会 Editorial Board

    赵雪梅 Joey CHIO | 崔志慧 Gladys CHOI | 党珺 DANG Jun | 林绮云 Eva LAM | 李燕琴 Crystal LEI | 李珏 Joyce LI | 李敏仪 Min LI | 连淑颜 Rosetta LIN | 吴为芳 Trista NG

    陈慧君 Evyette TAN | 温丽琪 Rachel WAN | 黄雅雯 Ivy WONG | 曾迪群 Jackie ZENG | 张睿瑞 Rebecca ZHANG | 甄小璐 ZHEN Xiaolu

    记者 Reporters

    陈元基 Gary CHAN | 常又新 CHANG Youxin | 陈玮婷 Michelle CHENG | 徐玉婵 May May CHOI | 丁培培 Sookyin DING | 郭亚鹏 Eric GUO | 胡慧琴 Bonnie HU | 黄烨 Cathy HUANG

    黄燕 Grace HUANG | 黄宇 HUANG Yu | 金婷 Sonya JIN | 高小菁 Angela KO | 林嘉朗 Kevin LAM | 林志伟 Lewis LAM | 李佳莉 Carrie LEE | 梁志强 Kent LEUNG | 李静 LI Jing

    李燕雯 LI Yanwen | 林芳维 LIN Fangwei | 吴迪姬 Rosario NG | 彭嘉 PENG Jia | 冉丽景 RAN Lijing | 石蓉蓉 Jenny SHI | 束炼 SHU Lian | 苏思远 SU Si Yuan | 曾雅铃 Yunna TSENG

    王金钊 WANG Jinzhao | 王丽梅 WANG Limei | 王晶 WANG Jing | 午娅丽 Vera WU | 谢婧黎 XIE Jingli | 谢杨 XIE Yang | 徐光 Sunny XU | 杨燕 YANG Yan | 姚磊 YAO Lei

    姚子逸 YAO Ziyi | 叶颖欣 Rainbow YIP | 于福晨 YU Fuchen | 余萍 Sophia YU | 曾男 ZENG Nan | 章华 Liz ZHANG | 张伟 Vicky ZHANG | 周雅妹 Cindy ZHOU | 朱珏 Jessie ZHU

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    SUEZ NWS Limited

    www.suez-nws.com / [email protected]